Lyndhur3t Public Library Valley Brook A*S.. v UAUADERETTD E J The -Raar York Tinei last week after %tdt unGr fond that lmroUtlm to.o sr. tk, nt nsnat traffitffi c accidentsidt . SpeedersSd , drunks, morons—the—theyy came Ikthe accidentsac idt . PooPo r hihighwayh s were not even listed as a major factor. "° tfcaasj wh.IoN L.«I»claimI thauwti expendituree aotf sniuionmilUoms aona new highways as as safety measurm e are talkintlki g througth h ththeiir ««-rete. Siphon some of that highway man*, into state and municipal police departments, give the cops more help in *N» 1W. SOOTH BERGEN RKVtKW personnel and motor vehicles, and the bluest step toward highway safety win have ben taken! • — . -•••>—I. SMB. r • O-e- H. V«l XXVI. !W 47 LYWUMIiRST. IS. J., THI'sWaHY. MAY Ifc. I-»M. 1»«»-»O"»S .1 INIIHIHO 1 IS1I


I LocdlEj*yIn"MhsNorihIerstyRccritihi946" 1 Arroaajed for Veteran $450,075 Total I " • . ' » -f Trill The prises to be swarded the :' Bui featured among theh m willll , lucky girl who will bf selected or the world famous Tokyo Day -MJai.Korth Jerary of Mas*" in person—the Ann-matt Ul oho, when the Arm in an 1M6" si the Psterstm Armory oa Tow. «rtd Boqlt -ill be the evening of May ». m the gala Army entered T.ikyo" took ov.i In West Orange Of Permits For Roses pi "»r am in . llw • dance and entertainment bring Speekera et Memor- sponsored by the V. S. Army, this 's tadki station* Tokyo and IT other New Jersey news- Man who. mcidsaUy. i» a dyed- l Pk papers and Radio Ssatioa WPAT. in-the-wool New Y.'ik.r named entitled "A Night Of Heroes.' Walter Ksnrr will depict Ihr Thr *>>mt>itvr4 paUHlM aff gj.H)l New Construction are beginninc to pile up into a type of program he did as a |s> *-«tl.. h- u( I \, ! ttavr CVOH fiacement for Tokyo Rnsr on thr Called Splendid veritable treasure chest of pres- pirtrd tln.1 ai i ••<«. n . Mi U*r • Japanese radio station entations. IULLETIN The Batrmger Post of the Am Besides the life honorary ser- i > Twenty-three New Homes enran Lrglon will select thr Iffil J. Hruabrrton In. . Ha.k. ii-a. k raMrMtisc*, geancy thr Army a piistnling to M*>t>t It.-1...1 It Iktglr »(li tor "typical American On I' from; Ihi- pcintt^al »|T«kn * were awatileal ihr Hah of >>t Under Way Since Beginning beautiful, two-foot loving Iint|miar> * n>« unii* lr..m llamnille. K. Y. ta I •iif • u will receive from Station WP.AT. still wishing lo i nft" the at |h* High Sihi« i In Inir-i Hi. rnl.rjl I'nMii II.Ki.ina \uiln.tiiv in New with the names of conlcsl can do so by tilling tnr Of New Y paper inscribed on it. the addi- lurni tnlu • |Mnad* ."».. n>Mv4icr- ^urk n.a.I. ike award pan below snd forwanling it will hatl t.i ha* I-. n •• I a. In when lli. nniaars 1. A trip to Washington. D C. that permits for $173,400 of rriitlrntial conslruclion—23 ntatltvv of Ih. l»oM SI ji will IH gin anKII>. il JiouM not be i.-. Ions, Hmr law new humes—were issued liy Building Inspector Schneider and return, presented by Memor- ial Post No. WO. American la-gion. (hers wiU limit, are .1. liv.l.,1 |H l.n.Hinr.1 ill. i .|i ituM h> •H* for the first four months of llii-^yar. Passsic. which is helping choose bulh h.»ii it rolls . 1W ll|l ** II lull .tfctt •!-.*- ... . Total construction amounted t» $450,075 for the tint the typical American girl uf that Vetersna of World Wai II era rsuectail so alten.l m iaiae mini llr.l Slir.. a. lo when lit. ll.MI-tng Mill hr J»all- four months. city al a large ball at the Paasaic thr greatestevemngs ever enjoyed rir».si- txirtftidrr thu my : Armory on the evening uf May in the entire metropolitan area; ' •ntry f«t thr title «f *Ttu- brre. »ilh Jamea Hi-iwlg. •( Ilir ttMe I. . I UHII.UI i ixlHIM m \n«n.l , The Italian Oil (M. fiUmt .m Srliuyl.r Avi-nue UIII mill IMh. besides this. 17 other newspapers j Ideal Amrnran liit I uf our Amv. u in chargr ..- »lmti ul IID l>lv..i.t K.I" 11 I I..IIH!., .III..1,4 |..i the I I'll \ ed lo $177,000. and the Acme Win- — - ' 2 An evening, with all ex- : and WPAT. more than one nun- i town and U» Ihr nil* of "Mi» day Vice l.\.t.iti> l\.i i A aWrluMai r»rr« HIMII U IBHHI .|U>. k hmi.iu. f«r I otst- dow Display Corp., const rue tins penses paid, at one of New. Jer- < dred service clubs and veterans ' North Jrraey Recruit of IM4. Id J. Ni'lsheir Si a HM r I. ; -I on Ridge Road, a short distance lilll-i • >. I. tall, is U UK II, I-.H1I..I .Hit Hr.tlhrf- aey's leading nightclubs nrgamfations in New Jersey air i (iMHiim mmm to at i#fc* n up from Ten Eyck avenue, and Add Waller's With all the interest this con- no* working toward assuring its Ottn Si. Ililn i IMI II srutri Bright, who fli. ^announcing the hands playing continuous music > Addrocs the psisd< will liad oil at lu a m il'.wn an.1 lra.~lul.l..l in I .iolhlit-1 Of Local Vets Hum Ihr Itigh N» i,>« I fu-ut, »n months were $49,500 of permits sfTair daily on his "Bandstand" fur dancing througrniut the en- • l.nal ( »li.. air arMiialniswl with what r VII * , for six neve gasoline filling sta- Ag«- Height Weattavinu* In lores! n.nur ta proiigraf m over WPAT and u in- tire evrhing. to present a num •l».l in m^.i n....,, ... -._. —-I,.!,,,,. .1,. .— Hiag. r....< lo V.lh) Uli..;> a,. tions. H«ro of World W«r II to ti:rrn vie wing; the contt>sUncontestantUs ofotn Ms her <>f farrvcui USD i unde Edu> alluli The residential construction, show, with mail requesttnc thr prr^unal dirrrt*mi of thr national nile tu Rivrt road, tin M- itssaartal IL.II in. Mill hrill.- aiioirf |a, | tn.lkufl . |.i .I.I. u. most interesting to veterans to- Be Honored by Amer- eomplimentary tickets betng dts- virr-prrytdent of that organua- Hobbles Park at the .\jvrii.*i, | a^UMi SswIUSIS] a ..JlllMill I.. III. li.iu.nic |.t..|.|. ... llir H-.Jt.l day indicated that Lynd hurst may ican Legion tnbuted), it would not be sur- in-n |» hold ih> "Mis* Reouit" hcadi^uailer», whvrr Irtt trirnxm this year exceed previous build- pruuiR if contrst night will see run-*4T and n-nrnt arvrrat other !«-• are to tak* pist«- • •I I ..iiinii.*M»iit-t/. a|.|«.iult .I a \etrtan* \«lii...n II.HI* ing records. .# . — more awards, being pi tainted the highly t-ntrtijnhin* (ratum •Mst* T» Kssas MM Dntsssti in* < ••lllliilller I.. -II..I. lit. all. an.I wa«. ul ptsMlallnsl It will be Barringer-Walkr: fortunate young lady who will' N>« Broadwav has h»jrd of the In January two permits for May we publish your ptrturrT Thj first divl*ton vtill *** i. J lioii.iiil Ihr ...miiiiii.. |.I..HI|>II. n r anm nslsal «a> $34,500 were taken out In Feb- Piijtt. American Legion, very snon. win the nuih/ tuv«-ted Utk- of affair, and some of IU leading ruary two more permits for $12,- The local post, known since World "Mis* NorthVtfersey Recruit afl *mn arr oflmiu their M-I vices or r irak 100 were taken out- In March War I days as Harold Barringer IMS" Cr < ' P** ** l appearance* at the | Are > i»u available t. >* an inle* • I shiners J A IVr.lin. I. M !•>>! '"• .HHM I. amilti 4 IH( \m USIII. live for $27 ^M wrre tosucd and in Post has ilatHl.a lo add th» sur the affair is | PMrraua ArmoiAnnocyy caomn thaI t mgfct Carraine Savin., ar.. ami Clsinv. k.iu'iias m aMsnrtHissrai tan ill. lia i. «l - -• (of th« World War I MM wi» k* IKhetw«assl The Junlot Dtiatv stiri ' l—_ . n ... /- •*<»• M ••, •; ll atora and dwelling It will tall* about two months to complete the formality. N- Ihr spaniah AH-i-n. an \-i cot 11,090. * Barringer Post eager to pay Mrs. Rooney Home an> Jnhn J l*srshlr.|.- r.i. r antl Commissioner Savin 1 reported Exhibit for Democrots to »..| lit.i.,, nltirtata. »Uu lut. fc.rn wtltt, la.l tribute to World War II veterans, A II * 11 !•• rr: OtlMt. II. Rniatrlri to the Board *»f Commissioners snsf hsjrrl ..» konalasj l.«>. i l.l> uiiti. (.I ...... ,1 il,.,. named a committee comprising Hospital W, . I-..-I mil Wlrt.n. .4 ( that building permits for the last William J.IIVIS. Alvin Ralph. Meat Sponsor Rally rWrujn Wais Rai'ins. t l""< •' "•'»• - '••<•« I IM a. »rri II.. six months beginning in October I Itarph LeCoque and John Hm - Aimruan l.aJi- wllh \ . . >• -I arr l.<-in. il.-I .11. ,I ,,.,» ». IMS snd rnding irr* March, to- «•« AMVrmt .ri.i Hi. talled $60(1.000. This did not in hUhien end Brunner will Ospssi .>f AanvrVato n ii •!.! M IHi l . Ul k al. .I..V.II alts..I alul .1. - Hode the Aorif figures. post approved- it In a war th..t ; Speak in Lyndhurtt M..lh. III. I • .1 I ..ii. rrl IXaL pur. arr rrrrletl |\, 1-alfa.k- Thus, Lyndhurst is snothn of of Handiwork M«y pioduccd many Lyndhurst heroes' J.nvll.ui.l Hiah s. I....I Harl ., the communities which is joining Seturday •el ..ti hr pi.t. rt,«n ihrn ,,i, . tuararnr ul Walker was one of the foremost. 31 and Jun* I will )• -•••! the Mtimil I. ,. , in the unprecedented building i....m. I.I,.H i.L Hr was commissioned in the field, | whu h in. ,...!.. l-.lg. II P boom. 1 one of the stand-out ways of The m-rond ainnuajl im.-.-t • iat ' Mayor QaArgt Brunnn ..f (*«»" li KIk. Amenrsi. II..1 <'!•> .1.1 Bergen County, m-cordinu to v. -it eommissioh. By daring aits and home eeonuirtir* exhibi- (den and Judge )-*i' O Haajaen <.lht-i 11 • 111 II • I ncaaajsalnilw * figures produced last week, is un- and bravery Walker had proved , tion will be r*M at th. high «f Jersey Cily. thni'x irfin randi Cammaraasi In •• * Naval sad dergoing its grestest building himself capable of the kind of school gyTrnastum Ma'y 31 .-ni datea rr-jMTdw Iv I -t I'.nl.t M-'.ii. (add CiH|a It- !v.i(M)Jl Commissioner Sovino Soys boom. In the first quarter nf the leadership thr Army wanted. It June 1 -More than 1,000 i-t ••> «r Stale* kenatoi and guverntu will .iii.l On I (ansais s...l . hilttmi year permits for all typc.s of con- proved it where it cnunted—in and arUelM made by cr.iMr*n uf be given a iftnw'i b> Uw l.ynd Ih. • i. Ikparim. nl ati.t Aui struction amounted to $&20],noo the field: * the Lyftdhurst arhooai will I- m burnt Dt-moi ratH ( luh 8«tuiday lliai> ami ">. A l.'m'l Vets and Community win c.f which $.1.:Ml.nnn was for 1 The .carter printrft snmt of trie display. Any Murtt-nt fnmi c».».!. ^ night al Si Mieho I * -II li.. IMura Trsin.ii • >.I.I housing alone. itortH ;it».ut W.,lk<-. s adven- 7 ttirough 12 it eligible to i.tril CammiftaMunet J»II>I» A lin-*lut ah id iivrrsaaj Servl.. and imali Be Satisfied And Hi*- indicatiuns ar.' the tures -during th war. They were his handiwork will he loastmantrt Invitations I" nf II,. v..< Haart H (' Churili boom is just getting under way. hair raising Ttic Legion Pout is I Merilorius awards will hr given attend hav« been arrvpad by will ctfri ll>. InVHtalaltti l*««l It will reach astronomical pro- Ju«i#F U-land V Frrr>. eaftdidal. a iln aim ...|..l l.nU.i now compiling the youngster's to students whiKie pt uje«rt.t arr Fi.innulli Span i.h An..,. ... «.i 'portions In a short time, indeed. for stale »«natot Hydni v )• history It will he ready for pub-, ju'iged t>*-»t S|ni ial t*> t ..i i->n v.l.'an vt>!l nnVial. al It.. las- For instjtir* , the Arst quartet* Smith aivl Morn M.. •• -. ••• ami lication about the time the post i will hr niven for pru)t H<-utoand(i..l ». -HI .Umlih.r. C.,1.1.. »»,.,. . .. .,., ,.„,,, •*.•!*, And in all. types of l-ml-ini •. ho. Jr . and Hwrman P J H-fl. m | li'ifrs, jumpers, and bl»ujM-». <•' • i> I...I II.. ..«•• bl. II. Ih. iM.rtar r,t 1, 1946's first quaiier led all the men. county i•• M - #ln • !•••< Is New Chief ..f All. giaiMr. ailet nhich »ta*tht lul.l rest. Nearest quarter to approach Gallagher NameV man it Wss 1941 when it amounted to , »ill l» .1 Sl Id. |.. I v\ |K» u,, crts intituling woodwork, art iwi ** _^ , J»mi • OUnnnrl! prratd* nt •«. $5,461,000. !.(.•• fvnumenl b> n Willia fhalrman assistf. hy Wittt.•• IkW 1M6 probally Kill be I1.IL-. n Mll'l (! . - .' > Will At Afwme* Fire De- i ^ hlfh achw,l nulrilM,n (Uv, li:. 1 M I'I»I I r-!-. • Uiivi an Uty lulr.U M't An>.* M^fld^ County's Breate5t building year. \\\+A dinner. Pantr PrPimpIn In In 1M1 It totalled $fT,00t,0O0 for perfment Role . « * <*wpuy B*op^n> ft lo»..l li> liis rail call >f I >fvl r ("•.,-.': > •. ,'•• - : .-1- ih*. n .-1. i- •fieakeis. Oeoigr »«••«•. i rftb r1..i: bui.l i h'.nort^ ..Ira'l fliinrii V all kinds, with $21,000 of lhat • j Uble and a well balanced dtnnrr Township officials wen- among uf hu i'-i- M ,u.. thai isHaaw ti-t- ment, Peter Of t«a>fl i • > «!,..,. olll read II. uv, '< rnidential We'll probably top it The nuts will also diwplay suit* >uits - Swim the hofKjrcd guests at the annual and slaeks refashioaed fvn tact Intinf I'unds Mrs *» I.*...*!..... rotvpttwn Haf \i....' v.'.i ans Corn this year 1 ry Tirgfjjih publicity ••'•>* Adam •OTAl CONSTRUCTION election and installation of officers <>f? wearing apparvt Many origi- Tr» PTA C.-ur* 1 ha. l».n at i.-ai.l. i F# i I lirrlsln gn'.r* VM I* ft of the Lyndhurst Fire Depart - nal i i<-mti. .n* iri dresamak • itttvt alf \>H^ pupating IMVII CaMffnvrivi arr a ngenxrit • I- -I ll»aa .1 »' I v» . I v-a > : menl. al whirh Edward Bayer be ktntnniL and crorhetin« will »- bandagr* and »il! Bsnv laaa > par* I... (' r.tnafiis. t.*ar.m«aalei >-t 1 sir. • '-• eamr* ( hi. f in succession to Frank in il.. coUertmm <>f ' " -'• 'Cast leg rant The drafting Hrpaitf- * *-••* 1M6-47 are Fred Bentzen. Arst Mrs M.i . Cutbatl Bet fen To H«v«i Reunion »..(,.». i Kin IHrtUI- M Ik. 1.1. III- ial display of blueprint ing -r*. assistant Are chief and Wtlliam Oaasat] i -.n ..I ih' ITA I>M will give r»ih visilor a black mnti • ••• . I ' n. ,>..,. mil.all . Caputo. second assistam Are chief. Mn Qasjfsjl \:t- tj .fc I'aat Many Other Items white smivenir --f Lyf»dhui-t H g» H..r*>i"i s .- ist.U»tlint] r» with John Dana], secretary and )ifll'M t ,W- ' ngl'*t • 'ir School Hl|h school, shop rlasMi treasurer. PTA MV Th.«na. J. will display t^hles, itu|\M and After the officers were »ealed. a ; I*-, i I.I ' >if W-*' tir'>ti Silwi m other artirle*i of funuturr I'll 11 111 !.•*. a»j lurite gavel, givrn by Adam PTA. Mi< laMnm Oasrstatsa. £!SS*UKT TOWELS IMI !!•••. , K * i*t».w ki and Donald Stewart. !• . •>• ri .rf rratikt.1) PTA MM 1*41 TI" ,» I... -V liiraf lh» ti*rt..«ia I •*» 1 j - I m turned OV«T I«. the new chief D amiilslitf-aBinc •«r\ C I", li- • I- .->«. ni ••< II .». 7Ot hy J pr* l\epU*>HC«nS TO v. II PTA Mi> A P II. l-l. • | sented mn honorary badge tut^ * " — - • ».;.• pi.»«l^r.l '.f RoOar*»rl PTA I Ca»tlecrant. the retiring chief M««t Friday Nighff M . !<•••• lla l-i. .b ni ..f J.1T Following the business ses«Mw> etsnr. PTA ,Mi« Allinl Mwun •HH^-SxvS** - All Sdes Pmol held at th' I'lnmuMfHi rhamberit, !•• • I- ..„'.. i .t Jeffrnun.JTA Plans Reunion II .n t<..- .4 ttw V ' * I a Friday mjrht a raterrd turkry M- !.»->• K >• I'I'.KUI I ..f Tssa • n •- til- .' <•• T. all aaaaaacra a» flat Claas dinner was served to the Aremrn rrsar nSbl at nW H.«* Maaal PTA W. Am .' W, _l.... i. .4 lh* Aa af Jaaw IMI. l« Ml li a . and their guests at headquarters. f/ernrf Paal !•••- d*fT «.f H f Mist Masco Guest 1 »>* Mayor Horace B*»gle and Com *tw« I PTA Mit W ISl^rM-n T. Preaess! »•••*. Ta I n, iin«i<.rter Oarenee Sherwood. Psat I'-. • l.i ' nf ttlvrt II - ' At Birthday Party (h,. ..< IM I i Rev. Gvnrgr Muller. chaplain and PTA Mm I. I <• ' >•( Mr a*d Mr* J.>,». M-«-. -I M . - 11^ fWV nvmbi-n of thr Ladica AusUiarv fcvrt H—I PTA Chief Oil., IU> 121 ClipslaWd »\t* •' 1 *r>'*.*-« «.. «.«ri »..» aa»l <„.! sv- • were among the guests Rev J s"»v« a i»»M- rfsssvMly m •-•'MK» •cwrtat HutlrSt I Edwin Murphy, recently appoint- Th* - T t H" »ill kwilil a nwfel !