Family Day at Great Ground Breaking An Honorable Awards Amercian Ballpark 5 on Campus 8-10 Tribute 11 of Excellence 12

Grand Master Kevin B. Todd and OMH Board Chairman Terry W. Posey, PGM at the Western Reserve Cornerstone Ceremony Brotherly Love

By Kevin Todd, Grand Master My Brethren, you have shown providing the Brethren of your bigger than unparalleled fi nancial support for lodge some focus as it is about each of us. both the Masonic Model Student raising funds to support your It is Assistance Program and for your chosen cause. How many times likewise Ohio Masonic Home Capital have you spent a long day working a great Kevin B. Todd, Campaign. I know that in these over a hot grill, or standing in the opportunity Grand Master diffi cult and uncertain times, it can sun, and truly felt that your hard to expose be hard to make additional fi nancial work has made a positive difference non-masons to the community commitments. But you have shown in someone’s life. It is perfect work support and brotherhood and us all why you are proud of the ring for a Mason. Hard work for a great fellowship side of your lodge. on your fi nger. cause equals a satisfi ed conscience. During these fundraising events Last April 15th marked a new This is the satisfaction that comes you need to invite a prospective beginning for your Ohio Masonic from knowing that at the end lodge candidate to go with you Homes in Waterville and Medina. of the day, by your individual to help raise money for Special The Ohio Masons dedicated contribution, you have made a Olympics, your scholarship cornerstones at both campuses for profound difference. It does not get fund, your community relief the new Memory Care Units to be any better than that! Those are great efforts, or whatever noble cause constructed on those campuses. Masters Wages! you support. There was a packed house at both This is also an important time to Your son, your neighbor, your ceremonies and perfect weather for show your support for your lodge co-worker, or your relative will this great day in Ohio Masonry. It and the offi cers. When we work as a get the chance to participate was truly a unique opportunity for team, we can more easily accomplish in a worthwhile effort and Ohio Masons to show how much our goals. You have elected a group get involved in the fun and we care for our Brethren, and you of your brothers to lead your lodge fellowship of your event. When should feel really good about the into a bright new future. Please that prospective candidate fi nds successful efforts. I am so proud of join in and support them with your out what great people they are all of you. volunteer time and efforts. You may surrounded by, they will ask you Summer is coming on and many not be able to attend your lodge about your lodge and the world of our lodges participate in or head meetings on a regular basis, but you of Freemasonry. So be prepared up fundraising projects during can show up to support the lodge to answer their questions and the summer months. A successful picnic, the ham dinner, or Labor have a blank membership fundraiser is just as much about Day parade. Be a part of something petition handy. Past Grand Master Daniel F. Iceman Passes Past Grand Master Daniel F. Iceman Junior Grand Warden in October passed away on March 28, 2012 at 1975, Senior Grand Warden in the age of seventy nine. He was a 1976 and Deputy Grand Master Past Master of Ebenezer Lodge #33 in 1977. On October 21, 1978 he in Wooster, Ohio and a Past District was elected and installed as Grand Deputy Grand Master of the 20th Master of Masons in Ohio. Masonic District. He was well known in Northern In May 1972 he was appointed to Ohio and the mentor of many that the offi ce of Junior Grand Deacon by he met. He believed whole-heartedly then Grand Master Fay L. Gullion. He that every Mason should live by was subsequently appointed Senior the Masonic Code as it was written Grand Deacon in October 1972, and raised his family by the same Grand Marshal in 1973 and Grand principles. He lived as he died, a Orator in 1974. He was elected man of great dignity.

