llntwriisnt' mm rCBUSHBD RATES OF ADVERTISING. Every Wednesday Morning, Space ilrasaretl (a ( Sao. i Ije. i tsa. m ' SesjpareuT TJrpe. j In. tit A T SIX I) OLLA11S PER tlioe Utach I Ob's 3 ea!f t Toaif e PArvlRu $8.00 o SIO.OO. 11 Line, llacn. elta J 061 4 w sea Subscriber, Hi iBchea T M HAWAIIAN Si 1 Uses: ri to 4ar tetj ta Tn new Office Build 36 tines 3 inches. low s at, : t ( u Sum Office the Post ITijJlil op Unea4 lathes. 1 ear MeatMeafH Merchant 1L Qoarter ef Cataufv . oaf to ; i u Mj aa 3 ins, Street, Honolulu, L TblfdefCeJuma..".! S 6f It ft M f ft Wf W Halfof Colama.. .. . K 0W 1 Ji 0 S at MjrHs WOW by SI. Haixee, at the Govern-- OnefWamn .. IIKWH-a- - eat PrWlac(Mta, Is Than aH buiaat oommcnio in-S- O- Bnsines Cards whea sersi firrmm yrar, ara asaw VOL. T0. 44,1 HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY, NOVEjMBER 13, 1872. ,86.00 ea awsmas ims ira. rvi .bt, i- u .i t . PER YEAR Usemeote, whea raider thafTed sjaarttrry.

tluiv-tiin- n Supreme Court, Inland. Ens-limcl'- s Mimic tVar. "Writers and their Ilnmils. BUSINESS NOTICES. .BUSINESS XSTOTICES. juxy thru. 1872. INSURANCE NOTICES. FOREIGN NOTICES. "War is the true educator in the art or war. Lon- XI I U UAIVAlIArV HOTEL ! The ffimj w. Kthaubi. Summer soldiering and sham Ogbts are pretty to The writer of the " Piccadilly papers" in n. oi.ivEit, Board of Undenrritcrs. W. D. strwan, X. C Oauscx. Mi Caaraao. don Society, discoursing of "Literary Nooks," (Late of the English Army MrJiat SUIT,) m,x ine t ropneior win spare no pains Appaal foots tbe Justice of Hilo. look at, but, they can not qualify men to cope AGEXTS for the Hnvrallau Islands, STEWART, & CO. says : ' AVe like to think or our writers or pleas Comer of Fort and King Streets, Honolulu. C. BKEIVKR k CO. Before AM.BK, TJ. J., anil Widemann, J. with the veterans of real battles. The shock ol 42 QCIce "pen iliy ami night. ty CLASS In every particular. He MERCHANTS & COMMISSION AGENTS to matte tbo charges rooms Chief ant fiction writing under pleasant circumstances. for Board or Underwriters. rev JHee Allsk delivered lie decision of actual conflict pots to flight all tho beautiful IHt. .HOTT , anil board especially reasonable. MD.tKv, s. iv cltalet, and Lord 16-3- tlsa Oort as faltoRs , formations of volunteer troops which one ad- So Dickens wroto in his Swiss ALLEN' HERBERT. Prop'r. for the Hawaiian Islands, And 31 St. Srrltnln Lane, kOXDOX, K. C AGESTS C. BREWER CO. A. was entered before mires on Lytton in the summer bouse on the margin of t MBifliitrt the Police Jus- the parade ground. Neither courage IITin resumed practice, can be frond at hit rconis orer & his lake. AVe well imagine how Thack E Stutii Co.'i Drug More, corier of and Hotel Stt. ALLEN CHILLINGWOETH, tice of H3o srsin-- lUe defendant, in which nor and can I toil F. A. SC'IIAKF'f'K, SATHAX. lecwa. xataUx. t it patriotism, though most intense 36 (Sai KAWAIHAE, L.S. in HAWAII, Bremen Board or TS wjm alleged that b bad the pablic can make good the want of the dread- eray's notes were made, ir not written ; lodg AGEXT of Unilenrrltri, Xi UAT7TATT & obstructed Will contlmMtueOeneralMerchandise and ShlrtpInK business of Dresdca Board of Underwriters, P. ings, in cabs, in boarding houses, in his bed room C. & CO., Agent of VleonA Board fctgarwa at I'amtai. io the District con-tra- ful of war. Crack regiments the BSEWER at the above pwrt, where tliey are prepared to fnmisb tlie of Underwriters. tf Kan. practice at - AND SHIP. AGESTS. 1 Jrutlj- celebrated Kawalhao Totatues, and inch olbrr Claims against Insurance Companies within the Jurisdiction to 4, Chap. SC. Civil Code, after heavy dinner parties, in the writing rooms ( it. a. r. CAr.Tzn, or Sc of.the in first battle of Hull Ron, and for many an engage- JOXES, Jtt. V as are recpiired by whalMulps, at tbe shortest notice tbe above Boards of Underwriters, will bare to be certi- SllOItTLAND AND Iltnll STKEKTS, taw niootks of Febraarr and March of clubs, and so on. The late. Mr. Lever, whose ( D. BBEWEK. ) and on the most reasonable terms. Firewood always on fied to by the abore agent to make tbein talk!. last past. ment after, were easily seized with panic and ran J. hand. sly Auckland, N. Z. of his The defendant pM not polity, but acknowl-edge- from tho field. This was true of the Southern loss we all sincerely deplore, left the track SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Hxsty s. wnuors. p aajuveaaaa. raua 5-- wwacaa. travels on all of his writings. As an Irish Sur MccoxGAiV & tAmonsi.v hkskt tint Le had placed an obstruction on the as of the Northern combatants. It was only the Hgaolalu, Hawaiian Islands. ty jourtsorv, INSUKANCE COMPANY. road, char-e-d, geon lie gave us rollicking Irish stories, and when WlLLIflHS, BUNCHARD & CO as bat Hint he was justi6cd in toss of a penny which side would take to their & MERCHANT TAILORS, USDEHSIO.VED, AGENTS of the he went abroad he took his readers abroad with BISHOP CO., CO Fort st.. Honolulu, opposite T. G. IIruck's. ljC THE Company, havo been authorized to losura rlaka omr it Jadcment was rendered ajainst him heels first Yet the novices of that day lived to on Cargo, and u3u 3ST DE! DEL Freight Treasure, by Coasters, Shipping and Commission Msrcfianis, by the Police Justice, upon which he entered an fight many a day after with a pluck and per- him. His political friends sent him to Spczzia 33 S from Uouululn to all ports of the llawaiiaa Group, and vice 1 G. TKOr.SSEAl', M. I)., versa. much as was Florence, HONOLULU, ( HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, 218 California Sjta a. ty appeal to Mm Sapremc Court. sistence of the Imperial and Trieste, Shicl sent to 11. 1IACKVKLD CO. Street, worthy great Napoleon's URAW EXCniXGE OX Physician of the Facnlty of Paris, Knight of the Mr. Hannay to Barcelona. Then he gava 113 It appear in evidence the high- Guard. was a lesson taught frightful cost, or THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA, , Imperial Order of the legion of Honor, iiA.iiiu;i.Gii-Ki:nK- :v that traveled It at : : : : FEINT, PEAB0DY & Co way was iajared by a wave of the sea, and a but this nation, North and , feels as if it the scenery of Northern Italy and Of the shores A5B Tlltia AGISTS 15 Can be consulted at E. Strchz 1 Co.'s, corner of Tort Xew York, and Hotel streets. Honni or attendance, week days, rmm FJEE INSURANCE C0MPASY. nada-e- of the Adriatic So, too, Mr. Trollopo utilized detow was the ktrd of the defendant could fight now to some purpose, if required to lloston, . 9 to 11 a. M and rrom 2 to 4 P. M. Sundays, from 8 to 10 A, w. SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS UXDERSIOXKD baring been post-offic- e ParU, Prltato residence, llawaiUn Hotel. aad otfeers to aeeftrainodate the pnblic travel. meet an alien foe. We need no more teaching all his travels for the in that long sc Auckland, THE Agents of tbe nbore Company, are prepared ax ascits ar whole have to insure risks against Fire, on Stone and Brick Until!-Infr- a, After this of a new road by Super-tio- t, on that head for half a The ries of stories, which, on the quite a THE ORIENTAL BANK CORPORATION, : : LONDON, XIIOS. G. Con-na- y. opening the generation. utility : : THRUM'S and on Jlerchandtae stored therein, no tbe Peiic unl and Xg called cosmopolitan character. Poor Lever wa3 moving ASD IUEIR B&ASC1IE3 IX uioet farorabte terms. For particulars apply at the office ot Are prepared KB? aM JHftOKg ta be the owners of the land together, of war experience was plainly shown in the Stationery, Cutlery and News Depot F. A. SCHAEFEK totaaba BAU Hong Kong, t CO. any quaatriy ieture, asa rwfeearwry i lain s Franco-Germa- n of-th- about London only a few months ago as blithe and aad thsy oaasented that the land should be used struggle. The men Ger and Circulating Library, of sagtt ao- -i issaoa ctvihk. Melbourne, Merchant Street, Honolulu. Also Cutting. En- for a rued on condition that were paid man army were, most of and fresh looking as ever, though we now know And transact a General Banting Rnslncg. y Stencil Insurance Notice. liefer to they for lor the part,Teterans graving, Caligrapby and Copying, promptly executed on Messrs. BMW A Ca ... . and were both gone. reasonable terms. 7 it Afterwards, the Minister or the Interior ap- the war with Austria, and many of them had that for him health happiness AGEXT FOR THE BRITISH II. llMtieMACo CASTLE & THE Marine Insnrance Company, (Limited), has re- pointed a Commission to land served in rough campaign lie had lost his wife, and his doctors had told COOKE, ceived " Outle ACaekr.. appraise the the brief but against II. V o s s , instrnctions to reduce the rates ol Insurance IValkerAAlWa. 1XFOBTEKS 5D between llonolnln and Is ' daamteo, in which the defendant Denmark. Opposed to them was a smaller num- him that ho was borwlesslv diseased. From first Ports In the Pacific, and now pro. acquiesced, and UPHOLSTERER, pared to Issue Policies at the Zetreit Haiti, with a special OXFXCB, 1 Merchant tkeir opinion was that the defendant was not ber of old soldiers who had learned tlier trade in to last'liow boyish was his nature And what a Dealers in General Merchandise, Xo. 5 Street, opposite the Sailor's nome. reduction on Freight per Steamers. So. 101 California Mrrcl. Man Front two. Furniture and msttrasses always on hand, and eld furniture TIIEO. H. DAYIFS, aly eatMed to any damage, as the land in their Algiers, in the Crimea, at Magenta and Solferino, patriotic nature was his, from first to last trying Shipping and Commission Merchants, repaired and Orders from the other Islands " -- gcnt DHL Jfar. Ihm. Cb. (LiKileift promntlyattcndcd to. My fir. at make understood, and to render her tSr No. SO King Street, Honolulu, llawniin Islands, ly jadguent was valueless. It appears that the old and in Mexico. These men fought most gallantly to Ireland CALBFOKrVIA BOOKS & STATIONERY road, wrrrefe was Injured, was Voertb, Grave-lott- e, such serrico as a novelist might render. w. T. W. GIUUS, repaired in Novem- at at la Tour, Tionville, asm. races, i, a. rETsxsort. INSURANCE COMPANY. ber, 1S71, and that it was a belter rood than the and in other of the earlier contests. The The public doubtless take a great interest in a. iv. & co., PAINTING IN ALL BRANCHES, No. 90, King St Tho Basis of Our Business. ii:iitci: Opposite & Wilson'a Blacksmith Shop. UNDERSIGNED, AGENTS OF THE aUaaam geaau.it s new one at the time the defendant placed the German generals repeatedly paid tribute to the Mr. Tennyson. A friend of mine was once stay (Successors to C L. Kicuius & Co.,) THE Company, have been nnthoriird to Insure risks orders promptly attended to. on Cargo, and from Honolulu FtllSTToMauurarlMra aett at atsfsrWf, o4 obetractNfl complained of. bravery or the Frenchmen. tho battles about ing at a country inn where the great man was al 5Smallest S6m Freight Treasure, are aataalew. At Ship Chandlers and General Commission Merchants,- - iv mi King 01 me woria, aouvice versa. thereby dtaecily beaeat uat exists sl The mode f opening a new road is Metz, for long time, the victory- - hung in the so putting up. As my friend reclined in an ar- Also Agents for Ibe l'unloa Salt 'Vorks. &. H. HACKFELD CO SECO.VIJ. To lltty and Salt Beak ao.t Jl.Uia prescribed a KEAsLOIIA imm:i;, t deafer. aa4aaawaaa-cr- s 511 Honolulu. Uarraiuu Islands. 'ly tloaery an as t. Bsaka it to the ratrre.1 by the Statute. It declares "that upon tho balance An impartial judge In reading tho ac- bor, he was more surprised than gratified by ob Houso, Ship and Sign Painting! tvetiM Una la preference WKtt aaat, HOTEL STREET, - eseey ftm x Jff- Wt maoaCMtar aa4 unfnrl reqaeet of 8ft' or more poll-ta- payers of any counts written by Englishmen and which may serving that various surreptitious peep3 were tak- J. S. WALKER. s. c. ALLEN. SUGAll & MOLASSES opened their Shop on tlonery.carrylac Uig ,uka of Paawe, kasreet unbiased see of him and compli AI-I.Er- the above Books raaaatActarc laaa. nilta, district to the Minister of the Interior, that a be supposed to be quite can that en by the people of thojlace, IVAIKEIt .fc HAVING prepared to do all manner of work in af Mr trs s-- Orer 1.M0 sorietia of Maafc lama aejA ta new road be opened, or that an old road be shut the Germans depended for triumph on their nu- ments were freely passed on his magnificent Shipping and- - Commission Merchants, their line of business. Charges reasonable, and ail WEST MAUI SUGAR ASSOCIATION, tin. ' 13-l- y in merical superiority. There was no sign then or brow, his eyes and his wildly poetic work done with neatness and dispatch. .A. U. BANCROFT A. CO, tip that district, ?id Minister may appoint a intellectual Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I. LAHAIHA, MAUI. or which ascribe hair. My friend was doubtless gratified that his D. H. HITCHCOCK, jary twelve persons to decide on the propriety the physical deterioration critics to Agents for the Hawaiian Line. SUGAIIS Crop 1S73 now coming Packet CHOICE of HaasaH of the raeasere proposed, and decision, the French, in explaining their long list of sub- personal qualifications were so liberally recog NOTAltY Pl'llMC, sale by 10fl H'fUUt, their AGISTS roK y 15 Hilo, Hawaii. ,'" JlyB C. BREW-HP- A CO., Agents. roTtlanJ. Cat. wheal agreed to by at least nine of said jury, sequent defeats. In the most famous of their nized, but the feeling must havo been modified rrincoTille Plantation, 1 Spencer's Plantation, Onomea Plantation, .Nn.ilelm Plantation, A. ItOI.STIlK, 1ST 1873 ITCBAKEl?, MEBSILL St CO, shall be acted upon by the Road. Supervisor of warlike annals, the French never exhibited great- on learning that such compliments were not in ureenwclrs Uoueo, I. SHIP, SIGN, CARRIAGE & ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, each er courage and dash than in the Titanic encoun- tended fur him but for the Laureate. I have fre Imperial Fire Insurance Company, London. FENCES FORWARDING AND district' Merchants' Mutual Marine Insurance Co., San Francisco. King Street, next door to the E tut Ion Ilonte. I, KEE-CHiLNT- It is a very plain proposition that when the ters of Mars la Tour and Gravelotte. At Sedan quently " made trucks" by accident, npon Mr. 1WJ7 yllailns tecurwl the of "a s SIsa COMMISSION tjSajgji'al liter und Gilder, all orders will Le executed with Sntate prescribes a mode for opening a road, the French were simply overmatched by two to Tennvson in lirctty scenery, and I find that he at low rates and iu as good style as cau be done Fortlanil, Orerjon. it xiir.o. h. S-- valor could find iavii:s. Mat be strictly parseed in order to constitute it ono ; and no amount of experienced always likes retirednes3. And he must it LATE JAIIIOT, OlUS 4 Co.l HaTlac been eamnl ta ear in M aailui yeara, an4 locate la a rf'iiisiBara a leaal mad. Thv laws scrupulously save them. AVlien tho war was transferred to hard to get He was driven by the tourists from IMPORTER AND COMMISSION MXECHAHT. CO. of twelse Mas fusaaaafc guard the HONOLULU IRON WORKS illfBT. time reawaatBlltllWaaataMIMSiaflalaaatBsBaAVa. ratted lights of property. In this case, a request central France General Chanzy and de Paladines his pretty house near Freshwater; and I remorse AXD AOCTt r on MKl,a. Sfiata. tlra.rala. CsaW. etc.. ta ajaaaigsF. Lloyd's and tbe Lirerpool Underwriters, SS ENGINES, Mills, Sugar and Molasses, CrmsIinnMaU esrwflally nlssHl I trt tka fliip i " invaders with favor- STEAM Sngnr aa--t t ik of Iky or more poll-ta-x layers was not made to at different titne3 met the fully recollect that, when I had the Tcnnysonian British aud Foreign Marine Insurance Company, and gyjJJilnllera. Coolers, Iron, Dross and Lead Castings. bib pcrsat.alatttatianvlBiMMla, r wklak Northern Assurance Company. NOW CO.HINC IN, nnd for sale Mranca IHiJse the Mafetr of the Interior that a new road bo able odds as to mere numbers. In many lively Tever in my youth, I persuaded tho gardener to Machinery of Every Description, CHOP to suit purchasers, by gfj3gg -- W . , op said, and of coarse no twelve engagements the French were twice as strong as give us Some of his Dowers, but at the same time . s. J.VO. 8. 