Pahayagan ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas ANG Pinapatnubayan ng Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoismo

Vol XLVII No. 4 February 21, 2016

Editorial Revolution! Not elections!

s the din of the campaign for the 2016 elections shifts into high gear, landlords and comprador bour- the Party and all national-democratic forces should further expose geoisie, and especially the bureau- Athe bogus and empty reactionary elections in order to unceasingly crat-capitalists linked to the crim- arouse the Filipino people to persevere with their mass struggles, strengthen inal syndicates. They covet control their organized strength and take the path of revolutionary struggle. of the government as a source of favors in granting contracts, cut- It is high time to reaffirm and relevant change. ting taxes, smuggling commodities propagate the basic principle that For the reactionaries and US and protecting their criminal oper- the social change the people have imperialism, the elections play a ations. long been aspiring for can only be critical role in preserving the ruling The reactionary elections are achieved through revolutionary political system and their class inherently fraudulent. Forms of struggle, primarily in the form of dictatorship. fraud range from vote-buying to armed revolutionary struggle sup- Through the electoral process, intimidation and coercion of voters ported by a broad democratic mass the reactionary government and to manipulating the vote count. struggle. the political system of landlords To lend credibility to the elec- While some progressive and and big bourgeoisie are made to tions, the reactionary state started national-democratic forces engage appear "democratic." This conceals the automated election system in in critical participation in the elec- the class character of the ruling 2010. Since the counting of votes is tions, the people should also be state and creates the illusion that concealed from the public eye, roused to reject the reformist illu- those running and leading the re- fraud has become even more wide- sion being inexorably peddled by actionary government are "chosen spread, massive and systematic. the reactionaries and counterre- by the people." US imperialism's control over volutionary petty-bourgeois forces The reactionary elections re- the elections has also become that participating in the reaction- flect the rotten politics of the stronger. Globally, the automated ary elections will bring about parasitic ruling classes, the big election industry is controlled by a few companies linked with big monopoly cap- italists. It has become easier for US imperial- ism to determine who among the candidates it will put into power, especially nation- al officials of the reactionary state. US imperial- ism's control over ruling class politics has further tightened. It uses the Early as it is, leading presiden- tion of US military bases in the reactionary elections to consolid- tial candidates are already com- , and serve its goal of ate the ruling class, sort out rival- peting for US imperialism's atten- strengthening its military power in ries among their ranks, anoint tion and presenting themselves as the Asia-Pacific region. those chosen to be in power and fervent advocates of neoliberal Amidst ever-worsening poverty obtain the support of various fac- policies. Among their proffered and oppression, the national-demo- tions. programs is the continuation and cratic forces should strengthen the The coming May elections will expansion of the Public-Private propaganda movement which ex- result in none other than putting in Partnership program intensely de- poses the semicolonial and place a new puppet of US imperial- sired by big domestic and foreign semifeudal system and arouses the ism and representative of ruling capitalists for its guaranteed Filipino people to fight to overthrow class interests. profits. imperialism, feudalism and bureau- For the Filipino people, the re- Also included in these are the crat capitalism. actionary elections pose no great policies of depressed wages, union- The revolutionary forces must significance. They are aware that busting and the encouragement of expose and reject the sham demo- this simply replaces the faces of various forms of labor flexibility. cracy under the reactionary elec- those administering the reaction- Bounded with these also are tions. At a time when political ary state. This will not bring about policies favouring the landgrabbing candidates capture the people's any change in its basic policies. for the establishment and expan- attention and give them entertain- The next administration will sion of commercial plantations and ment, the people should further be only continue exploiting and op- destructive mining operations. mobilized in mass struggles. pressing the Filipino people under The new reactionary state that At the same time, mass move- policies favouring big foreign capit- will be installed under US rule ment activists critically participate alists. come May 2016 will only become in the elections by supporting Amidst the aggravating and more dependent and servile to the forces and politicians who are deepening crisis of the ruling semi- dictates of its imperialist master. friendly to or supportive of the na- colonial and semifeudal system, the The US will ensure the installation tional-democratic movement and ruling classes in the Philippines are of a regime that will certainly con- the people's welfare. becoming ever more desperately tinue with policies favouring milit- Patriotic and democratic subservient to US imperialism. ary intervention and the construc- parties also participate to win seats for their representatives in ANG Contents the parliament and become the Left opposition that will bring the issues of mass struggles to the re- Editorial: Revolution! Not elections! 1 actionary congress. Vol XLVII No 4 | February 21, 2016 Candidates bare pro-imperialist stance 3 This congress should be re-

Ang Bayan is NPA wipes out RPSB platoon in Cagayan 4 lentlessly exposed as an instru- published in ment of landlords, big bourgeoisie 46th IB's 30 casualties in Pantukan 4 Pilipino, Bisaya, and fascist and criminal bureau- 2-day offensives in Negros 4 Hiligaynon, crat-capitalists. The illusion that Waray and EDSA Uprising's Legacy 5 the people can achieve basic English. change by relying on legal and Schools launch series of protests 7 It can be downloaded from the parliamentary struggle alone must Group slams NKTI reduction of discounts 7 Philippine Revolution Web Central at be untiringly shattered. Cease- Protests against EDCA continue 8 lessly raise the people's militance to resist the ruling state. Police attacks Zambales barricade 8 Ang Bayan welcomes "Revolution! Not elections!" is Thousands join OBR: Rise for Revolution 9 contributions in the form of articles the Filipino people's cry in reject- and news items. Readers are Manipulating oil prices 9 ing the reformist illusion being encouraged to send feedback and propagated by the ruling class. Military slays 3 civilians in ComVal 11 recommendations for improving our Under the Party's leadership, they US-Aquino regime derails BBL 12 newspapers. Send your messages to continue to march along the road [email protected] JCET: Instrument for US intervention 13 of people's war with the goal of smashing the ruling state and end- Ang Bayan is published forthnightly by the Central Committee ing the exploitative and oppressive of the Communist Party of the Philippines system.