2 SPRING 2012 You This One Is for

By Tom Stofac, Chief Executive Offi cer of the Ohio Masonic Home

Warmer weather, green grass, and as a Brother, for being so the smell of a new day in the air; dedicated to the well being of the Please Join Us I just love spring. I tend to get Ohio Masonic Home. at Home Day refl ective at this time of year as Another group of individuals I am surrounded by the coming I would like to thank especially Sunday, beauty of summer and the are those who over the past year freshness of the end of winter. have dedicated their efforts to our June 10, 2012 One of the things I would like to capital campaigns at Browning share from my refl ections is my Masonic Community and West- 10 AM - 4 PM gratitude for each and every one ern Reserve Masonic Community. of you. Many of you also serve on the Springfi eld Without you we do not have boards I just mentioned. I know Masonic a reason to continue here at the this additional commitment of Ohio Masonic Home. Thank you time has been diffi cult and your Community for all of your kind gifts of time, dedication to the projects and talent and treasure that you pro- our success is so appreciated. vide so generously. All of us that We still have work to do, lead, work and live or receive and many of these committees services here are so grateful for continue to meet and will your continuing support. continue to do so in the future. One group of individuals I I need to recognize that these would like to recognize with committees have been comprised a special word of thanks is all of many individuals from the of our board members. We community that are not Masons have a total of 42 individuals at all, but through this process who serve on our subsidiary have learned what a Mason boards, Foundation board and really is (a man with a pure heart Parent board. These people willing to serve his brothers and work tirelessly the community) and what for you and us to Masons really do (give The Beacon is published quarterly. make sure that of themselves and their Please report all changes of address to your lodge secretary, who, in turn, will notify the the organization treasure to make a better Grand Secretary, who maintains the database continues to thrive world for their brothers that produces the BEACON mailing labels. and meets the and the community). For Chad Simpson Director of Program Development needs of those their efforts I want to The Grand Lodge F.&A.M. of Ohio we serve. Many make sure I thank them P.O. Box 629 of these people and recommit ourselves Worthington, OH 43085-0629 614-885-5318 willingly take time in our dedication to [email protected] off work through their communities. Kristen Hirschfeld Thomas J. Stofac, CEO personal vacation So to all of you that Communications Manager The Ohio Masonic Home days, and others make time volunteer at our campuses, as 2655 W. National Road in busy schedules to come to board members and through Springfi eld, OH 45504-3698 937-525-3025 meetings and to represent all of other activities, thank you from [email protected] you and us very well. To each of the bottom of my heart. I am so you who serve on these boards grateful and honored to be called Correction: In the last issue of let me personally thank you as your Brother. the Beacon “Coming Full Circle” we the CEO of this organization misspelled Jim Zeigler’s name. Please accept our sincere apologies Jim.

SPRING 2012 3 A Lifetime on theDiamond

In 1949, the American Legion Gaston Allen Lodge #664 in 1975, League team in Mansfi eld, Ohio, where he went on to become the acquired a new catcher, Dwight Master of the lodge and serve in “Dewey” McVicker. Most kids on all the York Rite Bodies. He also the team played for a few years was voted to Knight of the York before moving on to other sports or Cross of Honor. activities. Dwight, on the other hand, When he turned 58, Dwight never stopped. He played baseball at fi nally made the transition to Se- Mansfi eld Senior High School and at nior Softball as a utility infi elder. The Ohio State University. “Right now, between the four teams I am playing on, I play fi rst, second and third base,” Dwight said. Dwight’s time and skills on the diamond earned him induction into both the Greater Wall of Fame (2005) and the National Senior Softball Hall of Fame (2007). At 76, he’s still playing on teams in his winter home in The Villages, FL, Dwight McVicker as well as his summer home in North Olmsted, OH. He does, however, spend time at When asked about his connec- the Medina Masonic Community tion to the Springfi eld Masonic where he is a charter member of the Community, Dwight laughed. Western Reserve Hi-Twelve Club. “The only time I was there When you talk with Dwight and was when my team was playing hear about his busy life of sports in a tournament in Springfi eld. and other activities, it is obvious We needed a place to practice, so that it’s going to be awhile before we just got out the balls and bats “Dewey” is ready to just sit the “From college, I got a job in and practiced in the front yard.” Lakewood, Ohio where I pretty bench and watch life go by. quickly found the Lakewood Jaycees. Among their many Shrine/Mason Family Day at activities was a softball team, and I played all the infi eld positions with Great American Ballpark them,” Dwight recalled. My Brethren, After the Jaycees, Dwight played in what’s called Open Class We should not need an excuse to spend quality time with our family…but it Softball for many years, which doesn’t hurt to have a good excuse to do it at a Cincinnati Reds baseball game! means open to adults of all ages. Come and join me at the Great American Ballpark for a fun day of baseball, At age 50 he was eligible to play Senior Softball, but he preferred to peanuts, and hotdogs. I am looking forward to seeing if I still have my curveball stay with the Open Class League, and seeing you, your family, and your friends at the ballgame on August 19th. where most of the teammates were in their 20s and 30s. Bring your glove, and I’ll see you there! It will be a great day for Freemasonry! It was during that time that Fraternally, Dwight became active in the Kevin Todd, Grand Master of Ohio Fraternity. He joined the Clifton- 4 SPRING 2012 SPRING 2012 5 AtHome Serving

