ACCW NOW SEEKINGlAddition Planned for St. Janies’ Convent Campaign for $40,000 Will Open in April 23 SUSTAINING MEMBERS A campaign to raise |40,000 for an addition to the pairs. The men will visit every Catholic home in the par­ kept Father Powers hard pressed to supply classroom space Bishop Joseph C. Willging of Pueblo will be the guest speaker at the luncheon meet­ sis.ters’ convent in St. James’ parish, Denver, will open ish. 'The Men’s club of the parish, which numbers 120 and teachers. ing Monday, May 7, of the 25th anniversary convention of the Archdiocesan Council of Monday, April 23, according to the Rev. William V. active members, will form the nucleus of the campaign The beautiful garden-level’ church provided in the Catholic Women. The luncheon will be held in the Lincoln room of the Shirley-Savoy ho­ Powers, pastor. A capacity enrollment of more than 500 organization, and is providing leadership imder Father school building* provides accommodations for many more tel, Denver, at 12:X5 o’clock. in the parish school has created a need for more teachers, Powers. worshipers than the old church. ’The church building, long As part of the silver jubilee celebration the council is conducting a campaign for "rhe convent annex will provide accommodations for 11 Final instructions for the drive were given to the inadequate for the parish, was remodeled into a parish more sisters, besides a chapel, refectory, and community workers at the Men’s club meeting April 8. hall, named'the "Walsh Memorial” in memory of the pio­ sustaining members, individual Pueblo; Mrs. J. Fred McCourt, Catholic women who contribute Banquet — ACCN, Mrs. Jo­ room. "nie. present school staff is made up of Sisters of St. James’ school, which wa? dedicated Jan. 6, 1949, neer pastor of the parish, the Rev. James Walsh, who died Greeley; and Mrs. John F. Mur- sephine Hayes, chairman; $5 a year to the council. A parch­ taugh, Denver; St. Joseph of Qrondelet and two lay persons. opened for the fall term in the preceding September to in 1937. ment scroll carrying "the names of History—Mrs. Paul Fitzgerald, Luncheon—PTA league, Mrs. Mrs. M. J. O’Fallon, and Mrs. The fund drive, which will continue for one w'eek, about 30(| children. 'The phenomenal growth of the par­ The architect who is drawing up tentative plans for all sustaining members will be pre­ James Foley, chairman; will be conducted by 200 men of the parish working in ish, and the resultant increase in school enrollment, has* the convent addition is John K. Monroe. sented to Archbishop Urban J. Thomas Garrison. Vehr at the anniversary banquet closing the convention. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation Mrs. M. J. O’Fallon, the first Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1951—Permission to Reproduce, Except on president of the council, will make Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue. the presentation of the scroll. Archbishop Vehr has announced Mount Carmel High School that he will say one Mass every month for all sustaining members. Silver membership cards will be presented to all members. All . > * » members of affiliated organiza­ tions and all Catholic women of DENVER CATHOtfC the archdiocese are urged by Mrs. J. Leonard Swigert, president, to enroll themselves and members of their families or friends so that they may participate in the bene­ fits of the Masses. The annireriary banquet will be held on Tuesday evening. REGISTER May 8, at 7 o’clock in the Lin­ coln room. Archbishop Edwin V. Byrne of Santa Fe will be the VOL. XLVI. No. 34. THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1951 DENVER, COLORADO principal speaker. The^ncheon is in the charge of the C? t h 0 1 i c Parent-Teacher league, under the direction of Mrs. 1,530 Families, 1,502 Individuals Aided James A. Foley, president. The Archdiocesan Council of Catho­ lic Nurses has charge of the ban­ quet plans, under the direction of Mrs. Josephine Hayes. DE PAUL MEN EXPEND Committee Chairmen Committee chairmen appointed by Mrs. Swigert, president, for Our Lady of Mt. Carmel High School, Denver, Architect's Sketch the 25th annual convention are $24,777 IN CHARITY as follows: General arrangements — SJrs. The 22 parish conferences of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in the Archdiocese of James Kenney; Cornerstone Laying to Be Held April 15; Program—Mrs. T. A. Cosgriff, Denver spent $24,777 in the year of 1950 in corporal -works of charity for the needy, ac­ chairman, assisted by Mmes. L. A. cording to the 33rd annual report read at the annual Mass and Communion of the De Higgins, John Murtaugh, Mary Building Is Rapidly Nearing Completion Paul men in St. Thomas’ seminary, Denver. McIntyre, Frank Mancini, and One hundred and twelve Catholic laymen from 20 parish conferences freely and Raymond Skett; The cornerstone of the new ish, the Rev. Julius Porcellini, school will have complete facili­ modestly carried on their works of mercy in acts of charity that seek no fanfare or tem­ Publicity—Mrs. John T. Tier $307,000 Our Lady of Mt. the Rev. Salvatore Fagiolo, and ties, _ including chemistry and poral reward ney, chairman; and Mrs. Lito Gal­ Carmel high school^ in Denver the Rev. Dominic Albino. Pas-, physics laboratories, a commer­ pressing needs of many families Special (ervicei to the poor legos and Mrs. L. U. Wagner; will be laid this Sunday after­ tors of the surrounding par­ A total of 1,530 families, con­ cial room, a clinic, a kitchen, a sisting of 736 adults and 1,406 and individuals, the society gave included Chriitiqp burial for 22 Credentials—Mrs. Thomas Ker noon, April 15, at 3 o’clock. Con­ ishes have been Invited to at­ 90-foot cafeteria, and other util­ 1,095 transient men 3,280 articles indigent peraoni, medical care rigan, Mrs. Andrew McCallin, and struction of the large 16-class­ tend the ceremonies^ which will children, were assisted by the De ity rooms. Paul men. In addition, widows and of clothing in exchange for tempo­ for 25, hotpital care for 11, Mrs. W. F. Roach; room school, which was begun be attended by a large delegation The school is erected on the employment secured for 24, Hospitality—Miss Eva Walsh, other single persons not in families rary work at the warehouse. 'The just one year ago on April 2, of the Mt. Carmel parishioners. northeast corner at W. 36th ave­ articles were valued at $7,067. travel expenses to distant homes Miss Clara Courtney, Mrs. How­ 1950, is well along, with all the All who have contributed to the assisted by the society numbered nue and Zuni street. The parish Forty-eight men and women for 17, and 359 Christmas bas­ ard Sleeper, Mrs. Joseph Walsh, structural work comple^Jed and erection of the school received owns the entire block of land 1,502. More than 1,240 visits were kets. Mrs. J. Morgan CJjne, and mem' the outside brick walls of the invitations to the ceremonies this on which the school is built, and made to families, and 1,127 calls were given full or part-time em­ Among the spiritual works, the bers of the 'Tabernacle society; two-story and French basement week. , has just completed an excellent were made on the sick in various ployment in the year, for which men of the society assisted in Registration—Mrs. 0. F. Wien- building finished. The completion Father Lo Cascio announces hospitals and institutions. they received a total of $45,944.20 softball field on additional prop­ in wages. straightening out 10 , eke, Mrs. A. J. Dunst, Mrs. Peter is expected in July and the school that the freshman class will en­ erty across the street from the In 1950 the Salvage bureau, a arranged 27 Baptisms, and were Anderies, Mrs. Earl Compton, Mrs. will open in September. ter the new school in September school. The Hutcheson Construc­ special work of the De Paul so­ A sum of $250 was given monthly Clarence Frede, and Mrs. Joseph instrumental in the return of 16 The Rev. Edward A. Leyden, and that, for ‘■he present, the tion Co. did the basic work in ciety, marked its tenth anniver­ by the bureau to the Denver dean­ persons to the practice of their Sullivan; archdiocesan superintendent of seventh and eighth grade classes preparing the field with heavy sary. In that decade the bureau ex­ ery of the Archdiocesan Council Pages—Mrs. James McDonald faith. They sponsored 117 children schools, will officiate in the cor­ of Mt. Carmel grade school will equipment. Backstops were pro­ panded from its humble beginning of Catholic Women to assist in the in parochial schools and the attend­ and the Junior Catholic Daugh­ nerstone ceremonies, according be transferred to the new build­ vided through the generosity of on Larimer street to its retail operation of its center for under­ ance of 26 children in Sunday ters of America; to the pastor, the Rev. Thomas ing. It is expected that the high the Griffith Motor Co. of North store building at 20th and Law­ privileged children and to the Par­ school. Twelve converts found their Resolutions—The Rt. Rev. Mon­ Lo Cascio, O.S.M. He will be school will eventually accommo­ Denver, and the Public Service rence streets and its warehouse at ticular council of the St. Vincent way to the Church through the signor John R. Mulroy, the Rev. assisted by the pastor and the date 600 students of Mt. Carmel Co. dU an extensive job in re­ 1625 Wazee street. de Paul sociaty for charitable ac­ Edward Leyden, Mrs. A. J. Dooner, other Servite priests’ of the par­ Rev. Thomai Lo Cascio, O.S.M. efforts of the De Paul men, and and neighboring parishes. The moving and rerouting wires In addition to relieving the tivities. in excess of 39,000 religious pub­ which crossed the property along lications and articles were distri* Missouri Prelate the alley. buted. This softball field will be in New conferences were organized Performance of 'Traviata' operation throughout the summer Three St. Mdo ^Alumni^ Are Nancios and will be available to parish at SL Anthony’s, Westwood; All To Give Sterliug and neighborhood teams. Addi­ Saints’, Denver; and St. Mary’s, Evokes Memories of 1935 tional playground space and a Adopted Coloradoans in Papal Posts Holy Redeemer, and Sacred Heart practice football field will be parishes and the Paulfne chapel When the Denver Grand Rural Life Talk located on the school property. The dispatch in the Register,- stationed at t^g^Apostolic Dele­ now risen to the rank of in Colorado Springs. • Star in Opera National Edition, this week an­ Opera company presents La The cost of the new Mt. Car­ gation in Washington when he Apostolic Nuncio, which means At weekly meetings the De Paul The director of the Archdioce­ mel high school, exclusive of the nouncing that Archbishop visited Colorado, and rose to the that they are Apostolic Dele­ men contributed their alms, which Traviata in the city auditor­ san Rural Life and Home Mission necessary equipment, which has Egidio Vagnozzi, Apostolic rank of Counsellor there. gate and also have the rank of have been increased greatly by the ium April 23, 24, and 25, it Conference of St. Louis, the Rt all been ordered, is $307,000, Delegate to the Philippines, has Three priests who spent va­ Ambassador of the Holy See in generous contributions of Denver will be the second time in 16 Rev. 'Monsignor George J. Hild- making it one of the largest con­ been advanced to the position of cations at Camp St. Malo when nations. They are, besides Arch- Catholics to the poor boxes, collec­ years that Verdi’s work has been ner, will be the guest speaker at a struction projects under Catho­ Apostolic Nuncio in Manila, re­ stationed in Washington have bishop Vagnozzi, Archbishop tions, honorary memberships, and staged under the direction of the soil conservation dinner in the lic auspices in the history of the calls that this honor comes to a Francesco Lardone, Nuncio to subscriptions. Every penny given Rt. Rev. Monsignor Joseph J. Bo- Sterling auditorium on Tuesday, archdiocese. The North Denver cleric who spent several vaca­ Haiti and the Dominican Re­ to the poor in the name of St. Vin­ setti. The company gave the opera April 17, at 6:30. Also present at parish has been planning and tions at Camp Saint Malo. He Blanshard Wind public, and Archbishop Antonio cent de Paul goes to the poor, in 1935 at the end of April. the dinner will be the Rev. Roy working for the new school for was the guest there of Mon­ Samore, Nuncio to Colombia. De Paul men include shopkeepers, Figlino, pastor of St. Augustine’s, more than 15 years. signor Joseph Bosetti, Vicar Archbishop Lardone spent his executives, laborers, and profes­ It was in the 1935 production Brighton, and Rural Lifei director General of i the Denver arch­ that the idea of bringing profes­ The school will be staffed by •May Blow Good summers for about 11 years at sional men, men from every walk for the Denver archdiocese, as well the Servite Sistersf who now diocese, and was consecrated a the boys’ camp at the foot of of life. Their common bond is a sional singers to augment local as priests of Sterling and sc talent began. Francesco Valentino, teach in the grade school, and by Titular Archbishop^ in The furor created by the ■writ­ Mount Meeker, a few miles pursuit of the Christian life rounding parishes. the priests of the parish. about two years ago. He was from Estes Park. through the works of charity. fresh from a triumphal debut in Some 450 persons are expected ings and utterances of Paul Blan­ Italy, was the featured singer of to attend the dinner, at which the shard in regard to Catholic schools the earlier Traviata. He had been State Bankers’ association will may ultimately redound to the ad­ a Cathedral choir boy under Mon­ present awards to 30 soil conser Walden Churcfi Dedication vantage of the Church and of Msgr. Covonogh to Appear signor Bosetti, and at the latter’s vation co-operators who have com­ Catholic education. This is the advice had studied voice under the pleted 90 per cent of their farm opinion of the Rev. Robert C. masters in Italy. Shortly after his plans. Five farmers from each of Is Set on Monday, June 25 Hartnett, S.J., editor of America, Before Senate Committee Denver appearance, he was signed The date of the dedication of area who have staunchly clung to who was a visitor in Denver last the six soil conservation districts week end. The Very Rev. M onsi^or John postal rates for second class mail by the Metropolitan Opera com­ in Northeast Colorado will be St, Ignatiut’ church, Walden, only their faith though long isolated pany and has been a member since from tpirifual ministrations. Pio­ Father Hartnett, who engaged Cavanagh, managing director of be doubled. Last year the Regis­ chosen for these honors. in Jackion county, the Register, has been summoned ter’s postage costs totaled $101,- that date. Another 1935 artist who Was Foundter neer Catholics of the region had last year in a public debate with later achieved national fame was hat definitely been set for Mon­ to travel to Leadville by snowshoe Blanshard at Yale university, met to Washington, D. C., to appear 873.79, of which $88,920.86 was Jean Dickenson, now a featured Of Organization day, June 25. Archbishop Urban J. to make their Easter duty. informally with a g^roup of stu­ before the Senate Committee on paid for second class mail. singer on the Album of Familiar Mqnsignor Hildner has been ac­ Vehr will officiate in the cere­ The first Mass in the new church dents and guests at Regps college Post Office and Civil Service in The crippling effect a boost in Music, a Sunday program of the Blake Hiester tive in the rural life program for mony at 11 a.m., after which he was offered by the Rev. Edward on Sunday morning for discussion connection with Postmaster Gen­ postage rates would have on the National Broadcasting Company. Gastone, Third Night many years and was one of the will administer Confirmation. He Wintergalen, S.J., of Regis college of current events. Father Hartnett eral Donaldson’s proposal that the Catholic press is too ob'vious to The tenor role in the 1935 pres­ founders and first treasurer of also will give Confirmation in St. on Dec. 9. Because of snow-blocked said that many of Blanshard’s al­ warrant elaboration. After filing a entation was sung by Joseph Clif­ the conference when it was or­ Peter’s church, Kremmling, mother roads, the nexf Mats was not of­ legations made explicit and vigorous protest Monsignor Cava­ ford, who had a long professional ganized 28 years ago. church of the far-flung parish, at fered until March 4. Walden is 60 brought into the open suspicions nagh was invited by the Senate vocal career in the East and who Some 750 persons are expected 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, June 24. miles from Kremmling, where Fa­ entertained by many non-Cath- committee to present the reasons is now in radio and television to crowd the Sterling auditorium The Rev. Thomas Barry is in ther Barry resides, and it best olics. This has provided occasion for the Register’s fight to retain work in . Ann after the awards dinner to hear charge of the parish, which sdso reached from Denver in the winter for answer, refutation, and expla­ the present rates. Representatives O’Neill, now Mrs. John Sullivan, Monsigmor Hildner speak. includes St. Ann’s church. Grand via Laramie, Wyo. nation, to the benefit of fair- of two other Catholic publishing headed the local artists in the pre- Lake, and Our Lady of the Way minded, but often misinformed, houses and non-Cathplic spokes­ World II production. chapel in Fraser, which is cared citizens of other faiths. men will also appear before the fOr by Jesuit Fathers from Regis $100 Gift Leads Way committee on April 12 and 13. Arrangementf are virtually Archbishop's Title college. On the conclusion of the Yale complete for tkii year’s “Travi­ debate, questions from the audi­ Boost in Rates ata,” according td Monsignor The Walden church, erected at To Boost Burse Fund a cost of $16,500, of which $2,000 ence 'Were inidted. One student, a Bosetti. Rehearsals are being To Bishop Molloy An anonymous gift of $100 to non-Catholic, inquired of Mr. Would Not Help held twice weekly for both prin­ was given by the Extension so­ Subscribers to the Register ciety and $2,000 by Archbishop the Little Flo-wer burse in honor Blanshard just when the Catholic cipals and chorus. Costumes are of the Infant of Prague gave the Church in the began are urged to write the Colorado being prepared for the cast, and Of Brooklyn, N .Y . Urban J. Vehr, is a cinder-block Senators and petition them to op­ building with stone trim and stuc­ project its biggest booBf of re­ to be a menace and a danger, re- stage settings, under the direc­ Washington. — Bishop Thomas cent weeks, and, coupled with three markii^ that his reading of his­ pose any advance Ri rates. It tion of Walter Keeley, have coed exterior. Money for the would not increase the revenue E. Molloy, head of the Diocese of project was collected from Cath. other donations totaling $23, put tory did not suggest that this had been completed. A dress re­ Brooklyn nearly 30 years, has been the burse fund at $2,871. always been the case. The Blan­ to the post office, since many sub­ hearsal for the religious sisters olics and non-Catholics of North scribers would not be able to meet ppmoted by Pius XII to the dig­ Park largely through the efforts Besides the $100 donationr$10 shard reply was that the “danger” of the city is planned for Sun­ nity of Archbishop ad personam. was received from M. Foley of developed when the Church in additional expense and the over­ day, April 22. of Mrs. Carl Johnson, Walden all circulation of ' the Register He continues as Bishop of Brook­ parishioner. Denver in honor of her mother; this country became powerful and Ticket sales are steady, it is re­ lyn. Archbishop Molloy was born $10, from Maureen J. Du Be, Den­ when, in 1871, the dogma of Pa­ would correspondingly drop. This ported by the Very Rev. Monsi­ in Nashua, N. H., in 1885, and The building is on a hill just ver; and $3 from Anon., Boulder. pal infallibility was declared. This would offset what additional funds gnor Elmer J. Kolka, business ordained in Rome in 1908. He was south of the Jackson county court­ Contributions may be sent di­ suggests that what is feared is not would otherwise be obtained, and manager. The box office at the secretary to the late Cardinal house on two lots donated by State rectly to the Most Rev, Urban J. really the Church, but the fact at the same time deny the paper May Co., opened a week earlier this George Mundelein, Archbishop of Senator Charles P. Murphy. There Vehr at the Chancery office, 1536 that the Church is becoming to hundreds of readers in need of year as an experiment, has indi­ Martha Schueth Chicago, when the latter was Aux­ are some 108 Catholics in the Logan street, Denver 5, Colo. stronger. ' ■ > . Montignor Cavanagh instruction. cated a healthy interest in the Flora Bervioz, Third Night iliary Bishop of Brooklyn. Arch­ three presentations. Monsignor bishop Molloy was consecrate^ Kolka emphasized, however, that of Loria and Aux­ Jesuits to Supervise Non-Denominational Project , choice seats for all three perform­ iliary of Brooklyn in 1920 and was ances are to be had. “At this date, installed as Third Bishop of there is no indication of a 'sell' Brooklyn in 1922. out’ at any of the performances,” The piocese of Brooklyn, estab­ Vocational School Planned in Sacred Heart Parish he said Wednesday of this week. lished in 1853, has a territory of Promotional work to bolster the only 1,007 square miles but has The first steps toward the cessories to show their work to a been pledged through Chancellor date the need of providing in­ signers’ show next month include sale of tickets has been undertaken 1,249,197 Catholics in a total large public. Albert Jacobs of the University struction in these lines to the boys Governor and Mrs. Dan ’Thornton, population of approximately 5,- establishment of a non-de- by several business firms of the nominational vocational school The deiigneri’ show will be of Denver, and Howard Johnson, and girls of their neighborhood, Mayor and Mrs, Q u i^ Newton, city. Window displays, featuring 000,000. It is thus one of the held Monday and Tuesday, May principal of Denver’s famed Op­ many of whom do not go on for Judge Philip 6. Gilliam, and this year’s presentation of La Tra­ largest dioceses in the U.S. in the vicinity of Sacred 7 and 8, at the Top ot the Park portunity school. It is hoped to high school work, and who find Chancellor and Mrs. Albert Jacobs. viata, are attracting considerable Heart church, Denver, to be in conjunction with a luncheon obtain the necessary machinery to themselves handicapped in secur­ Assisting Mrs. Six on her special interest in at least three large operated under the supervision of between 1 and 2:30. A large provide a basic mechanical train­ ing' jobs because of the lack of committee are t h e following down-town stores, and the press Family of 8 Become the Jesuit Fathers of the parish, number of young Denver ma­ ing for young boys in carpentry, practical training. women: Mrs. J. H. Monaghan, advertising of two large firms is will be taken next month with a trons and misses have been electrical work, basic repair work, Considerable interest has been Miss Eleanor Weekbaugh, Mrs, E. calling attention to the three per­ Catholics In Stratton benefit dress designers’ show. lined up as models to display etc. Also planned are sewing and manifested in social and business Sanford Gregory, Mrs, J. Thomp­ formances of the opera. All the Included among 10 converts re­ Plans are being made for the the work of Denver artisans. cooking courses for girls. It is circles in this effort to assist in a son Brown, Mrs. Horton McGin- local radio stations are also de cently received into the Church by show under the chairmanship of Luncheon tickets for the affair hoped to be able to begin opera­ practical way the underprivileged ley, -Mrs. Harriet Kenney, Mrs. voting some of their broadcast the Rev. Edward Dinani pastor of Mrs. Robert F. Six of St, John’s are $5 and special sponsorship tions this fall. children of downto\>n Denver, George J. Kelly, and Mrs. John M. time to advertising the perform St. Charles’ church, Stratton, parish, Denve?, who conceived the tickets, a large number . of It is being stressed that the vo- rmany of them coming from Span O’Connor. Mrs. Jack Foster is pub­ I ances. were a family of eight. project of the vocational school in wjiich have been sold already, cational center, which will prob­ ish-speaking families in and near licity chairman. The Rev. Francis Syrianey and The family included Mr. and collaboration with the Rev, John cost $25. ably be known as the Larimer-Vo­ Sacred Heart church. These chil­ The designers’ show featuring I the Rev. Michael Kavanagk, now Mrs. Lloyd Megel and their six E. Casey, S.J., Sacred Heart pas­ The proceeds from this huge cational school, will be non-denom- dren are not all Catholics; in fact, local Denver talent has stirred ex­ priests of the archdiocese, were children, Laurence, Durane, Ger­ tor, Mrs. Six is also directing the show, which may net as much as inational, although the Jesuits will a great percentage of students in citement on ihe part of these local members of the chorus of the ald, Loretta, Carol, and Marvin. staging of the designers’ show, $1,500, will be used in pTeliminary supervise its operation. The estab­ artisans who will thus be enabled 1935 production, being at that Sacred Heart school itself are The other converts were Nora which will provide an oppbrtunity steps in the ektsblishment of the lishment of such a center has long non-Catholic children of the neigh­ to display their original creations. time students in the Cathedral Fred Neihit Lee Schiferl and John Martin for private Denver designers and vocational center. Volunteer teach­ been a dream of the priests of borhood. About 20 individuals will contrib­ iiigh schooL Giorgio Garmont, First Night Webb. creators of ^lothes, hats, and ac­ ers lor«tbis center have already Sacred Heart parish, who appre- Honorary sponsors for the de­ ute to this display. A i- ■ -r.' ■ .tv- ir- - >

