Ka Wai Ola Ooha Asked Maioho Is Working with Ka Ing, "Deep in My Heart I Know It 'Ohana
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"I Raised Three Children OFFICE OF HAWAIIAN ·AFFAIRS And Got My Teaching Degree" "Kamehameha Schools encouraged me all the way." Stephanie Kamakeeaina Kihei, Maui When Stephanie Kamakeeaina's teen-age daughter brought home college financial aid information from 'chool, she was insp ired to pursue her dream. Now she teaches seventh grade at Maui's Lokelani Intermediate School. "Without the financial assistance from Kamehameha School IBerni c Pauahi "'Onipa'a" Bishop Estate, I couldn't have reach d my goal. The support from the staff at K IBE 1893-1993 was wonderful." If you are Hawa iian and in ::I full- time college degree program, you may qualify for some of the nearly $8 million in financial aid offered by KS/BE. For more information, call our Financial Aid Depart- ment at' 842-8216. 11\ "Famous are \1/ the children KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS/BERNICE PAUAHI ISHOP ESTATE of Hawai'i, Ever loyal to their land ... " Ka Wai Ola 0 OHA BULK RATE OFFICE OF HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS U.S. POSTAGE 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Suite 500 PAID Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813-5249 Honolulu, Hawai'i Permit No. 298 DHHL to get $9.72 million in past due rent ..•.••...•..••.••.. •••••.••.•• page 1 Timeline of Hawaiian history, 1840-1959 .................................. page 3 . Hawai'i marks 100th anniversary of overthrow ................. n ....page 7 Special: the future of Hawaiian self-determination •• ......... ".,-,--/ % OFFICE OF HAWAIIAN RLl OIEl 0 Oljf\ Volume 10 Number 1 Hawaiian population and are "capable of accomplisbing a Trustees accept great deal .... Therefore we need your support from you trustees for guidance and inspiration .... You must cballenge us and new challenge guide us." Tbis year, the trustees were given a fourtb cbarge, wbicb at i nvestitu re came from a representative of the community at large. Hawai'i Editor's note: The Board of government, legislators, family Calls Productions president Trustees on Dec. 10 re-elected and friends of trustees and OHA William F. Bigelow told tbe Clayton Hee Chairman of the staff. OHA culture officer trustees, "It would be in your Board arui Abraham Aiona Vice- Pikake Pelekai planned the cere- very best interest to sbow ... pos- Chair. mony with OHA culture special- itive leadership, based in under- ist Manu'aikohana Boyd, who standing of past events and dedi- by Jeff Clark initiated the proceedings with a cated to a tempered and judi- The nine trustee of the Office chant cious bandling of anticipated of Hawaiian Affair were for- Retiring trustee Thomas events." The nine trustees formally mally inve ted at Kawaiaba ' 0 "Uncle Tommy" K. Kaulukukui Church Dec. 4 in a ceremony quoted author Sterling Silk, say- assumed office via the tying of th at included prayer, chant and ing, "Leadership is a science, the lei hulu (feather leis) made ' ong. Kiipuna, rrUikua and 'opio but it is also an art.... We can by Mary Louise Kekuewa and and the community at large bake our bread, sew our clothes, Paulette Kabalepuna. The lei bulu, symbols of OHA leader- shared their mana '0 on the and plow our ground with trustees' role on behalf of the machines, but it lakes a human sbip, were primarily gold, the Hawaiian people. being to be a leader, and great color of mamo featbers. Tbe New trustees Kina'u Boyd leadership requires a human leis' four sections symbolize the Kamali 'i and Samuel L. being at his or her best." trustees' four-year terms, and "ba," tbe Hawaiian word for Kealoha, Jr. joined current Leadership, Kaulukukui said, The trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs receive their four, also means "breath of life." tru tee Abraham Aiona, cannot be bought, conferred or lei hulu of office during investiture ceremonies held at ''Today, each tru tee pledges Moanike'ala Akaka, Rowena inherited: "It is acquired only Kawaiaha'o Church Dec. 4. and renews our bond and para- Akaka, A. Frenchy DeSoto, by the personal mastery of each photo by Pearl Page Clayton H.W. Hee, Kamaki A. individual." mount duty to keep the trust of tbe Hawaiian people and to Kanahele III and Moses K. Next, OHA staff members to light, enlightenment and the trustees were given charges serve with compassion, generos- Keale, Sf. in the investiture. explained the meanings and sig- knowledge; pa'akai (sea salt), by representatives of three gen- ity, and in a spirit of harmony," Cho en as the theme of the nificance of the nine ho'ailona which purifies and preserves; erations of Hawaiians: kiipuna Board of Trustees Cbairman ceremony was a line from a tra- or symbols arranged at the front limu kala, a seaweed that offers (elders), makua (adults or par- Clayton Hee said wben be took ditional chant., "Mapu ka hanu 0 of the church. The symbols were healing, compassion and kala ents) and 'opio (youth). Kupuna the podium and gave his address ka laua'e (Wafted is the breath wai (fresh water), which noUf- (forgiveness); p{lhaku (s tone), Keonaona Davilla told the (see page 20). of the laua 'e fern)," which i hes and sustains life; kalo, the which symbolizes our founda- trustees to "handle with care - Hee admonisbed the state to expresses one's readiness to lake Hawaiian people's staple, which tion. our land; and the lehua malama pono" as they take begin making good on a promise walk down a new path and symbolizes mankind through our blossom, which signifies a action affecting the Hawaiian to pay $112 million to OHA as a accept a challenge. ancestor HIlloa; 'ulu (bread- beloved friend, relative. or people. Judge Thomas partial ceded lands settlement The ceremony was attended by fruit), which represents inspira- expert. Kaulukukui, Jr. told the trustees tbat was agreed on in early members of Hawaiian royal tion (ho'oiilu) and growth (ulu); In keeping with a tradition to listen and learn from those 1992. Hee said citizens of societies, representatives of state kukui (candlenut), which alludes established at past investitures. who bave preceded tbem, and Hawai'i are affected because of HokUle'a, star of gladness, returns serve with both pride and humil- the accumulating interest. The ity. 'Aba 'Opio 1992 kia 'aina state "bas cbosen to delay pay- (governor) Ka'ena Kawai ment at a cost of 10 percent to :\I '0 reminded the trustees that the o 'opio comprise half tbe continued page J 9 J State pays DHHL $9.72 million for back rent o -> III Q) by Pearl Page Lands trust, wbicb, it bas been 't= ::J In an historic move, the state documented, were systematical- o (J made good on decades-old back ly diverted for illegal uses for til > rent for its use of 33 parcels of nearly 60 years," sbe said. :.i Q) Hawaiian bomestead land. The Tbe $9,604,593 payment plus en Department of Hawaiian Home c: interest will be going toward ...o Lands received $9.72 million in infrastructure and adding to the cotil November. Hoaliku Drake. land trust. Tbe department is > Hawaiian Homes Commission looking at acquiring house lots J:I o cbairwoman, said it was the first on O'abu and land in Kona - o time government had made good oS:- two places wbere demand for Q. on promises to restore the 71- land is higb and the available year-old trust trust lands low, she said. After six months in the South Pacific, the voyaging canoe HokUle'a made landfall at HOnaunau "This payment is the result of Tbe payment is only the first. Bay on the Big Island early last month. The Voyage took the yearl: of work by the commis- sbe said. Back rent is owed on Raiatea Mauke Aitutaki and Rarotonga for the Festival of PacifiC Arts. The HokUle a s next sion, working with the governor 18 other parcels. major t;ip will be alongside Hawai'i Loa, a 55-foot canoe now under construction. and tbe Legislature to begin repairing the assets of the Home continued page 8 __ !S NEXT ISSUE FEBRUARY 1, 1993 by Pearl Leialoha Page NEWS & ARTICLES DEADLINE: JANUARY S Deadlines are strictly observed. For more information, call the editor at 586-3777. Ka Wai Ola 0 OHA 711 Kapi'olani Blvd. Suite 500 Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813 Phone (808) 586-3777 or fax (80S) 586-3799 ADVERTISING DEADLINE JANUARY 8 For advertising rates and information, contact Dave Chun at Innovation, 943-8599 voted for Kealoha. Each trustee pledged to work together for the bellennent of the beneficiarie . Trustee Kealoha said he was "proud" and counted it a "plea- sure to represent Ka Labui on tbis board." And tbough he wants to work together, he aid "My platform remains the Trustees Abraham Aiona, KTna'u Boyd Kamali'i, Moses Kealek, Sr., Rowena Akana, Samuel Kealoha, Jr., Moanike'ala same." Akaka, Frenchy DeSoto, Kamaki Kanahele and Clayton Hee stand together to face the future. Photo by Lollie Ulibarri Trustee Kanahele said he is willing to come to the table and The newly inducted Board of Akaka, Rowena Akana, A. vice-cbair are two years unless eigbt 'ae votes and one 'a'ole, work out the differences. "I Trustees of tbe Office of Frencby DeSoto, Clayton Hee, tbe board replaces eitber one Rowena Akana casting tbe think if we set the wbole agenda Hawaiian Affairs met for the Kina 'u Boyd Kamali'i, Kamaki with a vote of no confidence. opposing vote. on the table, we will discover first time Tbursday, Dec. 10, Kanabele III, Moses Keale, Sf. Trustees Hee and Keale were Nominations for vice chair that we are still working for one 1992 in the OHA board room to and Samuel Kealoba, Ir. nominated chairman.