sunday of the paralytic n this day the Church remembers the man who lay by the Sheep’s Pool in Jerusalem for thirty-eight years, waiting Ofor someone to put him into the pool. The first one to enter the pool after an angel troubled the water would be healed of his infirmities, but someone always entered the pool before him. Seeing the man, the Lord felt compas- sion for him and healed him. The Precious Cross appeared in the sky over Jerusalem on the morning of May 7, 351 during the reign of the emperor Constantius, the son of Saint Constantine (May 21). At that time the heresy of Arianism, which taught that Christ was merely a creature and not , was causing great turmoil and division throughout the Empire. Even after the First Ecumenical Council at Nicea in 325, many people were drawn to this false teaching, and the Orthodox found themselves in the minority in many places. Constantius, the ruler of the eastern part of the Empire, was a fervent supporter of Arianism. His brothers Constantine II and Constans, who were pious Orthodox Christians, ruled in the west. They were both killed in separate battles around 350, leaving Constantius as sole ruler. Also in 350, Saint Cyril (March 18) became Patriarch of Jerusalem and began his zealous struggle against Arianism. In May of 351 a luminous Cross appeared over Jerusalem, stretching from Golgotha to the Mount of Olives, a distance of about five and a half miles. The Cross was wide as it was long, and shone more brightly than the sun. Many people left their homes and workplaces to gather in the church and glorify Christ. The historian Sozomen says that this wondrous sign led to the conversion of multitudes of pagans and Jews to Christianity. A letter from Saint Cyril to the emperor describing this phenomenon, and admonishing him to become Ortho- dox, has been preserved. The apparition of the Cross remained over the city for a whole week. The vision of the Cross over Jerusalem strengthened the Orthodox faithful and contributed to the return of many Arians to the Church. It is also a reminder of the awesome Second Coming of Christ, when “the sign of the Son of man shall appear in heaven (Matthew 24:30). Saint Akakios lived in the third century, and was an officer in the Roman army during the time of Maximian. At his interrogation he declared that he had received a devout faith from his parents, and that he would remain stead- fast in it, for he had seen many miracles of healing which took place at the relics of the saints. After enduring many tortures in the city of Pyrrinthus, Thrace, he was taken to Byzantium. There he suffered further torments and was beheaded with a sword in the year 303. Saint Nilus of Sora, a great ascetic of the Russian Church, was descended from the Maikov nobility. He accepted monasticism at the of Saint Cyril of White Lake (June 9). Here he made use of the counsels of the pious Elder Paisius Yaroslavov, who was afterwards igumen of the Trinity-Sergiev Lavra.

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απολυτίκιον της εορτης. ηχος πλ. α. apolytikion of the feast. mode 5. ριστὸς ἀνέστη ἐκ νεκρῶν, θανάτῳ θάνατον πατήσας, hrist is risen from the dead. By death He has trampled Χκαὶ τοῖς ἐν τοῖς μνήμασι, ζωὴν χαρισάμενος. Cupon death and on those in the tombs He is bestowing life. απολυτίκιον. ηχος γ. apolytikion. mode 3. ὐφραινέσθω τὰ οὐράνια, ἀγαλλιάσθω τὰ ἐπίγεια, ὅτι et everything in heaven rejoice, * and let everything on Εἐποίησε κράτος, ἐν βραχίονι αὐτοῦ, ὁ Κύριος· ἐπά- Learth be glad. * For the Lord has shown strength with τησε τῷ θανάτῳ τὸν θάνατον· πρωτότοκος τῶν νεκρῶν His arm. * He trampled on death by death; * and He be- ἐγένετο· ἐκ κοιλίας ᾅδου ἐρρύσατο ἡμᾶς, καὶ παρέσχε τῷ came the firstborn among the dead. * From the bowels of κόσμῳ τὸ μέγα ἔλεος. Hades did He deliver us; * and He granted great mercy unto the world. απολυτίκιον του ναου. πλ. α´. apolytikion for the church. mode 5. ουκάν τον πανύμνητον καὶ ἅγιον ἀπόστολον, τὸν he holy Apostle, the All-hymned Luke, * who is ac- Λτῆς Ἐκκλησίας γνωστὸν συνθέτην τῶν Πράξεων Tknowledged by the Church of Christ * as the recorder τῶν Ἀποστόλων, τόν τε σεμνὸν τοῦ Εὐαγγελίου Χρι- of the Acts of the Apostles, * and the splendid author of στοῦ ὑπομνηματιστήν, ἀξίως τιμήσωμεν ὕμνοις ὁσίοις, the Gospel of Christ. * Let us praise with sacred hymns as ὡς νοσημάτων ἀνθρωπίνων καὶ φυσικῶν ἀσθενειῶν θε- a physician, * who heals the infirmities of man, * and the ραπευτήν, τὸν καθαίροντα πληγὰς τοῦ πνεύματος, καὶ ailments of nature, * who cleanses spiritual wounds, and ἀδιαλείπτως πρεσβεύοντα ὑπὲρ τῶν ψυχῶν ἡμῶν. prays unceasingly for our souls. κοντάκιον. ηχος πλ. δ´. kontakion. mode 8. ἰ καὶ ἐν τάφῳ κατῆλθες ἀθάνατε, ἀλλὰ τοῦ ᾍδου hough You went down into the tomb O Immortal One Εκαθεῖλες τὴν δύναμιν, καὶ ἀνέστης ὡς νικητής, Tyet You brought down the dominion of Hades and You Χριστὲ ὁ Θεός, γυναιξὶ μυροφόροις φθεγξάμενος, rose as the victor O Christ our God and You called out ‘Re- Χαίρετε, καὶ τοῖς σοῖς Ἀποστόλοις εἰρήνην δωρούμενος joice,’ to the Myrrh-bearing women and gave peace to Your ὁ τοῖς πεσοῦσι παρέχων ἀνάστασιν. Apostles O Lord who to the fallen grant resurrection.

