I'tm iniikd I I KM t ; MoXTfJ J yVERT ArTERSOO Dili (l.sf .l n. EXCEPT HCNUAV. in i. t THE HAWAIIAN STAR. -


OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. W. H. CASTLE. M. s. GHINBAI M A co. Pn BISHOP & CO.. Criterion Saloon THE HAWAIIAN M'l 1.1,1 (i MA HE KASY i.imit.'.i. R- 1. I Ubillb ITIUII OUI - iim ATTORNEY AT LAW II 0101 E-- HONOLU1.U, l. 'TIC ON THE THFOHV OF Aiir.NTs li v Siffl Deposit ;. Mm, OuiwrltW hmu. Commission Merelianls ami Imporlers AND BANKERS. FORM HIS VIEWS. fill'; , hmm VENTILATES of lieneral Merehn ml ise. HoNnt.oti . Haw a ii tsi.ANm Of THE John Wieland Brewing to, I'llOVIsloS Al MIHUMIKST Hun Frunrlsi olinii e. 31.1 Front St. J. ALFRED KA900N. Occidental OtlMltl S, S,Co, lit Mi mi linn) ( I Ittpj 0" L Qaa pjipvrior fAcilltlfi tot btg nnd I I ATTORSMV COUK8KLOB Mill rr. In Inch III)' mAi IT tad at law jtfSSmmfa ng la In F. A. SCHAFEH & CO. aell NlotHn and Bonde s.,,,1.1- - I. )mplri Wnrt HAWAIIAN IHI.N1. ASO THKIH AiiKNTM IN EXTRA " '. I'lirm tUr k- Mllcc. U Mrivhnnt SIMM, a pUWlI'M to hnti.tlc of . New York, Chicago, Boston, Paris. Inre Tl.mr. M:i l frtMlatsj-H- llolioliilii.il IMPORTERS pflr YOKGHAMA HONGKONG ntorkp, pn3 oMil f"' Mttrai "t ill ami cinnnssn.N M MESSHS. N, M, ROTHHHILB it k ,1,1.. with 4 SONS, L8IHM mHI npnn I ntniiMssit.n MRRI IHANTS. Pale Lager Beer it- niovemenfce KHANREl IKT UN THE MAIN - r.HM I'ltiiil.llliMi Mm U hi hi hi h fail-- even that father- il.'s.u riu Hawaiian isi.wos ,,'"lk ' J. M. MONSAKKAT. mm ,.r Hi- - i.v.- ,.,,i,.s iii ..11 Jb.- i .nriuoliinst-Ale- n ' In,-- ffispn .i ll nl hi n n in ill in I I I V I '"'Hiiiiloti.' ..I Si. in li in. K i.INIII.. ... ,, Pel Australia. iudoprl by of ,,i II .1 limit vn III.' nlKivr .rl Nl - the liei tali (on . .1 -- Mata-at- i "i i'i"i-i"- ii ' palm - went .it. ii" " OT T'" u:!"1 ' "' MM) ATTWIt.NKV AT LAW AMI M MI ll.e lolloll. .Ule.: K""t'" Z .?"!""'." n- f rtw NoTAKVj A Ry.liiey. lie IIiiiik . ,S,o mm nl i i: - liPtim and - flnftl rnfaral Hawaiian lata", II. w. sc SONS. nMUantl, ' llrpnali it- - l i is4 MIiiImut nl AITiiiri. PTJBlilC, Stnu CHINA" Nov.'.'';. I Him An. klinnl. l.rnnelie in I'luist ''ui-- ll Iwi.li IP ( II iK- - naea Nm fati Ipppplng id nil oris ol ri"i-- ;it ,i it 9 ortitnator Suaatt. r .. , clitir. li. I liiiie.lni iiu.l . lliitirtoii. t tl find a J, A. Klnti, Minister Interior, Men-hun- -- 1. Mhni triple that Inrtwrlght Mock, St.. Honolulu. COMMISSION Btmr"UI .. The Hunk ol llriti-- h '..liiiol.i... II, vaJuablt s. rt nictl nt renauiable Mi nf Khialii'f IMPORTERS .M '. l'..rlli.o.. NIA ( ) STERf rat nformfiifC they reform s. Damon, Minlmer Keli. "i. Mill The zores nml Ma.l. irn Island, M KUCH A suur "CHINA" VI UnfC i be i;ci of W. O. Att.irneyaiem'ral. NTS. Ml,- - Su.-li- an 9MlHAtllr iinin Smith. IS'l.l liollll. Hllrr tin' - St "OCEANK in p inal ' 'T. The I. k- I". WAKEFIELD. stmr Mil. The I hurtu,.,l Hnnk..r lu.lii, A u.t ru Hi. it tn rii4'h i. ikcn ,n itotojte for h kn Fort Street. Honolulu. Sttnr "CHINA". Ipril m.lWM .China. Hiieakirtj n.i.i-:i- - . c r short period tivisiinv I'oi'Mii. atthhnky and OOVKSHLOR-A- T LAW. nonKKong, Yokohama, Japan, ftnil train UTSICIn...i.. UUURIdllS OUCUIdllTuu. idapn d to all the reqnlrwiitiBril P. O. Bn VI. IWophflM MOl net a Oenernl ltimhiithc tot arl iciilni in of Ho- in.i.t hiul Iv cii! jft-;d- In the laii of Mnrk 'I w ain, it- N of th,' PfOrla-inn- L. II. Drk, PrapT. kruaiiu V 'l1 I'. M. Ilateli. Vlie rri'Hlili'nl With W. Anlifonl. MVebll1 & Till'. RAWAIU1S BAPK MtPOHtT n lalalMla. LEWIS CO. FRANCISCO. in m.uhI t lie i i:i l.ii. iit "I Hit' Hawaiian Boao-tala- ii- For SAN na IKVWniftM I wtynm,'' ami (Veil HrcMi. K. 1). Tenny. IMI'llll l Kits. iV ami H ( A8TLE COOKE lhKr''',, of the nprepbject iHay-dm-to- r Nott, 0. Bolt. H's I ,' ni'ii John M. PHILLIPS & co. Naval Supplies. Wholesale nml llet.nl .i( SlltlH. lull w here there in no 4li.enae. Mi-- W. K. Allen. V, V. fieali'rs in llroeeries. Provisions, etc. steamers of the alrove ConpantM "Hi 'nil LIFE AND NOf Club Stables Co. i;-t- f That is why srwdlinfi reform hap not ttt0 .Fanios F. Morgan. Henry WalerlniiliM'. wimit'snif ttnpofften and Jobben. of . at Honolulu on t heir way from ReVflftarag and ii dad. Kd.suhr. A. Tonne, Ill Fort St.. Honolulu. II. I. - t J IngUab - ftboVf op alHUit hat he ln- it, . wilder. AMERICAN & EUROPEAN DRY GOODS. Yokohama to the pofl on the ft MaMonoa, w. k'tiaiie cotitaiim irri'irnl.tri' incn- - .Inlin Kitiiiielutli. ., following dates Corner Kurt nnd QtKoo st-- Honolulu. & McMEEKIN, i m cry her laiifUHje. T. .Secretary RlMMlMw ami A.l- - CHR. HERSKIND J. Insurance Apnis. Livery. Feed and Sale Stables, I'. Uopr, M7tf 18M J. T. Wate.house S. d k the en vt it ut ion of t he va4fc ' , Ooaaalla, sttm 0( IEANICT. Dm. 4, in,ir li'inmn N't Itl l fi c froai them. PIANO TI NKliS AMI TEACHERS. "CITY PKKlNCi ". Hon C. B. RIPLEY. Stmr (F ml Street. Iletween i ii.r lnw s, cur i(iii all Jan. 2. 1ND4 Queen Street Stores. .ii- crude and imojprfi ct. Hut vi4d4lHRtTqf SlTKKMK Clt'ltT. Penhallow Rottee, Heretnnia Rtraet. agnan, k,ui ami lleretania. sunt "OCEANIC Kel. It, I0M hit nary are not udin wsil i.'-5- Telephone MH iirovetnenta must lie made al ' -r DepOell IW Mutual stmr CHINA' lianhtW, I8M am, i Both STrlbphonks Ifo, PULL LINKS lion. A. F. JOdd, iiief Jnittaa, Oi KIrK New Bate Hiiililinif. NKn km.i iii ti i;;. law a of "natm mi hi1 iln aurvn Hon. R. F. Hlckerton, Flrat Anno, late JUBtk'i'. Honolulu, n. i. Leeooni given on Piano for Beginner and si mi- .'GAEL Mav 14. MM rate.! here a In thftfejHMP LXWNECTEU HACK STAND . Hon. W. F.. Frear, Second At.soi-li.li- .liilii-r- Players. Willi 1, - .mi.-- Plane-- hptHllMitloM mill Ruptiintondrafe Practical . . . . 0 JJL. Henry smith. I'hlef Clerk. given forever) deecrlptlnii of Building, Life Insurance Co. i Tuning will he promptly nrtended to. ',,r. King ami Bvthel sis. Wnndonbnrs, Depot y Clerk. old liiitldiii - BQcoesefnll) remodeled and orden J J - u t he ii 44i inii th sjH lltmr .m l4Jp r'red IT! Ill) DvpUtv Clark, iiUrndi OF PASSAGE ARE AS f,F ,!I,S,"N e t GOOfgt Sceoiifl llenigne for Interior Dtfcoratlone. RUES FOLLOWS: BOTH TELKPHONfiS NO. ii pr.ncsH it ii,ii: tin iv ol he J. Walter .lulu. StelluKraplier Mane or Mechnnlenl Drawtn , Tracttig and A wonl la apple bended ax a BIlltMT.Ill Intf. ihM is. ,i ccdlcctmu nf iudiTidiial i ; for Hunk - nr Newspaper CHAB. 1 . i IMODH .IrixiKS. lira witiu'f im:ti:ko. ro v.iKo- I'. llo.Mi jmii'- - W'hi u we wrtU n word, we h II A M A KOMI Fire nsurance, CHAS. HUSTACE, FANCY GOODS lei It hh coijipoeed o? let ten. ft la to K. W. A. Whiting, First Oironll H. Cooper. ftlSG i SIT.- ii h simply the pin ur of aft idea, and rfce C'ahln i, Il deaf II. LOHKIDE, TYPFWRITER. CONVEYANCER AND nf all Hpttaai nf deiM-od- llahu. I 'uliiii. roiiuil trip t Lincoln Bujck, Kino Strkkt, turncj our xpelling nMtti the Second I'lri-ni- t A. . KeKilki. i Alliance A88UTance. Co viviilnesf) i d tlic imafra In our m iii It IllOlltllS o. .vi av L, Austin. SKiN and uRNAMKNTAK PAINTER M .v rtln-pU-- Thlfd anil Fourth Circuital ft NOTARY PUBLIC, Cftbta, round trie u Betwean Porl and Alalrca itta is jin nxiuiu pyclio tlir r KIM, ( In nil : .1. Ilanly. BKLL TBLBPHOMS LONDOK f n ult ie.- ai lain more perfect dpreluv-tueu- t BMrnUai M '.I :llti M uf " t (Iltices COtlrt-roo- m in I4nvernment Ofltaa over Blthop'a Hank. UKAI.KIt I.N t h.iu i lie miuplex. anil tlT All Orders Promptly Attended to. BttFopaan Ntaafaca Ml ih' Ii. i.l BnildtlMtt Mine Sireet. sitting in Honolulu: Mtf Fort Street Store Is ii reusnnuhle i nippn-- ; that in oaaea First Monday in May. Alliens! aad and i'!' i In-.- , intiiitvoi mciivory Ih ao diTNA INSURANCE CO. Groceries Provisions. ih l id, I linl I t.1 i k u- Lm t jit. No, nnbof. S. i he J. EMERSON, for and PiMMias appl i ' k tin- judmiH tit ii i Tvrtchtd Santa Clans' HeaflQnarters ENQINEEB No. lO. - 1. c: - and surveyor, ik FtARTPORD, CONH. Roll Butter and Island i' - ii.n which rviiUered. Dmraun OotTBr. H. HACKFELD & CO., Fresh California mi -i s of tiiiliirtftrojyud oKKirr. IDtllTIOM To THI LAMOM ihe liri.rt-- Butter always on hand in - - 94 ti . in .'.,'iciorj".rrmTi- Men Imlil RttMt Willi to, V. ROWStX, tti.'ni-- Police Slutlnn Butldlnff, hi ner 0 A. 0. M. BobtrtftOD Mtmilrat'. At i MBob of Pllbllo Works. 'I " il thu Hrtcunif nt take th ivord ' JnHMM Thorn pnon. Clerk. SI2-- tl . u hh n Alexander Klli Kae already INSURE Goods fOCHwm fV StOOMft i i, 'ttsh i,c suiij.., cimipfttatlon. Kllla Thos. G. DRY AND GOODS nude uf Thrum's IN THK from Satt PfOHCisiO, FANCY i, .! :. ins mmi( vouM Irti spelUj . HPARTMBMT ok K(kriin AWAtM. M. look-p- admit-ti- d KollT. btlrMM. ' . I. J. lOWRKV Canadiaii Australian ahtnit i"..iH' liill'etvnt ways. But he S,TISKAl Tln til AH.WTKr.l. HAVE RECEIVED "nl fi in- mutate ' JUST the Offtoi In Huildiim. Ktiik' vi i ushd it', w Ult the ytutV tiovernment stu.i. OPTOWN BOOKSTORE & COOKE, German-Americ- an India .i t nml EVratan Lawnai His Excellency Sanfonl H.Pole, MlnlMer of LEWERS in loisical ;inalii;y. Hut what doea that block- - Korelnti Vtrairt. Steamship Line do ro THE Iniln "idci . In 9 yard pifcc, ii nl. ilie ;i ii,iiK reoruiera clleftt, who. C. ( Clerk. can nut recall the way lu epell wisora, iieo. Poller, ilief Presents mi inlay of HOLIDAY Lumber, IJi ii.ders' Hardware, Roman and Guipure Embroidery , .7 w. Horace Wriifhi. Rd. Htllee, Olerke. in tw it hunt etymological nnalojry? -- Let ATTRAOTIONS in NEW nml i: Insurance Co DOORS, Xsh, hi ink--- . (hienmi. I'hitit. and other laoaa, in u h see in lmi urn j wayN be wonhl pll I'KKSKNTATION IKK IKS. Ling to ordinary hr:intl 1 TIME TABLE. EGLE HOUSE white, otram nnd black, the DKi'MII MKNT MTRRIOR -, - ai lit . tup in his toampan. IH'HK in akt. Pobtry, Travkl and Bnxn nil.- i.l , Ol- mi nuveti H)KK. i SbUfon Laoe, nil i1m" ih t).i Wfi k. Sunday u huled. LKTTI'.U. l'll. M. Nl l M Avknof. UK TO Till oolon, Thewi it tn t hi x ntaj-- OfAn i Goven ml BalkUng Ring Btreet. WALL PAPER, MATTING, .Net. contains tlcnit nil Sizex. Lace Bream and black. ru His Excellency .1. A. KI11K, Minister of the ALItl'MS Styles anil nnd" tt wit J I - Interior. BimlinH. CORRUGATED IRON, Vancouver, B. C. i5,n.408oo AILINGTON HOTEL Striped ntnt heck Hmltj . S -Z R U K S . For ciej-w- lirst Chief .'ohn a. HMtfoger. Net i , Tlie nnd the thainapto H1HLKS. PRAYER BOOKS nml Surplus 1.486,481 iki si r pi-- irhlto attd ootr'd, AattettAt OlerkH, Jtantfl H. Boyd. M. K. LIME, CEMENT, ETC. s ,I ecniiil M.sjTurt "i. a - The of ,v Keuhokalole. .lames Aholo. Stephen Maha- HYMNALS linest assortment From Svdne Brisbane, Hotkl Street White Cream and Black Snrah tlk heard in il.. 11" 'I'll. iiiii.1 .Lh0iunnL 1 . 11)11, Oeorge c. Homs Rdwnrd s. Boyd CHRISTMAS and N V.W TEAB N.,,iii.i l!j IU. UU-- ferity Ifmnhilw. Whan Ran, ISanal, lot ih.- I'.KST Whi;e and Ucaanj ii - A - r ..'IMU .'f f. Ill, Mill 0.tll,'-Wll- l ,.f th (' KIIS Till' elioii e of several leiulilm S. S. WAKKIMOO'' Aug. HI. IM IKC'KITV ft Of Mr kk a its, Dki'Ahtmknt or, Navy and Craam sir;e. KngllaB lancuane. Tin (if Ii Kieipl tWI 'An PttbllaHoTn1 offertngs, at prioeol jT i . N. S. MIOWKIIA" Oi l. '.', IflH ,v TftUa Board per rjaj ootid of "r I WILDER CO., INTRKIOH. . , r ..,.1 1. ..I. ami Tannin PIanml, ..... 184MI sin tn 1.: :.; 111 IUWOI BT.II It'll H.IIV.INpN S. S. "WABRUtOO"... Nov. 1, Agellls. Board ami Lodging Miumla a ie ropr4 Jenneaa-MilltB- -- l P hai'Kains. - ,S. Deo. 4 Ittmnl un) lodging The r KquipoteiH uisi. nt. any of the fol lowing letters rfml Snrvej(r-iienera- l, W. I). Alexander. IOBBBK OP- S. "ARAW'A" ISM pel cuiuhinatioiis, rw will ba aeatt from thoex KK.MKMHKK Nol last year'H S. s. .Ian. 1. 