•• n of lit* Uitrw-**!*. I BOOK'S ed as chaplain was not Hits-ssi ing -a\ iridm* sflrrw*** nlk n- M.r.lytlMT' ,4 ||>r . ^* tf M. • j Vicuic athikkAiMtein; who as at Hat Town Hall ks make final DulaWM ~ Tf>«rtm**t«-T inirodured the |UHU aaaaa fnr Ike «r.>. Al pet asm 1 a&o served as ehauman of the si is aiariT.. d swl v> have a h.Mase . commute* wtifceto iSMlinrtoil Frank in Ihr la hawse drive V..luntar, Damonieo. Donald Stewart, Jtc- LanPaii Tawa bans ahouas he forwataasl to the ert Sauer. ' Morns I XT* LivMtlaasn nrsw is Isfare of WUlws* Pallia*in aM RUTHERFORD, N.J. Michael Pol**, aWvator the M alnrr-i H.»t»UI Valle. d n. Cbarlos Multer •Ml THE LEADER TWn^y, lfay 14, WW, St Matthew'* Evangelical rnrstOmrrJiafClnat, Lutheran Churdi Seieatiat tar, which was parked near his Is President driveway, but when he learned of Valltr the damage, he agreed to pay the W costs * Washington PTA Elects Geary pointed out to the record- Topic - "Citizenship Day" - AMVET "JIL* Si. TIIOBW 9:15 a. m. — Sunday School. and Installs Same er that hit-run accidents were be- Ep. 2:19. coming too numerous and. that it | Church 7:00 p. m. - The young people 10:»ta. m. — The RcprovalOf May 10, IMS, will be a day long remembered by the AM VETS Head Third Time was becoming a practice of driv- will meet. • - - the Hair Spirit" will be the theme v_a«(l the pfnpli of Lyndhurst. We the AMVETS were the hosU to • ers to leave the scene without Forest-and SUtyvesaMt Aw Maastey, May M_ of Sunday's sermon. Tlie sermon 'rapacity crowd of approximately 700 to 900 people at uur VK Mrs, Thomas A. Johnson, o reporting the acciden. The de- Rev. Rowland F. Nye, rector will be timely, practical and Bib- Sigma Chi will meet at 8 p. m. lical. llay .Dane*, held at St. Michael's Auditorium, .Lyndhurgt. - past president.of the Washington tective captain also noted tha a in the Lyceum. The weather on Friday nite, was the best. The sky was cltJ' Parent Teacher Association, was bench warrant had been issued for May 16 — St. Mary's Guild will May «— *" and thr air was cool. We have an agreement with God. . fleeted and installed as president Luppinucci. Bivona said he would ; sponsor a public card party in the p. m. - A social and penny Ladies' Aid will meet at 2 p. m "Mortals and immoruU is the The hall was gayly decorated in red, white and blue streamer i for her third year last week. . take the case under consideration Parish hall at 8:00 p. m, in the Lyceum. Musicale - Mrs. sale will be held under the aus- nd the floor was slippery with wax. The fellows responsible foi j { • May 19 —The 4th Sunday after pices of the Ladies' Aid. You are Leaon-Serroon subject for Sun- At the sinii«- ceremonies Misft William Wolf. 49 Morgan street, Arthur L. Weisman and Mrs. day. May It. this were Mkrbeal Presinazano. Thomas (the suit) Morgano, Joseph \ Letitia Petty, principal of the Jersey City, and John Russell, ; Easter. 7:30 a. m. - Holy Com- Howard E. Friebely will play. assured of an enjoyable evening. < Alphonsr) Gutdetti and Joseph (Mexico League) DeVenio. Thcs* school, presented Mrs. Johnson munion; 9:30 a. m. Church school; Golden Text: "Henceforth know 4303 21st street. Long Island City, 1 (t-llows worked hard all Friday morning and afternoon and. did a 4 " with a life membership in ih • each forfeited $5 bail by not ap- l'OO a m. Choral Eucharist and Lyndhunt Methodist 10:30 a. m. - Annual Memorial we no man after the flesh: yea. P. T. A . an'honor bestowed upon pearing to answer charges. sermon. Service. You are invited to at-though' we have, known Christ The doormen were Ray Gukletti, Daniel DeVenio, Buddy D*- Church alter the flesh, yet now hence- her by the Washington unit Mrs Louis KM, 70 West 55th street ' -May 20 — 8:00 p m. Business tend this special Service. The lura. and Michael Presinanzo. They were ut the doer all nij'.M i Johnson has been an active mem- Board of Commissioners, the Po- forth know we him no more." fH Bayonne, charged with 'excessive and educational meeting of the Cor. S:l«) itid are to be commended for the wonderful way they received the I»ei -of the Washington unit for ! Young People's Fellowship. Sub- Mnyveaul ajad THOM Aveawei lice and Firemen, the members of speeding in a 20-mile zone paid Rev. WUlUat Jaatlea, MhiMer the past 13 years. She now suc- | u $2 fine. ; iett: "The-Bikini Test." the United States Spanish War iermon: Paassgn from the Duke Collins, the BAND of North Jersey, gave out with- music ceeds Mrs. George A) herding as Veterans and Auxiliary, the mem- King James version of the Bible A/i assault and battery charge "It has long been a giave ques- that was out of this world. They played continually from "B .t«» 1 president, Mrs. Alberding having tion whether any government* . M«7 M bers of theVeterans of Foreign include: » m. and still the people wanted more. The dance committee Uwn served Ui complete the term Ml made by Carmine Trangone, 346 9:45 a. m. • Church school with Wars andfAunjiary, the members Giant avenue, against Mrs. C. Ro-, not too strung for the liberties of -Now this I say. orthren that hired the Duke for another hour. The customers are always rifiht varan! by the recent resignation its people, can be strong enough classes for all ages, including ad- of the Am^hcanTiegion and Aux- flesh and blood cannot inherit the with the AMVETS, and did they love it. of Mrs Harold Hartshorn, who ^ Hi, 287 Cleveland avenue, both ults. iliary, and the members of the of Lyndhurst, was referred to to ma.main its existence in great kinfdum of God; neither doth cor- The bar was ably Handled by chairman Sam Calarino, Lrunurd < moved out of town. emergencies."—Abraham Lincoln. 11:00 a. m. - Public worship AMVETS will attend. "As I Live. ruption inherit corruption. For District Criminal Couit in Hack- Ye Shall Live" is the promise Cletneato, Danny Checki, Ray Pacifico, Nuzio Castrovimi, P*-tti ' Other officers elected and in ensat-k. ., with sermon by the pastor. this corruptible must put on m- Climtatn and Daniel Abriola. This was a major feat because the stalled yesterday are Mrs. George 7:00 p. m - Intermediate Fel- of the Savior. corruptipn, and this mortal must bar was busy from 9:30 to 2 in the morning. The people wen- Alberding, first vice president: Th< i«< oi ill i postponed for two hV«l Memorial United lowship will have Mrs. Leonard put on immortality." (I Cor. UM. weeks, hearing on a drunk-driv- We shall appreciate the con- lined six deep at the bar and still the bartenders smiled when thi-v Mrs. Ethel Mason, second vice 1'ro.ltyirrian Church Dunkin as their guest speaker. tribution of all our members and 53) Correlative paaaages from wnnd. Sam Catarino and Leonard Clemen to were actually sweat president: Mrs. Edward ftfarose, ing charge made early Saturday 7:30 p. m. - Youth fellowship "Science and Health with Key to morning against Charles Pardy. friends toward the present Army ng it out the whole night. At 12 midnight, nylons w<-r»*rarf).'d off trfasurer; Mrs. Norman Penwar 8TOYVBSANT AVENUE will meet. and Navy Commission Fund- the Scriptures" by Mary Buker by the Dance Committee, headed by Buddy DeLuca, Kay Guidetti. den. recording secretary; Mrs. V.' 300 Davis avenue, Ktarny, Ly Thursday. Nay U— Eddy include: Robert Weyersburg. 263 Ridge Please bring in your envelope Michael Pretk and Danny DeVenio. Frank Bello of Lyndhurst won W. Ronson. historian; Miss Let- 8 p. m. - Meeting of Ctrck* 3 this coming Sunday. and his wife smiled and smiled and' smiled. We wish to thank nil tin road, Lyndhur.t. Pardy is re- SM*W. Majr U— "Cod is the principle of man. itia Petty, advisor. The morning lervice «t 11:00 of the Woman's Society of Chri- and man is the idea of God. HemV people who helped to sell these raffle chances for the dance commit- I leased on $225 bail. stian Service at the home of Mrs. tee. There were too many to mention their names but you have Mrs. Harry Gutheil. county a. m. and/ the evening wrvice at Sarrnl Hrart R. C Church man is not mortal nor material.. councilor for Lyndhurst, was the H p. m. "mil be in charge ot Rev. James Kiper, 200 Riverside ave- the AMVETS sincere*! thanks. J- nue with Mrs. Clarence Smith, EMge IM4 U'aintha-O mortal and earnestly installing officer. Miss Lesiayo is Eufcnl Liggett, pf Princeton, N.}. «ev. Bernard Mssrr. pastor seek the spiritual status of man, The dance music started at ft p. m., on the dot and there wen* Mrs. Alberding was presented The Youth tneetingt will be leader, in charge. . no couples present. The AMVET members and the different com- ; 1 ThtasTay, May ZZ~- Masses at 6:30, 7:30, 8:30, 9:30, which is outside of all material with a gift by Miss Petty, in the CDA Speaker Mon. hfld at 7 p. m. 10:30. and 11:30 a.m. selfhood." (p. 476) v mittees started to bit their nails when 9 p. m. came around and still name of the executive board with I 1:30 p. m. • Silver tea and food th*-r«> were just about 25 present. Then the Commander Stelliito The Wednesday evening meet- j sale of the Woman's Society at whom she worked during the Miss Virginia Lestayo, daugh- ing fur saryer and Bible itudy and Vice Commander Herwig were really worried when, the clock year. j the church. Home made foods lumvd around to 9:15. But not so Ray Guidetti, he assured the ter of General Lestayo. of Ruther- will be held jt I p. m. and will ! will be the specialty, but any- The program of entertainment ford, and a head of the National be in charge of one of the elders. fttiud commanders there wasn't-a thing to worry about. No soom-r included groups of songs sung by thing that can be eaten will be did these words leave his mouth when the deluge staited. The line t Federalist Party upoke Monday acceptable. Friends are invited. 1 nto tn<> the Co Kd quartet and quintet. waiting *° B* ' hall extended to Ridge Rood, with mKht at the mretinj* of'the Court WiMuiinxKT PrMbytrrian Further information through Mrs. Refreshments were served dui Lyndhuist. Catholic Daughters of out tickets were clamoring for admission and those with the tickets ( Ininli N. T. Chute, Mrs. Myril Lewis, ucif ejgerly Vilrinp their tickets forward. ing a social hour after the meet America, at the club house. Mrs. Mrs. C. H. Manfredi, Mrs. John ing with Mrs. Al Mileski and her The AMVETS wishes to thank the VFW, American Legion, Elk* Beatrice Fontan. .i member of the Roycraft and Mrs. Melvin Field. committee in charge. Lyndhuist Board of Education, •Udie Itoad It New Jersey Am. and other organizations who patronized us and made the dance Rev. Howard E. Frlebely. pastor There's a welcome to all at the success, but most of all our sincerest thanks -to the people of our cousin,of Miss Lestayo and chair- church on the corner of Stuyve- roan of the program committee, town and those of the surrounding towns for the wonde.ful turn Bafdtno's License Sund»y. May 19— sant and Tontine avenues. Per- out for your veterans. — introduced the speaker. sons without a church home in 9 45 a. m Sunday school. Lyndhurst are especially invited All this is good news but it is uur sad duty to inform you people Lifted by Bivona Miv, Lestayo told of the party's 11:00 a. in. - Morning worship. that the AMVETS were beaten in their first name. The ennquorer* desire for world government. to worship here. Frank Curtis, of Lyhdhurst. were the Polish Americans. Tlie final score was 10-7. Vint enzo Hulilin'i. 387 Mnn Memorial Day The AMVETS will attempt to bwak Into the win column on mouth street, Jersey City, had Mnc, accompanied by Mis Curtis. Friday when they meet the Jo Jo's team at the high school field at nil heense revoked for a 30 (lay Miss Ann Lalerza, eighth grade (Continued from page I) Benefit Musicale « 45 p m All AMVETS anMmted and urged to attend. Suppoit pt'i-uid by Lyrdhuist Police R« pupil in the Jefferson School, .jhoar < in det Willian Bivona. and paid played i he accordion- hcuriquartcrs, with plans that in- This i* it and we will we you next week. Remember, your b* st $5 and $2 court costs when he was clude ah open house. VlCTOE F. rRANOITANE tw\_ Ihp AMVETS AtttnH run mix.linjj^ ;.t HJI irwiljttmp Kwry —Th» pli.nil . fur the progroiw wvrv found guilty last week of ex ' Re elects S. Munson and hb runlls far second and fourth Tuesday at 292 Chase Avenue. Jud^e fur your feeding the speed limit und "(*•*»• ' prt.parrd ;it a I rt-rnt nict'tin« two red lights Shirw»M»d Munson was rv^klee- thf Spanish-American Veterans, Anirriran' Mrdkal K.lirf tt catch up with It;ilph. 1."- Oique of the Legion is Leslie Named by George Evan* of Air Asso him iiriH that ho passed the red • (Hlwr offidrs elected WW*: VJOP c of the arrangements l.ynillmrst High ciates. Playerc <,f the Brooklyn I lights at Kingvltnd.and Ten Kyck president. Edward C a r m e a n. '. assisted by Lfiuis Eber Silioul Aiiilitoriiiin •aaUMLEaca 1D0 Union Ga« Company will present lie;isuirr, Lyman Powell, and avenues. Buyer tcld the nimdii «f the Spantsh^American Veter- FC President a skit, and recognition cere- cccretaiy, Mrs Sidney Aldrnlg*- ans Sunday nionies will IH- carried out bythe driver was Ki'ing "better Donald R. Byrnes, president,; than 50 mile;, un hour." June 2nd ami June '>lli ' Local Industrial Head • Bdldmo n^ked for reconsLdem- LEVY'S PHARMACY Will Lead Ser^eri secretary; and Donald V. Lowe- I lion of the iHirnae gusprnKinn. WHEN IN NfiEDOF A TAXI Members nominated for club saying he needed the car to Met -TWO DlrrUKKNT to hi: work. Bivnna said he should 299 Stuyvetant Avenue Lyndhurtt Organization posts arc: president, John S. Lc8- CONCKRTS , lie, of the Leslie C'mipony, l.ynd- ave thought of the it-Mills win n M .mike the law, and denied Hie Telephone RUtherford 2-1026 "RecognitHMl Nighif' will be the ' hurst; vice-president, C, Georite RUtherfoVd 2-8989 (tax subject of the May meeting of the .Evans, Air Associates, Tetcrboro; ppeal. Bergen County Executives' and secretary, Richard Poor, Stand- Decision was reserved *vn a OPERATOR <»N IMTY At ALL TIMKS Fort-men's Club to te held at the ard Bictichery, East Rutherford; harge of leaving tlfe scene uf an Stau- Street School. Hackensack, treasurer, Dewey Michclin, Lowe accident made by Captain Wil on May 21 beginning at 6:30 p. m. Paper Compuny. Slated to he- mm Geary against Qcorgp Lup LYNDHURST EVCRT BARKING SERVICE OftVt-rs 1W the coming year will come directors are: L. R. Cone, of be elected at the business meet- Eclipse Pioneer, for a term of CAB SERVICE «ng three years; E R Birks, Hills SOME GOOD BUYS The program of entertainment Brothers Coffee, three years; R. R. VACANT I.ANK Fay, (.I.III Itof.oio Company, two Our Charges Are the Same includes an address by James F. v.T«*NSIIir <(« \H( Ghren. ii"ted humorist: presenta- years; E. RjiWIins, Public Serv- Call or Wlite DAY OR NIGHT tion of a movie, and a report on ice Company.' two year . WHY - "JUST SUPPOSE, IF Person Harold J. Came let Groceries Fruits l*»tT (imcii HrnuiNi. 15c for each additional person I.VNDinitvr, N. J. . Illinu' III llMll.T.I J »(,;'! Anywhere in Lyndhurst VERDI'S MARKETS One Stop I had a safe place for 300 Ridge Road Lyndhurst Rcatonable Flat Rates Out - of Town Securities FREE DELIVERY Fo-J Efficient, Dependable Insurance Policies Service Wills RUtherford 2-8138 Call RUtherford 2-8989 Deeds William C. Collins ' TWO i:\BS \T YOUR SKKVH.Iv Mortgages Fish bles Tke Cnllimt Nvmnrial US HTUYVKSANT AVKN11E A Cob of Mine Will You Time - Jewelry and Heirlooms and '.TNOfllVKBT milh. i-SM* other valuables"?

