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(Catalogue 434

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fi04 Blarma 9tmL Toronto CONTENTS

Moving picture Projectors 3

Films For Moving Picture Projectors 4- 6

Lanterns and Equipment 7- 9

Lantern Slides For Sale 10-22 Hymns 10-15

Church Services 15

Litany _ 16

Psalms 16

Service For Missions 16

Children's Services 17

Sunday School Services 17

Church Catechisms 17

Bulletin 17

Bible Texts : 18

Biblical Pictures 19-22

Slides For Rental 23-56

Part I Biblical and Religious 26-44

A. Old Testament 26-28

B. New Testament 28-30

C. Christmas .. 30

D. Lent, Good Friday, Easter 30-38

E. Children's Services 38-39

F. Church History 39-40

G. Hymns, Services, etc 40-44

Part II General Subjects _ 44-53

H. Patriotic, History, etc ~ 44-45

I. Travelogues 45-49

J. Art, Nature, etc - 49

K. Stories, Comics, etc ~ 50-53

L. Miscellaneous 53

Part III Missionary 54-56 M. Missionary _ 54-56 iMnumg Jltrtur? frn^rtnra



i REG. U. S. PAT. OFF.

" 1 T f Glass-Beaded SCREEN i 1 ^^^^^ »» ^^^^^^

41L44—Filmo Master

The illustration is of a discontinued model. The Filmo-Master which we re- commend for normal Church and Sunday School use is similar but improved. There are no belts to get out of order. The lamp is 750 watt, 110 volt; the lens is 2 inch F 1.6. This machine is sub- stantially built and will give continued satisfaction. It is easily threaded, can be adapted to a hall of any length, and gives a steady flickerless picture. It is moderately priced and is universally re- cognized as a projector on which films may be shown without danger of injury. Companies who rent or loan films readily ... and for Convenience do so to any one using this machine. You save money and inconvenience by Specify the CHALLENGER avoiding a cheap machine. Send to us The Da-Lite Glass-Beaded surface re- for latest prices and other information. flects more of the projected light and shows every scene at its brightest and 41L44—Filmo-Sound best. Ask for this fine surface in the We can also supply sound-on-film pro- Challenger model. It can be set up any- jectors, and can offer the best prices. where in 15 seconds . . . the only screen However, owing to the present situation, with square tubing to keep the case the small number of films available, and aligned. 12 sizes (including square sizes the high cost of such equipment we think for still pictures) from 30"x40" to that those contemplating purchase of 70"x94". such should give the subject very careful consideration before making the invest- ment. We also supply screens of other kinds -see under Lanterns, page 8. For prices enquire from us before buying elsewhere. —

IHottmt fftrtisrra Silent Films For educational purposes silent films are considered the most satisfactory. These, when used to illustrate Biblical stories, Biblical background or Missionary work, have the advantage that the lecturer is able to give his own interpretation by means of an introductory comment or an explanation while the film is being exhibited. The silent film also makes possible showings at fairly frequent intervals with the emphasis on different phases of the subject. The number of such films in existence suitable for such a purpose is not very great. We examine most of the new ones that came on the market and shall make additions to the lists given below as rapidly as possible, taking into consideration the suitability of films for the work of our Church. In our lists the following abbreviations are used: C.—suitable for children under 9 D.—Bible stories dramatized S.—suitable for children 9 to 15 Miss.—Missionary Y.—suitable for young people and N.—notes accompanying the reel discussion groups Min.—indicates approximate time of A.—suitable for adults showing B.—Biblical story or background T.—travelogue Rental The price given is for one showing. Each extra day add one half more. For the week, multiply by three. BIBLICAL These films have been carefully chosen and exhibit professional photography. No. 38RF1—I Am The Way—Jesus was born—Raised map—Jerusalem—Service in Temple court—Roman rule—tax collectors—waiting for Messiah—Bethlehem travel—street—arrival at inn gate-—shepherds in fields at night—star—Le Rolle's picture of stable—Wise Men—Holy Family. D.T.C.S.Y.— 18 Min.—Rental $1.50. No. 38RF2—I Am The Way—The Boyhood Home. Bethlehem—Jesus in school—going to market—the village well—the Virgins well— in the Temple—carpenter shop—street scene—synagogue—threshing floor grinding corn—baking-—Virgin and Child in house. D.T.C.S.Y.A.—18 Min.—Rental $1.50. No. 38RF7—I Am The Way—The Young Man of Nazareth Scene of Nazareth—country—ploughing —orchards—caravans Egypt to Syria ruins of Capernaum—Tiberias—Peter—wedding—visit to Mary and Martha—Roman rule—Jesus working in carpenter shop—taxes. D.T.C.S.Y.A.—18 Min.—Rental $1.50. No. 39RF8—Biblical Background, Reel 1 —Babylonian Customs The photography of this series, No. 39RF8 to 39RF36, was done in Palestine, Transjordan, Syria, and Egypt. This reel covers the Biblical material found in Genesis, Chapters 1 to 9. A map shows the sort of country through which the Euphrates and the Nile flow. Corn probably grew wild on the river banks—cultivation and irrigation—civilization foundation of cities—Ur—the flood—Sumerian civilization—brick—cooking and eat- ing utensils—sculpture—worship—writing—shepherd. B.N.S.Y.A.—20 Min.—Rental $1.00. 39RF9—Biblical Background, Reel 2—Abraham's Migration, Genesis 10-20 Map showing route—nomadic life—three visitors—meals—hospitality—clothes incense burned in front of the terraphim. B.N.S.Y.A.—20 Min.—Rental $1.00. 39RF10—Biblical Background, Reel 3—Abraham in Canaan, Genesis 10-30 Household utensils—potter—clothes—tent making—embroidery—Lachish—writ- ing Ras Shamra tablets—nomads—story telling. B.N.C.S.Y.A.—20 Min.—Rental $1.00. 39RF11—Biblical Background, Reel 4—Jacob, Genesis 29-31 Partly dramatized. Laban in Haran—wells—tent scenes—grinding corn

B.N.C.S.Y.A.—20 Min.—Rental $1.00. ——

39RF12—Biblical Background, Reel 5—Isreal in Egypt, Genesis 42-47 The migration—Pyramids—palaces—peasants—the Nile—boats—harvesting head of the "overseer". B.N.C.S.Y.A.—20 Min.—Rental $1.00. 39RF13—Biblical Background, Reel 6—Slavery and the Exodus, Exodus 1-15 Goshen—forced labour—water—brick making—Pharoah—route of Exodus desert—whirlwind. B.N.C.S.Y.A.—20 Min.—Rental $1.00. 39RF14—Biblical Background, Reel 7—Wandering in the Wilderness, Exodus 13-23 Pitching camp—loading camels—sheep—music—wells—code of Hammurabi court. B.N.C.S.Y.A.—20 Min.—Rental $1.00. 39RF15— Biblical Background, Reel 8—From Sinai to Canaan, Exodus 19-25; Num- bers—Deuteronomy—Joshua Mount Sinai—ceremonial cleanliness—washing clothes—tabernacle—map Kadesh to Jericho—mountains—Petra—Moab—Crossing- the Jordan—Jericho. B.N.S.Y.A.—20 Min.—Rental $1.00. 39RF16—Biblical Background, Reel 9—Settlement in Canaan,' Joshua and Judges Relief map showing table-land, valley, mountains and plain—land of milk and honey—agriculture—carting—market. B.N.S.Y.A.—20 Min.—Rental $1.00. 39RF17—Biblical Background, Reel 10—Israel's Battles, Judges Relief map—Esdraelon—Megiddo—Deborah—Barak—Gideon—Midianites—agri- cultural laws—yoke—gleaning—vineyards. B.N.S.Y.A.—20 Min.—Rental $1.00. 39RF18—Biblical Background, Reel 11 —The Monarchy, I Samuel 9 to I Kings 11 The Philestines—Saul's Kingdom—musical instruments—shepherd life—sling Jerusalem street scene—carrying loads—Damascus gate—map of David's kingdom ceders of Lebanon—the Orontes—quarries—temple area—horses—wailing wall. B.N.C.S.Y.A.—20 Min.—Rental $1.00. 39RF19—Biblical Background, Reel 12—Life in the Kingdom, I Kings 12; Amos; Hosea Map—banquet in mansion—salutation—musicians—ivory carving—cunieform writing—poverty—slaves—disease—laws-—shepherd. B.N.C.S.Y.A.—20 Min.—Rental $1.00. 39RF20—Biblical Background, Reel 13—The Fall of the Kingdoms, II Kings 16-25; II Chronicles Map showing pincers of Egypt and Assyria—placques describing marches of the kings of Egypt and Assyria—inscriptions—lion hunt—Samaria—false gods of Manasseh's reign—Mt. Hermon. B.N.S.Y.A.—20 Min.—Rental $1.00. 39RF21—Biblical Background, Reel 14—The Captivity A Samaritan Passover—the Samaritan Pentateuch manuscript. B.N.S.Y.A.—20 Min.—Rental $1.00. 39RF22—Biblical Background, Reel 15—The Return Ezra and Nehemiah—a Jewish Passover—cleansing houses—the meal—the building—public reading—the rise of the synagogue. This reel shows the transition of the Jews from being a people with political ambitions to the people of a book. B.N.C.S.Y.A.—20 Min.—Rental $1.00. 39RF23—Biblical Background, Reel 16—Between the Testaments This film gives a background of world events showing the Greek and Roman influence. Greek statues and vases—placques—acrobat—Palmira—Baalbek. B.N.S.Y.A.—20 Min.—Rental $1.00. 39RF24—Biblical Background, Reel 17—Boyhood of Jesus (see also 38RF1 and 38RF2) Bethlehem to the wilderness—Analogies used by Jesus in His teaching which suggest His early experiences—swaddling—transport—well—bread making—beds shepherds—children in market—harvest—passover—Temple—carpenter—Jordan- wilderness. B.N.C.S.Y.A.—20 Min.—Rental $1.00. —5— 39RF25—Biblical Background, Reel 18—Ministry of Jesus Call of disciples to crucifixion—Capernaum—fishing—fishermen—boats—flow- ers—shepherds—sepulchres—Bethsaida—Jerusalem. B.N.C.S.Y.A.—20 Min.—Rental $1.00. 39RF26—Biblical Background, Reel 19—The Early Church, Acts and later Rebellion—Jews expelled—wailing wall—map of spread of Christianity—the colosseum—arch of Constantine—map—Church of Holy Sepulchre—mass—washing of feet—5 Services in Church of Holy Sepulchre. N.Y.A.—20 Min.—Rental $1.00.

38RF5—Barabbas Pt. I.

38RF6—Barabbas Pt. II. This picture is of a story of Barabbas dramatized. Barabbas in prison with two thieves—visited by mother—released by Pilate—arrives at Calvary. It is very effective—specially suitable for Lent and Holy Week. Two parts should be shown in order. Titled. B.D.S.Y.A.—45 Min.—Rental $2.50. 40RF28—The Unforgiving Debtor A dramatized interpretation of the parable. Well acted and expertly photo- graphed. Good anytime, especially Lent. C.D.S.Y.A.—18 Min.—Rental $1.00. 41RF30—Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread Depicts the manner by which bread was provided in the days when our Lord taught this prayer. B.D.C.S.Y.A.—18 Min.—Rental $1.00. 41RF31—The Loving Father Our Lord's parable "The Prodigal Son" dramatized with the Bible verses interspersed as titles so that the complete story is told. D.C.S.Y.A.— 18 Min.— Rental $1.00. 41RF32—The Psalm of Psalms Scenes in the shepherd life of Palestine illustrating the Twenty-third Psalm. D.S.Y.A.— 18 Min.—Rental $1.00. 41RF33—The Good Samaritan This parable is beautifully acted and filmed in Palestine. Titles are given in Scripture language. D.C.S.Y.A.— 18 Min.— Rental $1.00.

VARIOUS 40RF29—Jerusalem the Holy General view—wall—plan— St. Stephen's gate—golden gate, etc.—upper room- - David's tower—Gordon's calvary—Mount Moriah—Dome' of rock—quarries—Jewish quarter—wailing wall—Sabbath street—merchants—porter. T.S.Y.A.—20 Min.—Rental $1.00. 38RF3—Children in Search of God Beautiful story of children who set out to find God to ask Him to heal their mother only to learn that where love is God is. D.C.Y.A.—25. Min.—Rental $1.50. 38RF4—Pilgrimage to Canterbury This gives interesting glimpses of Canterbury Cathedral visited by pilgrims. D.T.Y.A.—20 Min.—Rental $1.00. 39RF27—Visit of King George and Queen Elizabeth to Canada & U.S.A. The more important incidents in the tour. Excellent photography. T.C.S.Y.A.—20 Min.—Rental $1.00. MISSIONARY

Those interested in films of our Missionary work should write to the M.S.C.C., G04 Jarvis St., Toronto, Ont. —6— Santmta 41L1—The Bausch and Lomb B.D.T. Model is the most popular today. It has '2 5/16" diameter projection lens, which gives good definition in your picture. The tilting base enables you to place the lantern on any kind of table or sloping desk and also to adjust your hymns so that the last verses are in clear Price view. The lamp is 500 watt and only $85.00 a two- size slide carrier accompanies each lantern. The price includes a metal carrying case and the correct size may be secured for any length of hall. Notice the handle for carrying and for placing in and taking out of the case. There is also a handle on the hinged top of the lamp house. The mirror is stationary and the lamp pre-focussed. We recommend this lantern. Price $85.00. 41L3CLM—The illustration is of a large lantei'n, equipped with a 1000 watt, 110 volt Mazda Lamp, and 2 5/16" diameter focus lens. They are specially suited for long halls. No carry- ing case. $97.50. 41L2—This lantern is similar to 41L1, only without the base and tilting arrangement. It is equipped with 500 watt, 110 volt Mazda Lamp, 2 5/16" diameter focus lens. Length, 22"; weight 41L3CLM about 10 lbs., including metal case. $80.00.

THE ENSIGN LANTERN We can now supply these English lanterns at very rea- sonable prices. The condensing lenses are housed in a solid unit, easily accessible, as is also the lamp. These are covered by the hinged lamp-house which can be opened by the handle seen on the top, and which is well ventilated. The projection lenses are well ground and in a cell which screws solidly into place. There are two adjustments for horizontal or vertical, so that the lantern may be placed on any table or chair. The tilting base is 5" x 7". The entire lantern is quite solid and serviceable. It This is the small-sized Ensign, for use in small halls. is equipped with a 500 watt Price $55.00 F.O.B. Toronto. lamp. This lantern may not be used in Ontario. Each lantern is contained in a compact fabrakoid carrying case.

41 L4E6—Projection Lens, 8" or 10" (F.O.B. Toronto). $55.00.

41 L5E9—Projection Lens, 12" upwards (F.O.B. Toronto). $80.00.

VICTOR LANTERN—We Can Supply This Lantern

We cannot, at present, keep American lanterns in stock, but must order for you the particular lantern you intend to use. The regulation of the Government makes this necessary. When you wish a lantern, order it from us and we shall send Custom Forms to you and import the lantern for you as promptly as possible. It is best to allow at least two weeks.

LANTERN ATTACHMENTS AND are in greatest demand. All screens are EQUIPMENT well made with brass eyelets for cords. Mazda Lamps—These are the nitro- 41L9—Cotton Screen, size 8x8 feet, gen-filled lamps, which give a powerful 565. $7.00. white light. All lamps are examined 41 L10—Cotton Screen, size 10 x 10 before being shipped, and are sent care- feet, 566. $10.00. fully packed (at owner's risk) by mail or express. The safest method is by 41 LI 1—Cotton Screen, size 12 x 12 express packed in a strong case. If lamp feet, 567. $11.00. proves defective 6"n first being lit, return 41 L12—White Duck Screen, size 8x8 immediately. feet, 568. $12.00. 41L6—Mazda Lamp, 500 watt. $4.50. 41L13—White Duck Screen, size 10 x 10 feet, 569. $14.00. 41 L7—Mazda Lamp, for storage or car battery. $3.50. 41L14—White Duck Screen, size 12 x 12 feet, 570. $16.00. We also supply lamps for any voltage. can also supply larger screens if When ordering Lamps please state We desired. whether it is for screw or spring socket, round or long, with or without shank for Daylight Screens, Translucent Screens, mirror, and the make of lantern with Beaded Screens can be purchased from it is used. which to be us. We also have facilities for supplying opaque screens similar to window shades. 41 L8—Generator, for acetylene gas. spring roller and may be Enquire. These have a so installed that when not in use they Screens—We can supply screens of will disappear from the view of the any special size, but list only those which audience.

SLIDE CARRIERS 41L15—Vic- tor Slide Car- rier—This is a metal Carrier. It will hold either size of slide. $4.00. 41 L16 — B a u s c h and Lomb Slide Carrier — This holds both sizes of slides securely. Slides easily removed. $4.00.

41L17—Ensign Slide Carrier—This is made of wood. It may also be used on the Victor Lantern. $2.50. —8— SLIDE CABINET

Efficiency can be obtained by arrang- ing your Lantern Slides in a systematic order. This cabinet will hold 450 slides, each in a separate space which can be numbered along the wide edge of the drawer. The drawers hold slides of either size. Each drawer has a place for insert- ing a card with a full list of the slides. The cabinet is made in solid wood and galvanized metal. It is very durable and is fitted with a lock and key. Only $30.00.

Slide Cabinets—We will be pleased to hear from those wishing estimates for special Slide Cabinets. These are made especially to order of a size and measure- supplied for cabinets. The drawers may ment to meet the requirements of the be purchased separately as required. The collection of slides, and space available length is convenient to be placed on a for the cabinet. The drawers are made shelf. These drawers will hold about x of metal with oak fronts. A brass label 100 English size slides (3*4 x 3 /i in.) or holder and handle are on each drawer. French size slides (3% by 4 inches). $2.50. With the use of these cabinets slides supply may be easily classified and located 41L19—Slide Boxes—We can instantly. you with a card box covered with black linen for keeping your slides. Holds 41 LI 8— Slide Drawers, 572—Same as about 60 slides. 60c.


We have a supply of parts for Lanterns of standard make and will be glad to make minor repairs, supplying lenses, correcting alignment, focus, etc. We transform old lanterns so that modern lighting may be used. Write to us before you give your lantern away or exchange it for a new one. 41L45—FILM STRIP SLIDES Film strip slides are strips of films containing still pictures—not motion pictures. They are sold only in rolls, generally numbering about 30 to 50 slides per roll, and can be used only on 2859—This illustrates the attachment the Film-Slide Projector or Lanterns which may be added to any Bausch & equipped with Film Slide attachments. Lomb Lantern for the purpose of using They are very compact, but have some film slides, i.e., slides made on a narrow films, only limitations. It will not be possible to film similar to motion picture project as large a picture as from stand- that the slides are turned before the ard lantern slides and the slides are lantern one at a time and may be left this arranged in a consecutive order. If you as long as desired. The purchase of are not at present a user of Film Slides, attachment will enable the owner of the write us, without obligation, and we shall lantern to use the film slides now on the give you all the information we possibly market. $40.00. can about the slides available. 2862—Film Slide Projector—This very 41L46—Film Slides—Film Slides are neat Projector is complete in itself for small sized slides made by inserting a film slides only. It uses strips of stand- film plain or coloured between glass. ard width, non-inflammable, motion pic- These are found convenient for travelling ture film on which there is a series of lecturers who exhibit their pictures in still pictures. 200 watt lamp. Finished small halls. Enquire. in black crystal enamel, complete, $60.00. Uattfrrn #>ltfos for &uh


The illustration is the actual size of an illustrated hymn slide. Notice the black type. Our hymn slides are re- produced from special black face type. They are being- used in many schools and churches in daylight, without blinds on the windows. Once you use them you will not want any other. These hymns as listed are kept made up and in stock so that they can be shipped prompt- ly. Give additional or alternative hymn num- bers, which may be sent in the event of any of those ordered being- out of stock. This will enable us to fill orders promptly. In the list below there are four classes of slides, all exceptional type:

(1) Those for which the number only is given. These are plain slides with ideal type.