1844 Prima I'. (oeaita, Siipt. Public Works, W. K. Howell. a eanl "WARRJMOO" Qr8p0oial Monthly Prlona. Donna and I. HUlplea mwu Supi, Water Works. Andrew Hrown. or design in the Hook. CeUulold ami, WifipO and Beers. bad lea1 Black Hoae i' sc. a; in live, In circles. By U Spirits Ami Monthly Thereafter, oh II III 0 T. E. 1!. 1. Inspector Electric MkIiIh, John Cassidy. other Art Novelties. Hawaiian Wine Co. KROUSE, Proprietor .. Ii pd.au fa palui. Il h. as in sinnle. l; n. in ro4fcl4Mtoc. By ecbae In of Conveyances, T. ). Thrnni. CALENDARS for 1MM ami HOOK- - IJ - KeRidtrar x ni uiu4. Hy tut, 4U In mat. Koa1 Super Isctr, Honiilulii. W. H. Ollin LBTfl that are enis of ihe printer! lt st, in '.. Ulhuiilh. 11) mlngs. HOTEL STREET, PRANK BROWN, Mc.k nw. hh In swnrd. ail. This a sum Chief Fire ltept.. J. H. Hunt. For Sydney and Brisbane. Reliable Goods nives total uf lit waja bf Finest LEATHER, SILVER FILA- Between Fori and Bethel Sts WILDER & CO. which 1.- ind of s may Im m 11 rer4.utd. Supt. Insane Asylum. Dr. A. McW'ayne. ah ;t" M' Sl ;, mm .,1.1 GREE ami CELLULOID Artie-le- for From Vancouver, B. C. '""' r'1""" Tlif hound, t hut- if fihort iM may ntHce, RulldlnK. Kimr St. -- U- 4'xpreMtl as foUowu: Government Beadolf, Lihriiry, Parlor or Offioe in Kst.ihliHhcil in AT- Arritv Himitlulu. IJ 11) INKSTANDS. IJAPEU WEIGHTS, i, in ni, at In cftptahi. liv S. S. . Gel. 14M '. in htitflish. By IWjiRAi' Off "MIOWRKA". il, S, G, - C, fs Aonirt't.Ti'iti:. PORTFOLIOS, DESK W. W. AH ANA, Es'ane WILDER W. WILDER. II) iuIh.-h- I'oi.dkhs S. S. "WARRIMOb" Xov. 21, ev, an II) i1, as lu surfeii lt Hy PADS, CARD 1 asks. WALLETS, Reasonable Prices. i, iis in inunituf. ia, hh to pretJddMll His Excellency J. A. I'ttriiuini iii. 1;. 1- in ,. m . i',j a, Otiefllolo. Eu The Market. aa in PURSES musk; Central o , Kintf, "frtxTTT the Interior. rolls. Merchant Tailor, 1 1 t, 1 h.' o iiaiithtc. Ily ol, as In tor-toi- ::m,h, m S l'i ih1- Hy haiaola, u, iu in hu") W. IrtVWt A. .IneKer. A. Her TOILET SETS. HORN HOODS. B9fl Ill) Memhersi li. No. NiolHlill St., ii a. It) u , AJi in pltufiiy. Ily hert and John Kfifc.. NUT PICK SETS. And Montblv Thereafter. A in y, in ah)(. Aiw.iv-.ii.iv- will known Bnsincei ai s officio un head iiinuf Meaf( ManaaVeaJ i 'ommissioner of Agriculture and ex I This .t liis ,i sum lu A new line of Austrian Vases in Classi s from 14 up. Linen an, Orapt Lumber and Coal charge of a large Mill total of aymbola Swrelaiy of the hoard, Joseph Marsden. and I'i'ultry. We make SausuK'' a S(wi i.illy, Suar wlic-- un n '! tn express tho nml I'oreelain. rote, 90.40 up. wuuinl uf Olvcnee trial and Ix- iinvimet1. Wr have the writes us this wi-i- " Y uso hhort "I." HKl'AKTMKNT OP KlNANOE. llriniiie IMgUrO PieeeH unit AND i bcM, The thud sou nil, that of simple Freneh PASSENGER FREIGHT RATES brst ur Corned Hccf is tlir very 110 other 1ml VACUUM "n," may - Oils, this I ie ed ;t follow)! Mtntoldf Ot Finance, His Excellency S. M. Brie a Brae, Work-Boza- Work-Bag- s, ALL SUITS (il'AUANTKKIi Til KIT expre A Building- Materials tin.- I VVestbkoqk Ga.re8, an- beat." H) - . ii n. m By . tn amon. Retietiles, anil Baskets. AND LN THE as Bufflcimr. LATKST STYLH to Vancouver, Ii. ('.. art the same as tn San My t .- in e. By ca, , utdlmr-tTenera- l, tieorjce S. Hobs. Pmprtetnnt in as in Mr. By a Hetflstrar of Accounts, (ieo. K. Hmlthiee. BASKKTS THAT AttE HAS- - Francisco. Cal. SIC II AS l.rniiih NiX0d PahltS, inatk- i l Chmese. By x, aa iu ll.illi li'lfphoncK n4. xi ir,'. i .as, m nuiac. liygc.aM in i'lerk of Fiiuince Office, Carl Whlemann. CbOTBK OUbUnU) alsc. i r. and Hki'aikkii. ot pore cnliirs ami part oils. The 27, Hf4 III tUXJU Collect of Customs, J. H. Castle. iv,1. Mutual Tttepkmia n... HO, u. Box 114. Ill) Thus ." may he Ut KMltTcr-- . Tax Aftseibor, Oahu. Jonathan Shaw. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, M ki;ks name mi each can repn'seuted Novel anil uttraetive in styles ami urn Km way.H. Deputy Assesitor, W. '. Weedoti. ol Hnxhel-Mttkiu- Through Tickets guarantee qnalit, During the The ohwure of PfTtrtjwiiti flPnMral, J. m. ttat. variety. (Mwle by thi Inst the mutual wmml e" may Ih ex- - as Io!1owk: trihe of Amt'riettn InditinM) toall points in Canada or the failed State past year a large ipiantitv ui this H Hy a,att tn hilliartla. By CiiHTtmff HritF.Ai'. from a Bon Bon size to a Hamper: naiil per Canadian I'ticiHc Railway. GO. Hardware, paint has been use.l with tin- mosl Life Insurance Btiildew' H) ui, us lu tuurrsiu. By , lie by 1, KBpUnade, Knrt to the llrst let exported their M. W, McCHESNEY & SONS, Mtiafactory results as in rtcrtfeatit. Byelta Office. Custom House, St. i' helfei - iii Mi Al'l'BK-ciate- r" For Freight or I'assaj;!', apply to nj ard. By hiu, as u Collector-Genera- J. H.'astle. Atrent st hk Skkn to hk OF PslBto, Oil, NEW YORK. 6iH, hk In k i aiidear. By 1, a In V. H. McSUx ker. PtScS Viri, Oalvahized or mi. It) in,. i.tl. Hy Id. as inctuapiex-i"ii- . Harb.u- Master, Captain A. Fuller. THBO! II. DAVIES & CO., ; h) 11. in avoirdupois. By ju,as in PARLOR ami OUTDOOR. GAMES PAPER, plain Black anneale Four Roiui - Port Surveyor, M. N. auilers. Wholesale Grocers, WALL ETC. Journal, h in turn. By ue, as in guw. for Old and Young, ami TOYS in IM.tl (ieneral Agents. Galvanized Black Wire, So much Ii ui. as H y, aa lu myrtls. storekeeir. Oeo. Stratemeyer Assets Dec. 31. 1892. $175,084,156.61 ami for all good Thir Kivi a total of ahtimlanee variety the HONOLULU, H. I complaint has Keen made "i the The filth s,,tind, uimpla r, may - ATTOIIN KV- i UN KU A .. little (.iris and Boys from now till brepr- K4HTMKNT Of Cor, qualit ol t'eiue Wire Brought S4 l.t.'.l In. - Christmas. Foit and Queen Streets, Hy By 9 into this market, that, .itui tetl r, a in r,sji in Tenlarr. By Mi,,, in lioxernmelit HuildiiiK King St. The array of DOLLS exi eeds that of ATLAS rh. oa in rheara , an ni uurr. ny rrr. as S. B, past yaaia, arc hi Hiinarre. H rrh, h iu rrh, H l, O. ROSE, 1. covering the the ui) Vr, At W. Smith. any season only in qUAQ-tit- y HONOLULU, asin previous not v ronu Attornev-tienera- A COMPANY.L ., Iteputy (i. K. Wilder. bat also in quality, variety ami FULL LINE ASSURANCE hoi 1. lanli.H na.ka .,!' Clerk, J. M. Kea. II. - i. - ,:.i l.ital o( aevru WKVK t rvi price. Wire pecultarh uuapted to this iiu, , ,.i Marshal. R. 0. Hitchcock. ioi:;viici ihon. m ...tl ir,,i,i tl lxth Muud, tlut Opptttjr Marshal, Arthur M. BrOWB. In the line ol HULLS' Sl'NDIHKS A FKW 0F SPEC1ALT11'S climate, ami which has prove.! m ' I .. "'ywnriSmij. .Jailor Oaliu Prisim. James Uu. we are also more eomplete thim ever: Capital, - - $ 6,000,000 un. ii cuinbinatioua po superior to an other. I'sers ol nil.l.- ii.mi .n of nymbolii prtpnn Phsician, Ir. C. H. ooper. to all of wliieh inspeetion is invited. rxpne - - '"" ""' " "" U Assets, $9,000,000 J1 Complbtb Assuki mim ok this make ol' win endorse n. 1Mlnl,l( TOY BOOKS in variety for all Jjg MORGAN nnmimijjjm Thl. yWdh Ho NO OK (MM !( It At It IN grades. Value, uniinl i..il iu wbit-- tbv l -- 'Mi'n GROCERIES wi.i-i- iiaviim Been appointed aaeata of the above 11 m;km lino ,'lt aaaordbm u. kiluple All orl-i-f- t i en. l.- I Kb No, Queen Street, si k Do office. Popart m I Of iniei lo. Government rnmill) Com pan) we are aoa read) eSeol Inaar 45 Wilier tillers not trj uloa 01 Still .war. BaJMlng, K illicit reel. lit, ii.nl tfo.xla lor liiMM'iil Always on Hand, aneee at the loeraal rales premiaja experiments with articles made President. HI- - Kxcullem y, J. A. Rlig. H. V. M H.IIIT (V SONS. pill'ki'd mill curt'. a ,V luo. ilifllcultj lu .Members of the Hoard of Immh;ration: Hon. Auctioneer and Stock Broker. STOVES UNO RANfES. "to sell" anil then Inn "Slack lb i: .IIK1P .1. H. AtherliHi. .'a- -. H. CaMle. Hon. A. H. Hill Wl.lcli Lcor Brown low" aftei paying roc i " nr ( Temp- - Mark P, from leghorn. H. Spencer. SANTA HEADDUAHTERS. i - xuria CUtIS' HYMAN BROS. SH-ria- fittrptiftn ejlvea i" th liililu(li-- anataa HohliiHon. FRESH GOODS RANGES, laalixeail thUtlTerrno Secretary. Wra Taylor ol "JJURKKA" ,V , bandKnH done. Slack Hrowulow's WateT ,,,! ii IHillucal WIuiI.-hhI.- lialii-ii- . itoIi.ii ium llAIHiftan ol i.ii.l "CI IM'l- k C Alii IOSKS .1. -- PiltSra are madi on tclaiiofic ptin- - .iriv,. "K - SfitUthurg Dia-- Pel very Bteamer anil Ball Real Stocks, Bonds Datch HOANO Qf IlKAl.TH. Estate' i.ai ndkv stotes, MUSIC! MUSIC! GOODS, BHOBS, ciples. ami an- known ami unl DRY hoots, PRRNCtt RAMOM 1... l'..w.r .. U alib. onuw in grounds of Government Hinldiiifc, everywhere. The) 4ie inawihlr corner uf Ullilaui and tpMM BtPPMP. CLOTHING, NOTIONS '' Kavc her a oaot ami i Ah l UaffjUlMW Or. Day, Or. Miner, Or. AndVPWSi CHOICE MUSIC. in all parts anil can lie cleaned by be hill, LIME AND CEMENT AC.ATfi IKt nlic T. F. Ijtusin J. T. Waterhouae. Jr., John SPECIALTIES: PANCY GOOD8. in WARE, tile user. liM'..rrrtnt a tijj. -- i. - ..r a Kna. end Atlrne) General Smith. iiu.- - .i.x-- mt Ihe m, tik WARR, in liiiiiw, President. Hon. W, O. Smith. lel I "OK SAI.U AT r)owet P04M and Violin, UiiiiJi. Cheese, Lard, Hams Terra Cotta 111 "ml a ttccreiary.Mp)a. WflcFx. l.iiltiu, I I r HI NUM. cent aeciuad u, ,..ii DIM a It. l. Ill II Pota, Sb Executive Offieer, C. H. Heynohls. mill tin n.l li ii sun,., Water Bottlea, Baartoii Bean I.H.kviaSrsi Butter, Codfish, Milk, Onions, 98 Queen Street, Honolulu. "" li al , Hoard of Health, .1. I), MeVeitfh. J. T. WATERHOUSt'S """" m Avent lalgfl I'oiiio Slieel WHXX't -- mill be Hi I New Oooda eoauiuuttl) arrivinaj, up it, Inspector and Manager of Garliage Service, A U LAM oI'H K I.I.Ks . Crackers, I'otatoes, Salmon llu- f,,i l..i ii l.il.l. ami it'i.cblUKatiod L. it. lia Pierre. asata anil lapsUa Queen Street Stores. bu aho.il .Illal . . .1 III ,i,Tk' i.'i ".ini 'T5cT.2' Inspector, (i. W. ( '. Jones. Iti I I. Macaroni, Corn Meal, JU Callformla Hl, Shu I'mniln, 'ill. PACIFIC H AHDWAHE CO. Lrit. II. i. iio i take this Port Physician, Or. Andrews. cm, aul Kiifft Uaaae la tin. Ltefajrtr or Milt of cl,,tl.m auii Hiuii, )isienHary, Dr H. ' Mimw. SCHARF'S Pickled Skipjack. Alvicore, raalaai Iraa aa aaM af maAe lu aeaaa naj mi iu r s hi i i illliln-- Y i;1 li'a ( 'uiu Mtluuu. tnipir rietllement, Or. H. K. Oliver- THE Hoairi ian H. MAY & CO. Kull in of Salillnr IohmI, I tut h 'In lit whs Mnaitf oois Harrlnga, ijiMiii.ncp.. aael rttMaae. 1.,. , ,, HOAIIII OK KlH't'ATtl (N. ELITE ICk CREAM PARLORS Water itliareli. Ilea HMari oriaa. FORT A HOTEL I l Cor. STS no! Rskana Wholesale and Retail Wr hi c eejaMMrl al klaaa la " I" w .'i"! M i liiakn. cu 011.1 Oovernmeni Huilding, Klnti street. 1'l.iui (.niin I"- - ... Hiaal Meaal aae! PlantHai inwle. ami - "l 'i .li.lik.' I,, 1. Hun-- K. Candy Bakery. inn '' I' ' Hlli"l. lectori. hit mi- i, 1,,- Qrtteff for ail aaaflaaaea laeaMaa a4aHuaaaii aal -i ICona i, in lai,funa, atlnMi k.nm'M, Inii W, Ji.ln.iH Smith, old Cottee ,1. . nvaiW. latramai V in or UA MOT elaai aeHavlale laaaeuaee ftffa ' A. AMI Al.l. KINIIS OK fine luaiKotarol whoou. T. aMiaaw. promptly atwndxl i" " rift-- i aiat1 VAV solicit jiiur ..iM. i, creams. COFFEE, GROCERS I'llK AT i.. ..nl, ioe sl.l- wliU attaaSavV niB nr UMwa Laan coumhwiomkhh. IU, CHQCOUlt in... i "i ' . iii. iii,'ii, In laaan i um mm I Sb - i Leather and Nails PMMPI 11TU ret i.lUivi-- wb, ailtlraM, i i T. WATERHOUSE'S i:..,'i ! of n.. w. ). s a n ii "' " vu. . a. Mlalrtrr lattrSti "ZZ:,:: cubios uinmuijuiii til n in l,, i in ,.i lllilll tin r y un. i Mlurney-i.enuralau- d P. laakaa. Mutual Telephoue No 'h imlth, r Hell snd 34, 0urc,"bc!.u S Both Telephones J Box 47' ' M m M..ch., s, Oueen Street StoreH' nl III M.illi uVrllli J.r t. nm. r in luiili'lary Kuihllnii, FOR SHOEMAKERS ZST 'oWW? I'D.


