Irdsell Uary to December
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t t - WMM hAjT -- :an , m,n".MiiiiiiMi toiii)itAMiniw.wgl'''Jtf;"' - ? or I3.WQ Is 10- - tittixnffihWgiVBdiragjffwaivurfitjfihi MT. SIGNAL tho State lias , been divi'Icd into ret, where a.atatlon. iimIjuu'tm r '3 ;VEPQN cated. j ?., three divisions, in earh of wliich 1912 Btorm: The middle wett struok by h !! will l)e OESISIN blllzard, which In some place was the premiums awarded. The worst In many years. fy.9Blttl01lllIM FuioaY, Jau. 3, 1913 first division comprises Lewis, Fire: In the business and residence sec- Well ChtiMHlas has come and tion of Houston. Tex.; loss lO.t0O.0CO Rowan, Menifee, Powell, r.still. and 2,000 people homeless. Rono and many little hearts have MBZ Published every Friday by Jackson, Rockcastle, Laurel, 22. Windstorm: The Atlantic coast struck been madf-- ilad Rev, C. K. 0 Record From Jan- by a wind traveling at the rate of over Whitley and all counties lying to Complete 90 miles an hour and often over KM Carmical fuletl his regular appoint' EDGAR S. ALBRIGHT. mites. the euit. Sporting: Kllbane defeated Attell m a ment at Snort C'Oek Saturday a l irdsell uary to December. 20 - round contest for the world's feath- Sunday. The II) Talll of Mr Thk members ol tho various erwclRht championship ut Los Alleles (13 ONK YRAR $I.OO ZJ. Italian War: Tho Italian parliament Mrs John Pltlllui died Da, 19. UBSCKIPTION bovs corn clubs throughout the voted to annex Tripoli. 24. .Mrs. Win Kirb state have shown what can be done HISTORY DAY BY DAY. Political: Roosevelt formally an- is visiting WAGON nounced that he woGld accept the Re- relatives in Noith Carolina. Miss known on when determination is supple- publican nomination It offered him. Advertising rates made IS. Storm: A tornado swept over Texas. habelle Ping cloMJi Her school at mented by energy. They have Kansas, Mississippi and Mlsxourl. application this place Djc 20th. Miss fiiijj shown that the soil is rioh and its Notable Occurrences Throughout causing heavy loss of Ufa and prop- $ erty. is tho charming daughter of Mrs cultivation profitable. Thy have XI. Mexico; Juarez. Mexico, captured by the World. Insurgents against Madero's go em- Mary Ping of Walnut Grove, and generous rivalry. They have set inent. has gained many warm friend s mkmbrr or the pice for the corn-growin- MARCH. KENTUCKY ASSOCIATION while in our viciuity.--.VI- r Geo. PRESS prizes of next year. They ON THE DEATH ROLL L War In Tripoli: Italian war depart- hae NAMES ment announced that the loss from Pitman, of Hansford died Dec. 26 showj that there is money ir tl e IUillan troops in the war with Turkey SCO. Bertha Curmical vi.sitcd soil, money in corn, money in was her tie English Coal Strike: Strike of 1.000000 grandmother BY Tho Turkish-Italia- n and Turkish wages at Alt. Vernon S:t SOLD farm, and health and vigor and British miners In a dispute over Balkan Wars Items of Mlscolla-tieii- A S. Obituary: Annie Yeamans, well known nrday and. Sunday. strong yountr innnlmod ns well.' 7rt liitrrests, Accidents Fires, actress, In New York city: uged 4. Personal: Marconi, pioneer nf wireless Died: Mrs Shrew-berry- . n Wicckb uud Floods Games aud Tilts country i looi.ii'o to fttl made a life member of the Ituces A Chronological Review. Italian senate ngedlBUvui ibis vicinity, December crowded even 7. ex- when it gets two South Pole Search: Amundsen, the 26. Allen Adams uiid fannl -. JANUARY. plorer, announced that he reached the at one- vis-ite- In 1911 the county heird nyreat south pole on Dec. 17. 1911. W-dle- n L Dr. Vat Sen took the Mrs. Oliver at Mt NOE Political: Sun 10. China: Yuan Shlh Kal inaugurated pro- JOE deal about a woman 80 cirsoid oath us provisional president ot China visional president, Vernon Sunday last. Mr and LHTS ALL BKK BOOSTERS Nanking. of China. J was Teaming to read and write at IX Lawrence Strike: End ot the strike of Who 2. Sporting: Kohlemalnen of Finland Mrs. A. Cummins, ut Alt. Vernon, championship of mill operatives at Lawrence. Mass.. the moonlight schools of Rowan won Marathon and 11. 