(2) Those marked x have a picture illustrating the hymn and the hymn all in black and white as illustrated.

(3) Those marked x may be had with the picture beautifully coloured.

(4) Those marked II are made from hymns printed in heavy capitals. These are specially adapted to large halls but also give added clearness and size of type for use in daytime. Where selections have been made from the verses they have been carefully made.

When ORDERING give both the number and the first words of the hymn such as x 16 Abide with me, or II130 All glory, laud and honour, and state if you want the illustrated ones coloured or plain. Plain will be sent unless coloured are ordered.

The NUMBERS given are those of the Book of Common Praise Revised. The numbers at the end of the first lines are those in the old book.

PRICES for all uncoloured slides, 35 cts.; for all coloured slides, $1.00 each.

Hymns Not Listed may be made to order. We purpose to add to our list from time to time. If, however, any special hymn is wanted we can have a slide made to order, but from the HYMN BOOK TYPE only. The price is double that charged for slides listed, as a special negative has to be made, unless given in the list found later in this Catalogue entitled "Hymns in Book Type." —10— x 16 Abide with me 18 II557 Father, who on man dost 16 Abide with me 18 shower x701 Advent tells us 685 507 Fierce raged the tempest 459 612 A few more years shall roll... 390 549 Fight the good fight 457 II130 All glory, laud and honour 132 272 Fling out the banner 298 x721 All things bright 686 622 For ever with the Lord 455 537 All ye who seek 395 270 For my sake and the II350 All people that on earth do Gospel's go 300 dwell „ 387 xl05 Forty days and forty nights... 110 354 All hail the power of Jesus' 105 Forty days and forty nights... 110 Name 394 185 From all thy saints in 81 Angels from the realms of warfare glory 79 II275 From Greenland's icy 706 Around the throne of God 687 mountains 297 II 97 As with gladness men of old 94 336 From ocean unto ocean 356 x 19 At even when the sun was set 21 Gentle Jesus, meek and mild...II727 288 Awake, awake, O Christian... 317 xl38 Glory be to Jesus 138 II734 Away in a manger 138 Glory be .to Jesus 138 x448 Be Thou my guardian 402 II 20 Glory to thee, my God, this 448 Be Thou my guardian 402 night 22 351 Before Jehovah's awful 266 Go, labour on 290 throne 388 xl32 Go to dark Gethsemane 137 x354 Blest are the pure in heart 408 132 Go to dark Gethsemane 137 II354 Blest are the pure in heart 408 x741 Good Christian men rejoice... 740 II485 Breathe on me, breath of God 410 II741 Good Christian men rejoice- 369 Bright the vision 416 II746 Good king Wenceslas 356 Brightest and best 417 ' 516 God moves in a mysterious 408 Brightly gleams our banner... 376 way 467 110 By the Holy Spirit sent x314 God save our gracious king... 353 II695 Can a little child like me 314 God save our gracious king... 353 x737 Carol, sweetly carol II643 God send us men II737 Carols sweetly carol II727 God sees the little sparrow II413 Children of the heavenly fall 728 King 422 x727 God sees the little sparrow Christ, who once amongst us...x688 fall 728 160 Christ, the Lord, is risen ^3 God that madest earth and to-day 164 heaven 24 121 Christian, dost thou see them 112 5^7 God who touchest earth with 416 Christian, seek not yet repose 421 beauty 478 Come, gracious Spirit 427 "*72 Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost... 470 II749 Come in dear angels xl74 Hail, the day that sees him 395 Come, let us join 429 ri s e 179 685 Come praise your Lord 690 396 Hail to the Lord's anointed 476 II686 Come, sing with gladness... 691 63 Hark a thrilling voice 55 756 Come, ye disconsolate 434 65 Hark! the glad sound 66 771 Come to the Saviour 754 x473 Hark! My soul. It is the Lord 479 307 Come, ye thankful people, 430 Hark! Hark! My soul 477 come „ 346 x 77 Hark! the herald angels sing 684 Coming, coming, yes they are 692 II 77 Hark! the herald angels sing II544 Dear Lord and Father of 427 He who would valiant be mankind „ 445 126 Heal me, O my Saviour, heal 109 x702 Do no sinful action 726 697 Heavenly Father send thy 723 Every morning the red sun 693 blessing 697 x726 Fair waved the golden corn... 694 Here, Lord, we offer thee 698 x711 Faithful Shepherd feed me 695 216 How bright these glorious 451 Father of heaven, whose love 456 spirits shine _ 225 II644 Father in heaven, who lovest II490 How sweet the name of Jesus 484 1 - - 696 303 l! v v v Holy Father in thy mercy 333 495 father of mercies, in thy x 22 Holy Father Word cheer our way... 26 396 22 Holy Father cheer our way... 26 88 Father, let dedicate me 88 i Holy, holy, holy! Lord God II710 Father we thank Thee for Almighty 1 the night II739 Holy night .:.... —11— II704 Holy Spirit hear us _ x529 Just as I am without one plea 528 712 Hushed was the evening- 530 Keep thyself pure 367 hymn 700 519 Lead kindly light 531 812 I bind unto myself. „ Leader of faithful souls, and x717 I love to hear the story 701 guide 511 782 I love to tell the story II749 Like silver lamps 792 I need thee every hour 760 Little drops of water 731 565 In Christ there is no East or 60 Lo! he comes with clouds 56 West _ II730 Looking upward every day... 704 II702 In our work and in our play 517 Lord as to Thy dear cross 534 x578 In the hour of trial 498 277 Lord, her watch thy Church... 307 578 In the hour of trial 498 xl25 Lord, in this thy mercy's day 108 695 I think when I read 702 125 Lord, in this thy mercy's day 108 640 I would be true x 43 Lord, keep us safe this night 40 610 Jerusalem, my happy home... 500 43 Lord, keep us safe this night 40 627 Jerusalem, the golden 415 II634 Lord of ail hopefulness 763 Jesus, and shall it ever be 762 II698 Loving Shepherd of thy sheep 707 II719 Jesus bids us shine .470 Love divine, all loves II153 Jesus Christ is risen to-day... 157 excelling 433 II729 Jesu, from thy throne on high 268 Lord, speak to me, that I II708 Jesus Friend of little children may speak 540

x709 Jesu, high in glory „ 730 389 Look, ye saints, the sight is 540 Jesus, I my cross have taken 503 glorious 546 781 Jesus keep me near the cross 763 498 Lord, thy Word abideth 550 II510 Jesu, Lover of my soul 507 II560 May the grace of Christ x510 Jesu, Lover of my soul 507 522 My faith looks up to thee 553 433 Jesu, meek and gentle 508 II 10 My Father for another night 137 Jesus, the crucified, pleads 256 My God accept my heart 270 for m e 141 574 Nearer my God to thee 562 x493 Jesu, the very thought of II 42 Now the day is over 710 Thee 525 II305 Now thank we all our God 493 Jesu, the very thought of II700 Now the light has gone Thee 525 II326 O Canada ! xl86 Jesus calls us; o'er the tumult 195 x 75 O come, all ye faithful 186 Jesus calls us; o'er the tumult 195 75 O come, all ye faithful x713 Jesus loves me this I know... 729 141 O come and mourn with me... 143 63 713 Jesus loves me this I know... 729 62 O come, O come, Emmanuel 437 Jesu, meek and lowly 509 769 O come to the merciful 434 Jesu, my Lord, by God, my Saviour Lord „ All _ 510 II120 O dearest Father, on our festal day Jesus is our shepherd _ 703 II345 O x785 Jesus, Saviour pilot me 513 II322 O God of love 785 Jesus, Saviour pilot me 513 II429 O God of Bethel x388 Jesus shall reign where'er 379 O God, our help in ages past 566 the sun 517 424 O happy band of pilgrims 572 572 O Jesus, I have promised II388 Jesus sh,all reign where'er the sun 517 II572 O Jesus, I have promised 579 II635 O Jesus, strong and pure II459 Jesus stand among us _ x696 Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear 1182 O little town of Bethlehem... 296 of heaven and earth 324 me 732 O Lord x530 Jesus, thou art standing 580 696 Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear O 675 love that will not let me go 679 me 732 O 667 O paradise, O paradise 681 x607 Jesu, these eyes have never 366 O Saviour, precious Saviour 386 seen _ 515 607 Jesu, these eyes have never 276 O Sion, haste, thy mission seen 515 high fulfilling 312 249 Jesu, thou joy of loving II645 O Son of Man a star hearts _ 257 1191 O thou who by II361 Joy to the world _ II302 O thou within whose sure x646 Just as I am thine own to be 705 control —12— 1

497 word of God Incarnate 596 II694 (2) Tell me in accents of II360 worship the King...... wonder 411 Oft in danger, oft in woe 588 694 Tell me the stories of Jesus II786 On a hill far away _ 59 The Advent of our King 58 x703 Once again, dear Lord, we 563 The Church's one fundation 624 pray _ 733 36 The day is past and over _ 34 II703 Once again, dear Lord, we 1127 The day thou gavest Lord 27 pray 733 II750 The first Nowell II651 Once to every man 1138 The Lord be with us II733 Once in royal David's city 547 The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll II692 One there is above all others not want 634 67 On Jordan's bank the Bap- 289 The love of Christ constrain- tist's cry .. 59 ed 318 409 On our way rejoicing 382 11539 The King of Love my Shep- II412 Onward Christian soldiers 383 herd is _ 630 489 Our blest Redeemer 594 x539 The King of Love my Shep- 793 Pass me not O gentle Saviour 770 herd is _„ 630 500 Peace, perfect peace 600 II690 The ships glide in x500 Peace, perfect peace 600 404 The Son of God goes forth to

617 Pleasant are thy courts above 482 war ...... 636 353 Praise my soul the King of x687 The wise may bring their heaven 601 learning „. „ 715 II728 Praise Him, praise Him . II687 The wise may bring their 385 Praise the Lord! ye heavens 469 learning „ _. 715 384 Praise to the holiest in the 603 There is a Book „ 611 Height 516 x545 There is a green hill 640 392 Rejoice, the Lord is King 605 545 There is a green hill 640 777 Resuce the perishing 771 688 There's a Friend for little II656 Rise up, O men of God children 718 x579 Rock of ages 608 There is a happy land 719 579 Rock of ages...... - 608 577 Thine forever, God of Love 622 x772 Safe in the arms of Jesus 772 271 Thine for ever! 271 772 Safe in the arms of Jesus 772 II600 This is my Father's world..... 24 Saviour, breathe an evening 758 Through the love of God our blessing ... 25 Saviour 651 41 Saviour again to thy dear 755 Thou didst leave thy throne 780 Name 37 561 Thy hand, O God, has guided 648 778 Saviour, thy dying love 774 321 Thy Kingdom come _ 652 365 Saviour, blessed Saviour 612 x321 Thy Kingdom come, O God 652 279 Saviour springle many na- x580 Thy life was given for me... 564 tions 580 Thy life was given for me.. 564 II699 Saviour, teach me day by day 714 546 Thy way, not mine, O Lord... 654 736 See amid the winter's snow II745 'Twas in the moon of winter

II707 See the shining dewdrops time . Shall we gather at the river? 734 x520 Unto the hills around 656 II391 Songs of praise the angels II738 Unto us a boy is born sang _ 599 We are but little children, 419 Soldiers of Christ, arise 617 weak _ II720 II715 Standing in the market-place We are marching on 721 x558 Stand up, stand up for Jesus 619 775 We have heard the joyful II558 Stand up, stand up for Jesus 619 sound _ _ 78 742 Stars all bright are beaming 1 1466 We love the place O God 653 xl8 Sun of my soul 20 466 We love the place O God 653 1118 Sun of my soul 20 II308 We plough the fields „ 89 Sweet Saviour, bless us ere II718 We thank thee, O our Father we go _. _ 36 II748 We three kings of orient are 576 Take life and let it my be 621 II294 We've a story to tell to the 589 Take up thy cross 623 nations x773 Tell me the old, old story 777 x779 What a friend we have in 773 Tell me the old, old story 777 Jesus _ _. 783 II694 (1) Tell me the stories of 779 What a friend we have in Jesus 783 —13- 4

II744 When Christ was born 749 76 While shepherds watched 180 When God of old came down 189 II725 Who is he in yonder stall? II410 Who is on the Lord's side? x724 When he cometh 735 II705 Wise men seeking Jesus x593 When I survey the wondrous 662 II636 Work for the night is coming II732 Jesus was a baby When II642 Yield not to temptation _ 725 II689 When mothers of Salem 722 769 O come to the merciful II117 When, wounded sore, the Saviour 768 stricken heart 113 II398 Ye watchers and ye holy ones x76 While shepherds watched II638 Youth of the world arise

41 L 21—HYMNS IN BOOK TYPE We will also make any of the following Hymns in Hymn Book Type (not Ideal) for 40 cts. Any other Hymn in the Hymn Book 70 cts. x means illustrated.

7 Forth in Thy name, Lord 250 Author of life divine 260 I go 8 259 Go forward, Christian soldier 465 10 My Father for another night 12 273 O Spirit of the living God 299 28 O Strength and Stay uphold- 274 Soldiers of the cross arise 314 ing 284 Thou whose almighty Word... 542 75 come, all ye faithful 72 291 Work for the day is coming 323 x75 come, all ye faithful 72 297 Lord of all creation (Verses 77 Hark the herald angels sing 73 1, 2 and 5) 327 79 Of the Father's love begotten 76 304 God be with you till we meet again 335 93 The people that in darkness 306 To Thee, O Lord, our hearts sat 92 ve raise 347 94 Earth hath many a noble city 97 317 O King of kings, whose reign 99 From the eastern mountains 100 of old 357 106 Sinful, sighing to be blest 117 319 It came upon the midnight 112 Weary of earth 120 clear 514 127 Sweet the moments, rich in 343 Lord of life and King of blessing 129 glory 370 xl28 The royal banners forward 357 At the Name of Jesus every go 1 30 knee 406 131 Ride on! Ride on in majesty... 133 359 Come ye faithful, raise the xl31 Ride on! Ride on in majesty... 133 anthem - 440 135 I see the crowd in Pilate's 360 O worship the King, all glor- hall 136 ious above. (Two slides) 448 147 His are the thousand spark- 363 I adore Thee, I adore Thee 489 ling rills _ 145 372 O praise ye the Lord 586 150 The story of the cross. (5 381 When all Thy mercies, O my slides ) 152 God 661 157 He is risen, He is risen 174 382 As pants the hart for cooling 164 The day of Resurrection 167 stream 404 165 Come, ye faithful, raise the 386 The Lord is King. Lift up thy strain 168 voice 632 Jesus 397 166 Christ is risen! Christ is 397 Alleluia! Sing to 407 Lead us, heavenly Father, risen ! „ 170 _ 530 167 Alleluia! Alleluia! (2 slides) 169 lead us , 168 Welcome happy morning 171 414 Forward!, be our watchword 384 169 Ye choirs of new Jerusalem 173 422 Faith of our fathers living xl69 Ye choirs of new Jerusalem...xl73 still 359 178 O Christ, Thou hast ascended 183 441 Holy Father hear me - 15 181 Spirit of mercy, truth and 452 Where high the heavenly love _ 191 temple stands 666 'tis 583 194 King of Saints we offer 204 465 O Lord how joyful to see 203 Around the throne of God a 480 Come, Holy Ghost our souls band 2 1 inspire 435 209 For all the Saints who from 492 To the Name of our salvation 657 their labours rest. (2 slides) 499 How firm a foundation 486 —14— —

501 Golden harps are sounding... 379 661 In full and glad surrender 673 524 Father, again in Jesus' Name 665 My God, I thank Thee (two we meet. 452 slides ) 678 528 Thou, the contrite sinner's 669 Father to Thee I come 671 friend 529 670 Lord, for tomorrow and its 534 Why should I fear the dark- needs 676 est hour 667 673 On the resurrection morning 592 535 let Him whose sorrow 522 757 Oh, the bitter shame and 551 Bv cool Siloam's „ 418 sorrow 591 555 Blest be the tie that binds 409 787 More holiness give me, more 566 Through the night of doubt strivings within 561 and sorrow 650 515 I know that my Redeemer 556 Temple of God's Holy Spirit 368 lives 759 571 All for Jesus—All for Jesus 392 644 Father in heaven 696 581 Cast thy care on Jesus 420 692 One there is above all others 713 582 O for a closer walk with God 405 723 Every morning the red sun... 693 590 The head that once was 735 All my heart this night re- crowned with thorns 627 joices 736 598 For the beauty of the earth 460 740 Like silver lamps 743 599 Summer suns are glowing 620 744 When Christ was born 749 604 Fairest Lord Jesus 754 I've found a Friend 761 606 Jesus lives! Thy terrors now 520 759 My God, my Father, dost x611 Let Saints on earth in con- Thou call 767 cert sing 532 766 There is a fountain..... 778 629 Ten thousand times ten 799 Souls of men why will ye thousand 494 scatter 775 631 Those eternal bowers 505 , 394 Hark, what mean those holy 639 Shepherd of tender youth 552 voices 741 660 Immortal Love, for ever full 672


In the following list each verse of a hymn is illustrated on a separate slide. The price quoted is for the set:

xl6 Abide with me. 5 slides— 18 $1.50 x275 From Greenland's icy moun- tains 4—297 1.20 x288 Awake! Awake! O Christian 71Q x713 loves me this 1 know 5 slides-317 1.50 ^™* j 2Q x684 Coming, coming, yes they x689 When mothers of Salem are—692 1.50 722 1.20


The following Service is from the Revised Prayer Book of the . This series has given great satisfaction. When not ordering the complete set give numbers wanted.

1 Opening Sentences. 9 Apostles' Creed. 2 Exhortation. 10 Shorter Litany. 3 Confession. Vcrsiclcs 4 Absolution. 12 2nd and 3rd Collect. (Evening x5 Lord's Prayer. Prayer). 6 Sentences and Gloria. 12a 2nd and 3rd Collect (Morning 6 (a) Venite, Psalm 95. Prayer). 6 (b) Jubilate Deo, Psalm 100. 13 Prayer for Royal Family and those Psalms. All the psalms for Evening in authority. Prayer will be found listed under 14 Prayer for Clergy and People. "Psalms." 15 Prayer for all sorts and conditions 6 (c) Gloria. of men. 7 Magnificat. (St. Luke 1:46-55.) 16 General Thanksgiving. Dimittis. 8 Nunc (St. Luke 2:29.) 17 Prayer of St. Chrysostom and the 8a Deus Misereatur. (Psalm 67.) Grace. -15— 41 L 23—THE COLLECTS We can supply any of the Collects for the Church year, These are valuable also for Sunday School use. 41 L 24—THE LITANY These slides are made from very clear, heavy type.