II l l II II K SOU N ! i v .il net! ik otx. inch a man a-- ; Mr. Davies would ! Thb Hawaiian Star. I...... NEW have very little to do with ."ich n tf MlirK N e I'm- f.llrll f?f r,.r,,iiT.e tli,. I flfnrr ,if NEW COODS! COODS! Ion I Ml I 1: Iinroiechr.' BMUB Moreno; crpecially 3incc it OlMlkf Q APT; u I JOHN NOTT vbrv The MdiM of ytajtdttit at) tbM his Washisoton, No ember. aa. cist. . has become open Item hi, i.. & itft nl po fl t i in moat distinguished leaden 01 aii tith,' n thu HONOLULU Mtlld, Sir Julian PatttlcefoM S TREE 1 mi in a k til- A St A recognised N. S. I w the nlsttnci of, the SACHS, been made n confidant In Clevwatid tin nio. Mlic ii in liu ell , . . . ,1 ASSOCIATION .1 1. II .1 -r--ii.itiil, 11 1111 il. III,. as to the litter's policy towards this ventmoie in tne sersice 01 tnai -. - - Late.. Novelties in Lirets (, - Vn hum .w irimrnt nl dispatches made public indicate. V(x.l Mttertala, in thl NrWtM PUiflv Stri White and Colored Cotton Drenx Uoods gfonp--a- policy which the Km- - p.rty when the President was an Mel Slil Cilf)r at verv In pHcMi Latest .itiernv Newest MatmaK. New Chaii-Ne- a TRK . SMITH obscure Sllenrl .mil wtien J inline lnmiiiiu Editor hassador was eool cm lueh to assure An Worn C'KAJ-t- in Vniiu Mushn-- i republic""i"'t force, it is an act of Co Niw Cr.e. v was In very difrSTnt elen-tn- ha dat, BaaiaaM m nr. President Cleveland In advance atesbau An satwlment at A Km MM tiiit nt "t - war. As an act of war. done Fam v S.lul OlMff Shot Silk able to political companionship, do flat lot- Fiiiured and Silk. Ginsjhamv Pen ales and Viannelette. Fancv were "wholly tinobjaction Mht- iuien, in all Sh.iffr. FiRiirctl Itiiliit Silk in - secretly and without the consent of Cotton get that the most brilliant achieve- i1row ( rvMal Silks, India Silk-- . I.unch Striped Crinkle.. SI'WIrKOTIoN II ITIS Her Majesty's Government." pattern...... ,.l Omirress, he has violated his oath Mk A full HM of Silko in nil odor. Kn an tNMH afrtmcnl nl 11I circutll-."- . iwttv were 111 w.oo I" view all these Ailvaiu'r. il olhce, and his ollence is impeach At Fifty cent Yard hi matcli alt Material tlinsc which Wefe made in a peril xl DtM Ttimimnn .i.itiih in Advance, stances, we think it lair to inter able. 1. (ht Ynir In AiKnniv ni conquest, that Sir Julian IViiiucctote, opeTflt Two consequences must follow Mtlvutra pvnonttl" by i : s. iii New Vcifh OltJ ami There is one feature of the Ha- ifr inn through diplomatic channels from the President's assumption to llM Virv aoil will lit' offal fl jit mi' waiian business which has been ; AUVKhllslNII 41 A T KM overthrow the Hawaiian C.overn-- t Hitii he UtnM close to Hawaiian soil, has conveyed called to the attention of the Pres- lea tot tiimsiiMH mill regular ad verttfllno: mint and restore the Oltcell. IP Kovalists here it his in be nhiMlnHii :ii tin- pnbitenlliin nui. advance news to the ident, which, appears, he and the United Stales is bound ill honoi consider, lutnal Number SSS, Itrll Trie. of the Haw aiian plans of the Pre advisins did nut which to make reparation to tin deposed ,.lione IftO. cans, tin Administration the ! ideui ni tin United States mi' Queen .1 It logicall. ami iiini.ilU I of the Dry Goods Business it t't 1 tti'll GolnS oui guatest embarrassment it shall necessary to her W Steel Ranges, Chilleil Iron ll 11 iii uh.it position this make reparation to a tCDNESDAY, DECEMBER not even put the President in poli I v. y i I ..... I8i laud everyone of hei sublets in' - In limn he Hold H.uuiOI. ss places Cleveland In before the Amer tical peiil Before the special ses Cooking- Stoves. r monej damages foi anj loss the. THE LAST DITCH 01 ican people, sum congress aajournec. me have suffereo by the Queen's de IS NO FAKE. a commit- THIS Hawaii and Brazil are the last President informed joint thfonement last January. So this THE "STAK'S" DELIVERY. had no Tu (Sonvlites vim ni mImivi" fmi reiiii ihe following Prim l.isl tee of both houses that he country, it Mr. Cleveland's act is HOUSEKEEPING GOODS places in the Western hemisphere I ftirtheT to to Nickel-plated)- Mauv complaints reach this office communication make ratified, will have a long and heavy C.ATK WARE (White. Cray and . PUMPS, WATKR when, a to . party committed the . them. At that time the President RI'H-BE- delivered , . hill ot' damages. AND SOIL PIPES, WATER CLOSETS AND URINALS, that the STAR is not until defln(d hjs Hinvaii;m ,)olicv. Ladies' Cotton ( 'doves, pair..$ ,25 Spools of Button Twist support of an indigenous or grafted Another consequence that fol- HOSE AND LAWN SPRINKLERS, BATH Tl'HS AND 125 25 late 111 me evening 10 suoscrnteis had been Ladies' silk Mitts Spools Sewing Silk 2.S s monarchy can make any stand at and the new Minister lows comes from the fart that, as STEEL sinks, o. s, GUTTERS AND LEADERS, SHEET .25 4 living in the outskirts of the city. tu Honolulu, undoubtedly Misses .20 Knitting Silk. 5 Spools for. 1 1 OO for royal Daerojrative. All lent we have waited so many months to l RON, COPPER, .INC AND LEAD, LEAD PIPE AND PIPE the Involved Colored Hose. 10 Shelf Oilcloth, yards for.. Large circulation and the trouble with Instructions which restore the Queen, an I have allowed FITTINGS. Children's 4 25 t st of the hemisphere is forever t " de- - 5- -. 20 ., of handling it has something to do the use of force restore the the republican Government to be- ree of thrones, though Canada and Kanaka Queen to her aban Table Napkins 08 with this state of things, and so hgjlposed come a power in the Hawaiian Isl- o 2 5 Cuba are yet loosely bound to doned throne. ands, we are morally bound to 25 the failure of the electric company Mr. Kuropean powers. Aided by the This Minister. Albert Wil maintain the Queen on the throne Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet ,r2rote 05 y. H to supply our presses with uninler lis, had, moreover, been sent to a I. adies wa ' a and i until we have overcome the power r. : - ' example encouragement the - Cents' Neckwear.. rupted pow er when the tinie comes Government winch bad been recog- that the republican Government Iron Work. to 0) United States the Spanish Govern - Velvet Ribbons, d yards for to print. This latter cause of delay nuseo as tne ic facm iricmuy .ov- has acquired. In other words, we 25 c c -n ev r ments of Central and South America not only bv tne I nitcil t1w $j..Si Corsets 675 bones .85 n will be obviated by the new electric ernmeiit. timet rucliim Imr U. tiltl ,tti States, but by some ol the great Silk and l'ancy Dress Buttons s H have thrown off the monarchist ,)efore ()Ur unlawful inter 1 2, 0 y. light On our part now, to M D1MOND BLOCK, 95-9- 7 KING STREET. Hoy's Woolen H works. 1'ou ers ,,f Europe, and the Minister Inter-o- f Suits.. - X, y s So lately has the Portuguese of last January. Our ' expedite matters as much as possi- Government w as m ash- - fcC Hoy's All Wool Suits - 'A ..!.! of Brazil; tbougfa it is not that erence ow w;mld otherwise only 191 ble, we shall put our compositors at ington at the time, and recognlaed Colored Woolen Lace 10 X 3 t hef ontj,e throne that S ! B vi wholly secure from internal bv this Government with ere Ladies' Colored Ribbed Vests 1 their eases an hour and a hall sht. mj,nl ,)(. t.x,,0Ue.l to morrow ' X z (monarchist only as those ot the 'THE KING OF THE CANNIBAL ISLANDS , .1 for 25 u' disturbance. The dentials as regular would c 111 intending ,iv ,loin, lhis we estop m 1 t earlier the morning, ot Britain. Ladies' White Zai Vests. .20! S 2 actual claimant to a throne any- Great aelvei from denying her claim for C c thereby go to press at t p. in. I ' Cambric Co .. pr to ot her words, the President of a "To H. K. WAMPOLE. Hoy's do.. .10 where on the soil ot this hemisphere damages and make ourselves r K o instead of 4. This s stem will be- the l ulled States, Congress being in eyes of the 22. 00 Cents' Suits. 10.00 P o is Mrs. John O. Dominls, once ttughlng Stock the has a Mil- - Ex-fudg- Gents' Undershirts .20 gin and after to day the in session, instructed clvfliaefl world. e ArHOMX, 1 1 known by the name and title of OI LUC 10 use Ladies' Dress Heels. .05 subscriber at a distance should get lster Illicit males ''Send One Grose of your Tasteless R. She forces of this Govern- Shields .10 I UUttOkalani stands alone by the military J$Y. AUTHORITY. a T. his copy of the Sl'AK s o'clock. ment to overthrow a friendly power, Clasps for Cloaks, per do.. 25 is th one personal representative Cod Feast-Da- y to establish a monarchy. Such E. P. AlKt K. Km,,., ban Hiis .lay Preparation of Liver Oil. Whalebone Casing 10 il the cause of independent western cartoons brought out in- the anl Thb an instruction is. In effect, a declara- been appointed Dlstaici Maoistbatk Silk )ress Binding i" sovereignty , all other peoples on this Hawaiian trouble are very rich. O11I111, $1.00 tion 01 war. By that act the Pres- fin' iii.- district nl KoolaupoVo, is at hand, and the Missionary is Ladies' Linen I'lsters E sidi ol the globe being Opposed to it The Call, anticipating that the ident of the United Slates has as-- vice Prank Psbli resigned, " Leather Purses... .05 by ol their constitutions, their came sinned the power to make war, Executive Building, Deo, 1. 1MB, ' Misses' While Slippers .. .50 i virtue Queen might be deported, out thin-- ' t'ri-si- the of the colonial guarantees or their public ..iili nlftltn nf li nt Dole which by Constitution TINDKRM. United States is vested alone in anient. wheeling her to the gang way of a Congress. That is the view which Will lie received a) the office ..i His 46 This being true, what a strange ship and perspiring under the bar- some of the ablest men in Congress Milliliter of the Interior, until IS) nloofc you in is Are it? spectacle that of Crover Cleve row load. The World recalled its are. disposed to ukc in this matter. I Iwernlier I, IWW, 'imon. Monday. lor This Cod Bald the Wllllle lie Mlll'illel land bidding this solitary and old cartoon of I.iliuokalani sitting If this view shall be sustained the construction of jail si North Ro m claimant to be of good outside the closed Hawaiian gale win 11 the text of the instructions balu, Hawaii, Willis shall be made Superior rely his aid to Minister Plans and SDeoillcations at tnoolilce Liver "Weil, depends, lieer and upon with rings in her nose and ears in that public, President Cleveland the ni the ftuperlntondenl of Public Works, and countenance. He is Presi lady ol work would like a WllH t lie li'il out opinion of those whose- views are aim.'it the office ol ft II. Pulsa, Deputy Preparation of lent of a republic which was " hei has been Oil situation and pictured going most worth knowing, Sheriff, Ninth Robala. ..a- - in die boat. HIM 11.. III Hie III! 11111I may won lie to and - guilty of an Impeachable offence tie endorsed "Tender - :,esj.ii' an inspiration Spanish back through the gale with Ons- Each tender muni Ih Ki lit' III.' water: lull if JfOU mill like In know win roanslfen The of the United States I Portuguese America all through bam shouldering her bundles, and President fur Rohals .tail." III.' -- ..till nillsl refe ran tu has no authority under the Consti- Minister of the Interior doen not '.heir tight for independence: winch Cleveland bowing the way. he The . . . . . tution to overthrow a friendly bind himself in sccept tin. lowest or any . IIJV; HKtlTIIICKSi hailed the dawn and luourued the New Recorder presents a long York power, or to use the military forces bid. HOLLISTER ft CO., Thai lire certainly in it. if an attraotlvs Btooli and reasonable priosa sunset of the Cuban insurrection; line of job-lo- t pretenders headed by of the United States lor the estab- MTIce, Nov. is. IMKt; oounl for anythteg. Thsy have even got WHALK8 for ealal Pes, Interiiir nv 1 m iiaifaBt m yon won Id which ordered Napoleon III out of I.o Bengula and including the claim- lishment of a monarchy. There .1. A. KINO, ir. Wiim.ks iliai sail about in water and follow magnet as are some very angry comments on only Mexico and is warning ants nl the thrones of Zululand, Minister nt he Interior. nhoai nf harrittcs, V the part of public men here at the atn-- st 523 Fort Street Honolulu, H. I. Kurope and European monarchy and some European countries extraordinary assumption of power 4 A ST K V OOVKKHMKNT to keep their talons and beaks standing before Mr. Cresliam's on tne part 01 tne rrestuent, ami ALU OF Oh Tbei SOUTH SLOHb HUNCHHOWI. demo- at he has upon LAND from the struggling form of gate. Dozens of other caricatures, the fact that entered HILL, HONOLULU. OAHU cratic Braiil. Vet we find this Presi- equally taking, are to be found in a policy which may involve a war Just Received by Last Steamer to by United States without any WamnaKIr, 27, l taw, dent contemplating an act of war the American tiles. Locally a fine the dn Daomoma as to his t 13 en intimation to Congress o'clock noon, at the fronl trance Km i 8 Iii ION, Unurehski) Fanh, Drabm AN1 tiu.W not .,i.TTi country draw n by a Glove the descendants and cartoon has been native purposes, the Congress at the very of the Executive BtttdloK wlU be sold men ol Americans whose only fault boy in Architect Ripley's office. moment being in session. at public auction a Strip ol GrovernmsoJ 12 lit MosOUKTAlKJf liVENING SHADES Hike is iu Irving to do for Hawaii what It shows the throne with I.iliuo Mr Cleveland will hear from Land on tin- utouka side of Prospeot Washington did for the United kalani on it and Cleveland holding these things when Congress con- itreet. South Slope Punchbowl Hill. Button Evening Shade up venes. If Congress had known Bonolalu, Otihu, containing an areaof States, what Holivar did for Span her hand. Near by Uncle Sam what the policy of the Administra- ns;.'i inoare feet, a little more or less did for in of I.S11 CHOICH I. INI ish America, what Juarez and Columbia stand attitudes tion was before adjournment, as it 'ik' price, (rts, Mexico, and what I'onseca did for dejection, and in front of them, had the right to know, there is Interior CNHee, Rov. W, Isim. sasltalac f Brazil, in the cases of these foreign waiting lor the range to lie cleared, every reason to believe that a joint .1. A. KINO, White and Colored Dimitys, Muslins, territories with the moral appruba are the troops of the Provisional resolution would have been passed Minister nf I'm uterlor. rm which would, have prevented the 20;:tt Mith every they most la just the thai yoa do they lion of the I'nite'd States' Govern Government, with guns pointed. nne saua manner President from assuming the part Swisses and Percales. ass Tovs nut throughout. Behind the throne the opium and iiilkkkn meat of a dictator, as he has done. MARSHAL'S SALE. Than there are new PITTUBE MODLplMUS uai KTirad from the Is it strange that patriotic Ameri lottery men are drinking and These are the CHOICEST LINE of DRESS MUSLIN we have Ever Shown Baatj a Una assort mon I ,.f XMAH CARUB, LCATHEB 0OO08, PHOTO II KV AUK SOI AI.IINs VIBTUE (II A WHIT OK KX cans of all parties stand amazed at BY PHaHKs .M.ltt'Ms ami Iota nf rtttier things that mie mmsC ssa K( TU N. iwued mil of the ud incongruous spectacle? ProTtsluiwI RSndc nt Court mi .'"ill iiny nf Norember, A. W K HAVE KHCBIVttD A N1CS OP tu appreciate this Till; record of cruiser C'oluin-bia- , iiu' Oavaruiwl ni the M.S'i ansoktmunt the HmweJlMi I'll Imiu. 11 IWS, SgsilUlt VollBg Hill, alias Wing - in Mini Lung, OF ROYALIST NEWS. which made nearlv twenty- reveals fact Hing, defendant, favof nf SOURCES Careful Inquiry the tin- - uf 118.00, 1 Imve five knots an hour, places her at plaintiff, fur hum KING BROS. In view of the claim made at that not a single person identified levied upon and sliall exim?..' foreaieat and Cream Point de Irelande Laces among the iii.