Portland Daily Press: May 13,1880
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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862.-VOL. 17. PORTLAND, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 13, 1880. TERMS $8.00 PEE ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. THE PORTLAND DALLY PRESS, MISCELLANEOUS. EDUCATIONAL. COPARTNERSHIP. THE PUESS ALBANY Journal: Throe months have Gossip Published every dey (Sundays excepted) by the wrought a great change in public sentiment. PORTLAND CITY PORTLAND. Gen. Grant was much stronger in February PUBLISHING CO., HALL, ITIass. Institute Technology. PARTNERSHIP. THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 13. About Mon and Women. than lie is and he would have been At 109 Εχγηανοη St., Portland. Two Grant! BOMTOPT. to-day; Performances, courses in Mechanical Regular four year Civil, have this a much than he is had not Terms : Eight Dollars a Tear. To mall subscrib- undersigned day formed eopart- We do not read letters and communi- stronger to-day and Mining Engineering, Architecture, Chemistry, anonymous Col. Tom Ochiltree of Texas is the man er· Seven Dollar» a Year, li paid In advance. THEnerehip, and will coutinue the Grocery and his friends their mid- who, SATURDAY AFTERNOON and EYENING MAY Physics, Natural History, etc. Studeiits Provision under the iirin cations. The name and address of the writer are in imprudent sought, by 15tli, Metallurgy, business, name of W. L. the war. while on related to are also admitted to partial special courses. School a during furlough, THE PRESS LEIGHTON & CO, at the old stand, Central Ave., all cases indispensable, not necessarily for publica- winter conventions, to force public senti- MAI5E~STATE The Greatest of all the Uncle Tom's Cabin Companies ever organized. of Mechanic Arts for instruction iif mathematics, Peering Centre. a young lady in Texas, the particulars of the drawing and shopwork. Next school begins Sep. tion but as a guaranty of good fkith. ment which did not exist. These ill-timed * published every Thursday Morning at $2.50 a W. L. LEIGHTON, death of her who to the 1880. Entrance examinations June 7th and We cannot undertake to return or com- brother, belonged if in advance at $2.00 a 27th, H. W. 1LLSEY. preserve votes to year, paid year. Tlx© Great Ideal and 22d and 23û. at 9 A, M. gatherings lost him enough imperil Tom 8th, Sept. Deering Centre, May munications that are not used. same regiment. "Are you Ochiltree?" ROBERT H. Secretary. 11,1880. mayl2d3t* Rates of Advertising : One inch of the RICHARDS, his nomination. There is a zeal that is asked the young lady. "Yes," said Tom. space, WILLIAM R. President. of a ROGERS, was length column, constitutes "square." a is "Thank heaven, then," her may5 dW&S4w Every attaché of the Press is furnished wise, and zeal that is otherwise. It some- reply, "my $1.50 per square, daily first week; 75 cems per UNCLE TOM'S CABIN ! PARTNERSHIP. regular brother lives." *reek after; three insertions or less, $1.00; continu- with a Card certificate by Stanley times as indiscreet to '"take signed Pullen, prematurely Eleanor the third ng every other day after first week, 50 cents. the famous HYERS SISTERS Mary Sherman, general's By COMBINATION Instruction in English and Class· undersigned have this day formed a copart- Editor. All railway, steamboat and hotel managers time the forelock" as it is to take a mule Half square, three insertions or less, 75 cents; And a Dramatic by who was married in the complete White Company. THEnership, and will continue the Crockery, Chi- us daughter, Washington one 50 cents week after. ical Studies. will confer a favor upon by demanding credentials week, $1.00: per na, and Glassware under the firm name of the tail. one-third additional. Halls and Opera)Houses packed to the doors everywhere, over 2000 people crowded into Mechanic business, by other is a brown-haired Special Notices, Mlren to the HAYES & at the old stand of of every person claiming to represent our journal. day, rosy-cheeked, Worcester. In the Matinee was ever Hundreds turned prlrarte pupils by subscriber, DOUGLASS, the late Under head of "Amusements" and "Auction Hall, Bangor largest given. away nightly. a little below medium with a firm, No. 242 Middle Street. Kesneiiec Journal : While the counting- lady, height, Sales," $2.00 per square per week; three inser- THE ORE AT COLORED COMEDIAN F. E. D. HAYES tions or charming freshness and vivacity. She is less, $1.50. ROBERT DOUGLASS. out are to work up a Advertisements inserted in the "Maine J. W. conspirators trying of and the bridegroom is State COLCORD, Portland, March 1st, 1880. ap27d3w twenty years age TPrehs" (which has a large circulation in every part sj^jso: LUCAS, boom for themselves, many