Rent a Safe Deposit Box at this Bank and you will KNOW Your valuables are safe. THfc COMFORT OF MUSIC . . .

M a jtiilinr »/ /•' »/ our fi'/N' Oi/hiit. Thrrv it no extra rhmrgp /or music. ' . •

JOHN D. CRANK & SONS suvn moni ton ovu UAU A ctwnmr Funeral Home Kwarny Av«. at Borqcn Ave., Kearny, N. J. RUTHERFORD NATIONAL ESTABLISHED 1880 . PHONK: KKAINT 2-1031 fIVf lANKS by Invitation — Viioaiai SelmetrJ Ua - ! . i [SUIIISHCO llti THF 1.EAPFR PaarThrt.

witk blank am—imi aad a cm- the sere**. Ha was aa Mat Amy lleil. Mr and Mrs. Leonard, J VuraaMl and U . MI..B.1 U,.- .nut • •tkut 41 a* •age of garoVuas. J AM Corns for three years. Seller Miss Claire Setter. ..( aer» we-e . i. i M attend. • -i- Ji» 'irrnar has been «y ' A nceptam »aa l.< Id after the — North Bergen, and Iflu FlurriWi MrtaRositl K_ Butler, of Unm> Cu> ' WEDDINGS eeremuny at the hum of the MMUa—aaM • a> IgSdmaSHaaafl V '"'<• «renterummej>t :., o» 4k..r«.< Fraaawrm'1 •• at bride fur lot Mis* Margaret Mat *»«« of mm MMWIW in.iudv% •• ; kg M After a stay at Ml I\K,*I.. Mr. Michael fcaWi uf 11 r JukMon . 1 r, g aad Mrs. Ljlk-y.wtfl reside at 1*1 avcaue Vallmgtua. »as atameO 1 MAtlMM I* a» grt I Wilson jvtnutv RMnerford. Sunday tu Tiias|»l Roas. son .•( Ensagement Woman ! Club will b« M :a ) Both thr bnde and bridegroom > and Mrs. frank atoaa uf IT by l*i*»Me«*t tec *. m , IS t.» are graduates of Lyadhurtt High Or*™' ••/• WatfkueaL Tae> School The bride is a ladrl nurw .were married la St. Michael, Second T#nn Jt^ZT^Ztt^EZS at Harkensack ku.p.ul The churvh PassaK by Bev. JacfcaonU. #K*h<4Ml tt•*• Wft brKtegroum was rewntly ds-' Tin bnde'was given tji mat K-u * Technical s* rgeaiu foi ants were Miss Maria Pignatore i'lut* .»< t.vtt«4hj u «t ft" u>wt> •>#> th. a.•.'... *tfV* WlWffw • Mas Evelyn Underbill, daugh- of the bride and small matching three and one ball years. He saw and Jta*phinePrastt>. Tae maid «e*>mtl irar at Ihr (.•• the tanlr* I • hiartitnn K- ter of Mr. and Mrs. ate pain tin- bonnet. She carried blue sweet action in the Eui.|. jn theatir uf uf honor was Caril KravoK .-Ur^ nt I'. < l art*' of f Announcements 1 . Li r' J.IJ- .1 Ihr M. !' • Wean .KMTX! |o the I aw Hllmi i derhill of 133 Post avenue, Lynd-' pear. war fur attorn muulu He at now j Ushers were Andrew Oreco and ! hurst and Tracy Kiper, son_of/ The junior ana»aaiaid wore a employed at the Western Electric'Nick Rm»h. brother uf the bride. 1'hurvh hal} Mrs Kinv-4 N Ft-n INf •»*»»< ^ifm.-n., . V . f . t»n. ,< p»«i i>:.%nVttt .»! |t»c tlut <;'hk** •*• .h«»nwm -t % "Mrs" . Ames Kipe•--••r and thVlatt"" ? blue net dress, trimmed wluTpink I —__.-..Company. Jersey Cuy- . Leonard Rosa, brother of the James Kiper of 200 Riverside ave- and earned piak sweet pea* g bitaVgraom. was best man Other oflWn IW Uw- -. , • tn *n»l ^ •• v .- h nue were married Saturday at | Thr mother wore a black late LHUtAN CABOOZJZII TTh t tuituidee woworre a while satin j MJ> BJ ».> iii tm *«l tt4 VeJ 11 a. m. at Sacred Heart R C and crepe dinner gown and a MMia* Rita Cardoz^. daughter of ' drvss with net -trimming, a lung ! l« > BriMtk «vrnur. •'efi r > r«ai wilt ht M • .•• ••in t •»*- | irtrr pi HH^i nl M ' U >u • . — Lake 1 ii i. Mai > Jt«n W«Uti to Joim K»r\t»i gfanw •*~o^fWl » M-T prmmt Moore, oflkiatcd. iwsagVT"c "o f orchids" "™. fc.w .««• ,h-i*•1"1 Lk »venue. LyndhurslLdh , and soau. ShSbe carried a whilh e prajfei A recrptionwasheld »«erthe AH,^ j^, ^ „,„ , . f book with two orchids? TV K.tiiji.i BayllM IKMT ol Mi atkl *tlrnl M • Dntrl t) TMmH^aTi MMis s Claire Undei hilll,, sistesistr of y o Mre G S V '.r«r the bride, was maid 'A honor and ""^ST ^y "arlata* attoomncld, i^mtn of Rahiway were married J biidfsanaids were in blue aad th. Mn Georax VUtch of 434 Rmi rm»A| «vrnH«r>; Mt« <>*H-• for 145. Dinner was served. >uft avrnuf, at • I*n il> KatlHri 1 ' • i • '. I tat . ! - i • 11 ng M-tf-f Harry Spies, of Lyinihurst, was r l Sundauth r y> at; 9 o. mh al St. Matthew's j maid of honor in pink They car best man. %^SSp J SfIJT'.l!T..".J ip?it ' '4 c »''"- UBdhu«tB»%' i led spring Bowers. The bride's t».i\ M>« ' Hb»to$ *rs»-M Wli to New York State and a stay at Georgi- F. Muller. Jmciakd. ntrtf i.M liu little flower gut. Mu, W«U.i and Mr B«> atiun arrreiaf) M - J.Jm S t .» hai The bride wore a gray street Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. La- Frank Curtis was soloist. . A dinner was held in the Si lit* *IV K>.iiiu«tr n.lli... ?'. •Jrui trr.t*ur«i. .in*! ih .» «r«i k* length dress with square neck and Scola *lll reside at «M Forest Math**!', hall for »K gueets. Ttu Hi*»h S.IUP-^1 MAM Wai»»» .* *^ cap sleeves and a white feathered Mas Angela Rigas of Irv'ingtun Henry Politi avenue. was maid of honor and Richaru <-ouplr KM lor the Pucono Mt> • u«itr of M.XIUUI MJI- itn Haneruau M.» J<4n S *(.., hat. She carried gardenias and Both the bride and bridegroom Lehman, brothei u( - th. bi aV fur one week, fi.ll^wing the cere Tlffair'f l'.-:U>. and i- a Ua*l u.-tei Mn WIUUUI. % hwtiiv.i : Ml I > MVIiniF > l.M»\. I sweet peas. t are graduates of Lyndburst High groom, was hest man. muny Tht bruit- is a gradual? u( •I ..< l niur\ l.fcgii Srtwvil. Ci.i• ;t Cant! ibwtaufu * > i*. ttxvivetf *.«•• The maid of honor wore a aqua School. The bndegruoni was re- Bridesmaids uerv Miss Mai Watlmgtun High and the giot'ni Mi lUvii*. ..«>>tHl\Ht Tilt l)iw»id Ihr i>l> M'tiltl* .'I It . >'< n and Miv is a graduate of L>ndhurst Higli an> AIIJ Co >>f Niu,atik »«kt Ku r!*lftH. rlutihwwkr 'IA th« ttnDp <*>t|* violet colored hat and corsage of **«* •» served for more than Glenn Whit«. 1.1 .if Uuig Uland l-pun their return thry w ill rt-kjdt- i.lunt t ..:• Ulirt) U>K-t tt .'i.r.- pint-, Iftlamt* Tt • n gardenias. two years in Jhe Aleutians. Ushers were. Martin hanaen n , .! 37 Orit-nt Oi dtimy x i v.«. in the Euf\>pt'a\n tit *1 The mother of the tride wore — • u_-~~ Belvediore and Charlt-s Chronr o! —• ttualit- uf war. 1" . t ! ul Uvi |j^< *. ) «i m a navy blue dress and the mother *jgLl*T—•awajajnv thnl inrludeO |hi ii|«U> ..( th* hi*'1 1 M.III iii!.t tCinblem Club will K'tt-tet utttorm,and •< mufli •'<> * of the bridegroom wore a green I »•"» Frances Monsanto, daugh- The bud*- wort- a wlutt- chiffon Ruth Carol Diehl i |IIK> II*..Mi i'»n . drew uiih uhretlu-iirt nvckluu- b Id • MCftti, May to Mn Not worthwhik w*.*k tiatm •luun| lh»- b* *ui street length dress. Brtli^wore J»«* ^r •o <*( Mnaa '•' WUaud Mrsn avenue. Alfre,d Ruth lion- and three quarter length tttmum 1$. Sw««t Sixt««n • HIM IJi. ghdiJli will kpr«k . »«tiii P vt-il, made ror- s/. I ,i«l M . ! tw« gardenias. —i Warren J. LiHey. »»n of Mi onct styli*. Si:.- «'^t i nil u Mie Ruth (.V ..I 1>M-!,I. dauihter <>f SaueU Hrait tHn#h will hold A reception and wedding din- •»* Mrs. Archer LiUey of (Ittock and tiaidt-nia!. l.' .'in ..•; card party. Fi (... ner was held after the ceremony Mi mid Mm I'ltnunt A Dicltt >.!>• ; at Pete and Dominick's restaur- ! Keamy street, Lyhdhunt. were •irnHW. ha» ju»t ni«i k< .i Ci INIWI i/Mi omv irepe dre« with a n» .t-Uit-at t her liUi buthday iMlVtmry m Mra. .Juaepn Sn>d« i i» chui nr*t Mnk i«. : . Tue-*t*t , \i III M> ant, Jersey City for members of ' married Saturday at 4 p m. at Truu aJlrinaii i , ir Mil r , • • M^ -l*r s I \| both families. j St- Mary's «. C. Church. Rulher- neckline, short lit-a^ea «*nd match- Thr mat *a» iVlrbratvd with * -^fter a trip Iho ««iple wUI re- !'*d. at a double ring ceremony ing headpuHT She rarru'd yellow party at hn h«uiw side at tm Riverside avenue. I »•»• Charles W. Tkhkr, per- fk tWturatn>ns n in pink tftd The bride is a graduate of the ! formed the ceremony. silver The UM -nterpiotv An Lyndburst High School and is I m- D"™ Monsanto, sister of a. tain,, iiu-nl with 18 p.:ik A. P. MUZZIO Tiwrt aUo »a» a jmni« in dtt Electrical Contractor ith 16 pink and lo which |tft pac Ettlmotn Chmitfully Giro DON HENDRICKSON ttathed. 58 AlUn Oriva Norfh ArTInrjion He served on the island of Guam thf m M ti-i\ I 1 "Your Home is My Studio" for six months He is now agaig n til Ju M HIM L' employed at his former position VLj Mr >nd i.ill and The bride wore a white dre»' K- Mrs. Ls-hn,..,, I nvi) at Leslie Company. with a lace bodice, short finger ****** -t «'1 ^k* -viiuit l.ynd uf 16 l>l H(I (aatcneil U M \ ntr \-i in n I.II i tip peach shaped veU and carru-d jhw "!_\ . . nbhun» W I(JI pink bowp. UN r vim H > LaSCOLA DOMANiCO of Atts rved and gam.^ Miss Lillian Domanico, daugh- a cascade bouquet of gardenias (™£jdt• is a | and sweet pear writ* a fi-atuif pi "\ tding .i f.i.i W* Carry a ter of Mr. and tin. Thomas S. by liu- Hi 11 I-.t-.-i 1.11 > time f«»i all. •.•a* ax " Domanico of 156 Orient way. The maid of honor wore pink py Nt-w York imlu d Mi mid Mn Cottipla»tf> I int> of