8UITUIE3. Mane to Order. & WALKEH ALIiEN.AgcntJ. Cbarlea iliaaks...... jury of persons Of i C Merrill A Co . . . S. A-- paid to Ship's J was appointed, to decide on the propriety of the the Germans. Fighting for their homes, and all he was far away in Portugal. And the public A. VE.UGIIORrY Co.. Particular attention Blacksmithing. FreJIkwi wroiTiKs Ait itn.cn) S3-- JOn V0RK eiecntcdon the shortest notice. KAUPAKUEA PLANTATION HaJger a aeeaare. Bat the opinion or the Supervisor that men hold dear, the Frenchmen were not de- follow him to his new homo, which I will not in is Janes Mu.trra Co "YIox-oli.:iicXisi- o, -- R. WuiistAX. C. W. Uiiin. WmTCMemsnaCo ficient courage and doggedness. Bat, unlike dicate. x UGAIl NOW COMINC IN and for sale was taken apon the propriety of tho road, instead in Gonorol IE. t III. A .TiA. vV ,., in quantities to suit purchasers by Stereos, Baker a Ca,. Corner Queen and Kaahpnianu Streets, J Lewis armies Dazaine and McMahon, they Islo of Jersey has memorie: y A Allen s of the judgment of a jary. the under The little Xorman i ly nuanu and corner tort and Hotel sis. MANUFACTtncnS AND DEALERS AFOXU ACHUCK. juM a Ttllon " la the case of 1'rilchard vs. Atkinson, 3 X. were Inexperienced in war. No amount of peace- strangely parallel memories, after the lapso of boli.i:k A; CO., LewtanlqOraasi Mea H, 33a, the Ceart say, " that the Selectmen are ful drill could supply this want ; and so when the two centuries. Ilero came Edward Hide, Lord SADDLES, HARNESS, Pioneer Mill, Lahaina. Ship Chandlers and Commission Merchants. our Line. . H. if. SEVERANCE & CO.. i And every description of Articles in Ac ompa mured to Jay out roads only on application German columns marched down upou them. Chancellor, Chancellor of England, Chancellor Importers and Dealers In CAM1-aI1LI- TUltTON, Proprietors. General Merchandise, Queen Street, ortugar of superior quality, comlug and am iionoinin, Hawaiian jsianus. LKirnca of all MndsShoc, Ssdtlle, Harness and Carriage nutr General Shipping & Commission mode to them. They are not authorized to lay all they could do was to exchange volleys, 6tand of Human Nature, in want, neglect, I eonstantly.on hand. in and for talc in quantities to suit by iT Agents for tbo Eaunakakal. Monnalua. and KAkaako TItlMMINQ in his AS Special attention paid to CAItRIAGK and 43-t- oat roads when and where they please, their ground till men dropped thickly the afraid some natural bad temper, that perverted Salt Works. y f II. HACKFELD A CO. u n c YS . but to TI'.HSK tonic it ,: afve then power to act an application must be ranks, and then run. This was tho regular political views, to writo his "History of tho Orders from tho other Islands solicited and promptly at- 40S Front Street, corner of Clay, Saa Fraaewto I A. SCIIAr.FIlK A CO., tended to. order or things, with an exception 1 nave manu ONOMEA PLANTATION. Made to them by some person or persons. It ureat iteDcilion.' examined nis Importers No. King or and Commision Merchants 83 Street, r matt therefore in some way or two, such as tho repulse Von der Tann's scripts at tho Bodlian, written in a beautiful Sign of tlie Horse, Honolulu. Sitg-u- unci JIIoIiikucs Crop appear that they 58 llonolnln, Hawaiian Islands. 17I RIMMEL'S acted epos, application, iu every case, in order Bavarians at Coulmiers. It was only pastime for Italian hand, and so closely that one page of IN, FOR SALE IN QUANTITIES jc .AMI'S IAIWIS, COMING by to render their proceedings legal." the trained German soldiers to march around, manuscript would include many or Mr. Combe's ivii.ii;k co.. purchasers, Successors to Dovsett Co., Corner Fort and Queen streets, COOPER AND GAUGER, WALKER A ALLEN, Agents. Choice In the case of the State vs. Sturtevant, IS over and through all the French militia which the type. Two centuries later and yet those days Lnmcer, Faints, Oil, Nails, Salt and Building Old mwmm At the Stand, corner King and Bethel Streets. Xaioe, it is decided that " to maintain an indict- genius of Gambetta improvised and armed. At to me always seem so near. aiaieriais, 01 every Jand. PEINCEVILLE PLANTATION. B-f-f-cj or Oil PERFUMERY! Paris there was the same disparity botween the Hugo came here a literary exile and A Largo Stock Shocks and all kinds of ment for the obstruction of a town or private Victor C. K. &le&&iCooperiiig Materials constantly on hand. Kugnr and HIoInnNCst Crop 1871 raw forces within the walls, no matter how nu- playing n narrower part in politics and a larger TTJATIIOXIZEIJ nv ALT TUB VTORUD. way, it mast be shown that such way was laid Also, Shop on the Esplanade, near the Custom Honse IN, FOR SALE IN QUANTITIES JL MANUFACTURER, IMPORTER AND DEALER by jpyylM. att flllsM, to a COMING t and established merous, and the cordon or tried troops without ono over tho imagination. Victor Hugo has a He hones attention businees to merit purchasers, by Clnb, rraaslMiie, tlaaT PtttKI&B Inf CSMbMVB fraU(lVMaW oat pursuant to Statute anco patronage which he has heretofore enjoyed f'lallsy JJ In Furnllnreof ererydcscrlptlon. Fntnltnrc of tbe lUmaMTa Caves 19saaa4V., drstJ0v4 SvtMftflaT sfslPfc. y WALKER A ALLEN, Ager.t. "VViggin vs. Exeter, 13 X. II., 30". The more French volunteers the more food for natural affinity of tho wisest kind for human na t oil Bireet , opposite l liases 'Holograph Uallcry. Work- ,ond for which he now returns bis tlunks. lUBSawTs TaUst Vtaeoar, eatearMea br Its tmHt aaal aaaa-- shop at the old stand on Hotel Street, near IWt. Ury brnpevtlea. German powder. ture, especially Gallic nature. Clarendon affects 41 Oar Staate is the same in principle. A re- Oniersrmnitheotberfslandsproinptlyattcnded to. fly MAKEE PLANTATION. KlmtMl's tUtrart of LIbm Jake aaa eiyeattaw. tka aM of only tvpes. VOIiCAIffO HOTTSE. preparatlan tor tka llskr, lapufflj ra a as as iWibiSm. poll-ta- x Mindful of instances of tho advantage its loftier Ho is picturesque, he is quest of fifty or more payers must firs these I Ba- - ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & Crater of Kllauoa, Hawaii. A; Hni ant's Diajroag Oil Saaa, S.H.J srMk Aameaasi be made to the Minister of the Interior a training in war, we do not set much store by the even Dantesque. Strafford wears hisimperial us CO., Hfcv Crop of HiiKiir Sloluxacri calyptaa. that This establishment is now open for tho re ltliaawf.GIycerlaa, lloaej. WlaaWr aaaW"llsssagaa. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION X OW COMING IN, AND FOR SALE IN QUAN-1?- 1 sew road be opened, and then he may appoint autumn manoeuvres in England. These move- pect, Falkland his melancholy smile. AVe see the MERCHANTS, ception of visitors to the Volcano, who may jfijj IUmmr. I8aa Water, Castas, aaa FW..1 Ctavaara, v a 41 tlties to suit pnrchasers hy nearly two frown on the corrugated brow of the Protector, llonolnln. Oalin, II. I. 1)7 rely on hnmnjr. comfortable rooms, n good I,,' I abrntag Ibr Itetk aaa Parte.. jary of twelve persons to decideton tho propriety ments tho present season lasted table, and prompt attendance. Experienc-aU- 'i C. liKKWER A CO.. Agents. Simmers VMM, 11mm U.t. Uee aaa etaar TMUt Fin an .. , ea icuiues tor tue crateraiwajs on nana. of the measere. re- - weeks. English papers have run over with and the laughter on the harsh lineaments of the ij. ;Ki:r-- A Literal k, In this case none of these The iv. aT fcteani ana hathsl Horses craiaeu and sta Jflsnaw Miffin. GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT y qauites have been complied with, and thcreforo graphic narratives of tho mustering and the stra younger Charles. AND BROKER, bled if desired. Charges llenannnlilc I WAILUEIT PLANTATION. tVQVSK r.IMMKL, IWfasaer ta It. It. H tW rrvaaM.f umce, in Hounding., Queen Street, Walea, M JMraaa, n Rasml srrws. aast M raraasK. taa-da- ta road has not been legallr opened. And as tegy and all that done by tho same pens which IS- - lTonolnliuJIaaaiian Islands. lyC CROP NOW COMINO IN. FOR SALE 17 Daafevsra aaa Iia4kaBt. rarla,aa4 ! HJaafaaaaa. m. i:.m'ii:i,i), A SeAd by all a. NE1V quantities to anit purchasers, by llrtoktaa. fatraaiiiy lulu there is hb rmbKc highway as alleged, the allega- described all the genuine European battles cf the Indcsthiai. I'kockess. Horace Greeley closed xm:oi. c. iicvck, wagon ana carriage tsunctcr, 1.3m C. BltEWItr. A CO., Agents. tions in the eompkint that obstructions havo last ten years. It pleases the hnglish people- to his admirable address at the Newark, Xew Jer IMP0RTEE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. , 74 and JO King Street, Honolulu. Hemp been pieced upon it mast fail. imagine that this sort of thing makes warriors of 'l llonolnln, O.thn. II. Cordage. sey, exposition as follows : By means ol tho tele I. ly CAItltIAGF.3 1IUILT TO 1 It was sot competent for Kekaula, by any act the most lamblike of men ; and that two or three graph tho world is becoming ono commonwealth. OROKR and warranted. Ship Chandlery and Ship Stores I STItANUS, sizes from 2 I I Io H IBCh joiix x. A'x,i:iinowsi:, Also, particular atten- of Id east Russia raaaafaarare. .ITta. Afl- - of Us, legalize campaigns in and among the sheep pas- si- to the establishment of a public autumn What is known in one land is known almost IMPORTER AND 'Hon dun to the SORTKI SUBS of Threa Slraa4. tfcr lata Vy DEALER IN GENERAL Well-select- hartiway. He could have conveyed to the Gov- tures of Dorsetshire will fit the British to beat all and as Itepalrllip; of Vehicle of Every Description j A I,nrcc nuil .Slock ol BOLLK8 A CO. multaneously in others, the interests, MERCHANDISE, SHIP CHANDLERY nnd SHIP STORES con all his in tho future battle of Jtm- - niack.mlthinirand Horse Slioeinr, CarrUse, Sijrn and ernment his title to the land, and his acts of Molko and host pirations, and conceptions of the people of all 2 Qneen Street, Honolulu, H. I. ly7 Oniamcntal 1'aintiug, Carriage Trimming, Ac, will always be stantly Vept, and ready to be furnished at the short- that the of war can bo attended to in n manlier to warrant eatisfjctlon. est notice, and at tbe lowest prices, by Marline, Houselinc, Worraline, as charged, would have been a trespass, Dorking. Tis a pity art countries are becoiningclosely interwoven. About I ATat Orders from all jiarts of the Islands promptly executed. BOLLES A CO. SEIZING, Two ib4 Tbre Yarn SPCNTAKX, wtitefc such seems bo II. IIACKFI'Llr & CO., 3ns. lor he wonW havo been liable; but as learned only by war. But to the twenty one years ago I groped my way up a dark 13 17 Twelve. Flflten, Rfghtea, atxi Tweaty-e- ? Taaiaa aside GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. by there h no legally established road, the complaint teaching ol history, and it cannot bo set to seo sew U. ScoitCtx. V-- KISTUO. ItATLINK. for sale BOUS8AC6 stairs in Fulton street, New York, a l (Jneen Street, llonolnln, II. I. flj7 BREAD. BREAD. of ehstrsetioBS upon it can not bo sustained. even for the benefit of our English cousins. ing machine. Eiias Howe, Jr., the inventor, sat g. ni:i:i-ki:- . .V Co., and as arc, they could no K. P. AIAtIM, The decision of the question of the legality of Brave itedfast they there, wild and seedy-lookin- frighteneJ nt the TIN, ZINC AND COPPER SMITHS, AND New ltpillord TUot, Manila Cordage! Auctioneer and Commission BEST Medium, road more up against the German armies of the Merchant, SHEET IRON WORKERS, California IIOND, I the determines, iu our opinion, the whole stand approach of a stranger. He thought I had como California Saloon Pilot, TN or Uuty I'aiU.3 nod slranrt S7J Qneen ."Ireft, Honolulu, II. I. 1)6 Manila Cordaje. of Ik saet BaMftra MaT matter and thcreforo is un late war than a honse of cards against a whirl- Nuuann Street, between Merchant and Queen or Dnty by X is controversy; it Io steal his idea from Inra. When I told him I In paid, foriale mannfaeUrt. AIM tk Stta landed .(which would Hare constantly on hand, Stoves, ripe. Galvanized BOLLES A CO. fra necessary to consider the remaining points made wind. The Germans once had not como to take his sewing machine, but to I II. IIAICKIN, Iron Pipe, l'laiu and Huso Dlbba,Ston-cock- India Co. Veraalobr BOLLKK X CO. lengths 25 be their difficulty and England's opportunity) Attornoy at Law, Notary Robber Hose test in of and 50 in the case. he Public and jutio-ino- tell tho people there was a sewing machine, JlS5IS wiinroup ungsanu pipo coinpieie. Master in Chancery, ' very every tie- - Oil Jodgment for Defendant could, if they cared to leave their naval base, became communicative, and told mo what lie had andaisoa larrestocxot iiuwareoi Paint and Paints! Manila Rope. 20 Office In Ithodca' Duildinr, Kaahnmnnu Street. Ij ecrlption. Attorney General for the Crown. march straight through England. Tho repeti hoped from his wonderful combination of the l'artlcnlir attention given to Ordersfrom tke Ilcst l'nlc IJoilcd I'nlnt I'rom hnir-inc- h lo Inro-in- eb HW StraSsnsI other Islands will bo carefully attended to. HUIIIIUCK'S drums of and C gallons eaeb. Rape, Bala Repe. r sate ay A CO "U manoeuvres would be of no good t IQUtl C. for the Appellant tion of autumn needle and the shuttle. Xow, there arc a million JOII.