(Eatalmjn? at Bisnal Einraitnn (Catalogue 434 Slattern £>l\b? B*{rartttttttt (ttljnrrlj of England in danaia Bfl4 Sartria &tmt Qtarmttn (Catalogue at liaual Eimraitott (Eatalmju? 424 Hantern &lxbt S^partmntt dtl|urrt| af England fat (Eanaia fi04 Blarma 9tmL Toronto CONTENTS Moving picture Projectors 3 Films For Moving Picture Projectors 4- 6 Lanterns and Equipment 7- 9 Lantern Slides For Sale 10-22 Hymns 10-15 Church Services 15 Litany _ 16 Psalms 16 Service For Missions 16 Children's Services 17 Sunday School Services 17 Church Catechisms 17 Bulletin 17 Bible Texts : 18 Biblical Pictures 19-22 Slides For Rental 23-56 Part I Biblical and Religious 26-44 A. Old Testament 26-28 B. New Testament 28-30 C. Christmas .. 30 D. Lent, Good Friday, Easter 30-38 E. Children's Services 38-39 F. Church History 39-40 G. Hymns, Services, etc 40-44 Part II General Subjects _ 44-53 H. Patriotic, History, etc ~ 44-45 I. Travelogues 45-49 J. Art, Nature, etc - 49 K. Stories, Comics, etc ~ 50-53 L. Miscellaneous 53 Part III Missionary 54-56 M. Missionary _ 54-56 iMnumg Jltrtur? frn^rtnra For BRILLIANCE CHOOSE A DAmtEI i REG. U. S. PAT. OFF. " 1 T f Glass-Beaded SCREEN i 1 ^^^^^ »» ^^^^^^ 41L44—Filmo Master The illustration is of a discontinued model. The Filmo-Master which we re- commend for normal Church and Sunday School use is similar but improved. There are no belts to get out of order. The lamp is 750 watt, 110 volt; the lens is 2 inch F 1.6. This machine is sub- stantially built and will give continued satisfaction. It is easily threaded, can be adapted to a hall of any length, and gives a steady flickerless picture. It is moderately priced and is universally re- cognized as a projector on which films may be shown without danger of injury. Companies who rent or loan films readily ... and for Convenience do so to any one using this machine. You save money and inconvenience by Specify the CHALLENGER avoiding a cheap machine. Send to us The Da-Lite Glass-Beaded surface re- for latest prices and other information. flects more of the projected light and shows every scene at its brightest and 41L44—Filmo-Sound best. Ask for this fine surface in the We can also supply sound-on-film pro- Challenger model. It can be set up any- jectors, and can offer the best prices. where in 15 seconds . the only screen However, owing to the present situation, with square tubing to keep the case the small number of films available, and aligned. 12 sizes (including square sizes the high cost of such equipment we think for still pictures) from 30"x40" to that those contemplating purchase of 70"x94". such should give the subject very careful consideration before making the invest- ment. We also supply screens of other kinds -see under Lanterns, page 8. For prices enquire from us before buying elsewhere. — IHottmt fftrtisrra Silent Films For educational purposes silent films are considered the most satisfactory. These, when used to illustrate Biblical stories, Biblical background or Missionary work, have the advantage that the lecturer is able to give his own interpretation by means of an introductory comment or an explanation while the film is being exhibited. The silent film also makes possible showings at fairly frequent intervals with the emphasis on different phases of the subject. The number of such films in existence suitable for such a purpose is not very great. We examine most of the new ones that came on the market and shall make additions to the lists given below as rapidly as possible, taking into consideration the suitability of films for the work of our Church. In our lists the following abbreviations are used: C.—suitable for children under 9 D.—Bible stories dramatized S.—suitable for children 9 to 15 Miss.—Missionary Y.—suitable for young people and N.—notes accompanying the reel discussion groups Min.—indicates approximate time of A.—suitable for adults showing B.—Biblical story or background T.—travelogue Rental The price given is for one showing. Each extra day add one half more. For the week, multiply by three. BIBLICAL These films have been carefully chosen and exhibit professional photography. No. 38RF1—I Am The Way—Jesus was born—Raised map—Jerusalem—Service in Temple court—Roman rule—tax collectors—waiting for Messiah—Bethlehem travel—street—arrival at inn gate-—shepherds in fields at night—star—Le Rolle's picture of stable—Wise Men—Holy Family. D.T.C.S.Y.— 18 Min.—Rental $1.50. No. 38RF2—I Am The Way—The Boyhood Home. Bethlehem—Jesus in school—going to market—the village well—the Virgins well— in the Temple—carpenter shop—street scene—synagogue—threshing floor grinding corn—baking-—Virgin and Child in house. D.T.C.S.Y.A.