Docket #: 261158-2 Name: MIT Surface Embellishments: DEBOSS BURNISH 7x10 HC .5 Gutter 1.375” spine


2020 TECHNIQUE VOL. 136 2

Materials Used: Fiscagomma Winner 715 Special Instructions: Orange depicts the Deboss, Darker Duck Egg-Green depicts the Burnish, these colours will not print. 261158-2 MIT.indd 1 03/11/2020 10:24:55 AM Docket #: 261158-3 FRONT ENDSHEET Name: MIT BLIND EMBOSS 7"x10" Natures 80# Endsheet

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Materials Used: 65# Rolland Opaque FSC Smooth Special Instructions: Orange depicts the Blind Emboss, this colour will not print. The end-sheets are different,

261158-3 MIT.indd 1 the front endsheet has a blind emboss and the back end-sheet is plain paper. 1/31/2020 1:07:50 PM TECHNIQUE 2019 - 2020

beginning.indd 1 3/9/2020 7:52:11 PM T C AO BN L T E E Life In Hell 4 Journal 56 OF N Activities 82 Sports 146 Living Groups 208 Seniors 282 Patrons 394 T Endgame 398 S

beginning.indd 2 3/4/2020 11:54:39 PM beginning.indd 3 3/9/2020 7:52:11 PM LIFE IN HELL

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JRN.indd 56 3/5/2020 1:08:12 AM JRN.indd 57 3/5/2020 1:08:13 AM YEAR IN REVIEW 2019 Another year, another set of stories. As the second decade of the millennium comes to a close, we, like every year in the past, attempt to group these stories into a few simple words. For 2019, perhaps we may say protest, or death, or political drama. And we may be correct in classifying some of these stories. But each year, the stories that define it are so much more diverse, varied, and colorful – each one unique in itself. Nevertheless, there are trends that swept 2019, making it a distinctive year in the history books. Anger towards authority was one. We saw massive democracy protests in Hong Kong, demonstrations against the CAA in India, marches challenging rising fuel prices in Haiti, riots in Chile over cost of living, climate action strikes around the world, and much more in a multitude of other countries. In 2019, the people of the world wanted a change from the status quo, and, for such change, were prepared to endure anything. Death and disaster, unfortunately, were another. 1000 perished in Cyclone Idai across eastern Africa. 270 died in a catastrophic Brazilian dam collapse. 259 were murdered in one of the world’s deadliest terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka. 227 lost their lives in flooding in South Asia. And the second Boeing 737 , Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302, crashed, killing 157 and grounding all Boeing 737 MAX aircraft into 2020. Extreme weather battered our globe, from Hurricane Dorian in the Caribbean to record-breaking wildfires in California and a deadly volcanic eruption in New Zealand. In the United States, politics, once again, dominated the news. We began the year during the longest federal government shutdown in US history, and ended it amidst only the third ever impeachment of a US president. The US left the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty with Russia, established to limit nuclear proliferation, and the 2015 Paris Agreement, a worldwide accord on climate change. Relations with Iran deteriorated to the brink of war. But 2019 wasn’t all stories of death and turmoil. It was much more nuanced. We saw the first all-female spacewalk and the first image of a black hole. For the first time in history, Miss America, Miss Teen USA, and Miss USA were all black women. The leader of ISIS was killed in a US special operation, US unemployment dropped to a 50-year low, and Avengers: Endgame shook the world, becoming the highest grossing film of all time. After an initial buzz from the opening of the Stephen A. Schwarzman College of Computing, news at MIT this year was dominated by the Jeffrey Epstein scandal. Media Lab director Joi Ito resigned amid backlash from news that Epstein donated to the Media Lab with Ito’s knowledge, and President Reif, who too faced growing calls to resign, contracted an independent investigator to probe the $800,000 donated by foundations connected to Epstein. In more positive news, faculty were awarded Nobel Prizes in Chemistry and Economics, and MIT Medical broke the record for the most flu shots in a single day (a whopping 9,378!). As we enter the third decade of the millennium, some of the stories of 2019 will be remembered, and others, unfortunately, may be forgotten. Looking back, it may appear that most of these stories have been negative, but we must remember that each day, our world is filled with so much more happiness than sadness – so much more joy than sorrow. But our world is clearly not perfect, and as members of the MIT community, we all have the tools to make the world a better place. So let’s go do it.


JRN.indd 58 3/5/2020 1:08:13 AM JRN.indd 59 3/5/2020 1:08:14 AM Feb. 1: President Trump announces that the Jan. 3: Chang’e 4, a Chinese probe, is the first US will leave the Intermediate-Range Nuclear man-made object on the far side of the Moon. Forces Treaty, which was established during the Cold War. Russia follows suit the next day. Jan. 4: The US Democratic Party takes control of the House of Representatives as Feb. 7: Protests against rising fuel prices in Haiti Republicans increase control in the Senate. that began in 2018 evolve into demands for the resignation of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse. Jan. 10: Opposition leader Juan Guaido and Venuzeulan National Assembly Feb. 7: MIT researchers develop a new pill to declare President Nicolas Maduro as deliver insulin, potentially replacing injections. illigitimate, starting an international crisis. Feb. 8: Three MIT graduate students are named Jan. 12: The US government shutdown, which among Aviation Week Network’s “Tomorrow’s Technology Leaders: The 20 Twenties.” began in 2018 over funding for the border FEB. 10: SIX MIT RESEARCHERS wall, officially becomes the longest shutdown ARE ELECTED TO THE NATIONAL in history. The shutdown ended January 25. ACADEMY OF ENGINEERING.

JAN. 14: MIT WINS FOUR NEW- MAC TITLE CHAMPIONSHIPS AND BECOMES RANKED 12TH NATIONALLY IN DIVISION III. Jan. 15: The DusitD2 complex, an upscale hotel and office complex in Nairobi, is hit with a terrorist Feb. 12: A t a trial i n Ne w York, Mexican drug attack, killing 21 and injuring 28. lord Joaquin El Chapo Guzman is found guilty of all 10 counts of drug-trafficking. Jan. 16: MIT chemistry professor Stephen Buchwald wins the Wolf Feb. 13: One of the deadliest terrotist Prize, the second biggest prize attacks in Iran in years, a suicide bomb in chemistry after the Nobel. explods on a vehicle convoy and kills 27 Iranian Revolutionary Guards members. Jan. 17: A suicide bomb explodes in Bogota, the Colombian capital, Feb. 15: To obtain funds for a border wall J killing 22 and injuring 68. This is Fwith Mexico, President Trump the deadliest attack since 2003. declares a national emergency.

JAN. 22: MIT BIOLOGY PROFESSOR SALLIE CHISHOLM WINS THE 2019 CRAFOORD PRIZE FOR DIS- COVERING THE MOST ABUNDANT PHOTOSYNTH- ESIZING ORGANISM ON EARTH, PROCHLOROCOCUS. Feb. 20: In Dhaka, Bangladesh, a road incident starts a quickly expanding fire started that kills 78. Jan. 27: A mine tailings dam breaks Feb. 21: Israeli company SpaceIL launches the in Brumadinho, Brazil and kills 248. Beresheet probe and becomes the first company to Jan. 30: Much of the US is engulfed launch a privately financed mission to the Moon. in a polar vortex and “once in a life- Feb. 22: Singer R. Kelly is indicted on 10 counts of time” low temperatures. Several aggravated criminal sexual abuse, dating back to states declare a state of emergency. 1998. He continues to strongly deny the charges. FEB. 26: THE MIT SCHWARZMANE A COLLEGE OF COMPUTING HOLDS A GREAT 3-DAY CAMPUS-WIDE OPENING CELEBRATION. 60 JOURNAL JRN.indd 60 N 3/5/2020 1:08:14 AM JRN.indd 61 B 3/5/2020 1:08:14 AM Mar. 3: Hailed as the successor to the Space Apr. 2: President Abdelaziz Bouteflika Shuttle for carrying Americans into space, of Algeria resigns due to widespread the SpaceX ragon successfully docks auton- protests after almost 20 years in office. omously with the International Space Station. Apr. 10: With the help of MI T, scientists Mar. 4: MIT wins second overall and takes 11 from the Event Horizon Telescope release of 15 top spots at the Putnam math competition. the first ever image of a black hole. Mar. 10: All Boeing 737 MAX aircraft are Apr. 11: After seven years in the London grounded following the Ethiopian Airlines crash Ecuadorian embassy, WikiLeaks co- that killed 157 and another crash in 2018. The founder Julian Assange is arrested. 737 MAX remains grounded heading into 2020. APR. 11: FIVE MIT MEMBERS ARE AWARDED THE PAUL AND DAISY SOROS FELLOW- SHIP FOR NEW AMERICANS.

MAR. 12: US NEWS GRADUATE SCHO- OL RANKINGS PUTS MIT ENGINEER- ING AS NO. 1 AND SLOAN AS NO. 3. Apr. 15: A major fire engulfs and damages Mar. 14: MIT neuroscientists show the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, France. through experiments with mice that Alzheimers symptoms may be Apr. 17: Four MIT professors are elected to the relieved with brain wave stimulation. American Academy o f Arts and Sciences f o r 2019. Mar. 15: In New Zealand’s deadliest Apr. 18: The final (redacted) version of mass shooting yet, terrorist the Mueller Report, on Russian contacts attacks on two mosques in during the 2016 campaign, is released Crhistchurch kill 51 and injure 50. to Congress and to the general public. Mar. 15: Cyclone Idai causes mass flooding, power outages, and thousands of deaths as it Mmakes landfall in Mozambique. A

APR. 18: THE MIT ACADEMIC CALENDAR IS REVAMPED. THE CLASS OF Mar. 15: Huge protests at the Capitol 2020 COMMENCEMENT IS building demand legal action on climate MOVED TO BE EARLIER. change. Around the world, 1600 protests in 100 countries occur simulateneously. Apr. 21: In the deadliest terrorist attack since the Sri Lankan Civil War, Mar. 18: MIT nano carves the names of every bomb attacks in eight places in Sri member of the MIT community since 1861, which Lanka kill 259 and injure over 500. amounts to 270,000 names, on a 6-inch wafer. Apr. 26: Avengers: Endgame is Mar. 21: In Xiangshui, Jiangsu, an explosion at a released and goes on to become the chemical plant kills 78, injures 600, and is so strong highest grossing movie of all time. that it is registered as an artificial earthquake. Apr. 30: Japan enters the Reiwa era, with Mar. 23: The final territoryA of terrorist group new emperor Naruhito ascending the ISIS, in Al-Baghuz Fawqani, Syria, is liberated. P throne following Akihito’s abdication.

JOURNAL 63 JRN.indd 62 R 3/5/2020 1:08:14 AM JRN.indd 63 R 3/5/2020 1:08:14 AM MAY 1: THREE MIT PROFESSORS ARE AMONG 100 PEOPLE ELECTED TO THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES FOR 2019. Jun. 3: Sudanese troops opened fire on a protest camp near Khartoum, May 4: The winners of Miss America, Sudan, killing over 100 civilians Miss Teen USA, and Miss USA are Jun 7: Bloomberg, former all black women for the first time. NYC mayor, addresses the MIT May 10: The US raises tariffs on $200 billion of Class of 2019 at Commencement. Chinese goods, escalating the US-China trade war. Jun. 9: In the largest protest in Hong May 11: The United States blames Iran for Kong since 1997, over a million people the damange of four commercial ships in the object to an extradition bill, paving Gulf of Oman as US-Iran relations deteriorate. the way for months of violent protest.

MAY 16: TWELVE MIT SENIORS WIN Jun. 13: Two oil tankers FULLBRIGHT SCHOLARSHIPS TO are attacked in the Strait PURSUE RESEARCH IN SEVEN of Hormuz, heightening REGIONS AROUND THE WORLD. tensions between the May 17: Taiwan becomes the US and Iran. The US first government in Asia to blames Iran for the attack. legalize same-sex marriage. Jun. 16: A power outage hits 5 0 May 19: Amid the US-China trade war, million people in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. the US blacklists Huawei and phones JUN. 18: MIT IS THE NO. lose access to Android updates. 1 UNIVERSITY IN THE May 23: In the 2019 Indian general WORLD ACCORDING Melection, incumbent Narendra J TO QS. MIT IS ALSO Modi wins by a landslide. RANKED AS NO. 1 IN 11 OUT OF 48 DISCIPLINES.

Jun. 20: Xi Jinping is the first sitting Chinese May 23: Despite a global ban on ozone- president to visit North Korea in 14 years. depleting CFC, scientists from around the world, including at MI T, discovered that Jun. 20: Iran shoots down a US eastern China was still producing the chemical. military drone, heightening tensions between the two countries again. May 24: Theresa May announces her resignation as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Jun. 25: San Francisco bans e-cigarettes and becomes the first major US city to do so. May 30: The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports a measles outbreak Jun. 27: The US Democratic Party hosts with 971 cases, the highest level in 25 years. the first presidential debate in Miami. A Jun. 30: President Trump is the first sitting US president to cross into North Korea to meet Moon Jae-in and Kim U Jong-un. 64 JOURNAL JRN.indd 64 Y 3/5/2020 1:08:15 AM JRN.indd 65 N 3/5/2020 1:08:15 AM Aug. 2: Japan announces the removal of Jul. 1: Protestors storm the Hong South Korea from its list of most trusted Kong legislative building, defacing trading partners, exacerbating trade tensions. and destroying furniture and walls. Aug. 4: 49 die in back-to-back shootings Jul. 4: President Trump becomes the first in El Paso, Texas, and in Dayton, Ohio. president in 70 years to address the nation Aug. 7: Puerto Rico governor Ricardo at the National Mall on Independence Day. Rossello resigns. Pedro Pierluisi succeeds, Jul. 6: Jeffrey Epstein, a registered sex but is removed after his swearing-in offender, is arrested on charges of sex is deemed unconstitutional. Wanda trafficking and charged in New York. Vázquez finally becomes governor. Jul. 7: The US wins the FIFA Aug. 8: 680 are arrested in the largest Women’s World Cup in France. US immigration raid in a decade.

AUG. 9: EIGHT MIT MEMBERS ARE IN MIT TECHNOLOGY JUL. 10: SEVEN REVIEW’S LIST OF MIT FACULTY WIN 35 INNOVATORS PRESIDENTIAL UNDER 35. EARLY CAREER AWARDS FOR Aug. 10: Convicted sex offender SCIENTISTS AND Jeffrey Epstein commits suicide ENGINEERS. in his jail cell in Manhattan. Aug. 11: 227 die in monsoon Jul. 13: A blackout on related floods across Pakistan, Manhattan’s west side Bangladesh, India, and Nepal. J affects 73,000 people for about three hours. A

Jul. 18: An arson attack at an Aug. 21: Fires burn at a record rate in animination company in Kyoto, Japan the Amazon rainforest and are later kills 36 and is one of the deadliest declared a n international emergency. incidents in Japan since World War II. Aug. 22: MIT announces a Jul. 18: An arson attack at an $60 million expansion of the animination company in Kyoto, Japan Green Building to add 12,000 kills 36 and is one of the deadliest more square feet for meetings, incidents in Japan since World War II. classrooms, and study spaces. Jul. 24: Boris Johnson becomes the new Aug. 23: The CDC reports Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. the first death due to vaping, amid concerns over a mysterious Jul. 31: Federal Reserve cuts interest lung disease in the US. rates for the first time sinceU 2008. U JOURNAL 67 JRN.indd 66 L 3/5/2020 1:08:15 AM JRN.indd 67 G 3/5/2020 1:08:15 AM Oct. 1: The People’s Republic of China celebrates its 70th anniversary with the largest Sep. 1 :Hurricane Dorian, the strongest military parade in the country’s history. hurricane ever recorded in the Bahamas, makes landfall and kills 43. Oct. 1 : Th e M I T Undergraduate Association and Graduate Student Council hold Sep. 2: A dive boat sinks near Santa the MIT & Epstein student forum. Crus Island, California and kills 34. It is the worst maritime disaster in California in 150 years. Oct. 5: 91 die in a week of protests in Iraq. Sep. 4: Hong Kong finally officially withdraws the Oct. 8: The Carondelete Palace in Quito, extradition bill at the center of the city’s ongoing protests. Ecuador, is overtaken by protestors. SEP. 8: MIT MEDIA The government moves to Guayaquil. LAB DIRECTOR JOI OCT. 9: LINCOLN LAB ITO RESIGNS AMIDST RESEARCHER JOHN THE JEFFREY EPSTEIN GOODENOUGH WINS DONATION SCANDAL. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY FOR INVENTING THE LITHIMUM-ION BATTERY.

Oct. 16: MIT Medical gives a record- breaking 9378 flu vaccines in one day. OCT. 14: TWO Oct. 18: NASA conducts the first all- MIT PROFESSORS, female spacewalk with Jessica Meir ESTHER DUFLO AND and Christina Koch outside of the ISS. Sep. 1 0 :President T r u m p fires national security ABHIJIT BANERJEE, Oct. 18: Chile’s capital Santiago advisor John Bolton over disagreements. WIN THE NOBEL PRIZE IN erupts into chaos with protests. Sep. 12: MIT engineers develop the world’s ECONOMICS FOR THEIR ANTIPOVERTY RESEARCH. Oct. 19: In London, one million protestors blackest material from carbon nanotubes. demand a second referendum on Brexit. Sep. 19: In Afghanistan, a US drone attack kills 30 and injures 40 Afghan nut farmers. SEP. 20: FOUR MIT PROFESSORS ARE ELECTED FELLOWS OF S THE AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY FOR 2019. O

Oct. 21: Two MIT professors are elected to the National Academy of Medicine for 2019. Oct. 23: Google claims its 53-qubit processor has Sep. 23: 600,000 tourists are stranded worldwide achieved quantum supremacy, a first in the world. when travel firm Thomas Cook goes bankrupt. Oct. 24: The American Physical Society awards Sep. 24: Speaker of the House Nancy three MIT professors for research in physics. Pelosi announces a formal impeachment Oct. 24: Two MIT professors receive the inquiry against President Trump. NIH Transformative Research Award. Sep. 25: MIT professor Josh Tenenbaum receives Oct. 27: President Trump oversees a US special forces a MacArthur Fellowship, the “Genius Grant.” operation to kill ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Sep. 27: Four million people go on a climate strike, led by Greta Thunberg. Sep. 27: The TX-GAIA supercomputer at Lincoln Lab becomesE the most powerful C supercomputer at any university in the world.

68 JOURNAL JRN.indd 68 P 3/5/2020 1:08:15 AM JRN.indd 69 T 3/5/2020 1:08:15 AM DEC. 3: TWO MIT NOV. 1: REIF RELEASES A PROFESSORS ARE STATEMENT THAT OUTLINES ELECTED 2019 FELLOWS FUTURE ACTIONS BY HIM AND OF THE NATIONAL ACAD- BY MIT IN RESPONSE TO THE EMY OF INVENTORS. EPSTEIN DONATION SCANDAL. Dec. 5: EECS restructures its Nov. 4: The US formally begins to pull out leadership in light of the new of the Paris Agreement on climate change. Schwarzman College of Computing. Nov. 11: The Earth is facing a climate Dec. 8: In India, a fire engulfs a shoe emergency, agrees 11,000 scientists and school bag factory, killing 43. around the world i n the journal Bioscience. Dec. 9: Russia is banned for four Nov. 13: President Trump’s impeachment years from international sport by inquiry sees its first public hearings. the World Anti-Doping Agency. Dec. 9: A volcano erupts in New Zealand. 2 0 a re killed and 2 7 a re injured.