instead of αχιον εστιν… Communion Hymn. Mode. 1. The angel cried to her who is full of grace: O pure eceive the Body of Christ, taste the immortal Virgin rejoice, and again, I say: Rejoice; for your Son fount. has risen from the dead on the third day. R Instead of: ith one voice, O Virgin, we the believers ‘We have seen the true light…’ Wcall you blest.* O rejoice, You the Lord’s ‘blessed be the name of the lord,’ gate; city animate, rejoice.* Lady, rejoice, for to- hrist is risen from the dead… day the light* of the resurrection from the dead C of the Son* whom You have borne, has shone on us. THE READINGS OF THE DAY

epistle reading gospel reading Acts of the Apostles 9:32-42 john (5: 1-15)

ow in those days, as Peter was traveling t that time, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. through all those regions, he also came down Now in Jerusalem, by the sheep gate, there Nto [visit] the saints who lived in Lydda. Ais a pool with five porches called in Hebrew There, he found a certain man named Aeneas, who “Bethesda.” Under these lay a great multitude of was paralyzed and who had been bedridden for people who were sick, blind, lame, or paralyzed, eight years. Peter said to him, “Aeneas, Jesus Christ waiting for the moving of the water. For an an- heals you! Get up and make your bed!” And im- gel went down at certain times into the pool, and medi- ately, he arose. All who lived in Lydda and stirred up the water. Then whoever stepped in first Sharon saw him and turned to the Lord. Now there after the stirring of the water was made whole of lived in Joppa a certain disciple named Tabitha, whatever disease he had. A certain man was there, (which, when translated means Gazelle). This who had his illness for thirty-eight years. When Je- woman was full of good works and acts of mercy. sus saw him lying there and perceived that the man But it happened that at this time, she became ill had been sick for a long time, he asked him, “Do and died. She was washed and placed in an upper you want to be made well?” The sick man replied, room. As Lydda was near Joppa, the disciples, hear- “Sir, I have no one to put me into the pool when the ing that Peter was there, sent two men to him, im- water is stirred up, but while I am coming, some- ploring him not to delay in coming to help them. So one else steps down before me!” Jesus said to him, Peter arose and went with them. When he arrived, “Arise, take up your mat, and walk!” Immediately, the disciples led him into the upper room. All the the man was made well; he took up his mat and be- widows stood by him weeping, showing [Peter] gan to walk. Now it was the Sabbath on that day. the coats and garments which Dorcas had made And so, the Jews said to the man who had been while she was with them. But having put everyone cured, “It is the Sabbath! It is not lawful for you to out [of the room], Peter knelt down and began to carry the mat!” The man answered them, “He who pray. Turning toward the body, he said, “Tabitha, made me well, that one said to me, ‘Take up your get up!” She opened her eyes, and when she saw mat, and walk.’” Then they asked him, “Who is Peter, she sat up. Then Peter gave her his hand and the man who said to you, ‘Take up your mat, and raised her up. Calling the saints and widows, he walk?’” But the man who had been healed did not presented her alive. This became known all over know who it was, for Jesus had withdrawn in the Joppa, and many people believed in the Lord. crowd that was there. Later, Jesus found him in the temple and said to him, “Behold, you have become well. Sin no more, so that nothing worse may hap- pen to you!” The man went away and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had made him well announcements Saturday, January 25, Great Vespers, 5pm

Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen! Χριστὸς ἀνέστη! Ἀληθῶς ἀνέστη! upcoming church services: Monday, May 8, St. John the Apostle and Evangelist, Orthros / Divine Liturgy, 8:30am Saturday, May 13, Great Vespers, 5pm

