W Would You Refuse Her It in Your ? Boulder Newman Build Chapel Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1949— Permission to Reprodnce, Except on Project Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue. DENVER CATHOLIC To Cost $ 1 1 0 , 0 0 0

Ground-breaking prepara­ tions are being made for the proposed Catholic student REGISTER chapel to be erected on the The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We campus of the University of Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller Colorado at a cost of ?110,000, Services, NCWC and Religious News Photos, ihrice of paper 3 cents a copy. according to the Rev. Charles L. Forsyth, O.S.B., Ne'wman NEWMAN CHAPEL at Colorado university in Boulder wip VOL. XVIV. No. 31. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1949. $1 PER YEAR. club director, Boulder. appear os shown above in the architect's sketch. A campaign for funds has al­ ready opened, and to date more than $17,600 has been collected or pledged. The Catholic students on the campus will give $8,000, Stand by Educators with the pledges to be met in full Regis Chapel by Sept. 1. Members of Sacred Heart parish in Boulder, under the direction of the Rev. Paul Fife, O.S.B., have pledged $8,000 and friends of the Blessing Set Brands Catholics as NeWman club have given an addi­ tional $1,500. Invitations for bids, however, have not been issued, “ The need for such a chapel has become more acute in the past two years,” said Father Forsyth. Second-Class Citizens “ For the past 11 years, the stu­ For April 25 By P a u l H e n n e s s e y dents have been allowed to attend Archbishop Urban J. Vehr will dedicate the students^ The absurd position many of America’s educators are attempting to defend by their Mass in the private chapel of the new chapel at Regis college, Denver, at 10 a.m. Monday, opposition to the Catholic school system is that of regarding Catholics as second-class Mt. St. Gertrude academy for SHE COULD BE YOUR DAUGHTER, your sister, girls, but increased enrollment April 25, he announced this week. The Very Rev. Raphael citizens.but demanding of them first-class responsibilities. at both the university and the McCarthy, S.J., president of Regis, said a High Mass will your niece . . . she could be the little girl next door. This inconsistency, “ ridiculous Actually, she is a child who was made homeless and frightened by a tel. The conference opens with academy makes existing facilities follow the blessing. The celebrant and speaker will be an­ in its implications,” was pointed unbearably overcrowded. Parish , which she was too young to understand, a war she had nothing out by the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Mass in Holy Ghost church. nounced later. to do with. YOU are the person she is turning to and you are the Two Broadcasts facilities in Boulder are greatly in­ Frederick G. Hochwalt, director of COMPLETELY OVERLOOK adequate.” The chapel is an experiment ill person who can help her. You can aid this little girl, and the thou­ the NCWC Education department, CATHOLIC CONTRIBUTIONS sands of children like her, by giving to the Bishops’ Fund for Victims Will B* of Nativo Stono ecclesiastical architecture. It is a To Portray Need in an interview this week. He is “Theia edacatora and social prefabricated steel building with of War, this Sunday, March 27. Would you refuse her if she lived giving the main address at the 12th scientists hare completely over­ The new chapel will be of native a brick front. The building, which in your parish? Can you refu.se her when you know her? Annual Opera annual educational conference of looked the tremendous contribu­ stone in the same architectural de­ extends 132 by 43 feet, is being For Relief G ifts the Catholic Parent-Teacher tions to the American way of sign as the university buildings. stuccoed on the outside to give league, Denver, Thursday, March life of the Catholic school sys­ The location will be on property the appearance of masonry. It purchased at 14th street and Au­ Two dramatic programs will be 24. tem, which costs more than Expected to Be has a gable roof instead of a rora avenue, with funds saved Westminster Church broadcast from Denver radio sta­ Monsignor Hochwalt, who is also $1,000,000 each day to main- rounded one as on a quonset huL tions this Saturday night, March secretary general of the Natiapal ;tain,” he continued. from student collections over a The inside will be lined with period of years. 26, in an appeal to the Catholic Educational associatiofT,' “ We have 10,654 Catholic ed­ birch to a height of five feet and is speaking at the noon luncheon, ucational institutions and 104,565 Great Success to support world relief programs. In the new building, plans for with celotex from that point on' Dedication April 7 The first production, entitled “Jo­ March 24, in the Shirley-Savoy ho­ • (Turn to Page 2 — Column S) which were drawn by John K. up. The color tones, to be carried' seph’s Coat,” is in behalf of the Monroe of Denver, will be a chapel out in the walls, pews, and altars,' proper seating 350 people, with a will be pearl gray and light green. The new Holy Trinity church, sary society, which was formed Bishops’ Fund for Victims of War, and will be aired over station main and two side altars, baptis­ Asbestos tile will be used for the' Westminster, will be dedicated by about two months ago, will serve 1st of Seminary Class try, sacristies, and confessionals. flooring. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr Thurs­ KVOD at 6:30 p.m. Pat O’Brien the clergy dinner in St. Anne’s and J. Carrol Naish will be fea­ An office and conference room The 56 pews will seat 464, and day, April 7, preceding a High complete the main floor, and a Mass at 10:30. The Mass will hall, Arvada, following the Mass tured actors. The annual collec­ there will be room for about 60 of dedication. tion for this fund will be taken balcony will house the organ, in the choir loft. Four confes­ be offered by the Rev. Adam Rit­ To Be Ordained April 2 choir room, and music room. ter, chaplain of the Mullen home The church has been remodeled up Sunday. sionals will be provided. Ths The second program is an hour- The basement will be gpven over chapel will be heated by blowers for the aged, Denver, who formerly from two army barracks buildings. The first of 15 young men to be diocese of Santa Fe, the Rev. was in charge of the Arvada par­ The buildings, with the moving long production, “ One Great to a large meeting hall, ringed operating from a gas furnace. Hour,” which will be broadcast ordained from the 1949 class in Guadalupe Rivera and the Rev. with conference and smaller meet­ ish, of which Westminster is a charge, cost between $5,000 and St. Thomas’ seminary, Denver, will Paul Baca; Diocese of Lincoln, the The cost o f the building, out­ mission. The Rev. Dr. D. A. $6,000. Remodeling work, all done over three Denver radio stations ing rooms; a library, completely side of equipment, is set at in a nation-wide demonstration of be the Rev. Emmet F. Lowney of Rev. Jerome Murray and the Rev. Lemieux of St. Catherine’s parish by parishioners, was equal in equipped kitchen, and publics $28,500. It will be located east inter-faith co-operation. It is Butte. Mont., who will serve in the Joseph Myers; Diocese of Winona, tions room. will preach. worth to a similar sum. Some of the Administration building. scheduled for 8 p.m. on stations Diocese of Helena. He will be or­ Minn., the Rev. and the Music will be furnished by the carpenter work and painting re­ A Denver committee has been The chapel will release 3,000 feet KLZ and KFEL, and can be heard dained Saturday, April 2, by Bish­ Rev. Joseph Donahue; Diocese of choir of St. Anne’s shrine, Arvada. main to be done. Parishioners will appointed with William McGlone, of space for the reading room in at 9 p.m. on station KVOD. The op Joseph M. Gilmore of Helena Wichita, the Rev. George Konda, The Westminster Altar and Ro- complete the landscaping. prominent lawyer, as chairman. the library, which will total 6,000 fourth Denver network station, in St. Mary’s church, Butte. who will receive some square feet in area when re­ A set of stations of the cross, time in the week after Easter. IThe committee includes John Sul­ KOA, does not as yet have it Two other young men who, like livan and Aaron Pleasants. modeled. obtained from Kansas, has been scheduled. Father Lowney, are natives of St The Rev. Emmet F. Lowney is donated to the church. M. J. Boer- Catholic Action' Mary’s parish. Butte, will be raised the son of Mrs, Catherine Lowney a i • sig of St. Dominic’s parish made All Religious to the priesthood at the same time. of Butte. He studied in Catholic f jA C I I O l 'M f a M a A #1 a beautiful wrought iron crucifix Groups in Program They are the Rev. John J. McCoy schools in Butte and St, Edward’s Iw ft C U Catholic Hour Summer School and a corpus was donated by Miss and the Rev. James P. Gannon. minor seminary, Kenniore, Wash. “ One Great Hour,” written Mary Lowery. Donations have been A fourth ordinand in this grroup For his courses in philosophy and received from the Tabernacle so­ under the direction of author-play­ W ill Remain at wright Robert Sherwood, will pre­ is the Rev. Anthony Brown of theology he transferred to St. For In fa n t Care a To Be June 20-24 ciety and the Archbishop’s guild. Anaconda. Thomas’ seminary, Denver. sent the current program of Amer­ The Carmelite Sisters near Little­ Each of the tiiree newly or­ ton are making an altar cloth. ica’s religious groups to bring re­ S t 'Thomas’ students to be or­ The Summer School of Cathtdi® dained from Butte, will offer his 4 P.M. on Sunday The church is located on W. 72nd lief to the war-stricKen and suffer­ dained for the Archdiocese o f Den­ la Homes Seen Action will return to Denver June first Solemn Mass in S t Mary’s avenue at what vfill be Hooker ing people of the world through ver in the Cathedral Saturday. The Catholic Hour, which was to 20-24, it was announced by the An urgent need exists for homes when the street i.s cut through immediate physical aid, resettle­ June 4, by Archbishop Urban for Spanish-American children, Joaeph W olff, who will ting the be given a late evening release Rev. Daniel A. Lord, S.J., at the The property consists of an entire ment of the displaced people of J. Vehr are the Rev. Robert declares Archbishop Urban J. role ef Mephiatophelei April 28. time, will continue to be heard, end of the Sodality day he con-, block. The church seats 150 per­ Europe, and the rebuilding of their Nevans, the Rev. John Canjar. and Vehr in a letter to priests. The over KOA in Denver every Sunday the Rev. John Aylward. ducted last Saturday for the mem­ sons. Mass every Sunday at 9 churches and the spiritual world kiddies range in age from infancy Monsignor Joseph J. Bosetti, at 4 p.m. The local NBC affiliated was started last Christmas. At­ in general. Catholic aid should be To become priests for the Dio­ director^ of the famed Denver station announced that the antici-' bers of the Denver School So­ to five years. Every available home tendance already is so good that given through the Bishops’ Fund. cese of Pueblo are the Rev. George is filled, and there is no room for Grand Opera company,' is usually pated change in the hour of re-' dality union. Meetings were held in another Mass may be added soon. Featured on this program will Subotich, the Rev. Louis S m v i k , new babies who may require care. not too optimistic at this stage in lease was canceled when it was the Lincoln room of the Shirley- Catechism classes are conducted by be President Harry S. Truman, the Rev. Gerald Bruggeman, and The message of appeal for help the preparation for the annual found possible to rearrange the Savoy hotel. two Sisters of St. Joseph from St. Gregory Peck, Ida Lupino, Robert the Rev. Elwood Voss. follows: opera that is produced for the ben­ program schedule for Sunday As last year, the 1949 Summer Catherine’s parish every Monday Montgomery, and Quentin Rey­ Being ordained this year for dis­ March 19, 1949 efit of the Catholic Charities. His afternoon. This enabled the sta­ School of Catholic Action will be after school. nolds. tricts outside Colorado are: Arch­ Reverend dear Father: pessimism seems to have disap­ tion to return the Catholic Hour to held at Denver's Cathedral schools. peared this year, however, be­ I ask your assistance in pro­ the time it has enjoyed since the cause he freely predicts that this Prior to last year, it had been curing Spanish-American homes inception of the broadcasts nearly By Legion of Mary in 10 Years year’s Faust, to be presented in conducted in Denver once before, for the numerous children of a score of years ago. in 1939. The Denver SSCA will be the City auditorium April 26, 27, The Catholic Hour is currently Spanish-speaking parentage who and 28, will be an unqualified suc­ held for only five days this year Imve been relinquished for adop­ featuring a series of Lenten ad­ instead of the usual six, since the tion and for whom the Catholic cess. dresses by Monsignor Fulton J. faculty will have to leave Friday 741 Brought Back to Sacraments Charities have not been able to Rehearsals for the chorus, under Sheen. Clarence Moore, program evening. June 24, in order to open find suitable homes. Catholic Char­ the direction of the Rev. Richard chairman of KOA, declared that the next week’s sessions at Gon- In the past ton years, the I^e- The recently reorganized St. handed out 23,939 prayer books, ities are now caring for 123 of iDester, who also assists Monsi­ the station was most anxious to r.aga university in Spokane, Wash., gion of Mary members in Den­ St. Thomas seminary praesidium rosaries, medals, and other reli­ these children in orphanages, gnor Bosetti with his all-male choir air the sermons of Monsig;nor on the following Monday. ver, working quietly but persever- and the newly formed group from gious articles. foster homes, nurseries, and hos­ at the Cathedral, are going ahead Sheen at a time when they would' reach the greatest possible listen-, Theme 1* Selected ingly to bring the world “ to Jesus St. Mary’s, Littleton, were present. In the ten years the Legion of pitals. These boys and girls range very satisfactorily. The theme of thfs year’s SSCA through Mary,” have been instru­ Since 1939, the report shows Mary of the Denver comitium has in age from infancy to five years. The principals, who include some ing audience. 'The station manage­ ment considers Monsignor Sheen is taken from the title of the an­ mental for the return of 741 that the members of the legion grown to 270 active members, It has reached the point where (Turn to Page 2 — Column 5) as the greatest pulpit orator of nual statement of the Bishops of lapsed Catholics to the sacra­ made 214,900 visits to homes, hos­ 641 adjutorian members, and there is no room for any new modern times, Mr. Moore declared^, the , “ The Christian ments. pitals, nurseries, and the city jail. 3,646 auxiliary members. babies who will require care. Camp for Girls Plan and will be happy to continue the in Action,’’ and from one great This outstanding work of the In that same period of time the le­ Almost 643 days, more'than Rev. Emmet F. Lowney As you know, the Infant of gionaries distributed 4 6 1 ,2 9 9 'release of the Catholic Hour pro­ sentence of the recent, Apostolic legion in the its first decade was 15,437 hours, were spent by the Prague nursery was established gram at 4 p.m. every Sunday iif-’ Constitution of Pope XII, which reported at the acies held in the pieces of Catholic literature and (Turn to Page 2 — Column i ) church Sunday, April 3. Father At Loretto Heights Lowney will sing his Mass at 12 just three years ago to meet a .definitely if that time is judged describes the sodality as “ Catholic Denver Cathedral on Sunday, + + + + + similar need and the population Camp Hei-Lo, a “ work and play” [most acceptable to the radio audi* Action under the auspices and in­ noon. March 20. Archbishop Urban J. there is always at full capacity, camp for girls from grades three lence. spiration of the Ble.ssed Virgin April 2 is the date o f the 60th Vehr presided at this annual day numbering 44 children. I believe to seven, will open at Loretto I To assure the continued schedule Mary.” Between June 13 and Sept anniversary of the ordination of of consecration of the legionaries Annual Legion Consecration that the practical solution lies not Heights college at Denver June ling of the Catholic Hour on Sun­ 3 the following cities will be hosts Pope Pius XII. The jubilee is being to Our Lady. One of the largest in the establishing of more insti­ 20. day afternoons over KOA, all to the SSC.\: St. Louis, Denver, observed in many places April 3. assemblies ever to attend such a tutions but rather in finding Span­ The camp will be conducted by members of the radio audience in Spokane, San Antonio, Detroit, ceremony witnessed the tenth ish-American homes for them ^ four Sisters of Loretto, a recrea­ the Rocky Mountain area are New York, Washington, D. C.; and anniversary of the founding of making Spanish-American couples tional director, college seniors and urged to address letters of ap­ Chicago. Nine hundred and fifty the legion in Denver. Former Pastor aware of the need and of the chil­ graduates who will act as counsel­ preciation and commendation to: students and adults attended Den In his allocutio, the Latin term dren available to them. ors, a trained nurse, and a riding Station KOA, Denver 2, Colorado. ver’s 1948 SSCA. It is hoped that given to the Roman general’s ad­ This letter is sent to all pfriests instructor. The camp will close A resolution of protest against the this year's numbers will far sur­ dress to his legions. Archbishop In Denver, W elby but with particular application to pass 1,000. July 29. proposed time change was adopted- Vehr commanded the extraor­ those parishes with a large or For further information, write by the Denver assembly. Fourth' Four hundred and fifty-four dinary results of the Legion. The small contingent of Spanish-Amer­ .to Camp Director, Loretto Heights Degree Knights of Columbus, students and faculty members at­ Very Rev. Joseph P. O’Heron, pas­ Dies in A frica ican people. Pastors thus affected college, Loretto, Colo. Tuesday nighL tended the Sodality day last Satur­ tor of St. Louis’ church, Engle­ Father Angelo Barsi, O.S.M., are ask^ to make a pulpit ah' day. Represented were the folloW' nouncement, presenting the prob wood, in his sermon praised the former pastor of Our Lady of Mt. ing colleges, high schools, and lem a n d requesting adoption legionaries for their example in Carmel parish, Denver, and of As­ schools of nursing: Regis and Lo- homes. A t the same time the paS' spreading the knowledge of Christ sumption parish, Welby, died the How Tide Was Turned retto Heights colleges; St. Jo­ to their fellowmen. tor can distinguish between those seph's, St. Anthony’s, and Mercy- first week of March in South who, by reason of age, character, Plan May Day Africa. Father Barsi, who served schools of nursing; Cathedral, St. One of the most important of income, housing, et cetera, could Joseph's, Regis, Annunciation, as pastor of the Welby p w sh for adopt children and those who And Register Was Saved the yMr’s activities being planned 17 years, had been a missionary in Holy Family, and S t Francis’ high by the Denver comitium is a May could not. If you can secure some schools; and St. Mary’s academy, the Vicariate of Swaziland for the family names and send them to the By M o n s ic n o r M a t t h e w S m i t h Along Came Willie day celebration on Sunday, May post three years. J K. Mullen home for boys, and 1. Arrangements are also being Catholic Charities oflRce, 1666 (Memoirs of o Cithollc Editor. Copy- It happened that I had scarcely Holy Ghost Youth center from He first came to America and rifhtod* 1949. Reproduction in whole or landed in the job when William I, made by the legion to sponsor a Grant street, Denver, in care of in port forbidden) Denver; Mt St. Gertrude academy Canada in 1918 to open a new Father E. J. Kolka or Father W. La Haie, a special edition expert!'I pilgrimage to the Shrine of St. province of Servites. He was later of Boulder, Assumption high school in Mt. J. Monahan, they will follow up 'When I landed in the editorship came into the office and wanted | stationed in Chicago for about to put out such an issue of our' of Welby, S t Mary’s high school Vernon canyon near Golden. immediately. The need is very of the Denver Catholic Register in three years before coming to Den­ paper. The staid old publicationa’ of Colorado Springs, St. Patrick’s Out-of-town legionaries who great and urgent early October, 1913, the treasury high school of North Platte, Neb.; ver and ML Carmel parish, where (Turn to Page 2 — Column X) \ attended the acies included repre­ he was pastor for six months. Please do what you can in this was almost empty and there was St. Augustine’s parish of Brighton, sentatives from St. John’s, Long­ very pressing matter. The priests a debt of $4,000, all in bank loans and the Colorado University New­ Transferred as pastor to Welby, mont, and the Junior praesidium from_ the Catholic Charities would with eight per cent interest man club. Father Barsi remained there for Colorado Springs Men from SL Augustine’s, Brighton. 17 years and was highly revered by be willing to come to any meeting you might care to have of the peo­ No great credit is due to me for his people. the first steps taken to keep the He returned to St. Dominic’s ple who wish to have this matter To Receive Communioir explained, provided there is a ship afloat I had never managed Burse Fund Totals $5,301 parish in Chicago, where he was a newspaper, and had never worked The annual corporate Common.; pastor until his appointment as reasonable hope of obtaining pros­ The St. Joseph seminary burse face every day cannot be over­ pective adoptive parents. There is in the business end of one. All my ion for Catholic men o f the Pike’ai fund reached a total of $6,301 this spiritual director of the new training had been in the editorial Peak region will be held at St; emphasized. Servite seminary in Elgin, 111. It imminent dannr of our having to week, according to the Chancery turn over Catholic orphans to non. department There is often a deep Mary’s, Colorado Springs, Sunday,; But for each year the student was soon after this transfer that division between the two depart­ office, as five contributions com­ Catholic institutions and foster March 27, at 8 o’clock Mass. fie expressed his desire to be sent ments. Eaqh has experts. Neither prising $100 were received. spends in training, he must be pro­ homes if we cannot care for them. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr of Den. vided with $600 for board ind to Africa as a missionary, a desire could exist without the other. But The donations were from a FaitJifully yours in Christ, ver will celebrate the Mass. Break, Friend, Denver, $50; Mr. and Mrs. tuition. This proves to be a heavy which he had had for many years. their work is entirely different fast -will be served at the Alame James Hannan, $25; Anonymous, burden upon Archbishop Urban J, Two weeks before Father Bars! Few men know both ends of the hotel immediately afterward, Denver, $15; a Friend. Sterling, Vehr of Denver, who ultimately died. Bishop Constantino M. game. Patty Vaeth will entertain with' $6; and Theodore Wernsman, must staff his churches. Bameschi, O.S.M., Vicar Apostolic Fred P. Johnson, publisher of the her harp. Reservations must be of Swaziland, returned to South Fleming, $5. Contributions in any amount are THE ANNUAL CONSECRATION to Our Blessed 7 ^ Daily Record-Stockman and a made in advance and the commii. The importance of providing welcome. Address all communica­ Africa from his visit to America newspaperman of long experience tee is anxious that everyone havi Mother at the acies held in the Denver Cathedral last and Denver. The Bishop gave worthy young men with education tions to the Most Rev. Urban J. in both the editorial and business tickets by Friday night These Sunday is shown above. Left to right are the Rev. Frederick Mc- Father Barsi many mess^es and to reach the alta# and cope with Vehr, Chancery office, 1536 fields, already had some plans laid tickets may be obtained from any| Callin, Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, and the Rev. Antonio G. Mayoral, Meetings from his friends in the difficulties which Catholics Logan street, Denver 6, Colo. C.M. for the Register, of which he was member of the Knights of Colum.-< Denver. Archbishop of Denver a director. .bu^ the sponsoring unit THE DINVER CATHOLIC REGISTK T f I«pfr«ii«/ICEy«f9ir« 4700 ¥kQl TWO fit toirtwrt Tfiuhiloy, March 24, 1940

