


THE TRI-WEEKLY HAWK-EYE. N. E\ Eli>ON, T%vo Acm of <* roilii<| FALL AND WINTER STOCK OP ATTORNEY and Ownuselh i at Law, Washington JapublisbedeveryTuos iay. Thursday, and Saturday 9 Wasliingtor count}, Iowa. ?Wl A ti v |£ Ci All, Kcaiiy .Hade Clothing, BY JOHN PIER.SO HE umlersign.-d would rys|»~;tt'nlly inform the L7i.TEm s T. O.caoO&KR. D. J. CROCKSR. Tcitizens of Burlington and vicinity, that be is pre­ ^AID trrourd is'.ccated within a few rod* of the \Y H O I. V. S A E A N I> K K * I E., turn* «* *be Tri W'tVir Hiwk Ej*, il par pared t..furnish nt the shortest possible notice, coffins l ^Burlington and Missouri Railroud. The whole of \ ri" annum, in alvance. CROrKRR 9l BROTHER. of every descri) io i, on the most reasonable terms. this Io! isievel, and will be sold in a body, or in one acre or one-half acre it ts ; or in lots of o< "A 120 feet, IJ L1 \ S ii L i M L R & CO., RAXES OF CASH ADVERTISING : ATTORNEYS andCounselh rmt Law, will promptly READY MADE COFFI NS constantly on h^nd. attend to lund ag-*iieies.collection of debts, and all Ilenrscsand carriage? funrnished when required. as pu chasers may desire. Or.e half of the purchase T their extensive and long established Clothing #B« square (8 line* or less) - - - - $1 00 oilier bnsinesfr of their profession. Ord ers received at Adam Lamon's Furniture m >ney in hand, tlx* ballnnee. on time. Title indis­ \ Emporium, on Jefferson street, Burlington, have 1 af 1sLCJjL. ** " Each additional iusertion • - 25 JE&* O.Iiee,on thp north side >f Jefferson street, Store, west side of Maine Streut, between Jeftorson putable. Enquire at this office. just received and opened their « «* One week without alteration -. 2 00 between Main and Third. Burlington, Iowa, and V i'ley streets. R. THORN, April'qjg 1>54. Fall and Winter Stock of Ready Made Clothing. * ** Two week? " »' • - 1 50 jan 7, twly CHERRY PECTORAL — " One month " '* - - 2 00 for vario y, quantity, style, and price, will lor ili« < «ff ot l». fit Aim A i O.. COATS, PANTS, VESTS, SHIRTS, &. challenge compeAtun with" any assortment is tbt w " Throe months** " • - 8 0ft liEOlKiE FHAZEE, « « Sit " " «« . - 5 00 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN \ Large assortment f fine tind fashionable ftyles west. Their supply consists in part as fallows : COl'CHS, COLDS. H9\RSE1SKSS, ATTORNEY and Counsellor at Law. ,2s#" Office on for spring nnd summer, •'jnstfrcm the mint, « «« Twelve" ** " - « S 00 COATS. Foreign & Domestic Dry Goods. Thir lstrei't. bet weou J->8<>ranm aud Washington sts. and forsale lower than the lowest, at the Clothing BRQKHITIS. WllOOPIXCJ-tOCCge A liberal deduction will be ma'ein favor of regular Fine cloth frock, dress, box, and costs, all patrons of tin* est (S'i-'i Builington, Iowa. store of W. STUKGIS. CR01P, AS'TH;I.'». AND NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, Ac., april 3 Jefferson street. 2 door? below Main. colors. Cossimere, plush, beaver, Bn>l eottonade, do ALL KINDS OF BOOK AND JOB PRI\TIXG, Also, a large stock of oil cloth end gumelastic coats. I'OXSUMPTIOX. CuSLXHB.ur M MN AMI WASHINGTON totftfiBTS. I/. DRESS GOOD*. extented with near ness. accuracy and disj>atch, }X pieces figured Lawns, 50 pV.s l.aw"n Patterns, PANTS. To enre n Colli, with iieml acLf, ani BURLINGTON, IOWA. ATT0RNKY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW 0t*Q f materials nnd fixtures are all new, and it) 150 p'cs Prin'«*»l do.. 50 "Bar >ge Detainee," Black doitkin, fancy raassimere, fancy eaasinett Vorriirtt* of the Body. AKE the Cherry Pectoral on going to . and tqtul f.i tii'"*"'«f iiriT ofi-v* north of St. Lom«. Klt'tich * alf Knots. Jind Solicitor in Chancery, 27 •' assorted I'opli; s. fcr -a'e low by •beeps grey and brown twied pacta, as also othei M i S KV, In VI march 18. J. S KIMBALL A CO. varieties. Twrap up warm.'n sweat during the night. THE LAW OF NEWSPAPERS. UST receved and for sale at the sign of the Bir For a cold and caugh, take it morning, nono, and Hat, ; ILL practice in the six'h and seventh judicial VKSTS. 1. S "rib m = w'i'i ,].-i not cive n-5-y notie* tot! J Uietncta of k wa. Particular attention given to f ADY HUNTINGTON and her Friends, or ,the evening, aecordirg 10 directions on the botrla, and the 5 doa. French calf hoota, an extra article. U IJ Revivnl of the Work of Ood in th1 (f Fine srf'n rests, dnnble and br?*ste