-- II. l'ATY, Thankful to tbe Citizens of Honolulu and tbe Islands ubbucV' flennino White. Lead, Spiche-re- n generally for their liberal patronage in the past, we hope by - against men who stormed tho heights of sewing machines in nso, and six immense fac- Notary Pablic and Commissioner of Deeds Hatbuck's (Jcnuino White- Zinc, IX BAMJO OCTOBKK TERM. strict attention to business to merit the same for tbe future Iron 17-- Ilubbuck's Black Stock and carried Privat Nothing could have For tlie State cf California. Office at tbo Dank of Dislion 1 Ij6 l'alnt. Anchors. St tories tire busy taming out more to meet the de Co., Street. ALSO deeds Honolulu. ENOLIsii TAe ICing rs. KtAeleaumoku. nerved anv raco of men to such awful of believo wo improve in our An Assortment of FANCY COLORS, in Fatoti. DEST Iron Slock Anohort. mand. I that as light .1. II. TIIO.HPWO, XJ Wefsttt from lot s. to , wtlei reetta- - war. Lacking this Sc CO., For salo by BOLLES A CO. Aflee, C. Jm Hart well and Widemann, J. J. gallantry but experiencein ening of human labor by deputing the heaviest iii9.i:iia.ii eata of Admiralty test, la ad ar EW akl. SVr in not IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE, GENERAL BLACKSMITH, sale by A CO. Chief JatJce Allen delivered the decision of and the Englishmen of are happy muscular work to that faithful servaut, steam, BOLLU Cutlery. Dry Goo's. Taints and Oils, and General Mer-- Queen Street, Honolulu, Lime & follows acquired no men, however courageous 05, California California Red Brick. the Ooert ar : having it that we will also improve the conditions of wa cliandUe, h'o. King Street Honolulu. Has constantly on hand and for sale nt the Lowest Maket The defendant in this cose was indicted for the by nature and familiar with theoretical campaign Prices, a good assortment of the Oest Refined Bar Iron, and Chain Cables. ges for labor ;' that tho system of weekly pay &. 5-- 5-- AI'OSC ACIICCK, the Rest Blacksmith's Coal. A( firtrt CAi.iron.NiA iiiiicks, Sizes from 8 inch to 1 Bam4 Kookon, in wliicb on can hope to defeat such a tried and proved y:U,UUU A good Article. red lath, asardr of ose the jary, the ing, now in vogue will give way to even a better sys Importeri, Wholesale and Retail Dealeri in ; and Round Liek. sua. frata i ta H fcai. rlaT ! machine destruction as a German army. Xev-- 1,000 Bbls. California Lime more or IeM. ICtd ol September, rendered a verdict of of tem, where tbe laborer will havo a personal and General Merchandise, BARTLETT SALOON, certlSaale of Admiralty lest. For sat. Hea4.yVrty , This latter article we keep constantly, and will sell paid, by BOLtBS CO. Ktfty. Oa tbe followin-- the defendant's erlbeless, since England is not in the way of And China Ooo.Iv In cn N'nuani Street. low as any other Man, under tbe eircumitaseei. dy direct interest, not only in the quantity bat tho under tlie Public Hall. ai i cosiohsI excepted to said verdict by reason of the training herself to warlike deeds by war, it is not WIIalalAai HUGHES, BOLLES A CO. quality of his work, and that he will havo a co Second-han- eaid bad thing for her to drill her militia and be rea- nv,n,Vi Comer of Hotel anil Fort Street. One d Henip Hawser, allaped nkUfttretiip of a jcror to Koukon. a operative interest in tho work which capital now unoTiiERs, make resistance belter than nothing in IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS CHOICEST AND BEST OF ALES. WINES Sperm Candles. sale by W.Ufa jlCO. It ajsjmrn by the af&davit of J. A. Kaliaka, dy to a commands. Thus laborand capital will be bronght Fr In Fashionable Clothing. Hats. Cans. Hoots. Shoes, and THE Snirits always tn be found at Ibe Bnr. f22-1- y THE GENUINE" ARTICLE, Shu, Vi, i'l, that tlte of the juror's wife married the tbe remote contingency of an invasion. If the every variety Goods. brother gradually and quietly into better and nobler ac of Gentlemen'a Fnmisbing Snow's and 6'i. Por tale by B0LLKS A CO. Goal1 have no other result, they Dailahiff. Merchant Street, Honolulu. 10-- Tar, Pitch, and Tar. M rR tfa brother of the deceased. aulnmn manoeuvres cord. PACKET LINES. Tbe jsrer alleges in his affidavit that he has please the English people and deprive the Tories C. H. LEWERS. 3. G. DICKSON York Hams. lrtA IJnrrcls best Stockholm Tar, 1UU Barrets awwr rjoosiclered himself deceased fine of attack on tho Gladstone ad- Relics from Louisbcho. Somo days ago, IsVWI'KS A: la gtB,iSil related to the of a subject DICKSO.V Feu of the Itcnl Article, jot received 108 Barrels SUkaohB al or to Iter liaebuDd, he had formed ministration. Some people think that this and while Mr. John Doherty, diver, was exploring IMPORTERS. AND DEALERS IN LUMBER, TrANCISCO JCX. and for sale by H0LLH3 A CO. Io barrels and that neither or DISPATCH TiSTS SAN ! HAfeBamts Glasgow nnd And allkindsofBuildinzMalerials. Fort Street. llonolnln. 1M Tle;ee beAt BcjKih Iar ; exsrarsJ an opinion as to the goiltor innocence not the driving of possible invaders into the sea the harbor of Louisb'nrg for the K- - Cil lr6 ! j iS Banets Aacrieaa Tar; erf-t- Jjt C. & Cigars oe defsodant, and that he sat apon each trial, is tho trne object of these martial exercises on Cape Breton Cdal and Railway Company, ho Brewer Co. Agents. Barrets CaroKnA VHch. C. !". BARTOW, Sj HerchaiKlIfe receive! andjtVv. rpfM&red found three cannon nnd some portions of tho Auctioneer, Storage free For sala by BOLLKg A CO. ao4 bis verdict as an impartial and the English plains. Salesroom on Queen Street, one door from Kaahnmann liberal cosh rdranccs made on cblpments by this line. Ann swiss cicaks, y C. BREWER CO. in juror. wreck of a vessel, believed to ba a French frigate Street. 1J.1V6 lUjUUU Manila Cigars, German Cigari, ? For sale by BOLLES A CO. Tbere sra? no Wood relationship, bat merely Thk rate of upheaval of the Swedish coast :s which was sank tberc'moro than a century and a BOSTON AND HONOLULU PACKET LINE! Russia Raven Duck. JI. X. DO..EI,L, far rat. block, high and fifteen when England and were con Light nnd Heavy, tv a remote connection by marriage; the Court do shown by a large ten feet quarter ago, France CABINET MAKER AND UPHOLSTERER i A Cft. &. Co.-Ago- nts. Crushed Sugar. mum e C. Brower tmt regard it, as sufficient gronnd on which broad, on the Bhore near Mornp, which in tending for the ownership of the Island of Cape King Street, Ilonololn, oppo-dt- Lewis' Cooper Shon. Will ffS tfS to feet seconj-han- Favorable arrangements 41 boy and sell d Furnltnre. ly7 ffiy ran alwavs Few Barrels high-wat- as is 1.eW Half left. retain tbe exception. 181G was fonr feet above mark, Breton, of which Lonisbarg was then the princi road, for storage and shipment of Oil, Bone, Wool, Hides ami For tale by BOLLES A CO. Herrip Sail Twine, HA XCILL, other Merchandise lo Sew Bedford, Boston, New York and A Host Ulm .y --ruoge an iascription to that effect. Daring pal town, and one of tbe strongest fortified places JO Cash Advances Scotch Jlanulnctnre, hr "Ajorer, brother Is joined in marriage proved by other Eastern Ports. 43 made. B0LL88 A CO. hundred Machinist, Lock and Cun ly C. BREWER A CO. Preserved Heats, Fruits and Vegetables. with a Etster ol one of tho parties is not disqnali-e- d the past summer this block was one and in America. Tho relics were recovered by Mr. Smith, Sewing Machines repaired: Dealer in Snortinir Gouds. IN 2 1- -2 I.l). Cans, Fnt up by Catlln; A Co. after ranch labor, and were bronght to to H on the trial" 38 Kep. 41. twenty-fee- t from tho shore. Doherty Agent for tbo Celebrated FWltESCE SEWIKO MACHINE, For Kohala, Hawaii. A fine asiortmcnt, and warranted good. For sale Hawaiian Mess Beef, Foam, which arrived 40, Tort Street, llonolnln, II. I. by BOLLES A CO. AND A lEW KEW Exceptions overruled. few Ualilai in the schooner Geoege Francis Tkaiic, known to a ' Treslea and yesterday. The action of tho water dnring the 1. r. CnLEBS. A. JAECES. XicliJccX Boof 'Voi3.sra.omt E Keawehnnahala for the con- iM. j CTV. has retired from the presidential II. F. F.IIM'RN Sc CO., k Schr. Active, ! ouperier Qaalliy, far sola by BOLUS A were buried there had so ' when 127 years the cannon Will ran at a regular packet to the above ports. Cem GJLt - test, for the present nt least He says that DEALERS DRY GOODS AND rr corroded iron excepting a small part in IN GENERAL For freight or passage apply to English Attorney General S. H. I'hiilipsVor the Crown. con- tbe that, T)oot!i' Best Portland Cement, ! Sail a man of his respectability is kicked out of a MERCHANDISE, tVALKEIt A AT.T.EN, Aeents. XJ ianisn rortiana cement, Cotton Duck, and Cotton Twine. the centre, H was quite soft, and coold be cut on above Odd Fcllowi nail. vention, as he was at Lonisville, he thinks it is Fortt IIofTman's Rosendale Cement. IN IIOND, oPlJnry paid tlM eekarot! Lar- - Ak Ete to 'Bdsixess. Dncle Levi "Xow, with a knife or broken with tbe hand. A block All warranted a good quality . and for tale at lowelt samlets, frem Na. 1 about time to leave the conntry. Accordingly he 31. S. GKI?rilAaT5rA;'CO.; Regular Packet for Molokai. jenca maaartare aiwled Sammy, tell me, have you read the beautiful story attached to one of the cannon, and made princi Prices, by BOLLES A CO. 0 ; TaineYrom i io instant. UUPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS A of Joseph V sailed for Europe on the 15th tho For sole by BOI.tUeJ CO. pally of lignamvitaj, was better preserved, In Fashionable Clothier, Hats. Cant, Hoots, Shoes and Schr. Pauahi, SOLE & SADDLE LEATHEE, Oh, yes, oncle 1" been made the wood sonnd, tbnngh the iron bands every variety of GeoUtuen's superior FaraUhlns; jDoods. Sam" LADr Bcbbktt Coctts has just being quite Store In Maket'a Block, Qneen Street, Honolulu, II. I. II. 11ETNOI.DS master, -- Tanned American Mess Beef. Uncle Aroll, then, what wrong did they do victim of a pious fraud by a Bishop whom she were, like the cannon, quite soft. A. number of io--i iiyj Wilt run as a regular packet between Honolulu Goat and Sheep SJans' ' ON HA?rD and for Sale, -- AND- when ' X and Molokai, touching at Kaunakakai and PuVoo. CO:VSTA:TTl,Y they sold their brother?? , had known for years. Ho solicited a subscription persons seenred bits of the relics, nnd somo a. Mes3 ! -- f. aui, For freight or pajtage apply to the Captain on Prime Oregon Pork Sam They eold him too cheap, uncle, to bnild a church, and received a blank check. pieces will bo placed in the Provincial .Museum. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. WAI3IEA TAXXEIty, C. 3OTEV, Prop'r I ' " board or In llontl, or Duty paid. This bo filled up for '30,000, 'or 150,000. Hdifax, aV". S., Clironide. J1J OSfce So. 23 Fort Street, Henoluhi. flyT II. FRENDEROAST, Agent. e A. 8. CLeatlOnX ACO.. Agents. For sola by BOLLKs A " ' . r q sftj . . we consider that there is no silver coin in were to receive $4 per month, and were paid S3 extract Irora some standard work relating to tbe LEGAL NOTICES. AUCTION PRICES in purchasing subject in hand, rather than flounder in original BOOKS AT HAWAIIAN GAZETTE general circulation here which is intrin- in advance, which they expended water, rice, etc ; tbe price paid for a small cap of articles which, if not very deep, seem at least to COCriT OF THE HAWAIIAS sically worth the value it represent1 To SUPREME In . In the matter of ln Ette Ilono-tai- tJrC water being one dollar, and other things m pro- bo beyond the depth of their authors ? or FRANK TIEDA nd KAIICE (w) Lite of Kalihl, and is receiving by every raaktt W five-fran- Wlde-msn- The undersigned has on hand, M. RAPLEE, pay twenty-on-e c pieces, or forty-tw- o Olhn, deceased. AtCnamberv, before Mr. Jailke portion. The captain in his statemnt denies that Honolulu, Nov. 11, 1872. Observer. DIRECTOR OF THE GOVERNMENT PRESS half-dolla- arconnts of S. FOLLOWING American for a twenty or wero signed on board the On rinCn; and flUoc the petition and I any the contracts Kaelenuklile. Administrator of the estate of Krank Vlfda dollar piece, is really paying less ship, were nil signed before the The IlairniliiEt Immigration Soclcty anil Kahne late of Kalibl. Oatio, decnucd, whtrtln he to but that tbey same eiamliml & POPULAR : he allowed $19 00, and asks that the ny It EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF LATE HONOLULU than its melalic value, and consequently of Chineso Emigration. He asserts ADJOCRNED SIEET150 ORGANIZATION. and appioted, and that a Una! order may l made of distribu- food dur- tion of the propertj remaining In his hands to tho personi WEDNESDAY, NOV. 13, 1672. less than it is actually worth for trans- that the Chinese have had abundance of Pursuant to adjournment on Friday the 1st inst, thereto entitled, and h;m and his sureties from a all reeponihilltv as such Administrates; jlex-ica- ti ing passage.and that they had not been unduly of tbe preliminary meeting, nuuibcrof gentlemen, farther mission abroad. Therefore, as with the is ordered, that FRIDAT, the 6th day of December. A.D. ItV AUTHORITY. comprising tome of our most Influential merchants It punished, though they had attempted to set fire 1S72, at ten o'clock A. x., before the saU Justice, at Cha- Books! is dollars, gold for exportation worth mber, Honolulu, be and tbe same here-- bj Standard and residents, assembled at tbe shipping office of in theConrt Ilonet at to the ship while at sea ; the men whose hair he Is appointed as the time and place for heoringaald petition TO SUIT THE TIMESJgJ more than its representative in silver, as Mr. A. J. Cartwright, on Wednesday, the Gta Inst., may then and WHICH HE OFFEES AT PEICES leaders in the attempt. and accounts, and that all persons Interested 5T had cut off being the in order to perfect tbe organization of an Immlgra there appear and show came, if any they have, hy the same current here for purposes of domestic may present evidence as to who Considerable interest has been taken in this in, tion Society, to encourage labor and immigration, should not be granted, and are entitled to tho mid property. And that this order, in the Latin-Engli- Gostave Adolf, by TnfwNs) trade. sh Lexicon, vestigation among foreigners in Japan, and con- and promote an Increase of permanent population. EogtUu and Ilairailan UiiRUice". be published in the Good a Gold, by Perry S4. Jobsss newspspers printed and ANDREW'S' Soil a norel for gold to send W. L. GlIIVTt and Kl Ac Oaoi Great T That the demand siderable discussion has been had through tho Mr. , Chairman at a preliminary meet In weeks previous to of Don Quixote, with 1000 illustrations Mnlcrtn. Nl published Honolulu, for three successive Adventures GotdsmitV Posrttwl Wok, snsosB I abroad should cause a premium to be of- as Japanese authorities ing, stated tbe object of this meeting, and proposed tho time therein appointed for said hearinc;. Autobiography of John B. tiough press to whether the Dated at Honolulu, II. I., this day or October, A. D. Guise forfjossra routers The following Anniversaries being National Holi- Mr. S Is. l,astla to as Chairman on the present 31t Almost a Priest, .1 Tale of Facts lffussfc act 1S7S. II. A. VTIDEMAN'X. - Gray's Poetical Wfsrlis. small fered for certain coius, is not the least nave the right to question the treatment of the Friendless, by- Horaco Field men- Justice of the Sopreme Court A Home for the Gray's EJery a arm book days, will be observed on the several days occasion, wblcb received unanimous assent. Attest: Losiing bIHbl argument in favor of depreciating the people on board of tbe Maria Luz while at sea Jso. E. Biaxuri, Dep. Clerk of the Snp. Court. A History of England, by J. Gems Irom tne issamjtj tioned below. The Government Office! will be closed Mr. C R. Bishop, from tbe Committee of Organl-ratio- History of tho United States forSchooIj lorn and out of the jurisdiction of Japan. IIA1VAIIAS A Brier Greenleors Gennvetrv asMi throughout the Kingdom. silver coinage in use. A twenty dollar read the following preamble and