Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-71403-7 - The Cambridge Companion to John Wesley Edited by Randy L. Maddox and Jason E. Vickers Index More information Index a` Kempis, Thomas, 44, 89, 148–153 Aldersgate Renewal Ministries, 280 The Garden of the Soul, 150 Algeria, 253 The Imitation of Christ, 44 Alleine, Joseph A Short Account of the Death of Elizabeth An Alarm to Unconverted Sinners Hindmarsh (1777), 156 (1782), 156 Abbeville, South Carolina, 290 Alleine, Joseph and Richard, 153 Abilene, Kansas, 273 Alleine, Richard Adelaide, Australia, 256 Vindiciae Pietatis Or, A Vindication of Africa, 261 Godliness (1663), 156, 240 south central, 253 Allen, Richard, 283, 288–289, 294–296 African American Methodism, 291 And Can It Be That I Should Gain, 284 African American Methodists conversion of, 284 on Methodism, 292 Alley, Mary, 249, 260 African Methodism, 285, 289, 290, 293, 297 America, 246, 247 African Methodist Episcopal Church American Academy of Religion, 6 (AME), 285–294 American Civil War, 19, 88, 258, 268–270, Bethel, 285–286, 288–289 290 Bryan, Grasonville, Maryland, 286 American Methodism, 71, 247, 254, 286, clergy, 294 296, 300 in South Africa, 252 in Asia, 254 missionaries, 251 in China, 255–256 New York City, New York, 288 in Latin America, 257–259 Oxon Hill, Maryland, 286 in South Africa, 252 St. Paul, 295 ordinations, 57 Truth, Sojourner, 26, 288 American Revolution, 65, 247, 283, 312 Woodlawn, 295 American Society of Church History, 9 Zoar, Philadelphia, 286 Ames, Edward R., 270 African Methodist Episcopal Zion An Extract from John Nelson’s Journal (AME Zion), 286–287, 289, 292, 294, (London, 1782) 296 printing of, 158 missionaries, 251, 291 An Extract of Miss Mary Gilbert’s Journal African slaves, 73, 84 (1768), 156 African Wesleyan Methodist Episcopal An Extract of the Life and Death of Mr. Church, 282 John Janeway (1749), 156 Age of Reason, 15, 39 An Extract of the Life and Death of Mr. Agricultural Revolution, 14 Thomas Haliburton (1739), 156 Alabama, 290, 294 An Extract of the Life of Monsieur de Albania, 260 Renty (1741), 156 Aldersgate, 47–48, 85, 86, 91, 100, 116, 118, analogy of faith, 125 134, 300, 305 ancien regime´ , 73, 74, 76 323 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-71403-7 - The Cambridge Companion to John Wesley Edited by Randy L. Maddox and Jason E. Vickers Index More information 324 Index Anglican Austria, 259 religious societies, 32 awakening Anglican Renewal Ministries and as corporate expression, 81 Headway, 279 New England, 85 Anglicanism, 18, 25, 34, 61, 64–66, 69, 99, Azusa Street, 276, 277 190, 201, 300 preaching, 99 Bacon, Francis, 161, 163, 173, 175 Anglicans, 37, 60, 92–94, 119, 191, 257 Bahamas, 250 Angola, 252 Baker, Frank, 130, 132 animals, 168, 171 A Union Catalogue of the Publications Antigua, 249, 260 of John and Charles Wesley, 144 anti-Methodist riots, 102 Bakker, Jim, 277, 279 antinomianism, 111, 192, 309 Baltic States, 259 antislavery, 70–73 Baltimore, Maryland, 247, 248, 284, 289, Methodist women, 72 290 apartheid, 252 bands, 51, 91, 93 Apostle John, 2, 105 Bristol, 95 Apostolic Constitutions, 228 Moravian, 93 Apostolic Faith, 274, 276, 277 