- Pnliee station, iii the Distrlot lf the head of the column tli,. Priieisiiiii:.! i '.o.'erii im-i- i I Provisional ..iili II111111I11I11. Onliii. u'eloek Washington that the world. islnr.il uf nl i swift warships of the When m nn. r.n- - Metropolitan Meat Co. Government, by the terms of its 01 iiawan is an aueu. r.vci one ah iui.i. win ui ism Larg e Gobblers. the Brooklyn, she of the IOO-fo- Ban. 'V. I'. leva, in ine iiijhi niiiiier, Suitable lor Trimming Wash Dreates, Fat "legally dis- is either a native or a naturalized ami Intercut January proclamation, i nil tin' riant, title of the smokestacks, finished we shall da-- FOB si KIM. STREET. appeared' when its request for the citien. Mr Dole, the Pn sident, will V'oung llin alius Wing Hing, 1 see thi.s record beaten. But a few Inn' ml III ami inI II" ""; All Widths, from to 2 inches. annexation of these Islands was de- is a native, and so ut Mr. Damon. erty, unless suul linllnelll. llllereKt. 3 thanksgiving, exmas anu weeks ago the New York was the Wholesale & Retail Butchers in Minister of Finance, and Mr. Smith, eiisi. ami my expanses be ireviiiueiy nied, certain statements made paid. NEW YEAR. speediest American cruiser, but the Attorney-Genefl- l, Chicago by Theo. II. Davies be- Lut of praperty for bale both the Olympia and the Columbia Hatch and Minister of the In- Two Domestic Bewing Uaoliinss. AN come very significant. When Mr Whll.HT Tu jo um. have hurried b her since. At thi.s terior King aie naturalized citizens, Twenty Pieoes Cloth (mora of lean), Navy Contractors. Davies was there he had just ar- lieu Secretary C.resham calls Pour Wooden Pants. Port Strkrt, Bbkwrm Slock. MUMfeta K.titi.v 111 -- K UK rate of American progress England Nine 'rnie Sliirt G J. WALLER, Manager rived from Washington where he these men and others connected I Alll. K IIIIIIIK. will soon be relegated to the same TwelltN I rn.e Ties. had called at the White House and with the revolutionary movement One Vest. rank in warship construction that aliens he blunders wo. fully. He One Cut-aw- aj Cost and Iron m.iihI. HENRY DAVIS & CO. t had been close to the British Em- Ibinaw Bhirta. she occupies in race-yach- t building. might aswell say that all except Eitdii Tie New Two ' iiiiini Dndenhtrts, SOS 1'OKT STKKI I' bassador Speaking of the probable in l hi coun- the Indians are aliens Ten CSoati Brown and White outcome of the events here he said: Mks. DOMINIS should change try. .... New Furniture Store Bluer Jumpers. "When the President shall send name nt Washington Place to 1 there ever was a justifiable re- Ta 'hairs. tin Kimnil Tulile. bellion that of the property-owner- s One Mirmranil mie ROBINSON BLOCK. his Hawaiian message to Congress Cleveland Place. Washington was One bun ami one hhysgtag Lamp. U.P of Hawaii was justifiable. The Din- Hboweiise, H. the Provisional Government will an enetU) of CfOWna ami thrones BtandJng HACKFELD S CO,, her were thor- god Mbeif . Oueen and court line t'ountar one ami A N I l , happen hi made their tenure l HOTEL ST.. BE1 WEEN FORI M AM STREE1 disappear It did not and example oughly OOlTUDt. Misrule was the 'ruekerv Wiir... ete. Restaurant 1898, i - i i that Mr. Cleveland sent a mes-- briel all over the Western heini-lag- i order of the day. The revenues Bouoluln, Dec. I, noil it K. (i. HITCHCOOK, ir now tiM'Uil fur UilMliCMS.. jiiitl )iH in ttQtk t la tkltt'xl Ulffil f Hole Hirl Aflants fur lan Hawaliaa lll..-il-. if ..tllT, Hi.,. NuM'inu Instead of that he ar- - sphere. were squandered and to replenish ii-- MarahaL Slirrl.' the cotters it was orooosed to leiral IhIhiiiIi. fur tin- - raugeil to receive one Ironi tile Davies. no one demands , , No Mr. gambling and to make FOB MLS. Antique Oak Bed Room Sets, naatr ti air i. Secretary ot Mate wtiereiipon - Hawaiian-sha- ll he turned nut 'lulu ti e headnuarlei ol the most in WW i h M i i.i. there was the announcement in js jatitie lottery in the world. The VKW CHOICK KKItSS IN POTS ( ! In Homers, Sideboards, Genuine aficial circles that the policy thus 'Juee.i l.ilmok.d.uii inn! Hanging QaskaSM on Rati h berved Three natives with loyal Budweiser FOWLS lines Week disclosed had put an to the was an act which the whole civi- - end '. Twatvs and white Kovalists with i;.,.,i ...... 1,1 . flat 1'ekick. Extension Tables. Etc. legal Existence ot the Provisional,.natives ppuiukii by wttWe See? nt l!. J, tsshlanoa. Beer Meal the Week sa so Annexationists. Vet President Cleveland and his UUiWii - It was policy Al-- in; i. Meal anc authority. the precise to .i h fine AnMiitiuwii of Secretary of State propose undo I I. F. I'.i. u.-.- Beefsteak and which Mr Davfcs, a British subject. Tin, rascals sooner or later will tju. .j work al,,i ,):u t. ,K. wav 0. 0. by M Anht tiMT 20. Ham I t cor- and sure was ' oniing when he left have to go! lor another reign ol vice and a, Es II kHMON'Y l.oni.K N. l.ll.ll.K..MKel Reed and Rattan Furniture Fish, Chops and Etfus - 3Sc the longitude ol Washington and ruption Their course in this mat- in llurnioio UmII. VSui- - lllock, Kihtf str..-- i i 'ii of Ht. Uhiih. ami f Km Baaaar, is and un- M. until). HI 7.:U M. ytattlm hrolln-r- Ir.i. "ittf. CaWoiMC uid Willi thf atmoaphere ol the British lega- Blnrri ter not uiereh impilitic I. the '.i.ti till llliiic MM "1'irn li.il r out, democratic; il is disgraceful. iVSS ure nirillHll) iu. ili-i-l loalleiicl. rvrry rimI. tion. It was the one that So nil win. .unit- mi. BM II. I'. I.A WltKM'K. USO. A. IIIINKK. also lt (untini foid" uatnrlwl hnw 1 Hrk I'rsss. A i.i.ili' wliii are frw. N'ol.le IjrriU.I. Rovalisis had heen predicting liT-l'- r, Mil I UPHOLSTERY. Jos. Schiiiz I.,, llMtbitsrr) hannri oat, All, N.intli.ill Als... CHOW lor theu man months, and about 'liu- Mnblani Iimo iIiuhuIii I. M- .. tlAd ollicial with whom the Pres- For lien Kin' Hin iiiK, Mini , VVisttl. aiul htirtH Miiltri-a-- L4v Kttiitlii-- r miiI Hilk Y Ol hII Mini IHItrlatll ..nl. An Umh in i . . . i . . i . . i . winch there was no knowledge Anil l.tiuTt. Innl briHIBbt, fwrPUlowH. nil. iitmii iuii.il to fir totiim ui. .r WIKE m u i i i. waukee Brewing ident has talked said to me "If iIm Untt himI 'lHiii-- t u (hi- - Vium UvUMi "'"J BoC at iiu- tmnnsroui; Hie ROOMS on I lie um I Itiouhi 'iiiitr. either at the Hawaiian legation i. ii Ung stsrri lull: tin. Situ I rum?t im - mmotttUMmi twj who ni iii an imagines that the action of iii .i ii i. Qamfdtt m ini Ttiwv tbo oiie F'liM.I f PIL- - HONOLULU IRON WORKS. i I . of the JlASoNII TKMI'I.K. 'I'llese 'iiniHfx. t'lilm, ('rtiIU. urnl Hiuh (ktir-- Company's IVaahiiigton or in ,'i' rutnent pre- Mini ii re 'he wnlulit ul nulls' hiiiii. the Administration bawd on Mr. Tin- U ur nf klMll lll. roOUBS are Hiiitai.li fur Slnres or I iltiee-- . cincts here Blount's report alone he is greatly CoKNh i Poum jn Wood um Biuw I kimmin.n. on iiiini i in- "lari Ssssar oau F'nr ai lu iil.irs. iipply U SENER BEER. - BaiHaaa, m How came it that the Britons and Ii knows no cruwu nor ilimm.. mistaken. N. )' HtralJ. WV i iik- h Kst mllv ai l. tvn hr .nnl IjiUumi UutfmliW mi.a ..k Mimv BotMaa, Ms i rnurfat. W. r. ALI.KN. M Win, h, rl.init in luhl ! ui lilt ill's ii ifi ' tne paopki'i m . course. Besides Mount s re I '.Nil. Kits lH.lV, IlilASs AMI l$MAM Uie Royalist had so many straight Pri"S (h i liuirmuii nf l i UHti'in. al.im-- t Milking in nil il- - KnUMs)M On sing tin- baaaar nut: is Sjireckels s. . tips? For awhile the S helievi d hiam port there r. Iter Bank at Mshop A Ofe) '.'ill in .si I.Ms ik Pur ri.it i. iiliirlnu turs A TRIAL IS SOLICIT! U LOWC8T VW. e Meii II .r, .nil . sweep he k leu. .Sum PRICES PREVAIL. that Moreno had n naged to i.n,..- lUfaMBaa Ja i rniiiiiiiiii-- ii itoutsior war. OF with some tmiilit'i mil. Hrfl, l A till, row eh ATTORNEY. mV" ingratihte himself i,u iluig the HtHrr. NMSJT'f linn. in huml. uml fat Mil. Inn. Uo Hiii il .ml ul sIkIiI - ORDWAY dc PORTER, ri of Brsri l'"iii'tioii Umle l.. liody ill the Mate Department In fur II.,,. nil we ha.e Mr.. pTiBiincn Prnghj. snilmrsss i "liafe fcr - MY AlisKNt IB Il in h fearful pUgnt. tu tin- Alius of Jehiia" and 3.UKI oilier ikLKINti nOU THE ilnli-- PsfUmlal punl u Hbiis whJd m the habit of talking too as in KSgf 19 Jom-- will Raauaua Bruxst, Boiw. mtukki was ts ysar rW Sue lives Miin.U Mi. EdviB A. , i. ii llliin lln' slnrrv Unuuuf mil aaiasr i Ill' K ' li ifc .loo Murk . III. .i . - btniK-- lieeu aintw in),,, and nego- Ainmirl tin' slii'ki urnl Vork hihI bas blhs4 nbewanol n. t for undff full of uttorney. .niicb about secret plans sirlni-i- l in' fxiwer TSLWHUMK U win MUTI'AL TKLKrHOMK NO. Il eilln-- is u lie weeks obi. BILL Ut H. HACKFELD & CO. notns- nations But it is obvious that Or - I lie friellil nl hruiies P JON FX "1 "


n . i r- - 1.1 . THK HAWAIIAN KXH1BIT UK- - tt lMlM K WUNDKSBKIMi TH1AL Xi m in FLOTSAM n IKTSaJI. rhe Califoi nin 1 G. 1 N.-- & And Ditto other Hwritllirtfl h.r. Hid 111. i.l. Win - Kii McCHESNEV ;l)ns ons ons & Tons of ,, . . y r sy iua; a .u mjiummi B, faa ... m Piaajf rr rkh i i m i ! mis lit run an banK i. Mr iWmflMMH Hi. H 1 ga Feed va ik When um i r:m MownJ on Mi n4iani vin.i C'(np,T;, rivpil in Hun PrMMtMV ffOtn Honolulu. vOBNI log in hm d. GOOOS -- ... i' mm. Mi.il.t (.t in Mil t.ilt h ,hiI nil I In Ii Iiii 1 M Miit-li.- tl MiM Ik i MM IMIllOls Mini wan Ai. ie. alou ii, oi inn O otlu-- i t ti I i i - )m td .nieri"in wrii- - fa N thi Brawd of He dih i gfajajafa M hi n Ititt A Knntfsf Raei I Mm .1. II ltt llciiiiirr tlleWVi i lo4o ma thi Hiewi ' a Hum tll'i'll in tie at. H Wr,:li" C :!1'! ui, iir in (ivfrthmw the MMlbHonn ion MtN afleaojojotfi e. pejnwd bi J. I' dhurn w r til- Mtrariti iii 1 eee Pam I Out t,fy ' Ti e MIliel'1 MlHli Ueie i'ii' b wn MAierethnf maka thi St. ami Warctiou a. pas .t..p ('i aroMj Hve base ill'- ii at ! . . unti! aflei election in the United change on vc nam ur lie I 11.- ii i hi k h it. bark. Isen- - StHlrtHTV Hohl'Oii ol i.- .HIIHII M'ioic thi' Jnatlooi ol hp (lopfoeae il for minor off nvm. rhe aanoUe aritl ooaao tdl otaHot PURB tie . Mum bnaiiM 11. mi ia a ei lo ... (J. ( roci I loeji hrj I r" frotn Kin'itiuii Min(mii sad :iiee- The - atum-- Outtrt this morning the into Ol r v hav injr hi i.h u pnintod raiia .1 on m n Hawaiian .in .t ok. I we iniitort io tin rni ' - bj Uh' lael II cotioernlne, pTugrsna mk mieoonduol of v umi. n i 'fr-ain- inn the nnd oi berwlee Haod sp I iiek.it m i hi i 'i . I'M 'i i. in Honolulu. lit Kan t 11 i il Wftk a 11 Hig. V I tlenuel ami do nit no tan of the law i inn cxlnl.it :ii t he Mid- befg OtlllliOUOll the v tl- - . Ho I.pIih OOtOhoT 1$, toint lo Kahiil-1- 1.111k .in. vnlni"; .in San 0 M tlu Stm olT caruii of MflauT fur he keep oi r old ptare ai nno. TI Soap fi Kaoi t waa tvloplronori Laundry Kjttr. vrhftoh vJiHt m i of hgvlng Hied nn antomled The Hte im r winter ftntfl the. eral infofnto i .1 rt'pt iniMil from ii. untie, Mile "Hits AlUTt. w .i r h Minna tin will )iu n'ti. tin' bnUHluga nhont com leted, tion, Tin' defeime attompiod hi Inter K tiro Hrad at I o'eioi k alian hetwj an Lilioiikntani ll;i-- .1 Tip from - lie sieHuu i ha nhoui pci isi. 1088, with aooahei - Ii ;n,. 11 i itminia rnangod l' iit as Black Gal Tin i'loriitiut xt nut re. which was pi mi n demnrret hereto. Ion tin1 Honrt III Blount?" InformtttK mi anton, in the The newa from the vaal hi- ii. Hi. v i nxt ingn to Mmka efoi of full OnrgO of selected a ud Mil lor 43, .( .mil 63 ii , blown down when Nniouod, iM ruh-- thai a demnrrer wonld not in- in hm 'li.illl. (..l III partial) Mi inilt-;int i llffl lii-- of reeeiit i'U'in probahl) pome bj Mfltng voaai Or o ii m ar W om Iriend- foi ti ot harl in. thank Ihelf entirety ooniplotod, and tho work of oata no ohm mtor The dofenee 1 . Wh ttaesa ol . Mn ini I'i.: Lead. io hoi rotttMiboi thi' the Tin- lil't ral patronag- in tin BAjSt tin VSSMI Inr Hundred Pn hanging tho inwohio painting ol the then Mod mi ana wet to the htformatlon Marshal Hitchnw k did ikh go to bnf kantine w n ntwi is dlaaharging iini" i 'ill Oll II ll" I II mi HHWIBW I IKII We bopa bj Attention to the wanu Slu i l.r.iti. Load Plfx is Iwinj; lug ag Allegation con Maui repQtiod tin laal ol ber ooal at the Rwa end of sirici imp Kihnica crater now ierlnrmeo MHrl mm denj and ever) as this uioridm:. tlii'V must have lieeii hs Oct. I. hi i r merit a ( I t Til- panoranm wilt be Improved 10 what tallied therein, ihe nral wltneen inr tan me Mail wharl of utr j "iis to continuance h.ilk. Sli.. i. Mar Iron. lias fur il taken shottt foi 1" ii wan when cirhihited al the WotM'h iwelie dna the Ooremmeni waa Maiahal r.. O.I WO hear I hut OH all of I lie a in. We will keafl U k lie Mien a Mnldnaona nclwimioi In ntrnv ik vi r Imtii mi lm'i' um m Kail in thai jiMs of n nteatn will Hcmoliriii mall Ui remh thi ! rin Hltohonk. who teotifleil hi anhatanooi roaignatii Mini H. M ran SJM1 lo ho had iO our line ami al . fton I I lioreaftoi aauo from tha nu k In the rM On Mfinaa.r. tho Nhli ot Haroh loot. ttanalarring imm et DefNlffenre Haj IGHES plete i il is not Information reprinted ftitn iinr i i n i b v m m cm i l i Iniat lava thui fcridini Inrgeh ti LTeol In the clork nIBee I had a 000 t he Mnniu do ui mi in mi 111 t r f inm naa Tin- t'aciii. Wheelmen meet tu io a to I -. waiiHii ATM that iti nighl i 011I.1 ii i Murk on 4- ..1 tin- .1 ,. mio ti tion arlth l W Win donlieta "Ho vVe dt .Mint tin- earth namall Win blact pi mi) 11 ii inn I won 01 n nropnaltlon lo dtabaml the elnh will ii WowotM aeoffordani w as pumped inn of tho Attractions ol the oabibti 'fit in hot burel out with domnlnc tht Provhtioiwl portion will do ns (live na a trial and ;iinl i i ifalviliii ( .1 IS m be In 1 ululml tvtnoh kotlttig hot fnrnwH ilusltj Ii conn- up. om in No. v ,'.. ill r rye gifts tank mintainlna ii rernmont, itatinii thai waa all a engine thia niornlng ami We wilt right. 