1. O God the Father .... all that travel. 2. From all evil .... 7. Son of God: we beseech Thee to hear 3. In all times of our tribulation. us. 4. That it may please Thee to send 8. O God, merciful Father. forth labourers. 9. Glory be to the Father. 5. That it may please Thee to bless and 10. General Thanksgiving. keep all Thy people. 11. Prayer of St. Chrysostom and the 6. That it may please Thee to preserve Grace.


These slides are made from an exceptionally good lot of negatives. The list contains all the psalms required for the Service of Evening Prayer.

When ordering give the number of the psalm wanted. Be careful to note that some psalms require several slides, and in this case the numbers of the verses given in brackets indicate the total on each slide. For example, Psalm 18 requires five slides, verses one to ten being on the first, eleven to twenty on the second slide, etc.

1st Day Psalms 6, 7 (1-9) (10-18), 8. 18th Day Psalms 93, 94 (1-11) (12-23). 2nd Day Psalms 12, 13, 14. 19th Day Psalms 98, 99, 100, 101. 3rd Day Psalms 18 (1-10) (11-20) 20th Day Psalms 104 (1-11) (12-23) (21-30) (31-41) (42-51). (24-35). 4th Day Psalms 22 (1-10) (11-22) 21st Day Psalms 106 (1-11) (12-23) (23-32), 23. (24-36) (37-46). 5th Day Psalms 27, 28, 29. 22nd Day Psalms 108, 109 (1-15) 6th Day Psalms 32, 33 (1-12) (13-21), (16-30). 34. 23rd Day Psalms 114, 115. 7th Dav Psalms 37, (1-11) (12-21) 24th Day Psalms 119 (1-16) (17-32). (22-31) (32-41). 25th Day Psalms 119 (73-88) (89-104). 8th Day Psalms 41, 42, 43. 26th Dav Psalms 119 (145-160) 9th Day Psalms 47, 48, 49 (1-10) (161-176). (11-20). 10th Day Psalms 53, 54, 55 (1-13) 27th Day Psalms 126, 128, 130. (14-25). 28th Day Psalms 136 (1-13) (14-27), 11th Dav Psalms 59 (1-8) (9-17), 60, 61. 137, 138. 12th Day Psalms 65, 66, 67. 29th Day Psalms 142, 143. 13th Day Psalms 69 (1-12) (13-24) 30th Day Psalms 147 (1-9) (10-20), 148, (25-37), 70. 149 150. 14th Day Psalms 73 (1-13) (14-27), 74 r (1-12) (13-24). Also Psalms 1, 15, 19, 24, 58, 95, 96, Pt. 15th Day Psalms 78 (1-12) (13-24) I.; 96, Pt. II., 121. (25-36) (37-48) (49-60) (61-73). A number of the proper Psalms for 16th Day Psalms 82, 83, 84, 85. Christmas Day, Good Friday, etc., 17th Day Psalms 89 (1-12) (13-24) may be selected from the above (25-36) (37-50). list.

41 L 26—SPECIAL SERVICE FOR MISSIONS The following Service has been taken from the new Service to be found in the Revised Prayer Book.

1 Opening Sentences. 9 Prayer for Israel. 2 Psalm 96, Part 1. 10 Prayer for All Nations. 3 Psalm 96, Part 2. 11 Prayer for Missionaries. 4 Isaiah 42. 12 Prayer for Missionary Societies. 5 Isaiah 60, Part 1. 13 Prayer for More Labourers. 6 Isaiah 60, Part 2. 14 Thanksgiving. 7 Apostles' Creed. 15 Prayer of St. Chrysostom and the 8 Responsive Prayers. Grace. -16— 41 L 27—CHILDREN'S SERVICE This Service has been produced from the Revised Prayer Book, but made from "Ideal" type. Many of these slides will be found excellent for opening and closing Services for Sunday School. Slides marked "xx" are the only ones required when a set of Church Service slides are already on hand. xx 1 "Lord, Teach Us to Pray," etc. 7 Responses. (Church Service 10.) "Seek Ye the Lord." (Collect for the Day.) "Let Us Kneel," etc. xx 8 "0 Lord God, Who Didst Reveal," Prayer for Pardon. etc. xx 2 Absolution. "O Lord Jesus Christ, Who Didst 3 Lord's Prayer. Sit Lowly."

xx Sch°o1 - Service 6B.) £»*« ^ 5 SlaT/DeaV^urch J (Church Service xx 10 Tw0 closing ^Prayers. 6 Apostles' Creed. 9.) xx 11 The Grace. 41 L 28—SUNDAY SCHOOL SERVICES Special Services have been prepared to accompany the Lessons in our Text Books for the Primary Department. These Services are available on Lantern Slides. The Courses for the junior pupils 9 to 11 and for the senior pupils 12 to 14 in Text Books Nos. 6 to 11 are divided into Themes with a small number of Lessons in each Theme. Special Services are printed for each Theme and these have been reproduced for all the Text Books except No. 9—The Church Catechism. The number of slides varies in each Theme. Various slides from the Service for Evening Prayer, Children's Church Service, Missionary Service, etc., may also be used for Sunday School Services.

41 L 29—THE CATECHISM The entire Catechism, as in the Revised Prayer Book, is conveniently arranged on 15 slides. This is an exceptionally fine example of "Ideal" type, and can be used to advantage even in daylight, if the screen is shaded. Set of 15 slides:

1 What is Your Name? 11 What Desirest Thou of God in This 2 Dost Thou Not Think. Prayer. 3 I Believe in God the Father. 12 How Many Sacraments Hath Christ 4 What Dost Thou Chiefly Learn by Ordained in His Church? These Articles? 13 What is the Inward and Spiritual 5 Thou Shalt Have None Other Gods Grace? But Me. 14 Why Was the Sacrament of the 6 Remember That Thou Keep Holy the Lord's Supper? Sabbath. 15 What Are the Benefits Whereof We 7 What Dost Thou Chiefly Learn by Are Partakers? These Commandments. 8 What is Thy Duty Toward Thy Neigh- 41 L 30—Caswell's Catechism Charts, bour? These sets contain 6 slides. 9 My Good Child Know This. Plain 35 cts. ea. 10 Lord's Prayer. Coloured „ 75 cts. ea. 41 L 31—BULLETIN SLIDES These slides will be found very useful in giving reports, etc. A special pencil is supplied for writing on the slide, or fine pen and India ink may be used. No. 1 plain is also useful for the verse of a hymn, memory work, etc. The Secretary's Report Slide is a printed slide with blanks for the following totals: "Attendance of Teachers and Officers," "Boys," "Girls," "Total," with a column for the same totals on the previous Sunday. The Treasurer's Report Slide has a space for the offerings for Missions, General Offering and Special Offering, and totals for the day and previous Sunday. The figures are written on the slide and are SEEN at a glance by the whole school. After use, any Bulletin Slide is easily cleaned by rubbing with a dry cloth and may be used indefinitely. —17— 1. Plain. 20 cts. 5. Honour Class List. 35 cts. 2. Secretary's Report. 35 cts. 6. "Welcome" New Pupils' Names. 3. Treasurer's Report. 35 cts. 35 cts. 4. Announcement for the Week. 35 cts.

41 L 32—BULLETIN PENCILS—25 cts. ea.

41 L 33—BIBLE TEXTS The following slides will be found very helpful in getting the children to commit to memory what is shown: 1 Books of Bible, Old Testament. Part 1. 18 St. Luke 2: 41-52. 2 Books of Bible, Old Testament. Part 2. 19 St. Luke 2: 8-14. 3 Books of Bible, New Testament. Part 20 Ephes. 6: 10-18. 1. 21 Acts 8: 14-17. 4 Books of Bible, New Testament. Part 22 Isaiah 42. 2. 23 Isaiah 60, Pt. 1. 1-3. 5 Commandments, 24 Isaiah 60, Pt. 2. 6 Commandments, 4-10. oc . , T ... 00 , n 25 St. Matthew 28: 19. 7 Isaiah 1: 18. S " Scripture Passages (Improved Ideal) \9 psafm 23 — 10 Beatitudes, St. Mathew 5: 3-8. St. Matt. 13: 31-33. 11 Beatitudes, St. Matthew 5: 9-12. St. Matt 13: 44-48. 1-2 St. Mark 10: 11, "Suffer Little Chil- St. Matt. 22: 35-40. dren," etc. St. Mark 8: 34-37. 13 St. Matt. 22: 37. The Great Com- St. Mark 9: 38-41. mandment. St. Luke 10: 30-37. 14 St. Matt. 11: 28. "Come Unto Me," St. Luke 12: 13-15. etc. St. Luke 12: 16-21. 15 Private Prayers, to teach children, for St. Luke 15: 3- 6. use before and after a Church Service. St. Luke 15: 8-10. 16 Grace Before Meals; Thanksgiving St. Luke 18: 10-14. After Meals. 1st Cor. 11: 23-25. 17 The Doxology. 1st. Thess. 5: 16-22.

41 L 34—MAPS These in black and white are 35 cts.; coloured 75 cts. Map 1 —Palestine in Time of Christ. " 2—Journeys of St. Paul. " 5-—Palestine Old Testament. " 3—Egypt—Exodus. " 6—The World. " 4—Assyria. " 7—Canada.

41 L 35—PATRIOTIC SONGS, ETC. The following songs are taught in many Public Schools, and the children delight in singing them. We can supply these with each verse illustrated if the demand for same is sufficient to cover the cost. 1 The Maple Leaf (2 slides). 4 Jesus Bids Us Shine. 2 O Canada. 5 Land of Hope and Glory. 3 Gliding Through the Meadow.

41 L 36—STAGE LIGHTS SLIDES These are used to give coloured light on stage for plays, etc., for the following effects: 20 cts. each

Yellow—Sunlight effect. Green—Moonlight effect. Blue—Night effect. Red—Fire effect.

41 L 37—SLIDES FROM YOUR NEGATIVES "Snapshot" films will make good negatives. A very pleasant evening's pro- gramme can be made showing your summer camps, picnics, etc., etc. If slides have to be made from large negatives or prints, special prices will be quoted upon sub- mitting same. —18— pible picture g>libesi

41 L 38—SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS The Christian Truth and Life Series of Lessons for the juniors and seniors aged 9 to 14 years are arranged in six Text Books of fifty-two Lessons each. For each of these Lessons there has been selected a picture for class teaching and a slide has been made of this picture or some other one suitable for illustrating the Lesson. These are very valuable if the Superintendent wishes to review the Lesson at the close of the School Lesson. Plain 35 cts., coloured $1.00.

41 L 39—GENERAL If you want to illustrate any Bible scene or event or teaching, you will find among our slides one or more that will suit your purpose. We have hundreds of Bible slides and a very large range of pictures from which to make slides if we have no slide prepared, such as Tissot, Elsie Anna Wood, Tarrant, Shaw, etc. Tell us the Bible passage and we shall do our best to give you something appropriate. The following are some of the slides always in stock. They are 35 cts. each in black and white, and $1.00 each beautifully coloured.

41 L 40—OLD TESTAMENT SLIDES (DR. HOLE) Dr. Hole's pictures painted in the Holy Land are well known for their excellence. There axe 75 Old Testament and 80 New Testament.

1 Abram Leaving Ur of the Chaldees. 27 The Sword of the Lord and of 2 Sarai Overhearing the Renewal of Gideon. the Promise. 28 Samson Grinding in Prison at Gaza. 3 Abraham and Isaac at Mount 29 Boaz and Ruth. Moriah. 30 Eli and Samuel. 4 Eliezer and Rebekah. 31 Jonathan Defying the Outposts of 5 The Despair of Esau. the Philistines. 6 Jacob and the Angel at Peniel. 32 Samuel Slaying Agag Before the 7 Joseph Sold into Egypt. Lord at Gilgal. 8 Joseph's Brethren at the Inn. Every 33 Samuel Anointing David. Man's Money in his Sack. 34 David Playing on the Harp before 9 Judah Pleading Before Joseph for Saul. his Brother Benjamin. 35 David and Goliath. 10 Meeting of Jacob and Joseph in 36 David's Camp at Engedi. Egypt. 37 David Spares the Life of Saul. 11 Israelites Making Bricks in Egypt. 38 Death of Saul at Gilboa. 12 Moses and the Burning Bush. 39 The Capture of Jerusalem from the 13 Moses and Aaron before Pharaoh. Jebusites. 14 The Passover in Egypt. 40 David Bringing the Ark into Jeru- 15 The Passage of the Red Sea. salem. 16 The Battle of Rephidim. 41 Nathan the Prophet Denounces the 17 The Giving of the Law on Sinai. Sin of David. 18 Moses Inspecting the Weaving and 42 The Sorrow of King David. Embroidering of the Hangings of 43 Absalom Steals the Hearts of the the Tabernacle. People. 19 The Report of the Spies and Re- 44 David, Fleeing from Jerusalem. monstrances of Caleb. 45 The Death of Absalom. 20 The Consecration of Eleazar as High 46 King David Purchasing the Thresh- Priest. ing Floor. 21 Balaam Blessing Israel. 47 The Judgment of Solomon. 22 The Passage of Jordan. 48 The Dedication of the Temple. 23 The Destruction of Jericho. 49 The Commerce of Solomon. 24 Joshua's Treaty with Men of Gibeon. 50 The Queen of Sheba. 25 The City of Refuge. 51 The Division of the Kingdoms under 26 Jael and Sisera. Rehoboam. —19— 52 A Prophet of God Denounces the 65 The Sin of Witchcraft. Idolatry of Jeroboam. 66 King Josiah Cleansing the Land of 53 Ahab and Elijah. Idols. 54 Elijah's Sacrifice at Mount Carmel. 67 The Death of King Josiah at Me- 55 Elijah in the Desert of Horeb. giddo. 56 Elisha and the Shunammite. 68 Jeremiah and the Potter. 57 The Four Lepers Looting the Camp 69 The Submission of Coniah to Nebu- of the Syrians. chadnezzar. 58 The Death of Jezebel. 70 The Destruction of Jerusalem by 59 The Coronation of Joash, and Death Nebuzaradan. of Athaliah. 71 Captivity in Babylon. of Zechariah. 60 The Murder 72 Daniel Interprets the Dream of 61 Uzziah Erects Engines of War on Nebuchadnezzar. Walls of Jerusalem. 73 The of 62 The Fall of Samaria. Return the Exiles. 63 Isaiah Witnesses Vice and Folly of 74 Nehemiah Makes the Petition to Jerusalem. Artaxerxes. 64 The Assyrian Rabshakeh, Demand- 75 Rebuilding the Wall of Jerusalem ing the Surrender of Jerusalem. under Nehemiah.


1 The Annunciation. 40 Christ Walking On the Sea. 2 The Visit of Mary to Elizabeth. 41 Faith of Phoenician Woman. 3 No Room at the Inn. 42 Inquiry Near Caesarea Philippi. 4 Angel and the Shepherds. 43 The Transfiguration. 5 Adoration of the Shepherds. 44 Healing of Epileptic Boy. 6 Presentation in the Temple. 45 The Woman Taken in Adultery. 7 Inquiry of the Wise Men. 46 Cleansing of the Ten Lepers. 8 Adoration of Wise men. 47 Rest at Bethany. 9 Return from Egypt. 48 Christ Blessing Little Children. 10 Childhood at Nazareth. 49 Raising of Lazarus. 11 Jesus Among the Doctors. 50 The Call of Zacchaeus. 12 Carpenter's Shop at Nazareth. 51 Sight Restored to Blind Bartimaeus. 13 Baptism of Jesus. 52 The Triumphal Entry. 14 Jesus Driven into the Wilderness. 53 Hostility of the Priests. 15 The Temptation. 54 Christ Leaving the City. 16 The End of Temptation. 55 Christ Washing Disciples' Feet. 17 The Earliest Disciples. 56 The Last Supper. 18 Return of Jesus to Galilee. 57 Agony in Gethsemane. 19 The First Miracle. 58 The Betrayal. 20 Cleansing of the Temple. 59 Jesus Before Caiaphas. 21 Visit of Nicodemus. 60 Peter's Denial of Christ. 22 The Woman of Samaria. 61 Jesus Before Pilate. 23 The Rejection at Nazareth. 62 Pilate Examining Jesus. 24 Christ Healing Sick at Capernaum. 63 Jesus Before Herod. 25 Parables from the Boat. 64 The Scourging. 26 Miraculous Draught of Fishes. 65 Mockery of the Soldiers. 27 Matthew Called from Receipt of 66 Pilate Washes His Hands. Custom. 67 Jesus Addresses Women. 28 Appointment of Twelve. 68 The Crucifixion. 29 Cleansing of the Leper. 69 Jesus Commits His Mother to John. 30 Appeal of the Centurion. 70 The Death of Jesus. 31 Raising of the Widow of Nain's Son. 71 Joseph Burying the Body. 32 Dinner at House of Simon. 72 Visit of the Women. 33 Stilling the Storm. 73 Peter and John at Sepulchre. 34 Healing of Gaderene Demoniac. 74 Jesus and Mary Magdalene. 35 Paralytic Let Down Through the 75 The Walk to Emmaus. Roof. 76 Jesus Appears to Peter. 36 The Healing of the Woman. 77 Doubting of Thomas. 37 Raising of Jairus' Daughter. 78 Jesus Meets His Apostles. 38 Healing of the Infirm Man. 79 The Ascension. 39 Feeding the Five Thousand. 80 Lo! I Am With You Aiwa v. —20— 41 L 42—OLD TESTAMENT SLIDES (HAROLD COPPING)

19 Noah Building the Altar. 39 Moses on Mount Pisgah. 20 Hagar and Ishmael. 40 Fate of Canaanite Kings. 21 Abraham and Isaac. 41 By the Rivers of Babylon. 22 Rebekah at the Well. 42 Nehemiah's Midnight Survey. 23 Jacob and Esau. 66 Jacob Before Pharaoh. 24 Selling of Joseph. 67 Return of the Spies. 25 Joseph Known To His Brethren. 68 Saul and the Witch. 26 The Finding of Moses. 69 Esther At the Court. 27 Smiting the Rock. 70 Isaiah and the Messengers. 28 The Brazen Serpent. 71 The Captives of Babylon. 29 Ruth and Naomi. 96 Creation of Light. 30 Samuel and Eli. 97 Joseph's Coat of Many Colours. 31 David Summoned Before Samuel. 98 Crossing the Red Sea. 32 Elijah and Ahab. 99 The Capture of Og, King of Bashan. 33 Finding of the Book. 101 Samson's Riddle. 34 Daniel in The Den of Lions. 35 Adam and Eve. 105 Taking of Zion. 107 Solomon Asking For Wisdom. 36 Cain and Abel. 37 Jacob's Vow. 109 Elijah Fed by The Ravens. 38 The Burning Bush. Ill The Children of Judah.