NOV. 14: TIMES HIGHER EDUCATION RANKS MIT Dec. 16: Boeing will suspend production NO. 1 FOR ECONOMICS of the problematic 737 MAX in 2020. AND BUSINESS IN 2020. Dec. 18: The House of Representatives Nov 17: Protestors clash violently as approves two articles of impeachment police try to clear out Hong Kong against President Trump, making him Polytechnic University in a seige. the third president to be impeached. Nov. 21: The launch of the Tesla Dec. 20: The US Space Force is created Cybertruck, its first pickup truck, is as a military branch for space warfare. Nmarred by a demonstration gone wrong. D

Dec. 28: In Somalia, a truck bomb kills 78 and wounds 125. Nov. 25: The Mars colony design Dec. 30: He Jiankui, who created the world’s competition is won by a team led by MI T. first genetically edited babies in 2018, is Nov. 26: Albania is hit with the fined and sentenced to 3 years in prison. world’s deadliest earthquake of 2019. Dec. 31: The US embassy in Baghdad has 51 are killed and 2000 are injured. its front gates breached by Iraqi protestors Nov. 26: Six MIT professors are elected following a US military operation. fellows of the American Association Dec. 31: The first case of the novel for the Advancement of Science. coronavirus is reported to the World Nov. 30: In Mexico, four police, two cvillians, Health Organization. Coronavirus becomes and sixteen drug dealersO are killed in a shootout. a major global virus outbreakE in 2020.

JOURNAL 71 JRN.indd 70 V 3/5/2020 1:08:15 AM JRN.indd 71 C 3/5/2020 1:08:16 AM #20676 MIT was always my #21772 If someone says they dream school. I was rejected didn’t get into MIT (or any when I applied for undergrad, other good school) we always but ended up coming here for tell them that admissions grad school. Looking back is imperfect and they will now, this was definitely the do great things elsewhere, better route. Having a better but if someone says they idea of what MIT is like now, don’t belong here we say I don’t think I would have that somehow admissions survived as an undergrad. makes magical choices and Going to a state school gave me they must belong here. a chance to stand out enough to get in for grad school. To My take: admissions isn’t MIT undergrads, you’re all perfect, which means that incredible for being here! To some great people don’t get other people who were rejected the chance to come here. But from MIT, don’t give up your also, just by the numbers, some dreams of coming here! people who are here probably don’t deserve to be here and #20701 MIT COUPLES WHO HAVE BEEN TOGETHER maybe there should be a system 6+ MONTHS DESPITE ALL THE STRESS AND AMOUNT in place to correct for that . OF WORK IN THIS SCHOOL-HUGE SHOUTOUT TO YOU! #21780 MIT? More like #20922 My friend went to an Mental MIT frat party one time (she Insti didn’t go to MIT; just another Tution school in the area). I guess the party was pretty fun but #21912 I still can’t believe towards the end of the night it that at a place as “advanced” was winding down. There were as MIT there are still enough just the house residents and backward, anti-women’s rights, her and a few other girls left. nonprogressive people to form Suddenly, one of the frat a pro-life club. I’m seriously brothers starts chanting disappointed that people like #20500 “”CTC! CTC!”” Soon all the this are part of our student body. I walked across the brothers join in. “”CTC! CTC! field in the snow today, and I CTC!”” My friend starts getting #21913 saw a bunny hopping on the worried that some bizzare/ On god, 6.041 fucked other side. Excitedly, I turned violent/sexual ritual is about to me so hard I cried daddy to my companion and chant- go down. Finally, after several in the middle of the exam. ed, “Bunny bunny bunny bun- tense moments of increasingly ny!” And then I thought of rabid chanting, a guy emerges the Shakespeare Ensemble. from the kitchen with a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. #20517 “I am always excited for Friday 6:30 because it means I #21227 I WRITE MY HASS PAPERS IN SUBLIME. got a new extra spicy 006 pset” - and other sentenc- es never before uttered. #21391 left handed people are the strongest race. #20589 The semester has gotten so much harder ever #21515 I challenge any since they stopped selling mans to fuck me as hard as girl scout cookies in the stud. that 6.006 exam just did. CONFESS IONS

JRN.indd 72 3/5/2020 1:08:16 AM JRN.indd 73 3/5/2020 1:08:16 AM #22023 PSA to anyone work- #25266 WE GO TO THE #1 STEM UNIVERSITY IN THE #25839 (CONT.) After the #25839 (CONT.) He told me ing in labs: DON’T DRINK WORLD YET I AM SITTING HERE IN MY ROOM UNABLE party, we walked back to his he sought professional help for ANY CHEMICALS THAT TO USE THE INTERNET PROVIDED BY THE SCHOOL. dorm room, and we spent #25839 (CONT.) We depression and began making AREN’T RED, BLUE, OR the first night together. I shared so many happy positive changes in his life. At GREEN!!! Red will restore #25425 I’m dating an MIT #25839 (CONT.) On the guess you can say we were moments together, and I first I was speechless, but we your health. Blue fills up your Confessions Commenter other hand, my boyfriend officially together now. would never trade those decided to date a few times. mana gauge. Green replenish- now. I’m just not sure how was the one person I moments for anything. Eventually, I told him that I es your stamina. Don’t make things went so terribly wrong. depended on. My everything. My parents prohibited me really missed him, and that I the same mistakes I made :’) from dating, yet I couldn’t One night, I heard a loud would be willing to try again help but adore him. He was knock on my dorm room. I if he was. After watching La #25484 ugh I hate it when it’s It was at that point that I met Jake. I can’t exactly remember a huge restaurant and movie opened the door and found two La Land with him, we had our that time of the month again... geek, and would take me to police officers, and asked if I first kiss in years in the parking you know, that time when you how I met him, but I remember he cracked some jokes and the finest places and watch knew Jake. I replied cautiously garage of that movie theater. sit down to get some work the most “sophisticated” before they told me that he done and you’re like ughh no just had me crackling all day. We spent hours in Simmons movies. I thought they were attempted suicide a few hours In a couple months, I will be whyyy... when Duo makes all pretentious at the time, ago. He was in the ER now, marrying that boy. I’m still you authenticate with your talking about our lives, and by 3 am he asked me if I was but who wouldn’t want to and would be transferred back freaking out that I’ll be a cuffed phone and cheerily displays spend two hours with your to his home for the rest of the woman soon, but I can say for “Remember for 30 days”. dating someone. I told him the truth, and he just wink loved one in the dark? He school year. I broke down and a fact that there is no one I’d at me and said, “lucky guy.” always told me how much begged to see him, but they rather spend my life with. The #22888 PROBLEM SETS SHOULD BE CALLED PROB- he loved me and wrote me wouldn’t let me. They just told relationship will be filled with LEM LISTS BECAUSE THE PROBLEMS ARE ORDERED. A few days before my freshman these cringy (but amazingly me that Jake wanted them to ups and downs, but I know that year started, I was crying sweet) poems. I really felt reassure me that he would be he’ll make me a happy woman, like I was a Disney princess. fine, and that he still loved me. and I’ll try to make him the #24291 #25576 because my boyfriend told Can we pleeeeeee- My duo asking for me that he wanted to break happiest guy in the world. aaaaase have Iron Man on the my password again is the only up. While I was curled up in At that point, I couldn’t help My parents forced me to next Brass Rat? Tony Stark’s way I feel the passage of time. a ball in Stata, Jake found me myself. I told my parents that I break up with him. I lost all I’ve spent the last few days the only person to ever gradu- and asked if I was okay. After loved Jake, and that I would be motivation to do anything, writing my experiences so ate summa cum laude from this I explained the situation, he dating him no matter what they and pretty soon my grades that I could share them with school. He attacc, he protecc, #25839 As a MIT alumni, walked me to my dorm and thought of him. As expected, plummeted. I had many fights you. Whether you are dating don’t do him the disrespecc. I want to share my story spent all night listening to my my parents yelled at me, but with my parents over the someone with depression or about dating someone with feelings. I’ve never met a boy I was so passionately in love phone, until I eventually cut other mental issues, or are #24439 depression. Let’s call him that was so caring to me. He that it didn’t matter. I knew my ties with them for a year. I was dealing with these issues Playboi Carti is parents would come around to a mess, and Jake was nowhere yourself, please remember unironically the best artist alive. Jake for anonymity’s sake. never judged me and never tried to fix my problems for loving him if they met him. to be seen for the next few that it WILL get better! We met during CPW. At the me. He just sat there, listening. years. I was so angry at him; #24735 Am I the only one time, I was dating a boy who I walked to his room and angry that he tore apart my I am not saying you shouldn’t here concerned about the fact was going to UCLA next year. After a few months, I went knocked on the door to tell life, angry that I never got to leave them if they are abusive that no one is talking about the I’ve been with him my senior to a party at Jake’s frat. I him we could start dating. explore and enjoy my freedom or toxic (you absolutely rapidly approaching climate year, and I was hurt knowing never danced before, but When he opened the door, his as a freshman, angry that should). But I am saying that crisis?!?! People, we have *a that we might separate. On he guided me while I was face was red and he was crying. my heart and stolen and I people dealing with depression little over a DECADE* before the one hand, I was excited stumbling around like a fool. I asked what was wrong, but might never love again. I had often have a beautiful core our planet’s temperature that I could finally have some He held my hand the whole he wouldn’t respond. He just to visit a therapist multiple inside of them. These people crosses the 2 degree thread freedom (I was raised in a strict, time, and I guess I caught sat there like a sad puppy. times over the next year to know how painful things hold that theoretically signifies sheltered east Asian family). feelings at that moment. deal with my anxiety attacks. can be, and will never leave the point of no return!! No After a few hours, he told me your side, no matter how one in my living space seems he had been struggling with A few years later, things bleak your situation may be. to care... the lights at our depression for about a year. eventually got better. During house are on 24/7 unless I turn He described it as having my senior summer, I interned at Please support your friends them off, all the faucets and to drag an anchor around a company in Boston. Someone and family if they are going toilets are leaking and wasting at all times, and not having walked up to me and asked if I through these battles, for they gallons of water, we throw time to breathe. I cried along remembered him. I looked up will thank you for an eternity. out tens of gallons of waste with him. I never knew he and dropped everything I was And, in turn, they will shower every day... wake up everyone, was going through so much. doing. It was Jake, wearing you with more affection, care, we need to step up our game. nice business attire and with a love, and happiness than you THE TIME IS NOW! We continued dating for the cute smile. He sat next to me can handle! Love is all about next few months, both with during the meeting, and we sacrifice, and helping one #24835 its ups and downs. Some spent the next hour staring another turn tears into smiles. i went to mit medical nights, he would get angry at each other awkwardly. with a sore throat. they told at me for the smallest things. Anyways, thanks for listening me that my throat was sore Other nights, he would cry When the meeting was over, he to my story. Good luck because my tonsils were really and tell me that he wasn’t took me to an empty hallway with your finals, and please swollen. i had my tonsils good enough for me. But for and started apologizing wish me luck as I go on removed 6 months ago.... the most part, it was nice. for all that happened. the alter and say, “I do.”

JRN.indd 74 3/5/2020 1:08:17 AM JRN.indd 75 3/5/2020 1:08:17 AM #26407 #21917 everyone all excited ivy school twitter bios: #35903 um so freshmen here, #35955 Want to go about the iphone 11 but im harvard: harvard coming home for the holidays down a fun rabbit hole? just sittin here thinking the yale: Yale ‘22 isn’t exactly easy, especial- #25908 My boyfriend is a camera went through mitosis. columbia: columbia ‘22 // ly for a long time like winter Read old Tech articles from graduating senior with no finals #26840 abolish ICE break. I grew up in an abusive the 70s/80s/90s about students but he still spends whole nights boba is nice but household, and I was home- getting in trouble and see reading papers because “one can we get a free emergen-c penn: UPenn Wharton ‘22 less for part of high school. where they are now. In 1988, should never stop studying”. event? my body is pain. dartmouth: Psalm 91:9–3 || While I could have stayed in some EC students got in Houston || Dart- my household, it wasn’t a safe trouble for showing reg-day #26210 CAN THE 2019S ALL COME BACK PLEASE... mouth ‘22 place for me, and that’s why I porn. One is the Chancellor princeton: decided to love on my own. I of UMass Dartmouth and remember eating food found the other is the Director #26269 #27504 cornell: Holy shit. My friend Was feeling kinda in a dumpster or depending of Engineering at JPL. group is getting messier and cold then I ran 6.009 lab brown: Clown’22 on donations. It’s so weird be- messier. So I’m friends with 3 solveLinear test cases Leo Virgo cause I live a completely dif- IDK why but this warms my Guys 1, 2, 3 and 4. Guy 1 has 9 and 10 and my laptop Aquarius he/ ferent life at MIT. I live in a heart, it’s so fucking funny. fucked Girls 1, 2, 3 and 4 this warmed me the fuck up. him/his relatively cozy, spacious dorm year. Girl 1 is Guy 2’s on-off room and I have a gener- ex but Guy 2 doesn’t know that #27591 I WAS TOLD THAT IF I LEARNED GUITAR THAT ous meal plan. I still struggle Guy 1 fucked her. Guy 2 has THERE WOULD BE GIRLS. I LEARNED TO PLAY GUI- sometimes with small expens- fucked Girl 5 (Girl 1’s little) TAR, PIANO AND HOW TO SING. STILL NO GIRLS. es, but no where near as bad as and Girl 6 (Girl 5’s little) on back home. I live two separate, several occasions but Girl 1 #33939 I really completed No #35884 Merry Christmas distinct lives - my life at MIT doesn’t know. So Girl 7 (from Pset November. What the fuck. to everyone at MIT except and my life outside of MIT. Girl 6’s sorority) was in my for those who work at Sometimes, I feel ashamed be- freshman orientation group #21515 “A surfeit of bad verse defense companies ing at MIT of my background, and recently told me she fucked have many write // (and fear I, but why should I? There’s a lot Guy 4 during CPW. Guy 4 was that I merely write the same) // #35901 of systematic barriers against Girl 3’s bf during CPW (they asshat has become my low-income kids, and I find Regarding Three West’s comely favorite insult after learning that’s is true for myself. any- broke up mutually). Guy 3 has resident— // of late, a man of about unit vectors this semester. had a crush on Girl 1 since great confessing fame. // In a ways, idk where this post is freshman year but is currently going but yeah life be hard. cappella his voice did shine #35902 I’ve spent more dating Girl 8. He wants to through; // as Splash director dump Girl 8 for Girl 1. Girl time on Tik Tok than #35904 his words did thou heed. socializing with family @Berkeley 9 (Girl 4’s little) recently A violinist most adroit, ‘tis Confessions 4683: My told me that she has a crush members this holiday season true, // well match’d by his and I couldn’t be happier. first kiss was at age 23 at on Guy 3. Girl 9 is currently pianist side indeed. // Yet let us the EC Mardi Gras party. casually dating Guy 2 but Guy not neglect his skills in math, #35902 I’ve spent more 2 recently told me he wants // nor LaTeXed notes (for #35905 something more serious with time on Tik Tok than The amount of effort which he earns much thanks). socializing with family I have to put in to maintain her. A couple weeks ago, Guy It seems that he is going down 3 made out with Girl 9 in a bar members this holiday season this top fan badge when the path // to joining the and I couldn’t be happier. confessions isn’t active...damn. but went home with Girl 10, esteemed Fields Medal ranks. a BU ‘friend’ of ours. Girls 10 // So, Lindrew, won’t you please and 11 are BU girls we know go out with me? // (Haha, just and have fucked all the guys in, unless...maybe?)” our friend group. Girl 11 is the reason why Girl 1 and Guy 2 #21780 I have a crush on broke up for the nth time. Girl someone in my french class, 11 recently fucked Girl 6’s and all I can think of during bf. Enter Girl 12, a freshman french now is “voulez-vous who’s into me but recently coucher avec moi ce soir” had a fling with Guy 4’s little, who has also fucked Girls 4 #35826 “if your absence and 9. Girl 13 said she saw doesn’t bother them then your Guy 1 and 4 make out when presence never mattered to they were on coke. Girl 13 also them in the first place”. And said she had a threesome with that’s how I treat my classes! them afterwards. Here’s the best part - I’ve fucked all the #35833 OVERHEARD: I WENT TO A MATH PHD PARTY girls mentioned in this post in LAST MONTH. THERE WERE 7 IMO MEDALISTS THERE. 2019. Knowing Guys 1 to 4, I WAS LIKE FUCK I SHOULDVE LOOKED CUTER. this ain’t even half of the mess.

JRN.indd 76 3/5/2020 1:08:17 AM JRN.indd 77 3/5/2020 1:08:18 AM JAN. 3, 2019 9:12 AM M46 AUG. 7, 2019 2:31 PM M2 Party reported receiving suspicious letters. Report filed regarding a suspicious person who entered a lab in building 2 JAN. 15, 2019 5:03 PM E15 and began asking questions to lab staff Party reported larceny of head members while filming them with a laptop. phones and hand held camcorder. AUG. 24, 2019 3:56 AM EAST CAMPUS JAN. 17, 2019 3:35 PM NW23 Report filed regarding a well-being check Party reporting laser was pointed at them. requested by parent of a student. Parent is unable to get in touch with the student by FEB. 5, 2019 10:22 PM M24 phone and is concerned. Student is located Report of a homeless party inside. Officers and is immediately in contact with the parent. encountered a non-affiliated individual who had been previously trespassed and who had SEP. 1, 2019 8:51 PM BETA THETA PI an outstanding warrant out of Evertt. Kristine Report filed regarding a burglary at 119 Bay Holley, 61, homelsss, is arrested for trespassing. St. Rd. Individual removed the ac unit from a third floor window and attempted to gain entry FEB. 21, 2019 6:34 PM STUDENT CENTER from the fire escape. When confronted by the Report of an intoxicated party in reporting party, the individual fled from the area. need of assistance. Non-affiliated party was transported to the hospital. SEP. 17, 2019 10:24 AM NE46 MAR. 3, 2019 8:13 AM NW35 Report filed a mulch bed fire. Party reporting someone is SEP. 26, 2019 10:19 AM NW23 trying to extort money from him. Report filed regarding a MAR. 19, 2019 12:37 PM ON CAMPUS suspicious email and phone call. Student referred for open containers. OCT. 2, 2019 5:53 PM W98 Report filed regarding an individual APR. 3, 2019 5:22 PM E15 who was arrested for domestic Party reported bag was stolen from the assault by the Cambridge Police. locker room. Party later reported the bag was never stolen but taken accidently OCT. 15, 2019 1:01 PM M13 and returned back with all belongings. Report filed regarding a delivery vehicle that MAY 1, 2019 3:31 PM M7 backed into a bench at M13 causing damage. Burke-Dash, Nicholas, 29, homeless, OCT. 30, 2019 8:13 AM M66 is arrested for trespassing after notice. Report filed regarding MAY 13, 2019 7:05 PM Z CENTER graffiti and property damage, Party reported a larceny of a pair of shoes. NOV. 24, 2019 4:00 PM SIGMA NU Report filed regarding two stolen laptop JUN. 14, 2019 2:24 PM M33 computers from two separate bedrooms Report filed regarding a larceny of a plaque. located on the fourth and sixth floors. JUL. 1, 2019 6:30 AM M78 There was no sign of forced entry. Individual reported theft of plane tickets DEC. 2, 2019 6:45 AM ON CAMPUS from office over the weekend. Detectives The reporting party stated that a Bluetooth reviewed video of time in question and no one speaker was missing and that there was entered the office other than reporting party. evidence of property damage. The room had been locked over the weekend and JUL. 22, 2019 4:09 PM W89 there were no signs of forced entry. Party reported receiving an obscene text message from another program participant. POLICE L OGS

JRN.indd 78 3/5/2020 1:08:19 AM JRN.indd 79 3/5/2020 1:08:19 AM IN MEMORIAM

WOODIE FLOWERS SM ‘68, MENG ‘71, PHD ‘73 1943 - 2019 Pappalardo Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering. DAVID H. KOCH ‘62, SM ‘63 1940 - 2019 Businessman, political activist, and benefactor, most notably to the namesake Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research. SAMUEL A. BOWRING 1953 - 2019 Robert R. Schrock Professor Emeritus of Geology. JOHN A. BALL 1935 - 2019 Former MIT Haystack Observatory scientist. JACK KERREBROCK 1928 - 2019 Professor Emeritus of Aeronautics and Astronautics. STEVEN JOHN KEATING SM ‘12, PHD ‘16 1988 - 2019 Open patient data advocate, design engineer at Apple. FERNANDO J. CORBATÓ PHD ‘56 1926 - 2019 Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. PHILIP G. FREELON MA ’77 1952 - 2019 Professor of the practice in the Department of Architecture. DAVID G. WILSON 1928 - 2019 Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering. ALEXANDER L. M. DINGEE JR. ’52 1931 - 2019 Entrepeneur, co-founder of the MIT Venture Mentoring Service. T. FRANCIS OGILVIE 1929 - 2019 Professor Emeritus of Ocean Engineering. RICHARD H. LYON PHD ’55 1929 - 2019 Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering. JÁNOS MIKLÓS BEÉR 1923 - 2019 Professor Emeritus of Chemical and Fuel Engineering. LISA PEATTIE 1924 - 2019 Professor Emerita of Urban Anthropology.


