ISSN 2414-1143 Научный альманах стран Причерноморья. 2020. Том 24. № 4 DOI 10.23947/2414-1143-2020-24-4-90-95 UDC 39(470) FEATURES OF TRADITIONS AND CUSTOMS OF THE CIRCASSIAN PEOPLE LIVING IN THE BLACK SEA REGIONS Angelika D. Kunupova, Yulia A. Petrova Rostov State University of Economics, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
[email protected] There are peoples whose history reads like an exciting novel - there are so many dizzying twists and turns, vivid episodes and amazing events, unusual and interesting traditions. One of these peoples is the Circassians, the indigenous population mainly of the Northern Black Sea region: Karachay-Cherkessia, Ady- gea, Kabardino-Balkaria, as well as the Southern Black Sea region: Krasnodar and Stavropol regions. The lands where the Circassians lived were some of the best. These places are still incredibly good. They are resort areas. This people has a rather distinctive culture. Despite the tragic pages of history, this nation has fully retained its vividly expressed individuality. Circassian women have always embodied the ideals of beau- ty, and men have been the standard of masculinity. The public life of the Circassians is usually filled with rit- uals. Life is a whole chain of ceremonies for the Circassian people. This article examines the history, linguis- tic habits, peculiarities of traditions, as well as the customs and norms of the Circassians, which are en- shrined in the unwritten code of Adyghe Khabze. Such vital topics of the Circassian people as courtship, marriage, death and burial are reflected in this study. Key words: Circassians, traditions, customs, culture, language, norms.