Both Leonard Strayer and his widows with services which allow wife, Dorothy, get around just fi ne them to live independently. on their own most of the time. “We had a brochure about it,” Depending on where they are Leonard said. “I gave Liz a call, going, one or the other will drive asked if she could arrange a ride for Jim and Leonard agree that they from their residence in Perrysburg, me, and she took care of it! She was had an enjoyable trip together. Ohio. But for a recent trip to the VA very helpful.” “It was just two guys talking clinic to treat a problem with his Many of the I-CARE services to one another,” Jim recalled. “I eyes, Leonard didn’t think it was a are provided by volunteers. In this knew we were going to the VA good idea to drive himself. case, the volunteer who received clinic, so I knew he was in the “Who wants to have a 92-year- the call was Jim Brown. He was one service. I told him I was in the old man with bad eyes thundering of the original I-CARE volunteers Navy, and he said he was in the down the road toward you at 40 since the organization began at the Navy. Come to fi nd out that we miles per hour?” Leonard joked. He Browning Campus. were both machinists who worked thought the 24-mile trip to Toledo “I learned about I-CARE through in the engine rooms keeping the was also more than he should ask our local lodge, Rubicon #237,” ships moving.” Dorothy, age 89, to make. Brown recalled. “When I heard that “Of course we were in different He recalled that Liz Witter, they needed volunteers, I joined. I wars,” Leonard recalled. “I served I-CARE Service Coordinator, had fi gured it was a good idea to help through all of WW II, and Jim talked with him about the services others because, was in Korea. But we both had the available through Masonic Senior sooner or later, I same jobs.” Services I-CARE, might need help Leonard is happy that he and an organization myself. People Dorothy are able to stay mobile that supports need to pitch in and independent. But he’s also the brethren and and help.” pleased to have I-CARE and their wives or volunteers like Jim Brown when he wants a bit of help. For more information on the I-CARE program or how your Lodge can form a committee, check out the I-CARE “I fi gured it was a good idea to website at www.mssohio.org, help others because, sooner or contact the Service Coordinator in later, I might need help myself.” your area or call 888-286-0010. Two Navy veterans, Jim Brown, on left, and Leonard Strayer.

Life Compass – Your Trusted Resource Happy Birthday! to the 10,000 1946 and 1964) will celebrate their Americans who will celebrate their 65th birthday. 65th birthday today. And to the Due in large part to our advanced 10,000 who celebrated their 65th healthcare systems, Americans are birthday yesterday and to those who living longer and more productive will celebrate tomorrow. Yes that’s lives. With this transformation, people right, everyday for the next 17 years will be looking for ways to age where 10,000 Americans defi ned as baby they want and how they want. boomers (those born between In response to this the Ohio Masonic Home introduced the Life Compass 6 SPRING 2012 ResidentsVolunteer Knowledge