resolutions, COCItT OP THE Europe, by Gasparin I SUPREME In Probate. In the matter or the Estate of America before (iltost Storisr. illastnited bf Tho engagement and transportation of laborers which were adopted: A Slaver's Adventures on Sea and Land Gonsl Manner, a bnult P Thcksdit, November 18th, Recognition of Ha- gold piece (.imply represents for all pur- DANIEL C. WATKRJIAX, lateof Honolulu, Oahn, deceased. with Considering At Chambers, before tho Hon. II. A Wldemaun. Alfred Hagart's Household, by A. Smith Godolpfcltt, by Btslnrrr (rse Bwilsjgssti.aa five-fran- all tho ports of supply in the Kast, the Wiieheas, the wont of additional waiian Independence bj the Gorernmenti of Great poses domestic trade twenty c at On reading and filing the petition and accounts of John O. Angelina Gnshington's Thoughts on Men and Things of laborers to carry on, the indnstrlea Water- Wm4s-r- . Britain and France. single exception or Macao, lire, wc believe, jeal- of this country, Domini., one or the Executors of the Wilt of Daniel C Ancient America, by Baldwin illustrated Homvbook of MIilsslHil mer- man. of Honolulu, Oahu, deceased, wherein he asks to Human Life Prolowtrd. or SJt3 HpilMl pieces it will purchase just as much especially agriculture, and the desirability of an in- Me A Hidden Life, by George Macdonald Fsit WzMtsmr, December 11th, Birth-da- y of Hii ously watched by efficient officers, and every care be allowed 55,114 19, and charges himself with $i,ilt 19, and ITntv is RrMsi U'nn ttr crease of Guide to Ornamental Work na flusMtll' Jdajesty the King. chandise or exchange as the silver will, population that will be permanent, It Is asks that the same may be examined and approved, and that Art Recreations, a History of HfvolsllbHwMlMtsitut taken that emigrants are seenred against re- the AnrrirM a final order Ira j bo made of distribution of the property Aurora Leigb, by Mrs. Browniog Malrstv'a Toscrr. be neywessse asusm WtnxuDar, December 25th , Chriitmai Day. and no more. It is certainly easier to sea, as well as that good and sufficient maining In his hands 4o the persons thereto entitled, and di. Autograph Albums, a variety of styles and siie IIr at lietoleed, That a Society be formed, to be called chargtne. him and his sureties fruni all further responsibility History of MsKUbfai at Brassi. sw Mtm Me Weshesday, Janaarj lit, 1S73, New Year's Day. Andrews' Dictionary of the Hawaiian Language FsiMrs by Mvsjlk count a given sum in gold than to count food is supplied for their maintenance during the the "Hawaiian Immigration Society," for the pur- aasach Executor; Hottentot aatl Talc, Feed. W. Hctchisox, It is ordered, that THURSDAY, the 5th day of December, Alice Vale, by Waisbrookcr Hon tbe Work! ns Puopl.sl, tg Puss' the same sum in silver, and it is easier to voyage. We seldom hear of kidnapping in China, pose of acquiring information that may be useful to D. 1ST2, o'clKk before the said Justice, at Adventures of Remarkable Men TbjHH-t-it Mlniiter of Interior. A. at ten A.M., Hannv tialL bv T. C Bwsisl who will employ or provide for Chambers, in tbe Conrt House, at Honolulu, be and tbe same Archibald Hamilton. Atworth Abbey ss in than in silver, except at Macao, or of ships, insuf- those such laborers, said Hymnal h Ttmesv Uyltrnfl J itai IirrLKioEOmcr. Nor. 12th, 1S72. carry a large sum gold hereby is appointed as the timo and place for hearlns Annual of Scientific Discovery for 1S70 and Trapper, fra javrssSsr and to those who may be willing to migrate to this alt persons interested rosy Hunter in ficient food und water and consequent mutinies petition and acconnts, and that Monmouth, by Stedman tftsy VssW and it is also trne that a large sum country. then and there appearand show cause, if any they have, why Alice of Ileare on tbe dsltrralkm ssf 9af TVira a view to afford every facility to parties among emigrants, except in vessels bound from tbe same should not be granted, and may present evidence ae Aothon'a Jacob's Greek Reader Hints to llorss Kcepm, by Hub est Certificates of Deposit of coin in the Gov- Remind, That the Officers of this Society shall bo or- by Dr. Cotter hsjIhsbsj of profitably and securely investing imall turns to who are entitled to the said property. And that this Anato.r.y, Thysiology and Hygiene, Herbert's Poena, siattt M ssso. that port to I'ern. der, in the English language, be published In the IlirAinx Horse Doctor Hymns Prs-- , srfcfc TfeMes, J of money, ernment Treasury can be conveyed from a President, and Secretary, and an American Farrier and of Prajer sod Bonds of the Hawaiian Government of the GTTEnewspiier printed and published in Honolulu, for A Present Heaven Executive Committee of lire, .Including the Presi- therein appointed Anonyma, a novel unlets service several values of $100, $200, $500, and $1,000 bear one place to another with much less in three successive weeks previous to the time Sports for Boys Arnold's Latin Prose History of Cillforsihi. bv TsftkH. Sr dent and Secretary, who shall also be a Committee for said hearing. Atbletio A. D. Asphodel, a novel Artists' Married Life Humors of FalcotibsUge. a tssPicasjss of HsmiuisHs ing interest at tbe rate of 9 per cent, per annum pay- convenience than gold or silver, and (be-in- s coKitisroM)i:.i:. Dated at Honolulu, II. L. this ith day of November, on corrf pondcDce. 1872. II. A. WIDE.MAXN, Angler's Book, Artist's Dreatn, a novel Stories able will be issued at Par to all per Every American convertible at anv moment into coin) Notice to ConREsro.iDnxTs. personi lictotvtd. That each member of this Society shall Attest : Justice of the Jnprenie Court. Powers. Banker, a Mb sons applying for them at the Treasury, for tcrma of in tbe welfare of this Kingdom has a right ' VTa: ita R. Sul, Clerk of the Eopremo Conrt. ti-st Badcan'si Military History of U. S. Grant Ilerotfiea of Mktvossary IsMetpefte me- to this paper. contribute five dollars' to meet incidental expense. Baeban's Domestic Medicioe and Family Dispensary not leaa than 5, nor more than 20 years. is therefore preferable to cither as a express bis opinions in THE MATTER. OP THE ESTATE OP Home la the Wet Hew be WVlber However, it is understood that the Editor is not The Society then proceeded to nominate and elect Cir- Blair's Lectures on Rhetoric and Hellet Lettres Book Boacsr Etirukg, from one person to an- IX KN03 of Wailukn, Maui, deceased. Reforo Harvailsn Pbr rbsMlall&SMH dium of transfer responsible for the opinions expressed by any by ballot, permanent officers. cuit Judge 2nd Judicial District, II. I. In Probate. Barnum's Forty Years Struggles it Triumphs, illus'd iloyle's Games AssssjckbsaMsijsVl Wlsslia Minister ask- of Finance. other in domestic transactions. Mr. S. N. Cistlc was unanimously elected Presi- Proper application baring been made by Frank Eno. Ilroken Toys, a novel, by .Mrs. bteel. Hour amoeg tbe Gospel, by Swl DEraKTXEjrr ing that a day no appointed for hearing and admitting to Barnes' Notes on Isaiah, 2 volumes How to Win Love, a Ja ssllc or FisascE.'Sept 20th, 1ST2. W. L. John Enos of tal-Inl- The silver coinage the United States, in dent. Mr. Green Vice President, and Mr. W. probate tho last will and testament of on volumes Happy Snmravs, a Lossy a JsnsssMsj of Things pcnernl nnd the Advertiser. Therefore, Is ordered December Sth, " " Job, I br M. Gibson Secretary. Tbe following gentlemen deceased. it that 11 a Ma Tne following peraoni bare been commissioned as pur- 157'i at 10 a. m. at the Court House In Wailukn, be set apart on the New Testament, volumes How Charlie Robert bttanw excepting the silver dollar has been moment whpn ap- a btnsfc Tax Collectors : For Mr. Editor: At a there were elected to conslitute the Executive Commi- as the time and pfcee tor hearing said petition and any objec- Biblo Musie, by Fraoeis Jacox Howell's Weddlas Toar, IWab posely made of less comparative value in com- ttee: The President, Vice President and Secretary, tion that may ba offered thereto. A. 1'ORNANDER, Bcdc's Charity, by Hcsba Stretton Hawaii pears to be an awakening interest the Circ Judge Sd JnJ. District. Itnlinti Joansrya, by Have Baldwin's Prehistoric Nations Wofisss Tibs w n Jliio W. Akao llapai than gold, for tlje purpose of checking munity on various measures nnd matters which being ex officio members, Messrs. C. It. Bishop Lahalna. Oct 18. 1672. Wt Illustrated Libhskt or Jsrl it ...... G. Breaking a Butterfly, by Author of Gay Livingstone LljrWwIwt;, WotHlen of I rprtesv rybUsM.iCJfct Pnna T. E. Eldarts is and J. C. Glade. COUUT HAWAIIAN Burns' Pootical Works, smalt mod Urge volumes exportation and preventing it from being may tend to promote the general prosperity, it STJPItEMK OP THE iRietrsceetee 01 absmm, mm sauaau aa JCan ...... E. Swain It was ordered that when this meeting adjourn, In l'robtite. In the matter rr the Ktnt of Byron's I'oetical Works, in various bindings 3STW years Wostder of ItaiaijT. Tftstj ...... L. silver-worker- s, by no means satisfactory to find that our Inde- Honolulu, deceasiiL At melted np hy and conse- its next meeting be subject to the call of Execu- L1XTOX L. TOltBERT, late cf Books and Reading, by Tbe SabtHnea,la WaasJwa 6cm a . Kona Barrett the Hon. 11. A Widermnn. Assocl itu Jnstlcp. Ntm. of Journal, the its consid- Chmtert. betice by Quimby Wonders Wosssbssi Mta quently the two mctalic currencies stand pendent Jireriser,"with tive Committee. After much Interesting discussion On rending nnd HHnsc the (ivtltion mid Accounts of A. Y. Inr, of Itatfea Aft, at N. Kods...... T. E. Cook of Linton Boist's Family Kitchen Garden Human Bodv. erable circulation and excellent printing, fails the Society adjourned. Jndd nnd Catherine Torbert, Kxecntora of the Will Wowr sjC.sMlsrtaia. llljftt S. Kohali S. F. Chillingworth precisely in the same relation to each L. Torbert, lute of Honolulu, deceased, wherein tbey ask to Bcccher's Domestic Economy Houses aBd Ligbt Sbtpek BMbm stf sb Oocaa lamentably whenever it nltemps to present any As an evidence of the favor in which the new So- he altowest St 8,519 56, and charge themselves with 1 18,710 K Breakfast, Dinner and Tea Wooden of Bodily Stresses asjsj N. Koha!a...... C. F. Hart is ex- and jM, Wiab other that they do here. Silver ciety is held, and of tbe appreciation tbe impor- and ask that the same may be examined and approved, Family Prayers ful Uilloon A stents. Am a iltay Wsjbsbsao sit Me HamaVua B. C. original views on the questions thus occupying ol a final order may ho made of dtstrihntlon of the property Barnes ...... WilUe thst Bryant's Poems, lflmo. edition, illustrated Heavens, Tbe Moots, Woassail, eaf Falrta, ported from there in bars or "bricks," public mind. may well be excused from tant subject of immigration by all classes, it will remaining in ttietr hands to the persons thereto entitled, anil Win the It discharging thrni and their sureties from all farther responsi- Building of the Ship, by Longfellow illustrated WoodelK of Vrcctalioss. CeteteOast IfcsMBii, a.. coin is be seen that its subscription list embraces our most Labain ...... i ...... L. Aholo and gold in and bars. It reported offering any very definite opinions on the subject bility as snrh Execntors: Ballads of Xcw England, illustrated Wonders of Eorravtac, Wials of Ike MMP Influential names, including His Majesty, Ex. Is ordered, THURSDAY, the 23th day of November, Die World, Water HyUraaWea. SM Wailukn , II. Knihelani Ills It that Bryant's Library of Poetry and Song MiaMMMb that it is contemplated to coin the stand- of labor and seeing that tbe ideas of A. U., before the said at population, Ibc Chancellor, all the Cabinet Ministers, and other A. D. 1572, at ten o'clnck Justlc. Book of the Boudoir a Gift Book tcrranesm World. Nakawao. .. X. Kepoikai P!imlMr In thn Cmrt House, at Honolnln. lie and the same Into the Hhchrf ays, a tavesHo IbsHaaa, as ard silver dollar in the United States the public appear to bo somewhat mixed on this most and place for hearing said Bulner's Select Novels, in 1 volume, Svo. Bana ...... hhhUi Kahananni officials, and our Influential merchants and hereby Is appointed at the time iBeasily la Wowen, by Stssrar lstessrssveaf x ae ret, such is the case, obviously important question, but surely it is a great point resldcutB: petition and accounts, and that alt persons Interested may Bryant & Stratum's Counting-Hous- o Bookkeeping MoLOKat AKD Ll.SU!...... D. Kaopcahina mints. If it then nnd there appear and show can-- if any they have, why Base Ball Guide for 1S72 CcHssrtlttrtlcaal I agree "to tai granted, and may present evidence as Jnmcson's OXHC gained when nearly the whole community cornea Wc tbe undersigned become members of tho same should not Behind the Scenes, or Thirty Tears a Slave's Life JoktwiuV complete bs os is with the view to make it available to the said property. And that this order. of wetts the Hawaiian Immigration Society under the fore to who are entitled Basil Mursdcp, by Sargent Japan, A moor ami Use Paeafa, be N. A. Ilonololn ...... G. II. Luce forward and admits that it has n great deal to In tlie r.nglisn lansnage, oepuoiisueuin me naKiinun IS) for transmission to China and other going : published In Ilonolnlu, for three Buds and Floners of Childish Life - Julian Home, a Tale oTCoflcsB Ewa and Waianae ..J. Komoikehnehn learn on this subject, and seeks information. At resolutions newspaper printed and lab Asiatic countries where silvcris"""prc-- - Kameiiameua R. successive weeVs previons to tbe timo therein appointed for Beautiful Butterflies, described .1 illus'd with Engr'gs Joed Hillings oa lee a bi Waialua ...... W. C. Lane this very appropriate state of mind, however, the said hearing. Biblo Pictures and Stories, bcautifully.illustrated Joseph and hb Frtestd, by Bajaesi Xssjtor Koolauloa ...... Paukialani ferable to gold for exchange in com S If Castle, II M Whitney, W M Gibson, A F Judd, Dated at Ilonolnlu, II. I., this 2Gth day of Oct.. A.D. 1S72. Brave Old Salt a juvenile Jean incrionrs forms Adrertiser. both by its correspondent " Islander," A Sehaefcr, W W Hall, E P , C II. A. WIDEMANX, Jarvrs' Malory of tbe U wattes Eoolaopoko...... Henry Kahanu is F J Glade, Attest: Jnsttce of the Supreme Conrt. Brown's Concordance of the Holy Bible mercial transactions. As the position or ti-a- .lay' Family Prayrra JoyfM as "well as in the leading article last Saturday, Robert Stirling, Henry May, S II Phillips, Thomas Jonx K. DiJJAKO. Dep. Clerk gop. Court. t Bible Dictionary, in Hawaiian Kauai Bright sjotjn riotHr;niisan a lam .sai JIanalei. .... S. Wilcox in this country at the present time in re which indorses his views, takes the opportunity Cummins, T II Davlcs, Daniel Smith, S G Wilder, Side Scries ofJuvenltesl ..A. TI1K MATTE II OP THE ESTATE OP Boys' Book of Birds BillRiggs a juvenile Jealousy, or Teverine J Anabola..... Kaiu gard to the demand for coin for exporta of conveying n sneer, which, as has been well ob- E Hoffmann, Alex Young, C E Williams, M Phil IX KN03 or Vt'allnku, Maul, deceased. Before the ...... S. Circuit Jndge of 2nd Judicial District of the Hawaiian Is- Boys' Book of Animals Book of Household Pets KnolM Untied, or HtcMcw LMb sf a S. W. Wilcox lips & Co, Mclntyrc & Bro, J Moit Smith, Charles Libue...... tion to China, if the silver in circulation served, it is impossible to refute lands. In Probate. Cnptnin Brand of the Centipede, a novel Keyecr oa tbe Law of tbe Sioet Kxe -. C Harris, II A P Carter, II Prendcrgast, WL Green, Proper application having been mado and filed with this a Koloa ...... J. K. Smith 1 iai jiaretoB, novel was available for the purpose, wc should " Islander," in the communication to which Court hy Kllxabeth Enos, asling that she be appointed Ad- Count of Monte Christo, rilumc, illustrated Kept from Idols a lavrtsil .... B. Rowell P O Jones, Jr, Godfrey Rhodes, II A Widcmann, A of late hnsband, John Eno, of Waimea.. G. tho said lender calls onr favorable attention, first ministratrix on the estate her Chambers' Autobiography and Memoir Ktawi, a romance tbe 3aad n Mbsjsft, soon begin to see a scarcity of that coin S Cleghorn, E II .Wen, W Hughes, M Mclnerny, Wallnku, Maul. II. I., deceased. Therefore, it is ordered by Child's Dream of a Star f hit XlIHlu..?...... Kabu Kanoa THUKSDAV, the Sth of December, 1572, at Katbrlaa, by Dr. lioUeajf, sBastsasad decides that the problem the Immigration So- B M S Jfott, this Court, that Caper Sauce, by Fanny Fern would im- F Bnllcs, Loulsson, Ira Richardson, 10 o'clock M., at the Court House or Wallnku, be setapart Robert Snnu.iG, also, and be obliged cither to i. Condensed Novels, by Bret Harte I.I IV; of Jcmss. I be ChtM, by K. WtoC JttssSejr) Minister ciety have to solve is to bring permanent settlers Hyman Brothers, Hnffschlaegcr & Co, A W Pcirce as the time and rlace for hearing said application, and any Civil War of Finance. port in proportion as we export, or find objections that may be offered thereto, and all persons inter- Charles Reado's Novel, Foul Play Lome's is Asswifcb. Swfe, ssiiirfi Finance Department, Sept. 15, 1872. 