
NUMBER5 Forest Stewardship Wildlife orest stewardship is the wise management and use of forest resources to ensure their Fhealth and productivity for years to come. Wildlife is an integral part of any healthy forest community. Forests provide food and shelter for numerous wildlife . In return, many of these species aid in seed dispersal, forest pest control, and many other ecological tasks that perpetuate healthy forests. Stewardship involves managing your forest so that populations of native species of wildlife persist for future generations. No matter how large or small your forest is, you can make a difference. Information presented in this publication will provide you, the landowner, with the basic knowledge you will need to begin wildlife stewardship on your property. Additional information on manag- ing woodlands for wildlife is available from Penn State Extension offices, the Game Commission, and the Forest Stewardship Program. In addition, a list of publications on Pennsylvania wildlife is provided at the end of this publication. Contents Benefits of Wildlife 3

Habitat Requirements Provided by the Forest 5 Food 5 Cover 5 Space 6 Water 7

Forest Succession and Wildlife 8 Vertical and Structural Diversity 8

Management Objectives and Stewardship Plans 10 Species of Special Concern 10 Featured Species 10 Groups or Guilds 11 Species Richness 12 Enhancing Wildlife Food and Cover 12 Increasing Human/Wildlife Interactions 13 Incorporating Wildlife into Timber Harvesting Plans 13

Cost Sharing for Habitat Enhancement 14

Summary 14

Additional Reading Pennsylvania Wildlife 15 Forests and Wildlife 15

2 thetic benefits of wildlife, few realize the ecological services provided by Benefits of Wildlife the variety of wildlife inhabiting our As a forest manager, the landowner forests or the multiple benefits associ- plays an important role in ensuring ated with these services. Each species that present and future generations performs a specific function in the can enjoy the many benefits of wild- ecosystem that directly benefits other life. In Pennsylvania, more than 60 living organisms, including people. percent of all adults participate in For example, bury acorns some form of recreation related to for food but fail to retrieve many of wildlife. Watching a scarlet tanager them. Acorns that are not uncov- Goshawk alight on a branch, identifying ten ered become a new generation of species of warblers on your own for- oak trees. In this way, squirrels help est tract, or pursuing a white-tailed provide for continual forest growth. Many other and small mam- deer on a cold November day are all Another ecological function of wild- mals distribute seeds throughout the recreational activities associated with life is insect control. Bats are insectivo- landscape. Blue jays are particularly wildlife. A major benefit gained from rous, feeding on small flying insects, important in long-distance dispersal owning forestland is being able to such as mosquitoes, moths, and of seeds, such as acorns and beech- hunt wildlife on your own property. beetles. A bat may consume as much nuts. Jays collect these seeds and Forest landowners also can enjoy as one-half its body weight in insects carry them to distant sites where they the beauty of wildlife. Listening to a every night, thereby helping control bury them in soft ground or under wood sing, admiring a mon- insects harmful to both forests and hu- grass and fallen leaves. In a study arch butterfly perched on a milkweed, mans. Birds also consume insects that of blue jays in Virginia, 50 blue jays or watching a dash across a in large numbers would be harmful to transported 150,000 acorns in one forest clearing can be inspirational trees. Earthworms and rodents turn month. Some of these were retrieved and provide a soothing break from an over the soil and recycle nutrients. and consumed by the jays later that otherwise hectic day. These are just a few examples of the year, but many were left to regenerate Although most landowners are many ecological functions performed the forest. aware of the recreational and aes- by wildlife.

