Common Name Reference

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Common Name Reference COMMON NAME REFERENCE We truly believe in the use of botanical names to correctly identify plants within the green industry profession. However, common names are often all the reference you have. Common names can also be interesting and educational, i.e. Lumberjack’s Toilet Paper, Johnny- prick-nose, or Our-lady-in-a-boat. The following lists has been compiled from a variety of sources. It is not meant to be a complete list of all common names. Some names refer to plants not listed in our catalog. Hopefully, it will prove a valuable reference. Common Name Genus and species Abscess Root POLEMONIUM reptans Aconite ACONITUM Adam's Needle YUCCA filamentosa Adder's Tongue ERYTHRONIUM Adria Bellflower CAMPANULA portenschlagiana African Fountain Grass PENNISETUM setaceum rubrum Agueweed EUPATORIUM perfoliatum Alleghany Foamflower TIARELLA cordifolia Alleghany Monkey Flower MIMULUS ringens Alleghany Pachysandra PACHYSANDRA procumbens Allegheny Spurge PACHYSANDRA procumbens Alpine Aster ASTER alpinus Alpine Betony STACHYS monieri Alpine Columbine AQUILEGIA alpina Alpine Gypsophila GYPSOPHILA repens Alpine Lion's Paw LEONTOPODIUM alpinum Alpine Sea Holly ERYNGIUM alpinum Alpine Strawberry FRAGARIA vesca Alumroot HEUCHERA Alyssum AURINIA American Alumroot HEUCHERA americana American Beach Grass AMMOPHILA breviligulata American Bittersweet CELASTRUS scandens American Columbine AQUILEGIA canadensis American Columbine AQUILEGIA canadensis American Cowslip DODECATHEON meadia American Feverfew PARTHENIUM integrifolium American Glyceria GLYCERIA grandis American Great Valerian POLEMONIUM caeruleum American Ipecac GILLENIA American Maidenhair ADIANTUM pedatum American Mandrake PODOPHYLLUM peltatum American Manna Grass GLYCERIA grandis American Pasqueflower ANEMONE patens American Senna SENNA hebecarpa American Tiger Lily LILIUM superbum American Trout Lily ERYTHRONIUM americanum American Wild Fern DENNSTAEDTIA punctilobula Amur River Pinks DIANTHUS amurensis Angel's Hair ARTEMISIA schmidtiana Angular Solomon's-seal POLYGONATUM odoratum Anise Hyssop AGASTACHE foeniculum Common Name Genus and species Appalachian Barren Strawberry WALDSTEINIA fragarioides Archangel LAMIASTRUM Arctic Poppy PAPAVER nudicaule Arend's Hybrid Astilbe ASTILBE Arendsii Group Arkansas Bluestar AMSONIA hubrichtii Arkwright Campion LYCHNIS arkwrightii Armenian Basketflower CENTAUREA macrocephala Armenian Cranesbill GERANIUM psilostemon Aromatic Aster SYMPHYOTRICHUM oblongifolium Aromatic Aster ASTER oblongifolius Asarabacca ASARUM europaeum Asiatic Lily LILIUM Asiatic Hybrid Aspen Fleabane ERIGERON speciosus Aster OLIGONEURON Aster SYMPHYOTRICHUM August Lily HOSTA plantaginea Auricula Primrose PRIMULA pubescens Autumn Fern DRYOPTERIS erythrosora Autumn Goldenrod SOLIDAGO sphacelata Autumn Moor Grass SESLERIA autumnalis Autumn Onion ALLIUM stellatum Autumn Sneezeweed HELENIUM autumnale Autumn Stonecrop SEDUM sieboldii Autumn Stonecrop SEDUM telephium Avens GEUM Awl-leaf Pearlwort SAGINA subulata Azure Aster ASTER azureus Baby Cyclamen CYCLAMEN hederifolium Baby's-breath GYPSOPHILA Bachelor's Button CENTAUREA montana Baldmoney MEUM athamanticum