Professor Ff Bruce, Ma, Dd the Inextinguishable Blaze
The Paternoster Ch11rch History, Vol. VII General Editor: PROFESSOR F. F. BRUCE, M.A., D.D. THE INEXTINGUISHABLE BLAZE In the Same Series: Vol. I. THE SPREADING FLAME The Rise and Progress of Christianity l!J Professor F. F. Bruce, M.A., D.D. Vol. II. THE GROWING STORM SketrhesofChurchHistoryfromA.D. 6ootoA.D. IJJO i!J G. S. M. Walker, M.A., B.D., Ph.D. Vol. III. THE MORNING STAR Wycliffe and the Dawn of the Reformation l!J G. H. W. Parker, M.A., M.Litt. Vol. VI. LIGHT IN THE NORTH The Story of the Scottish Covenanters l!J J. D. Douglas, M.A., B.D., S.T.M., Ph.D. Vol. VIII. THE LIGHT OF THE NATIONS Evangelical Renewal and Advance in the Nineteenth Century l!JJ. Edwin Orr, Ph.D., D. Phil. (Oxon), F.R.Hist.S. In Preparation: Vol. IV. THE GREAT LIGHT Luther and the Reformation l!J James Atkinson, M.A., M.Litt., D.Th. Vol. V. THE REFINING FIRE The Puritan Era l!J James Packer, M.A., D.Phil. THE INEXTINGUISHABLE BLAZE SpiritlltlJ Renewal and Advance in the Eighteenth Century by A. SKEVINGTON WOOD B.A., Ph.D., F.R.Hist.S. Then let it for Thy glory h11r11 With inextingllishahle bla:<.e,· And trembling to its source return, In humble prayer and fervent praise. Charles Wesley PATERNOSTER • THE PATERNOSTER PRESS C Copyright 1900 The Patm,oster Press Second impru.rion Mar,h 1967 AUSTRALIA: Emu Book Agmriu Pty., Ltd., pr, Kent Streit, Sydney, N.S.W. CANADA: Hom, E11angel Books Ltd., 2.5, Hobson A11enue, Toronto, 16 SOUTH AFRICA: Oxford University Prus, P.O.Box u41, Thibault, Thibault Square, Cape Town NEW ZEALAND: G.
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