The Denyer Cafholie How Tide Was Turned 741 Brought Second-Class Citizens A Complftt Lina of First Communion Goods Register To Practice Published Weekly by the Brand Put on Catholics Catholic Press Society, Inc. And Register Was Saved 938 Bannock Street, Denver, Of Religion (Contintied From Pago One) life AC » Catholic editor, I have (Continued From Page One) tive which separates the school \ Colo. system is evil. of the East, such'aa I hkd worked felt the s ^ ia l protection of the (Continued From Page One) Catholic teachers. The system pro­ Subscription: $1 Per Year "This view is shocking to Cath­ on, had no need of speeiils, whose Divinity. It has been too obvious vides for 3,000,000 full-tiine stu­ Entered as Becond Class egionaries in ten 'years in sane-' olic parents who believe they have function to it newiipaper is pretty at times to be imaginary. God, dents and an additional 1,000,000 Matter at the Post Office, tuary wojik, assisting in nurseries, erected a magnificent edifice ded­ Denver, Colo. much like that of a basahr to a however, lets those whom He loves tending to pamphlet rAcks, and pupils in Sunday schools and dur­ Veils in both suffer. There is no such thing as ing the vacation periods.” icated to the sound principlee of parish. They are simply enlarged working in parish lending libra­ old and new pedagogy. numbers printed to mark tome opening a dra.wer and finding a ries. * 1 One of the worst offenders of million dollars lying there in $1,000 “ They insist that education holiday or ettraordinary event, and A total of 300 were this “ blighted outlook,” according shoulder length bills. The Lord makes a man work which is provided for young peo­ QUALITY PET SUPPLY the money comes through adverUs- validated through the instrumen­ to Monsignor HochwalL is the ing. Merchants who might never for His help. John Dewey society, which origi­ ple has to comprehend the whole Siamese Kitteos, tality of the legion. Baptisms ar­ man and must include intellectual, advertise normally will advertise As far as Fred Johnson was con­ ranged numbered 1,116, 340 nated with a group of educators at and measured Puppies, Canaries, moral, and reli^ous elements. A in a special edition. It it a It^ti- cerned, the Arrival of La Haie was adults, and 776 children. First Columbia university in New York Parakeets, mate business, all right, but one just as much unexpected foj- him city. Members insist upon a mono­ “ But some educators ask: ‘Dare Golden Communions totaled 618 and Con­ that cannot be .uccesafnliy carried as it was for me. This was not firmations were 300. lithic view o f education. a school system build a new social to sixty styles. Hamsters, too far. true, however, of Johnson’s plan order?’ To Catholic parents and White Mice 733 Sick Perioni Aided PRIVATE EDUCATION It was typica] of the West— and for a subscription campaign. Fred •HISTORICAL MISTAKE’ educators there is no problem and Gold ic Trop!' told me ' ‘ Yoifll do” as soon as he Members of the legion secured no place in our crowded life to still is \n some sections. Without Thai* adueatort baliav* that eel Fish, Aqua, saw the first issue of the paper the sacraments for 733 persons debate ibis issue academically. such special editions over a period privata edueatien which hat da- riums and of years, I would not be writing put Out by me. It was no master­ who were sick or dying and took “ The Popes from Leo XII to Supplies 1,168 individuals to Mass and valoped to tueh a larg* axtant Pius XII have given the answer ray memoirs as a Catholic editor. piece, I assure you, but it had a — atpacialljr undar ralifiout au- Pet Supplie* Jc ftamtediee The cost, however, of paying the trained man’s touch. Johnson felt other services. and they have plunged directly into that the time had come when a ipicai--- w*» « "biitorical mit- the basic social problems that vex Freih & Froxen Horse Meets advertising solicitors and for the A total of 6,969' individuals taka.” cireulxtion drive could be pruthed. our times. 1514 CLENARM AC. 0181 manufacture of the special edition were enrolled by the legionaries is very high, and I doubt that we He Announced a campaign to get in various Catholic organizations They maintain, indicated Mon­ PLURALIST VIEW Some unusual gifts for made more than |600 or |700 on A 10,000 subscription list in four and, 1,361 were enrolled in study signor Hochwalt, "that the divisive IS AMERICAN WAY First Communicants the first one, issu^ at Christmas, months. Prizes were to be offered club's and instruction classes. effect of such rival sy.stems within "A taiiitt tb* maaolitkie viaw Dr. G. J. 1913; but money started to come for those who got the most sub­ Through the efforts of the legion the body politic is hurtful.” They of aducation wo propoao th* into the treasury, and the paper scriptions. He and Father Mc- mbers 410 children transferred hold that any faith, cult, eco­ pluralist viaw. Tbo whola bi(- Schaeuble was saved. Even in those grim Menamin thought thr clergy would fromTiublic to parochial schools. nomic status, or other divisive mo­ tory of tbo nation anpparU that THE JAMES CLARKE years, when printing costs were not be interested if two grand prizes Report for 1945 thaai*— a nation in which many ^ Optometrist a third of what they are today, it were given, one to the winner, one The detailed report of the work Sroapi liy* tegathar and ramain sometimes cost us f l * copy to to the winner’s pastor. They de­ of the 21 praesidia attached to ANNUAL OPERA proud of Hiair dittinguiihinf CHURCH GOODS HOUSE produce a special edition. The sub­ termined on an automobile lor each. charactaristici.” SJIbcialist the Denver comitium for the past Established 1902 16.16 Tremont Place scription price of the paper was A good set of cdUteetants was year ending Feb. 1 follows: Monsignor Hochwalt discussed For Visual T A . 3 7 8 9 Denver 2, Colo. 11.50 a year. was Obtained, but there was nobody EXPECTED TO BE the various plans pn federal aid to Calls made at homes of Catho- education and the uofaimess of Eye Care As editor, I, of course, was in around who knew much about the lice and non-Catholics, 7,901; calls on all the negotiations with La inside workings of such a contest. many of the proposals. Despite the n\ade at hospitals, convalescent GREAT SUCCESS Catholics’ contnbutions, “ educa­ 310 Mack Bld^ KE. 5840 Haie. I had to put in plenty of Some money was coming im but homes, etc., 1,098; numbers of pa­ extra work that autumn getting the plan was soon lagging. Circu tors, ministers of religion, and tients visited, 11,462; calls at Den­ (Continued Front Page One) .some lawmakers would deny com­ articles together and reading proof lation contests are not common to­ ver County jail, 49; number of in­ for the special. I always considered day, but they were in those times, of the region’s leading vocalists, mon services of health, transporta­ A.B.C. nOLL SHOP dividuals visited, 390; are reheasing twice a week with j O H n s o n Mr. and Mrs. John A. MtConr* I La Haie's coming at that propitious in both the East and the West tion, and non-religious textbooks. itime providential. All through my Baptisms, adults 29, children Monsignor Bosetti himself. Lillian “ Some sincere and objective leg­ DOLLS and TOYS Such affairs require an intricate 74, total 103; First Holy Commun-. STORAGE S m ouinc CD. organization, and they need a great Covillo, ballet mistress, is sending islators, however, havb perceived ions, adults 22, children 36, total, Doll Hospital deal of behind-the-scenes salesman­ her troupe of dancers through the situation in its true light,” said 67; Confirmations, adults 21, chil­ their intricate routines several M .O C/4M . dk M.O/VC DIST/\I%/€E Rstlglons SUtnea Repaired RUBBER BOOTS ship to keep contestants satisfied Monsignor Hoehwalt, “ and have dren eight, total 29; times a week in the Cathedral HIS Arapahoa MA. HIT Vulcaniied and Rapairad land working. The overhead ex spoken out for the rights of all pense is not small. Marriages validated, 66; return gymnasium, and Walter Keeley is children to these school services. > 1 0 A ' i ; V G of lapsed Catholics to sacraments, spending all his spare time at the Wild W««t Whoop. PAYS TRIBUTE ROY SYSTEM, INC. 34; sacraments secured for sick auditorium arranging the settings >• Dr. D. C. Wertliiiia]i^ Sliee Rapa ir It happened that one of the daily for the production. TO SEN. JOHNSON and dying, 132; individuals taken “ May I pay tribute here to your For the Safety of Your Goods 26 Broadway SPruca 4165 papers of Denver ran a similar and Associate to Mass and other services, 256; The work of arranging an opera fellow Coloradoan, Senator Ed­ contest at the same time, and it enrolled in various Catholic or­ of the magnitude of Fanst would resulted in a lawsuit, to the in­ win Johnson, who haa demon­ Use Johnson Service on Every Move Dentists ganisations, 94; entered in study normally engage the entire at­ strated rare insight in the analy­ tense delight of a rival newspaper, clubs and instruction classes, 22; tention of Monsignor Bosetti for AGENTS FOR UNITED VAN LINES, INC. PLATES which with the Wild West buoy­ sis of the social problems of the Prospective cortverts, adults 70, several months prior to its presen­ "MOVING WITH CARE EVERYWHERE" ancy of the times played up the suit times and who has given generous ,

A Tliurtdoy, Morch 24, 194f Office, 938 lennock Shetf THE OIIHVER catholic REGISTER Telephone, Klyitene 4201 RAGE EEVIW 'Tis a Jig, Me Hearties! Adoration Hour jniiusements ♦ Dining St. Philomena's Send Your'Boy to Recreation RTA Unit Will Set for Men of

< = '- -fc Elect Officers Westwood Parish (St. Philomaaa'a Pariib, Daavar) (St. Aitliaay'e Parish, Westwe*4) Near Roekr MowiUlii Officers will be elected «t the Th* noetamal adontios hour B o c e i o 's meeting of St. Phllomena’i PTA for the man of St. Anthony’s par­ Uonal Park in tha haart el^ on Monday, March 28, at 2 p.m. ish on Friday morhiqg, April 1, Aitarica’a moet majaa tk^ I in the Khool hall. All niembere are will be from 4 to B a.m. f*«OUl fO« FINt tNJOY THt W{srs urged to be present. The,Rev. Ed­ Georfctta Maria 8alM, daughter raounliiina at ika foot ssf^ FOOO iiiVID IM A ★ MOST MmiHING ward Breen will be the gueit of Hr. and Mrs. Frank Saiia' of Long’i Peak. OtACIOUS MANNK COCKIAIl lOUNGt apeaker. 8440 W, BxpoaiUen, was baptised, TRIMONT AT RROADWAY St. Philomena's Men’s club will with Fermln and Ninfa Ateneio 1*^1 meet Thursday, March 31, in the as tponso'n. KE. 9618 * CH. 2494. school hall at 8 p.m. Bonita Helena Marihall, daugh­ St. Philomena’s city and tourT ter of Hr, and Mrs. David Mar­ 29th Season nsment champions will be honored shall, STO 8. Quitman, wes bap­ at a spaghetti dinner on Monday tised, wUh Mti, Ehncr Lundeen evening. Fitting awards will be and Clyde Lnndeen ae sponsors, mad# to the boyi by the Rev, LBlian Persing is moving to George Evans, athletic director. ■Washington, D.C, Parish clubs meeting this week The ehildren’s ehoir will sing July lOto Aug. include Mrs. Julia O’Neill’s with for the 9:30 o’clock Mass and the Mrs. Margaret O’Connor on Thurs-, adult ehoir will sing for thi 11:30 915' a Taak day, and the St. Joseph club with o’clock Mass on Sundays, Mra L. T, McDermott on Friday. Hr. and Mrs. Ed Reiekert are The sodality card club met in the the parents of a son born March 19 S’' rectory Wednesday evening. in St. Anthony’s hospital. Under perssnml direetion • / The usual Lenten schedule of Twenty-three men were present ‘at the Holy Name Communion weekday Masses was resumed this RT. REV. MONSIGNOR week after the painting of the breakfast held at the Aeroplane church. Masses are now offered banquet room. JOSEPH BOSETTI daily at 6:30, 7:16, 8:16, and 10 AN IRISH SKIT was presented at the Isle, Shamrocks, Banshees, Leprechauns, Fairies, The St, Jude eirele met Mareh 1600 OODSir STHEST 19 in- the home of Mrs. Wegrich. WelMat te DtiTtr^ o’clock. monthly meeting of the Cathedral PTA in and the Irish King. The vocal entertainment was Cere of Chancery Office UAUr 0177 furnished by the sixth grade chorus as well as Plans were discussed for a card .Stations of the Cross are con the Oscar Malo hall, Denver, The sixth grade pupils party after Easter. The next meet­ DENVER, COLORADO ducted on Friday evening at 7:48, songs by the entire class. 1536 Logan COLBURN HOTEL were the stars, under the skillful g’uidance of Sister Shown above doing the jig are, back row, Beulah ing will be held March 24 at Mrs. jand a Holy Hour begins on Satur* Mary Finian, a bit of an Irishman nerself. The play LUXURIOUS ROOMS ffontw of Conover, Brian O’Donnell, Mary Richardson, and Harpers. Denver 5, (]olo. day at the same time- During Lent, was entitled Bits of Blarney, and portrayed the COCKTAIL LOUNGE ORANO CHAMPION STEAKS Wednesday evening devotions, con­ Jody Nugent; front row, Madonna Beaver, Philip The Mother Cabrini circle will meet Monday night, March 21, at NEW COFFEE SHOP sisting of Rosary, sermon, and characters of St. Patrick, History, Erin, Emerald Barteau, Peggy Evans, and James Jeramillo. Benediction, are held at 7:46, 7:30 p.m. in the home of Mr*. Con­ lOtb Avanue at Grant rad Boeding, 2170 8. Federal. MAin 6261 Mrs. John F. Walsh, who has O. B. CKRiaR. Haaitar The St, Patrick’s dance and card been visiting her son-in-law and Blessed Sacrament Parishioners party held Tuesday night at ths daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Grange ball was a big success. BEST FOLKS OF ALL Switzer, left for her home in Coll “EAT-AT-THE-HALL” yer, Kans. Joe M. Bland, Mgr. JEW’ S TAVERN Mrs. Frank I. Kilcline of Koko- Throng to Hear Fatima Lecture Hall Hotel Coffaa Shop' jmo, Ind., has been visiting the Me Catholic Girli Study ICormick and Switzer families the RE.MODELED LmCBEOJV (Blesied Sacrament Parish, 18, at the University Women’s of decorations, the theme of which I past week. Piychiatric Nursing 1321 Cartfi Street BEER — WINE — MIXED DRINKS Oanvar) I club, with mes. Curtis J. Frie- was the Girl Scout colors, and the 128 BROADWAY I At the March meeting of pack More than 600 members of the burger, Bradley Lane, and E. L. Girl Scout and Brownie emblems. I 161 of the Cub Scouts, held Fri­ student nurses from St, An­ JAMES M. DELOURKY Blessed Sacrament parish were| Altendorf as joint hostesses. The Mrs. Jack McLaughlin has the dis­ thony’s hospital, Denver, and the day in the school hall, den 6 pre- among the estimated 3,000 persops;prize was won by Mrs. Leonard * £■ • tinction of being the only mother Seton eehool of nursing, Colorado Special Lenten Menus || Isented a progp-am of magic. The who attended the illustrated lee - Swigert following boys took part: Tommy in this parish with three daughters Spring!, are among the group of I lures given by the Rev. Eugene P. & I Ball, John Carrol, Gary Chamber- The members of St. Jude’s circle in the group, two Girls Scouts and 37 student! who have begun a Wednesdays Fridayi Murphy, S.J., of St. Louis uni­ jlaiti, Charles Cooper, Andy and enjoyed the hospitality of Mrs. a Brownie. three-month eourie in psychiatric Private Dining Rooms dvailoblt versity, at Phipps auditorium on Steve Dickson, Gorden -Morgan, J. V. Collins in her home March Mrs. C. V. Gooding of this par­ nursing at the Colorado State hos­ RUSS BENNETT ADAMS HOTEL and Allen Nossaman. Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday 18 at a hridge-Iunchenn. Mrs. Car­ ish, who is a member of the Na­ pital, Pueblo. evenings, March 13, 14 and 16. los Fuermann was co-hostess. Mrs. tional Catholic Advisory Board of From St. Anthony’s are Doro­ RESTAURANT , Andy Dickson was graduated At the concluding lecture on Tues­ Fred C. Mundary was welcomed as from the Cub Scouts and was taken Girl Scouts ie the United States, thy Binard, Littleton; Josephine 16th and Broa• reratmbtrtd when ar* di»- MOUNTAIN-ROOM MOUNTAIN Charles Cooper and Allen Nos­ from tributinf your potronafo to the dlN all parts of^ the states ofiP rej c. Mundary. and Sam Perry, tion. She introduced Mrs. Ray J. ing the Seton school. feront Hne« of buaJaeBt. saman are new members of cub Colorado and Wyoming pack 161. were The next meeting has been post­ Green and Mrs. H. C. Babcock, COFFEE SHOP LOUNGE present. poned until April 22. hoard members of the Metropolitan Of particular interest was a Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Collins have Girl Scouta. Mrs. John March, an­ O P E N 6 A.M. to 10 P.M. hone call made to Mrs. William phone call made to .Mrs. William as their house guest. Mrs. F. Pal- other board member, waa unable to Tha Thing To Do CH. fi055 535 18th St. May Queen Chosen D. Phoenix, sister of Father Mur-|anque of N ew Orleans, La. Mrs. be present. Mrs. Gooding also intro­ phy, by a woman member of a Palunque is the mother of Mr*. duced Mrs. Emmett J. Dignan, H^cn You Can't AHard Disappointment Denver Protestant organization,! CoHing, founder and first president of the INJOY AN INVIGORATING DRIVE By Academy Pupils requesting Mrs, Phoenix to convey ' Motor Corps Driven Asked Girl Scouts’ Mothers’ auxiliary. their appreciation to Father Mur­ An appeal is made by Mrs. The senior Girl Scout groups of (St. Mary’s Academy, Denver) phy for the privilege of hearing Stanley Ziegler of the Community the seventh grade were particu­ Last week the elections were nis lecture on Sunday evening. The Chest for volunteer drivers to join larly commended for their last two held for the May queen and her woman had called radio station the Community Chest motor corps. projects, the baking of cookies KMYR, which supplied the phone attendants. By vote of the student Children from St. Clara’s orphan- and th« collection of magazines, THE HOLUND HOUSE body Betty .Murray was chosen number. Her minister attended the|age, the Infant of Prague nursery. both for the patients at Fitx- (Formerly known aa -The La Ray Hotel. No change lecture given by Father Murphy queen; Beverly Murray, crown- Queen of Heaven orphanage, and simons hospital. in ownerthip, management or policy) hearer; and Mary Mulcahy. Shir­ at the Oscar Malo gymnasium on St. Vincent’s orphanage, as well as ley McNamara, Dolores Kavan, Saturday afternoon, March 12, the House of Good Shepherd, some­ Mrs. Ray Cunningham anJ her and Annabelle .Monaghan attend­ for the religious, and on Sunday times have to he taken to the Ave daughter, Patricia, left last Satur­ ants. The crowning will take place morning from his pulpit, he aa- Maria clinic for medical attention day for a week’s trip to Chicago, IN GOLDEN April 30. vi.sed his entire congregation to and this is the only means of trans­ 111. 1644 GLENARM . OPEN 11 A M to 3 A M Several high school girls mod­ attend the lecture at Phipps audi­ portation for them. Old people as Fifteen members o f Lady FOR LUNCHEON OR DINNER eled at the fashion show given by torium. well as the blind, who jeceivejof Lourdes circle were guests at the Mothers’ club Monday, March The Sacred Heart Hour that was medical attention through the j a supper jparty on Sunday evening, You’ll Lik* the Food, Service and Atmosphere ^ 2. They were Beverly Murray and begun by Father Murphy 10 years Community Chest, often have to March 1-*, in the home of Mre. Ruth Anne Kennebeck, seniors; ago is now heard over 461 radio be taken to the Denver General iUred Rawls with Mrs. Jack Mc- Dining Roomi Open Daily Pat Wis.senbach and Dorothy Bur- .stations, with an estimated audi­ hospital and back to their homes, j Laughlin as co-hostess. Misi Jean *7/te CkickeH gelt, juniors; Helen Crissman, ence of 15,000,000 listeners. Fa- •Anyone who is interested please [Crapo was a guest, and the prizes From 12 to 2 at noon — 5:30 to 9:30 P M. sophomore; and Nancy Babcock, ther Murphy left Denver last Fri-|call Mrs. Jack McLaughlin atiwere awarded to Mmes. P. E.| Sundays and Holiday* From 1 P.M. to 9 P.M. <(.'op7rifbl, 1946. by Jack Chrietianeen) fre.>!hman. day for Marauette university etiFR. 6142 for further particulars.' Brookover, Jack MacLear, and PhoB* GoUsb 66 for RetorvatioB, or Just Drive Out On Friday, March 25, the sopho­ Milwaukee, Wis.. to present his Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D, Ord,'Frank C. Haroway. lecture in that city. aad Cam* la I DELIVERED HOT TO mores are presenting a project to who spent the past eight months Mrs. Frank 0. Robertson and raise money for the missions. It Daily Mail Attendance Good in Long Beach,'Calif., and Phoe­ her son. Paul, left recently to The priests of the parish are HAVE YOU TRIED OUR NEW COFFEE SHOP? 'will be a variety show and candy nix, Ariz., returned home early in visit relative* in South Dakota. It ia open from 6:30 in the morning until 1 at night. YOUR DOOR and popcorn will be sold. gratified at the attendance of the March. ^ A large crowd of parents and • 0N1£ WHOLK FRIBD CHICKEN D’ Lene Marden and Margie pai'ishionars at daily Mass and The Blessed Sacrament grad#! friends was present at the Cub WITH GIPLKTS $ 0 - 9 4 the I.anten davotions. The number SHOESTRING POTATOES R t g . U. 8. Patent Office Haiiaun represented St. Mary's at school basketbalS.. team, compel-! Scout meeting in the school audi- SALAD AND HOT ROLLS a student editors’ press confer- of persons attending daily Mass is ing in the grade school tournament!lorium at 7:30 on Tuesday «ve- : A BANQI'BT FOR 2 Phone Open at 9 A. M. much larger than in previous A DINNER l-'OR 5 ience held Thursday, March 17, by j r iL n L 11 ■ March 34-19, made|ning, March 22. Edward L. Curran, AL. Seven Doyi a Week the Institute of Life Insurance. year!, and rather Campbell eati- a very creditable showing, reach- cubmaiter, presided at the.meet- DiipoMl plttcR and forlu at mates that the weekly Commun- ' ...... yonr request. 7319 1420 E. 18th AVE. The student body enjoyed a movie on Josef Hoffman and the ions are in excess of 3,000. were defeated by the Holy Family I,sen ted ttf cub pack 23 by the Mra. Robert J. Steinbruner team. jeral Waahington Woman’s Relief FOR PICNICS OR Telephone Hour sponsored by the enlerlained the members of St. music department. The Cub Scouts of den 3 were.corps 42, auxiliary to the Grand e x c e l l e n t MOUNTAIN TRIPS Girard’s circle in her home on accompanied by Mrs. Don Kirley,|Army of the Republic. Mrs, May .Monday evenipg, March 14. Mrs. den mother, on an ail-day outing!Levine, patriotic instructor, made On the above menu POTATO SALAD Lovely Bride Can be picked up, or Walter Kranz wa.s a guest and the Thursday, March 17, to Golden.]the presentation. This was fol- you haven't lived can be subirtituted for SHOE STRING we will deliver'to bridge awards were won by Mmes. They ware taken on a conducted lowed by a program Jack Sheehan and Samuel Horner. POTATOES. your door. tour through the School of Mines The boys of den 6, under the Miss Catherine Mall of this par­ and other points of interest in direction of Mr*. R. T. Baker, den ish i.s a patient at Mercy hospital. Golden. mother, and assistant den mother, 'til you've Mrs. Jo.seph McCabe enter­ On Sunday, March 20, the Rev. Mrs. D. Boeraig,' made their hod tained the members of ths Blessed William J. Mulcahy baptised Rob­ own Indian costume*, headdresses, Sacrament circle of the .Arch­ ert Charles Rohan, son of Mr. and tomtoms, and bracelets, and as bishop’s guild March 17 at a Mrs. Lacy Rohan. The sponsors part o f the evening’s program shower for Mrs. Henry B. Nadorff. were John McNamara, proxy John they presented an Indian skit of Members of St. Anthony's circle Rohan, and Margaret Rohan, proxy were guests of Mmes. David B. dancing and reading. Mr. Curran Marilyn Beckord. Douglas, S. Marcus, and Harry E. awarded merit badges to the Cub White at the Dominican Sisters’ Girl Scout* Rocairo Communion Scouts for their work in the past St. Patrick’s day party. Prizes Sunday, March 20, 80 Girls month. Donald Meyer, Boy Scout —TRY— were won by Mmes. Grier M. Key- Scouts and Brownies received cor­ chairman for Park Hill, presented with Brunch at the Cosmo ser and W. D. Bryson. porate Communion in the 8 o’clock a new charter to pack 23, The Mrs. Raymond Riede and Mra. Mass. This was in commemoration meeting was closed with prayers RICHARD'S CORNER KITCHEN Thomas L. O’Neill were co-host- of the 37th anniversary of the in­ by the spiritual moderator. Father auguration of the Girl Scout or­ Mulcahy. C o rn e r eases at a bridM-luncheon to the members of St. Norbert’e circle in ganization. Immediately following Anyone having a news item for every Sunday from Neon o> Colfax at Logan Mass,-'the girls were guests of the the Dsnrer jCathelie Register Oppoeite Cathedral K E . 9084 Mrs. Rieda’i home on Friday, March 18. There were three Girl Scouts’ Mothers’ club at please call the parish correspond­ uesta, Mmes. Walter Scherer, breakfast in the school auditorium. ent, Mrs. Mark J. Felling, tele­ e Ifi greetl Come to the Cosmo Ihii Sun­ fohn Muller, and William May. Mr*. F. L. Weiser was in charge phone FRemont 2125, day. Sip the elusive, delicate goodneii Mrs. Melvin Dorzweiler was wel­ ef Denver's latest lensotlon... exactingly comed aa a new member. The Special Lenten Menus priaei were won by Mmes. Thomas 'With a Huff, and a Puff...' blended from on old, fomou* fermule.^ Fahey, Las Laughlin, and William Then select with obundonce, yeur foverhes French Fried Shrimp - Salmon Steaks May. from eur galoxy of fine foods served Mrs. Carl Mayer entertained the Halibut Steaks - Filet of Sole Barney Booitera at a bridge-lun­ buffet in the beautiful Pioneer V 5 Q Mrs. Laurence R. Jackson, cheon in her home March 14. The Koem. It's greotl Moke it o dotel I • Fried Oysters • Spaghetti Dinners Rev. Bernard Karat, S.J., waa a the former Miss Theresa CemsIoH Ann Auguatine, is shown follow­ ^ueit. Prizes were won by Father ing her at St. Eliza­ Karst, Mmei. Frank M. Grannell, • MeS* Only wiHi IteyertW Oteee* HewK Water beth’s church, Denver. The couple and Otto Hencemann. Delicious fender '•GL. 9786 Mmes. J. F. Cooney, Leo Farley, are making their home at 621 Dele- V hOST e* TNI WIST ware.— (Cavarra photo) and Vincent A. Smith were co- Sixxling Steaks 2915 W. 44th hoiteeiei to 20 memberi of St. Thcrc’i a ihailc in (vary city, but in Joseph’s circle Mareh 18 at a Dtnrtr it’a tha Club Shallt Araby bridge-luncheon. Mmes. J. L. Campbell and Leo Murphy were • INVil, COIOSASO HOTEL uesta, and the prizes were won SPECIAL fy Mmes. James M. Eakins and Herbert Leibnaan. SHISH KEBAB Members of the Little Flower circle were entertained at a lun­ AHENTION BAZAAR COMMIHEES FAMOUS ARABIAK DlfiH cheon and bridge on Friday, March Complete line oj Merchandise for .7 5 Girl From W litat Ridgi Parish Bazaars and Carnivals DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT riri.L t-couRSE dinner Given Name in Religion WaiB* Market InaludM Arabian Co>a« 800 Syear Bird. Prize'Merchandise for Fish ponds Soup, Va««tabl>. Bnaad, Butur. 8ister Mary Elisabeth Ceeile ia Iltk St, at Waaa« Gifts - Games - Balloons - Etc. T-Brna Sala! an! IlMort the name received in religion by Open X4 homrs dstilr OjMtt till 9 p.m. ★ THELMA LOWE * the former Miss Geraldine Salmon of Wheat Ridge, who entered the Write — Phone — or come in Playing Your Requtata Nightly # Dell«iowi PastriM novitiate of the Mtryknoll Sistefs WITH EXCITEMENT the Junior Camp Fire Girls (Freai Oa» Owe Oww) We contribute 10% of,purchase toward your affair. at th« Piano and Solovox in Maryknoll, N. Y. look forward to each visit to the fMargery Read Mayo j Her mother, Mrs. Eliaabeth day nursery, Denver. The members of' the Busy Bee Bluelnxd # Seafoods . - Salmon, of Wheat Ridge, and group visited the nursery so that the little girls there Could help them • Fried CUckoH 1% Thrift Novelty Co., Inc. brother, the Rev. Charles Salmon celebrate Camp Fire’s S9th birthday. Shown blowing out the candles on of Stratton, were present for 1742 Arapahoe — KE. 2806 — Denver ^ e birthday cake are, left to right. Bluebird Priscilla Jean Dunbar; , # irate J^eaing Snaeks the ceremony, and later visited in Bhlrley Elcnman, Ruth Ann Hayden, Carol Jo Harllman, and Pamela s New York, Chicago, and S t Louis. Herman, all students at the nursery; and-Bluebird Patrida Lowe. PAGE EIGHT Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitone 4205 Thurtdoy, March 24, 1949 ST. FRANCIS DE SAIES' PARISH BUCHANAN’S I'‘" H Christian Bros. Wines I ti fce AU Popolar W« Dflivtr ^ will — PE. 1777 377 So. Bdw^ it