bookstore ready done so, please let the person know that you The Bookstore has new items –visit today! were their prayer partner. philoptochos ocmc coin boxes Save the date: Our end of the year party will be Remember to return your full coin boxes. Thank held at Ria’s in Jefferson City on May 16 at 6pm. you for your generosity! Please sign up on the sheet in the Narthex so we garage sale can let them know how many to expect. Philoptochos will be having a Garage Sale on June Reminder: There will be a General meeting on 10. Donations will be accepted beginning on Sun- May 9 at 6pm. Elections will be held first followed day, June 4. Please do not bring times until that by the meeting. All are welcome to attend. date. Thank you! coffee hour ride sharing Celebrating a birthday, name day or anniversary? Please let Fr Michael know if you are willing to of- Please consider signing up for Coffee Hour to hon- fer a ride on Sundays. or your loved ones. Celebrations are not provided by the parish, but are at the discretion and delight purple barrel of each family. Don’t forget the the purple barrel next time you are give a month towards our future at the grocery store. Donations are picked up by the local food bank. Thank you! Help offset our additional mortgage payment with a donation of $640. If you would like to sponsor one month for 2017, please contact Fr. Michael. lenten prayer partners Thank you to all who participated in praying for a fellow parishioner during Lent. If you have not al- Saint Nilus journeyed much through the East, founded, were glorified by many miracles. The Russian studying the monastic life in and on Mt. Church has numbered him among the saints. Athos. Returning to Rus, he withdrew to the River Today we commemorate the uncovering of the relics Sora in the Vologda lands, and built a cell and a chapel, of Saint Nilus in 1815. where there soon grew up a monastery with a new (for On his deathbed, Saint Nilus told his disciples to that time in Rus) skete Rule adopted by Saint Nilus bury his body in a small cave beneath the cave where from Mt. Athos. Following the command of Saint Ni- he lived, sternly forbidding anyone to disturb his body. lus, the had to sustain themselves by the work Although the saint did not seek human glory during his of their own hands, to accept charity only in extreme life or after his death, the Lord glorified him in the fol- need, and to shun the love of things and splendor even lowing way. From his grave, a fragrant myrrh began to in church. Women were not permitted in the skete, flow through a small opening in the cave and down the monks was not allowed to leave the skete under any side of the cliff into the sea. Soon this miracle became pretext, and the possession of lands or estates was for- widely known, and ships would come to collect the bidden. myrrh. The myrrh had curative properties, and many The monks lived in the forest around the small people were healed of their illnesses. church in honor of the Meeting of the Lord, in separate Once, two monks came to the cave and tried to cells of one or two but not more than three men. They find the relics of Saint Nilus. While they were digging, gathered together in church for divine services. More- a large rock fell from above, crushing the foot of one over, readings from the holy Fathers were prescribed . Unable to help his companion, the other monk at the All-Night Vigil, which actually lasted the whole went to get a mule and someone to help him carry the night. On other days, each one prayed and worked in injured brother from that place. his own cell. As he lay there in agony, the monk saw Saint Nilus The saint struggled constantly with his own before him. He asked the monk what was the matter. thoughts and passions. Then peace would be born in The monk explained what they intended to do and his soul, clarity in his mind, contrition and love in his how he had been injured. The saint said, “How dare heart. In his written works, “A Tradition for my Disci- you, poor man, attempt something so dangerous with- ple, Wishing to Live in the Wilderness,” and the “Rule,” out the saint’s express wish? Take care in future that Saint Nilus describes the steps of this salvific mental you do not attempt a task beyond your ability, and activity in detail. The first step is renunciation of the without the will of God.” world, particularly, from every worldly distraction. Saint Nilus touched the monk’s leg, and he was The second is unceasing prayer, accompanied by the made well. With great joy he started back to his cell. remembrance of death. On the way, he met his companion who was leading a The saint was distinguished for his non-posses- mule. The monk who was healed told the other how he siveness and love for