JRN.indd 80 3/5/2020 1:08:19 AM JRN.indd 81 3/5/2020 1:08:20 AM A C T I I T VI E S

ACT.indd 82 3/5/2020 1:15:56 AM ACT.indd 83 3/5/2020 1:15:56 AM ASIAN DANCE TEAM


ACT.indd 84 3/5/2020 1:15:58 AM ACT.indd 85 3/5/2020 1:15:59 AM BHANGRA


ACT.indd 86 3/9/2020 8:35:37 PM ACT.indd 87 3/9/2020 8:35:37 PM DANCETROUPE


ACT.indd 88 3/5/2020 1:16:00 AM ACT.indd 89 3/5/2020 1:16:01 AM FIXATION


ACT.indd 90 3/5/2020 1:16:01 AM ACT.indd 91 3/5/2020 1:16:02 AM LION DANCE CLUB


ACT.indd 92 3/9/2020 8:35:40 PM ACT.indd 93 3/9/2020 8:35:40 PM MIRCHI


ACT.indd 94 3/9/2020 8:35:41 PM ACT.indd 95 3/9/2020 8:35:41 PM MOCHA MOVES

ACT.indd 96 3/5/2020 1:16:03 AM ACT.indd 97 3/5/2020 1:16:03 AM RIDONKULOUS


ACT.indd 98 3/5/2020 1:16:05 AM ACT.indd 99 3/5/2020 1:16:07 AM BOSTON JUGGLING FESTIVAL


ACT.indd 100 3/9/2020 8:35:45 PM ACT.indd 101 3/5/2020 1:16:07 AM RAMBAX


ACT.indd 102 3/5/2020 1:16:11 AM ACT.indd 103 3/5/2020 1:16:12 AM MUSICAL THEATRE GUILD

ACT.indd 104 3/5/2020 1:16:12 AM ACT.indd 105 3/5/2020 1:16:12 AM SPINNING ARTS


ACT.indd 106 3/5/2020 1:16:13 AM ACT.indd 107 3/5/2020 1:16:14 AM FIGURE SKATING CLUB



ACT.indd 108 3/5/2020 1:16:14 AM ACT.indd 109 3/5/2020 1:16:14 AM SPRINGFEST


ACT.indd 110 3/5/2020 1:16:14 AM ACT.indd 111 3/5/2020 1:16:15 AM BORDERLINE


ACT.indd 112 3/5/2020 1:16:15 AM ACT.indd 113 3/5/2020 1:16:16 AM INFINITE


ACT.indd 114 3/5/2020 1:16:16 AM ACT.indd 115 3/5/2020 1:16:17 AM TRASHION


ACT.indd 116 3/9/2020 8:35:53 PM ACT.indd 117 3/9/2020 8:35:54 PM NEXT SING



ACT.indd 118 3/5/2020 1:16:17 AM ACT.indd 119 3/5/2020 1:16:18 AM CHORALLARIES



ACT.indd 120 3/5/2020 1:16:18 AM ACT.indd 121 3/5/2020 1:16:19 AM ASYMPTONES



ACT.indd 122 3/5/2020 1:16:19 AM ACT.indd 123 3/5/2020 1:16:20 AM SYNCOPASIAN



ACT.indd 124 3/5/2020 1:16:20 AM ACT.indd 125 3/5/2020 1:16:20 AM OHMS



ACT.indd 126 3/5/2020 1:16:21 AM ACT.indd 127 3/5/2020 1:16:21 AM BLACK STUDENT UNION


ACT.indd 128 3/5/2020 1:16:21 AM ACT.indd 129 3/5/2020 1:16:21 AM CHINESE STUDENTS CLUB



ACT.indd 130 3/5/2020 1:16:22 AM ACT.indd 131 3/5/2020 1:16:23 AM SANGAM


ACT.indd 132 3/5/2020 1:16:23 AM ACT.indd 133 3/5/2020 1:16:23 AM ASSOCIATION OF TAIWANESE STUDENTS



ACT.indd 134 3/9/2020 8:35:59 PM ACT.indd 135 3/9/2020 8:36:00 PM HACKMIT

ACT.indd 136 3/5/2020 1:16:25 AM ACT.indd 137 3/5/2020 1:16:25 AM MTC ENTREPRENEURSHIP



ACT.indd 138 3/9/2020 8:36:01 PM ACT.indd 139 3/9/2020 8:36:01 PM SAVE TFP



ACT.indd 140 3/5/2020 1:16:28 AM ACT.indd 141 3/5/2020 1:16:28 AM EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES


ACT.indd 142 3/5/2020 1:16:29 AM ACT.indd 143 3/5/2020 1:16:29 AM DISORIENTATION



ACT.indd 144 3/9/2020 8:36:04 PM ACT.indd 145 3/9/2020 8:36:04 PM S P O R T S

SPT.indd 146 3/5/2020 1:28:58 AM SPT.indd 147 3/5/2020 1:28:59 AM BASEBALL HEAD COACH Andy Barlow ASSISTANT COACHES Todd Caroll, Nick Gallagher, Kent Graham, Ben Beck, Weston Lazarus LEADERSHIP COUNCIL Thomas Allison, Matt Johnston, Zack Kopstein, Andrew Krause, Cory O’Shea, Ethan Rolland

1 Matt Leonard 11 Ben Burke 20 Brian Williams 2 Kyle Sonandres 12 Graham Cartwright 21 Jared Boisvert 3 Tony Rice 13 Casey Bussone 22 Tommy Hannan 4 Cory O’Shea 14 Jonah Scott 23 Ethan Rolland 5 Zach Roberts 15 Jake Sonandres 24 Teddy Schoenfeld 6 Trey Roberts 16 Nick Aiello 27 Andrew Krause 8 Giovanni Ahern 17 Matthew Nay 32 Jared Tramontano 9 Matt Johnston 18 Zack Kopstein 33 Erik Anderson 10 Adam Katz 19 Thomas Allison 35 Tyler Kim


SPT.indd 148 3/5/2020 1:28:59 AM SPT.indd 149 3/5/2020 1:28:59 AM WOMEN’S BASKETBALL HEAD COACH Sonia Raman ASSISTANT COACHES Meghan O’Connell, Haley Driscoll, Colleen Hart CAPTAINS Kylie Gallagher, Jocelyn Luizzi

3 Margaret Sullivan 21 Cindy Si 5 Christina Antonakakis 22 Paula Pieper 11 Moseson 23 Trinity Gao 12 Anna Broski 24 Annika Sougstad 13 Jocelyn Luizzi 25 Karenna Groff 15 Alexis Groark 41 Kylie Gallagher 20 Sienna Williams


SPT.indd 150 3/5/2020 1:28:59 AM SPT.indd 151 3/5/2020 1:29:00 AM MEN’S BASKETBALL HEAD COACH Larry Anderson ASSISTANT COACHES Larry Farmer, David Kroopnick, Christian Murphy, Mike DeBenedetto CAPTAIN Christien Williams LEADERSHIP/ALUMNI RELATIONS Indran Ratnathicam

3 Alex Cho 14 Tim Kostolansky 4 Matas Masys 21 Kael Kordonowy 5 Ian Hinkley 22 Grant Miller 10 Aaron Fuchs 24 Dan Pilsbury 11 Muna Nwana 42 Julian Manyika 12 Giannis Chatziveroglou 50 Cooper Driscoll 13 Christien Williams


SPT.indd 152 3/5/2020 1:29:00 AM SPT.indd 153 3/5/2020 1:29:00 AM WOMEN’S LIGHTWEIGHT CREW HEAD COACH Claire Martin-Doyle ASSISTANT COACHES Amelia Patton, Aisyah Raaf ’ee CAPTAINS Sophie Anderson, Eileen Hu, Frances Parker-Hale

Sophie Anderson Vivian Lo Brigid Bane Kathleen Love Maheera Bawa Jaime Martin Sophia Chen Isha Mehrotra Megan Diehl Natalie Northrup Jordan Docter Jennifer Nwenyi Sarah Edwards Frances Parker-Hale Violet Felt Sarah Quraishi Ariel Fuchs Brittany Sacks Kaili Glasser Eve Schoen Ning Guan Savannah Tynan Sophie Herscovici Julia Van Cleef Haley Higginbotham Tatum Wilhelm Natasha Hirt Alexis Yang Eileen Hu


SPT.indd 154 3/5/2020 1:29:00 AM SPT.indd 155 3/5/2020 1:29:01 AM WOMEN’S OPENWEIGHT CREW HEAD COACH Holly Metcalf NOVICE COACH Hank Zimmerman CAPTAINS Aigneis Frey, Annika Heuser, Premila Rowles

Gabriella Aponte Portia Gaitskell Sophie Longawa Jess Arbuckle Julia Grim Ashley Luo Jane Bai Charlotte Gump McMillan Umang Bansal Tess Gustafson Anna Meurer Maria Barbosa Annika Heuser Ariana Park Rose Bielak May Huang Mariela Perez-Cabarcas Julia Contini Dhamanpreet Kaur Lisa Popkov Emelie Eldracher Arina Khotimsky Premila Rowles Kellie Everett Emily Kiley Pamela Stark Erica Flear Allison King Duha Syar Aigneis Frey Carly Long Jasmine Wu


SPT.indd 156 3/5/2020 1:29:01 AM SPT.indd 157 3/5/2020 1:29:01 AM MEN’S LIGHTWEIGHT CREW HEAD COACH Will NOVICE COACH Brendan Mulvey CAPTAINS Michael Carolan, Jan Wojcick

Sam Boshar Kevin Lu Michael Carolan Gabriel Margolis Carson Collard Alice Martynova Sam Costa Matej Novak Gavin Fischer Rick Ono Zhi Wei Gan Stash Pomichter Ari Grayzel Aden Rothmeyer Peter Hegel Kevin Shao Alexander Hom Richard Sollee Jakob Jarczynski Luke Stewart Jeevesh Konuru Andrew Stoddard Jose Lavariega Jan Wojcik Alvin Li Julian Zulueta


SPT.indd 158 3/5/2020 1:29:01 AM SPT.indd 159 3/5/2020 1:29:01 AM MEN’S HEAVYWEIGHT CREW HEAD COACH Tony Kilbridge ASSISTANT COACHES Evan Thews-Wassell, Aaron Baumgarten CAPTAINS Ben Koenig, Orrie Page

Prosser Cathey Miles Kam- Keith Murray Darius Chan ing-Thanassi Chris Noga Nate Cruz Walma Ali Sinan Kaya Orrie Page Andrew Cummings Ben Koenig Peter Scott Nicholas Garcia Liam Ludington Deniz Sert Serafin Garcia Kai Maier Du’aa Sharif James Greer Nick Mannhardt Angela Su Antony Hernandez Parker Mayhew Max von Franque Jay Hesslink Ian McJohn Vanessa Wong Cooper Jones Alex Meredith


SPT.indd 160 3/5/2020 1:29:01 AM SPT.indd 161 3/5/2020 1:29:02 AM WOMEN’S CROSS COUNTRY HEAD COACH Halston Taylor ASSISTANT COACHES Selwyn Maxwell, Louise van den Heuvel, Mary Eccles, Laura Paulsen CAPTAINS Katie Bacher, Marissa McPhillips

Katie Bacher Abby Mauermann Alana Chandler Megan McCandless Anna Chau Marissa McPhillips Katie Collins Jenna Melanson Nicole Cybul Emily Niu Gabrielle Enns Kirsi Rajagopal Einat Gavish Nina Rhone Izzi Gengaro Emily Skilling Anna Haddad Katie Williams


SPT.indd 162 3/5/2020 1:29:02 AM SPT.indd 163 3/5/2020 1:29:03 AM MEN’S CROSS COUNTRY HEAD COACH Halston Taylor ASSISTANT COACHES Selwyn Maxwell, Louise van den Heuvel, Mary Eccles, Laura Paulsen CAPTAINS Josh Derrick, Steven Goldy, Billy Woltz

Sam Acquaviva Matthew Kearney Josh Derrick Cameron Kleiman Dylan Doblar Vedang Lad Reed Foster Andrew Mah Steven Goldy Nicholas Medearis Lowell Hensgen Julian Powers Finn Jacobson-Schulte Sanjay Raman Zach Johnson Ryan Wilson Jake Jorgensen Billy Woltz


SPT.indd 164 3/5/2020 1:29:04 AM SPT.indd 165 3/5/2020 1:29:04 AM WOMEN’S FENCING HEAD COACH Jarek Koniusz ASSISTANT COACHES Robert Hupp, Davis Merritt, Tan Trinh CAPTAIN Stephanie Li

Dina Atia Violet Killy Laura Chen Stephanie Li Allison Couch Thérèse Mills Nisha Devasia Taiylor Nunn Anita Dey Barsukova Kristen Palmer Elissa Gibson Miriam Rittenberg Gu Tesla Wells Amanda Hu Elaine Wen Shreya Karpoor Kate Xu


SPT.indd 166 3/5/2020 1:29:05 AM SPT.indd 167 3/5/2020 1:29:06 AM MEN’S FENCING HEAD COACH Jarek Koniusz ASSISTANT COACHES Robert Hupp, Davis Merritt, Tan Trinh CAPTAIN Aaron Kogan

Christian de Weck Chris McKinney Connor Dotson Yixuan Pei David Fang Chris Picard Mohammed Hijaz Mohammed Shafim Ashish Kalakuntla Aidan Simpson Christopher Kiel Josh Sohn Aaron Kogan Josh Talbot Robert Law Ritaank Tiwari Aaron Lu Avi Zeff


SPT.indd 168 3/5/2020 1:29:06 AM SPT.indd 169 3/5/2020 1:29:07 AM FIELD HOCKEY HEAD COACH Cheryl Silva ASSISTANT COACHES Sarah Fay, Katherine Cotton, Becca Shaw, Liz Dethy, Michelle Dion, Katherine Stoll CAPTAINS Devon Goetz, Taylor Grey

1 Erica Radler 15 Jennah Haque 2 Emily Genevriere 17 Liv Parsons 3 Helen Liu 18 Laura Schwendeman 4 Jolie Bercow 19 Liberty Ladd 5 Amanda Garofalo 20 Lucy Kitch-Peck 6 Mia Reilly 21 Paige Forester 7 Laura Chen 23 Delia Stephens 8 Jeanne Harabedian 24 Megan Flynn 10 Carly Briggs 25 Marina Rogers 11 Catherine Griffin 30 Grace Moore 12 Devon Goetz 31 Kiely Smiga-McManus 13 Emma Majercak 32 Juliana Strother 14 Taylor Grey


SPT.indd 170 3/5/2020 1:29:07 AM SPT.indd 171 3/5/2020 1:29:08 AM FOOTBALL HEAD COACH Brian Bubna ASSISTANT COACHES Steve Brennan, Al Pogarian, Nick Perron, Andy Byron, Mike Booras, James Klein, Brad Kent, Devone Williams, Sam Cohen, Justin Wallace, Brad Gahagan, Brendan Casey CAPTAINS Ben Bennington, Sam Cantrell, Sean Kent, John Robertson MANAGER Cory Hixson

1 Eric Bradford 26 Antonio Diaz 55 Grant Bordelon 2 John Robertson 28 Mateo Monterde 56 Sam Gantman 3 Keithen Shepard 30 George Stultz 57 Michael Cantow 4 Sean Kent 31 Ben Bennington 58 Nathan Basinger 5 Sam Cantrell 33 Christian Moroney 59 Noah Fisher 6 Charles Magaw 34 Ashton Robinson 62 Josh Mitchell 7 Cole Kingston 35 Jack Oswald 64 Greyson D’Aloisio 8 Evan Gwozdz 36 Paul Calvetti 65 James Adams 9 Jack Bernatchez 37 Jay Theriault 67 Billy Jones 10 Chris Mauck 38 Kevin Lyons 68 Keegan Deppe 11 Reginald Best 39 Nick Anewalt 70 Cale Gregory 12 Stephen Lostetter 40 William Woltmann 72 Jacob Edison 13 Manny Ogunde 41 Eric Bell 73 Sam Gozelski 14 Will Exson 42 AJ Iversen 74 Will Roberts 15 Justen Holl 43 Christian Viteri 75 Logan Stafford 16 Joey Licht 44 Cole Baker 76 Peyton Greve 17 Ben Dwyer 45 Ben Delhees 77 Mason Reiter 18 Mason DuMez 46 Jake Benoit 79 Ryan Nall 19 Ty Allen 47 Bennett Stankovits 80 Ethan Ardolino 20 Dennis Gastel 48 Brian Bailey 81 Dan Monagle 21 Tyler Ray 49 Ben Wolz 82 John Malloy 22 Jack Montinaro 50 Spencer Hylen 83 Andrew Griese 23 Oakley Dehning 51 Brady Sullivan 84 Tory Lentine 24 Adam Zimmermann 52 Eli Brooks 90 Steven Salvas 25 Mark Wright 54 Noah Bryce 95 CJ Reilly


SPT.indd 172 3/5/2020 1:29:09 AM SPT.indd 173 3/5/2020 1:29:09 AM WOMEN’S LACROSSE HEAD COACH Anne Versprille ASSISTANT COACHES Kelly Dean, Hannah Hyatt CAPTAINS Rayna Higuchi, Leah Vogel, Allison Pinto

0 Hannah Adams 15 Joyce Noh 1 Rayna Higuchi 16 Ali Hoffman 2 Naomi Lutz 18 Lucy Halperin 3 Lindsey Gambino 19 Christine Padalino 4 Delaney Goetz 21 Painter 6 Leah Vogel 22 Kiely Smiga-McManus 8 Shannon Wing 23 Katie Pelton 10 Ellie Rabenold 24 Emma Tauckus 12 Sophia DiSabato 25 Allison Pinto 13 Grace Ann Carlson 27 Elena Boal 14 Natalia Perez-Lodeiro 66 Abigail Kolyer


SPT.indd 174 3/5/2020 1:29:09 AM SPT.indd 175 3/5/2020 1:29:09 AM MEN’S LACROSSE HEAD COACH Tyler O’Keefe ASSISTANT COACHES Mark Spadafora, Britt Cyr, Jake Versprille, Chuck Goodman CAPTAINS Adam Gumbardo, Jameson Kief, Joe Vasile, Mark Heatzig

