- » , V -a. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20,1945^^ The Westher Avemge Dsfly Cireointlon Fareeaat o f U. 8. Weather Manche)$ter Evening Herald For the Meatb of Angaat, 1648 Fair, beeomhig cooler tealght; 8,985 Satnrday annay aad eaoler tbaa Raymond R. ainolfl, producUon today; fair 'weather Saaday. Survey Stamps manager at the Manchester Dry Laymen’s Rally I Manchester Navy Flyer With Mascot on Plane ^ WE SELL SERVICE Meaaber a< tba% a6lt Cleaners plant on Wells street, Service la What We’re Selling NOW Roraan of Ciienlatloaa was honored yesterday by a party, Town’s Wealth CALL MANCHESTER 2-1226 Manchester— A City of Village Charm and presented by the manage­ This Saturday Experience guarantees expert repairing and replace­ ment and employees with a purse ment. We service libme refrigerators and larger in­ (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CEN*fS > of money Jblr^ Ginolfl and Miss MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEBIBER 21,1945 Manchester High Qual­ stallations. SERVICE NOW — SALES SOON! VOL. LXIV„ NO. 299 m P k fo 14) Caroline T. Paganl will be mar­ Delegations from Both ried Saturday morning at ten 99T 9 rtAfKtUT Jtf BCKJt/e0Ctexm^Mce mM M l rypirypts o'clock in S t James’s church. Methodist Churches! ity Market Far Above <7 Here to Be Present National Average Marshall Sees End of Point Sj^stem The Juvenile Grange will meet C O M M A f y Mac Arthur Orders Friday afternoon at four o’clock (Special to the Herald) Pickets Bar Entry Bishop L. O. Hartman of Boston on th* second floor at 991 Main New York. Sept. -20.—Food 9 7 street. wUl be the chief speaker at a Lay­ sales, long considered a major in­ Wl SERVE HOMES DAIRIES-FOOD STORES-TflVERHS-RESTAURAHTS- men’s rally o f the New England dex of a city’s standard of living, Order Rev. and Mrs. James M. Gage, Southern Conference of the Meth-| At Dodge Factoif; mark Manchester as a high quali­ leaders in the work of the North odist church to be held at the Arrested; Methodist church, will be given ty market, with a scale above Methodist camp in Oloceater, R. 1 FUEL OIL welcoming reception in the ves­ that of most other, communities in try of the church this evening. I., this Saturday. Large delega­ the country. This is brought out fto in One of Moncheoter** Old- The Women’s Society of ChrisUan tions of laymen and ministers i , Strike Halts Work 'Mt Deolera for Reliable Service. vividly by a comparison of data Service will be in charge of ar­ from the one hundred and seventy TEXACO CRYSTALITE contained in the current Sales rangements. Methodist churches or Uie Confer-] Code Guides Press RANGE OIL Management survey. RANGE OIL NO. 2 FUEL OIL ‘Apparently Sheer Irrie- ence will be In attendance. ^ Money spent in Manchester for Metered Service! First Sergeant Thomas J. Con­ Hitler Error The program begins at 1:461 ^ last year—in- groceries, meat Per sponsibility^ Charged roy, nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Saturday afternoon In the out­ arkets, dellcates.<iens in d the Gallon Jap Cabinet Piscusset The W. G. Glenney Co. James Duffy of 232 Henry street door chapel and will be continued 9 e Z S . 7 7-lOe By Chrysler Spokes­ like, exclusive of eating and drink­ Seen Reason Clifford Biirr Naval Bases PHONE 4148 with whom he made his home with addresses by J. Bruce Mc­ ing places, came to 25,422,000 or Mounling Food Short­ prior to entering the service in Cullough of Providence and Phlla-| 2169 for each man, woman and man As Qosing of 1941, has received an honorable ages and Repatriation delphia. Conference Lay leader, j child. The rest ot. the country discharge and has enrolled in New L. T. WOOD CO. Track Plant Forced t For Defeat Stand Still and Dr. James Chubb of the Meth­ spent only 2147 per capita on the Passes Away O f Civilians from Man­ York University for a four-year 51 BISSELL STREET . TELEPHONE 4496 odist Board of Evangelism located average for food. No Notice o f Grievance TALL CEDARS course. He returned home last In Nashville, Tenn. Later In the Not Known churia and Korea t week after serving 57 months at The volume of food sales In Best Thinks Declaration In 69th Year afternoon a program of sporta basj Manchester represents an Increase Schofield Barracks, Honolulu, T, been arranged, and men who have Bulletin! Asahi Reports Suzuki H., as secretary to the commfnd- \ —Official TT. 8. Navy Photograph of 101 per cent from the pre-war O f War on United not visited the camp Will have the] Detroit, Sept. 21.