- » , V -a. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20,1945^^ The Westher Avemge Dsfly Cireointlon Fareeaat o f U. 8. Weather Manche)$ter Evening Herald For the Meatb of Angaat, 1648 Fair, beeomhig cooler tealght; 8,985 Satnrday annay aad eaoler tbaa Raymond R. ainolfl, producUon today; fair 'weather Saaday. manager at the Manchester Dry Laymen’s Rally I Manchester Navy Flyer With Mascot on Plane ^ Survey Stamps WE SELL SERVICE Meaaber a< tba% a6lt Cleaners plant on Wells street, Service la What We’re Selling NOW Roraan of Ciienlatloaa was honored yesterday by a party, Town’s Wealth CALL MANCHESTER 2-1226 Manchester— A City of Village Charm and presented by the manage­ This Saturday Experience guarantees expert repairing and replace­ ment and employees with a purse ment. We service libme refrigerators and larger in­ (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CEN*fS > of money Jblr^ Ginolfl and Miss stallations. SERVICE NOW — SALES SOON! m P k fo 14) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEBIBER 21,1945 Caroline T. Paganl will be mar­ Delegations from Both Manchester High Qual­ VOL. LXIV„ NO. 299 ried Saturday morning at ten 99T 9 rtAfKtUT Jtf BCKJt/e0Ctexm^Mce mM M l rypirypts o'clock in S t James’s church. Methodist Churches! ity Market Far Above <7 Here to Be Present National Average Marshall Sees End of Point Sj^stem The Juvenile Grange will meet C O M M A f y Mac Arthur Orders Friday afternoon at four o’clock (Special to the Herald) Pickets Bar Entry Bishop L. O. Hartman of Boston on th* second floor at 991 Main New York. Sept. -20.—Food 9 7 street. wUl be the chief speaker at a Lay­ sales, long considered a major in­ Wl SERVE HOMES DAIRIES-FOOD STORES-TflVERHS-RESTAURAHTS- men’s rally o f the New England dex of a city’s standard of living, Order Rev. and Mrs. James M. Gage, Southern Conference of the Meth-| At Dodge Factoif; mark Manchester as a high quali­ leaders in the work of the North odist church to be held at the Arrested; Methodist church, will be given ty market, with a scale above Methodist camp in Oloceater, R. 1 FUEL OIL welcoming reception in the ves­ that of most other, communities in try of the church this evening. I., this Saturday. Large delega­ the country. This is brought out fto in One of Moncheoter** Old- The Women’s Society of ChrisUan tions of laymen and ministers i , Strike Halts Work 'Mt Deolera for Reliable Service. vividly by a comparison of data Service will be in charge of ar­ from the one hundred and seventy TEXACO CRYSTALITE contained in the current Sales rangements. Methodist churches or Uie Confer-] Code Guides Press Management survey. RANGE OIL ence will be In attendance. ^ RANGE OIL NO. 2 FUEL OIL ‘Apparently Sheer Irrie- Metered Service! Money spent in Manchester for Hitler Error First Sergeant Thomas J. Con­ The program begins at 1:461 ^ last year—in- groceries, meat Per sponsibility^ Charged roy, nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Saturday afternoon In the out­ arkets, dellcates.

a strike vote, under the Smith- Rockville Lodge of Eftks. He Eighth Army forces taking Aus­ secure a group of youthful musU claps from Hartford. He was noti­ Pickets Bar Entry Connally act adding the strike proUcUen for some 2,900,000 Fed­ war workers. He estimated the joined Masonry in Hartford and tralian John Holland, allegedly Honor Guests Hilliard Mill present number of jobless at 54,- Pford Burr linked with Tokyo radio broad­ fied at 3:30 yesterday o f their In- would get the full support of the eral civilian workers and 400.000 transferred to Manchester lodge UAW if it is voted. Show Opens Today House May Be WMC to Close 000 compared with a peak of 73,- upon moving here. He passed casts, from n barber shop at Sop- ablUty to keep the date, too late to At Dodge Faetoiy; Bitter Debate , maritime workers. Payments to poro on Hokkaido to join ex-Preni- secure ot)ier talent'. He then Intro­ ” It is little wonder the people In these persons who lose their jobs 000 which followed immediately through the 32d degree. He was At Reception Is Sold Today after V-J day. NOW Passes Away keenly interested in the Masonic ler Hidekl Tojo's "Pearl Harbor duced Rev.. W. Ralph Ward, Jr., of. the plant walked out,” Thomas de­ Even Rougher would be at levels of the state Area Offices Strike Halts Work clared in commenting on the com­ Looms on Bill where the employes worked. - Fitzgerald reported that U. S. Home In Wallingford and-hev made gang” in jail at Tokyo. ^ the South Methodist church, who Employment . service offices now MacArtbur's headquarters ask-1 believed that even closer fellow­ pany statement He added, "the frequent trips there. K e v . J a ii ir s Woolens Manufacturer 3. Travel allowances to permit had on hand requests for 19,‘JOU RE-OPEP^E^D In 69th Year Employees Loyal od the Japanese government for ‘ and Mr«. M. ship between the two churches (Continued From Page One) \yalkout was provoked and if that isn’t deliberate union-busting tac­ Truman Given Severest former war workers to go home or New Haven and New workers. Members of his organization, ii.formationt on the whereabouts Gage Entertained at would result in the future. Of Norwich Purchaser Senate to Get Gonlro- to a new job. A $200 limit is put on deeply grieved today at Mr. Burr’s and welfare of the Turkish ambas­ Following the program dainty tics then 1 don’t know such tac­ Britain Branches to Be (ObBtlBBed from Pare One) ing offlciaI.t in Federal hands sion, announced today that WMC ; ler now. Their beds have been JOSEPH VIGNONE, Prop. ; ha]^ one of the most indicative ly attentive to every detail of his .AIm- I,CBves Korea an- Informal reception at the of the Motor Products Corp.—but ment” bill. may tie in for even roi'gher treatr- ' found. During the first week of tributes to Mr. Burr i.s the loyalty business. He'"placefl great trust Irving H. Comber, son of Mrs. he added "but of course everybody None On Wheel Firm Bow Trading Cove, Norwich, this state. until July 1. 194 area offices in New Haven and Sevent-y-year-old Nobu.yukI Abe, church la.st evening. A bond for deed was filed this af­ 'the debate, scheduled to open ment in the House on the issue of school the girls slept on mattress- M his associates in busines.<. Most In the members of his organiza­ .Julia Millen, o f .32 Linden street, j realizes there are going to be Edgar L. Warren, new chief of Further ShearinVsFredleted New Britain will be discontinued, I ts and springs laid out on the floor. governor general of Korea from yThc enjoyable welcoming party ternoon with Town Clerk Samuel Tuesday, probably will last all aid to the jobless. of his Closest affiliates in the nurs­ tion. He knew them, to be always .Inly 23. 1911, until the Arn'Crlean has retTirned home, having rcceiv- ! raises. The only argument l.s over the U, S. Labor Conciliation serv­ Mr, Truman’s proposal for broad - Members of the WsyBsand Mean I When the residence was turned 92 OAK STREET - was arranged by a committee from J. Turkington. Aaron Crock, of week. effedtive Oct. i. ery business have been with him a loyal and rarely if ever questioned occupation, left Seotil for Japan the Women’s Society of Christian ed an honorable discharge from i how much.” ice. said at Washington that none expansion of unemployment' com­ committee predicted t h e \ House ; back to the university this aum- Worcester, has been the owner There was advance notice it The work of the two offices, Formerly At 23 Oak street their decisions. He had explained with his .ailing wife. He had be'en Service, consisting of Mrs. James the Navy. ! of his staff was at work on the pensation was tossed over to the would strike out the provision for ; (her after being used by the Navy long period of years. “To Be (iiildeil by Public Interest” having purchased the mill prop­ will be spirited, possibly bitter. Fitzgerald said, will be absorbed to one of his staff his policy of given permi.ssion to rernajn-in"Ko­ I’lckles, M)s. LeonanI Burt. Mrs. * George Romney, general mana- Kelsey-Hayes Wheel company, House after the Senate turned extending the duration of benefits. i for two years, the beds^were miss------— WORK DONE WHILE YOU WAIT! — ------Born in Madison, Conn.. August most dedicate of the Detroit work erty and' several adjacent, houses Senator Taft (R-Ohio), who by area offices in Bridgeport, Wa- benefaction. He said that he al­ rea after other Japanese officials Griswold Chappell, Mrs. Clifford President Frank Quish of the grr of the Automobile Manufac­ thumbs down on a large part of A few ssiid the committe, whie I ing. A week’s search located them., J5, 1876, Mr. Burr came by the ways had a feeling that the things stoppages. when the Hilliard properties were sought fruitlessly to modify, the terbury and Hartford. hursery business naturally since had been sent home until his wife, Dolsen. Mrs. Jonathan Law, Mrs. Campbell Coiincil Building asso­ turers-As.soriatlon, declared the the administration program. The takes up the bill Monday, might he dealt with, trees, flowers and ciation has called a summons 'The firm’s 4,500 employes have auctioned in 1941. bill in committee, received-permis­ The New Haven office haa been *his father was a farmer and in- suffered from pneumonia, had re­ James Sloan, Mrs. Arthur Stark­ Industry ’’will be guided by the chamber did. however, agree to kill the measure completely. shrubs, were not his and that what mee.ting of the association for been out since Aug. 23 in a dis­ At the outbreak of the war the sion to file a dissenting report over extend unemployment benefits to in charge of Henry J. Tierney of ■ tensely interested in the propaga- covered sufficiently to'travel. weather and Mrs. Ralph Persson. public interest in dealing with the During hearings on the legisla­ he attained through th^m should next .Mqjidn^ oyeninK at theJC .Of pute- over company taHure- to-re*- -United.. Aircraft .Coiqwratlon leas- the week-end. The banking com- a maximum of 26 weeks at Fed­ that city while Thomas Qulsh or ttioh of trees and shrubs. His par- Thc...^ucyiyors..ij^f. The -. jipacloiis-. Sunday . school. TIAW-^CIO,’.' - but. -he.. added.. "man.i tion as recommended by itta. adr. MancheBtar has. been in;^x;barge .of be used to besf Advhhtagev Tho.'lC Infantry division's ''old guard"— <1, home. Cai'(is were received hlre 'four union members who were -ed- the- propertyand-estabUShed tnltae’S majofliyB ‘ recommendd- eral expense aha Vo paji crave! 