The Hawaiian Star.

The Hawaiian Star.

I'tm iniikd I I KM t ; MoXTfJ J yVERT ArTERSOO Dili (l.sf .l n. EXCEPT HCNUAV. in i. t THE HAWAIIAN STAR. - WEDNESDAY 6 NO. 215 VOL. I HONOLULU, HAW AIIAN islands EVENING DECEMBER 1893 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. W. H. CASTLE. M. s. GHINBAI M A co. Pn BISHOP & CO.. Criterion Saloon THE HAWAIIAN M'l 1.1,1 (i MA HE KASY i.imit.'.i. R- 1. I Ubillb ITIUII OUI - iim ATTORNEY AT LAW II 0101 E-- HONOLU1.U, l. 'TIC ON THE THFOHV OF Aiir.NTs li v Siffl Deposit ;. Mm, OuiwrltW hmu. Commission Merelianls ami Imporlers AND BANKERS. FORM HIS VIEWS. fill'; , hmm VENTILATES of lieneral Merehn ml ise. HoNnt.oti . Haw a ii tsi.ANm Of THE John Wieland Brewing to, I'llOVIsloS Al MIHUMIKST Hun Frunrlsi olinii e. 31.1 Front St. J. ALFRED KA900N. Occidental OtlMltl S, S,Co, lit Mi mi linn) ( I Ittpj 0" L Qaa pjipvrior fAcilltlfi tot btg nnd I I ATTORSMV COUK8KLOB Mill rr. In Inch III)' mAi IT tad at law jtfSSmmfa ng la In F. A. SCHAFEH & CO. aell NlotHn and Bonde s.,,,1.1- - I. )mplri Wnrt HAWAIIAN IHI.N1. ASO THKIH AiiKNTM IN EXTRA " '. I'lirm tUr k- Mllcc. U Mrivhnnt SIMM, a pUWlI'M to hnti.tlc of . New York, Chicago, Boston, Paris. Inre M:i l frtMlatsj-H- IMPORTERS pflr YOKGHAMA HONGKONG ntorkp, pn3 oMil f"' Mttrai "t ill ami cinnnssn.N M MESSHS. N, M, ROTHHHILB it k ,1,1.. with 4 SONS, L8IHM mHI npnn I ntniiMssit.n MRRI IHANTS. Pale Lager Beer it- niovemenfce KHANREl IKT UN THE MAIN - r.HM I'ltiiil.llliMi Mm U hi hi hi h fail-- even that father- il.'s.u riu Hawaiian isi.wos ,,'"lk ' J. M. MONSAKKAT. mm ,.r Hi- - i.v.- ,.,,i,.s iii ..11 Jb.- i .nriuoliinst-Ale- n ' In,-- ffispn .i ll nl hi n n in ill in I I I V I '"'Hiiiiloti.' ..I Si. in li in. K i.INIII.. ... ,, Pel Australia. iudoprl by of ,,i II .1 limit vn III.' nlKivr .rl Nl - the liei tali (on . .1 -- Mata-at- i "i i'i"i-i"- ii ' palm - went .it. ii" " OT T'" u:!"1 ' "' MM) ATTWIt.NKV AT LAW AMI M MI ll.e lolloll. .Ule.: K""t'" Z .?"!""'." n- f rtw NoTAKVj A Ry.liiey. lie IIiiiik . ,S,o mm nl i i: - liPtim and - flnftl rnfaral Hawaiian lata", II. w. sc SONS. nMUantl, ' llrpnali it- - l i is4 MIiiImut nl AITiiiri. PTJBlilC, Stnu CHINA" Nov.'.'';. I Him An. klinnl. l.rnnelie in I'luist ''ui-- ll IP ( II iK- - naea Nm fati Ipppplng id nil oris ol ri"i-- ;it ,i it 9 ortitnator Suaatt. r .. , clitir. li. I liiiie.lni iiu.l . lliitirtoii. t tl find a J, A. Klnti, Minister Interior, Men-hun- -- 1. Mhni triple that Inrtwrlght Mock, St.. Honolulu. COMMISSION Btmr"UI .. The Hunk ol llriti-- h '..liiiol.i... II, vaJuablt s. rt nictl nt renauiable Mi nf Khialii'f IMPORTERS .M '. l'..rlli.o.. NIA ( ) STERf rat nformfiifC they reform s. Damon, Minlmer Keli. "i. Mill The zores nml Ma.l. irn Island, M KUCH A suur "CHINA" VI UnfC i be i;ci of W. O. Att.irneyaiem'ral. NTS. Ml,- - Su.