Modio Lav Go Pre-Fab House for / Ordered
fcHiSiea Wees PRICE TEK CENTS OL. XXII—NO. 31 FORDS, N. J.» THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER I, On Elmretlay riitman, .modio lav Go 'chase, Industrial ts May Merge » New Position QODBRIDGE — An ordin- establishing- the position ownship Business Adminis- . "will be introduced at the a Committee meeting Sep- Damage >cr 6, according to Commit- .an John Evanko, chair- of the Administration In.Edison Firej mittee. EDISON — An estimated! though Bernard M. Hart- $65,000 damage was done Mop-j Jersey City, is admittedly day night when a fire that! WOOD-BRIDGE — A police radar team to check speeding) he lead for the new post. started in a parked trailer re- in Woodbridge Township, will begin September 6, according] Committeeman Evanko frigeration unit at Eastern Ex- to Police Commissioner David T. Miller. Mayor Frederick M. Adams press, Inc., Route 1, burned Meanwhile, the team is operating each day m various!' there is ''no firm commit-' , j sections of the Township, handing out warning notices. | . ayor Adams admitted the th* t,.,,,n™ t.™™,., m° i Sgt. Albert Martin and Patrolman William Reid are WOODBRIDGE — Neat •y for the new Admmistra- the t-iucking teimmal s man-opei.attas the radar equipment ___ Wednesday at 7 P. M., at the will '"be in the neighbor-' agei James Hearn, 4 Kooseveit under ^ dil.ection Qf Lieut.! ,T ., Municipal Building has been of $12,000 to $14,000" be- I en ace, Fords. Joseph McLaughlin. • ill AGPnP> NsmfUfi set as the time and place for e. he said, "we found alii ed with candy. The seconwasd load- was'! .
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