Balkan Blue Grass SESLERIA heufleriana Balkan Clary SALVIA nemorosa Ball-head Onion ALLIUM sphaerocephalon Balloon Flower PLATYCODON Barren Strawberry WALDSTEINIA Barrenwort EPIMEDIUM Basket-of-Gold AURINIA saxatilis Bastard Pellitory ACHILLEA ptarmica Beach Grass AMMOPHILA Bead Fern ONOCLEA Beard Grass ANDROPOGON Beardlip Penstemon PENSTEMON barbatus Beardtongue PENSTEMON Beardtongue PENSTEMON barbatus Bearsfoot Hellebore HELLEBORUS foetidus Bearwort MEUM Bebb's Sedge CAREX bebbii Bee Balm MONARDA Common Name Genus and species Bellflower CAMPANULA Bellwort UVULARIA Bethlehem Lungwort PULMONARIA saccharata Bethlehem-sage PULMONARIA Betony STACHYS Betony Woundwort STACHYS byzantina Bicknell's Sedge CAREX bicknellii Bicolor Barrenwort EPIMEDIUM versicolor Big Bluestem ANDROPOGON gerardii Big Head Knapweed CENTAUREA macrocephala Big-fruit Evening Primrose OENOTHERA macrocarpa Bigleaf Aster ASTER macrophyllus Big-leaf Golden-ray LIGULARIA dentata Bigroot Geranium GERANIUM macrorrhizum Birdfoot Sedge CAREX divulsa Bird's-foot Violet VIOLA pedata Birthroot TRILLIUM Birthwort ARISTOLOCHIA Bishop's Cap MITELLA diphylla Bishop's Hat EPIMEDIUM Bison Grass HIEROCHLOE odorata Biting Stonecrop SEDUM acre Bitterroot LEWISIA Bitterroot LEWISIA cotyledon Bittersweet CELASTRUS scandens Black Bugbane ACTAEA simplex Black Bugbane CIMICIFUGA racemosa Black Cohosh ACTAEA racemosa Black Cohosh CIMICIFUGA racemosa Black Hellebore HELLEBORUS niger Black Hosta HOSTA nigrescens Black Sampson ECHINACEA purpurea Black Snakeroot ASARUM canadensis Black Snakeroot CIMICIFUGA racemosa Black Widow GERANIUM phaeum Blackberry Lily BELAMCANDA Black-eyed Susan RUDBECKIA hirta Blackiehead RUDBECKIA hirta Blady Grass IMPERATA cylindrica Blanketflower GAILLARDIA Blazing-star LIATRIS Bleeding Heart DICENTRA Blood-red Coral Bells HEUCHERA sanguinea Blood-red Cranesbill GERANIUM sanguineum Bloodroot SANGUINARIA Bloodroot SANGUINARIA canadensis Bloodwort SANGUINARIA canadensis Bloody Butcher PULMONARIA officinalis Blue Avena Grass HELICTOTRICHON sempervirens Common Name Genus and species Blue Boneset EUPATORIUM coelestinum Blue Broad-leaf Chives ALLIUM senescens Blue Catmint NEPETA faassenii Blue Cohosh CAULOPHYLLUM thalictroides Blue Corydalis CORYDALIS elata Blue Cupidone CATANANCHE caerulea Blue Dragonhead DRACOCEPHALUM argunense Blue False Indigo BAPTISIA australis Blue Fescue FESTUCA glauca Blue Flax LINUM perenne Blue Giant Hyssop AGASTACHE foeniculum Blue Globe Thistle ECHINOPS bannaticus Blue Grama BOUTELOUA gracilis Blue Jacket TRADESCANTIA ohiensis Blue Licorice AGASTACHE rugosa Blue Mistflower EUPATORIUM coelestinum Blue Moor Grass SESLERIA caerulea Blue Oat Grass HELICTOTRICHON sempervirens Blue Satin Sedge CAREX platyphylla Blue Sedge CAREX flacca Blue Stonecrop SEDUM reflexum Blue Succory CATANANCHE caerulea Blue Vervain VERBENA hastata Blue Woodland Phlox PHLOX divaricata laphamii Blue-and-Pink Ladies PULMONARIA saccharata Bluebell CAMPANULA rotundifolia Bluebell Bellflower CAMPANULA rotundifolia Bluebells MERTENSIA Bluebonnet LUPINUS perennis Blue-eyed Grass SISYRINCHIUM Blue-green Moor Grass SESLERIA heufleriana Blue-green Sedge CAREX flacca Bluejoint CALAMAGROSTIS canadensis Bluejoint Grass CALAMAGROSTIS canadensis