3S-2- and producers; he then twits the Society with & Co, Hayscldcn Brothers, J Montgomery, J S Will ested in said estate are hereby notified to attend at the time Chemistry, Lord KIseobbtH, a novel, by Cbasv Ltrarr by Rolfe and illllct or some new medium for circulation. ker, C R Bishop, T C HcncVr, A J Cartwright, and place aboro stated. Country Love vs. City Flirtations Literature tbe Are of WlasbMb, br Wfcssjsje, not having proposed anything to effect this ob (liven tills 24th day of October, 1872, In Chambers, Laha-In- a. by Lyman f Atonp & Achuck, Dorainls, Black, FW Course of Time, by Pollok Lneiw. Abbott Eiclmngc. ject, nnd finally proceeds show is JO J il Maul. A. VOllXA.NDElt. from Dellr MAt to that it a Jnd-- e Campbell's Poems, The community of Honolulu have been Hutchison, .1 Jlcrbcrt, G McLean, J II Honey, F S t Circ. 2nd Jnd. District, II. I. in small lCrao. style LifeLfrsnd Letter ol FsenferWc W. nulli- Cowper's Poems, In tlic columns of our neighbor of the thing impossible to be done any way; thus N"ott,,C P Ward, R Lotildr, or tbe Secret ol tbsevsn awaiting for some weeks, with considera- Pratt, J McKibbln, J I Dowsett, Child Life, by Whittier beautifully illustrated fying by his conclusion all he had said be- Love Frnlira of a Yoaasr gusaa Semi-Week- ly that Dillingham & Co, F L Clarke. J .1 Hopper, P Advertiser, the of the ble interest, the" decision of His Honor the N. F. A. SCHAEFER & Co. Christinas Carols, by Dickens Lallah Rootib, by Tbcisostt, Mae. re fore. Tho leading article harps upon the same liaolclua, C S Bartow, J B -- ltbcrton, J P Cooke. . Country Life, a Handbook of Horticulture and Land- 7th inst. and also in the Weekly issue of Police Magistrate on the legality of Hula uw ana isawycte larsocja BMW string, nnd whilst it admits that " we have no Have Just Opened scape Gardening lnir tct tbvm will Ex- Cyclopedia of Moral & Religious Anecdotes, by Arvine Ladke NVeiMewesft eaaj Saturday, be found an article on parties or dances. The Legislature, in its of of Gnide to public lands" for " tho kind of immigration wo The tact Burgomaster Fischer Augsburg Offer Assortment of Christopher Kenrick, by llatton which displays no little wisdom And for Sale a Splendid Ladleo' book of Btlspette aad change, wisdom or unwisdom, intended to tabu need," it imposes npon the Society tho task to in his speech welcoming tho Crown I'rincc of Cruel as the Grave, a novel isaneBaee at r Fowevw asseJ p Cooke's U. S. Tactics, 2- volumes Longfellow's Pose ipMss. seaaa and a very wide stretch of the imagina- " of ma eosa aeali sVeTe these performances, and until lately we bring about such a radical change in our policy to the hospitality that city, drew from Goods of Every Description. Cousin Minnies a juvenile Mltton tion on the present condition of the money had supposed that it had succeeded in its of public improvements and the utilization of onr tho future Emperor of Germany nn important as Crumbs Swept up hy Talmadge Landfcaue Annual of A Crown Jewels, Lady by Kliaabetb waste lands, that within a comparatively surance against imperial centralization. In reply, IlECEIVED or Dream of an Empire Gcraldlne. market in this country. Among other object, or at all events come so near it short Cast Away in the Culd. by Captain Hall l.tttlf t'linere a levealle time we shall be able hold induce- tho Crown said : ""To nil that you havo Clerical Lire of Silas Warner. LitlWAVoruer aswU tkUm .Uss-V- y. "1 si things, the writer says that, OS to out good Prince - Mill that the statute (Sec Civil Code, as Per ' R. C. Wylie,' from Bremen Country Living and Country Thinking Life of Admiral Pasji Jswsca, lilUM'T ments to the right sort of immigrants for tho said I give my most hearty assent. Yes, you s " Speaking of the scarcity of exchange lends amended by the Act of 1S64,) forbidding Country Walks or a Naturalist utile iirray-- cosmw tlisrs a increase of our permanent population." That is have expressed what is tho Kmperor's conviction Toirhich they call tho attention of the Trade. Cruise or the Casco a juvenile Lost Sir MaMlaebeni. a aaial us to remark upon tbe statement made in tlie Lakikawal, a novel la HovsaaM them without a license from the Govern- to well own. Each - Captain John say, the Society havo to work things round so us as my constituent part of the S-- to Stilt tlie Times. Life in tbe Ukl WotM list Gazktti: under the bead of ' Commercial," Prlcei nml Terms Charlemont. by Simms Camp urn of the Revolution ment, might reasonably be regarded as that we shall by and by havo should remain in its every pecu- Little Snnbraat serins of JbvsBssTsbf to the effect that whalers find here ' money the public lands Cousin Paul, a novel Claude Gueux, by Vic. Hugo effective. Gift Labonlaye' Fairy Talea tar CbBaesu which wo havo not got now to induce immigra- liarity just what it was; this will invest tho great Christmas Charity Hurlburt IiTVft and By Laws Aiawrfstsm plenty for exchange st par.' As it is a fact well Claudinolllus Coughs of SMsbtr ' common fatherland with a truo.consecratinn ; this Colds, by Dr. nail LHtHt learner sertea-- to Mfc. la lMsir, Mssl, known very exchange was be It would seem, however, that doubts tion. Well may this writer say, And herein Currer Lyie, a novel Consuelo,i by that but little to will furnish the best remcnt to tint which wo GomtlTio Geo. Sands Love alter Marrbsze Love asset 3 losaai have arisen in the mind the Police i.es me oi mo tnsK. mo Country Quarters Countess ofRudelstadt ssf had when the last steamer left for San of magntiuue planning j )invc wrested from bloo.ly Gold." Little Jacket Mrtra LMb a Isea: Francisco, the battle These Cringle and Crosstrco Chips, Waifs and Strays winch tho Immigration Society has as yet for-- oven at two per cent., wo are at a loss to know Magistrate in the interpretation of tho WOrds had tho more significance from tho fact HUNGARIAN Church and School Music Books, vix .Holler' History of Ita C j WINES! - borne to undertake." Trne, nnd more especially that the Crown Princo of Prussia had personally Church Melodies, by Hastings 3 votames who has money in plenty for the whalers, at par. law since the case of the Kin" vs. Ivalua- Motlet'a RepttbUe. ! 1,10 ,n New Carmina Sacra Collection of Tunes Da'eb Si if. as many or tliem believe, such public lands ,V10 M"P;gn Abs There may be a few persons here who will buy ioahu, Hanakaipo, Kaaoa, Mancwa, Pupu-whalen- s' .""I Sabbath Bells. The 's lanoeesfs i I' ranco, and had publicly complimented their vn- - Jubileo would Hock Wines, Man and Ms Dwell bur. Ptaee, be Kino-deb- be comparatively useless for tho purpose, am, Tho Key Nota by Bradbury bills on New Bedford to cancel their hi, Kahele,Poohina, Ilikimalama and ts or efficiency. In yielding themselves to tho Madame Sweteblne'a The Anthem Dulcimer. Pure Gold Wrillnje, by MM tto in liabilities j even could they be conjured into existence. J leadership of Prnssia, the smnller states or the Mylf, a itornaoee Ns-- gegl si Lata that city or Boston, bat onr a camc before his court for its infringc-ar- e Superior Clnret Banks of the Rhine. No Plus Ultra "f ' empire havo no reason to apprehend Tato Jin sad Morals, by II. X. Wacssctsa I As to Islander," ho admits il is rather soon the Nine o'clock in tho Morning mostly in California, and we have but fewn mon, ,,. .. firs, MbM Ovna MrQaarisr, by A. ;.,,,.,. ! Hanover brought upon him-- . And Wine, Ono Key taith would to find fault with tho Society, seeing that it had "''i0'1 K,in? ?f Itorilcnux Singer. The Sliver Song Msy Day, by Enserton the East. Consequently, it appear that ,! sell by his allianco 1866. social The Morning before him Oct. on , in The Star, Sabbath Bell on 5th, remanded the not yet a chance to do anything all, but Old My Cave Life m Vteknssie the whalers will have to pay for the money they at cntnr0 0f Qermanv renuires that she shall retain Sherry and Port Wine, Songs of Gladness. Golden Wreath WortM smssI 7th, 14th considera- Moorsa Poetical seastll ISMweaMoaa nay need, as well as for other supplies." 11th and for further ho takes a flap at their deliberations, nevcrthc- - her smaller capitals as seats or learnintr and art, Oriola. Fresh Laurels. The Pearl Milton's ' " In Cases and Casks. Tbe Glee Hive. Golden tion, since which time nothing has been less, by comparing them with some nrd her true political development must come Robin Mrs. Brownlac's Fmh est Ita FteM is fanner's girl Silver Lute. Hour of Singiog Madame Beanpte, Life Now, this certainly very good for tSrongh unity ot aim wit, individuality or ex- - German Palo Ale, Key Brand, d of heard of it, at least, from the Official who said nnd did something the pertinence 0f The American Tune Book Morning by Morntsjg, bj Sesamase .nonsense. That the fact that "little nressiuii, cuinuiiiaiiuu m inirrrsia wnuuui cen' Prlnelplos cir- which is not very apparent. May wo not, with of Greek and Maury's of Kblfam Bench. We think it well to recall the tralization of power. The JVrii'on. Holland Gin, in boxes, Dictionary Roman Antiquities Mosekey's c "-'-tilt exchange was to be had when the last Draper's Civil War Mecbaale, a Teat bin much more propriety, compare " Islandcr".to Mr in sroerica.2 volumes. Modern Horse anj Ttxasisiesjsl cumstance to the remembrance of the Po- demijohns, Dr. Syntax's Tour in Search the Dir:ov. afliais left for San Cognac, in of Picturesque. Milt nn tbe Fbasl aaat lSs Bfisansja Francisco, even at Squeers.at the Saracen's Head, when in a fit o Diamonds and Spades, a novel Hote' lice Magistrate, and hope that he will find PACKET LINES. Mental Plsoloetpb AlbessH essilaas bMOfc two per cent." should mystify anyone as petulance, ho knocked tho little boy ofT the box Snperior Champagne Cognac, Durndalo, or Woman's Duties Mile Merqsteia. bv fleotge 8aa4 it convenient to render judgment in the Day Dreams, by NuDes to who has money for whalers at par, is with a cuff on one side of his head, asking him Dickens' Complete Works, J" SJfi? case within a reasonable period. The re- Tinio-Tvlol- o Alcohol, 96 percent., full proof! U volumes, diamond ed. tLtm" certainly very remarkable; particularly what he did that for, and when the child answered, of tlio Dick Onslow among the Redskins Miatotrrinc V onsen, or Herohiis of i" sults will be Demorest's Young imjtortant, and tbe sooner the " I wasn't doing anything, Sir," he knocked him Steamer "Kilauea." For Sale at Ameriea, vol. 5, Illustrated rjilerpme when it is well known that in former Daff Down and Her Friend juvenile Marsaret. a novel, by public understand what is actually the F. A. SCHAEFER A CO'S. I.raslen back on to the box with n cuff on the other side, Jfovnt1tr ISth Konri Daisyi by the Author or Wide Wide World My Holiday end bow I roeest il. br MaM years, when largo Xovs-mtit- amounts of whalers' Circuit Hmvnll ' University Algebra Married for both PbrSsjr law of the land, the better it will be for with the remark, " Then don't do it again. Sir." !5th of Watt, by Mtr exchange were drawn here, capitalists in- riveesnlier 12tl ICfmit " Surveying and Navigation Men and Myelerlcs of Wast Stvetet all On such concerned. themes, however, ns labor and popula- Drrrmhtr Otis. ... Iona " Bourdon, or Elements of Algebra. MID Bank, a aoeeL be Hsltss i vested their money in it, generally buying CALFSKINS! Major Jones' CourMMp tion, a good deal of palpably inconsecutive rea- Dccrmtirr 10th Clixult of Kntinl SUPERIOR FRENCH " Practical Mathematics ami Tussle " University Arithmetic MaedtrHMtls sW BaBtihsraak ta At at a discount. Whalers' drafts on agents A vkrv interesting and important examination soning be December 23l .....Circuit of Hawaii may charitably overlooked in view of .Milt Demosthenes on the Crown, Ac My Life asnl Leetaref, by Lola Msasss wa3 held before Tak, Governor Kuna- - December 30tli. .... ,. Ifonn Covotinnt tin at tbe home ports, were remitted direct Ave of the admitted difficulties of the subject, but when , Driven to Sea a juvenile Manual of Mtnaiology. sy Duta "So credit will be given fnrpastnrc money. Tickets Tabic Diiiiinl-- More absat Jeaat IsivwSSsr iwa- - Japan- - by a number of foreign Dotty Dimple Series of Juveniles bv importers from Eastern ports sent to a"'sted writers of this calibre venture to lecturo their can only be secured at tho OCicc. Not responsible for MrTts of Fowl Ufa, or Mln isipls Buesalliua Consuls whom - Dana's Household Poctrv. illustrated at that port, among were the Con- neighbors on questions Currency und Hills any freight ur packages, unless receipted for. VIENNA .Miieseirs aims or issa wwrM nsssn San Francisco to meet liabilities or for of of " Coral Islands nnd their Formation IIIsiiisj sffi Sals for England, Germany, Holland and Portu- 41 SAM'I, O. WILDKTt, Agent. Duchaillu'a Gorilla Books, Mania's Droll aad I awmlaMu Mi Ealc, and in the latter case, drawn Exchange, with which most of their readers are several volumes Map ot tbe World, neonates! ivcrc, gal, and several unofficial gentlemen, residents Cane Seat Chairs, Centre Tables, &c " -- of tolerably familiar, they aro apt to get hopelessly United States, New Zealand and El.lis' Heartsand Homes, a story .lap of talilomra, against precisely as in the case of the pro- Australia Elder Jacob Knapp's Married at Laei, a Mh MM that place. It appears that in the early part of mired, Autobiography sonl Me as the Advertiser is in its article ol Thurs Hail Steamship Line. Austrian Glassware, Kleonere, a German Tale by Resenreis MarMrn, and olber TaWe Men a Keels, M ceeds ofthe sale ofan invoice ofsugar. The Angust last the Peruvian ship Maria Luz. from My Son's Wile a day and Saturday, on this subject, for it thero Expose of Polygamy in Utah, by Mrs. Stenbousa novel Maseas yVertW, . a lia- ssid remittance ofa whaler's draft to meet a Macao, arrived in ICanacawa, on board leather Ware, Wooden Ware, East and West Poems, hy Bret . 