4n- |(nts were Nehemiah and ‘ Fanny room was made attractive with agement's obligation to workers Plant J there. Aircraft engine ministration, • both Chairman the New'Britain ofticeli'' who be.st knew of his kindness and 11.’) officers and 870 enlisted men floor lamps, rugs, easy chairs 'and by members yesterday, notifying . . . is to pay the highest possible accused of ejecting a company tions will be submitted by Chair­ penses for displaced war workers. MtevetiS Burr. While his mother generosity know that he lived that them of the meeting. foreman from the plant. parts were manufactured In the man Wagner (D-NY.) one of eight \ Bill Greatly “ Watered Down” Doughton (D-NC) and Represen­ Will Affect Only Small PerBonnel 'set out from Yokohama on the further adorned with brilliant fail wages." The discontinuance of the two tdied when Mr. Burr was a young policy. Their Idleness cut off the sup­ mills. The United Aircraft Corpo­ authors of the measure. \ Senator Wagner (D., N. Y.) said tative Knutson of Minnesota, Things Are Fresher At The first leg of their journey back to flowers and lighted tapers. Romney said In a Thursday Gene Krupa senior' Republican, said it would offices, Fltzgeraid reported, will itean. his father lived into his nine­ The funeral service for Mr, Burr the United States. The division, The hearing on the petltio'h of ply of brake and wheel plants to ration still holds a lease on the Approved 18 to T thg bill, passed by voica^^vote in t ie s passing on but a few years Mrs. Gage, ^com lngly attired in night speech at New York, ’’not property but it has been Indicated ‘"’promote Idleness.” Doughton said affect only a small personnel. will be • held Satvirday afternoon the only one in the U. S. Army powder blue, wore a corsage of Nick Pencheff for perml.sslon. to only'la there no desire oh the part seevral other companies, including The committee approved the bill Gene Krupa, that Acs Drum­ the\Senate yesterday, is greatly f»go. at 2:30 at the Center Congrega­ operate two more taxicab.s, or a the Ford Motor company which that at its end it would not be re­ “watered down” from urgent he viewed the problem as not one Fitzgerald said that from now with p;'name instead of a number, yellow' rosebuds, the gift of the so­ of industry to fight tho unions, but 13 to 7 yesterday. 'Taft immediate­ on, the area offices will concen­ I Was Nursery SImk .Salesnran tional church. Rev. Dr. Wat.sdn wa.s formed in New Caledonia in total of five, in Manchester which temporarily released 50,000 work­ newed. It is understood the lease ly told'Mporters that in l)is opinion mer Man, brings his sensational preaidmtial recommendations. of unemployment but pf redistri­ ciety, and was assisted by Mrs. there is positive belief that our trate on finding jobs for displaced f Early in his life Mr Burr's par- Woodruff, of Avon, former pa."tor early 1942. Was held on, last Monday has bern ers, 40,000 of them In the Detroit la being assigned to the new it would ” do mors to producs un­ band and 30 versatile entertain­ AdmiHiatration troubles were buting workers. Griswold Chappell, Its president, economic program will be ended if owner. moved to Durham, where of Center church and a close 8,1)00 .Starved to Death while Leon Holmes, chairman of continued at the request of Inter­ area. employment than to cure it.” Wag­ ers to the stage- of the State The­ multiplied^in the House, as leading MODEL FRUIT SHOPPE we fail to develop a basis on which The new owner. Max Furman, rthey had purchased a large farm. friend of Mr. Burr will officiate At Pearl Harbor Admiral Nim- the Board of Trustees, took hla ested parties, according- to the collective bargaining can work.” Richard Frankensteen, U A W ner said the measure wap designed ater. HBrtford, today. Saturday members of the Ways and Means •*WHERE CEIWIISE OV4UTY PREVAIIS'* Ut was on that farm that Clifford assisted by Rev. Clifford O. Simp­ Public Utilitlea.^Comm!asron. The vice president, and Percy Llewel­ paid $15,000 in 'caah for the prop­ committee declared the legisla­ Itz announced that the Navy's place beside Rev. Gage and intro­ Romney said a recent check erty and agrees to pay the bal­ to "prevent depressions.” and Sunday. Featured *with Gene «Burr grew to manhood After pub- son. Burial will be in the East Kearlng has been continued iintil lyn, administrator of the Kelsey- It sets forth a policy that "all tion, as proposed by the Presi­ 997 M AIN STR EET A Pew Steps Below Hale’s TELEPH O N E 2 0784 blockade of Wolcal In the Caro­ duced a number of the guesta. with auto manufacturers disclosed ance of $15,000 on January 31, Jmc schooling he went to a business cemetery. ^ Oct, 9, at 2:15 p. m., In the State Hayes local, continued their efforts Americans able to work and de- Krupa and his orchestra are Anita dent, would "promote Idleness.” line Islands was so effective that Entertainment Presented - "all of them are sure the unions 1946. Furman is In the woolens -college in Hamilton, Ontario. Then The Bearers / approximately .5,000 of its original Office building in Hartford. to get the men back to work. In O’Day, charming songstress; Bud­ , The Senate rejected Mr. Tru­ After greetings had been ex­ are here to slay and that they manufacturing busineas,. but would siring^ork are entitled to an op­ he faltered busineto life he be- • The active bearers will be garrison of 6,500 .tapanesc sol­ accordance with a directive-of the dy Stewart. ’’Sentimental Bari­ man's proposal thqt Congress pro­ changed. Grlmvold Chappell served have a potentially permanent con­ not disclose his plans for the fu­ portunity for useful, remunerative, tone” ; Tommy Pederson, trombone ‘^^me a salesman for a nursery George Harris, Merrill L. Batch, diers starved to death. The under­ All members of Company G, structive part to play in our econ­ UAW Ebcecutive board, instructing regular, and full-time employ­ vide benefits up to $25 a week.by OPENING at master of ceremonies and pre­ State Guards requested tO re­ them to go back pending negotia­ ture use of the mills. virtuoso; Charles Venturo on the supplementing jobless programs FREE DELIVERY .concern. He traveled about central Charles Yurkshot, Thomas D. fed sundvors surrendered Wed­ omy." ment.” Without specifically sanc­ s^nnectlcut on bicycle to make his sented the entertainers and port at the state armory on Tues­ tion on the discharges. tenor sax; the Jazz Trio, instru­ administered by the\states. This Faulkner, Paul Htibbard and W. nesday. speakers. The dispute between the Murray tioning any money outlays. It ‘ ^les. His Interest In the business A liberated American prisoner day evening. Sept. 25 in order to corporation and union officials de­ At Chrysler corporation, union mental specialists, and the Four action left payments at the vari­ anyw her e - TELEPHONE 2-0784 George Glenney,, The honoraiy With an idea of carrying out would commit the government to G-Noters, top-notch harmony ‘ Induced him to start one of his of war said today he was convinc­ receive final instructions In con­ veloped Thursday after the con­ officials went ahead with plans for ous state rates, which i*ange from bearers will be ThomasVerguson, the Informality of the occasion, policies designed "to assure con­ swlngstcrs. Extra added attrac­ Monday, September 24th Your Telephone Order Will Receive the Same Careful Attention As If You Came To nection with the All Service pa­ cern said in a newspaper adver­ a strike petition to be filed Sept. Manchester $15 to $28. \ '«wn. , ■ .1 C. Elmore Watkins, FredVA. Ver- ed that Lieut Gen. Masaharu Mom­ Mrs. David Bennett, the organist, tinuing full employment.’’ tions on the bill are Artie Dann, Our Shoppe In Person! ' In traveling aoout this section rade on Saturday, Sept. 29. Every tisement, "because of the actions 23. Provisions of Bill N ^ planck, Arthur G. H- Poweiv Louis ma ordered the death march on suggested singing to Mrs. Gage, Full Resources Seen Pledged "Clown Prince of Comedy.” the "at the state he came across a farm Marte, Harold Alvord, SamuM O. Battan in payment for Japanese member of the company is ex­ of irresponsible union leaders our Awaiting CkMuter-Propoonl Date Book The bill as passed by the Senate Let Me Call You Sweetheart,” pected to be present. Wagner said he interpreted the Edwards Sisters, “ Accent on provides for: \ . nroperty that suited hU requlre- Gordon. Earl Seaman and En^est killed in their i’nvaalon of the national economic system may be­ At General Motors, company language as pledging the full rc- ' ments. It was the Hubbard farm and to Mr. Gage, "For He’s a Jolly Taps,’.* and others. For the Big 1. Payments to the jobless ^or MANCHESTER Bush. . . Philippines. ■ come so hopelessly stalled that we officials and UAW leaders an Tomorrow eources of the Treasury, if that Rhytam Show of. 1945, don’t miss SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK-END! on Oakland street. This he pur- Good Fellow.” This was followed Pvt. William D. Addy, son of may be headed straight for an­ nounced they hare carried on- cor­ Boys Soap Box Derby, auspices 26 weeks, with the Federal goverV by "Keep the Horh^ Fires .Burn­ Mr, and Mrs. David Addy of 31'j was what it took, to provide jobs Gene Krupa and . his Sensational ment taking over after the state'X "ebased in 1898 and he began im­ other depression.” respondence over the 30 per cent Manchester Rotary Club. Keeney for all. He and other backers of YELLOW RIPE mediately to grow a general line ing,” sung by those on one side Foster street, who has been spend­ Band and Revue. The screen at­ duration of payments has expired.