Eduardo Rodriguez
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EDUARDO M . RODRIGUEZ [email protected] University of Vermont Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources Gund Institute for Ecological Economics 617 Main St. %XUOLQJWRQ977HO(330) 317-2617 EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT ± Rubenstein School of Environment & Natural Resources - Burlington, VT Doctor of Philosophy expected May 2016 Cumulative GPA: 3.94/4.00 Degree: Ph.D. in Natural Resources Certificate: Ecological Economics Dissertation: ³Modelling Forest Succession and Trade-offs Between Ecosystem Services from Harvesting Decisions in Vermont Forests´ Relevant coursework: Ecological Economics Theory, Ecosystem Services, Behavioral Economics & Sustainability, Land Use Policy & Economics, Decision Making Models, Sustainable Business, Ecosystems Ecology UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA - Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources - Athens, GA Master of Science July 2010 Cumulative GPA: 3.75/4.00 Degree: M.S. in Forestry and Natural Resources Focus: Natural Resource Economics Rel evant coursework: Renewable Resources Policy, Natural Resources Law for Managers and Administrators, Natural Resource and Environmental Economics, Quantitative Techniques in Agricultural Economics, Microeconomics: Theory with Applications, Scientific Research in Forestry and Natural Resources, GIS Applications for Natural Resources, Advanced Spatial Analysis for Natural Resources, Analytic Geometry and Calculus KENYON COLLEGE - Gambier, OH Bachelor of Arts May 2007 Cumulative GPA: 3.3/4.0 Senior Year GPA: 3.6/4.0 Major: Economics Minors: Biology and Italian Merit List: 2005-2007 Relevant coursework: Environmental Economics, Econometrics, Principals of Micro and Macroeconomics, Micro and Macroeconomic Theory, Applied Econometrics, International Trade, Introductory Statistics, Money and Financial Markets, Economics of Law and Politics, American Economic History. RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS Moore, Rebecca, Tiffany Williams, Eduardo Rodriguez, and Jeffrey Hepinstall-&\PHUPDQ³8VLQJ 1RQPDUNHW9DOXDWLRQWR7DUJHW&RQVHUYDWLRQ3D\PHQWV$Q([DPSOH,QYROYLQJ*HRUJLD¶V3ULYDWH )RUHVWV´Journal of Forestry 111 (July): 261±270. 0RRUH5HEHFFD7LIIDQ\:LOOLDPVDQG(GXDUGR5RGULJXH]³9DOXLQJ Ecosystem Services from Private )RUHVWV´,QAAEA 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association. Moore, Rebecca, Tiffany Williams, Eduardo Rodriguez, and Jeffrey Hepinstall-Cymerman. 2011. ³4XDQWLI\LQJ the value of non-WLPEHUHFRV\VWHPVHUYLFHVIURP*HRUJLD VSULYDWHIRUHVWV´ Final report submitted to the Georgia Forestry Foundation. Rodriguez, Eduardo. 2010. ³(VWLPDWLQJWKH9DOXHRI(FRV\VWHP6HUYLFHV3URYLGHGE\WKH5HG+LOOV5HJLRQRI 6RXWKZHVW*HRUJLDDQG1RUWK)ORULGD$*,6$SSURDFK´067KHVLV8QLYHUVLW\RI*HRUJLD 'DYLG+DUULQJWRQ(GXDUGR5RGULJXH]DQG5REHUW:DUQRFN³*HRUJLD0DQLFXULVWV$UH9LHWQDPHVH Displacing African-$PHULFDQV"´Southwestern Social Science Meetings, Albuquerque, NM, March 2007. Rodriguez, Eduardo³7KH(DUQLQJVRI6RXWK$PHULFDQ,PPLJUDQWVLQ86/DERU0DUNHWV´ Sixth Annual Undergraduate Economics Paper Contest, Bowling Green State University, April 2006. First Prize Winner EXPERIENCE UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT ± Burlington, VT Graduate Teaching and Research Assistant (January 2013 ± Present) - Co-instructor for NR141: Introduction to Ecological Economics - Teaching Assistant for NR002: Nature and Culture - Teaching Assistant for NR206: Environmental Problem Solving & Impact Assessment - Research Assistant for Vermont forest ecosystem services project SYNGENTA AG ± Basel, Switzerland Financial Analyst (August 2010 ± Feb 2012) - Global Seeds Controlling Team: partnered with managers in Latin APHULFDWRDQDO\]HDQGFRQWUROWKHUHJLRQ¶V financial performance. - Global Management Reporting Team: responsible for preparing and issuing periodic sales reports and analyses to high-level global and regional company managers. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA ± Athens, GA Graduate Research Assistant (August 2008 ± July 2010) - Assisted with research project that aimed to estimate the economic value of ecosystem services provided by forests in the State of Georgia. - Summarized studies from the economic valuation literature. - Requested, manipulated and interpreted data. :5(1¶61(67+286(086(80± Atlanta, GA Database Administrator/Development Assistant (August 2007 ± April 2008) - Implemented and managed new database storing all fundraising information for the museum. - Recorded all financial transactions. - Assisted with grant proposal and article writing. DRUID HILLS COUNTRY CLUB ± Atlanta, GA Swi m Coach/Private Swim Instructor (Summers 2006, 2007, 2010) - Instructed approximately 200 swimmers ages 3-14 and prepared them for weekly competitions. - Formulated and coached four practices per day and organized weekly meets for over 400 swimmers. - Taught children of varying ages advanced stroke techniques needed for high levels of competition. PLANTAR ± Piracicaba, SP, Brazil Translator (June 2003) - Translated the economic and financial evaluation of the company PLANTAR from Portuguese to English. ADDITIONAL SK I L L S PROFESSIONAL/CULTURAL - Experience in leadership positions requiring effective communication skills (Coaching/Teaching). - Strong professional grounding having spent 18 months with a large multinational company (Syngenta AG). - Broad international background having lived in Brazil, the US, Switzerland and New Zealand and having travelled through various countries. - Languages: Native tongue is Portuguese, with equal fluency in English. Advanced Spanish and Italian. SOFTWARE - Experienced with GIS software: ArcGIS. - Experienced with land-use and forest succession software: Dinamica EGO and LANDIS II. - Experienced with financial software: Hyperion and SAP. - Basic skills statistical software: R, SAS and Minitab. SWIMMING - NCAA All-American. (2007) - Member of the 28-time NCAA DIII Champion Swim Team at Kenyon College. (2003 ± 2007) - Finalist in the Brazilian Swimming National Championships. (2002 ± 2003) - Finalist in the São Paulo State Championships. (1996 ± 2003) .