11 waot nrae in i neat tou vn m i.ii - .mil we it is aa inonater inau eating shark! Oraora nbjeoti thai iM to rootornri famib n.e ( and ihat w Hawaiiana thr lliechanioa are now btujp hap m cwim "Kvurv 'Il Ii. Ii lino- as ton ajd Hay and (trtiiti ring up 121 bavo boon given to Cooke ol not ihronn within briof period. Lntor h id no or lot in It lai tresh tun- iantain part thai atrangeff '"'"k"" f,r"'-"- ',r 1 PAID ,i Ini ui as or carM they w i moii Aooklnaj to ItOttsa an brtgM HonUM ""' on both s.iiv c his city to obtain onoat Ii'hhi twelve f htf were given all (tie prin'-ipa- pomtlont, bflntlM NlMdar nf '"P0 telephones. i if bidden to a hit? i I i i i i t . . ffft long Plahermon say tlmv will ferenoe. the llllil 1:1 111. V lit IV Ml ' III till prophoc) The steamer James Make arrived in N unfi t Mfcteranl it In unit km rr, Miniate of her demolished Cabin 1 a '.om.. have no difficulty in procuring a still brought Up OO these Man. Is wen n at o'clock this morning ami unloading F )R ask t ITOrd wont n nisidi-rali- distuiice a rliin'i in takt mi. larpr pOOUIIon. A Wooden Hk baa to tell ihwli ,.ii out In tl... mid. tt aJao aatlri The captain and olliceis ol he Naniwa gMQ ti l .11 111 a her cargo of bsgi sugar into the boon oonatruotod here m which tricml thai uoKala was lire lo he thai Klich WOI c siinpu the Acta of piratea were liampieted hv ii tu don't wish to, just iini.i their count: men h k luit tin- slun k will be hipped to Ban Kran pin in oontroi ot the islands, pro balili ami role am. He llBO slati-- it was ii Kithet steanii'd awa. .it 4 o'clock that here Iiim 1. .; Wilt nu ml Ii, which w 1. ve ( niht. - GALIFURNIA FEED C3., U. ll'l Mil flit I'lseo. II Mi- l- lieen nia.ii- ot leavv nine " "on hi ha Iiolhin hill mlaao ma kivtii ntuent . thi- afternoon. la M MilAn I 01 ii lil.-l- ' itUnbi bmiI I....1 I...... i f....t I'll ruih yil ess had he as he ii Be naotl ti a K. P. ,i ,1. , 'i .: .il .nt it called oofda Aiku has hen appoint.- Ihstrict bUffcC, Di - .ii. ri and I iwinK. In the words of The American Ihxani.t 'ap- and .i feet deen. When 01 let it will K' die Hawa Hod damn. His von e was that of a Magiet kinu a Wrljhi, Prop a was tie- rail far Koolanpoko, lahtt ice laoohaen, - in ii-- f von Weigh alioiit nine tons. Tin- trip will he iian St it. "he aatiafled that mail 0 ho WA diagrnntled ahool some- - htin arrived from Baa Fran- liw.lv TALLOW ii'ii ("j upstairs and next mail would bring Lfrnfih Pahia loelgmiV covered with iron tho OOhn to thlOff. CntBO n 80 i sev- i l I an yratiri to prevent this alter at o lock, .in it n in it . t kno's in him-- . It to hold a sort military pleb-iseit- Ol ii the oooupant from AbaentTng In the l.tter pari April, m i ail . enteen daya out, with a general cngo without leave. otriiaud, ah it were, and iim a part of May at hia houi Biobard Hattera in the Land lepartmaol are I1, .mil list it in tout heajrt'a means of Mrs. Doininla hut for local laerchanta. otinaigned to Hack Allen Herbert, who baa the ooncea putting back on he was profane in his 'niewhat at a MtaieUtill. pending later UAHU RAILWAY LAID . salary stnei. Innnnam' I i mo ni .ini . have rl. iim a Ion for the ooffee ami rofroshmeni the list at the drop of a hat." about the Government ami the newa from vVaehinaton. fold A o. m The Imnrenion gained from what waa u stand in the Hawaiian exhibit loavea ;n tin-i Qovernfnont was .... A Mr, Knutson of mil isknl the .Mr" of il, known o the talk of Mrs. Dunlin III was the dredger is Ruing Tl M K iht. on the Australia with a sup- notlm1 or carina for thosr who were A judgment for the has ta t t defendant up a boal for plying between llotoluU t in ..iii In jtii'itv tu Ivuy ply of btona coffee, tnro-Hou- hat she xpecte.lto bo restored to power bom m the country." 1 am prettj stur t iiiyh ..... been filed In the t pf v. Bohaefor va. and other eland products hi some Ini lll ui Voting which s, 1... ,,1 M. t fin.M.. ..t.,1 and this port in the Bah trade. Then-ha- MHTIC rresi'leiit ('leclaii.l was to brins ahout. The Olowalu Bugar iompan) in the edible line. He will also take liorgafl were used in reference to been aotte traffic by natives in ( Ma I"' In- w as BCCtlfBte in t liis. since lie .ii-,- o- nontila ..,.1 Iti tUa 3 i.il. Um kefs it nl Tubs. with him the materials for building the th.o whjlahoAta, hut this will much O .ii", lOxtQ Accuracy ol tin- other - PalaOe eqUAre waa oleanod up y Ihhh tvpieal gnaw hbujaat each feet, information thai oouutry here. don't think he men- eater 3 Sim. i I'ans. Tea Kettles, Ball I z she posM-ssTi- W ill Of larger seal.. h for the 00natruction of wliloh Le has six eeks Advance HfitinH an v Rbttiollan.I horn an mil day alien n in readiuOM for the ttu- - h. ui Him (.'i.iwn bMU civpn a OOntraOt, u,(' Vyi1 Ol nile.i mi.h ami ,H ing bt en Appointed to office, but it was The iron oolumUa of the new O my, Suit Stap, Fine 1,1 thirtythirU restoration dar Inter . I. a ill shorl v " ns Hawaii lias Deen a Id J. Williams also leave more those who were al ion lime here land repair ahop on Allen are C (.'lav iimI .V Martin's Sluw v Ml. Hrnifil. Perhaps theie has been - street 11 I S s la sideetion of photos of tHluiifl who were Immediately boosted "to The Washington .Star cuIIh LOluoka W o r ui.d.-- now in position I i uelebrltlee. and acenerv, W ith hu election in Hawaii tin poaltlona to the of and the ground is HI. n kiny v. i i:i plenl v of atoum prominent detriment can-ca- TO RWi Mil l.. - 01 OUT laid a monarch. is more i ill.- o.lri.-H- i nntt niHiiili'sli-i- in Hawaiian nnoiiels tnaiim nawailana who were born here. think There being Rile m iroui the dahlia left in X To 11. 11. . D, inn. aii'l nui stork nt Galvanized alTaiis he ou;ht t do with hiM nil)- - American patriots, one of the most in Max lie made an Offer of hi services truth than pnetTJ About that. dredger at the Waikiki the side of the m. r M. P.M. ! M. oeeaioni galling features of this wretclu d bual-- o Resist me m case needed il with s - Flexihle .mil ron nan nsh market hfii oonipluUii Liave Ronalaln 141 IsM Mril Wire J. I). Spreckels oY Bro have made the neMs la that the debased followers ot this reference to my office, My recollection Dr. Henry W.Howard Iihm removed till WOllinn Id have known building wili I mi t. l.rai- - IVarl OIlJ MH l MO iM Koie e tinplete Horn 1 exhibition company a muclimore liberal thou and openly is I was inquiring about some ol the his offlcea and residence to 500 urnaineiil the i lo 4 Cottage K.wn Vs exulted over it long be- Hi Arrlv.. Mill Ml Ml offer, and will now carry all freight for the outcome of o cera t here. Juen, Parker and pOA- - luoalit) o in ineln-- . Ilulihuck Moiled and fore tin- pie of on the Hawaiian hotel premises. ROMOMttiC, w the Kair both ways free, making only a the United Btatei and slbly Mehrtetia, - r.i , l.tni-e- small he ad herein s of the new Hawaiian Gov Mi. waa croae-ex- a I" i. a. ,. Raw ami Castor Oil, charge for stevedore work. They Hitchcock mined at R, J, LiUie a Issl M.IKs were w advertises few choice V. will also convey I hone taking pert in the eritmoni intrusted ith any Infor- some length but the above contains V.V. I. I'.M I'.M. ferna In pots Whit. Lead and Ziu.:, Red Lead Kair both waya free of charge, except mation as io what Mr. Blounl claimed all the material points elicited. and banging bask eti for DRPAItTW.. I,vr fcw Mill Ml HMI Ml IM s I to hftvi found out, w hat Mr. Cleve- t U) a. .mil ( t III .mil Stock-hol- loi hoard on the iteAlllt r. which inilMt and At tin- afternoon nraslooJ. M. Vivas sale on Saturday after 19 o'clock, S Uiava ivnii ii.. Ml II ill till liM )i,lr, '.iIai ,V. for Kami per itnil Mlkarml, Oec land proposed to do- .- )'. Sun. w w 11 . i ) . lie paid at ordinary hotel rates. as the lirst Itneea. He teetlAed: Mrs k W BoM.worth uid (I Arriv., M II., tM Ml l all In Ihe A ernt, a ai. eanie "Isen - ' met the respondent In the office of lals alarm ..' lirr was turoed 111 K Qoodaora and mite, C I. Hi A Baiartlay-- O Handay-- i eloaptari. IS I II OK A I, OUI8V, liiit... ial. (J) In m III, in NT o miC OBKKKA. II Ms V. V. Ash ford in Honolulu some time nliont i eloek last niirht .'ruin tlir PriedlaJider, C Joban, Min Bohtnldt, H Dall it Saturday's excepted iy line order and are' i nau in April taati been diacuMlnu ,i,,nri.n,.i-i.,.,1.- tr ..i a Ofl Hoffgaard, ktn II taenberg, Mia u offered at low irices. Now is I cttolaa Bxaibplfl nf iin Ignorance Mid "Prlnei Anne nf HiUxiken" win with Mr. Aahfordand K. W. Wilcox the tuhaMO. ot u Unreliability. PreaMenl Cleveland .on.i.t.on the altuation hire when The WundoBbarg I'or Kauai, peratini walaal, iipr .'i the time to have four Oittin YA triiU attracts little 00 Repreaen ve M. N. of a Washington Mr. uiidenherg came m. Ihe dlscua- - il If Rwart, o tati Johnaon dispatch of November was mteWKi h,rt i,ol,t" al lupathlea being ) tiimmed: the hundie.d sets of sen after that directed ui die land V t u 1:1 1 COACH LINE Ha- North Dakota, in dlacuaalng the Kith to the New York fttrord says that I I ing of the troops from the Boston. tt well known and too oiteu cxpre ed. r u 'Coffin 111 tiitiite" just received waiian (ueatiou yeatorday, aaldi roj alty contlnuea to hover about the Wundenberg tried to Thai the It I. twits r Wgoirauai . Dr. . II. o "join"; off had not taken place The Women's Board Foreign Mis .1 arc like "hot t akes." ftor the Aatonlahlng, unneoeara ry White House, and gives deiails of the revolution uniil of Si nu 'iiinmins. Nt'ilson, from i tin' troop Were landed WAIKIKI, 'I'll PARK. b. and unjust statements which I heard BOCOnd Jviall Of an old w oman iii a aftei iona had an interesting Hessiun at the Walmanalo. The new "Pumping I'lai He It. 1.1 mi' that if is con . I need .f Mak J in Central oburch siliiir hunt'. llaK'li.n.l. Iron. II I'. A D Mr. Itloiinl make ahout the reeks queer turban who had called the dai that faul l ooxbl to go to Blount and union veatordai aft Kapaa, SANS Stll't'l. III MONll 00 works well and von can gel all the Hons.- on the 96th of April. 1808, before and introduced herself it'll him II. tei med Hihim.'i' Ktevi na Cm tyieen st. b riryaut, Jaoobaen, San . i,l Q tin watei .nu want, so you w V an tiii i li nun ill, no , .. and in. mi NTAApraparod to hear, ithout astonish ictoria. On the second visit she had lasr.n. ii . i rancim n.i.,1 ii...,,. mom , in., iriisii'i'rt.'i rsaut.i's tiome are one ol Lawn meiit, AnjFtblhg he niijht say About Ha lowered heraell a St in- Moiwahin from Bauiakua. want out new round or two In the arranged matter between Minister '" peoll leaalon al the room of the waii. on oonaular ami royal ladd.-- or i i s. Sprinklers. It the best Speaking the and announced herself as Bbevena and the Provisional Ooverh Chamber of Cotnmeroe aa the Btab Koei i'a n iti Time Table: diplomatic hill, he laid: "1'rinceaa Anmg the favorite dauthiei mi'iit. it, in, reoouection u mi.-- i,. tK prena, t.eavr Leave Loftier Sprinkler st.ld here, i,, yYkdnebday, Deo. i Kurt evei do oi Queen victoria she InoldantI re maintained thai there araa. thai it a Sssa Assali IS Kidk SIX ''Mr, Chairman, what need have we a Bohr Mille Horrlr, lor Koolau. wear it marked that he hailed from Ho- - mon, but I don'l ramember ex-- 7 a. in. a. ill. parts to nut, a does not for a Minister at GfoeeOO? Her Bobron, Newman Oo. adreniae Bchr Ka Mm. I'm Bamakua. 5" 9:00 hoken. niilv wHttl word, h. used, Wunden- - . . revolve, anil is ji.nd Inr either halls of phlloeophy are ploaed forever. lie I rrMh 8lork "f Prdera, Sli.tr Jame Mak,.. Maul I. for; 10:0a a. in. a. 111. BUILDING doorkeepers at Ihe While House, berg talked about going to .w Blount. Kapaa. Her eeeooaet oboe the center of an Ini who have not under previous Admluls hm I don't know, if h., had already been Whit.. Row, Violet, Jock; Club liifhl 01 In a. pressure ,of Ptrt PB.M KCTHII i,i r 1RTI 111 s 12:00 noon 1 lb p. 111. incline commerce, ih alnumt as silmii as tratioaa enjoj ed a very Intimate a. theer or not. Duciag the converaation and Batiottope, LOTS ale qualntance vvith the ruling .if he coiiih'iiiii.'il th.' him I'.iiH t.r tha haada at the dawn of creation Itself. In families Bark Elithat, Han Francisco, sun-- IIOO p. ill. lop. 111. the Old World, did not recognize of the Government, those w hom hi lelt Must i hf ... I t.r that land is an Ignorant, thiil'iless, idle ihe tf time the Diatsiel '..on day, December loth, m. Goods. or ami aggrieved hy. He u ed w hat is called ai I a. Electrical Our population, Hlandin heside the rillned woman's name title, while one was tiiknn ii). to day w oh ih" of Am 4:0.) p. in top. Ill Are Offered -- trial an hk Albert, Urifflths, on or about stock Is (mill. I. It thail ii mils ami moUnmonta oi a decayed ami Of them slipped upstairs lo consult a troopers" language profane language. mole aaaauil Raturday, Ueo mh. J W hit ker's A ma nac. a 1 COOld not sw an special names and battarj aattt, arhioh ended 6:yo 111. e :nitl w 1 . e forever departed greatness What la plain Dubofl car that A in jop, ei lite men hard in t t in mi aoqufttal, stnir.l Oummujisi llelaon, for Wai need ha vi- we lor a Minuter a I thai court detained her eon versa loll at the Were ment ioned. He swore against he For Sale. at work wiring houses for F.lec-1- manaki tomorrow al in a. m. V IK. II. 111. p. 111. I e- - door Sin- waa H plain Government in a general wa al.out 00 repent (H d KirsKSes. I'iflv hi rather appearing it r, iIwIh i INII IINalONKKM. The. an- M. Livflit. We" ran turniah otul ( SonKi Pnc B600) lersoii in nirc, uguie aim uress, a little some aeih inai nc oomtiuerea noi pn fifty of Jockey Club tHgarette. roiti upon tin (oeeks, umler si.ed. bill w ith an assumption of and about Willi h he felt aggrn-.t'd- He i.i S. KuHrg at Oo Alt A. Ml lilt lltllies, "Theec nllectioiih King I' stinr James Makee - '.'