son of Samuel LaScola of 434ihoulder length veil and match 0 1 ine; plun»». She carried carna- ' Central Hmh Nnwark Mr and Mn, Mr Artificial Wreaths Foreat avenue, Lyndnurst, were and wa* rerently M>il from and Mi' (it-mgf Kl.'ln. llali'ilil II married Sunday at 4:90 p. m. ationst . The b'ndesmaids wore blue nal- and Sprays for Sacred Heart, R. C. Church. Lynd- Illl.lWISt. \N|| \!l\ \Ni I |) I I \v>»- hurst Rev. J. J. Murphy, ofllcia- in dresaes with matching head- pieces and carried caeraale bou- Memorial Day IN *|| MN.IIM'IIK I• KI\ \'f\ *H KM M0 VI quets of carnations and mixed ^ Mrs. AnttHinv Mytino, sister of DR. PAUL G. SLOTA awl M • Ul MINI. I <>l |(s| -• the bride, was matron of honor flowers. < mfn and Edward Albrecht was Lest The mother of the bride wmv fan ..»./ t ••>!,„, s.a«aui J J an aqua street length drees with FMITS Telctn-h Florist IMtl t\l OIIMIII wpnamirra law rmiftumimf a/ hi* o§itti ml Kra»" JUJilnr^ __ ..__" AVKMf-K LYMUH'KM Rutherford Secretarial School were: Thomas Domanico, HI IIHUKWII ^' t'.TI i »««*IM run •imsi.w. - at u> • ••>> gaw brother of the bride and Daniel mother of the bridegroom wore HIOGK ROAD AM) VALUCY IIIUioK WK. Cornell of Paaufc, cuuain of therose colored straai length draas j bride I.YNUIUJKST. NK1T JKKSKV The bride wore a white satin dress with illusion neckline, drop DAII.l, I* l» I HI.MM9. II f> a tKI shnuleW sleeves with pnintiK)! wrist, tight bodice and long full! BULOVA skirt. She wore a lonK tulle veil II _'H(.

I *oui!» Sclilmiiu SALE STILL ON! PtOOFINO — tHINOLlMO •4OINO — tKVLIOHTt LYNDHURST TAXI HMKKT MKTAl- W*»«K 412UCONDAVI. LVNDHURtT Rates 25c (I) Person - 10c each Ktith 2s»j.; t'ttll mnm •". I*. M And Will Continue Until additional Person at (I) Stop f(ay Accordion Frank Hauser, Prop at a vorMion Everj^thing Is Sold for your enjoyment Rutherford 2-7171 as a nro/r-uiea Get Your Supply of Summer TRY OUR DaiCIOUS ? Merchandise Now at HaH-Price COnMCT IHSTKUCTION SlKTIFIto **A RAVIOLI * ABMS A«e.. Haalnrtart. N J. Made of fine RicoHa Cheac or Mmai RUlh. 2-7323 -And Some Savings Up To 75 • 100 'or $1.10 BERGEN APPLIANCE CO I (ii. rumuMi - is WASHERS liriuii FREE DELIVERY Shorts - Sun Suits - Swim •OIT.HT. HOLD AND ur*N slMtAYs L'MTU. It OH IAHM—I UMJD M4IN WEPAIWCD 62 P»«K AVIAII; > Suits - Slacks - Slack Suits RUTHERFOKB 24071-W Hi THMToaj), N. J. , RAVIOLI KING. Inc. 126 ShiyvvMiit Av«nu« - Lyndhurst RUtWfocd 2-MS2 Th0 Rufltld fOICl rOT^Q White logs and Many Other Items Industrial" & Ornamental Iron & Steel | HAND EMBROIDERED GUEST TOWELS 17c •RUN KAIUNOa - FKNCCS • CCLLAK 04MMW STUX < HAIBIl - LADOUU - MACaVNE Cl'ABIM. aTC Borough St., off Route 17 Ru»ha*fofd. N. J. Darlag tlinlisai aa. raw Mia. I-aan **T«lllr !«}•*" gf«f, U*>*»»f I No Replacements - All Sales Final rrialags Bata. t-MM-rn *•"••! u« Irt.,,..-.* IiJa || . **•• •* .• 'thM »»---.i_* TW »^,,,. , *M- I (Mil U.| MMM. f,*| Vtka) MafOt** ••••*•! l->*il*C INSTRUCTIONS .•i..» avsjaa •»•* t***••« t W«a>

IIIIWI MIAD. MOCni AaXINOTON KCABMf ink 39 PARK AVE, RUTHERFORD, N. J. <*»** TMf aTV*4. T»»ge Four THE LEADER Thunday, May 16, 1946

