The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448
[email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus ©6c • NCTCE D/iHE ALUMNUS Vol. 25 DECEMBER, 1947 No. 6 HEADQUARTERS: The Map in the new Foundation Offices indicates the extent of the 48-state, 160-city or ganization already effected—Governors, City Chairmen, City Committees, Clubs. FIELD: Symbolic o{ the organization in the field is the excellent picture from Newark, N. I., showing N. J. Governor of the Foundation, R. A. Geiger; N. D. administrator Bev. Robert H. Sweeney, C.S.C» N. I, Club President George Melinkovich; Foundation Chairman and Alumni Pres. H. G. Hogon; and City Chair ftoll^ man and Lay Trustee loseph M. Byrne. PRESS: That the Foundation is no longer just experimental and local is evident from the intimations in the clippings from various national sources reflecting activity on many fronts. ••*-"• T. Hoi" S" "'""" The Notre Dame Alumnus CLUB REPRESENTATIVES MEET AT N. D. p o First row, left to right: Thomas E. Dixon, Milwaukee; John E. (student) Kcmsas City: Albert T. Ersklne. Tri-Cities: Mark Ijsicki, Central New Jersey; Joseph M. Geraghty, Rochester- Mooney, Central New York; Edward J. Dwyer (student). Cen William Broun, Cleveland (student); Clayton G. Leroux, Cleve tral New York. land; Harry G. Hogan, president. Alumni Association; James E. Fourth row: James G. Cowles, Northern Louisiana: Charles Armstrong, Alumni office; Boberi T. Hellrung, vice-president. A. Conley, Philadelphia: Robert G. Molin, Oregon: David F. Alumni Association; John H. Murphy, C.S.C., vice-president; Hyde, LaCrosse, Wis.- John R.