Vol. 148, No. 2-3 · Research article Brazil’s Belo Monte Dam: Lessons of an Amazonian resource DIE ERDE struggle Journal of the Geographical Society of Berlin Philip M. Fearnside National Institute for Research in Amazonia (INPA), Av. André Araújo, 2936, Manaus, Amazonas, CEP 69067-375, Brazil,
[email protected] Manuscript submitted: 6 April 2016 / Accepted for publication: 24 March 2017 / Published online: 27 September 2017 Abstract The struggle to stop Brazil’s Belo Monte Dam, whose reservoir was filled in December 2015, has lessons for other resource struggles in Amazonia and beyond. Among the impediments that failed to halt the dam were the resistance efforts of both indigenous and non-indigenous victims of the dam’s impacts, as well as the non- governmental organizations and other actors supporting their cause. The pro-dam side had massive political and financial support from the top levels of the Brazilian government, including vigorous involvement of the country’s president. At the same time, achievements of the anti-dam side, particularly the local grassroots organizations, have provided inspiration for resource struggles elsewhere (although the victories of the resis- tance are significantly less definitive than was thought by many at the time). Zusammenfassung Die Auseinandersetzungen um einen Stopp des Belo Monte Staudamms in Brasilien, dessen Stausee im Dezem- ber 2015 geflutet wurde, beinhalten Lehren für andere Ressourcenkonflikte in Amazonien und darüber hinaus. Zu den Kräften, denen es letztendlich nicht gelungen war, den Staudammbau aufzuhalten, gehörten vor allem- die Widerstandbemühungen der indigenen und nicht-indigenen direkt vom Staudammbau Betroffenen, die von- Nicht-Regierungsorganisationen und anderen Akteuren in ihrer Sache unterstützt worden waren.