1 The Prodigal Son. 76 Christ's Entry into Jerusalem. 2 Jesus Blessing Little Children. 77 The Raising of Jairus' Daughter. 3 The Little Child in the Midst. 78 The Lost Sheep. 4 The Sermon on the Mount. 79 The Centurion. 5 The Good Samaritan. 80 The Rich Young Ruler. 6 The Healing of the Leper. 81 The Widow of Nain. 7 The Flight into Egypt. 82 The Woman of Canaan. 8 The Sower. 90 The Nativity. 9 The Foolish Virgins. 91 The Remorse of Judas. 10 The Call of Andrew and Peter. 92 The Pool of Bethesda. 11 Bartimaeus. 93 The Hidden Treasure. 12 The Great Invitation. 94 Christ in the Pharisee's House. 13 The Lost Piece of Silver. 95 Go Ye Therefore and Teach All 14 The Rich Man and Lazarus. Nations. ' 15 The Pharisee and the Publican. 113 Christ Walking on the Sea. 16 The Ascension. 114 A Poor Woman's Gift. 17 Lazarus, Come Forth. 115 The Marriage at Cana. 43 The Annunciation. 116 Jesus Driving Out the Money 44 The Shepherds of Bethlehem. Changers. 45 John the Baptist. 117 Peter's Denial. 46 The Temptation. 131 The Return from Egypt. 47 The Loaves and Fishes. 132 The Baptism of Jesus. 48 The Question of the Sadducees. 133 The Visit of the Wise Man. 49 The Well of Sychar. 134 The Paralytic Let Down Through 50 Martha and Mary. the Roof. 51 The Transfiguration. 135 The Great Draught of Fishes. 52 Gethsemane. 136 The Risen Lord. 53 At the Cross. 150 The Star and the Shepherds. 54 Mary Magdalene at the Sepulchre. 153 The Home at Nazareth. 55 The Walk to Emmaus. 154 The Woman Who Touched the Hem 56 The Barren Fig-Tree. of His Garment. 72 The Good Shepherd. 155 Nicodemus. 73 Come Unto Me. 158 Mary and Elizabeth. 74 "Wist Ye Not?" 159 Following the Star. 75 Washing the Disciples' Feet. 160 Zacchaeus. —21— 41 L 44—NEW TESTAMENT SLIDES (HOFFMAN) 20 Christ Blessing Little Children. 1 The Annunciation. 21 Christ and Rich Young Ruler. 2 Birth at Bethlehem. 22 Mary Magdalene Anointing Christ's 3 Announcement to Shepherds. Feet. 4 The Nativity. 23 Triumphal Entry. 5 Adoration of Magi. 24 The Last Supper. 6 Flight into Egypt. 25 Gethsemane. 7 Christ in His Home at Nazareth. 26 Could Ye Not Watch. 8 Christ With the Doctors. 27 Christ Presented to People. 9 The Boy Christ. 28 Carrying the Cross. 10 The Temptation. 29 The Crucifixion. 11 Christ and Woman of Samaria. 30 The Entombment. 12 Raising of Widow's Son. 31 They Returned and Prepared Spices and Ointment. 13 Christ Healing the Sick. 32 The Resurrection. 14 Maid, I Say Unto Thee Arise. 33 Walk to Emmaus. 15 Christ Preaching to Multitude. 16 Come Unto Me. 34 The Ascension. 17 Woman Taken in Adultery. 35 Behold, I Stand at the Door. 18 Cleansing of the Temple. 36 Where Two or Three are Gathered 19 Home at Bethany. Together.


We have a large stock of slides illustrating the Old Testament,

the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles in addition to those given

in this catalogue. Enquire what we have relating to your subject.

We also carry a large supply of all material for Church and Sunday School work, such as Teachers' Text Books, Theological Books, Church Furniture, Cards, Records, Prayer and Hymn Books,

Pictures and Certificates.

G. B. R. E. MI. 3833 Toronto 604 Jarvis St.

-22— :

Sfcntal IGtat


To assist those engaged in Religious and Educational Work, we have prepared for Rental, the sets of slides as listed in this Catalogue.

Part 1.—Biblical and Religious Subjects: Part 2.—General Subjects: Class Page Class Page

A Old Testament _....: 26 H Patriotic, History, Etc 44 B New Testament, (Gospels, Acts I Travelogues 45 of the Apostles) - 28 j Art , Nature, Etc 49 C Sets for Christmas 30 K Illustrated Stories, Comic, Etc. 50 D Sets for Lent, Good Friday and l Miscellaneous 53 Easter 30 E Children's Services 38 F Church History, Etc 39 Part 3.—Missionary G Hymns, Services, Etc 40 M Missionary 54


The number of the set, at the left of the title, is intended for use when ordering. The rental price is given at the extreme right. To the left of the rental price is the number indicating the number of slides in the set. To the left of this are some letters. "R" indicates that a reading or lecture accompanies the set. "H" indicates that one or more hymns are included in each set. "C" indicates that all slides are coloured. "CP" indicates that some slides are coloured and the rest are plain. Where there is no "C" the slides are black and white. "F" indicates that the slides are of the French or Foreign size (3% x 4 inches).

1. CHARGES. Hie Rental Price for each set is given in the Catalogue. Sets may be used in the same Parish or Mission more than once during the same week without extra charge, but are to be returned by the first train leaving after the last date used. "The same week" is to be understood as the days between two Sundays. This offer is made for the benefit of Rural clergy having two or three congregations where they wish to show the slides. Terms for longer periods will be sent upon request. Sets are not to be sublet, rented or loaned, to any person or organization without per- mission from this office. (See also paragraph 10, clauses A. & B.) No allowance can be made for damaged or missing slides. We do our best to replace broken slides promptly. If many are damaged the set will be withdrawn from use. The number of times a set or collection is to be used should be clearly stated, as asked for on our application forms. Copies of application forms will be supplied free upon request.

2. TERMS. If customers desire we are willing to open "Deposit Accounts." Sums of money may be sent to be placed to the Credit of sender, and charges will be made against this account for Rentals, Postage and Registrations, Prepaid Express, Lantern Supplies, etc. Statements are sent when each set of slides is shipped, except when slides are used on a circuit. A summary is sent from time to time and payment should be made within 30 days of the bill. —23— 3. REMITTANCES. Remittances should be made by P. 0. or Express Orders, payable to the General Board of Religious Education. Cheques should include Exchange, or be made "Payable at Par, Toronto." Money remitted in the lantern slide cases is at the sender's risk.

4. HOW TO ORDER. Use the application forms which are supplied free upon request. If ordering by letter give all the information asked for on the Application Form; and do not include correspondence for other Departments on the same sheet of paper. (A) Apply Early. Applications from points in Ontario should be made about two weeks in advance of the date when slides are required for use. For distant points, applications should be made as early as possible. (B) Order Sets by Numbers and when writing about sets always give the number. (C Give Alternative Numbers, so that other sets may be sent in the event of those first asked for being in use. We prefer your making the selection. If left to us we may send something you have used recently, or which is unsuitable for the purpose for which it is wanted. If, however, we are requested to make a selection, it is to be understood that what we send is to be accepted. (D) Telegraph or Telephone Orders accepted at customers' risk. (E) Late Orders will be attended to as promptly as possible. We have no Special Messenger Service. We cannot guarantee delivery of late orders. (F) Christmas Sets should be booked if possible before the first week in December. More sets are available in January than between Christmas and the New Year. (G) Lenten Sets. See special clause No. 9 "Lenten Circuits."

5. CONFIRMATION OF ORDERS. (A) All correspondence is answered as promptly as possible. During certain weeks, just before Christmas, Lent, etc., the volume of correspondence is so great as to make replies by return mail impossible, but we endeavour to care for your order within twenty-four hours. (B) We confirm all orders which are not to be shipped immediately. (C) Do not Announce or Advertise Lectures or Services until you have received our reply stating what set, or sets, are being reserved for you.

6. CANCELLATION OF ORDERS. (A) A Charge of twenty -five cents will be made for each shipment cancelled. Much detailed bookkeeping is involved in booking of sets, and other applications may have been refused in order to reserve sets for such shipment. (B) Orders Shipped cannot be cancelled, and are to be returned promptly. (C) Extension of Dates may be made upon request, if no other applications have been received from other persons.

7. READINGS. (A) Readings are loaned with such sets where "R" indicates that a reading is supplied. Careful handling of each copy is requested. (B) Readings are to be returned with the slides. If Readings are lost, a charge will be made for replacing same.

8. SHIPMENTS. (A) Express Shipments are sent charges collect, and are to be returned, charges prepaid. If the Express Co.'s Agent is not resident at place of delivery we must send shipments prepaid and charge the amount to the customer. (B) Parcel Post Shipments will be found convenient for small lots. (C) Early Delivery. Our rule is to send all shipments so as to arrive several clays in advance of the date when they are required for use. (D) Examine Packages before signing Express Co.'s receipt book. If case or —24— contents are damaged, sign "received damaged" so that a Claim may be made against the Company.

(E) Sets ordered "To Be Called for," will be made ready before time of calling. No allowance can be made in the Rental Charges, when such sets are not called for, nor cancelled before time. (F) Return Shipments should be made on the day following date (or last date) for which slides were reserved. This is most important. We reserve the right to make an extra charge for every day the slides are retained after the day of use. (G) Express Receipt Books are supplied by the Agent on application. These should be kept for reference in case of lost or damaged shipments.

9. CIRCUITS FOR LENT AND ADVENT. (A) Application for Sets to be used during the Season of Lent or Advent, should be made if possible 5 or 6 weeks before the season begins. (B) Allotments are made according to the majority of applications from a given locality, and not according to priority. The first to apply will, when possible, receive the sets of a series in the order as listed. Sets on the Life of Christ cannot always be supplied in order as listed; when this is the case a special set will be sent on the Passion, for use during Holy Week.

(C) Shipments are sent out so as to arrive several days in advance and a notice is sent to each person on a circuit stating by whom the balance of the series will be sent. Addressed gummed labels will be sent to be used in forwarding to the next person on the circuit.

(D) All shipments and Readings are to be forwarded Express charges collect, with the exception of the last set which is sent to this office Express prepaid.

(E) Immediately after the date for which slides are reserved, the shipment is to be sent on to the next person on the circuit. Failure to do this may mean that seven or more other places will be without a set during the Lenten season.

(F) Broken Slides should be reported to us immediately, so that we can replace them, when possible.

10. LOCAL CIRCUITS. (A) Two or more persons residing in the same place or locality may agree to use certain sets about the same time.

(B) Express charges are saved, and time as well, by this method. It is to be distinctly understood, however, that application for such use are to be made direct to us, and rental charges paid by each person or School using the sets.

(C) During Lent this plan is specially useful. If seven persons or schools in a locality agree to use one set each week, during the seven weeks of Lent, the entire series will be sent to one address from which point they can be passed on to those who are to use them.

(D) Applications must contain names and addresses of all persons who are to use the series and dates of use.

11. BREAKAGES. (A) Breakages of slides during transit will be charged to the customer unless payment for the same has been made by the Claims Dept. of the Express Co. (See paragraph 8, clause D). Slides broken while in the possession of applicant, are to be paid for at cost of replacing same.

(B) We earnestly ask that the greatest care be taken of the slides while in your possession. All breakages while in your possession will be charged to your account. (C) Please note carefully the following: Do not entrust the handling of the slides to inexperienced lantern operators. —25— Do not put slides which have been recently exposed to a freezing temperature, into a hot Lantern. Do not pile slides on a table in the dark, where they are liable to be knocked off. As each slide is removed from the Lantern place it in the case. Do not pack slides in the case any tighter than they were when they were sent. See that Cardboard packing is against ends of cases (and on both sides of wood partitions, when these are used). Do not use wads of paper for packing.

12. COMPLAINTS. Should you feel at any time that you have a cause for complaint, you will find us most ready to listen, and to make amends should the fault be ours. In cases of any inattention on the part of the Department write to D. B. Rogers, Secretary of the Editorial and Supplies Departments and mark your envelope "Personal." PART I—BIBLICAL AND RELIGIOUS SUBJECTS CLASS A.—OLD TESTAMENT SETS.


The Old Testament Story as portrayed in pictures has been conveniently arranged in chronological order, in the sets listed as numbers 1701 to 1746. These sets may be used with Junior Congregations or with adults by adapting the Reading for the desired purpose. Some will find them valuable for use in reviewing Sunday School Lessons or for Bible Class discussions.

MH -"-1 ID Sj Set No. . -o M c BEFORE THE PATRIARCHS: 0) 1701 The Story of Creation RC 17 50.75 1702 From Eden to Babel RC 14 .65 THE PATRIARCHS: 1703 The Call of Abraham RC 17 .75 1704 Abraham and Lot RC 15 .65 1705 The Promise to Abraham Fulfilled RC 14 .65 1706 Isaac Inherits the Promise RC 17 .75 1707 Isaac and his Sons RC 16 .75 1708 Jacob and Esau Reconciled RC 16 .75 1709 Joseph Sold Into Egypt RC 16 .75 1710 Joseph's Dream Realized RC 15 .65 1711 Joseph Tests His Brothers RC 16 .75 1712 Israel's Migration Into Egypt RC 17 .75 MOSES AND THE EXODUS: 1713 Israel Enslaved. Moses Exiled RC 16 .75 1714 The Call and Mission of Moses RC 17 .75 1715 The Exodus RC 16 .75 1716 Israel at Sinai _ _ RC 18 .75 1717 Construction of the Tabernacle RC 17 .75 1718 Tabernacle Worship RC 15 .65 1719 Rites and Ceremonies RC 15 .65 1720 The Wilderness Wanderings RC 15 .65 1721 The Last Days of Moses RC 17 .75 JOSHUA AND THE JUDGES: 1722 Joshua, The Taking of Jericho - RC 18 .75 1723 The Settlement in Canaan RC 17 .75 1724 Deborah and Gideon „ _ - RC 16 .75 14 .65 1725 Stories of Jephthah and Ruth . — RC 1726 The Life of Samson - RC 17 .75 1727 Samuel RC 17 .75 —26— THE UNITED KINGDOM:

1728 King Saul RC 16 .75

1729 David the Shepherd Boy _. RC 18 .75 1730 David the Outlaw RC 18 .75 1731 David the King RC 18 .75 1732 David's Last Years RC 18 .75 1733 King Solomon RC 18 .75


1734 The Kingdom Divided RC 17 .75 1735 The Ministry of Elijah RC 18 .75 1736 The Ministry of Elisha RC 18 .75 1737 The Fall of Israel RC 17 .75

1738 The Mission of Jonah ., RC 16 .75 1739 Prophets and Kings of Judah RC 18 .75 1740 The Fall of Judah RC 18 .75


1741 The Life and Times of Ezekiel RC 14 .65 1742 Daniel, Early Stories „ RC 16 .75

1743 Daniel, Later Stories _ a _ RC 14 .65 1744 The Story of Esther RC 16 .75 1745 The Return and Restoration RC 18 .75 1746 The Maccabees RC 14 .65


In these sets of slides we are following a new method. The slides are listed in the order indicated by the Bible. While no reading is prepared the Scripture passage covered by the slide is indicated in a list which accompanies each set. These Bible selections, or part of them, may be read by those who do not care to give their own interpretation.

761 Creation to Noah C 14 .55 762 Abraham and Isaac C 18 .70 763 Jacob _ C 10 .40 764 Joseph C 18 .70 765 Moses and the Deliverance C 10 .40

766 In the Wilderness „ „. C 14 .55 767 Before the Death of Moses C 9 .35 768 Joshua and the Conquest C 10 .40 769 Deborah, Gideon and Samson C 15 .60

770 Ruth and Samuel „.„ _. C 15 .60

771 Saul and David „... „ „ C 9 .35

772 David as King .... C 10 .40 773 Solomon and Jeroboam „ C 10 .40 774 Elijah _ _ C 18 .70

775 Elisha _._ „ C 10 .40

776 Joash to Jehoichim „ „ „. C 12 .50 777 The Exile and Return C 20 .75 778 Jonah and Daniel C 10 .40 —27— SERIES III

Sets 2090 to 2095 are beautifully coloured reproductions of Dr. Hole's 75 pictures of Old Testament. Those who have used our New Testament slides by Dr. Hole will know what to expect. These are all beautifully coloured. They will be found most useful in making a rapid review of the Old Testament. There is not yet any reading.

2090 Abraham to Bondage in Egypt C 10 .50 2091 Egypt to Canaan _ C 11 .60 2092 Conquest of Canaan to Death of Saul _ C 17 .75 2093 David to Division of Kingdoms C 12 .65 2094 Judah and Israel to the Fall of Samaria C 12 .65 2095 Fall of Samaria to Return under Nehemiah C 13 .65


1 Old Testament Stories „ C 10 .50 25 Some Children of the Old Testament HCP 10 .40 26 Some Women of the Old Testament CP 14 .55 27 Some Men of the Old Testament CP 30 1.25 42 Some Women of the Old Testament RH 30 .90 712 The Story of Job P 10 .30 738 Elisha and Naaman CP 13 .40 752 Life of Moses CPH 24 .90 753 Some Old Testament Heroes (Dore Bible) RC 8 .25 755 Story of Abraham CP 29 1.00 756 Life of Joseph RC 12 .50 757 Shepherd Life in Palestine, Part I RCH 30 1.50 758 Shepherd Life in Palestine, Part II (The Shepherd Psalm ) RCH 26 1.50 759 Noah to the Maccabees (reproduced from the work of the sculptor D. Mastroianni) P 36 1.00 2051 The Story of Daniel RFP 12 .30 2053 The Story of Daniel _ RFC 12 .60 2052 Esther RFC 13 .60 2055 The Lord is My Shepherd (Psalm 23) FC 6 .25 2085 David to Daniel C 27 1.25 2099 The Lord is My Shepherd (Psalm 23) RC 12 .60 See also 2001-2003 Starlight and Sunlight of Revelation. CLASS B.—NEW TESTAMENT THE LIFE OF CHRIST

In the following sets, the Life of Christ is divided into three parts. Part 3 contains both the Passion and the Easter Story. LIFE OF CHRIST (Hole).

585 Growth RC 23 1.15 586 Labour RC 28 1.40 587 Victory RC 29 1.45

LIFE OF CHRIST. (Same as sets 585-587).

588 Growth, Part 1 RCP 23 .85 589 Labour, Part 2 RCP 28 1.00 590 Victory, Part 3 RCP 29 1.00

LIFE OF CHRIST. (Same as sets 585-587).

591 Growth, Part 1 - „ RCP 23 .95 592 Labour, Part 2 RCP 28 1.00 593 Victory, Part 3 - RCP 29 1.00 —28— LIFE OF CHRIST. (Same as sets 585-587). 594 Growth, Part 1 RCP 23 .70 595 Labour, Part 2 - RCP 28 .90 596 Victory, Part 3 RCP 29 .90

LIFE OF CHRIST. (Same as sets 585-587). 597 Growth, Part 1 RC 23 1.15 598 Labour, Part 2 RC 28 1.40 599 Victory, Part 3 RC 29 1.45 See also under Lenten Sets, such as Nos. 500-577, 2035-2042, 261-308, etc. VARIOUS SETS 3 Life of Christ Part 1, Infancy and Youth (Tissot) CP 13 .50 4 Life of Christ Part 2, Ministry (Tissot) CP 25 1.00 5 Life of Christ Part 3, Passion (Tissot) HCP 35 1.25 31 Some Children of the New Testament HCP 12 .50 32 Women of the New Testament _ RPC 25 .75 33 Men of the New Testament CP 16 .75 49 Parables (Copping) CP 8 .30 50 Parables _ CP 10 .35 82 Life of Christ (Dore) RC 8 .25 83 Life of Christ (Dore) RC 8 .25 115 The Sower _ C 4 .15 117 The Prodigal Son (from old prints) C 8 .25 140 Blind Bartimaeus (Noyes Lewis) RC 7 .35 141 With a Pilot and Without (Slides Titled) 25 .75 2057 Statutes of Christ and His Disciples FP 13 .50 2097 Life of Christ (Hofmann) 36 1.00 2098 Life of Christ (Hofmann) C 36 1.50 2043 The Prodigal Son FC 10 .50 2044 The Talents - FP 8 .25 2045 The Good Shepherd _ FC 10 .40 2046 The Wicked Husbandmen FC 8 .30 2086 The Wicked Husbandmen - FC 8 .30 2506 The Prodigal Son RC 12 .50 2507 The Prodigal Son RC 12 .50 2508 Parables of Our Lord RC 14 .40 37 The Talents _ P 8 .25

See also under Sets for Christmas, Lent, etc. STORIES FROM THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES LIFE OF ST. PAUL. The following two series of six sets each will prove to be a very interesting series in the study of the Life of the great Missionary Hero. During the season of Lent, they can only be obtained in serial form the same as the Life of Christ series. Those using these series during Lent should order a special set for Holy Week.

