Definitions These Definitions Apply to the Regulations in This Book
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Definitions These definitions apply to the regulations in this book. ADF&G —means the Alaska Depart- or taste; however, those parts of Conservation of healthy populations ment of Fish and Game. legally taken animals that are of wildlife —means the mainte- Agency —means a subunit of a not required to be salvaged and nance of wildlife resources and cabinet-level Department of the which are left at the kill site are their habitats in a condition that Federal Government having not considered bait. assures stable and continuing land management authority over Barter —means the exchange of fish natural populations and spe- the public lands including, but or wildlife or their parts taken cies mix of plants and animals not limited to, the U.S. Fish for subsistence uses; for other in relation to their ecosystem, and Wildlife Service, Bureau of fish, wildlife or their parts; or, including the recognition that Indian Affairs, Bureau of Land for other food or for nonedible local rural residents engaged in Management, National Park Ser- items other than money, if the subsistence uses may be a natu- vice, and U.S. Forest Service. exchange is of a limited and non- ral part of that ecosystem; mini- commercial nature. mizes the likelihood of irrevers- Airborne —means transported by ible or long-term adverse effects aircraft. Bear —means black, brown, or grizzly upon such populations and spe- Aircraft—means any kind of airplane, bear. cies; ensures the maximum prac- glider, or other device used to Big Game —means black bear, brown ticable diversity of options for transport people or equipment bear, bison, caribou, Sitka black- the future; and recognizes that through the air, excluding heli- tailed deer, elk, mountain goat, the policies and legal authorities copters. moose, muskox, Dall sheep, of the managing agencies will Airport —means an airport listed in wolf, and wolverine. determine the nature and degree the Federal Aviation Administra- Bow —means a longbow, recurve bow, of management programs affect- tion Alaska Airman’s Guide and or compound bow, excluding a ing ecological relationships, chart supplement. crossbow, or any bow equipped population dynamics, and the manipulation of the components ANILCA —means the Alaska with a mechanical device that of the ecosystem. National Interest Lands Conser- holds arrows at full draw. vation Act, Public Law 96-487, Broadhead —means an arrowhead Cub bear —means a brown or grizzly 94 Stat. 2371 (December 2, that is not barbed and has two or bear in its first or second year of 1980) (codified, as amended, in more steel cutting edges having a life; or a black bear (including scattered sections of 16 U.S.C. minimum cutting diameter of not cinnamon and blue phases) in its and 43 U.S.C.) less than ⅞ of an inch. first year of life. Animal —means those species with a Brow tine —means a tine on the front Customary and traditional use — vertebral column (backbone). portion of a moose antler, typi- means a long-established, consis- tent pattern of use, incorporating Antler —means one or more solid, cally projecting forward from beliefs and customs which have horn-like appendages protruding the base of the antler toward the been transmitted from generation from the head of a caribou, deer, nose. to generation. This use plays an elk, or moose. Buck —means any male deer. important role in the economy of Antlered —means any caribou, deer, Bull —means any male moose, cari- the community. elk, or moose having at least one bou, elk, or muskox. Customary trade —means the visible antler. Calf —means a moose, caribou, elk, exchange of cash for fish and Antlerless —means any caribou, deer, muskox, or bison less than 12 wildlife resources regulated elk, or moose not having visible months old. herein, not otherwise prohibited antlers attached to the skull. Closed season —means the time when by Federal law or regulation, Bait —means any material excluding a wildlife may not be taken. to support personal and family scent lure that is placed to attract needs; and does not include trade an animal by its sense of smell 2014/2016 Federal Subsistence Wildlife Regulations 131 Definitions which constitutes a significant or any person living within the of hands by sewing, weaving, commercial enterprise. household on a permanent basis. drilling, lacing, beading, carving, Designated hunter —means a Feder- Federally qualified subsistence etching, scrimshawing, painting, ally qualified subsistence hunter user —means a rural Alaska resi- or other means, and incorporated who may take all or a portion dent qualified to harvest wildlife into a work of art, regalia, cloth- of another Federally qualified on Federal public lands in accor- ing, or other creative expression, hunter’s harvest limit(s) only dance with the regulations in this and can be either traditional or under situations