Pahayagan ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas ANG Pinapatnubayan ng Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoismo Vol XLVII No. 4 February 21, 2016 www.philippinerevolution.net Editorial Revolution! Not elections! s the din of the campaign for the 2016 elections shifts into high gear, landlords and comprador bour- the Party and all national-democratic forces should further expose geoisie, and especially the bureau- Athe bogus and empty reactionary elections in order to unceasingly crat-capitalists linked to the crim- arouse the Filipino people to persevere with their mass struggles, strengthen inal syndicates. They covet control their organized strength and take the path of revolutionary struggle. of the government as a source of favors in granting contracts, cut- It is high time to reaffirm and relevant change. ting taxes, smuggling commodities propagate the basic principle that For the reactionaries and US and protecting their criminal oper- the social change the people have imperialism, the elections play a ations. long been aspiring for can only be critical role in preserving the ruling The reactionary elections are achieved through revolutionary political system and their class inherently fraudulent. Forms of struggle, primarily in the form of dictatorship. fraud range from vote-buying to armed revolutionary struggle sup- Through the electoral process, intimidation and coercion of voters ported by a broad democratic mass the reactionary government and to manipulating the vote count. struggle. the political system of landlords To lend credibility to the elec- While some progressive and and big bourgeoisie are made to tions, the reactionary state started national-democratic forces engage appear "democratic." This conceals the automated election system in in critical participation in the elec- the class character of the ruling 2010. Since the counting of votes is tions, the people should also be state and creates the illusion that concealed from the public eye, roused to reject the reformist illu- those running and leading the re- fraud has become even more wide- sion being inexorably peddled by actionary government are "chosen spread, massive and systematic. the reactionaries and counterre- by the people." US imperialism's control over volutionary petty-bourgeois forces The reactionary elections re- the elections has also become that participating in the reaction- flect the rotten politics of the stronger. Globally, the automated ary elections will bring about parasitic ruling classes, the big election industry is controlled by a few companies linked with big monopoly cap- italists. It has become easier for US imperial- ism to determine who among the candidates it will put into power, especially nation- al officials of the reactionary state. US imperial- ism's control over ruling class politics has further tightened. It uses the Early as it is, leading presiden- tion of US military bases in the reactionary elections to consolid- tial candidates are already com- Philippines, and serve its goal of ate the ruling class, sort out rival- peting for US imperialism's atten- strengthening its military power in ries among their ranks, anoint tion and presenting themselves as the Asia-Pacific region. those chosen to be in power and fervent advocates of neoliberal Amidst ever-worsening poverty obtain the support of various fac- policies. Among their proffered and oppression, the national-demo- tions. programs is the continuation and cratic forces should strengthen the The coming May elections will expansion of the Public-Private propaganda movement which ex- result in none other than putting in Partnership program intensely de- poses the semicolonial and place a new puppet of US imperial- sired by big domestic and foreign semifeudal system and arouses the ism and representative of ruling capitalists for its guaranteed Filipino people to fight to overthrow class interests. profits. imperialism, feudalism and bureau- For the Filipino people, the re- Also included in these are the crat capitalism. actionary elections pose no great policies of depressed wages, union- The revolutionary forces must significance. They are aware that busting and the encouragement of expose and reject the sham demo- this simply replaces the faces of various forms of labor flexibility. cracy under the reactionary elec- those administering the reaction- Bounded with these also are tions. At a time when political ary state. This will not bring about policies favouring the landgrabbing candidates capture the people's any change in its basic policies. for the establishment and expan- attention and give them entertain- The next administration will sion of commercial plantations and ment, the people should further be only continue exploiting and op- destructive mining