Traditionally the residents of the Ohio Masonic Home and its affi liates have volunteered on and around the campuses. The same holds true today. All three communities have several volunteers which continue to provide service to fellow residents and the surrounding cities. On the Springfi eld Masonic Community campus ten residents volunteer at Rockway Elementary Springfi eld Masonic Community residents school every Thursday. The volunteering at Rockway Elementary School. residents help tutor classes from of interaction invigorating, and preschool to eighth grade. During love helping the children to learn. the hour the volunteers spend with It gives the volunteers purpose, At Western Reserve Masonic the students, they teach them how and the feeling that they are still Community a group of to read, play math games with them contributing to society even though residents make the trip out to and observe science projects. they are retired. Goddard preschool to read At the holidays, the children’s Once again for Easter one of to, play and interact with the choir comes on campus to sing for the residents dresses up as the children; imparting knowledge the residents who in turn dress Easter bunny and they visit the and wisdom to the young. At up as Santa and his elves for the Rockway children. As a thank Browning Masonic Community students. The volunteers receive an you, the resident volunteers are one of the residents volunteers invitation to attend the Rockway photographed to be included in the as a greeter at the local hospital. Christmas program and get the school yearbook. Next year a new Another one acts as hostess in chance to see the students on stage. group will start as preschoolers and the evenings and on weekends For the students, this opportunity the eighth graders will move on to on campus, assisting visitors and provides stability and one-on- high school. But one thing is certain; anyone else who happens along. one assistance the teachers do not through volunteering their time and Just a few examples of the ways always have the time to give. The talent these residents have enriched our residents continue serving residents, some of whom are retired the lives of the boys and girls of those around them. school teachers, fi nd this hour Rockway Elementary school. program. Life Compass is a and Simply Home, an in-home wander, utilizing the national 911 compilation of products and services monitoring system that uses wireless emergency call center. that benefi t those requiring in-home technologies for independent living. If you are interested in learning or retirement community living We would like to introduce our more about these leading edge assistance and support. newest relationship with a company assistive technology products in In our last edition of the Beacon called EmFinders. EmFinders helps addition to our professional and we mentioned several of these locate adults and children who service based support, check out new products: Skilled Care Direct our newest program Life Compass Pharmacy, a medication adherence by calling toll-free 877-881-1623 packaging system; Care Plus, a or visiting our website at Personal Emergency Response System www.agerespectfully.org. and a Medication Monitoring System;

SPRING 2012 7 Dedication Cornerstone Events for Memor

On Sunday, April 15, 2012 the units they will be constructing. In a bequest of $600,000.00 be placed campuses of Browning Masonic response to a growing need, these in a trust for 50 years to act as seed Community and Western Reserve facilities will provide quality care money. He said, “It is one of the Masonic Community held in a safe environment for those chief purposes of my will, that I cornerstone dedication ceremonies, affected by this horrible disease. may become an instrument, under presided over by the Grand Lodge, Over the next few pages you will God’s directing care, in providing for the Alzheimer’s/dementia get a chance to hear the story of for the erection and maintenance of Jean Lee who lost her a home for aged people, where they parents to Alzheimer’s, may be properly cared for and with read the reasons why and all modern comforts.” ways you can contribute In 1981 this vision was realized. to this project and receive For more than 30 years Browning a special message from Masonic Community has the new Corporate continued to grow. Unfortunately Director of Fund a piece was missing from this Development of the puzzle, the ability to provide care Ohio Masonic Home. to those affected by Alzheimer’s and dementia. In merging Otis Avery Browning together with the Ohio Masonic was a very successful Home Mr. Browning’s vision of Toledo area business becoming a trusted resource to age man with a vision and a respectfully continues. desire to help others. He On this Sunday, April 15, 2012, Robert Rill speaking at stipulated in his will that Browning Masonic Community the Browning Masonic overcame the hurdle to care for Community Cornerstone Alzheimer’s and dementia patients Dedication Ceremony. through charitable donations. No longer will there be a failure to help a Brother, sisters, or neighbors because of an inability to provide care to those affected by this awful