PAGE TWO Office, 938 Bannock Streef THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitone 4205 Thursday, April 12, 1951 St. Elizabeth's, Plans Are Started at St Dominicks 'nc. Pupils to Give fo r Annual Parish Carnival June 14-17 First 1522 California St, (St. Dominic’s Parish, Denver) Paul Ducey will be in charg6 of at convenient places in the walls At a meeting of the Holy Name the grounds, and Clyde Jfarchese of the new school will eliminate Band Instruments - Pianos - Organs PTA Program society held in the church audi­ will be chairman of the automobile the necessity of driving poles into Communion torium on April 5 plans were committee. E. J. Egan will be in the grounds and thus save con­ (St. Elizabeth’s Partsb, Denver) begun for the annual carnival, charge of publicity. Anticipating siderable space as well as improve Radios - Records - Accessories The St. Elizabeth PTA will meet which will begin on June 14 and changes on the grounds by reason the looks of the grounds. Joe April 12 at 8 p.m. in the school continue through June. 17. Tom of the new school, Phil Zangari Lewis will ’be in charge of the Needs AC. 1635 . DENVER, COLO. hall to elect officers for the com­ Farrell and LeRoy ‘Volk were has provided an' Improvement in lighting arrangements for the car­ ing year. All parents are urged chosen as cochairmen to head the the method of installing the lights nival. to attend this meeting. The school committee. Adolph Miklauz and for the carnival. Hooks inserted children will present a program* Tbe baked ham dinner, al­ For The Legion of Mary will re­ ways a feature of the opening ceive Holy Communion next Sun­ day of the carnival, will be day, April 15, in the 8 o’clock Alex Murphree to Review served by tbe members of tbe RALPH 'ALOYSIUS' KELLY Mass. The legion also sponsors a Rosary Altar society. The offi­ Little Girls nursery for children during the cers, Mrs. Levi Saindon, presi­ (Merab«r of St. Frincia do'Sale*’ I^riali) 11 and 12:15 Masses every Sunday dent; Mrs. J. K. Weigel, vice Now Associated With irf the school hall. It is hoped that Book at B president; Mrs. A. C. Carroll, essed Sacrament treasurer; and Mrs. Andrew And Boys no one remains away from Holy Kruze, secretary, will organize Mass to mind babies at home. Any (Blessed Sacrament Parish, Mulcahy baptized Krista, the in­ SOUTH DENVER CLEANERS one may bring the little ones to and direct the serving of the Denver) fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. dinner. * Will Appreciate d Colt for the nursery for this free baby­ Alex Murphree, a special staff Charles L. Powell, with Florian^F. sitting service. writer on the Denver Post, will re­ Barth and Mary E. Mooney 'as The sodality and PTA ^^11 con­ A Selection in Block and White Our Personalized Service The Altar and Rotary society view the book Delight, by J. B. sponsors. duct the same booths that they have it completing plant for a card Priestley, for the members of the Sixty children from the sixth, handled in previous years. Com­ \ PEarl 4686 594 S. Broadway party Tuesday afternoon, April Altar and Rosary society Friday, seventh, and eighth grades of the mittees and committee chairmen 24, at 1 o’clock in the school hall. April 13, An invitation is ex­ Blessed Sacrament school attended will be announced in the near Rosaries...... ;....40c to $4.35 This coming Tuesday, April 17, tended to all women in the par­ the first Saturday Holy Hour of future. _ Each of the other or­ marks the bepnning of the sol­ ish to attend this book review. reparation from 10 to 11 o’clock. ganizations in the parish will have Prayer Books...... 20c to $5.20 emn novena of nind* Tuesdays pre­ The meeting, which will be'pre­ The Rosary and other prayers its part in the carnival, and par­ Thermo • Electro ceding the Feast of St. Anthony ceded by the recitation of the Ro­ were led by Ran VanOverschelde. ticular assignments will be made .Carrying Cose...... 50c to $1.20 of Padua. Novena services will be sary in the church at 2 o’clock, will soon. Dance Chairman Named There will be § meeting of the held every Tuesday after the 8 be held in McDonough hall. Host­ Veils for Girls $2.30 and $2.70 REED o’clock Mass and in the evening at esses for the social hour include At tlie Dads’ club meeting April- Little Flower circle in the home 7:45. Evening devotions for the Mmes. J. J. Drinkard, C. Walter 2, James Mosier,, president, ap­ of Mrs. Charles Swanke, 2759 W. BAHERY novena will consist of recitation Kranz, W. J. Bindel, and Maurice pointed Perry Holcomb as chair­ 38th avenue, Wednesday, April of the Rosary, a talk on the life Aggeler. man of the annual dance to be 18, at 1 o’clock. The hostess will serve a luncheon followed by That o utlasts any of this great saint, Benediction of Mrs. F. C. Mundary, chairman sponsored by the club Monday, the Blessed Sacrament, and the of the Easter Monday ball, June 11, in the Knights of Colum­ bridge. Battery on the Road. ■novena prayers. There will be a would appreciate any returns bus ballroom, with Bill Petre and St. Anne’s bridge circle will petition box. The services will last that could be made by members his orchestra furnishing the music. meet Thursday, April 19, at 1 Water 3 times o year aboht a half-hour, Father Eugene of the committee, either before Mr. Holcomb will be assisted by o’clock in the home of Mrs. Charles Honan, O.F.M., will conduct the or on the day of the Altar and J. Vince Connor as secretary- Ruwart, 746 Monaco boulevard, A GOODS 36 Months' novena. Rosary society meeting, which treasurer, and the balance of the dessert-luncheon will be served. Guarantee Father Deelan Madden, O.F.M., would eniyhln her to make a committee will include James Kerr, St. Albert’s circle will meet for *‘The West’s Largest Church Goods Supply House!” is now giving a mission in Rock more complete report. Herbert Leibman, D. G. Mulligan, a bridge luncheon Tuesday, April Springs, Wyo. On April 8 the Rev. William J. E. 0. Nord, Edward O’Connor, 17, at 1 o’clock in the home of Recharging <- Rental Batteries - Service Robert J. Steinbruner, J. R. Tobin, Mrs. Thomas Mahon, 3060 W. Established 1902 1633 Tremont Place A Fete Dollars a Week Pays the Balance James Eakins, and Emmett Gog- 35th avenue. gin. Further details about the A class for adults not yet con­ TAbor 3789 Denver 2, Colo. - -GEIVERAL TIRES- 30 Members of Meeting dance will be announced at a later firmed will be held in the reading date. room of the rectory each Thurs­ Gov. Dan Thornton wilL^be the day beginning April 12 and con­ Of S t Rose of Lima HNS guest speaker at the Dads’ club tinuing for the next four weeks. Joe Kavanaugh, Inc. meeting in May. The date of confirmation is May 28 Years Same Location Mrs.- David Williams of 3030 E. 10. (St, Rose of Lima’s Parish, Leroy and C onstance Miller; 17th parkway, assisted by Mrs. H. 7th at Lincoln Locally Otened and Operated TA. 1261 Denver) James Frederick, son of Mr. and R. Heaton as cohostess, will en­ To Woles Conference The Holy Name society met Mrs. Jack Pepler, sponsors were tertain St. Anthony’s circle at a Mary Keeley, 2705 Meade street, April 2. Thirty members were pres­ Francis and Leanne Nittler; and bridge luncheon Thursday, April who has been chosen by the inter­ Michael John, son of Mr. and Mrs. 19, at 12:30. national division of the Girl Scouts OuT> ent. John vi. Mahler, sponsors were as one of two delegates to attend Vince Hogan reported that the Edward Langfield and Joann Koel- At Scout Conference the international conference in films which were to be shown had bert. Mrs. C. V. Gooding of this par­ Wales this summer, is a member ish, who is regional committee not as yet arrived, but that they May 20 will be First Communion of this parish. She will meet with would be shown at the next meet­ Sunday for the St. Rose of Lima member for the Girl Scouts in delegates from countries through­ 7^c/& ce> -BILT ing. Bill Sconzert reported on the parish. Northern Colorado, has returned out the world from July 24 to 31. monthly Communion breakfast to from a presidents’ conference in Miss Keeley attended the parish be given by the Boy Scouts. St. Jude's Circle Omaha on April 2, 3, 4, and 5r'The school, where she joined the inter­ STAINLESS tu iw w — ritojoln o l j ^ The report of the maintenance Conducts Meet conference represented the Cov­ Qal\JlAfl a •• 1 ^ ^ mediate rank of Girl Scouts when Buy*"? committee was given by Scotty St. Jude’s circle met in the home ered Wagon region, which includes it was organized by Mrs. Herbert Sri Lambrecht and Ludwig Brunner, of Mrs. Willard Dixon March 29. six states. Strelesky in the spring of 1946. STEEL SINK itiiifl' who reported on the progress on The evening was spent playing Mrs. Gooding was on the pro­ The troop was composed of sixth the addition to the church rectory. cards. Mrs. Basil Dreiling and gram and participated in a panel graders. Miss Keeley was very ac­ Henry DeNicola reported for the discussion of ‘Total Coverage,” luxurious—tuitroui for Mrs. Sam Buckstein were wel­ tive in scouting and earned many & J 3 . 0 0 1 * ^ Catholic press and said that comed as new members. Those which has been adopted and will badges, and because of her out­ lifcl Clsont In an aasy he had ordered the liturgical books present were Mmes. Leonard be introduced into Northern Colo­ standing record and background jiffyl Navar waart aut to replenish the pamphlet rack in Reichwein, John Francone, Nick rado. The plan has been tried in she was elected president of the $ mes, —navar blamlihatl Yat, the church •vestibule. A list of vol­ Bakarich, Walter Eckhardt, Jo­ Denver as a key city for the past Senior Girl Scouts of Metropoli­ LUXURIOUS Troty qual- unteer ushers was then secured seph Figlino, Paul Ferguson, Ed­ two years. tan Denver last year. ity—but avarlattingly for the month of April. ward Heppting, Paul Pomponio, Norman McDevitt, who is-a pa­ Since the first troop was started aconamicell Father Barry Wogan thanked Lawrence Sengenberger, and Jack tient in Childr,en’s hospitol/,is im five years ago scouting activities mSD DENVER INDUSTRIAL BANK the Holy Name society for the Treloar. proving. in the parish have grown con­ Easter donation. He thanked all The perpetual novena in honor siderably. The school now boasts CIORCI r. ROCK, PrstIJsnt The members of the Altar and of the Most Sacred Heart is held five troops, one Brownie troop ^1534C»lifefiii«S».lr PhonoMAin 5155^ those who had helped with the Rosary society *thank all who I Opposite Penvor Dry Coeds Ce. construction of the addition to the helped to make the dance and every Friday night at 7:45. It con­ and four intermediate troops, with rectory and outlined some work card party successful. sists of the recitation of the Ro­ a new Brownie troop being sary and Benediction of the formed in tho’ third grade. More g'lallMlllllMimilllllmiBIIIIIOIIIIIlllllMyillBlllllMMIMMIIIIIMIMmiMlIMIIIllOIIIIIMIllllMllllMIlO miOmilfe that remains to be done. The Altar and Rotary society BILT TRACY 54" The nominating committee gave Blessed Sacrament. than 100 girls- and 15 adult lead­ will meet Thursday evening, Every Sunday morning at 10 ers are now a part of the organi­ the list of nominations for the va­ Extra-heavy, rust-resistant steel cabi­ MODEL 54 US % April 12, at 7:45. All women o’clock the sisters conduct a cate­ zation. Morgan, riolas offices. The following were net, double-thick Dulux finish. Sound- nominated: For president, Vic of the parish are invited to at­ chism class in the school for pub­ Post Presidents to Be Honored Cresto, Vince Hogan, and John tend. lic school children who are prepar­ deadened construction. Rounded, ing for First Holy Communion The PTA will meet Thursday, smooth corners and edges. Stainless Leibman McDonald; first vice president, St. Rose of Lima’s circle met April 19, at 8 p.m. in the church Ce *■1A’, Walter Meyers, Joe Musumecci, in the home of Mrs. Adam Urban and for those children who wish steel handles. Knee ond toe space. Ed Langfield, Jr.; and Burton Sta- to receive the sacrament fo Con­ auditorium. At this meeting, the $198

By J im Richardson a wild throw over first base. out the suave ■ Cardinal gardener humanely called time at 6 o’clock. The 1951 Denver Parochial base­ Promptly Nussa went around to with*a pretty cross-wind peg into Dick Brady had been pitching 20 ball season opened with a short third on an overthrow and scored Russ Mather’s hip pocket to break minutes for the Gremlins and was shudder Monday afternoon on the on Fred Maes’ fly to right. up the rally. not yet warmed up. North Clayton diamond, when An­ The Gremlins came back when The other first-class perform­ Losing Pitcher Flood did not de­ nunciation high gave the St. Fran­ Jerome Steckline walked two and ance was Ed Horvat’s four-bagger serve the 15-2 rout, because his cis club an Estimated 15-2 chilling. Flood drove them home with a in the third inning. The Cardinals’ double-winged butterfly delivery The game was called at the end of vengeful liner to center. But Flood king-size first baseman, poled a held the Annunciation batters to approximately five bitter innings on was the only St. Francis’ boy remarkable home run dead into four clean base hits. But his team­ account of cold logic. to solve Steckline’s left-handed the west wind above left field, and mates failed to touch the rifling slants. Cardinal Coach Harry the game was held up while the Riedel even for well-hit foul tips. But the victorious Cardinals Gremlin gardeners trekked back to This was a sluggish start, but were not 13 earned runs better Pemberton sent Third Baseman Riedel to the slab in the third the playing field. the cold' pennant race for the than the Gremlins. The boys in The rest of the game was less Parochial high school flag almost red caps simply got a head start inning, although Steckline had done a creditable job. Riedel entrancing. Like good little Grem­ failed to get under way at all. on base running to keep them lins, the Fransalians were not de­ Four clubs go into the second warm enough to move around blanked the Gremlin’s masterfully the rest of the way. icing, and both teams were ready flight with postponed games un­ gracefully. for warm beds when Umpire Kemp played. The Cardinals did not outhit the In the Cardinals’ half of the Gremlins greatly, either, because second, the ball _ got rolling— fumbled balls ordinarily are re­ usually between infielders’ legs. garded as errors. One scorekeeper, Two Cards who had walked scored Parochial Grid Schedule however, had counted 18 bobbles on a blooper to the pitcher’s box before his tally sheet blew away and a series of wide throws in in an ill wind, and he reasoned which the startled batter went all the way to third. Tony Martinez Given for 1951 Season that it is less malicious to credit singled home another run, and he batters with base hits than it is scored from first base when Steck­ to charge their opponents with line bunted 20 feet! The bunt was Mullen high. Parochial league grid champion, will get vague bungles. overthrown several times to enable off to an early start in defense of its football crown when Scheduled for 3:30, the game Steckline to trot around to third the Mustangs take on the Holy Family Tigers Sept. 16 in started long after 4 o’clock so base from where he scored on the opening game of the 1951 parochial league football that the warm-up period served to Eloy Mares’ single to left. let the bleak sun go down behind schedule released this week. Lookout mountain, where snow­ At that point occurred one of The schedule calls for 11 double- men were planting the sleetstorm two plays in the wintry twilight headers to be played on each Sun­ and Regis vs. Annunciation team; day from Sept. 16 to Nov. 25, when Oct. 14, Annunciation team vs. that followed the fracas. that momentarily made the frost­ Mullen, and St. ^Francis’ vs. St. Jo­ And then the cross-country re­ bite seem worthwhile. Nussa Regis will play Cathedral and An­ lays began. When Big Jim Flood nunciation team will oppose St. seph’s; Oct. 21,'Cathedral vs. An­ shed his lumberjack mackinaw and slashed a clean liner toward sharp Francis’. nunciation team, and Mullen vs. climbed the windswept hill for St. left field, but St. Francis’ Dick The stadium in which the games Regis; Oct. 28, Mullin vs. St. Jo­ The first ball pitched in the Francis’, Bill Nussa hit a dribbler Poison leaped high behind third will be played has not be an­ seph’s, and Holy Family team vs. 1951 Parochial high school race past the mound and was safe on base to slap it down, and he threw nounced. St. Francis’; Nov. 4, Regis vs. Holy St. Catherine's was a curving strike thrown by The schedule follows: Family team, and Cathedral vs. Lefty Steckline of Annunciation September 16, Holy Family team St. Joseph’s; Nov. 11, Mullen vs. high past Catcher Tom Carroll of vs. Mullen; Sept. 23, St, Joseph’s St. Francis’, and St. Joseph’s vs. Chanipions the S t Francis team. The plate vs. Annunciation team, and St. Regis; Nov. 18, Regis vs. St. Fran­ umpire at left is Merle Kemp, and Francis’ vs. Cathedral; Sept. 30, cis’, and Holy Family team vs. the crouching backstop is ' Fred St. Joseph’s vs. Holy Family team, Annunciation team; Nov. 25, Regis Maes.— {Denver Post photo) and Cathedral vs. Mullen; Oct. 7, vs. Cathedral, and Annunciation Cathedral vs. Holy Family team, team vs. St. Francis’. Disabled Veterans Plan Spring Carnival May 3-5 The spring carnival will be spon­ Denver Columbian Squires ' sored by the Disabled American Veterans, Murphy-Borelli chapter No. 7, on May 3, 4, and 5 at the Install Cheyenne Circle c h a p t e r’s headquarters, 1225 At the invitation of the Knights guests of the Cheyenne council at Broadway, Denver. On display will of Columbus council of Cheyenne, a buffet lunch. , be a 1951 six-cylinder Ford sedan. Wyo., the Denver circle of the At the regular meeting Wednes­ The carnival will raise money Columbian Squires traveled to day, March 28, the Denver circle for the chapter’s hospital benefit Cheyenne to install a newly members decided to initiate a con­ fund, which includes services to formed circle, of the junior centrated drive to interest new ap­ veterans in hospitals, especially knights. The ceremony was held plicants in the ^oup. Several of those in Fitzsimons and Fort Lo­ in the council chambers of the the members will leave the or- gan. (iheyenne Knights of Columbus. ;anization on attaining their 18th The trip was made by Serafino jirthday and more boys are sought Boys’ & Girls’ Niccoli, local chief squire; Duane to replace them. Knight, deputy chief squire; The Columbian Squires are a Norbert Badding, editor; Anthony gp^oup of boys from the ages of BICYCLES Hart*substituting for Ray Koch as 14 to 18 sponsored by the local bursar; John Bowdern, chancellor council of the Knights of Colum­ Columbia...... bus. They have a regular meeting 00 N«.m for the Denver council; and three Reconditioned...... 15 Univcrul PrtclilM other counselors. room used every Wednesday eve­ up Gnutc Present at the installation cere­ ning. It is complete with pool table, Terms \lf Desired Ping-Pong table, and other forms Vui 0 « S«on Md Om 0 « CmpM. Mahy •! mony was Coadjutor Bishop Hu­ Bike Accessories SI ASsm TOOLS bert Newell of Cheyenne, who ex­ of recreation. Their membership tended congratulutions to the is derived from the Catholic boys WINNERS OF ST. CATHERINE’S school, Denver, of the city, and is not limited to A . L. M . L. Foss, Inc. newly invested squires. Following intramural basketball tourney were the eighth grade Wild­ ■ e rite, the Denver men were any one school. Boys of all pa­ ~ 19th & Arapahoe St*. rochial schools are invited to ob­ cats. Shown above, left to right, front row, are Gloria ^bmma, , GLODT tain information concerning the 253 Broadway SPruca 6438 KEystone 5151 Gay Spanish Program organization by writing to_^ the and Marioin ^erninzoni; back row, Mary Ann Lombardi, Claudia Knights of Columbus home at Beatty, Diane Giba, and Patricia Moneau. The team waa coached by 1575 Grant street, or by contact­ Darlene Berg and Marlene Piscatella. At Heights April 16 ing Carafino Niccoli, at GL. 0296. THIS IS REALLY SOMETHING The Denver chapter of Teachers SPECIAL! of^Spanish will be entertained at an informal tea by members of the Regis Cagers Honored Swiff8 Premium Quality Department of Spanish in Loretto Heights college Monday, April 16, at 4:15 p.m. A program consisting of Spanish dialogues, dances, read­ ROAST PRIME RIBS ings, and vocal selections will be given by students. Sister Ethelbert is head of the DCCC COMPLETE SIX Spanish department at the 'college. COURSE biNNER Miss Carmen Poyo of Guadalupe UP DCILr Inn, Mexico, is general chairman of the tea. NEED SHOES * 1 . 4 5 * TfflS SPEQAL PRICE GOOD NOW Look at This THROUGH S U ^ A Y , APRIL 15th ONLY Savings! B y C lipping SERVED EVERYDAY - 11:30 o.m. to 8 p.m. Thi« ad and returning it CALL KEystone 1204 FOR RESERVATIONS tp uf, you will receive PARKING NEXT DOOR 25% off on any shoe in our stock. We have not marked our prices up to absorb this— Come in and check the prices and styles and see (or yourself. DEWEY'S " Gold^ y Lantcm SPECIAL HONOR was paid to Dick Petry, Larry Lee Varnell, coach; the Rev. Joseph 1265 Bdwy. Naar 13th Ave. l | | i R Restaurant KE. 1204 Sheehy, S.J.; and Wallace. Father Sheehy acted as MEN SHOP Petry, Bob Wallace, and Pete Berney, the toastmaster for the banquet. Petry and Wallace, ♦SPECIAL PRICE ALSO GOOD AT OUR NEW three seniors on the Regis college basketball squad, first and second team All-, respectively, at COFFEE SHOP, 94 SO. BROADWAY. * CLOSED SUNDAYS 716E. Cgifax MA. 8392 at the annual alumni banquet honoring the team. the recent N.A.I.B. tournament in Kansas City, hold Shown in the picture are, left to right, Berney, plaques presented to them by Varnell. 'S / ^ Thursdoy, April 12, 1951 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone,- KEyitene 4205 PAGE FIVE KODASLIDE St: Vincent's Aid Yearly Night Meeting Set St. Cojettiii's P T A By Society at Cathedral Donee May 13 Will Hears Report of (Catkactral Parish, Denvar) Logan street. All women of the Cathedral parish business and palish arh invited to attend. Boost School Fund Table Vi career women are extended a spe­ Nineteen girls of Brownie troop cial invitation to attend the night 513 will participate in the annual (St. Cajetan’i Parish, Danvar) Sr. M. Benedict meeting of the Altar and Rosary Brownie investiture services to be The Mother’s day dance to be held in West Turner hall on Sun­ ... a wonderful new way St. Vincent’s Aid society met society Friday, April 13. Thfe busi­ held at 3 p.m. in St. Paul’s chapel, ness meeting will convene'at 7:45 Sunday, April 15. Year pins and day, May 13, will be a PTA ways in the home of Mrs. Thomas Mor­ and means project. ' to shew your color slides rissey, Denver, on Tuesday, April p.m. in St. Paul’s reading room. special awards will be presented. This is one of the two night meet­ Boy scouts of troop 205 received Music will be provided by Don 3. The president, Mrs. W. J. Mc- Juan and his Latin-Americans, Thi* is on entirely new Gettigan, presided. Sister Mary ings held every year to acquaint a “Class A’’ award for attendance at the East side court of honor who specialize in Latin rhythms type of projection viewer Benedict, superior of the home, women unable to attend the day meetings with the work of the so­ held at Cole junior high school but play modern music as well. for 2x2*inch slides. Sets reported on the activities of the April 9. Three scouts won special The orchestra is led by Johnnie boys. She said they are in spring ciety. up quickly for brilliont, The highlight of the program awards: John Joyce received his Mares, long-time St. Cajetan’s pa­ training for baseball, and that the second class scout award, and Ar­ rishioner. Proceeds will augment lorge imoges on its own Elks lodge had supplied a coach, will be the showing of a nfotion built-in screen—even in picture of the Mass, with a com­ thur Abeyta and Charles Elliston the PTA fund for school expendi­ new baseballs, and bats. \ mentary by the Rev. John N. won merit badges for home re­ tures. 0 fully lighted room. No Mrs. William McFarland gave pairs. Cathedral scouts are con­ The Rev. John E. Casey, SJ.j of the deanery report. She presented Haley. All women of the parish are occessories ore needed. invited to attend. A social hour tinuing their paper drive for Sacred Heart parish spoke on Accepts gloss or cord- also a resume of The Little World will follow. funds. Anyone having old news­ “Sanctity in ’’ at the PTA of Don Camillo, which was re­ boord mounts. See it Mrs. Howard Bell, president, papers or magazines may phone meeting Tuesday, Apfil 10, in the viewed by Sister Mary Clyde of announces that a food sale will be TA. 7839 for pick-up service. school hall. A brief irwsical num­ here today. $95. Loretto Heights college. Mrs, Mc­ conducted Sunday, April 22, by Instruction clnsses for public ber, entitled “Playmates,” was of­ Farland extended an invitation to the Altar and Rosary society. school pupils who hsivo not re- fered by the first graders, assisted INC. / the members to participate in the coived the sacrament of Con­ by Margaret Ramos, and Dolores DRAPERIES 5 EASTM AN Kodak STORES Cakes, pies, and food will be dis­ silver jubilee convention of the played in St. Raul’s reading room firmation will start Sunday, Gomez sang a hymn, accompanied 1635 California St. KE. 6321 ACCW, which will be held at the after all the Masses. Miss Carol April 15. Any child to ha con­ by Jeannie Torres. P. 0. Box 1648 Shirley-Savoy on May 7 and 8. Curry has been named chairman firmed this spring mutt attend Representatives of the St. Caje- R/VESr CLEANING •' Mail Order. Filled Promptly Mrs. Myron Babcock, chairman of the food committee. these classes. .tan unit who will attend the of the benefit party to be held in The .Cathedral PTA will spon- Parish Calendar credit union convention to be held IN DENVER ' 174S Tr.mont PI. the home on April 10, reported on in Pueblo this week end are Mr. the progrress of the party. lor a spring card party and , Saturday, April 14. Cathedral— DENVER’S HOST SOS 14th S t bake sale in Oscar Malo hall Prayers for peace. All-day exposi­ and Mrs. Tom Ewing, Mr. and Any Service Desired The guest speaker was Father Thursday, April 12. This event Mrs. Elmer Tenorio, and Mr. and PROGRESSIVE tion of the Blessed Sacrament. 42S E. m b I t*. Richard Hiester. He gave an out­ is one of the most festive oc­ Recitation of the Rosary starting Mrs. Phillip J. Torres. No Extra Charge 1 line of the opera La Traviata, 104 B. IJtb At.. casions of the spring season. on the hour. Benediction at 7:45 A special meeting of all societies which will be presented by Monsi­ Individual awards and favors p.m. in the parish will be held at a Pickup & Delivery 1S47-4S H.rkM St. SIS E. IStb At.. gnor Joseph Bosetti on April 23, will ha presented. Tickets aro Sunday, April IS — Confirma­ future date to determine the par­ 24, and 25 in the City auditorium, 50 cents and may be purchased tion instruction classes after the 8 ish benefit activities for the spring TAbot SS70 for the benefit of Catholic Char­ ities. at the door of the hall, 1845 o’clock Mass, St.' Paul’s chapel. and summer seasons. Burke's Broadmoor Cleaners ^ Two soloists from the cast sang excerpts from the opera. The 712 So. Pearl and 26 East 11th Ave. o PEP-GRO - Lawn and meeting was adjourned with a Fr. Hiester to Present Skits tea served by the hostess. The next M A. 7442 Garden Fertilizer meeting will be held in St. Vin­ SHEEP MANUSE cent’s home on Monday, May 1. L HOTMII VtTH CMHtCAU St. James' Unit Sets Meet April 12 m i*wn> fc An organic base fertilizer combining dehydrated sheep The members will be the guests manure fortified with chemicals to produce a scientifically of the sisters and will' be enter­ balanced fertilizer ideally suited for lawns, garden, trees, tained i>y the boys. (St. Jamei’ Pariih, Denver) an evening of bridge. High honors Denver from Salt Lake City dur­ shrubs, etc. Heat treated to destroy weed seeds. Father Richard Hiester, chap­ were awarded to Mrs. Eddie Vo- ing her mother’s illness. (iMTM rtmuni c*. FISHERMEN East Evans Analysis guaranteed under state law. lain at St. Joseph’s convent, will seitka and Mrs. Burke- Low honors PTA Elections iMW««uc«e Sold through dealers. FELT SOLES present a program' of mimicry and went to Mrs. Angela Lischka. Mrs. Election of officers will be held HARDWARE MANUFACTURED BY First Communion comedy skits at the St. James Al­ at the St. James PTA meeting on Vulcanized tar and Rosary society meeting Angles Lishka is captain and Mrs. Tuesday, April 17, at 8 p.m. in General Line of Lupe Nelson is treasurer. ROY SYSTEM, INC. Capitol Fertilizer Co. Friday, April 13, at 1 p.m. in the Walsh Memorial hall. The spring Hardware - Garden Tools For Edgewater Tots Montclair civic building, 12th and The Legion of Marjr spon- play festival costumes for each SHOE REPAIR Stockyards Station, Denver, Colo. grade will be on display. The moth­ Broadway at Irvington 6P. 4U6 1742 E. Evans — SP. 3277 (St. Mary Magdalene’, Parith, Newport. Luncheon will be served •or« recitation of the Rotary by St. Mary Magdalene’s circle. every evening in the church at ers of second graders will serve Denver) Mrs. A. C. Sorenson and Mrs. Jo­ refreshments. At the March meet­ First Holy Communion day will seph J. Howath are in charge of 7:30. On Friday evening the ing the PTA voted a $5 organiza­ Bonded Collection be Sunday, May 27. The Eucharist the circle. Rotary it recited at 7:15, tional membership to the Catholic will be given in the 8 o’clock Mass Our Lady of Fatima circle met prior to the Sacred Heart de- Information and Library society. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL'S PARISH Anytchere in ll.S.A. Confirmation will be adminis­ Totiont, which are held every Mr. and Mrs. Leo Boyle and tered by Archbishop Urban J. in the home of Mrs. George Wafer Friday at 7:30. Parithionert Leo, Jr., left April 8 for a two- Patronize These Friendly Firms Vehr on Tuesday, May 22, at April 3. Recipients of the awards are urged to attend. ' week vacation in Arizona and New JOE O'NEIL & ASSO. 7 :30 p.m. were Mrs. Max Thomas and Mrs. Recalled to Service Mexico. 1251 Cherokee MA. 1472 The young women of the parish Jack Knudsen. The Little Flower circle was en­ will receive Communion in a body Capt. and Mrs. Marion Barnwell tertained at bridge in the new resi­ Mrs. A. J. Artzer, 2687 Newport, CoppSiA, JisjtjdsL LITTLE BILLS No Collectiom No Charge - BIG BILLS in the 8 o’clock Mass Sunday, and Mr. and Mrs. Matt Reinecke dence of Mrs. Don Oakes on April LEN’S Pharmacy April 15. will entertain the St. Francis of were hostesses to the Mothers’ 5. Household gifts were presented L. 0 . PEHRa Prop. C o g g e s L S h o p . Baptized Sunday, April 8, was Assisi bridge circle at a luncheon study group April 6. to Mrs. Oakes, and a shower gift Member St. Vincent de PanPe Pariah .Michael Joseph, son of Herman Thursday, April 12, at 1 p.m. Captain Barnwell has been called was made to Mrs. Don Bolger. Hat* Your Doctor Phono Complete Luncheons 60c back into service in the 140th Ut Your Proscription Special Low Pricea on and Bernadette Mundt. Sponsors The Harlan Neffs of Tacoma, The members who attended were were Vii\cent and Genevieve Seik. fighter wing and is stationed at Mmes. Vernon Seefeldt, Gene 2707 E. Louisiana RA. 3739 School Lunchea f . J. SCARRY & COMPANY The PTA bake sale was a sue Wash., arrived April 6 to be the Buckley fidd. The couple, who Thorpe, Don Bolger, Mel Forsythe, At Loniiiant and Sonth Clayton 2620 E. Louitiana at Clayton cess. The amount raised was $50. guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Hut- have four children, live at 1241 Val Wyatt, L. R. Westbrook, R. ^ SUPER SPEED-O-LITE “ Mrs. Frances Vendena, chairman, man. Wabash street. Compton, Jack Smith, and Douglas and her assistant, Mrs. Jewel Sea- The St. Thomas Aquinas circle Mrs. Rose McEnulty is convalesc­ Malone. Mrs. Vivien Parker was a ZiP-A-SHINE KEM-O-SOL wright, wish to thank all who 1 met in the home of Mrs. Nelle ing at home. Mrs. Donald Quist, guest member. Refreshments were Garrett Quinlan Hawes Food Store