3 WILDLIFE FOOD PLANTS no. of species seasons plant species wildlife species using plant for food using plant available1 Blackberry brown thrasher, , gray catbird, , 56 S, F ring-necked , robin, white-tailed deer Cherry black bear, cedar waxwing, , red , rose- 56 S, F breasted grosbeak, ruffed , white-footed mouse Grape black bear, cardinal, fox sparrow, , 53 S, F, W mockingbird, ruffed grouse, Ragweed dark-eyed junco, goldfinch, horned lark, mourning 49 F, W dove, red-winged blackbird, sparrows Dogwood bluebird, cardinal, cedar waxwing, rabbit, ruffed 47 S, F, W grouse, wild turkey, Oak black bear, blue jay, raccoon, ruffed grouse, 43 Sp, F, W white-tailed deer, wild turkey, Sedge horned lark, ruffed grouse, sparrows, wild turkey 43 Sp, S Bristlegrass bobolink, cardinal, , ring-necked 40 S, F, W pheasant, red-winged blackbird Serviceberry beaver, bluebird, cardinal, cedar waxwing, gray catbird, 39 Sp, S red squirrel, scarlet tanager, veery, white-tailed deer Blueberry black bear, gray catbird, rabbit, rufous-sided towhee, 37 S, F skunk, white-footed mouse, white-tailed deer Elderberry bluebird, brown thrasher, cardinal, indigo bunting, 36 S rabbit, rose-breasted grosbeak Pine beaver, black-capped chickadee, brown creeper, 33 W gray squirrel, mourning dove, porcupine, nuthatches Panic grass dark-eyed junco, sparrows, red-winged blackbird, 32 F wild turkey Beech black bear, blue jay, chipmunk, porcupine, ruffed grouse, 31 Sp, F, W squirrels, tufted titmouse, white-tailed deer, wild turkey Poison ivy black-capped chickadee, gray catbird, downy woodpecker, 28 F, W flicker, hairy woodpecker, , wild turkey Sumac bluebird, cardinal, black-capped chickadee, hermit 28 F, W thrush, rabbit, robin Maple beaver, chipmunk, porcupine, rose-breasted grosbeak, 27 Sp, S, F squirrels, white-tailed deer Pokeweed bluebird, cedar waxwing, gray catbird, gray fox, 25 F mourning dove, raccoon, red fox Greenbriar gray catbird, hermit thrush, mockingbird, raccoon, 23 F, W ruffed grouse Birch black-capped chickadee, beaver, porcupine, rabbit, 22 Sp, S ruffed grouse Virginia bluebird, great-crested flycatcher, pileated woodpecker, 22 F, W creeper red-eyed vireo Hickory chipmunk, red-bellied woodpecker, rose-breasted 19 Sp, S, F, W grosbeak, squirrels, wood duck Aspen beaver, porcupine, ruffed grouse, white-tailed deer 17 Sp, S, F, W Hawthorn fox sparrow, gray fox, raccoon, ruffed grouse 15 S, F Hemlock black-capped chickadee, porcupine, red squirrel, 13 F, W ruffed grouse, white-footed mouse Alder beaver, goldfinch, ruffed grouse 11 Sp, S, F, W

source: Compiled from Martin, A.C., et al. 1951. American Wildlife and Plants, A Guide to Wildlife Food Habits. Dover Publications, Inc. 1Sp = spring, S = summer, F = fall, W = winter.

4 . A variety of species, from slimy and garter snakes Habitat Requirements to bluebirds, warblers, shrews, bats, Provided by the Forest and black bears, make insects a part of their diets. Providing habitat for To survive, each species insects (rotting logs, stumps, dead requires four basic elements—food, trees or snags, etc.) will in turn pro- cover, water, and space. The combina- vide feeding areas for insectivorous tion of these elements required by each wildlife. Rocks, logs, cavities, and animal is referred to as that animal’s woody materials (e.g., fallen tree tops) habitat. When managing your forest, also provide habitat for amphibians, Ruffed grouse in evergreen cover it is important to remember that for a reptiles, and small mammals, which particular species to inhabit your land, in turn serve as food for carnivorous scarce. The value of evergreen cover each element of that species’ habitat species, such as hawks, owls, several depends upon the species, size, and must exist in sufficient quantity and types of snakes, shrews, and red and age of the stand as well as its proxim- quality. gray foxes. ity to other cover types. Evergreens are best located near brushy areas or COVER small herbaceous openings. A variety All wildlife requires cover for nesting of wildlife will benefit from a mixture and protection from predators and of tall, mature conifers, such as white adverse weather conditions. Herba- pine or hemlock, in one area and low- ceous forest openings provide ground growing evergreens nearby, such as cover for some nesting birds, as well rhododendron, mountain laurel, or as travel and escape cover for small young conifers. mammals. Scattered throughout the Thirty-five species of birds and Blackberry forest, brushy areas provide excellent twenty species of mammals in Penn- escape and nesting cover for species sylvania use tree cavities for nesting FOOD ranging from songbirds to and escape cover. Cavities also are A variety of trees, shrubs, vines, and and white-tailed deer. Mature forests used by various reptiles and amphib- herbaceous plants is needed to provide provide nesting and feeding cover ians. Cavity trees can be either living wildlife with food in each season, but for canopy-nesting birds and cavity- or dead. Retaining a combination of especially in winter when food may be nesting birds and mammals. both kinds will meet the needs of a scarce. In general, plants that produce You may wish to enhance the cover variety of wildlife species. Trees of fleshy fruits, nuts, or seeds are valu- on your property with evergreens, different heights and cavities of dif- able wildlife food sources. A variety of cavities, and brush piles. Hemlock, ferent sizes will be of greatest benefit plant species also will help to ensure white pine, rhododendron, and to wildlife. The most valuable cavity the availability of nuts, acorns, seeds, other evergreens are most commonly trees show evidence of use, such as and fruit. Red and white oaks, for used by wildlife as cover from harsh gnawing around the entrance, or a example, may produce acorns in dif- weather conditions. Stands of ever- smooth, worn entrance. They have the ferent years. Having more than one greens provide protection from snow following characteristics: species of oak in your forest increases and winter winds. Some birds, such ● a healthy crown and the potential to the probability of producing acorns as the mourning dove, nest primarily survive for years every year. in evergreens. In addition, evergreen ● a cavity entrance located where rain The table on the previous page is needles or leaves provide food for cannot enter the hole designed to help you recognize some deer in winter, when other food is of the plant species that provide food ● ability to provide multiple benefits for wildlife. The table includes exam- for wildlife (e.g., seed production, ples of woody and herbaceous species; multiple dens, and cavities in large the number of wildlife species in the dead limbs) northeastern that use Cavities are most valuable when each plant; examples of specific birds located near streams and forest open- and mammals that use each plant for ings or in proximity to other cover food; and the season(s) that each spe- types. For more detailed information cies provides food for wildlife. While on cavities and a list of species that plants are listed in order of the number use them, see the Penn State publica- of wildlife species that use them, even tion Pennsylvania Woodlands 7: Dead those used by only a few wildlife spe- Wood for Wildlife. cies are important. Fallen logs of various sizes, stumps, Deer mouse In addition to plants, many wild- cut tree tops, and brush piles also can life species feed on insects or other provide cover for wildlife.

