
Norgerhaven prison is located in the Veenhuizen in the northern part of the .

Fly to Schiphol When you are going for a visit in Norgerhaven prison, you have to take the plane to Schiphol Airport near . The estimated time is 1 hour 45 minutes from Oslo and 2 hours and 15 minutes from Trondheim.

Train from Schiphol to Assen The railway station is in the same building as the arrival at the airport. At the airport just follow the signs “Trains”, you buy the ticket to Assen either in the ticket office or at a vending machine. Be aware that you have to choose between first or second class tickets. First class tickets are approximate twice as expensive as second class. (Second class ticket cost approximate 25 euro.) You have to by a ticket to Assen.

You have to take the train to , and your station is Assen. The train leaves normally from track 1 or 2. The first train leaves 04:33 in the morning. The last train from Assen leaves 23:14 in the evening. The train leaves 3 and 33 minutes past the hour. Be advised that if you take the train that leaves 33 minutes past the hour, you have to change train in . The connecting train leaves directly too Assen. It leaves 2 minutes later. The train that leaves 3 minutes past the hour goes directly to Assen. The trip with the train takes 1 hour 54 minutes. It is Wi-Fi on board the train.

Accommodation Norgerhaven prison has an agreement with BEST WESTERN City Hotel de Jonge in Assen, for a fixed price. When you arrives in Assen you may either take a taxi or walk to the hotel. (see map) The number for taxi is (0031)592868868 or you can book a taxi at www.assentaxi.nl. You may also find other cheap hotels in Assen at internet.

The BEST WESTERN City Hotel de Jonge has different accomandation possibilities:  Hotelroom for €70.- per night (All romms are double rooms and have the same price for single or double use  Appartment minimum stay of 3 nights for €70,- per night.  Stadsherberg Assen €50,- per night

Guests can book as well breakfastbuffet for €7,50 per person per night (normal €12,- per person). Free wifi. The front office for the 3 different rooms is the same as well the breakfast rooms and restaurant. The citytax is €1,10 per person per night.

The guests can sent an e-mail to [email protected] and ask for availibility when mentioning “Norgenhaven” rate.

The address for the hotel is: BEST WESTERN City Hotel de Jonge Brinkstraat 85 9401 HZ Assen Nederland T: +31 (0)592 31 20 23 F: +31 (0)592 31 31 14

You take Bus no. 14 from the railwaystation. Osterwolde/Veenhuizen. 42 minutes past the hour.

Return 49 minutes past the hour.

Buss from Assen to the prison Norgerhaven prison are located in Veenhuizen, not far from Assen. From Assen you take the bus from the railway station. Bus number 14 Osterwelde/Veenhuizen. From the rail way station the bus leaves 42 minutes past the hour. From Veenhuizen its 49 past the hour. The tickets for the bus are 2 euro.

In Norgerhaven prison Remember to bring the passport as identification in the prison. You need as well euro coins at the vending machine if you want to buy snacks. (Coffee and tea are free)

Return trip When you are returning from Assen you use the same public transportation. The train starts 05.25 in the morning and the last one leaves 23:45 in the evening.

As you should check in at Schiphol at least 1 hour 30 minutes before the flight, please make sure to make ample time for eventualities when planning your travel from Assen.