WESTERKAMP'S Regis Jesuits Represented Dancers in Operetta K E . 9436 5106 W ash. EVERYTHING A GOOD GROCERY At Cleveland Conventions SHOULD HAVE BEST FOODS AT LOWEST PRICES The Very Rev. Raphael C. Mc­ facing the educational world at the - WE DELIVER - Carthy, S.J., president of Regis present time. college, Denver, and the Rev. Tho­ The main feature of the two-day mas K. McKenney, S.J., principal convention was the first annual of Regis high school, recently re­ Jesuit alumni banquet, which VOSS BROS. turned from Cleveland, where nearly 900 alumni of Jesuit schools they attended the Jesuit Educa­ ^roughout the country attended. BAKERIES tion association and National Cath­ Thomas Sullivan, Cleveland munic­ olic Educational association con­ ipal judge, and Bishop Hogan of 3 Stores to Serve You ventions. Cleveland were honored guest Held on March 25 and 2& at John speakers. The principal speaker at Carroll university, Cleveland, the the banquet was Thomas H. Mur­ JEA convention was attended by phy, New York city police commis­ nearly 250 Jesuit educators. Un­ sioner. Mr. Murphy is perhaps best SAVE V3 ON YOUR der the main theme of the “Social known for his prosecution of the* Apostolate,’’ the educators .dis­ Alger Hiss trial. MEAT BILL cussed the multifarious problems Both Father McCarthy and Fa­ ther McKenney attended the an­ Complete Processing Service nual convention of the National for Lockers and Home 2 Regis Profs Do Catholic Educational association, Freezers. held in the Cleveland Municipal auditoriunf on March 27-29. High­ W* Sell Armour’s Best Meats Study on Russia lights of the convention, which was in Quarters or Halves. attended by nearly 9,000 Catholic educators, were the appearances King’s Frigid Food Bank For Magazine of Monsignor Fulton Sheen, Attor­ (Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Kinir Two members of the Regis col­ ney General J. Howard McGrath, of Cathedral Parish) and Clare Boothe Luce. Next lege faculty recently had an arti­ year’s NCEA convention is sched­ 2041 S. Univeraity PE. 3533 cle published in Science magazine. SOME OF THE DANCERS for the oper­ are (left to right) front, Sonia Saidy, Kay Kelleher, uled to be held at Kansas City, Mo. Frank'Vaeth, and Mary Ellen Pitts; standing, The article, written by Robert J. etta Top o’ The World, to given by the Howerton and Paul W, Howerton, Both Fathers McCarthy and Mc­ Leo Pankau, Rita'M ott, Doris Biava, Joe Nolan, was entitled “Progress of Mathe­ Kenney were highly gratified at students of St. Mary’s high school, Colorado Springs, Virginia Donelly, and Kay Don Hartman. the attendance of Jesuit alumni at • Tilted charmer with dramatic bow matics in the U.S.S.R. Dur­ + + + - + + + + ^- on side. ing the Present Five-Year Plan.” the Jesuit alumni banquet, and ex­ • In black, navy, white and natural. / Published in the March issue of pressed great hope that the many on ^ the magazine, put out by the Amer­ beneficial programs discussed at • Just one of our becoming new shapes.^ the two conventions would soon St Mary's High Pupils in Springs Hundreds of flattering new hats— ican Association for the Advance­ materialize, thus affording an even e ment of Science, the Hawertons’ all in view. better Catholic educational system • High fashion at low prices. article declares that Russia has in the United States. shown a decided swing in the di­ To Stage 'Top o' World' Operetta • Unbelievabl| values. rection of applied mathematics. The article declares that the “Rus­ Colorado Springs.— (St. Mary’s Reading the cast are Iris Kill- Don Vasicek, and Jerry and Rich­ sians are extremely good mathe­ Students of Loretto High School)—Clark and Farr’s day as Nancy, Bob Irion as ard Harris. The chorus consists maticians, and have increased their operetta Top o’ The World, with of the Tech college group and A ll Hats One Price---- $2.29 St. Mary’s high school students Nancy’s ardent admirer, Truman; the Wild Hawk band. volume output considerably during Will Attend Meeting Margaret Gatterer as the rich and * None Higher the war.” ^ composing. the cast, chorus, and The gaily costumed dancers, Miss Natalie Jacobucci, sopho­ dancers, under the baton of Mon­ charming Rosalind, and Jack Kuef- who are under the direction of Robert Howerton is a professor signor William J. Kelly, adds up to Misses Majy and Laril^n Kelleher, of mathematics and science on the more, and Miss Pat Moore, junior, ler as Nancy’s brother. Eileen Ash are the delegates from. I oretto an evening of excellent entertain­ and Bob Proffitt as Ma and Pro­ will be seen in versatile dances Regis faculty. His brother Paul is ment. ranging from the graceful senior Sib^l Hats Heights college, Denver, to the an­ American Beauty employed by the Julius Hyman Co., There will be three perform­ fessor Springs,' who are chaperon­ waltz to the comic ballet, starring and teaches Russian and German nual National Students’ Associa­ 1622 Welton St. MACARONI PRODUCTS tion assembly being held this year ances of the operetta: Sunday af­ ing the boys and girls, keep both Jack Biava, David Hughes, and in the evening division of Regis ternoon, April 15, at 2:15 p.m., cast and chorus in a state of hilar­ Charles Aragon. Susan Johnston college. Both have published arti­ in Las Vegas, N. Mex. They will The firms listed here deserve to be accompanied by Miss Shirley and Sunday and Monday evenings ity and suspense with their un­ will be seen in an interpretive* In­ be remembered when you are dis* cles previously in other magazines, at 8:15 at the Fine Arts center. predictable actions. Supporting dian ballet. Other dances are the tributJng your patronage to the dif­ and are well known in Denver sci­ Sealy, student at the college. The setting of the operetta is them are Peggy Anna as Miss Lee, Easter parade dance, the bam ferent lines of business. entific and mathematical societies. The meeting will be at High­ the Grand Canyon, where the Jeanne Green as Florry, Jim No­ dance, and a tap dance by the lands university April 13, 14, and graduation class of Wayback Tech lan as Mr. Gray, and Gene Gard­ maids and bellhops. HOW BIG SHOULD YOUR WATER HEATER B E ? 15. The assembly theme will be college is vacationing. The story ner as Jack Bean, the head bell­ As an entr’acte feature, Mar­ 72 DO YOUR OWN RA. 5793 “Preserving Individual and Acad­ revolves around Nancy Gray, one hop. Others in the cast include garet Gatterer will sing II Bacio. emic Freedom in the Present of the students, who finds her Margie Willett, Marion Donelan, Miss Connie Barrett, freshman, SO. PENN for appE. Crisis.” . long-lost father and brother there. Charles Dandrea, Tommy Plush, will be the accompanist. , * foi THia M uss 30 GAL LAUNDRY A 50>g3lton Automatic Natural Gas^Wacer Heater it the minimum ttze recommended for a tmatl 20 General Electric All Automatic Machines houiehold. This size water heater will serve jour Wedding, hoc water needs comfortablj for normal use. 91 % of Water Removed No Extractor Needed Mission at St. Vincent de Paul's ' Four 40-Ib. Dryer. Give Quick Service Birthday, Friars to Visit Sick in Parish ■ FOR A FAftHT Of FOit 40 GAL 9 LBS. DAIBP DRY — 30c and Novelty (St. Vincent de P«ul’» Parish, ing in the school hall Monday the group, and a pleasant evening An average size family requires a 40*galloo Drying Service— 9 Lb*. Completely Dry— 15c Up to 36 Lb*.— 25c Denver) night, April 9. The president, Mrs. is promised. Automatic Natural Gas Water Heater to sup* A parish mission to be con­ P. 'W. Bowling, introduced the The committee for the First ply instant hot water at alt times. Cakes ■guest speaker, Dr. Louis Barbato, Communion breakfast will be ap­ ducted by the Franciscan Fa­ 24 HOUR SERVICE ON SHIRT FINISHING mints for all occasions psychiatrist and professor of health pointed this week by the chairman, thers ■will begin Sunday, April education at Denver university. Dr. Mrs. J. C. Connors. fOI A FUIIT OF FWE 01 ROIE 50-75 GAL SUMNER'S BAKERY Barbato’s subject was “Personality The St. Rose of Lima circle, a Automatic Natural Gas Water Heaters are 15. The women’s mission will Needs of Children.” He said that new unit of the Altar and Rosary available in three large sizes, varying in ca* 782 Colorado Boulevard be held the first week, and the the first emotional need of chil­ society, met in the home of Mrs. pacity from 50 to 7$ gallons. Your dealer can EA. 6622 dren is a need for love and security, W. G. Dougherty April 2. First help you scJect the proper size for your men’s will be the second week. and that children should earn this prize in canasta was won by Mrs. family needs. DENVER'S FINEST Fathers Leo Malone, themselves, with the guidance of E. P. Worthman, and Mrs. Dough­ O.F.M., and Kevin Henry, their parents. He also said that erty won second prize. The next O.F.M., will be the missioners. Eve­ parents’ lives are pictures on which meeting will be held April 17 in ning services will be at 7:45 children pattern their own lives the home of Mrs. Vincent Hatt, o’clock. During the first week and by which they learn and copy 959 S. Vine. the weekday mission Masses will behavior that is presented to them. Members of this circle are The Beer That I t’s not accidental when your hot be at 6, 7, and 9 o’clock. The Mrs. Barbato was a guest at the Mmes. Louis Erhard, Thomas DELICATESSEN evening services, which will last meeting. Ewing, Vincent Hett, M. G. Made Milwaukee Famous approximately one hour, will con­ Mrs. J. C. Connors, chairman of Schnell, Paul Smith, H. W. Swi- water supply runs out! It’s an indication of AND CATERER sist of instruction. Rosary, sermon, the nominating committee, pre­ gert, Jr.; E. P. Worthman, and MURRAY BROS. DISTRIBUTING CO. and Benediction. A short instruc­ sented the following slate of offi­ W. G. Dougherty. Mrs, Erhard is 790 COLORADO BLVD. captain of the circle. too small a water heater. Perhaps your water jRoberl M. — Paul V. — M. T. Murray; tion also will be given after the cers for the 1951-1952 season: FL. 0449 FREE DELIVERY mission Masses each morning. President, Mrs. David Sykes; vice The next meeting of the St. An­ The mission for the grade president, Mrs. Wilbur Gunther; thony circle of the Altar and Ro­ heater should be replaced by a new, larger ilsumr. 01832709 ELEVATORS Ready-to-Eat school children will be conducted secretary, Mrs. Donald Ish; treas­ sary society will be held April 17 each afternoon at 2:30 during urer, Mrs. William Hughes; audi­ in the home of Mrs. James Ryan. Automatic Natural Gas Water Heater. DENVER CASSEROLE DISHES the first week. High school pu­ tor, Mrs. Albert De Credico; and This circle met March 20 in the histbrian, Mrs. Ray Humphreys. home of Mrs. P. W. Bowling. To Take Out pils will attend the regular mission Fort Morgan Flour Mills services. This slate was accepted unani­ Guests were Mrs. G. Thompson, SERVES 3 to 4 People mously. The officers will be in­ Mrs, W'. Gunther, and Mrs. B. FORT MORGAN Next Wednesday afternoon at 2 Hawes. / Your hot water requirements are SPAGHETTI AND •o’clock there will be a special bless­ stalled art the May meeting. BRANCHES AT— MEAT BALLS...... M.10 ing for all babies in the parish. Mrs. Robert McGlone announced Thursdays of both weeks will be that there will be a card party in suggested by the above chart. See your LONGMONT . . . YUMA CHICKEN POT PIES ...... * 1.50 days of adoration; the Blessed Sac­ the Gas Hospitality house Thurs­ HUDSON . . . HILL ROSE rament will be exposed after the day, April 26. Tickets may be se­ ROAST STUFFED 9 o’clock Mass, and reposition will cured from Mrs. McGlone by call­ dealer for further information regarding the MILLERS AND HANDLERS CHICKENS ...... *2.75 take place in the evening services. ing SP. 1015 or Mrs; Wilbur Gun­ OF FLOUR, WHEAT, CORN, BEEF The women’s mission will come to ther at PE. 2513. This benefit is to new larger Automatic Natural Gas Water BARLEY, OATS, AND MILL STEW ...... * 1.75 a close on Sunday afternoon, April help defray expenses of the eighth 22. The men’s mission will open grade commencement breakfast. FEEDS WHOLE FRIED CHICKEN, di.jointed ....*2.50 the same evening. There# will also, be a paper drive Country Shippers! The novena in honor of Our by the school children in the near Open Evei. and Sun. Till 9 P.M future, and proceeds will go for Consign Your Shipment To Vs Lady of the Miraculous Medal will Closed Mondays be held in connection with the this same purpose. mission services on Tuesdays each A1 Brinn, cubmaster, invited week. The sick in the parish will parents to attend the cub meeting be visited by the missioners in the in the Washington Park school au­ second week. ditorium Thursday evening, April 12, at 7:30 p.m. Paco Sanchez, Mountain Picnic popular radio star, will entertain Planned by lYPC The semi-monthly business meet­ ing of the St. Vincent Young Peo­ Mass at Seminary ple’s club April 11 was followed by an evening of dancing and games in the school hall. Final For De Paul Society plans were made for the joint all­ day mountain picnic Sunday, Archbishop Urban J. Vehr was April 15, sponsored by St. Vin­ the celebrant of the St. Vincent de cent’s and the K-Ducat Young Peo­ Paul Mass offered April 8 in the ple’s clubs. The picnickers will St. Thomas’ seminary chapel, attend the 9 o’clock Mass in Denver. Chaplains in the St. Vincent’s and will leave in a were the Veiy Rev. William J. group. Transportation will be Kenneally, O.M., rector of the available, and reservations may seminary, and the Rev. George C. be made by calling. Frank Beck- Tolman, C.M., of the seminary ord at SP, 8848. All young peo­ faculty. ple of the parish are invited. Pic­ Present for the Mass and for nic arrangements are being made the breakfast that followed in the by Frank Beckord, Bill Skufka, seminary dining hall were some Mary Chirico, Genevieve Maginn, llO members of the St. Vincent de Gloria Philippo«e, and Carl 'Wood. Paul society and also about 200 A large attendance is anticipated. seminarians. Archbishop Vehr The Altar ami Rosary society gave the sermon in the Mass and thanks the committee and the spoke at the breakfast. parishioners who attended the The session that followed was bridge benefit on Saturday, April in the form of a demonstration, 7, in St. Francis de Sales’ school for the benefit of the seminary hall. The large attendance made it students, of the manner in which a successful financial benefit. a St. Vincent .de Paul meeting is The PTA held its regular meet­ conducted. REOULAR GRIND OR CHUNK STYU Last Sacraments Are Given NEW Flavor-richness! Ne w Tighter seal! Man Whose Heart Stoppefl It ia made from the finest grade of eating Guards freshness and flavor, extra protec­ peanuts, expertly roasted to golden good­ tion for New Beverly right down to the last. Eighty-two minutes after his five other doctors witnessed the ness. heart had stopped beating, a pa­ phenomenon. After the first 20 minutes without results the doc­ NEW Smoother, creamier texture! NEW “Self-stacking” jars! tient in the Colorado State hos­ tors began to feel pessimistic pital, Pueblo, was revived by doc­ After 40 minutes they reached a Spreads easily and evenly, doesn’t tear Just grand for re-use, made to put one jar point where - they knew their bread, helps you make sandwiches quicker. on top of another without risk of slipping. tors, who made an incision in the chest and massaged the heart that chances for bringing the patient length of time. A short time back were almost impossible. After previously the patient had been an hour their first hope rose in given the last sacraments by the the fact that the patient began to Rev. Clement M. Wozniak, re­ breathe. After an hour and 20 cently appointed full-time Cath minutes the heart resumed beat olic chaplain of the institution. A ing of itself. The longest pre^ ^ 4 sure... shop S A corps of five doctors took turns vious instance of a similar case in massaging the heart, which had is reported from Cleveland, 0., to be repeated at exact intervals where the time elapsed was 60 times per minute. Twenty- minutes. , lUttsii Cnn C#*MV. M4■»• and Ernestine Gilbreath Carey, is a' comedy in three acts. It is wadding. the story of a “time-saving” fa­ ther and his 12 children whose one desire is to be normal. Larry Dowd will portray Mr, Mon o>'»«' 5„ico tbot a""* , „„oM . Gilbreath, and Patricia Fallon takes the part of Mrs. Gilbreath. the routine m »ui Katherine Jordam Loretta Deimer, Phillip Gulick, Frances Neaville, Sincerely» John Uebelhoer, Dorothy Smith, Patrick Carroll, Alice-McDonough, and Robert Jordan are the chil­ dren who wish to be "average." James Flood portrays the dashing cheer leader. Raymond Schuster is his rival for the attention of Ann Gilbreath. Patricia Miller is the overburdened family servant. Frances Frede is the distrusting psychology examiner, and Robert Pfannenstiel is the family physi­ cian. Eight students from St. Francis de Sales’ participated in the NFL district tournament at Greeley w S IS SixtMiith St. April 6 and 7. Donna Ann Giac- N nt to the Paramoust amozzi and Jacquelyn Jacques gave original orations; J^quelyn Russian, Pat Fallon, oratorical declamations; Larry Dowd, Jerry Van Dyke, and Mary Behan, ex­ DR. JAMES P. ' f. temporaneous speaking; and Caro lyn Reilley, dramatic reading. GRAY Optometrist New York Nuns VISUAL CARE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY EYES EXAMiyED ON SEVERAL MODELS OF NEW Attend Student VISUAL TRAlNiyC '51 FORD TRUCKS Optometrist Advisers' Meeting 212-13 Colo. Bldg., 1616 Calif. S t BEST ALLOWANCE! BEST TERMS! BEST DEAL! Phono for Appointment Mother O’Byrne, president, and TA. 8883 Mother Weston, dean of Manhat- Free Parking tanville College of the Sacred facilities for O’Meara Heart, New York city, are in Den­ eastomers across the I / / C f 1314 ACOMA ST. ver for the annual meeting of the street on Acoma be­ ^ ^ MAin 3111 National Association of Foreign tween 13th & 14th. Student Advisers. “On Civic Center*’ During the past five years this association has actively promoted y e c k h r L the program of student exchange STUDENTS OF THE music and a r t de­ Mesenbrink, Judy Seely, and Charlene Wolff, from carried on by public and independ­ partments of St. Mary’s academy, Denver, the grade school, will be included in the program, ent colleges who work with the along with two orchestra groups, one composed of ’V w f f CLBANWO s«»ic9 U. S. department of State and the will unite in giving a demonstration of work for the freshman and another of the sophomore orchestra RABTOAY GENERAL TIRE CO. Institute of International Educa­ their parents and friends on Monday evening, April students. J BERNARD C. FINNERTY, Owner tion and many private agencies, 16, at 8 o’clock. The program will be opened w th a An art display under the direction of Mrs. G. GENERAL TIRES Through these joint efforts thou­ fanfare played by Sally Wilson, followed with a F. McAllister will follow the musical program. **Quality and Service Has Built Our Business^ sands of foreign students come prologue by Anita Shader. Miss Jeanne Johnson, Those who will take part in a music and art General Batteries annually to the United States. a senior at Loretto Heights college, will be the program are (top photo, left to right), standing, Furnitiire . . . Rugs ... Draperies Mother O’Byme and Mother guest conductor of the choral groups. Roy Bresnehan Margaret McLaughlin, Anita Shader, Mary Evelyn Wearing Apparel Weston arrived in Denver April. 8 and Jack Hamill, seniors from Holy Family high Norpoth, Jeanne Barrett, and Consuelo Martinez; KRAFT RECAPPING and are staying at Loretto Heights school, will sing with the choral group. Vocal solos seated, Mary Jo Ahern, Pat Killian, and Jeanne 1228 E. Colfax Pickup fthd DellTerr AC 6755 GENERAL college. They will attend all the will be given by Pat Killian and Mary Jo Ahern. Johnson; (bottom photo, left to right) Pat Wyers, Kraft Inspected sessions of the foreign students' A violin solo by Consuelo Martinez and a violin Joan Kafka, Carol McCunniff, Catherine Maroney, S9UEECEE meeting and return to New York quartet made up of Janet Rosengren, Gerry Ann Jane Eyre, Paula Plank, and Jo Woehrmyer. Used Tires Saturday. Manhattanville college was Girl's Story G.T.A.C. Easy Pay 1401 W. Colfax TA. 6604 founded in 1841. In its student Holy Family High Students Wyoming body of 400 students there are 45 foreign students who come from Accepted by Magazine 23 countries of the Orient and Honor Monsignor Leo Flynn Occident as well as from the Miss Bobbie Lue Meigh, Clarke Americas. (Holy Family High School, “Mexican Hat Dance,” “ Chap- Denver) aneacas,” “Cielito Lindo,” “El college, Dubuque, la., received an­ TO PERSONAL De Soto-Plymouth The student body attended the Rancho Grande,” “ Columbia, the nouncement recently that her short Nurse Essay Test holy sacrifice pf the Mass Gem of the Ocean,” and “God story, “The Winner,” has been ac­ RELIABLE, AND COMPLETE All Late Model Used Cars Wednesday morning, April 11, in Bless America” are the selections cepted for publication in Today, honor of Monsignor Leo Flynn’s chosen for the program, Steve a national Catholic biweekly. The INVESTMENT name day. A spiritual bouquet was Horan is to act as narrator for Carry 5,000 Mile Guarantee Has Great Response story originally appeared in the presented to him. the different songs and dances SERVICE Factory Trained Mechanics on All Chrysler Made Cars and the countries each represents. fall issue of the Clarke college La- Pan-American day will he cele­ barum. The contest being conducted by brated April 12, with a program Following this will be the pres­ the Colorado State Nurses’ asso­ slated for 8 p.m. in the school hall. entation of Of All Things, and Miss Meigh is the daughter of GRIFFITH MOTORS, Inc. ciation to stimulate interest in It will include singing and danc­ The Case of the Weird Sisters, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Meigh, Meigh nursing as a career among high both one-act plays. Ranch, Hiland, Wyo. She is a jun­ 2770 No. Speer Blvd. GR. 3313 school students has brought ex­ ing by the Spanish club and dances by two Loretto Heights college stu­ The junior class, which is spon­ ior English at the college. You con depend upon BOSWORTH-SULLIVAN ceptional response throughout the Her story concerns a rodeo per­ to give you personal, reliable, and complete invest­ state. High school girls in the pa dents who live in countries that soring this program, has dedicated are members of the Pan-American it to Monsignor Flynn. former who rides in a show despite ment service and advice . . . whether you're merely rochial schools have accounted for the barrier of racial prejudice. many of the entries. A grand prize Union. The freshman and sophomore seeking information or wish to buy or sell securities SCIERTTIFIC of $600 will be awarded to the classes made the Holy Year pil­ Brint 7onr hialth tronbiM ta in small or large amounts. author of the winning essay on grimage April 10. They journeyed WALL CLEANING “What Nursing Means to Your Vocational Guides to St. Philomena’s, Cathedral, Holy DR. LEO S. EHENBURG NO iTfl/NN — NO FUSS Community.” The contest closes Ghost church, and their own par­ Chiropractor Write or visit BOSWORTH-SULLIVAN soon. Saturday, April 7, and entries will ish church and recited the prayers Our personnel, our library, and our research depart­ Special Detergent Uied be judged by Judge Phillip B. Gil­ Convene at Regis prescribed by the Holy Father. 4345 W. 41 ft Aye. ment are at your service . . . without any obligation. Definitely Increases Paint Life liam, Mary C. Walker, director of On April 17 the upperclassmen (41st A Ttnnyfon) HOMES Denver Red Cross; Val H. Wilson, Regis college was host to the will make thpir pilgrimage to the Telephone - Glendale 255S SCHOOLS president of Colorado Women’s National Vocational Guidance as­ churches. These are sodality proj­ 105V CONTSIBUTED TO CHURCH 8F OFFICES college; Lillian Heggerman, United BOSWORTH, SULLIVAN S COMPANY, Inc. VOUR CHOICE IH YOUR NAME DUO- HOSPITALS sociation meeting held recently in ects and each class is accompanied EYES EXAMINED INC FEB..MARCH. CHURCHES State Public Health Service; and by its sponsor. JOHN J. SUUIVAN. enddsnl the college dining room. The Sub­ Gla*iei Prescribed R. H. Owen, assistant manager of At the general sodality meeting station KOA. The grand prize of ject for discussion at the meeting If Needed KE. 6 2 4 1 DENVER WMLMASTER CO. was “Counseling and Personnel to be held Friday, April 13, Fa­ $500 will be resented to the win ther Fabian Joyce O.F.M., and Fa­ Dr. M. L. Perito 2068 SO. GALAPAGO PE. 9206 ner by Gov. Dan Thornton at an Work in the Armed Forces.” ther Sebastian Egan, O.F.M., will OPTOMETRIST 6 6 0 SEVENTEENTH ST. "DENVER, COLORADO award banquet Thursday, April Speakers for the evening be­ talk to the students on the mis­ 810 Mining Ezchinge 19. sides the Very Rev. Raphael C. sion to be held April 15 to 22 and Bldg. McCarthy, S.J., president of the April 22 to 29. TA. 2682 college, and the Rev. Louis G. Mat- Provincial * Newmanites tione, S.J., dean, were Capt. J. H. Stangle of Lowry air force base, College Faculty to Hear Choose New Officers Lt. M. Westburg of Buckley field, and Maj. Charles E. Goins of Fitz- Liberal Arts Educator Some 200 delegates concluded simons General hospital. the Intermountain province con Dr. E. Ray McCartney, dean of A VWOLE CARLOAD!! Guests at the discussion were Fort Hays State college. Hays, vention of Newman clubs at the students and friends of the col­ Kans., will visit Loretto Heights University of Wyoming in Lara, lege and high school. Visiting college, Denver, on Thursday and mie, Wyo., April 18 with election speakers outlined for those pres­ Friday, April 12 and 13. Dr. Mc­ of new officers. ent the vast program of counsel­ Cartney is a co-ordinator of study Steve Montardi of the Univer­ ing offered by the armed forces, on liberal arts education conducted sity of Utah was chosen chairman, and advised students to prepare by the North Central association. Also named were Tom Smithis- SALE themselves for positions in the During his visit to the college he ler. University of Wyoming, vice armed forces that would comply will address the faculty at a meet­ chairman; Neda Hart, Weber Jun­ with their educational advances. ing Thursday morning. One Week Only-April 12-19 ior college, Ogden, recording sec retary; Jo Ann Gholson, Univer sity of Denver, treasurer; Mary Ellen McCue, University of Colo­ rado, historian: Monsignor William Armstrong-Quaker Vaughan, University of Utah province chaplain. Salt Lake City was picked as LINOLEUM the site of next year’s parley.