—18 Min.—Rental $1.50. No. 38RF7—I Am The Way—The Young Man of Nazareth Scene of Nazareth—country—ploughing —orchards—caravans Egypt to Syria ruins of Capernaum—Tiberias—Peter—wedding—visit to Mary and Martha—Roman rule—Jesus working in carpenter shop—taxes. D.T.C.S.Y.A.—18 Min.—Rental $1.50. No. 39RF8—Biblical Background, Reel 1 —Babylonian Customs The photography of this series, No. 39RF8 to 39RF36, was done in Palestine, Transjordan, Syria, and Egypt. This reel covers the Biblical material found in Genesis, Chapters 1 to 9. A map shows the sort of country through which the Euphrates and the Nile flow. Corn probably grew wild on the river banks—cultivation and irrigation—civilization foundation of cities—Ur—the flood—Sumerian civilization—brick—cooking and eat- ing utensils—sculpture—worship—writing—shepherd. B.N.S.Y.A.—20 Min.—Rental $1.00. 39RF9—Biblical Background, Reel 2—Abraham's Migration, Genesis 10-20 Map showing route—nomadic life—three visitors—meals—hospitality—clothes incense burned in front of the terraphim. B.N.S.Y.A.—20 Min.—Rental $1.00. 39RF10—Biblical Background, Reel 3—Abraham in Canaan, Genesis 10-30 Household utensils—potter—clothes—tent making—embroidery—Lachish—writ- ing Ras Shamra tablets—nomads—story telling. B.N.C.S.Y.A.—20 Min.—Rental $1.00. 39RF11—Biblical Background, Reel 4—Jacob, Genesis 29-31 Partly dramatized. Laban in Haran—wells—tent scenes—grinding corn B.N.C.S.Y.A.—20 Min.—Rental $1.00. —— 39RF12—Biblical Background, Reel 5—Isreal in Egypt, Genesis 42-47 The migration—Pyramids—palaces—peasants—the Nile—boats—harvesting head of the "overseer". B.N.C.S.Y.A.—20 Min.—Rental $1.00. 39RF13—Biblical Background, Reel 6—Slavery and the Exodus, Exodus 1-15 Goshen—forced labour—water—brick making—Pharoah—route of Exodus desert—whirlwind. B.N.C.S.Y.A.—20 Min.—Rental $1.00. 39RF14—Biblical Background, Reel 7—Wandering in the Wilderness, Exodus 13-23 Pitching camp—loading camels—sheep—music—wells—code of Hammurabi court. B.N.C.S.Y.A.—20 Min.—Rental $1.00. 39RF15— Biblical Background, Reel 8—From Sinai to Canaan, Exodus 19-25; Num- bers—Deuteronomy—Joshua Mount Sinai—ceremonial cleanliness—washing clothes—tabernacle—map Kadesh to Jericho—mountains—Petra—Moab—Crossing- the Jordan—Jericho. B.N.S.Y.A.—20 Min.—Rental $1.00. 39RF16—Biblical Background, Reel 9—Settlement in Canaan,' Joshua and Judges Relief map showing table-land, valley, mountains and plain—land of milk and honey—agriculture—carting—market. B.N.S.Y.A.—20 Min.—Rental $1.00. 39RF17—Biblical Background, Reel 10—Israel's Battles, Judges Relief map—Esdraelon—Megiddo—Deborah—Barak—Gideon—Midianites—agri- cultural laws—yoke—gleaning—vineyards. B.N.S.Y.A.—20 Min.—Rental $1.00. 39RF18—Biblical Background, Reel 11 —The Monarchy, I Samuel 9 to I Kings 11 The Philestines—Saul's Kingdom—musical instruments—shepherd life—sling Jerusalem street scene—carrying loads—Damascus gate—map of David's kingdom ceders of Lebanon—the Orontes—quarries—temple area—horses—wailing wall. B.N.C.S.Y.A.—20 Min.—Rental $1.00. 39RF19—Biblical Background, Reel 12—Life in the Kingdom, I Kings 12; Amos; Hosea Map—banquet in mansion—salutation—musicians—ivory carving—cunieform writing—poverty—slaves—disease—laws-—shepherd. B.N.C.S.Y.A.—20 Min.—Rental $1.00. 39RF20—Biblical Background, Reel 13—The Fall of the Kingdoms, II Kings 16-25; II Chronicles Map showing pincers of Egypt and Assyria—placques describing marches of the kings of Egypt and Assyria—inscriptions—lion hunt—Samaria—false gods of Manasseh's reign—Mt. Hermon. B.N.S.Y.A.—20 Min.—Rental $1.00. 39RF21—Biblical Background, Reel 14—The Captivity A Samaritan Passover—the Samaritan Pentateuch manuscript. B.N.S.Y.A.—20 Min.—Rental $1.00. 39RF22—Biblical Background, Reel 15—The Return Ezra and Nehemiah—a Jewish Passover—cleansing houses—the meal—the building—public reading—the rise of the synagogue. This reel shows the transition of the Jews from being a people with political ambitions to the people of a book. B.N.C.S.Y.A.—20 Min.—Rental $1.00. 39RF23—Biblical Background, Reel 16—Between the Testaments This film gives a background of world events showing the Greek and Roman influence. Greek statues and vases—placques—acrobat—Palmira—Baalbek. B.N.S.Y.A.—20 Min.—Rental $1.00. 39RF24—Biblical Background, Reel 17—Boyhood of Jesus (see also 38RF1 and 38RF2) Bethlehem to the wilderness—Analogies used by Jesus in His teaching which suggest His early experiences—swaddling—transport—well—bread making—beds shepherds—children in market—harvest—passover—Temple—carpenter—Jordan- wilderness.
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