Bangs, Nathan, 265 Archbishop Moore, 36 Bank of England, 16 archbishop of Canterbury, 19, 34, 44, 57 baptism, 36, 203, 239, 307, 308 Ariarajah, S. Wesley, 254 as initiation, 240 Arminian Magazine, 23, 71, 107, 132, 153, as sign, 307 154, 156, 160, 168, 188, 219, 221 Azusa, 277 against Calvinist doctrines, 155 by fire, 272 Arminianism, 190, 192, 193, 195, 199, 201, by immersion, 228 206 infant, 239–240, 306–307 English, 192, 205 new birth, 240, 306 Armour, Andrew, 253, 254 of dynamite. See Irwin, B.H, Arnett, Benjamin W., 293 of fire, 273 Article of Religion XIX, 99 of the Holy Ghost. See also Baptism:of Asbury, Francis, 246–248, 264, 282–283, the Holy Spirit 300 of the Holy Spirit, 264, 275 American Methodism, 286 of the Spirit, 263 bishop, 248 renewal of, 240 general superintendent, 57 spirit, 267 superintendent, 247–248 baptismal regeneration, doctrine of, 239, Ascension Day, 92 306–307 Asian Methodist Council, 256 Anglicans, 306 Assemblies of God, 263, 277–279, 281 dissenters, 306 assurance Baptists, 34, 278, 280, 283, 308 degrees of, 48 Barbados, 250 John Wesley’s experience of, 47 Barratt, T. B., 277 of forgiveness, 51 Barratt’s Chapel, Delaware, 247 of Spangenberg, August, 47 Basingstoke, 84, 139 assurance, doctrine of, 201, 202, 229 Bath, 28, 90, 96 baptism, 239 Bauchi province, Nigeria, 251 astronomy, 163–166 Baxter, John, 249 Atlanta, Georgia, 294 Baxter, Richard, 147–148 Atlay, John, 133 A Call to the Unconverted (1782), 156 Australasian Methodist Conference, 256 Aphorisms of Justification, The Saints’ Australia, 255, 256, 277 Everlasting Rest, and A Call to the Australian Methodist Church, 257 Unconverted, 148 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-71403-7 - The Cambridge Companion to John Wesley Edited by Randy L. Maddox and Jason E. Vickers Index More information Index 325 The Reformation of the Liturgy (1661), Book of Common Prayer (1549), 228, 230 227 Book of Discipline of The United Bayly, Lewis Methodist Church Practice of Piety, 147 clergy, 297 Bebbington, David, 116, 146 Book of Discipline of The United Beecher-Stowe, Harriet, 268 Methodist Church, 313 Belgium, 259 Book of Discipline of the United Bell, George, 56 Methodist Church (1972), 313 Bengel, Johann, 125 Book of Discipline of The United Benin, 251 Methodist Church (2004) Bennet, John, 98 Boards of Ordained Ministry, 314 Bennett, Dennis Our Theological Task, 314 St. Mark’s Episcopal, 279 Book of Homilies, 85 Benson, Joseph, 55, 132, 137 Book of Resolutions of the United Betty Methodist Church, 220 conversion of, 282 Booth, Catherine and William, 267 Birch Freeman, Thomas, 251 Boston, 52, 268 Bishop of Bristol.SeeButler, Joseph Botswana, 252 Bishop, Mary, 55 Bowling Green, 140 bishops, 25, 30, 51, 101, 235, 294, 310 Bowne, Borden Parker, 302 African Methodist Episcopal Church Bowyer, John, 157 (AME), 293 Boyle, Robert, 182 African Union Methodist Protestant Bradburn, Samuel Church, 287 An Address to the People Called American Methodist, 240 Methodists; Concerning the Anglican, 64, 65, 247, 248 Wickedness of Encouraging Slavery, black, 296 72 Church of England, 247 Brainerd, David Established Church, 63 An Extract of the Life of the Late