Fr. Gibbons to Attend Reg. $1.06 Apply for a CHARGE ACCOUNT Registrars' Meeting The Rev. John Gibbons, S.J,, sq. yd. registrar at Regis college, Denver^ AT THE DENVER will attend the annual convention of the American Association of Comes in 12 ft. widths Do it tomorroa! It tcill be such a convenience Collegiate Registrars and Admis­ sions Officers to be held at the ■to be able to $ay “Charge it” , . . to buy tehat Rice hotel in Houston, Tex., on 16 Beautiful Colors you need when you need it and pay for monthly April 16,17, 18,19, and 20. when you receive your MtatemenI, Ydur Regis registrar since September, To Select From Denver CHARA-PLATE will speed your purchases, 1949, Father Gibbons Vas also chosen secretary-treasurer, of the eliminate errors, serve as identification. regional AACRAC for the I960- THIS PRICE CANNOT BE EQUALLED IN DENVER Yes, tomorrow , , , 51 term. Father Gibbons was formerly, dean and registrar at Apply at Credit Office—’Third Floor. Rockhurst and assistant professor of philosophy at Regis college. THREE OF THE TROPHY winners in the Colorado- DENVER LINOLEUM & CARPET CO. A native of Denver, Father Gib­ Wyoming speech tournament of the National Forensic bons attended both Regis college league, held at the Colorado State college of education, are (left to 316 So. Brondwoy SP. 8512 (HE and St. Louis university before go­ right) Tom Bottone of Regis high, Denver, who won in dramatic ing to Gonzaga university, where declamation; Janet Robertson, of Cheyenne, Wyo., who took first in 'Whtrs Osnvtr Shops with Confidsnce'- ICfyotOlM S ill he received both his A.B. and A.M girls’ extemporaneous speaking; and Taggart Dieke of Regis high, CARPETS — RUGS - LINOLEUMS degrees, ______who won in humorous reading.— (CSCE photo by Skeets Calvin) . /, Th u rsd ay, April 12, 1951 PAGE EIGHT Office, 9 3 8 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitone 4205

MILORGANITE ST. JOSEPH'S PARISH Record Crowd at Service Club Event Missions Acknowledge puts Please Patronise These Friendly Firms The XTSO - National Catholic + + + + + Community Service began the sec­ Women's Society Gifts ------ond phase of its program expansion (the first being dances in the The firms listed here de­ Orchids to Peggy The Tabernacle society met in the Contributions to' the gold and in yew LAWN Sonta Fe Shoe Hospital Knights ,of Columbus ballroom) home of Mrs. James Logan on Fri­ silver collection may be brought serve to be remembered with a “Sadie Hawkins” dance n o WERS, TREES April 7 in the USO-NCCS center, day, April 6. Miss Eva M. Walsh, to the meetings or to the June tea, SHRUB$,OAROEN We Redress Suedes when .you are distributing president, gave a detailed account or given to any member to bring We Refinish Leather Any Color 1663 Grant street, Denver, which of the many Easter boxes sent to in. A list of members serving We Dye Shoes your patronage in the dif­ was attended by a record-breaking the missions and new parishes. on this committee will he pub­ crowd of service personnel and ...... ferent lines of business. Mrs. A. £. Murchie made three lished as soon as copipleted. One junior hostesses, with Mrs. Bere­ for th* *‘«tn Mpictkn^ 742 SANTA FE DRIVE nice Adams in charge. Western complete sets of vestments for does not need to be a member of fhrt yoat kwii,ganks,io«m^ Easter and it now working on the Tabernacle society in order to trws xm! dhCiBctMci»., focti* music was furnished by the Colum­ tin whh MILORGANITE! bine Ramblers and all junior host­ three more sets. All of the copes give to this worthy cause. Padnd in coavcnknc lift'precf for the Tabernacle society are b4> • • * 25-9 90*8 1004U esses were dressed in “Sadie The president appointed a nom­ Sn nJ Waihing TABOR 9222 fix; Mrs. Margaret A. Madden, de­ ney, grand knight of the Welby m s E. 6th FR. 2787. council Knights of Columbus, and ceased, a wedding ring; Mrs. Fred 2804 £. 6th At6. EA. 0788 Mrs. Angelo Rossi, Mrs. Mike MISS PEGGY MARONEY, right, was given the C. Miller, gold watch and spec­ Rossi, and Mrs. George Tolvo, tacles—and from her niece, MrS. senior hostesses. The junior host­ “Girl of the Month” orchid for devoting the most time Lucy Buckingham of Casa Grande, Cliad Spurlocic's Conoco Service to USO-NCCS functions during the month of March at the UgO- esses on the organization commit­ Ariz., three rings, three lock­ WaBhintr — Lubrication — Battery &. Tire Service ST. DOMINIC'S PARISH tee are Misses Elaine Rossi, Gloria NCCS “Sadie Hawkins” dance on Saturday, April 7. Presenting the ets, chain, etc.; Mrs. Murphy of 6th & York — EA. 9932 ~ We Pickup & Deliver Rossi, and Elaine Tolvo. A meet­ orchid is Miss Doris Knopke, president of junior hostesses and a Chicago (sister of Mrs. H. W. Patronise These Friendly Merchants ^ ing of this group held April 11 in former winner of the same prize.— (Photo by Smyth) Anderson), lavaliere, pin, heavy the Welby Knights of Columbus In St. Anthony's Hospital sterling spoon, and other items; OLSON'S Capitol Drug Co. We are very happy to bring a com­ home was also attended by the St. Philomena’s, Mrs. A. Ott, plete Variety Line to the people The firms listed here de­ USO-NCCS director, B. Maurice eye glasses and four sterling han­ Byrne, and plans for participation dles; Mrs. John A. Coffey of New Food Market Paul 0. Schneider of this parish. serve to be remembered Rochelle, N. Y. (sister of Miss (Member of S t Philomena’a Parith) in the.USO-NCCS program were Lt. Clara Buehler Speaks Appreciate Your Business GRAHAM'S when you are distributing formulated. Single young women Walsh), one gold watch and sev­ Prescriptions A Specialty your patronage in the dif­ in the Welby area between the eral heavy pieces of gold; Mrs, 3030 E. 6th EA. 1801 ages of 18 and 30 who wish to Whyte, deceased, a wedding ring; Complete Line of 5 & 10c Store ferent lines of business. join this group are requested to At ACCN Chapter Meet Mrs. Catherine Reardon, gold 23rd Federal Street phone the Welby Knights of Co­ pieces; Miss Rosa Adele Reilly, in The firms listed here de­ Giro Parfums lumbus home, Hazeltine 725, after (Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Nurses, Denver Chapter) memory of Mrs. Mary G. Reilly, King’s Men Toiletries Mr. William J. and Louis G. serve to be remembered 7:30 p.m. Lt. Clara K. Buehler of the navy nurse corps spoke at Maple Grove Candies A luncheon meeting of the Reilly, 12 pairs of eye glasses, when you are distributing the ACCN meeting in St. Anthony’s hospital March 29.. Lt. rings, pins, lockets, heavy dental ST. JAMES' PARISH NCCS e x e c u tiv e committee, FREE DELIVERY along with representatives of Buehler is a graduate of Creighton Memorial, St. Joseph’s gold, and other pieces; your patronage in the dif­ St. John’s, Mrs. R. F. Brink, 6th Ave, at Fillmore FR 2741 Please Patronise These Friendly Firms Catholic societies, is scheduled hospital school of nursing, Omaha, ferent lines of business. for Wednesday, April 18, at Neb. Commissioned in 1943, Lt. two gold rings; Blessed Sacrament, 12:10 at the USO-NCCS center, Buehler has been on active duty Mrs. Joseph Rihn, gold coin, chain, 1663 Grant street. since that time. The navy nurse and miscellaneous pieces. Mrs. Beautifully Cleaned corps, said Lt. Buehler, offers an R. W. Kelly of Omaha, Nebr., HATHAWAY’S interesting and profitable career gold watch, earrings, pins, and DRAPES Fast Service Cathedral Club to graduate registered nurses who various other pieces. City Lace Cleaners meet the mental, moral, and physi­ 2625 EAST 3RD AVE. PHONE DE. 6891 cal requirements. Defense Workers Group Curtain, and Plllowa Carefully Cleaned end Returned Same Siie Members to Enjoy The annual Communion break­ Fights Daylight Saving Special Cara Given Table Linene—BlankeU Laundered Without Shrinkage Associated Cleaners fast .for the ACCN will be held WE CALL AND DELIVER ______Saturday, April 28, in the Albany Mrs. George Imherr of 1455 S. Pickup and Skiing April 15 hotel at 9:30 a.m. Archbishop Ur­ Steele street, Denver, on behalf 6736 E. Colfax DeliTSTT Service EA. 5462 ban J. Vehr and Gov. Dan Thorn­ of a group of industrial defense (Cathedral Young People’s Club) ton will be guest speakers. All workers, has voiced opposition to ST. FRANCIS DE SALES' PARISH nurses are invited to attend the There will be a ski bus leaving the plan to establish Daylight breakfast. High Mass will be cele­ Saving Time for Denver this sum­ Patronise These Friendly Firms for Berthoud pass from the K. of brated in Holy Ghost church at C. hall at 8:30 a.m. Sunday, mer. 8:80 o’clock by the Rev. John Many of these workers have to April 15. Anyone interested in ski­ Regan. ing should call Mike Sachse, KE. be at their jobs at 7 o’clock in HOLY FAMILY PARISH L Reservations for the breakfast the morning. Under the daylight Alameda Drug Store 9758, for reservations not later may be made by telephoning the saving plan they would not be BUCHANAN'S v. 0 . PETERSON. Prop. Patronise These Friendly Firms than Friday, April 13. The charge following members: Josephine An­ will be $1.75. able to get sufficient selep, Mrs. Christian Bros. Wines Cut Rate Drugs derson, Monica Arno, Lauretta Imherr points out, for they would Fountain Service School Supplies The one-act play, Dust of the Dwyer, and Josephine Hayes. be retiring at an earlier hour when All Popnlsr Beers Lieb's Flower Shop Road, scheduled for April 17, will The ACCN wishes to thank all there would still be more noise and ' We Deliver Your Business Appreciated FANNING’S not be held on that date but will members and friends of the or­ commotion on the streets by those PE. 1777 377 So. Bdwy. Alameda'& So. Broadway Fresh Cut Flowers be presented along with “Tons of ganization who helped to make the taking advantage of the longer TEXACO SERVICE Flowers for Weddings — Bouquets Lt. Clara K. Buehler TIRES . BATTERIES Fun” at Elitch’s Gardens theater games party on April 6 a success. hofirs for leisure-time projects. and Decorations For Entertain­ on May 25, 26, anad 27. The organization is especially Mrs. Imherr is the cousin of the ACCESSORIES ments of All Kinds Nate's Pharmacy COMPLETE SEEV iaN O All CYPC members will be noti­ grateful to the donors of the many Rt. Rev. Charles Hagus, pastor It’s a tbrill KEASONABLE PRICES FUNERAL OFFERINGS A SPECIALTY fied by card of the final details on Phi Kappa Frat gifts. Mrs. Anna Franz, 1349 S. of the Annunciation church. CUT RATE DRUGS 44tb & STUART GR. 9824 3922 West 32nd Ave. the barn dance to be held at Glas- Columbine, was given $25. Pro­ ti le reieibereJ GLendale 0133 ier’s barn Thursday night, April ceeds of the games party go to Will Hear Regis Dean School Suppliei • Fountain Service Garden Tools, Grass Sc. t 19. Rosemary Neumann, Aurora Has Communion charity organizations. Wines, Beers, Etc. 673-R, will be in charge. Fre« Delivery witi Garden Seeds i For Quality Bakery Goods Delegates from the ACCN Speak on Draft Law Alameda & Penn, RA 2203-9848 Fertilizers • Insecticides Margaret Sweeney and her com­ chapter of the state credit union Aak for National Gift Seale Try mittee composed of Joe Barry, A1 In Englewood to the state convention, which will Members of the Catholic Par­ B. P. S. Flatluz, Satin Lux, Smith, Ernie Espinosa, Jeanette be held in Pueblo April 13, 14, ent-Teacher league will hear the CONOCO PRODUCTS RA. 181f and Gloss Lux Paints WEISS BAKERY and Bernard Karpinski, Mike The monthly Communion break­ and 15, include Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rev. Louis G. Mattione, S.J., FREE d e l iv e r y ’ LEYDkN HARDWARE Sachse, Nick Orndorff, and Ed fast of Phi Kappa fraternity was Burke, Mrs. Marie Dowd, Lauretta dean of Regis college, explain Lubrication - Delco Batteries You Will Be Proud 5132 We 38th Ats. Tel. GeneMee 1933 4024 Tennyson St. Lynch, -were responsible for the held in St. Louis’ parish, Engle­ Dwyer, Mrs. Josephine Hayes, the current draft legislation at They Came From at Sheridan Blvd. success of the all-city dance the wood, April 1. The guest speaker Catherine Sharping, and Mrs. Vi­ the meeting on Thursday, April Car Washing past Sunday night. Approximately was Monsignor Joseph P. O’Heron, ola Watson. 19, at 10 a.m. in the Catholic FORGET-ME-NOT Mercy Hospital W. A . (Dutch) THOMAS CORN FED MEATS 150 people attended. who talked on the loyalty oath is­ Charities annex, 1665 Grant FLOWER SROP The results of the past Friday' sue. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sudia are street, Denver. PE. 9840 POULTRY AND FISH the parents of a boy, Thomas Mi­ Alameda & Logan 285 SO. DOWNING North Denver Cleaners night’s bowling left the Pinheads The list of pledges is now com­ The Mothers’ singing group chael, born on Shrove Tuesday in from the Holy Family PTA, un­ ALTERATIONS still in first place with 57 wins and plete and consists of the following TE]\]\Y§0 ]V Boulder. Mrs. Sudia is the former der the direction of Mrs. Fred MACHINE BUTTON HOLES 33 losses. The Atom Busters and students: Peter Lege, Jr., Dillon; I the Jolly Corks are tied for second Dick D. Jones, Englewood; and Eileen Tenhoeff, graduate of Ihrer, will present a short pro­ New Management Meat Market Mercy hospital. gram. 3939 Tennyson GL. 8812 4016 Tennyson GR. 0443 j place with 52 wins and 38 losses. Archie J. MaePherson, Larry The Katz Meyow team won high Biernbaum, and Ronnie C. D’As- Miss Honora Sheeran has re­ Mrs. James A. Foley, presi­ J. H. Bolsinger - Dick Tremlett Masten, Hasten game, 732, also high series, 2,063. cenz, all of Denver. turned to her home in San Fran­ dent, will announce the nomi­ cisco after an extended visit in nating committee at this time, Francis Bruggenthies had men’s Andy Kordziel passed cigars at high game, 189, and Bernard Kar­ Denver. Miss Sheeran is a Mercy and Mrs. Rider, secretary, and & Bryan the meeting on April 2, announc­ graduate, class of ’24. A reunion U M t \ i pinski had high series, 476. Mary ing his engagement to Joan Kauf­ Mrs. Leroy Smith, treasurer, BLESSED SACRAMENT PARISH Meneghini had woman’s high dinner of the class of ’24 was held will give a complete report on Cleaners & Dyers man of Grand Island, Neb., a for­ while Miss Sheeran visited here. game, 198, also high series, 450. mer Loretto Heights student. The the educational conference. 328 Broadway Patronise These Friendly Firms The club extends its sympathy Mrs. Frank Nortnick of Holy prospective bridegroom is a mem­ Rosary unit and Mrs. Lester Sei­ Phones PE. 3753 & 37.54 Optometrists to Frank Breen, whose brother ber of Our Lady of Lourdes par­ Queen's Daughters Club died recently. The funeral will be ish. Wedding plans are indefinite. bert of Cathedral unit will assist held in Brookfield, Mo. The engagement of Frank Gatto Mrs. Raymond Ingram, hospital­ ROSS VARIETY STORE Entertained in Home ity chairman, at the meeting 5 Broadway PEarl 4668' Cupid's Corner to Gwen Saunders, an employe of JACKSON'S NOTIONS - INFANT WEAR the Stearns-Roger firm, was an­ this month. Hardware - Toys Alice Gallagher and Jim Me nounced April 5. Mr. Gatto is a Of Mrs. Mary Morgan Cut Rate Drugs Clain will be married at 9 o’clock junior at Denver university and a June Wedding Planned The firms listed here deserve to 2214-16 Kearney in Blessed Sacrament church Sat­ Mrs. Mary Morgan entertained PRESCRIP’nONS member of Holy Ghost parish. the Queen’s Daughters in her FOUNTAIN SERVICE be remembered when you ere dis­ DE. 4488 urday, April 14. Their reception Plant for the Inter-Fraternity tributing your patronage to the dif­ will be held at 1851 Dahlia from 3 home, 3053 W. 26th avenue, Den­ By Margaret M . Crowley FREE PROMPT DELIVERY dance, to he held Saturday, April ver, on April 1. Assisting hostesses Call 8P. 3445 Downing Sk Alimcd* ferent lines of business. to 6 p.m. All club members are 14, at the student union build­ Mr. and Mrs. John J. Crowley, invited. were Mrs. Pearl Quinn, Mrs. John C. ing, have been completed, ac­ Emma Sawyer, Miss Clara Court­ 263 S. Sherman street, Denver, cording to the Phi Kappa presi­ ney, and Miss Marie Kreiner. Miss announced the engagement of their Scholl dent, Morey Johnson. Music for Loretta Loughran gave a report on daughter, Margaret Marie, to Alvin MALONE DRUG ST. CATHERINE'S the annual affair will be pro­ the last deanery meeting. G. LeRoy. Miss Crowley was grad­ FINEST uated from Georgetown university HEATS AND Patronise These Friendly Firms vided by Will Osbourne and his Mill Marie Spillman, chair­ Prescriptions a Specialty GROCERIES orchestra. Tickets, which are on man pf the spring card party, school of nursing, Washin^on, D. tale at $3 per couple, may be announced the date waa let for C. Mr. LeRoy is attending the Fountain Service — Cold Beer, Etc. 2815 Fairfax obtained by calling Mr. Johnson Stritch school of medicine at FR. 2706 JOHN and BERTHA HcBRIDE Saturday afternoon, April 21, in at EA. 4229, or Lee Koonce at the Catholic Daughters’ club­ Loyola university in Chicago and 100 So. Bdwy. — SP. 6226 — We Deliver! FL. 1730. house. will be graduated in June. A YOUR Miss Mary Rose O’Brien led a June wedding is planned. Kearney Jewelry panel discussion of a pamphlet by How many times a doy 6031 E. 22nd DE. 2901 CLEANERS St. Anthony's Guild the Rev. George Dunne, S.J., Re­ Rummage Sale does that make our phone Fine Watch Repairing ligion and American Democracy. Members of the volunteer coun­ ST. PHILOMENA'S PARISH GLendsIe 8502 1738 TEJON ST. Will Hold Card Party The guest speaker, the Rev. Peter ring? You figure It out. We're All Work Guaranteed cil of the Children’s museum, in O’Brien, O.P., spoke on grace. The preparation for a benefit rummage Patronise These Friendly Firms too busy answering the phone St. Anthony’s Hospital guild . . . taking orders to be de­ Jewelry for All Occasions next meeting will take place in sale, have been engaged these past will hold its annual spring card May. few months in collecting rummage livered in all parts of Denver. party on Wednesday, April 18, FOR TOP MARKET PRICE LOYOLA PARISH of all kinds, including clothes, Betty & Bob’s Texaco Products Will we be answering your LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH at 12:30 p.m, in the nurses’ Hesperian Club household utensils, costume ring soon? Patronise These Friendly Firms home auditoriunf, W. 16th av­ Lubrication V JIlw Tire, The Hesperian club will meet in jewelry, books, and toys. The sale, Beauty & Waihing Acceiiories Charge Aceeuals Invited JOHN F. BRUNO enue and Perry street, Denver. the home of Mrs. A. J. Terrill, scheduled for Friday, April 20, at The public and all members of Barber Shop The REXALl Store Realtor SAVE TIME TRADE AT HOME Denver, April 14 at 2 p.m. The 834 Santa Fe, Denver, will be Joe & Andy's 6107 E. 22nd AVE. AT KEARNEY R4>ck7 Ftori and Joo Hajea the guild are invited to attend. program will be given by Mrs. added to the Children’s museum Specialising in A dessert-luncheon will be Fred P. Carleton. fund for the forthcoming season. Permanent Waving SERVICE STATION 16% Botterfot Ice Cream! Call DE 4266 Anytime Rocky’s Pharmacy, Inc. served, and special awards will 3603 E. 13th At*. MADE TO OUR OWN FORMULA (24 Hour Service) EA. 4733 12th a Clayton FR. 9826 ItMittr Ifslton’ llitlns Excitants Your Convenient be offered. Vslvst-smooth, rich and iull-bod- Druggist led. Delicious flavors—chocolate, University Club Invites ’ SCIENTIFIC strawberry, vanilla, mint. In Prescription! Liquor Lady of Grace Group Frank Antontlli W. L, (Speed) HIcger Sealrigbt cartons. Watch Repair! W. S. (Bill) Carry YOU ALWAYS 17th and Raco EAat 9867 Will Meet on April 13 Membership Applications Dunbar-Andrews Complete Line of SAVE AT The membership committee of the St. Thomas University JEWELERS ST. ANTHONY'S (Our Lady of Grace Parish, club has announced that applications front Denver Catholics who 3339 E. Colfax SIMMONS DRUG Denver) A t 6. WINES & COLD BEER Patronise These Friendly Firms are eligible for membership in the club are being received. Among 3888 Cslo. Blvd. EA. 8953 Our Lady of Grace group will Where Parking la No Problem meet Friday, April 13, at Johnson’s other requirements are the prime requisites that prospective mem­ Plenty of Canned Beer Community center, 4809 Race bers be practicing Catholics and are college graduates, or have REPAIRS STORAGE Complete Line >» street. Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. Hef- at least two years’ college training or equivalent. Further de­ Fairfax Hardware Quality Meats & Groceries feman are hostesses. tails are available by calling the membership committee chairman, AKIISIfC CUANIRS J s d i L (Colfax 'at Fairfax) A paper collection is being made BEER TO TAKE OUT by Mrs. Clarence Wood and Mrs. Mary Frances Thompson, EA. 3485, or by writing her at 2679 ^'Personal Attention HARDWARE, GLASS. PAINTS SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 3504 E. Colfax FR. 8881 HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Steve Cinocco for the benefit of Albion, Denver. A special invitation is extended to Catholics who Given Each Garment’* The firms listed here deserve to their bazaar booth. Anyone having have come to Denver in recent months and those who have been FREE DELIVERY be remembered wbeir you are die- FR. 2725 5022 E. Colfax FIORE GROCERY members of university Catholic clubs in other cities of the United Delivery Service trtbutiaf your patronefe to tbo dU- H. L. Btnehart, Rrop. 1871 80. FEDERAL WE. 138 paper may call CH. 7096 or AL, forant lines of businsss. 0676. ______States. 3838 EAST Uth AVE. EAat 1318 Thursday, April 12, 1951 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitone 4205 PAGE NINE 3 1 ^ Archbishop's Guild Fashion Show Slated Wed in St; Philomena's Past Presidents Santa Fe May 2 in Silver Glade of Cosmopolitan Of CPTL to Hold ' (Archbiihop’s Guild, Denver) The Archbishop’s guild ways and means committee Potiuck Lunch under the leadership of Miss Josephine Hytrek, chairman; Miss Beverley Neylbn, cochairman; and Miss Isabelle McNa- On April 4, the Past Presi­ People who know •mara. adviser, have completed ar- dents’ club of the CPTL planned rangements for the distribution of Saturday evening in the home of a potiuck luncheon for Wednes­ tickets for the coming spring bene­ Miss Eileen Cuneo. day, May 2, a t the Catholic fit, a fashion show to be held at St. Ann’. Circle Charities annex, 1663 Grant the Silver Glade of the Cosmopol­ When the circle members meet street, Denver, at 12:30 p.m. itan hotel on Wednesday evening, in the home of Miss Ruth Birch Mrs. .Albert Rotola will be May 2. Members of the guild will on April 4, Mrs. Clella Barry, chairman, and Mrs. Walter Wade, model the fashions to be presented chairman of the vestments com­ cochairman. through the courtesy of the May mittee, and Mrs. Phyllis Delhaute, Mrs. M. S. Ginn was reported Co. under the direction of Mrs. cochairman, instructed the girls in recovering from a broken leg. Evelyn Peterson. Tickets may be the art of making vestments and She is in Fitzsimons General hos­ obtained from g^ild members at distributed a set of green vest­ pital, ward 1, room 1040. $1 per person. ments to be completed in May. Mrs. C. B. Rayboum of the Reservations for the breakfast Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stakebake Denver Art museum gave an in­ to be held on Sunday morning, entertained 15 relatives at break­ teresting talk on the various art April 22, at 10 o’clock at the Top fast after Easter Sunday Mass museums in Denver. of the Park may be made by call­ Mrs. Rose Scheunemann and Rita The special prize donated by ing Mrs. Virginia Thompson, PE. entertained Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mrs. Alfred Rampe of Blessed 8561; Miss Hary Ellen Logan, Motza and children of Leadville Sacrament parish was awarded to PR. 3244; or Mrs. Margaret Mc- during the Easter holiday^. Mrs. Jerry (Jarpenelli of St. Callin, EA. 3665, on or before Sancta Maria Circle Elizabeth’s parish. Wednesday, April 18. Circle members will gather in Hostesses serving luncheon the home of Miss Loretta Sillivan Our Lady of Fatima Circle were Mrs. Thomas J. Morrissey on Saturday, April 14, to sew altar of Blessed Sacrament parish and ■Miit Beverley Neylon, Cochairmen Mrs. Mary Bradbury and Mrs. linens. Mrs. Jerry Carpenelli and Mrs. Ways and Means Committee Virginia Hamilton were guests on St. Anthony’* Circle E. E. Stanley of St. Elizabeth’s. Mrs. Stepanic Brahms was host­ MR. AND MRS. THOMAS E. GIBLIN (above) were The Rev. Edward A. Leyden, ess on Wednesday, April 11. married before the Rt. Rqv. Monsignor William Higgins spiritual director of the club, was Communion Sunday Set Holy Family Circle in St. Philomena’s church, Denver, on April 7. an honored guest. Thursday afternoon, April 5, Mrs. Giblin, the former Lola Marie Siegworth, is the daughter of was pleasantly spent by the circle Mr. and Mrs. A. Sieg;worth. She had as her'maid of honor Helen J. ^ S a n ta F e By Dominican Aid Society members playing canasta in the Siegworth. The bridesmaid was Judy Potter. Family Relations Group home of Mrs. Angie Hoof. Mrs Mr. Giblin, the son of Mrs. Gladys Giblin, had as his best man The Friends of the Dominican served in the Loyola school hall. Alta Brodhag and Mrs. Catherine Patrick Colburn. The ushers were Donald Potter and Albert Quin- Plans Parley Apr. 13-14 Sisters of the Sick Poor Aid so­ Mrs. Matt Saya of Loyola parish Pfoctor were prizewinners. livan. ciety will sponsor the second an­ has accepted the chairmanship for Sacred Heart Circle Following the ceremony a breakfast was held and in the after­ the brSaWast. Today’s dive»e problems of liv­ Experienced travelers know that Santa Fe nual corporate Communion Sunday Mrs. Patricia McDonough is en­ noon a reception was held.— (Photo by Smyth) ing together and their solutions in April 29. The members will receive An invitation is extended to joying a visit from her husband the home, school, community, na­ all the way means real travel pleasure. Communion in the 8:30 o’clock present and past officers and who is on leave from his navy du­ tion, and the world will be thor­ They enjoy Santa Fe’s friendly hospitality members. Cards will be sent to the Mass in the Loyola church, E. 23rd ties. Miss Cecilia Valdez is re­ Junior Catholic Daughters oughly discussed on April 13-14 at . . wide choice of modern, comfortable avenue and York street, Denver. members in the next week and covering rapidly from a broken the spring conference of the After the Mass a breakfast will be they are asked to return them at leg. Rocky Mountain Council on Fam­ travel accomniodations . . . wonderful an early date, indicating whether Bletied Sacrament Circle Slate, Silver Tea Program ily Relations to be held at the Fred Harvey food . . . swift, dependable Sr. Albert to Address ' or not they can attend the Com­ Mrs. John J. Meany, mother of Colorado State College of Educa­ munion and breakfast. Should any­ The Junior Catholic Daughters sent a skit; Marlene Churchill, a tion, Greeley. rail schedules. one who wishes to come not receive Mrs. Catherine O’Connor, returned home recently, following a stay in of America have arranged a pro­ reading; Joan Sperro, a piano All persons with interests in X-Ray Technicians a card, reservations may be made gram for the silver tea and baby seleption; Elaine Saul and Verna So take a tip from people who know.1 ’ by calling either the chairman, a local hospital. better family living are invited to The 18th annual convention of Our Lady of Loretto Circle shower for St. Joseph’s baby Kay Nelson, a pantomime; Mary attend and become members if they the Colorado Society of X-Ray Mrs. M. Saya, EA. 2712, or the annex on Sunday, April 15, at Webb and Bernadine Popiemik, a Whether you travel east to Chicago, south convent, MA. 1413. Circle members will meet in the wish to do so. Inquiries should be Technicians will be held in the home of Mrs. Louise O’Brien, the Catherine Mullen Memorial dance; Nancy Sorrels, a reading; sent to Dr. Leslie D. Zeleny, Gree­ 'to Texas, or west to California, you’ll find Cosmopolitan hotel, Denver, Fri­ Bylaw. Amended home, 1895 Franklin street, Den­ 5ita Vigil, a piano selection; ley, who is president of the Rocky At the March meeting of the 3029 W. Scott place, on Friday there’s more to enjoy and more to see via day and Saturday, April 13 and 14. evening, April 13. ver. Members from seven troops Joan Alcorn, ballet dancing; Mar­ Mountain Council on Family Rela­ Sister M. Albert, R.T., of Mercy society the bylaws were amended will take part in the program, Santa Fe. Our Lady of Roiary Circle garet McGrath, a reading; Ann tions, as well as head of the social hospital, Denver, will address the and unanimously accepted by the which will begin at 2 p.m. Welch, a dance; Jeannette Mc­ sciences at Greeley State college. group. Her subject will be "Scat­ 80 members present. The president, On Tuesday evening, April 10, Kathleen Kelty and and Mary the monthly meeting was held in Donald, piano selections; and Rita He will be official host tered Rays.’’ "Denver’s Plan for Mrs. W. H. Mahoney, expressed Richards will present a dance, ac­ Turelli, a dance. St. Therese’s Civil Defense’’ will be discussed thanks to Mrs. J.* M. Harrington the home of Mrs. Catherine Your Santa Fe representative will give you Sweeney. The evening was spent companied by Lois Mitchell. Bob- troop, with Rosann ’Pike, Theresa by Morton Gottschalk. A sym­ and her committee, Mrs. M. Mc- bette McLain will give q reading, Lawlor, Narlyn Nelson, Margie expert help with your travel plant^ posium will be held Saturday Eahern and Mrs. T. McElroy, for sewing on altar linens and making St, Clara's Aid Society garments for the children at the and Beulah Conover, Jolie Kirwan, Kleinschnitz, Maryann Helman, afternoon on “Radiological Ther­ the bylaws presented by them. and'Joan McDonald,-vocal selec­ Lucile Imrie, Joan Roberts, Law- apy,” with Dr. John Bouslog as Infant of Prague nursery. Miss To Plan May Card Party The final report on the March Alvina Petry is to be married tions, accompanied by Mary Ann reen Keenan, Georgia Ann Keenan( moderator.______card party was given and the Richards. Joyce Gibson, Patty and Marylyn Younger, will giive a chairman, Mrs. A. D. McGill, and April 17 in St. Mary’s church at A special meeting of St. Clara’s J. P, WARREN, Divn. Pass. Agt. Mt, Carmel, 111., to Lawrence Un­ Otis, and Rosemond Holm will pre- short play. Georgia Ann Keeenan Aid society will be held Tuesday, the society president thank those will play the marimba. 