2 February 21, 2016 ANG BAYAN Candidates bare pro-imperialist stance

ome presidential candidates will continue with the US-Aquino regime's ation for the benefit of foreign SPublic-Private Partnership (PPP) program should they assume power. capitalists. They have all vowed to This has been clear all along in their pronouncements. In fact, they do not increase government spending for conceal their intention to continue with the present regime's bankrupt pro-foreign infrastructure. This policy with regard to attracting foreign investment. includes a budget designed to se- cure the profits of big capitalists The PPP is one of the policies the country. In fact, the Philippine investing in the projects. most desired by the big comprador Chamber of Commerce has been bourgeoisie and their big foreign pushing Aquino to fast-track the Industries, not ecozones capitalist partners. In order to at- implementation of PPP projects Meanwhile, the tract US imperialism's support, during the rest of his term. The Partylist criticized Davao City Vice President Jejomar Binay American Chamber of Commerce in Mayor Rodrigo Duterte for favoring pushes for the accelerated imple- the Philippines has also called upon the construction of economic zones mentation of projects under the the presidential candidates to like Clark. program. For him, the most press- continue with the implementation According to Fernando Hicap of ing issue regarding the PPP is the of duly awarded PPP projects. Anakpawis, “We criticize Duterte “inexplicable delay” in the imple- In reality, foreign and local in- for siding with foreign businesses mentation of projects. In a similar vestors are not worried about the in ecozones, instead of promoting tune, Senator Grace Poe vowed to future of the PPP even as the ad- respect for Filipino labor rights finish seven airports under the PPP ministration's bet, Sec. Mar Roxas, such as wage hikes, the right to in the first half of her term. lags behind in poll surveys. The unionize and to strike.” Presently, 12 PPP projects Commission on Elections does not Anakpawis also condemned "with a combined worth of P217.4 ban the granting of contracts for Duterte's announcement that he billion" have been granted by the PPP projects during the election will allow up to 70% foreign owner- US-Aquino regime. Two of period. Biddings and the granting of ship of the country's industries. these—the P2.01 billion Daang projects to favoured businessmen Anakpawis made public its Hari-SLEX Link Road Project and will continue as scheduled. The PPP stand after Kilusang Mayo Uno the P16.43 billion PPP for School Center aims to grant at least three (KMU) slammed Duterte for threat- Infrastructure Project Phase more contracts before Aquino's ening them. On February 9, Duterte 1—have been implemented. term ends. In addition, leading said he would not allow the estab- The PPP's fate under the next candidates have also promised not lishment of labor unions and regime is one of the biggest ques- just to continue with the program, threatened to "kill" KMU members tions confronting businessmen in but to improve upon its implement- who do otherwise.

ANG BAYAN February 21, 2016 3 NPA wipes out PNP-RPSB platoon in Cagayan

eventeen were killed while 10 other troops of the Philippine National Po- Ka Ester Falcon, the ambush serves Slice-Regional Public Safety Battalion 2 (PNP-RPSB2) were wounded in an as punishment to the PNP-RPSB for ambush staged by the New People's Army-East Cagayan (Henry Abraham acting as protectors of Brostan Command or HAC) last February 16 in Baggao, Cagayan. Construction's plunder. The com- pany pushes for the construction of The ambush was carried out at retaliate. the Ngarutngot dam which it claims Kilometer 13 in Barangay Pallagao Earlier, the NPA destroyed will be the source of the National at 10 a.m., when a company of the Brostan Construction's heavy Irrigation Administration's irriga- said PNP unit responded to a punit- equipment located along the road in tion project. In truth, mining in Mt. ive action by the HAC against a de- nearby Barangay Sta. Margarita. Ngarutngot is Brostan Construc- structive company, Brostan Con- These include two backhoes, one tion's real intention. The said dam struction, last February 14. As a dumptruck, one bulldozer, and a project and mining operations en- result of command-detonated ex- payloader. Brostan Construction is danger the lives and livelihood of plosives, the whole RPSB force owned by big foreign and local cap- the people of Cagayan's first dis- aboard two vehicles were immedi- italists. trict. Twelve barangays in Baggao ately paralyzed and were unable to According to HAC spokesperson are directly affected.