work. He dug a pond and a well, had been healed by Saint Nilus. Then they both glori- whose water had healing power. For his sanctity of life fied God and Saint Nilus. After this, no one dared to the Elder Nilus was deeply venerated by the Russian disturb the saint’s relics. hierarchs of his time. He participated in the Councils In 1815, a certain monk called “Prisoner” was of 1490 and 1503. Disdaining the honors and glories of troubled by a demon, and he also had a hernia. Saint this world, he told his disciples before his death either Nilus appeared to him several times and healed him. to throw his body to be eaten by beasts and birds, or to The saint predicted the Greek Revolution (1821), and bury it without honor at the place of his struggles. many dangers which the Holy Mountain would face The saint died in his seventy-sixth year of life, on from the Turks. Then Saint Nilus told him he wanted May 7, 1508. His relics, buried in the monastery he a path made to his cave so that monks could go there to pray. He also wanted the Liturgy to be served in the . There he met Hieromonk Joseph, con- cave church he himself had built. fessed the secrets of his heart to him, and told him he When the Fathers heard this, they wished to build a wished to become a monk. He lived with Elder Joseph new church in honor of Saint Nilus. As they were dig- for the next twelve years living the monastic life, and ging the foundation, they found the saint’s grave. From acquiring the virtues. his relics an ineffable fragrance came forth. This took After hearing of Saint Akakios of Kavsokalyvia place on May 7, 1815. (April 12), he transferred to that monastery and be- Then the monks informed the Fathers of the Great came a disciple of Elder Akakios. For six years he de- Lavra of their discovery. They came and transferred voted himself to the life of unceasing prayer, and be- the relics to the Lavra, leaving only a portion of the came the very type and paradigm of a virtuous monk. saint’s jaw at the cave to be venerated by those who Day by day, the desire to become a martyr for Christ came there. grew within him, because he feared that he might have The holy New Martyr Pachomius was from Little spoken a careless word and denied the Lord when he , and was captured by Moslem Tatars who made was sick and not in his right mind. Saint Akakios tried him a slave. He was taken to Usaki, near the ancient to persuade him not to follow this course, because he city of Philadelphia in Asia Minor, where he was sold thought that this desire might have arisen from Pacho- to a Moslem tanner. mius’s pride. While teaching Pachomius his occupation, the tan- Saint Akakios did not want to let Pachomius go, ner also tried to instruct the young man in the Islamic and so he decided to test his resolve. For the next year, religion and convert him. Although Pachomius was ea- he imposed various rules and obediences on him, and ger to learn his new master’s trade, he had no desire to both of them prayed that God would make His will become a Moslem. Since he would not deny Christ, he known to them. They also consulted the most virtu- was sometimes beaten and denied food. ous Fathers on the Holy Mountain, who all agreed that This faithful warrior of Christ lived for twenty- Pachomius should be blessed to leave the monastery seven years as a slave, working for his master in the and to seek martyrdom. He removed his monastic garb tannery. The tanner was so pleased by the work of his and dressed in the clothes of an ordinary Christian. He servant that he offered to give him his own daughter did this so that his actions would not lead to reprisals in marriage and make him his heir, even though the against the Athonite . righteous one would not convert to Islam. Since he Accompanied by Elder Joseph, Pachomius returned would have to become a Moslem in order to marry the to Usaki, the site of his supposed denial of Christ. Elder tanner’s daughter and to inherit anything from him, Joseph stayed at an inn, while Pachomius went to the Pachomius declined the offer. Impressed by the prin- home of his former master, and then walked through cipled stand of his servant, he freed him and told him the marketplace, hoping to be recognized. It did not that he could go wherever he wished. take long for him to be arrested and brought before the Saint Pachomius became ill just before he was to kadi. He was charged with accepting Islam, and then leave his master. Some Moslems spread the rumor that returning to the Christian faith, a “crime” which was he had already denied Christ and accepted their reli- punishable by death. His accusers pointed to the saint’s