2Oo6 NON-GRADUATES Fa Edward Lester Klink, 1907

2Oo6 NON-GRADUATES Fa Edward Lester Klink, 1907

2oo6 NON-GRADUATES f.a. Edward Lester Klink, 1907--9, Syracuse, N. Y. f .a. EvA ANNA KLINK, 1906-, Syracuse, N. Y. f.a. Irene Huldath Klink, 1906-8, Syracuse, N. Y. f.a. EDNA MARKELL KLOCK, 1908-, St. Johnsville, N. Y. l.a. Edwin Judson Klock, 1884-5, <I> K 'Y (at Syracuse), A 1, (at Middle­ bury, B.S. (Middlebury) 1888. A.M. (same), 1891. Married 13 Jan., 1891, Minnie L. Stafford of Washington, Vt. Clergyman, Con­ gregational, Norwich, N.Y. f.a. Frank B. Klock, 1884-5, Syracuse, N. Y. l.a. Grace Klock, 1889--90, f' <I> B1 Oneida, N. Y. l.a. *Harry Sanford Klock, 1884--6, A K E, Oneida, N. Y. Died 19 May, 1896, at Kansas City, Mo. a.s. KARL THEODORE KLocK, 1907-, Syracuse, N. Y. f.a. Nellie Louisa Klock (Nye), 1884-5, Syracuse, N. Y. Married 6 June, 1888, Francis H. Nye, Jr., of Syracuse. Residence, Syracuse, N.Y. t. Julia M. Klube, 1907-8, Syracu>e, N. Y. f.a. KATHARINE MAY KLuMP, 1907-, Watertown,_N. Y. l~a. Alice A. Knapp, (Kellogg), 1873-4, A <1>, S. Spafford, N. Y. l.a. ALICE L. KNAPP, 1909-, Geneva, N.Y. Daughter of No. 431. f.a. Elizabeth H. Knapp, 1874-5, Binghamton, N.Y. t. Ella Maria Knapp, 1906-8, Dundee, N. Y. f.a. Florence E. S. Knapp, 1903-7, Camillus, N. Y. a.s. Howard Edward Knapp, Jamestown, N.Y. f.a. Leona May Knapp, 1907--9, Camden, N. Y. I.a. Matthew H. Knapp, 1905--6, Syracuse, N. Y. l.a. Robert Phineas Knapp, 1906-8, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. f.a. Lila Belle Knauer, I903--6, Oneida, N. Y. l.a. ALBERT RussEL KNEALE, 1908-, Rochester, N. Y. m. Stella Kneeland, 1875-6, S. Onondaga , N. Y. l.a. Daniel Candee Knickerbocker, I903-7, Syracuse, N.Y., and Columbus, Ohio. Married -- Elizabeth Hadley. f.a. *Charles Stewart Knight, 1904-7, Rome, N.Y. Died--? f.a. Flora M. Knight, 1902-7, Bath. N. Y. f.a. FLORENCE EuGENIA KNIGHT, I909-, Mount Vernon, N. Y. l.a. HAROLD FULLER KNIGHT, 1906-, Mechanicville, N. Y. f.a. CORA ELIZABETH KNOBEL, 1908-, Homer, N. Y. f.a. MINNIE KNODEL, 1902-3 and 1908-, Syracuse, N. Y. l.a. Alexander Stephen Knowles; 1904-5, Greenville, Ala. f.a. Agnes Margaret Koch, 1!:i92-4, Dunkirk, N. Y. l.a. Clarence Cameron Kochenderfer, 1903-4, Martinsburg, Pa. f.a. E. Bertha Kocher, I90J-s, Marshville, N. Y. f.a. Emma Elizabeth Koenig, 1896--1908, Auburn, N. Y. t. and f.a. S. Hilda Kohler, (t.) 1907-8, (f.a.) 1908--9, Mariner's Harbor, Staten Island, N. Y. (.a. ADELINE R. KoLBE, 1908-, New York, N.Y. f.a. MARIE LOUISE KOLBE I907-. K A e, New York, N.Y. NON-GRADUATES 2007 I.a. Louise V. Kolff (Merwin), I906-7, entering from Vassar and Barnard, Marion, N.Y. Married 27 Apr., I907, Horace W. Merwin, Jr., (see non-graduates) of Matteawan, N. Y. a.s. and l.a. John