46th IB sustains 30 casualties 2-day offensives in Negros in Pantukan A SERIES of tactical offensives was carried out by the Guerrilla Front 1 (Leonardo Panaligan Command) of TROOPS of the 46th IB, PA sustained no less than 30 NPA-Negros last January in Himamaylan City, Negros casualties at the close of a series of tactical offensives by Occidental. the NPA under the ComVal-Davao Gulf Subregional Com- Two soldiers from the 11th IB and an element of mand in Pantukan, Compostela Valley last February 3. the Civilian Armed Forces Geographical Unit (CAFGU) The first ambush was executed at 12:30 in the after- were killed. These offensives belie claims of AFP units noon last February 3 at Sitio Sapang Tin-aw, Barangay based in Negros that the NPA “has been rendered in- Tibagon. Nine soldiers were killed, including 2nd Lt. Gar- consequential” in the island. cia, commander of the unit, while 10 were wounded. These also serve as punishment to the said milit- At 7:30 in the evening, Red fighters ambushed an ary unit for the killing of civilians Uldarico Camayodo army truck in Barangay Cabahian. Two soldiers were of Sitio Cunalum, Barangay Carabalan and Jumar Hil- killed, among them 1Lt. Ralph Pantonial while seven were ario of Sitio Pisok, Barangay Buenavista. This is also a injured. Before this, at around 7pm, Sgt. William Morenio response to the proliferation of illegal drugs perpet- was killed after an NPA fighter fired at him in Barangay rated by the soldiers in Carabalan and Buenavista Biasong. January 14. A unit of Red fighters harassed the According to the National Democratic Front-South- headquarters of the Charlie Company of the 11th IB in ern Mindanao Region, the NPA will persist in their of- Barangay Carabalan, Himamaylan City. The NPA fensives against the 46th IB because the latter protects managed to close in as near as 50 meters from the the interest of the large mining companies based in Pan- headquarters so that the soldiers were not able to tukan. counterattack . Meanwhile, the Guerilla Front 53 of NPA-SMR (Her- January 18. Two elements of the 11th IB were minio Alfonso Command or HAC) punished Bernabe killed and one injured in an NPA ambush. The AFP Abanilla, chief of the Civil Security Unit in North Co- troops were pursuing the NPA who attacked their tabato last February 7 while alighting from his vehicle in headquarters. This was followed by a series of har- Barangay Doruloman, Arakan, North Cotabato. Abanilla assment operations against the troops operating in was among the masterminds of the killings of Fr. Fausto Sitio Cantupa and Sitio Bantik in Barangay Buenav- Tentorio in 2011 and Benjaline Hernandez in 2002, both ista. killed in Arakan. Isabel Santiago, spokesperson of HAC, These offensives serve as training for new recruits declared the punishment of Abanilla as a victory for the and commanders of the NPA as culmination of their people of Arakan and the revolutionary movement. consolidation activity last December 2015.

4 February 21, 2016 ANG BAYAN EDSA Uprising's legacy

hirty years since the EDSA Uprising, the legacy of the US-Corazon rushed forward, land grabbing ac- TAquino regime, brought into power through a popular uprising, contin- celerated for the use of foreign ues. This is a legacy of continued servitude to the imperialists, big landlords, mining companies, plantations and and comprador-big bourgeoisie in oppressing and exploiting the Filipino commercial establishments includ- masses. ing malls and tourist resorts. The regime The overthrow of Marcos was and his cronies. Corruption went seemingly revived democratic pro- not a social revolution that crushed unabated and the debt continued to cesses by drafting a new constitu- the evils of US imperialism, feudal- grow up to the $6 trillion mark at tion, convening congress, allowing ism and fascism. The most obvious present. freedom of the press, and holding change that the EDSA Uprising Not only did the new regime elections. But it did not take long brought about was the change of continue Marcos’s anti-people, before the fraudulent February 2 rule from one pro-US open fascist anti-labor and anti-peasant de- plebiscite and May 11, 1987 elec- dictatorship to the rule of another crees, she upgraded these and sped tions were exposed for posting an pro-US faction with the trappings up neoliberal globalization. Among incredible 95% registration of pos- of bourgeois democracy. the anti-people laws were the Om- sible voters of which 90% sup- The US retained its hegemony nibus Investments Code guaran- posedly went to the polls. Involved over the Philippines. The same teeing unlimited profits for foreign in these was Lord Mark Malloch- classes of big compradors and land- capitalists exploiting the country’s Brown, then Corazon Aquino's lords continue to rule the semicolo- wealth, and the Herrera Law leg- political consultant, who now owns nial and semifeudal Philippine soci- alizing contractualization and im- the machines used in the auto- ety. The armed forces remain the posing tougher controls by the De- mated elections of 2010 and to be main component of state rule. partment of Labor and Employment used again in the 2016 elections. Even before she took over, the on worker’s strikes. In line with the regime's bour- US dictated the terms for its new Policies of the International geois democratic trappings, chief puppet, including the contin- Monetary Fund and World Bank Corazon Aquino formally restored ued use of US military bases in the took off, such as the freezing of the privilege of the writ of habeas Philippines, to which she agreed. worker’s wages, the prohibition of corpus and released Marcos’ polit- When Corazon Aquino was brought strikes, anti-industrialization, im- ical detainees. But since then, re- into power by the EDSA Uprising, port liberalization, and privatiza- spect for human rights would im- she immediately allocated 47% of tion. prove no further. The succeeding the government budget to service Loopholes intentionally built regimes will put to shame Marcos’s the $26-$30 billion foreign debt, into the most expensive, longest record of tyrannizing the masses. which was never enjoyed by the and sham land reform program, the Six million had to flee their homes, Filipino people but instead went to Comprehensive Agrarian Reform 150,000 were killed and 100,000 the pock- Program, were used by the land- were wounded in military opera- ets of lords to wrest back and grab more tions in Marcos’s 21-year rule. At Marcos land. As neoliberal globalization least 70,000 were detained without charges. Until now, none of the succeeding regimes showed interest in prosecuting even a single soldier or officer involved in these viola- tions. The Corazon Aquino regime even raised the military budget by 47% and the salaries of the soldiers of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) by 60%,