-li- an 9MlHAtllr iinin Smith. IS'l.l liollll. Hllrr tin' - St "OCEANK in p inal ' 'T. The I. k- I". WAKEFIELD. stmr Mil. The I hurtu,.,l Hnnk..r lu.lii, A u.t ru Hi. it tn rii4'h i. ikcn ,n itotojte for h kn Fort Street. Honolulu. Sttnr "CHINA". Ipril m.lWM .China. Hiieakirtj n.i.i-:i- - . c r short period tivisiinv I'oi'Mii. atthhnky and OOVKSHLOR-A- T LAW. nonKKong, Yokohama, Japan, ftnil train UTSICIn...i.. UUURIdllS OUCUIdllTuu. idapn d to all the reqnlrwiitiBril P. O. Bn VI. IWophflM MOl net a Oenernl ltimhiithc tot arl iciilni in of Ho- in.i.t hiul Iv cii! jft-;d- In the laii of Mnrk 'I w ain, it- N of th,' PfOrla-inn- L. II. Drk, PrapT. kruaiiu V 'l1 I'. M. Ilateli. Vlie rri'Hlili'nl With W. Anlifonl. MVebll1 & Till'. RAWAIU1S BAPK MtPOHtT n lalalMla. LEWIS CO. FRANCISCO. in m.uhI t lie i i:i l.ii. iit "I Hit' Hawaiian Boao-tala- ii- For SAN na IKVWniftM I wtynm,'' ami (Veil HrcMi. K. 1). Tenny. IMI'llll l Kits. iV ami H ( A8TLE COOKE lhKr''',, of the nprepbject iHay-dm-to- r Nott, 0. Bolt. H's I ,' ni'ii John M. PHILLIPS & co. Naval Supplies. Wholesale nml .i( SlltlH. lull w here there in no 4li.enae. Mi-- W. K. Allen. V, V. fieali'rs in llroeeries. Provisions, etc. steamers of the alrove ConpantM "Hi 'nil LIFE AND NOf Club Stables Co. i;-t- f That is why srwdlinfi reform hap not ttt0 .Fanios F. Morgan. Henry WalerlniiliM'. wimit'snif ttnpofften and Jobben. of . at Honolulu on t heir way from ReVflftarag and ii dad. Kd.suhr. A. Tonne, Ill Fort St.. Honolulu. II. I. - t J IngUab - ftboVf op alHUit hat he ln- it, . wilder. AMERICAN & EUROPEAN DRY GOODS. Yokohama to the pofl on the ft MaMonoa, w. k'tiaiie cotitaiim irri'irnl.tri' incn- - .Inlin Kitiiiielutli. ., following dates Corner Kurt nnd QtKoo st-- Honolulu. & McMEEKIN, i m cry her laiifUHje. T. .Secretary RlMMlMw ami A.l- - CHR. HERSKIND J. Insurance Apnis. Livery. Feed and Sale Stables, I'. Uopr, M7tf 18M J. T. S. d k the en vt it ut ion of t he va4fc ' , Ooaaalla, sttm 0( IEANICT. Dm. 4, in,ir li'inmn N't Itl l fi c froai them. PIANO TI NKliS AMI TEACHERS. "CITY PKKlNCi ". Hon C. B. RIPLEY. Stmr (F ml Street. Iletween i ii.r lnw s, cur i(iii all Jan. 2. 1ND4 Queen Street Stores. .ii- crude and imojprfi ct. Hut vi4d4lHRtTqf SlTKKMK Clt'ltT. Penhallow Rottee, Heretnnia Rtraet. agnan, k,ui ami lleretania. sunt "OCEANIC Kel. It, I0M hit nary are not udin wsil i.'-5- Telephone MH iirovetnenta must lie made al ' -r DepOell IW Mutual stmr CHINA' lianhtW, I8M am, i Both STrlbphonks Ifo, PULL LINKS lion. A. F. JOdd, iiief Jnittaa, Oi KIrK New Bate Hiiililinif. NKn km.i iii ti i;;. law a of "natm mi hi1 iln aurvn Hon. R. F. Hlckerton, Flrat Anno, late JUBtk'i'. Honolulu, n. i. Leeooni given on Piano for Beginner and si mi- .'GAEL Mav 14. MM rate.! here a In thftfejHMP LXWNECTEU HACK STAND . Hon. W. F.. Frear, Second .liilii-r- Players. Willi 1, - .mi.