59 Youth and Conversion R 20 .60 60 First Missionary Journey R 20 .60 61 Second Missionary Journey R 20 .60 62 Third Missionary Journey _ R 20 .60 63 Arrest and Journey to Rome R 20 .60 64 Imprisonment and Death R 20 .60 PAUL THE DAUNTLESS.

2201 Paul the Dauntless, Part 1 RHC 35 1.25 2202 Paul the Dauntless, Part 2 RHC 34 1.25 2203 Paul the Dauntless, Part 3 RHC 25 1.25 2204 Paul the Dauntless, Part 4 RHC 29 1.25 2205 Paul the Dauntless, Part 5 RHC 23 1.25 2206 Paul the Dauntless, Part 6 RHC 26 1.25 —29— 10 St. Peter C 12 .40 203 Life of St. Peter, Part I C 18 .75 204 Life of St. Peter, Part II C 18 .75 6 Scenes from Life of St. Paul FC 15 .30

7 Scenes from the Life of St. Paul ., C 12 .35 2054 Life of St. Paul RC 36 1.75 65 Stories from the Book of the Acts PC 11 .50

CLASS C—SETS FOR CHRISTMAS. In addition to the sets listed under these headings, many sets in the various "Life of Christ" Series and sets for Lent will be found suitable. See also "Christmas Carol," etc., under "Class 'H' Stories illustrated." 3 Infancy and Youth C 13 .50 191 The Morning Star H 14 .40 257 Story of the Nativity P 24 .75 540-549 The Christmas Story (Hole) (Ten Sets) RC 10 .35 800-819 One Night in Bethlehem RHCP 20 .75 These twenty sets all the same (800-819) illustrate a pretty little story based on the facts given in St. Luke's Gospel.

2358 The Other Wise Man RPC 45 1.35 2359 The Other Wise Man RPC 45 1.35 2056 The Other Wise Man FRC 40 2.00 2368 The Other Wise Man RCP 17 .60 2357 The Star of the King RC 28 1.25 459 Birth and Childhood C 25 1.00

The following sets listed under Hymn Titles, illustrate the story of the hymn, together with one or more slides with the Hymn illustrated. 453 Hark! the Herald Angels Sing HCP 8 .30 660-669 Hark! the Herald Angels Sing (Ten Sets) „ RHCP 12 .35

670-689 Hark! the Herald Angels Sing (Twenty Sets) ... RHCP 10 .35 650-659 O Come, all ye Faithful (Ten Sets) RHCP 10 .35 454 While Shepherds Watched their Flocks - HCP 8 .30 455 O little Town of Bethlehem HCP 8 .30 456 Angels from the Realms of Glory HCP 8 .25 For Christmas entertainment see Class K, Illustrated Stories.

CLASS D.—SETS FOR LENT, GOOD FRIDAY AND EASTER. The following sets are especially arranged in groups for use on the "Circuit Plan," (see Article 5 in Rules and Regulations) during the season of Lent. At any other time of the year these sets of course are available separately. See also Church History and Stories from the Acts of the Apostles.


This set has been arranged for use during consecutive weeks in the Lenten Season or during the winter. It traces the development of Revelation.

2001 Creation to Bondage - RCP 32 1.00 2002 Escape from Egypt to Entrance to Canaan RCP 32 1.00 2003 Entrance to Promised Land to Return from Captivity RCP 31 1.00 2004 Birth of Christ to Rejecting at Nazareth RCP 32 1.00 2005 Call of the Four to the Sending of the Twelve RCP 28 1.00 2006 Sending of Twelve Till the Final Journey to Jerusalem RCP 33 1.00 2007 Triumphal Entry to the Crucifixion RCP 32 1.00 2008 Resurrection, Ascension, Extension of the Church into all the World - RCP 35 1.00 —30— THE GOSPEL. The following sets were especially selected by the S. P. C. K. for extension work, and were for several years circulated in England among its agencies. Readings are brief outlines.

261 The Gospel of Sacrifice or Old Testament Types H 34 1.00 262 The Gospel of Peace or the Christmas Story RHCP 29 .80 263 The Gospel of Work or The Call to Service HCP 30 .90 264 The Gospel of Faith or The Ministry of our Lord HCP 28 .80 260 The Gospel of Prayer or The Lord's Prayer RHCP 27 .80 265 The Gospel of Love or The Passion of Our Lord HCP 25 .80 266 Wounded for Our Transgressions RHCP 30 .95

LIFE OF CHRIST (No Scenes) (All Hole's Pictures). William Hole, R.A., spent some time in the Holy Land, making sketches of places and scenes with which our Lord was familiar. His "local colour" work is excellent, and his eighty sketches illustrating the life of Christ are most inspiring. In response to many requests, we have made up a number of sets containing a small number of slides.

570 Infancy and Youth RC 10 .50 571 Temptation and Beginning of Ministry RC 10 .50 572 Ministry, Part 1 „ RC 10 .50 573 Ministry, Part 2 _ RC 10 .50 574 Ministry, Part 3 RC 10 .50

575 From Palm Sunday to Arrest :. „ RC 10 .50 576 Trial and Crucifixion ~ RC 10 .50 577 Resurrection and Ascension RC 10 .50

LIFE OF CHRIST (No Scenes) (All Hole's Pictures).

2035 Infancy and Youth - „...-. RC 10 .50 2036 Temptation and Beginning of Ministry RC 10 .50 2037 Ministry, Part 1 RC 10 .50 2038 Ministry, Part 2 RC 10 .50 2039 Ministry, Part 3 RC 10 .50 2040 From Palm Sunday to Arrest RC 10 .50 2041 Trial and Crucifixion „ RC 10 .50 2042 Resurrection and Ascension RC 10 .50


500 Infancy and Youth _ RC 12 .50 501 Temptation and Beginning of Ministry RC 12 .50 502 Ministry, Part 1 _ RC 12 .50 503 Ministry, Part 2 _ _. RC 12 .50 504 Ministry, Part 3 RC 12 .50 505 From Palm Sunday to Arrest RC 12 .50

506 Trial and Crucifixion _ , RC 12 .50 507 Resurrection and Ascension RC 12 .50

LIFE OF CHRIST (Hole) (Same as sets 500-507).

508 Infancy and Youth _.„ _.._ „ RC 12 .50 509 Temptation and Beginning of Ministry RC 12 .50 510 Ministry, Part 1 RC 12 .50 511 Ministry, Part 2 __ RC 12 .50 512 Ministry, Part 3 _.... RC 12 .50 513 From Palm Sunday to Arrest RC 12 .50 514 Trial and Crucifixion RC 12 .50 515 Resurrection and Ascension RC 12 50

-31— LIFE OF CHRIST (Same as sets 500-507).

516 Infancy and Youth _ RC 12 .50 517 Temptation and Beginning of Ministry RC 12 .50 518 Ministry, Part 1 - RC 12 .50

519 Ministry, Part 2 ... RC 12 .50 520 Ministry, Part 3 RC 12 .50

521 From Palm Sunday to Arrest ., RC 12 .50 522 Trial and Crucifixion RC 12 .50 523 Resurrection and Ascension RC 12 .50

LIFE OF CHRIST (Same as sets 500-507). 524 Infancy and Youth RCP 12 .10 525 Temptation and Beginning of Ministry RCP 12 .40 526 Ministry, Part 1 RCP 12 .40 527 Ministry, Part 2 RCP 12 .40 528 Ministry, Part 3 „ - RCP 12 .40 529 From Palm Sunday to Arrest RCP 12 .40 530 Trial and Crucifixion RCP 12 .40 531 Resurrection and Ascension RCP 12 .40

LIFE OF CHRIST (Hole) (Same as sets 500-507). 532 Infancy and Youth RCP 12 .40 533 Temptation and Beginning of Ministry RCP 12 .40 534 Ministry, Part 1 RCP 12 .40 535 Ministry, Part 2 RCP 12 .40 536 Ministry, Part 3 RCP 12 .40 537 From Palm Sundav to Arrest RCP 12 .40 538 Trial and Crucifixion RCP 12 .40 539 Resurrection and Ascension RCP 12 .40

LIFE OF CHRIST (Copping). 2207 Private Life C 10 .50 2208 Preparation for Ministry C 8 .40 2209 Ministry, Part 1 C 12 .65 2210 Ministry, Part 2 C 9 .45 2211 Ministry, Part 3 C 11 .55 2212 Holy Week C 10 .50 2213 Easter „ C 8 .25 THE DAY OF THE LORD. The following arrangements of sets will be found convenient for a brief review of the Life of our Lord. 280 Dawn—The Christmas Story HCP 10 .35

281 Daybreak—The Epiphany ...» „ HCP 10 .35 282 Noontide— (1) Advent and Temptation HCP 10 .35 283 Noontide— (2) Some of the Miracles HCP 10 .35 284 Noontide— (3) Some of His Teachings HCP 10 .35 285 Eventide—Story of the Passion HCP 10 .35 286 Night—The Crucifixion HCP 10 .35 287 Sunrise—The Easter Story „ HCP 10 .35 THE DAY OF THE LORD. The slides used in the following series are similar to those of the foregoing. 288 Dawn—The Christmas Story HCP 10 .35 289 Daybreak—The Epiphanv HCP 10 .35 290 Noontide— (1) Advent and Temptation HCP 10 .35 291 Noontide— (2) Some of the Miracles HCP 10 .35 292 Noontide— (3) Some of His Teachings ._ HCP 10 .35 293 Eventide—Story of the Passion HCP 10 .35 294 Night—The Crucifixion HCP 10 .35 295 Sunrise—The Easter Story HCP 10 .35


The following sets are similar to those used in sets 280-287. 296 Dawn—The Christmas Story HCP 10 .35 297 Daybreak—The Epiphany HCP 10 .35 298 Noontide— (1) Advent and Temptation HCP 10 .35 299 Noontide— (2) Some of the Miracles HCP 10 .35 300 Noontide— (3) Some of His Teachings HCP 10 .35 301 Eventide—Story of the Passion HCP 10 .35 302 Night—The Crucifixion HCP 10 .35 303 Sunrise—The Easter Story HCP 10 .35


The works of many artists have been gathered together to make up the following eight sets:

125 Infancy and Youth „ .:.. RHCP 30 1.00 126 1st Year Ministry „... RHCP 34 1.00 127 2nd Year Ministrv RHCP 39 1.50 128 3rd Year Ministry RHCP 36 1.25

129 Closing Year i. RHCP 38 1.50 130 Passion—Condemnation RHCP 23 .80 131 Passion—Crucifixion - RHCP 22 .80 132 Resurrection _ RHCP 31 1.00


These sets are arranged conveniently under subject headings, and include many slides from very fine pictures.

192 The Sunrising, (Epiphany) RC 14 .50 193 Noontide RC 14 .50 194 The Great Preacher _ RC 14 .50 195 The Great Physician (Miracles) RC 14 .50 196 The Great Artist RC 14 .50 197 The Great Prophet RC 14 .50 52 Rejected of Men RC 14 .50

THE LOVE OF GOD. 2214 Love Incarnate-—Nativity and Preparation RHC 25 1.15 2215 Love Manifest—Ministry of Jesus RHC 30 1.40 2216 Love Opposed—Holy Week in the Holy City RHC 50 2.00 2217 The Way of Love—The Road to Calvary RHC 43 2.00

2218 . Love Spurned—Betrayal RHC 43 2.00 2219 Love Revealed—Glory of the Cross - RHC 37 1.75 2220 Love Triumphant—Palm Sunday to Ascension RHC 31 1.45


These slides are reproduced from the work of the sculptor Domenico Nostroianni. A list of the slides accompanies each set.

2510 Infancy and Youth HP 12 .40 2511 Constructive Period HP 14 .45 2512 Culminating Period - HP 13 .40 2513 Closing Period HP 11 .35 2514 Triumphal Entry to Betrayal - HP 11 .35 2515 Arrest to Crucifixion HP 11 .35 2516 Easter to Ascension HP 11 .35 —33— THE PARABLES. The first six of the following sets are selected from the excellent drawings by Mr. Noyes Lewis, who has specialized in reproducing the parables in groups of pictures. 122 The Sower C 5 .25

45 The Good Samaritan ..... C 8 .35 47 The Prodigal Son C 8 .35 118 The Talents „ C 9 .40 121 The Great Supper „_ ..„ C 9 .40 38 The Ten Virgins „ _ C 9 .40 618 The Good Shepherd HC 17 .75 THE PARABLES. Duplicates of the foregoing.

123 The Sower CP 5 .20 46 The Good Samaritan „ CP 8 .30 48 The Prodigal Son _ CP 8 .30 119 The Talents CP 9 .35 139 The Great Supper CP 9 .35 39 The Ten Virgins CP 9 .35 619 The Good Shepherd HCP 17 .60 FROM BETHANY TO CALVARY.

A shortened form of Evening Prayer is included in each of these sets. A well printed reading, two or three coloured slides and suitable hymns, have been com- bined to make this a very popular series.

209 A Sabbath at Bethany .„.. RHCP 26 .80 210 The King and City (Palm Sunday) RHCP 25 .80 211 The Great Refiner - RHCP 26 .80 212 A Day of Questions and Answers RHCP 27 .80 213 A Bad Bargain (Judas) - - RHCP 26 .80 214 The Feast and the Founder, (Lord's Supper) RHCP 24 .75 215 The Magnet of the Cross, (Crucifixion) RHCP 33 1.00 (Including Hymn Slides—Story of the Cross)


The first five of these services are from the Bishop of London's "Men Who Crucified Christ", and the seventh is given as nearly as possible in his own words, by the Bishop's kind permission. A shortened form of Evening Prayer is supplied. Hymns and a few coloured slides are found in each set. Many of the slides are from Tissot's Pictures, and, with the aid of the Solos, these services are most impressive.

238 Judas (Including Hymn 578) _ RHCP 37 1.10 239 Caiaphas (Including Hymn 580) RHCP 37 1.10 240 Herod (Including Hymn 755) RHCP 37 1.10 241 Pilate (Solo Hymn 503) _ „ RHCP 37 1.10 242 The Multitude (Solo Hymn 764) _ RHCP 37 1.10 243 The Story of the Passion (Solo Hymn 545) RHCP 43 1.30 244 The Seven Words from the Cross RHCP 28 .90 THE MEN WHO CRUCIFIED CHRIST. Note remarks under previous series.

231 The Way of Grief (Solo Hymn 150) RHCP 33 1.00 232 Judas (Solo Hymn 578) RHCP 37 1.10 233 Caiaphas (Solo Hymn 580) RHCP 37 1.10 234 Herod (Solo Hymn 755) RHCP 37 1.10 235 Pilate (Solo Hymn 503) RHCP 37 1.10 236 The Multitude (Solo Hymn 764) RHCP 37 1.10 237 Cross and Passion „ _. RHCP 45 1.40 —34— •THE TRAVAIL OF HIS SOUL". A series of Lantern Addresses on "The Words from the Cross". A specially well printed reading is prepared for each set in this series, and the method of treatment of subject has made this a very popular Lenten series. Service and hymn slides included in each set. Many of Tissot's pictures are in the sets. 250 Jesus and Sinners, "Father, Forgive Them" RHCP 36 1.00 (Including slides to illustrate Solo Hymn 757.) 251 Jesus and the Penitent, "Today Shalt Thou be with Me in Paradise" „„ RHCP 36 1.00 252 Jesus and His Friends, "Woman, Behold Thy Son". RHCP 36 1.00 253 Jesus and Perplexity, "Eloi, Eloi. Lama, Sabachthani" RHCP 36 1.00 254 Jesus and Pain, "I Thirst" RHCP 36 1.00 255 Jesus and His Work, "It is Finished" RHCP 36 1.00 256 The Day of the Cross RHCP 32 1.00


224 Jesus and Sinners (Solo Hymn 757) '.. RHCP 36 1.00 225 Jesus and the Penitent RHCP 36 1.00 226 Jesus and His Friends RHCP 36 1.00 227 Jesus and Perplexity RHCP 36 1.00 228 Jesus and Pain RHCP 36 1.00 229 Jesus and His Work -._ RHCP 36 1.00 230 This is My Body - „ RHCP 36 1.00 THE FIRST GOOD FRIDAY. These sets are made up in response to requests for sets containing a few slides. These may be very conveniently sent by mail at borrower's risk. 304 Supper in the Upper Room HCP 8 .30 305 Suffering in Gethsemane _ HCP 8 .30 306 Sin ___ HCP 8 .30 307 Sorrows of Cross Bearing _ _ HCP 8 .30 308 Sacrifice (Crucifixion) HCP 8 .30 309 Shadows (Death and Burial) HCP 8 .30 310 Sunrise (Easter) _ HCP 8 .30 311 Sunshine (Appearances and Ascension) HCP 8 .30

THE MANHOOD OF THE MASTER. The eight following sets are character studies based upon Dr. H. E. Fosdick's book. 350 The Master's Joy RHCP 9 .25 351 The Master's Magnanimity RHCP 8 .25 352 The Master's Indignation _..„ RHCP 8 .25 353 The Master's Endurance RHCP 8 .25 354 The Master's Affection RHCP 8 .25 355 The Master's Scale of Values RHCP 8 .25 356 Measure of the Stature of the Fulness of Christ „. RHCP 10 .30 357 The Master's Fearlessness RHCP 8 .25 THE SINNER AND THE SAVIOUR. The Readings for the following series are very brief, being more in the nature of an outline, thus leaving the speaker to enlarge upon his subject. 403 Sin RCP 18 .65 404 Repentance _ _ „..„ RHCP 18 .60 405 Atonement RHCP 14 .45 406 Faith RHCP 20 .60 407 Forgiveness RHCP 20 .65 408 Count Your Blessings RCP 20 .65 425 The Story of the Cross _ „ CP 14 .45 426 Death Overcome CP 14 .45 —35— —


A study of Old and New Testament events, under topical headings, is provided in this series. The slides are by various artists, and the readings are very brief, more in the nature of an outline. This series should prove an interesting and helpful one for a series of addresses.