ANG BAYAN February 21, 2016 5 increasing further with every suc- ratification, the US has become historical uprisings of the Filipino ceeding regime. more brazen in its intervention in people, was widely participated in As early as 1986, upon the dir- the country and preparations for and invigorated by the Filipino ection of the Pentagon and US- direct aggression. youth. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Though the semicolonial and One generation before EDSA, chief Gen. John Singlaub and oper- semifeudal system remained, the the youth previously molded by ative Ray Cline, military and para- people did not allow themselves to "anti-communism" and "conser- military forces have attacked activ- be limited by the character of the vatism" unexpectedly led the First ists and mass leaders in the cities succeeding regimes. Events show Quarter Storm of the 1970s and and countryside. Among these at- that the ruling class can no longer the Diliman Commune that tacks were the murder, with all im- rule the old way. From the old bannered the red flag of revolu- punity, of KMU chairman Rolando bourgeois democracy, it imposed tion. One generation later, the Olalia and his driver, and Bayan martial rule to halt the revolution- youth martial rule attempted to Secretary-General . ary movement. As the movement mold through an educational sys- While openly calling for reconcili- gained even more strength, it tem designed by the US-controlled ation, since March 1986, more than switched to bourgeois democracy. Presidential Commission to Survey 15 combat battalions have been de- But the people’s aspiration to oust Philippine Education and who grew ployed against the revolutionary an unbearably oppressive and ex- up amid the mantra of “sa ikauun- forces in the countryside. The ploitative regime has not waned. lad of bayan, disiplina ang kailan- widespread massacres, assassina- In the face of numerous modes gan” (for the country’s develop- tions, torture, strafing, zoning and of deception, the masses are ment, discipline is needed) surged forced evacuation which were im- aroused, organized and mobilized to the streets to join the EDSA plemented under Corazon Aquino’s for their liberation. The broad Uprising. Total War became the standard of democratic people’s movement A generation later, the youth equally brutal anti-people, US-de- continues both in the city and of “Generation X” who ostensibly signed counter-insurgency cam- countryside. Revolutionary armed gained awareness during the time paigns in every succeeding regime. forces continue to grow and revolu- of “reconciliation,” and “yellow At the same time, military officers tionary bases expand in the coun- magic”, and grew up amid the de- were given sensitive and powerful tryside, and organs of the demo- ception of “democratic space”, posts in high levels of the civilian cratic people’s government sprout formed the bulk of the second bureaucracy. Oplan Lambat Bitag 1, in consolidated areas. These are EDSA Uprising that overthrew the 2 and 3; Oplan ; Oplan the bases of future upsurges in the shameless US-Estrada regime. Balangay; Oplan Bantay Laya 1 and struggle. The present generation of mil- 2 up to the US-Benigno Aquino re- The US-Aquino regime’s legacy lenials (youth born during the close gime’s Oplan Bayanihan, prove that is that of neoliberal globalization’s of the 1990s) who grew up amid fascism is very much alive behind limitless destruction of the people’s the milieu of "social media" and the camouflage of bourgeois demo- livelihood, the continued rule of the "YOLO" (you only live once) cracy. burgeois-comprador-landlord dyn- mentality, a generation molded by Even as the Ramos, Estrada and asties and their privileges for cor- individualism and neoliberal ideas, Benigno Aquino regimes had not yet ruption, militarization and viola- is the generation that will take on formally approved the Mutual Lo- tions of human rights with the legacy of EDSA 1 and 2. They gistics Support Agreement and Vis- impunity, and boot-licking ser- will also be the ones who will effect iting Forces Agreement, US ad- vitude to US imperialism. This is a new uprisings once the illusions visers, trainors, covert operatives legacy carried on by the second US- and deceptions clouding their con- of the Pentagon and CIA, ground Aquino regime’s “tuwid na daan" sciousness are shattered. The and naval troops together with the (straight path), Oplan Bayanihan unity of the youth and students AFP had been running loose in the and EDCA. with the toiling masses and thor- Philippines. They had been con- On the other hand, the EDSA ough-going advance of the nation- ducting aerial and naval surveil- Uprising’s legacy to the people is a al-democratic propaganda move- lance operations, funding death tradition of struggle to overthrow a ment and democratic mass squads and vigilante groups dir- despised regime in a way not pro- movement will create a new up- ectly or indirectly through the CIA scribed by the limits of bourgeois surge of protests that will result in and international anti-communist legality. a new historical uprising greater organizations. Upon the EDCA's The EDSA Uprising, like other than all past uprisings.

6 February 21, 2016 ANG BAYAN Schools launch series Group slams of protests reduction of discounts at the NKTI ne protest after another was conducted by the students and teachers Oagainst the commercialization and the colonial system of education last January and February. PATIENTS of the National #AyokoMagmahal UP) held a protest action on the Kidney Transplant Institute The #AyokoMagmahal cam- first day of classes in UP last (NKTI) held a protest action in paign, a nationwide protest January 19. Students from UP- front of the hospital last Feb- against increases in tuition and Diliman marched to the CHED last ruary 12 to denounce the other fees in colleges and uni- January 22. On January 25, they scrapping of the 80% discount versities, was launched last Febru- held a noise barrage during the for poor patients with kidney ary 12 through the initiative of meeting of the university council failure. Anakbayan, League of Filipino Stu- where the revision of the cur- From 80%, the discount for dents and Partylist. riculum was discussed. During the hemodialysis patients was cut Before this, students protested voting, 256 voted against while down to 20%. Even those who last February 8 at the Commission only 187 representatives voted in are covered by the PhilHealth on Higher Education (CHED) to favor of revising the General Edu- are obliged to pay P550 for condemn the estimated 5-12% tu- cation program (GE). every hemodialysis session ition increase for the next school The students also denounced and P951 for maintenance year. Among those who will in- plan to reduce the GE program medicines. They will also have crease fees are the same schools from 45 (15 courses) to 21 units. to shoulder P1,500 for a dia- who have recorded the highest in- According to Anakbayan, the lyzer, a filter used to clean comes in previous years, such as proposed curricular reform is a blood. Far Eastern University, Lyceum of colonial measure that seeks to Without the discount, the Philippines and University of realign UP education to better suit overall expenses amount to the East. the demands of foreign and big P4,500 for each session. The #AyokoMagmahal cam- businesses for cheap labor. This Hemodialysis is a medical paign also condemned the plight of only paves the way for more spe- process for patients with the increasing number of students cialized courses in the curriculum chronic kidney failure. It fil- who have committed suicide due to under the K-12 program and the ters the patient's blood by al- rising costs of education. integration among ASEAN member lowing blood to flow through a Jessiven Lagatic, a 4th year countries. special machine that removes graduating student of Central Bicol Furthermore, the proposed GE wastes and excess fluids, be- State University of Agriculture, program makes the adoption of fore it is returned to the body. committed suicide last February 11 Filipino courses by UP constituents This method allows the kidney after losing his scholarship. Lagat- optional and puts warning labels to function but needs to be ic is the fifth student to commit for courses taught mainly in performed regularly and for suicide under the Aquino regime. Filipino, as if to scare students life. away from taking such courses. NKTI officials told pa- UP series of protests In a related matter, parents, tients that the discount for Meanwhile, teachers and stu- teachers and students of hemodialysis was reduced to dents of University of the Philip- Science High School petitioned the promote kidney transplant in- pines (UP) in Diliman foiled at- Supreme Court last February 15 to stead of having to endure such tempts to revise the university's stop the implementation of the K-12 a medical procedure for life. curriculum after a series of program. According to Atty. Severo Both processes are burden- protests. Brillantes, the Supreme Court should some and expensive for the A group of students and teach- act on the appeal because uni- poor. A kidney transplant ers led by Anakbayan and Student versities and colleges are now con- amounts to P1 million, aside Alliance for the Advancement of ducting their entrance examinations from P30,000 for maintenance Democratic Rights in UP (STAND for the next school year. medicines.