Alameda Drag Store TEMPTATION V. O. PETERSON, P«a.y^ Cot Rate Drags ICE CREAM A O c Foantain Serrica • Schr>ol Snpplle* In H Gallons W w * Your BusinoMM Approdaied Best Quality Fresh Eggs Alameda and Broadway THE JUNIOR NEWMAN RETREATS held in the Cothe- vicinity. A similar retreat to be conducted in St. Augustine's The Rev. William Burke, O.P., who conducted the exercises, ol and St. Francis de Sales' schools lost w.eek drew an ottend- parish, Brighton, next week, is expected to draw about 200 is pictured in the center. The Rev. John Weaver, O.F.M., gave Broadway Creamery 66 So. Broadway SP. 2661 ice of 418 students from public schools in Denver and students. The picture above was taken at the Cathedral retreat. the retreat at St. Francis'. Moyce Cleaners; •Resists Modern Decadence- John and Albert Nillson t. Anthony’s Guild 1' JACKSON’S Plans Meeting Mar. 28 Intermountain Colorado Springs Group ’ FINER Cut Rate Drugt St. Anthony’s hospital guild will Newman Club let at 2 p.m. Monday, March Guide to True Morality Slates Meeting March 1 PRESCRIPTIONS , in the nurses’ home auditorium, GLEANING FOUNTAIN SERVICE Bowling League FREE PROMPT DKUVERT . 16th avenue and Perry street, Colorado Springs.— The Altar proclaimed it a great success. A CaU 8P 3445 Dawning A AJaaitda mver. Found in Church Alone and Rosar.v society of the Pauline victrola, hidden by palms that 1284 So. Pearl University of Wyoming chapel will hold its regular meet­ decorated the platform, played FAVOR RECEIVED favorite Irish melodies during the A Register reader wishes pub- By R e v . J o h n B. E b e l Alnsoit the only voice raited March 6. March 13 ing on Wednesday, March 30, in luncheon. SP. 3662 all your child ly to thank Our Mother of Per- againat them wa« that of the Fr. Corrigan___ 506 505 the home of Mrs. Joseph P. Mur­ 8 0 % t Talk about twisted thinking! If learns gets to hit tual Help and St. Anthony for a Archbishop of Cincinnati, who B. McGrath...... 601 453 you want any examples, look at the ray, 27 Lake avenue, at 2:30 in brain through his eyes. Un- uporal favor, the finding of a declared that "the baiic trouble M. F rah er...... 490 4.54 field of moral teaching outside of the afternoon, following recitation K . o f C . ;t diamond from an engagement with the confuied world of our Fr. McDevitt . . . 466 464 >fortunately many children the Church. And these are not of the Rosary in the chapel. All MERK'S ig, after prayers to them. day i* the ever-increaiing de­ V. East ...... 367 O W L l I \ G are retarded. As a safe­ isolated instances, nor are they the termination to reject fixed prin­ M. Martinez .... 441 women of the parish are cordially product of ignorant, depraved ele­ urged to attend. DRUG STORE guard against visual compli­ ciple* of morality in every S lam lingg, y ia rrh .30 cations, your child's eyes ments of the community, but. on ■phere of human activity . . . Total ...... 2,4.30 2,317 A successful dessert-bridge CUT RATE PRICES the contrary, of religious and civic Now there i* an attempt to party was held in the recreation TEAMS Preaeriptioni Accarately Filled should be examined yearly^ leaders. Colorado A. & M. w L A vg. Wliiaa. Bcara, Etc. — PoanUin get a cloak of respectability by hall of Pauline chapel on St. Pat­ Sale On rick’s day, sponsored by the .^Itar Secretaricn ...... 49 35 788-57 The training and experi­ A couple of months ago, for the use of terms that mislead the March\ 13 Chancellors ...... 45 39 7SB-1 I.’IQO So. Pearl SP. 7639 example, the Saturday Review of parents and defile the home. In Nick Acquaviva ...... A ...... 519 .'ocicty. Refre.shments and decora­ Deputies 44 40 785-72 ence of your optometrist is Trustees ...... 44 40 781-20 Literature presented an article by the true Christian sense, arti­ Don Schmitt ...... 444 tions were carried out in the tra­ a safeguard of your child's Chuck Knoll ...... 44.3 ditional green and white, each (tunrrls ...... 44 40 767- fifiCONOCO PRODUaS Figurines a well-known anthropologist on the ficial and preven­ (JrnnH Knights ...... 38 46 776-82 eyesight. question “ Are Families Passe?” tion and debased planned par­ Maurice Meier ...... 443 table being centered with a potted NHvigfltors ...... 47 768- 48 (unpainted) Wardens ... 3.5 49 Lubrication — Delco Batteries Consider the author’s statement enthood mean a call to husband A1 Stevens ...... 425 shamrock plant that was awarded 756-39 INDIVIDUALS While Our Stock Lasts that the high divorce rate in the and wife to practise mutually as the prize at that table. A num­ Car Washing Total .2,274 ber of prizes were awarded and Kinr—T...... 81 170- 55 GEORGE W. MASTEN United States "is no attack on unnatural sins that are loath­ Lauvelr-—C...... 7 1 177-70 March 24, 25, & 26 marriage, for it is precisely the some, degrading, and putre­ I the centerpiece of green flowers Carr—K...... 78 171- 56 W. A. (Dutch) THOMAS OPTOMETRISTS divorced . . . who have the highest scent.” ^purpose of his life. If his destiny j was auctioned to the highest bid- Wagner—(1...... 63 170-3 is supernatural life with God for.der. More than 160 women at- AHT I) J69-58 Alameda &. Logan PE. 9840 5 Broadway PEarl 4668 Thurs., Fri., Sat. rate of marriage.” But modern moralists are notj Sch**rer—W...... 75 169-2 Now let us look at another moral all eternity, and his purpose is to tended the party and unanimously T. Herlin—.S...... 81 167-80 The firms listed here deserve to “ / / pays to take care of your content with tampering only withj do the will of God in order to ------K. Mariflchcr—G. K. ... 84 167-16 be remembered when you are dls- evil that is threatening to under­ trtbutinf your patronage to the dif­ achieve his destiny, it makes all!»|* 11 — !* D I — Lynch—<*...... 57 167-10 eves" MANY !/2 PRICE mine all of Western civilization— marriage and the family; they see| Mullen—I)...... 78 165-52 ferent lines of business. the sin of birth control, which fit to interfere with human life the difference in the world. A I T l l r U ll I T I IQyS O'Donnell—S...... 84 163-64 The cutting off of morality from ! ' Alcorn—S...... 33 162-18 1 OTHERS Chesterton declared a misnomer as well. Again they call upon a new McMshon— W...... 75 161-6*5 because it leads neither to births name to cloak their real teaching religion results, secondly, in moral Ksmsey—(I. K...... 84 161-20 HOLY GHOST PARISH nor moral control, and which — instead of "murder” they call anarchy. Morality founded upon Chinese Checkers Swigert—(1...... C6 J5v8-52 S orrv 3 5 ' I modern exponents have attempted it “ mercy killing.” Bills to legalize the religious truths of duty, ob­ fl. Mariarher—T...... 7.H 158-20 ligation, conscience, virtue, and Knise— T...... 66 157-16 -• N o ’ 7 5 c . to clothe with the respectable terra the practice of “ mercy killing,” Sterling.— Chinese checkers was Day—N...... 42 156-18 IVew ITfanagement charity has a firm and lasting M ail * ^ / “ Planned Parenthood.” Not long which exponents admit has been the diversion of the evening at a Prijuta—D...... 81 155-72 • • going on for many years clandes­ foundation. But reject these truths Monrkton—G. K...... 78 155-51 «> O rd ers $^00 ago in Cincinnati, 0., there was a meeting of .Mother Cabrini circle Heckiiis— N...... 155-51 The Donehue NEW LOW PRICES ■ ■ public campaign for funds to carry tinely, have been introduced into and eacli man becomes hi.s own Kerwin—G...... 81 155-50 • • on the activities of the Planned State Legislatures. And when such arbiter of morality. Reject the of .St. .^ntliony’s .^Itar and Ro.sary Kanc“— r...... 78 155-15 ■ > Parenthood a.ssociation. Included a proposal was made to the New notion of the supernatural and of society held in the home of Mrs. Dehmer—C...... 81 153-60 Frame Shop Drugs • Prescriptions 00 Mulligan—-C...... 65 153-23 -« among backers of the campaign York State Legislature, among its doing God’s will, and man can find Joe .Applchans. The winners of the 78 152-33 IS52 CIcTsIsnd Plan Fountain - Luncheonette > > Chinese Bust M Pr. Mason— W. were a Protestant Bishop, minis­ backers were 400 Protestant minis­ excuses for practicing birth con­ prizes were Mrs. Peter llergen- Weljh—N...... 66 152-19 MA. 0962 trol, and for having his aged Mill?—G. K...... 81 151-3 < • ters of several sects, a Jewish ters, who professed to see nothing retcr, Mrs. H. C. Kelley, Mrs. Wil­ 0pp. Horan's Mortnary ■ ■ father put out of the world, and Hay— D...... 72 150-15 Standard '^REE! Lessons on Figurine rabbi, and a former head of the un-Christian in the disposal of the liam Tatarka, and Mrs. yernon .larratt—S...... 84 148-58 • • hopelessly ill, insane, or aged, and for divorce, remarriage, adultery. •McCombs. Others present in­ Miller—G...... 78 147-0 FRAMES MADE TO >• Federation of Churches. >• ’ainting Every .\fternoon, even seemed to think there should W’hen he rejects the Church and its cluded Mrs. Harold Schcherle, Stolle— S...... 84 146-0 ORDER A T teachings he has thrown away his Morrissey— D...... 69 144-15 MODERATE PRICES Drug Co. . Except Saturday 2 to 4 p,m. be a .ninth Beatitude introduced Mrs. Marie l.'Heureux, Mrs. Frank Donigan—(I. K...... 84 142-54 into the New Testament to that moral compass and is left to Leehman. Mrs. J. D. McMurrin, Norton—W...... 78 140-47 Established— SO Years rONDAY EVENINGS—7 TO > P.M. I9th * California CH. 4703 ■■ Diamonds - Watches effect. wander hither and yon until he Mrs. (;. W. Ti^rned, and Mrs. Moore—G...... 78 137-51 Across Street from Holy Ghost «• BY APPOINTMENT is mired in the swamp of debauch­ Lerg—C'...... 72 134-52 Church 4 counter-proposal by a Catho­ Peter Saville. Heilman—N...... 47 132-45 and Jewelry lic doctor that, if so-called “ mercy­ ery. Refreshments were served by Issilln—T...... 84 132-36 killing” were legalized, all doctors The Church knows, too, that the hostesses. .Mrs. .-Xpplchans and J. Berlin—W 63 130-60 who intended to make use of it even if a man, by means of the Mrs. Betty Stackhouse. HIGH GAM E Guaranteed Oils and The firms listed here de­ natural law and a logical mind, •Miss Joanne Cummins enter­ Teams Lubrications be required to post a notice on Trustee* (HO ...... 920 serve to be remembered their shingle to such an effect works out for him.self a solid sys­ tained a group of friends at a St. Chanrellors ...... 918 8 5 cents SUNDMAN’S raised a storm of protest Could tem of morality, there still is no Patrick’s party and dance held at Guards (HC) ...... 915 when you are distributing it be that these doctors know it guarantee that he will live up to the Schell chateau. Individuals Young's Service Station 230 your patronage in the dif­ W atchmakers and usually is not the suffering patient it. He is weak, and he needs help. The guests were Loretta Luck- Dav ...... at 20th &. California King ...... 234 ferent lines of business. jexcelers who wishes to be put out of his The Church alone can give him the ey. Glorice .Ann Roth, Mary Lou Ramsey 230 Near Holy Ghoit Church auYu misery, but rather some of his motives and the assistance that Elliott, Virginia McConvillc, Mar­ HIGH SERIES relatives who are impatient to be he needs to help him in the diffi­ gie Becker. .Marjorie Harley. Jo- Teams r23 E. 17lh A tc. MA. 1446 59 So. Rroadway done with it all? cult and trying business of lead­ Ann Defond, Patty Richards, Max­ Trustees fHC) ...... 2673 ing a moral life. He cannot long ine Couch, Mamie Bowe, Caroline Deputies ...... 2584 ST. JAMES' PARISH There have always been individ­ Navigatois (HC) ...... 2561 uals who refused to live up to the keep moral without God’s gi’acc. Siebens, and Mary McMurran Mrs. Megler Hergenreter, Jr., IndiTiduals moral code, but at least they did Surely there arc thousands King ...... 644 Free Pickup & Delivery Washing Jk Lubrication and millions of men of good will was hostess to St. Margaret’s cir­ Carr ...... 638 ST. JOHN'S PARISH not attempt to change the moral who are confused and disgusted cle in her home. F'ollowing the K. MarUcher ...... 616 code into an immoral one. Now, by the moral confusion they find business session the hostess told FREE LUBRICATION! however, there is an organized about them. If they are seek­ each member’s fortune. Refre.sh- IReffis High Boarders Guaranteed Permanent Waving with every 75 gallons of gas purchased drive to alter the moral code to ing a safe guide, a voice of au­ menls were served to 11 members. through us RADIO SERVICE a Specialty fit the fashion. thority to guide them and lead ] It is the , al­ them— as well as the w orld— Drop In and Pick Up Your Purchase Card ISOW' and Sales Regi.s school boarders of| M y Lady Edith most alone, that raises its voice away from the brink of destruc­ Regis Raiders' Dinner Denver will play host to the girls today in defense of morality. Don’t wait — start today! TIP TOP RADIO tion, where else can they find of Mt. St. Gertrude’s academy of Beauty Shoppe The Church that raised the it except in the Church? Slated for March 29 Boulder at a special party to be Greeks and Romans and bar­ & APPLIANCE Htnnt« KcsscMr, Mgr, It is the glory of the Catholic held at Regis on Friday night, barians from the mire of their 434 E. 3rd Aye. EA. 2222 2804 E. 6th Are. EA. 0788 Church that throughout its ex­ The annual dinner for the Regis COLE & MULLIGAN SERVICE ^ debauched pagan morality i* March 25. Mrs. William Zint will istence it ha.s iinflinehingly main­ high school basketball team, which be in charge of the entertainment. Sinclair Product* today fighting the same battle tained the high standards of mor­ The firms listed here de­ this year annexed the Denver pa­ 6875 E. COLFAX at ONEIDA EAst 9727 KNIGHT SERVICE CO. against a more subtle attack. ality it received from its Foun­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS The new paganism say* to the rochial school championship, will ESTATE ‘ OK Martha C. Ballard, also serve to be remembered der despite attack from every known as M arth a G y ren e Ballard, Church: “Your morality is out­ be held at the college next Tues­ when you are distributing MOTOR TUNING quarter and in every age. The Martha Ballard and Mattie Ballard, de- moded. Things change and there (5hurch once was drivci from the day night, March ‘29. Coach C. H. c<*ased. No. 86120. Complete Auto Service Notice !a heieby glvpn that on the 171h your patronage in the dif­ is constant progress in all English empire because it refu.sed (Kelly) Kellogg will be the chief things. Therefore we have to day of March, 1949. letters of administra­ ferent lines of business. Washing • Polishing Sc Lubrication a divorce to a head-strong and speaker and the Rev. Joseph M. tion were issued to the undersi>ned change our outlook on moral­ lecherous King, and it is the same Shcehy, S.J., will act as toast­ administrator of the above named estate 6lh Are. at Detroit FR. 3396 ity to fit the times.” unflinching voice that thunders master. and all persona having: claims against said The firms listed here de­ But the Church knows, first of estate are required to file them for allow­ out today against divorce, against Letter and sweater awards will ance in tiie County Court of the City and serve to be remembered all, that the severance of morals birth control, against mercy killing, be made to the squad and the fa­ County of Denver. Colorado, within six from connection with religious months from said date or said claims will ST. ANTHONY'S PARISH and all the other moral atavisms thers of the boys on the squad will be forever barred. when you are -distributing teachings is an immense practical of the modem age. have a special part in the program. mistake. True morals must be reg­ B. C. HILLIARD. JR., your patronage in the dif­ V Administrator. ulated by man’s destiny and the Catholic Register ferent lines of business. Flies to Parishioners Mailed 3/18/49 THURS., FRI., SAT., & SUN. JENKINS BROS. HARDWARE NOTICE OP PINAL SETTLEMENT 1013 So. Fetleral ESTATE OF Jennie MeMakio, Meota) In­ ANNUNCIATION competent. No. 79664. Hite Florists Complete Line of Garden Tools, Seed and Fertilisers Notice is hereby given that on the I2tb IVANHOE DRUfi BLDG. H D i m C ■ l o w e s t day of April, 1949. I will present to the COLFAX AT IVY l/ K U le ) PRICES IN OENVEB County Court ^ the City and County of OPEN SLNDAYS Denver, Coloraao'. my accounts for FINAL .SPTl'TLEMENT of the administration of PAINTS APPLIANCES HOUSEHOLD ITEMS PRUC_CO said estate when and where all persons in CHRIST THE KING PARISH RENT.4L EQUIPMENT interest may appear And object to them if they so desire. « HARRY 4 BILL JENKINS W Estw ood 7 6 0 B. C. HIX*LIARD, Jr. ' k 2 3 S ^ STORE Conservator. UUI PRANKLIN ST. Catholic Register Mailed 2/24/49 RONNIE BRYAN Complete Line : VARIETY STORE J Quality Meats & G roceries ► NOTIONS i BEER TO TAKE OUT ► HOUSEHOLD ITEMS , M L CARMEL O F F E R S Y O U SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS ► g i f t s t o y s . GREETING CARDS ^ FUNERAL FIORE GROCERY Mrs. E. L. Waller, Prop, ^ Rocco Carbone GRand 9049 H71 SO. FEDERAL - WE. US ^ 1087 So. Federal Bird. i Rocky’s the Rx of Automotive Service ► WE. 1139-J i DESIGNS Cleaning & Tailoring E A 8 I4 7 6 6 8TH AT BIRCH 1320 W. 38th Ave. • snd COIVOCO SERVICE STATIOIS SUITS MADE TO ORDER Floteers Open all day Sundays 7:30 A.M. to 9 P. M. Alterations Remodeling Arra-Pride and Faultier* Poultry Foods for all occasions COMPLETE LINE GARDEN SEEDS • S&H Stamps 1095 SO. FEDERAL BLVD. FREE DELIVERY ON FUEL AND FEED WE. 2II ST. PHILOMENA'S Senocce BLESSED SACRAMENT PARISH The firms listed here de­ Qtywhls DsUvery StrTies frank AntODiUt W. L. (Bpesd) Mtegtr Dlscoont for Cash A Carry ^ LEONARD serve to be remembered ^ TRY WINES ^ BEAUTY BAR when you are distributing A to Z Dry Cleaners for Cooking your patronage in'the dif­ FLorida 050!> ferent lines of business. WESTWOOD 1082 LENTEN MEALS ^ 2254 KEARNEY STREET We Specialise in Fine Dry Cleaning FREE RECIPES NEW HOMES FOR SALE MODERATE PRICES v ROSS VARIETY STORE 2 and 3 Bed Rooms in Park Hill Offle DE. 42(6 Djaing i Pressing Repair Work FATHER EDWARD F. RUCINSKI, Detroit's flying NOTIONS - INFANT WEAR Alterations Cwaplst* itsal Estat* Swrtca Laundry TED’S priest, boards his plane for a hurried trip to a small Hardware • Toy* All Garments Fully Insured community where he will hear Confessions and celebrate Mass. Oc­ JOHN F. BRUNO 3504 E. Colfax casionally he flies to Canada to take part in a pil^image to the Shrine 2214-16 KeamoY . 1091 SO. FEDERAL BLVD. Realtor FRemont 8881 of S t Anne de Beaupre. A pilot since 1941, Father Rucinski has DE. 4488 logged more than 1,600 hours. , 6107 E. 22nd

ORIGINAL IN POOR CONDITION Tfiurt^y, March 24, 1949 Office, 938 lan iteck Streef DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Ttlephent, KEytfena 4205 PAGE NINf • ~ New York Firm Provides 'When the Twain Met' Additional NCIT Awards NCIT Moves Into 2nd Nigli|

T w «It# “Aqu*m«tic” 17-jewel Intercollegiate tournament Satur­ wetebee doneted h j the Croton day evening, March 26. The watches will be awarded to Wetch company ' of New Yorlc the 10 men selected for the NCIT throufh the Monrii Jeweleri of all-American team, the coach of Denrer have been added to the Quarter-Final the winning team, and the most awardi that will be presented at promising tournament player who the close of the National Catholic will not be graduated this year. _ illiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiinHiiwiiiiiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiinniBiiiini^ ^ Powerful St Thomas^ 5 Upset Night QlDELine SIDELIGHTS To Meet Brooklynites By Jim Kelly S t Thomas’ college of St. Paul, Minn., the choice con­ tender, will meet St. Francis’ of Brooklyn, N. Y., and the There is a fine basketball tournament in City auditorium this Bulldogs of Gonzaga university, Spokane, Wash., will go up week, an excellent display of the game as it can be played by again.st lAtyola of Baltimore. Md., Thursday night in the top-notch quintets from all parts of the United States. But one second stage of the National Catholic basketball tourna­ thing remains drastically out of line with the caliber of the enter­ ment quarter-finals. j ------;------^—;------;------tainment: Denverites have refused to find out for themselves— In ihe Sunday afternoon open-jl'^lC ^9*^ it g9**'®*i it and this will go far to discredit the city as a “ basketball metropo­ ers, Dayton narrowly defeated the many times in the ||ird and fourth lis” — just how good a bet they are missing. • Duhawks of Loras college, Du­ quarters, and. trailed by a point in It had always been one of my fond beliefs before setting up buque, la., 5.3-52, in the 2 o'clock the last sixty seconds, breathed a a domicile here that the citizens of Denver enjoyed the court sport, thriller, and Gonzaga took a de­ thankful sigh, and called the win and would demonstrate their appreciation of authentic skill by cision over St. Bonaventure’s col­ "the first break we’ve had all turning out for contests in encouraging numbers, concerned more lege, 47-43, in the 3 o’clock attrac­ season.” with the prospects of an exciting evening than the names in­ tion. ' Ken Murray, veteran quarter- volved. The success of the A.M' tournament, with its long list ...... hack of the Bonnie squad,. kept ept his of unknown teams, did much to build up Denver’s reputation. To Speedy Bob Flynn, Dayton for my considerable disillusionment, however, I am rapidly being led ward, turned the last-minute trick Ii*' i'i’ ® game in the early in­ fer the Flyers by pushing throughNew Yorkers were to the conclusion that the Mile High City is no true lover of a left-hand hook shot, the winning ^i’® half. The basketball as a sport, that its “ fans” come from the common mold Gonzagans’1./sn 9 O cro n e' fastf o o t - break,Kva«1^ however, of tho.se who can be enticed out of their shells only by a “ name.” •point in a see-saw contest. Dayton Coach Tom Blackburn, who sat combined with superior fire power Contributing factors, of courae, help to explain the unoccu­ quietly on the bench while his team to take the lead in the third pied teat, in the auditorium. Direction of the tournament >uf- •built up a three-point lead at the quarter and hold it. fere from lack of experience on the part of the promotert— no In tbe tournxmant’x major cauaa for condemnation in itself, because even the NAIB had a uptat, St. Baaeiliet’x of Atchi- rocky path in its early days. The lessons learned this year will lon, Kant., tumbled top-«aadad be put into effect in 1950 to assure a better production, par­ Siena of Loudonvilla, N.Y., Sun­ ticularly from the standpoint of publicity (the tournament day night, 61-46. Tbe Ravani, received as much notice in Eastern papers as in the dailies here playing tbair batt ball of the when first announced). leaton, capitalixed on tba Naw If possible, the games should be squeezed into a shorter period Yorkeri’ Io m of tall Contar of time, since public interest is difficult to maintain at a high Chuck Northrup to control both pitch over .seven days. Definitely, some arrangement should be backboards tbroaghout moxt of made to encourage attendance through the opening round, with tha tilt, with ruggod Jim Oldani tickeus scaled to a minimum price— early enthusiasm increases dunking 19 points from hit post the likelihood of sold-out houses for the .semifinal and champion- position. A second-half driva led •ship tilts. And it is to these first-round games that admission by Siena’s sterling Ed Lange should be provided free to the city’s youngsters— the grammar came closa, but tbe underrated school and high school students and the underprivileged tots from St, Benedict quint were too the orphanages. Opening to youth the blocs of seats not likely fired up to be denied their re­ to be sold until the final nights would certainly do the tourna­ sounding triumph. ment no harm, and it would be a gracious gesture toward those Regis, the host school, opened who have plenty of spirit but limited spending money. In any its NCIT campaign by driving past case, a special ticket price for the whole meet should be set for another capable New York team, .JIM OI.,DANI (34), 8t. Benedict'.^ star Raven, slips these diminutive rooters. the Iona Gaels of New Rochelle, by Jake Labate (13) of Siena to score on a lay-up shot. But contributing factors reduce only .slightly the burden of 61-53, A first-half cold .spell at the The Ravens scored a major upset over the seeded Redskins, 61-46.— responsibility that reals on Denver for not giving generous sup­ firing line undid the visitors, who (Photo hy Bill Smyth) port to the NCIT, What the city must realize is the over-all merit trailed at the intermission, 28-19. of the contests so few are witnessing. With the single exception Despite the great 24-point per­ of St. Edward’s, which has difficulty arranging strong schedules formance of Johnny O’Hagan, a in the Southwest by reason of ita location, no team in the tourney smiling, dead-eye son of Erin, the NCIT Treating Denver Fans can be said to have been over-matched. The majority of first- Iona squad failed to make up round games were decided primarily on the ability of one squad ground in the second canto against to hit the bucket while its opponent suffered in the throes of a cold the Rangers, veterafls of the re­ spell. If these games were to be replayed, the outcomes might cent N.4IB tourney. Harvey Moore, To All Styles of Cage Play i easily be reversed. Evenly matched contestants are the ideal and who collected 14. and the imper­ criterion of a worthwhile tournament, and in that re.spect the By At. Dark There is, however, a trend In^ J turbable Bob Fisher spearheaded At the NCIT in the City audi­ NCIT stands head and shoulders above similar ventures this year, the Regis attack. the East toward intricate plqyi , including the New York Invitation Jnd the NAIB. torium, Denver basketball fans are making, the two-hand set shot, and* I St. Thomas’ of St. Paul, Minn., being given the treat of watching Moftt ttneouraging to the promoter, end everyone who went, the pass-off from the pivot-—iii-J *| the conquerors of Hamline univer­ some of the best basketball in the stead of the Vince Boryla-tjT>€( | the NCIT to become e Denver “ regular” it the marked enthu- sity, look Uie court Monday night nation, with college teams drawn tieim of viiitlng coachet, teami, and lehool authoritiei for the hook shot. ; * « against the outclassed St. Ed­ from 11 states in all sections of idea. Now that the tourney it under way, an exiiting fact, they Some of the fans at the tourna-' ’ ward’s team of Austin, Tex. the country. have promliad to co-operate to the utmott ^ aisuring its con­ meiii have been surprised at the^ J tinuance. Faced by the alternative of eublime ditregard by the St. Edward’s, the smallest team Team styles range from the fast Easterners’ play around the pivot, t O'Hagan (17) trie.' in break to rigid control, from zone National Collegiate Athletic attociation. despite memberihip in E.^ST AND WEST meet in the City vain to block the shot. Thejin the tournament, tried to run! The Boryla hook is something cora> • bottom mix-up resulted from a Ranger rebound, with the Tommies but in the proc- to man-to-man defense, and back that body, and the poor financial ri>k involved in NAIB com­ 'auditorium, as Iona college. New Rochelle, iparatively new in basketball, and N. Y., and Regis college, Denver, clash in the first Shov^M, left to righu ar^Boh Wallace, Br^ce Heff-|ess were run over. Ken Miner, again. They include set-shot ar­ I many Eastern teams prefer the petition, the Catholic college, repre,ented thi, week in Denver ley, Frank O'SheaJ _ Boh . Fi.sher . (17),.and Boh _Pow­ regarded by many as the finest are willing to make every effort in behalf of the young NCIT. round of the NCIT Sunday, .March 20. In the top tists, hook specialists, side-court, older style of passing off t/> right photo. Harvey Moore goes for a hook and John ' ers (16).