428 God's Love in Creation RCP 18 .60 429 God's Love in Redemption „ _ RCP IB .60 430 God's Love in Sanctitication _ RCP 16 .60

431 God's Love in Providence . RCP 18 .60 432 God's Love in His Promises RCP 20 .60 433 God's Love as Revealed by His Ministering Angels (Old Testament) „„. H 15 .45 434 God's Love as Revealed by His Ministering Angels ( New Testament ) _ _ H CP 15 .50 435 God's Love in Preparing Heaven _ RHCP 13 .40


The Collect, Epistle and Gospel for the days indicated are briefly illustrated in the eight following sets.

436 Ash Wednesday ., HCP 12 .40 437 1st Sunday in Lent, "Temptation" HCP 12 .40 438 2nd Sunday in Lent, "Kept" HCP 12 40

439 3rd Sunday in Lent, "Defended" : HCP 12 .40 440 4th Sunday in Lent, "Provided For" HCP 12 .40 441 5th Sunday in Lent, "Atoned For" HCP 12 .40 442 6th Sunday in Lent, "The Last Week" HCP 12 .40

443 Good Friday : HCP 12 .40 444 Easter Sunday HCP 12 .40


The first six sets in this series have been designed in the States (Size "F"). The Readings are brief and form a very interesting outline for Addresses.

820 Crucibles of Character RHCP 24 .75 821 Wholeness and Holiness RCP 26 .75 822 Fold and Flock, (The 23rd Psalm) RCP 21 .75 823 "Hearing and Earing", (Parable of the Sower) RCP 25 .75 824 The Good Shepherd, (Parable) _ RCP 17 .60 825 "Behold I Stand at the Door and Knock" CP 20 .75 826 Tested and Tried, (Life of St. Peter) RCP 26 .90


173 "Lest We Forget", 1st and 2nd Commandments RH 14 .40

174 "Remember", 3rd and 4th Commandments . RH 15 .45 175 "Honour Thy Father", 5th and 6th Commandments... RH 15 .45 176 "The Detective", 7th and 8th Commandments RH 15 .45 177 "Tried for Perjury", 9th and 10th Commandments...... RH 15 .45 178 "The Ten in One", 1st to 10th Commandments RH 24 .70 258 "The New Law", (Beatitudes) 22 .65 2261-2263 Hosanna (Specially for Children) RC 12 .50


54 From Destruction to the Cross RHCP 40 1.00 55 From the Cross to the Fair RHCP 40 1.00 56 From Vanity Fair to the Celestial City RHCP 37 1.00 57 The Pilgrimage of Christian and Mercy RHCP 38 1.00 —36— SETS FOR GOOD FRIDAY These sets may be used at any season of the year, and many are available for use during the early part of Lent. HE IS DESPISED AND REJECTED OF MEN. These sets link together some of the many incidents of our Lord's being Despised and Rejected, culminating in the Crucifixion. 460-469 He is Despised and Rejected of Men (10 sets) RHCP 30 1.00

491-499 He is Despised and Rejected of Men ( 9 sets) „ RHCP 30 1.00 THE STORY OF THE PASSION, (Hole's). The Readings of these sets are extracts from the Gospel Record. 550-559 The Story of the Passion (10 sets) RHCP 22 .75 THE WAY OF THE CROSS. These views of the streets through which our Saviour carried His Cross will help many of us to realize more clearly some of the details of this portion of the Passion Story. 470-479 The Way of the Cross (10 sets) „ RCP 16 .60 HIS LAST DAY. The Readings for the sets are text extracts from the Gospels. 445-452 His Last Day (8 sets) RHCP 30 1.00

457-458 His Last Day (2 sets) .. RHCP 30 1.00 THE FIRST GOOD FRIDAY. The story of the chief events of the First Good Friday is recorded in this set. The Pictures are a collection of masterpieces of a number of artists. 480-489 The First Good Friday (10 sets) „ CP 20 .70 FROM THE UPPER ROOM, TO THE BELOVED DISCIPLE'S HOME. In the following set many new pictures have been included. The Reading includes the Scripture passage and a brief article telling the story of the scene illustrated. 630-649 From the Upper Room to the Beloved Disciple's Home (20 sets) .„ RCP 22 .75 VARIOUS SETS 2251 The Passion Play, Oberammergau, 1930, Part I (Introduction, History and Players) - RCP 56 2.00 2252 The Passion Play, Oberammergau, 1930, Part II (The setting and the play) - RCP 73 3.00 2253 The Passion Play at Oberammergau, 1930 (Com- plete play) RCP 59 2.50

829 The Passion Play at Oberammergau (1920) ... RCF 53 2.00 2058 The Passion Play at Oberammergau (1920) RCF 60 2.70 2 The Passion, (From Old Prints) _ CP 16 .50 5 The Passion, (Tissot) CP 35 1.25 35 The Passion and Easter Story, (From old prints) CP 16 .50 51 The Passion of our Lord ..... „ CP 17 .60 53 The Lamb of God H 14 .40 58 Lenten Hymn Service HCP 24 .70 44 The Story of the Passion (Old Prints) C 14 .45 144 Temptation and Fall of Judas — — H 12 .35 246 Temptation (Including Service) R 38 1.10 249 Opportunity RHCP 36 1.00 2254K Stations of the Cross RC 14 .50 2255K Stations of the Cross RC 14 .50 2256 Stations of the Cross ~ _ - RC 14 .50 2257 Stations of the Cross RC 14 .50 2258 Calvary — RHCP 16 .60 830 "From Olivet to Calvary." This set illustrates the Sacred Cantata (Maunder) and is intended to be used during the singing of the various parts RHCP 45 1.50 —37— EASTER AND ASCENSION 40 The Easter Story HCP 13 .40 41 Resurrection and Ascension _ H 14 .40 153 Victory HCP 14 .45 259 Walk to Emmaus (Art Sermon) P 37 1.10 560-569 The Easter Story (Hole) (10 sets) RHCP 10 .35 See also under Classes B. and D.

CLASS E.—CHILDREN'S SERVICES While many of the foregoing series are suitable for use for children's services by adapting the readings, the following groups are especially designed for such use. We advise the use of the Children's Service slides, as listed in our supplies list, for use with these slides.

PRECEPT UPON PRECEPT. (Part 1). The readings for the following sets are taken from the well known children's Story of the Life of Christ, "Precept upon Precept". Well known hymns suggest the titles for each set, and are included in the set. 372 While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks RCHP 9 .30 374 Forty Days and Forty Nights (Temptation) RHCP 7 .25 375 Jesus Call Us; o'er the Tumult, (Discipleship) RHCP 10 .30 377 God Moves in a Mysterious Way, (Miracles) RHCP 10 .30 379 Ride on! Ride on in Majesty, (Palm Sunday) RHCP 9 .30 381 Art Thou Weary, (Judgment) - RHCP 12 .30 383 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross, (Death) HCP 10 .30 386 Abide with Me, (Emmaus and Ascension) HCP 8 .30

PRECEPT UPON PRECEPT. (Part 2). 373 As With Gladness Men of Old, (Epiphany) RHCP 11 .30 376 How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds, (The Healer) RHCP 8 .30 378 Loving Shepherd of the Sheep, (The Good Shepherd) RHCP 9 .30 380 Christian! Seek Not Yet Repose, (Gethsemane) RHCP 8 .30 382 There Is a Green Hill Far Away, (Crucified) RHCP 8 .30 384 Christ the Lord is Risen To-Day, (Easter) HCP 8 .30 385 Jesus, These Eyes Have Never Seen, (Appearances) HCP 10 .30/ 387 There's a Friend for Little Children, (Emmaus and Ascension ) _ - CP 8 .30

THE NARROW WAY. (Part 1). These two following groups of sets gleaned from Old Testament and New Testament stories will be found helpful for children's Services, and also for adults. 415 Lost RHCP 17 .55 418 Seeking HCP 12 .40 416 Found _ RHCP 17 .60 417 Almost Persuaded RHCP 13 .45 419 Working „ HCP 16 .55 420 Dying HCP 13 .45 427 In My Stead - - HCP 14 .40 421 Life Eternal CP 13 .45 422 Thrice Attacked CP 13 .45


409 Temptation _ - RHCP 17 .55 410 Trial RHCP 13 .40 411 Love - - RHCP 17 .55 412 Joy _ - RHCP 16 .55 413 Hope - - RHCP 15 .50 15 .50 414 Peace ....- RHCP 423 Footprints of an Uncrowned King, (Good Friday) RHCP 20 .65 424 Footprints of an Uncrowned King, (Easter) RHCP 14 .50 —38— VARIOUS.

2268 The Children's Saviour. Part 1 HC 18 .75 2269 The Children's Saviour. Part 2 HC 24 1.00 2261 Hosanna RC 12 .50 2262 Hosanna RC 12 .50 2263 Hosanna RC 12 .50 2264-2267 The Life of Jesus (4 sets) RC 15 .60 608 Children of the King RHCP 17 .50 609 Jesus at the Door RHCP 16 .50 611 The Man of Sorrows RHCP 19 .60 8 Some Mothers of the Bible C 12 .50 142 Scouting and Watching RCP 14 .40 120 Fight the Good Fight 15 .45 617 From the Pit to the Palace, or, In the Hands of the Potter RH 27 .75 949 Behold the Birds of the Air RHCP 37 1.00 388 The Flowers of the Field, (Slide Titled for Subject) CP 36 1.25 616 Mountain Tops of the Bible RHCP 25 .80 133 "My Peace I give unto You" RHCP 15 .60 135 The Price of Peace RCP 15 .60 1110 Service for Children as in the Prayer Book 11 .30 2501-2505 Missionary Service H 19 .50 1115 Catechism Complete 15 .45 1120 Catechism Part 1, Covenant and Faith 4 .15 1125 Catechism Part 2, Commandments 4 .15 1130 Catechism Part 3, Prayer 3 .10

1135 Catechism Part 4, Sacraments .). 4 .15


36 The Apostles' Creed 18 .50 84 Baptism R 25 .75 85 Confirmation R 26 .75 112 Book of Common Prayer, (Its Growth and Structure) R 49 1.50 247 Everyman's History of the English Church R 45 1.00 907 A Visit to Westminster Abbey R 35 1.00


946 Early Days of the Church in England R 60 1.50 268 Canterbury Cathedral, Part I RP 29 .75 269 Canterbury Cathedral, Part II RP 33 .75 831 Story of Our English Bible RHCP 50 2.00 371 Book of Common Prayer, (same as 112) R 49 1.50 80 The Cathedrals of England and Wales, Part 1 RCP 35 1.10

81 The Cathedrals of . England and Wales, Part 2 RCP 36 1.60


Ill The Venerable Bede 20 .60 109 Heroes of the British Reformation 35 1.00 110 Life of Martin Luther RCP 26 1.00 947 Some Modern Heroes of the Faith R 33 1.00 77 A Visit to Westminster Abbey, Part 1 R 30 .90 78 A Visit to Westminster Abbey, Part 2 R 30 .90 See also No. 145. 849 Abbeys and Monasteries of Ancient Britain RP 40 1.20 —39— ENGLISH CHURCH HISTORY. The following sets 67-76 form a full review of the History of our Church, based upon Lane's Notes. Some using this series will find it convenient to select the slides illustrating the outstanding points covered. 67 Part 1, A.D. 33-598 R 46 1.00 68 Part 2, A.D. 598-787 ..... R 52 1.00

69 Part 3, A.D. 788-1115 .. R 52 1.00 70 Part 4, A.D. 1090-1265 R 50 1.00 71 Part 5, A.D. 1266-1535 R 50 1.00 72 Part 6, A.D. 1535-1590 R 50 1.00 73 Part 7, A.D. 1591-1649 R 50 1.00 74 Part 8, A.D. 1650-1698 R 50 1.00 75 Part 9, A.D. 1699-1837 R 47 1.00 76 Part 10, A.D. 1837-1889 R 50 1.00 VARIOUS. 156 The Organized Sunday School work of the Church in Canada _ - _ R 40 Free 975 How God Gave Us the Bible RHC 37 1.00 145 The Cathedrals of England and Wales, same as 80-81,

but all slides are plain _ ..... R 70 2.00 2022 Life of Martin Luther RC 60 2.00 2089 Life of Martin Luther P 29 .75 146 Christian Signs and Symbols RCP 44 1.50 154 Christian Signs and Symbols, (Origin and Meaning) RCP 33 1.50 2009 Prayer Book, Part I, History of ^ RCP 46 1.50 2010 Prayer Book, Part II '.. - RCP 41 1.40 2011 Prayer Book, Part III RCP 50 1.60 2019 Prayer RCP 45 1.50

948 Why We Keep Saint's Days .:. R 24 .75 14 Abbeys _ P 32 .60


The Hymns arranged in the following sets are all from Ideal type and are rented only as sets, many are illustrated. GENERAL HYMNS. 1000 Abide with Me, At Even when the Sun was Set, Be Thou my Guardian, Blest are the Pure in Heart, Come, Sing with Holy Gladness - - 5 .15 1005 Do no Sinful Action, Fight the Good Fight, Hark! my Soul, it is the Lord, Jesu, Lover of My Soul, Jesu, the Very Thought of Thee ~ 5 .15 1010 Jesus Loves Me, Jesus Tender Shepherd, Jesus Bids

us Shine, When He Cometh, There is a Green Hill ... 5 .15 1015 Jesu, Lover of my Soul, Hark! Hark! my Soul, How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds, Loving Shepherd of the Sheep, Pleasant are Thy Courts Above 5 .15 1020 Now the Day is Over, O Jesus, I have Promised, Onward, Christian Soldiers, Sun of my Soul, The King of Love 5 .15 1025 What a Friend we Have in Jesus, When He Cometh, When I Survey the Wondrous Cross, Work for the Night is Coming, Yield not to Temptation 5 15 LENTEN HYMNS. 1030 Glory be to Jesus, In the Hour of Trial, Forty Days and Forty Nights, Take up Thy Cross, There is a Green Hill „ - „ 5 .15 1035 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross, Glory be to Jesus, Go to Dark Gethsemane, O Jesus, Thou Art Standing, Forty Days and Forty Nights 5 .15 ILLUSTRATED HYMN SETS.

In the following sets each verse of the hymn is illustrated on a separate slide.

1232K A Few More Years Shall Roll c 6 .30 1170K A Living Stream as Crystal Clear c 7 .35 1169K Abide With Me „ c 5 .25 1045 Abide With Me c 5 .25 2047 Abide With Me (no words) __ c 10 .35 1171K All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name c 7 .35 1172K All People That on Earth Do Dwell c 4 .25 1037 All People That on Earth Do Dwell p 4 .15

1038 All Things Bright and Beautiful ...... c 5 .25 1036 All Things Bright and Beautiful CP 5 .20 1226K All Things Bright and Beautiful c 5 .25 1148K All Ye Who Seek for Sure Relief c 5 .25 1233K Angels From the Realms of Glory c 4 .20 1173K Around the Throne of God a Band c 4 .25 1056 Around the Throne of God in Heaven c 4 .25 1039 Art Thou Weary, Art Thou Languid c 7 .35 1040 Art Thou Weary, Art Thou Languid CP 7 .25 1234K Art Thou Weary „ „ c 7 .35 1174K As Now the Sun's Declining Rays c 3 .25 1235K As With Gladness Men of Old c 5 .25 1151K At Even, Ere the Sun Was Set c 6 .30 1044 At Even Ere the Sun _ c 6 .30

1176 Ave Marie! Blessed Maid! ,._ c 5 .25 1050 Awake! Awake, O Christian 5 .15 1055 Awake! Awake, O Christian c 5 .25 1069 Be Thou My Guardian _ CP 4 .20

1177K Behold Me Standing At the Door - c 5 .25 1178K Beneath the Cross of Jesus c 4 .25 1179K Blest Are the Pure in Heart - c 4 .25 1180K By Cool Siloam's Shady Rill - c 5 .25 1227K Bread of Heaven, On Thee We Feed c 2 .15 1236K Carol, Sweetly Carol _ c 4 .20 1237K Children of the Heavenly King c 5 .25

1181K Christ Is Our Corner Stone ,. c 4 .25 1182K Come, Sing With Holy Gladness c 4 .25 1238K Come to the Saviour c 4 .20 1239K Come, Ye Faithful c 4 .20 1060 Coming, Coming—Yes They Are 5 .15 1065 Coming, Coming—Yes They Are c 5 .25 1240K Creator of the Starry Height c 2 .10

1183K Day of Wrath! O Day of Mourning ._ c 4 .25 1043 Eternal Father _. p 4 .25 1184K For All the Saints Who From Their Labours c 8 .40 1046 Forty Days and Forty Nights CP 6 .25 1047 Forty Days and Forty Nights CP 6 .25 1071 Forward! Be Our Watchword _ PC 4 .15 1185K Forward! Be Our Watchword c 8 .40 1070 From Greenland's Icy Mountains p 4 .15 1075 From Greenland's Icy Mountains _ c 4 .25

2050 From Greenland's Icy Mountain (no words) ... c 12 .50 1241K From Ocean Unto Ocean c 4 .20

1242K Glory Be to Jesus ..._ c 7 .35 1149K God From On High Hath Heard c 8 .40 1187K Guide Me, O Thou Great „ c 3 .25 1145K Hail, O Star That Pointed c 3 .25 1188K Hark, Hark My Soul c 5 .25 1079 Hark, Hark My Soul .... c 6 .25

1243K Hark, My Soul, It Is the Lord ... c 7 .35 1147K Hark! the Herald Angels Sing c 4 .25 -41— K

1244K Heavenly Father Send Thy Blessing c 3 .15 1245K He Leadeth Me :. - c 5 .25 1246K Holy Night c 3 .15 1189K How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds c 7 .35 1077 How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds p 5 .20 1042 I am Thine, Lord c 5 .25 1190K I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say c 6 .30 1191K I Hear Thy Welcome Voice c 6 .30 1247K I Need Thee Every Hour c 5 .25 1072 In the Cross of Christ I Glory c 4 .20 1192K I've Found a Friend, Oh, Such a Friend c 4 .25 1073 Jerusalem the Golden c 4 .20 1144K Jesu, Grant Me This, I Pray c 4 .25 1248K Jesu, Lover of My Soul c 3 .15 1076 Jesu, Lover of My Soul CP 4 .25 2048 Jesu Lover of My Soul (no words) c 8 .40 1193K Jesus in Thy Dear Sacrament c 5 .25. 1156K Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross c 4 .25 1249K Jesus Loves Me This I Know c 4 .20 1048 Jesus Loves Me CP 4 .20 1080 Jesus Loves Me p 4 .15 1085 Jesus Loves Me c 4 .25 1194K Jesus Shall Reign c 4 .25 1195K Just As I Am c 7 .35 1263K Just As I Am, Without One Plea c 7 .35 1196K Lead Kindly Light c 3 .25 1186K Litany of the Advent p 6 .30 1198K Litany of the Four Last Things p 8 .40 1197K Litany of the Holy Name p 4 .25 1250K Little Drops of Water c 6 .30 1160K Lord Jesu, Who at Lazarus' Tomb c 4 .25 1251 Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory c 5 .25 1199K My God, and is Thy Table Spread c 4 .25 1049 Now Thank We All Our God CP 3 .15 1081 Now the Day Is Over PC 6 .25 1083 O Day of Rest and Gladness c 4 .15 1167K O For a Closer Walk With God c 5 .25 1200K O For a Heart to Praise My pod c 5 .25