ANG BAYAN February 21, 2016 7 Police attacks Zambales Protests against EDCA barricade continue LAST February 7, police forces violently dispersed barricades N COMMEMORATION of the 117th year of Philippine-American War, put up by residents of Barangay Imembers of Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (Bayan) marched to the US Bayto, Sta. Cruz in Zambales embassy on February 4. against mining operations of Zambales Diversified Mining “More than 1.5 million Filipinos east Asian countries to create a Corporation (ZDMC), Filipinas were killed under the violent 'bene- definite stand against China. In the Mining, Benguet Nickel Mining volent assimilation' campaign of US past, the ASEAN has failed to ar- Inc. and Eramen Minerals Corp. imperialists,” said Charisse Bañez, rive at a united stand against in their community. Many were national chairperson of the League China, even on the question of dis- injured in the dispersal while of Filipino Students. puted territories in the South four were illegally arrested by Last February 3, a group of China Sea. the police. progressive lawyers and sectors The US also took the oppor- On February 10, ZDMC filed led by Bayan filed a motion for re- tunity to promote the Trans-Pacific charges against 10 residents for consideration regarding the Su- Partnership, where Vietnam, purportedly violating the Mining preme Court's decision declaring Singapore, Brunei and Malaysia are Act after barricading the mining Enhanced Defense Cooperation members. Trade in products and site and blocking company trucks Agreement (EDCA) constitutional. services between the US and since January. Included in the In relation to this, Bayan- Southeast Asia amounts to almost complaint were a councilor in Northern Mindanao Region held a $254 billion, which is equal to half Sta. Cruz, two members of the rally to oppose the plan to utilize its entire trade relation with China. barangay council, a pastor and Lumbia Airport in Cagayan de Oro This group of countries is the third two officials of Concerned Cit- City as a US military base. No one largest trading partner of the US izens of Sta. Cruz, the organiza- believes that the airport will only and its largest capital investment tion that led the barricade. be used to store equipments for in Asia. ZDMC is owned by DM Con- disaster and relief operations, as The meeting served as the peak sunji Incorporated Holdings, one was insisted by the regime's of US diplomatic maneuvers in of the US-Aquino regime’s most spokesperson. Southeast Asia. Previously, US favored compradors. In a statement released by President Barack Obama visited the According to the residents, Cesar Renerio, spokesperson of Na- region seven times to develop dip- these companies should stop tional Democratic Front – North lomatic relations among the coun- their mining operations in the Central Mindanao Region, the pres- tries in the region. The US also area because they violate en- ence of US forces in the region will strengthened economic and milit- vironmental standards of the be destructive. Through EDCA, the ary ties between juntas and Mines and Geosciences Bureau. US will be able to conduct whatever dictatorships in Cambodia, Thail- Last April 2015 these companies form of operation and activities and and Myanmar. were suspended but eventually based on agreed locations. resumed operations after three months, insisting that their op- US-ASEAN Summit erations comply with the regula- In addition to the EDCA, the tions. Aquino regime continues its But according to a fact find- subservience to the US. Last ing mission conducted by the February 15, Aquino attended Center for Environmental Con- the first US-ASEAN (Associ- cerns, sediments flowed from the ation of Southeast Asian excavation sites after Typhoon Nations) Summit hosted Lando in October 2015. by the United States in Moreover, more than 1,000 hec- Sunnylands, California. tares of vegetation were affected The assembly was held to to pave the way for the opera- convince 10 leaders of south- tions of mining companies.