operations. mobilized in mass struggles. pressing the Filipino people under The new reactionary state that At the same time, mass move- policies favouring big foreign capit- will be installed under US rule ment activists critically participate alists. come May 2016 will only become in the elections by supporting Amidst the aggravating and more dependent and servile to the forces and politicians who are deepening crisis of the ruling semi- dictates of its imperialist master. friendly to or supportive of the na- colonial and semifeudal system, the The US will ensure the installation tional-democratic movement and ruling classes in the Philippines are of a regime that will certainly con- the people's welfare. becoming ever more desperately tinue with policies favouring milit- Patriotic and democratic subservient to US imperialism. ary intervention and the construc- parties also participate to win seats for their representatives in ANG Contents the parliament and become the Left opposition that will bring the issues of mass struggles to the re- Editorial: Revolution! Not elections! 1 actionary congress. Vol XLVII No 4 | February 21, 2016 Candidates bare pro-imperialist stance 3 This congress should be re- Ang Bayan is NPA wipes out RPSB platoon in Cagayan 4 lentlessly exposed as an instru- published in ment of landlords, big bourgeoisie 46th IB's 30 casualties in Pantukan 4 Pilipino, Bisaya, and fascist and criminal bureau- 2-day offensives in Negros 4 Hiligaynon, crat-capitalists. The illusion that Waray and EDSA Uprising's Legacy 5 the people can achieve basic English. change by relying on legal and Schools launch series of protests 7 It can be downloaded from the parliamentary struggle alone must Group slams NKTI reduction of discounts 7 Philippine Revolution Web Central at be untiringly shattered. Cease- www.philippinerevolution.net Protests against EDCA continue 8 lessly raise the people's militance to resist the ruling state. Police attacks Zambales barricade 8 Ang Bayan welcomes "Revolution! Not elections!" is Thousands join OBR: Rise for Revolution 9 contributions in the form of articles the Filipino people's cry in reject- and news items. Readers are Manipulating oil prices 9 ing the reformist illusion being encouraged to send feedback and propagated by the ruling class. Military slays 3 civilians in ComVal 11 recommendations for improving our Under the Party's leadership, they US-Aquino regime derails BBL 12 newspapers. Send your messages to continue to march along the road [email protected] JCET: Instrument for US intervention 13 of people's war with the goal of smashing the ruling state and end- Ang Bayan is published forthnightly by the Central Committee ing the exploitative and oppressive of the Communist Party of the Philippines system. 2 February 21, 2016 ANG BAYAN Candidates bare pro-imperialist stance ome presidential candidates will continue with the US-Aquino regime's ation for the benefit of foreign SPublic-Private Partnership (PPP) program should they assume power. capitalists. They have all vowed to This has been clear all along in their pronouncements. In fact, they do not increase government spending for conceal their intention to continue with the present regime's bankrupt pro-foreign infrastructure. This policy with regard to attracting foreign investment. includes a budget designed to se- cure the profits of big capitalists The PPP is one of the policies the country. In fact, the Philippine investing in the projects. most desired by the big comprador Chamber of Commerce has been bourgeoisie and their big foreign pushing Aquino to fast-track the Industries, not ecozones capitalist partners. In order to at- implementation of PPP projects Meanwhile, the Anakpawis tract US imperialism's support, during the rest of his term. The Partylist criticized Davao City Vice President Jejomar Binay American Chamber of Commerce in Mayor Rodrigo Duterte for favoring pushes for the accelerated imple- the Philippines has also called upon the construction of economic zones mentation of projects under the the presidential candidates to like Clark. program. For him, the most press- continue with the implementation According to Fernando Hicap of ing issue regarding the PPP is the of duly awarded PPP projects. Anakpawis, “We criticize Duterte “inexplicable delay” in the imple- In reality, foreign and local in- for siding with foreign businesses mentation of projects. In a similar vestors are not worried about the in ecozones, instead of promoting tune, Senator Grace Poe vowed to future of the PPP even as the ad- respect for Filipino labor rights finish seven airports under the PPP ministration's bet, Sec. Mar Roxas, such as wage hikes, the right to in the first half of her term. lags behind in poll surveys.
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