^ . No Notification Given wage- demands. The union said it street hlU at 2 p. m. ' the bill emphasize government traction is 'W hite Pongo" with FLOOR COVERING CENTER '-Of trees and shrubs for sale. He MacArthiir Orders of the room, and "There’s a Long, ing the past ten days at his honie, Company officials said its 3,100 was awaiting a written counter­ Supper Social, Masonic Social For instance, if a state provided bis home in Hartford while Long Trail Awinding” at the spending for public works as a Richard Fraser and Mart's Wrixon. Olutnarv left yesterday for Keesler Field, employes struck Sept. 10 without proposal fropi the General Motors Club, Masonic Temple at 6:30. There are late stage shows Sat­ $20 a week for 20 weeks, the Fed­ 468 HARTFORD ROAD ' developed his business. On Se^. same time' by the other side. The . job producer. \ Doihara Arrested; Biloxi, Miss., where he will take a notifying them of the reasons for on the wage issue. Sunday, Sept. 28 urday and Sunday atartlng. at eral government would pay $20 i'lO, 1900 he was married to Mika wngs were reversed by the apecialized mechanics training Spiritualist meeting at Tinker Taft, backed by most Republi­ for six weeks more. Present state lb. the action. Union officials coun­ At Fo’rd, delegates from Ford can members of the committee and 9:45 p. m. JOHN C..KRINJAK GEO. F. D O UGH ERTY lipalla Hickox of Durham. groups and everybody was in big.*! course. He was formerly at the tered With an assertion the walk­ locals throughout the country were halt programs range from 14 to 26 BANANAS by Democratic Senator Hadcllffe Comes To Manchester Code Guides Press good humor. The women then Keesler Field Air base, and more out was caused by management in­ summoned to a Sept. 29 meeting' Tuesday, Sept. 25 weeks. Proprietors .sang "My Bonnie Lies Over Ihe of Maryland, sought to soft pedal Following his marriage he and Deaths recently was stationed at Mlnter sistence on departmental reorgani­ here to take action on a strike ' Meeting to discuss proposed- the spending angle. He says it is DoMn’t Accept Invitation 2. Unemployment compensation Ocean” and the men, ” I Want a Field, ■ California, and has been In zations In violation o f the union vote at Ford plants. Veterans’ Service Centfer here. SWEET FREESTONE BARTLETT JCICV •--Mrs. -Burr continued to live in tOohtlnn«l„.gttMn...E»gft.-OlU!i)- Girl Just Like the Girl That Mar­ the same Old "compensatory •Hartford. It was in 1914 that Mr. Mrs. Bouffard the service for nearly - eight contract. , ...... A t Hudson Motor company, 6,- High, School hall at 8. spending" theory that Henry Wal- Chicago—(JP)—Pvt. Ira W. Ro­ Liuoleums, Flooring Tile ried Dear Old Dad.” months. Pvt. Addy was 19 on R. J. Thomas, president of the 500 were idle and production lines Saturday, Sept. 29 per, transferred to the Marine bar­ PLUMS PEAkS ORANGES ' and Mrs. Burr and their two chll- be printed which might directly or Mrs. Wallace F. Bouffard, of Chqlrma.n Chappell then "p*'*' 1 ice and Lord Keynes, the British '>dren came to live in Manchester. indirectly disturb public tranquil­ Pleasant street,^Hockvllle, died at Tuesday, and the event was fitting- UAW-CIO today advised the strik­ halted in a dispute over demotion All Service Parade here by State economist, have been pushing for racks at Quantico, Va., couldn't seHteil Dr. Ferris E. Reynolds of Guard. find a place tor he and his wife to Counterw ork'^ ' JtAter be purchased the former ity.” the Hartford Hokpital last night. ly celebrated. ers to return to their jobs pending of a foreman. years. 2 pounds 29c 5 for 25c 5 pounds 49c the neighboring Second Congrega­ live, so he wrote his congressman STEAMED V ;^ d g e Campbell house on Main Rather than restrict the press, She was bom in Rockville, June tional fchurch,. who told several No Obligation for Congress _ which already Is American-censor­ 5, 1900, the daugnW of Charles lit WaahmgtBfi. complatntngr Ro- !,atreet from Henry L. Vlbberts.and amusing stories, and spoke of the ■MONTGOMERY WARD. The measure actually would not U was in this home Mr, Burr.pass- ed, the code emphasized truth in and Mary (Walz) Keeney. She obligate this or any fucceeding per said he was surprised to hear Introducing the New Armstrong SUNKIST LFMUNS ...... 6 for 25c FRESH CU CU M B ER S...... 2 for 15c close cooperation between the two from the Chicago congressman. ' Cd away yesterday. news and the elimlnatiop of propa­ leaves besides her hu^b'and, Her Congress to do anything. It sim­ CLAMS SWEET CANTALOUPES ... .2 for 3.5c FRESH CARROTS...... 2 bchs. 23c ganda, . mother, Mrs. Mary KeCmey. Mrs North Main street churches. He ply seta out a policy and provides Rep. T. S. Gordon, and doubly sur-1 >' Mrs. Burr survives her husband. said he Was glad the North Meth­ prised when Gordon invited the | Quaker Eeonoiiiv Wall Covering ' iliere are two children, Charles MacArthur previously had laid Bouffard was a member of the ways to put that policy Into ef­ NEW ONIONS ...... r 3 lbs. 27c FRESH RADISHES...... 2 bchs. \^c down a set .of regulations for Japa­ Union Congregational chuiiTh. odists had a settteq minister, that Ropers to live with him at his | FRIDAY NIGHT - -./ X ■ ■ ' ■ ■...... ICEBERG LETIUCE .... 2 heads 23c FRESH S p i n a c h ...... 3 ibs. 29c I^Btevens Burr, who manages the there was plenty fdr both of tho fect. Washington home until they found i Burr Nurseries, and who lives at nese editors. For infractions, he The funeral will be held Sunday President Truman recommend­ Expert V^orkmanship Guaranteed. afternoon at 2:30 at the Hurke churches to do in the^communlty. ed enactment of full employment a place. But they didn't accept the • 102 Adelaide road with his wife suspended the Dome! agency aiid NA’n V E — NEW HEARTS OF NATIVE SWEET Funeral Home, Rockville. \^th The women members \ of the legislation In his. message a fort­ invitation. They found quarters in I rand three children, and Mrs. two. newspapers briefly. Alexandria, Va. Renn's Tayern iV Marion Elll2abeth Burr Sober, of Prepare To E.xpand fKeupation burial in Grove Hill Cemetety. choir sang, ”In a Monastery Gar­ night ago. Rev. George S. Brookes of Union den” and Mr. Chappell expressed As approved in committee, the K. Cotton/ M. Wasrrier POTATOES CELERY PEPPERS fNorthville, Michigan. Me also Meanwhile American Marines a GET YOUR MATTRESS The flrat capital city of Guate­ f leaves one sister, Mrs. Arthur G. prepared , to expand the smoothly cburch will officiate. his retcret that he was unable to bill provldfs that the. President For free estimates our representative shall send 'Congress a "national mala was established by Pedro de 76 COOPER STREET i H. Power, of Bloomfield, N. J. running occupation of Japan to the Alvar^do'in 1524. 49c peck 29c bunch 4 pounds 2Sc i Civic Activities big Naval base of Sasebo on Kyu­ production and employment budg­ / will gtHtlly call ' Mr. Burr never aspired to public shu. The Fifth Amphibious force e • 0 et” at the start of each session. office but he did serve the town is scheduled to take over the base AT SENSATIONAL SAVINGS In effect, that would call for a <*a number of years as police com- tomorrow. guess at the number of jobs avail­ S n o w w h i t e lijlnissioner and for a few years was . The only trace of violence'in the able and the number of people Dial 5688 or 6759 .^^airman'of that board. He was a occupation thus far was an acci­ wainUng work. i ^ s t president of the local Cham- dental ammunition explosion that A r e CORDS- BETTER Most Species her of Commerce, a trustee of the killed one American soldier and * “ '• i^)Hanche.ster Memorial hospital, a injured 60 others near Tokyo. CAULIFLOWER 2 25 <= ^rector of the Y. M. C. A., a mem­ Army authorities said an Ameri­ QUALITY There are more insect species ber of the Klwanis club, and a can soldier touched off the blast FARM NEEDS than there' are specieo of aV other living things added together, in­ € .past president of the New England by accident and that no Japanese FOR LESS AT WARDS ..Nurserymen’s Association. Fra­ sabotage was suapeeted.v cluding both animal and vegetable ternally he wa.s a member of Man­ The roundup of waYM^mlnals kingdoms. chester Lodge' of Masons and continued smoothly, with U. S, FARM STORE MANCHESTER COLUMBIA - DECCA - VICTOR — CAPITOL Pinehurst Vegetables AUTO BODY POTTERTON'S PAPER COLLECTION 50. Oak Street At The Center 539-541 Main Street IN THE .Closed Saturday Al 5:8U P M. The headliner in our Tegetable section tomorrow will HIAVY DUTY AM Telephone 3979 open Tbaraday UattI 9 P. M. b* some freshly picked NEW CROP YELLOW CORN. Auto Body and The farmer will bring us all he can pick and it will be C^OLID INGINI Fender Repairing offered for .sale while it la.sts. Auto Painting Simonizing 2 lbs. 2;Jc W ORTHEAST SECTION Red Cabbage SWEET POTATOES 2V4-KP. 7 4 - 5 0 Des Moines or y^Good Quality Native Acorn Squash POTATOES A sal* that eompeb ottuntfoni Sovingt you'll E gg Plant Peck (l.'S lbs.) .Wc . This engine will fit many jobs. . « wolcome onthusiatticallyl Only because we CAPITOL MOTORS PAYS Spinach POTATOES ...... 10 lbs. 12c just dial the power you wariti b)« Peppers Fancy White must get our stock ki balance do we offer stant ttariingl Soves you fuelt ^'Sky High Prices C elery CAULIFLOWER, 25c Each such startling reductions. You get ejtfro sov- Tomatoes (With a Few Extra Large Air oooledl Can’t freeze in cold Tiirnip^ .\t 29c). weather! Smooth running t »f ingsl You get Words quaHty at prices even For Used Cars'' No individiuil or dealer can pay TO, MAKE ROOM FOR NEW Timken Roller Beoringd L V*. * . - ... . ^ lower than our qlreody low regular prices. more. We bay all makes, mod­ els and types of cara aad trnelu F Pinehurst Meats N O W come to Words for the most comfort­ regardless of year or condlUoD. APPLIANCES Our meat department is just bursting at the .seams able mattress you'll find at these, low price 4-Door i 1 . . . we have so much more meat than usual to offer. Come WARDS srm / Sedans^ 1989 1 1040 1 194t in for poultry.' most everything in beef . ..Sm oked POULTRY HOUif Plymouth 98201 8605 1 8900 /(X)MING SOON Tongues'. . . Frying Chickens . . , Fowl and Broilers. Ford '"""$5701 8710 ! 8900 Chevrolet iftsol" I f i s T 8986 All furnkure items on our floors must be sold Freshly Chopped 19.95 WARP MATTRE 2 5 0 . 0 0 Psi^mrd $820181098 1 81286 quickly! Can you use any of these wonderful GROUND BEEF (2 points) ...... pound 29c valiiea? ' Ineulsted. 12 * 12. A superior mattress designed for Cadlllae 811401814481 8$fS0 This is good weather for your last “ hot dog roast.” genuine corafortl Pelted cottoe Chrysler 8825 ! i n i s 1 81495 Pre-fobricoted r Weather-tight We have plenty of freshly made Frankfurts from First filled with vertical •stitched' pre­ Buick.. 