Engaging Target Communities Learning from the End-User

Martin Fortier, Ph.D. Executive Director, ArcticNet

NCE Annual Meeting Ottawa ArcticNet Target Communities: • The Private Sector

• The Public

• Policy Makers

• Provincial & Regional (Inuit) and Federal End-User led Board of Directors

Inuit Organisations • Audla, Terry President, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami • Barbour, William Member of parliament, Nunatsiavut Government • Smith, Duane (Co-chair) President, Inuit Circumpolar Council- • Obed, Natan Tunngavik Incorporated

Industry • Boucher, Bernie (Chair) President , JF Boucher Consulting Ltd • Paterson, Tom VP, Owned fleet and business development, FedNav • Thomas, David President, The AXYS group Ltd. • Paddon, Tom President & CEO, Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation • Wojczynski, Ed Division Manager, Portfolio Projects, Hydro (until 2012)

Government • Gray, Brian ADM, Earth Sciences Sector, NRCan • Lin, Charles DG, Environment Canada, S & T • King, Janet ADM, Northern Affairs, AANDC • Woods, Shelagh Jane DG, & Inuit Health, Health Canada (until 2012)

Academia • Bégin, Yves Director, INRS-Eau, Terre et Environnement • Mayrand, Denis VP Research & Innovation, Université Laval • Jayas, Digvir S. VP Research, University of Manitoba • Fortier, Louis Scientific Director, ArcticNet • Fortier, Martin Executive Director, ArcticNet (Non-voting)

Power of the Network Partners from Coast to Coast to Coast and beyond borders

Nunavut Québec Ontario AANDC-CHARS Défense nationale AANDC Canada Nunavut Geoscience Office Environnement Canada-CWS • IPY Federal Program Office Government of Nunavut FRQNT • Northern Contaminants Program Igloolik Research Centre Hydro-Québec Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation Natural Resources Canada-PCSP INRS-ÉTÉ CCIN Nunavut Arctic College INSPQ Canadian Institute of Planners Nunavut Department of Education MAMROT Canadian Museum of Nature Nunavut Implementation Fund McGill University Canadian Polar Commission Nunavut Research Institute MDEIE Canadian Space Agency Inuvialuit Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated MRNF Carleton University Aurora College Nunavut Wildlife Management Board Ouranos DFAIT Aurora Research Institute Nunavut Wildlife Research Trust Parcs Canada Environment Canada FJMC Parks Canada Garde côtière canadienne • Canada Centre for Inland Waters Inuvialuit Joint Secretariat MPO-Institut Maurice Lamontagne • Canadian Ice Service Inuvialuit Regional Corporation Ressources Naturelles Canada • Canadian Wildlife Serice Transport Québec (MTQ) • National Water Research Institute Université de Montréal • Science and Technology Branch Université du Québec à Chicoutimi First Air Université du Québec à Montréal Fisheries and Oceans Canada Université du Québec à Rimouski • Canadian Coast Guard Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières • Canadian Hydrographic Services Université de Sherbrooke Garfield Weston Foundation Territoires du Nord-Ouest Université Laval Health Canada-FNIHB Yukon AANDC Inuit Circumpolar Conference – Canada Environment Canada-CWS Canadian North Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami Yukon Government Diavik Diamond Mines Inc. Lakehead University Environment Canada National Aboriginal Health Organization • CWS Nunatsiavut National Defence • CIMP Nunatsiavut Government Natural Resources Canada Golder Associate Parks Canada • Canada Centre for Remote Sensing Torngat Joint Fisheries Board • Geological Survey of Canada Vale Inco Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Queen’s University Royal Military College Ryerson University St. Jerome’s University Colombie-Britannique CCCMA – MSC Saskatchewan Nunavik Trent University Environment Canada Environment Canada Xstrata Nickel-Mine Raglan Natural Resources Canada-GSC National Hydrology Resource Centre Centre de recherche du Nunavik DFO-Institute of Ocean Science University of Saskatchewan Administration régionale Kativik The AXYS Group University of British Columbia University of Northern British Columbia Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador University of Victoria Memorial University Manitoba Sikumiiut Environmental Consulting Churchill Northern Studies Centre DFO-Freshwater Institute Manitoba Hydro Ile-du-Prince-Edouard Parks Canada University of Prince Edward Island Port of Churchill University of Manitoba Nouvelle-Écosse Dalhousie University Alberta Environment Canada-CWS Arctic Institute of North America DFO-Bedford Institute of Oceanography BP Exploration Operating Company Natural Resources Canada-GSC Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers Environment Canada Imperial Oil Nouveau-Brunswick University of Alberta New Brunswick Innovation Foundation University of Calgary University of New Brunswick Private Sector Collaborations Collecting publicly accessible baseline environmental data in the Beaufort Sea

• Staff • Private contractors and consultants • Other non-ArcticNet academics • Inuvialuit organisations • Staff • ArcticNet Research teams • Private contractors and consultants • Inuvialuit organisations Collaboration with O & G Sector Over $25M direct funding from industry: • Shared cost of CCGS Amundsen shiptime • Maintenance and depreciation of Amundsen sampling equipment • ArcticNet research projects (salaries, students, travel….) • New scientific equipment (moorings, ice beacons…) Collaboration with O & G Sector

“The research not only assists industry in our design and operational planning, but the collaborative approach also benefits other northern stakeholders, including regulators and the public, by making the data publicly available. ArcticNet research provides a vehicle to deliver credible scientific data that all northerners will benefit from.” Mike Peters Manager, Northern Canada Operations Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers

“A particularly valuable aspect of the ArcticNet Program is that it provides a scientifically endorsed mechanism for making the data accessible to regulators and to the public. In this way, all parties can rely on a shared and correct data set when proposing developments and when stipulating regulatory conditions.” Dr. James R. Hawkins, P. Eng. Arctic Operations Manager Imperial Oil Resources Ventures Limited

The Public Informing and shaping public opinion on Arctic issues News stories in national and international media featuring ArcticNet 150+ researchers and/or managers on a given year

Nature The Public Informing and shaping public opinion on Arctic issues News stories in national and international media featuring ArcticNet 150+ researchers and/or managers on a given year Regional Governments as an End-User Integrated Regional Impact Assesments

Kativik Regional Government Annual Assembly

Makivik Corporation, Kuujjuaq

Regional Assessments are just the tip of the iceberg Based on best peer -reviewed research


Refereed Publications ArcticNet www.polardata.ca The Federal Government Helping Canada deliver on its Northern Strategy

Canada’s Northern Strategy

Economic and Social Sovereignty Development Environmental Protection Governance


Exercising our Arctic Encouraging social and Adapting to climate change Providing Northerners sovereignty as economic development challenges and ensuring with more control over international interest in and regulatory sensitive Arctic their economic and the region increases. improvements that ecosystems are protected political destiny. benefit Northerners. for future generations.


Indian and Northern Affairs Canada For all Target Communities

Major involvement of ArcticNet Management in National & International Arctic Organisations

• Canadian Polar Commission • Canadian High Arctic Research Station (CHARS) • Canadian Polar Icebreaker CCGS John G. Diefenbaker (DFO) • International Polar Year Federal Program (AANDC) • Polar Continental Shelf Program (PCSP) • Canadian research icebreaker CCGS Amundsen • Beaufort Regional Environmental Assessment (AANDC) • Northern Contaminants Program (NCP) • Ocean Network Canada • Arctic Institute of North America • Council of Canadian Academies • Arctic Tipping Points (EU Network) • Arctic Frontiers (Norway) • …….