BILLIARDS. Open on Tbe 28Th Inat
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THECOPYRIGHT, 1888, BY TH1 SPOKTIN<3 LlTE PUBLISHING CO. SPORTING LIFE.ENTERED AT PHILA. POST OFFICE AS SECOND CLASS MATTER. VOLUME 11, NO. 1. PHILADELPHIA, PA., APRIL 11, 1888. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. to jndpe Ihe haw plays, would remove three-fourths of On the island the laying out of the grounds was graph was discovered on the register of the Empire the dissatisfaction that arise from the base decision!. witnessed by this coterio of base ball players and House early this morning. Wright brings with him With the bluffing tactics of clever innelders an umpire BASE BALL NEWS. enthusiasts. The grounds will be about 500 foet a "hie tree'' and an English pii£, which wiil probably GENERAL behind the plate ie misled from the steamboat landing, and the grand stun'], SETTLED AT LAST. NEWS. very often into giving wrong materialize into a genuine mascot. The boys were cvifc di-cisions which very often change the result of the which will accommodate 5,000, will bo built to face at Newell Park for a while yesterday, aud wove rather game, and au entire audience ia sent home dissatisfied. the lako. frolicsome. The local Kazzle Daisies will play the Willi a man behind tho bases he can see the plays dis The first of next week Harry Smith will take the St:ira a practice game _; rjliiversity Grounds uext The Athletic Union's First tinctly. The audiences understand this and his deci The Kansas City Club team en a Western trip. On the 10th they open tho The Long Pending dark- Wedneslay. Its SsTzzles will nso one of the Star sions are accepted. All those who have seen the double new grounds of the Lafayette (Ind.) Club, and from batteries. umpire system tried are in favor ot its adoption. thence go to Indianapolis, where they wiil play the Will Acker, at the Empire Ci^ar Store, will give the Public Appearance. It would not require as pood a man behind the Makes a Move. League team. Dates have also boeii made for games at son Deal. first player who makes n borne ruu at Star Park a 50 bases as it docs behind the plate, and low-priced men Danville, Pe-ri-i, JJloamiiigUm and other Illinois towns. box of tho "Empire" cigar. could be used in the new position. This would also Cook and Beck will be pitted against the Indians. Star Park is at present in Door shape, the out and prove a training schoc-1 for bringing out umpires, William Lund, tho Canadian who will catch for infield being covered with water, owing to the creek Oarsman Gaudaur Airs His for after some practice behind the bases with his mind Asking for the Western Club's Toledo this year, was tho first man to report. He The Chicago Pitcher Now a overflow. Repairs have been commenced on the ou the points of the gtme and the duties of an umpire arrived during the blizzard, and was the only har stands, &c. he would soon become fitted to go behind tho plate. binger of gentle spring to be seen in this locnlity for At present writing all the players of the team aro Opinions Athletic Club There aro but fow good umpires at present in the Expulsion Barkley Signs weeks. Then they began coming in pair*, and now Member of the Boston here except Marr and Ely, who are expected here by whole country, for the reason that there is no position the following men have reported and are practicing every train. Tlie team will g.> into outdoor practice News, Etc. In which men can be trained for this Tory important A New League Started. daily in this city, and will start for the West next Ball Team. at once, probably on the University campus. He- work. week: Chris Hutt, first baseman. Philadelphia; Will Query, the giant first basemau, has arrived and is big Garfteld, pitcher, Oberlin, 0.; Win. Davis, catcher, ger than a barn. G. \Viuz. PICAYUNES. Washington, I). C.; J. E. R.-oder, fielder, Ciu- AUSPICIOUS DEBUT. The work of the Texas State League clubs thus far A MOVE MADE. ciimtti; Albert Barney, pitcher, Providence, BOSTON, April 6. Editor SPORTINQ LIFE: A show the teams of that League to be unevenly bal twenty-thousand-dollar battery. ROCHESTER RIPPLES. The New Athletic Union's First Champion R. I.; Ben Drischell (who will also proba anced, Austin aud Ft. Worlh seeming too fast for the The Kansas City Case Now in Shape for bly captain the team) second baseman, Cambridge That will bo Boston's advertising oard this ship Competition Quite Successful. others. Judgment by the Board of Arbitration. City, Ind.; Eddie Sales, short stop, Harrlsburg, Pa.; Toronto's Hot-headed Defender Replied to Our team is In splendid