88551 81180181820 5-Piece Regular $39.00 Oldsmlrtle 8280 181010 181880 Pri/e, Forst Packing Co., Swift, .\rn(our, and GrSte. and rodent-propf I Cosily put up built borders to hold shape. Neat Mrale Kitchen Sets ^ DOUBLE by one imsn. Four sizes . . . 12x “ Dodge 88851 82251 8I0SO w i l t : Separate Turkey Gizzards and Turkey Livers 16SALEI corded edges. Table and 4 Chairs STUDIO COUCHES Stnd’belc’r 8290! 8998181285 12 to 13x35. Add secKont osflocfc Regular $49.50 Sale Price Nash 82801l f ^ | 8l i $0 PUT THESE ON YOUR SATURDAY LIST expands. Scientific automatic ven- Pontiac 86801 8920181115 Now $29.95 $39.95 AND GET THEM AT PINEHURST .'.kiLliA tilationi Cel-O-Glasa windowsi Pepperidge Farm Bread Douvalettea other VearB, Makes and Models Strictly Fresh Eggs Paper Towels SAMPLE HOUSE ON DISPLAY I Bought AoconUngly Spring-Filled Maple Bedrooms Arnold’s Bread .. . - Paper Napkins CALL. WRITE OR PHONE Maple Arm Strate>Uft^ Words Our Buyer WUl CaU At Voor CRICKET CHAIRS Arnold’s- Rolls • Paper Plates 5.98 Pair PILLOWS Home SOFA BEDS Pump Stock - Regular $7.95 Robinson’s and Helen Harrison's French Dressing Ponco Regular $79.50 Jock 5 0 ^ curled duck feathers and Hills* and Arnold’s Coffee S9-bi. Bod Now $59.95 Now $4.98 50% curled chicken feathers. FrostM Peas, Ford Hook Limas, Asparagus, 69c 10.98 Peaches, (xreeq Beans. Applesauce and Apricots. W e Bole Size21-27. No pump rod wear:..effici«nt U 4IM I Solid Maple Solid Maple have more Frosted Peas than usual and expect to have Heavily gatvaalaed against ifraight Nft d.flgn,' Cut gears 3-Plece enough to go through most of the day. weather! Top, betten wiree LOUNGE CHAIRS run in o6 bath. are 11 ga. Staya epaoed 6-In. Living Room Suites Wo iPUl Buy Voor Car Over tha Spring Cushions Mr. Urbink just brought in a. shipment of Boned . 20 rod rdO. . Phono^Call Hartford 1-8144 Sofa, Morris Chair, I *“ Chicken Broth and Chicken Fat In glass Jars. Top-QuaNty Pair Regular $29.95 Platform Rocker. OuaHty _ - -Regnlar 8189A0 U fw jB tarwi/t p^cklBg plahf. , A Soft Bow Tops llils Classic Beauty In 8 «R ^ SPECIAL OFFER Now $139.50 Twine Now $19.95 “ Larkspun” — An Aralac and Rayon Come to Pinehurst Saturday and do all your shop­ Blecke Sell your oar to ns now and Fabric. Sisea 12-20. p in g Pkase park on the Turnpike Side, if it is crowded well pay you top M h cash ^ ^ ■ 6 . 8 5 price Immediate^. When new COME IN— AND LOOK AROUND! Jb front. We will bring your bundles to your car for you, 21.95 cars are in full production, $8.9a •nd you will get inrompt service. need car prioes are sore. to You’n soy It's the host Iwtne everl Salt bricks help to maintain WVkRewCatcriosDaparfmwIfarRMMiiclkiNoni^Neda your budget aim . our MonMyPaym^Plof# dk>p sharply* ^ ADDITION, TMtsd to Ugh breoUng ttraM heoMv old dlgoslion, build bon# if you sell now, yon can nse Rxelnsivc With Loltic. .wojundl Imect rapUIsfif structure, provide mineral soOdsI yonr oar for the next IS daire Monday9 September 24 ndfiLLTJit G]vcen/.9nc. without charge. TWEED'S ' 302 MAIN STREET ^ 202 hlAIN •TRSXT « MONTGOMERY WARD CAPITOL MOTORS • ‘ CST OF-‘CE ■ ONE BLOCK FROM ilAUARMOR, 824-824 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER .3 6 8 Main St. Hartford 0|M a BWNlags T il 8 P. N...... ■ 1 1 " ...... ■ ...... :------^ ^ ^ ~ . ------'----- —« Srill Favored Pro Here Sunday Groups l 2 Effectivt S«fita«ber 13,1945 ^— :------—;------4 Detroit May Sack Into Junior League Flag COMMUNITY CEILING PRICES segn • Hath To Even Series ISSUED lY UNITED STATES OF AMERICA — OFFICE OF PRICE ADMINISTRATION TO CUSTOMERS: ALL'PRICCS FRISH. CORED, 'CDfTB Pi3f POUHD RnAIL CEILIKG PRICES FROZEN Cemmetk^DMrktOtfictm Higloitl,VitJtfKtrii»JGiHnl(M*rNo.51 ~ ~ Uih pmttr R o m oof ceotoin all Batting Stars •-i Cor'nell Choice Ovbr Cards Trip Chicago item! nndtr Prict Control. TImm SBAOa C E illfllfi P tiC IS FOR GROUPS 1 ana 2 STORES ' ' (OMHUNin NKMG ORDB It. I, EFFKIIVI S£P1!H(a 17,194S prkM ore tnbjat to chon^ by BEEF AA A B O VEAL AA A B C O * lecond Game in Twi­ I'a* W|MMf. 1 “ I th« OPA. Consult tbo P'rko n X A K S 8TSAK8 AND CHOPS Syracuse on Saturday m i I f E’ork-rStouM..^..^ Lein Chopt...... 48 48 38 34 30 light League Playoff 2 to 0; Trail by Two FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT . Ponol of yonr Local loord for ______w « 37 33 Rib Chopa..,,...... 42 41 38 .18 28' hA i Wcw |h» awlltr C lu b ...... ShoukW Chopa—Arm or ---- ' . 32 30 83 81. fn rth or mformatioa and to B ib — 10-in ch o u L . 38 38 31 37 23 Bound Staok—Cutlata—...... 90 46 S M 33 Series at Oval SatUrfay 7 m c h 3ft 38 34 88 88 Sirloin Ltaok ior ------40 38 34 30 81 Pin Indiana • Michigan Top nUs pettor npbni all ptttiovt Of A Community CtHing fika fostan for Dry Gretoriat. Mcurt o copy of tbit poster. 4« 44 3ft 31 17 Brecheen Hurls St. Louis RO.kSTS The Grill dasplte toiing the flnt Pennant Race At a Glance Strl^ —BcmiaM ...... ^ 8T 84 ^ 44 38 34 Game of Day; Duke Local Sport ,R ound - B o r . t m. Ini) c u t...... m...... 49 a 37 31 87 Bump and Strkkn -Bonr'm i...... 82 49 44 38 M fame In the Twilight League play- “T o ’ Win; Washington Bc v m Io m . topeond boftom...... Bona m...... S. 1 « . 44 » . 33 88 . ta g —WboW, rump oil, ahonkor rutnphoU 37 34 31 87 28 By The Associated Presft lirtfBr^ mmirntm s 'm SS|Ay 1 I T i p ...... r ...... — 3ft Mrtea to the P A ’s laot Satur* Already Eyes Bowl SafS»“ PiM-cubad. baiaWaa, top ond 4$ 48 38 .14 30 And Tigers Both Lose American Leagne • VIGrrAILIS—CANNED* bcpftom.. ------8 l 31 43 41 38 38 8ft lay, will be a heavy favorite to Chatter JUICtS—PRUrr AND VNCTARU— . OILS— COOKINA A N D S A U D Blada or Am ....—— » Teams W. L. G.B. T.P. mfsjovRNmk ^ la c k B lo d * o r A rm 7 - Bon* 38 10 3ft 88 . *1 - 33 27 83 81 Berth; Other Contests In American I^eague CMC MfNB ' CANNID • . ^ .^ ■ .4aai4 ...... *-.•■• . . IM I 104 I ftCANS-WAX-CVr ii,. . 40 40 40 40 '■.88 RcMuid...... 80 48 41 38 22 sven the ecore Saturday . after- Detroit ...... 86 63 — 6 .... 1 aM i Shouldar— Bona in, aqifara cut... M«»tmn jua . 2 1 0 Ne t J f ' « o * r r » * ...... 30 30 27 88 20 loon when the two te&ma meet In Tommy Faulkner related yester­ * Caprtana ...... 1 I P2 I . . . . ■• 2 .10 Beneiaaa. aguora cuL..a—... 38- 37 34 31 8$ Washington . 85 65 1 4 ’’I « 5 ihsaOtra...... 9 » 2*14 14 CanuaiM—Cana»«aa4 ...... I f i 55- . . . . Me 2 21 21 R ib S ta n d in g — lO^lnch ------t- - 38 33 31 87 83t New York, Sept. 21.—(A*)— day that the golf match at the T il .11 0lM4t*a ...... 4 4 h .14 14 Ca*laa>na—4Mt«swa4 ...... I fM . 1 05 1 I 7-inch cut...... 38 89 Lag or Round- Bcn*laea..,„^.... the oecond game of their keriea at By Jack Hand .11 .10 OfiMOap?m-l™. - C iiM T tm a i Q M : g 0 . . . . Na 2 22 22 3ft 34 National League DwaM DtKk ...... Na 2 14 4 ' Cm I f i ' .2 3 7 i .. N* 2 Ih IB R ib -10 Inch cut. bonaWaa ond roUad...... 38 38 Strknn Strip—Bonabaa___ .....___ Making the season’s first football local Country Club Sunday after­ Of»r> owtrTTaai i4 « . n m FlaHM CaM ...... Na 2 14 14 Cama»a-Crpaa La4al . 7 Vl i i - ww w It 1:30 at the Weot Side Oval. ' (Associated Press Sports Writer) ; t BaFTi Clatu O r K 14 m 25 » . . . . N* 2 Ift IB Short L o in — Botuplaat a n d PolUd, tamdar- \ Tandarlotn.-i,...... Chicago ...... 91 55 - 8 » a r m U t U H ...... 4 4a i Ms 54 Itatian Caa* ...... 106 1 .21 'Ragutor Rib Roll—Bonalaas....^...... «. selections while loaded down with noon that will find the state’s best m .04 6#ii4Ale— Uawaetelei . . . , . w 4 p . . . Ne 2 13 1) jjSt i l>lT af (h* VMip? ...... Me 2 21 -'*C- 49 48 >< Lefty Perzan who suffered his.j Detroit may back into the |l«fa*d ' ...... C iasM lpf 34 RfauhiaM— 3 SwM ...... Na 2 20 2ft tound Tt ~ loin m.. SK^tdar Clod—BonataM...*.:...... 21 St. Louis ___ 89 57 2 8 m m GNtaaia Unw aptpaii ...... a— . . • 4 4 m 30 30 , CN ti I f f ^40. a crystal ^ 1 to one hand and a pros to action Including Tommy 14 14 Mpnt .s.e t N* 2 .Ih IS • 44 ? JS 33 8ft VaoJ RoU-Bonad, rpllad. and bad...... z f z i z . t HI first setback of the season last K PMiatp--Uam aaitnai Da 2 MMatt ...... dan 1 tM 2 IT 1 Menanh—(nrp SmaP ...... N* 2 23 2ft Pienalaai....-...—...... w .— *....- 1$, American League pennant by Remaining Games Km4ai»—UwaatanaO...... 4 4 m 3T IT Maieia ...... ItM 209 j }«’ veek may again draw the ataH- golden ht Sarazen will be SMlaaH ...... 44 m . ^ St .14 14 PsMp Can* ...... e.*! . . . . . Na 2 13 1* f B o iw tn ...... 30 38 84 81 17 American League tA e n y—Mauwal .*!* > trpnv pr »Cat laaaaaO I r 31 P*yai ScaM*i . . . . Ne 2 21 K. Cnuck or SioukbT—Bonalaaa.._i._^.^.. 41 38 38 38 • 8 ft- STCin AND OTHER CUTR Indiana-Mlcbigan: Indiana’s Big matching Washington I o m for loss S«a"<' .30 34 FM>UnPa«>Un ...... >«'...... laal 1 Ift ^ng assignment for the Grill al- well worth the time to attend. t-pft..PtifSUa’a . }4 m . 22 S l i S r i « ...... ^ v - — »*l*...*Maa^ .IT IT <101 5 S PfMc*— ftM i.a4M ...... N* 2 18 Chuck Biada or Am i— Bona-In...... ^..... H fesof — fes - Detroit—Against Cleveland ns Pakpaefs— Ptaaui ...... I M j 30 88 38 81 K-Part.Part-CiNMfWtai -6iNM>*Fia< ------U m . J t M S m SS 5 S Pt*»c*— R*« L MI . . . . ’ N* 2 23 a Ten title drive to hit a snag to the -pTRAmtO 20 .30 PayalCaak ...... I M Enoitch Cut...... a — ... . Nack—Bona in...... — ... 23 ss hough smiling Mickey Delucca but the .St. Louis. Qardlnala arc J . Na 2 14 14. S»>wf.n* . . . . y . . . . . N* 2 21 2ft . — . I* IS ...... Tommy. Annour...... 2, St.'toxils 4. Total 6. tMOf-M-M . CIM f/lJICAtt F l^ lo u l> C a R ...... A4I.. •* ‘Sontrl* — • *\ I • i'T^S ^ - i t - -Ift- rDTEWfl AND OTHSII CUTB- - ShoTTk - fferrtnr.’hiM'aW nay be the flipper at game time, HObslers" first " game. ' Mlchlgah taking care that Chicago will have .. C l^ d r:-rr. PAir— Ti-^3ft- Papal Caai y ...... i a f - SutPffinp ...... Ih lliere will ' be n o " admission Washington—Against New >a J O 2ft Mapai 4ta»Nl Uninm inpR’ ...... -Na 2 10 .11 Ift * Short B.ba,..-...... 23 22 80 80 18 Brao cl—Bonalaaa...... 904 Pn*Ntt . T« RpyM SlAjHi- 2 20 1 Hack—BoMlaaa....^ ...... M 32 8 » 26 22 ond iora..... 4.' ...... Ci#« PtHiOMf ftaU nniM ••h. i u » a . ..IT * IT SajfHsM . . ..n e e n e ...* ... Na 2 .15 15 ...... I PI J 3 cooN-ji ypfpuHti m i imtntmt. 0 « u thrff »<-l^ta ...... 14m 25 25 > DM M«tta . . 