— (Photos by Bill Smyth) eager in the Tommies’ history, experts, and left-handed pivot or left, thus working plays from ♦ ♦ ♦ paced the victors in the 69-32 bat­ shots. It is, in short, refreshing the inside, rather than from th» The teams from St. Francis’ of Brooklyn and Siena college tle. basketball, set in a variety of back court. came well prepared to enjoy a full week in Denver, The two St. Mary’s of Winona, Minn., speeds and patterns. The one-hxnd pu.h .hot it paired off in a post-season tilt just before departure from the alma maier of Roy Lipscomb of When you compare college tomething cl.e p«cu]i«r to W e.t- East, with all proceeds set aside for the extra expenses of a long Dinner to Honor Regis Rangers teem, from the Ea.t, North, ern ball. St. Bonaventure'., Day- „t i the Phillips Sixty-Sixers and stay. The crowd poured in .S.OOO strong, and as a result, both South, and W e.t you begin to ton, and even Lora, collaga: ' * schools were able to .send additional players, as well as trainers I The srreate.st tribute to an athletic team in the history of Regis college is planned foribef„°e ‘ thVTa^t-m’^^nutf^o^- .ee how many variation, of the teem to favor the more cautious ' and managers. Inext Thursday night, March 31. at the Park Hill Country club when Regis alumni and Ulaught of St. Francis’ of Loretto, game— of a .ingle pha.e of the .et .hot. isports followers hold a dinner honoring the Rangers at the clo.se of the most successful sea-1 Pa-. 57-51. game— there are. The differ­ Thus far Iona college wa.s thiar ence. are not all lectional; there son in the annals of the Brown and Gold. Tournament play being the only team to employ the zone de- ' are Ea.tern team, that play fa.t- Wear Twin Crowns I For the first time a Regis teami .trange parformance it i., St. fense set-up (against Regis). With.- break, wide open ha.ketball, and , has received national attention and| One of tha highlights of the iCarthy, S.J., president of Regis Mary’, which had whipped St. the speed of modem basketball, 'acclaim, and the showing of thel dinner will be the showing of I college, and the introduction of Thoma.’ 66-60 for tha title of there are We.tern team, that the zone is usually considered top keep the ball moving .lowly and Ranger squad in the NAIB tour-' moving pictures of the Regis- each member of the .squad by' the Lora. College Inritational cumbersome, too difficult, to work deliberately. nament in Kan.'as City, where it' Indixna State game in the semi­ Coach Larry Varnell, there will tournament, played an in.ecure sucressfullv. captured second place from a field I finals, which the Rangers won, be ))o speaking at the dinner, sincei brand of ball. Tha lead changed of 32 picked teams, establishes ai 48-45. In the second overtime 'the showing of the film will take] hand. leveral time., but St. better mark than any Coloradol period. I nearly one hour. Mary’ , at la.t wa. unable to re­ Mustang Champ college or university team had Outside of introductory remarks ' The Ranger .squad will also be coup. managed to chalk up before. by the Very Rev. Raphael C. Me- honored Monday night when they, St. Norhert’s of Wisconsin put with Father ,^!cCarthy, the Rev. a young quintet on the floor— a J. Clement Ryan, S.J., head of the quintet that loved to run with St. Philomena's Team Regis athletic board, and John V. Francis’ of Brooklyn. But the Red- Coyne, director of athletics at men from New Y'ork ran out with Regis, will be special guests of the the long end of a 61-53 score. Knights of Columbus at a dinner Tops Junior Parochials in the K. of C. hall at 1575 Grant Some beautiful shooting by street. Roman Kosnar, the dependable forward of the Green Knights, The St. Philomena Palomino.'! turned in a sparkling 21-1 Student.' at Regis college are was unable to cope with the super­ 13 victory over Sacred Heart to win the annual Regi.s Junior ® dinner to honor the ior brand of Door play brought Parochial tournament. Thi.s victory made St. Philomena’.s the! Since only approximately soo from the Eastern hinterlands. first team to win both the city championship and the Regi.s’can he accommodated at the Park The los.' of Big Jack Donnelly tournament |n the same year. The : Hill Country club, reservation.' for midway through the second half winners had to gain five victories proved to be the most difficult and ticket.' are being taken at Regis a.' he attempted to put the chains over tough opposition. the turning point in the drive for college. Tickets will be delivered on Big Jim Lacy, who came 24 St. Patrick's fell before the the title. by me.'seiiger the day following the points closer to setting the all- champs in Ihe first round but not The Cathedral Blue.lettes were placing of the reservation. time scoring record for college without putting up a stiff battle, determined to avenge a previous -As ih the past, women, some of play, proved too much for St. Am­ the final scoring being 31-18. The defeat at the hand.' of the St. whom are among the strongest brose’s of Davenport, la. The •Annunciation Cardinals gave the Philomena team and started out to supporter.' of the Ranger squad, Towans fell before Loyola and Bal­ Palominos a battle right down to up.'et the dopesters. In the last will be welcome at the dinner. timore by a score of 75-68. In bout.s lik e this one. w ith I f $ Bicycle Time! ST. PHILOMENA'S PALOMINOS, first to capture jthe last minute of play before second of play Crush Warder hit Gil Valdez, right, of St. Jo­ a setup for Cathedral that tied both the Junior Parochial city basketball title and the i bowing out 22-19. The next game seph's, the grim determination and New Bikes and Trikes Regis Invitational tournament, are shown above. They are, left to the bail game up and -sent it into right, back row, .lerry L'Estrange, Frank Buben, Hube Jones, Joe an overtime. In the extra period Glacdiators the smashing right hand brought e Fix All .Makes Dolan, Pete Furstenburg, Joe Horan, and Tommy Evans; front row, iTitle Match Tommy Evans calmly hit a free Angus Roger of Mullen high the •Alex Risoli, Bill Zook, Uene Schnabel, Al Lawless, Paul Lamb, War­ throw to give St. Philomena's a 130-pound championship in the American Cyclery ren Miller, and Ihe Rev. George Evans. 16-15 win. Warder scored 14 of I Is on Tap in his team’s 15 points. class A division last year. The IVEW LOCATION The champ, defeated St. Dom­ title-holder will be featured in one. 1901 So. Broadway inic’. in the .emifinal game and of the 12 bouts at the Mulleni Join in H onoring I Parish Loop won the ri ght to meot Sftcred PK. 3 1 8 0 Heart in the finals. These same smoker Friday, March 25, in the! Ctrl Htujpn. Prop., Mf*mber I .A loss to Annunciation alumni Cathedral gymnasium. I Vinr^ni Ptul PariRh '.Saturday by the Mt. Carmel two teams had played for the THE REGIS RANGERS city championship the previous Alexians would clear the path for Dinner nt; Park Hill Country Club a Parochial Basketball league week. Joe Horan, the captain PE. 090.5 for St. Philomena’s, hit the first !championship tilt Sunday at 8 SP. 9700 Thursday, March 31, at 7:30 P.M. p.m. in the State armory between basket and they were never be­ Look Denver! I the Holy Ghont five, Saturday hind after that. The victors .Movi 8 of the. Doiihle-Overlime Regis-Indiana maintained a two-point lead Game JX’ill Be .Shown division leaders, and Mt. Carmel 'HNS, Sunday champs. The win- throughout the first three quar­ iner will receive the Archbishop ters with Joe Dolan leading the 02.75 Per Per.son Ladies Welcome scorers and Tommy Evans set­ T1ck«l< Will B« D*liT«rtd by M*M»n(*r jVehr trophy. If the Alexians 1 triumph, the resulting tie with ting up the plays. Ed Price, the If Ordered from Regis (College — GL. 36.33 I'Holy Ghost team will require a elongated center from Sacred play-off Sunday, with the league He«rt, kept his team in the ball Restaurant ! champion to be determined at a game by h is follow .hot.. .later date. In the final three minutes of the game St. Philomena’s broke 1.t78 So. Broadw ay I STANDINGS out in a rash of ba.'kets. BUI Zook DENVER'S FINEST I Parilh Baxketball League SATURDAY J>IVI5ION snuck behind the defense for an $1.25y Complete Prime Rib Dinner Complete Specialized TEAM » W 1. Pti. 0pp. easy lay up. Joe Dolan followed (Cat from O ioic. Show BMfl , Holy Gl)o«t ...... 7 1 S70 266 with two quick baskets and Jerry Mt. Carm«l AtexiaoB .... 6 I 340 273 L’Estrange counted with one. The Annunciation alumni .... 3 4 S27 305 $1.25y Complete Fried Jumbo Shrimp Dinner Sacred Heart ...... t 5 234 332 final jscore _was 21-13. Joe Dolan St. Patrick’* . .... 1 6 225 817 was high point man with 13 points, (Extra Lars* Gulf Shrimp) Chevrolet Service j SUNDAY DIVISION i TEAM W L Pt*. 0pp. seven of which were obtained by 10 Modarn Equipped Specialized DepartmenH , Annunciation YPC ...... 4 4 256 279 free throws. $1.35, Complete Fried Chicken Dinner :M t. Carmel HNS ____ 7 1 379 2«2 (Half Frwh Corn-F«i Chickm) to Better Serve You St. AiisuBtine’a ...... 4 4 234 302 Alex Risoli coached the cham- Bleased Sacrament ... 3 S 327 329 pion.s. ABBumption ...... 1 S 266? 349 T h e tou^mament committee $1.65, Whole Broiled Live Lobster Score* la*t week: (IncludM'ICotatoM, Hot B rn d ., Drinir) ' SATURDAY DIVISION awarded gold basketballs to the Mt. Cannel Alexiani, 43; Holy Gho*t all-star team. Members o f the OFFICIAL AAA RESTAUBANT MURPHY MAHONEY team, 41. team were Price and Wyatt from Annuf>ciatton alutani, 6 0 ;.Sacred Heart team, 34. Sacred heart; Eisenhart of Holy Catering to 29 Year* Same Location-r-GL. 4747 SUNDAY DIVISION Family; Horan and Evan.s of St. JOHNNIE LARINER and Ronnie Bernhard, both of Bltised Sacrament team. 40; Aeump- I'fcilomena’8. The most valuable St, Francis de Sales’, have a go-to in the school ring. It BREAKFASTS, LUNCHEONS AND DINNERS 2986 N. Speer at Federal Blvd. lion team, 31. Mt. Carmel HNS, 37; Anounciatioo player award went to Warder of was one of a series of bouts sponsored March 18 at the school by the PE. 090.'i - Banquet Room - Private Entrance - SP. 9700 YPC. 13. Cathedral. parish Holy Name society.— (Photo ^ T u r r illi) PAGE TEN Offk«, 9St l4 o k S f r M t THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER T«I*pheii*, KEyifena'4205 Thursday, March 24, 1949 A Commentary on Dresden Dolls LOOKING INTO YOUR EYES Tk«r« coniat a tima.in arary j^artan'a lifa that tka littla laaa af yaur aya ia unakla to fecut far data work. Tkii lo»t yowar must ka raplaead ky a Bifocal or raatliag glaii. Yoa will kaow To Hold Sale 72 4 COOPfR BUILOINe wkea tka.tima comoi— for your araii loaai to ka too «kort to DENVER 2 , COLORADO kold yonr roadiag natorial. At St. Louis' Offering 2,000,000 Shares of Capital Stock (St. L«ois* Pariik, EafUwosssi) SW IGERT BROS. The Altar society is sponsoring: at per share 1550 cdifomia O ptom etrists KEyitone 7651 a kaked goods and linen sale this Sunday, March 27. The sale will be Orders Executed by the Company Betid Vition Good SertUe held in the school following the for Every Age Masses. Mrs. W. Arend, Mrs, At Right frice* Paul Brady, and Mrs. Donald Har­ din will be in chuge. Articles for GLASSK8 INDIVISUALLT STTLK0 the sale can be left at the school on Sat&rday, March 26. The Altar Genuine Artist’s society meeting will be held in the rectory on Thursday, March 24. Members of the St. Louis Build­ Painted ers’ society will meet on Monday Requiescant evening, March 28, in the rectory THEODORE at 8 o’clock. Reports from the so­ 12 LOYOLA GIRLS arfe shown in the Maureen Doherty, Monica Golden, Jackie Stone, Figure* licitors for memberships in the so­ ballet of “Circus Capers” which will be Muriel McBride, Marlene Carlson, and Joanne In Pace ciety will be received at that time. Center; bottom row, Norma Lee Florida, Mary Work William Burnett, commisioner presented in East Denver high school auditorium Frances Burke, Colleen O’Rourke, Carol O’Laughlin, on April 1. In the photo, left to right, top row, are Nancy Mathews, and Charlene Krause. HACKETHAL JOHN W. BROPHY, S<4 Ninth atrtet. for the Boy Scouts, ia assisting the Kiln Fired Requiem Man it beina offered at > St. Louis scout troop in its plans to + - f - f - f o'clock Thurtdar, March 24, in St, attend the Foy Scout camp this Eliubeth’a church. loterment Mt. Oli­ Lasts Forever MORTUARY vet. W. P. Horan A Son mortuary, summer. William O'Brien, AHodata CHARLES aCHNORRENBERC, Little The school children presented Loyola PTA Hears Four Speakers f o r Slaters of the Poor. Requiem Meta nai a program last week for Father 1449*51 Kalamath St. offered March 2S in tha LItUe Slatvra of Joseph O’Heron’s feast day. A the Poor chapeL Interment Mt. Olirat. (Loyola Paristi, Oonvor) for the co-operation she has re­ at the April meeting and for this Pkona HAin 4006 W. P. H oran-A Son mortuary, spiritual bouquet and check for the school was presented by the The Loyola PTA had an inter­ ceived from the parents and sis­ purpose a nominating committee CHURCH HENRY J. WOERTMAN, S414 E. Col­ esting meeting last week. Mrs. ters. HiinniiminiiiiimiinniBiiiiiiiim fax. Son of Mra. Karolina Woertman: children. was appointed with Mrs. George brother of Piancet, Fred, Ctrl, and F. Stations of the Cross are held Joseph Frawley, the program Father Joseph Herbers, SJ., Haffey as chairman. The other Joieph Woertman; father of Marilyn on Friday at 2 :30 and 7 :46 p.m. chairman, had arranged that Miss addressed the mothers on the sub­ members of the committee that is and Robert Woertman. Requiem M e n wai Angela Eisenman and Miss Agnes WINDOWS C a ll a offered March 18 in St. Philomena't The interior brick worit for the ject, “ The Child, a Responsible to meet with Father Herbers are church. Interment Mt. Olivet, W. F. new school will be completed by Hansen would address the mem­ Citizen.’’ Father Herbers stressed Mrs. J. E. Wollenhaupt, Mrs. Horan A Son mortuary. the last of the coming week. bers on the organization of 4-H the fact that children are to be Richard Sullivan, and Mrs. James Our studio in charge of A. T.^ FRANK MAHON. Ute of the Alamo clubs. Paul Murray spoke on the ZOIVE C A B Members of the Marian sorority, taught to feel responsibility in the Bastien. It was voted,to have a von Lauter, one of the West’s M Ain 7 1 7 1 hotel. Brother of Mri, R. M. Catlett and needs of the Red Cross associa­ home as well as in the school and booth at the Loyola bazaar and to Prompt, CnrtM ii Serrk* Mri. Mary A. Prior, Rotary will be re­ and the Young People's organisa­ foremoat designers of LEADED cited at 8 p.m. Thuriday, March 24, in tions will receive Holy (^mmunion tion. Miss Collier, the school nurse, while making use of public convey­ display a toaster, a waffle iron, CHEAPER RATES made a report on the dental care ART GLASS WORK. 2-WAY-RADIO the mortuary drawincroom. Requiem in the 8 o’clock Mass this Sunday, ances and the city parks and all an electric mixer, and an electric Hish Matt will ha offered at 10 o'clock that had been given to the chil­ CLEAN NEW CAH March 27. places established for the public. iron. The second grade mothers Friday, March 26, In Holy Ghoat church. dren, and expressed her gratitude Interment Mt, Oliret. Boulevard mortu­ The Marian sorority met recent­ New officers are to be elect^ were the hostesses and won the Remember Your ary. ly in the home o f Betty Markey. special prize. MARY ELLEN PETERS, 988 S. Vino The next sorority meeting ■will The children’s sodality will re­ Loved Ones With a itreet. Stater of Catherine Groetman, ceive Holy Communion Sunday. t v a j o KHSAH Texat; and John Gallacher, Trinchera: held in the home of Miss Norma Mrs. Sticksel President ^ K n t A L and aunt o f Marie C. Groiiman, Gen Zetwick. Elections will be the main On his name day, March 19, the Memorial Window i m i children offered a spiritual bou­ vleve Henriceh, Donald, Frank, and feature for this meeting. Edward Grotsman. Requiem Hirh Mata quet to Father Herbers. It in­ G L . 5 7 0 9 Irene Michaqd, Helen Poole, and Of New PTA at St. James' wai offered March 19 in St, Vincent de cluded days of prayer, work, and Paul'i church. Interment Beviniton, la. Norma Zetwick attended the W estern Glasis Company Boulevard mortuary. play. Tht Day Mortuary hat a monthly dinner meeting of the (St. Jamas* Parish, Danvar) Kohler and Mrs. George Paul; pub­ 2 4 W . 8th A ve. Denver 4, Colo. MALOQUIAS AERTS. Wattonbur*. licity. Mrs. William Van Dyke; The Sunday evening sermons vary simple plan for pre­ Brother of John B. Aerti, Fort Lupton; Denver Sodality union. At this Mrs. Joseph Sticksel was elected Pat Aerti, Salt Lake City, Utah; Annie meeting Father Dominic Stiner, president of the newly organized representative at league meetings, are being given by Father Herbers W indow Repair W ork Solicited arranging a funeral. Martlnex, Wayon Mound, N. Max.; and originally from Switzerland, gave PTA of St. James’ school. Other Mrs. John Leydon. Room mothers: who draws lessons from the lives Ambroilta Trujillo, Ledoux. N. Mex. a short talk on sodalities in Switz­ officers are: First vice president, Seventh grade, Mrs. Compton and of saints whose feast days are cel­ We recommend that you get Requiem Mata waa offered March 28 in St. Nieholai' church, PlattevUle. Inter­ erland and China. Father Stiner Mrs. Loren Griffin; second vice Mrs. Waggoner; sixth grade, Mrs. ebrated in the week. So far there In touch with us for further ment Fort Lupton, has been doing missionary work in president, Mrs. George Paul; re­ Halpin and Mrs. Peltier; fifth have been talks on Sts. Patrick, CECILIA AGUILAR, 2141 T.awrcpce China. cording secretary, Mrs. Joseph grade, Mrs. Trainor and Mrs. Mc- Cyril of Jerusalem, and Joseph; information. Requiem Meat wai offered March 18 in Lasky; corresponding secretary, Garry; fourth grade, Mrs. Bailey also on St. Benedict, the Angel Sacred Heart church. Interment Mt. Agnes Busch, Betty Markey. Irene Michaud, Helen Poole, and Mrs. Marshall Reddish; treasurer, and Mrs. Noll; third grade, Mrs. Gabriel, and the Annunciation of Olivet. the Blessed Virgpn. The sermon JOSEPH ALCARAZ. Huaband of Suiia Norma Zetwick represented the Mrs. Joseph Constantine. Artzer and Mrs. Leydon; second Alcarai; father of Anthony Alcarai. Re Marian sorority at a talk given The following were appointed rade, Mrs. Backus and Mrs. is followed by the novena prayers quiem Mata waa offered March 19 Jn in honor of the Little Flower and by Father Daniel Lord, S.J., in the by the president to head the var­ Cobles; first grade, Mrs. W. Wolfe, FUNERAL FLOWERS Sacred Heart church. Interment Mt. Mrs. Lenig, Mrs. (ilowes, Mrs. W. Benediction. duality Seeds Olivet. Holy Ghost hall last Sunday eve- ious committees: Finance, Mrs. Wolf, and Mrs. Relnecke. NORBERTO DURAN, Morrlion road. ning. Carl Smith, assisted by Mrs. Ralph The Tre Ore service will be held Son of Mr. and Mrt. Herman Duran, The St. Louis Boosters’ club Bruzzichesi; program, Mrs. Paul A general discussion of future as usual on Good Friday from Produce duality Vegetables ^ and brother of Andres, Manuel. Alex, and wishes to thank all who partici Fitzgerald; membership, Mrs. Nick plans for the organization was noon until 3 'o’clock. The soloists Corrine Duran, and Mra. Samuel Torrea, held. Plans were made to hold a Servlcei were held March 28 in St. pated so willingly to make the St. are preparing their parts; a few Cajeten’i church. Interment Mt. Olivet. Patrick’s day party the success it First Communion breakfast for more singers are needed in the PVT. ROBERT GALLEGOS. 1866 Mar­ was. All proceeds from this party the children on Mother’s day. The chorus. Persons who wish to join ion atreet. Son of Mr. and Mra. JoaOph Grold Seal Seeds will be used for improvements of membership drive will be opened on these singers may call Mrs. John Gallecos; and brother of Delphine Bonne- Music Students Wednesday of this week and will las, Mrs. Sadie Veldes, Georct, Beatrice. the parish. Evart, EAst 9670. M onum eii ts Irene; Aurolie, Louise, Ernest. Mike, Ar- The following plan to attend the continue until Monday of next The Mother Cabrini pinochle are bred and selected for the finest eat­ Wa kara erectad many keaati* thus, Joe. and S ( t Lloyd Gallegos. Re­ all-day conference of the CPTI week. A party is promised the first club met March 17 in the home of quiem Mass was offered March 21 in the classroom that turns in a 100-per­ fal monamaat* ia Mt. Olivet Cathedral. Interment M t Olivet. that will be held on March 24 in To A ppear Mrs, Joseph Krause. Prizes were ing vegetables in the west. Superb flavor cent membership. Anyone inter­ Cemetery. CHARLES D. KREIUNG, 729 Ince the Shirley-Savoy hotel; awarded to Mrs. Francis Koneeny street. Husband of Cora E. Kreiling: Father Joseph P. O’Heron, and ested in St. James’ school is eligi- and Mrs. E. D. Jones. Mrs. Helen father of Helen Bertram and John Kreil­ bh for membership. and tenderness and heavy yielding crops. A. T. THOMSON ing. Rosary will be recited at 8 p.m. Mmes, Harold Hoy, Rr Altmix, W. Blackman substituted for Mrs. A. Roach, C. Hamm, R. Ellerman, G. Recital Mar. 11 A special Mass will be offered Desmond, who is visiting in Okla­ SOO Sherman St. TA 801S Thursday, March 24. in the mortuary at 112 £. J4th street. Requiem Mass Smilanic, L. Nachazel, E. Duffy, by the pastor at 7:16 on Sunday, homa. _ Mrs. Koneeny was wel­ will be offered at 9 o'clock Friday, G. Burke, B. Olson. D. Aymani. E. (St. Francis da Salas’ Parish, April 10, to ask God's blessings comed into the club. She will re­ Get the new Gold Seal Catalog. 100 pages March 26, in S t Joseph's church. Inter­ Denver) ment Mt. OMvet. Otterpohl, P. Brady, W. Otto, W. upon the new organization. All place Mrs. Ernest Forhner, who Sister Angela, director of the parents are urged to be present at MARY E. KERRIGAN. Deertrail. Wife Powell, G. Bell, W. Arend, E. IS moving to Alamosa. Mrs. Mar­ fully illustrated, showing everything for JERRY RREEN of Pat Kerrigan. Requiem High Mass Puetz, A. Michaud, and E. Gilbert. grade school music department, this Mass. Eighty-two women were tin Golden was appointed re­ was offered Marsh 28 in St. Joseph's present for the meeting. A large will present her pupils in a recital corder for the club. The April IVEW LOCATION church. Deertrail. Interment Deertrail, group of women signified their in­ party will be held in the home of garden, lawn and field at attractiveprkes. BERNARD C, RIDDELL, formerly of on Sunday, March 27. at 2:30 p.m., tention to be present for the PTA Fort ColKns. died Feb. 20 ia Akron, O. Party Is Sponsored Mrs. B. J. Prochazha. W( own and optratr, wifh Otrr affiliated companin, over 4.000 aen* 1 0 0 4 1 5 ih St- in the grade school auditorium. league luncheon on Thursday of Hueband of Kathbrine Riddell; father of of fertile land devoted to extensivt trial* and the prodvetioa of (c*d snA Keren Ann: and son o4 Mr, and Mra. S. Tryouts for the annual talent this week. NOW OPEN Warren Riddell, Fort Collins. Requiem By Parish in Arvada The Very Rev. Raphael Mc­ vegetable*. ^ , r , Mess Is being offered at 9 o'clock Thurs­ show, sponsored by the PT.4 and Bazaar Leaders Named Qviick. helpful, courteous service. day, March 24, in St. Jose]^’ s church. Arvada.— (St. Anne’s Shrine) — Carthy, S.J., president of Regis featuring grade school talent, will Interment Fort Collina, The St. Patrick’s day card party college, will be the guest speaker In Parish in Lakewood PAULITA SAINZ. 1612 Bryant atreet. sponsored by the St. Anne circle be held on Friday, April 1, before at the Communion breakfast to be Wife of Fortino Sains; mothsr of Ra­ The Western Seed Co. was successful. A short program five impartial judges The commit­ served in the Walsh Memorial hall (St. Bernsdette’f Parish, mon, Lupe, Mrs. Jose Rodriguca, and on Sunday following the men’s Miss Jessie Saint. Requiem Mate was preceding the card games was put tee in charge consists of the follow­ Lakewood) offered March 22 In St Cejeten'i church. corporate Communion in the 7:16 IA25 Fifteenth St. DENVER on by Nancy Lucius, Lana Marteni, ing mothers: Mmes. Reuben A joint meeting of the men and Interment Mt. Olivet. Judy Shoemaker, and Diana Baugh. Mass. .411 men and older boys of GAVINO TOLEDO. Husband of Tsebel Alexus, Joseph Folkner. Arthur the parish are invited and urged women of the parish wa.s held on Garden Book FREE ~ Wr/t( Jttr (opif CLEANED and Toledo: father of Mery I. Toledo. Rotary A Communion breakfast for all Jacques, Gerard Mally, Glenn Nel­ Wednesday evening, March 16, will be recited at 8 p.m. Thursday. the men*of the parish will be held to receive Holy Communion this RENOVATED March 24, In the mortuary at 112 E, son, and John Trammell. The show Sunday in the Mass. after Lenten devotion.^. Mrs. E. W. on Sunday, March 27, following the Harris, president of the Altar and 14th street. Requiem Mass will he ■will be presented on Friday, April The Very Rev. William J. offered at 9 o'clock Friday, March 26, 8:45 Mass. All the^men are urged 22, to tne high school and to the Rosary society, and Dr. Lewis CONVENIENT ECONOMICAL SHOPPINGF»TMO *•( in St. Cajetan'a church. Intirment Mt. to get their tickets and make this Kenneally, C.M.. president of St. Barbato, chairman of the Men’.s Oliret. public on Sunday afternoon and Thomas’ seminary, will open the a successful event. evening, April 24. club, were elected co-chairmen of MICHAEL GEORGE McLEAN Baptized recently was Elizabeth parish mission at the Masses this the bazaar to be held July 28, 29, Michael G. McLean. Denver resident Thursday will be a red letter Sunday. Services will be held each' Classified Ads for more than 80 years, died March J7 Thereee Oliveta, infant daughter and 30. in Kis home, 2190 S. Downing street, of Mr. and Mra. Frank Oliveta. day in the history of St. Francis’ evening during the week at 7:45. ^ It will pay yoa to read ALL of tha following adTortuamaata. ^ Donald Paul, infant son of Elio after a heart atUck. Mr. McLean was Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Carl PTA, when a fine representation The last three days will be de­ ► « born in Coming, N.Y., on Nov. 18. of mothers, with the pastor, the voted to the Forty Hours’ devo­ and Helen Marie Pallatto, was 1869. After hta marriage in 1901 in E. Francis. Very Rev. Gregory Smith, Mother tion. All parishioners will be baptized on Sunday, March 20. Kansas City. Kant., he and bia wife MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE moved to Cripple Creek, where he was Martha Roberts, Mother Eulogia, asked to receive Holy Communion The sponsors were A1 and Clara engaged in the mining end cattle busi­ On Way to Full Recovery Portanova. BRICK Pointing. Chimney Repairing, Stuc- Sister Anna Joseph, and Sister on April 3 for the intention of the PARK HILL, OLDER HOME ness. They cam# to Denver in 1917. He coinsr. Fire walls and ash pila repaired. London. — Cardinal Bernard Mary Owen, will be in attendance Holy Father, who commemorates St. Bernadette’s circle will meet Convenient Bl. Sacrament parish. 4 bed- was a member of the Knighte of Colum- Painting. TAbor 7077.