8 SPRING 2012 ry Care Centers in Medina and Waterville

disease. Through hard work, My parents, Howard and dedication, donations and vision, Nettie West, were simultaneously O.A. Browning’s purpose and diagnosed with Early Stage Browning Masonic Community’s Alzheimer’s Disease in 2006. My mission have become a single Dad, a 65-year Mason, would only reality. Grand Master RWB Kevin agree to leave his life-long home to B. Todd’s theme is the Future of move, with my mother, to Western Freemasonry is Up to You. Each Reserve Masonic Community. Mason makes the difference My parents adjusted well, and through his strengths and actions. continually thanked me for moving If changes for the betterment of them to such a wonderful place. all are to be expected, each Mason They’d bubble, “We’re on our Jean Lee giving her speech at the Western Reserve Masonic will need to take the responsibility second honeymoon!” Community Cornerstone for seeing that it happens. After living at WRMC for two Dedication Ceremony. When putting Browning years, I was told Mom and Dad’s Masonic Community in his will, confusion had increased to the Brother Browning said, “God will point they’d have to leave. My ever reward the true and faithful, parents and I were heartbroken. and that same love and care Both Mom and Dad died extended for others may recently of end-stage Alzheimer’s sometime come to you.” disease. Three months prior to his Thank you. ~ Robert Rill death, brother Masons presented Dad with his seventy-year pin. I spoke about these events on April 15, 2012, at the cornerstone laying and groundbreaking for the new memory care unit… Connecting Realities… at Western Reserve Masonic Community, in Medina, Ohio. During my speech, a yellow butterfl y fl uttered near my hands, lingering on my pages. I believe my parents’ spirits hovered in that butterfl y as I spoke to Dad’s beloved Masons. I used the Mason’s trowel to lay cement on the new cornerstone, knowing Dad would be thankful that another resident, or another Mason, wouldn’t be told they had to leave WRMC because of Alzheimer’s or dementia. Your fi nancial support of this project will make the Mason’s goal of care for all, for the duration of their lives, a reality. With gratitude to the Masons, Jean L. Lee

SPRING 2012 9 Campaigns Capital are 72% of the way toward goal….Thank you!

Dear Brethren, humbled I would like to take this time to I am to thank you all who have participated be able to in our Capital Campaigns to date. call you my You all have given so much of your Brother. My time talent and treasure. One of the good friend most impressive aspects of being a and brother Mason and being CEO of your Ohio Michael Masonic Home is the dedication Puskarich, and generosity of each and every former Board one of you. Masonry truly does Chair, I know is make a difference in the hearts and smiling on each minds of society. and every one of The campaigns have really taken us as he was so off over the past several months. We committed to making are now at 72% of our overall goal this dream a reality. and need to raise about 2 million I know that he would dollars more to be able to complete be overjoyed that we this campaign and open our build- have come this far and ings debt free. Obviously we could committed to seeing this to not have gotten this far without your its end. I also know that he generous and kind gifts. would want to say in his own Construction should begin in way with his bright smiling face; earnest over the next month and “Thank you my Brothers.” we are looking forward to keeping Although we are far from done you informed of our progress. We with the campaign I felt compelled one of the folks below. As we open will be posting updates on our web to thank you for your gifts so far, our public phase of this campaign site and other means so please stay and please join me in telling the let’s be active in inviting our friends connected as we begin to put this community as a whole to join in on and neighbors to make a difference vision to action. what are going to be major projects with us in providing a comfortable I want to personally again tell in these communities. If you have building for victims of this disease you what an absolute honor it is questions or would like to make a and their families. to serve as your CEO and how gift to the campaigns, please contact Fraternally, Tom Stofac To make a gift to the Memory Care Centers’ Capital Campaigns, please contact:

Mark Harris Cathy Wigton NW Ohio Regional Fund Developer Corporate Director, Fund Development Browning Masonic Community The Ohio Masonic Home 8883 Browning Dr. 2655 W. National Rd. Waterville, OH 43566 Springfi eld, Oh 45504 [email protected] [email protected] (419) 878-1814 (937) 525-3002 Jerry Guess Cathy Toth Corporate Director, Masonic Relations NE Ohio Regional Fund Developer The Ohio Masonic Home Western Reserve Masonic Community 2655 W. National Rd. 4431 Nettleton Rd. Medina, OH 44256 Springfi eld, Oh 45504 [email protected] [email protected] (330) 721-3261 (937) 525-4953 10 SPRING 2012 Junior Grand DeaconPasses Michael T. Puskarich