44 An BtwPt ...... Bay 40 40 Hahaap ...... ‘ ilshonk- Bona In, hind ond to*#,.,...... 20 30 80 30 18 Tbe matches will get underway t i j Ppwu. tm m P im m tr Si m major golf title in this country a year’s absence and he Is likely Fla*#' F * CrvU ...... O m .15 15 14 l i AR tranPt ...... C ia n .O u 71 71 Menpf. Ora#...... I Bonalaaa, h in d o n d ta** ,, r-r- 28 . 3S 28 28 24 AA A C s M R sponsible for knocking In the tying shortly afternoon and with no against the Cubs. 2. Cincinnati 5, Pltt-sbi^h 1. FlM am i MpTImi I M . . . m ...... IPIM. IT IT 45 45 AH 1 33 I 33 I C A ...... MUTTON CCRtALS—IM AKM Sr ...... i M I I 13 ...... at ▲ A a GRAoa that a pro Is eligible to compete to embarrass the improved Pan­ Relegated to tbe scrap heap uf CaaO LMk->Pia O v M ...... IB '10 A1 OcanPi ...... Clau p<. 1 30 1 30 Kpswy PaMi s and winning runs last week. Lefty sporting attraction at the South Total 8. . 2 I 4 » l JO Jft Kaanip t in 1 ^ , . . . , ...... ■ieifphaniZZ7Z.77Z7Z f ... . 3 ... y M tm Kimw ...... 10«. .14 .14 ' Fi*.M>a IncM 42 42 A t OftnPi ...... M 2 55 2 55 Is a good hitter and bae collected for.- His'appearance is expected thers—Illinois. also rana after Hank Borowy turn­ AN > s i MAIm ...... 14 tt. 22 a 10 10 AH Oraim .. .A ...... Clan t i 2 U 244 PfiMelP— CalOW ...... 17 I t Suat...... — snjuQi AND cn on End, a large crowd of newcomers •ran PM4«I~PM -aum. • « .11 11 45 45 All e r« m ...... ar Clan ^ fat 4 2 0 420 LNar ...... 18 I f (ORC3UlfD BCir-HamhM B r ' n ' i -z: Iz At least one extra base bit In'each to lure a capacity crowd to the Southern Califomia-UCLA; Re­ ed them back to 10 mnings Wed­ 9rm PlAin Pw> «. IT .IP 10 10 MauM*t« ...... 17 I t ia expected to attend the golfing 9RUm—CANNID A t ftritPl ...... Tm ar Ctatv pal • 17 A 17 10 IN I DRIED BdT. IUCn>t v.*"VN>'79N' H 84 80 • 88 48 36 31 3* O lM iW U .14 14 41 43 Bulk. Umaockogad...... - TO pf the three games that he hasclub. ports from the west say that the nesday, the Red Birds again are Cam P liiM KlW iai 4 « . 04 04 rOUTT COCRTAIL ' 15 15 PaiaM ...... 14 15 48 44 40 84 11 classic of the year to Manchester. P/pftv*r—CeWt* . ... h ft)., Cal'cthona- 1ft - Ir* l.O f S i f l o t n ...... •. 1$ Cere P l5 * - K f B i| | ...... r^». 11 M. .10 to Oatatfl H it . . . .. »• 214 I C A 10 10 SHORTENING 17 IF played In with the defending Trojans are of pre-war quality only two games behind Chicago on Mickey .Haefncr and two suc^ 14 .14 I C A 42 42 Povai ScaMft— CatPaa ar Wh«. Oal M a M p ...... C la ii.lM 303 ...... Clan 1 » and almost the equal of some of Can F iM i P m TMMtn ...... 4w. 04 04 Dal Mama ...... d a tv Na 2>ri 42 41 Kpntf Patt ., 10 10 Cn«a ...... SAW IT-' I T , phampions. with eight to go. Two more with cessors. / . Cam P t* n — PfU TasiUn . . . . H a t to Na 2>i i.>44p 20 20 Crrwa ...... Clan. 3 N t S S' P>mt—P«P la a tl CMPaa IT 1 ? ; At the North End'Sunday the 10 Pmai.pr ...... 1(4 Shfctfiti* . . . the late 'Howard Jones’ master­ tbe leaders are slated next Tues­ CemFtMs—Peh Taaniai ...... liar . .. o P .. ftiaat.Na 2>r« im p 44 44 ' VARIETY MEATS Should, the PA’s win, the series Alllp'lteynold* tossed the In­ Cam Fuapt—P rtflh tr...... 4 « Na 2>>t PtpA.tr 10 10 pTiantt ...... •...... 3 itt • Stakrfr . ..V -.... Lag—Whqla. ball, or »hort third and flijal game for the Soft- PtP A Whrtf ...... sm SoneiW .. . . . in k IT I f . ill be over and the team will pieces. A Friday night affair— day and Wednesday after the Cmam af WRwai - M a t. Na 214 41 41 BctI I {Uwb [MuHmiI d u t...... Fish—Game dians' to a 6-1 edge over the des- FdwAa - Waclaf I ..r .. . 14 m . Na 2 » 20 Sturf'*P ...... CwtM. IN W«>>» Paw—C o ip w ...... 18 1 9 1 44? 48 38 34 28 23 31 ball League championship will be Na hf» ^ &rle«n Roaat—fion* in...... Caih the first leg on the Dwyer Southern California. Cards entertain Cincinnati twice FaNaa PWAnni .o»oa».. 14 M. KtM> Pa^ l a t M ...... 4 4 m 4717 47 ShvMma ...... 3 N i wtrff P*W—.WMa . 14 efate Tigers just when It looked •—.•a— .. Na 2>^ SAaM^w ...... Canan. 3 Psi RroiAa...... a.— -««-»«« 17 . S3 , a a 81 48 44 40 34 81 Ift played between Warren and Jarvis Par.is—ONler - nr ■ — KraMaN ______,. . Na 2V* 20 20 R ib ...... Ifenibyial trt^hy, donated by Kentucky • Mississippi: Bemie while Chicago Is at home to Pitts­ FariAd OMipt . iarta i« 4 f data. Na 2^4 _ A W ...... '-.TTlVe^V 47 JF'F ...... Clan 1 N. com -wMic nihsi.- Chmarlingp — ...... Yoka. Rottla, Tnanglar— ' df ■to 1 veek from and Stolle. and Gamble, the game .8 If Detroit, was going to squeese Faat a# WAwt— Heearth ______| 4 m . SUAalp ...... 20 20 Sa»p ...... d a n . 3 N i. H a o r lt ...... a I a j a si Shively to make a successful de­ burgh for a three-game set'. / ManarcN ...... 7 3 . — . - . . Na 2Vt •(wt laa*f ...... Bona tn ..„ ...... 30 8ft 88 28 18 !4 If Joriarty Brothers. A Grill* Notes win through with a 1-0 verdict for AI F * « d Wwat— llM M C N ...... n « . •Mat ScAftrt ^ ;T7. Na2V4 SiakMr . ...*...... 4 ... Haod. Pork.______B on alaw ...... 48 43 is scheduled to get underway at fmt* rr ...... Rai. TtaaWf VaiNr ...... DstM 0w*» ...... 48 38 21 18 17 111 sendN^e series Into a third but Into the Southern Conference. Bt. Louis’ three night game^^t S S PNfCP-—fttat Labal ...... Na P » OM MeniP ...... K . I Kid n a ya______21 P a ' 31 U C h u c k ok S h o u ld a r— Bocm Benton. The Tribe flattened the ex- C ripMm — N m ...... 12 m . S S Ptatta^ftao I a4al . . . . w . Na 2t>t ‘TAamn VMItf SOURS—CANNED 2:30. GfUM M F—F U M i P a M ...... Tai. OM WaniP . piau. Na Laol Lord, Raw...... ^ . > f . . c tn — J’- 1 i Dd decidihg contest possibly one It’s another Friday night game— Sportsman’s Park produced^Jjiree SAW Na 2W Ca<«a4Ml—Ttmaia ‘ ...... 10 10 Ftainvait . ... Mc pack. 1 Uvera—Unblemiahad.... 40 a a b...; sailor and Continued on Dizzy GpRaa>bU Fi m m —part . . . .. 12m S ia k tip ...... • .a...... NA2»rf .4^41 Sguorp cut...... 38 3ft - 38 " 36 ' 18 18 Ift TOMATO iUlCC CamatMM — VttPiaait .15 14 Catd*^ Paith . .4 lac. pack. 1 B lam lahad...... a 7ft a 5 . . J >m mis coming Saturday. Kentucky. keen pitching duels. Brech^m's de­ SanesM ...... Na 2> I M 30 00 0 0 H foit—C'tatn af Tawaia - 13 13 Cc-tdaw-Cama . Me pack. 1 C rcaa c u t...... 31 31 30 28 ' 18 14 12 iGrid Opener Trout and George Caster for six CanfAtn . O a rw a ig h t TAamai iHtf ...... Na 2V| .-<*40 30 Mp.«i-Vftaiaait..VptPiAf'a| Vat IV 15 HM>daf Icn n ...... 84 80 88 . 48 38 31 30 Comell-Syracuse: Eld McKeever, Jerry Fay established a record cision over Ray (P op )y^rlm was %Ws>U PtM , ...... fttM420M ^ 3i JT CamtPtfl • . . . . t..f 11 II 8wea*reods-Nfck.______a ^ 4ft 4ft runs in the eighth . Shortly ■ r . f . . . — Mi.rff-Tamaia - , • 10>»a 00 00 Kmty Pam ...... MR. pack. 12 m . 14 S J BonalaM LambShould«r Roll RfaMIli Kmali , h . . , i . . O m • n ^ .^ 1. . Na 2Va .41 4ft K a o rt...... me new Cornell coach, says he wants for putouts for a first baseman in most important to B«ly South- iiM...... M i ...... - . ^ n a . . nm. Farta - ...... -MjrfP— V»aMa4l« 1 0 i|« 12 12 Efa»«(» K r t t ...... tM .pM k.1 2 M . 15 Tommy Holmes, right, of the Braves and Phil Cavaretto of the before a terrific do.wnpour halted fap^RaOr Fam \ Patk -r —- i - t ------5 S P'pttp— PtP LaaM— famaw lOi^at ON 00 KruPatf ...... aae. pack, 12 M. 14 P o m u n d tf 6 ON r one-game in the Eastern League •CACMCS>VUlftW CltNft S 5 Pt«rc»-A««ll*Pl— VppMatN 10t>« STEWS AND OTHER CUTS t owln first game and wpuld like league leading Chicago'Cubs are stnging^a heck and neck race for worth’s tattered crew which would PmijaN*^ FrM ...... 12 12 V I? af ih* vafwf ...... m e . pack. 12 m . .14 P o m 6.tb 12 oc.. S4-S-I Next Friday play for 42 minutes. . wn-ip.lkew— Tewaia . lO itw 10 10 tm Iraa PiaMa. Ooi Mama . .... ftUH Na f lA ys 3B Fr-M ...... lily M It* vaPff ...... Na 2 10 P otrp u v a r 12 ea. Bregrt ond Flonk.,'.. to win first game and would like twenty, years ago when he handled have been virtually eliminated, •a tm Iraa Fiakaa— RtOait . . . . V 10 « ON Maata ...... Clan, Nt 303 24 24 . w fiip Pei*— v^ u ia ip ...... lO^aa, .12 .12 Mwarch ...... Na 2 10 the National League batting championship with'the Cubs’ first base­ Raitdi fttan F|m «»— Paa ...... x lO a i I' C A ...... a . — ...... la at. Shonk—Bona ...... With Washington running out of Ct.iaal»-^5l i 7h 2h R'di4d'a..« ...... ; ...... 14M •Mtp C'MfcPf . . . .■...... 11 U Prftn-pf .. Na 2 .10 games to play'—they have only lit4f-.-HaTm ...... Na 2Vi 11 33 KrjMMa ...... ■*pai ScariM— 61IPM . Na. 2 .10 Tonguaa—Fraah,.,.:;.....’. . . . . a x j BotMlaaa...... are he will be at least half-way ball game. Jerry had 31 putouts won ftoR R n ifiii R lM a f ■ ...... Rat- ■ Canimmial ...... 11 11 38 38 38 21 81 21 half the season before going into a nose dive tn the west. PsM Sa»r»iai ftM4ir ...... R a t - • li»4p>-Ms(a«...... Ha l i t 14 33 l>44| ...... UaiaH— Chxbpn NaeM* ...... 11 11 Papal Scari*t—W M* Na. 2 4 0 Curad,...... M-.... Ground Letnb and Pothaa*. iManchester Plays Hb^t and four assists. Quite a record. four more counting today’s finale NaPHOatt-Heft...... U m l*44p~-MalM« .. . o . ..M Clan. Na 2C^ Si 3ft RAairhtati...... S«U" lakpr—Chtcbm NaaPN ...... 10 10 ' $ 5 pt*r(t—RtP laB M N w iiil t Hack Bonaa, 8 successful—Cornell. Despite^reebeeh’s fancy south- ftfiat ftat»»N.O . 32m l>44f— SRca« .Clan, Na 2W IT 3h IPanirch ...... M c p a c A U w .11 Texas Christlan-Kansas: The pawtog,/it took a sensational dou­ with the Yanks—tbe odds favM M N 4 fta ih » t 6 4 ...... 2D m n .13 Na 2'4 » M Paraf $arca>-0IM laMl HaNai Na n t 14 14 SAW...... 14 14 SUGAR SiekMp—CeMm ...... Na 2' .10 The 1045 bowling season that is |4re40W W4aM—R aPeii f . t ...... Rt« s k ’ S4arf.na-.S4aa4 Na 7K^ .M .33 ShaMina ...... 13 .13 A t —ftfam 00 Oi Thamti Valipp—N*ppHt Me pack, 12 at. 48 ihlai-«llOUMp»aAT ______.Sn Aria A-TKAIUM LAMB .The annual meeting of the Hart- again until Saturday and Sunday '.M hometown backers—Texas Chris­ only a few weeks away will have top) Marion to tbe ninth in­ I nmOOpO wsaai M • C 12 m %VNtt Paw— M a lm ...... fttMi Na 2>.t 1ft . Ai>—Canfmsenarf , 00 M Whii# Paw— CcJPm k ^ pNm pi • I ■ (a) 1W latuflw m M aal mB aap pt*MPaa^ w*a! aaMPi MPaa m L — c M a p h M m Im M iiiia i taak a a N a ia la a M Naa a IVebo in League VAfU Paw—NaNn ...... Na lir t 11 when St. Louis Invades Briggs W4aM Ita rtiri ftm lM Rat AHr-C^anuiaitP . -act. ?2 m .10 mmmi la a N m f*aaa4 waNM AeNaaN w taMaa 20 M N a raiaU * TatH aa tan k AA ppaAa kakaa A |ii4 a la a 4 aaMap* tn A County Association of SporU- tian. to uncover a new bowUng cham­ to make It stick. Brecheen, WWft Paw—SMtM ...... Na 2>'t ii J 3 A ll—Ceana