.'in Imus fares tu Kill.' Rabga, .: Waikiki. Mon.INI .si, esM ciall as to alleged IgDOiance regal hearing. did not mention ihe Marshals office in lamps in .me vtylr.'and if wc- their street, will pay for handsoi Igai t.r r, Brewer & Co, Makee . She said d I Yes- - particular, hut I auppoae his words had aool Bugar I..-- s.in Bouol and Diamond and tbeallegad decay of their commerce, the umlersto that the . Inn ye PMOapgnr w ni-- oigarotto oate. Bee the ad r: hans rice, Young, stiikkts. ire void hotia.' you can lee! were so am1 mo of place in ideuL had r tin to ihe cil v. and she reference to that office or the i l.nnn Bead, Bound Trip '" fane oik our m I - .'Iiki hat;- - lAe: d i - rr Moiwahint' tigar ii is done 1. dealings with a friendly nation that I 'ap'i.in Dubolatolai iiim know House. ili- onatrrti ilope i Punchbowl, sin act ttirq; the Santa ciuun' Baadquarters (Thrum?!) Xhvles A Co, aool Bamakua mill Children untlertwelve half.fare. I look o raefon the next day to correct that she hud arrived and awaited his Mr. V'ivan was heing eross examined latest 'inii w rill iV rules. in- tar C, W, will Thai dun is a Bhoioe them by giving the rcmarkahle stat IttlOi coming below. Captain Dutbout Aebford when our reporter remain open every evi uing frotu ti ll F. SMITH Prop. location - s;id he quired deferentiitllj mis- left. IKHSKLS IS PORT, tiiliie lo plenty. of eduoailon and commerce in GreeoA, whether her now until after Christmas for the benefit ami deatrable on,, is avidenoed Wi sion concerned herself alone or w liati tin rij;hl kind ol hIiowIiik that they have public schools, hether of those w lio i nn not NA Al. VBSfUULa A ll.'Hl gel ..in tluriiiK liii' t i i v be bore a message from her royal .I.....I t.f Ki.kll.t.. hiiii-.- N.'l-"i- i. b) he iiiiiii) all act e homes Si Wood, free as to tuition, hul OOmpUUM i.v as to day, I' s s Sim PrsiMiann hulle. ur Black I'niv attendance, and mora college graduates not In r. She responded w ith dig-n- v Tl sra la a good deal ol kicking gothg I H H I'lniiideipiiia. Barker, GaUao which have bean huilt there dei Cartridges to gel l)fp hays, a IH KM UiN.k.-- in proportion lo population than any thai lie had matten effectlnjc herself l.ll It iIh frt.ni various oauaea, Tin i3 SCbiiiupi .n, Kutace Bm. to coinmunleate, Judge Efobeitaoa is engaged in the sTapan Crulaar NsnJwa, Touo. ViAahoms during the punt few years, with. .Stale in this Union, and ihut (hey had arbo attended th. wreildirig I'M! muht Heaaehl "1 am sorry," said the oaptaill, "but It trial of a t hi lies.- opium Case t his after- - miih n MM in their Own merchant mat) h whiia Moic would have bean bnilt, hut will be linpoaslble for tin President at.' l.ainl A marine in HMi, itenideH an iniiuense to olavi'il iiooiii., in its loudest noon. DepUt Marshal Brown for ihe C s s Iflowera, st.tt. sdn commerce curried on in foreign hot ee von to day." u iiMiiui. il'-- sun h mucineo available bnllitiov aites have strains just as the moat interesting .tri prosecution and W. K. i ithtle ror the jk , tome, Thin, with an area and p. puluti- n The Prlneeaa did not seem at all an- A, i, itrvam. Sun Km... of too cereniouv was i..'in .'rloriii.il. ilt'tVnc,., Am bkl been exhausted. , ahout tl (Jeorgia noyed hv In r failure to meet Mr. Cleve- in,.ud Schniidt. Han PramSaon E. 0, & '(ii. to the Klate of so thai no on., epuld ht'ar the words A in I. t Wi'11.1 V...... 1.. Hall Son, land "Verj wettf" she said. You v vui' Tbeee lots anb-Uiv- (Record ibid, uagea 87tl-- t, by A leftdlng IfrkkDukeol sis are tell him I pronounced lit. Beokwith that made feature of th f'riend tar Arajrll. ullgntlj NHW, DM) that will call again to -. "The present Adminstratioii set ins to i .unman, 1. r lilting and Mhs Afong ni ik ..ii.-- i' n- .Nan rrniiclaco. ions of u tract which hiii' bean m I this K, - . Li Mr, morrow. am sure that he will he very month are engravings of a'"- (in 111 kii, rely entirely on the accuracy of 11 im hk J C Pftuimr iiiiiii iiim site iii.il n l much displeased when he learns I ii. 11 el Cheiiery Damon. and Mis hk It Y Uitln Opened up making a ttloiini s report as to the facts. Having thai ot who !.!. Julia Bs i. M..in..n. nsu Knm etmci AN 11 nunlner Japanese attended the N"1-"- KlNt Sis. found Mr. BloUOt straying so far from have been here and that he baa missed Mills Damon, i s,l,l banquet last have a ten al aiu kick The libenoaaoa are said to i',' $ '''!. through frtitn Mauainc to r.m- - i iii- the opportunity of presenting (o nhl Am .Matilda. Htevcnaon, Nauainio. II. '. facta regarding the Lrreeka, while himself I in regard to n and Ita servioe he were t Foreign Com- me." excelh'iit ale supplied the Am S Allen. Thomiaam, San Kran pect streeta. The prlotfa chairman of the Apaira bk ban S -- rnnice -- The Prllicissa w alked all Friend hv Mr. Krank W. Da n foi llbsrt, Oriihtb, Pranotaou mittee in ''.'. am glati it im not u He majesiu down Mi-'v- . Am hk Rnooh Tslbiut, l!i. Puma it. .in to n.i.'rO par lot. Ihe PKttaoMAlu ' Sound H'. ls- White House - publican pins its drive. it Klak.-lv- administration that A hinall fracHH took place er,terdav Al" l,kt Ainha. H ail. I'm t j "uopoKed she aritl " A ajas faith to the MUigle slelulel thread f Inn that present herself J. H. Holt Jr. of vValanae is reaterad Am Ii Transit Jorueiesii. Kan Pranelaoo - map showing and i M- i n. i o i i on tonolulu'T.I- 'AAI Npet-ia- oi ui' ni ii. the street wharl ltweeu a nndingr. as cononiKsioiu r in t exparikilon ,,i Arllaglpn t . location of these Iota nan u regarding in 1808. Ihe tieiiK recJred with ninese and a Japanese, hot h of M the Hawaiian drivers I ...... M w ' llltli. & rwc-s- "In the former case there was no mo- greater laiiiHiiieratlon Mrn. J. II. VVodehouae and V. H deliver waxona. The Jap WOTltod the seel, al mV otlicc. for Ifcing either diMcourteoiiK or Business Cuts tive Corn well have left for Maui. Celeatlal in one round and the l itter's M Ooi sraaival Marvi PeMlafevscI wrong, as the hill he reported did not Brewsv a Oa.a I'roient. Portraits-Autograph- s Mrs. K W. Mrs. i r MoaMtaj efaU pn'jxMte to uhoJihh or reduce tiiu A WasbiugUaSI dispittch ton- - Ihd.lsworth and H. pigtail flying in the l.reoe. W90i hurt T. W. HOBRON. suvh: - (ircek mission. Cure ig- Isanbera to Kauai. Uttg up i be S HA Ho M. 1 1I Kit. 1 wantonnesM or greaamaii O'Neill ot liaaaach unatta Iihm have lone street. norance alone would explain it. In the ? " laid before hum ap- - Lieutenant T. T. Harrison. I'. S. N,. "fg" k latter cae it is at most impossihle to cm Secretary fires an W. K. Allen, aduouistrator with the i r Pacific Brass Foundry a on Ooeanlo 7 r 1 p 5 itr 7 t aH tlie conviction that lie was lor ai trom nosi m noune Having iiirj;e lelt the reetarday. Mill K. t annexed ol the mtaie of J. a. a 1 n ; the Hpecial purpiMve of lindniK wiuethiiiK interehtH in the .i(nds which shoWHthat Theo. H. Davies and Oao Daviaa left - Banning, h is tiled a hill of exceptions 10 m ii ictmuniirHii uiiiuiniritra- thime (be yesterday for Hawaii. 9i PM ai.tc ic rut s. t.sh i all iicipuiinled with the rOditUons u" Kiuau f ayefa STEAM .MtOAJA INIKBU HPK, KL tiou. Ihe pitv of it is that ahroud such all portiona "f the rejw rt of tin; Tn .7 SI.I7 sjjn 71 itlH ui ;i :i Manager (i. Kwart. of 7111101 is up to Aijii'ii-ca- have not ho hopeful a helh f sj to the I. the Kila.iea .s i.iy :i.iH ai :a a BOVVH, WAYS, hlundering charged the mastrr to whom his acooonti wete re a U.I t mum at miii o ; I iiI.dHK VALVES, t of tl plantation, returned to Kauai yesterday M ;'oplc, and not the democratic out' oiue Ifort to restore the y" At 'Sunt f.t st o ti. 7S2 4 I ferred as disallows the oommlaaloa Orders Rrccived at the Star Office STK A II I KM. ami all t.l m i larty." Qneen, The dlapalch niada as rotlowa: by the Iwnlani. ;t..ti :u .ft. tu, 70 U oi isj- n rt Sj I lunula l claimed hv him. 8 ana it: - 0 QB "ll m on . No . II. 'eare chII on Tba Friemd says thai Bai Fanar :iue SJ I for pifw t.n hand cO I It N V KM I. AMI proper otTAolala ami reouesl on U luilf of gapasMtar wna.tsd ..tr son ill not be back until the latter part lAI'll'Il.ll tssaaaaatara.aad your countit bosdlng pioperly in I.11, slsvaitas ..ni aalfariatltaas. I.imiiI I'rii-- K...O..I far Niiiiiimi V nl-l- e Honolnlo and thiouhout Ihe kingdom of Kehi uarv Am l,k Martha lnt laa, B, t Die Br b Villain. I.iv. .Inn FRESH STOCK Honolulu Steam Rice Mill, that he sent to tin- L'niti d tieneral t unlit!- and Measra A. K Dg ii..l Clifford Blocicnian Stat s tin brgl lansualo, Kah, M K Das Mihistei to protect the same IV. don, Kit K. M . t her. hmidl and Baa Horta, Hah, h k Das mm hief Clerk llasin, ar of Ihe Interior M.i,.Ve of - lanr 0 Plate, milled Kit ...i It in iiaiitlM- m mtM A tl ureal danger lihod- Am Allen A. Kioekii Boston Boy's Eyesight Odeos sold saestnl loin of Qovernmenl lunl uf HoM.-i- bare pone tt the Volcano, las' end ilestiinnlnii pjaMjorty. lw- Am flhaalala Ifiiii lie,. f 1 I T 8avod Perhaps His Life w, r. . or The telekriapte d Senator faola l,k M1.m11. Knot .'. c 2 lamh. yesierda at noon. price Hoar IbSS H - Mi, tin. Sun Dee J. A. HOPPER, I'. ..).'. i tv s hilinu- riii(. N g par. - iiakaks Bajewsa floi til Tisjaliiais.i, l Not B) t puid tor Nuuaiiii street piopcrtx win- t H Hood'a I'ol-aon- ed The marriage of ouimander Whit Am '1.1 rs 1; WtkW, ri l,u- - Kurt Mr. t IleiMilulu. Sarsiarllu lUood mm h UgfttaSI than nffpaftad Ui S. Am hk What, H F Dss III to - h ii 1 ..I. liii;. N.. to Mlai Afosjg took place II ty Canker. Am l,kl g N a.tl... S F Dee lot of land on I'ihh hlx.wl atreet Gbaaaasl B. Spaltll'llUK- - Crfjtral Union last nigkt Ilt'a.l tha fullowln : from w the di- al Cbdrcb in Am hk Aniiiejt.hnst.il. II. H F lie.- U III. I..III. H.lll itratrul modwri tt.lll. SACHET " M was sold K. Smith, I .' a a 1, .1 .." u ini Fever when 4 ajflaj Ahipai to the known siinar planter ami Ann xationisi the pre-- ot a laru. and hrilliaiit Am hk Harvtstsr, BUo, M F M..U ai :! z; la yetr 'I' . '.' 1 1:, ... 1, i.s T. B. old, it rt very JlUk the o $Th. Haw hk Helen Brewer. S' V March I tie. i: il I, MURRAY, ami )ri wtk and with blood Usttii. for Upet price aSadsff of Maui, wdl most likely teate aadienoe. tertrardi a reception was a :i u :.i a i m ,, , 1, sf A 111 A mm. Kali S K lie. Hi ' d ...if. rnahrr. ryrt Mr. Km il h t pro held I .nj's which, lea TliSv.. : a ' u t ,. , lloii o ns he adjoining on ihe AiiHtrnlia foi ( will at Mr. residence Oaf i,k gaatflaa, Llvsrisjai Das "ii ,M aolnfktiiiitl t)i kt lilt nuITi riugs wero the oet. lie heauti-full- Kri '.I !i II i M III i lutsitst, and was - 110 Carriage and dir-- i with ita spacious geouud. Wagon arii proceed l to Washington and Am l.rirt l.urlme, Bllo, H F las- (ur- -i wii wrekl htt v mat iIlm-i- ( a.ai. A i oonalaHng am! 1, '. . ,1 iovermncnt lot at i, iimi. le relleil on to do irauu work for the rated illuminated. oui- Am Ml J. I. S(.r. k. l, K th. S F Hal a .Ml '.so vi'. :r, 5 id H U e ;tai, sold, Mm. vTbsling w ill go t Qss Mil, ' a i . i : :u MANUFACTURER. Could Not f acres. iir.ei ptn um to CHH-- tak- thi- - u mander and the hi staivsataa. il.,nk.,iia Is. h t s Open Hie Eyes. while therr. He - ' i Mr- fdWU ( tast on Aualralia. Am bkl H I' 1 lnok him tui. .hiring Uiat time to Eys C Afoi.K for 1Mb, Ol about MM area on bU own motion and at hia the "... POWDERS the j l,ki . ' per acre. This lot i situated above he Am DJauever. h f N,u in..,, 1, ..1, ii.e 711, aa, Repairing, and tr nit t'luu-le- itreot, but their own e ,. st aaM aja. expeli Oar hk II II... . 111., v 1,.. :ii- -. .. lectric lixht works. . I I... of., mini i unnerved hi a iirea,l- - Uvarnoal ime lii.l nt i... t n, ,,j r. in. tiles tla him Uie falatnst ahutlow Biak.-I- . S lilt il IN II, e . Am snar Alios Ouokr I' .n Ihiltulalil llnw. h. ''lit Dni.. giMMl. I The laaaa ot an the up - ' hi ul .tr giving; him Hood'a adjoining oit I II. ..I.mIm 4mII. fill sacrilege a hi" Il has jll.l 'r- Am Mali. Mali f ran Dm- a .r UravuM inne. Painting. Ola, it soon htm. atpfioeol which was $90 per year, waa Am Mah. Shii lie,-- For ...IV feel ..f .Islam Il k. Hraiirll runnt I hv ' Kids for the oiistrurtioii of I. jail trate.1. It thai soltiien. hav. Frun llt " sold W. ( AVeedon fm ter an a.M'ars - rver ifr.ini ia raainta Hoosei u i. sa u mi ta bsb NgtM, even t" , ,.1 ... ier iua r Vmi may nso UiU toa- at Kohala were N.M-i-i s( ihe Interior Ihmi giving mtIiouI .'hil'iren aoute "it..- - ..ii.l far Iraaasutsakat anatal as ,,t,.u Trimming, If ii.'i iif. - num. IMM m -- i lo a atnliil. mile i lit you 1ukmj. 1 am aiwaya .' Ml .11. r .it The IcjtrH' of laiuis at Hana. hiii. whs Departmcui reatSaSjaj arel ihe contra' al" slatioiier.. a'liicli stioul.l have liecn DpM, ready to a.nni.1 U lraij Mild Ni.cjhi ill ( kti. to the Kecpioc.t olilpai.V wns aw ard, d to Dall V Hon :. (or 'M kept f,i use uii.I.t "respiration." 'I'his lur and arrive i Cleopatra at the ii .et price of Ta Mr var. were live Kan fr"raueisii. a tlie tod. wnii! latt. till ibv .11 PS ifi.rrullteel u las h It. II rs RSS Hood's Sarsaparilla Tlifre lads ranging from tl Ih trill, awful. i ill. as oiue of the -- ? . .. The iale of the I as- of It. ids in llama-ku- a eie. eiM ..I Are you with us trial Kiel ,,i, ".- ..iLicrlul good It ilkt my t ontraci prloe lo Ihkh. -, St taa." w v. h t had I.- n l Kulakaiin's . Hi ,. an it lull aw u he .h4mt ... K AT Hon .i 1,1 AkK1 AT H I.I l.l There maj Is- .'lie Uf v. Iffl ton t.iil i.m.s. 8t, tli- White Rose Minisicr of the Interior - inouogrulll. ron Xas fikMvwtxi moa are on i h. OH HiKlDH. I lir ...on- llliuro- ( gir privat.' Hs kcis... there m I No. 44 King Street. I. ,111.. I,i 1. HOOO S PlLLS hao A hill of options has been lih-- U .UllrHllat I inau. an4 ar. aa. Mtlllial el..,,..iie 'tis p .1. Hal Ita, . i M l ei nsaal, Masltea! MarliaiMji Imk U AwttratVmi it., la.-- . touorltuA arwl lit At TKKM. i Jockey Club Cigarattti. ifiatSI ,,ti.(. an.u aranaa. the ilecree of tin ircuil oiirl aajssnV Al u l.'i;ular SSlBaM ot llawaliari .. Mil ..I Hit Hi ' eullU' i.. Violet t it IVklhi; .U.I I i'Mli. Iii-- Ilnliriiti Nil. 111a sVt'o. ,. . laaj K. judicial I- ii . ..M.lur I,. .,,11 .,, 'I I.a- I.aarits Uttmti N.t Mi and A. M la.l 1111.1 a VkanrasMM iVm Jmi aTt labels i ki t i i.i it from her hnsl.aml. .1 h and .MolK.MMl. i.i. u Mil rlptfr-- Ian s i Ii ul. Mile AtcenlK. stay ji.arn. the lollou t.lll, rs were elet le.l for ' in mi n is in Club nalsai Ta tig '.