Bluejoint Reed Grass CALAMAGROSTIS canadensis Bluestar AMSONIA Bluestem ANDROPOGON Bluestem SCHIZACHYRIUM Bog Onion ARISAEMA triphyllum Boneset EUPATORIUM Border Auricula PRIMULA pubescens Border Grass LIRIOPE spicata Border Phlox PHLOX {Paniculata Group} Boston Ivy PARTHENOCISSUS tricuspidata Bottle Gentian GENTIANA andrewsii Bottlebrush Grass HYSTRIX Bottlebrush Sedge CAREX hystericina Bowman's-root GILLENIA Bowman's-root GILLENIA trifoliata Common Name Genus and species Boys-and-Girls PULMONARIA officinalis Branched Coneflower RUDBECKIA triloba Brass Buttons LEPTINELLA Breadroot OSMUNDA cinnamomea Bride's Feathers ARUNCUS dioicus Brilliant Coneflower RUDBECKIA fulgida Brilliant Coneflower RUDBECKIA fulgida speciosa Bristleleaf Sedge CAREX eburnea Bristly Aster ASTER puniceus Bristly Sedge CAREX comosa Broad Leaved Everlasting Pea LATHYRUS latifolius Broadleaf Sedge CAREX platyphylla Broadleaf Uniola CHASMANTHIUM latifolium Broad-leaved Asarabacca ASARUM canadensis Broad-leaved Aster ASTER cordifolius Brome-like Sedge CAREX bromoides Brome-Sedge CAREX bromoides Broomsedge ANDROPOGON Brown Betty RUDBECKIA hirta Brown Dragon ARISAEMA triphyllum Brown Fox Sedge CAREX vulpinoidea Brown-eyed Susan RUDBECKIA triloba Brown's Honeysuckle LONICERA brownii Buckhorn Brake OSMUNDA regalis Buckler Fern DRYOPTERIS Buffalo Grass HIEROCHLOE odorata Buffalo Rose CALLIRHOE involucrata Bugbane ACTAEA Bugbane CIMICIFUGA Bugleweed AJUGA Bulrush SCIRPUS Bur Sedge CAREX grayi Burnet SANGUISORBA Burning Bush DICTAMNUS Burning Bush EUONYMUS Burning Bush DICTAMNUS albus Burning Love LYCHNIS chalcedonica Bush Clematis CLEMATIS recta Bush Pea BAPTISIA sphaerocarpa Bush's Coneflower ECHINACEA paradoxa Bushy Aster BOLTONIA asteroides Butterbur PETASITES Butterfly Flower ASCLEPIAS syriaca Butterfly Flower ASCLEPIAS tuberosa Butterfly Stonecrop SEDUM spectabile Butterfly Weed ASCLEPIAS tuberosa Button Eryngo ERYNGIUM yuccifolium Button Snakeroot LIATRIS spicata Buttonbush CEPHALANTHUS Common Name Genus and species Calamint CALAMINTHA Calamus ACORUS americanus Calico Aster ASTER lateriflorus Cambridge Barrenwort EPIMEDIUM cantabrigiense Campion LYCHNIS Campion SILENE Canada Anemone ANEMONE canadensis Canada Wild Ginger ASARUM canadensis Canada Wild Rye ELYMUS canadensis Canadian Columbine AQUILEGIA canadensis Canadian Ginger ASARUM canadensis Canadian Lousewort PEDICULARIS canadensis Canadian Rose Verbena VERBENA canadensis Canadian Snakeroot ASARUM canadensis Canby's Mountain-lover PAXISTIMA canbyi Candelabra Primrose PRIMULA japonica Candy Lily PARDANCANDA (X) Candy Lily PARDANCANDA (X) norrisii Candytuft IBERIS Canterbury Bells CAMPANULA medium Cardinal Flower LOBELIA cardinalis Carmichael's Monkshood ACONITUM carmichaelii Carnation DIANTHUS caryophyllus Carnation Grass CAREX flacca Carolina Lupine THERMOPSIS caroliniana Carpathian Bellflower CAMPANULA carpatica Carpathian Harebell CAMPANULA carpatica Carpet Bugleweed AJUGA reptans Carpet Phlox PHLOX {Subulata Group} Carpet Phlox PHLOX subulata Catchfly LYCHNIS Catchfly SILENE Catmint NEPETA Catnip NEPETA Catsfoot ANTENNARIA Caucasian Pincushion Flower SCABIOSA caucasica Caucasian Scabious SCABIOSA caucasica Caucasian
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