45 Houaebold Goode 51 l-UONKHVILLE FOLKS BY FONTAINE w m Aatomobnes for Sale 4 Business Services Offered 18 Household Services Painting—Papering 21 Articles for Sale Offered 13-A FOR SALE— 1041 Chevrolet truck, RADIO REPAIRING. Ptek-up PAINTING Contractors. Interior DRILL Press, 11-Inch bench type 8-R0031 OUTFIT Gassified Qaftified IH-ton with steel l^ y , U. S. service. Kadio* checked at the LET ME do your curtains for Fall, and exterior painting and paper f E B P A V B f Sense and Nonsense Bp W o r t l e , J r . i s a jou&U g u y t o b e a t a t home, ^tpre open all day Aian- Hand ‘aur laundered. ■ ■ Reasonably “ prlc- hanging. Specializing in spray $20. Call 7168 after 5 p. m. $2rs Army four ~^heel drive, S895. Small deposit holds It—$4 weekly. Small down payment. Brunners, chestei ^sdlo Service. 73 Birch ed, Tcl/ 5216, painting. McKinney S t Fenn. Tele­ Twaa A SImep! ------iuyL^Jl.Uie^YictQ!xJi9nds_You J f the guests aren't important, phone 2-0106, Manchester. FOR SALE—New frozen food cab­ Consists of bjijroom. living roqm Advertisen..nts Can. Keep All the Victory Bonds the hntess wears last year's gown Advertisements 5191. Open to 10 evenings. street. Telephone 2-0840. 'Twas a aheep, not a lamb, that WINDOWS Washed, screens and inet, electric water cooler, 10 and breakfast s t. and. additional B O SiB You Buy! and foregoes the special hair-do. PAINTING AND Paperhanging cubic foot refrigerator, a neon pieces. For Rent Fm Sail went astray A young couple was strolling F o r Sitle 1936 FORD 4-do6r sedan. Mechani­ HAVE y o u a NY, Radios to be re- a,wnlngs removed. Storm windows Cwpjrritiil by MEA iEEVICE. For Rent cally good, tires good, $250. Own­ palred? Send or hpve them called insta/Ied. Walls washed, floors and wallpaper. John P. Sullivan sign and a parlor stove. All be- Can be purchased separately. In the parable Jeaus told; when an airplane came Into sight To Buy To 'Twas a grown-up sheep that wan­ A business man tells us he is In er leaving for Army. Hazel Mac- for by yoUr Post Radio Shop re­ waxed. Also Inside painting. Call Phone 4260. lowcelllng. 251 North Main near A-L-B-E-R-T-S Si W overhead; To Buy T o S e l l . dered away favor of an anti-noise ordthance for Varlsh, Ellington. Rockville 82-4. pair man. Guaranteed service. 747‘il. .^.Depot Square. 43 Allyn street. Hartford Manchester, except for one case. Branch of ’ I thia time it was long distance From the ninety and nine In the ■fwo old salts, who had spent Place your order now for a new Private Instructions 28 FULL SIZE Poultry house. 12x12 Leaiia Plans Power Man (explalninjf)-1 don’t like It FOR SALE!—1931 Model A Ford Meek radio. Or call at 6^8 North Connecticut's Largest Furniture I wanting Bob himself. She waited. fold. . * . most of their lives on fishing Flnrists— Nurseries 15 poultry house, complete with But the conversation turned out And out on the hilltop and put In when business la so quiet that 1 can station wagon, with overhauled Main street Telephone ^-^1403.. ELOCUTION—A few lessons often Stoi e Wanted to Rent ■VII hear my note drawing Interest at smacks, were arguing about math motor, $175, Inquire 141 Center nests, roosts. rCady to house a be a long one, not concerning Oie cold ematica. Finally, the captain of / Lent and Found FOR SALE — Asparagiui. Mary helps when you are newly elected Special dtscoOnts and coi.sideratlon the bank a block away. street. BUARANTEED RADIO Service. flock. Completely pre-fabricated. given to all men.b^rs of t. 3 armed WANTED— 4-'or'5. Room house, The Story: Destruction the-mnUet-ftt hand. 'Twas a sheep that the good shep­ the ship proposed a problem; Washington, 35-$1.00. 100-12.75. to an office In your club. White ready to bolt together. Laminat­ herd sought. IjOST— Spectacle* with colorleae Complete denning and rheck-u'p lay the explosion is WiSespreadL Presently, the retired to the Captain—If you sold 126 pounds Thousands of peronniala. 4-85c studio. 709 Main f-John.aon Block) forces and members of their tum- apartment, flat unfurnished. Cen­ And back to the flock and back to plMtlc frame on Forest street, 1934 DODGE truck, 1 'i ton, plat­ of your radio $3 00. All makes’ ed rafters for simple, sturdy con­ llles. We will gladly send one of tral location. Adult couple. No I Carolyn finds Robert at the tnb- small anteroom of his office, which The man who can step Into a dis­ of codfish at 6 cents a pound, .how <>nd up. Daphne. large plants, Phone 2-1392. struction, $250. Wards Farm l•r*tory, unable to explain the between Chestnut and Maln.^R«- form body, motor completely radios repaired. Expert service. our Courtesy '■ira to aiiov.’ you this children. Write Box A-R, Herald. was now her own private office. the fold organised department and apply much would you make? 85c. Evergreens, Chrysanthe­ Twas a aheep that tlt» good shep­ hie experience to straighten things ward If returned to 'Mrs, Chdrles overhauled $350. 62 Drive F. Military training. Phone 45,53. Store., Main street. furniture. No obligation on your Iklast. Both men worked awhile with Sliver Lane Homes. mums. Chater’s double holly­ Help Wanted— ^^Female 35 WANTED—To rent or • • • herd brought. out Slid organize an efficient sys­ pencils and' paper, but neither Cheney, ISl Hartford road. REFRIGERATION service. Gen­ PLAY PEN. Pre-war folding car­ part. sub-let Now. why shoirtd the aheep be so hocks. 3-SOc, 12-$1.50. Free—Mrs. furnished apartment or house. tem Is worth whatever he costa. seemed to get very far. At last 1940 PACKARD 6 sedan $990; eral Electric. Grunow. Crosley. riage, ir. pood condition. Reason­ In Bob Hale’s office the tele- Carolyn was scanning"*--- her I/jgT—Woman's hat on Main Lord Lothian Bell Shasta Daisy WANTED—Woman for general BOY’S BICYCLE, balloon tlTM Family of 4, no children. Write carefully fed. Old Bill turned to the Captain: ” 1939 Pontiac coach $72,5; 1938 able. Tel. 2-1046 I phone rang. ' Carolyn, as hla shorthand notes, waiting for hltn Because there Is danger- if they go street between First National Frlgldalrt and all otliej makes with every $1.00 order of peren­ housework, 1 day a week. No $18; Black walnut wardrobe $20; Box M-S, Herald. Landlady < in hall talking to girl Oold Bill (demandlWg) — Is It Wlllya Coup $3,50; 1937 Graham Work .piaranteed. Motor repairs I secretary, arose to answer It, but to finish, when she heard an out-, -Wrong and Blairs. CaU 5464. nials. John . Zapatka. 168 Wood­ laiindry. Call 3439. Maple crib $12; Club chair $16: er door open and she knew, by roomer)—I thought I saw you talk­ codfish they caught? sedan $200. Prices below celling. CaU 4.394, B. A H. Refrigeration land street. Telephone 8474. WINCHESTER,, Model 12 — 16 I plainly Bob was not used to hnv- And cared for still today? gauge pump Polychoke, recoil Studio couch $24; Book stand some strange subtlety of sound ing to a gentleman In your room Captain—Yep. f o u n d — White angora kitten, j Cole Motors. Tel. 4164, Service. WOMAN 30 to 50 for general Houses for Sale 72 Ifaig a secretary yet. He reached They will lead the lambs astray. Old Bill (exclaiming In disgust) pad. Also 22 col. rifle. Tel. 8427. $1.50; medicine cabinet $1: Por­ for the handpiece himself. and intuition that Leana SormI For the lambs will follow tlie sheep, last night. Miss Perkins? Owner may have same by paying housework, must like small ^chil­ Miss Perkins—Yes, that’s what Hang It all! No wonder WASHER. VACUUMST-Bleetrie- ■ dren, live In, pleasant home, own celain top breakfast set $24: din­ FOR SA.LEl— 4 room house, .Fox-i| “Hale-talUIng,” said he. had come to Bob. Even then the you know. - tor *d.-Tek 4-lMO^------^ Heating— Plumbing o NE a . C. Spark plug cleaner. I thought, too. couldn’t get an answer. I’ve been motors, etc., repaired. All parts room and bath, yearly vacation, ing tables $3 to $8; Buffets $6 to croft Drive. Oil burner, recrea-^ “This is Ken Palmer. Dr. Hale,” telephone conversation was end­ Wherever they wander, whetreyer Wanted Aatos— — Roofing 17 One Defiance spark plus tester. R u lin g on shad all the while. available. 24-hour service. Charg- 2 weeks with pay. good salary. $10; Cabinet Vlctrolas $25; Oak tlon room in basjment. stormi- came the voice. ”Uh. would It ing. Motorcycles _ 12 Miscellahcous automotive parts. flat top desks $12 to $20; Dress­ ’Leana,” Bob greeted her. "Sit if®" .* * ■" es C. O; D. Manchester 2-1439 ITJRNACBS. a l l sizes in stock, windows and screens, large lot.j be all right If I Inquired about If the cheep go wrong. It will not Grit says; "Some -women are so Annooncementa Call 2-0914 after 6:30 p. m.. Country Life w a n t e d —WE NEED uaed cars mornings oi^ evenings. At 25 Westwood street. ing" screens $2 to $4.50; Walnut Inquire 8 Blssell street PhoneJ Miss Tyler? Carolyn? Fact Is, I’d down." he long • lll-tempet^^they Insult other men 'Low as $99. Devtno Company. 'Robert, I have been thlnkljqf." From feather-bed she. hears a RUBBU8TER — Oeans pipes, and pay top pricea Cash tallcs Post Office Box 1007, or Water- WANTED—Woman u housekeep­ picture easer $3.50; Bookcase 7383 days, o 6376 evenings. like to Ulk to her, K it Won’t be TU tbe lamb* art aa wrong just as freely as they do their own radiators and boiler of your heat­ and we have It Stop and get our OIL BURNERS cleaned ai)d serv­ er In small pleasant house. Call $25:" Love seats $8 and $30; Whit^ [too much trouble.” She phinged right In. ”I do not they: husbanda." aong: burj 3-3856. Building Materials 47 beltevi you fully appreciate the Roosters crowing, "Get along!” ing system. Removes scale and offer Cole Motors— 4164. iced. Kitchen ranges and gun-type 6514. , hey baby carriage, leather lined FOR SALE—6-room single house,; "She’s right here.” He motioned So atUl with the aheep we must magnitude of what we have here.” Time It is for farmer's spouse, rust and prevents further rust. furnace burners a specialty. Call FOR SALE — SLATE flagging, $9: Kitchen coal rang-e $20; Par­ Insulated, 2 closed In glass porches, j tp Carolyn. "It’s Mr: Palmer.” earnestly plead. We* met a public ofllci'al the Treatment good, for 12 months. WANTED—Woman to do house­ various colors for stepping lor heaters $6 to $17; Kerosene bronze screens and storm wln-1 Ken,' It developed, wanted maln- ■But, Leana—” For the sake of the Iambi today. and he looked a bit To do the chores about the house, anytime 2-1275. Roofing— Repairing 17'A other day ^ m p the water hurry now! To add solution after mixing ac­ Business Services Offered 13 work, one day a week. Telephone stones, terrkcee and walks. Green, ranges $6 to $9; Washstahds $2 dows, Venetian blinds, lot 77x100. ( lly tp know where ahe had been ’You have power In your grasp, If the lamba Sre lost, what a ter­ weary: Robert! That explosion merely Farmers like a heap of chow. cording to directions remove safe­ OIL BURNERS serviced and re- EXPERT REPAIRS of shingles, 3620. grey, purple, varlgated blocks. to $4; Dressers $4 to $18; B e ^ 88 Homestead street. keeping herself, and did ah* go rible coet Public Ofllclal—When I got elect­ REP’AIRS ON washers, vacuums, proves It." Boll the coffee, bake the plea. ty valve Md pour in with funnel. plared.