riXWSLL OfltAUt (1 High School Baseball r-:::.:: IS ',v, 2 J«MCk |M 1 SPORTS WHIRL BOWLING Wl»ni. IM IS B And Track Teams Lose SCORES «hl 227 2 AH that i-rwin tract of had and Lyndhurst High School's base- riNAL STAMOIMO ••twinlaM. attuat*. lytnc "»* bH»« hi the TcwoatUp mi DMUWH. In tfe. (batl team suffered iti second SOFTBALL Lyndhurst fUc League SA County of Bcnfn and 8ut* of MVw (straight Passaic-Bergen League fit. HMHk|>~t. M. O*i".'.V. M 1 _I13NO a part of lota tklrty-on* ' setback Thursday, dropping an SCHEDULE Tom * Shell Ht-Tvifr ct Roosevelt Rec League (Sl> Mi f») 1. Biork |f 8-0 decision tn Bogota at the Riv- Kohlfl. ft M*. U mm laM town on a ewrtaln may o* lk« AT HIGH SCHOOL: Fixw«-ll O*rtt«< m ' the U^rava Ounly Cl*rt'a OaV«, • eryiew Stadium, Bogota. Mixed Foursome Dorando'a I'ixx. ria 44 ; The Golden Bears were hand- Tkurada;, May 1«— Ar.dy'H & 41 M'-rktn I'MInl iCo. 31 1 cuffed by the offerings of Bill ablp. Bcrsen i ounty, NVw jmf* be. fiulvs Vntit>rgo f'.kangr Holy Name Society vs Polish Hall farrier* ll lon»t(Ut to Trmvera RmMy Co - »n4 Stiffen. But- hurler, who gave, up .Americans Brrt¥tt Co. It * H is funb«r dmrrlbed mm IMte*. After completing one week" of play, the managers of both di- H. Robbin>> IIW lSf.3 Fr-y ltS IK4.C7 and walked only one batter. Mr, M»J t»- kJ . l|ji lit? I Villt 10K (TS> frrt South*-a«t«Tly from th* Vttr scores and'lengthy games, it was derided to go back lo ten men on Ziter Hit Hard SS IH141 n*r form«d by tb*> Int^r*- tion of th* Club Royal vs Merkin Paint Co. It tilth UH M Nort heartily aMe »f VaH>y Brook u team iuid push the bases up to 60 feet again.- We of this corner 101 |K3.1» I>(.hiny.-r . Tuaday. May Zl— 1U8 A****^. wl* the tt^itlM*at»rly -ide were one of the- die-hards that did not want to ste Bogota blasted Lefty Mitchell J. KouWk . !>•! IKK 62 '•. rulli SI 177 5» of Uvndhtirat AIMIW; runnln* ihfw-f Towne Club vs Holy Name K. IMlnian . 74 t*2Z» I.W-tra ..\ I77.M -et. thfitif 44) KouthWMitf-rty Bran Rail ljiT. ITJJ of th* teams out of the sixteen in the league and [ The Bucs started fast, getting MntllH with LynlbtNt Anuu* oa*J Friday, May 17- 11(5 !7S.t4 hundred and iwrnty-ttve »l«i fr«t to will undoubtedly apply if ;,-. 213 22K taaa W HmlWy and Hvrwood 1 HmlUy. : Veterans of Foreign Wars vs IT Ngts , . . * Itt 177.IS Monday night's names, the Hilltops .and Veterans of Foicign Wars th* sixth. W 177.78 flTwIff. hy ,U-<\ Irearlnic dat* the 4th Frank's Softball Club day of Hente.Tihcr. 1*3* and recorded played at to 5 (jamc and the Towne Club and Club Royal went lor' Km 177.SK Lyndhurst had two scoring op- Ttnaday, May tl— H4 177,SS In Uw- H*r«e>, t'ountv **u rkv «»«..-. *t a 4 to 3 score. HA J77.4S HarkeiiNM. k. New J. rpwy. In Booh 1M3 portunities but failed each time. Carrucci's Hilltops vs Dooiin an of U*-df iff* 3W *< . 107 176.SN •TIWJ .niut-h prats'' cannot i><- given to the umpires and score*, Both of the Bears hits were riples, ick's Brass Rail 107 17S.97 To«eih»r with all and ftlnsular the M. and M. club of the Reed right n. lii»-rtl»-«, i>rlvllcBt». h>nlt.i- keepers *ho are- nut. faithfully each night to perform their dutie.* one by Mitchell, losing hurler, , n 174.48 ?M 174-1 Memorial U. P. Presbyterian mrntf* and appurtenanrra th^r^unin and a hetap of that same .stuff should go to Freddie Timber and and the other by Paluzzi. — !) . 108 173.81 balttmting nr in anywtae app»rtalnlni places, the opening event, the Church will hold a picnic, June 8 Joe Sp.iitii wh«> have done ;i mighty fine piece «>f business at the The box score: 87 17:1.24 and th.- r.\. i-t..n and r*tualnd^r». 120-yard hurdles won by Walt m >O ION )72 W at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rus- rtntl, lumift* »ntt profltH thrrrof. aad hitfh school field at thr request of the board members. This volun-, LYNDHURST (0) ii|r>'set- thS; league ^>c> on sUOUMsfuUy. Everyone it seems is conduct- out at tli* anme. h«- t>nld to pay and Frontin. )• IVth IO« ISV.&7 LEGAL NOTICE inji a pefnonal campaign to help yut. We ca*n K<> right down the ifii.25 natiafy in thf ttr-t pla<-e unto thi- naid PETSCH OAKERY (0) 55 f«r..3» TOWNSHIP OF LVNOHURST <>oinplali»ii.t th* Kuni of 97.MS.S&. with The summaries: lawful Int. r.-Kt thereon from th*- 22nd -lint- irorn Harry Gulhiil, Dave Donald. Jim Brcslin, Walt Molloy, A. Wiilmayir . 92 l«&3 K; t A»*..'S!*itit'n t of th»- 22'i-yiiril Ainh-Wmi l.y S*-ha» f«T li*-en duly intid al the sum or »4»1 '.* o,ut!-tions about grading, raking, marking foul lines, etc. TowtiKhi|> of Lyndhurst. County nf ( (pj: MYtmtf, front In H.r. third. Ro- KUAXK D. UVKKMORF nxi.k MM 2< 4 •»/o»d~ HITKIn. Staff of N»w J.rm>. for tin- KheHff It caB/t be denied and ufiee the )<>ague is completely dressed up, | iin vni.i dunii—\v«,n b> arm* >g to be h.i'd^V" beat. Most of the teams have already Mm !*-l«-2S-M—Ke»« %::*. 41- SHK W»n nki ll-t Ml.« ,-. . i.ri'I- ROSiaiC A MAC (1) day of ftfav CM*, ut 7:30 P. M. Fj.«t.-rn complied to the ruling Tr the managers to unifnrYn the players and J Dfyliiihi Tim. Is !)<-r.l»>' fixed as thr KNII-yHrH - Mil \V..n l.y t.1|.t;,k I I'); time, and the Town Hall. ValU-y Rronk several o4 the others are patiently waiting for their come Mfi-diiti. Tonhovit-h cl.); Ihlrd. Vonnora, (iuuo ISft IH2 20U Avi inn', in the Townahlp of l.yn.l- m. 1 •£ mlnutfa it I •rronda humt N.-w Ji'i MI'V, mn the place, for IN CHANCERY OF NEW JCRtft* MH»- run-W.HI l.y Li|>t»k IP): wr- 1.. Kmft 152 1Z0 128 i L>tfnar**t 165 178 203 thf hearing of all (K-rvon** Interested The funs are out adily and in increasing numbers Jor each oiu). Jttrt i<« 'l.>: thud. It.-dik- r. \U». -In thf- niiitt.T of an ntnti-amrntil for the Tt>: MARIA SANTO and M1NCO.V paving.CoiiHtrii'-tlrin of iiiiur> x< curtm SANTO. h*-r huolMtud: >i.rr2 t ud 772 781 772 IVi third. and nfherwlne Imprnvlnit I^itnv.-ti.- Hy virtue of uti ordvr of th* Court • TOMS SHELL (3) Avenue from th*- *outh«iiy »id*> of 4#t<"h!i»i'-'T> of N>w Jt-rm-y. mad*- on ST. MICHAELS V. M. CLUB (2) New V»rk Avt-mif to thf northtrly tlM' dull hfTtt'l. In a IHUKC whfr<- Hrwd JUIM,.— w. S. h... f. fpf; Httpu'.s (Hiuh Titif in hilfr-4'.luh l^'aaur <•xi.riii.-ki ., 162 " 11« 141 Hldf of Valley (ti.- k Avenue. In tin XANOH HUMICH. INC.. a ,NVw J.rn.y N,-i mid. SkMH II,I (Li; T. Alilt-Kki »0 ttl 170 Townwhip of I ,\ niliMirf-t, In ai'i-nrdani-e Corpornilon. in i-umplalmtni. and MA- The Superior Home Specialties bowling 1't f. HKU4.RN i-OI'NTV W K I-F A R K County Inter-Club league on Monday night up 103 *—N «*»«l. VVIitn.niH ili' 41,i 40 fivr t In. THREE ACRE GRILL <1( I-H»Aft[> un.l the HTATK OK NKW al tin Phelps Manor lanes. The Superior team JKItSKY. iir.- thf d*-r«ndantB. you nrv .\1',,,. r,.)H, -Wo,, ANDYS 8 (31 TOWNSHIP OF LVNDHURST went .up to roll against tin- mighty Fabera with , Track Team Loses Jo .- US 111 IM NOTICF OF HEARING BY r*H|ulri it to >i|>|K'!ir and anxwt-r ih»- a three gurne lead anil the second place Bogota j A Kruft Jr (15 IHII ASSESSMENT COMMISSIONERS bill of tomplafnt on or U-forc the IKih Al ~.-»i«s I-.: Notlra in htrflty givt-n by Ih. Com- day Of I'm.- n.-xt. or the HHid bill will National Bankers were down ut Lyndhurst, a Passaic High School's rack K l»» ••llHMli.t.. TH »f \«-..H-.1l.-ltt 1.1 t hf bt- [iik-ii an riinfeHswl aioihiKt you p nhur . Th. HIMII Mil la nl^d to rorVrio*.- Township "f l.yndhurKt. fount y nf Lesd pip* cinch to cop three from the erratic team rolled over Lyndhurst Fri- BEATS HAWTHORNE ii)ortsa|[*-M on landa tn th«- Kfrvt-n. Htaf- of New J*r«.y. fnr thf Dorando's team. A combination of three losses: l.yndhu day at the local school's field. ; imsmmnuit of li.-n. Ills f..r tlie- tin- by Superior and a sweep by Bogota which was i52-34, winning all but two first Paced by the big bats of Jay UAKON DRUG (1) proving "f I'F<>H|..I i run *. I IHI (he K lniikrd ;.1 thf games would have left both 1 LaRusso and Bob White the RIOOE SOCIAL CLUtl (0) ?T(li cl*y nt May i!M« m I P. M . g -» *•• *»-» « •;•<» liMlo .Irflalt Mm iimal IJHII » Lyndhurst High Jayveos baseball i*.i! HN th.- lini.'. tirid th- Town HHII. , date—it»d^ llHvnilnI»«en. r 9, p.i:> teams irf a tie. Fabera went right to work behind Ces Hart who the Golden Bears had piled up. mm i-. -irdiil in thr offlt-f nf |!..- ci.rk team slammed out a 11-5 decision Vallt-V Bronk Avt-nue. tn th.- Tnwoxh'p i I h ffi racked ij> a 269 gal** in Uw opener and took it 1021 to 905. In the It was Passaic's first victory of |.j nr!hur«t. New JfTWT HH th- of Ht-rgfn i-i.imtv In Book 4S2 of Mori- over thr Hawthorne Varsity last Kine-.-. on |I«K« Ut A o,j niadi- hi second fi|me however, the Superior chowder club got up full steam over the Bears in many moons nliii.-. fnr the ht-aririR nf nil pcTwnm week at Lyndhurst. Hawthorne J InttTfHird In Mi.- mailer <-f tin |WH> ,\lli h.-l.- IHira and I'oncfttu. his wife Mont Srtui \>, the sponsor, and his crew and Kddir Tessalone an'l but left a good test nf speed still nifiit for thf |i.n U\u, ;-(.iisifTiiii"ii nf and KuMirin l^ont.- «nd Kcfea. hln nnd t-itn- time in 8 cr'tc nldfwalkx ii ii<1 nt lit-rwlnf ihi- Itulldlns AMMxtlitlon. dated Nn\>nih.T unbeaten I number nf years and are LYNOHURST BEVERAGES (2) C. \>r: and r< Ki«tarM, bin wife, and Hoaarto I..0171. the Manor to inform them that Dorando's had toppled the fast ' Lyndhurst. However, Domanico the first frame anil Row L. •mt.-. hia wlfr, to th*- coupled with n | 4'Hrlsttidt Mutual Lotui and Kulidlmt moving Bogota team hy totalling 1077. Babe Sudeck led the Super- • was on the sidelines, resting from and B. White WILLIAM BAITK g AolMH'lHtion, tinted Ortob^r H, \yj* mid kcyleis to the vrcti with his 278 game in that hectic session and error. Haw- | LVNOMURST RBC (2) 1'KTKK A -i.-r. d In the olfl.•.- or Ihr y. Babe Sudeck, Bill MQir. Bill D«coata,|p' ahead on three • >« „..- ITS lift TOMS SHELL SERVICE ) WILLIAM ** SCMWKIfiKKT The Si.pci ujr hi>< up ni sprint series, it was ex- thorne went t*..l*liart Ill l» of l|.TK-n 1 ounty In Boaa 147 Mortcait'". "n ••#•• Ml * 1 Andy Hnd (JiHilit? W«iK#l. - Thw w the in>t , Dj Lyndhurst error s and hits by Una-- N11T7 174 I7 mad*- i'r Uo-.irt.. I^«M» mm «7 NOTICE time any flit A Ch • has ever rested in Lyndbunrt. Triple for zari and Dean. !.••• .«!<•. 'in wif»-. tn Ihf Cl Schaefcf consequently hung up The Bears iced the titt in thr i 'I'iik.- nTitli-'- that apnliiatlnn ha« Mutual l....,i. and ItuUdinn A«i. iHi urn. n mad* M ih. H<>urd 1,1 Commla- tintt to u.ui-i.r to I in i ton •• Ul ma< > thin start in whichthey shot a score of 62ft, they cum Beer* >'v htniniiM I !>-4ll»t.!> In writltiK iii lintiiiTiik H'lli.n I— iium MiiiKo* SiiitlM m th. and half mile MHWIK rnt> wn "»' «- - Liv.lh. Mu..i. ri.rk .,f l.yndliurv 1,11-1..1..1 i>( ih*- MT.-* Miirtw flantA back to roll games of 761 and 759 for a 2146 total. 1 1 l.ynd+iuvst took only two first Lyndhur*! - "" •" *-" FINAL STANDINQ 10* GAMES v Jt-r-t. y. '•1.1 JAM I- HI VON A Well IH low their usual par hut n»nni enough for l.\ lidhural II-. 117 V.'2t Bt'RTOS TKLTSKH rtolli Itnr-of i'..riM,rHtl- i.r ih- ,II.,M Kiut<-4 writ. s Hart of the Famous Fibers bowling ure Club SIUKRIT. just n-lin iicd In me diriH i. FloridH and will add plint;. ti.iiiif inatth for a si/cable puVw. The ullwy* | open up lust week because nf lot punch to the lineup. Utral to both bowlers but both have been able ' wet grounds. AH games will start'| Commissioner James A, Breslin I. ijie n^lit grooves on previous visits in"'both [ at 3 00 p. tn. • will throw out the-'ftrst b*ll d- uprtititm and outside match Therp will* be plenty of got»d start thintts humming. Loral faru SPORTING GOODS baseball from now on and all are urged to support the 1 Full Line- of Nationally Known Brands of H furl pool baseball fans will bo heading for i The Lyndhurst BBC will play the River Road Field on Sundays. I Saturday afternoon at the River Sports Equipment Bittx' Ohlaon back in vvies. Sixteen pounds*lighter too Und**i" The hical club has joined the j Road Field. The Kearny Union the heading of md<»>> s ts, we havv tht> team of Sir) and Reid strong Metropolitan League and j will be th< opposition. Game will Featuring al this lime ygainst any two in tin tn.u>. . . , Name ypur g|Tfn« and we'll play , will be in pretty fast competition. start at 3:00 p m. Lust bat lei's Goldt-n Beai Kqqufld shaping up well in baseball .' . • 1 Fusiu u has worked hard to put Tennis Equipment 22%COOL£R Track t«. kd ball played by the H B. C this Season Opening a refreshrm-nI stand opt-ni-d there. Prospective owner will b* asked ! seasuu., The field has been put to cart-*Mr thr fuld afi his share of the~rcnt. A gmtd deal all tho in Very good shape. Men have Bedrick's Sport Shop way. : V 1 been working diligently on it and Saturday, May 25th M» STVTVatSANT AVE.. LTNDHVMC Rl'TR t-SSlt it Is believed frw old fans will ! recognize the old . L & C FURNACE & The starting line-up has been >V announced hy Futtaro ami will LYNDHURST CHIMNEY CLEANING ^ have Jimmy LaRuKtio in left field: , I^en Rosa, second base; Midday Don't wait—Let us pinvi- how vitally ttnportant it is to have SWIMMING POOL Perello, center field. Dave Jacobs, youi furnace kept clean, in ordt-i tn niaintitin an efficient htMt catching; Mike ROM, third baac: ! Frank Huggiero. Arst base; Sha- Riverside Ave. Lyndhurst 1. Sbot prevents propei' draft control, j bunia, right field: Johnny Bright, 2. Soot within youi furnace is a heat insululu should IK- re linvtH. 3. J*»ot within youi furnace is in your fmme Tomnved gives you better heat and thrrefnre COMPLETE LINE OF y«m use less fuel. GALA DANCE Expert Work at RrasottJible Pricrs Guaranteed! FISHING TACKLE Ruth. 2-4414 W Call Between 5 and 7 P. M- ICKESU AM) SALT WATEB) SPONSORED BY Guidetti.R03alski.Wase Post No. 3549 H.G.BARRINSER POST 139 PHONE RUTHERFORD 1-4MJ Aty I,in*- of Dr. John Paff Baseball, Softball, Veterans of Foreign Wars PARK AND COURT AVENUES Optometrist and ' Tennis, Golf, FOR THE POST BUILDING FUND ^VETERANS WELCOME Optician Guns & Ammunition OFHCE HOURS At St. Michael's Hall I*MT ori.s EVKNINGS FOR VOI'R ENJOYMENT W.M . TUM, rkmru **U FrL Sportswear PAGE AVE. & RIDGE ROAD 2 Shuffle board'$ ... Table Tennh, etc. * A.M. to I P.M. No Office Hours on LYNDHURST. N. J. Wednesdays or Saturdays Rutherford JOIN THE AMERICAN LEGION Scienti6c SATURDAY MAY 25,1946 Eye Euminafion Music By Lou Locate Hi GLASSES nrrsD Sporting Goods Co. Phone RUttwrford 2-1390 • • - Everything in Sporting Goods ADMISSION ... $1.00 INCLUDING TAX IS SYLVAN STREET . RUTHERFORD. N. J (•fflir U ud M Tuad>y> of ml m«»lhl LTNOUUUT KM joa ntat BITHEVOBO i-mi Ili.irxUy. May 16. 1916