8 February 21, 2016 ANG BAYAN Thousands join One Billion Rising: Rise for Revolution

VARIOUS sectors attended the an- nual One Billion Rising (OBR), a global campaign to stop violence against women and children. In its fourth year, organizations advoc- ating women's and children's rights raised their call to the theme, “One Billion Rising: Rise to Revolution.” On February 14, thousands of women assembled in front of Lapu- Lapu Shrine, Rizal Park, Manila. Through dancing, performances and speeches, groups condemned the worsening poverty and abuses Manipulating oil prices suffered by millions of Filipino wo- men. In Cebu, thousands also atten- ocal oil prices are set to go up again this February even as crude ded the OBR held at the University Loil prices continue to fall in the world market. of the Philippines-Cebu Oblation Square and at the Provincial Capitol In peso terms, crude oil cost of vehicle maintenance. Grounds. prices have dropped by up to Fare reduction of other public Last February 12, church wo- 75% since mid-2014. In con- modes of transportation, such men participated in OBR in Quezon trast, local oil companies have as the MRT and LRT, as well as City Memorial Circle to express cut petroleum products prices ships and planes, has been solidarity with Lumad people. Ac- by 53% (diesel) and 29% (gasol- slower and in smaller rates, cording to Darlene Caramanza of ine) only. despite the fact that these, too, Ecumenical Women's Forum, “We Worse, these companies are run by petroleum products. are here today to express our have repeatedly increased local Worse, lower oil prices have no solidarity with our Lumad brothers prices even as prices dropped effect on the prices of basic and sisters whose lives are still in in the world market. In Febru- commodities, which have in- danger because of harassment and ary 2015, oil companies raised creased with every oil price militarization of their ancestral the price of gasoline by P4 and hike. lands.” diesel by P3. Along with this, UP Baguio and The IBON Foundation poin- Falling world oil prices Diliman also reaffirmed their posi- ted out that at $23/barrel, On February 16, Russia, tion and solidarity against all forms crude oil prices are at year Saudi Arabia and two more of violence against women. Ac- 2000 level. Then, diesel was OPEC member-countries agreed cording to data from Center for priced at only P14.24 per liter to limit production to January Women's Resources, cases of viol- and gasoline at P17.08/liter, levels to arrest the sustained ence among women rose by 200% which is far from the current fall of oil prices in the world from 2010 to 2014. price of diesel at P19-20/liter market. In the past 18 months, These activities were observed and gasoline at P34-35/liter. world oil production has risen by Eve Ensler, writer and founder of Public jeepney fares are beyond its limits despite lower OBR, who is in the country to join among the most affected by international demand or mar- Filipino women. OBR was also held fluctuating oil prices. In Janu- ket. Towards the end of 2015, in provinces and cities of Davao, ary, drivers and operators oil oversupply in the world Baguio, Sorsogon, Pampanga, Tac- agreed to reduce fares from market has reached an estim- loban and Negros. P7.50 to P7 despite the high ated 1-2 million barrels a day.

ANG BAYAN February 21, 2016 9 gimes. On September 11, 2014, Saudi Arabia and the US agreed to keep oil production high to reduce Russia’s profits billion from its oil and gas exports. Rus- profit growth in 2014. sian oil and gas profits make up Since 2015, workers in shale 60% of its exports and 30% of its In oil-producing companies have GDP. the past five launched strikes left and right in By US estimates, Russia needs years, the US has also the US after world prices dropped to keep world prices at $80/barrel steadily increased produc- below $70/barrel and production to avoid commercial bankruptcies tion up to 66%. It flooded its was cut by up to 100,000 barrels a and finance a large part of its na- own markets with cheap oil from day. tional budget. Under the direction shale and fracking. In 2015, it be- There is no end in sight for of the US Treasury’s Office of came the largest oil and gas pro- falling oil prices. The contraction Terrorism and Financial Intelli- ducer in the world. It continued to of the oil market reflects the in- gence, Saudi Arabia flooded the increase shale oil production to tensifying crisis of overproduction market with its excess oil despite depress prices and seize markets that is plaguing the world capital- calls from its fellow OPEC mem- both in North America and Europe. ist system. Though China’s oil im- bers to cut down production. Crude oil prices dropped by ports have slightly increased in Saudi Arabia also offered cheap or 70%, from $102/barrel in August to 2015, it is set to decline in the discounted oil to Asia, notably $23/barrel on the third week of coming years due to the weakening China, in the guise of expanding January. of its manufactures. its markets. China is one of Rus- Oil exporting countries are now Even if Saudi Arabia and Rus- sia’s biggest allies. suffering huge losses. Even in Saudi sia’s decision to cut down produc- Arabia, lower profits have led to tion pushes through, oil inventor- Price speculation cuts in social services. Companies ies in the world market remain A large part of oil prices is have started to go bankrupt, res- high. In fact, oil oversupply is set determined not by supply or de- ulting in shutdowns and worker to increase now that US imperial- mand but by market manipulation lay-offs (including Filipino migrant ism has lifted the embargo against of large finance speculators. In workers). Some countries are on Iran’s oil exports. reality, supply contracts make up the brink of economic collapse, only 2% of all trading in the oil such as Azerbaijan and Nigeria Low oil prices, a weapon market. The vast majority are fu- which have sought a $4 trillion against Russia tures and various financial deriv- bail-out fund from the banks. In the past, conflicts arising atives. It is estimated that 60% of Due to low oil prices, Shell from overt and covert interven- oil prices are due to speculation in profits dropped by 87%. The com- tions and wars of aggression of the oil market. This market is pany dismissed 7,500 workers in the US and its allies in the Middle controlled by the largest banks 2015 and plans to lay-off 2,800 East have caused oil prices to and finance speculators based in more this year. Chevron registered skyrocket. But since 2014, severe the US, particularly Morgan Stan- a $4.1 billion loss in profits in its conflicts in the region have not ley and Goldman Sachs. Prices of US operations in 2015. Outside the arrested its downward spiral. futures are set with the help of US, Chevron’s profits dropped by The US decision to manipulate rating agencies, so-called oil ex- 85%. ExxonMobil registered a 58% world prices to pressure Russia perts and the imperialist-con- drop in its profits in 2015 and has predominates since the latter has trolled big media. announced plans to cut its opera- hindered US military and econom- Last September 2015, Gold- tional capital by 25%. British Pet- ic expansion both in Central Asia man Sachs announced that crude roleum dismissed 7,000 workers and the Middle East, as well as to oil prices will fluctuate from $20 after suffering a $5.2 billion loss in force Russia to withdraw its sup- to $40 until the second part of profits in 2015, as against its $8.1 port to the Syrian and Iraqi re- 2016.