524 17th St., Telephone: Tabor 3211 Spring Time Is who helped make it a success. fried. The couple plan to make April 17, in St, Clara’s orphan­ their home in Enfield, 111. The project this year is to re­ age, Denver, at 1:30 p.m. to Denver 2, Colo. Rug Cleaning Time Tentative plans have been for­ Chairmen Named place all the mattresses on the in mulated for the booths to be spon­ Little Flowir Circle make final arrangements for the Miss Stella Dahlheimer enter­ fants’ cribs. An invitation is ex­ annual card party to be held Denver’s finest service— sored by the Dominican Aid at the tended to everyone interested in bazaar in July. Further discussion tained circle members in her Wednesday, May 2, at 1 p.m. All On Location or in Our Plant home April 2. For Regis Bazaar the infants in the baby annex. members are requested to attend. Broodloom, Orientals and will be held at the meeting Tues­ day, April 24. St. Gerard’* Circle Overstuffed Furniture Mrs. Virginia Bell plans to en­ The ftegis gi/ild, Denver, met in tertain the members of the circle the Regis college students’ dining Broodloom in her home Wednesday evening, room on Sunday night, April 8. American Legion April 18. Chairmen for the guild booths JOE ONOFRIO EXPANSION SALE! Shampoo Service Stella Mari* Circle of the annual Regis bazaar*are: The meeting April 7 was held Mrs. McMenamy, gift shop; Mrs. 224 W. 10th Ave. Promoting Child in the home of Mrs. Frances Gada- Daniel Douglas, nylon booth; CH. 8345 rowski. Mrs. Peggy Raab was a Alice and Sally Smith, fish pond; guest. Mrs. Dorothy Sever has Robert Cope, punch board; Mr. s r noo fo r yo u r o ld Welfare Month moved into a new home at 522 S. Hovorka, treasure chest; Mrs. R. Quivas street. At the suggestion of the Ameri­ Cordes, silverware; Mrs. Charles Our Lady of Sorrow* Circle Smith, general chairman for the GOOD CLOTHES NEED can Legion in Colorado, Gov. Dan The meeting date for the circle NOT BE EXPENSIVE Thornton has proclaimed April as guild booths. RANGE has been changed to the second Mrs. McMenamy reported that Child Welfare month and the week Tuesday of each month.; of April 8-15 as Divine Guidance gifts will be picked up for the gift THE Our Lady of the Sacred Heart shop on Tuesdays and Thursdays. week. The announcement was Circle (REGARDLESS OF MAKE OR CONDITION) made by Thomas J. Fitzgerald, On Tuesday evening, April 17, The sick committee reported commander of the Leyden-Chiles- Frank Farrell and Mrs. C. J. Latta ENGLISH circle members will, meet in the as seriously ill. Mrs. Henry Vell- ON A Wickersham post 1. Child Welfare home of Rose Beat. Mr. and Mrs. month is a nation-wide observance. mure, Tom Dunn, and Blake Vif- Gachic returned home recently quain are also on the sick list. TAILORS The first point in the Legion’s following a trip to South Dakota. program calls for financial assist­ Ave Maria Circle A sound and color movie of 901 FIFTEENTH STREET ance to needy children and, es­ Members met Wednesday eve­ British Honduras was shown JOE, JR. Beautiful TAPPAN Electric Range Combine Quality and pecially, aid in the form of social ning, April 11, with Mrs. Howard through the courtesy of Mr. and at Prices You Can Afford security benefit to the children of McWilliams as hostess in her Mrs. V ic, Hebert. Mr. and Mrs. veterans in Korea or hospitalized home on Santa Fe drive. The eve­ Hebert’s son, the Rev. Joseph He­ as the result of Korean conflict. ning was spent in sewing altar bert, S.J., was stationed in British Points two and three ask for linens, after which Mrs. McWil­ Honduras for several months. Fa­ nealth services for children anti liams served refreshments to her ther Hebert has since been sent to social services for children by guests. Spanish Honduras and is there at JOE ONOFRIO Dr. F. A. Smith stimulating an understanding of the present time. delinquency problems and by en­ Members of the Jesuit commu­ THE ONLY DENVER DEALER WHO IS Optometrist forcing support of minors. The Card Party Set May 10 nity were g:uests of the guild.. fourth point is being stressed this 'The hostess committee for the week: The sponsorship of a strong By St, Joseph's Guild meeting included Mmes. Cronin, ABLE TO OFFER . YOU THIS VALUE For.d Optical Co. religious training and educational Udick, Verdick, Maguire, Clark, program, and the dissemination of McConaty, McMenamy, and information on the education of Mmes. Thomas Gleason, John CharleS|Smith. orphans of veterans. Craig, W. P. Mulligan, Richard Eye. Examined a Vi.ual Care Hines, and A. Aylward were host­ The next guild meeting will Individually Styled Glaiies Father William J. Monahan, as­ esses for the April meeting of St. be held Sunday night. May 20, sistant director of the Catholic Joseph’s guild. Plans were dis­ at 8 o’clock in the student*’ din­ $2 4 9 ^ 3 REGULAR PRICE 1.5.58 Broadway Charities in Denver and chaplain cussed for the annual card party, ing room. of the Leyden-Chiles-Wickersham to be held May 10 at the Public TAbor 129.5 post, is a member of the Legion’s child welfare committee. Service Co. Electric institute. Navy Mothers Will Hold A beautiful set of vestments for Benediction, consisting of cope, Tag Day Saturday, May 5 veil, burse, and stole, was pre­ YOUR PRICE i Privilege of starting school with V. A. assistance 1 sented to the Sisters of St. Joseph Mrs. Nettie Unger, commander ends July 25, 1951 for their convent in St. Patrick’s of the Rocky Mountain Navy parish. Miss Nell Finn was wel­ Mothers’ club No. 462, has called $ Our NEXT ENROLLMENT DATE-JULY 2,1951 comed as a new member. a meeting for 1:30 p.m. Monday, 95 April 16, at 1772 Grant street, Denver. Plans will be completed Cost Accountants at the meeting for a Navy Tag 199 University of Natural Healing Arts The Denver chapter of the Na­ day to be held Saturday, May 5 tional Association of Cost Account­ Mrs. Rose McDonough will be Chiropractic, Naturopathy, Physical Therapy ants will meet April 17 in the Uni­ general chairman of the Tag day, PLUS TRADE IN G. I. Recofnition versity club at 6:30 p.m. Hal Dau- assisted by Louise Usher and nis, management consultant and Florence McKenzie. Proceeds will 1075 Logan Street Denver, Colorado instructor at the University of be used to promote the club’s wel­ KEystone 8079 Denver, will speak on “Inventories fare activities for war veterans in 7 Separate Heats on Top Burners 2 Giant & 2 Standard Top Burners 1. and Their Control.” the local government hospitals. Father McMahon to Speak All Vltrollzed Porcelain Enamel Oven on Indicator Full Size Oven & Broiler Top Burner Indicator Denver Deanery to Have f Large Storage Compartment Cutlery Drawer Electrical Outlet / Annual Meeting April 16 Lifetime Inconel Top Burner Elements THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Denver deanery 'of the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women will be held in the Cath­ olic Charities annex at 1:30 on Monday, April 16. The Rev. Robert McMahon, pastor of Sts. Peter and Paul’s parish, Wheatridge, will IVe Carry a Complete Line of TAPPAN, Electric & Gas Ranges be the guest speaker. There are 71 affiliated organizations in the deanery. Mrs. James J. Kenney, president, urgently requests representation from • 1 each affiliate for this important meeting. The annual report of the work of the deanery, includihg chair­ men’s reports from each affiliated organization, has been compiled LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE * EASY TERMS * FREE DELIVERY and mimeographed, and copies will be presented to each official representative present at the meeting. • * * PRELIMINARY PLANS for Our Lady of the Rookies camp for this summer will be discussed. Children from the deanery centers. Little Flower, Vail, and Fox Street, will attend the camp. Election of officers for the coming year will take place JOE ONOFRIO MUSIC CO. this meeting. The nominations committee, the Rev. \Yilliam Mona­ han, Mrs. Paul Fitzgerald, Mrs. Howard Sleeper, Mrs. Evangeline Au^mstine, and Mrs. 0. F. Weineke, will present the slate. Deanery officers are elected for one year but may be re-elected. 1805 BROADWAY ‘‘Home of Television” MA. 8585 1350 ACOMA ST. The Blessed Sacrament Altar and Rosary society and the Parent-Teachefs’ association will be hostesses for the tea follow­ ing the meeting. \

PAGE TEN Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DEtiVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 Thursday, April 12, 1951 w w ^ w w w ▼ww^wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww So. Boulder Nun EYE CARE-IMPORTANT Hidden Ciilindry Talents Revealed Regular eye examinations are very important because as Learns Death of Invest In Semityl Mak* your temerrew Mcur*— the eyes change, your glasses should be changed with them. When Men of St. John's Entertain ' Invtit today in REPUBLIC LOAN An old “outgrown prescription” is not good enough for your Mother in COMPANY'S 4% Tim* Cirtificotn, (St. John’t ParUh, Denver) presented athletic awards to mem­ Mrs. Paul V. Murray will enter­ You rocoivt 0 gtnorout 4% Inltrtil— precious eyes. Mother Mary Gertrude, I supe­ Unsuspected culinary accom­ bers of the various school teams. tain Our Lady of Fatima circle on 4 compoundtd itmi-onnuolly, rior of the Benedictine Convent of plishments and hidden talents The coach also presented his own Tuesday evening, April 17 Poid'ln Coplrof and Surplus St. Walburga ip South Boulder, came into play Wednesday eve­ personal award—a trophy to the St. Mary’s circle was enter­ oust 1250,000.00. has received word of the death of boy whose participation in class- tained at luncheon and bridge by % ning in S t John’s school, when SWIGERT BROS. her mother, Catherine Braun, the Men’s club staged the annual work, athletics, and school activi­ Mrs. W. 0. Sievers on April 3. v^ril 2 in Ellwanger, Germany. athletic dinner for about 60' boys, ties was outstanding. The award Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and 2550 California i 0piOtltCtl*istS ' KEystone 7651 Mrs. Braun was 94. went to James Alenius. Monsignor family have moved to a new home REPUBLIC LOAN COMPANY of the sixth, seventh, and eighth 1*41 S lM t S lr s s t • OINVIR, COLORADO • lituhlU hadi 19X1 Just last year Mother Gertrude grades and their mothers. Under John P. Moran, pastor, ’ and the in the 700 block on Downing Belter Vision Good Service * made a visit to her aged mother in the supervision of Jack Denny, Rev. Charles Jones, supervisor of street. for Every Age At Right Prices Germany shortly before she suc­ head chef, the men prepared and sports, were guests of honor. The Regis Mothers’ club mem­ GLASSES INDIVIDUALLY STYLED ceeded Abbess Augustina as su­ served a roast beef dinner com­ Mrs. M. J. O’Fallon will present bers of the parish were enter­ perior of the South Boulder com­ plete with all the trimmings to Mrs., Howard Sleeper as guest tained at luncheon by Mrs. John Imunity. their guests. . speaker at the meeting of the Harrington April 6. The afternoon Further to add to the festivity Altar and Rosary society Friday, was spent sewing for the Regis of the evening, piano solos and April 20, in the home of Mrs. Lito bazaar. Tollefson Furniture song accompaniments were played Gallegos, 474 Adams street: Mrs. Martin Moran, who will be grad­ Sleeper will review The Great uated from Regis high school in by Ed Monaghan, and a surprise 2749 SOUTH BROADWAY THEODORE I bagpipe concert was given by Mantle, a Rfe of by June, has been accepted for the fall H a ^ Losasso, complete in auth­ Katherine burton. term at Notre Dame university. He SEE TOLLEFSON for a wide selection of Quality Bedroom ELIZABETH DERRIG, 68, of 1726 AUGUST (GUS) SCHULTZ, 75. of The beautiful tabernacle veil of will join his brother John, who is Franklin street. , Wife of Walter J. 3220 S. Ogden str.eet. Requiem High entic Scotch outfit. Suites (Modern and Conventional). Derris; mother of Margaret J. Palmer. Mass was celebrated in St. Louis’ High point of the entertainment white satin brocade, used for the a junior there. Martin is editor of HACKETHALi Phyllis M. Israel, and Georgre and church, Englewood, April 7. Interment was a skit. If Men Played Cards first time on Easter Sunday, was the Regis yearbook. Henry Hotin^; and sister of Mae Lins> Mt. Olivet. made and donated to the church St. Mary’s circle is taking care cott. Willow Deaton, Milliceht Dietz, Like Women Do, presented by NEW FURNITURE FOR LESS Paul Murray, Ken Cooper, James by Mrs. Emmett Cloughesy. of the'altars in April. Members Vivian Wood, and Hubert Goodson. Also JAMES T. EAGAN surviving are five grandchildren. Re* Delaney, and Dr. James Gray of The KIRAY club for high school are Mrs. Clare Mulligan, Mrs. MORTUARY James T. Eagan, a resident of Den­ OPEN EVENINGS-7:30-9 P.M. SU. 1-1441 quiem High Mass was celebrated in the the Men’s club. This entertain­ boys and girls will meet this Sat­ Henry LeClair, and Mrs. Joseph Cathedral April 19. Interment Mt. Olivet ver for 57 yeara and a member of the 1449.51 Kalamath St« cemetery, Cheyenne, Wyo. Horan & Son Elks lodge longer than any other man in ment was arranged and directed urday evening, April 14, in St. Vogel. mortuary. Denver, died April 4 in hia home at by Albert Riede and John Mona­ John’s school from 7:30 to 10 A High Mass in honor of St. PhAne MAin 4006 JULIA PRELESNIK, 81. of 3764 1264 Washington street. ghan. o’clock. All high school students Joseph was offered April 11 by Marion street. Mother of Mary Smith Requiem High Mass was celebrated of San Francisco, Calif.; Julia Gates of April 9 in Holy Ghost church for the Bill Cassell, Men’s club presi­ are invited. Monsignor Moran for the members Kansas City, Mo.; and Helen Stingley repose of his soul, and interment was dent, headed the large dinner com­ The information class series is of S t John’s parish in the armed and Frances Wilder of Denver. Re­ in Mt. Olivet. mittee. Henry Siems and Bill Ty­ being held on Monday and forces. CONVENIEN.T ECONOMICAL SHOPPING quiem Mass is being celebrated in An­ Mr. Eagan, who was 80 at the time nan were in charge of procure­ Wednesday evenings in the eighth Thomas Horrigan left March 31 nunciation church at 9 o'clock Thurs­ of his death, was born in Boston, Mass., ment. Flowers were furnished for grade classroom of the school aj to join the army. HARTFORD-ALCORN day, Ap][il 12. Interment Mt. Olivet. Sept. 18, 1870. He came* to Denver in Horan & Son mortuary. 1894, and that year joined the BPO the tables by Robert Alenius, and 8 o’clock. All Catholics and in­ Jane Alice, daughter of Mr. and Classified Ads MORTUARY JOSEPH A. ERJAVEC, 72, of 631 E. Elks No. 17. of which he was a life Mrs. Frank Jennings provided 10 terested non-Catholics are cordi­ Mrs. Wilbur Johnson, was baptized 49th avenue. Father of Mrs. Frances member. In 1935 be became full-time dozen roses for corsages for the ally invited. Sunday by Monsignor Moran. It will pay you to read ALL of the following adTertiiements. Family Group Insurance 0. King, Mrs. Margaret J. Welsh, and secretary of the organization, holding Joseph J. Erjavec; grandfather of the position until 1948. He had operated women guests, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Comstock Miss Anna Marie Mangan is R A . 0 3 2 5 Lucille Langdon. Louis and Ronald his own heatiiig and plumbing business Julius Carabello, coach and ath­ have been on vacation for two home from the hospital after kn King, and Margaret Jo and Joey Erja­ until 1929, when he retired. weeks in Arizona. NIGHT NURSING TOWELS LI^EN SUPPLY •Alameda at Lop;an vec; and great-grandfather of Michael letic director for St. John’s school, operation. & and Francis Lu Langdon. Requiem High He is survived bs»a daughter, Mrs Colored woman, night nursing, massage, Margaret N. Anderson of Denver; s baby-sitting. CH. 4804. MOUNTAIN TOWEL A SUPPLY CO. Mass was celebrated in Holy Rosary Service furnished for Offices, Barbers* church April 10. Interment Mt. Olivet. sister, Mrs. Kate Wren of San Diego, M o n i i ' m e n t s Calif; and a granddaughter. Restaurants. Stores, and Banquets Boulevard mortuary. Building Materials for Home Donated HELP WANTED B W. BECKIU8. Manager Wo have erected many beauti­ FRANK OKOREN, 64. of 4769 Pearl 1227 Curtis St. MA. 7960 street. Husband of Caroline Okoren; and Young girl needed for typing. Must like ful monuments in Mt. Olivet father of Edward, Rudy, and John figures and be willing to learn. Accuracy Cemetery. Okoren, Mrs. Helen Hargreaves, and Victims of Tragic Fire Receive Aid in typing more important than speed. DRUGGISTS Mrs. Stephanie Sullivan. Also surviving Good pay. W. F. Distributing Co., 1231 A. T. THOMSON are four grandchildren. Requiem High Holy Name Unit Wazee. AC. 4791. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS Mass was celebrated in Holy Rosary By Guy R. Called SPARKING THE DRIVE TO He promises that no expense, Two women, about 40 years of age, to church April 7. Interment Mt. Olivet. 600 Sherman St. TA. 8018 GIFTS OF FOOD, CLOTH­ aid the Bueno family is A1 Finer other than time, will be re­ help in kitchen and dining hall at St. vlll be filled correctly at Boulevard mortuary. of 1324 Utifca street, Denver. quired of the contractor. Vol­ ’nioroas’ Seminary. Room, board, laundry. CHARLES G. MONTAGUE, 33. of 980 ING, and building materipls Call Sister Leonidas, RA. 4764. WASHINGTON PARK PHARMACY Clayton Way. Husband of LaVerna Schedules Games Mr. Finer has been busy since untary labor will be recruited Montague; father of Sherri Lee and have been made from through­ the first report of the fire. He and any additional requirements WANTED TO RENT Ph. SP. 9765 1096 Sooth Gaylord St. JERRY BREEl^ Dianne Montague; son of Col. and Mrs. out Denver to aid the Lawrence has lined up food, clothing, for building material will be Joseph L. Montague; and brother of Bueno family, victims of a fire furniture, linens, and bedding met, Mr. Finer declared. The CUSTOM FLORIST—wants to rent mod­ Want inactive partner man or Hugh Montague. Requiem Mass was Party on April 12 est house near Church, will beautify the woman $2,000.00. Have new de­ April 7 that claimed the lives for the Bueno family, who are home will be constructed on the Florist cel^rated in St. Vincent de Paul's grounds and increase value of property. vice u*able every automobile church April 9. Interment Mt. Olivet. (Preientation Pariih, Denver) of two of their fiv« children, sharing the honle of Sam San­ property now owned by the Call Richardson—£A. 2335, after 6 p.m. 1004 15th St. Olinger mortuary. Linda Marie, eight months old, doval and his family. Mr. Finer, buenoueno fafamily. meeting wide demand. Retu’-n MARY JACOBS, 92. late of 1324 W. The Holy Name society will and Marjorie, two. The fire that an employe of the Mountain * * * WANTED •hould exceed 100%. P. O. Box MAin 2279 Nevada street. The Rosary will be re­ 1620N, Denver, Colorado. cited in the Rogers chapel at 7 :15 p.m. sponsor a games party Thursday, resulted from an over-heated Plumbing company, 101 S. Fed­ MR. FINER, A CANDIDATE Small acreage or roomy homesite near Thursday, April 12. Requiem Mass will April 12, at 8 p.m. in the parish stove destroyed t h e family’s eral boulevard, has called on for City Council from District church, pref. rural.* Please write location be celebrated in St. Rose of Lima's modest frame house at 530 numerous businessmen and has and description to Box V. church at 9 o’clock Friday, April 13. hall. Proceeds will be used toward 2, has never met the Bueno Call a Interment Mt. Olivet. Rogers mortuary^ Meade street, Westwood, and all succeeded in acquiring enough family but declared that a man T R E E S REMOVED — SPRAYED — TAIIY’S George P. Hackethal, directing. purchase of the Buick automobile their meager possessions. Mrs. cinder block to build the 'family who lives in a community owes TRIMMED by licensed, insured, experienced ___ 1500 S. Broadway CHARLES MONTOYA, 39. of 2333 for the festival to be held June Pauline Bueno suffered burns a five-room home. Mr. Finer something to that community. men. Heavy power equipment for any size r Larimer street. Husband of Elvira Mon­ job. Fertilizers of all kinds. Call MILE CAB 21, 22, 23, and 24. ^and cuts while attempting to has promised to provide all the His immediate concern is secur­ HI ^FORESTRY TREE SERVICE, AC 6634. jWe Pay Cash; toya: father of William D. and Charles rescue her two children. Rich­ plumbing free and has drawn MAin 7171 R. Mofttoya; son of Mr. and Mrs. Seve­ Rosary services are held every ing enough voluntary labor to Pnm pt t'ourteoQi Servic* riano Montoya; and brother of Roberto, ard, four, and Virginia, three, up the plans for the house. get the building materials now CARPENTER WORK For Used Furniture ^ CHEAPER RATES Conrado, Isidor, Alex, end Dr. Daniel evening at 7:30 in the parish were being eared for by a “The Immediate need now,” Mr. being collected at the Bueno 2-WAY RADIO Montoya: Mrs. Frank Maestas, Mrs. neighbor at the time of the Finer declared, “is to secure FIRST class cabinet making. Carpenter and CLEAN NEW CABS Tony Ortega. Mrs. A1 Borrego, and Miss chapel. property whipped into a com­ «nd remodeling. Call PE. 6241. Margaret Montoya. Requiem Mass is The Presentation parish guild tragedy. Mr. Bueno and his eld­ the voluntary services of some fortable hqme. The Brisson Sign Mi*celIaneou* Item* 4 being celebrated in Sacred Heart church will meet Tuesday, April 17, at 8 est son, Frank, five, also were contractor who will supervise company is erecting a sign on BRICK REPAIRS PE. 4014 RA. 6423 V at 9:15 Thursday, April 12. Interment absent when the fh-e occurred. the construction of the home.” OPEN EVENINGS TILL ( p.m. ( Mt. Olivet. Trevino mortuary. p.m. in the music room of the the property to aid in recruit­ BRICK REPAIRS: Specialirtng in brick school. ing the needed labor. omantfiUsijnslX HARRY L. HEPPBERGER, Black- pointing and repairing, also caulking and hawk. Brother of Joe Heppberger, painting. GR. 7442. WALTER EVANS Baptized recently were Therese Other aid has been extended 8177 Benton St. . . . more than a hundred! All Blackhawk; Mrs. Edna Partell, Golden; Ann, daughfer of Mr. and Mrs. to the family by the St. Vincent and Mary Sewards. Seattle, Wash. Re­ St. Francis' HNS, Men REAL ESTATE of tfiem carred with the same quiem Mass is being celebrated in St. Francis P. Slumski, with Elmo and de Paul conference of St. An- PAINTING & DECORATING skill and care. There’s one to Mary's Church of the Assumption at 10 Bernice Behrent as sponsors; Ce­ thbny’s parish, Westwood. Fu­ F O R S A L E meet every particular wish o’clock Thursday, April 12. leste Marie, daughter of Mr. and neral expenses have been paid FOR pap«rhaoginK and painting call Anton SABINA C. KILLAM, 90, of Denver. Beringer. 158 Madison. EA, 2285. and requirement. See them; Requiem Mass was celebrated in St. Mrs. Edward Mauser, with James Receive Holy Communion by voluntary contributions. The Compare values! John the Evangelist’s church April 6. Antonio and Dolores H. Clark as Rosary recitation will be held WALLPAPER Hanging, Painting, Re- FRANK REGAN, 80. of 1002 E. 17th sponsors: Dianna Lynn, daughter cent paper drive a success, espec­ for the two children Thursday, modeling. Call KE. 5793. JACQUES BROTHERS avenue. Husband of Catherine Regan (St. Franc!* de Sale*’ ParUh, of Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Weller, Denver) ially to George Mulqueen and son April 12, in the Trevino Me­ BUILDING. remodeliog. cabinet work. Call Real VALUES Since 1902 father of Frances Stevenson, Juneau GL. 6166. Monuments of Distinction Alaska; Agnes Pearson, Pueblo; and with Ronald F. Kelly and Lorraine Mike for their services. morial chapel, Ldgan and Ala­ A large group of Holy Name so­ Just off Broadway Regina Regan and Martina Schmitt, Michell as sponsors; and Jan An executive board meeting of meda, at 8 p.m. Funeral services in H o m e s ! on 6th Avi. Denver; and brother of Martin Regan. ciety members, as well as other will be held in St. Catejan’s Juneau. Also surviving are Ave grand­ Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the Mothers’ auxiliary of pack 126 Consider yoir ehlldrin! Why not fit thli lortly WANTED TO RENT 5*room hoise that has a niu front and iMk children. Requiem MasS; is being cele­ Lawrence W. Craig, with Joseph men of the parish, gathered in will be held in the home of Mrs. church Friday, April 13, at 9 brated in the Cathedral at 9 o’clock o’clock. Burial will be in M t yard, niriory. It near sehaoU and traffic It ne Craig and Georgia Anne Crenshaw front of the grade school on April Joseph Sullivan at 427 S. Grant at UNFURNISHED HOME problem? L iii than $10.000—only $4$ a Thursday, April 12. Interment Mt. Olivet. month. Irr. Smith, MA. 8558. Olivet. as sponsors. 8 and marched into church to at­ 8 p.m. on Thursday evening, April 3 to 5 rooms for Young Catho­ CAROLYN SNIFF, 49, of Deertrail. Needlwork Club tend Mass and receive Holy Com­ 12. Yos won’t bollevi this 'till yoi sh It! A Sister of Mrs. Frank D. Rhodes and Mrs. lic Couple with two-year-old flve«roon briek for only $4500.00. It's at Paul Michele of Deertrail, and Mrs. To Meet April 19 munion in a body. The group was The St. Francis circle will meet 3004 Lafayette. Call Irv. Smith, MA. 8558. Charles Black of Jersey City, N. J. Re­ preceded by 40 Boy Scouts in uni­ daughter moving to Denver with Mrs. J. T. Miles, 6800 "W. 6th Rosaries Need mere room? See thii’ 6 room homo at 58 quiem Mass was celebrated In St. Jo­ The Needlework club will meet form. avenue, on Wednesday, April 18, So. Docatir. It's biaitifal! Exallont eonditioa 28 E. 6th Ave. seph’s church, Deertrail, April 10. In­ *oon. Excellent reference*. AL. 2019 in the music room Thursday, April On Monday evening, April 9, a at I p.m. inildo and oit. Basement li finished and u a terment Deertrail. 19j at 10:30 o’clock. The regular CALL THE REGISTER be ised for tlieplm rooms or for den. irv. Sniltb, group was present in the high Diamonds Watches MA. 8558. meeting of the Altar and Rosary school library for the meeting and KEYSTONE 4205 Bl| Cl loan on 51 So. Rorry. Five roomt la society will be held at 1:30. A so­ the showing of the sound film porfiet eonditlofl. Paymentt only $57.50 a Monuments & Markers cial honoring all former members, 1950 World Baseball Series. Nicholas M . Vilm, month. Inelidei aito. wathini maehlne. Lirio new members, present members, pictire window. Irv. Smith, MA. 8558. and prospective members will be The May meeting of the society SUNDMAN’S 62 Winona Ct. SOLD! Lets than 10 days after We carry a complete line of grave blankets, given immediately after the meet­ \Vll feature as entertainment an Pioneer Miller of WANTED: littini. Wi can tell yoirs too. Call Irv. Smith award-winning film on safety. for Action! MA. 8538. crosses, wreaths, marble statues and vases. ing. All the women of the parish Watchmakers and Sacri*tan at large city Church. You will-be surprised when you see our prices. are invited to attend. Member* of the Altar and Ro­ Jewelers BOLLINGER 8. ROBINSON eary eociety are invited to bring West, Dies at 88 Good wage* and meal*. Write, Realty Company — Realtors their friend* to the annual card 59 South Broadway The Regi*ter, P. O. Box 1620. Stop — Shop and Save party Saturday, April 14, in the Nicholas Martin Vilm, 88, Dept. SW or Call KE. 4205. 1742 California AC. 1707 'Kiag of Kings' Denver tea r<|om at 2:30 p.m. Lettering and Cleaning Done at Cemetery widely known in many of the There will be table and special Western states, where he was one To Show in Arvada prizes. Tickets are 50 cents. Re­ of the pioneer flour, millers, died ARvada Norman's Memorials ARvada freshments will be served. Mrs. in the McKay Memorial sanitar, W. J. Heilman is the chairman and ium, Denver, April 5. 1231-J 7769 W. 44th on Way to Mt. Olivet 1231-J (Shrine of St. Anne Pariih, will be assisted by members of the ____ « ______Denver) A High Mass of Requiem was society. Those attending are asked celebrated in Blessed Sacrament The Holy Name *ociety will to bring their own playing cards. church, 'Wichita, Kans., April 9. *pon*or the movie “King of King*” Sunday, April 15, is Communion The Rosary service had been held Sunday, April IS, at 7 p.m. AdmU- day for members of the Altar for Mr. Vilm in the Horan apd *ion will be 25 cent* for adult* and Rosary society, who will at­ Son mortuary, Denver, on April 7. and 10 cent* for children. tend the 8 o’clock Mass. Interment was in Mt. Calvary W The St. Anne circle met in the Members of the League of -the cemetery, .Wichita." your beauty hall April 10. A committee was Sacred Heart wiH meet in the Mr. Vilm, who was born in appointed to help with the Altar church Tuesday, April 17, at 1:45 France Jan. 25, 1863, came to this and Rosary society in planning p.m. for recitation of the Rosary. country as a boy. He settled in Il­ begins with a the Mother’s day breakfast. Re­ A meeting will follow in the rec­ linois, where he went into the freshments were served by Mmes. reation room of the rectory. Mrs. flour milling business with his two William Raymond, Salvatore A. J. Dunst will preside. uncles, John and Joseph Ismett. Spano, William Warner, and Cecil Coming from a family that had Weskamp. Altar workers for the Judge Gilliam been in the flour milling business month of April are Mmes. Leo Gives Talk since the 13th century, he at vari Babcock, Albert Benjamin,'and Ce­ ous times owned and operated cil Weskamp. Mrs. John Ker- Judge Philip Gilliam gave a talk at the PTA meeting April 4. He flour mills in Belleville, 111.; Cof- stein donated the special gift at feyville, Kans.; Winfield, Kans.; Nylon Bra the meeting. stated that in his opinion all men do not have equal opportunities, Wichita, Kans.; Billings, Mont; Parish Calendar He based his conviction on the type and various parts of Nevada and of persons who are constantly be­ Missouri. He was a charter mem­ Thur*day, April 12—Holy Name ber of the Operative Millers of The dainfy loveliness of lace . . . fhe lasting meeting in the hall at 8 p.m. fore him in his court, the condi­ tions in which they live and the America. beauty, the practicality of nylon . . . Friday, April 13—Devotion to homes from which they come. He His wife, Theresa Jones of Jef­ St. Anne at 7:45 p.m. also said that he judges a person ferson City, Mo., whom he mar­ combined in a Bali bandeau that fits you Saturday, April 14— Confes­ not by the amount of skill he may ried in 1890, died April 7, 1946. perfectly'. . .'lends.beautiful glamour to sions from 4:30 to 5:30 and from The following year he retired from have acquired but how well that every outfit your wear . . . and for ail its Catholic Mrvlcet ot Olinger's oro 7:30 to 8:30. person gets along with others and the milling business and had been Sunday, April 15— Masses at is willing to do for others. a resident of Mt. Elizabeth’s re fragile looks, will hold its shape thru treat at Morrison until his final always thoughtful, always considerate-- 7:15, 8:45, and 11 o’clock. Com­ The Cubs of pack 126 expressed countless, easy washings . . . dry quickly munion Sunday for children, 8:45 gratitude to' all those who con illness. Mass. Catechism will follow. He was* a member of Knights of . . . give you long, smooth-fitting wear. because of the personal and tributed toward making their re Movie at 7 p.m. ' Columbus council 539, Denver, Be fitted in yours today at D. & F. which held the special Rospry sincere attention of Olinger's Gentle Anselm Adamant service for him in the Horan mor­ Choose white or pink, sizes 32 to 38. To Rome and Holy Land tuary April 7. Catholic staff—the largest Albany, N. Y.—Bishop Edmund In Defense of Church He is survived by three sons. A cup, B and C cup. F. Gibbons will sponsor a pilgrim­ C. J. (Jack) Vilnq, Denver; and age to the Holy Land and Rome, (Latin Dioc***n Ordo) 4.50 5.00 Catholic staff of any mortuary J. E. and E. E. Vilm, both of leaving New 'York June 23 via Church calendar, April 15-21, Wichita; and a brother, Henry Trans World Airlines. The 'Very 1951: April 15, Third Sunday Vilm of Kansas Ci.ty, Mo. Other Bali bras from 1.50 to 9.00 in Colorado. Rev. Norbert J. Kelly will accom after Easter. April 16, Monday, pany it as spiritual director, as, sixth day within the octave oi sisted by one of the Franciscan Fa­ the Solemnity of St. Joseph. April Bro. Emmet Kilker, SJ thers from the Commissary of the 17, Tuesday, seventh day within Holy Land, Washington, D. C. St. Joseph’s octave. April 18, Dies in Topeka, Kans D. Z r. Corset Skep— Wednesday, Octave day of the St Sec Old Neer Retreats at Auriesville Joseph Solemnity. April 19 Brother Emmett A. Kilker, Thursday, Ferial day, on which no S.J., e former re*ident of Brigh­ Auriesville, N. Y.—Twenty five particular saint’s feast is observed. ton and a graduate of Regi* moRTunniES eight-day closed retreats for April 20, Friday, Ferial day. April college, died April 7 in St. Fran- priests have been arranged by. the 21, Saturday, S t Anselm, 12ths cU* ho*pital, Topeka, Kan*. The I6th at Bouldvr • Spavr^t Shtrnian Sacred Heart retreat house con­ century Archbishop of Canterbury death of Brother Emmett, who ducted by the Jesuits. The retreats twice exiled for defending the had been *tatipned at St. Mary’* B. Colfax ot Magnolia (under construction) will begin May 20 and continue rights of the Church against royal college, St. Mary*, we* cau*ed until Nov. 17. Chaplains in the encroachments. Known as the Fa by pneumonia. He wa* 36 yaarg armed forces or about to enter the ther of Scholasticism for his theo­ old and entered the Je«uit order military service may make a re­ logical and phnosophical acumen in 1935 at FIori*«ant, Mo. Now Serving Nearly Half of Denver's Families treat at any time during the he was one of the gentlegt of Burial wa* in the cemetery at schedule. saints. tha collega on April 11.

