Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1958-05-17
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A 49-day sci ntiric llfe in pace ended Wedn sday Physies. de igned and built the recorder which stored up ~icntists said resumption of the signals dld not when SUI Physicist George H. Ludwig's miniature tape two hours oC space radiation inCormation. On command, rule Ciut the po ibility of a coUision between the satel recorder aboard Explorer III ecascd to answer eom it reported its "memory" within five to six seconds. Ute and the meteorites because the signa1 was so er mand signals. ''The rKor'" hacI • lift·time IN"i"" ."'.,..... raUc. A National Academy of Science report said there is be"" tMn ... in ,..aponcIint .. inte....... tion. ractio The tr.nsmltter ItII I .,.,atint Nndl eut a c_ e\·jdence the satellite passed through a meteor cloud ed .t it Me. durint ••ch orbit," Ludwi, wid. tln,,"s tracklnt ..nat. The h~r tra"""I"" of HaUey's comet on ay 7, which knocked out an It repUed to some 500 oC about 600 attempted inter retayed infornytieft .. earth fr..,.. ,... recorcMr "on E.xplorer transmitter. rogations during the period betw n its {arch 26 launch rlll.. t." THE SIGNALS Irom the high-power transmitter in.: date and 1ay 14, Ludwig said. After lbe second transmitter goes dead, scientisl$ Hnked to the tape recorder became successively weaker THE SECOND tran milter aboard Explorer III is will only be able to track the satellite through telescopes. on May 10. and the recorder ceased to r pond on May also expected to go dead soon, UlC Acad my said. Its The Academy said Explorer III is expected to 14. Th inCormation from the satellite suggested the po . signal to ground tracking stations hos been erratic plunge back into the atmo phcre and disintegrate about sibility of damage from micrometeorites it reported since la t Saturday. hitting on May 7. The smaUer transmitter's ignal was picked up (Continued on FOCfC 6) Ludwig, research a islant in Ihe Department of again Thursday by lations In Chile and Ecuador. EXPLORER- • Ann Berner Time is the theme ail owan '58 Hawkeye Serving The State University of Iowa and the Peopl.p. of Iowa City Distribution t'lve Cents a l!opy Untted Press Iowa city. Iowa, saturday. May 17';"T958" Wednesday The Hawkeye yearbook, 1951 Policy Statement version, will be distributed to SUI students beginning Wednesday, Iy JIM DAVIES which may have been overlooked: according to Jack Hols, G, Bur by being a sounding board ror thr Pflimlin Has Powers Editor lington, business manqcr. editor's id as; by h Iplng to cl ar I Upperclassmen wlll note that As usual when a new editor be- I up ambiguous wording which m lY thiS year students will pick up ~ins hIs duties with The Daily be misunderstood. [owan, a statement of policy i in This advice and consultation their copy at the first fioor lobby order. As have other editors be- rvic i helpful and - [ feel _ oC the Communications CA:nter, in stead of at Campus Stores as io fore me, ] think 1 hould make not incon ist nt wilh editorial free. To Stop Reb~lIion clear what I feol the Iowan's chief dom. There Is no "censor hlp, . previous years. (unctions are, and to indicate my either ubtle or overt. II an edi To obtain a copy oC the yearbook attitude toward pollcy maUers. torial po ition i ju tillable from tudents will need their identlflca· In the past, The Daily Iowan a review of fact , it can stand tion cards. A yearbook receipt is has orten been criticised for pre- prior examlnaton. J( it cannot, ] not necessary. senting only one side of controver. would rather know before It goes DeGa lie reatens The H.wk.y.. may be plck.1I Th up It.rtI", at 1:31 p.m. W" sial Issues. Each party feels It is into print than alter. being discriminated against. This docs not m an I am in fa· ntsd.y, and ......... : ••.m ... In the main, [ leel critici m on vor of this practice. 1 would pre· 4:31 p.m. Thursd.y and Friday these grounds Is unju t, yet just fer that editorials did not RE Algeria Rebels Assembly Says from , a.m ... 12 _ Satvrclay, as surely, I feel thi criticism will QUIRE pre·reading; but only be· .nd from ':31 a.m. to 4:30 ,.m. 100 and guests athlnd.!d continue to be heard. cause 1 fcel it perhap leav s the Monday and Tuesday. ,n"u.1 b.nquet ih the River Room of the low. M.morial Union Friday In this light, may I say; The editor with the I ling he is not Against Paris, Crisis Exists After May 28 cople. may be .