- SJ to d. Jllill ret. I.' - ralla .Ian Jockey nartbiularli that poitiotfaal the I. tstia-r- , V M. : A tat I tll.lM I. 7 - T.-n- ..I ih.- Haoosai the ensiling' term- II Hair I.i. I. i'lo- DaosmaaM ores allow in.' Lhe plaint iir 7 jwm week M.I.IOMI .1.1. Henry Howard 11 m 11 f H i At i.oim'.ih u m4PK . I s J II. auoor, laraone raoln. J. v, V.o in t .'I 'irouil '...art ojh-u- hi l.ahiuna. Muni pernianant altmonj ..ri. Anal ml el. h k ii:i,trr V o i I . S.Koubey Co. Heliotrope v vv M Uiffard, rreaa E Wall, JMetM Mtr 'Mlil Mat iin.i i A. N. preeiding. ; VI A .. I im srnr.vr Uxtav. Ju4at KHiiki , ur 3. i ii .Iii tl.it I, lln- - oHi.-- Soini-o- tin- pliM-l- t of I'lillixli'l a M reuioviil his (. il..-- . Mur si ralia Mai 311 KINC STREET, ni. Sal.-.- , Tin. clerk oi laU annatroog A fa lur ..uri ,,,,.,., riUiy isratuutarJ ..... Motion Ml A MMrtMaMt and resident i ( thai lr ita b I s, - A ruliu ' A Ami r.s a haii.lsnr.ie 'iajitr .r t'lgar-ell- e etc. l.-- mill sh.riir i. 'hiiiiny uoidi rcfpra- Mimptton is ii Duntajjiou atul Oi l'sr.Oll lit. It. ui Apr iisimlla Apr It ei.e sUWnx.f itsnasi U Mh J I Hi Ma, I - AImii. Molt. in nse. lll-ts- u h I Ii,-- i arc atliii U.for- the i ills thf Murohul orth ult ii'lar nh Board of Doctor noniil advkaa real la inks tiiM Ik Mm) U rliina Apr IT COTTAGE 500, i . .. it.- teas ant! will nrohahh nomipy ll. alih thai il BMlVe tiuwl officially walk everj morning U for- iu..o i.,-- i Auatr.iU Mil) Audi ml Iii Ma) IS AT Mrlll 1h ni AlauivlH Hawaiian Sugar Co. 'I ' l.ll II, II IO IM SI.. 11. feappy- - But. aaear, I ah, never aet up A Jtssa aSi It HAWAIIAN HOTEL, IO - . Autrali Tii folie""- of lit.' lion,, iiuui alter i.v. i.tki.. kii.., Mui..oi j ... MMriHHM lull '. STAR i 111.- - - iulu I, tfvg t.t all.'iitl Has teem lain BaHoni i'r.. i.ienl of Alum- Auatrnl.a Ii AllktrMliM Jul) II I t.M i .ii & Hotel .iiirunte nVraSajtia at. Stock. : ,i ( Joij MllllMl HOBHON. CO.'S i. ii Unas. Craigb. can National it. roan. Inu, MaaaliB lo Ih-- in. yesterday The operation of i he diver and i i - Aoafera Auk t" AinarulU VV, I mm ityi A K lni'h I., JOB PRINTING. Km i. ii. o. a. Kinoey, Arhi. I. mireaa for fnttda with a aid " Lsa .1 m..- - MurtaMNH. Aua A .. Auk ai ' ajaji ii mi a- vil,Hr. V. V. Ashtortl, Antonc Roaa, in takmj: ears of tlie tOMO w.no.K bmbw AnairaliH i". A , i!i,. S. s Hours 10 to ia m baiajr, - raws, v I Wilooa ifk ami h slass ,.l.- on tlie s,.M dam under the siern of the iowe ra """"ni hrl'l au MariiMMut ent .1 I Jai slain ad nlhrr A iiMmlU tl4- 6.3 ta 7:30 p. m I w . i -- i'kV 'lUMtet hi. ent over. um a larK rowd dail Minion Ml AV COMF1. FTI IS Al I HK ASCII F.S Mtltll.l r r, ... fur HAWAIIAN star, wnnxr.sDAY. rF.rF,M bf.r r., mm.

II HIM I LF II hi. an'n 1 rUmtiiMiiiM. OEMS IN VERST.. U Li . lii I in rmb - H. S.TREGL0AK i- SOX, EQU1 hi C. tM m the rmlr'c Peacock & t Mm If . Tbi Rial" !. put Itlf '( hrunal-- praiilt .it "I I . laaele roe p.. ftfca r.. ht hi AiniTu in ron h in.. tr I' tn aft bl of all earth km twi. rr- j hill- - and drlln wife h'.ti-r- i. a in her relative., H tlig tor Willi ered-- to ioomi Your in rj ami sunie tinit. - if. rM - fair, Irre.iii,. wlili and Mttivdici ion to Id ptu inii the riuUea Are u title us the inihii iweask Jllfc Assurance of the United States The) a1 tttl afeaai deeeaeji IUS1 S. Society a of public vxei nUtsssr, ddi l) reeej eed ettrtch IIWI RECEIVED PER s AUSTRALI utofinn Khcmr n Aln1 With 'Ml if nf teatit hlelid. for tue l heeoeae a leetnrei ssjsJtol tfAeel ssssMi -t mill i.Ui And all Dm i unlit gterlfl sole a;i:ts nf nil tli KaIM tueni and the Minimi ..t a liejejetM eel Hal rpo'i be erairtei f eke weel Full and Complete of I" 'Ih: COU II same suhj. IiimhIki , M I W llnan Assortment otKKKs Ivsi i n km Popular l a- - pii-- - kavi rat Plans, ati trie of Ihi cm tial sum-- - uded his and hr has i,' the ih ait. rilortv Arr sefU e Uapttag to 'he trra IN THE HAWAIIAN' ISLANDS Iwli-- r t lindt fMN i LeS in one '.tit innvwiiii.ii the rah M trfhee ims ik eplag iwath the Milium Life PIhii. Tontine Inntalmcnl I'lun N i hi- me mmbtio. Ilr veej and the proe leeee, eefeeUy pleading Wtih li in, e .tir velvet hlttocha tnid. riv, r t Woolens, Worsted, Rnitowmoni Plsn, hihI m K). "Hid lii IhOIi vc lor il share in .in execnl ions which I hev 1 Invr In -- Mill tsiV to so Comprising Cassimer, Atth n Hem) Tontlni Plrni, i. lull such a union uavc i tie p.v When I. .onetl tin atid btlffnln. Joinl Ufa i;i ihr i l I'OU could ! brought "1 ala- - held,'' he ;iw gtuwl and And wl the fefos Iims not itatnaaal no Tnntin Plans, Partnarahin nauranoe, i. Bond I'lun (I Hoini lllmill w il In ml till trvMed poalt tuon before 1 aree MOjpeaaji The iriri prairies of the west. IndMnnltj lUpon Ihlldran'n Rndnwnianta I maturity, if daain Innultlaa, II IT s I y of a Now the put. la are afraid t.. etujeeje nee No waJledln newante soest tor me. il RnHnwinwnl i, 1 w l ii OOMtilO-tio- n sin a i he attlpna on I he m t sun Tweeds, HhmI I'lun 4ir ooni nnruiitot d oi in In im.iim i'Ii who hold" Hut prairies, endle , bfOSd Htnl fe, and l mill to have such an ollice. My Wife baa completch Tlinl Rtretch In ml around, predicted it brokeo down in health with erorT and Unchalaed, on broken nod prufnund-Aisiv- e. that ill on) i In- . h ooai rou nothing to ni the ofNoi ol iiiMlorslVjiiod Mid The I 11 the hiue; bekrs the aeeaej American niiirti uc tmuhle of the allair. My datighicr, I II It It l o n n KM bum inroad beterejanj, IT Kill l;n in si PAWN Ti mnhe further Inquiries. HhouW oii conclude t tnnttfe it w ill ho in JOgfcM, ( p h h t years of aue, I bavi h id to hring away Unbendlne beants tltotiev coin in an all earth'- - I love you best ynur pocket from the in ow- tlf lands !,n tntwx nnn now anticipate. It In Sfvi noaks Kent, Ye bonndleei preirtesof the west! oitin it ittttM It trd to toll whether uOlChld .lot'," a ing to my embarriiametil and AnaAolaJ Nixon Water maa. 11 .nnict imes III Klotlanil. wan difticnit i am now ruined, M hoene Bruce c: A. Cartwright ilj joking the reporun or vtiMtiNV m was A happy one Before, hoi now nothing Uhemlatry ol rhaeaotar. j. iDOeVtl) holdl Hit vIcmh lOOkj hrighl." ruentt hsmIIhiI John tn.l Meter ami Rnhvrl ami l'aul M.iirii'. I,. i lii,' llnnailnii IhiiiIi KOTTfTAW K HnricM I cticuin-iauct- he l.lfr tp him, hut if Mich amt'Hhli MbttllMtUi I'lider sinli asks the u.mI in- - ureatod ail in wlsriotn then i .mild hv guaranteed to rettill (von all "in stun to uiw- htm "freeh start, and John aai a utatesman and Pstei s ilave. Co. t Brewing t H. hey hoti him w It h .1 ol S. TREGLOARI iiAt ioiial marriages1' tin- OQCnltr of na should shine heir KoU'Tt a preacht . and l'aul whs a knuvo, SOW Ih UoM miglit be greatly pnmnitt-i- by i j hanging beaaaoreithen that 'every move" Kvll Or gOndi " he ease I nil) y White or olored or bond or free. CORNKK PORT M HOTKI. S'I'S. "ornging foreigners to MfXJttM ourAnu r- will la kept strictlj private, ami tin will lean girK. it lata be feejfid thm kuu never see his name incur io, id afierward. John ami Peter and Robert ami l'aul then Uod In Ids Wisdom created llirin nil. HARDWARE, Btdlden & Gfeneral, liHfn Honifw iuit of a pi'M i merit here against The case Is a sad one. If Mi Het t y could win li a con I'm' Now, however, that we dismiss his financial with out of earth - elemental mingled with flam. 11 Always up to the TimcH in Quality, Slylr and Vrivm. have cen how miu h good maj coin of it the "long drop," he miulit st a ha)p Out of life'- - 'impound of glnrynnd ahajM, ST. LOUIS, U. S. A. we may have to revise our opinion. man. hut apparently he Muds then note Fash lot ied and shaped by no wtuof heir own And helph iy life's histnrv thrown; Mi. Cbatuberlain Is tolerably well known difficult todlepoaeof than condemned i rim into inals. London Telegr.iph Horn b the law that eompehi man In '. in the Baited Btefe ee the Rngitali Aeber Horn to conditions they eotiM not fofeeee Plantation Supplies, tpK'rnmmlfwtoner who came over befe til Paul-i- n CO., John ami Peter and Robert and BENSON, SMITH & A Pull Aaaortntanl t" anil tha varlona denwnda 1887 to nejCOtiftte A maty ami returned the itf Hvt i s,., I IhIi. ids sdsdom oreated th m bu. -- foil'. wing fear to marry the beautiful The eyes of deep sea li are ery varied, was tin- head heart ilaughttr of .Mr. Kmllcott of eyes John end state. ; ., some have neither nor sight: others Was trusted ana mnMed we and irrent. SOLI-- President I flrMt AGENTS Steel Plows, The a n Bohemian Beer' 'levelainl's decretory oi war. have greatly enlarged iehalls, so as to Peter wai made 'neath life's bur d to groan UN popularity in Itiriuingham, which he catch the least glimpse of light Their never once dreameil hi- - toUl was hit Hade for And that expressly aland work, with extra pafta. hi repre-.i-n- in parliament, the immense for- eyes tend eit her to disappear or to ! tin own. brewed ihovc Com. tune he made there in the manufacture of usually efficient, hut since no trace of sun- Robert great glory ami honor received ealousl) no boHered, CULTIVATORS' UANK wenm hii predtlection for orchids ami his light can Petti rate to any great dept b, and tor on sehtngwhat one BUTTERMILK TOILET SOAP. KMVKS. Ipany is undoubtedly the imcst desertion of GlsdstOfM were all sullicicntly is probably quite beyond depth While Paul of the pleasures of sin took nil till : it dark a And gave up ins lire In the service of m. exploits.) ) 'hut time, and hie political of Home HO fathoms, of what uanonAeyei o 3 St. j iu Lai irr DftrW hii Men watched with more or less be! It chanced llint these men. In their peStHlg m Agricultural Implements, curiosity tonce. Kish have been captured at a depth of ewaj o impi irted intit lliis country. OVER TWO CAKES SOLI) IN 1899, Fhe ifcoril priM'lnini Mr. Chauilerlain Denrljr 8,000 fathoms, where there must he From earth ami Its OOOftiCtSi all died the same MILLION t Hoes, Shovels, If<ooks, etc., etc to he "n years of age, hut he docs not look not only ebeolutc stillness, but also total day. John wm mourn d through the length and the It, though he has A slight stoop In th dark lies- -, except fut the fact ml of 1 some breadth of the landt g CARPENTERS1, BLACKSMITHS1 AND TOOLS ihooldeflL His ores are tine and cleim sea MACHINISTS' fell these deep ercat nres BN Peter fell 'ne.'vth he la-- h In a nicretless hnnd: cut. and he sttll sticks to the monocle and aud therefore luminous. This (act was Ilrst Holiert died Ith the praise of the lmt on his Excels any Toilet Soap on the side wbifljMire Unit old pictures of him ascrrtained in tin- Challenger expedition. tongue Screw Plates, Taps and Dice, . made 1'nmiliar and ha- the same initwrt urh Since then, Mr. Alcoek of the Indian ma While Paul eras convicted of murder and hum-- : Twist Drills, Paints and Oils, Pabst Brewing Co., d'l atf uml impassi vi- - demeanor. His fine survey has found that some deep sea .lot) ami Peter and Hubert and Paul 'j manner is coldly courteous, as is the lit hit crustaceans have a similar power, one large The purpo-co- f lite was fulfilled in ihcrn all. Market. Brushes, Glass, Asbestos Hair Felt of successful men, and his heart do--- not prawn quite lighting up a hucketful of Men said "I tin statesman. "How nohle and and Felt Mix:ure. go 0tt1 to our great, free people- - after the water in which il was planed. Fish with brave!" Milwaukee, v. s. a. manner of leading men in other line-- ) who large eyes have therefore fl better chance of But of Peter, slas, "He Is only a slave!" H 111 akkv RTRAM run's, hkstiins' ckmhii'i 1...1.S. come seeking advertisement and dollars. finding food and mates, hut they cannot of Robert, " "l - well with his tonlt it is well!" CO t hev consigned .11 on A W in. Mrfao a "to parties him, and wholly dapt ad upon -- Ight. since some have While Paul to the torments of hell. Who Is also in parliament , is a younger copy t'uite, ait attempt- - to eee abandoned Born by one law, through all nature the same, SEWING MACHINES, San Francisco of himself, monocle nil. organs on BENSON, CO. and Some again, have luminous What made them ditTerent. and who WBS to SMITH & their head or body or tail, which are under blame? WiLCOX & GIBBS, AND REMiNGTON IN PICTURESQUE PERTHSHIRE. control, so that they can actually throw John and Peter and KoImtI and Paul Stock Brewery, light at pleasure on their prey or OX tin dud in his w ledom created them alL gui-- h 11 In tlmea of danger. Thus tin- I t i I hiqualityaiid efficiency surpassed Mr. Gladstone hu Vacation nt In region Infinite Ught- - M'icil s,,ih among others, its prey by Out that of y Oils Oaatla, glfr, attraoti Where the soul of the hlack muu hi pure a- - the phoaphoree-orlbe- - In 'Tin-Fai- r Maid of Perth" Scott de-- tnennoof theeeoolored Inreeor whitet California. Ferthahire aa the fairestand most cent lights. -t- hamU-rs' Journal Ont where Hie pirit, thrmiKh snrrow made pltfturuauue of Booteh counties. Mr. Glad wlw. Goncnil Merchandise, No longer n - u - to deception and lies; time evidently nm-ce- w ith thegreat novel- - Changing Plnniage. w here t he ReSll no lunger control In Ins hit can It not poealble U show overythinR eohnvej if there is anything - for he chose to spend vacation thll All thirds change their plumage wit h the The freedom and of the Uod given soul, C!'Vl!ll8 Whis- faith awk Noble year at Hlackcraig cattle on the hunks of seasons, a UIUOQH w hich we term cmiy-i- s Who shall determine what change may befall you want, oome and for it, vim will be politely treated. vi In Ardle, a retreat which he aeleoted be- or ecdysis, a putting on or taking oil of John and pel er ami Robert and Paulr No trouble to show (roods. ause id the IsMtuty of its environment, know n tig. pluntgge, popularly as molt John may in wisdom and goodneei Increaeei key, aided somewhat in his choice perhaps by u- w Now. lei - understand that a feather Peter rejoice In un Intlnlle peace; with a postotlice ami telegraph ni,.,-,.i- J( -- Volcano tbefactthat .de. Or belle For the modified Robert may learn that the troths of the Lord ion Ip.-- only u mile from tin gales couiiuuuicat iiMslitlcat ion of t he uin growl h, po.-.- Are more m lie spirit ami in the word, with the ends of the eartn la merely a mat-- 1 llIllv i(V hirda. afid all bird- - have them And Paul ina be blessed with a holler hirth H. E. MclNTYRE BRO., Packed in Screw Sid ipperedl terof ftfBW minute. 