£ . Thursday, April 12, 1951 Office, 9 3 8 Bonnoek Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitone4205 PAGE ELEVEN

Relieved of Command Basic Questions of Morality Strange But True , By Guy R. Calleo By Rev. Robert E. Kekeisen MARTYRDOM has always served to point up (Jh q iiJxf/im td u THE EXIGENCY OF THE TIMES demands a a worthy cause, and the Catholic Church provides restatement of some basic principles that, accord­ endless examples of this truth. But there are also ing to the all-embracing law of God, govern scientists, social workers, and military men who I questions of morality in public life. All legitimate Pius xn have suffered for a cause they believed just. , authority comes from God, and so bears His sanc­ Martyrdom is not a cloak to be donned lightly, Senator Fu I bright and Restoring Public Morality tion. In a democracy, since that form of govern­ painted ON PIM-H&U) and yet great men have risen to the need and By Rev. J ohn B. E bel he adds, is “more likely to be destroyed by the ment takes its power directly from the will of the ^yOM- Itia lia > u , sacrificed themselves to serve a cause they felt IN THE WAKE OF SCANDALS unearthed perversion of, or abandonment Of, its true moral people at large, the obligation of the individual EGIOIO eOSCHl, more important than their position or their lives. by examination of irregularities in the conduct principles than by armed attack from Russia.” citizen to insure lawful and God-fearing govern­ •His hrusk is ahm cut keu'r fysel h cl [Strictly speaking, |in the theologicftl sense, of the RPC and by the Kefauver coi^ittee’s Among a large segment of the population, he ment in his nation takes on added strictness. It f>V>ich stic k .. martyrdom is “the voluntary endurance of death investigation of organized c r ^ e througMout the notes with dismay, morality has become identical is clear that the citizen of a democracy, since he for the Catholic faith, or for any article thereof, nation, a member of the Senate arose and in that with legality. In other words, if the law does not has a vote, will bs held more to account by Al­ or jfor the preservation of some Christian virtue. esteemed body made a speech that has been ac­ cover a particular situation, anything gqes. mighty God for governmental aberrations than To be a martyr one must actually be put to death claimed by press and radio'. A former president IT IS ENCOURAGING to see that we have in will the citizen of an absolute monarchy. It is or die as a direct result of one’s sufferings.” of the University of Arkansas, Senator William the Congress men of Senator Fulbright’s intellec­ equally obvious that evil in the conduct of civil (Catholic Encyclopedia Dictionary). The term J. Fulbright is perhaps better prepared than many tual stature, who can go beneath the surface to affairs leaves no one to blame, ultimately, except martyr used in any other way is in a broad and of his colleagues to deliver a statement on the the core of the problem. Thus he says; “Too the voters generally and the remiss public servant analogous sense only.] condition of the nation. He does so masterfully. many people in our nation do not believe anything ' individually. Almost everyone will remember General Billy But we question the worth of* his solution—“a with conviction. They question the precepts of To be a suitable candidate for a position of Mitchell, whose outspoken support of air power commission of eminent citizens designated by the God or of man, indiscriminately. The values of civil authority, a man must have three qualifica­ was, ultimately, the cause of his court martial. Cong;reSs to consider the problem of ethical stand­ life which were clear to the Pilgrims and the tions: (1) The requisite knowledge; (2) moral When the hordes of Nazi Stukas decended on the ards of conduct in public affairs.” The true solu­ Founding Fathers have become dim and fuzzy in integrity; and (3) the willingness to accept the / V i s " . citizens of Poland, France, and England his mem­ tion at hand seems obvious to us, but another outline. . . That is why we are disappointed office with all its responsibilities. These condi­ ory was recalled, his. cause found just, and his committee is not going to do the job. when he proceeds to add that “the principal ob­ tions are set forth by the Rev. Francis J. Con­ honors posthumously restored. Many millions of Senator Fulbright points out that we have jective of the study I suggest is the restoration nell, C.SS.R., outstanding moral theologian of the lives were lost, however, because his prophetic perhaps “come to accept the totalitarian concept of the faith of our people in the validity of the United States, in his book Morals in Politics and words were not heeded. Another great man, Gen. that the end justifies the means.” And democracy, traditional precepts of our democratic society.” Professions (Page 1). In the next statement the Douglas MacArthur, now joins the list. No “study” is going to restore faith. theologian wryly admits: “Unfortunately, too GENERAL MacARTHUR has established an 'One Woman's View' ' The restoration of moral values, and the firm many political candidates nowadays possess only enviable reputation. He has achieved the military religious convictions on which, as you seem to the third of these requirements.” By Marion E. Woods define, they are based, is far beyond the reach % e ‘ifiscriptusn on. ifiis broken. rank among the highest the nation can bestow. THE PUBLIC SERVANT, ever cognizant of MUCH UNFAVORABLE COMMENT has of any committee or commission. Senator Ful- his sacred obligation to pursue the common good Column of Avmnches Catiiedral His career has been illustrious, his achievements been occasioned by the appearance of an article bright, no matter how weighty the standing of ^d^fctioycd ia tKe Trcnck, universally recognized. He..has passed retirement of his people in accordance with the will of entitled “What Is One’s Religion?” in the column its members in the community and the nation. authority’s Source, God, is obliged under pain of •fevblutton.) records tiujt KING age and could, had he chose, retire with the “ One Woman’s View” by Margaret Miller on the honors and respect of the entire world. Instead Morality cannot be studied or investigated into serious sin to use his authority toward that end. 44ENRY H knelt there h> do, editorial page of a prominent daily paper. The existence; religious convictions cannot b3 legis- The higher the office in government, and the penance fer the morcter o f - _ he chose to continue his service to the nation, and editors of that paper, in an editorial on April 6, 5T TVIOMAS A’BECKET. risked the loss of . all these precious honors to more authority connected with the office, the “Freedom of Religion Is for All of Us,” state THERE ARE ALREADY AT HAND, how­ stricter the obligation to promote the common T%4£ Remains of STcec/l ia 's hous£ champion a cause that is recognized as just by that theirs is a Christian newspaper, attempt to ever, the only agencies that can restore and almost everyone, seemingly, in the nation but ite good and to defend the nation from her enemies, CAN BESEEM BEI.OM TRC CRYFr OF HE justify their use of the article in question, and strengthen the fundamental religious convictions within and without. Steps taken to play into the Church w Kome . in s foss/blC tq leaders.. He has repeatedly declared that the term it “thought provoking.” upon which this nation was founded, and without Communists intend to sweep all Asia and has hands of the enemy are not only traitorous and Step out from it into a p e r f e c t Most of us today shirk the labor necessary for which public morality cannot long endure in the disgraceful, but also immoral. EXAMPLE OF AN ANCIENT ^OMAN STREET pointed up wnat is apparent to everyone, that theological and philosophical accuracy. Y,et such American lives will continue to be spent in Korea face of temptation. These are the churches of our The civil government itself has' these duti8B: TAR 3ELON THE TRJESENT C/Ty i^^TEL. loose statements as Margaret Miller’s should not nation, Senator Fulbright, and the schools that “Civil power has those rights, and only those, in an endless and hopeless cause, unless the ag­ go unchallenged. Webster defines religion as teach and train irf morality in the only way pos­ gressor is punished and the war we are already which are necessary for the attainment of its “the service and adoration of God or a god as sible, by basing it upon strong religious convic-^ end,” i.e., the common good. engaged in is carried to the enemy. expressed in forms of worship.” It cannot be tions. The Korean military action voted by the “Civil authority can command! nothing that equated with conscience, in spite of Mrs. Miller’s Yet in this nation today, the institutions best is certainly opposed to the divipe iwill,” e.g., ap­ The Denver Catholic Register United Nations when the North Korean Commu­ contention that they are essentially the same. suited to be its salvation are hemmed in and nists swept down on their neighbors to the south peasement of an atheistic mortal foe. President...... Most Rev. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, D.D. Conscience is a practical judgment of the intel­ harassed at every turn. Teaching of religion in “Civil authority is restricted to the legitimate Editor...... Rt. Rev. Matthew Smith, Ph.D., LL.D., Jour.D. ended in a brilliant victory at the Yalu river. lect by which is decided in specific circumstances public schools has been forbidden as un-Consti- The North Koreans were completely beaten and manner of governing,” viz. in our democracy, Managing Director...... Monsignor John B. Cavanagh, M.A., Ph.D. what should be done as good or avoided as evil. tutional by the highest court of the land. The following the Constitution, especially in tne City Editor...... Rev. John B. Ebel, M.A., Litt.D. disorganized. Then the Chinese Communists swept BUT THE REAL DANGER of such writing same court may before long outlaw Bible reading in from Manchuria and a new war began. matter of national defense and the nation’s rela­ Associate Editors — Rev. Francis Syrianey, M.A., Litt.D.; Linus as Mrs. Miller’s lies less in this confused thinking in public schools, which in some 19 states brings tions with other countries (Cathrein, Philosophia Riordan, Ph.D.; Rev. James B. Hamblin, M.A., Litt.D.; Rev. Robert THE UN THAT HAD SHOWN such early than in the frank substitution "bf emotion for in­ at least a minimum of religious influence into Moralis, pp. 428-430). promise and courage in voting the punishment of Kekeisen, M.A., Litt.D.; Paul H. Hallett, Litt. D.; Jack Heher, A.B.; tellectual conviction. The fact that an individual the lives of the pupils. SINCE THESE ARE DAYS of war, it is to James Kelly, A.B.; Art Editor, Leo Canavan, M.F^A^______North Korean aggressors then destroyed the does not “feel” something is not a valid argument THE CATHOLIC AND OTHER private the point also to summarize the moral principles power and prestige of the organization by refus­ that the something does not exist. schools that include religion as a basic .factor in that should govern the policies of military offi­ Entered as second class matter at the postoffice at Denver, Colo. ing to recognize a bigger (and more dangerous) Many atheists before her have claimed a simi­ the curriculum and life of the pupils suffer rank Thu Paper Printed Entirely By Union Labor cials. A soldier is a man who, by his chosen pro­ agg;ressor. It was virtually forced to label China lar enthusiasm for the brotherhood of man. That discrimination. Only by withstanding double taxa­ fession, is bound in conscience to defend his an aggressor, but the UN completed the act of such brotherhood is meaningless when divorced Published Weekly by tion and the harassment of individuals and country to the best of his ability, taking care not self-destruction by refusing to take action against from the Fatherhood of God should be apparent groups that have made it their purpose to destroy to use methods of warfare that are condemned THE CATHOLIC PRESS SOCIETY, (Inc.) the Reds. when we view the appalling disregard for, and all religious education can Catholic parents and by the natural law because of their intrinsic General MacArthur knows that a hopeless denial of, human rights in the countries, today many of other religions provide the kind of edu­ malice. For a soldier to forsake his trust, i.e., by 938 Bannock Street, 1 stalemate, purchased and maintained by a con­ Telephone, KEystone 4205 P. 0. Box 1620 under atheistic governments. cation for their children that will ensure and pro­ failing, when in a position of high command, to stant spilling of American blood, with the con­ So much for Mrs. Miller’s article. Its appear­ tect public morality. Every legislator who votes prosecute the war in such a way as to bring about comitant economic drain, is exactly what the ance in the newspaper is really the more puz­ against bus rides, textbooks, and health services its speedy and successful issue, is a grave moral Subscription; Communists desire. zling problem. The editors attempted to justify for pupils of other than public schools is striking wrong. In a word, “military officials should bear 75 cents per year in Archdiocese of Denver. And so rather than heed his advice against its selection on the bases of the golden rule and another blow at the public morality that he claims in mind the general principle that the law of God . $1.25 per year Outside Archdiocese of Denver. that of the extremely poor record of the State freedom of religion. Mrs. Miller’s column appears to be seeking. He is making difficult, and per­ takes precedence over expediency...” (Connell, Department, General MacArthur was relieved of Canada, $2.00 a y?ar per subscription. occasionally and at irregular intervals, which sug­ haps in time impossible, the very type of educa­ op. cit., p. 48). To exemplify this principle, a mil­ his command in an attempt to still this voice that gests that the articles are “selected.” The invo­ tion that is providing the strong religious convic­ itary commander is not free morally to do what Foreign countries', including Philippines, $2.75 a year. speaks for all the American people and for right cation of freedom of religion is not valid, as tions upon which public morality must be based. he sees will be to the detriment of the nation he is thinking persons throughout the world. freedom of conscience does not necessarily entail Every citizen who opposes such aids to pro- Thursday, April 12, 1951 paid to protect, even though ordered by his own THE ARGUMENT IS ADVANCED that the freedom to propagate error that may be seriously vate school pupils, or who opposes released-time superior to pursue that detrimental policy. present conflict must be “contained” and that we harmful to the general public. The alleged applica­ religious instruction in public schools, or who OFFICIAL: ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER must prevent World war III. It has been made tion of the golden rule is open to question. In­ countenances individuals and organizations that eminently clear that ideas cannot be contained; The Denver Catholic Register merits our cordial approval. deed, the editors’ responsibility toward their snipe at religious education under the guise of MacArthur Did Not Defy injustice unpunished cannot be contained; and readers would suggest the application of that same “separation of Church and State,” is striking a W e confirm it as the official publication of the Archdiocese. What­ moral decay cannot be contained. It is a travesty golden rule in their regard. blow at his own nation. He is weakening the prin­ ever appears in its columns over the signature of the Ordinary or to expect American youth to die endlessly, with­ THERE ARE MANY HOMES in Colorado ciples and foundations upon which our demo­ Democratic Government those of the Officials of our Curia is hereby declared official. out a cause,'or for American citizens to sacrifice where God and religion are honored, where cratic. nation was founded. Perhaps chief among By P aul H. H allett We hope The Register will be read in every home of the endlessly, without hope. supernatural values are paramount. There are these is the strong sense of individual morality THE “NEW YORK TIMES,” which in recent Archdiocese. The cry has been raised by virtually every many neighborhoods where residents gather at and responsibility which has its basis only in years has developed great skill in making the We urge pastors, parents, and teachers to cultivate a taste in newspaper in the country, “Fight or Get Out.” least weekly to say the Block' Rosary for peace. strong religious convictions. ,worse appear the better reason, commented edi­ the children of the Archdiocese for the r*eading of The Register. It represents the will of the American people, The daily paper cited enters many of these homes, torially a few days before the MacArthur dismis­ who recognize fully the implications of the stand where such articles as “'What Is One’s Religion?” sal that, though the General undoubtedly was right « URBAN J. VEHR that must be taken. Jan. 29, 1942 Archbishop of Denver, must be unwelcome visitors. Is Price' Control Possible? in many of his courses, and might be right in all When America’s leaders catch up with the Surely today, when world chaos is intensified By P aul Carr of them, he was still subject to his civil superiors, advanced thinking of the people, General Mac­ and _ even the slow of heart are beginning to PRICE CONTROLS today are ridiculous. who alone have the right to determine foreign Arthur will be recognized as the voice of morality realize where alone true peace may .be found, it They are ridiculous because the price structure is policy. In making public, therefore, that we must and truth, and the State Department, as it ap­ Forty Hours' Devotion ■would be wise to cultivate positive and construc­ ridiculous. Price.c are fixed not simply by taking either deal with the Chinese and Russians as the pears to be constituted, as the voice of amorality tive values, rather than to propagate such ma­ the cost of goods and adding a reasonable per­ logic of war demands or quit Korea, he was play­ ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER disguised as expediency. terial as is contained in the article in question. centage for profit. They are fixed according to ing the part that does not b^ong to him. Some* artificial formulae as complicated as a million­ form of this argument is to be found in any Week of April 15 aire’s tax return. organ that supports the removal of MacArthur. Third $unday After Eaiter Prices, you say, are too high. Too high com­ It is noteworthy that all of them are very shy None Scheduled pared to what? The value of the goods? The real in saying that the General was wrong in his com­ cost of the goods? Pick out a particular item and plaints.

uMiiuixiMiiiiiiliimwmimiHiinNiKMMumiK you may find that the retail price is less than This raises the only moral question we pro­ CATHOLIC RADIO LOG the cost of putting the goods on the counter for pose to deal with in this burning matter. Must Station KOA FAMILY THEATER—Wedne*. you. Yet the shrill little voice of your pay check we assume that the supreme executive authority day, 7:30 p.m. still says prices are too high. knows better than we do in a time of crisis? ASK AND LEARN— Sunday, The Rnswer to the riddle is that you think of The answer is: Yes, under ordinary circum­ 8:30 a.m. SACRED HEART PROGRAM a price merely as the value in money of an item. stances. The great Catholic political philosopher CATHOLIC HOUR — Sunday, Saturday, 10 a.m. But prices have discarded that simple dress for a of the past century, Orestes Bro-wnson, puts it 12 noon. Station KTLN gaudy chameleon coat. A price is often a minnow well in his book. The American Republic: “Tha to lure bigger fish, a hawk to kill off competitors. people, though sovereign under God, are not the Station KFEL FR. JOHN ORDINAS, C.R.— It is fish and fowl and neither. government. The government is in their name AVE MARIA HOUR— Sunday, Sunday, 7^15-7:30 a.m# YOU TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION only and by virtue of authority delegated from God 5:30 a.m. and 11:30 p.m. Station KLZ the cost of the goods to the seller, but the seller through them, but they'are not it, are not their ROSARY FOR PEACE—Sun­ CHURCH OF AIR—Sunday, has a thousand other things to take into con­ own ministers. It is only when the people forget day, 8:15 p.m. 8-8:30 a.m. l sideration. There is, for instance, the basing- this and undertake to be their own ministers and point system, whereby prices are fixed at a cer­ to manage their own affairs immediately by tain point and freight is charged from that themselves instead of selecting agents to do it point regardless of from what point the goods for them, and holding their Bgents to a strict are actually shipped. account for their management, that they are For a certain type of steel the basing point likely to abuse their power or to'sanction in­ may be Pittsburgh. That means that a customer justice.” in Denver pays the freight cost from Pittsburgh THIS MEANS THAT in a republic, which the Hear whether he buys the steel in Pueblo, Pittsburgh, United States properly is, authority is delegated or Bangor, Me. to representatives, and representatives are to be IN FIXING THE PRICE of goods it is a gen­ expected to act in accordance with their con­ eral practice for stores to set three prices. 'When sciences and possession of the facts, which may ASK and LEARN the goods do ro t move at the high price they not always coincide with that of the public they are cut to the medium price. When they do not serve. At the same time, it means that civil as sell at the medium price they are placed at the well as military rulers can be disciplined when bargain price. necessary. KOA Another general practice is the use of “loss For this is a far different thing from saying, leaders,” goods that are sold at or below cost to as MacArthur’s enemies say, that we should ^ a ^ / M 0 i attract customers into the store. The “loss leader” blindly presume the wisdom of the State De- 8 :3 0 may be. an item that is used consistently, * or it paTtment, and refrain from giving moral sup­ may be a small lot that is taken from regular port to the leading military figure, who, if he EVERY SUNDAY MORNING stock almost whimsically. is not competent to decide on civil matters, has IN MANY INSTANCES prices are not fixed the responsibility of seeing that whatever lives Questions on religion submitted by the radio by the manufacturer .of an item but by trade as­ he may have to expend are sacrificed for the sociations or a few big manufacturers who, by most good. MacArthur, who has an obligation to audience answered on the archdiocesan broadcast. direct agreement or tacit assent, agree on the God as well as to the State Department, feels, as Booklet on Catholic Church available free of cost , price. These, of course, are only a few of the the bulk of the American people feel, that he I hrifty young Americans, opening their factors that are involved in the setting of prices. would not be loyal to this duty so long as his to all inquirers, Faced with, such a complicated and artificial actions were impeded by civil directives ultimately WRITE TO first Savings Account “Piggy Bank‘d* structure, a magpeian and statistician could very determined by the desire to appease Russia, or ASK AND LEARN, Station KOA well go mad trying to figure out whether the those governments that do want to apf ease her. style — and their more mature price of a particular item was too high. It is one of the principles guiding the Cath­ Denver 2, Colorado If we are really sincere about controlling prices olic theology of the just war that the ordinary elders find equal access to any we shall have to do something about replacing citizen may and should, in a case that is doubtful, this gigantic shell game with something re­ presume that his civil rulers are right in a war, at the AMERICAN NATIONAL. sembling honest merchandising. One idea that and cast all the responsibility on those who can MAin 5314 has been used in other countries is to require at be expected to know the issues. But this does not Never an appoi/itment needed! Always a least food merchants to display the wholesale mean that he should not doubt the wisdom of his price along with the retail price. That is not a regularly constituted leaders, where facts justify spirit of friendly helpfulness. Why complete cure-all, but it is a start toward sanity. this course. F. J. KIRCHHOF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE have to a great don’t you bank the AMERICAN Way? A Few Suggestions for a Sick Person extent lost confidence in the men that shape the 1. Receive your sickness from the hands of policy that sends their sons to a battle grave. Construction Co. your Heavenly Father dealing with you as a With the Korean casualty list approaching 60,000 child. they see that it is a needless sacrifice if it ia to FREE PARKING 2. Look on it as a loving correction for your bring no hope of a decisive military i victory. Right Next Door to the Bonk sins, and as a summons to prepare more care­ In view of the criminal blunders, therefore, that BUILDERS fully for death. have marked foreign policy in the past decade, 3. Practice the virtues of patience and sub­ they are right in giving their moral support to We Appreciate Your Patronage HEAR “AMERICAN SERENADE” mission to the will of God; deepen your repent­ MacArthur. No question of the supremacy of the 700 Lawrence St. Denver, Colo. KLZ, 8 : 3 0 P.M. EVERY WEDNESDAY ance and offer yourself to God to suffer, if it civil over the military is involved here. The only pleases Him, still greater pains; give thanks for question is the supremacy of the people over the blessings you enjoy. those to whom they have delegated—not sur­ 4. In any dangerous illness let your first rendered—their authority. ESTABLISHED 1905 concern be to send for a priest. » 5. Ask your friends to give you timely notice Birds Like Solitude The AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK if your illness be dangerous, and not to flatter The American Fixture Co. you with false hopes of recovery. As an indication of the peaceful surround­ Hanafuturen of o f Denver 6. Make the best of the time you have; ings of a Trappist monastery, more than 300 Church Pews and Altars admit but few visitors; try to keep your con­ bird nests were counted during one summer 17th at Lawrence Streets versation off worldly matters. within a third of a mile encircling the chapel Church Furniture 7. Settle your temporal affairs, in order to grounds at New Melleray, la.— (Ave Maria) Bank, Office, and Store Fixtures give yourself more entirely to spiritual matters. Milltoork of All Kinds t h e bank or PERSONALIZED SERVICE 8. Think frequently of Our Lord’s Passion. Tips for Apostles 9. Consider these words of SL Augustine: The apostle, whether lay or clerical, should e. . , n ' “ A. 0168 /* Member, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation “However innocent your life may have been, no place in the forefront of ^ e values of his ex­ F. J. Kirchhof, Pres. 1236 Arapahoe St. Christian ought to venture to die in any other istence, prayer, silent recollection, mental prayer C. F. Stahl, Vice Pres. Denver, Colo. state than that of a penitent.”—Lake Shore Vis­ and all that nourishes it, retreats, recollections, ■P itor-Register and the sacramental life,— (Cardinal Suhard) PAGE T W a V l Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitone 4205 Thursday, April 12, 1951 Schedule h Given GRAND PRIX Spring Card Fete St. Patrick's PTA to Hear de la CRITIQUE Franciscans to Conduct Officers Named INTERNATIONAL VENICE Scheduled Apr J Mission at Holy Family By St. Louis' PTA 12-Year-Old Accordionist 1 9 5 0 (St. Catherine*! Pariih, Denver) (St. Patrick’s Parish, Denver) society have the main booth; and The sisters’ annual spring card Twelve-year-old Albert Girardi, Roger Seik and Ruth Quintana, (Holy Family Pariih, Denver) the main office. party and cookie sale will be held Father Fabian Joyce, O.F.M., and Father Sebastian In Englewood altar boy and student of high scho­ ■ Friday, April 20, at 1 p.m., in the lastic standing, will be ' the fea­ Sunday, April 15, will be Holy 'school, auditorium. A dessert- Egan, O.F.M., both of St. Elizabeth’s monastery, Denver, (St. Louil’ Pariih, Englewood) tured entertainer on the musical Communion day for the members ’ luncheon will be served. will open a two-week mission Sunday evening, April 15. The s i Louis P " ^ at its reg­ of the Sdnior Young Ladies’ so­ , The spring frolic, featuring the The first week, from April 15 to April 22, will be for the ular meeting, held m the recrea­ dality and all are asked to make a ■ school children, will be held tion center, elected its new of­ special effort to receive Holy Com­ women of the parish, and the second week will be for the ficers. Mrs. William Abbey was munion in the 7 o’clock Mass. Thursday and Friday, April 12 and men. The grade school pupils will 13, at 8 p.mi in the school audi­ named president; Mrs. Walter |The sodality will meet Thurs­ have their devotions during the Sawicki, first vice president; Mrs. torium. school day, and the high school day, April 12, at 8 p.m. in the OPENING Sister Nerinx Marie spoke on Donald Aymami, second vice pres­ school meeting room with a good girls and boys will make their mis­ ident; Monsigmor Joseph P. attendance requested to make ■ TONIGHT ______“Supersition in China” at the PTA sion with the women and men of 1465 S. PEARL SP. 2544 meeting held Monday, April 9. O’Heron, third vice president; Mrs. plana for its part in tha baxaar. the parish. During the first week Ed Puetz, secretary; Mrs. Nick Also: Excerpts from Donizetti’s opera, “Don Pasquale.” The following were chofen by of the mission, Masses will be of­ The perpetual npvena to Our the nominating committee to Vranesic, treasurer; and Mrs. Lady of Lourdes will be held on fered every morning at 6, 7, 8, William Vobeja, historian. A mu­ serve as officers of the PTA for and 9 o’clock. Evening devotions Wednesday evening at 7:45. the coming year: Mrs. Henry sical progp’am was presented by will be at 7:30. Alex Sungalia, and the speaker Parishioners are asked to join Lewis, president; Mrs. Russell On Wednesday afternoon of the the 400 club. 'There is no regis­ Dispense, vice president; Mrs. was Father John Aylward. tration necessary for this. The de­ ARGONAUT HOTEL first week of the mission, at 2:30, The St. Louil Altar and Ro­ Joseph Sartore, secretary; Mrs. there will be the special mission­ positing of 5 cents or more in l;he Where Denver’s Society Entertains for. Luncheons and Dinners John Burns, treasurer; and Mrs. tary society will iponior a baked right pocket of the weekly envel­ FOR SPECIAL RESERVATIONS FOR BRIDGE PARTIES, ary blessing of infants of ^ e par­ goods and cooked foods sale on Louis Santangelo, historian. ish. On Thursday of both weeks, ope marked 400 club, or in the DANCES AND DINNERS PHONE MAIN 3101 The following women helped Sunday, April 15. The sale will boxes provided for that purpose in there will be all-day adoration be held in the recreation center Beautiful Ballrooms Private Dining Rooms Mrs. Henry Lewis serve the first of the Blessed Sacrament. During the rear of the church makes the Friday breakfast: Mmes. Michael after ail the Masses. Parishion­ contributor eligible for benefits of these two weeks the missionaries ers who are able to contribute Barbich, L. F. Di Pilla, Dominic will visit all the sick and in­ the club. They are participation Figlioino, Horace Floyd, J. Galli- iteml for this sale are asked to in a High Mass monthly .and extra To BALDWIN.,,a tribute from ROME! capacitated people of the parish. bring them to the recreation gan, Fred Geier, Ralph Long, Mi­ A call to the rectory about any prayers said daily by the school chael Spero, Frank Syznskie, and center from 1 to 5 on Saturday children, such people known to members of afternoon. F. Welsh. the parish will .be greatly appre­ A good attendance was noted at The following infants were bap­ ciated. There will be a meeting of the the concert'given by the Olinger tized Sunday, April 9; Jerome Lee, S t Louis Boosters’ club on Satur­ Albert Girardi quartet on Thursday, April 5. 'The son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Car­ The regular PTA meeting day evening at 8:30 in the recrea­ check will be mailed to the treas­ ter, with Mr. and Mrs. Theodore icheduled for Monday, April tion center. Election of officers program for the regular meeting urer of the PTA to help replenish Potthoff as sponsors; Joseph 23, has been postponed until will be held and all members and of the PTA Wednesday, April 18, the funds. Especially thanked are T h ^ a s, son of.Mr. and Mrs. Rich- the evening of Monday, April Father Fabian Joyce, O.F.M. any interested parishioners are at 1:30 p.m. in the school audi­ the husbands who attended this arcr Dunn, with Mark Dunn and 30, so as not to interfere with urged to'attend. There will be re­ torium. concert. the devotions of the mission. Kathleen Mahon as sponsors; and Marie Christian will be the assist­ freshments following the meeting. Albert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo A late evening supper party Paula Mary, daughter of Mr. and St. Ann’s circle will meet in the ant hostess. The pupils of St. Louis’ school Girardi of 1704 W. 40th avenue, given to honor the birthday of Sid­ Mrs. Paul Walden, with James home of Mrs. Carol Auge, 4710 Infants baptized April 7 yrere were commended the past week is an outstanding accordionist, ney Miller was held in the Cotton­ Gioia and Billie Sawyer as spon­ Raleigh street, on Tuesday after­ Thomas Neil Raffaeli, the son of for their spirit of community noted for his perfect timing and wood club following the concert noon, April 17, at 1 o’clock. Mrs. sors. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Raffaeli, service in making favors and place rhythm and personality on the Thursday, April 12. Those attend­ with Stanley Robers and Mary mats for the St. Patrick’s day cele­ stage. He was first-place winner ing were Mrs. Sidney Miller, Mr. Bottochio as sponsors; Frances bration at the Veterans’ hospital of a three-school meet held in and Mrs. Bernard Hogan, and Mr. Ellane Robers, daughter of Mr. in Fort Logan. Letters were re­ Adams City last year and is in and Mrs. Ed Kenney. Amusements - Dining constant demand to play in Den­ and Mrs. Stanley Robers, with ceived from the Arapahoe county Tentative plans were made for Mike Raffaeli and Mary Bottochio chapter of the Red Cross and from ver. Besides his musical studies, attendance at the silver anniver­ Recreation as sponsors; Ernest Richard Beall, the administrator of the Veterans’ Albert still finds time to keep his sary of the NCCW in May at the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Administration hospital. school work grades in a veryjiigh regular meeting of the Altar and Beall, with Joe Spierek and Pa­ Baptized in the past week was bracket, making him eligible for a Rosary society held April 3. In tricia Beall as sponsors; James Margaret Anne Graves, daughter scholarship, and also to play foot­ ball. order that members might attend Michael Hipp, son of Mr. and Mrs. of Robert and Mary Graves, with this meeting, the May meeting John J. Hipp, Jr., with Thomas John and Gladys White as spon­ Mrs. Sidney. Miller, PTA pres­ date has been moved up to the sors. ident, urges all members to be and Virginia Raiola as sponsors; present for this meeting so that a first Tuesday of the coming and James John Peters, son of nominating committee of their month. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Peters, with choice can be selected to nomin­ Hostesses for the meeting were Alfred and Elenora W’est as spon­ Robert V. Carroll ate officers for the coming year. Mmes. Joseph Libonati and Marvin villa Saa Fran(«s(o - sors. Co-operation of all is ifeeded to in­ Strempel. Women volunteering to clean the altar for April are Mmes. Doris Brodhag Is Bride sure a well-run organization and Chapel la Rome,,,lastalh Of Englewood Gets this can only be attained by Lena Croci and Shirley and Pietro. Miss Doris Jean Brodhag, daugh­ eveiTF member being present and ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brod­ voting. French Film, 'Orpheus,' BALDWIN Electronic Organ hag of 4885 Quitman street, Den­ Position With GSA Plans will be made for the First ver, became the bride of James Robert V. Carroll, 3128 S. Pearl Communion breakfast to be given “Since the installation of the Electric BALDWIN E. Hanley, son of Mr. and Mrs. on Sunday, May 6. Refreshments Now Playing at Vogue John Hanley of Butte, Mont., prior street, Denver, has been appointed ORGAN here at Villa S. Francesco, Rome, I have had to the staff of the compliance di­ will be served and the nursery will Jean Cocteau’s Orpheut, winner to a Nuptial Mass in Holy Family be open for all preschool children. occasion to observe in your instrument the exceptional church April 7. The double-ring vision of the General Services Ad­ of the Grand Prize Internationale ceremony was witnessed by the ministration. Carroll will be as­ The Rev. Regis McGuire re­ at the Venice film festival for £ne resonant tone which in particular is so desirable to signed to the regional headquar­ ported a better attendance at the 1950, will open an indefinite en­ Rev. William J. Koontz, who also bazaar meeting held Friday, April the saaed service. said the Mass. ters in the Denver Federal Center. gagement at the Vogue Art cin­ The regional office administers all 6. The following committees were ema, 1465 S. Pearl street, Denver, The bride, who was given in appointed: Father McGuire, gen­ marriage by her father, was grad­ activities for Colorado, Utah, and April 12. New Mexico. eral chairman; Fred Deard, assist- uated from Holy Family high tant chairman; and Anthony Can- This is the third in the series of school, class of 1948, and is a General Services Administration th e French poet - philosopher’s Amptcca dclU Basilica liberiana.'* was created as a result of the zona, chairman of the grounds com­ member of the Cathedral sodality. mittee, which includes John Di films, which have created a world­ Hoover Commission’s study of the wide revolution in cinema tech­ As nationally advertised Mr. Hanley is a graduate of organization of the federal gov­ Palo, Henry Keene, Robert Miller, Carroll college, in Helena, Mont., niques. The earlier works were ernment. Established in 1949, Thomas Cherry, Joseph Melphy, Blood of a Poet and Beauty and and a navy veteran of three and GSA is responsible for the utiliza­ Thomas Rotar, Albert Winkler, Syl a half years’ service in the Pacific. Franks, Robert Balzano, Leonard the Beast, the latter of which was BALDWIN tion, construction, and remodel­ one of the most important suc­ His best man was his brother, Jo­ ing of government-owned and La Guardia, Fred Deard, Kenneth ELECTRONIC ORGANS seph Hanley. Tom Kenally and cesses of the past year at the government-leased space; central­ Hostick, and Roger Siek. Vogue. The film is a blend of fan­ Jack Salvail were ushers, and the izing the purchase of supplies for Mrs. Joseph Petraglia has Mass was served by Raymond tasy and reality, df action and THE BALDWIN PIANO COMPANY federal agencies; and establishing charge of the spaghetti dinner and music, in which the camera ex­ Brisnehan and John Hammond. a records retirement program for hot dog stand; Albert Winkler Jeanne Roesch, vocalist, was ac­ plores the recesses of the mind and Established 1862 BflCCIOS federal agencies. and Robert Balzano, the salami heart. Cocteau hims'elf says it is companied by Miss Patricia Satter- A native of Denver, Carroll was stand; Mrs. John Allen, the fish IN DENVER’S MUSIC CENTER white at the organ. “really a detective story that graduated from Regis college with pond; Mrs. Marvin Strempel and touches on myth on the one hand, SAMOUS FOS fINE ENJOY THE 1623 California St. MAin 2285 J. WISrS Following the wedding, a break­ an A.B. degree in 1939. He at­ members of the Altar and Rosary on the supernatural on the other.” FOOD SEIIVEO IN A ★ MOST REFRESHING fast was served in the Olin hotel. tended Georgetown university, I is V GRACIOUS MANNER COCKTAIl lOUNGE A reception was held in the home Washingf;on, D. C., and was grad­ Father Nevans to Address With Orpheus, the Vogue will TREMONT AT BROADWAY of the bride’s parents. pr^ent a half-hour film of ex­ uated with a bachelor of laws de­ Queen of Heaven Society cerpts from Donizetti’s beautiful ^ K E . 9618 * CH. 2494 J gree in 1949. From 1940 to 1944, Carroll The April meeting of the Queen light opera, Don Pasquale. Recommended Firms Sacred Heart PTA Has served with the Federal Bureau of Heaven Aid society will be held of Investigation as a special in the orphanage, 4825 Federal Priest Nominated Mayor Election of Officers agent. He was western division boulevard, Denver, Tuesday, April London.—The Rev. Murtha E. manager for Braniff airlines 17, at 2 p.m. The Rev. Robert Nev­ Lynch, Carmelite prior of Faver- for AUTO (Sacred Heart Parish, Denver) from 1944 to 1946, and from ans of St. Francis de Sales’ parish sham, Kent, has been nominated On April 10 the PTA elected the 1946 until 1949 he was a mem­ will be the gmest speaker. Mem­ mayor of Faversham. He has following officers, who will be in­ ber of the compliance division of bers and friends are invited to at­ served on the town council 14 SERVICE stalled next month at the last the War Assets Administration in tend. years. ______regular meeting of this year: Pres­ Washington, D. C. Carroll ac­ ident, Katherine Jones; vice pres­ cepted a position as director of ident, Clara Morrison; secretary, public relations for the First Na-_ S a l e s ...... Service Priscilla Walters; and treasurer, tional bank in Englewood in 1949 Census'to Open April 16 Bertina Sanchez. and remained with the bank until The bake sale sponsored by the he accepted his present position At St. Joseph's Parish PTA Sunday morning, April 8, with GSA. Abies—Hemphill was very successful. Active in civic affairs in Engle­ (St. Joseph’s Redemptorist Parish, Denver) 3520 East Colfax EA. 2761 wood, he is president of the Engle­ The Very Rev. Paul Schwarz, C.SS.R., announced that a full wood Oldtimers’ association and he census of the parish will begin Monday, April 16. Father Schwarz PACKARD HEADQUARTERS is chairman of the 1951 Red Cross requests the co-operation of all Catholics in St. Joseph’s territory Funds drive for Arapahoe county. in making this endeavor a success. All families in the parish are asked to receive the ones taking the census in a spirit of kindness The firms listed here de­ and co-operation and follow the instructions they shall outline to, ( P i O t ...... make the work a successful accomplishment. serve to be remembered Thuriday-Friday-Saturday Lakewood Parish April 15 will be the Communion Sunday for the members of when you are distributing April 12-13-14 the Altar and Rosary society. All members are urged to attend the 7 o’clock Mass and receive Holy Communion together. CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH^ your patronage in the dif­ Roy Robert Penny Edwards C/PfOMW MOTOR CO. ferent lines of business. ' Color Talent Shaw April 18 IQOa BROADWAY CH.56261 The CHALET "NORTH OF THE GREAT Altar Society St. Joseph’s PTA will sponsor a talent show for the grades Henry Graf, Prop. school. A special rehearsal presentation will take place Wednes­ DIVIDE" day, April 18. Formal presentation of the show will be on Thurs­ BE "FOXY You'll enjoy our delicious food, our delightful Units to Meet day and Friday, April 19 and 20, at 8 p.m. in St. Joseph’s hall. Abbott & Costello All members of the Double-Ring club are asked to keep open Seat atmosphere. Service is tops . . . prices right. (St. Bernadette’s Parish, SEE OUR... "HERE COMES THE Saturday, April 28, for the spring frolic, featuring the Cherry CLOSED TUESDAYS Lakewood) Sisters and other entertainment. CO-EDS" Four circles of the Altar and Covers CAPITAL 815 Colorado Boulevord FR. 0432 Special Attention Rosary society have scheduled to Bridffa Partita A Little Rascal Comedy-Cartoon meetings for this week. St. Anne’s Custom Made — Priced BUYS sewing circle will meet in the Altar and Rosary Society To Fit Every Pocketbook Sunday-Monday-Tuesday home of Mrs. Harry Bender Thurs­ DENVER’S BEST)^ • Gus SchwaWs. day, April 12. St. Bernadette’s Body & Fender Work Wednesday circle is to meet Monday, April 16, In Aurora Has Meeting Expert Auto Painting April 15-16-17-18 at 12:30 p.m. in the home of (St. Therese’s Parish, Aurora) sists of Mmes. Elaine Witt and U S E D U A H S Mrs. E. Feely, 2840 Field street. Loretta Carter. Chat & Chew Doris Dar Gordon McRae The Altar and Rosary society Technicolor Members of the Infant of Prague It was jdecided that the First meeting was called to order by the A N D T R U U K S DRIYE-m RESTAlJRAIVr "TEA FOR TWO" circle will be guests of Mrs. Ar- Communion breakfast would be dourel Tuesday, April 17, in her president, Mrs. Eleanor Quick, in 696 S. Broadway PE 5264 sponsored by the Altar and Rosary Conditioned Right and FAMED FOR EXCELLENT FOOD AND home. Hostess to the Immaculate the parish hall April 5 following society. FRIENDLY SERVICE Marion Randolph Teresa Wright Heart of Mary circle Thursday, the recitation of the Rosary. The women who volunteered to Ready for YOU! LUNCHEONS — DINNERS "THE MEN" April 19, will be Mrs. Marie Final arrangements for the Ekstrom in the home of Mrs. J. R. care for the alter linens for the •SODA FOUNTAIN — SANDWICHES — SALADS CARTOON — NEWS dance sponsored by the Altar and month of May are Mmes. Virginia FOOD TO TAKE OUT Aemer, 215 S. Wadsworth. Rosary society, to be held May 12 Staples and Dorothy Pramuk. . The Infant of Prague circle has PRICED in the Aurora Junior high school The Mother Cabrini circle met 6000 East Colfax Avenue volunteered to do all the sacristy hall at 9 p.m., were made. The pro­ cleaning through April. in the home of Mrs. Barbara Bate RIGHT Phone DE. 4434 ceeds from the dance will be used Monday, April 2, at 808 Florence. Open 11:00 A.M. TUI 2:00 A.H. All proefeeds from her sales of to help with the expense of fur­ greeting cards, personal station­ nishing the altar for, the new Recently baptized in the parish ery, and gift-wrapping paper will church, which will be completed in were Renee Karen, infant daugh­ be turned over to the Altar and the near future. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Rosary society by Mrs. John Satchel, with Marjorie Hatteburg FIRST POPULAR PRICE SHOW ING The music for the evening will as sponsor; Jeanine H. Mary, Koble. Anyone who wishes to pur­ be furnished by Dwight Mc- chase such items may contact her daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo VIC HEBERT INC. Cready’s orchestra, and the admis­ A. Cagndn, with John W. Gabel- at Lakewood 1459 J, sion for the dance will 1)^ $1.75 Cecil B. DeMille's Masterpiece The Altar and Rosary society mann and Cyprienna T. Gabelman 3660 Downing per couple. A special attraction at as sponsors; Michael Joseph, Has greeted a new member, Mrs. the intermission will be a General Since 1913 Martin Foley. adopted son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ Mrs. Joseph Cavanaugh is a pa­ Electric waffle iron and gfill. All ward J. Schue, with Howard tient in Mercy hospitali members of the parish are invited Brewer and Angela Wieneman as Three infants were baptized by to attend along with their friends sponsors; Charles Francis, infant W4lcom« to DenTer'f Pinest the Rev. John J. Doherty, pastor: and families, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reno, David Christopher, son of Mr. and A nominating committee will be with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hoai RADIO SERVICE COLBURN HOTEL Mrs. James Wagner, with Mr. and appointed at the May meeting in as sponsors; Philip Lawrence an A Complete Service for Car or Home Radios Mrs. Everett Channel as sponsors; order that election of officers will Judy Ann, children of Mr. and LUXURIOUS ROOMS Karl Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. be able to be held at the June Mrs. Philip A. Oaks, with Mr. and We Will Serve You Best Cocktail Lounge Joseph Dallarosa, with Karl Dal- meeting. Mrs. Stanley L. Karbowski as (Bti tiiau:''SUHa«ciaww*(aiKiim-«(aiuiain'Knr«tiai New Coffee Shop larosa and Teresa Champa as The refreshment committee for sponsors; and Mardee Cecilia, im JAMES MOTOR CO. loth Avenu* at Grant sponsors; and Deborah Ann, the May meeting includes Mmes. fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Virginia Staples, Dorpthy Staples, Baylisd, with, Cecilia Breitbach as 1278 Lincoln Dodge & Plymouth Sales & Service KE. 8221 DENHAM ***'•"* MAin 6291 Lane, with Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Rose Dunn, and Millie Karbowski. sponsor by proxy, acting sponsor D. B. CERISBs M tiuftr WEEK! CalUornla Lane ae iponsori. Tha entertainment committee con- being Judith Colassacco. ;^D '»'^ r ’'!'' iV

T h u rsd a y , April 12, 1951 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 PAGE THIRTEEN Chairmen and Advisers Arinouno? H^SCRANCE STATEMENTS Among iaiuranc* companies lieanspii to transact business in Colorado by the DEUOTIOnS OF THE St. Philomena's Annual Tent Party State Insurance Department are those printed below as follows: niOE TUESDflVS (St. Philomana’t Parish, Daivrer) + + + + -I- St. Philomena’s tent panty, Wolf & Struby Co. IN HONOR OF 0 be held Friday and Satur­ MORGAN, LEIBMAN & HICKEY days evenings, June 15 and Parish Press Committee Protection 16, was formally announced Through Insurance INSURANCE SINCE 1897 Gas apd'^Iectric Bldg, TA. 1395 ST. AHTHOnV OF PflDUfl jy the chairmen and the ad­ University Bldg, AL 1767 visory committee^’ at a meeting in the parish rectory April 10. John The Franciscan Wonder-Worker F. Ryan is chairman, and Mrs. STATB OP COLORADO STATE OF COLORADO « STATE OF COLORADO William T. Zint, cochairman. Insnranc* D.partsa.nt Inioranet Department Insurance Department ' " 4 Synopsis of SUtcmmt for ItSO ss ren­ S3mopiia of Statement for 1950 ai ren Synopsis of Statement for 1950 as ren* A 1951 Mercury will be dis­ dered to the Commifsioncr of Insurance dered to the Commissioner of Insurance dered to the Commissioner of Insurtnci played. There will be special prizes Wsatchsater Fire Insurance Conpany Detroit Flrt and Marine New York. N.Y. American Indemnity Company 30th nights in addition to several Iniurance Company Galveston* Texas Auets ______»Bl.t80,0«9 Detroit* Michigan new booths and games. Llebilitiea 2g.8S9.622 Assets ...... $7,611,427 The Rt. Rev. Monsignor Wil­ Capital 2.000.000 Assets .... 98.267.090 Liabilities______4,682,064 Surplus ... ______20.870.417 :.iabilltie«______8.868.S35 Capital ...... 1,000,000 liam M. Higgins, pastor, explained Capital ...... , L . 1,000,000 Surplus ...... 1,225,000 (Copy of Certificate of Authority) Surplus ...... 3,398,155 Reserve for contingencies.....704,378 the higher financial burdens and DBPARTMBNT OF IN8URANCB parochial problems that will be CBRTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY (Copyiof Certificate of Authority) (Copy of Certificate of Authority) To ^hom it Hay Concern: DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE < alleviated by the success of the CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY v' This ie to Certify that the Weetcheeter 1951 bazaar. Fire Ineuranoe Company organised under To Whom it May Concern: To Whom It May Concern: The advisory committee consists the lews of' New York pursuint to its This is to Certify that the Detroit Fire This is to Certify that the American In* of Mmes. J. E. Cummings, W. T. application therefor and in coneideratlon and Marine Insurance Company organized demnity Company organized under the laws of ita compliance with the lawa of Colo­ under the lawa of Michigan pursuant to its of Texas pursuant to its application there­ Bostwick, J. A. Koning, L. L. Ben­ rado. is hereby licensed to transect business application therefor and in consideration for and in consideration of ita complianot nett, and Don Wilcox; Harry T. as a Fire Iniurtnce Company until tha last of ita camplianee with the laws of Colo> with the laws of Colorado, is hereby Zook, Dr. James E. Cummings, day of February next eucceeding the date rado. is hereby licensed to transact busi­ licensed to transact business as a Multipla Ralph Hanson, Dr. Joseph Hovorka, hereof unless this license ihal be sooner ness as a Multiple Lines Insurance Com­ Lines Insurance Company until the last revoked. pany until the last day of February next day of February next succeeding the date ' Maurus J. Aziere, Francis P. Mc­ IN WITNESS ^WHEREOF. I have here­ succeeding the date hereof unless this hereof unless this license shall be sooner Namara, Don Osborn, Frank unto set my hand and caused the official license shall be sooner revoked. revoked. Bruno, Joseph Barry, Ray Jaeger, seal of my office to be affixed at the IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here­ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have her^ C. Mack Switzer, and Charles M, City and County of Denver, thia first day unto set my hand and caused the official unto set my hand and caused the official of March, A. D. 1951. seal of my office to be affixed at the seal of my office to be affixed at the McConnell. (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH, City and County of Denver* thia first day City and County of Denver, this first day Approximately 125 new, faral Commiisioner of Insurance. of March. A. D. 1951. of March, A. p. 1951. lies were inscribed on the parish (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH, (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH. records in the ..ensus taken at all Commissioner of Insurance. Commissioner of Insurance* the Masses April 8. A general STATE OF COLORADO parish census will begin next week MEMBERS OF ST. PHILOMENA’S parish press com­ STATE OF COLORADO Register Insurance Department Insurance Department with the organizational meeting of mittee, Denver, who have handled the weekly J J . CELLA Synopsis of Statement for 1960 as ren Synopsis of Statement for 1960 as ren* the census teams. The Men’s club column during the past year, discuss the last month of worR before dered to the Commissioner of Insurance dered tothe Commissioner of Insuranet has been assigned 27 blocks in the relinquishing their posts May 2. The committee, appointed early last INSURANCE AGENCY Southern Fire Insurance Company The Eagle Fire Company of New York western zone of the parish,' where summer, meets weekly to assemble and arrange the parish news. Durham, North Carolina New York, New York 1120 Security Bldg. KE 2633 Aiaets ...... $4,678,578 Assets ...... $6,443,478 members will take the preliminary Shown left to right, seated, are Mrs. W. J. Manning, Mrs. T. A. Dug­ Liabilltlea______2,710,563 Liabilities ...... 8,676,176 census. gan, committee chairman; and Mrs. J. A. Koning; standing,' Mrs. Capital - 500,000 Capital ...... 1,000,000 Surplua 1,468,013 Surplus ...... 1,868,297 The remaining blocks of the par­ Roland Bartlett and Mrs. W. T. Bostwick. STATE OF COLORADO Dcp.rtraeiit (Copy of Certificate of Authority) (Copy of Certificate of Authority) ish will be assigned to the general + + + + + DEPARTMENT OP INSURANCE DEPARTMENT OP INSURANCE census committee, which eventu­ Synopiia of Statement for 1950 u ren CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY dered to tho CommlHloner of Iniuranco ally will be a permanent organiza­ for extra work; and to Mrs. Leon-, and Mrs. Mack Switzer on Thurs­ To Whom it May Concern: ard Carlin for the donation of a day, April 19. Repnbllc Compuiy To Whom It Mey Concern: tion. Each three blocks will have D.llu, T.xu This is to Certify that the Southern Fire This is to Certify that the The Eagle a captain in charge, with asso­ lily. Mrs. L. H. Herr and Mrs. J. The Cub Scouts of pack 124 will A iiet. ___ *21.098.474 Insurance Company organized under the Fire Company of New York organized un­ J. Flynn volunteered their services make a Holy Year pilgrimage on Liabilitie.______12.884,997 lawa of Durham, North Carolina pursuant der the laws of New York pursuant to Its ciate members in each block. These to ita application therefor and in consldera application. therefor and in consideration leaders will report weekly on the for the sanctuary work of the cur­ Tuesday, April L7. C p i t a l ______^______4.000.000 Surplus ...... - ...... 3,084,211 tion of its compliance with the laws of of its compliance with the laws of Colo* new Catholic families of the par­ rent month. • All third graders’ mothers who Contingency Reserve______1,879,268 Colorado, la hereby licensed to transact rado. is hereby licensed to transact busi­ The hope chest project of the wish to assist, in the serving of business u a Fire Insurance Comany until ness as a Fire Insurance Company until ish. (Copy of of Authority) the last day of February next succeeding the last day of February next succeeding Detailed plans of the program coming parish bazaar was again the First Communion breakfast on DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE the date hereof unless this license shall be the date hereof unless this license shall bg will be announced at the first or­ announced. Mrs. J. W. Hovorka, Sunday, May ,13, are asked to call CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY sooner revoked. sooner revoked. ganizational meeting on Monday, the chairman, will be glad to re­ Mrs. Dickson, DE. 3645. To Whom it May Concwn! m WITNESS WHEREOF. I have here IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have here­ April 16, in the school auditorium. ceive donations either of cash or Three infants were baptized This is to Certify that th . Republic In- unto set oiy hand and caused the official unto set my hand and caused the official linens for the chest. A beautiful surtnc. Company organizwi under th. laws seal of my office to be affixed at the seal of my office to be affixed at the Banns of marriage have been April 8 by the Rev. Joseph M. of Texas pursuant to ita application thcro- City and County of Denver, this first day City and County of Denver, thii first day announced for the first time be­ blanket, the gift of Mrs. Mamie O’Malley in St. Philomena’s church. for and in consideration of ita compliance of March, A. D. 196r. of March, A. D. 1951. tween Harry W. Zirkelbach of Ca­ Goll, was presented to Mrs. Hov­ Donald Jerome Green, son of with tho laws of Colorado, is hm by (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH, (^EAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH. orka. licensed to transact business as a Fire Commissioner of Insurance. Commissioner of Insuranea. thedral parish and Miss Barbara Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Green of Insuranet Company until tha last day of M. Foley of St. Philomena’s. Mrs. G. A. Schwartz was ap­ Buffalo Greek, had John R. and February next succeedinn the date hereof STATE OF COLORADO pointed by Monsignor Higgins to Mary A. Peacock for godparents. unless this license shall bo sooner r.voktd. STATE OP COLORADO Insurance Department The home of Mrs. W. S. Byrnes act as chairman of the new parish Insurance Department was the scene of the monthly meet­ Donald was bom March 30 in IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here­ Synopsis of Statement for 1950 as ren­ census project. Mercy hospital. unto Mt my hand and canted the official Synopsis of Statement for 1950 as ren­ dered to the Commissioner of Insuranea ing of St. Philomena’s Altar and seal of my offiea to b. affixed at the dered to the Commissioner of Insurance Agricultural insurance Company Rosary society. Mrs. J. F. Bickett, Another plea for old gold and Margaret Rae Borcherts, daugh­ City and County of Denver, this first dsy Buffalo Insurance Company Watertown, New York Mrs. J. J. Flynn, and Mrs. W. E, sterling silver was made by Miss ter of Mr. and Mrs. Marshel E. of March, A. D. 1951. Buffalo* New York Auets ...... $26,668,284 Sheehy were assisting hostesses Eva Walgh for the annual collec­ Borcherts of 1447 Detroit street, (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH, Assets ___ $9,788,388 Liabilitiee ______16,218,258 tion to be taken at the silver tea had Wilbur J. and Vera E, Donze Commissioner of Insurance. Liabilities______5,705,212 Capital ...... ,------8,000,000 Mrs. George Burt led the recita­ C a p ita l______^ _____ 1,000,000 Surplus ...... 7,447,981 tion of the Rosary. Mrs. H. T. Zook of the Tabernacle society ih June. as godparents. Margaret was born Surplua ...... 2,328,126 March 7 in St. Anthony’s hospital. (Copy of Certificate of Authority) HAVE YOU EVER MADE THE 9 TUESDAYS? president pro tern during the con­ Miss Walsh gave several specific Voluntary reserve ...... 700,000 DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE examples of the need for these con­ Janet Marie Pjrice, daughter of (Copy of Certificate of Authority) CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY WHY NOT THIS YEAR— FOR SELF AND OTHERS? valescence of Mrs. C. A. Freuden- DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE stein, president, extended greet tributions to help defray the cost Mr. and Mrs. Dohald L. Price of Great Central CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY To Whom it May Concern: ings to the new member, Mrs. Cleo of linens for the mission districts. 803 Humboldt street, had Lowell This is to Certify that the Agricultural BEGINNING - TUESDAY, APRIL 17th A. and Mary A. Paasch as godpar­ Insurance Company To Whom it May Concern: Insurance Company organized under tha James, and the guests, Mrs. Doro­ Monsignor Higgins reported the This is to Certify that the Buffalo In- laws of New York pursuant to its applica­ ents. Janet was born March 29 in sObance Company organized under the laws at 7:45 P. M. thy Huff and Miss Helen Mere gift of a pair of fine furs from Peoria, Illinoii tion therefor and in consideration of Ita Approximately 50 members and Mrs. Cleo James and said that he St. Luke’s hospital. of New York pursuant to its application compliance with the laws of Colorado, is therefor and in consideration of its com hereby licensed to transact business as a Father Eugene Honan, O.F.M., will deliver the sermon each friends were present. would present them to the Altar George Ralph Minot, son of Mr. pHance with the laws of Colorado, is hereby and Mrs. Roland H. Minot of 2636 Fire Insurance Company until the last day Tuesday evening. Mrs. Helen Bishop, sewing society _for a benefit. He closed licensed to transact business as a Fire of February next eucceeding the data E. llth avenue, and Miss Patricia STATE OF COLORADO Insurance Company until the last day of chairman, expressed appreciation the meeting with prayer, and a Insurance Department hereof unless this license shall be sooner Ann Anderson, daughter of Mr. February next.succtipding the date hereof revoked. ST. ELIZABETH'S CHURCH to Mrs. George Burt for having social period followed. Synopsis of Statement for 1950 as ^ unless tnis license shall be sooner revoked. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here­ made three amices, and to Mrs. Ev Stewart, former coach of St. and Mrs. CTscar C. Anderson of dered to the CoramlMioner of Insurance IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have here­ llt h and Curtis A. G. Guenther for the new chalice Joseph’s high school and a well- 1200 Emerson street, were mar­ Greet Central Insurance Company unto set my band and caused ^he official unto set my hand and caused the official Peoria* seal of my office to be affixed at tha known Denver athlete, was named ried Saturday, April 7, in St. Phil­ seal of my office to be affixed at the City and County of Denver, this first day veil for the main altar. Mrs. Bishop Assets ______$1,884,207 City and County of Denver, thia first day also reported the completion of a coach of St. Philomena’s baseball omena’s church. Monsignor Hig­ Liabilities______— ™ 1.377,014 of March, A. D. 1951. gins witnessed the ceremony and of March, A. D. 1951. purple pillow for Good Friday’s team this week. Twenty-eight boys Capital .....■ ii.-... ir. I III!—r------260,000 (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH, (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH. services and a tabernacle veil. Mrs, reportedt e d for ...... baseball practice on said the Nuptial Mass. The couple Surplus _257,19$ Commissioner of Insurance. Commissioner of Insuranea. G. A. Cchwartz, deanery chairman April 9. Seven Junior Parochial will live in Denver after a short (Copy of Certificate of Authority) gave a brief report of the March league games are scheduled, and wedding trip. DEPARTMENT QF INSURANCE Mrs. George Sillers, 1039 Mil­ CERTIFICATE OP AUTHORITY meeting. practice games will be held twice To Whom it May Concern: Texas General Mrs. Zook expressed her grati weekly. waukee street, will be hostess to This is to Certify that the Great Centra! CENTRAL CATHOLIC tude to all the women who assisted Sister Mary Godfrey, school St. Mary’s Bridge club Tuesday, Insurance Company organized under the principal, announced this week April 17, at a dessert-lunchfeon. laws of Illinois pursuant to its application CASUALTY CO. Indemnify Company in the extra work of Holy Week therefor and in consideration of Its com­ and Easter; to Mrs. Bickett and that the donation of books for the Mrs. J. F. Harrington will be pliance with the lawa of Colorado, is Mrs. Bishop for the monthly altar library is very encouraging. With hostess to St. John’s Bridge club hereby licensed to transact business as a OMAHA, NEBRASKA Denver, Colorado service; to Mmes. Goll, McConaty, few exceptions the books so far Wednesday, April 18. Casualty Insurance Company until the last The St. Rose of Lima Bridge day of February next succeeding the date and Schwartz, and Miss Roche for donated are on the library’s shelves hereof nnleaa ^ Is license shall be sooner the preparation of the palms; to and in use. Approximately one- club will meet in the home of Mrs. revoked. STATE OF COLORADO STATE OF COLORADO Julia O’Neil, 1511 St. Paul street, Ininrsnce Department Insurance Department Mrs. Guenther for laundering the fifth of the needed books have IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here­ Synopsis o( Statement for 1950 s i ren­ Ssmopiis of Statement for 1950 as ren* sacred linens; to Mmes. Fisher, been offered to the library. Sister Thursday afternoon, April 12. unto set my hand and caused the official dered to the Commissioner of Insurance dered to the Commissioner of Insuraneg. Jordan, Stakebake, and Sheehy Godfrey requests members of the Mrs. T. Schneible, 649 Colorado seal of my office to be affixed at the Central Catholic Casnalty Company Texas General Indemnity Company • boulevard, will entertain the St. City and County of Denver, this first day Omaha, Nebraska Denver, Colorado parish who hav: good juvenile of March, A. D. 1951. Asaeta ______™-...