TOWN OF VICTORIA PARK TOWN PLANNING SCHEME NO. 1 PRECINCT PLANS __________________________________________________ Updated to include AMD 78 GG 20/12/19 __________________________________________________ Prepared by the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage Original Town Planning Scheme Gazettal 30 September 1998 DISCLAIMER . This is a copy of the Local Planning Scheme produced from an electronic version of the Scheme held and maintained by the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage. Whilst all care has been taken to accurately portray the current Scheme provisions, no responsibility shall be taken for any omissions or errors in this documentation. Consultation with the respective Local Government Authority should be made to view a legal version of the Scheme. Please advise the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage of any errors or omissions in this document. Department of Planning, website: Lands and Heritage email:
[email protected] Gordon Stephenson House tel: 08 6551 9000 140 William Street fax: 08 6551 9001 Perth WA 6000 National Relay Service: 13 36 77 infoline: 1800 626 477 Locked Bag 2506 Perth WA 6001 TOWN OF VICTORIA PARK - PRECINCT PLAN TEXT AMENDMENTS AMDT GAZETTAL UPDATED DETAILS NO DATE WHEN BY 5 31/08/01 29/08/01 DH Precinct Plan 10 - amending by inserting the following text as a new paragraph after the first paragraph of the Statement of Intent: "The area of land identified as Special Use zone generally bounded by Welshpool Road, Forward Street, Swansea Street East, Milford Street and Shepperton Road is to be consolidated as a node of commercial uses and serve as part of the southern "Gateway" to the Town of Victoria Park." Precinct Plan 10 - incorporating provisions for "Special use Zone" following the Development Standard provisions for the Office/Residential Zone.