Office for Overseas Voting Certified List of Overseas

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Office for Overseas Voting Certified List of Overseas 01/28/16 PRINTED: Republic of the Philippines COMMISSION OF ELECTIONS Intramuros, Manila OFFICE FOR OVERSEAS VOTING CERTIFIED LIST OF OVERSEAS VOTERS May 09, 2016 Natonal and Local Electons Country: CANADA Post / Jurisdicton: TORONTO SEQ. NO FORM ID NO. VOTER'S NAME Remarks 1 1247320140013305 AALA, AMOR NATIVIDAD 2 6080020140105289 AALA, EMEL BARRION 3 1247320140007834 ABA, ETHALYN TAYAG 4 1247320140007833 ABA, ROLANDO CALUSIN 5 1247320140006095 ABABAO, ANNA MARIE CAPILLAS 6 6080020140003695 AB-ABUEN, VIRGINIA BANGTILEN 7 1247320140006768 ABAD, ALDRIN DON MANGALA 8 6080020130012581 ABAD, ANACLETO ACASIO 9 6080020140050407 ABAD, ANDRE GUMOBAO 10 1247320140016013 ABAD, ARTHUR GOLOCAN 11 1247320130003424 ABAD, BELLA RIPARIP 12 1247310400000797 ABAD, CECIL CHANNELEH SANCHEZ 13 1247320140013393 ABAD, CHARISMA CABALUNA 14 6080020130061608 ABAD, CHRISTIAN SALINAS 15 8407820140004597 ABAD, DARWIN GONZALES 16 6080020140005961 ABAD, DEBORAH DAVID 17 1247320140007232 ABAD, ELSA DE GUZMAN 18 1247320140011240 ABAD, ERLINDA MAGNO 19 1247320140014594 ABAD, FEL ANGELOU BUEN 20 6080020140065089 ABAD, JENNIFER SANIATAN 21 1247320140003470 ABAD, JIMMY AGUSTIN 22 1247320140007211 ABAD, JORELYN QUILAO 23 8407820140004598 ABAD, JOSIE TEMPLONUEVO 24 6080020130050403 ABAD, LARRY ANDREW FULGADO 25 6080010300006425 ABAD, LITO ROSALITA 26 6080020130014115 ABAD, MARIAN AGUILAR 27 6080020130014131 ABAD, MICHELLE AGUILAR 28 1247320140007276 ABAD, MILAGROS MAGAYANO 7498306e3d6c12ee7fdd9ee53d109312 Page 1 of 1238 01/28/16 PRINTED: Republic of the Philippines COMMISSION OF ELECTIONS Intramuros, Manila OFFICE FOR OVERSEAS VOTING CERTIFIED LIST OF OVERSEAS VOTERS May 09, 2016 Natonal and Local Electons Country: CANADA Post / Jurisdicton: TORONTO SEQ. NO FORM ID NO. VOTER'S NAME Remarks 29 1247320140006767 ABAD, RICARDO GALOLA 30 1247320140009347 ABAD, ROCHELLE BASMAYOR 31 6080020130064937 ABAD, RONNIE JONCO 32 1247320140008933 ABAD, SANTOS PALENCIA 33 1247320140005964 ABAD, WILMA MONTALLANA 34 1247320140012248 ABADAY, ANALYN MENDIOLA 35 1247320140012245 ABADAY, JIMMER MORALES 36 1247320140013134 ABADES, ADREAN SOBERANO 37 1247320140013120 ABADES, LERMA SOBERANO 38 6080020140057013 ABADES, RAQUEL REMUDARO 39 1247320140006302 ABADIANO, JHIRLEY OMILDA 40 6080020140100804 ABADILLA, VICTORINO ANTHONY ARQUILLO 41 1247310200000722 ABADINES, ALAN BACLOR 42 1247320140007205 ABADONIO, DYAN GRACE DECASTILLO 43 6080020140057066 ABADONIO, SALVADOR CEBALLOS 44 6080020140003352 ABADOS, MARIA AURA CADIZ 45 6080020140001992 ABADOS, MERL ESTRADA 46 1247320140003290 ABAGA, ELIZABETH PINEDA 47 1247320140013489 ABAGA, KENAN BALLESTEROS 48 6080020140001140 ABAGA, KEVIN BALLESTEROS 49 6080020140001087 ABAGA, KRISTIAN BALLESTEROS 50 6080020140001084 ABAGA, NONAFE BALLESTEROS 51 1247320140003289 ABAGA, RAMIL CABANIZAS 52 6080020140001086 ABAGA, ROLLY CABANIZAS 53 1247320140006692 ABAGGUE, BANJO TAYABAN 54 3443200700001309 ABAGGUE, GERALDINE TAYABAN 55 1247320140006693 ABAGGUE, SUGAR RAY TAYABAN 56 608002014054019 ABAINZA, CRISPIN JR. MILES 7498306e3d6c12ee7fdd9ee53d109312 Page 2 of 1238 01/28/16 PRINTED: Republic