*135,783 Assets ...... 4569.907 classics and story books or any Frances Cabrini Bridge club Fri­ (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH, Liabilities______68,067 Liabilities ,,,,,— ...... ------288,207 Valentino to Sing worth-while volumes for the li­ day, April 13. Commissioner of Insurance. Special D ep osit___ ■ 22,200 Capital ______— 100,000 brary to contact her at EA. 5292 The All Saints parish club will Capital ...... - Surplua ...... -I----- 165,000 meet Sunday, April 15, at 6 Surplua______45,516 Reserve for Contingencies...... ^..^.i. 31,700 after school hours, or at the con­ (Copy of Certificate of Anthority) (Copy of Certificato of Authority) Central City Roles vent. o’clock. Mrs. Phillip Clark, Mrs. DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE The monthly school luncheon will James McConaty, Mrs. William SEABOARD SURETY CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY CERTIFICATE OP AUTHORITY be held c Wednesday, April 18. Hilbert, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry To Whom it May Concern: To Whom it May Concern: Francesco Valentino, the Metro This is to Certify that the Central Cath­ This ia to Certify that the Texaa On* politan Opera company’s leading The mothers of the first graders Zook will be hosts. COMPANY olic Casualty Company organized under eral Indemnity Company organized under baritone, will sing the top roles will assist with the serving. Tick­ Mrs. E. J. Murphy entertained the laws of Nebraska pursuant to its the laws of Colorado purauant to ita ap­ in two productions in the Central ets will be on sale at the school St. Bridget’s club at a luncheon NEW YORK, N. Y. application therefor and in consideration of plication th^efor and in conaideration of Friday, April 6. Prizes were its compliance with the laws of Colorado, ita compliance with the lawa of Colorado* City Opera house this season. Mr, on Friday, April 13, and Mon­ is hereby licensed to transact business as ia hereby licensed to transact buainesa as Valentino is a native of Denver day, April 16. awarded to Mrs. Frank Bruno and a Casulty Insurance Company until the last Casualty Insurance Company until tha and a former member of Mon- The Brownie mothers will meet Mrs. Frank Dunn. STATE OF COLORADO day of February next succeiNling the date last day of February next succeeding the % in the school auditorium on Thurs­ The Our Lady of Fatima Bridge Insnranee Department hereof unless this license shall be sooner date hereof unless this lieensa ahall be signor Joseph Bosetti’s Cathedral revoked. sooner revoked. choir. In those days he was known day, April 12, at 7:30 p.m. to dis­ club will meet at the home of Mrs. Synopsis of Statement for 1950 as ren' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here­ IN WITNESS WHEREOF. J have here­ as Frank Dinhaupt cuss plans for day camp. Leo Sibert, 4375 Xavier street, dered to the Commissioner of Insurance unto my band and caused the official unto set my hand and caused the official ^ Colorado Springs Seaboard Surety Company seal of my office to be affixed at the seal of my office to be affixed at the Under the guidance and inspira­ Boy Scouts of troop 124 will Friday afternoon, April 13. New York, N.Y. Mrs. Frank Jordan, 1601 Cook City and County of Denver, this first day City and County of Denver, this first day tion of Monsignor Bosetti, Dm- continue to pick up papers through­ AaseU ______*13,548,041 of March. A. D. 1951. of March, A, D. 1951. haupt studied voice at the Denver out the parish. street, will entertain St. William’s Liabilities ...... 6,753,815 (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH, (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH. Bridge club Thursday afternoon, Capita] _____ 1,000,000 Commissioner of Insurance. Commiuioner of Inauranee* Conservatory of Music. He ap­ The Cub Scouts of Denver will Surplua ______6,000,000 peared in several productions of go on Rn excursion to Winter Park April 12. Voluntary Reaervs ..... 1,794,226 Dr. D. C. Werthman the Denver Grand Opera com­ on Saturday, April 28. All cubs Mrs. Fair’s Bridge club will be (Copy of Certifieita of Anthority) M AY REALTY and their families are welcome. entertained by Mrs. L. J. Dunne, DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE pany. He went to Europe, where CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY American Progressive and As§ociate he changed his name. He made his 'The fare will be $2.01 for children 1465 Elm street, Thursday, April from 5 to 11 years and $2.07 for 12. To Whom it May Concern: debut in Verona, Italy, sang with Thia ia to Certify that the Seaboard Health Insurance Dentists R E A L T O R adults. Reservations must be made Charles Eugene McConnell, son Surety Company organised nnder the laws the La Scala Opera company in of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. McConnell, PLATES Milan, and was called to sing with with Mr. Layden, DE. 0059. of New York pursuant to its application Company of New York There will be a Cub Scout plan­ is now on active duty at Buckley therefor and in conaideration of its com­ 606 15th Street 1206 15th Street INSURANCE - LOANS the San Carlo company of Milan ning meeting in the home of Mr., field. pliance with the laws of Colorado, ia hereby NEW VORK, N. Y. and the Carlo Felice of Genoa. licensed to transact business as a Multiple KEystone 8721 TAbor 5761 He returned to this country in Lines Insurance Company until tho last Ute Theater Bldg. 19<40, and since that time has been 49 Children -15 Adults day of February next aucoeedin* the date STATE OF COLORADO Optometrist hereof unleaa this license shall b . sooner Iniuranc. Department singing with the Metropolitan revoked. Synopai. of Statement for 1950 ss ren- and Optician Colorado Springs, Colo. Opera company of New York. He IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have here­ deiwd to tho Commissioner of Insurance has made appearances in England, unto set my hand and caused the official American Proircssivo Health Insursnc. Helen Walsh MAIN 1898 Confirmation to Be Given seal of my office to be affixed at the Company of New York Italy, Austria, France, Hungary, City and (jounty of Denver, thia first day New York, N, Y. Associate Switzerland, Mexico, and Canada. of March, A. D. 1951. A ssets______*857,091 W. R. JOSEPH In this country he has sung in (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH, L U b U itiss______127,178 EYES EXAMINED San Francisco, Chicago, Denver, April 16 in Loyola Church Commiasionsr of Insurance. CspiUl ______150,000 Phona TAbor 1880 Surplus ______79,918 218-219 Majestic Bldf^ THE MURRAY DRUG CO. WILLIAM C. CRARON and Cincinnati. On radio, he has (Copy of Csrtificato of Anthority) made appfearances on the Treasure (Loyola Pari.h, Denrer) DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE Htln 8tor»—116 E. 9lk« PMk—UAIn 144 Hour of Song and Yours for a Central States Health CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY Sgrth Stgrt—832 S. Tejon—IIAIn 189 Optometrist To Whom it May Concern: Song. The sacrament of Confirmation will be administered by This is to Certify that tha American Professional Pharmacy 125 North T«Jon SL _ This summer, Mr. Valentino will Archbishop Urban J. Vehr to a class of 49 children and 15 and Accident Association Pronressive Health Insurance Company of PHONE MAIN 6682 sing the role of Capulet in adults on Monday, April 16, at 7 :30 p.m. The members of New York orssniied under the laws of 501 No. Tejon MAin 1088 COLORADO SPRINGS. COLO. New York pursuant to its application Gounod’s Romeo and Juliet, and the class and their sponsors will practice at 2 p.m. on Sun­ OMAHA, NEBRASKA therefor and in consideration of its com­ the role of the husband in Me- pliance with the laws of Colorado, ia hereby Get Baur’s (of Denver) notti’s Amelia Goes to the Ball day, April 15. liccDicd to transact buainesa as a Casualty ^ PETE BEROM ^ The PTA will meet in the schbol Insuranea Comany until the last day of Candy and Ice Cream at Both roles are very exacting. April 13. This is.^ being sponsored STATB OF COLORADO February next succeedins the date hereof ^FERNflTlIRE SHOPj hall Tuesday, April 17, at 8 p.m. Insaranc* Dnpartnent ^ unlMt thia license shall be sooner revoked. UPHOLSTERING, by the PTA because of the excel­ Johnson-English Synoptif of Sutem tnt for 1950 as rOB- m WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here­ RE-UPHOLSTERING AND The seventh and eighth grade chil­ lent co-operation of the children unto aet my hand and cans^ the official REPAIRING dren will present a program under dered to the CommiMioner of Insurance during the recent paper drives. Central Statea Health and Accident seal of my office to be affixed at the . Slip Coven and Dr.periee the direction of the physical edu­ City and (jonnty of Denver, this first day Drug Co. Hade to Order AURORA St. Catherine’s bridge club met . Asaociation cation instructor, Mrs. William Omaha* Nebraska of March, A. D. 195;. LENTHERIC Toiletrie* Furniture Made to Order in the home of Mrs. L. Hogue on (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH, Zint. A film on Hawaii will be April 10. Prizes were awarded to A sse U ______$511,280 Commissioner of Insurance. Ttjon mt BIJonSt______Phon. 1400 ) 24-22 So. Wtheatch Are. UAIn 5309 4 shown, and the prizes will include Liabilities______r i.8 9 0 Piles-Hernia Mmes. Epping, Hogue, Boyle, and a gift flown from Honolulu for Capital .....-...... I------hone *7/ Your Needs Are Electrical The Heyse Sheet PURSE BROS. Kiley. Surplus ------—...... 189.890 Healed by my proven methods this meeting. The nominating com­ (Copy of Cortificate of Anthority) / Call Main 939” Metal and Roofing The Altar sodality will hare No anesthetic. No surgery. No GROCERY & MARKET mittee will present a slate of offi­ a bake sale on Sunday, April DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE BURNS-RIPS WIRING—FIXTURES AND REPAIRS INCORPORATED cers to be< chosen at this meeting. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY suffering. No danger. No hospitaL 15, after all the Masses. Dona­ To Whom it May Concern: No lose of time from work. ■ BEATING ROOFING GROCERIES — HEATS — FRUITS Nominations may also be made tions will be accepted on Satur­ OR TEARS Berwick Electric Co. SHEET METAL VEGETABLES from the floor for the six elective This is to O rtify that the Central States Dr. day in the school hall and Sun­ Health and Accident Association organised Eliminated by J. D. BERWICK 629 SO. NEVADA 1766 But Coifu At*. Ph. Ainr. 332 offices. The mothers of the sec­ day before the Masses. Sunday, under the laws of Nebraska pursuant to Allen B. Phan*: HAin 663 its application therefor sad in considera­ French or Inweaving Colorwlo SpriHK4. Coleri:da ond and third grade children will April 15, will be Communion Ext. 1888 serve refreshments. The Rev. Ed­ tion of its compliance with the laws of 24 Hear Sarviee—Reaionablo Prices Croessmann day for tho Altar sodality. Colorado, ia hereby licnued to transact ward Leyden will be a guest at The monthly meeting of the business as a Accident Aaaesiment Aa- HOSIERY MENDING Ph.C., D.t:. COMPLIMENTS OF DEPENDABLE CLEANERS the meeting. Mother Cabrini circle was held in sociation until the last dsy of February 331 Uth Strsst A games party sponsored by next succeeding the dste hereof unless thia Suite 311 OLSON & BENBOW tho home of Mrs. Amelia Desmond license shall be sooner revoked. Honrs 9 to 12 11 & SHIRT LAUNDRY the PTA will be held in Loyola on Thursday evening, April 5. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here­ 1:30 to 6 f N C i S 4 OdiL&jteJifL end hr eppointeient PLBG. & HTG. CO. hall on Saturday, April 21. This Pinochle was played, and prizes unto set my hand and caused the officisl ne. Same Day Service party is for the benefit of the were taken by Mrs. Desmond and seal of my office to be sffixod st the Inwettving Co. AComa 5070 116 North Weber Sl At No Extra Charge new school. City and County of Denver, this first day Mrs. Murphy. The May meeting of March, A. D. 1961. Phone KE. 4409 FRemont 7250 Tel. Main 3066 Marguerite M. O’Shea, Lessee A “Blondie” movie will be will be in the home of Mrs. Martin (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH, 304 McCUntock Bldg. 27 Years of 9720 E. Colfax Ar.-7B0 shown to the scho(jl children on Golden. Commiasionsr ot Insunncs. 1554 C«Uf. Successful Practice j-fc Jo.--.J ■^T£rr<'ra ’>*JJrTOMWW^t!‘ r- • V*y ,. '■''W''Vi^^'

PAGE FOURTEEN Office, 938 Bonnock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 T h u rid o y , April 12, 1951 r — ' " 1 I I Westwood Marine Returns From Korea; Jesuit to Lead Exercises I H oniemaker’s I I I Retreat Day in Littleton for Women I I Suffered Two Wounds Fighting Reds I Department I Littleton.— (St. Mary’s Par­ Littleton for hamburgers, soft death of Mr. Goscha’s sister. Mrs. I I + + + + + (St. Anthony’s Parish, Westwood) drinks, games, and dancing. The Margaret Neuman and her mother, PatronUe These Reliable and Friendly Firms Marine K c. Michael Miller, ish)—A day of recollection I I for the Catholic Laywomen’s three mothers who prepared the Mrs. W. Wagner, have returned L.... iJ I 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. food for the club members and to Littleton after several weeks’ Given Purple Heart Claude Miller of 982 S. Ten­ Retreat association will be their spiritual director, Father visit with relatives and friends in held in St. Mary’s hall Sun­ McCallin, were Mmes. Charles Grand Rapids, Mich., where they McGihness & Patrick J . A . Johnson & Son nyson street, Denver, is back day, April 22, with the Rev. James Bolis, Frank Cecchin, and Albert formerly resided. in th e , U. S. after eight Singer, Sr. Fioor Covering Specialists Established 35 Years MeShane, S.J., of Sacred Heart The class of instruction for months of combat duty in Korea. parish in Denver as retreat mas­ St. Mary’s council of the Catholics and non-Catholics is con­ ^ Linoleum ^ Asphalt Tile • Gutters • Sheet Metal Private Miller entered the marines ter. A fee of $2 per person will Knights of Columbus will receive ducted by Father McCallin in St. ® Rubber Tile ® Plastic Wall Tile • Gas Furnaces when he was 17 years old and it be asked. The day will begin with Holy Communion in a body in the Mary’s hall every Thursday eve­ has been two years since he was FREE ESTIMATES ' • Gas Conversion Burners Mass at 9 p’clock, and two meals, 8 o’clock Mass Sunday, April 15. ning at 8 o’clock. The instructions last home. 494 So. Vine SP. 3239 709 E. 6th Ave. KE. 4031 breakfast and luncheon, will be Immediately after the Mass they last for one hour and include a He landed in Korea Aug. 13 served. The portable altar from will convene in St. Mary’s hall for question-and-answer period. All and was injured twice while he the Carmelite monastery will be a breakfast at which their wives are welcome to attend. THE BEST IN LUGGAGE was in combat. He received his Bacon & Schramm (^ ^ O f All Kindi placed in St. Mary’s hall so that and mothers will be guests. The first injury, shrapnel in the 'leg, the entire day’s exercises may be members of Our Lady of the Mi­ on Dec. 20. His second injury, a COMPOSITION ROOFING held there. The Altar and Rosary raculous Medal praesidium of the Lawn mower si wound in the foot, was suffered society of St. Mary’s parish is in Legion of Mary will prepare and TILE ROOFING February 25 at Honsong. charge of preparing the mOals, and serve the breakfast. 3 Sharpened and ROOF REPAIRING Before returning to the U. S. the women who will assist are Repaired — All Pfc. Miller received the Purple Several members of St. Mary’s 4020 Brighton Blvd. CH. 6563 ca Mmes. Simon G. Baudendistel, Ed­ parish remain on the sick list at types, power & K E . 807» Heart with one oak leaf cluster win Conrad, Henry Fischbach, Ar­ from Capt. W. F. James, com­ the present time. Mrs. Emil Frey, hand thur DuFour, James McCarthy, B. Sr., is still confined to a Denver manding officer of the U. S. naval F. O’Brien, Jerry Rooney, L. E. Saws Sharpened CHURCH FURNITURE THE hospital in Yokosuka, Japan. Pfc. hospital after suffering a heart By Factory Methoda AND PEWS Stone, and Edward Wehrly. Miss attack. Mrs. Edward C. Ritchlin, Just Coll FR. 1649 or McVeigh Company Miller is now at the Great Lakes Anna Martin will be in charge of Drsirned & Manufactured* Sr., and Jacob Baumgartner have naval hospital in Chicago. selling religious articles. 'The mem­ F R .5775 PAINTING AND - Father Michael A. Maher re­ both returned to their homes after Pickup & Delivery The Behrens Fixture Co. DECORATING turned hit dutiet in the parith bers of the Altar and Rosary so­ hospitalization in Denver. 4625 Colorado Blvd. ciety and all other women of St. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Goscha have Bcrry-€nt»ihaw CONTRACTORS thit week and withet to thank Mary’s parish are urged to'attend. Denver, Colo. 1328 Inca KE. 0718 everyone for the prayert and returned to their home after a Sharpening Service j lettert during hit convaletcence. Sewing for Festival week’s stay in Kansas, where they Mention this ad for SGc discount Parishioners are again reminded had been called because of the Lawnmower Job til May 1 ATTENTION LADIES The Altar and'. Rosary society of the parish meeting to be held met April 5, with Mmes. William W E S T E R ] ^ CALI, TA. 4686 Friday evening, April 13, at 8 MARINE PFC. MICHAEL R. MILLER of 982 S. o’clock in the parish h,pll. Arrange­ W. Heckethorn and Simon G. Bau­ WINDOW & HOUSE SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRY dendistel as hostesses. All women Double Dexter eashers, eitracton and dryers. Tennyson street, Denver, is shown receiving the Purple ments for the annual carnival will CLEANING CO. Soft water, wet wash and fluff dry. Heart from Capt. W. F. James, commanding officer of the U. S. be made, and so it is very import­ who have been sewing articles for the spring festival to be-held in WE CLEAN Dry Cleaninjr, R u rs, Upholstery Naval hospital in Yokosuka, Japan. ant that a representative of each Open evenings, Sunday by appointment Free family be present. May are to bring their completed pick-up and delivery. 10% cash and tarry. work to the group sewing club Windows Walls Parking space. The Mother Cabrini circle will Woodwork Wall Paper hold its meeting in the home of luncheon which will be held in A-1 Laundry & Cleaners St. Mary’s hall Thursday, April Floors (Washed & Waxed) 136 KALAMATH TA 4686 Parishioners in Welby Mrs. Leonard Ellis, 2694 S. Cook Roy E. Stratton—new proprietor street, Monday evening, April 16, 26. Father Frederick McCallin has FREE ESTIMATES at 8 o’clock. expressed the desire that all sew­ FULLY INSURED The circle thanks all who helped make ing circles keep active after the Undertake Pilgrimage the card party a success. Winners of spring festival for necessary sew­ Residential & Commercial WHY special priaes and persons who doaated ing work that must be done to Work Welby.—(Assumption Parish) — Dave McKinney thanks all for the prizes were: African violet, donated furnish the sisters’ convent. DENVER'S FAVORITE LAUNDRY' the turnout at the recent talent by Mrs. Emil Martinac and won by 1032 18th M A inl556 A Holy Year pilgrimage was made Mrs. Emma Renaud: half gallon of ice Mil* Anna Martin was ap­ Keep them SAFE in their own play yard! Sunday, April 1. The Rev. John show. The grand prize of a port' cream, donated by the Evalona dairy pointed chairman of the old gold The reason Id e a l Giambastiani, O.S.M., pastor, and able radio was awarded to PaS' and won by Mr. Miller; perfumed soap, and silver drive. Any such items serves more families in qual Serravo. * donated by Walker drug store and won We are Equipped to Set up or Install Your Equipment the Rev. Hildebrand Brunetti, by Mrs. Frances Geisert; ivy plant, that parishioners wish to donate Flying Ants May Denver than any other 0. S. M., and the Rev. J. J. Among the women of this par­ donated by the Alameda Florist and Drive out and see it on display, laundry a because Ideal may be left at the rectory, Kruger, S.J., led the procession ish who attended the fashion show won by William Geisert; $I grocery church, or at Miss Martin’s home Be Termites customers get just the with the acolytes carrying the cru­ and card party at Loretto Heights order, donated by Fiore’s grocery and kind of laundry service won by Patrick Halahan; two yards of at 161 N. Lincoln avenue. The cifix and the Boy Scouts carrying college March 31, th p e won prizes. fertilizer, donated by S. F. RenaUd and ELCAR FENCE & SUPPLY CO. they want. Mrs. Della Porreco was awarded old gold and silver that is col­ Most owners never the Papal and American flags. The won by Mrs. Helen Keenen; rose lected is melted down and then 4405 EAST EVANS AVE. know they have ter­ Why don’t you, too, a table lamp. Miss Ann Labriola bushes, donated by Faulkner’s nursery PHONE RA. 2879 prayers were led by Father Giam­ used to refinish chalices, candle­ mites antU costly enjoy Id e a l Laundry bastiani and the following churches a crystal rosary, and Mrs. Mary and won by Betty Keethers; $1.50 dry Bud Ellerby Bill Carlile damage is already Service.’ Prompt Service A. Rossi a cake. cleaning order, donated by A to Z dry sticks, and other religious ar­ done. —careful handling—end were visited: St. Philomena’s, Ca­ cleaners and won by Edward Reichert; ticles. thedral, and Holy Ghost, after The “streamline” games parties $1.50 dry cleaning order, donated by For Free Inspection truly superior work, at A to Z dry cleaners and won by Emil It was also announced that the standard prices. which all returned to the Assump­ will be discontinued for the sum­ Call SP. 4673 mer. Martinac: club steak dinner, donated by women of the Altar and Rosary Phtna MAIa 4211. tion church for Benediction. the Aeroplane club and won by Gerald Your Floors Are Our Business Mr. Angelo Rossi, who under­ London; and club steak dinner, donated society will have a guest speaker Colo. Terminix Co. Exchange Vows went surgery, has returned home by the Aeorplane club and won by at their May' meeting. She will be Complete Floor Maintenance Service Nellie Huter. The sheet and pillowcases Licensee ef E. L. Bnee Co. The marriage of Miss Wilma and is reported doing nicely. Sister Antonetta Marie, a native ri World's Largest Termite Control were^ won by Mrs. Clarice Boeding. The Janitorial Supplies — Waxes — Soaps Mae Wendell, Cathedral parish, PTA Meeting sheet was donated by Mrs. C. William­ Chinese sister now assigned to Lo­ 1754 S. Bdwy Geo. Leachman son and the pillowcases by Mrs. B. retto Heights college, who will and Sylvester Di Giacomo took The monthly meeting of the Electric Polishers and Scrubbers place on March 27 before a Nup­ Kerstiens. speak on the subject, “The Cath­ The firms listed here deserve to PTA was held on Tuesday evening, olic Chinese Mother.” It is hoped tial Mass at 8:30 o’clock with Fa­ April 3, with the president, Mrs. St. Anthony’s Circle be remembered when you are dis­ ther Giambastiani officiating and that a large group will be present DUMONT SALES CO. tributing your patronage to the dif­ Don Macawley, presiding. Re­ Plans Meeting for this meeting. ferent lines of business. Monsignor John B. Cavanagh in ports of all the recent activities 1736-44 Blake St. TA. 4146 Denver the sanctuary. During the Mass, St. Anthony’s circle will hold its The annual solemn novena to were given by the secretary and meeting in the parish hall Wednes­ Our Blessed Mother under her 108 N. 3rd, Grand Junction 356 No. Wolcott, Casper, W yo.' hymns were sung by the choir, treasurer. Mmes. Mary Rossi, Lo­ with Charles Di Giacomo, the day, April 18, at 1 p.m. There will title of Our Lady of the Miracu­ retta Tolvo, Marjorie Ferrero, and he a potluck dinner preceding the lous Medal will he held in St. Electrical Contracting & Repairing bridegroom’s brother, as soloist, ac­ Onelia Domenico, past presidents, companied on the organ by Jo business meeting. Mrs. Mary Gib­ Mary’s church from Sunday, April were named to the nominating son will he hostess. 22, through Monday, April 30. De­ Ann Spano. Their only attend­ committee. The slate of officers iARL J.STROHMINGER ants were Miss Madeline Porreco At the last Altar and Rosary votions will begin every evening selected was presented by Mrs. meeting a revision of the bylaws at 7 :45, and during the nine days and Alfred Porreco, cousins of the Loretta Tolvo and the following CRANE- s-yr*^ ^ iloctric Compaiy bridegroom. was voted and approved. Mrs. Stan of the solemn novena two Masses were nominated: Mrs. Hazel Renaud and Mrs. Leo Schuster will be offered every day, one LINE Lleenacd and Bonded Nuptial vows were exchanged Croteau, president; Mrs. Mary Co- were appointed to care for the Member National Electrical Contractors Ait’n. between Miss Vincie Gargano of villo, vice president; Mrs. Irene at 6:30 and one at 7. As is cus­ altar during April. tomary, religious articles will be BASMOR this parish and Edwin Strucka of Rossi, Secretary; Mrs. Lucy Dom­ Mrs. Alice Bratrsovsky, 795 S. r'oYOURHOHE 1178 Stout St. AC. 5733 Holy Rosary parish on Sunday, enico, treasurer; Mrs. Angelina on sale in the rear of the church BOILERS Harlan street, is collecting old before and after Masses and be­ April 1, before a Nuptial High Croce, auditor; and Mrs. Anton- gold and silver for the Tabernacle Mass at 10 o’clock, with Father etta Labriola, reporter and histor­ fore and after evening devotions society. Anyone having any gold during the solemn novena. A large Brunetti officiating. ian. or silver may leave it at her These officers will be installed attendance is expected for this an­ home, or may call her at West- nual event. Weekly devotions to at the next meeting in May by wood 1410-W. Plumbing and Heating Mrs. J. A. Foley, CPTL president, Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Margaret Badding, Joanne Delfino Benito Martinez, son are held in St. Mary’s church every Repairs Spano, and Nora Jacques gave of Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Martinez, Monday evening at 7:45. Specializing in Quality *FREE was baptized in the past week. The members of the Junior readings and the junior K. of C. square dance team, under the di­ Sponsors were Mr.,and Mrs. Pedro Newman club recently met for a DEMONSTRATION rection of Mrs. Marjorie Ferrero, Montez. theater party and refreshments in S LA B ER Y HNS Plans Election St. Mary’s hall. The group at­ SEE IN ACTION entertained with a square dance by four couples. The Holy Name society held-its tended the movie Royal Wedding THE SENSATIONAL NEW Plans of the annual school pic­ monthly meeting April 10. Ed .in Denver and then returned to & COM PANY nic were discussed, and the plans Reichert and Francis Burns were Your Plumber For Years V of the previous year will he fol appointed to serve on the nomi­ Seminary Aides Plan Plumbing and Heating Constractors Ed O'Connor, Sr. Ed O'Connor, Jr. lowed. Mrs. Don Macauley in nating committee. All men in the 1726 Market Street Phone MAin 7127 or 7128 vited all members and their friends parish are urged to join this so­ Meeting on April 17 JOHN J. CONNOR, President ROBERT F. CONNOR, Vica President 3030 W. 4 4 t h Ave. ______GL. 4323 to the special program at the 01- ciety, which meets on the second inger mortuary on Tuesday eve­ Tuesday of every month. Refresh­ The St. Thomas Seminary FLOOR ning, April 10. A donation was ments are served after each meet­ auxiliary will hold it* next meet­ CAMEO COVERmG CO. given to each adult who attend ing. Every man in the parish ing Tuesday morning, April 17, ed in this group and all pro­ should take an interest in this or­ at 10:30 t>’clock at 1772 Grant Linoleum— Asphalt, Rubber & Plastic Tile— Wall Covering ceeds were added to the school ganization. A good turnout is *treet, Denver, in the Catholic expenses. asked for May 8, when the organi­ Daughter* of America hall. Estimates Complimentary Refreshme'nts were served after zation will elect officers for the the meeting. coming term. 2555 W. 29th Ave. ' GR. 9535 The high school speech students took part in the declamatory con­ test that is sponsored every year by the county PTA and made a Donations of $101 Spring Paint-Up Time splendid showing. Theresa Per- FIREPLACE sichetti placed first in the dra­ Means Time For matics division and received a gold To Mother of God medal; Glenda Rae Covillo placed FIXTURES second in the oiatorical division; Joanne Spano placed second in Seminary Burse 8AS AND ELECTRIC LOGS «•«. U.S. Pat. Off. ^ the oratorical division; and Mar­ (Mother of God Parish, Denver) CoTtain and Flex Screens, Grates, garet Badding placed third in the Andirons and Fire Sets, In all finishes. • An additional $101 has been do­ Tile and Marble for All Uses dramatic division. Glenda Rae Covillo represented nated to the Mother of God semi­ HEATILATOR FIREPLACES the high school on the panel dis­ nary burse. Of,this sum, $52 was cussion presented at the city-wide contributed anonymously, $25 by DENVER MARBLE & TILE CO. PTA convention in the Shirley- Mrs. Mary Sheedy, and $15 by Al­ mo stoat St. Est. 1891 Phone MA. 1484 or KE. 5580 Savoy. bert Schauer. The remainder was made up of small contributions. The Altar and Rosary society is meeting for luncheon at 12:30 Large Attendance Thursday, April 12. The Rosary WITH NO AnACHMENTS will be recited at 1:15 in thfe church and a business meeting ★ Iff a Tiller At Derby Devotion Iff a Cultivator follows in the church hall. Mrs. ★ It'i • Plow (St. Catherine’* Parith, Derby) George Greer will play a group if It's a Spot Digger The For;ty Hours’ devotion of organ selections for the mem­ Playtex Pillows send you ★ It'i • Weeder closed April 8, with a large crowd bers. in attendance. The procession was The altar boys will meet ,at GOLD SEAL SE E D S WITH A PEW led by'flower girls and altar boys. 8:30 Saturday morning, April 14, sweetly off to dreamland ECONOMICAL AnACHMENTS They were followed by six Fourth instead of at 9 o’clock. All altar It's • Lawn Mowar Degree Knights of Columbus, the boys are asked to be present. Plant a BIG Garden This Year It's a Road Gradar Holy Name men, and Fathers John Ushers for the month of April Lay your weary head on Superfoam Latex with if It's a Burden Carrier Giambastiani, O.S.M.; James Moy- are as follows: 6:30, Malcolm Sills millions and millions of tiny air bubbles to give you War conditions call for big vegetable and Ben Slattery, Sr.; 7:30, Carl nihan, and Thomas Lo Cascio, the bupyont feeling of sleeping on a cloud. So gardens as well as big field crops. Uses standard eultiyating tools O.S.M. Jones and Ralph Burg; 8:30, Does not damage flovrars or grass Before services the Altar and James Mooney and Leonard A. cool and comfortable— never bunches up or mots Rosary society served a chicken Tangney; 9:30, Blackie Schoen- down. You'll feel sweet sleep stealing over you W hen you pUnt GOLD SEAL SEEDS Merry Tiller does all of th is.. .and dinner for the priests named above, phaler and James R. Gallagher; because' you can't resist comfort like this! Dust- you get exactly the same quality as more! You'll find a million uses and for Monsignor Charles Hagus 10:30, Dr. Lawrence Danahey and for your mighty Merry Tiller. See­ used l>y professional growers. and Father Paul 'Theado, O.S.M. Arthur Murphy; and 11:30, Ben SKILLFULLY BLENDED, proof, allergy-free. Easy to wash. ing is believing, so send the cou­ There will be a pantry shower Slattery, Jr., and Charles F. You get heavy yields of superb quality pon below and we will arrange a for the sisters of Welby after the Gilbert. TO LOOK BEHER Extra Plump free demonstration. Our Lady of Fatima circle was because GOLD SEAL brand is selected 9 o’clock Mass April 15. 9 9 5 Louis and Rosemarie Grande entertained at luncheon by Mrs. LONGER I White, blue or pink M from the world’s finest seed stocks. were injured in an auto accident Frank Kreidl March 29. High * at Derby on their way home from score in canasta was made by Mrs. Bright new “Dutch Boy” color* No down-payment necessary! Write today for the big free catalog J / le f llt if church April 8. H. W. Dean. for your home! Paint* for your EACH showing everything for garden, lawn, wall*, your porche* and floor*, and field at attractive prices. *a*he* and trim—and of courae, COLORADO Ham Dinner Set April 29 bright white or ready-mixed n tint* in top quality hou*e paint*! Univeraity Lumber Co. Croldi Seal Lawn IMEixtnre Sr .a/^Cgi!!^ For Parish in Westminster ha* them alll Come in NOWl Produces a thick stand of velvety green socL. (Holy Trinity ParUh, We*tmin*ter) H im ic n CO. Plans were completed by the Holy Trinity Altar and Rosary n M ’/m 'M m 'i •sy wNk CoafrfesM— Pfsst wHh CstideKo— «OU> SEAL S tlD S society for the ham dinner to be held from 1 to 6 p.m. on April University Park 693 E. Speer Blvd. i 29 at St. Anne’s church in Arvada. Tickets for adults are $1.25; Phone RA. 3320 i for children under 12, 50 cents. A set of silverware will be shown FURNITURE COMPANY I at the dinner. Lumber Co. I6TH STRICT AT LAWRENCE Name_ The meeting was held in the home of Mrs. 'Viola Gilespie on I Tuesday, April 3. Mrs. Isabel Anderson will entertain at the next 1810 So. Josephine AddreiL. i meeting, to be held in the home of Mrs. Irene Blatter, 7340 PE 2435 141815th Mwjit P—m a , Ctloni

lii^afiittath SadSiOa