1096 O God of Bethel ! by Whose Hand c 4 .25 1082 O Happy Band of Pilgrims c 6 .25 1252K O Jesus I Have Promised c 5 .25 1201K O Lord, to Whom the Spirits Live c 6 .30 1202K O Love Divine, How Sweet Thou Art c 4 .25 1205K Saving Victim c 6 .30 1224K Oh, Do Not Let the Word Depart c 4 .25 1154K O, Safe to the Rock that is Higher Than I c 4 .25 1153K Oh, the Clanging Bells of Time c 4 .25 1152K One Sweetly Solemn Thought c 6 .30 1204K On the Resurrection Morning c 8 .40 1203K Onward! Christian Soldiers c 6 .30 1253K Pass Me Not O Gentle Saviour c 5 .25 1084 Pass Me Not, O Gentle Saviour c 5 .20 1094 Peace! Perfect Peace PC 4 .15 1206K Peace, Perfect Peace c 4 .25 1068 Pleasant Are Thy Courts Above c 8 .35 1078 Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven c 3 .15 1157K Praise the Lord, the Almighty c 4 .25 1168K Praise to the Holiest in the Height c 7 .35 1207K Rescue the Perishing c 4 .25 1208K Rock of Ages c 4 .25 1066 Rock of Ages p 4 .25 1067 Rock of Ages c 4 .25 1209K Shall We Gather At the River c 5 .25 —42— 1210K Shepherd Divine, Our Wants Relieve c 6 .30 1211K Soldiers of Christ Arise c 6 .30 1212K Songs of Thankfulness c 5 .25 1254K Standing By a Purpose c 5 .25 1097 Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus CP 4 .15 1098 Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus CP 4 .15 1255K Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus , c 4 .20 1175K Story of the Advent of Jesus p 4 .25 123 IK Story of the Cross c 27 1.25

1214K Story of the Cross p 5 • .25 1215K Sun of My Soul c 6 .30 1216K Take Up Thy Cross the Saviour Said c 5 .25 1086 Tell Me the Old, Old Story c 5 .25 1164K The Church's One Foundation c 5 .25 1217K The Church of God a Kingdom is c 6 .30 1218K The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, Is Ended c 5 .25 1091 The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, Is Ended c 5 .20 1163K Thee We Adore, O Hidden Saviour c 4 .25 1256K The First Nowell c 7 .35 1099 The King of Love c 5 .25 1219K The King of Love My Shepherd Is c 6 .30 1220K The Magnificat c 10 .50 1155K The People That in Darkness Sat c 6 .30 1146K The Son of God Goes Forth to War c 4 .25 1161K The Wise May Bring Their Learning c 3 .25 1257K There Is a Green Hill Far Away c 5 .25 1221K There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood c 7 .35 1222K There's a Friend for Little Children c 6 .30 1092 There Is a Land of Pure Delight c 4 .20 1087 There Were Ninety and Nine PC 5 .15 1088 There Were Ninety and Nine PC 5 .15 1089 There Were Ninety and Nine PC 5 .15

2049 There Were Ninety and Nine (no words) ... c 10 .45 1159K Those Eternal Bowers c 4 .25 1162K Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne - _ c 5 .25 1165K Thou Whose Almighty Word c 4 .25 1261 Through the Night of Doubt and Sorrow p 8 .25 1262K Through All the Changing Scenes of Life c 6 .30 1093 "Till He Come!" O, Let the Words c 4 .20 1258K Unto the Hills Around c 4 .20 1213K Was There Ever Kindest Shepherd c 4 .20 1166K We Love the Place, O God _ c 7 .35 1259K What a Friend We Have in Jesus c 3 .15

1260K What Means the Eager Anxious Throng ... c 6 .30 1150K When Christ Was Born of Mary Free c 4 .25 1230K When Christ Was Born of Mary Free c 4 .25 1158K When He Cometh, When He Cometh c 4 .25 1228K When I Survey c 4 .25 1143K When I Survey the Wondrous Cross c 5 .25 1074 When I survey the Wondrous Cross c 4 .20 1090 When Mothers of Salem p 4 .15 1095 When Mothers of Salem c 4 .25 1223K While Shepherds Watched c 6 .30 1229K Who Is He in Yonder Stall c 9 .45 1225K Work, For the Day is Coming c 3 .25


1100 Complete set of 20 slides .60 1105 Shortened form 12 slides .30

2096 Litany Service _ .30 —43— CHILDREN'S SERVICE SLIDES.

1110 Complete Service as in Revised Prayer Book 11 .30 2500-2505 Missionary Service „ H 19 .50


1115 Catechism, complete _ 15 .45 1120 Catechism, Part 1, Covenant and Faith 4 .15 1125 Catechism, Part 2, The Commandments 4 .15 1130 Catechism, Part 3, Prayer „ 3 .10 1135 Catechism, Part 4, Sacraments '. 4 .15


1140 The Maple Leaf, (2) O Canada, National Anthem, O God, our Help in Ages Past 5 .15 1141 Home, Sweet Home P 4 .15 1142 Annie Laurie (no words on slides) C 4 .20


2808 Coronation Service of King George VI RC 27 1.25 2807 Coronation Service, regalia and its meaning RC 48 2.50 89 Boy Scouts and Scouting .„ „ R 28 .90 996 Boy Scouts. In the Camp with Baden Powell „ RC 8 .25 997 Boy Scouts. Campaigning RC 8 .25 998 Boy Scouts. Scout Laws and Chivalry RC 8 .25 113 The Union Jack. Its Crosses C 6 .25 892 Our Flag. (Same as 113) CP 30 1.00 991 Our Flag. (Same as 113) „ C 6 .25

992 Our Flag. (Same as 113) .._ - CP 6 .25 114 The Royal Family (Reading Wanted) _ CP 18 .75 161 Scenes in the Zulu War C 26 .75 162 Scenes in the Boer War _ CP 19 .50 198 The British Navy, Part 1 (not modern) R 39 1.20 199 The British Navy, Part 2 (not modern) R 22 .70 993 British Battleships. Dreadnoughts RC 8 .25 994 British Battleships. Life Aboard the Cruisers RC 8 .25 995 British Battleships. Destroyers and Submarines RC 8 .25 200 Life of Lord Nelson R 54 1.60 2805 Nelson and Trafalgar RP 50 1.50. 2801K Boy Scouts. In Camp RC 8 .25 2802K Boy Scouts. Campaigning _ RC 8 .25 2803K Boy Scouts. Law and Chivalry RC 8 .25 2804K Illustrated History of Union Jack C 6 .25 11 The Union Jack. (Same as 113) C 6 .25 28 Fifty Years a Queen, (Victoria Jubilee, 1887) C 12 .35 29 King Edward's Funeral, (Slides Titled) CP 20 .50 2068 Columbus P 12 .35 2069 Columbus P 12 .35


2083 Steel Industry _ _ P 54 1.00


222 In France and Flander's Fields, Part 1, 1914-1918 R 40 1.20 223 In France and Flander's Fields, Part 2, 1914-1918 R 25 .80 THE GREAT WAR.

The Photos in the following five sets are from Official Sources, and the readings have been prepared by an Officer of the C.E.F. of the 1914-1918 war.

951 "Going In." In the Trenches and with the Guns R 52 1.50 952 "On the Go." In the Air and with the Horses R 50 1.50 953 "Heroes of the Cross," or "Among the Ruins" R 46 1.50 954 Captures and Captives R 36 1.00 955 Attending to Tommie's Needs, Amusements, etc R 52 1.50

THE SURRENDER OF THE GERMAN NAVY. The photos in this set were taken on board the Queen Elizabeth, and are actual views of the surrender. 956 The Surrender of the Germany Navy, 1918 RCP 50 2.00


976 Canada, fifty years ago. This set illustrates various modes of life, and occupations in Canada about 1870, being photographs from the demonstrations of the T. Eaton Co. Jubilee (Slides titled) 56 1.50 2806 Making Maple Sugar RC 12 .35


Some of these sets are not modern but that fact does not make them less valu- able for certain purposes.

We wish especially to urge our friends to take every care in handling and packing these slides, as many of the coloured slides will be very costly to replace. CANADA

358 Canada, Part 1, From the Atlantic to the Great West RCF 45 $2.00 359 Canada, Part 2, Some Wonders of the Rockies RCF 42 1.75 360 Canada, Part 3, British Columbia and the Coast RCF 13 .60 862 Annapolis Royal, (History of) R 40 1.00


The following sets, 620-629, are arranged in small groups for the convenience of those wishing to view certain sections of Canada. All slides are "F" size.

620 Maritime Provinces RC 12 .50 621 Quebec Province „ _ RC 11 .50 622 Montreal to Algoma _ - „ RC 11 .50 623 Montreal to Detroit RC 8 .40 624 Georgian Bay, Lake Superior to Winnipeg RC 18 .75 625 The Prairies ...„ RC 23 1.00 626 Wonders of the Rockies RC 43 2.00 627 Southern British Columbia _ RC 12 .50 628 The Canyons and Vancouver Island RC 19 .80 629 Up the Coast to Alaska RC 12 .50 2100 Welland Canal RP 50 1.50 2927K A Motor Trip Through Quebec RC 72 2.50 2928K New Brunswick as a Holiday Resort, Part I RC 40 2.00 2929K New Brunswick as a Holiday Resort, Part II RC 35 1.75

2930K Wandering Westward, Part I . _ RC 35 1.75 2931K Wandering Westward, Part II _ „ „ RC 37 1.75 2932K Motoring in Nova Scotia (including Cape Breton) RC 54 2.00 2933K Cape Breton „ RC 42 2.00 —45— TORONTO The following series are produced from a collection of artistic photos by Toronto Camera enthusiasts. No reading is supplied, but each slide bears its title.

857 Toronto, High Park and up the Humber 25 .60 858 Toronto, The Don Valley and York Mills 24 .60 859 Toronto, Along the Lake Front and up the Credit 15 .40 860 Toronto, Some Glimpses in the City 25 .60 861 Toronto, Scenes at Scarboro Beach and at the Bluffs 15 .40 NEWFOUNDLAND

2087 Part 1 RCP 34 1.50 2088 Part 2 RCP 44 1.50


943 The World's Fair, (Chicago, 1892) R 65 1.60 890 Wonderful California (Scenery) F 50 1.25 2082 Yellowstone Park RCP 19 .50 2934K The Santa Fe Trail RC 58 2.00


871 Glimpses in the British West Indies .25 ENGLAND

A pleasant and instructive series of Travel Talks can be made for an "English Night," "Irish Night," and "Scotch Night" programmes, by making selections from any of the following groups. The singing of National songs and recitations, and wearing of National Costumes, might be included in the programmes.

80 The Cathedrals of England and Wales, Part I RCP 35 1.10 81 The Cathedrals of England and Wales, Part II RCP 36 1.60 2917K Some English Cathedrals, Part I RC 38 1.75 2918K Some English Cathedrals, Part II RC 44 2.25 2938 English Cathedrals RP 43 1.25 913 Shakespeare's County, Part 1, Leamington, Kenil- worth, etc RCP 31 1.50 914 Shakespeare's County, Part 2, Warwickshire RCP 20 1.00 915 Shakespeare's County, Part 3, Stratford-on-Avon RCP 31 1.50 916 Shakespeare's County, Part 4, Stratford-on-Avon RCP 34 1.50 917 The Dukeries and Sherwood Forest RCP 47 2.00 918 Derbyshire and The Peak RCP 60 2.50 919 A Day at Haddon Hall RCP 18 .75 920 Chatsworth and Haddon Hall C 19 1.00 850 RP 14 .40 2945 Trip to Birmingham, Manchester, Newcastle, South- ampton and Liverpool P 41 1.00 2946 Windsor Castle RP 40 1.00 909 A Visit to Windsor CP 34 1.00 974 Scenes in the Isle of Man _ CP 36 1.00 865 Glimpses of the Thames CP 19 .50 867 Down in Sussex by the Sea, ^ Slides titled) 23 .60 872 Glimpses of Castles, Past and Present, (Slides titled) 17 .40 873 Glimpses of Oxford, (Slides titled) 13 .50 874 Glimpses of Worcester and the Cathedral (Slides titled) 10 .30 2939 New South Wales „ RC 46 2.00 2940 Gems of Yorkshire Scenery RP 47 1.25 2941 Lichfield Cathedral -. RP 18 .50 2910K Liverpool Cathedral RC 47 2.00 —46— 2911K Here and There in England, Part I RC 40 2.00 2912K Here and There in England, Part II RC 46 2.00 2913K In the West of England and Wales, Part I (all views of England ) RC 48 2 .00 2914K In the West of England and Wales, Part II (Chiefly Wales ) RC 32 2 .00 2942 Romantic Scenes of North Wales RP 22 .50


147 Some Glimpses of Old Londor, RCP 29 1.00 206 Rambles in Old London, Part 1 RC 46 2.00 207 Rambles in Old London, Part 2 RC 45 2.00 900 Sight Seeing in London CP 76 2.75 907 A Visit to Westminster Abbey R 36 1.00 922 Westminster Abbey Views 37 1.00 77 A Visit to Westminster Abbey, Part 1 R 30 .90 78 A Visit to Westminster Abbey, Part 2 R 30 .90 ' 2909K Westminster Abbey RC 27 1.50 908 The Tower of London RCP 30 1.00 921 London Tower R 31 1.00 910 London Views, Part 1 RCP 48 1.50 911 London Views, Part 2 RCP 51 1.60 912 London Views, Part 3 RCP 54 1.75 866 Glimpses of Lambeth Palace 14 .40 The following sets are not arranged in consecutive parts, the views in some sets being duplicated. The readings are very brief, and will be found useful as part of a programme.

901 Historic Monuments and Places in the old City RCP 30 1.00 902 Along the Thames RCP 29 1.00 903 Some Links with the Glorious Past RCP 30 1.00 904 Some City Streets Scenes RCP 30 1.00 905 Great Places in the great Capital RCP 30 1.00 906 Some Parks, Palaces and Other Places RCP 30 1.00 2915K London RC 50 2.50 2916K The London Zoo RC 34 1.75 SCOTLAND 389 Lowlands of Scotland R 50 1.50 390 Highlands of Scotland R 52 1.50 923 Travels in Scotland, Part 1, Edinburgh RCP 49 2.00 924 Travels in Scotland, Part 2, Land of Scott (Burns) RCP 45 2.00 925 The Trossachs „ „._ RCP 34 1.50 926 Aberdeen, Dundee, etc RCP 39 1.75 927 Some Castles and Glens RCP 27 1.25 928 Stirling _ RCP 26 1.00 929 Lowlands of Scotland - RCP 50 2.00 930 Glasgow and the Clyde CP 41 2.00 931 West Coast, Scenery, Sky, etc CP 45 1.75 932 The Outer Hebrides CP 38 1.50 933 Travels in Scotland „ RCP 60 2.50 2902K A Little Scotch Fair RC 62 3.00 2935 Balmoral Castle „ RP 39 1.00 IRELAND 12 The Emerald Isle, Part 1 RCP 40 1.50 13 The Emerald Isle, Part 2 RCP 40 1.50 164 In and Around Waterford _ C 8 .40 167 Killarnev, Wickloss, etc „ CP 22 1.00 934 A Tour of Ireland, Part 1, (Dublin and South) RCP 60 2.50 935 A Tour of Ireland, Part 2, (The North) RCP 50 2.25 936 Here and There in Southern Ireland RCP 50 1.50 2079 Ireland P 57 1.50 —47— FRANCE

18 Paris RFCP 38 1.00 2923K Paris, Aix, and Rheims, etc., Part I RC 30 1.50 2924K Paris, Aix, and Rheims, etc., Part II.. RC 23 1.25 2908K Lovely Lucerne RC 87 3.50


864 Glimpses of Rome 12 .30 868 Glimpses of Florence and Venice, (Slides titled) CP 22 .60 863 Glimpses of Malta, Suez, Cairo, etc. (Slides titled). CP 32 1.00 2078 The Vatican RP 50 1.25 2906K Venice _ RC 61 3.00 2920K Rome, Ancient and Modern, Part I RC 40 2.00 2921K Rome, Ancient and Modern, Part II RC 45 2.25 2922K Florence, the Art City of Tuscany RC 4<3 2.25


937 Alexandria, Cairo, Pyramids and the Nile CP 44 1.50 938 Ancient Temples and Tombs „ RCP 51 1.50 869 Glimpses of Uganda, Mombasa and Zanzibar, (Slides titled) 18 .50 2943 Life and Work of David Livingstone RC 40 2.00 2030 Livingstone's Last Journey _. RP 22 .60

2949 A Thousand Miles up the Nile : RP 66 2.00


15 A Trip through Palestine- RHCP 52 1.50 208 Wandering in Palestine.... RCP fi5 1.75


392 A Tour through India, Part 1.. RC 32 1.00 393 A Tour through India, Part 2.. RC 28 1.00 394 A Tour through India, Part 3.. RCP 29 1.00 893 Indian Views F 24 .75 894 Burma PF 17 .50


870 A Glimpse of Modern Japan... 18 .50 16 Glimpses of Japan RCP 22 .90 157 Interesting Japan RC 18 .75 158 Rice Growing in Japan RC 19 .76 159 Child's Life in Japan _ RC 16 .75 276 Tea Culture C 15 .75 277 School Life of Young Japan.. RC 20 .75 895 Travelling in Japan, Part 1 R 22 .60 896 Travelling in Japan, Part 2.. R 23 .60


939 Sydney and its Harbour R 50 1.50 940 Adelaide and Southern Towns _ R 49 1.50 941 Melbourne Scenes..... R 52 1.50 2936 A Trip Through New Zealand RC 36 1.50 2937 A Trip Through Victoria, Australia- RC 55 2.00 2944 Tasmania RC 25 1.25 2939 New South Wales... RC 46 2.00


2031 John Paton of the Hebrides RP 46 1.35 SWITZERLAND

2903K Here and There in Switzerland RC 85 3.50 2907K Gracious Geneva RC 73 3.00


290 IK The Lure of Lugano - RC 89 3.50 2904K Along the Albula Railway _ RC 54 2.50 2905K St. Gotthard Railway RC 40 2.00 2926K The Bernese Oberland RC 76 3.00 GERMANY

2919K The Rhine ' RC 54 2.50 BELGIUM

2925K Belgian Memories RC 47 2.25


79 Wonders of the World R 60 1.50 944 Around the World with a Camera R 60 1.50 945 Around the World in a Hundred Minutes R 60 1.80 2080 Around the World in Eighty Minutes RCP 80 3.00


875 Glories of the Sea and Sky, (Sea and Cloud studies, very fine) _ CP 15 .75 877 Along the Lake Shore 14 .35 878 Along the Lake Shore 14 .35 879 Famous Paintings of the World, Part 1 RCP 40 1.30 880 Famous Paintings of the World, Part 2 RCP 40 1.30 881 Famous Paintings of the World, Part 3 CP 40 1.30 2081 Famous Paintings _ CP 59 2.00

2105 Famous Paintings in Original Colours, Part I.... RC 26 1.25 2106 Famous Paintings in Original Colours, Part II RC 25 1.25 2107 Famous Paintings in Original Colours, Part III RC 25 1.25 2084 Birds _ C 22 1.00 882 Some Birds and their Nests, Part 1, (Slides titled) 30 .90 883 Some Birds and their Nests, Part 2, (Slides titled) 30 .90 884 Some Birds and their Nests, Part 3, (Slides titled) 20 .60 2101K Birds and Their Nests RC 8 .40 2102K Birds _ - RC 24 1.00 2103K Animals _ _ RC 16 .75 885 Statuary, Part 1. (Slides titled). Not suitable for children 30 .90 886 Statuary, Part 2, (Slides titled) „ _ 20 .60 887 Fun on the Farm 30 .75 888 In the Good Old Summer Time on the Farm 30 .75 889 A Visit to the Zoo _ R 30 .75 391 Old and New Friends at the Zoo — 50 1.50 34 "From a Snowflake to the Sea," or "The Story of a Drop of Water," including words of song "Gliding through the Meadow" „ CP 25 1.00 2108 Beautiful Creatures in Our Fields, Part I RP 21 .60 2109 Beautiful Things That Fly and Creep, Part II RP 18 .25 —49— CLASS K.—STORIES ILLUSTRATED.