1 11 bavin? discovers that brrausc people had to pay two Harte a ru I Wraltb of Calsfwte. ta Crosjko Eliza Cook's Poems, small ICmo. edition North c bility at San Francisco was just as good as about two hundred and fifty Chinese coolies For San Francisco. And a largo variety of Kvplortng Kxtm4Mn CnstM per cent, prcminm for Bills of Exchange on San Ereniog by Evening and .Horning by Morning, by Nile Tritral.ri,--. of AbaSN. by B.ker a draft on the Bank of California, and who had been brought from Macao, China, to be Francisco by last steamer, nobody would bo likely THE STEAMER NEVADA Spurgton New Book of Ftowets, by Srre4t Evangeline, hy Longfellow beautifully Illustrated New Asobvbnt asaj banc, - could Imj sold conveyed to Pern as laborers. Having met with j to take whalers' bills oven Urtb's as rtilltlil - sometimes even better, as it at par.'.' Then tho Fancy Eastward, by Macdonald with fine Natbanlel Articles, Illustrations IlawtbntWs Twie ToH severe gales between China and Japan, the ves- - idea Women-Moe- fa. there at a premium. There is no reason that u whaler's bill on New Bedford 13 of no Cigars and Ctgaritos Ernest Llowood. bv Mrs. Hentz NoUbte lea ol ttatr Lleea asbt Aarae Elementary Spanish Reader, Spanish is sel was so seriously damaged that ft was fonnd use to cancel our obligations in California is Will leave oa or about Saturday, November 16th. Primer now in saying that it no longer cither Of Superior Quality. j.icmi'uijiry isctsuns in i'nysieiwgy, ity N'atioMl series of Sebosjl Ksasstcrs necessary to touch at Kanagawa for repairs. office-lin- uaaley or expedient to remit this kind boldly original. Any down town knows For Sale at Elements of the Art of Rbetorie. by Pmf. Day Nelson'a INafaltMlesJ SeaM profitable or A.11CT 1 t33.3L Elementary Drawing (Jaras Smlt During thn stay tho vessel there, the captain that they aro usually as good and often better 36 Im F. A. and Drawing Cards of exchange, because it is just as good as ForAnil Other Xttr Zfnlnml Port, connrctlng SCHAEFER l CO'S. Example Better than Preecnt New Ametlca, by Hepweetb IsVxsm (who is also an officer in the Peruvian Xavy) ap- j than bills on San Francisco itself for that pur-- nt Auckland tvltti Strnmera for Sydney, Empty Heart, a novel Edelweiss l.y nre4 Xreat vwrWy of mpw ever was, and at the same time as con-- Arbach NmHHby. wisis it plied to the Japanese authorities to Danish sev-- nn?e. Tim intriratn rnrrpnrc nnorntiiirta w I'lit. Melbourne and litisnakte Ssgtll-TV- . ! u.eijn urey. a juvenile Itlcannre lllMhby a Lite skoiek NuiiioosLtaM W HtuAir etlsJjJLg; Evenings with NWwood.byEPntl venient for remittance. The fire-fran- Grandpapa Edith, it juvenile system of eral or the coolies who bad attempted to escape natnen with the c piece, the new Amer- THE STEAMSHIP Xt jT? ro-vi- fp ' ssribi telegraphic transfers which has bccit re-- from the ship. Tho day 10 THE Undersigned having I'nmily Doctor MedWne lno "" tTmnrraaiisi Tisa sni next at o'clock was ican and tho old by which opened the Sail Lolt on Kaahumann Street, and Surre Oaly Tkteo a nerMf 4B3 Faith Working by Love, by D. T. Wek, have appointed for tho hearing of the complaint, as the tho dreads wo " DAKOTA $S&& next door to Sehaefer A Cn.'s, are prepared Piska Oar Departesl Frsradb bs Sblry cently established, may the effect to Advertiser may bo " flooded with Fnllo Farine. by Ouida nuvel Will leave oa or about Friday, November 15th- - to do nil manner of work in their line of business, a Ob tbe Wisnr. by Bamsteait officer did not feel anthoriied to grant five-fra- 1 Fun Better than Physic, W. make bills of exchange less urgently the cap pieces, will not venture to enlargo Please give us a call. by Dr. W, HU OBUrpl, sclrelkHH lrsat Cstmrnti vas tain s which Fortunes for Working Sure Way j request, was for permission to pot upon, lest I get into a worse mess tho tr TtX-sE- 4.1 3t ILES A CO. Meo.a to Aeeumu- - " ir nnt fiiiriitiltllnas anitasjs rttsWu-ls- sought for, for immediate remittance, still than TTTVrB T . late Property httu the men in irons,without nn examination. Tho on the market value need not be materially the Exchange question. I will merely fcr SAX t'JlAXVISCO, on or atoid Festus, a Poem, by 1. II. Bailey Owen MeredMb'a Pswnse. StssIs ssmB Fonblanque'i Household Odrs tSsa. captain did not arrive till 11 o'clock, when he told observe on this point that many experienced SatnnUjr Nor. lOlh Stnrdj Pec. Mb BAMBOO CLOTHING! Law on the Rights aad of Uorac. be Msvrthl affected. , We have 110 doubt that wlialerV Wrongs A tho official AUCKLAXD, on of Parent Child, Guardian Ward. Ac Old Gems Reset, by tbe astttor af Mhifcuj Japanese that the matter was settled, financiers down town are not alarmed nt the For Jtc., or about Book-H- lb. Farmer's Ham ow toTreatHor.es, Ac lerpsree drafts remitted to San Francisco for sale cdinnM Iia Oxen. and that th m&n itictnisca,! fin prospect of being " Hooded" with c Stnrdy Not. Uih Sttordij Dm. 14th First Helps in Accidents and Sickness Our Cbltdren in Ifeaeati.be llalsanisju or for the purpose of meeting liabilities lla( lho "hair Family Readings on the Gosnel at Si. f.ni. Obleeis r ibc Mleiasiiips, be L, Lass seltIcd tnaltcr by CnttinS the off pieces; on the contrary, seeing that they aro Freight fur the steamers will be received in Ornall-nrnH- . a fz8 GENTLEMAN'S COOL SUITS! at the Fair, and other Poems, by R. Browntnr 5H. hm luailCiVgt. thcre, would now be fully as av.iilable as tho y tbe steamers srnrenouse Tree storage. three of ringleaders. Tho Governor, in open-the- each intrinsically of about the same value us two of Hear de Luce, by Longfellow, an Osu(trsasMl bow to lasfrmo Bm.tal Jsb"4a Passengers booked through reduced rates At An Extraordinary Low lllosfed rift book .. were five years ago. Tile difii- - ing he had at Figure. irom lear to ear, edited by Alice and ritl. tr..l.. only the investigation, stated that received American of our currency, and at to .irpoints in the United States and to Lirerpool, and Phoebe Cary Oul ut tern Uetwb. a aareet is that there is too little whalers instructions from the Foreign Office to further which rate they pass, it is wonld also to ports in Xeir Zealand and Australia. At A. S. CLECHORH & CO. OatpoK, hy Ihe ml Dswa culty thought they Fight it Out on this Line, by Oraut- -a JurenBe mIhk Fur freight or passage acd all farther information. Fort Street Store, Oct. 15, 1872. lo-tf Frank Among Oat at tbe Blbows a to be had, hardly enough, in quireintoacomplaintmadebysomGofthocoolies, not bo a very unwelcome descriptfon of flood. the Kancheroa OMtown mm apply to Fresl and the Gorillas, by Miller FtnMe Stortt-- bar Mn9taav to mate worth while much ' nho 6tated tllal lbcr h!ld cn kidnapped. He Unsatisfactory as such articles aro at a time JI. HACKFELD A CO., Facing the Enemy, Our Poor Retalea OeMtaar MsMaussaj fact, it to talk hy 8i.erman Children qnerted the in- - 15 tf Agents, Administrator's Notice. Uir Owe .nr.miL finrtainlr not. thn Coso1 to assist in the when we require all the light possible, as well as Fighting tbe Flames, by Ballanlyne KomM& fhr Pent Famous London VCellgatlOU. good temper, in tbe discussion of these important Undersigned having been dnly Merehants Plctorlnl IIMovt of ibe CsTcjlaH. requircrachts of importers who desire to FOR THE Temporary Administrator of the Estate Flora's Interpreter and Fvrtuna Flora PWHri Ibe Ssresnsd of 8pl. by WawsHtsj many as fifty of HONGKONG Pre-lWt-e As or tixty the Chinese were questions, this incompetent and carping stvle of or John Enos, late of Wailnku, Maui, deceased, here Flirtations in Fashionable Life Ba.es, hy Sir Jtrb. LatbWk, make remittances East. And wc arc as TUB NORTH GERMAN SHIP Fasquelle's by cxamined during tho several days employed in j writing becomes insufferable when it is employed by notifies all persons having claims against said French Course PliwirIesorEloenli... W ,mw,m, estate to immediately present them ; and all persons French Pricier and Grammar Papets Iron Overlise Wirr. by gluUail Tbstsos sured that even if large amounts, of the investigation, all of whom stated that they in impeaching Pupils the judgments of our Courts, as GEORGES H indebted to said estate are renuested to make immn. Fourteen Weeks In Chemistry, by Steele ol St. John ts Ivts. whalers exchange were offered here to-da- had, at the timo of going on board, no idea FINCH - - - - diate payment to undersigned loorteon Weeks in PfHila and Ibe the has been dono by the Atlrertiser lately, especially Master. the at Wailukn. Island Astronomy, by Steele Poetry FreePrs. Wr 01 Footsteps for LiUle Feet, of CmnfifneBl Crttrsp, by they wonld be readily taken al par, or at ship was bound to 1'era, and did not desire to go certain decisions or our Police Justice, and which Will bare despatch for the above port. For freight ani. THUS. W. EVERETT. Two Parts Poprfs ntaer Wailukn, Maul, October 31, 1872. 43 Al Family Bibles of various slylee Ppelteaf Works. iissimH tsege Jsjsteao, or passage, having snperior accommodation apply to Poems of Edgar A. Poe, X a4 premium, perhaps of one per cent. there ; that they wero insufficiently fed on board as far as the community has been able ascer- Fairrax.by J.EstonCook Fighting volSMse. eoenplela a to tbe Captain or Phil, by Sheridan Poems of Emerson, (mtmH-fhKo- e Florence Dotubey Frederick There- - is certainly no little inconveni- the ship, and that some of them had been put in tain tho merits have, I ventnre to think, been 33 11. HACKFELD 4 CO., Agents. Assignee's Notice. Mortimer PrrcieBt Stones, by ZsbriaUe Frank in tbe Mountains Frank at Don Carlos Ranch irons and chained together during the vopge. generally approved of ; decisions Pocket Book of Meetasslea and Eefciertnc. by ence experienced at present on account of ptrhaps, in some 8 I N G Y E E has this dny t"T P17 Pride Nyslrern Several stated had induced WHEREAS Fairy Tales rleField PljBiwjIh the great scarcity of gold coin as com- that they bees to go instances, of a little difficulty, but which it cer- Hay! of all his property, both Elowtn CunVottons, wMii Taoe and wrltaot on board Hay! Hay. real and personal, to the undersigned Pfetoskl Fatsily hi the vessel at Mtcao upon the pretext tainly is oot competent for the wisdom snd logic for the benefit and Schiller, by Mri. nftoas fere pared with silver. The cause of this of his creditors now, therefore, all parties havlne ttocthe Muhlbach Parlor AneoaVbeaalHaHy Woattalea. that they were to be employed in discharging of the Advertiser, as lately displayed, to reverse Undersigned nrc Receiving pressed claims against the said SIngyee, lioetbe'a Faust, by Bjrard Taylor Plain Talk on FamlHar THE of are hereby request- Great Fortunes, and How tbey were SaMeda scarcity has been the exportation of gold ed to present the to the Made Naa by Bf--I cargo, but that when they arrived on board they on its own motion. time undertime! at Mi ffi. Guldeboard to Health, and Competence SsfH in Honolulu ; and all parties Good-bye- , Pce Phlffp Van ArtetsMe Foesns, by SeAhttsJ to foreign countries, some of it to China. were put below and afterwards forced sign be Indebted to the said Svrcetbrart, a novel to Would it not more edifying if the Editor of Singyee, are hereby requested to mak Ginger Poems by Joba G. 9se Penerere aad pref- immediate Snaps, by Fanny Tern Prssfer The reason for snch exportation in contracts, the contents of which they were the Advertisir, when its admirable printers coll payment to tne unueriigued. Gold Elsie, by Mrs. A. L. Wlslcr (T bs CbaHasMtO From Iuie, which the; will sell in quantities to suit. F. A. SCHAEFER. God-Ma- by the erence to that of silver is manifest when unacquainted with. They wero told that they for more "copy,'' would soppjy them with an & author of Credo Zi 3oi03 WALKER ALLEN. Honolulu, Oct. 2i, 1872. Get thec hchlud me, Satan, mi by Ollro Logan 41 H. M. WHITHET. IclcoruIolcnl Record, Sdddfx Death. On Monday morning a native of Maui. Appeal sustained. L. McCully for SALES. AUCTION SALBS. reu Tnn month or October. going along Hotel NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AUCTION Street trundling a hand cart, Appellant ; R. H. Stanley, contra. stopped with his cart opposite Houghtailing's In re, Estate of Paele, k,) of Ualapne, of Br E. P. ADAMS. Jly C. S BAflTOW. drinking saloon and sat down on a bench io the ve- Sperm Oil. SECURITY Hi Molokai, deceased Appal from decision of Cir- lib ft I f randah. Soon after sitting down he was heard to cuit Judge oj Maui. So appearance. TUST RECEIVED A QUANTITY of the SIMOX TUBE ARTICLE warranted. For i fall off the bench by inside V LIFE INSURANCE j-- parties of the saloon, In re. Estate of Thomas King, of Honolulu, REAL ESTATE,. t ile by 44 BOLLES 4 CO. THISJDAY. n who rushed .A. WNWfl tt ST fcNE Clandr ... oat . and Ending him insensible, deceased Appeal from decision of Mr. Justice dl .io i .poured water on head AVidcmann. ipjw as da do his and braced him op, Appeal sustained in part. Mr. Polar Oil. MfCSM H Regular Room Sale! The Uadtrsigafaa is to Hit PabKe 4tMMWtH 71 HI da da sending, after some hesitation, for medical aid. Phillips for Appellant. attract! at f da da HAIlK "K.W.WOOD," a verr ANNUITY COMPANY, A action lST44SWatf W SI ' Sooth Vr. (II Dr. Oliver was called and the man conveyed to Campbell 4: Tnrton vs. David Kamaiopili, Ad- PER quality, for sale in quantities to init bj WEDNESDAY, : : : NOV. 13th II SI fla da 0 W 4) liUUbba & tu. ON THURSDAY, ; : : NOV. 14 MS - his office, but npon arrival ministrator of or TW 54 . 'E 'Ont there was found to be Estate Kahookano Appeal ' NEW AT IO C'OLOCK, &. it. immUfHIlll 74 de nearly dead. Every effort doc- from decision Or 70SK, MaasMssj d. .. was made by the of Chief Justice Allen. Argued Kerosene Oil. WW.fT i -- BjoUirrlj- Of fUr th of iSwt. Mi3MtjrM4 JWir ... tor to restore him, but without effect. and submitted. A. F. Judd for Complainant ; inanatelr Sl , mMVHaw 14 w ( w n o4 CASES DOWNERS nnd DEVOES' AND PINE STREET. A Large Assortment of . lb KUU of I. R. HHS-t&e7- . Ctrar Messrs. Keawehunabala and McCully for NOS. 31 33 Almost Sat-urda- 600" KEKOSEXE OIL, cuanntted fint quality. MS MB.' 7 ' 7 BXE I a Fire. At about 11 o'cloclc on THE LANGS OF KAriOKU, KEANA. N' and daily expected to per (nip Ceylon from UrJ 74 ST . e ! arrtre m; evening a fire was discovered in a building Boston direct. For sale at the lowest prices by ItOnT. 