1 James Santoro 13 Lukas Drexler-Bruce 26 Robert DeLaus 2 John Paris 14 Will Kupiec 27 Will Reinkensmeyer 3 Andrew Palleiko 15 Ben Dwyer 30 Devin McCabe 4 Mark Heatzig 16 Adam Gumbardo 31 Chris Perrino 5 Andy Shin 18 Eric Pence 32 Teddy Corcoran 6 Logan Paterson 19 Kyle Higgins 33 Jonathan Monahemi 7 Liam Miller 20 Hayden Stalter 34 Jay Theriault 8 Jack Strachan 21 Luke Gianni 36 Bennett Stankovits 9 Tor y Lentine 22 Nicolas Gianni 37 Logan Vawter 10 David Vapnek 23 Gavin Vandenberg 38 Oliver Heins 11 Andrew Johnson 24 Aidan Westley 39 Logan Leahy 12 Jameson Kief 25 Joe Vasile


SPT.indd 176 3/5/2020 1:29:10 AM SPT.indd 177 3/5/2020 1:29:10 AM RIFLE HEAD COACH Melissa Mulloy-Mecozzi ASSISTANT COACHES Grant Mecozzi, Jerry Mulloy, Sarah Wright

Steven Acevedo Elijah Miller Landon Chu Gabi Ogata Jesus Herrera Isabella Pedraza Pineros Noelle Kramer Thomas Rick Ivy Li Zhang


SPT.indd 178 3/5/2020 1:29:10 AM SPT.indd 179 3/5/2020 1:29:11 AM SAILING HEAD COACHES Matt Lindblad, Mike Kalin WOMEN’S CAPTAINS Emily Haig, Brooke McGoldrick COED CAPTAINS Stephen Duncan, John Ped

Sarah Aaronson Maile Jim John Ped Alex Abate Meredith Julian Kaila Pfrang Marcus Abate Zoe Lallas Suparnamaaya Prasad Soleh Anderlini Abbie Lee Lulu Russell Julia Cho Charles Lindsay Brianna Ryan Dahlia Dry Lynn Liu Emily Scherer Stephen Duncan Grace Mao Shestopalov Zoe Fisher Michael Mastrandrea Satchel Sieniewicz Crew Fritsch Jeremy McCulloch Veronika Silkin Dana Haig Brooke McGoldrick Abby VanLonkhuyzen Emily Haig Fiona McKellar Wendy Wu Michelle He Samantha Miller Julia Wyatt Raymond Huffman David Morejon Isabelle Yen Elissa Ito Liz Obermaier


SPT.indd 180 3/5/2020 1:29:11 AM SPT.indd 181 3/5/2020 1:29:12 AM SQUASH HEAD COACH Thierry Lincou ASSISTANT COACH Amanda Sobhy CAPTAIN Vedaant Paul Kukadia

Neel Das Henry Martin Peter Griggs Matt McManus Wonjune Kang Joe O’Connor Ji Seok Kim Stuart Rucker Eli Kramer Aman Sanger Vedaant Paul Kukadia Vincent Wang Keith Lamp Robert Williamson Brad Levin William Wu


SPT.indd 182 3/5/2020 1:29:12 AM SPT.indd 183 3/5/2020 1:29:13 AM WOMEN’S SOCCER HEAD COACH Martin Desmarais ASSOCIATE HEAD COACH Jeff Katz ASSISTANT COACHES Katelyn Dolan, Amanda Haik CAPTAINS Lily Bailey, Emily Berzolla, Sophia Struckman

0 Ava Gillikin 16 Sarah Moseson 1 Riley Terando 17 Maya Nielan 2 Allison Tong 19 Grace Xiong 3 Montana Reilly 20 Courtney Byrne 4 Jessica Sonner 21 Kaitlin Zareno 5 Lily Bailey 23 Brigette Wang 6 Savannah Lawrence 24 Karenna Groff 7 Eva Anderson 25 Stephanie Howe 8 Ceci Munoz 26 Daena Schuh 9 Sophia Struckman 27 Kayla Villa 10 Chessa Hoekstra 30 Lauren Castle 11 Emily Berzolla 31 Anna Weinstein 12 Reese Alley 32 Jade Sund 14 Allie Werner 40 Emily Larson 15 Emma Rutherford 88 Claire O’Callaghan


SPT.indd 184 3/5/2020 1:29:13 AM SPT.indd 185 3/13/2020 3:32:10 PM MEN’S SOCCER HEAD COACH Ken Bovell ASSISTANT COACHES Bryan Longo, Washington Fagúndez CAPTAINS Carlos Hernandez, Ivan Jutamulia

00 Paarth Desai 16 Garrett Gordon 0 Nicholas Jordan 17 Jack Snowdon 1 Jeremy Cowham 18 Richter Brzeski 2 Lane Lipschultz 19 Adam Snowdon 3 Loukas Carayannopoulos 20 Darian Bhathena 4 Justin Cordero 21 Aaron Makikalli 5 Hendrik Mayer 22 Noah Faro 6 Alex Weiler 23 Manuel Morales 7 Rami Bikdash 24 Luka Govedic 8 John Flynn 26 Kaleb Blake 9 Isaac Perper 27 Peter Novoa 10 Will Seiple 28 Scott Becker 11 Ivan Jutamulia 29 Theo Sechopoulos 12 Carlos Hernandez 31 Andrei Dumitrescu 14 Nick Ciepley 32 Jack Sandstedt 15 Sebastian Simon


SPT.indd 186 3/13/2020 3:32:10 PM SPT.indd 187 3/13/2020 3:32:11 PM SOFTBALL HEAD COACH Brooke Kalman ASSISTANT COACHES Tori Constantin, Gennifer Durham, Madison Sullivan, Ashley Ionnone, Madison Milaszewski SENIOR LEADERSHIP Devon Goetz, Madi Pickett, Sierra Rosenzweig, Sarah Von Ahn, Michelle Wist

1 Deborah Torres 12 Colleen Campbell 2 Julia Chatterjee 13 Kassidy Peterson 3 Anya Chase 17 Haley Samuelsen 4 Jordan Sell 18 Lily Rose Smith 5 Phoebe Li 19 Abby Shull 6 Claire Wichman 23 Devon Goetz 7 Sierra Rosenzweig 24 Sarah Von Ahn 9 Madi Pickett 25 Michelle Wist 10 Olivia Lucchese


SPT.indd 188 3/5/2020 1:29:15 AM SPT.indd 189 3/5/2020 1:29:16 AM WOMEN’S SWIMMING AND DIVING HEAD COACH Meg Sisson French HEAD DIVING COACH Taryn Urbanus ASSISTANT COACH James Sica, Kristen Barry, Nicole O’Keeffe CAPTAINS Delaney Burns, Alex Obrand, Lilia Staszel

Kailey Allen Alexandrine Obrand Lindsey Bjornstad Isabel Rosa Jasmin Bouzarouata Laura Rosado Delaney Burns Lilia Staszel Edenna Chen Emily Wang Katelin Du Caroline Warren Nicole Dundas Deborah Wen Danielle Fang Madison Wong Shannon Hagmaier Nanette Wu Kayla Holman Jennifer Xiong Callie Kunz Liane Xu Shirley Li Emily Yuan Hannah Mahaffey Angelina Zhang Megha Maran Chelsea Zhang Olivia McGrath Blake Zhou Sara Nicholas


SPT.indd 190 3/5/2020 1:29:16 AM SPT.indd 191 3/5/2020 1:29:16 AM MEN’S SWIMMING AND DIVING HEAD COACH Meg Sisson French HEAD DIVING COACH Taryn Urbanus ASSISTANT COACH James Sica, Kristen Barry, Nicole O’Keeffe CAPTAINS Bouke Edskes, Tim Kralj, Matt Woicik

Nicholas Baginski Tracy Piercy Trevor Carter Jordan Ren Kyri Chen James Richardson Bouke Edskes Chris Rinard Alex Ellison Jake Shapiro Kevin Fang Emilio Sison Brian Glat Samuel Song David He Grady Thomas Henry Hu Sam Ubellacker Adam Janicki Brendan Wagner Jaya Kambhampaty Henry Wang Tim Kralj Matt Woicik Jay Lang Brandon Yue Justin Liu


SPT.indd 192 3/5/2020 1:29:17 AM SPT.indd 193 3/5/2020 1:29:17 AM WOMEN’S TENNIS HEAD COACH Carol Matsuzaki ASSOCIATE HEAD COACH Mason Astley ASSISTANT COACHES Vickie Ip, Jon Alvarez, Maryann Zhao CAPTAINS Megan Guenther, Vanessa Kitova, Lara Rakocevic, Libby Rickeman

Seraphin Castelino Sarah Pertsemlidis Pamela Duke Lara Rakocevic Sara Fernandez Libby Rickeman Megan Guenther Viktoriya Tabunshchyk Vanessa Kitova Ashley Teng Yuka Perera


SPT.indd 194 3/5/2020 1:29:17 AM SPT.indd 195 3/5/2020 1:29:18 AM MEN’S TENNIS HEAD COACH Dave Hagymas ASSISTANT COACHES Ross Pytko, Sean Ko CAPTAINS Victor Cheng, Albert Go

Pablo Ampudia Richter Jordaan Victor Cheng Daniel Papacica Arman Dave Derek Shen Albert Go Michael Zhao Benji Grossman


SPT.indd 196 3/5/2020 1:29:18 AM SPT.indd 197 3/5/2020 1:29:19 AM WOMEN’S TRACK AND FIELD HEAD COACH Halston Taylor ASSOCIATE HEAD COACH Todd Linder ASSISTANT COACHES Derek Rousseau, Selwyn Maxwell, Jr., Connor Hall, Laura Paulsen, Louise van den Heuvel, Mary Eccles, Kristen Frombach, Max Maritato, John Pietro, Stefano Pineda, Ariela Slutsky, Kari Stromhaug, Kyle Terpak, Cimran Virdi, Michaela Wenning CAPTAINS Lucy Lee, Marissa McPhillips, Liana Reilly, Margaret Trautner

Jacqueline Ahrens Sarah Ishamuddin Tema Nwana Kathleen Allden Folusho Jebutu Lillian Papalia Katie Bacher Joanna Kennedy Veronica Perdomo Rikita Bansal Anna Landler Sonia Purohit Brooke Bensche Lucy Lee Kirsi Rajagopal Skylar Brooks Emmeline MacPherson Margaret Redfield Kira Buttrey Anais Marenco Liana Reilly Alana Chandler Ali Marsh Nina Rhone Anna Chau Abby Mauermann Emily Skilling Maryann Chidume Megan McCandless Laena Tieng Katie Collins Elise McCormack Margaret Trautner Nicole Cybul Kimmy McPherson Elizabeth Weeks Einat Gavish Marissa McPhillips Katie Williams Izzi Gengaro Jenna Melanson Lila Wine Anna Haddad Claire Melvin Yilinn Yang Savannah Inglin Emily Niu Daniela Zaidenberg


SPT.indd 198 3/5/2020 1:29:20 AM SPT.indd 199 3/5/2020 1:29:20 AM MEN’S TRACK AND FIELD HEAD COACH Halston Taylor ASSOCIATE HEAD COACH Todd Linder ASSISTANT COACHES Derek Rousseau, Selwyn Maxwell Jr., Connor Hall, Laura Paulsen, Louise van den Heuvel, Mary Eccles, Kristen Frombach, Max Maritato, John Pietro, Stefano Pineda, Ariela Slutsky, Kari Stromhaug, Kyle Terpak, Cimran Virdi, Michaela Wenning CAPTAINS Liam Ackerman, Steven Goldy, Albert Menio, Chris Washington

Liam Ackerman Zach Johnson Alec Reduker Sam Acquaviva Jake Jorgensen Evan Schaefer Simon Alford Matthew Kearney Matt Schofield Nathan Basinger Joachim Kennedy Andrew Shao Everett Brandyberry Cameron Kleiman Yorai Shaoul Jeremiah Budiman Vedang Lad Kent Slaney Josh Derrick Gabriel Madonna Henry Sobieszczyk Nisarg Dharia Andrew Mah Steven Speck Dylan Doblar Steven Marquez Bryan Sperry Cooper Driscoll Nicholas Medearis Bobby Upton Nick Duchatellier Albert Menio Benjamin Urquhart Reed Foster Nic Minudri Chris Washington Aiden Foucault Etheridge Haran Nadarajah Kenneth Wei Steven Goldy Ryan Nall Benton Wilson Mozi Guobadia McKinley Polen Ryan Wilson Max Hardy Ellery Rajagopal William Woltmann Lowell Hensgen Sanjay Raman Billy Woltz Finn Jacobson-Schulte


SPT.indd 200 3/5/2020 1:29:20 AM SPT.indd 201 3/5/2020 1:29:20 AM WOMEN’S VOLLEYBALL HEAD COACH Paul Dill ASSISTANT COACHES Mike Coniglione, Jarred Velazquez, Alli Davanzo CAPTAINS Alexis Groark, Shea Landeene, Madison Lee, Andie Maloney

3 Sofie Kupiec 11 Hannah Collins 4 Madison Lee 12 Alyssa Unell 5 Emma Suh 13 Andie Maloney 6 Alexis Groark 14 Julia Caravias 7 Nikasha Patel 16 Lilly Edwards 8 Shea Landeene 18 Annie Bryan 9 Maggie Wang 19 Hannah Grupe 10 Francesca Macchiavello 21 Emily Condon


SPT.indd 202 3/5/2020 1:29:21 AM SPT.indd 203 3/5/2020 1:29:21 AM MEN’S VOLLEYBALL HEAD COACH Todd Elwell ASSISTANT COACHES Emily Hollingsworth, Elon Fyfield, Jordan Roldan, Jarred Velazquez CAPTAIN Jacob Gasparich, Thomas Nelson

1 Jack Yurkanin 12 Nicholas Gustafson 2 Albert Luo 13 Brett Allen 5 Steven Serrano 14 Steve Timberman 6 Seth Fine 15 Bradley Albright 7 Brady Darby 16 Dylan Ryan 8 Troy Oliveira 17 Michael Kulinski 9 Cole Linnus 18 Tommy Ogeka 10 Thomas Nelson 20 Evan Pasko 11 Nathan Wang 23 Jacob Gasparich


SPT.indd 204 3/5/2020 1:29:21 AM SPT.indd 205 3/5/2020 1:29:21 AM WATER POLO HEAD COACH Austin Ringheim ASSISTANT COACHES Craig Cheney, Chris Morgan, Kale Rogers, Scott Stephens CAPTAINS Clyde Huibregtse, Evan Kim, Pat Stefanou

1 Hayden Niederreiter 7 Miller Geschke 1A Conrad Oakes 8 Kyle Sandell 2 Ward Weldon 9 Kevin Downey 3 Evan Kim 10 John Steele 4 Griffin Leonard 12 Pat Stefanou 5 Clyde Huibregtse 17 Kaden DiMarco 6 Christian Schillinger 24 Sawyer Koetters


SPT.indd 206 3/5/2020 1:29:22 AM SPT.indd 207 3/5/2020 1:29:22 AM L I G VR I O NU GP S

LG.indd 208 3/5/2020 1:23:25 AM LG.indd 209 3/5/2020 1:23:25 AM BAKER HOUSE



LG.indd 210 3/5/2020 1:23:26 AM LG.indd 211 3/5/2020 1:23:27 AM BURTON CONNER Burton Two

BURTON CONNER Burton Third Bombers


LG.indd 212 3/5/2020 1:23:27 AM LG.indd 213 3/5/2020 1:23:28 AM BURTON CONNER Burton Five



LG.indd 214 3/5/2020 1:23:29 AM LG.indd 215 3/5/2020 1:23:29 AM BURTON CONNER Conner Two



LG.indd 216 3/5/2020 1:23:30 AM LG.indd 217 3/5/2020 1:23:30 AM BURTON CONNER Conner Five



LG.indd 218 3/5/2020 1:23:31 AM LG.indd 219 3/5/2020 1:23:31 AM EAST CAMPUS Putz



LG.indd 220 3/5/2020 1:23:32 AM LG.indd 221 3/5/2020 1:23:32 AM EAST CAMPUS Tetazoo



LG.indd 222 3/5/2020 1:23:33 AM LG.indd 223 3/5/2020 1:23:34 AM EAST CAMPUS Slugfest



LG.indd 224 3/5/2020 1:23:35 AM LG.indd 225 3/5/2020 1:23:35 AM MACGREGGOR A Entry



LG.indd 226 3/5/2020 1:23:36 AM LG.indd 227 3/5/2020 1:23:37 AM MACGREGGOR H Entry



LG.indd 228 3/5/2020 1:23:38 AM LG.indd 229 3/5/2020 1:23:39 AM MACGREGGOR J Entry

MASEEH Lower Level


LG.indd 230 3/5/2020 1:23:40 AM LG.indd 231 3/5/2020 1:23:40 AM MASEEH Two



LG.indd 232 3/5/2020 1:23:41 AM LG.indd 233 3/5/2020 1:23:42 AM MCCORMICK


LG.indd 234 3/5/2020 1:23:43 AM LG.indd 235 3/5/2020 1:23:43 AM NEW HOUSE French House

NEW HOUSE Chocolate City


LG.indd 236 3/5/2020 1:23:44 AM LG.indd 237 3/5/2020 1:23:45 AM NEW HOUSE German House



LG.indd 238 3/5/2020 1:23:46 AM LG.indd 239 3/5/2020 1:23:47 AM NEW HOUSE La Casa



LG.indd 240 3/5/2020 1:23:48 AM LG.indd 241 3/5/2020 1:23:48 AM NEW HOUSE Four



LG.indd 242 3/5/2020 1:23:49 AM LG.indd 243 3/5/2020 1:23:49 AM NEXT HOUSE 2E



LG.indd 244 3/5/2020 1:23:50 AM LG.indd 245 3/5/2020 1:23:52 AM NEXT HOUSE 2W

NEXT HOUSE Danger Rail Third


LG.indd 246 3/5/2020 1:23:54 AM LG.indd 247 3/5/2020 1:23:55 AM NEXT HOUSE Safety Third



LG.indd 248 3/5/2020 1:23:57 AM LG.indd 249 3/5/2020 1:23:59 AM NEXT HOUSE 5E



LG.indd 250 3/5/2020 1:24:01 AM LG.indd 251 3/5/2020 1:24:02 AM NEXT HOUSE 5W



LG.indd 252 3/5/2020 1:24:04 AM LG.indd 253 3/5/2020 1:24:05 AM SIMMONS HALL


LG.indd 254 3/5/2020 1:24:06 AM LG.indd 255 3/5/2020 1:24:06 AM CHI PHI


LG.indd 256 3/9/2020 8:42:41 PM LG.indd 257 3/9/2020 8:42:42 PM DELTA PSI (NO. 6)



LG.indd 258 3/5/2020 1:24:09 AM LG.indd 259 3/5/2020 1:24:10 AM KAPPA SIGMA



LG.indd 260 3/5/2020 1:24:11 AM LG.indd 261 3/5/2020 1:24:11 AM PHI BETA EPSILON



LG.indd 262 3/5/2020 1:24:12 AM LG.indd 263 3/5/2020 1:24:13 AM PHI KAPPA SIGMA



LG.indd 264 3/5/2020 1:24:14 AM LG.indd 265 3/5/2020 1:24:15 AM SIGMA CHI



LG.indd 266 3/5/2020 1:24:16 AM LG.indd 267 3/5/2020 1:24:16 AM TAU EPSILON PHI



LG.indd 268 3/5/2020 1:24:17 AM LG.indd 269 3/5/2020 1:24:18 AM THETA XI



LG.indd 270 3/5/2020 1:24:18 AM LG.indd 271 3/5/2020 1:24:19 AM FENWAY HOUSE



LG.indd 272 3/5/2020 1:24:20 AM LG.indd 273 3/5/2020 1:24:21 AM PIKA



LG.indd 274 3/5/2020 1:24:21 AM LG.indd 275 3/5/2020 1:24:22 AM ALPHA PHI



LG.indd 276 3/5/2020 1:24:23 AM LG.indd 277 3/5/2020 1:24:24 AM DELTA PHI EPSILON



LG.indd 278 3/5/2020 1:24:25 AM LG.indd 279 3/5/2020 1:24:25 AM SIGMA KAPPA



LG.indd 280 3/5/2020 1:24:26 AM LG.indd 281 3/5/2020 1:24:27 AM S E N I O R S

SNRpre.indd 282 3/9/2020 8:49:38 PM SNRpre.indd 283 3/9/2020 8:49:38 PM 284 SENIORS SENIORS 285

SNRpre.indd 284 3/13/2020 4:23:34 PM SNRpre.indd 285 3/13/2020 4:23:36 PM Marcus Abate Marwa Abdulhai Madeline Abrahams John Adeyeye Muskaan Aggarwal Alex Aguilar mabate abdulhai maddyabr adeyeyej muskaan aaguilar Course 6-3, WGS Course 2 New York City Mohegan Lake, New York “It’s the ingredients you “I did impossible things choose (Chorizo? Sure! Rye on this journey. I’m tired bread? Why not?) that will of hearing that things are make your stuffing stand impossible. It means nothing out.” - Claire Saffitz to me.” - Jotaro Kujo

Zidane Abubakar Kenneth Acquah Katherine Adams Elaheh Ahmadi Jenna Ahn Alexander Alabugin zidaneka kkacquah kadams elahea ahnjk alabugin Course 6-3 Course 6-2 Course 10B, 6 Course 5 Norwalk, CT Iran, Tehran Orange County, CA Tallahassee, Florida Imagine it, Believe it, Reach IHTFP it.


