Plaza Developer Hoping for Green Light Two-Year Old 1Y!Tail Proposal on Planners' Agenda Handicapped Spaces
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FEB 1 0 1993 Vol. XXXVII No. 7 The the Towris of Bethlehem and. New Scotland 10, 1993 Plaza developer hoping for green light Two-year old 1Y!tail proposal on planners' agenda handicapped spaces. There will be from six to 10 retail ByMelHyman business district and not locating in the most congested stores and two large office areas. area between Mc,Donald's and the Four Corners." The retail/office complex known as Bethlehem Plaza Plans are in the works for the Green's APpliance store will be back before the town planning board later this "We're anxious to get moving," he said. "We've tried to at 222 Delaware Ave. to relocate to one of the buildings. month, and owner/developer Tom Green has his fingers make it unique, interesting and ao asset to the town." crossed about the future of the proposal. '"There are a lot of pluses in terms of their objectives for Each of the three buildings hasa tower-like design and the site," said plaoning board member Gary Swan. "It's extensive laodscaping and green space has been included. It's been two years since the Delaware Avenue project just that the planning board has to weave through some There is provision for 100 regular parking spaces and five was first unveiled, aod Green is eager to get it off the PLAZA/page 20 ground.Theprojecthasbeen o on the back burner for more ...- than a year because of plan ning board concerns over drainage, traffic and slope stability. , The location of the site appears to have been the main stumbling block. The three acre parcel is just east of the Tastee-Freez on the south side of Delaware Avenue. Run-offfrom thesitewasa major worry, because 'of its Tom Green proximity to the Normaoskill, and also because several homes and a church lie at the bottdm of the river embaokment The board also requested a more in-depth survey of the site's archaeological importance. As far as Green knows, all of the board's major con cerns have been addressed, aod all that remains is for the board to "choose the colors of the buildings." Ifhisrevised site plan meets board approval in the coming weeks, Green would like to stat,t construction in Mayor June. Attractingtenaots shotld beno problem, he said, since numerous parties have already made inquiries. "People in Delmar are looking for retail space," he said. "I think the board would appreciate our spreading out the . Cable change Hoblock pulls no punches in speech may lead to' By Dan Button lenge aoy who now won't go along. Iron Mike laid it on We are running out of upgraded service the line again Monday As a final shot, he asserted that the night in his second time to make the county airport must be seized from "the By Mel Hyman "State of the County" hands ofpoliticiaos and put into the haods A change in ownership for A-R Cable address. changes that Albany of aviation professionals" - an authority Services Inc. is expected to pave the. way County needs to survive. to maoage it "with political strings attached for a multi-million dollar upgrade of the In 4,000 unrelenting Michael Hoblock will not work." cable television system serving Bethle words, County Execu The key issue in rehabilitating the air hem. tive Michael]. Ho block port is "to restOre the public's confidence The town board is expected to approve Jr., told it like it is, ashe that we have the ability and the will to get . the ownership chaoge at its bimonthly confronted the39 mem ··.ReaCtion·. to•. theHobl6ckiidib, the job none" rather than the Questions of meeting tonight, Feb. 10. In the recent bers of the County leg .• ··oftlle colUltylei:iSl8ture.lUid others Will6'e:;" commercial or economic values to be real franchise agreementsigned with A-R (Ad islature, most of whom . " ·;iiicludedinnextw~ek'sSpOtlight.;:i;(r;' •. ized. , ams-Russell), the town was given the right were skeptical or hos ;';~<,.' to approve any corporatechaogeover since tile auditors. "We are," For good measure, Hoblock deplored it could potentially affect cable service. he warned, "running out of time to make both state aod federal mandates which "bitter taste lingering" from the 1992·defi requisition 75 percent of the county;s.bud- . the chaoges that Albany County needs to cit battle when his warnings were "ig The new owner of A-R Cable Services survive." get to satisfy their purposes ·while the is Warburg, Pincus hivestors, LP - an nored by some members." And he spoke state continues to withdraw financial sup . scornfully of those who believe that the investment company that will be purchas They heard no "blue skies again" opti port for cQunty government." ing a controlling stock il!terest. 