1. CASE ...President. DESIRABLE GOODS! a In re, Proof or the "Will or Elisabeth K. Ha-lul- ITaetM 74 da belonging to Mr. A. Bolster, on Richards street, 44 BOLLES A CO. THEO. It. AVETJItmE...VUe-PrealIen- t. And Maiaekahana, IfcjaaaUSaal 74 I of Honolulu, Comprising 8t NBIjyX tetany deceased Motion for new Immediately 74 fct do between Merchant and Queen streets. Fortun- 1 ItEUHKN II. LWOErtlllLL Connsel. adjoratsjr; IMM trial. Motion withdrawn. Kalaaukane for Motion. N O T C Glass-war- niMjr 74 a do ately, the flumes had made but little headway E. Groceries, Crockery & da B. Keohokii, k., vs. w. The Kahuku Point Estate, 0 3 si aa when they were discovered, J. Kahananui, VI iinilcrnlsrncit linvlnr been np- - Mia 3 and the prompt TheI i .. , r , I... V ..,... r t J ..7. Dry Gooda, Clothing, nvaauaes 17IIM Osrar vorce. Discontinued. Kaukalia for Plaintiff. IHMUIlui .leiiiiicva , tut. Miaicm vuimift iivuii CesUiaiat; abut 13 J. Hh. measures taken by those who were near at hand fa voluntary bankrupt), hereby request all persona Hi In re, of Absolutely no Restriction on Traiel! Fancy Goods, OF SIMPLE LA5B! d - Estate Poholowai, deceased Ques indebted to said Estate to make Immediate payment Blankets, 0000 ACRES FEE DMUrtjr da prevented what might havo been a serious con- tion reserved. to the said Assignees. s. u. WILDER. ITwiea, ; i a eeutsaodMBS Dwtllg erafrtiMy fe'lll . XEfcjr X deration. It is supposed to have been the act TUEO. II. DAVIES. Kerosene Oil, With WT4 Ctar i ... ftiraUheJ. and Beieoirtoz to tie Hstata ; B. F. Bolles, composing the firm of Bolles &. 41 IK 74 1 da l 1 of an incendiary, as the fire evidentlv first Aisliiuccs. ' M3 le w, Barrels Salmon, &c originated Co, vs. A. Unna, Administrator of the Estate of POLICIES 1XC0XTESTIBLE bt 3aI twit HI Tl at do . between tho shingles of the roof and i.nrt ml f-a- Lyons, deceased Guardian's Notice. ALSO. IT. Wiwian, trade: 2nd.bat mltry weather; the plate on which the rafters rest. Probably J. Appeal from Police Court 1 1 1 It A Slicep, lblMulnl trade; of Honolulu Decision of lower Court confirmed Small Flock of firaiK; lHli-ral- nr - has np. THREE AHHUAL PAYMENTS. TWENTY SACKS ARROWROOT art limli Itsli V attir wwttiert Mmr- dry shavings or oiled rags were placed between milK U.Di:itSIGM:n been dnlr AFTER ss - NlKkf!ig t3rd-de- w JL pointed of the Estate of KOSUIAKEA Anil number orilorsxM. m llmgtr4- .tmaen; el the roof and the W. Dole for Plaintiff; A. F. Judd for Defendant. coardian ...... ALSO, ttaae: Mti-ir- traar; ui-jviijg timber.iml ignited by a match. KAE0, of Ilonolulu, Oahii, in accordance with the .ALSO 3ii A holo was burned in the roof something over a provisions of tbe Civil Code, Section 1352. All per- Ono Amphibious Boat A now thing! The church-and-stat- e ferment continues with sons are hereby notified no debts can be contract- foot in diameter. that chance that life Trill fall within year Is E. 1. ADAMS, Auctioneer. Hhuti of the Moon lot Vie Month of Nov. 1872. out abatement. old ed by said Kunuialea Kaeo without my authority ; The jour a The Land of Fuunui, The Catholics are once more two per cent. Tbe chance that jour bouse will burn and all persons indebted to him, will make payment lOO sv The following is the di?ptilion made of tbe in session, at Munich. The Catholic riot within a year Is less than one quarter per cent. Vibj Comprlnlns; oyer Acrtn. Ksmis arr. dasici. shith. at to myself. J (Signed) r. .NAilAiJLhhUA. and neglect the former? Twa-ata- rr - cases coining befure the Supreme Court during Essen, which led to a bloody conflict between the insure tbe latter Valuatolo Ob an nieea is a Direatinr Hata. ftea- Hesemu) .mean time. Life Insurance is not like Fire Insurance, an ex E? & rw 4 rw talning eight rwun. with tbe ntMry Oat-toss- the October term : mob and tho troops, is charged by the Ultramon HAWAIIAN HOTEL, pense, but a sure investment in time or need. -- - or the land U feneed with a waH. Fil It S3) REAL rart ttnni Ita, aasill'l m No can foresee the condition of his' affairs at fop-pli- CS rn The King vs. Moke Kalablao Having inter- tane press to Bismarck's anti-Jesu- policy ; but Honolulu, Sandwich Islands, man Water pipes are laid te both dwtHiagf . aaJ an 7 14 his death, but by Life Insurance a family can be AT AUCTION. from neser fadisg wg. lata Land tsdl rx course with c girl under 14 from in reality it was the breaking an old Ptmiiic a ipt aaam,ewlMa S Kax years. Appeal out of sore, THE FAMED PAEADISE OF TBE PACIFIC. be offered ia wheie, or m lot U tail. TIME MIX l!lIXS AND SETTING. Police Justice, Honolulu. Verdict. Not Guilty, and called for desperate remedies. Essen, a seat Securely Provided For. On Thursday, 14th of Nov. next, A flan of tha nropertj may a seeo at 9Sn Sows, HOTKI, HAS farther information appBritioa Us M,!MMHt. 4 :...Son ti Attorney General Jor the Crown, "W. C. Jones of manufacturing and mining industries, with a THIS KI.KGANT and gitsa spoir 611 bnnSrli SSn17 fliij1 been completed and is riow open for tbe recep- - .tad as to tbe best Company, there are 90 many good, At l'i o'clock 'ooiia for C. S. BARTOW. HW. ...Sunbetl defendant. population of over 20,000, lies in the heart or the tion of guests, baring been erected without re sound ones, that with ordinary intelligence you can TIIK UndersigneJ will Sell AstiMr. IS2 Sihi Set. 414k51.... bo Clcve-Julic- b to expense, with furniture orer 7190,000, scarcely go atnln. But sure you select a purely Si Sun Sets 1S .. The King vs. Manawa False Impersonation. district, which figured so largely in cord costinc at Public Auction, at the All the chambers are largo and , and fitted with Life Insurance Company. Avoid cooperative swindles Sales Boom ol E. P. Adams, Verdict, Not Guilty. Attorney General for tho Thirty Years' War as the stronghold of would insure Life Com- the luxurious baths and other modern eonreniences. as you poison, and only in an by order of the Executors of REAL. ESTATE OXUS OP THE WEEK. Crown, J. W. Keawchunahala for defendant. Catholicism upon the Iwer Rhine. Ever sinco Parties contemplating sisiting the Islands can al pany doing a legitimate life business. Keep out of the Will of tbe lata ways secure rooms or obtain reliable information by Local Hoards, as you would keep out of the fire. Se- rOS. flATYTi B7 ATJCHOH The King vs.W. D. Mahu Accessory its incorporation with Prussia this has Wr. are requested by the P. M. General to in- - to above. district addressing tho l'roprietor. (44-tf- ) A. llKKUKKT. lect a well established, well regulated and well man- I. II. M OFF ITT STO.YKY, Verdict. Guilty. Attorney General for the Crown, been uneasy under the rule or a Protestant aged Life Company. One that has safely passed AT THE AUCTION BART 0FC.S. BARTOW i Mereus H. Sigma n through this paper, that through the first few trying years of its existence, and "W. C. dynasty ; and or ih taiit mail two letters were received at the Jones for defendant. Sentence, 3 years late years tho younger clergy has by its fair and honorable dealing with policy Valuable Estate ON bf and clerical management, proved The I'm ogeo, bis address. they are probably hard labor and fined $50 and costs. the press, inspired by the Jesuits, holders, and economical itself to As hi dc delivered on confidence of the public, and such KJi'OWJf AS ON SATURDAY, : : : NOV. 16, The King vs. Kalepe Murder. have almost made treason to Prussia a test of at Fort Street Church, worthy of the a one srtant him. he is requested to call nnd get Verdict, guilty A;li;:tukk is the Seenriti In$urauee and Annuity VtUHpatty le by Db.wesios, to the Students at ranabou College. Lift AT 13 O'CLOCK SOO.T, if of manslaughter in the 3d degree. Sentenced to loyalty to Rome. In the war or 1SGG the sym of Xnc York. is now ten years old ; 3J years imprisonment at hard labor. Attor- pathies of the people were with Austria; and This Company over has hal KAHUKU POINT All that Tract cf Land called MANUEL new Kalihi on the road to Kwa unparalleled success ; has accumulated over Three SITUATKD The bndge at 1870-- 71 will by ney General for the Crown. Messrs. Judd, Dole though in they wore carried along with The Lecture be illustrated chemical experi Million dollars in assets ; has S112.6J of assets PLACE, in Puiwa, Snuanu Valley, will to imblic traffic on Friday or Satur-eW- v ments. Friends of the Studedts, and the Public opB and C. C. Harris for defendant. tho tide or national patriotism, they are to day to each $100 of liability j has always paid itt losses In the District of Koolanloa.Ialand of Oahu, Near the realdenea of Iltr Mity QfJeen Bsbbw, gonerally are inriaed. Admission, frcal promptly ; has its agrncies organized in almost every f lH(s week. This bridge is a most substan- more with Rome than with nnd containing Flea Acre si Fartts aaxl The King vs. Alapai, Kaluawaa and Kcawe Germany. Tho ec Lecture ta commence at 7,u State in tbe Union ; has always done a safe business, ANT) CONTAINING bottt of heavy timbers, supported r.i. la ml, lately occupied by Tfcomaa Ctarlc, tial Me. beitf Conspiracy. Nol pros, entered in tho cases of clesiastics inflamed the people against the Jesuit and has made n record and a history that commends with a Dwetlln? House ami otBereoHOSnga therreHs. row piles fixed in the solid rock in it to the people as ono of the best in tho country. And la ml In Fee Sitnute, ami a splsndW m ef mo Kaluawaa and Keawe. Verdict in case law ; and the rumor that tho Jesuits were to City & District of Honolulu. 117 The it cobmii4 the of hi as for its liberal and honest dealings with its policy- 62 Acres of Land view or the City ami Valley. Tin Sweat Stnwvor-rlc- a bed ef the Mream ; the planking being cov-er- ai tee Alapai, Not Guilty. expelled by force, nnd even carried off at mid- TAXES OF 1873. holders, we can refer you not only to its thousands ol .MOItK OR LKSS, jet raheU bare iwodacnl ass tki turn. A felt and asphalt with pulver- A with seeatbing vs. night by the police, was enough to raise a mob. living members, but also to the hundreds of widows plan mar be seen at tbe net ton Room. Tha King Kamcna Highway Robbery. to- Of which 6703 acres aro freehold, and 9024 acres are n--(e ised stoee ever the composition. OTICE is Hereby given Hint the un- and helpless ones who arc- - lay enjoying pleasant TEUMs Half Cat, ami half at a rile Verdict, Guilty. Sentenced to yesrs at hard The Government promptly sent two battalions N dersigned will collect the Taxes of this rear. and happy homes, as the result of a polioy in the leasehold, having aiout thirty years to run. There of Interest if desired. For flilber pertirst. for each mid division of the aliove district, ut are 1271 acres of Paddocks inclosed by substantial Apply to J. MON'TtJOMERT. or ta labor. Attorney General for the Crown, Kana-hin- a or infantry from Dusseldorf to put down tho dis- even" bEcunivv. Saw A'autable Real Estate. Ids Office in Marine strict. (Aicnul.) on nnd after Security no stone walls. C. S. BARTOW. Astttiaaeer. Aurnos of turbance. The Lire Coiiruxr needs other com Tbersday the valuable estate or for defeudaut. SATUIiUAY, lit! luiu inst.,nmt requests immediate mendation than its successful business in our own There are on the Estato Oo payment same trom parties name The King. vs. Kanehaiku Larceny. of the all thereto. Islands. GUARDIAN'S REAL ESTATE! late I. It. MoCilt Stouey. Kahuku, will be Plead LUCE. Tax Collector. well-bre- d SALE0F the at CO.U.-tlEltC'IA- GEO. II. Parties on the other Island desiring information or Over 900 head of Cattle guilty. Sentenced to 1 Tax Office, (Aicnoi,) Ilonolulu. sets! at aeetioe by Messrs. Adams and Bartow, years imprisonment needing documents, will apply to the Agent for. the IV. 12. ISiJ. Forty Horses. T AM Instructed by the Guardian and S.iO fine. Attorney General for the Crown, Kingdom, AMELIA MITCHELL, a Mttoc lateedielely after the sole of this estate Mr. IIOSOLCLO, NOVKMI1EK Officii own on Mnndare. Wednesdays and Satur X niiwr. 12, 1ST2. M. MCINERNY. Anil 250 I'liic AVool Sheep. from A. WssVsoa W. C. Jones for defendant. - days, irom a A. .v. to 4 r. .m. n license the lira. II. Beriew wiJl sell the Lands of Kahuku, Keana The foreign arrtrals since oor last report are the IwrL Oa- Corner Fort and Merchant Sts. There is an excellent DWELLING HOUSE, Jmtke of the Supreme Coort. aad tsa AMararr ta The King vs. Kawiki Perjury. "Plead guilty. ItalJl, from Portland, Orejtou, en route tor Hongkong, with with sad MataekBsaee, adjoining tho Kahuku Point Furniture, and all necessary Outhouses, Wool Press, fact or CAHOLIXH MITCI1BLL PATBR80S. to 1 flour and Chinese jussenperf. She will take some freight DUE NOVEMBER FROM LIVERPOOL Land of near Hono'uta. Sentenced to year imprisonment at hard labor. 20th Wool Shed, Stables, Ac., all of which will bo sold sell at Publi Auetiea, at Sales Raws, Kutelt. aed the Puuuui. and petij:eni from this plsce. The German ship Madura, Attorney General for the Crown, E. Preston for CIiARL.ES LONG, with the premises. The letter preperty contprises over ICO acres of from Newcastle, with coals fjr tbe steamers; and the Haw. On Saturday, tbe 16th day of Not. next. defendant. No. 6 Merchant Street, lead, tjfiee which Is a new and commodious schooner Kauiailc, from the Guano Islands. All the right, tills and isternt of tire nM mm, W. P. Wood vs. Kanehaku al. Trespass. The Garibaldi itportt thr Faltinburg as baring left Asto- JSolo Mitchell and Caroline MitebaU PatlMsoa, ia aa4 ta tlwieBufj-bees- e. et IIitN on Iinnd uml lor mtle n Superior Tlao torms of from Honolulu contin- ria for Portland on tbe 11th nit. Appeal District Judge, Assorlmont ol OF ! One-ha- lf We have no further arrivals THE KAHUKU ESTATE of a Certain Lot of Land, "VVr kern that the crater of Kilaaea is still ued. of whalers to report. There arc Ihree or tmr which intended to come here; prohahlj the WILL BH Situate! an Llpoa Street, Kena, Haoalate. : aeeJva. tbe great south lake being full of lava Manini Mnnuela vs. Ikeole Appeal from Dis- winds for a week past hare teen unfavorable for uiahiug tbe WINES, SPIRITS, ALES, Conreyeil by M. Ltpoa to Laasuini MMaMI, Casaera everflswiBg. an un ( , te presenting trict Judge, Ewa. Nonsuited by agreement. A. Minds. 