I believe there are rare opportunities in our life when we meet and get to know someone truly special. Do not get me wrong we are all special in our own way, but I am talking about a person that is simply one of a kind, above the rest extraordinary. You know the person you meet to whom you are automatically drawn and their compassion, caring and genuine interest in your life lingers well after you leave their presence. Above all else they have that rare “it” factor. You can only see it and feel it. You can’t put words to it because that would minimize the feeling. You can see and feel the “it” they have by the look in their eyes and their bright smile that simply says “I Love You”, “I am here for you no matter what.” These are people we treasure when we have them enter our lives. This was Michael Puskarich. Although there is plenty of sadness in his passing, I can only say that this tribute does not dwell on it. This tribute is to his life and as we continue to live on this earth, his living among us. I have been so blessed in my life to have had one year to Junior Grand Deacon Michael work with Michael T. Puskarich passed away as our board chair, to unexpectedly on March 17, know him as a fellow 2012 of complications from a Brother Mason and pulmonary embolism. He was more importantly fi fty one years old. He was an somehow to become active member of his community, close friends. We a hard working businessman, both were blessed to dedicated father and a committed have a special bond volunteer. He is survived by his which allowed us to wife Judy, his daughter Jenna and complete each other’s his son Michael. sentences, think about He was a Past Master of Harrison similar things without Lodge #219 and a Past District even talking and to Deputy Grand Master of the genuinely care for one 23rd Masonic District. He was appointed Junior Grand Deacon another. For this I am of the Grand Lodge by Grand so very grateful. Our Master Kevin B. Todd in October shared love for the Ohio of 2011. Additionally, he was the Masonic Home and our Chairman of the Board of the shared vision was and Ohio Masonic Home at the time is a commitment which of his death. He also served as will live on each and every day. the Harrison Community Hospital Michael and I used to share that the most important thing in Board Chairman; Director of the relationships is to be truthful with each other and everyone with National Mining Association; and whom we work. So in that spirit let me say I continue our pledge to be Director and Chair of the Ohio good fi scal stewards of your resources, and to covet and nurture the Coal Association. relationship with each and every one of you my brethren. I end this His love for life; his love for family; tribute with a memory. My daughter once asked me; “Why do people his love for the fraternity; his big, have to die?” My answer came out simply; “So their legacy can begin.” warm smile; his soft spoken voice… Let the legacy of this special Brother of ours begin. gone, but not forgotten. ~ Tom Stofac

SPRING 2012 11 Awards National Mark Twain for Excellence

North Bend Lodge #346, Oxford Lodge #67 Receive National Mark Twain Awards For Excellence, Silver Spring, MD

The Masonic Information Center an open house, and giving bicycles “There are some 10,000 Lodges (MIC) has awarded North Bend away as prizes at a Christmas across North America, and North Lodge #346 and Oxford Lodge open house, exemplify what the Bend and Oxford Lodges should #67, two of just 18 national Mark Lodge has done. High levels of be very proud of being selected Twain Awards for demonstrating Lodge member participation were part of the elite group of Mark excellence in 2011 Masonic involved in nearly all programs. Twain Award winners this year,” activities. said George Braatz, Executive The award recognizes Secretary of MSANA. Lodges’ planning, execution, “The Twain Award encour- and communication in ages Lodges to make Freema- activities that both invigorate sonry relevant to the diverse Freemasonry’s identity backgrounds and ages of its throughout the community members and its communities,” and enrich the quality of he added. “We feel public inter- educational and fraternal est in the Masonic Fraternity experiences within the lodge. is on the rise, and Lodges like During the past six years, North Bend and Oxford are the MIC, the information making signifi cant contribu- arm of the Masonic Service tions to the growing interest in Association of North America Masonry that we see through- (MSANA), has presented the out North America.” Mark Twain Award distinction Most historians believe to more than 100 lodges that Freemasonry arose from across the continent. MASNA stonemasons’ guilds in the is head-quartered in Silver Middle Ages and began to Spring, MD. fl ourish in the 1700s in Europe, North Bend Lodge is the American Colonies, located in the center of and Canada. Today, North Cleves, a small village on the America’s Masonic Fraternity outskirts of Cincinnati. Oxford The major thrust of Oxford Lodge provides fellowship for more than Lodge is situated near the Miami for its award recognition was the 1.4 million members. Go to www. (of Ohio) University campus public recognition of three Miami msana.com for more information in Oxford, Butler County. University students who intervened about Freemasonry and the Mark According to R. Dale Westerman, when they saw a man assaulting a Twain Award. Master of the Lodge during the police offi cer, according to Donald For more information, contact: award period, the Lodge uses its B. Reece, a Past Master, who headed George O. Braatz, Executive Secretary building location as the nucleus of the award entry procedure. A Masonic Service Association of numerous community activities. dinner, media coverage, and above North America, 8120 Fenton Street, Such activities as feeding the all, recognition for some young men Suite 203, Silver Spring, MD 20910 hungry during the Christmas “who made the instant decision to Tel: 301-588-4010 Fax: 301-608-3457 season, an appreciation banquet do the right thing, with possible Email: [email protected] for “fi rst responders,” Halloween personal risks to themselves,” treats for some 400 children during encompassed the program, he said.