5 est areas are fragmented into several Although some species require smaller forest areas by suburban extensive areas of forest, others need development and agricultural activ- a mixture of habitat types. The wild ity, the proportion of edge habitat turkey, for instance, requires several increases. Densities of predatory habitat types. A flock of turkeys may species such as the American crow, use thousands of acres during the year common grackle, raccoon, and opos- to meet its needs. During the spring sum also increase. These species prey and summer, turkeys feed on grasses, upon nests, eating both eggs and forbs, seeds, and insects found in forest clearings. In fall, they feed in mature Wood thrush nestlings. Populations of the brown- headed cowbird, a brood parasite, forests containing mast-producing also increase. Cowbirds never build trees, such as oak, beech, and cherry. SPACE their own nests but instead lay their Fruits of dogwood, grape, crabapple, In addition to food and cover, each eggs in the nests of other birds, and cherry also serve as fall food for wildlife species requires space in which often raise cowbird young turkeys. In winter, they rely on mast which to live. This space, referred instead of their own. Large numbers and fruits left over from autumn and to as an individual’s home range, of nest predators and cowbirds have on green plants and insects found must be large enough to provide an especially detrimental effect on in and around spring seeps, where sufficient food, cover, and water to the reproductive success of migra- groundwater emerges at the surface support the animal. Some species, tory songbirds. To breed, many of along hillsides and lower slopes. Land- such as the goshawk, have large these species travel long distances owners with small acreages cannot home ranges and therefore require from areas such as South and Central expect to provide all of the habitat re- large continuous areas of forest. America all the way to the North- quirements for wild turkeys. However, Other species, such as many amphib- eastern United States. Because they you may attract them to your land by ians and reptiles, have poor dispersal expend a great deal of energy and providing mature, mast- and fruit-pro- abilities and are unable to traverse time during migration, these species ducing trees and shrubs, maintaining great distances over terrain with little generally nest only once a year and a forest clearing, and keeping spring cover. A simple dirt road, a clearcut, lay fewer eggs than species that live seeps intact on your property. or an agricultural field, for example, in Pennsylvania year-round. Migra- may mean the difference between life tory forest songbirds are usually and death for a dispersing salaman- associated with large forest tracts, be- der. These species require continuous cause only within extensive forested tracts of forest, unbroken by large areas are interior habitat located far clearcuts or agricultural and subur- enough away from habitat edges. ban development. Many migratory forest songbirds also require extensive forestland. The ovenbird, red-eyed vireo, wood thrush, and other area-sensitive spe- cies have declined or even disap- peared from small forest patches and remain primarily in extensive forest areas. Their decline has been attrib- uted in part to forest fragmentation resulting from human modification of the environment. When large for-