10 February 21, 2016 ANG BAYAN Military slays 3 civilians in Compostela Valley

hree civilians were killed by the military in Compostela Valley this Feb- ately pull out troops from Lumad Truary while one minor was illegally arrested and detained after being ancestral lands. Ensler is the accused of being a member of the New People's Army. Meanwhile, a team of founder of the One Billion Rising the human rights group Karapatan was harassed by the military and barred global campaign to end violence from entering and launching an investigation in militarized communities. against women. Around 57 Lumad families have On February 7, Alejandro Laya- the military arrested the boy and evacuated their communities and og, 36, died from gunshot wounds brought him to Camp Panacan in sought refuge at the Haran Com- on his back and head, which he Davao City, where he was presen- pound after the grisly murder of a sustained while on a bus terminal ted as a "child soldier" of the NPA. minor and student, Alibando Ting- in Maragusan town. The military misleadingly de- kas, last January 29. Laya-og, one of the founders of clared that the child was arrested Kahugpongan sa Mag-uuma sa during a series of armed encoun- Not CAFGU Magcagong (Kamama), was ac- ters between the military and NPA The National Democratic Front cused of being an NPA member by in Pantukan last February 11, two (NDF)-Bicol denied claims by the the 25th IB. His organization, days after the shooting incident in 9th ID and police that the NPA was Kamama, has been opposing milit- their barangay. responsible for the killing of Bing ary presence and the human rights On February 11, the military Obias on February 13. According to violations being committed against harassed a 30-strong delegation the military and police, Obias was communities in Maragusan. Laya- composed of Karapatan and local an active CAFGU member, based in og was also instrumental in the es- government officials to investigate Barangay Pili Tabiguian, Cara- tablishment of Salugpongan Com- the incident in Barangay moan, Camarines Sur, who was munity Learning Center, a Lumad Napnapan. While on the way to Si- shot dead by Red fighters. school. tio Post 4, they were shot at twice According to Maria Roja On February 9, a gunman killed by the military. According to Ka- Banua, NDF-Bicol spokesperson, Jennifer Albacite, 40, a banana rapatan, the 46th IB carries out the NPA has nothing to do with the vendor in the public market of the attacks to pave the way for the killing. She also denied that Obias Compostela town. Karapatan be- entry of large-scale mining opera- is a CAFGU member. “Obias came lieves that Albacite was taken for tions in the province. Small-scale from the peasant class and was a her sister, Jeannirose Porras, a miners are tortured by the 46th legitimate resident of Pili,” she member of Compostela Farmers' IB to coerce them to cease opera- said. Association (CFA), who was the tions. Troops and cannons were Obias' body, with a gunshot real target. CFA strongly opposes also deployed at miners' com- wound on the head, was found a the entry of Agusan Petroleum munities in Mabini, Pantukan and few meters from the 22nd IB- Mining Company (AgPet) in Com- adjacent towns. CAFGU detachment. Obias was a postela and adjacent towns. member of the Pambansang Ka- On the same day, Ronel Paas, Visiting the Lumad tipunan ng mga Magbubukid, the 35, a small-scale miner, was hit on Eve Ensler, an American fem- revolutionary peasant organiza- the chest as soldiers of the 46th IB inist playwright and activist, vis- tion. relentlessly fired their guns and ited the Lumad refugees in the “The NDF condemns the PA cannons in Barangay Napnapan, Haran Compound of the United and PNP's arbitrary accusations to Pantukan. Paas was rushed to the Church of Christ in the Philippines justify the killing and point the hospital, but died on the way after in Davao City on February 12. finger to the NPA as the perpet- being detained for an hour with his Ensler was moved to tears rator. This is part of the 9th ID's rescuers in the detachment in upon learning of the human rights desperate acts of retaliation Barangay Tibagan under the suspi- abuses perpetrated by the military against civilians,” Banua added. cion that they were NPA members. against the refugees and the re- The killing happened two days A 14-year old boy was also hit lentless militarization of their after an NPA harassment operation on the leg in the relentless shoot- communities. Ensler also called against the 22nd IB detachment ing. Rather than coming to his aid, upon the government to immedi- last February 11.