Rev. female, 296 Mr. David Brainerd, 156 Methodist Episcopal Church (MEC), 247 Journal (1768), 156 Methodist Episcopal Church South Branham, William, 278 (MECS), 291 Bray, Dr Thomas, 148 Union Methodist Episcopal Church, 287 Bray, John, 49 Black Methodists for Church Renewal, 296 Brevint, Daniel Black Power, 296 Christian Sacrament and Sacrifice Black, William, 246, 248 (1673), 230 Blackmore, Richard, 184 Bristol, 55, 83–85, 87, 90, 91, 93–95, 100, Blackstone, William, 104 103, 104, 132, 137, 139, 140, 157, 187 Bland, Lady Ann, 30 anti-revival activity, 95 Boardman, Richard, 57 Baldwin Street, 86 Boardman, William E., 269, 271 Baptist Mills, 89, 90 The Higher Christian Life, 267 dispensaries, 179 Boddy, A. A., 277 New Room, 104 Boehme, Jakob, 82 poorhouse, 90 Boerhaave, Hermann, 185 printers in, 157 Bohler,¨ Peter, 47, 48 rector, 95 Bolivia, 258 the Glasshouse, 141 Bolton, Ann, 134 West Country port of, 83 Bombay (Mumbai), 250, 253 Britain, 5, 15, 17, 24, 61, 68, 69, 71, 73, 82, Bonnet, Charles, 172 96, 246, 248, 252, 257, 264, 300 Book of Common Prayer, 84, 85, 93, 227, war with America, 74 234, 301 war with France, 74 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-71403-7 - The Cambridge Companion to John Wesley Edited by Randy L. Maddox and Jason E. Vickers Index More information 326 Index British Methodism Calvinists, 54–56, 142, 146, 191, 192, 301 in Asia, 254 Cambridge University, 29 in Europe, 259 Campbell, Sophia, 249, 260 British Methodist Church, 251, 255 Canada, 246–248, 250, 277, 287 British Methodists, 254, 257, 259 Canadian Methodists, 248 in Fiji, 257 Cape Coast, Africa, 251 British United Methodist Free Church, 253 Cape of Good Hope, 250 British Wesleyan Conference, 248, 250 capitalism, 68 Brooke, Henry Carey, Jr., Archibald J., 294, 295 The Fool of Quality as The History of Cargill, David and Margaret, 257 Henry Earl of Moreland (1781), 155 Caribbean Islands, 73, 249, 250, 297 Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, 295 Caroline Divines, 192 Brown, Morris, 290 Carter, R. Kelso, 271 Brown, Oliver L., 294 Cash, Johnny, 277 Buchan, William, 182, 184 Catholics, 29, 71, 93, 94, 278, 279 Domestic Medicine (1769), 182 Caughey, James, 269 Buddaeus, John Francis Cave, William Elementa Philosophiae Practicae et Primitive Christianity, 227, 233 Theoreticae (1703), 187 Cennick, John, 51, 53, 94 Buddeus, Johann Franz, 168 Census of Religious Worship (1851), 62 Bulgaria, 259 Central Africa, 253 Bunton, Henry C., 295 Ceylon (Sri Lanka), 250, 253–254 Bunyan, John chain of being, 161, 171–173 The Pilgrim’s Progress, 152, 156, 158 Challoner, Richard, 150 Burma (Myanmar), 254, 255 Chambers, Jenny, 49 Butler, Joseph, 95 charismatic, 1, 69, 262, 279, 280 Butterfield, Herbert evangelists, 81 A History of the Methodist Church, 24 charismatic movement, 263, 281 The Origins of Modern Science (1949), Charleston, South Carolina, 150 162 Charterhouse school, 43 Butterfield, Herbert Sir Cheyne, George, 183, 184 The Whig Interpretation of History Essay of Health and Long Life (1724), (1931), 16 181 Butterfield, Sir Herbert Natural Method of Curing Most Diseases
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