shape for the opening of the year, and it will be a fitting successor to last Local News Notes. Special to SPORTING LIFE. As predicted and fully outlined in last week's John A. Walsh, third barman, Pougbkeepsio, N. V; «eason's $10,000 beauty. Good things come season. Ed Miller the "dudo" fielder, Oberlin, 0.; Al Strube, ROCHESTER.N. NEW YORK, April 7. The first annual cham We have won a game from every big team that has issue of THE SPORTING LIFE, the Kansas City high, but somehow Boston has to have them. Y., April 5. Editor SroRTiua catcher and fielder, Cincinnati; Wni. Battcuu«, fielder, LIFE: Your Toronto correspondent has of late pionship competition of the Amateur Athletic been here this spring. Club has made a move to crush out its Western Cincinnati; E. J. Alien, Ten thousand for a pitcher! Twenty thousand This is the first lime ihat Anson has all round player, Buffalo; Jiin worked himself into Union was held last night at the Metropolitan ever played in Association local rival. The latter played a Myers, pitcher, Waverly.O.; Johnnie Dunu, catcher, for a battery! Sixty-five thousand for a grimd an awful state of mind just New Orleans. He was given a rousing welcome tho because "Olympic," your Buffalo correspondent, Opera House. The first event was the middle game last Sunday in Kansas City with a local Philadelphia. Marshall Brown, a catcher, who comtw stand! That is the way they do it in Boston. first time he stepued tip to the plate. on the recommendation of Harluy Burkett, the old and your humble servant have said that tho weight sparring trial, between Harry Howton, In Bligh and Moolic we have a fiuo pair of catchers amateur club, the Beatons. Mr. Heim, presi Oh, yes; we have a terribly mean management pitcher, of Findhiy, has signed and arrived t<>-day. clubs which they of the Athletic Club of the Schuylkill Navy, who are not alone fielding their positions well, but dent of the Association Kansas City Club, has here. "They never put out a dollar for any represent while writing for "Hen11 Gas t right is another pitcher whom Smith has THE SPORTING LIFE and J. J. Sampson, of the Pastime Athletic Club. are also doing good hard batting. now formally notified the Western League that signed. From among tliese Harry Smith expects to thing." Some of the croakers who have been are superior to the Toronto We open Ihe season at home and the championship Club. Now, if this empty-headed "Canuck" Sampson won. The wrestling of John Stei!, of one of its club members (the Kansas City Club) pick a team that can play ball. BRAND WHITLOCK. harping on that strain for years had better tune pennant will be run up on that day amid the booming would confine himself to base ball without get New York Turn Verein, and Frank Mailer, of of cannon. It is to be made a gala day in ball circles. has violated Section 6 of the National Agree their trumpets over again. BUFFALO Newark, was won in 4m. 37s. by Steil. The Gns Schmelz is the most popular manager that ever ment, coupled with a demand for the expulsion BITS. There is one peculiar thing about this Clark- ting personal, no one would notice hi? silly trial fencing of G. llcintz, Jr., New York Turn visited New Orleans. The genial Gus is ever ready vnporings. He quotes Manager Cushman as of that club. If the Western League refuses to Commenting on the Opening Games at son deal. I suppose that nine out of every ten Verein, and W. S. Lawson, of New York with kind suggestions and assistance to those jutt saying that the Torontos are stronger than last sea take action by to-day is it is quite likely it Washington—Interesting League Statis base ball enthusiasts in this city made up their Athletic Club, was won by Lawson. The final learning the business of mulling hall teams. He gave son. If he aud Manager Cushmau believe this why us stacks of useful information while here. CEEOLE. will President Ueim will appeal to the Board tics, Etc. minds early in the winter that John would pitch they are welcome to their belief, but when this man. middle-weight wrestling match between Dr. J. of Arbitration, thus precipitating a struggle the BUFFALO, April 5. Editor SPORTING LIFE: for Boston this year, and yet not a word ha>l says: "In place of Crane we have Atkisson, who i* K. Schell, of Athletic Club Schuylkill Navy, JERSEY JOTTrXGS. ultimate consequences oi which no man can fore ever passed between the Boston and Chicago certainly just as pood a pitcher," and then in a pa The Buffalos inaugurated their preliminary sea tronizing way advises everybody to belicvo it, he is and Thomas Smith, of Pastime Athletic Club, see.