______bus. Griffin, who has been hospitalized at the CPTL luncheon at the Shir­ the 50th anniversary of his ordi­ March 30 at the home of Mrs. rooma, study, perfect for children. By Surviving are his wife, Mra. Antoin­ for some time, is now well on the ley-Savoy hotel. Mother Eulogia nation to the priesthod on that Henry Coupe, 600 Garland. PAINTING AND DECORATING owner. EAst 7113. REFLUFFED AND STERILIZED ette McLean; two sons, Edward of De­ way to recovery and should be was the superior 22 years ago day. troit. Mich., and James F. of Denver; Optometrist Fir*t elau Painting and Decorating Gl WANTED TO RENT RETURNED SOFT AND DOWNY and two daughters. Joseph McLean end back on duty soon after Easter. when the first PT.A was organized Y. E. Trainor and John Mizicko 7471. Mrt. Jans Tanenbaum, both of New Bishop Ambrose Moriarty of in the school. Mrs. Fred Kelly, who raded the baseball diamond last and Optician ea. 3-Day Service York city. Requiem Mast was offered SEWING PLEASE I Young couple employed at Reg­ 91.00 March 19 in Our Lady of Lourdes Shrewsbury, who received the last is the only charter member still laturday. A backstop will be ister, desperately need furnished apartmett church. Interment ML Olivet. W. P. Ho­ sacraments several weeks ago, remaining in the organization, will erected ivithin the next few days. Helen Walsh DRESSMAKING alteration* and dance with private bath. Gall: KE. 4206, Ext. 8. CRYSTAL ran A Son mortuary. lately was reported “ out of im­ also be with the group. The athletic committee of the Attociate coetumee a ipecitlty. Fremont 6528, MRS. MARY T. EBERT THREE or four room furnished or unfur­ Laundry ond Dry Cleaners Funeral tenrices were held Match 19 mediate danger." Mrs. George Mossbrucker at­ Men’s club also put the basketball W. R. JOSEPH BOARD AND RWM EYES EXAMINED nished apartment for couple with child. 636 S. Broadway, SP. 2637 for Mrs. Mary T. Ebert, whose death tended the art and music demon standards in place on the school TAbor 2976^ Call evenings after 6:30 P.M. was reported in The Register last week. psrtmsnt sines coming hart. Ht was a grounds this week. Volleyball Phont TAbor 1880 I HAVE board and room for mother and Mrs. Ebert, who was 86. waa bom in member of Mt. Csrmal pariah. stration at North high school last 218-2IB Meintir Bldg. child. Full time care for child in Catholic Alsace-Lorraine and came to this coun­ Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Amelia week. equipment for the girls of the home. TOemont 1231. ROOM FOR RENT Th« firmt Uvt*«trontft to thf dif« The couple moved to Pershing in 1906 pello, Mrs. Josephine Tialker, Mrs, Chris­ met in the home of Mrs. William Baptized thi.s week were Den­ 4 :80 P.M.______furniture. One-half block to St. Dominic'S foreal line* of kuiincts. and homesteaded there for a number of tine Amato, and Mrt. Lena Richardaon; Freeman last week to complete cos­ Church. 2837 Federal. years. Later Mrs. Ebsrt lived in Den­ four stepsons, William, Anthony, Jo­ nis John, infant son of Mr. and ver for several years before moving to seph. and George Losacco, all of Denver; tumes which the cubs will wear in Mrs. John P. Kennedy, with Elmer Steamboat Springs, where she died. She and 17 grandchildren. Requiem High the annual circus to be held on H. Goetzinger and Margaret Mc- D O Y L i i BRICK REPAIRS was a member of the Third Order of St. Mats was offered March 22 in Mt. Car­ March 31. and April 1 and 2. Tic­ Francis and Holy Family parish in Den­ mel church. Interment Mt. OliveL IIvain as sponsors; Mark, infant PHARMACY BRICK KEPAIKBi Specialialng to brielc ver. Olinger mortuary. kets can oe obtained from any of son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. pointing and repairing, also caulking Slid painting. DE. 5650. WALTER BVANt. Surviving ere two daughtera. Miss MRS. CATHERINE A. LOFTUS the cubs. Those present were: Haley, with George and Mable Tb. Partlealar Dnugiat Catherine Ebert end Mrs. Mary Nichols, Mmes. G. Claypool, G. Coulter, 946 Steele. both of Steamboat Springs; and three Mra. Catherine A. Loftus, mother of Helfenbein as sponsors; Patrick Mrt. Karl Chambers, I960 Forest park­ F. Hannauer, F. Holland, B. Law- 17lli AVE. AND GRANT stepchildren. Rudolph Ebert, Clirk- Dean, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. niko George Herter, 1200 S. Jackson street; way, Denver, died March 7 in the home lor, G. Mulqueen, William Marvel, Robert B. McCosh, with Glen and KE. 6187 FREE DELIVERY end Mrs. Agatha O'Connor, Haywood, of another daughter, Mrs. ‘Vincent J. G. Mossbrucker, B. O’Laughlin, P. Calif. Requiem Mass was offered March Kelly of New York. Funeral tcrvicat Helen Justus as sponsors. H in Holy Family church. Interment Mt. were held in St, John's church, N.Y. Pacheco, B. Stadler, J. Switzer, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Forte an­ Olivet. Boulevard mortuary. The Rt. Rev. Montignor Martin A. Scan­ L. Torrez, and J. Trammell. nounce the birth of a .son, Thomas Translation in Polith, Ru*sian, MRS. MARY LOMBARDI lon was celebrant of the Requiem High ^Mrs, Mary Lombardi, native of Italy, Mats. Also preaent was Monsignor Fran­ The Widgets were guests of the Leonard, in St. Joseph’s hospiUl German, and French done died March 19 in her home at 8786 cis W. ‘Walsh, formerly of Denver and Rev. Leonard Abercrombie and this week. promptly and efficiently. iS&NS Quiets street. Mrs. Lombardi was born now president of New Rochelle college. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Deliee at a The newly formed Queen of In Italy Sept. 16. 1870. end came to this White Plains, N.Y. ADDRESS: country 60 years ago. .She lived in Den Mrs. Loftus it survived by a third spaghetti dinner in the Deline Heaven circle met on Wednesday H i - ver for most of thet time end bad been daughter. Mrs. Albert A. Verrilli of home on Tuesday evening, March evening in the home of Mrs. Paul MRS. STELLA RADYX a widow for 15 years. Scarsdale, N.Y.; two sisters, 11 grand­ ^ 0 ^ 622 El»ti St. children. and two gVeat-grandchildren. 22. Coaches Joe Loffreda, Joe Dolan. Members present were, be Surviving, are three daughters. Mrs. Hynes, and Johnny DeMers; were sides the hostess, Mrs. Milford THOUGHTFUL PEOPLE Lucy Laurienti, Mrt. M innie' Melorgno, MRS. HENRY RIDENOUR AND DAVID and Mrs. Mary Route, all of Denver; RIDENOUR present with the following boys: Barrows, Mrs. Dracos Burke, Mrs. Specialising end 16 grandchildren, SO great-grandchil­ Jim and John Casey, Tommy Car- Ii^in Dolfinger, Mrs. Joseph American Pennant MUST VACATE b u y memorials. Valuing dren. and three great-greet-grandckil- Mrs. Hanrr Ridenour, 26. and har 17- in Quality dren. Requiem Mats was offered March mo0th-o!d aen, David, were found dead roll, Tom Cordova. Donald Cun­ Fielder, Mrs. James Gaddis, Mrs life's proudest heritage, a 28 In Mt. Carmel church. Interment ML of asphyxiation March 1^ in their home ningham, Jack and Billy Deline, Robert Rodemyer, Mrs. Loren Plumbing Mfg. Co. Regiiter employe wiihe* to rent Olivet. Boulevard mortuary. at 1&98H Florence street. The two auf- fogated from gat fumes while they were Jim Frain, Joe Loffreda, Jr.; Straw, and Mrs. George Wieser, and LETTERING AND DECORATING hou*e fumithed or unfumithed. good name, they know that e GERTRUDE SEETHALER The next meeting will be held in GdHrude Seethaler, 6466Vs W. 16th sleeping. Mri. Ridenour, the former Mery George McBride. Tommy Moijjan, Heating y OF ALL ATHLETIC UNIFORMS Pleate call; avenue, died March 19. Mre. Seethaler Teresa Bono of Pueblo, met her hue- Ray Nalty, Edward O’Dea, Gerry the home of Mrs. Itwin Dolfinger. CHENILLE LETTERS. EMBLEMS a family memorial will pre­ bend, Henry, .when he wai a patient at Repairs wee born in St. Joseph’s. WIs., March Phelan, Rudy Phannenstiel, Jack Mrs. William Van Dyke enter­ AND MONOGRAMS 24. 1871. When a child she moved with Fitxsimone hospital. They were married KE. 4205, Ext. IS serve that name throughout her paranta to St. Bernard, Neb., end in 1948. and Dick Switzer, Charles and tained the Our Lady of Victory ^ 684 llth at., Fontini Bnilding. KE 8867 7 lived there until she came to Denver Surviving, In addition to Henry Ride­ Paul Turner, and Denny Weller. circle in her home at 1400 Willow the ages. in 1896. She wet married here In 1904 nour, is a fbur-month-oM daughter, Kathleen Ann; Mrt. Ridenour’s parents, St. Joseph’s circle will meet in street. The next meeting will be to Albin Seethaler. who suhTivea her. held in the home of Mrs. Joseph Get Your Spring Painting Done Before the Rush Starts She was a member of the Altar and Mr. end Mrs. Charice A. Bono; end 10 the home of Mrs. L. J. Rabtoay, Rosary society of St. Elizabeth's parish. brothere and tiatera. Requiem Maas was 446 S. Logan, Wednesday, March Constantine at 1366 Monaco park­ Painting — Wall Washing — Paper Oeaning Sorviving In addition to her husband offered March 28 in St, Theresa’s church, way. Aurora, Masa of the A ngeb waa offered 30, at 1 p.m. JACQUES BROTHERS ere two sisters. Helen and Mary Brun­ Our Lady of Fatima circle met LiaoUum and TiU Work— Drain Board* a Specialty FR 552B ner: two, brothers, Peter and Joeeph for David the earns day. luterraanb in Advanced, in Boy Scout troop Fueblo. on Wednesday evening in the )T iy Work Evenings 5 * / i c c 1 % 2 Lehnera; knd four nephews, who srera 126 was Eddie O’Dea, second PVT. GEORGE R. MANOLO home of Mrs. R. J. Needham. pallbearers, Joseph end Alvin Brunner, class award; and Rudy Phannen­ MONUMENTS OP DISTINCTION Frank Knasilc, and Michael Lehnen. Requiam High Mata Is being offered Honors were ivon by the hostess Requiem Mats was offered March 21 in at 9:80 Thursday, March 24, in 8 l Ca- stiel, art and citizenship merit and Mrs. R. R. Moore. The next 28 E. 6tb Ave. AL 2 0 1 9 SL Mery Magdalane'e. church. Celebrant Jetan’h church for PvL Georgs R. Men- badge awards. of tho Masa was Father Jamei Flanegan. meeting will be in the home of CHECKER CABS olo, who sras killed on Okinawa May Mrs. P. J. DierinMr entertained pastor. Interment ML OlivcL Boulevard 26, 1046, Bom ia Denver March 20, Mrs. Willianj Van Dyke. ED DUNDONt T A .2233 mortuary. 1928, Manolo waa a naduala of local the St. Francis circle in her home Members of the Martha circle ANTHONY F. Dl CAHILLIS tchooli. Hii father, . Frank Manolo, a on March 16. Anthony F. Di Camillls. 60. of 4160 vetano of IForid war I. It the etawiard met in the home of Mra. A. J. Plumbing and Heating Quivas street, Denver Water depart­ at the Knighte of.CoInmbud hopgt. Beringer, 2637 Newport street, on Contractors ment workman, was killed March 17 in .Surviving, in additlota to hli parents Monday evening, March 14, for an WE HAVE MOVED COLD SPRING a freak eiploelon Inside a three-foot JOHN QUINN IN FLORIDA who live at 1048 Lipan atresL are a aon. JOHN J. CONNOR,' PretUeot water main at W, 82nd avanue and George Manolo;'Jr.; a aister, Mies Mary evening o f bridge inatruetion. Mrs. MONUMENTS ROBERT F. CONNOR, Vic* PrecMaal IKAUTIFUL CtAniTfS Sheridan boolevard. Manolo; two brothers. Armand and John Quinn of the Holy Ghost Theodore Kittleson. is riving the Mr, Di Camillie waa bom in Italy, Jan. Charlei Manolo: hie maternal grandpar- parish, Denver, is at present on aeries to this noup. The next 17. 1888, and roMived bis adueation 1726 MARKET STREET ABEGG-FELLOWS P rinting Co. enta, Mr. and Mra. Ctua A ragoa; a niece, vacation iii Miami, Fla. Later he meeting will be held on March 28 RAINBOW LINS OF GRANITES there. He came to Cleveland, O., in 1910 Mias Melanie Anta Manolo; and two PHONE MAIN 7127 or 7128 end to Denver a year later. He wgi nsphewi. Tony Manolo and Tony Atagos, will visii Nassau in the Bahamas in the home of Mra. M. Gerald 1454 Welton in Rear • Denver • KE. 4054 lemployed h> the Denver WaUr de- all of Denver. InWrment ML OlWtL before returning home. Abell, 2808 Jasmine atrqet. Thursday, March 24, 1949 Office, 938 Bonneck Streef THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephane, KEyitone 42.05 RAGE ELEVEN

The D enver Catholic Register 1 ^esident..^...... Most Rev. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, D.D. Editor______R t Rev. Matthew Smith, Ph.D., LL.D., Jour.D. Hear HHanaging Director...... Rev. John B. Cavanagh, M.A., LittD. 'Associate Editors— M. F. Everett, Jour.D.; Rev. Francis Syrianey, Paalm Book is based on it, as is against Me” ), it follows that most 1 M.A.; Linus Riordan, A.B., LittM .; Rev. James B. Hamblin, M.A.; Psalms; Prayer a translation by Monsignor Knox. Restoring' persons are driving God from the Rev. John Ebel, M.A.; Rev. Robert Kekeisen, M.A.; Paul H. Hallett. These translations are both up-to- world, and that consequently our ASK and LEARN Litt.D.; Art Editor, Leo Canavan. Editorial Assistants: Robert Hoyt, For Our Times date and fluent — a real prayer All Things environment is becoming more book for our times. deeply rooted in paganism. A.B.; Jack Heher, A.B.; Pav^^ Hennessey, M.A. (Joum .), M.A. (Hist.) ; B y R e v . J o h n B . E b ei. ■We can think of no better way B y R o b e r t H o y t , We cannot depend on an occa­ James Kelly, A.B. If thiere is today in the world a for a Christian .to draw the spirit­ The Christian is essentially a sional sermon to protect our val­ KOA spiritual quickening of the pulse ual strength needed for his daily maker and a doer. It is his mis­ Entered as second class matter at the postoffice at Denver, Colo. ues; since the assault comes daily in the mass o f the members of the battle against the force.s of dark­ sion -to realize in institutions and we must daily repair our defenses. Church it is owing in large part to ness closing in from every side, cultural pattern' the social ideals Published Weekly by We must do more—we must pre­ the greater interest being shown than to procure one of these announced by Jesus Christ Even pare our.selves to take the of­ THE CATHOLIC PRESS SOCIETY, (Inc.) in a' great source of spiritual translations of the Psalms. As the those Christians who are called fensive. Otherwise the de-Chris­ strength— the Word of God and Father said on the occasion conteraplatives are laden with this 9.38 Bannock Street, 1 tianization of society will attain E-V^RY SUNDAY NIGHT Telephone, KEyatone 4205 P. O. Box 1620 the liturgy of the Church that i.s K le publication of the new ver­ burden, for prayer is action, and yet greater momentum through the based in large part upon the sion o f the P.salms: “ They hold up the making over of a soul is the operation of a vicious circle; Pa­ Scriptures. shining examples of sanctity be­ highest form of co-creation. We gan influences create pagans, and Subscription; $1 per year. fore our eyes, nourish within us Club Subscription, with The Register, Local Edition, $1.30 per Year. There is, for example, the great are instructed to restore as far as these new pagans create still other Questions on religion submitted by the radio the love of God, and increase sen­ in us lies the pristine order of the activity being shown in translating pagan influences. audience answered on the archdiocesnn broadcast No Club Subscription Price Offered Outside Colorado. - the Word of God into a readable timents of Christian fortitude and universe, in which all things—and the spirit of true contrition.” most particularly the free will of It is historically true that the modern style. This work is being challenge of an impossible task Thursday, March 24, 1949 carried on in England by .Monsi­ We need only read the famous man—gave glory to God. Booklets on Catholic Church availal^le free of cost 22nd Psalm, a.s presented by Fa­ meets with a deeper and more vital gnor Ronald Knox, making his The charge is frequently made response than does the promise of translation______, from the Latin text, ther Frey to see the force of the that since the Renaissance Chris­ to all inquirers. and by a group of scholars under PonGff's^word.s: smooth sailing; we all know by OFFICIAL: ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER tians have more and more neglected instinct and experience 4hat there the direction of the Rev. Cuthbert "The Lord is my shepherd: I this aspect of their responsibility -The Denver Catholic Register merits our cordial approval. want for nothing: He makes me is no such thing as painless prog­ WRITE TO We confirm it as the official publication of the Archdiocese. What­ Lattey, S.J., who are preparing an in the world. There is weight to erudite rendition' of the original rest in green pastures. ress. We shall not create an apos­ ever appears in its columns over the sigriature of the Ordinary or the accusation: in the post-Renais- tolic, tough-minded, selfless gen­ Greek and Hebrew texts. In the “ He leads me to waters where I sance world, making and doing are ASK AND LEARN, Station KOA, those of the Officials o f our Curiawis hereby declared official. U.S. the Catholic Biblical associa-imay rest; He revives my spirit, eration of Christians by announcing We hope The Register will be read in every home of the no longer directed toward God as that it i.s easy to be Christian, that tion several years ago put out it"! “ He guides me along the right their principal end. The secular * Denver 2, Colorado Archdiocese. translation of the New Testament'paths for His .Name's .sake. the restoration of all things in We urge pastors, parents, and teachers to cultivate a taste in and the temporal have assumed Christ waits only upon the spread — the first widely used English “ Even though I walk in a dark primacy over the spiritual and the the children of the Archdiocese for the reading of The Regrister. translation since the original j valley, I will fear no evil, for Thou of pamphlets or the passage of a + URBAN J. VEHR. eternal. Uouay version was brought up to,art with me. resolution or the hearing of a Jan. 29, 1942. Archbishop of Denver. date (according-to 18th century; “ Thy rod and Thy staff: These In art we worship the false god lecture. Let us rather tell the of self-fulfillment. In business the standards) by Bishop .. Challoner.icomfort...... me.. .., , . u- u u i. j truth, that becoming a Christian And now this group is working on] "Thou settest a table for me in 1“*’ /■"fu is a lifelong task never perfectly Communist Strength in France the Old Testament, of which Gene-;the .sight of my enemies; fined as the ability of the strong- accomplished: that it requires New Shipment of sis has alreadv appeared. \ I “ Thou anointest my head with cave-man to filch the best meat great courage at the major crises By f’ At;i. H. H.\i.i.Frrr to do with his political sympathies. Rut it is not eLucrh to make 0*1: mv cup overflow.H. from the common pot. In marriage of life,. „great patience in the ~ The outcome of the provincial i In France the chief reason of most new and lAdabTe translatTons^ “ Goodness and kindness shall the union of | never-ending daily struggle, and elections in Fiance, in which the, joui nahs seems to be to express the The imoortam thinir is to ^et the'foUo'v me all the days of my life|"’ “ " » contract and charity and humility at all stages.! Communists, at latest returns,'views of a particular group, and \^rd of God into the hands ofi "And 1 shall dwell in the h o u se f*f«'^ent h y e largely forgotten! i„ time. Pope Pius XI said. polled a plurality of votes (but | they have few readers outsideHheir those who can profit from it. The of the Lord for a long time.” |that the partners of tne contract Catholics are not permitted to be only one-tenth of one per cent;own partisans, Catholic Biblical association, of Or perhaps you would prefer obliged to help each other gain mediocre. We must therefore take higher than the De Gaullists 2.1.4 Here, then, is how the subscrip- course, did a great deal by pub­ the more literary style of .Mon- the only means by which we can per cent), is disappointing, hut lishing an attractive yet inexpen- isignor Knox (Sheed and Ward,' Many are Christians 'only rise out of mediocrity; Genuine perhaps gives more reason for op­ Freiich sentiment. In 194.5 L'/fii-isive edition of its New Testament New 'York, $2): 'on Sunday—and then only briefly and constant prayer, frequent re-1 timism than the results of last maiiite. the Daily II orker. of | But the work of di.stribution i.s be- “ The Lord is my shepherd; how and incompletely. Cardinal Suhard course to the sacraments, regular] year’s Italian election, which was France, had the largest circulation, ing done most effectively by the can I lack anything? He gives me|of Paris has written that God is spiritual reading, meditation, the sangiiinely interpreted as a round with o.'if),000. At the end of 1948 Confraternity of the Preciou.s a resting-place where there is green absent in a sense even from our sort of mortification that will en­ rebuke to the Communist effort, the figure stood at 292,000. The Blood, with headquarter.s in Brook­ pasture, leads me out by cool prayers, for prayer is now largely able us really to die to ourselves] despite the oO per cent of the vote next largest (’ommunist paper, Ce lyn, N'.Y. The project was car­ waters, and revives my drooping “ humanized" by being concerned so that we may become channels that was Red. Soil-, sold 454,941 copies in Novem- ried on for years under the di-! By sure paths He leads principally or .solely with our needs of God's grace. Only thus will we; The Soviet conquest of power her of 1947, and 294,760 in De-;rection of the late Monsignor,me a.s in honor pledged, and, rather than God's glory. restore the Christian tradition by does not at all depend on the win­ cember of last year. In the same'Francis J. Stedman, and now byithough are obliged by our commit which all things are judged in the ning of a majority or a near ma­ period, the Socialist organ, Lcihi.s suece.ssor, the Rev. Joseph B. shadow------“ • —-...death . all...... around ...... me, I ment Christ...... to remake thejl'Khf eternity. jority, but it is not unimportant to Po))iilaire, had to cut the number! Frey. will not be afraid of any harm;i world, not to adjust our standards] know that the French Communists of its copie.s in half. At the end] This group has publi.shed a whole Thy rod, Thy crook are my c(jm-|so that we can fit into it. But for'— i have lo.st a good deal of ground of last year its 72,000 buyers num-iseries of pocket manuals— smalLfort. Envious my foes watch, whilejthis task—which involves making vatllOllCS btrOIIQ BIOC since 194.'). A surer index of that hered one-fifth of tho.se at the end! attractive, durable, well-printed, i Thou dost spread a banquet for'and doing a.s Christians—it is ^ fact than the election returns i.s of 1945. The same fate overtooklyet inexpensive, each of the .small me; richly Thou dost anoint my first necessary to be Christian, perhaps the circulation figures of another Leftist daily, I'Aube. | books being available for prices head with oil, generous the cup. There is a principle of philosophy In English Elections French newspapers. The opposition press has not'cents and that .steaks away my sen.ses! All my | which states that the operation of London.— Pointing out that the risen correspondingly hut it has up., binding. The life Thy loving favor pursues me;, a being follows its nature; what In France newspaper readers di- 1 three million Catholips of Britain vide along political lines muchi increased its sales or ’ at least held series .so far includes My .S'xnr/np'through the long years, the Lords a man i.s determines what he will more sharply than do their .4meri-;its own. The organ of de Gaulle, Misnal. My Lenten Mittmil. .Up house shall be my dwelling-place. do. No one will contest, the prin-j^’’^, ® decisive factor in any gen- can counterpart.^. In this country |/'nrisicM Libre, now stands first in Daily Readlnyx From the ; ------ciple in argument, for it is beyond election and, reinforc^ by a person subscribes to a paper for! France, with :19.'1,000 copies. The Teetnment, My Daily Rcadinyx ... | j o D J contradiction. But on the plane ofi . ® votes of other serious Chns- COMPIETE LINE Of REIIGIOUS ARTICLES FOR CHURCH AND HOME several reasons that have nothing!second place in circulation, and From the Foitr Gnapeh, the com- VVOUlCl 0 0 0 1X00S action manv of us seem to assume!R formidable plete Confraternity New Testa-j We s p p i n ^ h e Catholic Herald has , . I the first place in reputation, is that it is inapplicable. \%e seem.seem I . i. . f .j questions that ment, and My Daily Psalm Hook.' A c I pni^nPCQ I to think that we can depend on o u r l ' ^ , Msgr.^ Mulroy• to Speak r i Le Moiiar, pernaiis the most in- in which every Psalm is strikingly:' c i o ]early training or on a routine')'^\^^.^ ® standard fbr A . I*. WAtiiVEH illustrated by Ariel Agemian. an] By Millard F. Everett practice of religion to maintain our]J';“^^'."^ candidates m the general On ^nrrpfl Hpnrt secular journal in the Oriental artist who spent three i un docreu nean nour, country, has gained rapidly in re- .-V\ suong slrone standsiana againstaeainst empio)emnlov-^'i"''*^'®'^ , outlook — our being v asi j problems The of questions morality n il Ki ll <;ooii^ t o. icent months. The circulation of years on the task. It is this last translation of the Communi.sts or fel ow-trave - • -• ^^e preservation of liberty 6 0 6 l llh . The Rt. Rev. .Monsignor John R.'Lc ( V o jt. the leading Catholic It IS tnis last translation oi tne^ers as teacher.s in schools and col-l It is not so easy. In our day it,._j :„ctiro in natinnai omt inter I.%. H.'i.'ll Mulroy will be the speaker on the; newspaper, stiekk «t 180,000. Psalms, styled "The Perfect Jejires of the United States wa.s is becoming increasingly difficultL„t;Q_ai affairs Denver edition of the Sacred Heart! ___ _ ... . .o u,,,, .u.i , , c i k h * ’*' worthy of^taken by prominent educators'to judge with the judgment ofl radiii pvogram to he broadcast j special attention at present. The]nieeting in Florida. They urged a Christ; it is even more difficult toi _ | . unday March 27, at 1_:45 over;|,a, succeeded in gaining ground,] ^•'^*'7”’’ official prayers of vigorous campaign to indoctrinate ] carry the judgment into action. W ejB u sin eS S M e e t in j? S l s t c d Capitol Drug Co. fJ'X” station K.M\R. Idespite the mountingounting difficulties Jewish people, .•\mericana...... students.. ...:.uwith .uthe------prin-'are■...... assailed,...... at every u...jhand i...'_hy,D„ _T _i . A Spprialiting in Prescriptions .Monsignor Mulroy will speak on of publication. have always been shown the ciples of democracy. paganizing influences. Very few IvCO Leyden Auxiliary ‘•practical Love of Our Neighbor.” greatest of veneration by Chris­ Re(bUr*d PharnarUt on dutr I A.M. to 12 Midnight ('pening and closing music will be RED ABBE tians. In the Breviary the priest The question of academic free- The Leo Leyden auxiliary busi- v-windom does not apply, they held, in the \\oild. as Car-1 meetine will be held at the FREE DELIVERY $741 furnished by the Regis glee club. Many readers are perhaps won­ recites the complete Book of A hpn on Rpde “ rnmmii Suhard put it in his Easter A wm oe neia at w e — DExter 2741 The Rev. J. Clement Ryan, S.J., is dering how a French priest, .