Planning Services COMMITTEE REPORT APPLICATION DETAILS APPLICATION NO: 1/2010/0348 Residential Development to provide five dwellings FULL APPLICATION DESCRIPTION : (Resubmission) NAME OF APPLICANT : Mr T McGiven Land to the north of 8-10 Watergate Road ADDRESS : Castleside County Durham ELECTORAL DIVISION : Lanchester Steve France Senior Planning Officer CASE OFFICER : Telephone: 0191 3872263
[email protected] DESCRIPTION OF THE SITE AND PROPOSALS The Site 1. The application site comprises a privately owned unmaintained triangle of rough grassland to the rear (southwest) of Castleside Working Mens Club (WMC). The Club faces onto Rowley Bank, the main A68, as it passes through Castleside. The Club consists at the front of a traditional single storey stone built element, with slate roof, attached to a two-storey dwelling of similar construction. The rear part of the club is a high single storey flat-roofed, brick built building encompassing the main function rooms. Large windows take advantage of the expansive views of the countryside to the south-west. 2. The application site is accessed from the main road through the Club car park, which runs alongside and to the rear of behind the building – the car park extending around 18m from the rear of the main single storey element. Existing private garages are accessed from the club car-park at either end. The application site, triangular in shape, is otherwise enclosed on it’s three sides by residential properties, which back onto the site. The site, approximately 0.7 acres in area, falls steeply from the car-park north-east to an apex at the south-west.