- Warm air ^lmaces re­ slate, composition and tin roofs Richard Lewis. 56 Ardmore road, complete $3 to $18; Antique shav­ out to $he explosion yesterday, Some aheep will have to pay. ed my friend* toldtne that I was a beatersi irons or what have you. SOUTH COVENTRY, Water Front (j ’’Leana, you don’t mean that While the porh-and-sausage fries Pour It In—leave it In—no drain­ paired and replaced For full In­ Rebuilding and repairing of Manrhesfer. Phone 7191. ing stand $17.50; Antique oil and was she trjing to dodge him. great fellow, and I' thought T waa. Plck-up and deliver. The Friendly Park, 4 room all-year California | Not that way.” Tend the fires, husk the com. ing —no flushing. Manchester formation call Van Camp Bros chimneys and flashings. E. V. Hilp Wanted— Male 36 lamps 75c to $9; Cblffanigta JI6 land could be have a date tonight. ■When the time came for the Now If 1 greet a man cordially Ftx-It Shop, 718 North Main. bOngalow, “ 2 large porches, prlv-j Leana’* tone sud o f money. Call 5722. Attica, cellars and yards cleaned 3627 days or evenings. Wood shlHoUng. general repair­ jbeen listening. Interrupted. "Oh .FOR SALE— Electric refrigerator. ture. Pine Acre Terrace. Phone ;i Robert. You and I. Together we and Hamtsh’a face clouded. Young Man (announcing) — R. Camposeq, telephone 5848 o ing. Free estimate. Time pay- please go right ahead. Miss Ty- Profeaaor (continuing) — And DON’T THROW away children’s WOULD like to do weekly laun­ Coldspot. Reasonable. Inquire 124 7208; can be man and woihan of the That’s a mail plane. 7487. FLOOR MACHINES menta. Louts Lavtgne, Manches­ HnuOCn6 tHW'6 N¥iOV!t McG ILL-CONVERSE. INC, stand and drum. Tel. 2-0838. * * * . 0*0 (bOX t o S t't VkVs> Vt'REE.CWN 0 9 SViV WANTED—ALL KINDS J t slec large" Good work, f^ r price. Free lyn, overhearing, was herself Im- Fat Girl—We may be fat, but we sews a button aa long as the pins O r tWt«»Y. . 645 Main St. Tel. 6887 FOR SALE — 3 POINTERS, COAL CONSERVATOR No. 20. MODERN 6 Room Cape Cod, pre-ji In studied manner,- too. Bob pressed. lost.” •W VStDCftW (b^V V!U» WLVV tHht Aotomobiles for Sale 4 trie wiring and repairing. Any eat 1 males Call Howley Manches­ Hale resumed their conversation look aa good as the aklnny glrla. dze Job given prompt attention* months old. 26 Walker street. Thermostat control, almost new. war material, oil heat, copper' i "You and I know that what we taOViibil. J 6 E t- KtOVOl ter 5361. FOR SALE—Circulating heater, Price reasonable. H. P. Churchill. plumbing, garage, well landscap-^^ I where It had left off. "And so we Call 3975 before 7 p. m. SHEET METAL WORK hot air coal or wood.. Telephone 4323. have here will render all other UV «t^ E .t V V E . leiVCL *;St!0itR f o r s a l e —1931 Model A Ford, fumaoe repairing. New hot air 145 Adams street Buckland,- ed, hear school. Has to be seen te , cannot admit having caused the power sources obsolete. Within a W t VVNCX,'. explosion, Caroljm. or admit hav­ FUNNY BUSINESS excellent condition. Call 2-1540,. WOOD CUrTTNO, plowing, re­ and air conditioning furnaces In­ Millinery— Dressmaking 19 Live Stock— Vehicles 42 THAYER Baby strollers are now Conn. TeL 2-0180. be appreciated. For Information ’ few years at most, all of Ameri moval of trees, also grading done call Manchester 5356. ing produced the X-999 at all. be- stalled Eaves trough anc . con­ FOR SALE—Two Guernsey heif­ available at Benson's, 713 Main FOR SALE —Universal electric ra’s electric, plants, all. steam and Alme Latullppe. 758 Vernon ductor repairing. Norman Bentz, I cause If we dO the news will bring dieSel and gasoline engines, every FOR SALE—SCHOOL BUS, seats ers, fre.9lT, and 16 months old bull. street. stove-, also rabbits. Inquire 248 180 NEW BOLTON Road. Modem yj all manner of cranks, foreign street. Tel. 5071 8966 ALTERATIONS done qulcklv and Gerald Rlsley, Vernon. Tel. 9763. phase of Industry must be revolu­ Q 34. Telephone 2-1869. ' reasonably. 34E Garden Drive. GAS STOVE $20. Baby basket Wetherell street. Cape Cod single,, 4 years old, 4 ’ agents, and such.” tionized, as y o u . and I direct? OIL BURNERS cleaned, servTfetl ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION $1.,50: bathinette $2.00. 88 West rooms with breakfast nook, auto-i| ’Of course. Bob.” Have you forgotten that? and installed. Tel. 2-0461. George Middle Turnpike. matic hot water, oil heater, brass 'And yet It is my fault. I ought f o r d '85 COACH. Call at 328 SERVICE Poultry and Supplies 43 M:i<-h ofcv and Tools • "Don’t you see. Robert, dear. McMullln, 704 Parker street. Movinj^— Truckinji— plumlblng, fireplace In livlng'room, .1 I to tell the police.” how,afar-reaching it Is? Almost West center street Servicing All Makes of Commercial ■There Is no ‘fault’, as you call and Domestic Refrigeration ' Storage 20 FOR SALE— Roasting chickens, 4 FOR SALE—Four rooms of furni­ NEW'GARDEN tractors on hand. artesian well, apple • trees, ap--' at once, we ran control a conU- f'Z / REFRIGERATION SERVICE ture complete. 2 bedrooms. living- I It. I keep repeating that. Thl" 1987 CHEVROLET coach. , 1937 Franklin P. Llpp Wm. H. Brandt to 5 lbs., 35c lb. live weight. Tel. Used power take off- potato dlg- proxlmately 2 acres. On main^ nent. And then—and then—oh l o c a l m o v in g and trucking room. kitchen. Inquire 85 Deep- 'gera Tractor ground scrapers, highway. • /thing Is newl Untried. That, ex- Dodge sedan, 1937 Nash coupe, Grunow, Coldspot, Croslcy, TELEPHONE 4762 5625. plosion was an accident pure and Robert!” Westlnghouse. and all other makes Inquire 28 Foley s'reet. Phone wood Drive, Pine Acres. milking machines, disc harrows. I In her little room Carolvn could ? ? ? BY V.T.BAMUN 1927 WyUU coupe, 1941 Podge 116 Kieeney St. Manchester,.Ct. FOR s a l e :— 5 room single house./ simple. You say you have al ALLEY OOP Commercial and Domestic. 6718. FOR SALE—Red Rock cross pul­ Dublin Tractor Company, ,Willl- almost hear hrr own "heart pound­ sedan. Brunner's, 80 ^ Oakland FOR SALE— Combination stove. including knotty pine den. space ready arranged to pay money se­ TOIP, BUT le O T street open 'till lO. Call 5191. WALTER SltHULTZ, 81 Congress AUSTIN A. CHAMBLRS Com­ lets. 314 months old. $1.25 apiece. mantic. ing. Aa i:siial. when one eaves­ SCIENTIFIC street. Ashes anc-rubbish remov- 242 corner of Main and Sterling for two rooms oh second floor' cretly to the bereaved families, drops. Intentionally o r . otherwise, WPV THtPE \ OFF A&AtKl... I pany. Trailer van seiylce. Local Call Manchester 3798. which is well, if you can avoid _„ilEFRIGEEAT10NLCO. _ed_,_Locai .trucking. Tel. 2-1588. streets, side door. FOR SALE— Now In stock, new partly finished, with necessary the things she heard here were i TO moving, packing ahe storage material on hand, automatic oil I'being traced. Their tragedy can’t TH O U ^ 'OU 1 * WiRfi.* FOR BALE — 1935 Ford coach 37 Oak St. Phone: 2-1226 General Electric 6 can milk cool­ exceedingly disturbing. LJUST(9<7T0N ALL APPLIAN(3FS .-tervlced and Dial 5187 de- COMPLETE Household furniture heating system, continuous hot, be helped. And industry- can ab­ 4235. call 2-1770 Manchester. FOR SALE —FRESH EGGS for sale. 341 East Center street ers. Franklin Llpp. 116 Keeney iTMiCTtgalNf PLUMBER, stcamfltter, piUpP '>e repaired, burners, •efrtgeratbrs". liverecl. Telephone 7495. street. water, vegetable cellar, garden, sorb Its own losses. Can’t it? For (To Be Continued) Call 3802. BO important a thing as you have, chanlc. Carl Nygren; 15 SoiHl ranges, washers, etc. All work Painting— Papering 21 garage and fruit trees, lot 60 x street. Tel. 6497 guaranteed. Metro S.ervlce Co. 120, basement laundry. Ehccelle -’. Bob? And when you do an lUiAL ESTATE LIS11NG8 LEAVING ^ W N — Plano, con- Musical Instruments 53 nounce your discovery, Vou can ’Tel Man theater 2-0883, Hartford PAINTING AND Paperhanging. NA'nVE TURKEYS for sale, live goleum rugs, chairs, tools, dishes, plumbing, completely insu'ated. ^ Of AD TFpes Wanted! OLD FLOORS SANDED or dressed. Call 2-1314. Call Manchester 2-1970 between make payment In full. The men 7-9663. Outside painting a specialty. All blanket chest, 2 sets shelves, gro­ A STEINWAY studio style up­ Social Situations Oaab Available. Laying and finishing. work guaranteed 1st class. For 8-10 a. m. and 6-8 p. m. financing your work Insist that J. E. Jensen. ELEITTRIC and Acetylene weld­ FOR SALE—Leghorns. 16 weeks ceries. preserves. New curtains, right piano, beautiful tone. Real It be kept secret now.” Tcl. Wllllmantle 9928 evenings. free estimates and friendly call, towels, tablecloths, small tables, bargain for quick sale. 1080 Main ^JAilVlS REALTY CO. ing. No )ob too large or too Joseph Murawskl, 14 Eejiex old broilers or roasters, 35c live f o r s a l e — 6 Acres. 5 room He nodded at her, slowly, ap­ small. All work guaranteed weight. Telephone 7830. rugs. Do not call Wednesday street, 2nd floor. Hartford. house. All Improvements, large . preciatively. The Situation: A friend shows OSes 41tf ResMenoe 7270 street. Tel. 2-0338. nights or SuiMlays. 44 Hamlin you an article she has bought, and WaaMb^a aad Sunday* ASHES AND RUBBISH removed Parker Wetdlnj: Co., 166 West coop with water and electricity, "I have an Idea.” she went on ROASTERS. 