^bbe a ban on Reds because American Legion home in Denver Psalms every week, and the Lit ni.st.s- do not have the right to]P*^fpP®' of 1948. Since it is im director of the program. Jean Boulier, happens to be num-|urgy of the Mass contains a rich Friday, March 25, at 1:30 p.m. think for themselves but must!neutral in the mat hered among the 12 foreign dele mosaic of quotations from the obey a line laid down by a f o r e i g n ^ either with Me or CATHOLIC PROPERTIES CUT HEATING COSTS WITH gates to the Communist-sponsored P.salms. CATHOLIC RADIO LOG International Peace conference The Psalms, thousands of years power.” An Ohio authority advo-],hallenge of the Reds lest it be Regis Mothers, Dads KiUam Gas Conversion Burners I who have been denied visas by our old, seem to us the most modern ca ed a rour.se of trammg to en-,,; denying true Station KOA State department. One general of prayers. The persecution and able all students to understand the; gheralism "would simply mean an Slate Joint Meeting CATHOLIC HOUR — Sunday. dangers of Communism. |intellectual drying up in our edu- More th^n 30 Catholic Churche* and Institution* in Metro­ 4 p.m. answer fits all .such difficulties: trials of the Church and of Chris­ There is no way, outside special tians almost everywhere today are Dr. Ludd M. Spivey, presidenticational svslem.” A special joint meeting of the politan Denver have reduced their heating cost*, lowering fuel, ASK AND LEARN—Sunday, divine intervention, to eliminate a mirror-like reflection of Ihe-suf- of Florida Southern college, saidj ..j ,j,ink that educators are in- Regis Mothers’ club and the Regis maintenance and cleaning bills, as well as increasing comfort 10:45 p.m. that youth must dedicate itself to] all the screwballs and soreheads ferings and hardships of the Jews ir 1 .. , 'telligent enough to conduct their Dads’ club will be held at the col­ with Kiliam Gas Burners. Killam serves every type of gas Station KVOD from any organization. This abbelat the time when the Psalms w ere democraev. lege in Denver Monday, April 4, heating need. HOUR OF FAITH— Sunday, may he under'ecclesia.stical cen-| written under the inspiration of fall into th e ^ L t'o V th e Co^m it wa.s announced this week by the 9:30 a.m. sure, as was true of a widely pub-1 the Holy Spirit. Out of the nists, he warned, the buildings andi^T'"^"'®^* two presidents, Mrs. John Moran JOSEPH’S COAT—6:30 to 7 lieized Spanish priest, who lec-'Psalms, says the Very Rev. Au- evei-N-lhing they stand for on f^ee- campus would be turned against, ‘ "terfe^'"*: ".'th free in- and Ready Kenehan. Special busi­ p.m., March 26. tured to failing U. S. audiences on gustinus Bea. S.J., rector of the fkio quiry and speech on our ness will be taken up at this meet­ ONE GREAT HOUR— 9 p.m. behalf of the Leftist cause in the] Pontifical Biblical Institute, “ we K i i l a m gas burner co. .’,1 ■' u A ■ campuses,” he averred. ing and an unusual program of en- ] MANUFACTURERS AND HIATIN6 INOINEERS March 26. last months of the civil war in.niay draw, as did the people of I see no reason why .American; r o • tertainment has been planned. Spain. Anyhow, we cannot believe Israel in days of past tribulations, educators should any longer de-; Spivey makes out an excel- Station KMYR Those members who are plan-' 260 BROADWAY RAce 2871 SACRED HEART PROGRAM that he attended this conference strength and con.solation in our hate the employment of Commu-'^®*’ ^ case, one that no real lover nist teacher.s,” he continued. "The democracy can ignore. Catholic ning to make donatioiLs of fancy —Weekday* at 7:30 a.m. with the approval of his superior. needs of the pre.seiit.” If he did obtain approval, we may In 1945 in an event unprece­ basis of democracy rests on free­ leaders for years have warned of work and handiwork to the coming Sunday at 12:45 p.m. Regis bazaar, which will be held the he sure that the superior was not dented since the Council of Trent dom of expression and inquiry. the dangers inherent in Commu­ Station KFEL nism and have vigorously fought its last three days in April and the AVE MARIA HOUR— Sunday. aware of its Communist nature. in the 16th century, a new version The Communist party denies of the Book of Psalms was both.” Education is charged with influence. It is heartening in the first day of May, are requested to 5:30 a.m. and 11:30 p.m. HONEST GOVERNOR extreme to find non-Catholic and bring the articles to this meeting. FAMILY THEATER — Wed- brought out in . Based on the development of men and Why Pay More” The Nevada Legislature, which the official I^atin translation women into good citizens. The public school authorities adopting netday, 7:30 p.m. years ago sought revenue out of Jg, much the same stand. made by St. Jerome and known as ideas of Communists are (Trademark) ASK FR. LORD— 9 to 9:15 a.m. broken homes, recently voted to the Vulgate^ the work made use structive to human liberties. i The Catholic schools are not in Third Order Meeting daily Monday through Friday make prostitution legal according also of older texts in Greek and “ We do not tolerate traitors any danger of falling to the Red over FM. to the option of the local commu­ Hebrew, and of all the results under any circumstances, so why lure, though they would be wiped Will Be Held March 27 ONE GREAT HOUR— 8 p.m. nity. On March 22, the bill was of modern research. The result should we countenance a traitor in out immediately if the Communists WM. W. MYER DRUG STORES March 26. vetoed by the Governor. of years of the combined efforts the classroom?” he asked. The gained power. But the / public The regular meeting of the COMPANY Station KTLN The arguments for legalized]of the Church's leading Biblical ordinary student does not know- schools have harbored within their Third Order of St. Francis will be Colorado Owned Stores SEMINARY LENTEN HOUR prostitution— that it controls ve-] experts, the book is a milestone in enough to perceive the meaning of own system Communist party held March 27. Officers will meet — Sunday at 2:15 p.m. Dr. nereal disease, reduces danger to, Biblical history, “ sugar-coated propaganda pills” members and sympathizers. . who '1®^ ^ ^ * ^ ® monastery, novices Englewood 800 Santa Fe Dr. William Kenneally, C.M., respectable women, localizes im- English and American scholars put out by the Reds. would destroy the entire American!at 3 p.m. in the basement of St. speaker. morality, and keeps down graft— were not long in taking advantage He cautioned that a distinction educational organization as wei Elizabeth’s school. Denver. The 30 South Broadway IStii and California Station KLZ have been tested by the imme- of the new text, which was e.ssen-jmust be observed between Com- know it. They are traitors of the Seraphic Rosary will be recited in 3933 W. Colfax 17th & C len arm ONE GREAT HOUR—8 p.m. morial experience of ages. There is I tially the same as the Vulgate .muni.sts and genuine liberals and most dangerous sort, and their]the church at 3:15 p.m. and the March 26. no longer any excuse to be fooled, text, but much clearer and] that "witch hunts” must be presence should not be tolerated in; regular Third Order services will by them. Isounder. Father Frey’s My Daily avoided. Education must meet the any way. 1 begin at 3:30 p.m. 'WWW


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^AGE TWELVE Office, 938 l ( ;k Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitene 4205 Thursday, March 24, 1949 America's Topsy-Turvy World Joy Vocational Guidance Week Communion Set To Franciscan After Years in China Will Feature Specialists (Cathedral High Sebool, Danvar) Mrs. Jack Murphy, stewardess At Cathedral Specialists in at least 15 fields (section 11); Don Allen, radio; the “ I came from China into the it is very pleasant," the missioner embraces 18 chapels and eight out- will address Cathedral students Rev. John Re^an, nursing; H. T. Hopay-turvy’ world of the U. S.” said. missions. next week in the first Vocational Stitt, engineering; Mrs, Walter M. Father Louis, who has been One of the joys of Father By Sodality This is the way the Rev. Louis Guidance week ever to be held at McGraw, secretarial work; Joseph Louis’ life in Shasi is his cloth Joyce, O.F.M-, describes his re­ called back home on a year’s fur­ the school. Highlighting the Plank, M.D., medicine; Madame • Members of the Denver Cathe­ turn to American shores after a lough, was a guest at St. Eliza­ factory. Although it was really agenda are three general assem­ Minnisale, costume design; Monsi­ started by Father Ralph Reilly, dral Sodality of Our Lady o f the nine-year sojourn in China. Three beth’s monastery in Denver en blies Monday, Tuesday, and Wed­ gnor Joseph Bosetti, V.G., music; Immaculate Conception will re­ Q e m u m l e c d k e A , of those years were spent in a route to New York and then to O.F.M., Father Louis had to take nesday. Marriage under three E. R. Mugrage, M.D., laboratory charge when the other priest was ceive Holy Communion in the 7 Japanese concentration camp and Boston, where he will visit his aspects will be discussed under the technician; and Maurice Aziere, o'clock Mass thU Friday, March 25, three other years were lived doing parents. tnm&erred. chairman, Barbara Burcher, lieu­ florist. The factory was started as an the Feast of the Annunciation. The missionary work under the con­ He was accompanied by two tenant governor. The Rev. Donald Chorister* to Sing members are reminded that, sub­ BILLFOLD stant threat of Red invasion. industrial school with six looms. other Franciscan missioners who McMahon, '37, will speak on ‘‘The Cathedral’s choral group undei/ ject to the usual conditions, all are were called back to the headquar­ Now it has wown and boasts 13 Nature of Love;” Dr. Lewis Bar­ AND “ SAVE.MASTER” INSERT The two things that make the looms. In addition to being a fac­ the direction of Forrest Fishel, ac­ eligible for a plenary indulgence ters of the Franciscan province of bate of the University of Denver, United States “'topsy-turvy” for tory, it has become a refuge for companied by Sehior Beverly Ann on any titular feast of Our Lady. Father Louis are cleanliness and New York as a result of the crisis and father of Barbara Barbato, Miller, will provide luncheon en­ As Lenten services are held at the that has been precipitated in China Catholics and pagans fleeing be­ ‘50, will discuss “ Preparation for orderliness. ‘‘ Everywhere I go over fore the Reds, an orphanage, and tertainment for the 12th annual Cathedral on Friday evenings, no iy f 1 4 / ^ 6 ^ to all who open an account at here, things are clean.” This is by the onrush of the Communists Marriage;” and Mrs. Frank Gold special service will be scheduled. a catechumenate. In the past two educational conference of the Cath­ ' our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT such a contrast to China that it is from North China. They are the will talk on “ The Vocation to Par­ olic Parent-Teachers’ league. At the regular business meeting, Rev. Francis Gallagher, O.F.M., years 50 Converts.have been made enthood.” Group discussion lead­ almo.st hard to get used to it. But at the factory. The 45 members of this group held on March 16, Pat Allen of the with a deposit of $3 or more. ^ and the Rev. Jerome O’Donnell, ers are the Rev. Frederick D. Mc- Apostolic committee gave a short O.F.M. Father O’Donnell is a Father Louis was also superlit' Callin and Mrs. Jack McLaughlin. will sing the following selections; Come in and let us give you all details. tendent of the Catholic hospital, talk on the life of St. Therese, and classmate of Fathers Fabian Under the co-auspices of Our ‘‘The Artisan,” by Ware; ‘‘Clare Billfold styles for ladies and gentlemen. which started out as an eye clinic. de Lune,” Debussy; and "Peter Pi­ told of favors she had received Joyce, O.F.M., and Berard Gib- Lady's sodality and the student through the intercession of the • 1 lin, O.F.M., who are stationed at One of the busiest workers at the council, Sister Isabella, sodality per,” by Wittredge. institution is a Chinese nun who Francis Gappa, ’50, will parti­ Little Flower. Beatrice Rulhberg St. Elizabeth’s. moderator, has arranged for the read an appeal from the Queen’s 8FARE DIMES GROW TO DOLLARS QLTCKLY does most of the minor eye oper­ Vocation week Tuesday, the gen­ cipate in a panel discussion on All three of the missionaries ations. She was especially trained “ How Are We .\ffected'by Present Work for funds to complete its hope to return to China. ‘‘The eral subject ‘‘ Necessity for Voca­ building program; it was voted to I The^'SaveMister” holds 30 by the doctors because she had an tional Gui<’.i.nce,” will be explained Day Advertising?” only explanation f#r my wanting to unusual aptitude for such work meet the quota set for a large so­ dimes in a space so small that go back lies in the fact that I have by the governor of Cathedral, Patricia Brannon, Cathedral dality by a voluntary collection despite the fact that she never fin­ Cloyd Allen. Guest speaker for the junior, recently received 'a first it slips into the billfold . . . and a vocation for the mission work, I ished high school. from the members, any balance' guess,” Father Louis says simply. day will be Louis A. McElroy. prize award for being made up by the treasury., you’ll be surprised how quickly “ The Religious Life’’ will be the her portrayal of it fills up with those spare dimes: Although Father Louis has had Mama in the play, The meeting concluded with a brief subject of the third general assem­ talk by Father ^uane Theobald, no personal trouble's with the Com­ / Remember The genuine leather billfold is , St. Catherine's bly Wednesday. The Rt. Rev. moderator, on the major feast- munists, he knows too well the Mama, presented one you’ll be proud to carry . . : Monsignor William M. Higgins, days that dot the March calen­ damage that they are causing to by the speech de­ pastor of St. Philomena’s church, dar, paying particular note to the well-made, modern the work of the Catholic Church. partment of Ca­ Altar Unit Will Denver, will be the speaker. Girls patron of students, St. Thomas Three sections of the Prefecture will meet with Sister Dorothea, thedral, The play, in design. The of Shasi in charge of the Fran­ Aquinas. superior and director of El Pomar, under the direc­ ladies' model has a Peno-Tread gives this some ciscans of the New York province Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, tion of Miss Mar­ Current Event* Quiz are in the hands of the Reds. Meet March 29 coin purse. Come double protection to your cor Colorado retreat center for won\en. garet Fogarty, In place of the regular social! AMERICAN PRIESTS On Thursday Our Lady’s com­ took the trophy after the meeting, a quiz on cur-, in and see them. . . . normol tire troction PLUS 6St. Catherina’a Pariah, Denver) LISTED AS ENEMIES The next regular meeting of the mittee of freshmen room 11 will in the annual rent-events of Catholic interest strong, penetrating steel clows. No. 1 enemies on the Red list Altar and Rosary society will be present The Vocafton Room, a skit drama festival at was presented by the Catholic; THIS OFFER IS MADE FOR Loretto Heights are all Americans, Father Louis held Tuesday, March 29, at 1 :30 on vocations, at 2:30 p.m. in Oscar Patricia Brannon truth committee. The knowledge of j A LIMITED TIME ONLY thot control skids on ice, snow college. said, and next on the list are Cath­ p.m., beginning with recitation of Malo hall. the individual sodalists proved too The sixth grade pupils of Ca­ or greasy blacktop. olic priests. j the Rosary in the church, followed Friday, April 1, students will at much for Quizmaster June Holzer,! thedral grade school will visit Wherever the Communists have by a meeting in the cafeteria. tend Mass and receive Holy Com­ for the contest ended with Kath-1 Byers Junior high Friday after­ The Central Bank & Trust Company taken over in China, they first Mrs. J. Dulmaine and her com­ munion to ask God’s blessing on leen l^re and Regina Phelan tied their choice of a vocation. noon for their presentation of an for first place, and runners-up EsUblluhfd 1S92 confiscated the Catholic schools mittee, Mrs. A. Amolsch and Mrs. Irish play, Rite of Blarney. The and turned the classrooms into Throughout the day sectional meet­ were Sue Hall, Charlene Pierson, Fifteenth & Arapahoe Street* Denver 2, Colo. F. Le Pore, thank everyone who Irish play, put on each year by the Rowena Roach, Marie Wallace, and indoctrination centers. Because of helped to make the St. Patrick’s ings will be held in whatever fields Member Federal Deposit Insurance students have indicated an interest. sixth grade, is under the direction Frances Bertoluza. Prizes were Member Fodanl Reserve Syntem Corporation this quite a number of mission day card party a success. Mi;s. D. of Sister Finian. awarded. schools have been closed to pre­ Durant, chairman of the food sale, Guest speakers in the sectional vent their being used as Commun­ also thanks all members who con­ meetings are Miss Betty Lowery, istic centers. This has taken place tributed to the food sale project. stewardess: Ellison Ketohum, pro­ even in some provinces not yet Special prizes were awarded to fessional sports and coaching; Se-| PENETRATION • TRACTION captured. Mmes. L. ^Stephens, H. Eppich, F. ton school of nursing represents-1 ? _ Father Louis was in Peiping Eppich, F. Welsh, I. Mastroianni, tive, Glockner-Penrose hospital ;| Take a ride with your when the Japanese took over short­ M. Puzo, J. Alonzi, Strickland, 0. Mrs. Harry T. Zook, housewife; ly after the bombing of Pearl Har- Campbell, and J. McNichoLas. The Robert Sharping, photographer;! HISTORY-MAKING RADIO EVENT Pena-Tread Dealer TODAYl bqr. At first the U. S. religious famous “ lacino Cake” was given Captain C. S. Davis and Sjri. Leon-i were given the freedom of the city. to Mrs. M. Mullin of Annunciation ard F Nevin. policemen; Si?ter TA 1261 Later they were imprisoned parish. Marie Anthony, teacher; Miss Shantung. Among the 2,000 pris­ Thanks are extended the tele­ Helen Howie, pharmacist; Miss Kathleen Friend, ’42, journalist; Your Chance to Make Shut4n\Happy! oners there were some 400 priests phone committee for the card Some and 200 sisters. the Rev. Thoms.s E. Hopping, the party. Members were Mmes. J. armed forces; Telephone Co. rep­ JOE On August of 1945 U. S. para­ Schneider, A. Amolsch, J. Foley, resentative, telephone operator; troopers released the prisoners of V. Jones, R. La Bate, Niestradt, Opiportunity school representative, war. and Father Louis was on« of J. Barth, J. Danger, L. Johnson, interior decoration and commercial KAVANAUGH 13 priests who were flown by H. Johnson, R. Norton, J. Loner- art; Mrs. Charles Graham, secre­ plane to take up the task of re­ gan, R. Slattery, and W. Foster. tarial work; skilled trades repre­ LINCOLN AT 7TH TA. 1261 building in Shasi. He was named T h» list of PstroDS for the coni party sentative, union leader; Mrs. S. C. pastor of St. Joseph’s parish, which includea Mmts. S. Alfano. J. Alonci, H. Arbini. K. Archer. P. Asborno, Lucille Babich, housewife (section 11); Aahutto. R. Astuno. F. Bifone, P. Bar* rows, Evelyn Bartel, John Earth. G. A. Bauman. Beck. W. Bennett, A. Bourey, John Bowdern, Daniel Boyden. M. Breen. E. A. Bruhn; Mmes. O. Camphell, John Capclli, G. ACCN Slates Carbone, D. Carmosiao, L. Carosella, H. Cawley. A. Clinch, W. Clyne, M. Cotnnlllo, R. Coressel. Michael Co> lllo. R. Craljr. Cronin, E. Cumminxs. ABOUT THI HIGH E. W. Dahlbcrg, Anna Dc Camlllis. D. Benefit Party Dell, Mary Dc Nave, Denny, F. De ^ Iv o . Henry De Salvo, Charles Dei Moineauz^ COST OF INSURANCE? Russell Dispense, J. Di Tolla, T. Domcn* ico. F. H. Donlon, Downing. J* A. Dra* luak, Lucille Dulmaine, Thomas J. Dunn. For Seminary Our low rotes for careful drivers will cut Darrel Durant, Minnie Falagrady, S. Feely; The ACCN is sponsoring a bene-lj insurance costs for you. Before you buy or Mmes. L. Finlayson, J. Fiore, J. Fits* fit card party for St. Thomas’ j| renew your present auto policy, let us ex­ Patrick, D. Flahetty, T. S. Floyd, Sarah Fortarcl. A. Franks, J. Fratsini, Rose seminary Saturday, March 26, at Imagine! $50 for your old radio, besides the usual savings plain our non-ossessoble policy to yoii with­ Frenchak, R. Fried, A. GagUa, J. Galli* 8 p.m. in St. Anthony’s hospital gan, W. Gamel, C. Gairamone, H. Ger* Nurses’ home auditorium. A skit of LITO'S low prices, on your purchase of a quality Crosley out obligation. dom. N. Gioia, Lillian Gleason. J. Gon* sales, George Gorman. M. T. Griffith. E. will be presented by St. Anthony's or other radio-phonograph console comhination! You'll Guat, Fa Gust. E. J. Hahesy. Ed Halsey, nurses’ talent. Table prizes will bej. Call JACK E. HALL AL 0466 Hanley, G. Harris, 0. Hasenkamp. L. awarded. Refreshments will alsor also have the satisfaction of knotcing that your old radio, Hauptman. Hawkins, Walter £. Hayes; Mmes. Mary Henry, Tom Henry, How­ be served. Tickets are 50 cents! completely overhauled, wjll be giving happinc.ss to some Lath- er person or $2 a table and may I FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP ard Hunker, N tlllt Henry, C. Hill, Emma olic shutdn. 4 3 S 14TH STREET • DENVER, COIORADO Hillen, F. A. Hinnenkamp, Joe lacino. e secured from Mrs. Cele Geiger, Robert lacino, R. Jackson, P. James. H. Read LITO'S Important Johnson. E. A. Johnson, Vaicns Jones. W. Joyce. M. E. Juta, Kayetan. W. J. V Kellagher. Oliver Kenfield. Frank J. Kemme, J. Kirk. R. Kluge, J. Kolb, Message to Shut-ins: Laidig. J. L. Larger, Norman Lasham. L. Lawles. W. G. I/ehrtr, F. Leonard, Leone, Alice M. Lewis; The radios traded in during this ipeciol Mmes. F. Lewis, Henry Lewis. Eva Llehel. C. Llley, A. Lombardi. Julius event will be distributed to Cgtholic ' Lonergan, It Long, J. Longo, Joe Lub- individuals, hospitals, and other insti­ Recommended Firms Iniki, Mary Lueei, K. Lumpp, L. Lund* Strom, H. Luts, £. Lynch. 0. W. Magor, tutions by The Denver Catholic Reg­ J. H. Manning. Mapelli, John Marehitti, J. Martello, Agnes Mayeau, F. Masone. ister, through the co-operation of Lois McAfee. McCabe, E. McCabe. J. McCabe. Murrin, member of the editorial staff. fo r AUTO Angie McCormick. McCluskcy, C. Me* Daniels. M. McDonough. John McGinn. LITO'S skilled radiomen will repair the R. J. McGrath, E. J. McNichoias, B. Meilinger. L. Merkl. C. Mimcene, T. H. ■ radios and replace any ports necessary Miller, Frank Monahan. Marie Morrow, to put these radios in good running SERVICE T. Morrow, Joseph L. Mueller, G. L. M yers: order. Persons interested in receiving Mmes. Mary Kahrlng. C. Natale. L. Neiburger. A. Nlcoletti, D. Nielsen, F. W. these trade-in rodios are asked to coll Niestradt, S. Nitatradt, A. Novtk. L. or write Lois Murrin, Editorial Room, O'Brien, M. G. O'Connor, J. O'Hare, F. Buckley Bros. Motors Orrino, A. Pactosa, H. Palladino. L. core of The Register, Box 1620, Den­ Peer, A. Peri, Anthony Petrone. F. B. Phillip, M. PhiUips. C. PineMi. L. Plnclll, ver 1, Colo. Sales - STU D EBAKEB - Service R. L. Pippinger, A. Plseitella, Joe Piiet* tiellU L. Plseitella: AUTO REPAIRING ON ALL MAKE CARS * TRUCKS Mmes. Raymond Price, P. Perikhette. EXPERT BODY AND FENDER WORK — QUALITY PAINTING M. Puzo, P. Renso. L. Richardson. R. G. Roche, F. M. R oot Rotolo. D. Ruselo, STEAM CLEANING - WASHING - LUBRICATION SERVICE James L. Ryan, R. Y. Baxter, J. Balter. 660 So. Broadway — New Location — RA, 2826 A. Sanders. Paul Santo, Jr.; G. Sartore, William Scavo, A. Sca^ina, Roy Sehel- ling, E. Schmidt, J. W. Schmlttllng, Mri. Edward Geifer EXPERT ------Schneringcr. T. Scoles. 0. Seller. Dan (Archdioceian Council of Shannon, W. Sharkey. C. Steinheart: Catholic Nurte*, Denver) AUTO REPAIR Mmes. Gregory Scibona. L. S. Shea, N. B. Smith. A. Smith, John Somma. J. All Make.* Sparacino. M. Spero, J. Stano. R. Sleek, who is the chairman, at CH. 4724.' Easy Time Payments Marguerite Stephens, l^eo Stevens. Mrs. Edward Geiger, the former | u; Strickland, A. Suer. J. J. Sullivnn. A. -e fi9 « L E ¥ Cecilia Lawless, is a graduate of | CHIIYSLER-PL'VMOUTH Svoboda. W. H. Tegeler. M. Talcotl. Northwestern Aato Go. F. Hanko, J. Tate. A. R. Taylor. J. Telk, St. Joseph’s hospital school of| RADIOS UPTOWN M O T O R CO. A. Thomas, William Ulrich; 549 Broadway TAbor 6201 nursing, Denver. She has been | 1908 BROADWAY