0 1 o o:o:o .Mitchell and Amelia Mitaball. (taa aarsms --M - aoiive surface; being kept by the escap- - C. S. Barjew held a sale on WJncdy, Thursday and Fri- Sec. Carolina and Amelia bewfr ay JeaJ af aaa-Ty- F. Judd for plaintiff, W. C. Jones for defendant. Cordials, g day last week, it beluga dealing cut sale of Englith consign- Porters, TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS bearing data the Sth Jay af Jaly. WW, s fa a state of constant agitation. Those ) Manuel Manini vs. Pelani and Jkeole, her ments. Although a largo portion of the goods brought low a portien af Laml heM aaaer Rayal Pataat Xa. see Madame Pele in a " flurry" l'crc ct Fils' Cham. 339 1 faraaraa. TMfa wfce iewre to husband Ejectment. Jury waived. Verdict for prices, the sate was better than could have been expected, tt22, coctalsln; II esisiara !ltuinnrt, goad Terms Cash ; the deed at H pease af tfca welt te pay her a visit by next steamer. considering the state of trade. and pints. ; ei weti ie plaintiff. Exceptions noted. A. F. Judd for purchaser. We hare not know n a time many A trip te.Keea aed a nde thence to the volcano for years when so little Peinhard A Co.'a Champagne, quarts and pints. AND THE BALANCE SUBJECT TO ARRANGEMENT. Tha abare Lat ia wait attsMtail. f(b a aaasfcrUMa plaintiff, W. C Jones sor defendant. produce was being brought forward as at present; therefjto Different Brands Cala Champagne, do and H3e hi litne tor the steamer of the 2oth two frame dwelHos baata. It wW aa affeswl at aba Kamahai vs. Theo. H. Davies Action of Con- nur export trade is at the ljwest ebb, and Exchange on San TI1E FINE Lcl'riemo Oantcnsc Claret, do upset prita of Sesen red DoOers. Far fartWr make A FULL INVENTORY OF lis! . wMti a party of tourists, a pleasant tract. Continued. W. C. Jones for plaintiff, S. Francisco is very scarce, some jnrties being obliged to ship St. Julian .Mcdoe Claret, do pardaslan, hsqatre of W. C. JOSB?. er BARQUE Chatean I.afitto Claret, do specie. As tut little gold is totwhad, American s BRITISH "EXCELSIOR," House C. 8. BARTOW. AM r. U. Phillips for defendant-Joh- n Rose Furniture, Linen, are the only .available coin for export. We hive every rea Chateau la Claret, do EDGAR, Master. Claret in Casks anil .or draught, The aex4 steaeter from San Francisco will be O. Dominis vs. John D. Holt Action son to believe that a few weeks will work a change in this Agricultural Implements, Sec, repec, as quite a California White Wine, on draught, Sale; eae lseiw ee Friday er Satonlay. However, for Contract. Judgment for plaintiQ", by default. uututor of our Plantations commence Liebfrnuenmileh, Hockheimer, Assignee's grinding In all this look THE CARGO IS OFFERED FOR SALE, Can be seen at the Office of tho Auctioneer. F. II. Harris tor plaintiff. month. VeJ may for liberal ship (wWek is ieebtfel) should the Dakota have sailed ments Undersigned will Sell at PoMic to lie made by the middle of December, and hi'pe that FORMS THE Tt. for AND Superior California Hock, For further particulars, Inventory anil Plan of tha by artier of A. &tsWef, la., rasa FraBcisco on the Cth inst last AVed- - Henry Cooper vs. R. Keelikolani Action our circulating medium may be kept in the Sh country. We Direct from the Vinyard, and guaranteed pure jnlce Estate, apply to tho Executors. W. L. GHEEN or A. of tbe KlUte or AHO. lately ilastit; bastaew Contract. Judgment for.plaintiff, by default. A. have reason to suppose our importations must be keeping ONE OF THE BEST ASSORTMENTS inilir she may arrive Considerable in or tbe grape. S. CLEGIIOItN, or to the Undersigned. on Maunakea Street, ha tha city af Haotau. asrier with onr wants, and will thertf.irc fail aliurt ef former years. the name and style of TKS, as SatarOa. ! bv our American residents as to F. Jndd for plaintiff. EVEE BROUGHT TO THIS MAEKEU sonetv is Mt Ocr exports ought to, and w ill w e think, cover our imports ; JBlaovary E. P. ADAMS, 231 N'oremher, at 12 o'clock M., a tha aremWso, aH The King vs. Joseph R. Bradley Attempt at Port fviid wlnos, C. Auctioneers. the eraot reseh ef the Presidential Election on and we see no reason why Exchange may not be had on Cali- S. BAltTOW the right, title and iotaraH af tba aaed Aba hi so Casks and Cases. Honolulu, Sept. 21. 1S72. ai tbe Stb. Sboeki tbe Dakota have sailed on the Arson. Codtinued to next Term. Attorney fornia at former rates by the New Year, at least. COTTONS the fallowing daMtibatl fnftttj. Ugatber wfca a Port and Sherry Wines, on draught. the boiMisgs tbereaa situate, ila : All thai aartals for the Crown. One thing we overlook by some. In former years In tho fall Brilllantcs, Slfc. more then a roagh estimate of the te-- General Choice Prime, Fine Old Madeira, direct from Cadfi. Immediately after tho sale of the Kahnlca Estate, piece er parte! of land, iHaaleil an tha aaat sMa af tilde season, when little produce was goiog forward, we had The King vs. Frank Ingram Malicious Injury. need Long: Cloths, Shlrtincs, Sheetings, Cordials, in cut glass decanters. Will bo sold Maunakea Street, and tunnded aad deaariasil aa M-- eaH will be received by her. for funds for whalers cse and for the purcluue Oil and ef Mol&kin, Ticking, Jean Shirts. Ponfait Amour, Anisette, Eau Verte, lows : " Begianisg at tha aarear of Kalaasaa Verdict, Guilty in the 2d degree. Sentence, Bone, and those who art had funds in California needed them Crcme de Cassis, Eau do Vic de Dantzic, PUBLIC AUCTION ! running 51 feel alaag tba Alaaai Kak-awa- ta rfca German ship Madura, Storm, ar this and ex- S- Oou The 3 months imprisonment at hard labor, with costs the purchases become the remitters of WOOLEN- Curagna, Absinthe, Maraschino, tty urtler of the Ux ecu ton of tbo Utc I. U. aMoGtt Alanui Kahl a Panaltsa; tanas a last g saM ,Uamt Si med mt this nort on Mondav. CS davs from New or Court. Attorney General for the Crown, W. change. Asitisatthe present time, fands are ordered from Fine Coalings and Trowscrines, Martetl's and Hennessey's Brandy, casks and cases, Stonev. alt that feel deep, thenee 51 feat aratM ta taa Akatn Kak--a of there in another direction, I. e., to the Fstern States or Witcrproo! Tweeds, Blankets, wai aforesaid ta the pa of Kalabiaa. taaaee isaag Cattle. X. S. with a cargo of 1530 tons C. nnd fur Jones A. F. Judd defendant. Knrope. We might also mention that whalers exeliange has Twilled Flannels, riola Carpets, Superior Old Iloiirliost Wlilnkc)', PIECE OF LAM) AT KALAKOHOXO, aakl pa M feat to tba point afeaaueaeaeaeat." ceal te tbe agents of the IT. S.. X. 7. , and A. Murder. In former years Also a few gallons Superior Bourbon Whiskey The King V3. Andres Camacho Ver been ued quite as extensively f,.r remit- for At tho cntranco of 1' uoa Valley, near Honolulu, The aVore praperty wai grantad ta Kaaawa a4 Madura tances to SILK- S- Medical use. aa.1 Mail Stean)rip line. The reports the dict, Guilty of murder. Motion for new trial on California as to the East, which is another reason grantni by lloyal I'alent o. ZISO to tbe late Kapea by Itayal Tataat So. 24U. by Aa aaal for exchange being so scarce at this time on that port. Black Fiprurcd, Gros. Grain, Quarter Casks. Robert Mofiitt, containing by survey Knapuu awl Kapea aaaeayad sa R. M. Waaitaaa mj cUb A bee Batl as having sailed on the same day heard in January term, unless Pure White Gin, in exceptions to be a The bvrk Conricr Is loading for Bremen with Oil, Bone Mulrc Aoliquc, White Satin, lead, dated the lfta Jay at Ossassr, A. P. 1tm Pure White Gin in cases, 4 doxen each, aa-io- o i (SeeiC 3d) for this port with a cargo ori5C0 tons special be ordered. Attorney General for Wool, x : reeordcl in the oaa of tha Rsgfs4nr at Caaaayamaa term nides. Tallow, 1c Colored Moire Antiques, Gin in cases, 2 dozen same The Syren at each. This l.iece of land is cntirelraobusfenced in. nartlr br in Liber II, on pages 1M aa4 11 ; awl by ae mU ef mat te the consignees. the Crown, Messrs. C. C. Harris and W. C. KicU White and Colored Silka Gin in cases, 1 dozen each. Stone Walls, and is suitable for house lot or pasture. Wakeman aattreyed ta the sM Aha by a4. 4ae--t the bate of the departure of the Madura from Gin in cases, 15 bottles each, Sth day of Jaly, A. V. lfTt, awl reaarsM la Mr The King vs. Chung Nan Smuggling. Ap u.vroitTs. LINENS E. 1'. ADAMS, load. We Gin in baskets, dozen gross each. office of the Iteglstrar af Caareyaassa ia Lsbat M, New Castle was awaiting her turn to peal from Police Court, Honolulu. Verdict, Not Damask, Dock, Drlll,"Towcls, C. S. BAltTOW, on pagas 224 an--1 237. uaduietuud that a portion of ber cargo will be For I'tands In the 1'acille, per Lnnatlln, Xor Sheetings, Lawns, Brown Drills. A Larero Bitters, Auctioneers. Guilty. itesn nigs' 8 faint Oil. drums 10 Assortment of Tba abase win be saM satdaat ta a'asorssga ea far tbe use of the steamer Kilaaea and the Theo. H. Davies vs. Wm. Hughes Trover. Beef, Mils TS Pitch, bbl 1 SUNDRIES Angostura, Bolter's, Ilufeland's, I. X. I... Hostel fairer af Mr. II. DtaHnvd for taa aw af tm. wfta ItreaJ, ca .V) Potatoes tks 20 lers, Humboldt's, I'ipifax, Sumers Sansenain, Fenet ASSIGNEE'S SALE interest tberaon tba Ha day af Aaraat, A. D. Judgment for plaintiff, by consent. S. H. Phil Chests, , So Klre, It 2,500 Cotton Half Hose, Alpaeca Coats, liranca, Urange. 182. at the rata af I par eeot. par i Ovflce. bags .3 falnien, bbls 15 Pique Frocks, Crimean Shirts, OF. lips for plaintiff, Ed. Preston for defendant. Cordage, coil 1 Salt, ten 1 l'apera ean be exasitBM at taa asea at Mr. r. the Kitatee and Ulfema from Kona, Hawaii, Ladles' Underclothing and Handkerchiefs, Sebaefer. C. 8. BARTOW, Br Chas. Summers vs. H. Davies, IKiors, 50 Sosp, cs 4 All tho aboTe will bo sold Chcan as .Wr. Mon- D. Theo. Agent Flonr, qr sks 200 Split at anr llenalulu. M, the tot inor on Saturday and the latter on Teas, demj 1i Valenciennes Lace and Insertions, other house in the city, either in bond or duty paid. Real Estate in Lahaina. Oatober 172. at of the Stuibuck Island Guano Company Action Mol.es, pbgk 15 Sngar. kegs 49 ProTi-ie- and day, we karn that the indications of a Kona cs 16 Tar, bbl 1 Cashmere Merino Shawls, 34 Ho Traveling; Agent Employed. 3m , nr piiDEn or of Contract. Continued. W. C. Jones for plain faint, cans 35 ' wfateh week were Hawaiian Ensigns, Wool Packs, Etarai appeared here last Talne lknestlc..fl,W0 JO; Toreijn $1,134 10 House Furniture. tiff. S. H. Phillips for defendant. Gentlemen's Shirts and Underclothing, Messrs. S.G. Wilder and T. H. Davies, xesaned there. Doth vessels were obliged to For Gnano Islands, per C M IVard. Xov S Licenses Expiring in November, 1872. I will sell The King vs, Kaaiahua Practicing medicine Ileef, I.Ms 20 Tot. hWs 13) Waterproof Clotlilns. Saddles, leave pasjeapexs and freight behind on account Bread, cs 15 fork, Assignees of the Estate of Chung Hoon, : without License. Exceptions from April term. litis I India Rubber Hose, Wrapping Paper. ON WEDNESDAY, : NOV. 27th being land the principal points Hotter. bMs 2 rotators, bMs 10 ef aM able to at Molsws, pills 430 rorapMn I Exceptions overruled. Attorney General for the 100 PrintinfT Tnlrs.illnnk anrl f!nlorntl Retail. On December 14, 1872, At-th- Residence af Mrs. Pierea aa4 Mrs. Jskaitaas, ef enbarkatien. It is not unlikely that we shall Valoe Tmetic. ..S'iW; Foreign S2S3SS. OAIIU: Saturday, C- 1st Ah Hum .Xuuann street, Honolulu A4aasa Laaa, Crown, W. - Jones for defendant. nio"oiI, Wotre &. Co.'i Ale, At 12 o'clock TVoon, earner of Hotel street aad baer of a severe southerly having been 2d G 1 Roberts Xuusnu " " The King vs. Ah Lon Yon and others Ob IM Blnod Wolfe &. Co.'a Porter, by vessels happening to be at the time, POUTS. Ale. 2d Ah Tong .lleeia, Koolanpoko At my Salesroom, Will be Sold, The Entire Furniture of the House! structing Justice. Exceptions to ruling of Mr. Tcntlent'a 5th G Segclkcn A Co N'uuanu street, Honolulu X S 11 Coope A Co.1! Ate-- a short distance to the eastward of Hawaii, as From Newcastle, W, per Madura, Xor 1530 tons ItiU 5th Tbos G Thniui ..Merchant very desirable piece Land on Conibtlng ef rariass artleiei, watch wM ba IsarcaAar Justice Wiiiemann, August term of 4th Judicial CoaU " That of Street, the heavy sea along the south west cccst or that Brandy, Whiskey, Champagne, Old Tom, 5th Ah liana .Kuuann " " Lahaina, adjoining; the premises of A. WalKr, Esq., apeaitad. District. New trial granted ot next term of 4th Sth AfonsrAchuck Xunann " nitli the buildings thereon. CS. R.VRTOW, Anet'r. gave indications of a heavier storm not fir iio.-oi.ui.i- Judicial District. Attorney General for the voitx op OILMEN'S STORES, YORK HAMS. l.",th Ilollister A Co Xuuanu ' " , For particulars enquire of the Assignees, or . than was actually experienced there. 12th L Copenhagen Nouanu " " K P. ADAMS, Anc'r. Crown, E. Preston for Defendant. White Lead, Zinc, Boiled Oil, Blacking, 17th Joseph Lemon A Ce.Maunakci " " Honolulu, Nov. 12, 1STA AltlllVKI). ! The King vs. Kuheleaumoku Murder. Ex Flower Pots, Hat and Umbrella Slands, ISth One Sin ....King " JUST RECEIVED tVc have seen at tbe Carriage and Blacksmith Not 7 echrf Settle M.nill and Klnan from Maul, Aetlro 22d Leung Nam Ulakoheo J 500 Barrels booth's Portland Cement, ..EX ceptions to verdict. Exceptions overruled. At- rum Hawaii, ail iioanieie irom Ivanai. James SHiton Hotel I Saip of Mr. Beafield, on King street, a light 9 ElmrKilaneafrom tTIndward Torts. 100 Tons Best Steam Cos.1, Fire Clar. 29th " SALE OF CATTLE D. Halai 10 Am bl; by Mr. 'West, the manager of the torney General for the Crown, and GaribaMI, Nojes 25 days frnm Astoria, O, HAWAII: baggy isade bonnd to Hongkong, aclirs Mary Ellen from 31aui, 1st Chew Hoon A Ah Pan, Waiohion, Kan by E. Preston, for Exceptions. and Uitatna Hawaii. CJtel)faiirooaU which, for finish, beauty, and rrince from 5th Chung Pea -- Waiohlnu, - - - 11 Gerslilp Madnra. tonn, CS Oars from Newcastle, On Saturday, November 16, Joseph Lazarus and Kaniuiakaole, his wife, vs. 20th Ateum -- Punahoa, llilo i liaa.lli. Is quite equal to any of the same N S W, and echr Warwick from Molokai. Fire Bricks, Red Bricks, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. 51., from abroad. Jame A. Burdick Ejectment. Continued until 12 Haw schr Kamaile, Dority, 29 days from Jarris Is. Hoop and Bar Iron, ttrtrpool JUCI: emmet class of vehicles imported SAILED. Salt, d J J Halitead Palauea January term. W. C. Jones for plaintiffs, E. XT REV. SMITH'S PADDOCK, K'JUXXU "When wc say that this buggy was made by Mr. Not 6 Schr Kamoi for Mani. Rooting Felt, Bollonrware, Nappies, 29th Kahiniau Waltua ViLLFT. for defendant. 7 IIsw ketch Lnnalilo, Enjlish, far Islands In the faei-- "West, we mean to be understood that he made Precton Salmon" &c. KAUAI! nc Salmon and Backs, kc, 16th Geo Charman Koloa By order of A. F. Jndd, Es Attorney in fact fine-aa- Ahui vs. W. M. Appeal from Police S C M hutfc wood and iron work ; and from the Am selir tTarii, Hickman, for Gnano Is. 41 for Mr. John V. Holt, will be sold at auction the O Schr? J.nnT, TIattleand KeonlAna THEO. H. DAVIES. JIOLOIIAI : IN Justisc of Honolulu. Continued, nisi, by agree- fr Kanat ' ef the work in both, it would be difScnlt to 11 Stmr Kilanca far Windward Ports, and sclirUcknlde 5th C II Parker....;...... -Kawaikap- u ment, l'l Preston for plaintiff, A. F. Judd for for Eanal. AXsLZSOXTS Wholesale. set whether he is more skillful in one than in 12 5cirs i;nm and Frince for Hawaii. TKHEE OF SIXTY HEAD FAT CATTLE defendant. OAIIU: ' the other. We also noticed the painting on sev- CELEBRATED 6th Jno Thos WalerhouscQueen street, Ilonolulu Cn.ili. vs. Waahea Practicing Medicine a'AS-SICSIOn- Sale Poxlttve. Tcrmn eral carriages io the same establishment, which The King 'Victualing, April term. 1th Roilmann -- ...Fort street Honolulu to any we have without License. Exceptions from UPRIGHT PIANO FORTES, It E. P. ADAMS, