House District 2 T HE TWENTY-NINTH L EGISLATURE Log No: 2 APPLICATION FOR GRANTS Senate Dfslrict C HAPTER 42F, HAWAII REVISED STATUTES Type of Grant Request: KJ GRANT REQUEST - OPE::RAT!NG 0 GRANT R!iaues, - CAPITAL "Granl" means an award of stale funds by the legis!alure, by an approprialion to a specif:ed recipient. to support the activities of the recipient and permit the community to benefit from those activities. "Recipient" means any organization or person receiving a grant. ST!l"flc l'IHl<".tUM 1.0. '.liO, (1.. 1.::,\ n ; Hf,, \'.'ii( IF \ !'.liK'.lillW'.li): ------ I, Al'l' I.ICA,'l;"T l'.liFOllMATIO'.\': 2. C:O.'\ff,\Cl" 1'1'.llSO'.li H )ll MAl"l't'.llS l'.'iVOL\' l ~(;·n11s Al'PLIC \TIO:-<: Mana Legal Name of Requesting Organfza!:on or Individual: Mao Ii Name Keola Nakanishi _ _ Dba: Title . Ex~cutive_D irector·- Street Address: 1903 Palolo Ave, Honolulu, HI, 96816 Phone ~ .80&.295-6262 Mailing Address Mana Maoli Fax# ____ clo Jarrett Middle School E-mail
[email protected] i 903 Palolo Ave Honolulu, HI 96816 3. 1'\'l'P. Of lltiS l:-<f.SS f::\"l"IT\': 6. ur.scntr'rl\'I( 'ITfU'. or Al'l'l,K A'.'.T'S IU:QL!F.~1': (3 NON PROFIT CORl>ORATION INCORPORATED IN HAWA!! 0 FOR PROFIT C ORPORATION INCORPORATED IN H AWAII The Mana Mele Project D liMiTEO LIABILITY COMPANY 0 SO!.£ PROFRIETORSHIP/ INOIV!OUAl.. OOTHER 7. Mlflli' ff or STAn: Fl!'illS IIEQl:t S"l"f.l): FISCAL YE.AR 2016 $ $151 ,855 I!.