it Connie Laguardia's Confirmation Party I! A confirmation party was held il Thur»d«y »'«*" 'OT tornrUus LS OIAIIUA St-WIflU .1 Guardia. Jr, »on ol Mr. and lln HI GANG! " - - ^ jCwwrhus LaGuanha at 551 Tm f Play Day at North Arlington High was leads Ch rd cf fun for us ten girls who went then on Thursday ' OllMUJ^ *" "' * Although we didn't come out on top we did com* ^ trr Carbfu ol Pas- in a close second, and we did enjoy playing the j Mr. ",n,i Mrs. David Caruoi. females from Rutherford, Bogota, and North Ar- Mr and Mrs. Joseph Carlini. Mr FFEES lington. After playing three games we all retired! and Mrs. Richard Cartuu and Mis to the cooking room where we had hot dogs and Samuel Caruoi of Cliluau air other refreshments. . "* »•«. Joseph LaGuardia. \lr Tomorrow, five girls have teen invited for V* U£ ^^"S?^ nl play-day at East Rutherford. This time it's not softooll. but a sport i jJ^nJJ," \£ *£J Mr* M chief 1 think everyone en;oys-^swimmiru». We just know that all that goi jj-,^ Mr and Mrs Juaeph will have a good time! : . iGarramfcone. Mrs. Eugene Urculi. 'Take me out to the ball game!" Last Thursday, our Bears bowed j Gerard Russo, Mr. and Mrs. An .to the Bogota team with an 8-0 defeat. On Monday of this week we thony Spinalli, Misses Louise and rhd all right by coming through victorious over the North Arlington 'Thereaa Ruaao. Rose rems. Har- tia'm. with a close score of 4-3. |oW ftrria. Doruld LaGuardia. Also, on last Thursday, our track team met Passaic, and wasntt l***1^ SpinalU.ol Mr. and Mrs. John Nolan and son, quite successful in achieving a victory. But that's o. k. boys of Rutherford. you cunt always be a winner. Monday. LHS suffered a great loss when Bill Gomes, (our Bob Hope of LHS) left us to move to the very quiet surburb of Brooklyn! League Results OSCO ORANGE PEKOE The toastmaster for the senior banquet has been chosen, but wr FRESH are not going to tell who it is. You have to wait until the coming issue ul the Lighthouse. Graduation seems to be uppermost in the minds of seniors at merican l<*-cton ••» «•!* il* •— ASPARAGUS I .IIS. Joe Messenio and Vinnie Zales can be heard mumbling their UnmolchobW lor (lovor and volut! Try a speech. Tiie Yearbook staff has worked all hours to meet the dead- line. Research work was done on service paints. Hie Choir is busy CANNIO VtCSTAtLI FtATUfttS rehearsing their numbes. and the faculty membes are going into t. t4nfltN.ll Club ""I Upton Tea Bags bunch huddles, discussing awards. j ihimttii.ks Drue if..ii Mi " 1 »•."•** .k^.. J 1-.«. .1 .1 I • . * . . rail Cut Beets ""JT-10< SOl'CAFE-./. Next Friday night, will be a big night at LHS because that's . 39c the night of the Junior Prom! That's one night the fellows have to j, ; '•nt< ».*«« »«-.<. i «^»»i •«.—* *'•» l^» *»»•«>* wear a jacket and tie and don't mind it. Well who would on a night Beans •»*, ••— — i lik.- that??? ' Feeling groovy? Then how about stepping out to the Freahmen aoaraas taxv HIM Dance tomorrow night? There's teen a whole two weeks since the Soy O-Tash -J \U last one; so here's a chance to dance off all that expeas energy. Potatoes ltZ'i Today, our baseball team is meeting Ramsey at our home field. Del Mrnte Peas ^\b€ Lorric.™^ M.I Tomatoes Let's hope we come through victorious, so do your best fellows! MILK Well that's about it, except we'll be seeing you at the dance. 35c C«Ury Hearts Jumix) 2 bunchy 25c Mrs. Wildriclc Guest Fred Griffiths, of Rutherford. Spaghetti Dinner • KU 32c ! Mrs. O. Van der Els of Fairlawn. /. tenwyfefcs ipoghctti dihn*f w,rh (havw 0 touc* K*rp a »•• on hand* CUIALS Radish** Red Button 3 bunche* 10c Mrs. Harold "Wildnck, of 324; Mrs. W. Babjek and Miss Leona ; Mutiral liutruili'in* Eighth street, Carlstadt, was Babjek of Irvington, Mrs. H. A. . pnpt'l.AH «»J CtMMK CANNED MEATS. IK. SOUK. SAUCIS. ITC. WHEAIIES l%l\t Potatoes Selected Matne 10 ».., 49< guest of honor at a surprise Schrader. Miss Betty Schrader PIANO . . . HARMONY PROV1SINO . . . COMPOS1N MT shower given by Mrs. A. Harseim, and the Misses Martha and Kath- »1ANO ACCORDION Party loaf ^«.32< Campbell nC Wt Com Flakes SS r U Calavo Pear* CaUjotma e«cn 19c 130 Post avenue on May 3. ryn Harseim, all of Lyndhursv POPULAR aiNOINO Guests included Mrs. Karl Wil- Decorations centered around a T Deviled Ham 7T113C Vegetable Soup,.?:. Nk Com Flakes "i^TJ.. 5c Critp Or««n drick. Mrs. William Huhn, Miss sprinkling can scheme, were in 1u 1 t LKSaONt OIVIN AT YOUR ShreddedRalston'^IIC Helen Wildrick '. J ImurumrmU «.«.,k. ai SJU ]?M "r 34< Tomato Soup XT JU Putted Wheat ZT. 9< SPINACH 5c ouasta WACHTER'S DEUCAIESSEfcL Puffed Rite \] COMrLETB LINE OF UQU0B8 • W1NE8 as BEEB8 Spaghetti Sauce •«L.(Jc~ Every Friday Special I RkeKrispes^. roitcy C*Uf*rnM ^^ ^^. •• Try Our IMiciou, FiA Cmkm, md atxiM Mmi, CUm C.tum+r II- MOR Family Sauce "•"SSr-ifc aaaWM tot -omi KA«O«B A LARGE STOCK OF HONOB BRAND FstOSTEP FOODS PHONE RUTHERFORD 2-1275 Venice Maid,r..^ 15c Wheat Puffs 2 *X 23< PEAS 2-ZDC 653 RIDGE ROAD LYNDHUBOT, N. i i ::;mt>$ L.rans with Sliced Frankfurters'^ 20c fancy Grade A Roa.iing ti-US. ETC. . tor I>\ f: Esanj "T"—7t? Chickens 49c HOG YOUR WATCH HUGO'S • * L. - ..... ••--. in. Pineapple TROUBLES TO US! It . -• y i<.. ,,,, IUV . .» A FLORIST lOl/S hoi I4-.I ••» "C Preserve Expert Any Shaoe \'un Carnp 'C. ">\. 9c Repairing Will Carry All Kindt L:!l Pickles ""t* ^ 27C FOWL 43c CRYSTAL l' Vltt AM gt«)'O'llt'<••»>»• t*f DELIVERY > Jued Olives ' ^ Ducklings FLOWERS BV WIRE AIX REPAIRS 50c 287 RIDGE ROAD Guaranteed One Yvar NORTH ARLINGTON Mite Vinegar ^. 12c Kraft Dinners '~r 9c 1 M H>w Mi»ri<— Our Supplies of' Boof Lamb. Oppmlle Holy (res. Teaseier; I. ,z Vinegar; ^, 20c ^r-. 7c COOK K EARN Y 2-1157 Veal & Pork Are Better Than Average CHItSi ORIIO ritUITS, ITC 2-2144 BOOK w. tm »*»i mills •.••! •»> •>'..i ii ••••! •••»• NaU Lorden Chateau M 76c Dried Peaches ';-£ 35c 8$ $1 10 >••>«) C«a»« •»„*•• •» •%• »>»»«•• !»•« •••'•». MI >•# CROSBY Kraft Velrceta ^. 20c Prunes ^S"L » 16c Each ^1 Jewe/ers — Opticians James A. Ryan l-iovolone t'lT • 51c Hartley t=«. t28c , Ihgmt.l -m-l WHIM- thrvrtmr 100 Park Avenue, Rutherford, N. J. >.rrrd M. «rl I ifciirrh. I \n.lliin-t Fdam Type 'ct:'. • 54< Tootsie Fudge Mix 21c 30 STORES IN TRENTON, MORRMT0WN, BURLINGTON i 2 Ice Cream Mix "IT, 12< M . V I. MONTCLAIR AND WOODBURT, N. J. riANO INSTKHTION Hi Ho Crackers 2If 23i PAGE WE, IVMHIIH-T Iff Roifin Wm«kl lot Morm for Health Next, Star* to Town and Twerd Shop Keebler SaHines 'Z "C . • MOUMMQift NllOi Seedless Raisins ,'X~ 10c Crackers '^^_*. ^€ SLUG for luos t9c OIF Powder 10c Paanut Crunch Peanut Butter TT 35c ClAPP BABTJFOOO DIF Hand Cleaner 16c Nabisco Graham Crackers £ 20c 20 Mulo Team Borax 2 .' 27c Lummis Krispy Peanuts JTfJlTt-. 19c Clapp Cereal }^JU Old Dutch Cleantor 2 15c keep calls short Herb-Ox Bouillon Cubes ~r 7c Wilbeft M Wan 33c 59c on our party line!' Gumpert Butterscotch Pudding X' 5c CRTSCO M>Af> WHIN AVAIlAtll •AKINC NUOS HVatMH .•.!,.•. A. . -»t « QT Pie Crusts- 1k DUZ ^^ . r. . .ml. ..fuller, lik. T~. .fc.h.r. •: 24c " 68c lluil Ihr »«f ukrlM •rrtlrr I. - to >JMr» It.' Davis^T. •'Z \k CLIANIMO NltM n . ..p~i.ll, hrl^fui ri#bt Burnetts Vanilla L JpalklingWaier 10tC OXYDOL - lli h ClOROX UIK . , a rT ' is* sar "~" *M*> »rf» >-f u. thai u SMar ~ > Ilil of Dawle Bleacfc tUl ItH-r nil «llUi >UI km * ' VantiiaEitrad ZLlU Ginger Ale In u.iiv ««ur taarty Jis>r, H attnyi sav* M SeniHush "- I8< Ivory Soap Uf niniMiaa i milfj teaaf--M en. i tam€f n~u. tturmurr .11.. nmr bim, „•• ^. AM, U ha Vanish ICJT' i.- Juice 2 &i Co^25n c W1N0EX ^L 25< Ivory Soap 3 -29c Window Cleaner 10c I ..t , .^,.1. I BUnded Juice^Xia2^.>31c tr 37c Camay Soap 3^-20c Orange Juice T23 *J 1»c " 41 c SPM99VPSPHOUP BLEACH Ivory Flakes «>' 23c

New Jem? Bell Coapany

*••• m.riiH- >•! his Pin Busters by chance. I thought it H W»*S } The play, in its various scenes . lLs.1 U.JI rrmnrr to Kti AUTIT tacit as to how "screw balls" can win a champ Woman lnok one through an entire day iomhip. I aski-d a few questions but it only started an arguim nt with clothes modeled by toe class. uvri/in it between Uient. Von remember the old needle "Wlui won the Wwi Four «ii cles of the Woman's ' Those who took part were Rose anyway !>•! n*> place, wlmh by thr way was what Bill LetAvr prt' j Society of Cluistuni -Seivin* of Dolce, Geraldine Dclaney. Stella "GUADALCANAL dieted MIIIW time ago. /V to MHIU- avcrag'* and other statistics for the Lyndhurst Methodist Church Pakulniewici, Doris Pcnwarden, DIARY you. Gruvrr U>ld nie IK- hasn't any as y. It .ipp<.tia> the UfiM I met Friday at as many hoinrs. .Joan Korpalski. Evelyn Orlikow- secretary shortly after fc» ttme the job wa> tl loaded in us a Coni- I Circle «tw held an all-day meet A regular meetvw of Guiditti- ski. Mary Rusao, Mildred Steia- munder «l some post and gives thr CXCUM- t he has HO, SO many ing at the ivinw of Mrs. William Rogalski-Wase Port No. UtO. Veterans lilUiat lUmli. • Kkh.r.l of Foreign Wan was held at the Port imetz, Patricia LeBreton, Arlyn dutu-s as a Coinmandct that he tinds lilllt me for the bowlinr IV Messing, of US Court avenue, iTamkc, Valerie WUcznski, Anita Rooftu. 527 Valley Brook Avenue. Ami At Sw CIM Cmu in t ecords. the purpute of lew ing, Mrs. 'Richards. -Diana Rediker, Jean Chin It's Crontley, leader, wax in Ljrndhurst. i.n Friday. May 10. 1M*. The moral to the story as Griwur put* it is 'What does a Corn Four applications for membership WITC"received and three new • Elwertuw*ki-and Jean Meddalone. "THE WRPLt mantler have to do that takes up all his turn1 ' I think he has soin gc of the devotion* and Mrs 1. Lots Reis read the script. homer P. Shepherd led the mis- ni«nUM-». Jo.M-ph Orandenetti, James E. Violante and Joseph A HEART" thing there but to hear a Commander talk, why he only gripes .ill Violante wn< obligated. { Also taking part were: Norbert the time. Well anyhow, no records sionary prenenUtion. Other pre- Jaszczult, Donne Divine, Donald • Commander Al Ralph opened up a packed meeting last weeK sent were Mn H. L Girk, Mrs Edward Layne was sworn in as Legislative Officer tor* the Post Edwin Byrnes, Mrs. Percival | Sears, Charles Fullmer, William ri. t Sal. The business end was cut as short as possible to permit the buy.- The fallowing were elected as delegates to the State Eocamp- Weisman, Robert Sauer, Frank to see the movie. The True Glory", and it was a swell film. It was Chapman of Lyndhurst, Mrs Nor- mont at WUdwood. N! J., June 20. 21. 22. 23. IMS: James Ccalino U.ll X K* *E . MAN A man T. Chute and Mrs. William James Grazii. Emucl J. Hughes. A. Colabetlo. Lawrenre J. IXMasi. ' Pflug. John Amendoia, James presented by none other than our charter member and first Com- 1 Schinder, Martin Lest, Edward LINDA IIARN mander Major F.ugene Firth. To thus*- who hadn't seen him foWari d of Rutherford. The next Jr. RtiirKi' Joreman, Edward Layn.-. John Caputu. Anthuny Caputo. 4, 1-t. CtmUmrrJftMi. meeting will be held at the home I.Schcnk. Aubrey Tewes, Matthew Sup,,k Ih.m. quite a while, let me say the "Retread" looks good. On Sunday, May 26. 1»M members of the Post will attend Me |Pignato. of Mis. Ciomlcy in Second ave- niurial Day services at St. Mathew's Church. Valley Brook Avenue. "FALL»( ANGEL" Don't get mi' wmnp. Gene didn't do any manual labor, he h.'iH nue. Lyndhurst. Piano selections were played v stooge with him who turned out to be Sgt. Bernard Keineclu- throughout the show by Anita who some years ago lived on old Front St., which is now Travers Mrs. Fred Kit-en, 347 Travcrs Chairman Frank Bello announod that the dance to be held OMS. BirkfufH • 1..I.I. ! .rr»l,nr _ P< t haps some of you old bucks might remember him. place, entertained, circle two in May 25. at St. Michael's Hall, Lyndhurst, is receiving Ihe support I Richards and Geraldine Delaney •rat* (Jan . W Hmvar the afternoon with Mrs. Myril D. of all members and their -friends and promises to be one of the big- played the accordion. On the Poppy Day program Arnold Holzher Sr , was appointed Lewis as leader. Mrs. Henry J. gest and best dances of the year. The 1/aViasi, rhairman for the post to co-operate with the auxiliary. Under the Brmmdwmy Hit Hoehmann led the worship'Serv- The Past's quota of 3,000 Buddy Poppies has arrived and Com- State Laws. Poppies tan only be sold starting May 24th up to and ice and Mrs. Raymond C. Exler including Decoration Day. or a 7 day period. With the Increased 1 mander Ccrncglia talking about poppies stated,* "Never iirhistory •SEHIN© GERTIE'S was in charge of the missionary haveato many given so much in defense of America—and asked so number of disabled veterans, more money is needed for welfare lesson. Others present were Mrs. GARTER" work, therefore everyone- is urged to buy a Poppy. little in return." Clink - Jewelry Albert Kirc-hner, Mrs Mclvin To most Americans, World War 2 ended on VJ Day. But for With . On the Boy State Program, Chairman Bert Binkernynn an- Field, Mrs. James Perry. Kc|wirias; l»»ni- ll'klrfr • M.rir M. n.m.l.l Dearly 100,000 men confined to government hospital*—and for cou akrlU B,aa • Bi»«r Iw. nounces the committee interviewed 3 Junior year, high school stu Circle three met with Mrs. Wil- less thousands of other disabled veterans whose minds and bodies (tents and jound them qualified which unanimously supported the liam C. Collins, 253 Stuyvcsant bear the cruel scars of conflict—World War 2 will never be ovc * selection as made by High School Burke and his committee. MARCUS feat, M.o, TIM>. avenue, with Mrs. C. H. Manfred. Alter 27 years of pain-racked experience and suffering, thous- The committee was so well pleased with the outcome that they as leader. Devotion* were, in ands of disabled A.E.F. veterans of 1917 18 know thisas the heart JEWELERS OLARK CABLE recommended to- the Post that all 3 be permitted to attend th< charge of Mrs. Wesley Scalier, breaking truth. l.BKKR I.AHSON course at Rutgers the last week in June. The Post concurred, so and Mrs. Maxwell R. Wright pre- In the present difficult period of readjustment, the nation-wide 62 Park Avc. Adirnturr Richard Leiser. Charles Adanco and Louis DeVorsey will represent sented the, missioxury topic. Mrs. rehabilitation service of the Veterans of Foreign Wars is doing those Barringer Post with all expenses paid and enough spending money K J. Gamblin. Miss Clara Wright, things for veterans which the government is unable to do in their Kutlirrforil, N. J. "ADVENTURE" to boat. Mrs. Walter B Chamberlain also behalf—those things they cannot do for themselves. Some months ago Bill Jarvis was selected as chairman of attended Mrs. Chamberlain will The men who have given their lives—in times of war—to help The »;.«.«/, Hit committee, vmw .luty it was to select the name of an oulstaruiiiu" be hostess for the next meeting make America a good country in which to live—in times of peace— boy ft out WW II who paid the supreme sacrifice in the line * place. __ to tbVir memory; only if we who were untouched by the brutality behalf of the committee and offered the name of Lt. Wallace of WIT will never let jourselves forget how much we owe to those i:l«r,l Walk™ •TIIK SCASUf HOKSKMAN" Walker which selection was concurred in by the members. It will Mrs.- Fred Hescock wax hostess who did the fighting. By Ethel Bergen Kleckner l>.i..r- 2 HMn LESSON $1 READIES RKPRF.HKNTATIVK Htl.r Custom Mode Clolhn VOl! PLAN YOUR KITCHEN RERNISHING Alurmtumt 645 Ridge Rd. Lynd. This Srrt'icv /« h'rvr Ruth. 2-8141 PRICES llM.r.: V A. M. I- 3 r. M. N..» ll.tu Sal. »•., '.;.ll..,!»i. »-*l| AHHUI'I «»i (osrm.ii i,, -HUT Ml -II PPUANCES "THE LITTLE GIANT" Illlllllll-

.1().*> Riilp- H...11I. I ynilliur-l IUI1I1. 2-0350 tslra .Silun/«> Maliaar Only /(. ;.i.,. m. ..// 1.,,,./, mm tit ml Tlnpltr > -»ll l.Hll.TYr" 3—<:..l»r I :ar - 1

li\M> hill M I.I II til Full Time Sun. l» 1ur>. May It-2MI IT'S A LAMB! SUM. ShwM Start, at 12:311 NANCYCWfMAN ARTHUR KF.NNI Iff •HART PKRMANKNT WAVK 18 A LAMB OK ( l.rk UaMs - Cm <.ar«>n In DAME MAY WHillt - HCTQR IMHCtM 306 Valley Brook Avc A WAVK with 10 in,pen difference*. One rWatra M dlflinnce is LANOLIN that remurkablf pro- "ADVENTURE" tective "almost huniun" luluu'ant- HMtl in _ dt» — Sun.l.i 12:111 3:M*:« 111:011 Lyndhurst . Man. ( Til... 2:M TIM 10:111 DI'ART (REAM UITION. V in. l.arKan - J«ui- I M.I.-I LANOLIN is tin natural ml pu-M-nt in lamb's Employment "NIGHT EDITOR" wool. It IK pure^—soothing—rich—mostly. '

r.l. i.. Kci. M«> SAM lltmt M... 7/,,. limll.nJy DUART CREAM LOTION llm.ItU- I,ml is different Because it leaves protective film on hair. Does Young Men and Young Women JaatM Slroart . K.>-alin.l II.,.., II not leave sticky residue im hull in Miff pei nianentcd look'- Leaves hau Mill, manageable . . . You cancel a DUART por- "NO TIME FOR niane'nt wave al - . • Wanted to Work in COMEDY" LOUIS BEAUTY SALON Skipping Room — ««. 225 Stuyvesant Avenue Lyndhurtt, N. J. aniPK l.asnc> • \HII Slw-rillan CALL TODAY — RVTHF.RFUKO t-1411 "CITY FOR CHAMP . LAND CONQUEST" FLEXIBLE BRAIDS h\ The Talk of the Town! ^ • u wide choice STARTING RATi WITH INCRtEASES TWr>.. rn, Sal. Ma> llnl OtlfTAR ' Famous "SENTIMENTAL Musk — rntrriainntrnt — Daaetag PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS JOURNEY" KXTKA ADI1KH! VICKIE WEAVER,No,,h\ Tajfar • Virginia i.rry NrW! «>si Hudson's Smartest Mar — HIM Caeklall Bar GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS "SMOOTH AS SILK" Italian Food Our Specialty M. Taaa. * . .1 Ma> lngrid Beri(many /7«. I .,!.-.., Vrrk t La* C I an . -P«rT \M> n \i ZITO Th« Chef «* SPELLBOUND" M. J. Merkin Paint Co. Inc - rlai _ Club Zanzibar Announces RIVIERA PARK 9y NaneHe" Roller Skating Rink ITALIAN TOMATO WES 260 Grant A veiHfe Lyndh«rtf c—: r_,.-r $5 and up HlK -IK'iL>11l|V.. JM Ml ISVILU Are Back Again : I— ON r aVKAOB NOW IlKNON .. TELEPHONE RUTHERFORD Z-2757 " TIM.. Tall M- PEL. BAT. ZimmerriKin's mm. • I •••' 7T4« PAPARI K AVEMB 228 BELLEVILLE PIKE SUB. I 50 4 10 Mo » 20 "•'THERFOPP RUTH! and Kearny Ave., Kearny, N. J. Priz , Ear* Nifkl


meat* are the anal eagerly read ia Bcrgea Coast*.. CLEANING BLlCTIItCAL roa HTtn MM Caaviace yoanejf ay UyW tbeav Tareti(h *ea» RKBVKNT LJOHT v li#*L Mai a-4 l»il hurtwr MfMi »• h t m n t y real, buy or nwhaaay; aai the karaafa far wbida you .f taa^aJMal. Flu**- •huuM br bruahrd »i~1 **ru ••cartat fl&ttirta a - aaw^caajt if All •**•* k For S«U and R«n» have been warcaiaf. Taieakaaa ar write year >U*»i- • u*rantr*Hf nr imtflfW/ arrvrrv. i.< «vMd fied advertitenrrau to, ear aCeaa: 25S RJaci BOA*, .-II Hl'lh 1-MM-J AtlMKrlM. if thr fi»*k • ^-1 IrtMl) Mvmf ADDING MACHINES all uvn yMM r>R>(. .*ll«i and A . I. >i> fuinsrv LYNDHUMST, or 124 Raw* ataa, Naara AKUMCION. ANYTHINii a* mrial Haas. Ronf aJtd Tbr lefeplnae aoaahen arc RUTMUWOU M0S1 awl r«aaTutt rvpftlrs. kaftaVn »t»d guttanh *j»\«- M !M-?I. 30 to M i^i bulM up n-nt» with ur wtikwui »!»« BERGEN crfil >>f vtttir fu. I " lB«lr< .b^rfully (.*«•. Arila«to« KEABNT 2-190*. •a>| U.I-IMI Wt.rk-. fil Laurrl •., . NwU ArWwti«. KB. I Mil Typewriter Service One insertiea b any ceaaaKi** Mrrtrir Cflh 1 • •*•.«O*I'I |H*a)rfU%j I put an .Ml tMirnet in ».-u; ..^i! *«IB •l>a>a|D AIX MAMS NK« ANI> I'tTU • » M• l -. Two hmmtaaa are anaaly aWe naa, all Ml tka roal ».«.! u Uken >«!«. aa—< «M furnace, make «UPP-|K«I ItlftTAi i * 'KMll RKNTKH. REPAIRED la Mill n..uhlr laWr Three iaiartiaai are aa >•.•••.•! *|f r a*d .*•»•'• Itrl •aMar* PnmrMMn c*a NOW roa ova nrrcui. HI«\I«I< at,* N. Ml aM »- * The Leader I. » •i.m.i..a' NOmi AJU4NCTON 253 Main St.. ll.rkriua.k WILLIAM LEONE KEFMCKftATlON SKKVK It J»l rCNNtVLVAMU AVBMt'B l.vunm BHT N J • • «> «4l>i HimiK ROAD. I.VM>lirn«T ai-nt »-ww mm •> »u Mam * *M » M P«- Ham K I ir»t-|l. IKM Kt-fMli- on wmafciiigmaw hw*ji. ^ r»- mm • —. TWO nil-. )irnifH' canary inn •yaiom and M-.•AVi'r'ri'rTII I-MB KK MM M witti alitiidat KK- I-if2*. M 4OMtnf*. fur MiR IWMW MNHVIt'K ..11.. i North Arllnajlun. dlua> i.H.I i* l Vrrj ••- * »i ».; rafff Riti'h a-i*M iM V Fir|t Grade l I > •»!>>• . Mftf at ,

ilH i t*aaonatbl« irV MKIJVKKY titiufu k fur hlrh . I lo i t . 343 lj.k. iv«niw, l.v.wl- ii- y dayd , *.kk . ..i . •••>!••,.. i TOP SOIL OIL BURNERS huioi > »Mtt •MlvertM at r« h TRIANGLE Kill) 3 SIM Star a Wmthal UI>1t laM|»m • &.341 DECORATING CO. INSTALLED M.W; tliin Siov#> flt.ftO; .... ,.-1.: SKA SHtlRK V«iatu H..t.l Srr%M"r lt.d UMUtM* *i;. •>., l.iv.ui Kuum .-MI ! VllinrlaVi . rTrTHH WjniMl/ |i. «k ll&.M UarM> Tn> Bur- > BraiM-h. I3?l. Fnip. MurphV MwiaiiiMi. MINTING - DBCOKATING MeHred • Delivered ui NO. a* at. a«juuMis •ML i'nt (ilAM, Tr-ah Woo4 HtawL formrrly of si Alt«n KII..I Nurih .» •• at. Wn.r. J-'urnltur^. Artlat kUatl ao4 FAriB HANOtNG LYNOHURST FUEL OIL 4 COAL CO! - -•- " . itei t li Sjl.vali Sirr.-i (ti.-jir Itlvuli IhfMri-l I y Eiitablidwd 1929 KEARNY 2-3898 • »rr«» M itiitti>-i-ril*l TMuTiTtoT'n.iut*-"^ aate. miv in- .VETERAN desires 2,000 square Ml mU« AVKNI'K HOI St WI«IS<. Mitatml Ks<*-ri^iil i-nndlllon. Vityu* j fCCt, floor SpBCf for light III- LVNDHItUT. N. J. V. MUM \ H.*~.. — ituih 3-«s(» i-» dusi,iai manufaclurinf. UillH . II >M li •t'. t-lltf J TE. C-Mtt Phom Rutherford 2 4W? !•-<•«• r 5 ia ffc— IH » .11 l.:.i l 1'liiiln- R. h Window Cleaning Co. • i | »-iV «n11 a M • ai 1 and A M •%.,t.i II.— HI •! -«t lln.jvit*. l'tt.|t »>• •t.rMta ••<• •» *•• ••>«• tu WAMTOTOBVY I UI-IHIk II IH..VI H'V. illnliiK rr ..... «IMMI« < IHMM. HELP WANTED riiilmi. nnd •UIHMIV SKI i-"',r»-st avt- . WANTRD TO BUT: OMifuna. iwuri^, ill K\>HY hf-i HII'MIPN Of r%»W RPflf 2-3.-IM It. 5-1* - ' ' nrwriri «f ail GIRLS AND WOMEN mui hi. < and net ltouat> of Ouna. 14 Alpin* Itmtm Helper Wanted Palriri lg I . ld AH No Eiperience Needed aa «W I bit rh»m Rl'lh 2- C-u I'n.ilr WK PAY full valu« fur iHMkH. pfc BRTOTTTt li.mii K.I-. af'tVr*. A™«lv laT*», old a-laaNWKrf, vMiut. dlalM>W Light Machine end Ajtembly Work '"•I K< 111 Itveliut- Of |.l.i.II. Ill'tll dd family 7urnilur«, «itv*-r. .cul.1. Stanley C. Soho > i on Writing Instrument* oclnn and Mump f-ull«^tluna, v.lir III Ih ?«I.M (ioini-rAv HTI AIIV »oBB -orr.mii sn» pnon* PAanaiU' S-ti»U Shwt Metal Pntdmln t'K^.aiita*' AiHily INM'Hlll CMihiwy ana- Furnac* Ct«art-< -il M-i\*rt>a trfnn. ]Hvn«utti aU .Ml w-4ark Kiinrptiti >-il Wtlliiim I .•-•.!• It Siuwir-am Avfnu*- rVitiH l Kla-hili •lr-»t II lVtiii«y)viiiiiti ovr Hlilli S M7« Bookkeeper-Secratary P. Pisano Ml in tall batWVftl 5 mid 1 !" i> tn *-••, «*« aj,,| 6>>aa«>««iaa» % ri« I >ii>«•»•• niai. ML- 11 !• mnttrrnNMi and Iw.t I i.MKM tl.a «•• •••#, ate 4v Mm Chrrvm. Bl'i WK BI'Y furtiltnv »ti<1 rug* <•»••• It I llirr(,.r.l 2-7-VKa Aero Precision Instrumeiit l»W''tf hom «!«—wtilt. E. MALET Hit iw nK . 1U HI .>.... I ; t i: ' WANTED TO KENT d H<-tH, aorvti fi COMPANY laiii|u>. NiiiUui.. l i|po $3.95 liivi-i.di ul A U II.. . I', i. Ca «1rn|ti H • Ht- i t'iti m i ' 155 Par. Avenue Lyndhur.t. N. J. J A I M...I., ,\ IIIBLII.C VENETIAN BLINDS PIANO INSTRUCTION Louis Mion HAROL.D H. i.n^ini.itH r nnrl '.Ihi-r (t*m-r v MIHt'oriHt-rvHtftry Oradual*. B»|lnnrrx and r. Mary ti Uitblim, Tilr C.imlrmtar ALBRIGHT i u«. Hi.Hi I' I4«'» J '• *> « KIP AVE. F. W ALLING HELP WANTED—MALB BAD1O SERVICE m COMECT UHNBRY WE INVITE YOU To KEK ' kl. ..» M-.l Ih.. ' tHtirtf ai>ulian«f>a All wm« fittli iiur *w aiiKftl. W«tru»»l« I«IM-, ««'• \ nil. t 56 KKARNY STBEET LAUNDERING * * * •ta -fill Mai «%•••• l,ty •-.«'- At.ulv .1 M l,.luni» •YNDIHRST. N. J. ri Rl Ihrrf.rd 1»U • • • DRY CLEANING I IMtlll HM tin •- .m \u H*-|*> . a.ik > itaa HELP WANTED, FEMALE KKHMIU. lEliii rLVMaima' a BBATINO* FElylALE HELP WANTED YOUNG PM'MKIKU AM' HKATINf* liKHKRAT. JOliPT*>il John Bonanno WILLIAM MART No Etp»ri»nc* rVeceitcry WOMEN BM Tontln* Av.nii I.vndhurvt HIM I MtU \»l M i Rirtharrorai f-n«1 " I' HERE'S OPPORTUNITY! Charles H. 22 CRYSTAL STREET. NORTH ARLINGTON I VNIHII tt«| N J UMII LfiARN OPERATING WANTED TO DVT— PIANO* III IMIKhii'ii f .» H »28.00 WEEKLY TO START (for 5-day week) Baby Grands, Players Reid No experience nevded. Rearny 2-1689 Small Uprighti * Let us put new apring- EARNINGS AFTER 9 MONTHS . «. ". •» T I 111 <• CONSIDERABLY HIGHER Spinets lime bounce in your old CASH IMMKplATKLV PLUMBING and car. Come in now for that Regular Hilary it spring chance-over. assure higher earnings- Mr. Alessi HEATING It*"*.' I M J Pleasant ; RITTHSRPORO mil ideal woi kiiiu conditions. CONTRACTOR OIL BURNERS Start now on a career i» CAatPSNTSS * BUU.UUI III »l"|l I it.. ttn t-xpanding businru. AM. TYPRH of i-ablnvia n-.»«!•• U. or- Girls! der Carpentry r. |»lr- nf all klnil- COX'S Art Now -Call "Chwf Operator" prurraHly att*-naVa| to Imt drop '*r.| m U«mM, . Kl«vl»^ to W R t'aniwotl. an U14<« Ham4 At Any Time Kuthorfotd Rl'lh S-*MI Cf Avraaaa. l>Mlhuisl Mil >UIMl Mi| N( > OH APr'l.T: •I'TM. I J». t-'MNTKoTK raaTtn* '< »wii^|it An RUtherford 2-6575 MuMi.W TIIRI* FK1PAT n||i HI III > ||t| I.;i ItMtMIB.f ktt.rt- ••( (iir|H'i>irv «<>rk A step rijihl into %' A. M Wi I* M I. 4 Uvln«M«i'i -v-fcu.- ituUY 2 IM J B A I I It I 'A V. IA.H.TU 1J MOI»?t