gion. Due to his illness they did not circumcise him, Christian clothing as evidence. “Behold what sort of but dressed him in green clothing such as Moslems garments he is wearing,” they shouted. wear. Christians were not permitted to wear green. The kadi told Pachomius that he was not allowed to When he recovered Pachomius traveled to Smyrna and wear Christian garb, because he had previously denied became a merchant. Christ. He urged Pachomius to go back to being a Mos- After some time had passed, the saint discarded his lem, or to be put to death. With resolute courage, Saint Moslem clothes and went to Saint Paul’s Monastery on Pachomius replied that he abhorred their religion, and that he would never deny the Savior. Furthermore, he icon of the martyr for her. Since they had known him declared that he was quite willing to endure any tor- when he lived there, they remembered how he looked, ture, and to die for Christ many times over, if such a and were able to paint the icon. The woman received thing were possible. the icon, and reverently honored the memory of Saint The holy one was thrown into prison, where he was Pachomius every year on the anniversary of his martyr- deprived of food, sleep, and also of any sort of comfort. dom. During this time he was sustained only by his trust in Later, his holy relics were taken to the Monastery the Lord. After three days, he was sentenced to death. of Saint John on the island of Patmos. On January 26, The martyr rejoiced, and told the kadi to carry out the 1953 the Monastery of Saint John gave a piece of the sentence without delay. relics of Saint Pachomius to the Monastery of Saint Bound and dragged to the place of execution, Saint Paul on Mount Athos, where the saint had lived for a Pachomius was cursed and spat upon by some of the time. Turks in the crowd, while others urged him to return The Zhirovits Icon of the Mother of God appeared in to Islam. As the holy athlete of Christ knelt for his be- the year 1470 in the vicinity of Zhirovits on the Grod- heading, even the executioner entreated him to save nensk frontier. In the forest, belonging to the Ortho- himself accepting the Moslem religion. Saint Pacho- dox Lithuanian dignitary Alexander Solton, shepherds mius remained firm in his resolve, and told the execu- beheld an extraordinarily bright light, while peering tioner to do as he was ordered without delay. The vic- through the branches of a pear tree that stood over a torious martyr was beheaded on May 7, 1730 (which brook at the foot of a hill. The shepherds came closer happened to be the Feast of the Ascension), thereby and saw a radiant icon of the Mother of God on the receiving an incorruptible crown from Christ. tree. With reverence, the shepherds took the icon to The body of Saint Pachomius remained exposed Alexander Solton. Alexander Solton did not pay any at- to the elements for three days, and then the Orthodox tention to the report of the shepherds, but he took the were granted permission to bury him. After the burial, icon and placed it in a chest. the executioner was possessed by demons, and ran On the following day Solton had guests, and he through the city, shouting and foaming at the mouth. wanted to show them what had been found. To his He died a few days afterward. amazement, he did not find the icon in the chest, al- Elder Joseph left the inn where he was hiding, and though he had seen it shortly before this. After a cer- went to the place where the saint’s body was. He spoke tain time the shepherds again found the icon in the to Saint Pachomius as if he were still alive. “My dear same place, and again they brought it to Alexander Pachomius”, he said, “you have achieved what you de- Solton. This time, however, he received the icon with sired. Intercede with the Lord for me, and for all who great reverence and vowed to build a church in honor call upon you.” of the Most Holy Theotokos at the place of the icon’s Father Joseph was troubled at the thought of trying discovery. Around the wooden church a settlement to leave the area without being captured. Saint Pacho- soon gathered and a parish was formed. mius appeared to him in a dream and said, “Do not be Around the year 1520 the church was completely afraid, O Elder, for no harm shall come to you.” Trust- burned, despite the efforts of the inhabitants to extin- ing in the words of the saint, he left the city and went guish the blaze and save the icon. Everyone thought back to the Holy Mountain without any trouble. that the icon had been destroyed. However, some peas- A local Christian woman, who had been suffering ant children returning from school beheld a miracu- from