— (iP)— A Ing officer. He was there when the George W. England, Aviation Machinist’s Mate, Second Class. year of 1940. In the same period Vinson Impatient Over Barely Escapes W ith. opportunity of touring the entire States Stupid; Favored Leading Nurseryman 0lngo Japs attacked Pearl Harbor, Dec. USNR, son of Mr. arid Mrs. George J. England, of 254 Spruce street, the national Increase amounted to ■trike-caused gasoline short­ site. Silence of State De- Life from Jap Soldiers 7, 1941, and was graduated from is shown with his fl^ n g mascot, Sheba, aboard a N avy Liberator. only 84 per cent. age threatened today to give Buying of War Goods Dies at His Home Here Manchester High school with the Dinner will be aerved and fol­ Together they have cotepleted over 500 combat flying hours. Sheba In the two other principal retail lowing the dinner the Rev. R. G. Detroit a worse immediate partment on Islands IOrang9.iliil_ class ■ b f.■1987. 1s the mother of nine, ali in the service. The N avy mascot has come categories Investigated, Manches­ FRIED OYSTERS, CLAMS Yesterday; Funeral to Tokyo, Sept. 21.-— Belcher, executive secretary of a long way since that ^^y, seven months ago, when Petty Officer ter also scored greater gains, than problem than Its idleness of Copenhagen, Sept 21.— (ff)— Dr. Captured in Pacific Gener^ MacArthur today or­ the Conference Board of Educa-| England accepted her from a Woman Marine in San Diego. Petty FISH AND CHIPS WITH OUR NEW FRIALA'TOR! Be Held Tomorrow did other cities. General merchan­ more than 80,000 men in the Werner Best, Hitler's represents' dered the “ immediate arrest” Tomorrow Night ALICE OOFRAN tlon which has the responsibility] Officer England, along with members of the Liberator’s crew^ has dise sales increased 133 per cent (Known As QiMeir Alice) automobile mataufacturing in­ Uve in Denmark during the^occa Washington, Sept. 21—(ff’)—The for the camp will speak. He will received many decorations fw their combat duty in the Pacific. IBs locally as compared with a na­ Onr new sanitary process gives you a delicious, crisp, a iffo rd Russell Burr. Manches­ of Lieut. Gen. Kenji Doiharta 23 REGULAR GAMES 25c. Semitia Dnnghter of a Seventh Bon be followed by the address of the dustry, Available gasoline pation, thinks Germany lost'\(hi plane took part in the terrlfl\ bombardment of Okinawa before the tional rise of 92 per cent. Drug golden brown food — Seals in the flavor! Come in and ter’s leading grower o f nursery State department is in for some Avhose recent appointment 7 SPECIAL GAMES Bom With n VeO day given by Bishop Hartman. invasion by the Americsn troops. Under the Navy point system he supplies for the city of 1,- war only because o f "one vei^ early questioning on Pacific Na­ store sales advanced 93 per cent try them! FRIED OYSTERS AND CLAMS PACKED stock, and one of the best known to command Japan’s Firtat Bendings Dally, taolndlng Simdayi A large delegation of laymen may soon arrive at his home hei 600,000 were described as stupid ^ n g ”—declaring war oi SWEEPSTAKES A. M to a P. M. Or By Appotnt- in the period Compared with 83 10 TARE HOME. CALL 3803. val bases. General Army was given A l­ 9 from both North and South Meth­ the United Statea. producers of general tree and WEEKLY PRIKE menL In the Servloo of the Peo­ per cent nationally. sufficient to last only until Expressing impatience over the lied acceptance— and issued ■ odist churches will be in attend­ be given their last inspection Interviewed yesterday for the G ^ of Army George C. MarehalT (left) Army chief of staff, talks wlth.Bep. Andrew May (D.,Ky.) shrub lines in the country, died MONTHI.Y PRIZE ple tor SO Tears. ance In addition to the ministers { Monday. first time in Kastellet prison, (c e n t e r l^ a ir n iM o f Oie House M llltery Affairs committee, and Senator .Mben Barkley ( I ^ K y.), his department’a slleHce, ' Chairtnan 10-point code to guide opera­ SPIRITUAL MEDIUM riday night. COMMUNITY RESTAURANT Jate yesterday afternoon at Carl Vinson (D., Ga.), said he W AR BOND the Rev. James N. Gage and Rev. Name Course where he has been held since he S t e m S t y leader, at the Joint Senate-House meeting in the Library o f Congws^ where Marshall tions of the censored Japaneos tSO Church Street, Hartford, Conn. ch boy participating w ill be : TO BE DRAWN SEPT. 28 - W. Ralph Ward, Jr. I4S NORTH MAIN STREET MANCHESTER Detroit, Sept. 21.—r(/P)— wsa brought in from Germany said the pdlnt^trtem for demobilization of soldiers can be abandoned by winter. (A P wlrephoto.) plans to call department heads press and radio. Phooe 6-2024 ished with a football helmet, Washing Maclrines July 30, Best said Germany de­ before the Houge Naval commit the'Rational Soap Box Derby’s Labor troubles today closed tee probably next week.
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