NF;W JERSEY BELL OILAWANNA HOUIIHOLD APPLIANCB Your Vacuum Cleaner Repaired SkiNed Mole Help Wonted TKLEPUONE CO. high-paying jolur! Pharva PatMle * 0U» tf 1-AltT Itiw ti.-n-. wurka A,.|.I-. n iH.t.i.-i. .\i SCRAP MATERIAL ALL AROUND MACHINIST f,H>u* IHih 2-niU J, M.CAR1OLAMO ADJI-Mtll SM KltMjatsiad AvtniM, LynaHwifat VOt'Mll• Iti.l> to do MIMIC ""' '>(*» QaWlial Fifinn Coaw-U and TOOL MAKERS S(.l. n.lMl ..(.i-irl unit* for Wvix -n HUT t lawn. HH.HEST WAGES i ni for Wix hlnif Coltariwr it I'i y i <>mm- . andd wirrktnkt f nin • UVB OLD HAGS. NBWftt*A»aTR« .- I•• 11. n. til. i .t*r »frt KHUU 1 MAOAriMlft ALL KINO* JF ra •• to a. Writ* iwx M C 3.49 C P. A. ACCOUNTANT MITALt I - RAM. Be PiR L». OKLIVCRBD ROM Rlih*rt<-rd l-im All wort giiaranlml .HIT >rar IMM.II. Id . XSMO& IIKLI* WANTKi»--atait hviui*. Na OFFICE MANAGER . \|»-r ni i •—ry. it«bi fofk <«. PAIN1WO III! I-H kl pUaihs. K -it j«> I..H m )*" ttn>* DBJCORATIMO I.. Lr ( wtfk. for duy or i.i«lit ahlfl l*Uat(- f I»!*••*»• it|j* ratlaar " • rari Mr« •'•>. 14 ArfjyU> I*U« •• N.-rlh : NIGHT WATCHMAN Arltiicton. N J tf urn* t i > t.ii Ir SKAMttTUKMS «(» |Pi».-r .1^ in. mm- • iiim -i..1.1. •jrork. liMJuirc A< hrr T fipnf WRITt SOX IS M.*I Kl-tr. I 1114, sis rVn ivnt»>, ldh ally >W«a f.-f it.».^. I'tafJ alarl ail ItW l«ig rh /..Pt ajlv* Ma - THE COMMERCIAL LEADER Tart iiirt* Iwwai w.rftif-r I4B>* <^*Bn- f«r !••« .No> I altttt* < all IkMMM- Ua*M . . . BUM. 1(1 1 , Wik.»i C i»J * > m RuU) I «J*- M tllf«t( I tl* , » Iff I 0* t • i.ur WANTKI' • ')• . h I-- >«k* '|» r f(tr lav DHTtTLf! RXtf !»»•! «a# HIM••* r« ajttlalt- •Ai •. Norlh Arlington Kiar iMt*-r «ICVCLtS BRIGHTON » -« -m» Mr BaJMr Kft»r I-MU hniw «L^ W HELP WANTED FEMALE Ml CM all kl«4a\fid ri*>**hVrt. N'« \ *•*• f N|»1 |*ir»«Ha*«l tur> " Maaat Mrt> far aai- laaMi »—» 1 VACUUM EXCHANGE I lit P MI Hat •«••• m r*M«it4t**§>« . , . *•••• •**>•>• • latr irBW, f>*«*f4r »..«« OPERATORS. SS4 VeJIey Brook Avenue Lyndhunt ••a**! (aw >a>wr »»r» L>»*i TO WORK ON WOMEN'S SLIPS BODY and FENDER WORK PtAfN, MACHINI 'latiinii •*••! REPAINTING [irrllrnt ( ,,nd,l,.,ni tW*M Wl* la* Oil «..a TUNE-UP t»OO0 PAY Modern motorst Inc. 25 AVBNVK GENERAL REPAIR PHONE LOUISE BAGNUOLO WUMAM *.M^d" f*r biwailniipl—. I onmrnuai «.i A«AV»»»U day a •.*••, i-v..- Rl'tk llm SUTHERfOftD ?066« Itesco's S^vice Station III * •• !• 1 » asp" Pad* A Stwyoanawt Avet. V Jmmy Ml AL LOMBARDI DIAMOND DONPK3 CO-i am trmmy •»* run untiii r » 445 MILTON AVENUI LYNDHUR5T r N4JMU. Ikaa. • !•<.,> .. Ml III ;•

." • • . i. ' ' THE LEADER . May 16. 1946 were Rev. .BmpQ f. Moore, pti- tor of Sacred Heart Church, -and Serviceipen the Rev. i. Edwin Murphy, also Jack O'Neill's Heroism Commercial ILcai-tr Austin V. Murphy, vice presi- Are Honored dent, and Fred Cueto, secretary.* i Son of Former Policeman Gets Coveted Medal 1K1 Special mention was given to William F. Gallagher. Township The Hard Way, But He's Alive Published every Thursday by l"h« Commercial Leader At Breakfast Attorney Joseph Melillo, Judgt. And Kicking Today *~~ i Company at 255 Ridge Road. Lyndhurtt Telephonr Carmine Savino, Jr., Otto J. Stel- late Dante De'Pamphilis, Jr>hn Father Trainor. who Serv- McNulty. Willia C. Collins, Ar- Fofntrr INilMtiiiaii Jark ON. ill and Mrs. ON rill arc ed as Chaplain, Given nold De Massi and Dr. Vito Lam-HI iirin- lia|i|i> -mill - Imlay. " Cditor _ Carmine Savine, Jr. berto. Special Mention I li«- award of a medal for IHTMUIII lo Jark Jr.. 23 year FRSTAT Busiimss Manager Ernest J. Dabinett oM -••il who t- in lh«- Marine'Air i.ur\t-. if* llie reason. Tin* Entered as second class matter April 7, 1938, at the Post The lii.t post-war Communion Triano Vacations %a\\ and Marim- lorp- MM h 15 at Court Judge Daniel J,. Brcnnan, summer capital and playground Cherry Point. N. C. He tame home New Year's Day BARONS! and while.on leave married Miss Veterans Housing I i.s of particular significance to the of the Philippines, as a guest of While attached to a Marine Catholic man, because of his love Camp John Hay's recreation cen- Janet Davidson of 746 Fifth The rlamor ha» pawd. IIUI not the IICIMI. Newspaper- fighter squadron at Okinawa. street, Lyndhurst. Mrs. O'Neill u of Mary, the Mother of God. ter. ' I wo Shim and Kyukyu I; land kit • rtory hard for just M> long. Thrn they |>a.»» «n to The condition of the world to- a graduate of St. Barnabas's Hos- Cpl. Triano entered the Army last July, a fighter plane crash pital School qf Nursing. Newark. other paetuir*. I nforliiiialrlv. the poor gees who iliiln'r day is a challenge to Catholics, from his home in Lyndhurst, ed on landing. O'Neill rushed t*. have decent housing FIX inonthh ago when the hullabaloo the judge declared. He told sev- where his parents. Mr. and Mis.the iniured pilot who Ml lyinc O'Neill is now stationed aboard eral hundred members of the so- the carn«r Salerno Bay in Cuba. was at il> bright t>till iliin't have it Triano, reside. After training at against the flaming aircraft II- j cjety, sitting in the.-auditorium of Fort Dix, Camp Blinding and Ft'. carried him to safety and suffered He is expected home on leave However, relief i*. oniflio way. We're |ilea*<-il to n- jjuyndhurst High School following - Meadc, Triano embarked for cv.burn- s on both hands and arm* lh Pacific in DercmUr 1944. andStale Music Festival. They're as fine a liit of housing as you're likely lo f inil. | tion of the Catholic parish to the [American way of life. Illustrating played the piano, Cornelius La- They're not perfert. Bui they offer ileeenl. rlean whole- j his talk by using the false gods of Guardia played the accordion. some opportunity lo young couple* to make a good xlarl < ancient Babylon as a symbol. Rev. Members of the Franklin PTA in their early married li\rs. Indeed, i-oupIeK wilh courage O'Neill pointed to graft, black $290 will meet again on Tuesday, from Telephone NUtley 2-2400-1 ! markets, gambling and drinking SIZE U» and imagination will make wonderful homes of those hous- to excess as the false gods of the 1 to 3 p. m. at the school for the ing units. present. making of cancer dressings The one flaw discoverable in the set-up is the healing. Praise For Father Train or VIOLA BROS., INC. Father O'Neill told of the war A. bigg kerosene burner in the living room U the only hi-ul service of Rev. Patrick J. Trainor, availablilbl e so ffar . DbDoubtlessl, thih s wililll !!>• • ehaligeh d aftef r now curate of Sacred Heart MASON MATERIALS Pioneer FLASH CAMERA g i Church, Lyndhuist. The speaker time. Wlherwise. veterans will find their homeh s cleanl . said that Father Trainor, who airy and comfortable. served under him in the European Cement, Bricks, Pipes, Stocks, Lime On the basin of what has happened in West Orange comp.iign, displayed high quali- ties of mind. <>f heart, and of we're mighty proud of the Federal Public Housing Author- I priest, which aided in his decision Adamant Stone, Ashes, Lath, Etc. SIZE Sit Complete with Flash ity. They've worked with diligence? ;uid imagination 'to leave father, mother, and home They've figured mil way* of making something out of very i to devote his life to the service Clay, Top Soil, Agr^ultural Lime ' of brother-in-arm*. He told of little. the illness and death of Father If Lyndhurst and oilier municipalities get the same (Trainor's mother during the bat- RELAX 180 WASHINGTON AVENUE NUTLEY break m V- Ciuailulwi l n PiiMldy, I who were in (attendance. Of the mr* entering the Anal two weeks Mrs. R. S. DieJc.sun, $1 (large number to be honored only laswlls* aullr $630 of their drive to obtain funds for A donation was also received ] three were still in uniform Yrs. your tuition up to $500 per ordi- SIZE S16 the purchase of new uniforms. from the Lyndhuist Diner. Introduced as honored bursts nary schoul year paid for 48 month* of collet?. business or trade school. You alio receive $65 per month living allowance—$90 if you have Best In Developing at Baron's dependents. Thit u the opportunity opcii, upon their discharge, to men over 18 U7 with parent!' consent) who enlist in the new Regular FILMS AT LOWEST PRICES Keller Engineering Army lK-f<.re October 6. 1946, for 3 year*. Get a I! the facts at your U.S. 828 Co. Army Recruiting Station. 127 27r 46.r» VAI.I.EY HRIMIK A\F. -v KVNDIII'KST 120 Hl'lln-rf*rl(> 118 121

COllE« ( 1 I AM AN AMERICAN DAY 1MMN6 ••ssssssjasassasaJ [CIGARETTES SUNDAY, MAY II ,•: • $117

v CHESTERFIELD — IUCKIKS — RAI.KttHS I TS purpose is to hrlp "rn-w rilisrnti, native horn anil : "^ ' naturalized", to more fully understand the Hignifi> OLD GOLD — PHILIP MORRIS— KOOL cancr and duties of American citteenfthip. m. SPl-DS — BAMESES How murh we all need to do that. In no inau£ju«yn. we r>i.. Sat.. Sun May IT. lit, i'l MMnetimex tieem to neglect the patriotic ren|K>nHiltilitiea THIS IS NOTE:-Y««! HVSt CUT HIT COIVON TO (iCT of our precious heritage ... or we heroine indifferent CARTON Or ULARKITES to the vital need to preserve, in spirit and letter, the THE WAY! true meaning of "life, liberty and the purwuit »f hap- piness". The U. S. Army offers young men a wrll-markrd road to the future: We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities Thin nation ran only flourish and pronperjf we, the peO' 1. SMCIAMUD ARMY T«AIMING that pie, do our.|»urt-4tKHiuke its ideals live, ~' cannot IK- sui|.,t»rd anywherr in the world. Chouse your own field: elec- tronic*. aviHtinn, photography, engi- neering Miwt -mjiny fitTirrs. BOILING SPRINGS SAVINGS 3. W TO 4 TIAM' HMNOHOWCATIOM in a collme. bimnea or trade icriool of your own i huosing,* Join now. Go lo LOAN ASSOCIATION your nearest recruiting station. BARON'S 23 Park Avenue, Rutherford, N.J. CUT RATE DRUG STORE

M i fHnM vf ncttfj Mb |N MM jttt ratart 88 Park Averaom. KtrnuvroiRutherforB s-s d Sf*4 dtmntj I, HUH SFRVICt . ' A i:. a

/-V. I