Wild turkey and poults

6 WATER thonotary warbler. Forested wetlands Water is essential for the survival of all are important nesting and brood- wildlife. Some species can obtain water rearing habitat for , red- from the food they eat and from dew. shouldered hawks, and barred owls, Others require a water source. Your as well as black ducks, , and woodland may have various types of wood ducks. wet areas. These are valuable to all Many mammals likewise inhabit Spring peeper wildlife species and essential to some forested wetlands. Small mammals, species. Streams and rivers, forested such as meadow voles and shrews, Vernal ponds are small wetlands wetlands, and spring seeps are three are common in these areas, providing often found in clusters. While they habitat types that supply water to prey for larger mammals, hawks, and typically are dry in the summer and wildlife in Pennsylvania forests. owls. Minks, weasels, , and fall, they contain water during the Wooded areas adjoining streams beavers also make use of the resources winter and spring. These ponds may be and rivers are unique habitat known as found in forested wetlands. Black found in upland forested areas or may riparian zones. These areas add diver- bears spend a great deal of time feed- occur along streams and rivers, receiv- sity to the forest, attracting a myriad ing on skunk cabbage and blueberries ing a fresh supply of water when water of amphibians and an abundance of growing in wooded wetlands during levels rise and then recede. The ponds waterfowl, such as the belted kingfish- spring and summer. In winter, white- are critical to the reproductive cycle of er, green heron, and Louisiana wa- tailed deer find protection in wet many organisms in Pennsylvania. Fairy terthrush. In addition, riparian zones forest areas sheltered from the wind. shrimp, caddisflies, fingernail clams, protect streambanks from erosion and Since snow is not as deep here as in and other aquatic invertebrates have shade the water, thereby preventing the surrounding upland forest, deer adapted their breeding cycles to these stream warming. can uncover forbs and grasses to eat. ponds. Many amphibians, includ- Forested wetlands not only supply Spring seeps are common in Penn- ing spotted salamanders, American water essential to wildlife but also sylvania forests. Seeps often remain toads, wood frogs, and spring peep- provide food and abundant woody free of snow throughout the winter ers, court and lay eggs in these ponds, and herbaceous vegetation used for since the temperature of the ground- then return to the woods for the rest of cover. The combination of increased water is above freezing. Vegetation the year. During the breeding season, availability of water, abundant and and insect larvae found here provide thousands of individuals may be found diverse foliage for nesting and cover, food for wildlife in winter, when food in a pond at one time. Despite their and increased invertebrate food sup- is otherwise scarce or unattainable. small size, vernal ponds provide a rich plies attracts a higher density of birds The wild turkey, for example, relies supply of food for many organisms and than do upland sites, including the on spring seeps for winter food when may support the greatest biomass of common yellowthroat and the pro- snowfall is heavy. vertebrates in the forest.

Spring seep Raccoon

7 Other kinds of wildlife, including species, particularly birds, divide the the white-tailed deer, use several stages habitat vertically. For example, oven- Forest Succession and of plant succession. Deer need the birds, scarlet tanagers, and chickadees Wildlife cover provided by thickets of shrubs are all found in mature forests, but and saplings, but they also feed exten- ovenbirds feed mostly on the ground, If undisturbed, an open field over sively on acorns found under trees in tanagers prefer the canopy top, and time will be invaded by shrubs, which a mature forest and seek out succulent chickadees like intermediate heights. in turn will be replaced by saplings, green vegetation and grains in agri- More species are able to coexist in a young trees, and eventually a mature cultural fields. Providing the correct forest with multiple layers than in a forest. Foresters often refer to these stage or stages of plant succession in forest where all the trees are the same phases as the grass and forbs stage, the right amount and distribution is the height. Vertical diversity is greatest in shrub and sapling stage, pole stage, key to attracting wildlife to your prop- forests with a large variety of trees of and mature forest. In general, plant erty. Whether you wish to manage your different ages. Within similar forests, communities progress in an orderly land for a variety of wildlife species or vertical diversity is greater in areas and predictable manner known as for a single species, you will need to with few deer. Large deer populations forest succession. However, the rate of know what stage(s) of forest succession often browse and remove the lower forest succession on any one property each species depends on for food and stratum of vegetation. is difficult to predict and may vary cover. The table on page 9 lists various Structural diversity refers to the with soil conditions, topography, fre- wildlife species and the stage(s) of suc- variety, size, and shape of both liv- quency of natural disturbance, number cession each species requires to live. ing and nonliving organisms. Large of deer, and amount of competing standing and fallen dead trees, plant vegetation. VERTICAL AND STRUCTURAL species diversity, and vertical di- The abundance and kinds of wildlife DIVERSITY versity all contribute to structural also change as a forest matures, be- As a forest changes through succes- diversity in the forest. Many elements cause the quantity and quality of food, sion, its structure also changes. Verti- of structural diversity, such as rotting water, cover, and space are changing. cal structure is important because in a logs and snags, provide hiding places Young forests, for example, often have forest with a well-developed oversto- for wildlife and attract insects and an abundance of berry-producing ry, understory, shrub, and herbaceous fungi which serve as food for wild- shrubs and brushy cover, but few hard strata, a diverse array of plants and life. These elements make a very large mast (acorns, hickory nuts) or cavity animals can coexist. Maintaining verti- contribution to the species richness trees. As a result, species that feed on cal diversity within the forest can help and ecology of an area. acorns (e.g, squirrels) or nest in large to guarantee that a large variety of decaying trees (e.g., pileated wood- wildlife will be present. Many wildlife peckers) are much more abundant in older forests.


Deer Bear Red fox


Grouse Robin

Song sparrow Junco Warblers Grasshopper sparrow Meadowlark

Grass and forbs Shrubs and saplings Pole timber Mature timber

8 PREFERRED FOREST SUCCESSIONAL STAGES USED BY SELECTED WILDLIFE SPECIES grass and shrubs and mature species forbs saplings pole stage forest

Amphibians American toad ■ ■ ■ ■ Gray tree frog ■ ■ ■ Red-spotted newt Red-back ■ ■ Slimy salamander ■ ■ Red-spotted newt ■ ■ Wood frog ■ ■ ■ Reptiles Eastern box turtle ■ ■ ■ ■ Eastern garter snake ■ ■ ■ ■ Northern redbelly snake ■ ■ Smooth green snake ■ ■ Wood turtle ■ ■ ■ ■ Black rat snake ■ ■ ■ ■ Birds ■ ■ Black rat snake Black-capped chickadee ■ ■ ■ Chipping sparrow ■ ■ Eastern meadowlark ■ Grasshopper sparrow ■ Great-horned owl ■ ■ Ovenbird ■ Pileated woodpecker ■ Red-eyed vireo ■ ■ Red-tailed hawk ■ ■ Ruffed grouse ■ ■ ■ Rufous-sided towhee ■ Song sparrow ■ Wild turkey ■ ■ Mammals Black bear ■ Cottontail rabbit ■ ■ ■ Pileated woodpecker Gray squirrel Meadow vole ■ Red fox ■ ■ White-tailed deer ■ ■ ■

Black bear

Cottontail rabbit

9 ians, and aquatic species. The Bureau FEATURED SPECIES of Forestry manages threatened and After making sure you have taken endangered plants and maintains the species and habitats of concern into Pennsylvania Natural Diversity Index consideration, you may decide to (PNDI), which catalogs the existence manage your woodland or a portion of species of special concern through- of your woodland to benefit one or out the state. Properties for which more featured species. For example, Forest Stewardship Plans are written you may wish to increase the amount are entered into the PNDI database to of habitat on your property suitable Big brown bat determine whether there is a record of for the ruffed grouse, a native game a threatened or endangered plant or bird. Ruffed grouse thrive in forests animal species existing on or near the subject to periodic disturbance. Opti- site. If you think that you may have mum grouse habitat may be created Management a species of special concern on your by clearcutting in small, dispersed woodlands, you should confirm this patches. Good habitat has the follow- Objectives and with a resource professional and make ing characteristics: every effort to protect the species and Stewardship Plans ● both food and cover within a 5- to its habitat. 15-acre area For help in developing a management Habitats and communities of plan that enhances wildlife habitat, special concern also should be pro- ● brushy areas to provide cover and you should contact a professional tected. Wetlands, a special habitat in supply summer and fall foods wildlife biologist. These resource Pennsylvania, perform many valu- ● mature forest stands with an professionals can help you evaluate able functions. They control floods, understory of grape, greenbriar, the wildlife potential of your property improve water quality, and provide hawthorn, witch-hazel, and dog- and develop a workable management habitat for many species of special wood to provide food in fall, winter, plan. Names of wildlife biologists who concern. Other areas of special con- and spring assist in developing forest stewardship cern might include a group of trees ● dense stands of saplings to provide plans are available from your local Bu- where great blue herons are nest- brood cover reau of Forestry service forester. The ing. If your woodlands are a nesting Another species you may wish to various goals a landowner may site, or rookery, for these birds, you emphasize in your management objec- pursue when managing for wildlife should minimize disturbance around tives is the gray squirrel, which prefers are discussed below. the nesting colony. You might have a deciduous forests with a variety of stand of old-growth forest or a single tree species to provide a varied food SPECIES OF SPECIAL CONCERN old, large tree on your property. These supply. A forest that contains many When managing forests, you should trees, called trees, are very valu- mature mast-producing trees (e.g., give primary consideration to species able to wildlife. Cavities form in their oaks and hickories) and a mixture of and habitats that are rare in Penn- trunks at points where branches have other tree and shrub species to supply sylvania. Species of special concern died and fallen off. Large old oaks and include the snow trillium (plant), hickories produce an abundance of giant swallowtail (insect), eastern mud mast for wildlife to eat. Insects that salamander (amphibian), northern invade dead branches of wolf trees goshawk (bird), and northern long- are food for songbirds. If you are eared bat (mammal). In all, more than lucky enough to have a stream 600 plant species are of special con- running through your property, cern, along with about 150 vertebrate you will want to protect the and 250 invertebrate species. These wooded areas adjacent to the include aquatic species and species stream. The best way to pro- that inhabit open areas and wetlands, tect these riparian areas is as well as woodland species. The to avoid harvesting timber Pennsylvania Game Commission, the near streams. Wetlands, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commis- riparian areas, heron sion, and the Pennsylvania Bureau of rookeries, old growth Forestry can provide information on forest, and wolf trees specific species or rare habitats that are are just a few ex- present or have existed historically in amples of unique or your region. The Game Commission is rare features that you responsible for managing threatened may want to protect. and endangered birds and mammals, while the Fish and Boat Commission is responsible for reptiles, amphib- Great blue heron