Wier Hooker, (a.s.) I90I-4, (l.a.) I903-4, Jacksonville, Fla. f.a. and I.a. Ruth Amelia Koon, (.f.a.) 1905-6, (I.a.) I9Q6-9, Syracuse, N.Y. f.a. Charlotte Hazel Koopmans, I905-8, M cl> E, Lancaster, N. Y. a.s. Roger Schall Kopp, I907-8, York, Pa. a.s. Leland Walrath Krake, I902-6, Hammond, N. Y. f.a. ELLA MARY KRANS, I9Q9-, Haverhill, Mass. f.a. HAZEL KRANTZ, i909-, Paterson, N. J. m. John C. Kratz, I885-6, Syracuse, N. Y. f.a. Stella Elizabeth Kraus, I89R-I902, I903-6, Syracuse, N. Y. a.s. Da!la Walter Kreidler, I907-8, Hornell, N. Y. l.a. *Samuel Wilson Kress, I87I-2, .:l K E, Dundee, N.Y. Died 20 March, r873, at Syracuse, N. Y. f.a. Henry Marie Kreusch, I905-7, Cleveland', 0. l.a. Fred Kreutzer, I88~o. Lyons, N. Y. j.a. Ethel Kuck, I902-3, Kuckville, N. Y. l.a. jULIA GRACE KuNZE, I909-, Ilion, N. Y. l.a. Jussaker Kurishma, 1897-8, Tok;o, Japan. m. H. D. Kurtz, I88o-I. l.a. HOWARD WILLIAM KURTZ, I908-, IV r, Buffalo, N. Y. f.a. MABEL J. KURTZ, I908-, K A e, Buffalo, N. Y. m. Nellie Ettie Kurz, I905-7, Buffalo, N. Y. f .a. Mrs. Bertha Kutz, I904-7, Syracuse, N. Y. f .a. Bessie James Laass, 19oo-3, Syracuse, N. Y. f.a. Rowena S. La Barre, 1899-190I, Waverly, N. Y. l.a. Edna May Lacey, I90I-2, Newark, N. J. I.a. Edwin Louts La Cross, 1902-3, Schenectady, N.Y. l.a. ETHEL LOUISE LACY, I907-, Kingston, N. Y. f.a. Clarence Thompson Ladd, 1905-6, Salem, N.Y. f.a. Edna Amelia Ladd, I898-9, Syracuse, N. Y. f.a. Fannie Ladd, I905-7, Victor, N. Y. m. LEONARD LAGSTROM, I909-, Syracuse, N. Y. f.a. BLANCHE E. LAKE, 1908-, Tully, N. Y. f.a. ETHELYN LYNTON LAKE, 1907-; Hannibal, Syracuse and Eastwood, N.Y. t. and f.a. MARY HALL LAKE, (t.) 1908-, (f.a.) 1909-, Pleasantville, N.J. I.a. Rush Warner Lake, I895-7, .:l 1, Hawley, Pa. Office Secretary of Young Men's Institute of theN. Y. City Y. ,M. C. A., Nos. 224 and 226 Bowery, New York, N. Y. I.a. Sarah Grace Lake, I904-5, Batavia, N. Y. l.a. and l. Stuart N. Lake, 1908-9, Rome, N. Y. f.a. Frank M. La Londe, I9oo-2 and 1903-5, Fulbn, N. Y. m. George Lalor, 1874-6, Townsend, N. Y. f .a. Josephine Percy Lalor, 11'92-5, Syracuse, N. Y. 2008 NON-GRADUATES l.a. and l.e. FLORENCE M. LAMB, I909-, Auburn, N. Y. l.a. George Malcolm Lamb, I899-I900, Be Il, Batavia, N. Y. l.a. GEORGE WINIFRED LAMB, I9Q9-, Hubbardsville, N. Y. l.a. Herbert Wakeman Lamb, I897-9, '¥ T, Syracuse, N. Y. f.a. Sara T. Lambert, I904-6, Chadwicks, N.Y. j.a. Ida H. Lammert, I908-<), Syracuse, N. Y. f.a. Raymond F. Lamphere, I90I-3, Fulton, N. Y. j.a. MARGARET CALDWELL LANCASTER, I9Q9-, Syracuse, N. Y. t. ILA VARA LANCE, I909-, Washington, N. J. f.a. Sidney Francis Lanctot, I903-4, Buffalo, N. Y. f.'a. Emily Landon, 1891!