12 SPRING 2012 100th AnniversaryTitanic of the Sinking of the

The White Star liner, RMS , sank on April 15, 1912 three hours after colliding with an iceberg. This maritime disaster has continued to capture the imagination of people around the world over the last 100 years. Eight hundred thirty two passengers and six hundred and eighty fi ve members of the crew perished. Aboard the Titanic on that fateful day were people from all walks of life, including the following list of Freemasons. (The list was supplied by Brother Norman Lincoln.) This dues card belonged to Brother Woody and was Passengers: 7. Henry Price Hodges, musical recovered with his remains. instruments salesman, 1. Major Archibald Willingham Caulsentum Lodge #1461, Butt, reporter, secretary to UGLE US Ambassador to Mexico, 13. Harold Godfrey Lowe, Fifth member of Temple Noyes 8. Thomas William Solomon Offi cer, joined the Lodge in Lodge #32, DC Brown, owner of the Masonic the 1920s (survived & died Hotel in from Worcester, May 12, 1944) 2. Francis Davis Millet, war South Africa correspondent in Europe 14. John T. Hardy, Chief Second & Philippines, illustrator, 9. William John Robert Turpin, Class Steward, Tecumseh London Graphic artist, Kane carpenter, St. George Lodge Lodge #467, NY (survived & Lodge #454, NY #2025, UGLE died Oct. 8, 1953)

3. Henry Birkhard Harris, 10. William Thomas Stead, editor, 15. Pierre Giuseppe Bochet, theater manager, Boston & author, scholar, controversial caterer and waiter, Loggia NY agent for Lily Langtry creator of tabloid journalism, Italia #2687, UGLE Lodge unknown & May Irwin, Munn Lodge 16. Robert Arthur Wareham, First #190, NY 11. Elmer Zebley Taylor, inventor Class Steward, Toxteth Lodge 4. Howard Brown Case, of the paper cup, lived in East #1356, UGLE Orange NJ, (survived & died manager for Standard Oil Co. 17. Arthur Lawrence, Steward, May 22, 1949) his obituary in London, America Lodge Neptune Lodge #1264, UGLE #3368, United Grand Lodge mentions that he was a Mason of England though his Lodge is unknown 18. Percy Cornelius Taylor, cellist & pianist for the eight member 5. William Anderson Walker, Crew: band, Past Master of Musgrave Worshipful Master of Hope Lodge #1597, UGLE Lodge #124, NJ 12. Herbert John Pitman, Third Offi cer, Abbey Lodge #3341, 19. Oscar Scott Woody, mail 6. Alexander Holverson, England (survived & died clerk, Acacia Lodge #16, VA manager of Cluett Peabody Dec. 7, 1961 after sixty years (his Lodge dues card was & Co, Transportation Lodge at sea) recovered from his remains) #842, NY

SPRING 2012 13 Lodges News from the

Brother Froehlich volunteers as Presiding Judge at Mock Trial Brother Mark S. Froehlich recently presided at a mock trial involving high school students, who are a part of the HI-Y Youth in Government Program at the Ohio Statehouse. The HI-Y is sponsored by the Ohio/West Virginia YMCA. Brother Froehlich is a retired judge of the Franklin County Municipal Court. He regularly volunteers to preside at mock trials and to advise students about careers in the legal profession. Judge Mark Froehlich with the Students participating in the Mock Trial at the He is a member of New England Ohio Statehouse. Lodge #4 and active in numerous Masonic organizations.

Peerless Lodge serves Breakfast to Football Team The Brethren of Peerless Lodge in Crooksville volunteered to provide free breakfasts to the members of the Crooksville High School football team. Each Saturday morning during the football season, the young men of the Crooksville Ceramics would gather at the Lodge hall and enjoy pancakes, sausages, toast and juice.