10 food throughout the year will support an abundance of squirrels. Squirrels also require den trees for breeding and escape cover. Trees nearing maturity that have one or two openings into a cavity are best. If den sites are scarce on your property, you may erect arti- ficial nest boxes. For information on how to construct boxes, see the Penn- sylvania Game Commission publica- tion Woodworking for Wildlife. Managing for a featured species often has tradeoffs. Species whose habitat requirements are similar to those of the featured species will ben- Wild grape efit, while those with different habi- tats will not. If your property is large Gray squirrel enough, you may be able to create a balance by managing different parts of your property for different species. If your property is small, you may want to discuss your plan with your neigh- Another guild you may choose to bors to see if you can develop a larger emphasize in your management plan cooperative plan. is migratory forest songbirds, which require large areas of forest. Unlike GROUPS OR GUILDS early successional species, many Another option is to manage your migratory forest songbirds, including forestland to emphasize a particular the ovenbird, red-eyed vireo, wood guild, or group of species that uses thrush, and many forest warblers, the same environmental resources in require a different management a similar way. Guilds may require the approach. Many of these species are same cover type, age class, habitat adversely affected by forest fragmen- component, or a combination of these tation and the resulting creation of factors. For example, you may wish edge habitat. Area-sensitive songbirds to manage your property for species tend not to reproduce well along habi- requiring early successional stages of tat edges. Management recommenda- Gray dogwood forest habitat. This habitat, which con- tions for these songbirds emphasize sists of young trees, shrubs, and vines, maintaining extensive areas of contig- is created by clearcutting a portion of uous forest and minimizing creation of forest. Species that use early succes- edge habitat. Maintaining forest tracts sional habitat include ruffed grouse, in compact shapes, such as a circle woodcock, white-tailed deer, and cot- or square instead of linear patches of tontail . A variety of songbirds, such as the gray catbird, chestnut- sided warbler, rufous-sided towhee, and indigo bunting, also inhabit these areas. When managing for early successional habitat, cutting must take place every five to ten years in order to maintain brushy cover and retard natural succession.



11 woods, maximizes forest interior habi- ENHANCING WILDLIFE FOOD AND COVER tat and minimizes edge. In addition, HOW TO BUILD A BRUSH PILE uneven-age management instead of No matter which management objec- Brush piles may be constructed using clearcutting minimizes the creation of tive you choose, the primary way one of three types of bases. The first type openings. If you plan to clearcut, you to manage for wildlife is to alter the consists of four large logs placed one should cluster cuts near existing edges amount of food and cover present. foot apart and parallel to each other, with and openings to minimize the creation Once you decide which wildlife spe- four more logs of the same size stacked of new edge habitat. cies you will be managing for, you perpendicular to the first logs. The second Early successional species and area- may enhance food sources already type of base is made by placing large sensitive species are just two guilds present on your property through stones in three piles that form a triangle. habitat manipulation or you may you may choose to manage on your The third type of base is constructed of plant additional native food sources. property. Many other choices exist, logs and stones by placing four large logs including cavity-nesting species, mast- Practices that enhance wildlife foods about one foot apart and parallel to each consuming species, canopy-nesting are described in the section on cost other, then placing large, flat rocks across species, insectivorous species, ground- sharing for wildlife. If enough food the top of the logs. After you have built foraging species, bark-foraging spe- sources already grow on your land the base of the brush pile, add brush to cies, and a host of other groups. Some in sufficient quantities to support the the top starting with the larger limbs first, guilds can be managed in conjunction species you have chosen, your best with others, while some are mutually option may be a hands-off approach then adding smaller pieces until the pile is exclusive. to management. about 6 feet high and 6 feet wide. Providing a source of year-round SPECIES RICHNESS cover is an excellent way to enhance the evergreens. This will release the Forest landowners may choose to your property for wildlife. In many conifers and allow them to grow more manage for species richness, or the parts of Pennsylvania, evergreen rapidly. greatest number of species. This goal cover is in short supply. If your area Maintaining or creating cavity trees is best achieved by creating a mosaic has too few evergreens, you may is another way to improve the qual- of age class and cover type combina- wish to plant native conifers (e.g., ity of cover on your property. Retain tions while also maintaining large white pine or hemlock) or selectively cavity trees throughout your woodlot. areas of mature forest. By creating remove other trees that are shading Large trees with large cavity holes are a diversity of habitat types, you can particularly valuable. If your property satisfy the needs of a variety of contains few cavity trees, you may species. The best way to choose which maintain trees that have the potential habitat types to provide is to identify to become cavity trees. One of the easi- those habitats that are scarce on your est ways to improve the cover on your property and to manage for the type property is to build brush piles. For that is used by the greatest number of more information on how to construct species. Managing for species rich- a brush pile, refer to the information in ness is difficult unless your property is the box on this page. very large. Also, while creating forest In areas where woodlots are iso- openings may result in a short-term lated from one another by agricultural increase in variety of wildlife, if fields or suburban developments, cuttings cannot be su tained at maintaining or establishing corridors 10- to 15-year intervals, early of trees and shrubs that connect the increases in species rich- forest patches will add additional food ness will be short- and cover and may facilitate move- lived. ment of wildlife from one forested area to another. Corridors of trees and shrubs also can be planted to connect isolated patches of wildlife habitat. For most species, the wider the corridor, the better.