286-297 261158-4.indd 286 4/21/2020 10:53:00 AM 286-297 261158-4.indd 287 4/21/2020 10:53:01 AM Masrur Alam Jordan Alford Max Allen Foli Amaizo Adrianna Amaro David Amirault masrura jalford maxallen amaizof amaro davidja Course 20 Course 10-ENG, 21G Course 6-3 Course 1, 6-3 Course 6-3, 18 Saipan, MP Tulsa, OK “DMV”[:-1] Dacula, Georgia Lexington, MA Sit down... Be Humble! Veni; vidi; vici. I came; I saw; A moment kept to yourself I conquered. is just a memory. A moment shared with others is your life.

Thomas Allison Alhamzah Alnufaili Christian Omar Vilhelm Andersen Sarah Antiles Md Sanzeed Anwar Altamirano Modesto Woltz tallison alhamzah santiles sanzeed bdiehs vilhelm Course 6-14 Course 6-3, 18 Course 6-3, 18 Course 8, 6-2, 18 Mymensingh, Bangladesh Huanuco, Peru Logan, Ohio I used to be an adventurer Identity theft is not a joke. like you, then I took an arrow in the knee.


286-297 261158-4.indd 288 4/21/2020 10:53:01 AM 286-297 261158-4.indd 289 4/21/2020 10:53:01 AM Brandon Aranda Ersin Arioglu Fadi Atieh Raja Azhar Yazan Ba’ara Katharine Bacher arandab ersin fadi77 bazhar yazan ktbacher Course 2, 22-ENG, 14 Course 6-3, 14 Course 18, 6-3 Course 3, 8 Course 2A-15 Course 6-2 Sacramento, CA Istanbul, Turkey Tartus, Syria NYC Amman, Jordan Macungie, PA Do big good make success. Ya dig?

Max Augustine Samuel Austin Brent Avery Woonyong Bae Michelle Bai Lily Bailey maxaug austinsp averybal wbae mabai125 lbailey Course 15-1 Course 16 Course 16, 14 Course 14-1, 17, Energy Course 6-3 Mendham, New Jersey Allendale, MI Chula VIsta Studies Danvers, MA “Mystery creates wonder, Gainesville, Florida Human knowledge is never and wonder is the basis for contained in one person. It man’s desire to understand” grows from the relationships we create between each other and the world.


286-297 261158-4.indd 290 4/21/2020 10:53:02 AM 286-297 261158-4.indd 291 4/21/2020 10:53:02 AM Jamarber Bakalli Brigid Bane Brandon Baraban Brian Bates Emma Batson David Bau bakalli bbane bbaraban batesb emmabat abau Course 6-3, 21W Course 7, 5 Course 6-3, 18, 21M Course 8, 6-1 Course 6-3, 18 Staten Island Melville, New York, USA Knoxville, TN Lincoln, MA “’In this world, it’s milk or And how are you these days, be milked’ - German Soto” - dear reader? Anna Neuman

Damian Barabonkov Diego Barea Remy Bassett-Audain Eden Bensaid Maya Berlinger Jackson Bernatchez damianb dbarea remyba edenbd mayaberl jrbernat Course 6-3 Course 16-ENG Course 6-3, 18 Course 3 Course 6-3 Winchester, MA Coral Springs, FL Netanya, Israel Somers, NY Belgrade, Maine Some fun facts about MIT: Only You Can Stop You Trade your expectations for People told me you can’t win Turns out its one of Boston’s appreciation. here top party schools and -CM Unified doesn’t live up to its notoriety.


286-297 261158-4.indd 292 4/21/2020 10:53:02 AM 286-297 261158-4.indd 293 4/21/2020 10:53:03 AM Emma Bernstein Emily Berzolla Federico Bescotti Eric Boehlke Andrea Bolivar Matos Darius Bopp emavera berzolla fedb eboehlke bolivara dbopp Course 6-7, AMS Course 2 Course 2A, 15-1 Course 6-2 Course 6-2 Course 6-3 Riverside, CT Harare, Zimbabwe West Harrison, NY Butler, Pennsylvania “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” - Aristotle

Kevin Beuchot Matthew Beveridge Darian Bhathena Luke Bordonaro Anoushka Bose Eric Bradford Castellanos mattbev darianb lukebord anoushka ebrad kbeuchot Course 6-2, 18 Course 6-3, 20 Course 6-3 Course 6-3 Frederick, MD Andover, MA Ronkonkoma, New York Dublin, Ohio The future rewards those who press on...I don’t have time to complain. I’m going to press on.


286-297 261158-4.indd 294 4/21/2020 10:53:03 AM 286-297 261158-4.indd 295 4/21/2020 10:53:04 AM Mary Brewer Ariel Brito Jonathon Brown Matthew Campbell Samuel Cantrell Melissa Cao kbrewer abrito jbrown97 mcampb06 samcan45 melc Course 16, 21H Course 6-14 Course 16, 21N Course 2A-15, 15-2 Course 15-1, 21M Louisville, KY Miami Clarksville, MD Seattle If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done. -Thomas Jefferson

Emily Cai Alexis Camacho Karen Camacho Timothy Cardona Kevin Carlson Kristy Carpenter ecai camacho1 kcamacho tcardona kcarlson kcarp Course 6-3, 18 Course 6-2 Course 6-7 Riverside, California Woodinville, WA aHR0cHM6Ly95b3V0dWJ lLmNvbS93YXRjaD92PW RRdzR3OVdnWGNR


286-297 261158-4.indd 296 4/21/2020 10:53:04 AM 286-297 261158-4.indd 297 4/21/2020 10:53:04 AM Julia Castiglia Hector Castillo Ryan Catalano Crystal Chang Hannah Chang Asia Chapman jcf hectorc rjcatala crystal1 hchang3 ginger20 Course 6-14, 15-2 Course 2-A/6 Course 7 Course 6-3 Florence, Italy San Antonio, Texas Rowland Heights, CA The grass is greener where When I grow up and before you water it. I grow up, I would like to be happy. :)

Loewen Cavill Gabriela Cazares Lujing Cen Andrew Chen Cecilia Chen Cindy Chen loewenkc gcazares lujing achen88 yijia ccindy Course 2A6 Course 6-3, 18 Course 18C Course 10B Milford, OH Foxboro, MA New York City Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.


298-309 261158-4.indd 298 4/21/2020 10:54:04 AM 298-309 261158-4.indd 299 4/21/2020 10:54:05 AM Claudia Chen Hannah Chen Melanie Chen Leon Cheng Victor Cheng Rayden Chia cjc chenhs melchen leonc vbc rayden Course 2A, CMS Course 18C, 9 Course 6-3, 18 Course 6-3 Course 6-3 Course 6-3, 21G Overland Park, Kansas Columbia, MO Bellevue, WA New York Santa Monica Singapore “I dwell in possibility” “ You only live once, but Rayden wins! -Emily Dickinson if you do it right, once is enough.”

Xingyu Chen Allen Cheng Anthony Cheng Julia Cho Cathy Choi Seri Choi crystalx allcheng alcheng juliacho cyjchoi serichoi Course 10-B Course 8, 14-2, Statistics Course 3A15, ESM, 6-3 Course 7 Course 3, 17 Course 6-3 Bolingbrook, IL Vienna, VA Sandy, Utah Cupertino, CA Las Vegas, NV Plymouth, Minnesota i knew more in 2016 Let us enjoy ourselves, let us This too, shall pass. My middle name is Bok. seek our impact, let us find joy in our lives!


298-309 261158-4.indd 300 4/21/2020 10:54:05 AM 298-309 261158-4.indd 301 4/21/2020 10:54:06 AM Jakub Chudik Gloria Chyr Lauren Clamon Van Coykendall Dana Dabbousi Ashton Dacon jchudik gchyr lclamon vcoyk dabbousi dacon Course 6-3 Course 3, Japanese Course 7A, 21L Course 10B, 7, EI Bratislava, Slovakia Hialeah, FL Chula Vista Dhahran, Saudi Arabia I’m leaving and I’m taking all “With every hardship comes my Chyr with me! ease” (Quran 15:85)

Mateo Correa Rebekah Costello Jeremy Cowham Jade Daher Neel Das Izumi de los Rios Kobara mateoc rebekahc jcowham daherj nkdas Course 2 Course 20, 17 Course 20, 9, 24-2 Course 2 izumidk Pereira, Colombia Cornelius, NC Needham, MA “These young guys are “Shoot for the moon. Even if Quotes just tell you what you playing checkers. I’m out you miss, you’ll land among already know. there playing chess.” -Kobe the stars.” “Black Mamba” Bryant


298-309 261158-4.indd 302 4/21/2020 10:54:06 AM 298-309 261158-4.indd 303 4/21/2020 10:54:06 AM Andrew Delgadillo Alenta Demissew Kenneth Derek Maurizio Diaz Alexander Dimitrakakis Tony Ding adelg alentad kderek mau dimitral tonyding Course 6-3, 18 Course 6-3, 18, 21M Course 6-2, 18, 14 Course 6-3 Orlando, FL Diamond Bar, CA Nashville You can have anything you want just not everything.

Sanath Devalapurkar Camille Devoe Michael Di Mascio Kyle Dominguez Shannon Duffy Murielle Dunand sanathd cxdevoe dimascio kpd sduffy mdunand Course 18, 8 Course 6-7 Course 3rd Course 6-3 Torrance, California Ipswich, MA Boulder, CO Wellesley, MA Are you gay, taken, or Kyle?


298-309 261158-4.indd 304 4/21/2020 10:54:07 AM 298-309 261158-4.indd 305 4/21/2020 10:54:07 AM Stephen Duncan Ramya Durvasula Joseph Edwards Brandon Epstein Alonso Espinosa Joseph Raymund Dominguez Espiritu sduncan rdurvas josephed datboi Course 10-ENG Course 24 Course 8, 18 aespdom joray Environmental Houston, TX Huntington, New York Course 7 Severna Park, MD “Put me in a system and you Karen you scoundrel release Los Angeles, California negate me.” - Kierkegaard me from this yearbook at Red Team Pentakill! once

Matthew Ellison Jad Elmourad Riley Ennis Juan Sabastian Jonathan Esteban Gabriel Evans Esquivel Gutierrez mvelliso elmourad rileyjo jesteban gevans1 Course 18 Course 16, 8, Theater Arts Course 2A, Spanish sebasesq Course 6-3 Jericho, Vermont Akkar, Lebanon Riverside, CT Course 10 Dorado, Puerto Rico We are not human beings “There are still so many Cuenca, Ecuador “Compassion is the basis of having a spiritual experience. causes worth sacrificing for, morality.” We are spiritual beings so much history yet to be ― Arthur Schopenhauer having a human experience. made.” - Michelle Obama


298-309 261158-4.indd 306 4/21/2020 10:54:08 AM 298-309 261158-4.indd 307 4/21/2020 10:54:08 AM Andres Fabrega Jierui Fang Joseph Faraguna Liam Fenlon Hannah Field Julia Fiksinski andresfg jierui faraguna ldfenlon hfield fiksin Course 6-3, 18 Course 4B, BME, CS Course 20 Course 15-2, Energy Studies Course 8, 6-2 Course 6-3, 21M-Music Panama City, Panama Plano, TX Houston, Texas Chappaqua, NY NYC “Life itself is a quotation.” - “When the going gets tough, God keep me from ever “We have a single mission Jorge Luis Borges the tough get going.” completing anything. -- to protect and hand on the planet to the next generation.” (François Hollande)

Matthew Farejowicz Anjolaoluwa Fayemi Selena Feng Maxwell Fishelson Erica Flear Samantha Fletcher mfarejow fanjola scfeng maxfish ejillian sjfletch Course 18C Course 10, 21U Course 6-3 Course 18 Course 10-B, Literature Lake Zurich Lagos Crozet, Virginia NYC Middletown, CT “Amateurs call it genius; If ye had the chance, te masters call it practice.” change yer fate, would ye?


298-309 261158-4.indd 308 4/21/2020 10:54:08 AM 298-309 261158-4.indd 309 4/21/2020 10:54:09 AM Diana Flores Hayley Flores Ryan Flores Aigneis Frey Johnny Fung Michal Gala floresd hmflores rmflores email jfung mlgala Course 7, Public Policy Course 2 Course 2 Course 10 Chadds Ford, PA Chicago Gliwice, Poland “I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in.”John Muir

Marielle Folan Alexandra Nathan Foss Mathew Ganatra Jiyang Gao Qiyun Gao Forsey-Smerek mfolan npfoss ganatra gaojy98 qgao aforsey Course 6-3, 18 Course 18, 6-3, 21N Course 2A6 Alexandria, VA Shanghai, China Qingdao, China No fate but what we make MIT is love; MIT is life.


310-321 261158-4.indd 310 4/21/2020 10:55:05 AM 310-321 261158-4.indd 311 4/21/2020 10:55:05 AM Madeline Garcia Apolonia Gardner Andrea Garmilla Bamlak Gessessew Amanuael Gidey Joaquin Giraldo Laguna mkgarcia apolonia agarmill bamlak agidey joaquing Course 16 Course 7, 9, 5 and BME Course 20 Course 6-3, 17 Course 6-14, 15-2 Course 2A, 4 Charlotte, NC Imperial, CA Charlotte, NC Alexandria, VA Adigrat, Tigray Arequipa You win some, lose more “If you’re going to do Thank you my family, MIT, something, do it right.” --- and everyone who has QED Ernest Preciado (my Tata) helped me along the way!

Gianna Garza Allan Gelman Danny Gelman Albert Go Remi Godinez Devon Goetz gianna allangel dannygel albertgo remig dkgoetz Course 21E (6-3 and CMS) Course 21E (6-3 and CMS) Course 2 Course 2A-6, CMS Course 2, 9 Miami, FL Miami, FL Merritt Island, FL Los Angeles, Ca Rockville, MD


310-321 261158-4.indd 312 4/21/2020 10:55:06 AM 310-321 261158-4.indd 313 4/21/2020 10:55:06 AM Conrad Goffinet Caela Gomes Mariana Gomez del Darnell Granberry Kristina Greenwood Grant Gregus Campo conradgo caelag darnellg kagreenw gregus marianag Course 10 Lompoc, CA

Nicolas Gomez del Linda Gong Daniel Gonzalez Jada Griffith Alexis Groark Rachel Groberman Campo Cunningham lgong jada agroark rachelgr nico2020 Course 6-3 dangonzo Course 6-3 Course 2A-PD, 15-3 Course 6-3 Course 6-2 Curaçao Elwood, New York Lufkin, Texas “Imperfection is beauty, “ You can never have too madness is genius, and many pictures of the it’s better to be absolutely Great Dome!” - Stacey T. ridiculous than absolutely Nakamura ‘80 boring.”


310-321 261158-4.indd 314 4/21/2020 10:55:07 AM 310-321 261158-4.indd 315 4/21/2020 10:55:07 AM Benjamin Gruber Katharina V. Gschwind Karen Gu Fatima Gunter-Rahma Daniel Guo Xiaolu Guo gruber gschwind karengu fatimagr dzguo xiaolu20 Course 6-14 Course 6-3 Course 6-7, Lingustics, Data Course 6-7 Course 6-3, 18 Course 6-3 Signal Mountain, TN Chappaqua, NY Sci. Falls Church, VA Sunnyvale, California [email protected], “Notice when you are happy, East Hanover, NJ Verily with hardship there is You either die a wota, or keep in touch! and exclaim or murmur or The best plan is no plan at ease (Quran 94:6) you live long enough to see think at some point, ‘If this all. yourself become riajuu. isn’t nice, I don’t know what is.’” -Vonnegut

Tianyun Gu Ning Guan Adam Gumbardo Arjun Gupta Deepankar Gupta Ayse Guvenilir tyg ningguan gumbardo argupta deepg14 guveayse Course 6-14 Course 20, 18, 14 Course 6-3 Course 6-3 Course 6-3, 18 Wuhan, China Babylon, NY Springfield, VA Naperville, IL “No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.” - Hal Borland


310-321 261158-4.indd 316 4/21/2020 10:55:08 AM 310-321 261158-4.indd 317 4/21/2020 10:55:08 AM Jasper Haag Aya Halawi Claire Halloran Luke Hartnett Emmanuel Helen He Havugimana jhaag aghalawi challora revhart hmhe Course 6-3 Course 20 Course 3 Course 2, Energy Studies ehavugi Malden, MA Dubai Wauwatosa, WI Revere, MA Course 6-1 live to learn; learn to live “I think sometimes in life, Huye, Rwanda the biggest challenges end up being the best things that happen in your life.” - Tom Brady

Alexandra Hanselman Kelton Hardrict Elizabeth Harkavy Yiran He Barbarah Heimer Christian Henn aghansel keltonjr eharkavy yiranhe heimer chenn Course 8, Astronomy Course 16 Course 20, 6 Course 6-3 Naperville Whittier, CA Recife and Miami Evanston, IL Everything will work out in “‘Dream big’ - Bob Langer” - When you touch nonfear, the end. Barbarah Heimer you are free.