751 Students a Month Mother-of-Pearl Cross Pilgrimage to Mexico FOR HOME OR FARM Men's Communion Day Buffalo^ N. Y.-»-An average of Tops Australian Church Santa Fe, N. Mex.—American! Rosary Society 761 Canioiui college students each month have made the reparation Broome, Australia.—The spire of will travel to the Shrine of Oui ROCKY MOUNTAIN Scheduled in Ft. Collins hour to Mary’s Immaculate Heart Our Lady of Peace church here has Lady of Guadalupe in May in a since last October. The students been crowned with a cross made pilgrimage being organized , h e r e SEED CO. R ifle Fort Collins. — (St. J o s e p h'a pastor at SL Joseph’s and past have to return at night and early from the iron tree and mother-of- under the patronage of Archbishop Parish) — The annual corporate state chaplain of the K. of C. morning on the first Saturdays pearl, which ia abundant in the Edwin V. Byrne. "The trip will in­ Ii at Your Sorrico Communion Mass for all men and On Tuesday, March 29, the from their homes in Buffalo and coastal waters. A Pallotine Brother clude stops at San Antonio, 'Tex., boys of St. Joseph’s and Holy Knights of Columbus council will Outlying towns. made the cross. and Moiiterrey, Mexico. _____ 1949 Catalogue Nou> Meet April 20 Family parishes sponsored by the be host to the council in the north­ Available Rifle.— (St. Mary’s Parish)— Knights of Columbus, Council ern district. The wives of the The Altar and Rosary society met 1214, will be held Sunday, April 3, knights will be entertained at the INSURANCE STATEMENTS P. O. Box 388 Thursday evening, March 17, in at 8:30. home of Mrs. Harry Smith, 715 Amont Inniranet oampani«f licanaad to tranaaot bDilnoH In Colorado br tho Smith street the home of Mrs. Harley Ortraan Breakfast will be served by the Stata Iniurance Dopartnent aro thoa* printad babw aa follow i: 1325 IStli St. MA. 6134 with Elaine Ortman as co-hostess. women of the Altar and Rosary On the afternoon of Sunday, Sixteen members and Father Paul society in the school hall follow­ April 3, a joint initiation for the Reed, director, were present. ing the Mass. Knights of Columbus of Boulder, The following companies represented The next meeting will be held The principal speaker at the Longmont, Greeley, and Fort Col­ Morgan, Leibman and Hickey on Wednesday, April 20, at 8 p.m. breakfast will be the Very Rev. lins will be held in the Moose hall. Eugene O’Sullivan, pastor of St The second and third degrees will in the home of Mrs. Quirino Ma­ INSURANCE SINCE 1817 J. J. (ZELLA, donna, with Mrs. Maurice Putnam Vincent de Paul’s, Denver, former be exemplified. William Carter of Denver, past state deputy, will be INSURANCE AGENCY as co-hostess. Gas and Electric Bldg. TA. 1395 present. 1110 SMurilT Bid,. k K. 2633 Mrs. R. W. Cook, president, ap­ Following the initiation a ban- ^ Colorado Springs { pointed a committee to work in net will be served at Ladd’s conjunction with the other church Easter Monday STATE OF COLORADO STATE o r COLORADO STATE OF COLORADO overed Wagon. Women visitors IniarAnet D«pRrtn«nt Insurance Department organizations on the silver bene­ will be entertained in the school Insurance Department fit tea for the high school band Synopfis of SUtoment for 1948 as ren- Synopsis of Statement for 1948 as ren­ Synopsis of Statement for 1948 as renn hall Sunday afternoon by the der«d to the Commissioner of Insurance dered to the Commlsaioner of Insurance dered to the Commissioner of Insurance April 6 from 3 to 5 p.m. The fol­ wives of Fort Collins knights. ArHmltaral Insurance Company The Eagle Fire Company of New York Commercial (^ u a lty Insurance Company Ball Slated by New York, N. Y. lowing were appointed: Recep­ WaUrtown, N. Y. Newark, N. J. Parith Meeting Held Assets ...... 12.603.499.60 tion, Mrs. R. W. (5ook: decorating, AsseU ______- ...... $21,989,922.31 ...... - ...... — ..... *29.991.460.81 Father Richard Duffy called, a Liabilities ______1.192.647.11 Elaine Ortman; advertising, Mrs. LiabiliUet ______14,889,476,95 ...... —...... — ...... 24.98t.81C.04 parish meeting on Tuesday ev ^ Capital ...... 8,000,000.00 Capital 1,000.000.00 Capilnl ------l.OOO.OOO.OC Dow Thurston; pouring, Mrs. Surplus 4.050,446.86 Surplus ...... - ...... 410,862.49 Brighton Units ning. He asked that at least one “ “ ’’’’/r ’ 4.011.644.27 Harlev Ortman and Mrs. Richard (Copy of Certificate of Authority) (Copy of Certificate of Authority) member of every family attend (Copy of Certificate of Authority) Snoddy; music, Mrs. William Wig- Brighton!— The annual Easter STATE OF COLORADO STATE OF COLORADO and take part in the discussion of CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY STATE OF COLORADO ington; and kitchen, Mrs. James Monday ball, sponsored jointly by CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY financial problems and acti^ties Offke of Commissioner of Insoranco Office of Commissioner of Insurance Cayton. the Holy Name and the Altar and I, Luke J. Kavanaugh, Commissioner Office of Commiasioner of Insurance of the parish for 1949. I, Luke J. Kavanauxh, O>mmissioner of I, Luke J. Kavanaugh, Commisslonei Mrs. William Wigington was ap­ Rosary societies, will be held in Insurance, do hereby certify that the of Insurance, do hereby certify that the The ACCN will hold its regular The Eagle Fire Company of New York, m Insurance, do hereby certify that the pointed chairman of the hospital­ the American Legion hall, Brigh­ Agrrieultural Insurance Company, a cor* Commercial Casualty Insurance Company, meeting in the school hall on poration onraniied under the laws of a corporation organized under the laws ity committee for the society. ton, on Monday evening, April 18. of New York whose prineipel office is a corporation organized under tha lawi Thursday evening. New Youk whotfb principal office is located of New Jersey whose principal office ii Mrs. Harley Ortman and Elaine The music will be furnished by at Watertown. In coniideration of com* located at New York, in consideration of Work on Merit Badges compliarce with the lawi of Colorado, is located at Newark, in consideration of Ortman were appointed on the Roxie de Carlo’s orchestra. pliance with the laws of Colorado. Is rompllance with the lawa of CoJorhdo, U Girl Scout troop 9 met on March hereby au ^oriz^ to transact the business hereby authorized to tFansset the business church cleaning committee for set forth in the provisions of its Charter hereby authorized to transact the busintm The committee in charge of the 14 and worked on retirem ents of set forth ft the provisions of its Charter set forth in the provislona of its Charter April. dance are William Gaschler, and or Artielai of Incorporation permitted by or Articles of Incorporation permitted by cat and dog badge. When this is the said laws, until the last day of Feb­ or Articles of Incorporation %iermitted by Refreshments were served by Larry Mancini and the Altar so­ the said laws, until the last day of Feb­ the said Jaws, until the list day of Feb- le hostesses at the close of the finished the scouts will have ruary in the year of our Lord one thou­ ruary in the year of our Lord one thou­ ★ * ciety is represented by Mmes. John sand nine hundred and fifty. ruary In the year of our Lord one thoo« rening. earned all three badges in their sand nine hundred and fifty. sand nine hundred and fifty. Marino, (Jlyde Peterson, William IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have here­ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here­ J. D. Cronch C. D. O'Brien major fields. IN WITNES.S WHEREOF. I have here­ A new rubber mat, a p ft from unto set my hand and caus^ the seal of unto set my band and caused the seal of MAY REALTY Dibb, Larry Mancini. and Victor On March 21 the scouts made my office to be affixed at the City and unto «et my hand and caused the ,m l ol le Rev. Frederick McCallin, of Jacobucci. Tickets may be secured my office to be affixed at the City and my office to b* affixed at the Clky and P>Ians for entertaining Mrs. Arthur County of Denver this first day of March, County of Denver this first day of March, from members of either society or A, D. 1949. County of Denver this first day of March. PERKINS-SHEARER Rlichardson on April 11. She will A. D. 1949. A D 1949 by calling at the rectory. (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH. (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH. COMPANY lilk about summer mountain camp. Commissioner of insurance. (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH. Commissioner of Insurance. Commissioner of Insiiranci^ Injured in Fall The member.s of the Junior Mothers are invited to attend. STATE OF COLORADO R eal Estate, L oans, Newman club will be hosts to mem­ Miss Kay Rosenwirth, who has STATE OF COLORADO STATE OF COLORADO 102 No. Tejon Mrs. Mike Brennan sustained a insurance Department Insurance Department Insurance i bers of the Junior Newman clubs been ill for the past couple of Synopsis of Statement for 1943 as ren­ Insurance Department srious injury while viewing the Sjmopsis of Statement for 1948 as ren­ S>’Tmpsis of Sutemeot for 1948 u ren­ new houses at the Western Heights of Greeley, Keensberg-Roggen, months, is feeling much better and dered to the Commissioner of Insurance dered to the Commissioner of Insurance Southern Fire Insurants Company dered to the Commissinner of Insurance We Specialise in Reliance Vnderuritert Agency building development Saturday and Lafayette at a party on Sun­ expects to be back to work soon. Buffalo Insurance Company Republic Insurance Company Buffalo. N. Y. Durham, North Carolina •noon. Mrs. Brennan turned day evening, March 27. The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spitz were AsseU ...... —...... $8,666,095.88 Dallas. Texas Clergy Wear OLD LINE STOCK. FIRE, Francis Syrianey will present the Assets ...... 18,569,672.62 , ...... *14,06fl,217.62 her ankle in the doorway of one called to Kimball, Neb., by the ill­ Liabilities ______6,071.718.95 Liabilities ...... 2.116,883.86 MARINE AND AUTOMOBILE St. Thomas seminary vocation ness and death of Mrs. Spitz’ Capital ...... 500,000.00 L.abihtla. ------8.62^,282.29 Suite— Topcoote of the houses and fell to the CapiUl ...... ,___ 1,000.000.00 ...... Z.OfiO.OOO.OO film. Members of the freshmen Voluntary Reserve 700,000.00 Surplus ...... 1.050.712.02 INSURANCE ground, several feet below. mother, Mrs. Oscar McClanahan (Copy of Certificate of Authority) Contingency Reserve...... 668,546.99 Cassocks, Etc. class will present a radio script, Father Luke Stoffel conducted Surplus ...... 1,787,958.57 SurplM ...... 2,767.889.84 She was taken to a Glenwood (Cepy of Certificate of Authority) STATE OF COLORADO entitled Bucky. There will be the Junior Newman club meeting CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY (Copy of Certificete of Authority) Springs hospital where x-rays were STATE OF COLORADO ^ taken and from there she was sent other items of entertainment and on Monday evening in the absence Office of Commissioner of Insurance STATE OF COLORADO refreshments will be served. of Father Duffy. . CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY I, Luke J. Kavanaugh, Commissioner CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY The firms listed here de­ WORLD WIDE Office of Commissioner of Insurance of Ifiaurance. do hereby certify that the Office of Commissioner of Insurance TRAVEL SYSTEM ■e she underwent surgery on The Crusaders of Christ the The Guardian Angel ^oup will I, Luke J. Kavanaugh, (DoramissioDer Soutliern Fire Insurance Company, a cor­ I. Luke J. Kavanaugh, Comtniaaionei serve to be remembered Tuesday for a compound tract ure King are sponsoring a children’s hold a cooked food tale in the of Insurance, do hereby certify that tho poration organised under the laws of of Insurance, do hereby certify that thi AUTHORIZED AGENTS EOB THE of ^ the knee-cap. games party on Sunday afternoon, Fisher market on Saturday, March Buffalo Iniurance Company, a corpora­ North Carolina whose principal office Is Republic Iniurance Company, a corpora­ when you are distributing AIRLINES AND STEAMSHIP LINES tion organised under the laws of New located at Durham, in consideration of tion organised under the laws of Texai Mrs. Richard Snoddy reports March 27, in the parish hall. The 26. compliance with the laws of Colorado, is 8. J. O'LEARY. Manager ^ York whose principal office ia located ut whose principal office ia located et Dallas, your patronage in the dif­ Children of Mary will present a The series of lectures given by Buffalo, in consi^ratibn of compliance hereby authorized to transact the business in consideration of compliance with thL_ Bpaelal Attention to Clergy and , Father Duffy every Wednesday with the laws of Colorado, Is hereby au­ set forth in the provisions of its Charter laws of Colorado, is hereby authorised ferent lines of business. Baligieai | Tuesday evening Mrs. Dow silver rosary. All the children of night after Lenten devotions have thorised to transact the business set forth or Articles of Incorporation permitted by to transact the buainaea aet forth in the the parish are invited to attend. in the provisions of its Charter or Arti­ the said laws, until the last day of Feb­ provisions of its Charter or Article* of The proceeds from this party will been interesting and are well cles of Incorporation permitted by the ruary in the year of our Lord one thou­ Incorporation permitted by the said lawa, ------■ - 1 be used for church improvement. attended. said laws, until the last day of February sand nine hundred and fifty. until the last day of February in tha yeti C. C. Riddell Diet In the year of our Lord one thousand IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have here­ of our Lord one thousand nine ^ndrtd “ / / Yoaf Seeds Are Electrical A mission for the English-speak­ unto set my hand and caused the seal of Bernard C. Riddell, 34, only nine hundred and fifty. and flfty. MORRISSEY Call Main 93 9" was thought that she could be ing people of the parish will begin IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here­ my office to be affixed at the City and IN W'lTNE-SS WHEREOF. 1 have hcTL son of *|City Works Commissioner County of Denver this first day of March, • Special WIRING—FIXTURES AND REPAIRS ' id to the home of another on Sunday, .\pril 3. A Redemptor- unto set my hand and caused the seal of unto set my hand and caused the seal of - jhter, Mr.s. Lloyd Ferney, at ist Father will conduct the mission. S. Warren Riddell and Mrs. my office to be affixed at the City and A. D. 1949. my nfflee to be affixed at the City and County of Denver this first day of March, (SEAL) LUKE J;^AVANAUGH, County of Denver this first day of M a r^ SPRING SERVICE 416 Westwood lane, Pueblo. Mr. Tickets for the men’s annual Riddell, died early March 20 in Commissioner of Insurance. A. D. 1949. Berwick Electric Co. and Mrs. Ferney were visiting here St. Thomas’ hospital at Akron, A. D. 1949. C a rs — T ru c k s J. D. BERWICK Communion breakfast are going (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH, (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH. at the time of the accident. 0. He had been ill for more Commlsaioner of Insurance. STATE OF COLORADO Commisiioner of Insurance Colorado Bpiinga. Colorad. very good. All the men of the par­ Insurance Department I W. C'jchorrov Mr. and Mrs. Richard Snoddy than a year of aplastic anemia, ish are urged to attend the 8 STATE OF COLORADO Synopela of Statement for 1948 as ren­ STATE OF COLORADO plan to leave for Pueblo Monday contracted during a chemical re dered to the Commissioner of Insurance o'clock Mass on Sunday. Aj)ril 3, Insurance Department Insurance Department to spend several days visiting with search experiment at the Goodyear American Indemnity Company Synopeia of Statement for 1948 m ren^ and to go to the breakfast follow­ Synopsis of Statement for 1948 as ren­ Galveston, Texas dered to the Commissioner of Insuranoe dered to the Commissioner of In.surance Mrs. Brennan. ing the Mass. An outstanding Cath­ Rubber company plant at Akron. AsseU ______L.$6.004.718.84 Detroit Fire and Marine Insurance Fireman's Insurance Company of Nswark The Murray Drug Co. WILLIAM C. CRARON Mr. and Mrs. William Wigington olic layman will be the guest Mr. Riddell, a grandson of I. C. Liabilitlea ______8.566.001.89 New Jersey Company CapiUl ...... - 1,000.000.00 spent several days in Denver last speaker. Tickets may be secured Riddle, Fort Collins pioneer, was Detroit, Mich. Newark, N. J. “ Superior Service Storet“ Catastrophe A Contingency Optometrist week on business. born here Dec. 28, 1914. He at­ Assets .... 86,270,988.61 ...... * from the men of the Holy Name Reserve ...... 300,000.00 Llabllltiea ------61.888,216.1 Main Store Phone Main 144 12* North Tejon a t Jack Hubbard was a business tended local schools and, after be­ Liabilities ______...... 3,000,041.46 Additional for Securities society or by calling at the rectory. CapiUl ______1,000,000.00 Capital ------1S,325.000.0( visitor in Glenwood Springs ing graduated from Fort Collins Depreciation ...... — 38,716.95 U.tn Stor. — IS North T.Jon SL PHONE MAIN 1992 Attend Acie* Surplus __ 2,270,897.16 Surplus ...... 10,R67,938.*1 March 16. high school, was a student at Col- Surplus ...... 1,100,000.00 (Copy of Cortlflcato of Authority) North Stor. — 832 North T.)on BL COLORADO SPRINGS. COLfA On. Sunday .afternoon, March (Copy of Certificate of Authority) (Opy of Certificate of Authority) — Mrs. Harley Ortman, Hlaine Ort­ ■orado A. & M. college for three STATE OF COLORADO man, and Mrs. Jack Hubbard were 20, 21 members of the Junior years. STATE OF COLORADO STATE OF COLORADO Legion of Mary praesidia attended CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORm' CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY among the members present at He took part in music and dra­ Office of Commissioner of Insurance Get Baur’a ( o f Denver) Office of Commissioner of Iniurance Offico of Commissioner of Insoranco PETE RERONl the potluck dinner held March 17 the annual acies of the Legion of matic activities at the college. He I, Luke J. Kavanaugh, Commissioner I, Luke J. Ka%*anaugh. Commiseioner I, Lukt J. Kavanaugh, Commiasionei Candy and Ice Cream at by the Newcomers’ club, Mary, which was held in the Ca­ was a member of the A' & M. band, of Insurance, do hereby certify that the of Insurance, do hereby certify that the of Inauranco, do hereby certify that tha FURNITURE SHOP Detroit Fire and Marine Insurance Com­ American Indemnity Company, a corpor­ Firemen's Insurance Company of Newark, UPHOLSTERING. Mrs. Ralph Hesseltine and Mrs. thedral. A number of the auxili­ orchestra, and dramatic club. He ary members were also in attend- pany, a corporation organized under the ation organized under the laws of Texas New Jtney, a corporation organized undet Johnson-English HE-UPHOUSTERING AND Claude Goldsmith of Ohio, mother also was a member of the Sigma jaws of Michigan whose principal office whose principal office Is located at Gal­ the laws o f New Jersey whoso principal REPAIRING and sister of Mr. Maurice Putnam, ence. -Alpha Epsilon fraternity. is located at Detroit, in consideration of veston. in consideration of compliance oftico U located at Newark, in considers Slip Cover, and Draperies Mr. and Mrs. David Kiker are compliance with the laws of Colorado, with the laws of Colorado, is hereby au­ tfon of compliance with the laws of Colo­ Drug Go. Uad* to Oroar have been visiting at the Putnam Afterwards Mr. Riddell attended Is hereby authorized to transact the busi­ thorized to transact the business set forth home this past week. the parents of twins (a boy and a rado. u hereby authorized to transact LENTHERIC Toiletries Fnmitnre Made to Order the Massachusetts Institute of ness set forth in the provisions of Its in the provisions of iU Charter or Arti­ the bujinete set forth in the provisions ol TtfM at Bijou St, Phoo* 1410 TH 8. Caaead* Ava. Main 5399 Mr. and Mrs. John Steele and girl) born on March 21 in St. Technology. Following his gradu­ Charter or Articles of Incorporation per­ cles of Incorporation permitted by the iU Charter or Artielee of Incorporation children drove to Grand Junction Joseph’s hospital. Denver. ation from that school he was em­ mitted by the said laws, until the last day said laws, until the last day of February permitted by the said laws, until thi Saturday to spend the day. of February in the year of our I«ord one in the year of our Lord one thousand nine last day of February in (he year of out Mrs. T. J. Luttrell. who has been ployed as a chemical research eflt thousand nine hundred and fifty. hundred and fifty. Lord on* thousand nine hundred and fifty. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bierschied The Heyse Sheet ‘ confined to St. Anthony’s hospital, gineer by the Goodyear Rubber IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have here- IN WITNESS WTHERFXIF. I have here- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hav* her»- were dinner guests in the home of company. unto set my hand and caused the seal of unto set my hand and caused the seal of unto Set my hand and caused the seal of Metal and Roofing their nephew, Henry Schauster of Denver, has returned home. She my office to be affixed at the City and my office to be affixed at the City and my office to be affixed at the City and During World war II, he served County of Denver this first day of March, County of Denver this first day of March, INCORPORATED Glenwood Springs, Wednesday. is now convalescing. with the army as a chemical en County of Denver thi* first day of MarclL HEATING ROOFING A. D. 1949. A. D. 1949. A. D. 1949. EIVTERPRlSe TEIVT SHEET METAL prineer at the Edgewood arsenal (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH, (SEAL) LUKE J, KAVANAUGH. (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH, 539 SO. NEVADA i in Maryland for 46 months. He Commissioner of Insuraoca. Commissioner o f Insurance. Commlsalonar of Insurancg, AND AWNING € 0 . Phone: Main 552 | Altar Society in Roggen held the rank of maior at this PH. 1264 EiL 1889 1 time. After the war, he returned to the employment of the Goodyear Discusses Youth Project company at Akron. WOLFE & STRUBY CO. CENTRAL CATHOLIC Mr. Riddell married Miss Kay Roggen.— A special meeting of thopy Milan home after a two- Ramsbottom, a high school art PROTECTION THROUGH INSURANCE CASUALTY CO. HEIDELBERG'S the members of Sacred Heart week visit in Agate. teacher at Akron, prior to the war University Building AL. 1767 CLOTHING Altar and Rosary society was Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Linnebur A daughter, Karen Ann,. bom to- OMAHA, NEBRASKA called Sunday, March 20, to ex­ the couple, is now 6 years old Men’g Furniihingg and family and Mr. and Mrs. Tony plain the goals and needs of the Rau were Sunday dinner guests at Mr. Riddell was a member of 10 NORTH TEJON ST. school and youth programs in the the Mike Rau home. St. Joseph’s church here, the STATE OF COLORADO STATE OF COLORADO STATE OF COLORADO Knights of Columbus, and the Re­ Insurance Department Insurance Department Iniurance Departm.nt parish. Magdalen Shoeneman, Synopals of Statement for 1948 a* ren- Synopsis of SUtement for 1948 ss ren­ Synopsis of Statement for 1948 ae ran youth committee chairman of the Geraldine Rau and Shirley Rod­ serve Officers’ association. riquez, eighth gpvders at Sacred dared to the Commissioner of Iniurance dered to the Commissioner of Insurance dered to the Commissioner of Insurant Greeley deanery, began the move­ Survivors are his wife, daughter, Waatcheater Fira Inauranca Company Granite State Fir* Insuranca Company Central Catholic Caioalty Company CO M PLU fK N n OP Heart school, shopped for gradu ment by distributing letters. Youth parents, and grandfather. Other New York, N. Y. Portamouth, N, H. Offiahs, Nebraska ation clothes in Denver Saturday. Assets _____ *41,808.884.18 AazeU ...... *7.112,611.29 is the special work assigned to the survivors 'are the following aunts Assets ...... -*128;548.ll 0LS01\ A BEIVBOW Joe and Martha Brand and boys LlabiliUe* ______24.008.421.04 L U h ilitle s ...... 4,858.833.26 Liabilitlea ______98:068.81 tIEtS-l Greeley deanery by the Most Rev. and uncles— Mrs. G. W. Tomp- PLBG. HTG. CO. were out from Denver Sunday vis­ CapiUl ____ 2.000,000.00 C a p ito l...... 1,000,000.00 Capital ------Mutual & Urban J. Vehr, and this campaign kin of Fort Ckillins, Mrs. B. I. Surplus ...... 15,804.088.14 Surplus ...... 1.258,626.08 Surplua ------80,476.70 iting at the Hubert Orth home. 116 North Weber St Q ^olors C^tie. marks the beginning of intensive Becker of Windsor,-Harvey Riddell (Copy of CertlfleaU of Autliorlty) (Copy of Certifleat* of Antharily) (Copy of Certificate of Authority) work on the project. Mrs. Wm. L, Blick was in West­ of Denver, and Charles Riddell STATE OF COLORADO STATE OF COLORADO STATE OF COLORADO Tel. Main 3066 minster last Thursday visiting CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY -S a l e s Two of the quarterly commit­ of Fort Collins. Offic* of Coromlaaloner of Inauranca Office of Commisalonar of Iniurance Dennis. While there she met Mrs. The body arrived here Wednes­ I, Luke J. Kavanaugh, Commiaaionar of I, Luka J. Kavanaugh, Commissioner of Office of Commissiontr of Insurance tees of the Sacred Heart Altar and Insurance, do hereby certify that the Insurance, do hereby certify that the I, Luke J. Kavanaugh. Cummi^ioncr of Ruth Arneson, a former classmate, day morning. Mr. and Mrs. Rid­ Inaurance, do hereby certify that tha Rosary society— those of Decem­ who was recently elected treasurer Westchester Fir* Insuranoe Company, a Granite Suta Fire Insurant Company, ber and February — are joining dell, who left Fort Collins to be corporation organized under the laws of a corporation organised under the laws of Central Catholic Casualty Company, of the newly organized Altar and corporation organized tinder tho lawa of together to serve dinner at the with their son during his Illness, New York whose principal office is lo­ New Hampshire whoee prineipal office is Rosary society of the new Holy accompanied/ the body here. cated at New York, in consideration of located at Portamouth, in canalderation Nebraska whose principal office Is located AURORA Carlson farm sale on the C. C. at Omaha, in consideration of complianaa Trinity parish. The Rosary was recited at the compltane* with the laws o f Colorado, is of compliance with tlie laws of Colorado, Vigil farm Friday, March 25. hereby authorized to transact tha businett is hereby authorized to tranzact the buii- with th. laws of Colorado, la hereby au­ Members of the December commit­ Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cordes were Rice funeral home at 8:80 p.m set forth In the provisions of Its Charter nesa set forth in the provialona of itz thorized to tranaaet the buainets set forth tee are Rita Barney, chairman; hosts to Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Linne Wednesday. Mass is being said or Artleles of Incorporation permitted by Charter or Articles of Incorporation per­ in the provision* of it* Charter or Aril- NEW FASHION bur and family last Sunday. in St. Joseph’s church Thursday tha said laws, until the last day of FctL mitted by the said laws, until the last day cIm of Incorporation permitted by the PURSE BROS. Kate Howard, Rita Buchholz, Mary ruary in th* ytar of our Lord one thou­ of February in the year of our Lord one neid laws, until the last day of February Viola Erker, Magdalene Shoene­ Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Herb Neal Burial at Grandview cemetery. sand nine hundred and fifty. thousand nine hundred and fifty. in the year of our Lord one thousand nini Cleaners & Dyers hundred and fifty’. brought little Martina Milan, who IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I- have here­ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hava here­ GROCERY & MARKET man, Bertha Dyess, Lois Buchholz, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hava here- JOHN a . JOHNSON and Emma Rodriquez. The Febru­ is staying with them in Denver, for unto set my hand and caua^ the seal of unto set my hand and caused the seal of GROCERIES - MEATS - FRUITS Cub Scouts Entertain my office to be affixed at the City and my office to be affixed at the City and unto set my hand and caused the seal of VEGETABLES Offte* Plaat ary committee is made up of Ma­ a visit with her folks. This was County o f Denver thia flrat day of March, County of Denver this first day of March, my office to be affixed at tha City and SFrae* 9979 19931 Eaat Coltax the first time she had- seen her A. D. 1949. A D. 1949 County of Denver this first day of March, rian Epple, chairman: Dorothy A. D. 1949. *708 Eaot Colfax Avo. Ph. Aorors US 119 B. Alameda Ara. Aarera tt (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH. '(SEAL)’ LUKE J. KAVANAUGH. Cordes, Agnes Blick, Martha Lin- brothers and sisters here since Families at Potluck (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH, Commiaaioner of Inaurance. O>mmitol0Der of Insuranea. nebur, Edna Vigil, Margaret Rau, Christmas. Greeley.