life-long Demo- thirty-one. Lieutenant Thackara is the son of of the State), for $1.00 per square for first insertion, 143 Pearl Street. the "senior member of the firm of Grand Chorus Twenty Voice»·, the Famous CAMPAIGN PRESS. crats and honest Greenbackers are notifying Thackara, and 50 cents per square for eacli subsequent inser- jau 24 dtf Buck & Co., of New York city. tion. PROPOSALS. prominent Republicans in a quiet way that Address all communications to HYERS SISTERS' QUARTETTE Tom Scott's paralysis, which struck him In Plantation Levee Jubilee melodies and have cast their last vote for either of PUBLISHING Scenes, C'nmp Meeting Hynans. For the purpose of furthering the good cause in they down in the fall of now him to PORTLAND 00. Vaults Cleaned and Ashes Removed for 187H, compels All the Slave characters colored people, while white people the white Proposals Rations and Pro- the coming political campaign, tbe Publish- those or for fusion that can be represented by play characters, parties any drag his left foot in a manner, and he thus for the lirst, time in the world this time honored Drama in Nature's own coloring. visions. ers of the Press propose to issue their Weekly painful presenting from $4 to $6 per cord or $3 per load. All The number of that kind of Grand family matinee for children Saturday afternoon, May 15th. Admission to matinee, children 15 and Daily Editions at the following extraordinarily hatched up. carries a stout umbrella to aid his ENTERTAINMENTS. AT Orders promptly attended to by calling on or of always cents. 25 cents. Admission 35 cents. Reserved seats 50 cents. Sold at Office Light-House Inspector, ) low rates, barely covering the cost of material and Adults, Evening, Stockbridge's, addressing R. GIBSON. men who will vote the ticket movements. There is also a diffi- 12th. First District, at Portland, Me., 1880. J postage. Republican perceptible Wednesday morning, May mylOdot fo2dlf 688 Gongrees St but PROPOSALS will bo received at this next September is very large. If Mr. Blaine culty in his articulation, his brain is not CITY HALL. SEALEDOffice until 12 o'clock M., on TUESDAY, the affected in the least. He retires to his country 18th of for Rations and is nominated for President it will be in- day May. 1880, Provisions seat near Darby, Pa., where he will remain, Return to Portland for five, matinee lectures to ladies, for Vessels and Stations in this District, for the THE MAINE STATE PRESS creased to a host. not going even to Philadelphia. of the eloquent and popular Dr. fiscal year ending June 30, 1881. Forms of Pro- quite posal and printed Specifications giving full particu- Weekly, will be furnished, beginning June 10th, Sarah Bernhardt has now hit upon the exact Ι Ι Ι discoverer of lars as an of Tiie National Greenback PI J to the articles required, the quantity and with the number containing account the Na- View, organ, shade of red hair which slio intends to make 1· I I Ê I IJ Electro Cranial quality, the terms of delivery and payment, can be tional Republican Convention, or with the number has apparently as bitter a quarrel as the has ■■■■!■■ L# III diagnosis. obtained at this Office. The right is reserved to issued next after the receipt of the order in each fashionable. It the merit of not spoiling anv and all to waive defects. and with the issue of con- New Times with reject bids and any case, closing Sept. 16th, York Secretary Sherman. the skin of the head, and it is not so harsh for FASHIONABLE J. S. SKERRETT, Captain U. S. N., taining a report of the Maine Election. It a to of the I myGeod2w Light-House Inspector. permits correspondent speak ladies of a certain age as black or dark brown. Ρ li ... f,a1hZÎ:i?cîro-C rPfM Single Copie**, JO tent*. Secretary as "a breeder of famine, a scourge The Bernhardt tinge is a little redder than ■» ■ Γ π 111U Π 100 or more to one addrettt», et*, each. auburn, and in certain lights has at night gold- g-ar""·" FOR. SALE of God, a Herod II., a renegade from hell, CREAM ι OKEAM en shades which harmonize with rouge. It is <>n "the and functions of the human in conceived in and seen at its best when the tresses to which it is organs body BY begotten sin, iniquity, in relation to the duties of woman as maiden, wife ir^ LJT applied are waved artificially, and not drawn of womb hell and mother." Illustrated by life size manikin. THE DAILY PRESS ! spewed red hot out the of into tight to the head. should have a loose "Full of practical every day truths every woman They * ALBERT WEBB & Will be June or after- the of civilization, to curse and blast and young or old should know." CO., furnished, beginning 1st, lap fléeciness. wards on receipt of order in each and closing "Eloquent common sense, the results of a lifetime ColoreD ColoreD J\o.