'n,e hair and furof mammal-- , the scales Than the psth 004 of man hail allowed him on Theoaetle la an old looking ructun-- , ftsbeeand reptiles are merely modlflco- - earth. Natures Grandest Wonder. 0f Robert Paui-- - Bottles. ihoughit Isesallj a modern building, dat-- 1 John ami Peter and and tions of the same substance. And even the hi- - MPORTKKS ANI DBAJ.BRS IN It was by Otxl in mercy win cure for them alb ing only from 14. built the homy ooveringa ol the beak and claws and - Burlliigtou Mawkeye. late Patrick aUajpFrnaev alter plans and t he scales of tin legs are t he same, but very ideas of his own and under his ow n super- differently developed. t hem Moarars, & intendence. One of his notions was to in Hirara Walker These feathers, common with all the - all rough and weather beaten stone forms of epidermic growths, grow nk1 n feller 'at'- sick fiial IhIiI Upon the shelf, ditTerent All shaky ani a)t,ntsd and pore, Groceries, Provisions and Feed. r faces as much as possible, t he more f ; au from a little ac formed torn thesubstanof ail mq knocked out he canj handle hlssslf covered the better, and these were Je' The Popular and Scenic Route (t lichen of t he epldermii and are composed first of With a IT iipjM-- i lip any more; Son's Canadian mvariably turned outward in the walls, a matrix, from which emerges a little five Si let him Up al! alone in the (loom of it room the result netng structure that looks a raved lift of hair. This is what we call a Am dark as t lie and us grim. East Cornkk Fort and King Stre hundred y.ars older than il really is. a de pin feather. Bj growth t he conjunction ol Ami then take ami fteml lilm some roSM in is mi' Club Whiskey. lusion that is greatly by the ivy in the matrix evolves into a bloom. these hairs yon which has taken so kindly to the walls. shaft, bearing two webs or vanes, variously Anil in have fun ont o' him rrf foi most The rooms the castle arc the modified in form to suit the special Voti' e ketched bin 'fore DOS , when hin liver part email, too much space being given up whether of flight or covering or at- was MUnd Every l)otlle ot w hich bears in spiral stairca-e- s and lobbies. The draw- - tract ive qualit y by reason of coloration. Anil his appetite notched like a saw, Wilder's nig room, however, is spacious enough, These feathers, full grown, must necessa- A mock in you maybe let- romancln round Steamship Company's New Hoods received by e itv Packet from the Bastern Btates and Buroue Certificate id Ajfe and the - a hii; po- - hunch in paw. Kresh Calil'iirnin I'i'ihIucc by e rv All nigl in i lie ceiling, well ligutcrl and hand- be exposed to t In wear and tear of t he With jer steamer. orders faithfully attended to rily But yon ketch Mm. say, when Oil health In and ihkIs delivered to any pur of city free of obacge, ho The dli.iug room, in the basement, weather and contact with the ground and the F.xcise Seal ol tfie away solicited, M. aaJftbwer and oinewhat less imposing. The ion among which the bird is com- Island orders Sal istaction nnrantecil. Telephone No. vegetal And he's flat on his back In distress. I'ost OfRoe Bos No. 145. furniture of the house is all antique and of pelled to travel in search ol food or to es- And then you can trot out yonr little bokay Dominion l foreign manufacture, and Mr. Gladstone, cape attack. And as the feat her. when it And not In- Insulted, I gues. Ai STEAMER KIN AU. who is somew hat of a connoisseur in such it full growth, takes on a more readies You this, whal his WSSkUSSiei l8- - Canada. thing-- , expressed his appreciation of it. bet ter wit fee, H's like solid consistency to hetand such Them flou. ts makes him think of t he da The garden is not ut all pretentions, hut contact, and in so doing ceases its grow th, youth, ' Il Of his Innocenl and that mother hib. Fitted with Electric UgbtS and Bells, Courteous and Attentive Service- !i has a sundial which shows the dillereuce it becomes necessary to renew these feath- And the rosi-r- t that she list In hetwecu Hlackcraig ami Greenwich time. ers. Host on ( 'ouimor.w eaKh. So here, all alnlie with the ro-- you wild. The house is barely a atoue's throw from Rein sick and all trinibb and faint J. J. M dehors' Keeping His Ituiul In. My eyes le my eyes ts my eyes Is old friend-- Is : A ticket chopper on the Sixth avenue elfl I'm blamed If they ain't! HILO Jamee Whltoomh Mley. VIA vated lias, by means of n nail and a piece of "Elopluint" Gin, wire, ritcfed up a telegrapher'; key ou the Iron fence leading to the platform. W'ita History and Poetry. it he eendiand reoeirea lniaglnary tneasagee Three men Men real as livlnu men we know Schiedam, with great dexterity. The bigger the crowd The Florentine. wbOM face, WQC worn and the greater the dexterity. dark. The Kinau Leaves Honolulu Every You've got that business down line," nossolll drswi the Norman duke, so stark ii Of arm that none but him might draw his MLEHONME works wan vent ured the ot her ni'liL. low," 'J "Y'ep," he replied, without rutalng his And gentle Shakespeare, though enshrouded so Yanghan Jones, head. In his own LhoUgbt that some men cannot "Are you obliged to tlo it mark TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, "Nope." The In- - k reveals. SI w hen a lark Bl.ACKritAIO CASTLE. Sings a cloud, unseen by men ladow. C. I. G. Scotch "Then what do you do it tort11 from 23 Nuuanu, Honolulu, H I. the highway, but is ijniie s.l1iiiU-- Ih'chuh. "To keep my hand in m case I BOOUld Itut still mora real than thaM uem other three Arriving at Hilo Thursday and Sunday Mornings. ut the Dnmba of sflinly treca alnjiit ilie strike w nje( king." Who never walked uu earth flamlut. the plana, which. like tha hoalee, look older than "You're an old tinier, then?" Dane; Whiskoy. they are, ever; one "f than having been "Was with the people nine months; The "noble Munr," the cruel Scottish thane. Dlauted (Inoe 1SJ7. One of the eodnna they said when left thai they might send Ambition a t brail. How bi range that they 8hotlld lie. of ill" place In a bridge which apuni for me if anyt king I urned up." ThiUkh nuiik'ht hul ligiueut of the poet 1 1 i , whii-- U Kurmuiiiitiil bfneaa-diale- long ago was I i to tie Anlli. "How thai brain. From to the Volcano3d Miles A. & G. Thompson's archway ago t lie I SI h next Novem- bonaa with a transverse "Seven years of Instinct with MTV and yet more real than he! lieiieutli it for carriageway. This bridge ber. ' ' Temple Bar. MANUFACTURERS OF is of later date than the house, bavin been Then he turned his face toons Ride' inn Dotahed. only in Its'). Some of the stoinni professional sort of way ami listened tothe He it it Passengers are Conveyed in Carriages, 1is.1l ill its construct ion are Vi feet lonu'iiud key, operated by himself, vrhloh In quick We polish over many thing! "Royal Blend" Dfeet in width. They are of a paeitlUrly succession was haying; And irvtoKet them out of view. hanl glanite, very dlfllontt to work, and it "Come down; come ilnwn at once; please Wo seek tn OUrb their Inn. tie spriuiffl ;i Splendid Macadamized Road, running most if the t.Hik a strung force of masons working can come down inimetliat ly." New York And obaneja them In their native hue. ()t Scotch Whiskoy. yean to oomplete the World. We SdUOate the Intellect ;iv through :i Dense Tropic! Forest a ride alo HIGH GLASS BEVERAGES. tantlj four And cultivate a perfect tasto ture, A Literary Adjunct, That we may hold our heads erect. worth the trip. together Minis Arab II t.l'setiieii In Inhibition. They had traveled for about an With subdued, refined and chaste, silence, bur the with the port- But edl - from H octal throne. & Son's. The great dajUght ol ibe Arab horseman hour in men Jnot Jameson ly vest and tbe conspicuous wateh chain However lordly greal and siout, binuuiiya. The contain all th- iethc finally m gett Ing a con versa t ion Musi have breed ins in the tone - manner ol horMiiuen, anutMl ami unanned, They force Ihe marrow out. way. HIn nelgnbor eraan little man oannol who ride more or less wild ttgure. to more under Fur beet ding and envhonini nt X and XXX eyeglasses, ami to , or less drumming music, mid with wobbly in I'espoiise POrn cull ore-- measure ami extent. Lemonade Soda, Water. monotonous queetloo as t0 whet her ABSENT FROM HONOLULU 7 DAYS who end by the tnoet exoltad and exciiing an abrupt Burton T. Doyle. a literary man replied mildly: pot ol 1. ni riding. They slund iu not poirrl l some things.' thatr atlrrune and throw their guns in the have written OOe to tbe WorkiiiKiiiMll. Ginger Ale, Hop Ale, Whiskey. "1 an interest In literature. DOOM Irish air, whirl llirin about in the most approved take Poets may aid thee in their dulcet strains. SUT I C K. H T l 'hir.ago. There's the town that S rarllke atyle . aud lire than) at (ntarvala in from cm Inventors aid thee with their maic braliiH, blues art and commerce. First she went love thee in niaastve what 1111 for aud daugarUUS Philani broplsti their ilia, seems uncalled her hyslneee reputatloa), ALL Sarsapar fanlii.ni. ha) rear, wheel, kick, bu.-k- abend and made hearts. INCLUDINC EXPENSES, " vend cheap to thee at rush, stop, turn and twint their horses like didn't shev IferohantS their Kreat Mitchell & Co.'s " ion i ts, ihi many tunihlerw, aUatntlng meanwhile, Ye.' "And Bboja made her literary repu- Qgod women pity than In thy harij toil, Plain Soda yelling, lore u like so many devils. N'o no) IsU up to thee fruits of her soil. tation. Don't yog aiiies wish me" Katnre i For the Round Trip, Fifty Dollars. piel ure i nn do J11- -' to the kahdd. itut wester t baa all o4ea that s nrjrath) sIukh Lawti" irr be admitted some IhiugH uCniiskccn fervor am! wlldneee .f the scene il there "It must that Is the OVSSl Ih) employer on each pa day CblOatfO remind one of literature. are man) ritl ra eogagad, in Hi If in u a Una lirinss. is biedly one of t h ( i wliirlpn. ni wild, BMnanaing, hulf For insiaui e. she undon Further Information, AT THE penholders in the world.'' Who Khali Arhttrate? Call imi Whiskey. merry, hall tauatical exclteineui. in n'hleb gieatwl Km i Streets, Irish then bis glasses almost wobbled off Now, wliotdiall aihltrateV Corner and lueen no rial 1. horsemanship cuiiies to And tlie ton aa be explained thai he was from New Xen men loe what hate. excu-e- follow, slitfhl whal I receive; From and York ami mUel be d if he had said Shun what lime to mm the alders stop Tea S ho In ears and eyes ! anything that sounded spitefu Weblng rank tutdoi vt5t for ajeet 08,one akls, then .Match PAS, we all surmise, ton Rtar bed-roc- uut ooms Individuals lu show what iiiKh' Thc, this thins, and 1, that whom shall my and I ' 'Goods sold al k thfir itaedH uan do. Tluy pinmeiie and II- - Hurried Oil. soul believe? Sarsaparilla pinffer and dance, and oetj tnnkf a rush ul Hrnwnlug. Azures, and liberal discount Qlll Mai lop to ouu or Hiht-- r Kid, Stop sud , Improved the tleeaslup, ENTERPRISE PLANING MILL, duply nod wheel about. There la no spuclfla Iron Water, I 'lergynen are suppoaed to have a iecul-ta- r allowed hu Cash art in what tbsjr doj eajaji MM hfli trained talent tor "Improving" the occasion. bin awn untrained idrn- - They PETER "iCH, Proprietor. "tWuii- mi Boer one of them did tola in a witty aud, Seltzer Water, ilrtVH a c1iNf.-r.i- l , iliiiKiiK wit h t In. f'l let us hope, edifying manner is ndated as Office and Mill " rVlakea mil Richards, new Queen St. Honolulu. IIOTH 111 HUM - N. Hlid exhibit s ur rent deal of skill in heir - followai r. it. it. i MM, gyratory exercises, hut once Mteu the Ian- in early life be met with an accident etc., etc., etc. hiNtw it - ild inlereKt. All which left him w ith a broken none, a de tia on DOORS, seRKKNS, PRAMB8, do aboui Hie Maine tricks horae fortuity alsnil which in spite of his piety MOULDINGS, sash, BLINDS, I ii.uk think mil Indian easily excel them he was known to be a lit t le sensit ive. One Hard Times Mean Close Prices Iu bavu seen iu m TURNED AND SAVED work, ETC. all. enueBnotbiiiM evsr day a new Inquirer propounded the old taalyas in the h(ihieit appnuu-lt- in decree queutiou: jBell, 49. Housekeepers. delicac) and dilttculty the tine work of a "How happened you to break your DOSSf" TELEPHONES: achou! trained horse of a Prompt Attention to all Orders. (Mutual, 5.S in the hands The minister answered solemnly: ol t hi art lonel T. A. V master I)inh.e, "To tell the truth, my friend, the acci- If vim arc in lueil of am New or A., in Harper 8. i dent was caused by my pokiiiK my nose A Trial Order Solicited BecondHand PURNITURK RUGS, people's business." Hoston MACHINK8, Custoiuer Here, hoy. You're a into other C. B. COOPER, M. D. HXOVBSKWING Htc, Aoko he did Journal. BEAYER 8ALOON. call at tin- cheat. You said, ''All ibout tira hi Miss Wither What doyoiitiiink when I turned ihm R t he gall are alway for flisa-ter- .' There ii t a word in thin (Jyster snelis - & Co. - I imagine. t Fort St.eet. Opposite Wilder PHYSICIAN AND SURC.KON. paper about a railroad u taster The Friend- Got up and left, poultry, and doublj so because hey answer y sQlgnant Xewsboy ' ' you're one o' linHiklyu Life. two purposes Ilrst. as h gritt substance consumcu; CIKKIC K, MASONIC IBMI'I.K, these fellers that kicks 'cause the r un for Kr,I1'lin" seconti H. J. N0LT8, Prop'rl Ettle, the adopted daughter of Dr. Hiilly iMste from suit ia excellent have a horrihle accident aui 60 people killed Cham th wa(r Omar HntlHiul Alnkja StreeU. 1 want m berlain of Toronto, who was so severely for them and it ih not txotttfllvuy Hulty, Fiint-Cltm- l.uiu'liHH w.rvtMl with Tea, ColVc'. BENSON, every day fur breakfast, don't Hntioi: III to Vi a. i.. i p.m.. SMITH & CO., BMdiie mils i nc but hiifliclent. Sniiir poultry without AU- FURNITURE & COMMISSION HOUSE. have uu dealih'n with ye. Glmniy the paper uiirocu ii.nn iin", uriu skih rial' 8xlu Wnter, (iiugur a Milk. to 8 p. ill. St'NCAVH: UtfO Ui lOiM u. in. from the breasts of younK pigeons planted It, correHpoiifli'nt bayii he uttnnot Hee sick. yer '4 ceute. Morntn but h Pewe upon tht burns and Ih doing as well a that it uhii Us aoM Hiui Imvr t rnly viKornuii Smokers' Requisitss a Specialty. Mutual s. rcrner Nuuanu mid Kinir Slrveu. AM bout terrible railroad diviLrJ MutiiHl 490. At; E NTS. aould be expected. Ottawa Journal. ohlckenn KirhKiige. 0m.ii from H a.m. till 10 V 01. ..!( i hi. a,. Tribune.

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