Three Generations of Masons in Galion Lodge #414 Richard Crossman, Sr. recently had the privilege of raising his grandson Nickolaus to the sublime Degree of Master Mason. He raised his father in 1965 and his son in 1973. From left: Richard Crossman, Jr. (son), Nickolaus Crossman (grandson), Eric Young – Master of Galion Lodge, Richard Crossman, Sr. (father and grandfather).

14 SPRING 2012 New Phone Messaging Service available to Lodges

Grand Master Kevin B. Todd has with them messages recorded by long believed that communication the Worshipful Master or other is one of the essential keys to a selected Brothers. strong and prosperous Masonic “We’ve seen a marked uptick fraternity. In keeping with that in attendance since we started belief, the Grand Lodge of Ohio announcing activities to our is recommending that Lodges members with the calling service,” use automatic phone messaging explained Worshipful Master Ken services as an additional way of Harrington of York Lodge #563. keeping members informed. 20% discount on their messaging “In the old days, our Lodge used There are a number of services. For more information and the ‘calling tree’ method and tried companies that provide automatic to sign up visit www.dialmycalls.com. to call everyone personally, but phone messaging services that Remember to use the promo code that really isn’t feasible anymore. lodges can use to announce Masons when signing up to make Now, we record one message funerals, special meetings, degree sure you receive the discount. and the service automatically calls work or any other lodge activity. An automatic phone messaging whatever member phone numbers Dialmycalls.com has agreed to service provides an easy and effi cient we select.” give Ohio Masonic Lodges a way to contact members and share

Four Generations of Eastern Star Members Washington Chapter #195 of the Order of the Eastern Star has the distinction of having four generations of one family as current members. Center seated is Dorothy Glisson (mother). From left: Donna Lee (granddaughter), Barbara Bowen (daughter), and Katelyn Lee (great granddaughter).

The Thrill of a Lifetime Have you ever imagined what it was like for a Brother to receive one of his degrees as a candidate at a Lodge’s annual inspection? It has to be a very memorable experience. Brother Jeffrey D. Sexton had that experience not once but three times as he received each of his three degrees as the inspection candidate for three different Lodges. He received the Entered Apprentice Degree at the inspection of Union Lodge #71 in January. He was passed to From left: Barry Kirschner – Master of Union the Degree of Fellow Craft at the inspection of Batavia Lodge Lodge #71 and DEO of the 6th District, John #104 in February. To complete this experience, he was raised Cooper – Master of Batavia Lodge #104, Brother to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason at the inspection of Jeffrey Sexton, Darvin Rudd – Master of Buckeye Buckeye Lodge #150 in March. Lodge #150 and PDDGM of 6th District. An interesting side note is that Brother Sexton announced

his intention to petition a Lodge at his parent’s fi ftieth wedding anniversary, knowing it had long been his father’s secret desire for him to become a Master Mason.

SPRING 2012 15 BEACON 2655 W. National Road Springfi eld, Ohio 45504-3698 www.ohiomasonichome.org www.freemason.com

Dates Save-the-

Deputy Grand Master to Rollout 2013 Programs Deputy Grand Master James F. Easterling, Jr. will offer sessions around the state to rollout the Grand Lodge programs for Home Day at Springfi eld the 2013 Masonic year. These sessions will provide Lodge offi cers and members Masonic Community information they need to plan for the next Masonic year in coordination with the June 10, 2012 Grand Lodge programs. Attire for these meetings is business casual. June 16, 9 AM, Aurora Lodge #48 Browning Masonic June 23, 9 AM, Guernsey Lodge #66 July 11, 7 PM, Canton Temple Community Car Show July 19, 7 PM, Cortland Lodge #529 July 28, 2012 July 23, 7 PM, Quarry Lodge # 382 July 25, 7 PM, Mansfi eld Temple Pray Park July 28, 6 PM, Jeffersonville Lodge #468 Aug. 10, 7 PM, Bellvue Lodge #273 Jim Perry Celebrity Aug. 11, 5 PM, Hiram Lodge #18 Aug. 18, 9 AM, Paramuthia Lodge #25 Golf Classic Aug. 31, 7 PM, Temperance Lodge #73 September 10, 2012 Sept. 7, 7 PM, Browning Masonic Home Sept. 8, 5 PM, Amelia Lodge #590 Windy Knoll Golf Club