310-321 261158-4.indd 318 4/21/2020 10:55:08 AM 310-321 261158-4.indd 319 4/21/2020 10:55:09 AM Robert Henning Anthony Hernandez Jesus Herrera Joshua Hilke Karina Hinojosa Chessa Hoekstra robertch vercinge jesush25 jrhilke karinah chessa Course 21E: 6-CMS Course CMS, 6-3 Course 8, 18 Course 6-3 Course 6-2 San Marcos, California Corpus Christi Los Angeles Columbia, South Carolina Portland, Maine Growth is happiness, money Tolerate anything and Shoot your heart out! Did you know that Bottle-fed since 1998 is a poor incentive, and seek everything except intolerance microchips taste nothing like #lordylord out knowledge, experiences, potato chips? and kindness. Anyways, I’m not allowed in the electronics lab anymore

Fernando Herrera Arias Kendyll Hicks Rayna Higuchi Meital Hoffman Luis Hong Sanchez Claire Hsu luisfer knhicks higuchir meital luis9 clhsu Course 6-3 Course 1 Course 11-6 Course 15 Course 6-3 Ciudad Guzman, Mexico Solana Beach Skokie, IL Zhuhai, China Irvine, CA Peace out girl scouts Why should I be studying How many lightbulbs does it for a future that soon may take to change a person? be no more, when no one is doing anything to save that future? -Greta Thunberg


310-321 261158-4.indd 320 4/21/2020 10:55:09 AM 310-321 261158-4.indd 321 4/21/2020 10:55:10 AM Emily Hu Eva Hu Kedi Hu Allison Huske Hussain Iris Hwang emilyhu ehhu kedihu achuske hussaint hwangir Course 6-3, 21M Course 7, 21L Course 2, 6 Denton, TX Chicago

Stephanie Hu Kaleigh Hunt Valerie Hunter Shannon Hwang Hector Iglesias Andrea Jessica Jaba shu98 huntke vhunter hwangys higlesia adjaba Course 6-3, 9 Course 10, 21G Course 6-2, Energy Studies Course 8, 21L San Diego Humphrey, NY Cupertino, CA Alton, Texas Every weirdo in the world is on my wavelength.


322-333 261158-4.indd 322 4/21/2020 10:56:20 AM 322-333 261158-4.indd 323 4/21/2020 10:56:20 AM Satvat Jagwani Shreyan Jain Soo Jung Jang Effie Jia Matthew Johnston Kelvin Jones satvat shreyan soojungj effie mlarash kelvinj Course 6-3, 18 Course 6-3, 21L Course 6-3 Course 4, 4B, E&S Course 8, CS Course 10, 14 Satna, MP, India Sunnyvale, CA San Ramon, CA Portola Valley, CA Raleigh, NC The experience has been Life moves pretty fast. If you great, but I wish I had the don’t stop and look around diligence and intelligence to once in a while, you could learn from it. miss it.

Nicholas William Ahmad Mujtaba Jebran Swarna K Jeewajee Carolyn Jons Ivan Jutamulia Nicolaas Kaashoek Janovetz jebran skay ckjons ivanj nicolaas janonich Course 2, 6-2, 22 Course 3 Course 6-3, IDSS Course 6-3 Course 6-3 Kabul, Afghanistan Eden Prairie, Minnesota Berkeley, CA Lexington, Massachusetts Mukwonago, WI Do no harm, and allow none to come to harm.


322-333 261158-4.indd 324 4/21/2020 10:56:21 AM 322-333 261158-4.indd 325 4/21/2020 10:56:21 AM Sule Kahraman Sloan Kanaski Pramoda Karnati Max Kessler Sabrina Khan Talia Khan sulek nineoaks pkarnati mkessler syked tkhan20 Course 6-2, Stats & Data Course 8, 18 Course 6-3, BME Course 2 Course 16-ENG, 12, STS Course 3, 21M Science Tucson, AZ Gainesville Friday Harbor, WA Scotch Plains, NJ Phoenix, AZ Mersin, Turkey “For with much wisdom Those who are crazy enough “Go confidently in the “This above all: to thine comes much sorrow; to think they can change the direction of your dreams” - own self be true.” - William the more knowledge, the world usually do. Henry David Thoreau Shakespeare more grief.” Ecclesiastes 1:18 (NIV)

Madlyn Kates Caitlin Keegan Sean Kent Anders Khaykin Hanna Kherzai Min Thet Khine mhkates ckeegan seankent akhaykin hkherzai mtkhine Course 6-2 Course 3, 14-1, 15-3 , 6-3 Course 14, 21W Course 6-3 Bend, OR Manhattan Beach, CA “I want to tell you the truth, Yangon, Myanmar Win third down. “ Fortune Favors the and already I have told you Prepared Mind “ - about the wide rivers.” -Joan Pasteur Didion “ Education, Education, and More Education “ - моя бабушка


322-333 261158-4.indd 326 4/21/2020 10:56:21 AM 322-333 261158-4.indd 327 4/21/2020 10:56:22 AM Violet Killy Dain Kim Emily Kim Talya Klinger Joon Ko Jim Koldada violetk dainkim emilykim tklinger joonhok jkoldada Course 2A-6 Course 8, 18 Course 6-3 Course 16 New York, NY Novato Huntington, NY “Never grow a wishbone “Rien n’est beau que le vrai.” where your backbone --Hermann Minkowski ought to be.” – Clementine Paddleford

Ji Seok Kim Chiaki Kirby Madeleine Kline Aleksa Konstantinov Jeevesh Konuru Zachary Kopstein jiseokk clkirby klinem aleksak jeevesh kopstein Course 8, 21M, 6 Course 2 Course 18, Data Science Course 2 Course 2A Newton MA Cambridge, MA Kikinda, Serbia Osprey, FL Tiburon, CA Thanks Mom!


322-333 261158-4.indd 328 4/21/2020 10:56:22 AM 322-333 261158-4.indd 329 4/21/2020 10:56:22 AM Michelle Kornberg Daniel Korsun Olivia Koslow Vedaant Kukadia Michael Kulinski Agni Kumar michkor dkorsun livk vpk kulinski agnik Course 2-OE, 21M Course 6-3 Course 6-3, 18, 14 Belmont, MA New Lenox, IL Milton, GA

Elorm Koto Brandon Kramer Grace Kuffner Michael Kural Zoe Lallas Grace Lam ekoto4 brandonk gkuffner mkural znlallas gracelam Course 6-3 Course 15-3 Course 7, 21M-2 Course 1, 11 Course 6-3 West Palm Beach, Florida “O, there has been much Chicago San Jose, CA throwing about of brains.” - “It takes nothing away from Weak made strong, in the Guildenstern (Hamlet, act 2 a human to be kind to an Savior’s love. scene II) animal.” – Joaquin Phoenix


322-333 261158-4.indd 330 4/21/2020 10:56:23 AM 322-333 261158-4.indd 331 4/21/2020 10:56:23 AM Jason Lam Shea Landeene Ronit Langer Serena Le Cecile Leclerc Hannah Ledford jasonlam landeene rnlanger sle20 cleclerc ledford Course 6-3, 15-1 Course 20, 9 Course 6-2, 17 Course 2 Course 2A Course 12, 21W pog Phoenix, Arizona New Jersey Aiea, Hawaii Dallas Oof Of course I have time for that

Sydney LaPorte Raul Largaespada Mia LaRocca Abigail Lee Allen Lee Jinny Lee slaporte rlargaes mlarocca abbielee allenlee jinnylee Course 14-1 Course 16, 6-2 Course 16, Music Course 16 Course 6-3 Baltimore, MD Olney, Maryland Concord, MA Costa Mesa, CA Short Hills, NJ “What, like it’s hard?” “We are all in the gutter, but Hi Mom “The heart of man plans his -Elle Woods some of us are looking at the way, but the Lord establishes stars.” - Oscar Wilde his steps.” - Proverbs 16:9


322-333 261158-4.indd 332 4/21/2020 10:56:24 AM 322-333 261158-4.indd 333 4/21/2020 10:56:24 AM Ariel Levy Rachel Ann Levy Dylan Lewis Laura Li Lawrence Li Stephanie Li aslevy levyr drlewis laurali lawli stephli Course 6-3, WGS Course 6-3 Course 6-2 Course 2A Industrial Course 6-14, Music New York City Los Angeles Design, Design Denver, CO Westchester, NY

Helen Li Ivy Li Jenny Li Wilbur Li Yanlin Li Jacqueline Liao li_helen lii jenli8 wilburli orthrus liaoj Course 6-3 Course 8, 21L Course 6-2 Course 6-3, 2 Course 16, 6 New York Pembroke Pines, FL NYC Houston, TX “Your word is a lamp for my “I have no idea where this “A journey of a thousand Put all your eggs in one feet, a light on my path.” - will lead us. But I have a miles begins with a single basket, and then guard the Psalm 119:105 definite feeling it will be a step” basket. place both wonderful and strange.” -Twin Peaks


334-345 261158-4.indd 334 4/21/2020 10:57:04 AM 334-345 261158-4.indd 335 4/21/2020 10:57:05 AM Laura Liao Weishan Liao Justin Lim Leanne Lin Po-Han Lin Sonja Lindberg lzliao weishan justinl lw16164 pohanlin sonj Course 7, WGS Course 2 Course 20, 18 Course 6-2, 20 Sammamish, WA Pasadena, CA Chiayi, Taiwan “The only way to survive These are the days that is by taking care of one must happen to you. - Walt another.” -Grace Lee Boggs Whitman

Elton Lin Jackie Lin Kun Lin Eva Lisowski Cynthia Liu Isabelle Liu eltonlin jalin torulk evalski cynliu98 isab8liu Course 6-14, 18 Course 4, 11 Course 6-3 Course 22 Course 6-3, 18 Course 6-1, 2A-6 Hsinchu San Francisco Troy, Michigan Darnestown, MD 4 years at MIT is ending “I will never give up! Okay I “Your heart knows the way. If I Look Back, I Am Lost. I tried, sometimes failed, 3 Ames St is home give up.” Run in that direction” - rumi sometimes succeeded, but 2 majors was so much work always learned :/ 1 hella good time it was :D


334-345 261158-4.indd 336 4/21/2020 10:57:05 AM 334-345 261158-4.indd 337 4/21/2020 10:57:06 AM Jessica Liu Lynn Liu Nanxi Liu Sofia Lobo Hannah Loizzo Andrew Lu jvliu lynnliu nanxi lobosa hjloizzo andrewlu Course 6-3 Course 5-7, 21K Course 6-3 Course 3, 15-1 Course 10, French Course 14-1, 15-1 Springfield, VA Orange, Connecticut Rancho Cucamonga Midland, MI Libertyville, IL Boston “ You could do anything, if Be open with your love and When life gives you lemons, only you dared.” loud with your laughter. Life build an electrovoltaic cell. is so much brighter when lived genuinely. :)

Tara Liu Vincent Liu Theresa Lo Jennifer Lu Patricia Lu Kara Luo taraliu vincentl email jennlu pjlu luok Course CMS, 6-3 Course 8 Course 15-1 Course 6-2, 18 Mount Laurel 404 thetlo


334-345 261158-4.indd 338 4/21/2020 10:57:06 AM 334-345 261158-4.indd 339 4/21/2020 10:57:06 AM Sophia Luo Cory Lynch Kevin Lyons Emily Malison Ziad Mansour Chenkai Mao syluo cor kalyons emalison ziadm chenkai Course 6-3, 14-2 Course 6-3, Japanese Course 6-3 Course 6-3 Course 10, 18 Course 6-2, 8, 18, 21M Cupertino, California Guilford, CT Weymouth, MA Guilford, CT Lebanon Hangzhou, China “thank u, next” “Innovation is saying no to Esse Quam Videri a thousand things.” - Steve -Ariana Grande, 2019 Jobs

Jingwei Ma Loren Maggiore Kyra Majors Gabriel Margolis Gabrielle Marvez Christopher Mauck jingweim lrm kvmajors gmargo gmarvez cmauck10 Course 6-3 Course 7 Course 16, 6-2 Course 9 Beijing Newport News, VA Fairfax, VA West Palm Beach, Florida Get busy living or get busy I will not be summed, dying. divided, or thresholded. I defy your calculations!


334-345 261158-4.indd 340 4/21/2020 10:57:07 AM 334-345 261158-4.indd 341 4/21/2020 10:57:07 AM Megan McCandless Abigail McGee Warner McGhee Ian McNally Marissa McPhillips Briana Rose McRae meganmcc mcgeea wamcghee mcnallyi mmcphill brimcr Course 2 Course 20 Course 22, 2 Course 20, 21W Course 9, 6 San Diego, California Roanoke, Virginia Narragansett, RI River Vale, NJ “ To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funny bone.” -Reba McEntire

Fiona McKellar Christopher McKinney Leah McKinney Olga Medrano Martin Lingjie Mei David Mejorado del Campo flm chrismck lkmck jerrymei dmejorad Course 2 Course 6-14 Course 7, AMS omedrano Course 18, 6-3 Course 6-1 Palos Verdes, CA Concord Minden, NV Course 18, 6-3 Shanghai, China Laredo, TX bro dog I’m painted I feel like my life is just a ‘forsan et haec olim Guadalajara If in the morning I were series of unrelated wacky meminisse iuvabit.’ - Vergil, How blessed to have a to gain knowledge of the adventures Aeneid I. 203 chance to err, to dream, correct path in life, I would to learn, to do, to love; to be able to die at sunset go after those shiny stars without regrets. reflected on the Charles.


334-345 261158-4.indd 342 4/21/2020 10:57:07 AM 334-345 261158-4.indd 343 4/21/2020 10:57:08 AM Jenna Melanson Melissa Meloche Albert Menio Enrico Micali Lucy Milde Elijah Miller jennamel mmeloche menioa emicali milde elijahm Course 20, 21L Course 2 Course 6-3 Course 2, E&S Course 2, 15-3 La Center, WA Harrison Twp, MI East Stroudsburg, PA Mattapoisett Shavertown, PA You can make that jump. “Man cannot remake himself “We looked at the data, and without suffering, for he what we found surprised us.” is both the marble and the sculptor.” ---Sam Hyde - Alexis Carrell

Michelle Menkiti Maia Mesyngier Adrian Meza Tyler Millis Margarita Daniel Monagle Misirpashayeva mmenkiti mmesyngi alm tmillis monagled Course 7 Course 6-3 ritagram Swarthmore, PA Fort Myers Course 24-2, 18C You are


334-345 261158-4.indd 344 4/21/2020 10:57:08 AM 334-345 261158-4.indd 345 4/21/2020 10:57:08 AM Jonathan Monahemi Felipe Monsalve Felipe Moreno Tyler Lawrence Moroso Noah Moroze Hamed Mounla jmona monsalve pipemon tlmoroso moroze hmounla Course 18, 15-2, 14 Course 6-3, 14-2 Course 6-2 Course 6-2 Great Neck Medellín, Colombia Valencia Lexington, MA Eat Ass, Smoke Grass There’s no stopping us now.

Harith Morgan Kyle Morgenstein Christian Moroney Ciara Mulcahy Urmi Mustafi Nia Myrie hmorgan kyle73 cmoroney ciaramul umustafi nmyrie Course 2 Course 3 Course 20 Brooklyn, NY Roanoke, Virginia “In the remembrance of Flexitarian. Take it easy, God do hearts find rest”- sustainably. Quran[13:28]


346-357 261158-4.indd 346 4/21/2020 10:58:12 AM 346-357 261158-4.indd 347 4/21/2020 10:58:12 AM Molly Nagele Audace Nakeshimana Domenic Narducci Cathy Nguyen Diana Nguyen Eshaan Nichani nagele audace domenicn cathyn nguyend eshnich Course 20 Course 6-3 Course 18, 6-3 Lancaster, PA San Diego, CA

Mohammed Nasir Heather Nelson Ajinkya Nene Hayden Niederreiter Habiba Noamany Charles Nodus mnasir hnelson anene hniederr hnoamany cnodus Course 16-ENG Course 2A, Design Course 7, 15-2 Course 9 Toronto, Canada Fair Haven, NJ Visalia import torch as tf c’est la vie means yolo in spanish


346-357 261158-4.indd 348 4/21/2020 10:58:13 AM 346-357 261158-4.indd 349 4/21/2020 10:58:13 AM Joshua Noel Joseph Noszek Taiylor Nunn Megan Ochalek Rana Odabas Babatunde Ogunlade joshnoel jnoszek trnunn mochalek rodabas bogun Course 6-2 Course 1, 6-3 Course 2 Course 2A-6 Collegeville, PA Wilmington, DE Mequon, WI New Albany, OH You can take the boi out of yeet or be yeeted “If the wind will not serve, the dorm, but you can never take to the oars.” take the dorm out of the boi.

Jennifer Nwenyi Benjamin Oberlton Claire O’Callaghan Adedoyin David Onyemelukwe Athena Ortega Olateru-Olagbegi jnwenyi oberlton cocal davidony athenao Course 5-7 adedoyin Sherborn, MA Course 6-14, 11 Hanover, Maryland


346-357 261158-4.indd 350 4/21/2020 10:58:14 AM 346-357 261158-4.indd 351 4/21/2020 10:58:14 AM Ignacio Ortega Watchara Kristen Overly Ian Palmer Tiffany Pan Bibek Pandit Castineiras Ouysinprasert koverly iapalm tpan bibek ignacioo watchara Course 20 Course 6-2 Course 6-3 Course 8, 6-3 Course 14-1, Energy Course 10 Columbus, Ohio Round Rock, Texas Spring, TX Kathmandu Studies, 2 Bangkok, Thailand Tavern In The Square? “When one reaches the top, Miami then it is easy, for all the Listen bro, *insert something difficulty.” - Hesiod not at all pithy*

Simran Pabla Gregory Michael Pailet Julia Pallone Elyse Paneral Spencer Pantoja Frances Parker-Hale simmyp gpailet jpallone epaneral spensirp fcph Course 6-3, 18 Course 6-3 Course 10-ENG Course 17, 7 Palos Verdes Morristown, NJ Rochester, NY Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference.


346-357 261158-4.indd 352 4/21/2020 10:58:15 AM 346-357 261158-4.indd 353 4/21/2020 10:58:15 AM Russell Pasetes Aman Patel Seeta Salgia Patel Elizabeth Pedlow Julia Pei Talia Pelts rpasetes aspatel seetasp epedlow juliapei taliap Course 6-3, 21M Course Stats & Data Course 20 Beautiful Island Territory of Science, IDSS Columbus, Ohio Guam Sugar Land, TX “Let the world be your mirror, but don’t let them judge you, cause the mirror can’t judge. You judge what you see in the mirror.”

DaMarcus Patterson Alexander Patton Tina Pavlovich Giselle Peng Matisse Peppet Ignacio Perez Bedoya damarcus apatton mitina gprime peppet ignapb Course 14-2, 21G-Spanish Course 20 Course 24-1, 18 Course 6-2, 8, 18, 21M Great Neck, New York Coppell, TX Cincinnati, OH Buenos Aires, Argentina


346-357 261158-4.indd 354 4/21/2020 10:58:15 AM 346-357 261158-4.indd 355 4/21/2020 10:58:16 AM Aron Ricardo Zion Perry Ashisha Persad Phoebe Piercy William Pinney III Zachary Pitcher Perez-Lopez zperry apersad phoebepi wpinney zackpi arpl Course 20 Course 6-2 Course 6-2 Course 20 Course 6-2 Course 6-3, CMS, 5 and 18 Birdsboro, PA Trinidad Truro, Cornwall Charlotte, VT New Milford, CT Budapest, Hungary In all things God works for Be excellent to each other “Life is not a cake with the good of those who love whipped cream.” — Árpád him, who have been called Virág in The Witness (1969) according to his purpose (Romans 8:28).

Kevin Petrovic Philip Phan Daniel Pickard Lilia Poteat Neha Prasad Jacob Pritzker kpet ptphan pickard lpoteat nehap jacobp Course 15-1 Course 6-2 Princeton, NJ Newton Centre, MA “When ideal conditions do not present themselves, you have to deal with ugly realities.”