48c lb dressed. De­ atreeL of which she is proud; you had bAd Also light trucking. CaU 5008. illddle Tun-plkp. Tel. 3926. i n t e r i o r a n d Ebctcrlor decor­ Will handle 600 layer*. Ideal loca-; "You are distressed to death. Bob livered on Saturday. 698 North Wearing Apparel— about what to do with the re­ luck with an Identical article once ating. Roofing, floor. sanding, FOR SALE—4 Rooms of furniture tlon on main route, 10 miles t o ;. yourself. general repairing. Pre-war pricea. Main street, Tel. 2-1403. Furt 67 Manchester. maining X-999, now that you and furnishings. 153 Drive B after have actually produced a quantity Work guaranteed. R. E. Webster. 20 PULLETS 6 months oldr seven p. m. FOR SALE— Plaid wool coat, fox EXCELLENT large farm, 66 Wrong Way: Say, ”I hate to tell Tcl. 6965. acres tillable, good house, all im*; of it. You say you don’t dare you this, since you’re stuck with It Oh, Hello There BY UEBRILL BLOSKEB HIGH DOLLAR MORSE ROAD laying. Telephone 6235 or collar, also red coat, raccoon col­ experiment on It here because of 72/ ERECKI.ES AND HIS FRIENDS MALE HELP Maple street. R. C. A. console radio In excellent lar. l^th size 16, perfect condi­ provements, large orchard, fins now—but I bought that very same Cash Waiting for 4-ROOM SINGLE on eomrr lot PAINTING AND Paperhanging. the danger, and yet a tragedy article and It wasn’t any good.” \ y condition.- Reasonable price. Ap­ tion, Tel. 2-0203. herd,' check $600 ihonth. J. 8. ‘ VOUNO LACrf , IF VNot i m . D O N T b e AN EGS-BCATER. ThcvIx 'U//. City or Country Homes — with space for two rooms up. Good work. R-naonable rates. ply 25 W estw ^d street. Blssell, Cross streeL South Cov­ oesurred when you tried to move OeFBOSTi R. |. Red Roasting chickens 40 Right Way: Keep still about the D-IIS IS FRECKLES’ I M R -M .'-IF MR. M ! IP YOU SNITCH, I'U. Building liits — Farms — Full screens, storm windows Raymond FLike. Phone 3384. a part of It. Now look—wouldn"' 'Tin certain some parts of our assembly line haven’t been idea o f humor., j you say a 6E DBOMMCD o u r OF THE ME - IT cents a pound, live weight. 14 FOR SALE—Pale blue pre-war entry, Tel. WlUlmantlc 3324. bad luck you had—since the .arti­ WANTEto and doors. , Gas hot water heat­ weeks old R. I. red puIleLs $1.50 FOR SALE —Ice box. electric, evening gown, size- 12. $10, Worn It ^ feasllble to—” reconverted yet!” HE'S "(b y WORD TO , CORPS / BE Summer Cottages — er. f.H7.flO monthly after small PAIN TIN G -Interkr aiic exterior The telephone rang again and cle hss already been purchased. HEAR. FROM r"^FRECKLES. ILL ATOM- , , apiece A Nelson, 737 Lydall range. ,110 volt Nesco Chef, and twice. Call 8008. FOR SALE—4 room house on Ben- ; Woodlots down paymenL Best of paint and workmanship. studio couch. 329 Hilliard street. ton street, one room unfinished on ' ME] y—7-^ BE BLAOC-BALLEO . > « . / / / ■ t O U K o ! Apply street. Tel. 8906. ...-______i...... ,. ■ BY the SKUTS { r ' Whatever You Haw To Sell Phone Edward Price 2-1003. second floor, hot water heater,; ' ------f e ' Jarvis Realty KIDNEY Shaped ;desk, solid ma­ Wanted—To Luy 58 large one car garage, well land-1. CARNIVAL By Dick Tarncr SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH Colonial Board CALL 8254 ArtiHes for Sale I s hogany top, veneer srldes; needs scaped lot. Four room house o n j : \ \ Office: 8 Dover Road reflnlshlng. Box H. WANTED TO BUY—Small steam Avon street. 2 unfinished on sec- / Company Residenret 28 Alexander Street WANTED FOR SALE— U. 8. Capitol Sunrky radiator. CaU 3381 after 7:30 ond floor, steam heat with oil v JONfS REALTY PHONES 4112 OR 7275 oil burning boiler, A-1 condition. p. m. ‘ burner, attic. Insulated. House T ' OihA For hot water heat with metal FOR SALE—3-Plece living room 615 Parker Street .36 Oak Street Week Days and Sundays set. Call 5976. WANTET> TO BUT—Deep weU or years old. F,or price and terms on ' AT ONCE extended jacket and bullt-ln Taco hou^ see George L.'Fish, 110/ hot water heater with copper shallow well puiqp. In good con­ 25 GOOD AUTOMOBILES dition. Tel. 4052,. Benton street. Telephone 6394. coils. Call Vlncen^.-Marcln. Tel. FOR SALE—OAK D n ^ g room 4848. IN GOOD SHAPE set Tei. 89951 PAPER and Rags are still In de­ FOR RENT U. S. Army I^ p tents. $3.95 each. mand. We pay highest prices. Pretty Apron ubsl: SEE Brunner’s,. 80 Oakland street. Wm. Ostrinsky, 182 Blssell street. REAL ESTATE 3 Rooms and Bath in Wel­ Open 'till 10 p. m, Tel. 5191. Popcorn ” Mats Tel. 5879. R E D R Y D E R A Wayward Son BY KRKD HAKMAN Several 4-5-6-Room Single Homes, that are ready to don Apartments, 300 Por­ IKHtVlTMiY WOULO «AY ter Street. Rent $59.00 per SINGLE Blower and wall thermo­ WANTED—OLD-fashloned music rights 1 KtlU SENC3R"eert>5Qj move right.into. Also 2rFlat and buplex Homes. C. BARLOW stat for burning buckwheat coal, box. State price, size, condlUon. IRUN—MEiTANiTA'-, month, includes heaL hot . hod-a-day water Heater and Taco Box O. .-tcrald. ANt> HltlS SEN HE(R Building Lots — Large apd Small Farms. water, gas, electricity, new 595 MAIN STREET • OK ORT' NOkvWAf, water heater. Phone 627L YOU tX) VOEElHj electric refrifierator and Rooms Without Board new gas stove. HOWARD R. HASTINGS LARGE FURNISHED room In , / Real Fstate Specialist Available Immediately. private home near bus and busi­ Insurance Mortgages ness s e c tio n .M e a ls optlonaL Call 74i0. Between 9 and 7 INSURANCE Telephone 2-1042. 101 PHELPS RO.AP PHONES 4842 OR 2-1107 Daily. Be sure yPu have adequate Insurance protection in case of .fire or automobile accidenL Protect yourself FOR RENT—Room, centrally lo­ against all hazards. We are agents for: cated. Man preferred. Call 6040. TITE LUMBERMEN’S MUTUAL CASUALTY CO. LARGE Pleasant dcuible room, suitable for 2 girls. Meals If de-. HOW ABOUT THAT NEW HOME WANTED / For Automobile Insurance sired. 11 Locust street Tel. 8869. THE LUMBERMEN’S MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. YO U HAVE BEEN PLANNING? SEVERAL LABORERS For Fire Insurance of All Kinds A FURNISHED room in a private OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE MAJOR HUOPLB SEE JARVIS AT ONCE EUR EVERY DETAII.! ' Both Participating Companies. home, on bus line. Telephone 0803 We ln%ite you tp Inspect the materials and' workmanship Incor­ Apply porated Into the several new Jmmes we now have under con­ WHY, Mb. 1 A IN ’T ' TH' FOOR BULL W ELL, HE rtWT 0 0 THE ... I f It*s Insurance Call S H O U LD 'V E struction. Sommer Homes AMKlOUS TO BE O' TH’ WOODS.’ MOMiB f OH NO auhjioR ? You'ee ^D R cioeo For Rent 67 eiTTIM’ BACK TO HE PULLED ALL BEEN M ORE ' UtSTED AMONG TM& ^ TO PLAV A THEM OL’ BOYS C A R E F U L -- 6MWaTl»S,NCrr Jarvis Re^lfy Co. MY a r m c h a ir / t/-m . eOAOf OVERSaSOTUBS DIRT/ TRICVC J ^ STUART J; WASLEY WHUT KAPE YOO OUT O' TH' MOTH i HE CRABBED 6 Doyeir Road FOR, SAUE—Coventry Lake. WeU THIS IS An d v u b o u g h t O N T H B JARVIS REALTY state Theater Building 755 Main Street built summer cottage near beach, THINK THAT? 1 BALLS, AND FOR A LIFE Oflice: 8 Dover Road Residencei 26 Aleuuider St. NOW NONE OF 'PRESERVER KlDMAPIMS TO c h a r g e v o u , MISSUS A N D )^ furnished. Fine lo t saariflee sale. eota.nwavsaAeeemt.wB, t.nem.u.a wit, ew. 9-3/ COT THROUGH TH' P h t^ 4il2 or 7275 ■' Telephone 6648 - 7146 cem.itwaviwettawie.wa T.w.«aaua»»T.et». _ 1_ \ WAR, AN' I'M ’EM SEEMtD AAT COT A r u t HAUl ESTRA F R eiG H T / TAKE Phones 4112 or 7275 — .Week Days and Sundays- J, S. Blssell, O os* street South S T R A IT . Weelr^Days and Sundays **If you can aland mulligan stew, my pet. I’ve found our­ I V GOOD FER FIVE W A N T 1 0 O O ]0U lf$TO COO«T IPNDU DOM'T Coventry, Oonn. Tel. Wllllmantle *i’m glad we’ve got the OPA, madam-^if I set these prices 7 “ V TL SR SIX B A C K O N TO JACKET.' - ‘-S W T ’ M e l ik e TA b t u n s CHOYS'S selves a cooler TH' SHELF.' 3324. myself you’d quit trading with me every other day! \ Y E A R S O' ASHOQK/ ; ']0U CAN "DlNfe OL PEACE IN THE RN6R, VI* ITJ MICKEY FINN Wrong Countersign LANK LEONARD Wanted to Rent 68 AND STAS UNOeR. T IU "DARK • WASH tl/BBS Three’s s Crowd BY LESLIE TURNER PONT WO^Y, MICHAEL.' ^ ' IT'S OKAY. AH-JUST AS * , I DIDN'T ORDER . WANTED TO RENT—By quiet adult couple, unfurnished 3-rbona 8863 'IVE SHN SSieCTSP THISSS A MACH t THANKS fO * ; ..SID rntMEAR. ■>4e .a 4u s t ::k ie . i ’k t ©OT GENERAL ! I THdUGWT./. REfiNFORCCMENTS ' IIONrr HMMl RICMI wusmoM - apartment nr house. Ne.ar . _bua 34-48 THINK rvi to.o s « £ 1 ni s a s t m M H m n i f ASASoeroP scar- KNOW-eFrAWAr-FSOK ■THSJCSA.Fg- THAT, MlCHAffL? MISS TITE'S WE'RE A CO UPLE - i s : MVF^ieiN THsio s waoeneseolp ASeoT ^ 'twwcowHwrn*,'' TWtaiFFffiAfFWBH .m 'm t s n e m He SAID HE WAS> BROTHER/ FSCNP, RISIN6 SUNSHINE, B«..a«U,MeSC SMr-M-MISSRyAN' A FICNIC AMP SNUA YOU CAN'T GCNBRAL BE CAREFUL * By Mrs. Anne Cabot - WANTED TO RENT — 4-room .. mafpriciation ^ wouup— OO.TOO A set of three thick, good- By Sue Burnett lA S Y V ' ------^ OF Y9URAIPTO ARTHUR/ house, apartment or flat. Wanted Ptlttem No. 8863 Is designed for WHAT YOU looking table mats will afford per­ THf Aie roscBS... SAVj by couple with one child. Write sizes 34, 36. 38. 40, 42, 44, 46 and fect insurance ogralnsl hot dishes Box A-K, Herald. A and platters leaving heat ringa on 48. Size 36. requires 2 5-8 ynrdj of 35-inch or 39-lncb material; $ your table. Crochet them of WANTED -8-7. room rent by yards rlc rac to trim. heavy white or ecru thread. local teacher and family. Urgent. For this patterii, aend 20 cc-,;j LARWM To obtain' complete crocheting Call 7421. In coins, y»iir name, address, t. • C O O L M instnictiona for the set. of three H lK kO f^i Popcorn Mats (Pattern,Nft. 5263) desired, and the pattern numb-i aend 16 Cents in coin, plus 1 cent WANTED 4-5-6 room rent Tele­ to Sue Burnett, 'The ManchCstci postage, your namee, address and phone 2-0568? Evening Herald, 1160 Sixth Ave- j/ the pattern number to Anne Ca­ nue. New York 19, N. T. WOULD LIKE To rent on or by Send today for your copy «t bot. The Manchester Evening ARMY 9. M •. a F*T es*. Herald. 1150 jilxth Avenue, New October 1, alngle house or flat 5 the new Fall and Winter issue , of aaauSfiMfcShi York 19. N. Y. or 6 rooms. CaU ManeHister 3224/ Fashion. 16 cents.