¥tnin,. Durin, the .vening two SU I students and a university or,an Daily Iowan, as long as 1 am quite tru ted. picked up at The Daily Iowan busi iI.tlon received .wards in recognition of outstanding work done for editor. will attempt - in its news The editor hlp of Th Daily ness office on the second fioor oC the promotion of goodwill and international c;ooperation on the um columns - to report events or Iowan Is II position of respons1 - the CommuD.lcaUons Center. ",I.-Dlilv 10WIn Photo. developments as they occur, with- bility. and I fccl it houtd be treat· For De Gaulle Now in France Ann Berner, A4, Fort Dodge, out slanting the facts to favor any ed as uch. If th ditor con ist editor of the Hawkeye, bas chosen By JOSEPH W. GRIGG * * * * * * group. institution, or Individual. ently proves him If unworthy 01 ALCIEHS, Igcria (UP) - "Time" as the lbeme or the book In short, TIl Daily Iowan will such tru t, h should be removed Hcbcll ious French militnry Unl"d p,.... Staff Comt~nt this year. This theme is earrlod International not manufacture th new nor will from o(flce. ju t as he woulll PARIS (U P) - The NatlDnal As out in the opening Jlages and Club lI1ell Illle! civilians Friuay or· 1t allow ItseIC to become the removed from a position on any embly Friday night voted a slate throughout the book on the section ganized (lJI Algeria-wid·" 'orn spokesman - through biased re- independrnt, commercial news of emergency in France. Th ac pagcs. Receives Awards porting - oC any groU)l or Indi- paper. mitt of Public 'af ty" as a lion gave moderate Premier Pierre The color scheme used Is blue, vidual. I hope that om time in t~ fu- th' Pari Pfiimlin extraordinary powers for White, and copper. The yelirbook The Daily Iowan has a respon· ture th Board of Student Publica virtual riyal to COy foreign studcnt, a Burlington student and an SUi organization were ernm nt. Jl wa committed to sup three months to mash a "plot" cover ill te~tured black leather presented awar-ds Friday evening at the International Club's Annual slbillty to Its readers, to th Unl- lions will refeel . th editor [rom and head off outright rril<'iJion elth· with a d sign II) copper and white. versity and to itself. and these ob- pre-reading re trlcllons. port Gen. Charles Dc Gaulle for Banquet in the River Room at the iowa Memorial Union. er by Communi. ts or D Gaullists. The book contains 428 pages, Edna Montano, G, of the Philippines received lhe Bose Award; Belty ligation can all be fullilled In a Whatever th case, as lonl; a French Icad r ·hip. Ann Junk, A3, o[ Burlington, the Seashore Award; Todd Parker, A3, like manner - by givln~ fair rep- I am editor of Th Daily Iowan, The creation of the Committee As the a mbly voted hcavy largest edition in the last Cew Dcs Moines, Lhe Hancher Award ror the Interfraternity Council. resentalion to all sides o[ any it will basc Its editorial position brought the cnlire Northwest Af General De Gaulle guard w re strung around the years at SUI. THE AWARDS arc given each year to the students or organizations controvcrslal issue and by kecping on the faels - and only the facts rica Ovc.r ea Province under th Only Within lite Law building and 36,000 police, soldiers in recognition of outstanding work I -- its news c()fumns rre of bias. -in any particular situation, and control of lh milltary-civillan fo-- and guardsmen w r g ared for In oJ done for the promotion of goodwill told the lOO guests and Coreign stu Editorially, The Dally Iowan will not become a personal publl junt which seized power in Al tantaneous retaliation against any and international cooperation on dents representing 26 countries that will align itself with causes It feels city organ for any In lItuUon or giers Tuesday and pushed France outburst In Paris. Cut' Feet on the SUI campus. The awards were he hoped they (the students) have to be just, "without Cear or favor." individual. to the brink of ci vii war. Charge Arabs Ev n th Communists, In their prcsehted this year by M. L. Huit, learned to know us and hoped that And already some readers arc We will at all Umes try to be a A CROWD of 20,000 swarmed Cear or <rl1n. Charles Dc Gaulle. vo Dcan of Students. they would carry back to their saying, "Yes, but your editorials true crvice to our r ader . We Into the center or Algiers shouting ted for PCllmlin's demands in the Broken Glass SUI President Virgil M. Hancher countries a true account of those are censored." invite suggestions Ilnd con truetive "0 Gaulle to power." More than 461 -114 vote - one of the widest with whom they lived.