— (St. Peter’s Parisii) ' Commissioner of Insuran Margaret Erker, and Anne Rob­ SL Patrick’s day is also Tommy — A Blue and Gold potluck sup­ ertson. Klausner’s birthday, and that eve per was held by the parish Cub Martha Linnebur, who is in ning he was surprised with a party. Scouts at which the families of the SEABOARD SURETY PARAMOUNT FIRE charge of the clothing drive, Guests included Agnes and Bill Cubs were guests. Father Bernard Englewood FORT COLLINS wishes to remind all who nave not Blick, Margaret and Harold Klaus­ Froegel gave a short talk. The COMPANY INSURANCE CO. made their contributions that they ner, Lonnie and Bertha Dyess, entertainment included skits by should bring the clean, mended Martin and Magdalene Shoene­ Mr. and Mrs. Brinster. Mr, NEW YORK, N. Y. NEW YORK, N. Y, garments to her or her assistant. man, Phyllis and Norbert Leder- Brinster, a former choir leader, The firms listed here de­ VISITORS ARE ALWAYS Dee Linnebur, or to the church, bos, Betty and Harold Erker, Re­ and den dad, organized a chorut of by Sunday, March 27, as these gina and Bill Schmidt, Dee and members who entertained with sev­ PAINTING AND serve to be remembered WELCOME AT STATE OF COLORADO STATE OF COLORADO things must be racked and mailed Herman Linnebur, and Germaine eral numbers. Insurant* Department . Insurance Department by the end of the month. and Tony Bettale. when you are distributinj: Mrs. J. R. Linton was among Synopala et Stotoment for 1948 aa ren- Synopala of Sutement for 1948 aa ren­ SHINN'S PHARMAa Sunday, March 27, the Febru­ Knights of Columbus baseball the guests, representing the Wom­ derad to the Commissioner of Insuranca dered to the Commissioner of Inaurana* DECORATING your patronajfe in the dif­ Bwkoard Saraty Company NOBTHEBN HOTEL COB. ary committee will condifct an­ practice was called off Sunday aft- an’s club. The table decorations Paramount Fire Inaurance Company New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. ferent lines of business. P a 92 Ft. CoIUnrt. other bake sale in the church base­ ernoon on account of rain and were blue and gold, the theme for Aieeto ------*10,818.020.84 Bniih or Spray ment after the 9 o’clock Mass. wind. February. Liabiiitiai 4,440,166.28 Assets ______*1,848,886.01 Capitol ______1,000.000.00 Liabilities ______54J.577.84 Residential - Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hambeck and Mrs. J. M. Rodriquez distributed Voluntary Raaerva - .... 1,877,864.08 C a p ita l______300,000,00 Virginia Klausner were visiting at Surplua ______- 502,058.17 la Ft ColUaa on Hlwaja 87 and 287 souvenir programs of the dedica­ Sewing Circle to Meet Snrplua ...... Commercial the Lonnie Dyess home Friday tion of Otr Lady of Peace church (C«Fy of CartlSeato of Authority) (Copy o f Certificat* o f Authority) evening. in Greeley to friends In Sacred At App Home Mar. 24 STATE OP COLORADO STATE OF COLORADO DREILING MOTORS The Mother Cabrini Sewing CERTIFICATE OF AUTHOHITT CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY Roof Painting ^ The K. of C. council 3116 is on Heart parish. Mrs. Rodriquez, Mrs. Office *f Commiaaioner of Inanrane* Office of Commiaeloner of Inaurance Bnick and G.M.C. Spaclalitt* — Salas aod Expert* Sarrica the honor roll for insurance mem­ Vigil, Mrs. Gallegos, and Mrs. San Circle of S t Vincent de Paul’s Al­ I, Luke J. Kavanaugh, Commistiontr of I, Luka J. Kavanaugh, Oommlaalonir Satisfaction Guaranteed ^ L^t V$ Porcelaini:§e Your Car bers as listed in the K . o f C. Newt chez served the dedication dinner tar and Rosary society will meet Inzoraaea, do boraby ctrtify that tha of Insurance, do bersby certify that the Seaboard Surety Company, a corporation Paramount Fir* Insuranoe Company, New Low Spring Price*. for March 14. Credit for this at the Greeley ceremonies. at the home of Mrs. Howard App, Telephone 626 1260 South University boulevard, organized uodat the lawi of New York a corporation organized under the lawa accomplishment in organization Essay contests are occupying whoa# principal offte* is located at New of Mew York whoeo prineipal office Is Eatimatet Free j Denver, Thursday evening, March York, in eonilderatioD o f compliance with should be given to W. J. Bindel, the minds of the older pupils in located at New York, ia senaidaration of field manager, as well as to the 24, at 8. the lawi of Colorado, b hereby anthoHzed compliance with the laws of Colorado, is Sacred Heart school. The Ameri­ to tranaaet the businesa set forth in the members themselves who have re­ herwy authorized to transact the bnainiu can Legion auxiliary in this dis^ is “ Early Colorado Mlssionariea." proviiiona of iU Charter or Articlas of set forth in the prevlaions of its Charter sponded so well. Incorporation permitted by tha said lawi. or Articles of Incorporation permitted by trlct is offering prizes for the best New basketball goals of rerala- nnUl the lu t day of February in the year WM. SCHNEiL th* said lawa, until the last day of Febru­ Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Erker, Mr. essay titled “ What Kind of an .tion size and height have been of onr Lord on* thousand nine hundred ary in the year of our Lord one thousand 2926 So. Gulapago . and Mrt, Tony Bettale, and Mr American Am 17" Regis Milan's erected on a well-prepared lot east and fifty- nine hnndr^ and fifty. _____ Englew4>od 236 W ■ a W»aaa«. o u r r i^ u o i — BAMITATION DAISY 8UPPL1B8 and Mrs. Tommy Klausner were essay was submitted in this con­ of Sacred Heart scnoolhouic. A IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have herc- Sunday afternoon visitors at the test, Another contest, ending in onto Mt my hand and eansed the ami of nnto set my bsnd and esused the saal of basketball for the boys and also ray office to be affixed at the City and my office to be affixed at the City aod Th* firms listed hare dei*ri|e to W. L. Blick home. May, is being raonsored by Arch­ County o f Denver this ftn t day et March, Brighton Hatchery and Farm. Store one for the girls have been pro­ County o f Denver this first day of March, be remembarad when you are dis« S7S N.M KAXNW I IV ' Saturday Mr. and Mrt. Glen An- bishop Urban J. Vehr. The topic vided, and ^ e children are taking A. D. 1049, ____ A. D. 1949. fW -W derson brou ^t l^tle Jean An- ^osen for parochial grade schoola (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH. (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH, tribntlog your patronage to t]n| dif. a lively intereet in thia sport ComminaFmer of Inzuinnoa. Commiaaioner ot Instnane*. ferant linoa o f bualnoae. FACE FOURTEEN Offk«, 9St B< :k StTMt THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitone 4205 Thursday, Morch 24, 1949 n i aBunBBHHHBHnHwmnf Isf Commvfliofl $el Carnival at Sf. Dominic's Archbishop Serves BARNARD^S o m e m a k e r ’ s H for 55 C h ild re n To Feature Plymouth Car At Annual Dinner RECORD SHOP D e p a r t m e n t (St. Dominie’i Parish, Denver) evening, March 24, at 8 o'clock in At Sacred Heart At a meeting of 0»e parishioners the school hall. The speaker of the For Mullen Guests PatroniM* Tk*4* RetiabU mnd PrUndty Firms with the Very Rev. Peter O’Brien, evening will be Howard Jones, (Saerad Haart Pariah, Danvar) O.P.. pastor, and Uie other priests probation officer of the juvenile The annual S t Joseph’s day Italian Records of the parish it was decided to court. Sunday, March 27, some 66 chil­ celebration of the Mullen home for feature a four-door deluxe Ply- the aged was held Saturday, THE dren will receive their First Com­ The entertainment of the eve­ Open Evenings moi|th automobile at the June i;ar- ning will be provided by the third March 19. Archbishop Urban J. STILES munion in the 7:30 Mass. A break­ nival. The meeting was held Mon­ fast will be served to them in the grade children under their teach­ Vehr was celebrant of the Mass Tejon St. GL. 1796 McVeigh Company day evening, March 21, in the rec­ offered in the chapel of the home school lunchroom immediately ers. Sister Elizabeth Marie and PAINTING AND tory reading room and it was gen­ with the Rev. Adam Ritter, chap­ lECTRIC SERVICE after the Mass. Mrs. John 'Walley. Preceding the REE DELIVERY ON 3 OR MORE RECORDS DECORATING erally agreed that an automobile regular meeting the teaching sis­ lain of the home, and the Very Rev. Wiring — Lighting CONTRACTORS Next Sunday is the Communion would present the most attractive Harold Campbell as assistants. day for the women of the par­ ters, room mothers, and officers 1328 Inca EE. 0718 feature for the annual bazaar, will hold a council meeting at Monsignor William Higgins was 100 Larimer TA. 6875 ish Altar sodality in the 7:30 which will be held this year on the also present in the sanctuary. Garden Tool o'clock Mass; and the Young Men’s 7 :30, conducted by the vice presi­ evenings of Thursday, Friday, and Among the many benefactors •E A R L J.> and Young Ladies’ sodalities in the dent, Mrs. Raymond Ingram, Mrs. Saturday, June 23-25, on the present were Mrs. Ella Mullen Specials 10:30 o'clock Mass^ S. F. Speas is in charge of the NDERSO church grounds. program and Mrs. Fred Sabon, Weekbaugh and Mrs. John L. BROS STROHMINGER Cultivators__ $1.19 il sill The PTA and the PTA Room All the parish societies were president, will conduct the busi­ Dower, daughters of J. K. Mullen, Electrical- Contracting Mothers’ club each held a success­ represented at the general meet­ ness meeting founder of the institution. Garden Hoes _ j ; '; ; ; $1.98 I iterior - Exterior Painting ful meeting last week. The PTA ing Monday evening and Leroy At noon the Archbishop, the Llceneed and Bonded In City of DenTtr meeting, which was a night ses­ Volk was unanimously designated The officers and room mothers Phone CH. 6S81 have been active in the one-day priests, and the benefactors served i 16" Garden Rakes Denver 6, Colorado 1178 Stout sion, was taken over by the fa general chairman of the entire the dinner to the residents of thej thers of the children. Father John conference of the CPTL being held -1042-44 Santa Fe Drive N I ■ Mae— M M II ■ IH carnival with William Wagner, vice home, after which a dinner was] -— cZ-: $2.49 Casey, S.J., the pastor, was pre­ chairinan. A partial list of chair­ Thursday, March 24, at the Shir- ley-Savoy. Seventy-two members held for the guests. | Dandelion Rakes_ $1.69 THE BEST IN LUGGAGE sented with a cake, and Father men from the societies was se­ made reservations for the luncheon Benediction was offered by the| Long Handle Round q a Of All Kind, PLUMBING Martin Schiltz, S.J., won the spe­ lected to assist the general chair- and address by the Rt. Rev. Mon­ Archbishop in the afternoon. Fa-i Point Shovels...... __ CRANE FIXTURES cial prize. At the room mothers’ man. These members include Paul signor F. G. Hochwalt. The mem­ ther James Flanagan was deacon! YOUNGSTOWN STEEL meeting, prizes were awarded to lAjcecey, John Reilly, James Cour- Sturdy Step Stools $1.89 bers who will attend include, in and Father Forrest Allen was sub-1 KITCHENS Irene Gemino and Della Vigil. 8«y, Jr.; Mmes. Harry Hughes, addition to the teachisg sisters; deacon. The sodality of Holy Fam-| AUTOMATIC WATER HEATERS Lucy Ann Martinez, the infant and Fred Sabon; and Misses Mad- ECONOMY LUMBER & HARDWARE NK Free Parking in Rear The Very Rev. Peter O'Brien. O.P.: ily parish, which assists at the] daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roger elene Sullivan and Elaine Niel­ the Rev. I.e« C. Gninor. O .P.: Mme*. home every afternodh, sang in the, 350 So. Colorado Blvd. Ea»y Payment* DE. 5495 Eat i m GCO son.' L R. Fry Plbg- & Htg. Martinez, was baptized by Father Fred Sabon. Preeident: Henry Abmmeit, choir. U4i BVar. 124 8. BOWT. RA. 1801 Schiltz last Sunday. The PTA will meet Thursday Fred Rartle. James Beck. PMdie Bohn. Eugene Ranaban. Fred Berger* Allen Burger* Alice CriiwelL George Chapel- 'Tof Those Who Went Better Woffc" loni, A. C. Carroll. Ted Day. Ray Dun-1 St. Mary's Mothers AAA LANDSCAPING CO. I lap, Myron Oe Francia. John Flannery. JUSSEL Library at Loretto Heights Thomas Farrell, L. F. Hoffman* W. C. MA. 6066 — Joe Loffreda — 3900 So. Inca Hopkins. Ted Herrera. James Hedley. Hold Potiuck Luncheon Electric Co. Harry Hughes. Raymond Ingram, George Sheep Fertilizer, §4.50 Yd. Delivered 1163 California St. Jelniker. A. A. Klobendans. and Jacob Eighty members of the St. Mary’s Given 2 Book Collections Konrad#: 81.25. Spread I QUALITY PAINTIN^ANO DECORATING Electrical Contractors Vincent Larkin. Anthony T.ombardi. academy Mother’s club, Denver at­ Call AL. 1743 for Charles Lutter. Phil Mahoney. J. K. tended the potiuck luncheon in the ______Perennial Flowers and Shrubs 1-74 iOUTH C0«0l made recently to the library at space. It is estimated that 1,500 eoli. Louis Novak. William Naughton. was followed by a short business Loretto Heights college. Dne is a books are added annually by pur­ Neii Owen*. Bern.rd Pilt. John Popo-1 meeting called to Ol der by the vich. J. R. Pr#strtn. E. J. Phelan. Ella collection of 600 books, consist­ chase. Root, Edwin Reichardt. and A. C. Reid: ing for the most part of English The Rev. Daniel A. Lord, S.J.,* S. F. Speas. George W. Stock. Sr.; at which it was decided to have HOME INSULATION classics, and another is 50 valu­ national director of Our Lady's Joseph DiSilva, Thomas Shonsey. Frank the joint meeting with the fathers 300 Washing Machines S^l^er. Cornelius Speas. Peter Serafini, able French books. sodality, gave the sermon at the Mnier Sonenson. Charles Swanke. Fred Wednesday, April 27. Among the French books are reception of 16 new members Fri­ Tafoya. Leroy Volk, John Walsh. Mich­ The entertainment for the after­ $4 AGO day, March 18, at 7 p.m. in the ael Wade. J. R. Wilson, and A. F. Zar- Johns-Manville included Trois Reformateurs: Lu- lengo: and Misses Ann Hudson^ Mada- noon was a st>-le show put on by GOOD USED ONES ...... 1 U & up ther-Deacartes-RoHSBeau by Jacques chapel of Loretto Heights. The lene Sullivan, and Cleo Sanders. Miss B. Kreig and Miss Frances Rev. Edward Leyden, chaplain of Maritain, Cinq Grandes Odes by Scout Leaden Meet Withers of Joslin’s. The follow­ Rock Wool Paul Claudel, and La Vie de Franz the College, presided at the recep­ ing girls from the schopl acted GUARANTEED REBUILT ... *35.0 *50 tion. A meeting of the Boy Scout F o p Yonr Winter Liszt by Comte Guy de Portales. leaders wa$ held at the home of as models: Beverly Murray, Ruth Other authors in the collection The girls who were received in­ Edward Abromeit, 2220 Stuart Ann Kennebeck, Dorothy Busgette, NEW LATE MODELS...... ( ( & up C O I ilF O R T are Emile Bayard, Alphonse de clude Nancy Barnes, Edith Louise street. Sunday afternoon, w'ith Pat Wissenbach, Helen Crissman, Reduces Heating Costs up to 50% Lamartine, and Felix A. Savard. Kelly, Jean Robinson, Jeanette Scoutmaster Richard Hanna pres­ Nancy Babcock, Gerry Buckley, Pastore, Betty Keating. Margaret Bargains for Cash — Terms too, if Desired A Johni-Manville Initalled Job Monsignor William M. Higgins ent. A committee was selected Marian Wallace, Anita Green, Harness, Margaret Holland, Mar­ Will Last a Lifetime recently presented Notre-Dame de composed of five members who;Uorothy Golden, Judy Seeley, AH Standard Makes — Immediate Delivery Lourdes by Henri de Lassere. garet Cloonan, Gladys DeSoto, Pa­ sponsored the club and prepared: Fisher, Josephine Useling, Home Insulation & Improvement Co. Beautifully illustrated, the book is tricia Kastler, Joan Keim, Jeanne the necessary papers for securing al'lcsfiuie Replogle, Phyllis Paulino, You Can’t Afford to Miss this Sale valued for the many plates in Staley, Mary Michieli, Monta Ko- new charter. The committee McCarthy, and Corine Seep. ler, Zita Smith, and Joan Duzik. 16 W . 13th Are. Phone, AC 4624 - 25 color as well as for the "text. The William Gill, chairman; Edward] ------If You Need a Washer JUST OFF BROADWAY library already owned the Eng­ CSMC Makei 2 Donation* The CSMC unit at Loretto Abormeit, Sgt. Thomas Kengle, Pralnfa llicictc UN lish translation published by Sad- Larry Hunter, and Paul Ducey, in- "$ 6 1 0 1 6 U H lier in New York. Heigts college made two donations to mission activities in the past stitutional representative. It is Ray Jones Washing Machine Co. These, with the French books planned to have the scout meet­ Protect Holy Places week. One was a gift of $220 to E*l. 1932 acquired by purchase, make it the Loretto missions in China, and ings on Thursday nights in the Lake Success, N.Y.— Monsignor PependaUe Plumbing & Heating Co. po.ssible for the students in the church auditorium. the other, $100, to St. Patrick’s Thomas J. McMahon, national sec­ 376 So. Broadway SP. 3798 French classes to have a wide se­ parish in which the college is lo­ A class of instruction on Con­ .AH Plumbing and Heating Installations lection. retary of the Catholic Near East cated. / firmationJ , has ., been . , started , for . . the . I Welfare association, submitted a C. £. Bohannon - 4700 W. Colfax - AL. 1444 The library now occupies two Some of the ntoney was i-aised adults of the parush who wish to the United Na- rooms. There are more than 1,000 in the highly successful Mission Z f u' t ^ '“ itions insisting on a complete inter- Immediate Installation shelves containing 22,000 books; week conducted by the unit. In be conferr^m the church Tue.sday, j^„^li^^^^^^ Jerusalem and A and A FLOOR SERVICE 84 shelves have been added since this time each class has a day to evening. May 10. It is being held! ; repatriation of Arab, on New GAS FURNACES September, 1948. In the near fu­ entertain the rest of the school. m the rectory reading room everygome Israeli; Sanding— Laying—Finishing ture. 200 additional shelves will Approximately 150 men com­ Monday evening at 8 o clock. The: ^licly opposed the! be added: 75 of these will be "filled prising the 16 teams in Denver for first Fathering was held Monday. Jerusalem, I Mueller Climatral Old Floors a Specialty — Guy Routzon, Member Loyola Parish immediately with books owned by the National’ Catholic intercolle­ March 21. with 15 enrolled for the! Nazareth and ad-, 30 yparn Experience CH. 5292 - All ITorfc Guaranteed - 2923 Vine Si. giate tournament were guests at course. It is expected that an Arab refugees be for-1 ImlnUing Furnacea in Denver Radios to Be Donated an open house at Loretto Heights number of recent converts will L ancestral 1 Slieel ]\Ielal H (iulier \\ ork college on Wednesday afternoon, enter the class at the next meeting, homes in Israel. at 2:30. The sodality met Tuesday eve-; ^he prelate said he thinks the JOHNS-MANVILLE To Orphans, Shut-ins Besides being shown around the ning, March 22. Mis.s Elaine Niel- j^raeli government sincerely O^BRIEN SHEET METAL & school and campus, the boys were son, prefect, presided. Plans were|^,;,hes to repair the damage done COMPOSITION AND ASBESTOS To provide an added note of entertained in the Student Union discussed for participation in the Holy Land and to maintain FURNACE WORKS happiness for the orphans, shut- room and the Round-Up rooms June carnival and for the visit ®nd relations with religious in- 2541 Larimer KE. 6047 ins, and residents of any Catholic with dancing and ping-pong. The entertainment of the patj^ots gy^_ j^e declared, the Re*. CH. 5353 institution in Denver is the project ROOFS decorations were carried out with Fitzsimons hotpital on ’ Tuesday, Christian world has complete jus- of the Lite’s, Inc., radio shop, by pennants and colors of the visit­ evening, March 29__ 'tification in requesting an inter- For any type Home or Building donating reconditioned radios to ing schools. Miss Betsy Foley was , - 1 u • 4 4V, f i ® national status for the Holy institutioni or individuals. Lito the general chairman for the af- and entertainment conducted bylpj^^g^ "IF IT'S A FENCE ASBESTOS SIDING Gallegos, owner of the company, fair. I the Rosary and Altar society wasi Call KEa 5236 for FREE ESOIATES which is located at 1425 Larimer Tha music department of Lo-|a complete success. Dances were r // street, is presenting this oppor­ retto Heights collegeliege will present ^iven by Jean Madden and Mary Catholic Action Work WE HAVE IT' tunity to the people of Denver to Miss Barbara N i g r o in a senior McCloskey. The music wa.s furn­ obtain a new radio at a great T e rm s llllino recital on Sunday, March ished by the “ Dizzy Down Beat’’ JJesideiitial value, and at the same time to 27, at 8 in the evening, in the au­ orchestra under the direction of 'Described in Booklet R. H. Kim ball Co. If give their old radios, recondi­ ditorium. Miss Nigro is the daugh­ Indii.strial D esired tioned by Lite's, to these needy Richard Zeylmaker. ] j. York. - Official Catholic' 1001 Midland Savings Bldg., Denver, Colo. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nigro Members of the orchestra were; > i, • E.siales, Etc. institutions and individuals. of Kansas City, Mo. She will be Bob Zevlmaker, Frank Brenner, i Action aims at “ the full mtegra-| Johni'HanvIlU Franehlied Applicators | The store is giving a $40 dis­ assisted by Miss Ann Hoare, Soph­ Tom Johnson, Don Jelniker, Bob]Don of the temporal under the; FKEE count on all their radios and will omore, with readings and songs. Lundgren, and Cliff Fullen. Thej spiritual,” and requires for the at-; ESTIMATES JORNS-MANVtLLE FLOORINGS credit the buyers for $50 on their The recital will be given in partial entertainers were largely from the: taininent of this goal a “ total mo- MMoVnTIM CB*'” '•''V'. ------purchase when they turn in their fulfillment of the requirement for school, altar boys, and Girl Scouts. bilization’’ of the laity plus thor­ Asphalt Tile old radio set. The old sets are a Bachelor of Arts degree. Prizes were awarded to the fol­ ough apostolic training. P f 3 ' M r . . A . reconditioned in the repair de­ Miss Nigro’s selections will in­ 'This is the thesis of a new A mer- Complete A long lived, low priced flooring for Schools, lowing guests: Sale* partment and are as good as new. clude Sonata in G Minor by Schu­ Ruth kAbboti. ptrcol*ior: Ann* icn Press pamphlet by the Rev., Erection Hospitals, Churches, Residences. Requests for a reconditioned mann, First Movement Sonata by Amnci, «<-hei: Mr*. R oy,B *ie. i.s c«»h : Prancis B. Donnelly, What h This', Service TerraUex radio should be addressed to the Beethoven, Fantasia in C Minor Mrs. Felix Brin. eRiringi: Meddie Bolt' Catholic Action? The booklet is “ I 1 r lili yjOll !JIJ a Register, Lois Murrin. editorial by Mozart. Hungarian Dance by ven. Rpron: A. C. Carroll, percolator: l i] i y y i51: y . P c y=y y y y yjiy One of the toughest, longest wearing floor Floyd Comito. 10 gals, gasoline: Robert rich in quotations from the Popes, Satisfaction W6o6‘deleft. department. Brahms. “ Rhapsody" by Brahms, Ci*rk. plsyins c-»rd»; F. R. D«vi«. i*c«|and draws from the Papal direc- Guaranteed, coverings ever developed; grease prooL Acid Ballad in C Minor by Chopin, Mr’*. A m o in .tt, D . Bril, ru e; B * r i j f>ves the principles to be followed Licensed proof; unaffected by alkalis. Brilliant colors. Minstrels by Debussy, and Mala- Finn, pUque: Thoms* Griffith, tsbielhy clergy and lay persons con- Contractor, Frea Estimates Descriptive Literature Free 2 Pieces guena by Lecuona. riock; G. c. Hoiroyd. rsinr; L. L. I.* pected with Catholic Action. May. towals; Mrs. P. J. I-ucy. corsage: Father Donnelly cites a -state­ Recovered Clyde Marchese. shaving powder; E. J. Phone Dean of Regis Going Phelan* food warmer: Mary Ann Purcell, ment by Pius XI, “ Catholic Action Building & Maintenance Co. $65.50 beauty treatment: A. C. Reid, perfume; is the Christian life lived with R A . 2879 To School Conference J. M. Ross. Sparklet set: L. J. Saindon. ^ sfoc??Aoi 1863 WAZEE ST., DENVER KE. 2371 lotion; Hugh Shovtin. fryer: Eva Silk, zeal,” to demonstrate that Chris­ Up vanity pin: Frances Staub, berry set: tian living involves apostolicity The Rev. Louis G. Mattione, THE EMPIRE'S MOST COMPLETE FENCE STOCK I ' Bettuii/ul W, J. Stapleton, ramera. as a necessary clement. Two'ap­ S-J.. dean of Regis college, will Ot'her prixen went to Mrs. Jo«ephine pendices in the pamphlet contain j a m > j i o .t Smolicn. compact: Mrs. Meddic Thyfault C l F a b r ic s leave Denver Monday to attend statements by Pius X I , Pius X I I , the annual meeting of the North nhampoo and wave; Joan Volk, candy: East Evans .SUPPLY CO. EastExaiis far* powder. Nellie Barnhart, Alice Gon­ and the American Bishops. W. J. C*riil* A. M. Ellerbj Coma In or Wo Will Skew Central Association of Colleges zales. Mrs. Joaeph P. Lewis, Rose Spea». Fabrici in Yonr Homo and Secondary Schools in Chicago. and Mary E. Watson; thtater paaats, Complete Flaypound K({nipinenl Don Rurd, Kenita (lilei, Hsttie Porter, Catholic Population Up The meeting will be held at the and T. P. R eirhd: ice rream mix. Allen COLORADO Palmer House and will run through Anderton. Louise J. Emerick. William 21 Per Cent in Australia the entire week of Mafch 28. Fa­ Hinel. and V. L. Moas. Canberra.— In the 14-year pe­ UPHOLSTERY CO. Potted plants were awarded to Mrs. ther Mattione will return to Den­ E. S. McGlnty, Caro] Johnson, and riod between 1933 and 1947 the GL. 2304 2501 16ti> St. ver early in the following week. George Harris: tea was given to Mrs. K H R C 's p n i n i CO. Catholic population of Australia J. J. Ingling. Tom Hoare. Geraldine Shillii Rduicf on Decorating Problems il ! Neville, and John Volk: canned goodit has increased by over 21 per cent, Completely Automatic I were received by Mrs. George Pell, F. according to the commonwealth IR. Davjf, George Diwion. Mrs. E. P. census taken June 30, 1947. In iGarlland* Mrs. Johnny Marino, and Ar- jthur Moss. 1933 Catholics numbered 1,288,997; LAWir SPRINKLING SYSTEM ^ Mrs. Harry Hughes, president of in 1947 they numbered 1,569,726, Small Down Payment. U*e Your Credit— 36 Month* to Pay ]the society, wishes to thank Mrs. or 20.7 per cent of the population Let O ur Trained Landscape Designer Consult fPith You I Joseph McClo.skey, general chair­ and an increase of 280,729. No Obligation, man, and all those who assisted PHONE OR WRITE I her and the entertainers who Lay Missioner Killed helped make the evening so cheer­ Shanghai.— Miss Marietta Dier- ful kens, 32, of Belgium, a nurse and EVEREH 0. NORD & SONS The Neighborhood club of adult LandMape Design and Construction I scouts will hold a special meeting member of a Catholic missionary ImaUUcr# A Diitribston In Um Mouniahi Stalt#. group known as the Lay Auxili­ Tuesday, March 29, at the home aries of the Missions, was myster­ IS Y*«ra Ui th# 6priakl«r BmifntM. of Mrs. John R. Thomas. 2805 3125-27 EAST COLFAX AVE., DENVER. COLO. iously shot and killed at Nanking Federal boulevard, at 12:30. Co­ on the night on March 11, while PHONE DE. 5021 DEALERS WANTED hostess will be Mrs. Robert Pres­ she was on duty. TERMITE CONTROL ton and Mrs. Fred Bartle. This meeting will discuss the four scout camping programs for this sum­ Termites May Be Seri- mer. MOVING ously Damaging Your^ Several of the adult scouts are TERMITES SWARM taking day camp training in order . STORAGE Home! to qualify as unit leaders and as­ IT’S A WARNING OF sistants in the day camp program SHIPPING Why Be in Doubt? COSTLY DAMAGE NEARBY! to be held at Berkeley park in June. L oca l and The international friendship Long Distance sp“ 4 « 3 free in s p e c t io n *™” '* GOLD SEAL CONGOLEUM RUGS-...... $9.95' program which will be held Sun­ M ov in g nee Choice of our stock, 9x12 day, April 3, will l^e discussed at Storage - Packing Colorado Teirminix Co. PRINTED FLOOR COVERINGS, square yard...... 75c the neighborhood meeting. The 24 E. Alameda, Denver seven Girl Scout units in the par-< S h ip p in g Choica of 10 Pattoms— TOP QUALITY ' Member of World’s Largest Termite Control Organisation INLAID LINOLEUM— standard gauga, squara yard...... $2.2$ ish school will take part in this international program. All Types of Frama * Ertry Job Triply Gu*r»nt«*
