Short Biographies for Contemporary Persons Appearing Recurrently in John Wesley’s Correspondence -prepared by Randy L. Maddox For the Wesley Works Editorial Project [updated: January 5, 2021] Note: Both maiden and married names are shown for women whenever known; their biography appears under the family name used earliest or most frequently in the correspondence. Abraham, Rev. John (fl. 1764–84) A native of the district of Fahan (just outside Londonderry), Abraham took his BA at Trinity College, Dublin in 1768, was ordained, and served as a curate in the Templemore parish of Londonderry and chaplain at the Chapel (of Ease) of the Immaculate Conception in Fahan. In 1776 he was converted under the influence of Rev. Edward Smyth, and joined Smyth for a while preaching in Dublin. In 1778, at JW’s request, Abraham left Ireland to assist at the new Chapel on City Road in London (see his only appearance in the Minutes that year, Works, 10:475). He proved physically and temperamentally unsuited to this role and returned to Ireland the following year. In 1782 he was again in London. The last JW knew of him, Abraham was confined in a hospital as ‘insane’. See J. B. Leslie, Derry Clergy and Parishes (Enniskillen: Ritchie, 1937), 291; Crookshank, Ireland, 1:276, 307, 397, 332; and JW to Alexander Knox, Dec. 20, 1778 & Feb. 7, 1784. Acourt, John (fl. 1740s) Acourt was an ardent Calvinist, whom JW believed was resolved to argue all the early Methodists into his Calvinist view, to set the societies in confusion by endless disputes, or to tell all the world that the Wesley brothers were ‘false prophets’.
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