White-tailed buck

12 INCREASING HUMAN/WILDLIFE such as the black-capped chickadee INTERACTIONS or the . Eastern blue- Regardless of which wildlife species birds, gray and fox squirrels, house or groups of species you decide to wrens, white-footed mice, screech emphasize on your woodland, you owls, and flying squirrels also use may wish to increase opportunities nest boxes. For more information for viewing wildlife by providing on construction and placement of trails, forest openings, or nest boxes. nest boxes, consult the Pennsylva- nia Game Commission publication • Trails: Log base One way to increase your Woodworking for Wildlife. chances of seeing wildlife is through a wildlife viewing trail. INCORPORATING WILDLIFE INTO A well-planned trail can provide TIMBER HARVESTING PLANS easy, quiet access to a variety of One of your objectives in owning sites on your property so that you forestland may be timber manage- may observe wildlife unobtru- ment. If this is the case, you may sively. For convenience, the trail still take steps to benefit wildlife. should form a loop beginning and Retaining clumps of conifers or mast- ending in the same general loca- producing trees, for instance, will tion. Numerous bends and curves provide food as well as roosting and should be incorporated to add an nesting cover for wildlife. Dead trees element of surprise and increase and live trees with cavities should be the likelihood of flushing a grouse left to provide shelter and nest sites or catching a deer off guard. To for species that use cavities or dead maximize the variety of wildlife wood. Seeding log landings and you may encounter, develop trails Stone base roads will create excellent wildlife through various cover types and feeding areas. Leaving slash will near key points of interest, such as provide cover for many species. By a wetland or clump of evergreens. retaining buffer zones along streams Logging roads may be incorpo- and waterways, you can provide ex- rated as part of the trail. cellent wildlife habitat while protect- • Forest openings: To provide wild- ing water quality. For more informa- life food, old logging roads as well tion on incorporating wildlife into as small forest openings can be timber harvesting plans, consult the seeded with native grasses, such Pennsylvania Game Commission as little bluestem, broom-sedge, publication Timber Sales and Wildlife. switchgrass, or Indian grass. These grasses attract wildlife and increase opportunities for human- wildlife interactions by provid- ing forage for deer and seeds for birds and small mammals. In Log and stone base turn, small mammals attract birds of prey, such as hawks and owls. Insect life abounds in tall grasses and provides food for wild turkey and ruffed grouse, particularly in summer when poults feed almost exclusively on insects. • Nest boxes: Providing nest boxes for cavity-nesting birds and animals is a popular activity for Pennsylvanians who enjoy view- ing wildlife. Boxes may be placed at the interface between woodland and farmland, around stands of evergreen trees, along wooded stream bottoms, near woodland clearings, or within recent timber Bluebird nesting box Brush pile harvests. You may attract species

13 property to add to regional wildlife di- versity whenever possible. This means Cost Sharing for Habitat Summary managing your forest for habitat types, Enhancement There is no one correct way to be a habitat features, and wildlife species forest steward or to manage your for- that are scarce within Pennsylvania or Various forest management activities est for wildlife. An unlimited number the Northeast, even if that feature is may be implemented to help ensure of management options exist, none of common on your property. Avoiding or the perpetuation of a diversity of which will benefit all wildlife species. reducing permanent forest fragmenta- native wildlife populations. If improv- Every management decision has trade- tion also can enhance regional diver- ing your property for wildlife is one offs. For example, clearing a large sity. For example, establishing con- of your management objectives, you portion of forest is not compatible necting corridors (e.g., fence rows or may be eligible to receive financial as- with managing for high mast produc- riparian corridors) between two areas sistance through cost-share programs. tion to provide food for squirrels, blue of forest on your property or between Contact your Department of Conser- jays, and turkeys. When deciding how areas of forest on your property and a vation and Natural Resources Bureau to best manage your forest, try listing neighbor’s land can reduce the effects of Forestry service forester or your all of the positive and negative effects of fragmentation, as can planting to local Natural Resources Conservation that each management alternative will reduce edge. Service office. have on wildlife before implementing Whether you start with a small your stewardship plan. project, such as putting up a bird- Whatever your specific interests, house, or a major habitat-enhance- proper wildlife stewardship is based ment project, keep a record of on managing forests to ensure that na- changes you observe in the species tive species persist for the enjoyment of wildlife on your property. Evalu- of future generations. To succeed as a ate the success of your project. Were wildlife steward, view your property you able to see more wildlife? Did the as just a small piece of a larger puzzle project benefit the species you expect- and strive for management options that ed it to benefit? Use this information will provide the most benefits over the to modify future plans. longest period of time. Try to use your Finally, always try to incorporate wildlife needs into any timber man- agement plan. Many wildlife resource professionals in Pennsylvania can help you do this in a way that meets your economic objectives. By taking into account the needs of wildlife on your property, you will be rewarded with endless hours of recreational enjoy- ment and the satisfaction of know- ing that you’ve helped to ensure that future generations benefit from the diversity of wildlife found in Pennsyl- vania forests today.