1912. in 2 which began Jan. spent Christinas with their daugh- the world at Edinburgh; time, hours 14. North Main Street was eclipsed Rellly Obituary: Henry Bacon, noted Ameri- county. This record Let the year 1913 be distin- 32 minutes 6CH seconds. Barney 73. Alts, James Stoughton can artist, at Cairo, Egypt: aged ter E Mullins. ut broke the record of the 15. Shipwreck: Ashing 111 1912 dv a itowau county guish!, d by our individual and col 137 American schooner sllilu (ski) at Milwaukee with a foot Patilclan wrecked off Cape Sable; cap- Withers. Master Homer ana is willing-to-do-nes- s. Jump school bov 87 yeirs of age, who lective activities and tain and 9 of the crew drowned. rihirley Carmical spent tho holi- Obituary: Alfred Tennyson Dickens, son Storm: The South Atlantic coast states izZHEZZVl and pleased to line up at it 67. proud Lets make the bannet of the novelist. In New York; aged swept by u hurricane; many deaths: days rabbit hunting. Rev. .J . C. 3. Personal: Cavallerl. the opera star, di- the night school with other year and watch closely and see if Unfile paralyzed. Cloti'-e- , vorced from R, W. Chanler. 16. Shipwreck: 10 by sinking of Livingston, filled his - lives lost the abcdarians of 30, 40 5c Go and it won't be a banner year in our Obltuarv: Hear Admiral Robley D. Hv- of the Oriental liner Oceana after col- regular appointment Mt. ans. U. S. N., retired, in wasmngton: at Pisgah ears. There is no lack ol own lision In the English channel 70 cash box, as well us our aged W. Tho Maine Wieck: The hulk of the bat- Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Mrv 111 i. Obituary: Capt. J. C Jorgcnson, life' tleship Maine was sunk with Imposing pupils, and some instances the neighbors. Lots try I serving out Inventor, in Washington: aged 0. ceremonies off the coast or Cuba Kirbey of this place has sold h:r I night schools have had a larger couniry and see if i. Fire: In tho business section of Co 17. Obituary: Rear Admiral O W. Mel- ....-.- . Af--- 1.. I I. our coui.lry will luiiu iu ixuuciit,U... mill 11; iiiiu will The Prosperity enrollment than the day schools us. lumbia, a. ts.; loss oooui m ville, noted naval veteran ot the civil serve It has been wisely sair Storm: A biizznra ragea intw.tne .missis;. wnr and Inter an arctic explorer, at locate at Anchor. K. Well These schools had their origin in "serve our nation, and local slppl valley from Kansas to tho lakes; Philadelphia; aged 72. of the sta'e 11 persons fiozen to death. Sporting: Arthur Postlc, famous prnfes- - another new year is at hand and Rowan county and have spread to associations and they will rightlj S. Political, New Mexico proclaimed a slonal runner, made a 150 yard dash In ho'w many ot us are willing to do dr less over some state In the Union 141-- 5 seconds und a 200 yard dash In 18 Community greater extent fixou for battle in the business 7. Obituaty: U U. Gottschalk. noted old seconds at Auckland, New (Zealand; better in the future tlun we liavu eight or' ten other, counties in and profession!' world." Some time opera singer, In Chicago; aged 66. both are world's lecords. V. Fire: The Unultable Life Assurance U. Personal: Judge Mahlon Pitney of in the past. Mr. and Mrs. George & largoly reflected in the bank Kentucky and to many counties look upon '13 as very unlucky and building burned In New York; per- New Jerspv Wlis tnstnltt-i- l na ngfinplnl. I 1... A. n:...u . .. is 19 Injured. of supreme i r in Tennessee. moonlight sons killed, Justice the United States The orotoll lots of great calamities 11. Philippine Islands: 2a Moros killed In court witn Mr. win. aowder ol tnis cavalry on army - That is where tho foundations of schools were piitnanly designed shall fall battle with American the .Aerial Warfare: An italfan aero- 4 1 that upon our nation, but Island of Jolo. plane dropped 'bombs Into a Turkish plate. Mrs. Lucinda Barnes, of prosperity are laid for very many peo- who deprived steamer camp In Tripoli, killing lo for those had been I won't accept that, for nothiug is Shipwreck: The Russian Russ Arabs this place, give a Oh rut mis din- ple, and will be laid for many more. Many foundered In thu Bluck sea; 172 live Explosion: A mysterious explosion killed of earlier opportunities. unlucky "only as wo think it." 103t 32 men at San Antonio Tex ner to her six sons and families, No honest, serious minded persons teacuers&jiave volunteered their Luck is deceit 13. Aviation: The French aviator Jules 19. Celebration. The Philadelphia Acade- are denied the privileges of an asso- and not facts, for Vcdrlnes beat the world's speed record my Of Natural Sciences celebrated Its ivhidh numbered forty. one includ- ft centenary ciation with this bank. There are none services in the work. The en cause and effect govern the land. In tllng bSVi miles In 1 hour at Pau. ing her two single children t 14. Fire: Loss ot J300.000 it Birmingham, 20. M'nlng Accidents' 9 miners killed liy whose dealings are lo unimportant to rollment this So we in '18 what do we will find Ala.