-- Plane-- hptHllMitloM mill Ruptiintondrafe Practical . 0 JJL. Henry smith. I'hlef Clerk. given forever) deecrlptlnii of Building, Life Insurance Co. i Tuning will he promptly nrtended to. ',,r. King ami Bvthel sis. Wnndonbnrs, Depot y Clerk. old liiitldiii - BQcoesefnll) remodeled and orden J J - u t he ii 44i inii th sjH lltmr .m l4Jp r'red IT! Ill) DvpUtv Clark, iiUrndi OF PASSAGE ARE AS f,F ,!I,S,"N e t GOOfgt Sceoiifl llenigne for Interior Dtfcoratlone. RUES FOLLOWS: BOTH TELKPHONfiS NO. ii pr.ncsH it ii,ii: tin iv ol he J. Walter .lulu. StelluKraplier Mane or Mechnnlenl Drawtn , Tracttig and A wonl la apple bended ax a BIlltMT.Ill Intf. ihM is. ,i ccdlcctmu nf iudiTidiial i ; for Hunk - nr Newspaper CHAB. 1 . i IMODH .IrixiKS. lira witiu'f im:ti:ko. ro v.iKo- I'. llo.Mi jmii'- - W'hi u we wrtU n word, we h II A M A KOMI Fire nsurance, CHAS. HUSTACE, FANCY GOODS lei It hh coijipoeed o? let ten. ft la to K. W. A. Whiting, First Oironll H. Cooper. ftlSG i SIT.- ii h simply the pin ur of aft idea, and rfce C'ahln i, Il deaf II. LOHKIDE, TYPFWRITER. CONVEYANCER AND nf all Hpttaai nf deiM-od- llahu. I 'uliiii. roiiuil trip t Lincoln Bujck, Kino Strkkt, turncj our xpelling nMtti the Second I'lri-ni- t A. KeKilki. i Alliance A88UTance. Co viviilnesf) i d tlic imafra In our m iii It IllOlltllS o. .vi av L, Austin. SKiN and uRNAMKNTAK PAINTER M .v rtln-pU-- Thlfd anil Fourth Circuital ft NOTARY PUBLIC, Cftbta, round trie u Betwean Porl and Alalrca itta is jin nxiuiu pyclio tlir r KIM, ( In nil : .1. Ilanly. BKLL TBLBPHOMS LONDOK f n ult ie.- ai lain more perfect dpreluv-tueu- t BMrnUai M '.I :llti M uf " t (Iltices COtlrt-roo- m in I4nvernment Ofltaa over Blthop'a Hank. UKAI.KIt I.N t h.iu i lie miuplex. anil tlT All Orders Promptly Attended to. BttFopaan Ntaafaca Ml ih' Ii. i.l BnildtlMtt Mine Sireet. sitting in Honolulu: Mtf Fort Street Store Is ii reusnnuhle i nippn-- ; that in oaaea First Monday in May. Alliens! aad and i'!' i In-.- , intiiitvoi mciivory Ih ao diTNA INSURANCE CO. Groceries Provisions. ih l id, I linl I t.1 i k u- Lm t jit. No, nnbof. S. i he J. EMERSON, for and PiMMias appl i ' k tin- judmiH tit ii i Tvrtchtd Santa Clans' HeaflQnarters ENQINEEB No. lO. - 1. c: - and surveyor, ik FtARTPORD, CONH. Roll Butter and Island i' - ii.n which rviiUered. Dmraun OotTBr. H. HACKFELD & CO., Fresh California mi -i s of tiiiliirtftrojyud oKKirr. IDtllTIOM To THI LAMOM ihe liri.rt-- Butter always on hand in - - 94 ti . in .'.,'iciorj".rrmTi- Men Imlil RttMt Willi to, V. ROWStX, tti.'ni-- Police Slutlnn Butldlnff, hi ner 0 A. 0. M. BobtrtftOD Mtmilrat'. At i MBob of Pllbllo Works.

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