346-357 261158-4.indd 356 4/21/2020 10:58:16 AM 346-357 261158-4.indd 357 4/21/2020 10:58:16 AM Ryan Przybocki Alok Puranik Chad Qian Vianna Quenon Felipe Radovitzky Ravi Rahman ryancp alokp chadqian quenona frad rahman Course 8 Course 18C, 14-1, 17 Course 2, 4 Course 2A-Robotics Course 6-2, 18 Austin, Texas Carmel, IN Boulder, CO Boston Needham, MA “The Dude abides” Given enough time, a steady I only got into photography Never lose sight of the most wind will erode even the because I love photos of important things in life: love, mightiest of mountains. myself professional achievement, and big vibes.

Tiancheng Qin Anan Quan Jessica Quaye Raja Rajcic Soumya Ram Yaseem Rana tcqin quana jquaye rrajcic soumyar yaseem Course 6-3, 18, 21M Course 7 Course 6-2 Course 6-2 Fremont, CA Cape Coral, FL Accra, Ghana Lubbock, Texas What does it take to IHTFP :) “Let your faith be bigger “The meaning of life is to be happy? Not much. than your fear.” find your gift. The purpose of Sometimes all you need is a life is to give it away.” smile.


358-369 261158-4.indd 358 4/21/2020 10:58:59 AM 358-369 261158-4.indd 359 4/21/2020 10:58:59 AM Kavya Ravichandran Pooja Reddy Jane Reed Yaateh Richardson Deon Richmond Thomas Rick rkavya pdreddy reedjc yaatehr deonrich tsrick Course 6-2 Course 3 Course 8, 22 Course 6-3, 21M Course 16, 17 Cleveland, OH Wellesley, MA New Canaan Ithaca, NY New Orleans, Louisiana “And it’s much the same Sometimes you’re the thing with knowledge, windshield, sometimes you’re for whenever you learn the bug. something new, the whole world becomes that much richer.”

Christopher Reilly Montana Reilly Caleb Richardson Audrey Ricks Mercedes Riley Veronica Ripper reillycj mreilly1 calebr audreyr rileym vripper Course 6-3 Course 6-7, 21L Course 6-14 East Sandwich, MA Los Angeles Brighton, Michigan


358-369 261158-4.indd 360 4/21/2020 10:58:59 AM 358-369 261158-4.indd 361 4/21/2020 10:59:00 AM Alvaro Rivera Marco Antonio Rivera Jr William Roberts Raimundo Rodriguez Xavier Roman Isak Romero arivera1 marcoriv wwr rxr romanx isakrom Course 2 Course 6-3 Course 8, 18 Course 18, 9 Course 6-3 San Juan, Puerto Rico Edinburg TX Sacramento, CA Houston, TX Life moves pretty fast. If you What I learned at MIT is ... Survived a cult, McLean, don’t stop and look around ECT, bike thieves and 6.046. once in a while, you could Special thanks to Papi Gates miss it. and Uncle Dell for feeling bad for brown folx.

John Robertson Rachel Rock Nicolas Rodriguez Caroline Rosenzweig Sierra Rosenzweig George Roudebush johnrob6 amoeba nhr crosenzw srosenzw groude Course 7 Course 6-3 Course 4 Course 1E, 15-1, 21M Course 2A-6 Smithtown Olathe, Kansas Sedbergh, UK Anchorage, Alaska Brookline, MA Aut inveniam viam aut “I never look back darling, faciam it distracts from the now” -Edna Mode


358-369 261158-4.indd 362 4/21/2020 10:59:00 AM 358-369 261158-4.indd 363 4/21/2020 10:59:00 AM Emily Ryeom Roshni Sahoo Steven Salvas Ryan Sander Jeba Sania Maya Sankar eryeom rsahoo sgsalvas rmsander jeba mayars Course 20 Course 6-3 Course 6-2, 14-2, Energy New York City Indiana Studies I didn’t come here to play Springfield school Even as we go our separate ways, I’ll never forget this incredible time we all shared together.

Jonathan Sampson Brent Samuels Michelle Sanchez Yhiedania Santiago Kevin Santillan Sarbari Sarkar sampsonj bcsam msanch22 yhiedani ksantill sarbari Course 2, Energy Studies Course 20 Course 7A Course 6-3 Houston, TX Boca Raton, FL Jersey City, New Jersey The difference between who “Out beyond ideas of you are and who you want to wrongdoing and rightdoing, be, is what you do. there is a field. I’ll meet you there.” -Rumi


358-369 261158-4.indd 364 4/21/2020 10:59:01 AM 358-369 261158-4.indd 365 4/21/2020 10:59:02 AM Ryan Scerbo Booker Schelhaas Lauren Schexnayder Kliment Serafimov Karunya Anantha Ashti Shah Sethuraman scerbo booker lschex kliment ashti Course 2A, Spanish Course 6-3, 9 Course 6-3 karunyas Course 9 Highlands Ranch, Colorado Myrtle Beach, South Struga, North Macedonia Course 6-3 “Live by the jug” Carolina Keep calm, do program Palo Alto, CA -me “It’s not yet time for love ... synthesis, and share gotta make money.” experiences.

Gabriel Schneider Azzo Seguin Jason Seibel Rishi Shah Abraham Shalom J Shelly gschneid iseguin jseibel rshah36 ashalom janaya Course 6-3 Course 6-3, 9 Course 18, 6-14, 15-2 Course 7, E&I Los Angeles Mason, Ohio Panama City, Panama Without community, there is “The credit belongs to the no liberation. - Audre Lorde man who is actually in the ~SD~ arena” - TRJ


358-369 261158-4.indd 366 4/21/2020 10:59:02 AM 358-369 261158-4.indd 367 4/21/2020 10:59:02 AM Kristin Sheridan Sean Shi Janice Shiu Venkatesh Sivaraman Christine Soh Samuel Solomon kms20 seanshi jshiu venkats csoh solomons Course 6-2, Spanish Course 6-3 Course 6-7, Music Course 24-2, 6-3 Course 5-7, 8, 22, 6 Omaha, NE Saratoga, California Columbus, OH Boulder, CO Rockville ツ You can always change your For God gave us a spirit not ¯\_( )_/¯ major. of fear but of power and love and self-control. 2 Timothy 1:7

Cindy Si David Silverstein Sara Sime Anna Song Vivian Song Steven Speck cindysi davidsil sarasime annasong vsong sspeck Course 6-14, 21A Course 10, 14 Course 9, 21A Course 6-3 San Antonio, TX Media, PA Reno, Nevada Mountainside, NJ Things will change no matter “Real knowledge is to what. But it is up to you to know the extent of one’s determine when and how. ignorance.” –Confucius


358-369 261158-4.indd 368 4/21/2020 10:59:03 AM 358-369 261158-4.indd 369 4/21/2020 10:59:03 AM Logan Stafford Lilia Staszel Patroklos Stefanou Yotaro Sueoka Ryan Suh Daniel Sun lstaf lstaszel stefanou ysueoka ryansuh dxsun Course 6-2 Course 6-3 Course 9, 20, 6, 8 Course 6-3, 18 Cumming, GA Old Greenwich Tokyo, Japan “If you’re going through hell, keep going.” - Winston Churchill

Mariia Stepaniuk Shohini Stout Sophia Struckman Ginny Sun Kevin Sun Rishi Sundaresan maristep shohini sophias ginnypig sunkevin rishisun Course 6-3 Course 11-6, 18 Course 6-2 Course 6-3 Course 6-3 Kyiv, Ukraine Scottsdale, Arizona Cary, North Carolina “The hardest choices require the strongest wills.” -Thanos, Avengers: Infinity War


370-381 261158-4.indd 370 4/21/2020 11:00:33 AM 370-381 261158-4.indd 371 4/21/2020 11:00:34 AM Kristen Surrao Dorothy Szymkiewicz Cailey Talbot Miller Tan Kentaro Tanaka Jessica Tang kmsurrao dorszy caileyt millert kentnk jynnie Course 2A Course 9, 21A Course 5, 6-3, 17 Course CMS, 6-3 Suwanee, GA Southampton, NJ Quincy, MA Cumming “I want to do things for Always strive to reach out “What good are dreams, if people they will never forget. and help others in their all you do is work? There’s Maybe that’s the best thing I time of need. No matter more to life than hitting the can do in life.” how small, a simple act of books, I hope you know.” kindness goes a long way. -Tamaki Suou

Jade Talley Melody Tan Michelle Tan Temi Taylor Ben Teitscheid Srimayi Tenali jntalley meltan mntan temit bteitsch stenali Course 6-2 Course 20 Course 6-3, Music Course 6-3 Course 2A Course 2, Energy Studies Clinton, MD Calgary, AB, Canada Needham Chester, NJ Newport Beach, CA Melbourne, FL “Just keep swimming” -Dory “The only difference between Looking down, I forgot the “I don’t pay for suits. My “The earth is a fine place and screwing around and science color of the sky / All I have suits are on the house or worth fighting for” — Ernest is writing it down” -Adam to do is look up and I’ll the house burns down.” - Hemingway Savage remember, won’t I? Tommy Shelby


370-381 261158-4.indd 372 4/21/2020 11:00:34 AM 370-381 261158-4.indd 373 4/21/2020 11:00:34 AM Nicole Thumma Sunny Tian Candace Tong-Li Crystal Tsui Matthew Tung Ruth Tweedy thumman stian8 ctongli crystaly mtung rtweedy Course 6-3 Course 6-3 Course 6-2 Course 5, 12 Ausin, TX East Haddam Peebles, Scotland gonna miss dunkin Nut IHTFP - You decide...

Luis E. Torres Rodriguez Margaret Trautner Steven Truong Prithvi Undavalli Thomas Urquhart Aiyedun Uzamere luillo trautner sdtruong prithviu ikeurqu auzamere Course 6-2 Course 18, 2, 6 Course 20, 21W Course 3, 11 Course 9 Caguas, PR Houston, TX Blaine, Minnesota St. George, UT Sharon, Pennsylvania And now that you don’t have “Zuko, you must look within I’d rather be fishing. Be the change you want to to be perfect, you can be yourself to save yourself see in the world. good. from your other self. Only then will your true self reveal itself.”


370-381 261158-4.indd 374 4/21/2020 11:00:35 AM 370-381 261158-4.indd 375 4/21/2020 11:00:35 AM Simran Vaidya Monica Valcourt Francisca Vasconcelos Rohil Verma Johan Villanueva Stuti Vishwabhan svaidya monicav francisc rohil johanv svishwab Course 6-3 Course 6-2, 8 Course 6-3 Course 10 McLean, VA San Diego Bangalore, India Chicago My goal is simple. It is a What a time! If you find people whose complete understanding of presence and vibes make you the universe, why it is as it is happy, put the effort to keep and why it exists at all. them in your life for as long -Stephen Hawking as possible.

Joseph Vasile Julie Vaughn Hector Vazquez Suchan Vivatsethachai Kayla Vodehnal Amy Vogel jvasile juliev hjvm suchanv knvod amyvogel Course 6-2, Biomedical Course 6-2 Course 6-3, 18, STAT Course 20, 9, BME Course 1, 11 San Diego, CA Gurabo, Puerto Rico Bangkok, Thailand Billings, MT Providence, RI Life is about the people you Ahora sí que soy ingeniero, To all my friends: I love you The best way forward is to meet and the things you te puedo inspeccionar la with all my heart and am constantly challenge yourself create with them. grieta. so grateful to have crossed because you can always do paths with such amazing more than you previously #TemblóDeNuevo!? people thought possible.


370-381 261158-4.indd 376 4/21/2020 11:00:35 AM 370-381 261158-4.indd 377 4/21/2020 11:00:36 AM Leah Vogel Robert Vunabandi Walter Cassia Wang Charleen Wang Daniel Wang lvogel robertv swalter cbw3 charleen dwq Course 6-3 Course 2-A, 21M Course 6-3 Kinshasa, République Los Altos, California Démocratique du Merci maman et papa pour m’avoir encouragé et supporté jusqu’à maintenant.

Amanda Wang Austin Wang Brice Wang Meryl Wang Rose Wang Tony Wang awang815 austinw bricelw wangms rewang twang6 Course 18C, 15-2 Course 6-3 Course 6-3 Course 6-3 Course 18, 6-3 Bayside, NY Fremont, CA Duisburg, Germany San Mateo Thanks friends for making the past 4 years amazing :)


370-381 261158-4.indd 378 4/21/2020 11:00:36 AM 370-381 261158-4.indd 379 4/21/2020 11:00:37 AM Xiaoyi Wang Yingni Wang Chase Warren Quentin Wellens Tesla Wells Erica Weng xiaoyiw yingni chasejjw qwellens teslaw ericaw Course 6-3, 14/18 Course 6-3 Course 6-2 Course 6-3 Houston, TX Waterloo, Belgium San Diego, CA 如果我能说人间和天使的 Treat yourself, don’t cheat 各种殊言,却没有爱,我 yourself 就成了嘈杂的锣、鸣响的 钹。

Ethan Weber Matthew Weiss Edward Weldon Alexandra Werner Aidan Westley Christien Williams ejweber mbweiss eweldon aewerner awestley willch Course 6-2 Course 18, 6-14 Course 7 Course 20, STS Course 15-2, 6-3 Course 6-3 New Holstein, WI Lexington, Massachusetts Honolulu, Hawaii Tyler, TX Palos Verdes, CA Charlotte, North Carolina “After all, one can’t complain. All you can take with you is Diamonds form under I have my friends.” that which you’ve given away. pressure.


370-381 261158-4.indd 380 4/21/2020 11:00:37 AM 370-381 261158-4.indd 381 4/21/2020 11:00:38 AM Lawrence Wong Priscilla Wong Daniel Wrafter Priscilla Wu Sarah Wu Justin Xiang lcwong pywong dwrafter pjwu sarahawu jxiang Course 6-2, 18 Course 6-2 Course 18-C, 9 Course 6-3, 15-3 Derby, NY Cincinnati, OH Chapel Hill, NC Hong Kong I am fighting the good fight, “I never look back, darling. Leave one wolf alive and the I am running the race, and I It distracts from the now.” sheep are never safe am keeping the faith. --Edna Mode

Carol Wu May Wu Nanette Wu Michelle Xu Michelle Xu Nova Xu carolwu qingmei nanette xum michxu nxu1 Course 15-3, Data Science Course 2 Course 6-3, 21M Course 8, 18, 24 Course 16, 21G Rochester Hills, MI Brooklyn, New York Cupertino, CA Berwyn, PA ノ ヮ ノ ・゚ You won’t remember the ( ) *: ✧ “There are more things in integral of cosh(x) later heaven and earth, Horatio, in your life, but you will ◕ ◕ than are dreamt of in your remember the people who philosophy.” Hamlet, Act I, put a smile on your face. Scene V


382-388 261158-4.indd 382 4/21/2020 11:01:49 AM 382-388 261158-4.indd 383 4/21/2020 11:01:49 AM Alexander Yang Kenny Yang Stella Yang Richard Yi Yejin You Josephine Yu alexy ykenny stellay richardy yyou joyu Course 18, 8 Course 6-3, 18 Course 8, 18 Sunnyvale, CA Seoul, Korea Potomac, MD “Any object, intensely regarded, may be a gate of access to the incorruptible eon of the gods.” - James Joyce

Su Yang Olivia Jean Yao Katherine Yee Stephanie Yuen Mikaeel Yunus Jose Zavala ssyang ojyao kyee2020 syuen myunus jzavala Course 6-3 Course 2 Course 21E (21M-2 & 6-2) Course 18C, 15-3 Course 8, 6-1, 18, 21M Mount Sinai, NY Livingston, NJ St. Louis New York City Newton, MA From freshman year: “Kate, “Never tell me the odds.” what major are you?” - Han Solo “TEARS.” Be 21E and you never really have to choose!


382-388 261158-4.indd 384 4/21/2020 11:01:50 AM 382-388 261158-4.indd 385 4/21/2020 11:01:50 AM Catherine Zeng Dillon Zhang Elaine Zhang Lillian Zhang Madeline Zhang Ruowang Zhang yczeng dzhang98 elainez lillianz maddyz ruowangz Course 6-2, Boolin’ Course 6-3, 21M-2 Course 6-3 Course 18C Course 6-3 Yeet New York City San Jose, CA Markham, Canada Albany, CA The only time I waste is time (: d: :p :) All that we see or seem is I spend doing something but a dream within a dream. that, in my gut, I know I shouldn’t.

Franklin Zhang Joanna Zhang Kelly Zhang Yue Zhong Alice Zhou Sherry Zhou nilknarf jazhang kellyz yuezhong ajzhou sherryxz Course 16 Course 20 Course 15-1, 7 Course 5/7, French Huntsville, AL New York City Johns Creek, GA , British “I’m in Stata right now.” Columbia, Canada “[O]n ne voit bien qu’avec le coeur. L’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.” - Le Petit Prince, Antoine de Saint- Exupéry


382-388 261158-4.indd 386 4/21/2020 11:01:51 AM 382-388 261158-4.indd 387 4/21/2020 11:01:51 AM NOT PICTURED

TojumiOluwa Adegboyega Rhian Chavez Amir Farhat Vibha Agarwal Eric Chen Juan Angelo Ferrua Miguel Aguilar Ramos Sharon Chen Hunter Fields Malte Ahrens Wei Chen Thomas Finn Marwa AlAlawi Emily Cheng Sophie Fisher Shahul Alam Samuel Cherna Shane Fitzgerald Mati Alemayehu Rowan Cheung Aria Fodness Simon Alford Thomas Cho Charlotte Folinus Fysal Alkhayyal Alex Choi George Friedlander Harrison Allen GiMin Choi Nicholas Fritzinger-Pittman Amro Alshareef Wonsuk Choi Jini Gabbidon Andres Alvarado Jeff Chow Evan Gabhart Andres Alvarez Connor Chung Marisa Gaetz Angel Alvarez Kathleen Clark Giselle Galan Ziqi Zhou Jessica Zhu Lena Zhu Melat Anteneh Raven Clayborn Julie Ganeshan Andrew Antonitis Henderson Cole Andrea Garcia zhouz jfzhu lenazhu Anuj Apte Christopher Copeland Charlie Garcia Course 6-3 Course 9, 7, 20 Kika Arias Jakob Coray Juan Garcia Nicolas Arons Peter Crocker Luis Garcia Cupertino Woodridge, IL Michael Arrington Jiaming Cui Rene Garcia Nathanael Assefa Andrew Cummings Roberto Garcia Ashay Athalye Shiloh Curtis Roberto Gauna Ochiba Attah Ali Daher Kiera Gavin Samer Awale Mary Dahl Kebar Geleta Siranush Babakhanova Miles Dai Joanna Gerr Cole Baker Daniel Dangond Yianni Giannaris Suji Balfe Merryn Daniel Juan Gil Sanhueza Avital Baral Tatsuya Daniel Danielle Gleason Felipe Barscevicius Valentina De La Rosa Timothy Glinski Jonah Baskerville Robert DeLaus Sean Gloumeau Roderick Bayliss Michael DeTienne Julian Gomez Maxine Beeman Saffron Deasey Yi Gong Sally Beiruti Gian Delfin Viban Gonzales Keis Bejgo Naomi Dereje Sarah Gonzalez Kevin Benitez Joshua Derrick Alejandro Gonzalez-Placito Benjamin Bennington-Brandon John DiCarlo Eleanor Graham Jacob Benoit Megan Diehl Benjamin Gray Mateus Bezrutchka Serena Do Erin Grela Roberto Bolli Mariam Dogar Taylor Grey Akhilan Boopathy Ze Dong Andrew Griese Connor Bradley Connor Dotson Aubrey Grimshaw Christina Bray James Drabble Zackary Gromko Skylar Brooks Maxwell Drake John Grosen Steven Browne Peter Duff Alexander Grossman Thi Bui Darla Earl Serena Grown-Haeberli Samantha Burnell Bouke Edskes Mitchell Guillaume Yunyi Zhu Taras Zhylenko Jennifer Zou Cameron Burnett Gretchen Eggers Benjamin Gulak Delaney Burns Anis Ehsani Ishaan Gulrajani yunyizhu zhylenko jzou70 Antonio Buscemi Aidan Einloth Meghal Gupta Alexandru Calburean Baris Ekim Benjamin Gutierrez Course 6-3, Design Course 6-3, 18, Statistics Course 18C, 14-1 Humberto Caldelas Mahalaxmi Elango Kit Haines Shanghai, China Kharkiv, Ukraine Chapel Hill, NC James Cao Joshua Elbahrawy Elizabeth Han Dylan Carranza Feliciano Escobedo Henry Hanlon “Sting like a bee, but do not Gabriela Carrion-Rivera Danielle Espinosa Maia Hannahs float like a butterfly. That’s Benjamin Cary Adam Estes Cynthia Harris ridiculous.” Michael Castillo Trevor Ewald Jonathan Harvey Buschel -Ron Swanson Henri Champigneulle Jingxuan Fan Yaakov Helman Rishabh Chandra Linyue Fan Katherine Henshaw Jiyoung Chang Amy Fang Colt Hermesch Shin Chang Yu Liang Fang Bernardo Hernandez


382-388 261158-4.indd 388 4/21/2020 11:01:51 AM SNR.indd 389 3/13/2020 4:05:20 PM NOT PICTURED (CONT.) NOT PICTURED (CONT.)