of the Philippines COMMISSION OF ELECTIONS Intramuros, Manila OFFICE FOR OVERSEAS VOTING CERTIFIED LIST OF OVERSEAS VOTERS May 09, 2016 Natonal and Local Electons Country: CANADA Post / Jurisdicton: TORONTO SEQ. NO FORM ID NO. VOTER'S NAME Remarks 57 6080020140054021 ABAINZA, KATE JUSTINE ALBORTE 58 6080020140054020 ABAINZA, MARK JAYSON ALBORTE 59 1247320100000458 ABAINZA, MYRANN HANDIG 60 3443204000000421 ABAJAR, JULIANA GRIPO 61 1247320100000514 ABALAJON, AIDA PORTUGALETE 62 1247320140017140 ABALAJON, ERIC PORTUGALETE 63 1247310400000805 ABALES, GLORIA FABIO 64 6823600400000918 ABALOS, CYNTHIA URMATAM 65 124730140002870 ABALOS, DELIA PEREZ 66 1247320131000183 ABALOS, DELILAH GEROCHI 67 1247320140005698 ABALOS, DIANA CONCEPCION 68 1247520140015149 ABALOS, EDUARDO CASTRO 69 6080020130060207 ABALOS, EFREN TOLENTINO 70 1247320140006215 ABALOS, ELLEN ROSS CASTRO 71 1247320140008886 ABALOS, EMMA MARAYAG 72 6080020100036464 ABALOS, JAIMELITO MAGTALAS 73 1247310200000934 ABALOS, JEANNE MAMINTA 74 124730140002869 ABALOS, JOHN KENNETH PEREZ 75 6080020140002922 ABALOS, JONATHAN ABRENICA 76 6080020130051080 ABALOS, LIZA DAYRIT 77 6080020100036465 ABALOS, MARIBEL JAMINAL 78 6080020130062842 ABALOS, MARY CON CACATIAN 79 3443204800001172 ABALOS, MARYGINE DOMINGUEZ 80 6080020130054502 ABALOS, MIRASOL ALEJO 81 6080020130062285 ABALOS, MYRA JADE SEMBRAN 82 6342500400000227 ABALOS, REYNALDO MAYANDOC 83 1247320140013862 ABALOS, VENU SHIELENE - 84 1247310500000069 ABALUS, MENCHO MILLAN 7498306e3d6c12ee7fdd9ee53d109312 Page 3 of 1238 01/28/16 PRINTED: Republic of the Philippines COMMISSION OF ELECTIONS Intramuros, Manila OFFICE FOR OVERSEAS VOTING CERTIFIED LIST OF OVERSEAS VOTERS May 09, 2016 Natonal and Local Electons Country: CANADA Post / Jurisdicton: TORONTO SEQ. NO FORM ID NO. VOTER'S NAME Remarks 85 1247320140000355 ABAM, EILEEN NAIN 86 1247320130000483 ABAM, FATIMA DYANARA NAIN 87 1247320130000484 ABAM, NEIL YASIN 88 1247320140001253 ABAN, EUFROCINA DOMINGO 89 1247320140012537 ABAN, RAGEL DOMINGO 90 1247320140006191 ABANA, CHARINETTE LANNAO 91 1247320140010070 ABANADOR, LORNA ABE 92 6080020140056514 ABANADOR, RENATO BAGALIHOG 93 1247320140004258 ABANES, MARY JEAN SALAZAR 94 1247320140002328 ABANGAN, ARJAY AMADORA 95 1247320140001470 ABANID, ARNIEL CARANZO 96 1247320140001469 ABANID, THESBE PAJO 97 1247320140002225 ABANIEL, ELIZABETH TULUD 98 1247320140014141 ABANIEL, ROLANDO CABRERA 99 1247320140003530 ABANIL, JESSIE AGUSTIN 100 1247320140003531 ABANIL, MARK JOSEPH AGUSTIN 101 1247320140004043 ABANILLA, MARIA ELSA AMEN 102 1247320140001312 ABANO, FE BALDERIAN 103 1247320140002515 ABANO, JONATHAN CABANA 104 1247310100001388 ABAÑO, JOY SERNANDE 105 1247320140014384 ABAÑO, MELDWIN CARPIO 106 1247320140003392 ABANTE, AEIYELL DY 107 6080020130063155 ABANTE, CATHERINE CANAYA 108 6080020130053711 ABANTE, CESAR ABANTE 109 6080020140106114 ABANTE, CHRISTIAN BERNARD MARCELLANA 110 6080020140106115 ABANTE, MARY PRINCESS DE ROXAS 111 6080020130063056 ABAO, FELYN BUNDA 112 6080020130053587 ABAO, IAN SALMORIN 7498306e3d6c12ee7fdd9ee53d109312 Page 4 of 1238 01/28/16 PRINTED: Republic of the Philippines COMMISSION OF ELECTIONS Intramuros, Manila OFFICE FOR OVERSEAS VOTING CERTIFIED LIST OF OVERSEAS VOTERS May 09, 2016 Natonal and Local Electons