ACCW NOW SEEKINGlAddition Planned for St. Janies’ Convent Campaign for $40,000 Will Open in Parish April 23 SUSTAINING MEMBERS A campaign to raise |40,000 for an addition to the pairs. The men will visit every Catholic home in the par­ kept Father Powers hard pressed to supply classroom space Bishop Joseph C. Willging of Pueblo will be the guest speaker at the luncheon meet­ sis.ters’ convent in St. James’ parish, Denver, will open ish. 'The Men’s club of the parish, which numbers 120 and teachers. ing Monday, May 7, of the 25th anniversary convention of the Archdiocesan Council of Monday, April 23, according to the Rev. William V. active members, will form the nucleus of the campaign The beautiful garden-level’ church provided in the Catholic Women. The luncheon will be held in the Lincoln room of the Shirley-Savoy ho­ Powers, pastor. A capacity enrollment of more than 500 organization, and is providing leadership imder Father school building* provides accommodations for many more tel, Denver, at 12:X5 o’clock. in the parish school has created a need for more teachers, Powers. worshipers than the old church. ’The church building, long As part of the silver jubilee celebration the council is conducting a campaign for "rhe convent annex will provide accommodations for 11 Final instructions for the drive were given to the inadequate for the parish, was remodeled into a parish more sisters, besides a chapel, refectory, and community workers at the Men’s club meeting April 8. hall, named'the "Walsh Memorial” in memory of the pio­ sustaining members, individual Pueblo; Mrs. J. Fred McCourt, Catholic women who contribute Banquet — ACCN, Mrs. Jo­ room. "nie. present school staff is made up of Sisters of St. James’ school, which wa? dedicated Jan. 6, 1949, neer pastor of the parish, the Rev. James Walsh, who died Greeley; and Mrs. John F. Mur- sephine Hayes, chairman; $5 a year to the council. A parch­ taugh, Denver; St. Joseph of Qrondelet and two lay persons. opened for the fall term in the preceding September to in 1937. ment scroll carrying "the names of History—Mrs. Paul Fitzgerald, Luncheon—PTA league, Mrs. Mrs. M. J. O’Fallon, and Mrs. The fund drive, which will continue for one w'eek, about 30(| children. 'The phenomenal growth of the par­ The architect who is drawing up tentative plans for all sustaining members will be pre­ James Foley, chairman; will be conducted by 200 men of the parish working in ish, and the resultant increase in school enrollment, has* the convent addition is John K. Monroe. sented to Archbishop Urban J. Thomas Garrison. Vehr at the anniversary banquet closing the convention. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation Mrs. M. J. O’Fallon, the first Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1951—Permission to Reproduce, Except on president of the council, will make Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue. the presentation of the scroll. Archbishop Vehr has announced Mount Carmel High School that he will say one Mass every month for all sustaining members. Silver membership cards will be presented to all members. All . > * » members of affiliated organiza­ tions and all Catholic women of DENVER CATHOtfC the archdiocese are urged by Mrs. J. Leonard Swigert, president, to enroll themselves and members of their families or friends so that they may participate in the bene­ fits of the Masses. The annireriary banquet will be held on Tuesday evening. REGISTER May 8, at 7 o’clock in the Lin­ coln room. Archbishop Edwin V. Byrne of Santa Fe will be the VOL. XLVI. No. 34. THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1951 DENVER, COLORADO principal speaker. The^ncheon is in the charge of the C? t h 0 1 i c Parent-Teacher league, under the direction of Mrs. 1,530 Families, 1,502 Individuals Aided James A. Foley, president. The Archdiocesan Council of Catho­ lic Nurses has charge of the ban­ quet plans, under the direction of Mrs. Josephine Hayes. DE PAUL MEN EXPEND Committee Chairmen Committee chairmen appointed by Mrs. Swigert, president, for Our Lady of Mt. Carmel High School, Denver, Architect's Sketch the 25th annual convention are $24,777 IN CHARITY as follows: General arrangements — SJrs. The 22 parish conferences of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in the Archdiocese of James Kenney; Cornerstone Laying to Be Held April 15; Program—Mrs. T. A. Cosgriff, Denver spent $24,777 in the year of 1950 in corporal -works of charity for the needy, ac­ chairman, assisted by Mmes. L. A. cording to the 33rd annual report read at the annual Mass and Communion of the De Higgins, John Murtaugh, Mary Building Is Rapidly Nearing Completion Paul men in St. Thomas’ seminary, Denver. McIntyre, Frank Mancini, and One hundred and twelve Catholic laymen from 20 parish conferences freely and Raymond Skett; The cornerstone of the new ish, the Rev. Julius Porcellini, school will have complete facili­ modestly carried on their works of mercy in acts of charity that seek no fanfare or tem­ Publicity—Mrs. John T. Tier $307,000 Our Lady of Mt. the Rev. Salvatore Fagiolo, and ties, _ including chemistry and poral reward ney, chairman; and Mrs. Lito Gal­ Carmel high school^ in Denver the Rev. Dominic Albino. Pas-, physics laboratories, a commer­ pressing needs of many families Special (ervicei to the poor legos and Mrs. L. U. Wagner; will be laid this Sunday after­ tors of the surrounding par­ A total of 1,530 families, con­ cial room, a clinic, a kitchen, a sisting of 736 adults and 1,406 and individuals, the society gave included Chriitiqp burial for 22 Credentials—Mrs. Thomas Ker noon, April 15, at 3 o’clock. Con­ ishes have been Invited to at­ 90-foot cafeteria, and other util­ 1,095 transient men 3,280 articles indigent peraoni, medical care rigan, Mrs. Andrew McCallin, and struction of the large 16-class­ tend the ceremonies^ which will children, were assisted by the De ity rooms. Paul men. In addition, widows and of clothing in exchange for tempo­ for 25, hotpital care for 11, Mrs. W. F. Roach; room school, which was begun be attended by a large delegation The school is erected on the employment secured for 24, Hospitality—Miss Eva Walsh, other single persons not in families rary work at the warehouse. 'The just one year ago on April 2, of the Mt. Carmel parishioners. northeast corner at W. 36th ave­ articles were valued at $7,067. travel expenses to distant homes Miss Clara Courtney, Mrs. How­ 1950, is well along, with all the All who have contributed to the assisted by the society numbered nue and Zuni street. The parish Forty-eight men and women for 17, and 359 Christmas bas­ ard Sleeper, Mrs. Joseph Walsh, structural work comple^Jed and erection of the school received owns the entire block of land 1,502. More than 1,240 visits were kets. Mrs. J. Morgan CJjne, and mem' the outside brick walls of the invitations to the ceremonies this on which the school is built, and made to families, and 1,127 calls were given full or part-time em­ Among the spiritual works, the bers of the 'Tabernacle society; two-story and French basement week. , has just completed an excellent were made on the sick in various ployment in the year, for which men of the society assisted in Registration—Mrs. 0. F. Wien- building finished. The completion Father Lo Cascio announces hospitals and institutions. they received a total of $45,944.20 softball field on additional prop­ in wages. straightening out 10 marriages, eke, Mrs. A. J. Dunst, Mrs. Peter is expected in July and the school that the freshman class will en­ erty across the street from the In 1950 the Salvage bureau, a arranged 27 Baptisms, and were Anderies, Mrs. Earl Compton, Mrs. will open in September. ter the new school in September school. The Hutcheson Construc­ special work of the De Paul so­ A sum of $250 was given monthly Clarence Frede, and Mrs. Joseph instrumental in the return of 16 The Rev. Edward A. Leyden, and that, for ‘■he present, the tion Co. did the basic work in ciety, marked its tenth anniver­ by the bureau to the Denver dean­ persons to the practice of their Sullivan; archdiocesan superintendent of seventh and eighth grade classes preparing the field with heavy sary. In that decade the bureau ex­ ery of the Archdiocesan Council Pages—Mrs. James McDonald faith. They sponsored 117 children schools, will officiate in the cor­ of Mt. Carmel grade school will equipment. Backstops were pro­ panded from its humble beginning of Catholic Women to assist in the in parochial schools and the attend­ and the Junior Catholic Daugh­ nerstone ceremonies, according be transferred to the new build­ vided through the generosity of on Larimer street to its retail operation of its center for under­ ance of 26 children in Sunday ters of America; to the pastor, the Rev. Thomas ing. It is expected that the high the Griffith Motor Co. of North store building at 20th and Law­ privileged children and to the Par­ school. Twelve converts found their Resolutions—The Rt. Rev. Mon­ Lo Cascio, O.S.M. He will be school will eventually accommo­ Denver, and the Public Service rence streets and its warehouse at ticular council of the St. Vincent way to the Church through the signor John R. Mulroy, the Rev. assisted by the pastor and the date 600 students of Mt. Carmel Co. dU an extensive job in re­ 1625 Wazee street.
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