approved by the booklet. contemporary in design. The Board. handicraft must have a sub- Field —means an area outside of stantially greater monetary and Drainage —means all of the lands established year-round dwellings, aesthetic value than the unaltered and waters comprising a water- businesses, or other develop- natural material alone. shed, including tributary rivers, ments usually associated with streams, sloughs, ponds, and a city, town, or village; “field” Harass —means to disturb, worry, lakes, which contribute to the does not include permanent molest, rally, concentrate, harry, water supply of the watershed. hotels or roadhouses on the State chase, drive, herd or torment. Drawing permit —means a permit road system or at State or Feder- Hare or hares —collectively refers to issued to a limited number of ally maintained airports. all species of hare (commonly Federally qualified subsistence Fifty-inch (50-inch) moose —means a called rabbits) in Alaska and users selected by means of a bull moose with an antler spread includes snowshoe hare and random drawing. of 50 inches or more. tundra hare. Edible meat —means the breast meat Full curl horn—means the horn of a Harvest (see Take or Taking) of ptarmigan and grouse, and Dall sheep ram; the tip of which Harvest limit—means the number of those parts of caribou, deer, elk, has grown through 360 degrees any one species permitted to be mountain goat, moose, muskox, of a circle described by the outer taken by any one person in a unit and Dall sheep that are typically surface of the horn, as viewed or portion of a unit in which the used for human consumption. from the side, or that both horns taking occurs even if part or all This includes the meat of the are broken, or that the sheep is of the harvest is preserved. ribs, neck, brisket, front quarters at least 8 years of age as deter- Highway —means the drivable surface as far as the distal joint (bottom) mined by horn growth annuli. of any constructed road. of the radius-ulna (knee), hind- Furbearer —means a beaver, coyote, Household —means that group of quarters as far as the distal joint arctic fox, red fox, lynx, marten, (bottom) of the tibia-fibula people residing in the same mink, weasel, muskrat, river residence. (hock), and that portion of the (land) otter, red squirrel, flying animal between the front and squirrel, ground squirrel, Hunting —means the taking of wild- hindquarters; for black, brown, marmot, wolf or wolverine. life within established hunting and grizzly bear, it is the meat of seasons with archery equipment front and hindquarter and meat Grouse —collectively refers to all or firearms, as authorized by a along the backbone (backstrap); species found in Alaska, includ- required hunting license. ing spruce grouse, ruffed grouse, however, edible meat of species Marmot collectively refers to all listed above does not include sooty grouse (formerly blue grouse), and sharp-tailed grouse. species of marmot that occur meat of the head; meat that has in Alaska including the hoary been damaged and made inedible Handicraft —means a finished marmot, the Alaska marmot, and by the method of taking; bones; product made by a rural Alaska the woodchuck. sinew; viscera; and incidental resident from nonedible byprod- Motorized vehicle— means a motor- meat reasonably lost as a result ucts of fish or wildlife, which is driven land, air or water convey- of boning or close trimming of composed wholly or in some sig- ance. the bones, or viscera. nificant respect of natural materi- Open season —means the time when Family —means all persons related als. The shape and appearance of wildlife may be taken by hunt- by blood, marriage or adoption, natural material must be substan- tially changed by the skillful use ing or trapping; an open season 132 2014/2016 Federal Subsistence Wildlife Regulations Definitions includes the first and last days of by, or granted to the Territory Resident —means any person who the prescribed season period. of Alaska or the State under has their primary, permanent Otter —means river or land otter only, any other provision of home for the previous 12 months excluding sea otter. Federal law; within Alaska and whenever 2) Land selections of a Native absent from this primary, perma- Permit hunt —means a hunt for which nent home, has the intention of State or Federal permits are Corporation made under the Alaska Native Claims returning to it. Factors demon- issued by registration or other strating the location of a person’s means. Settlement Act which have not been conveyed primary, permanent home may Person —means an individual and to a Native Corporation, include, but are not limited to: does not include a corporation, unless any such selection is the address listed on an Alaska company, partnership, firm, asso- determined to be invalid or is license to drive, hunt, fish, or ciation, organization, business, relinquished; and, engage in an activity regulated trust or society.