Mary G. Mazur. Wu Han, Historian: Son of China's Times. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, . Xiii, Pp. Hardcover . ,
Reviews !"# In the Hanson volume, Shanghai Catholics and Bishop Gong are only seen in the larger context of the politics between the Vatican and China. $. John K. Fairbank, ed., "e Missionary Enterprise in China and America (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, &'"(), pp. ($, &$%, &((. !. Personal notes of Franklin Woo’s from the visit of the NCCCUSA delegation to the Catholic Cathedral, Shanghai on November &#, &')&. (. Liam Matthew Brockey, Journey to the East: "e Jesuit Mission to China, #$%&–#%'( (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, $%%"), reviewed in China Review International &#, no. ! ($%%)): !*!-!"%. #. “Fr. Matteo Ricci Established a Bridge between the Church and Chinese Culture,” in Papal Documents Related to the New China, #&)%–#&*(, ed. Elmer Wurth (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, &')#), p. &*!. *. Philip L. Wickeri, Reconstructing Christianity in China; K. H. Ting and the Chinese Church (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, $%%"), p. $&&, reviewed in China Review International &, no. & (&''(): (*-#). Mary G. Mazur. Wu Han, Historian: Son of China’s Times. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, $%%). xiii, #!% pp. Hardcover +&&%.%%, ,-./ '")-%-"!'&-$(#*-". Many a lecture on China’s Cultural Revolution (&'**–&'"*) will start with Wu Han. Indeed, the tale of Beijing’s vice mayor, whose historical play Hai Rui Dismissed from O+ce was interpreted as a veiled criticism of Mao, is central to the story of the Cultural Revolution’s beginnings. 0e campaign against Wu Han (&'%'–&'*') is included in the 1rst pages of MacFarquhar and Schoenhals’s recent survey, and the attacks on Wu Han are among the 1rst selections in Schoenhals’s documentary reader.& Because of the prominence of this incident, many myths have arisen about the historical Wu Han. Mary Mazur’s biography of Wu Han seeks to understand the man behind the myths, recreating his life story in a richly detailed intellectual history.
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