Diana Hernandez Tim Kralj Elise McCormack-Kuhman Jadorian Paul Nilai Sarda Jessica Titensky Jorge Hernandez Dheekshita Kumar Noah McDaniel Jason Paulos Mehtaab Sawhney Charles Tonneslan PJ Hernandez Benjamin Kurzban Em McDermott Yixuan Pei Gabriel Scimeme Gustavo Torres Raudel Hernandez William Kusters James McGaa Jose Pena Theo Sechopoulos Joseph Torres Jacob Higgins Ato Kwapong Claire McGinnity Shannon Peng Emily Segler Peter Tran Christopher Hillenbrand Ohyoon Kwon Brooke McGoldrick Alexander Peraire-Bueno Elina Sendonaris Philip Tran Cole Hoffer Paula Lahera Jasmine Mcghee Emanuel Perez Bradley Seymour Tina Tran Zachary Holbrook Avery Lamp Jocelyn Mcghee Enrique Perez Taylor Shaw Claire Traweek Kayla Holman Madison Landry Haripriya Mehta Manuel Perez Ellen Shea Bahrudin Trbalic Daniel Hong Lukas Lao Beyer Hadrian Merced Hernandez Isaac Perper Benjamin Sheffer Elizabeth Truchan Calvin Hsu Jay Laone Ruben Merenfeld Ethan Perrin Emily Sheng Raymond Tse Eileen Hu Omar Laris Isaac Metcalf Daniel Perry Cindy Shi Andy Tso Helen Hu Kate Lawrence Michele Miao Scott Perry Luke Shimanuki Kaitlin Tucci Louisa R Huang Pavle Lazarevic Brian Mills Crystal Pham Rebecca Shin Carson Tucker Vivian Huang Mael Le Scouezec Charlotte Minsky Georgia Phillips Daniel Shipchandler Samuel Ubellacker Nathaniel Huffman Hang Le Thi Nguyet Jacob Miske Isabelle Phinney Ryan Shubert Tenzin Ukyab Christopher Hughes Jonathan Ledet Peter Mizes William Phu Oleksandr Shumaiev Robert Upton Nada Hussein Madison Lee Kathryn Mohr Madison Pickett Olivia Siegel Mayukha Vadari Matthew Hutchinson Sam Lee Jacqueline Montante Francisco Pineda Adrian Silva Abhiti Vaish Brianna Igbinosun Cole Legg Manuel Montesino Elyse Plachinski Michael Silver Ana Maria Vargas Samuel Ihns Alexander Leighton Jack Moore David Poberejsky Sanja Simonovikj Miguel Vega Savannah Inglin Lesian Lengare David Morejon Srijith Poduval Nina Singh Gustavo Velez Andrew Iversen Allison Lenhard Yukimi Morimoto Aleksejs Popovs Prachi Sinha Ricardo Villarreal Hikari Iwasaki Timothy Leplae-Arthur Gilberto Mota Collin Potts Cecilia Siqueiros Sahara Villarreal Adriana Jacobsen Tyler Lerner David Mueller Sarah Powazek Emilio Sison Hilary Vogelbaum Alden James Alyssa Li Valerie Muldoon Arul Prasad Christabel Sitienei Chase Vogeli Kyle James Amanda Li Ethan Munden Grant Prater Cel Skeggs Sarah Von Ahn Mofoluwaso Jebutu Gabriel Li Santiago Munoz Perez Francisco Proskauer Valerio Rebecca Sloan Annie Wagner Kathryn Jiang Lucy Li Elizabeth Murray Amanda Putnam Tanya Smith Annmarie Wang Mumin Jin Kevin Limanta Sanjeev Murty James Quigley Hunter Smutney Benjamin Wang Roger Jin Alice Lin Erika Mynio Imon Rahaman Benjamin Sockol Crystal Wang Benjamin Johnson Ting-Chun Lin Moin Nadeem Lara Rakocevic Jeremy Sogo Nina Wang Cory Johnson Eric Xu Lin Ramya Nagarajan Rahul Ramakrishnan Emily Soice Christopher Washington Caroline Jordan Priscilla Liow Jason Necaise Divya Ravinder Mairead Solvang Mattie Wasiak Malvika Raj Joshi Allen Liu Lance Neil Helen Read Sharlene Song Rachel Wei Fernando Juarez Chun-Ting Liu Katharine Nelson Alexander Reduker Israel Sosa Tessa Weiss Endrias Kahssay Clare Liu Thomas Nelson Willem Reerink Jose Soto Rivera Ryan Welch Natnael Kahssay Ming Liu Thee Ngamsangrat Matthew Reeve Jack Spira Daniel Whatley Gledis Kallco Qiuyue Liu Tran Nguyen Andres Reyna Trevor Spreadbury Jesse Widner Tarun Kamath Sally Liu Alicia Nimrick Anthony Rice Aditi Srinivasan Daniel Wiest Michael Kaminsky Vick Liu Jeremy Noel Jamison Rich John Stampfli Carolynn Will Wonjune Kang Federico Llarena Eber Nolasco Martinez Humberto Riveron Valdes Elijah Stanger-Jones Sara Laura Wilson Robert Kao Mario Lopez Jack Novak Albert Roberts Natasha M Stark Martin Winton Shreyas Kapur Ricardo Lopez Nwanacho Nwana Erick Rodriguez Colton Stearns Michelle Wist Spencer Kelleher Eric Lu Rachel O’Grady Kevin Rodriguez Marissa Steinmetz Matthew Woicik Menachem Keller Preston Luthy Suzanne O’Meara Aristofanis Rontogiannis Rex Stockham Eyob Woldeghebriel Tserenchimeg Khasgerel Mason Lykes Alexandrine Obrand Diego Alonso Roque Montoya John Strachan Cydney Wong Jameson Kief Cowboy Lynk Zachary Obsniuk Brennan Rosales Thomas Strei Vanessa Wong Quang Phuc Kieu Shane Lyons Adelaide Oh Virginia Rosenberger Douglas Stryker Natalie Woods Ashley Kim Creshendo Maccow Akwetey Okine Premila Rowles Aramis Subee Laurel Wright Jaeho Kim Scott Mandelbaum Juan Ortiz Benjamin Rowley Hin Nok Suen Julia Wu Jeffrey Kim Marta Manzin Santiago Ospina Maya Roy Lydia Sun Qingyue Wu Spencer Kim Dylan Marlborough Cecilia Padilla Ahaan Rungta Kayla Tabb Brian Xie Yo-whan Kim Nicholas Martin Scott Padron Matthew Rushlow Arman Talkar Megan Yamoah Grayson King Karla Martinez Katharine Pan Nicholas Saavedra Claire Tang Adela Yang John Kinney Maedeh Marzoughi Ardekani Mideum Park Juan Salazar Lisa Tang Junyu Yang Ama Koranteng Tafara Mashanda Sean Parks Jonathan Samayoa Daniel Taylor Katherine S Yang Alon Kosowsky-Sachs Mason Massie Fjona Parllaku Abenezer Samuel Andromeda Teevens Tiffany Yang Margaret Kosten Shana Mathew Sheel Patel Christian Sanchez Luis Terrones-Verastegui Chun-Chen Yao Megan Kralj Francis McCann McCoy Patiño Eduardo Sanchez Steven Timberman Leon Yim


SNR.indd 390 3/13/2020 4:05:20 PM SNR.indd 391 3/13/2020 4:05:20 PM NOT PICTURED (CONT.)

Fei Yu Yuancheng Yu Kate Yuan Adil Yusuf Gabriella Zak Avi Zeff Annie Zhang Emily Zhang Jovan Zhang Julie Zhang Liruonong Zhang Zhaoyuan Zhang Kevin Zheng Tianlin Zheng Blake Zhou Elton Zhou Yuqing Zhu Lyndie Mitchell Zollinger Robert Zollinger


SNR.indd 392 3/13/2020 4:42:33 PM SNR.indd 393 3/13/2020 4:42:33 PM P A T R O N S

PAT.indd 394 3/8/2020 2:11:02 PM PAT.indd 395 3/8/2020 2:11:03 PM PATRONS 397

PAT.indd 396 3/8/2020 2:11:03 PM PAT.indd 397 3/8/2020 2:11:04 PM E N D G A M E

END.indd 398 3/11/2020 5:42:24 PM END.indd 399 3/11/2020 5:42:24 PM TECHNIQUE MANAGING BOARD

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ACTIVITIES EDITOR Madison Hill Hannah Harens MANAGING EDITOR JOURNAL EDITOR Madeleine Li Alexander Guo JUNIOR MANAGING EDITOR JUNIOR JOURNAL EDITOR Christina Chen Eric Jiang DESIGN EDITOR SPORTS EDITOR Sarah Wu Lily Bailey JUNIOR DESIGN EDITORS LIVING GROUPS EDITOR Danica Dong Lily Bailey Amy Lei FILM EDITOR JUNIOR PUBLICITY EDITOR Jesse George-Akpenyi Sandra Tang EVANGLIST PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR Sara Sime Sharon Jiang ORDERS CZAR JUNIOR PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR Vianna Quenon Yun Gu TECH CZAR Johnny Bui CONTRIBUTING Abenezer Samuel (AS) Lily Bailey (LB) Annmarie Wang (AW) Long Nguyen (LN) Chris Wraight (CW) Malte Ahrens (MA) Christa Falk (CF) Maude Gull (MG) Damian Barabonkov (DB) Max Kessler (MK) David Silverman(DS) Maxwell Yun (MY) Duncan O’Boyle (DO) Megan Fu (MF) Ethan Sit (ES) MIT Athletics Department (DAPER) Frank Poulin (FP) Olivia Yao (OY) Hannah Harens (HH)Jade Rachel Wu (RW) Chongsathapornpong ( JC) Robert Krawitz (RK) Jared Scott ( JS) Robert Vunabundi (RV) Jess Ding ( JD) Sharon Jiang (SJ) Jonathan Richmond ( JR) Suchan Vivatsethachai (SV) Julie Henion ( JH) Vianna Quenon (VQ) Justin Yu ( JY) Victoria Dzieciol (VD) Kevin Ly (KL) Victoria Juan (VJ) Korrawat Pruegsanusak (KP) Yujia Bao (YB) Lili Sun (LS) Zidane Abubakar (ZA)


END.indd 400 3/13/2020 4:12:14 PM END.indd 401 3/13/2020 4:12:15 PM IMAGE CREDITS

LB RW AW The MIT yearbook, Technique, made its first appearance in 1885. Called 2-3 72 140-141 an “annual” instead of a “yearbook,” the 152-page soft-cover volume in 4-5 LB 74 SV 142 RW octavo format was prepared by the Class of 1887 (the Juniors), with 6-7 DO 78 LB 143 SJ Fred Gulliver ’87 as editor-in-chief. The book contained poems, class 8-9 LB 80-81 LB 144-145 MG histories, cartoons, class rosters, lists of club and fraternity members, 10 VD 82-83 LB 146-147 MG names of faculty and courses they taught, scores of athletic events, 11 VD 84-85 RW 150 RK and many pages of advertisements for goods ranging from Ainslee’s 12 CF 86-87 SJ 152-153 MG Polar Planimeter and silk derby hats to cigarettes and pocketknives. JD HH MG The fervent hope of the Class of 1887, as expressed in the book’s 13 88-89 154-155 LB SJ MG “editorial,” was that future classes would take up the task, resulting in 14 90-91 156-157 “a long line of Techniques stretching in perspective toward the future.” 15 LB 92-93 RW 158-159 MG 16 YB 94-95 SJ 161 FP YB SJ FP “We trust,” the editors wrote, that the volume is “not too smart, too 17 96-97 162 funny, too cutting; or, on the other hand, too dry, too stupid, or too 18 VQ 98-99 SJ 164-165 DAPER foolish.” They aimed “to help digestion by a hearty laugh” and stated 19 MK 102-103 RV 166-167 DAPER that “no pains have been spared to make this first Technique replete 20 RV 104-105 JH 169 CW with everything interesting or amusing to our average student ... 21 RV 106 RV 170 RK We hope that all fair criticisms will be made known, so that future 22-23 JC 107 RV 172-173 LB classes may steer clear of the rocks which have hindered our course.” 24 MY 108 JR 174-175 MG MY LN DAPER The illustrations in the early volumes of Technique were mostly 25 109 176-177 drawings—some quirky and cartoon-like, some quite elegant. 1892 27 MH 110 VQ 178-179 MG MK VQ DS saw the beginning of the class photograph, along with photographs 28 111 180-181 of other groups, including the football team. In 1898, portraits and 29 LB 112 MA 182-183 DS DB OY LB biographies of professors appeared. The number of photographs 30 114 184-185 increased all through the first decades of the twentieth century, 31 SV 115 OY 186-187 LB but it wasn’t until 1916 that senior portraits were included. Today’s 32 LB 116 KL 188-189 MG Technique is bigger, glossier, and more colorful than its antecedents, 33 LB 117 KL 190-191 MG but it is still an eloquent expression of the life of an MIT student. 34-35 SJ 118 RW 192-193 DAPER 36 SJ 119 JC 195 LB Technique No. 1 was dedicated “ To Our Co-eds,” and it is apparent 37 RV 120 LS 196 LB from repeated references in the volume that the few women on HH LN LB campus in the 1880s received a great deal of attention from their 38-39 122 199 male classmates. Twelve women are listed with the Class of 1885, but 40-41 RV 123 KL 200 DS MY RW MG only one woman received a degree—an S.B. in Course IX, General 42-43 124 202-203 Course. The other eleven were enrolled as “special students” (students 44 VQ 126 KL 204-205 MG VQ LN LB taking only selected subjects rather than a full course). As of the end 45 127 282-283 of 2019, 2,123 women were enrolled as undergraduates (47 percent 46 RW 128 AS 284-285 JY of total enrollment) and 2,529 as graduate students (36 percent). 47 RW 129 AS 392-393 ZA 48-49 MK 130 OY 394-395 LB Techniques from 1885 to the present, as well as other publications 50 MY 134 VJ 398-399 SJ relating to the history of student life at MI T, are available for 51 MY 136-137 ES 403 JD use in the Institute Archives and Special Collections, 14N-118. KP JC LB 54-55 138 404-405 - MIT INSTITUTE ARCHIVES & SPECIAL COLLECTIONS 56-57 LB 139 MF 406-407 JS 58-59 LB

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OVERVIEW Technique (TNQ) is MIT’s yearbook, photography, and design club. Our mascot is the gorilla H.R.H. Grogo, and is appointment preceds the Harambe incident of 2016. Members of the club are called “staph,” not as in the infection, but rather a combination of the words “staff ” and “photographers.” Technique 2020 was printed and bound by Friesens Yearbooks, One Memory Lane, Altona, Manitoba ROG OBO, Canada. Alix Reynolds provided the most excellent customer support. Five hundred books were printed in April 2020 and shipped to students’ homes throughout the summer, instead of being distributed on campus, as MIT evacuated the undergraduate community in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Books were sold at a price of $60 for senior pre-orders in the fall, and between $90-$120 in the spring depending on the time of purchase. News in the Journal section was compiled from the MIT News Office, Wikipedia, and various print and online news sources. Sports information and varsity team rosters were provided by the MIT Department of Athletics. Living groups were offered to be included in the book at no charge and were photographed by members of the managing board. Senior portraits were taken by Prestige Portraits, 99 Washington Street, Melrose, MA 02176, with photography by Mario Ahumada. Advertising was coordinated by Sophie Zivontsis of College and University Advertising Inc, 8185 Yonge Street, Suite 212, Thornhill, Ontario L3T 2C6. PHOTOGRAPHY & DESIGN Technique 2020 was designed by Sarah Wu with help and company from Danica Dong, Amy Lei, and Sharon Jiang. The contents of the book were laid out using Adobe InDesign 2020. The cover is printed on Fiscagomma Winner in the shade 715 with burnishing and blind debossing, and the pages are printed on Garda Silk 100lb paper. Type used is Montserrat designed by Julieta Ulanovsky and Adobe Caslon designed by Carol Twombly. Digital photos were taken with Nikon cameras owned and maintained by Technique. Additional photos were captured on privately-owned cameras and phones belonging to staph members as well as members of the general MIT community, who collectively submitted thousands of photos to be considered for publication. All photos were carefully considered for inclusion in the book. Image sorting, post-processing, and rendering of RAW files was done using Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop 2020.


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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are incredibly grateful for everyone on the managing board and the rest of our staph for bringing Technique 2020 to life on paper. Technique, as a publication and as a community, is what it is because of every single one of you. We would also like to acknowledge a number of other individuals and organizations for their support. A special thank you to Alix Reynolds of Friesens for her constant guidance and reminders throughout the publishing process. Many thanks to president Rafael Reif, Karla Casey, and Susan Cassidy for providing a portrait opportunity and a letter to the graduating class on such short notice in an unexpected time of crisis. Thank you also to Beth McGrath and Steve Forslund of Lifetouch for their assistance in coordinating senior potraits. A note of genuine appreciation to our patrons, without whom this book would not be possible. Finally, a shout-out to all of the GrubHub and Flour Bakery workers for sustaining the many long days and late nights that went into crafting this book. COPYRIGHT & CONTACT The opinions expressed in this book are not necessarily those of Technique, the members of Technique, contributors, or MIT administration. As a collective work, Technique 2020 is copyright 2020 by MIT Technique and is an H.R.H Grogo Publication. Individual contributors of written and photographic work have granted Technique first publication rights only. All other rights are resered by the original author or photographer. No part of this book may be reproduced by any means - mechanical, photographic, electronic, or otherwise - without the written consent of the original owner. No layout may be reproduced without the consent of the Technique managing board. Copies of this book and other volumes of Technique may be available. Please send inquiries via email to [email protected] or via snail mail to Technique, PO Box 397005, Cambridge, MA 02139. Our website is We are located on the MIT campus in building W20 in room 451.


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Docket #: 261158-2 Name: MIT Surface Embellishments: DEBOSS BURNISH 7x10 HC .5 Gutter 1.375” spine


2020 TECHNIQUE VOL. 136 2

Materials Used: Fiscagomma Winner 715 Special Instructions: Orange depicts the Deboss, Darker Duck Egg-Green depicts the Burnish, these colours will not print. 261158-2 MIT.indd 1 03/11/2020 10:24:55 AM