Forest pathway

Forest opening

14 Additional Reading PENNSYLVANIA WILDLIFE Merrit, J.J. 1987. Guide to the Mammals of Pennsylvania. University of Pittsburgh Press.

Killdeer Shaffer, L.L. 1991. Pennsylvania Amphibians and Reptiles. Available from the Penn- sylvania Fish and Boat Commission, P.O. Box 6700, Harrisburg, PA 17106-7000.

Steele, M.A., M.C. Brittingham, T.J. Maret, and J.F. Merritt. 2010. Terrestrial Verte- brates of Pennsylvania. Johns Hopkins University Press.

Wilson, M.A., M.C. Brittingham, and R.S. Mulvihill, eds. 2012. Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania State University Press.

The Pennsylvania Game Commission has numerous publications on Pennsyl- vania wildlife. For more information and/or a list of publications, write to The Pennsylvania Game Commission, 2001 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110- 9797.

FORESTS AND WILDLIFE DeGraaf, R.M., and D.D. Rudis. 1987. New England Wildlife: Habitat, Natural History, and Distribution. USDA Forest Service Northeastern Forest Ex- periment Station. Gen. Tech. Rep.108.

Harris, L.D. 1984. The Fragmented Forest: Island Biogeography and the Preservation of Biotic Diversity. University of Chicago Press.

Henderson, C.L. 1987. Landscaping for Wildlife. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, St. Paul, MN 55155-4007.

Hunter, M.L. 1990. Wildlife, Forests and Forestry. Prentice-Hall.

Martin, A.C., H.S. Zim, and A. L. Nelson. 1951. American Wildlife and Plants, A Guide to Wildlife Food Habits. Dover Publications, Inc.

Rodiek, J.E., and E.G. Bolen (eds.). 1991. Wildlife and Habitats in Managed Landscapes. Island Press.

Field guides are available at most bookstores.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Numerous publications on wildlife and other topics are available through Penn State. Call 800-235-9473 to request a list of free publications or visit ecosystems .psu.edu/extension/publications.

Red fox

15 geese

This publication was prepared by Kristi L. Sullivan, wildlife biologist, and Margaret C. Brittingham, professor of wildlife resources, Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences. Cover illustration and great blue heron by Doug Pifer. Illustrations on pages 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 15, and 16 by Ned Smith. Illustrations on pages 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, and 14 by Rae Chambers. Ned Smith illustrations in this publication are protected by © copyright.

extension.psu.edu Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences research and extension programs are funded in part by Pennsylvania counties, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Where trade names appear, no discrimination is intended, and no endorsement by Penn State Extension is implied. This publication is available in alternative media on request. The University is committed to equal access to programs, facilities, admission, and employment for all persons. It is the policy of the University to maintain an environment free of harassment and free of discrimination against any person because of age, race, color, ancestry, national origin, religion, creed, service in the uniformed services (as defined in state and federal law), veteran status, sex, sexual orientation, marital or family status, pregnancy, pregnancy-related conditions, physical or mental disability, gender, perceived gender, gender identity, genetic information, or political ideas. Discriminatory conduct and harassment, as well as sexual misconduct and relationship violence, violates the dignity of individuals, impedes the realization of the University’s educational mission, and will not be tolerated. Direct all inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policy to Dr. Kenneth Lehrman III, Vice Provost for Affirmative Action, Affirmative Action Office, The Pennsylvania State University, 328 Boucke Building, University Park, PA 16802-5901; Email: [email protected]; Tel 814-863-0471. Produced by Ag Communications and Marketing © The Pennsylvania State University 2016 Code UH078 0 7/16 p o d

The Forest Stewardship Program is administered nationally by the USDA Forest Service and is directed in Pennsylvania by the DCNR Bureau of Forestry with assistance from a statewide steering committee. The Forest Stewardship Program assists forest landowners in better managing their forestlands by providing information, education, and technical assistance. For more information about program services, contact the Pennsylvania Forest Stewardship Program, DCNR Bureau of Forestry, PO Box 8552, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8552; phone: 717-787-2160. For more information about publications, contact the Pennsylvania Forest Stewardship Program, Department of Ecosystem Science and Management, 416 Forest Resources Building, University Park, PA 16802-4705; phone: 800-235-9473.