ANG BAYAN February 21, 2016 11 US-Aquino regime derails Bangsamoro Basic Law

he Bangsamoro Basic Law has finally been abandoned by the US-Aquino MILF and other armed groups in Tregime after Congress failed to enact the proposed law as the House of Mindanao in its desire to exploit the Representatives adjourned last February 3. This bares the empty promise of rich natural resources of the Moro the US-Aquino regime to the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) that the people's ancestral lands. Big foreign said bill will be passed as a result of MILF's peace agreement with the Gov- capitalists have long salivated over ernment of the Philippines (GPH). Unlike the regime's speedy ratification of the deposits of oil and natural gas in other bills, Aquino allowed the BBL to gather dust. the Liguasan Marsh valued at $1 trillion. The MILF and various Moro The regime's failure to enact the the government's trashing of the armed forces have control over the BBL has all the more strengthened 1996 peace agreement between the Liguasan Marsh. the Moro people's resolve to contin- GPH and the MNLF. This is why US imperialism has ue with their armed struggle for According to MNLF spokesper- long intervened in the GPH's peace self-determination. Although the son Absalom Cerveza, they welcome negotiations with the MILF. The MILF holds on to the BBL's enact- BBL's non-passage, and said that it GPH's sole objective is for the MILF ment in the future, it has likewise will be disastrous for the govern- and the Moro people to surrender indicated the possibility of resuming ment if it insists on pushing for the their arms. The MILF on the other its armed struggle. Mohager Iqbal, BBL. Also present at the said meet- hand fights for the right to self-de- chairman of the MILF Peace Panel, ing were leaders and members of termination and for the right over recently denied a news report say- the BIFF and the bandit Abu Sayyaf ancestral domain. ing that they have become "tired of Group. The AFP has since deployed The US and the Aquino regime war", and said that frustration is a total of nine combat battalions likewise intend to take advantage of widespread among their fighters and one company solely for the a showcase "final peace agreement" and followers. province of Sulu. in order to pressure the National Last February 10, clashes erup- US military forces in the Philip- Democratic Front of the Philippines ted between the AFP and the MILF pines have long intervened in the (NDFP) to follow the MILF's ex- in the towns of Datu Salibu and Moro people's armed struggle. On ample and enter into an indefinite Datu Saudi Ampatuan in the one hand, US imperialism ad- ceasefire so as to forge a peace Maguindanao. Also, on February 8, duces as pretext its "war on terror" agreement. In truth, the US-Aquino the AFP blocked MILF leader Abdul- campaign to justify the positioning regime has taken the MILF for a lah Macapaar (also known as Ku- of an increasing number of its ride in crafting agreements which mander Bravo) and his troops from troops, as well as the arming and they will ultimately forgo and derail. his hometown in Munai, Lanao del training of the AFP and PNP. With the BBL's trashing and the Norte where he was to hold con- On the other hand, the US like- continuing violation of the Moro sultations with the base communit- wise covets the surrender of the people's economic and ies of the MILF. political rights, the per- Even before the crafting of BBL, sistence of their armed some sections of the MILF had struggle for the right already broken away and formed the to national self-de- Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom termination and Fighters (BIFF) owing to their dis- the right to agreement with BBL's imposition of ancestral do- an indefinite ceasefire. Since last main is certain. year, the military has been relent- More and more less in pursuing the forces of the people of the Bang- BIFF. The BIFF has likewise been samoro will join the armed persistent in its armed struggle. struggle being waged by Last February 8, Nur Misuari of the BIFF, as well as the the Moro National Liberation Front national democratic gathered 2,000 of his men at his revolution. camp in Indanan, Sulu. This as- sembly is viewed as the MNLF's in- tensification of its protest against

12 February 21, 2016 ANG BAYAN 2nd Part: US clandestine war in 135 nations JCET: Instrument for US military intervention

he Joint Combined Exchange Training (JCET) is the US Tweapon for intervention, seizure of power and the maintenance of puppet dictator regimes in various parts of the world. JCET is a program for joint threw the gov- training exercises, as exemplified ernment in by the US-Philippine Balikatan ex- Burkina Faso. ercises, undertaken by the US Spe- JCET-trained cial Operations Command. Through military this, the US trains local troops and officials groups that will defend their in- also terests in countries afflicted by dis- launched US-supported coups The holding of trainings in turbances and on the brink of disin- d'état in Mauritania in 2005 and countries where brutal and abusive tegration. This is done up to five 2008, in Niger in 2010 and in armed forces abound is not limited times a year. Tunisia in 2011. to Africa. It is in the African region where Violence, abuses and other vi- In Colombia, five JCETs were the interests of the US and its allied olations of human rights charac- held in 2012-2013, despite the re- countries such as France and Ger- terize the troops trained by the US. cord number of extra-judicial many are immense that the use of Bloody records mark the armies in killings by the reactionary armed the JCET by the US is most blatant. Algeria, Cameroon, Chad, Kenya, forces here, insubordinate collab- Under the Trans-Sahara Counter Mauritania, Morocco, Senegal, oration of the military with armed Terrorism Partnership, the US con- Tunisia, Niger, and Uganda—coun- criminal groups, and disappear- solidated a regional army that it tries where regular and frequent ances. directly trained and funded to put JCETs are launched. In Saudi Arabia, four JCETs in place and maintain in power its From 2011 to 2013, for ex- were launched from 2011 to 2013 favored armed groups in the region. ample, the US Naval Special War- while the armed forces were busy In five countries—Mali, Burkina- fare Unit 10 (NSWU-10) gave spe- suppressing demonstrators who Faso, Mauritania, Niger and cial trainings to armed forces of were calling for an end to secular Tunisia—military officials trained Cameroon and Chad in spite of re- discrimination. under JCET led failed and success- ports of continuing and severe Three JCETs were held by ful coups d'état. In Mali in 2012, a cases of abuses by their respective Bahraini troops in 2012. In the military official trained by US Green military units against the civilian same year Bahraini armed forces Berets led a coup d'état against the populations. These include killing perpetrated arbitrary and extra-ju- elected government. The eventual and mistreatment of detainees and dicial killings, arrest and detention armed conflicts arising from the prisoners and extra-judicial killings, of protesting citizens with trumped coup led to a high number of civilian threats, beatings, shooting and in- up charges. casualties. During the early part of juring of civilians. The Chad secur- Also in 2012 five JCETs were 2013, US and French troops dir- ity forces are also involved in the held in El Salvador, four in Lebanon, ectly attacked Mali under the thin massive recruitment of child sol- four in Romania and two in Mexico. guise of countering the threat of al- diers, and an attack on the neigh- All these countries experience viol- Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb boring Central African Republic ations of human rights, such as ex- (Aqim) in the country. In truth, (CAR) in 2013. tra-judicial killings and cruel treat- France and the US are actually just JCET trainings were also held in ment of detainees (El Salvador), protecting their interests in Mali, Algeria and Kenya from 2012 to torture and abuses (Lebanon), mis- including the puppet dictator put in 2013, where killings, forced disap- treatment and harassment by police power. pearances, torture, rape and ex- against detainees (Romania) and In 2014, a graduate of a US cessive use of force by security forced disappearances of civilians militar academy and the JCET over- forces are widespread. (Mexico).

ANG BAYAN February 21, 2016 13