Country: CANADA Post / Jurisdicton: TORONTO SEQ. NO FORM ID NO. VOTER'S NAME Remarks 113 1247320140011546 ABAO, NARCITA RAMA 114 3443210300000126 ABARA, BETTY TABUCOL 115 1247320130001178 ABARA, JANET FRANCO 116 1247320130001349 ABARCA, BILLY SUBTENENTE 117 1247320140000911 ABARCA, DELIO GONZALES 118 1247320130001350 ABARCA, MARSELLE MANZANO 119 6080020140028508 ABARE, CHRISTIAN SANTIAGO 120 6080020140054584 ABARI, JELYSIS BINAY-AN 121 1247310300000804 ABARING, VILMA SIBUG 122 1247320100000787 ABARQUEZ, EMILDA SALVA 123 1247320140003933 ABARQUEZ, ISIDORA JOSOL 124 6080020140114904 ABARQUEZ, MADEL SANTIAGO 125 1247320140012112 ABARQUEZ, ROCKY AMOSURA 126 1247320140012111 ABARQUEZ, RUTH ACUNA 127 1247320130001029 ABARQUEZ, SAMSON MILLANA 128 1247320130001013 ABARQUEZ, SAN ROI SALVA 129 1247320100000339 ABARRA, GLENN MARC ENGSON 130 1247320140011503 ABARRA, REGINA GINEZ 131 6080020140105368 ABARRACOSO, JESSYLYN JABIÑAR 132 1247320140007201 ABARRO, CINDY LOU MALUNES 133 6080020130062013 ABASOLA, JAMES JEFFREY MERCURIO 134 1247320130005020 ABASOLA, ZOSIMA SALINAS 135 1247320140015961 ABASOLO, AILEEN TABURA 136 1247310500000726 ABASTILLAS, HEIDI TAGIMACRUZ 137 6080020140053747 ABAT, LESLIE ANN RULLODA 138 1247320140010272 ABAY, BELEN TAN 139 1247320130004910 ABAY, DANILO JR. SASTRILLAS 140 1247320140008987 ABAYA, JUANITO SANCHEZ 7498306e3d6c12ee7fdd9ee53d109312 Page 5 of 1238 01/28/16 PRINTED: Republic of the Philippines COMMISSION OF ELECTIONS Intramuros, Manila OFFICE FOR OVERSEAS VOTING CERTIFIED LIST OF OVERSEAS VOTERS May 09, 2016 Natonal and Local Electons Country: CANADA Post / Jurisdicton: TORONTO SEQ. NO FORM ID NO. VOTER'S NAME Remarks 141 1247320140003404 ABAYA, KIMBERLY DE LEON 142 1247310200000693 ABAYA, SUSAN DE LEON 143 1247320140005138 ABAYGAR, ANDYLEN AVILA 144 1247320130004229 ABAYON, ALDIN ABUKE 145 6080020140005866 ABAYON, MARY GRACE SINOC 146 1247320130000046 ABBASI, CATHERINE PAGUIO 147 6080020130064269 ABBUGAO, PATTON PILIGAN 148 1247320140010147 ABCEDE, MARIA THERESA ALVAREZ 149 1247320130000417 ABDALA, HERMINIA ARANAS 150 1247320130002918 ABDON, EMERSON LUISTRO 151 1247320130002587 ABDON, JEFFREY CUSTODIO 152 1247320100000426 ABDON, LORNA GUZMAN 153 1247320130002919 ABDON, MARIANNE ABRAHAN 154 1247320140000768 ABDON, MARK GRADIOLUS SARCENO 155 1247320140007485 ABDON, MERLITA MAGSINO 156 1247320100000608 ABDON, MINETTE FLORIDA 157 1247320140000767 ABDON, REIZELLE MAR ROSARIO 158 6080020140001740 ABDON, REYMUNDO SUMALIA 159 1247320140008264 ABDON, SUSAN MARIE MIRAVALLES 160 1247320140001893 ABDUA, SAJID PLANIA 161 1247320140005405 ABDUL, FAITH AYUGAT 162 1247320140002646 ABDUL, JULFIKAR SORIANO 163 6080020130062086 ABDUL, MARIBEL PAMAYBAY 164 1247320100000613 ABDULMUHMIN, VERNA JUHURI 165 1247320140014968 ABEJAR, ALLAN REY JOAQUIN 166 6080020140054316 ABEJAR, MARIA CHRISTINA DIOKNO 167 1247320140004468 ABEJO, GALILEO SANTIAGO 168 6080020130061526 ABEJO, JOHN PAUL NARVAEZ 7498306e3d6c12ee7fdd9ee53d109312 Page 6 of 1238 01/28/16 PRINTED: Republic of the Philippines COMMISSION OF ELECTIONS Intramuros, Manila OFFICE FOR OVERSEAS VOTING CERTIFIED LIST OF OVERSEAS VOTERS May 09, 2016 Natonal and Local Electons Country: CANADA Post / Jurisdicton:

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