1992 sales tax incr~ase can lapse this year mism, though he did describe a prospec ~ sarcastically declaring lie "eagerly "If the state can't afford to pay for a The investment group will be "pouring tive innovation for acquiring several mil awaits their plans" so these can be in lion dollars for "one-shot" financing of service, what makes them think that we a ton of dough" into the company for an certain projects. cluded in his 1994 finaocial strategy. can?" he said, noting new.proposals by overhaul of the cable transmission sys Governor CUODl.(Ho "dump' more state tem, said Supervisor Ken Ringler. Rather, they heard a call for problem He denounced department heads who costs onto counties, and disclosed early solving aod for "working together - put are reluctant to work with him and con .discussions among some localities "to The actual work should be starting in aside our differences" for better results in sider that "the Legislature is their master" lobby the state Legislature and Congress June, according to Judith Kehoe, town county government. Theexecutive cited a - and warned that he will publicly chal- o HOBLOCK/page 20 o CABLE/page 20 , I.• PAGE 2 - February 10, 1993 . THE SPOnlGHT Board to review disabilities plan The Bethlehem Town Board mendation is that the town board Computer cooperation will meet tonight, Feb. 10, to re schedule a public hearing some-' viewaplansubmitted by the town's time in the near future to allow committee on the Americans with public comment on the plan. Disabilities Act. \ The committee will submit a Copies'of the plan will be avail plan which includes recommen able at the meeting. For informa dations for the town's compliance tion, call David Austin, ADA coor with the federal act. One recom- dinator, at 439-4131. Elks slate country music night The Bethlehem Elks Club will The chuckwagon dinner, in, host a couritry and western night cluding baked beans, chili, beef and chuckwagon on Saturday, Feb. stew and chicken wings, will be 13, at the club building on Route served from 7 to 9 p.m. 144 and Winnie Road in Selkirk. There will be arame, door prizes The price is $13 per person or and music by Country Corners $25 per couple. For information, ' from 8 p.m until midnight. call 731-2916. Historian to speak in Feura Bush . The Feura Bush Neighborhood Virginia Bowers, Albany city Association wilt meet on Wednes historian, will speak on the history day, Feb. 10, at 7:30 p.m. at the of the city's South End. For infor Jerusalem Reformed Church in mation, call 439-2948. Feura Bush. At a recent technology open house, Voorheesville Elementary third-grader Tim Hauser and teacher Kim Greiner, left, show how the Blue Ribbon school uses technology to teachers Felicia Bordick and Karen Bylsma of Glenmont Elementary School, which also won the Blue Ribbon award. Dev Tobin Police charge six drivers with DWI - Bethlehem police arrested six Benjamin B. Slingerland, 19, of appearance in town court. people last week on charges of 35 Bittersweet Lane, Slingerlands, was stopped at 4: 16 a.m. Wednes Patrick E. Bliven, 52, of 36 driving while intoxicated. Currey Ave., Selkirk, was stopped day, Feb. 3, when his vehicle was Timothy G. Higley, 29, of 203 found in a ditch on Mahar Road at 5:25 p.m. Friday, Feb. 5 ataroad Astor Court, Delmar, was stopped and Route 85, police said. check on Rte.144 in Glenmont, at 9:46 p.m. Tuesday, .Feb. 2, on police said. He was charged with Delaware Avenue; police said. He !-Ie was charged with failure to DWI and released pending a 'lias charged with speeding and reduce speed, driving with a 'March 2 appearance in town court. forged driver's license and DWI. DWI. He was released pending a James E. Bradley, 32, of 31 Feb. 16 appearance in town court. HewasreleasedpendingaFeb. Euclid Ave., Delmar, was stopped Wendy]. Pochobradsky, 25, of 16 appearance in town court. at 2 a.m. Sunday, Feb. 7, at Ken 3 Van Buren Ave., East Stephen]. Ribley, 26, of Ker wood and ,!'Ismere avenues for Greenbush, was stopped at·2:48 slakes Motel, New Baltimore, was passing a n;d light, police said, a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 3 on stopped at 8:09 p.m. Wednesday, He was charged with not sig Sprinkle a sprig ~f rosemary and_ a sprig of thyme Krumkill Road near Beldale Ave: Feb. 3 on Route 144 in Glenmont naling a turn, passing a flashing three times with water. At bedtime place one in nue, police said. He was charged because he was involved in a hit red light, driving while license each s~oe, and put a shoe on eithe,r side of your with failure to keep right, speed and-run accident in the Town of bed.