-<), Rochester, N. Y. f.a. Betsy Delphene Lane, 1902-4, Wilkes Barre, Pa. f.a. Ethel Genevieve Lane, 1902-3, Syracuse, N. Y. l.a. Eulah Bertram Lane, 1905-7, Belchertown, Mass. m. Herbert L. Lane, I892-5, Prescott, Ont. l.a.,j.a., a.s. Joseph Thomas Lane, (l.a.) I90<r3, (f.a.) 1903-4, (a.s.) I903-4, 4> .6. e, Syracuse, N. Y. Member of the Syracuse Football Team, I900. l.a. Josephine Eunice Lane, 1902-3, Syracuse, N. Y. f.a. S;dney Eastwood Lane, 1898-I9QI, Central Square, N.Y. l.a. EDWIN DE Loss LANFEAR, I908-, Lorraine, N.Y. l.a. Anna Marie Lang, 1887-8, Syracuse, N. Y. l.a. Louis Philip Lang, 1887-8, Syracuse, N.Y. Attorney-at-Law, Syracuse, N.Y. l.e. NAN HAMILTON LANG, I908-, -:E K, Wilmington, Del. l.a. Louis Stone Langton, 189I-4, 4> K '¥, Elbridge, N. Y. M.D. (Coli. of P. and S., Baltimore, Md.), I897- Married 29 Sept., I896, Mabel A. Hammond of Cortland, N.Y. Residence, Baltimore, Md. a.s. JosEPH MeG. LANIGAN, 1909-, Syracuse, N. Y. f.a. Cora Amelia Lansing, I895-9, Canastota, N. Y. t. Ethel M. Lansing, 1907-9. Copenhagen, N.Y. l.a. ]ESSIE BEATRIX LANSING, I904-, A X Q, Clinton Mills, N.Y. l. Nelson LeGrand Lansing, 1898-1900, E. Syracuse, N.Y. l.a. Charlotte May Lanson, 1900-3, Waterloo; N. Y. a.s. Frank Henry Lantier, I904-s, Clayton, N. Y. f.a. Ethel Elaine Lapham, I9o6-<), Macedon, N. Y. f.a. Clara Louise Larkin, I906-8, Le Roy, N. Y. a.s. Ebenezer Merritt Larkin, 1905-9, K :E, Brewerton, N. Y. l.a. Cora.Emily Larmore, I896-8, Wyoming, N.Y. j.a. Caroline Marie Lamed, I902-3, Syracuse, N. Y. f.a. Florence Adelle Larrabee, I887-9, K A E>, Syracuse, N. Y. a.s. Fernando Larrabure, I905-8, Lima, Peru. l.a. Eleanor Rose Larrison, 1879-80, Mecklenburg, N. Y. Residence, Ravenshead, Ill. f.a. Martha Larsson, I899-190I, Syracuse, N. Y . a. Helen M. Larter, 1904-7, A 4>, Kingston, N. Y. NON-GRADUATES 2009 f.a. Gertrude A. La Salle, I908-9, Jamestown, N. Y. f.a. CoRA LA SHA, I90<J-, Syracuse, N. Y. f.a. HARRISON WASHINGTON LASHUAY, Syracuse, N. Y., 1909-. l.a. ALICE MARGARET LATHAM, 1908-, Syracuse, N.Y. l.a. BERTHA WEBB LATHAM, I908-, A <1>, Oneida, N. Y. l.a. Burton Fred Latham, 1904-7, Medina, N. Y. l.a. Ernest Leroy Latham, I906--7, Antwerp, N. Y. a.s. WALLACE W. LATHAM, 190R-, Thompson, N. Y. f.a. ANNA DELIA LATHROP, 1907-, Syracuse, N.Y. l.a. Carrie May Lathrop, I887-9, K K I', New Marlboro, Mass. f.a. Genevieve Van H. Lathrop, 1904-5, Syracuse, N. Y. f.a. Harriet Kruse Lathrop, 1905-8, Kingston, Pa. l.a. Jennie Charlotte Lathrop, I883-5, Syracuse, N. Y. l.a. ADAH ELIZABETH LATTA, 1907-, Friendship, N. Y. a.s. FRANK RAYMOND LATTA, I908-, Syracuse, N. Y. j.a. N. C. Latterner, 1903-4, Syracuse, N. Y. f.a. Mary Lucinda Laughlin, 1884-5, Indianapolis, Ind. l.a. Harry Launt, I906--{}, <I> I' .(\, Sidney, N. Y. f.a. HARVIE LA VIER, 1909-, Syracuse, N.

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