Pathfinders Club Is Founded Fr. Walsh Talks on Russian
No. 21 VOL. V GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D. C„ MARCH 13, 1924 PATHFINDERS CLUB COPY OF TELEGRAM SENT TO PRESIDENT OF BARONSERGEKORFF COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY AND TO PRESIDENT DIES SUDDENLY IS FOUNDED OF JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Eighty Men Gather to Form New Russian Nobleman Stricken in "Georgetown University unites with sister University in Society—Fr. Quigley, S. J., Is common sorrow at death of beloved Professor Baron Korff. Stricken in Midst of Seminar—Burial at Sponsor of Club to Further classroom of School of Foreign Service, he leaves precious memories, for Rock Creek Cemetery Monday. Students' Interest in a Voca- faculty and student body, of a true scholar and distinguished gentleman. Learned Lecturer Enjoyed tion — Big Professional and Cause of both universities in efforts towards an enlightened understanding Brilliant Career as Statesman of international relations suffers immeasurably by his death. Business Men to Address and Educator—Fr. Walsh Pays JOHN B. CREEDON, Members. President Georgetown University. Tribute to Former Colleague. On Monday evening, March 10, in Baron Serge A. Korff, professor of Room H, a large number of students as- History in the Foreign Service School, sembled to organize a club which is FR. WALSH TALKS CAST FOR HAMLET member of the Russian nobility and inter- unique in the annals of Georgetown. Mr. nationally known as a leader in political John H. Daly, president of the class of ON RUSSIAN DECIDED UPON science and as a professor of Compara- 1924, presided as chairman of the meet- tive Government, died from a stroke of apoplexy at his residence in 15th Street ing.
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