For Sunday School Entertainments the sets in this class will be found useful. With the exception of between Christmas and the New Year, a number of sets are usually available for use.

Many of the sets marked "C", indicating that the slides are coloured, are pro- duced by a lithographic process; comic sets without a reading have, in some cases, descriptive reading on the slide.

2021 At the Sign of the Cross (Photo of Play) RCP 39 $1.25 171 Ben Hur, (A tale of the days of Christ). Some slides missing R 71 2.00 169 Ben Hur RCP 70 2.50 90 Black Beauty. This illustrates the well-known story R 30 .90 2313 Black Beauty _ RC 30 1.25 339 Brave Deeds RC 8 .25 368 Buy Your Own Cherries R 9 .30 2073 Buy Your Own Cherries RC 10 .50 2025 Catterina RC 49 2.00 134 Christie's Old Organ RC 24 1.00 395 Christmas Carol, (Charles Dickens) RC 25 1.00 396 Christmas Carol, (Charles Dickens) RC 25 1.00 397 Christmas Carol, (Charles Dickens) RC 25 1.00 398 Christmas Carol, (Charles Dickens) RC 25 1.00 399 Christmas Carol, (Charles Dickens) RC 25 1.00 400 Christmas Carol, (Charles Dickens) RC 25 1.00 21 Christmas Everywhere, (Slides titled) CP 19 .60 22 Christmas Everywhere, (Slides titled) CP 19 .60 23 Christmas Everywhere, (Slides titled) .'. CP 19 .60 2028 Condemned to be Shot RP 17 .40 2023 Cotter's Saturday Night, The, (old fashioned) C 8 .30 2018 Courtship of Miles Standish C 24 1.00 2362 Cricket on the Hearth P 24 1.00 364 Curfew Must Not Ring Tonight R 10 .30 2070 Damon and Pythias C 12 .60 986 Dick Whittington and His Cat RC 8 .25 987 Dick Whittington and His Cat. RC 8 .25 2360 Enoch Arden P 20 .60 2071 Enoch Arden C 20 1.00 2033 Eric's Good News RP 29 .50 2075 Evangeline P 24 .70 362 Excelsior RC 10 .25 2337 Faithless Nelly Gray C 12 .50 2338 Faithless Sally Brown C 14 .60 2074 Gabriel Crub P 18 .50 107 Heroes of Goodwin Sands (Life Boat) 15 .45 2076 Hoosier Schoolmaster, The RP 50 1.25 2024 Hoosier Schoolmaster, The RP 50 1.25 2014 In His Steps (Old Fashioned) CP 49 1.00 2365 In the Mouse's House RC 17 .75 335 John Gilpin RC 8 .25 2017 Lady of the Lake '. C 24 1.00 2363 Life and Work of General Gordon RP 24 .75 2335K Little Princess, The RC 16 .75 2353 Marley's Ghost RP 25 .75 366 Mary, Queen of Scots, (Life Models) RC 24 1.00 2354 Merchant of Venice RC 22 1.25 365 Old Curiosity Shop, (Charles Dickens) RC 24 1.00 973 Old Curiosity Shop, (Charles Dickens) RC 24 1.00 338 Our Life Boat Men - RC 8 .25 2366 Peter Pan RC 12 .50 —50— 2339 Pilgrim's Progress R 12 .50 2340 Pilgrim 's Progress C 24 1.00 828 Pilgrim's Progress, (from old prints, titled) C 56 1.75 216 Prayer and Potatoes u RC 9 .30 2020 Quo Vadis RP 60 1.50 54-57 Pilgrim's Progress, (four parts see at end of Sets for Advent and Lent) .56 4.00 2361 Rip Van Winkle RP 12 .35 168 Road to Heaven, The (Slum Story) RC 8 .25 2013 Scarlet Letter, The (Old prints) R 50 1.50 2357 Star of the King, The (Epiphany) RC 28 1.25 2026 Sweep and the Whitewasher, The P 10 .30 148 Swiss Family Robinson RCP 21 .75 150 Swiss Family Robinson RCP 21 .75 152 Swiss Family Robinson RCP 21 .75 2015 Three Little Wise Men (May be used at Christmas) RP 13 .40 999 Uncle Tom's Cabin RC 24 1.00 2077 Uncle Tom's Cabin _ • C 13 .40 43 Village Blacksmith, (from old prints) RC 7 .20 964 Village Blacksmith R 7 .20 2336 Village Blacksmith C 11 .50 106 Voyage in a Whaler, A R 12 .35 2367 Water Babies RC 24 .75 347 Water Ba bies RC 24 .75 965 Water Babies RC 24 .75

340 Wild Animals and How Hunted. ...?. RC 8 .25 968 Wild Animals and How Hunted RC 8 .25 2104K Wild Animals and How Hunted RC 8 .40


342 Aesop's Fables RC 16 .50 970 Aesop's Fables RC 16 .50 2306K Aesop's Fables RC 16 .75 2310K Aladdin RC 12 .50 348 Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp RC 8 .25 972 Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp RC 8 .25 967 Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves RC 8 .25 2320K Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves RC 8 .25 344 Alice in Wonderland RC 24 .75 990 Alice in Wonderland RC 24 .75 2304K Alice in Wonderland RC 24 1.25 98 Christmas Goose RC 10 .30 349 Christmas Turkey, The C 6 .25 103 Cinderella RC 8 .25 985 Cinderella '. RC 8 .25 2349 Cinderella RC 12 .50 2319K Cinderella RC 12 .50 2364 Cinderella C 8 .35 2334K Comical Cats and Dogs RC 8 .40 334 Comical Cats and Dogs RC 8 .25 345 Conquest of the Air RC 24 .75 363 Country Courtship, A RC 8 .25 2322K Death and Burial of Cock Robin RC 8 .40 2302K Dick Whittington RC 8 .40 966 Elephant's Revenge, The C 8 .25 2337 Faithless Nelly Gray C 12 .50 2338 Faithless Sally Brown C 14 .60 324 Foolish Bird and Artful Hedgehog C 8 .25 2332K Foolish Bird and Artful Hedgehog C 8 .40 2325K Frog He Would a Wcoing Go, A C 8 .25 —51— 317 Frog He Would a Wooing Go, A.. c 8 .25 322 Gag-Jag, the Rejected. c 8 .25 97 Gulliver's Travels....- RC 16 .50 988 Gulliver's Travels _ RC 16 .50 341 Gulliver's Travel s RC 16 .50 969 Gulliver's Travels RC 16 .50 2316K Gulliver's Travels RC 16 .75 2323K Hey Diddle Diddle C 8 .40 328 Hey Diddle Diddle c 8 .25 960 Hey Diddle Diddle...... c 8 .25 2350 Hey Diddle Diddle _ c 10 .50 2321K House That Jack Built, The RC 12 .50 91 House That Jack Built, The C 10 .30 104 How Jimmy Tended the Baby R 10 .30 314 How Jing Jing Bagged his Quarry.. C 8 .25 983 How Jing Jing Bagged his Quarry.. C 8 .25 326 Jack and the Beanstalk C 8 .25 2307K Jack and the Beanstalk C 8 .40 2326K Jack the Giant Killer __ C 8 .40 102 Jack the Giant Killer c 8 .25 2315K John Gilpin _ „ RC 8 .40 331 Little Red Riding Hood RC 8 .25 332 Little Red Riding Hood..... RC 8 .25 333 Little Red Riding Hood RC 8 .25 2345 Little Red Riding Hood RC 12 .50 2331K Mister Fox Steals a Duck C 8 .40 2342 Modern Appliances P 12 .35 2346 Mother Hubbard RC 12 .50 2318K Mother Hubbard _ RC 12 .50 2351 Mrs. Bunny's Refugee _ RC 24 1.00 971 Mr. and Mrs. Brown and the Mouse- C 8 .25 2333K Never Ride a Strange Horse C 8 .40 963 Never Ride a Strange Horse C 8 .25 984 Never Ride a Strange Horse C 8 .25 2343 Not Worth the Pains RP 9 .25 329 Nursery Rhymes _ C 8 .25 313 Nursery Rhymes.... C 8 .25 2065 Old Black Joe FC 12 .50 94 Old Mother Hubbard C 8 .25 316 Old Mother Hubbard C 8 .25 2067 Old Oaken Bucket FC 15 .60 99 Pat and the Bear RC 12 .35 66 Pat and the Bear _ P 12 .30 346 Peter Pan RC 24 .75 989 Peter Pan _ RC 24 .75 2059 Peter Pan RC 28 .75 2060 Peter Pan RC 28 .75 2061 Peter Pan RC 28 .75 2301K Pied Piper...._ - RC 8 .40 96 Pied Piper of Hamelin RC 8 .35 179 Pied Piper of Hamelin R 18 .50 325 Puss in Boots — C 8 .25 2348 Puss in Boots RC 12 .50 2317K Puss in Boots _ RC 12 .50 320 Queen of Hearts, The C 8 .25 2328K Queen of Hearts, The C 8 .40 2309K Red Riding Hood „ RC 12 .50 337 Robin Hood RC 8 .25 979 Robin Hood _ RC 8 .25 2308K Robin Hood.— RC 8 .25 336 Robinson Crusoe RC 8 .25 2064 Robinson Crusoe C 11 .50 2305K Robinson Crusoe _ RC 8 .40 2063 St. Nicholas C 6 .25 -52— 978 Sambo's Chicken Hunt- c 8 .25 2311K Sambo's Chicken Hunt. c 8 .40 977 Sambo's Chicken Hunt. c 8 .25 2344 Santa Claus _ c 12 .50 343 Sinbad the Sailor RC 8 .25 2329K Sing a Song of Sixpence C 8 .40 319 Sing a Song of Sixpence C 8 .25 2066 Swanee River FC 14 .55 2026 Sweep and the Whitewasher P 12 .30 95 Ten Little Nigger Boys C 8 .25 981 Ten Little Nigger Boys CP 8 .25 982 Ten Little Nigger Boys CP 8 .25 2327K Ten Little Nigger Boys c 8 .40 2352 Ten Little Nigger Boys p 10 .30 2324K There Was an Old Woman c 8 .40 318 There Was an Old Woman c 8 .25 961 There Was an Old Woman c 8 .25 962 Three Bears, The RC 8 .25

101 Three Bears, The RC 8 . .25 2026 Three Bears, The „ P 20 .50 2314K Three Bears, The RC 8 .40 2347 Three Bears, The RC 12 .50 2330K Tiger and the Tub RC 12 .50 315 Tiger and the Tub C 8 .25 2341 Trick That Failed P 5 .15 2355 Trip to Legend Land, Part I RP 56 1.50 2356 Trip to Legend Land, Part II.. RP 44 1.50 2303K Water Babies _ RC 24 .75

321 Willie's Revenge ; C 8 .25 2312K Willie's Revenge C 8 .40


86 Our Friend the Cat „ CP 20 .60 87 Our Faithful Friend the Dog CP 42 .60 88 Our Helping Friend, the Horse _ CP 26 .60 92 Our Friends the Birds CP 30 .60 165 The Monks and the Dogs of St. Bernard RCP 17 .75 401 A Christmas Visit to the Sick Children's Hospital R 12 .35 402 A Christmas Visit to the Sick Children's Hospital R 12 .35 891 Life of Disraeli. (Lord Beaconsfield) 48 1.25 827 Life of John Bunyan, (Slides titled) „ C 10 .40 2012 Saved by his Bible RC 54 1.75 2027 Troublesome Security C 12 .35




The M.S.C.C. Slide Dept, The Church House, 604 Jarvis St., Toronto, Ont.

Sets of Missionary Slides are loaned free of cost, excepting the charges for transportation and for breakages or loss.

(E) signifies—Eskimo. * signifies—suitable for Juniors. 1—GENERAL No. of set Title No. in set 3000-1 The Old Church in the New Dominion 63 3004 Medical Missions—illustrating "In the Service of Suffering" 43 3005 The Way of Healing (C.M.S.) 41 3005B Around the world with M.S.C.C 52 3005C M.S.C.C. General 55 3006 *Round the World (S.P.G.) 35 3007 M.S.C.C. in Canada and Overseas 45 3009 Conflict—China, Japan and Christ 53 3010 'Around the world with our boys and girls 45 3014-14A Work among the Jews—illustrating Pamphlet "Israel, My Glory" 43 3015 *Tiny Tots series—General 38

3016 Tiny Tots series—General : 24 3019 *Children of Many Lands 49 3021-21 A *Four Missionary Heroes—John Williams; Temple Gairdner; Bishop

Hannington ; Albert Schweitzer 41 3022 *Other Boys and Girls 47 3023 *Other Children 40 3025 *How other boys and girls live 38 3026 Native Christian Art, taken from illustrations in book entitled "Each with his own Brush" 40 3027 *A set for Primary Children 29 3029 *We Go Exploring—A peep at the Church's work—For Children 42 3079C The Witness of the Church 46 3091-91A *Junior and C.B.L. Pledges 33 3092 *Little Helpers Set 17 2—CANADA

3011 The Northern B.C. Coast Mission 60 3017-18-18B The Columbia Coast Mission 53 3030 Are Missions Favourable in Terms of Civilization? 60 3031 Northern languages, peoples and customs (E) 59 3032 Eastern Athabasca and Western Arctic (E) 50 (above 3 sets prepared by Dr. C. E. Whittaker) 3035 * Heroes of Lonely Trails 38 3038 *The Bishop Horden Memorial School, Moosefort 47 3039 Early Men of the North (Dr. C. E. Whittaker) 50 3041 Pioneer Travel in the Northland (Dr. C. E. Whittaker) 47 3043 Loon Lake, Diocese of Saskatchewan 60 3044\ Scenes from the life of I. O. Stringer (Parts I and II), (Mrs. 39

3045 ( I. O. Stringer) 44 3046 In the Yukon Diocese 54 3049 Church Life in the Yukon, Past and Present (Bishop Bompas' Life) 47 3051 *The Fort George School 30 —54— Xo. of set Title No. in set 3052 Indian Missions in the Diocese of Keewatin 54 3053 A Survey of some of our Indian Missions (Archdeacon Paul) 60 3054A Missions in Arctic Canada (E) 45 3055 *Children of the Twilight (E) 35 3057 Ungava—and North ( E ) 41 3058 Diocese of Saskatchewan _ 41 3059 Diocese of Brandon (Featuring the work of the Bishop's Messengers) _ 55 3060 Sentinels of the North (E) .' 50 * 3061 Igloo Dwellers ( E ) 35 3062 *Glimpses at Summer Camp Work 25 3062A * Sunday School by Post 28 3063 * Sunday School by Post and Summer Van Work 38 3064C *Life in our Indian Residential Schools 49 3064F *Life in our Indian Residential Schools 45 3064G Life in our Indian Residential Schools 50 3065 A Visit to our Indian Residential Schools 60 3066 A Visit to Our Indian Residential Schools—For Children 39 3067 The Awakening North—Athabasca for Young People 43 3068 Diocese of Athabasca, Part 1 64 3068A Diocese of Athabasca, Part II 60 3070 * Wings Beyond the Arctic Circle (E) 45 3071 The Diocese of Caledonia 60 3072 The Massett Inlet Mission „ 41 3073 The Broken Silence (E) : 45 3073A The Diocese of The Arctic (E) _ 42 3074 The Frozen North (E) 41 3074A The Polar Diocese (E) 45 3075 "Twilight", or a Trip to the Western Arctic (E) 41 3076 The Diocese of Cariboo 60 3077 Fellowship of the West, N. Peace River Parish, Diocese of Caledonia 3"9 3078 Diocese of Saskatoon _ 36 3080 The Diocese of Algoma _. 50 3081 *Children of Twilight-land (E) 35 3082 St. Matthew's Mission, Fort McPherson 45


4011A Scenes from Our Work in Mid-Japan 52 4020 The Untouched Millions of Japan 46

4021 East Chats with West „ 55

4031 *Kindergarten Work in Mid-Japan _ 42 4032 *The Children of Japan 41 4040 Everyday Life in Japan 57


5000-1 Our Canadian Mission in Honan 55 5016 Harvesting in Honan 53 5017 Building Undaunted—China 42 5018 The Church Marches On in China 42 5032 Medical Missionary Work in E. Honan 43 5033 St. Paul's Hospital, Kweiteh „ 50 5035 *A set for Primary Children 37 5036 Lights and Shadows in China 51

5046-7 *The Hope of China _ 43 5048 *The Story of Chu Yan-Ying (Precious Gem) 43 5050 China's Day of Destiny (C.M.S.) 41 —55— —

5—INDIA No. of set Title No. in set

6003-3A A set for Primary Children _ 30 6007-8 On the Highroads and Bypaths of India 41 6009 *Chota Nagpur (N.E. India) S.P.G 38 6010 *The Criminal Tribes People in Kangra - 46 6013 *With our boys and girls on a trip to India _ 35 6015 *India for Young People „ 45 6018 Medical and Evangelistic Work in the Kangra and Kulu Valleys 50 6029 Scenes and Missionary Work in Kangra 65 6032-3 *Scenes in India and our Mission in Kangra ~ 49 6035 In the Foothills of the Himalayas 59 6036-7 The Church Marches On in Kangra _ „ 52 6040-1 *A Visit to India „ 48 6046 Bringing nature worshippers into the Christian Church in India C.M.S 45


7002 A Visit to Africa 38 7004-A *With Livingstone in Africa 22 7004-B *With Livingstone in Africa 22 7006 *Bridge Building in S. Africa (S.P.G.) 36 7007 * Africa—For Children - 29 7015 *Carrying on the Torch (C.M.S.) 29 7016 *Obeying Christ (C.M.S.) Medical Missions in Africa, India, China 39 7020 Missionary Welfare Work in Africa and the East (C.M.S.) 41


6050 A Visit to Palestine (Palestine of Bible days) 60 6052 *Scenery and Life in Palestine (C.M.S.) 41 6054 *If I lived in Palestine - 36 8002 *Corea—For Juniors (S.P.G.) 41 8003 *Burma—For Juniors (S.P.G.) 34 8004 Medieval Persia and Modern Iran (C.M.S.) 45 8005 Scientific Discoveries used in the Service of God (C.M.S.) 46


A. Efiong—a little boy of Africa. C. Wee Wong—China. ' B. Two and an Elephant—India. D. Matsui—a little girl of Japan. E. Zakki and his puppy—Eskimo. F. Kembo—a little girl of Africa. G. Esa—a little boy of Palestine. I. The Story of the Ling Family in China.


Printed by The Charters Publishing Co. Ltd., Brampton, Ontario.