severe headaches for many years, prayed to Saint lous vision. The Virgin, extraordinarily beautiful and Pachomius and asked for his help. She placed some of radiant, sat upon a stone at the burned church, and in his blood on her head, and she was healed. She wrote Her hands was the icon which everyone believed had to the monks on Mount Athos, asking them to paint an been destroyed. The children did not dare approach Her, but they hastened to tell their relatives and ac- Akakios offered thanks to God, for permitting him to quaintances about the vision. suffer for His holy Name. As he prayed the saint heard Everyone accepted the story about the vision as a voice from the heavens, “Courage, Akakios, and be a divine revelation and they went to the hill with the strong!” This voice was heard also by the other prison- priest.The Zhirovits Icon of the Mother of God, totally ers, and many of them believed in Christ and asked the unharmed by the fire, stood on a stone with a burning saint to instruct them in the Christian Faith. candle before it. For awhile they placed the icon in the At Byzantium they placed the holy martyr in jail, priest’s house, and the stone was fenced in. When they while the other prisoners were held under less severe built a stone church, they placed the wonderworking conditions. At night the other prisoners saw how radi- icon there. A men’s monastery later grew up around ant youths appeared to Saint Akakios and attended to the church. Its brethren headed the struggle for Ortho- him, washing his wounds and bringing him food. After doxy against the Unia and Latinism. seven days, Vivianus again summoned Saint Akakios In 1609, the monastery was seized by the Uniates before him and was struck by his fresh appearance. and remained in their hands until 1839. During this Supposing that the prison guard was bribed to give time the Zhirovits Icon of the Mother of God was the prisoner both respite and food, he summoned the venerated by both Uniates and Catholics. In 1839, the guard to question him. Since he did not believe his an- monastery was returned to the Orthodox and became swers, Vivianus had the guard severely beaten. Saint the first place where Orthodox services were restored Akakios himself then answered Vivianus, “My power on the West Russian frontier. and strength are given me by the Lord Jesus Christ, During the First World War, they brought the Zhi- Who has healed my wounds.” Vivianus gave orders to rovits Icon of the Mother of God to , and at beat the martyr about the face and to smash his teeth the beginning of the 1920s it was returned to the mon- for his words. astery. At present it is in the Dormition cathedral of the Determined to intensify and prolong the torture of Zhirovits monastery, Minsk diocese, and it is deeply Saint Akakios, Vivianus sent him to the prefect Flacci- revered for its grace-filled help. The icon was carved in nus with a letter. When he read the letter, Flaccinus be- stone and measured 43x56 cm. came annoyed that Vivianus had tortured a centurion The Holy Martyr Akakios, who lived mostly in the for so long and so cruelly, and he gave orders to behead third century, was born at Cappadocia and was a cen- the martyr without further delay. turion of the Martesian regiment under the military of- At the place of execution Saint Akakios lifted up ficer Firmus. When the persecution against Christians his eyes to the heavens, giving thanks to God for being began on orders from the emperor Maximian Galerius granted a martyr’s death for His sake. Then he bowed (305-311), Firmus interrogated his soldiers one after his head beneath the sword. This occurred in the year the other about their faith. Saint Akakios firmly and 303. openly confessed himself a Christian. Seeing the stead- Under Constantine the Great the relics of the holy fastness of Saint Akakios, Firmus sent him to his supe- martyr Akakios rested at Constantinople in a church rior officer, who was named Vivianus. Vivianus gave built in his honor, and later they were transferred the saint over to fierce torture. to Calabria, to the city of Scillatio. The holy martyr After the tortures they put him in heavy chains and Akakios particularly helps those who struggle against locked him up in prison. A while later they led the mar- temptations of the flesh, as attested by Saint Epipha- tyr and other prisoners to Byzantium, to the prefect. nius, a disciple of Saint Andrew the Fool-for-Christ. The soldiers marched quickly, showing the prison- ers no mercy. Saint Akakios weakened along the way from his wounds, from his chains, and from hunger and thirst. When finally they halted for the night, Saint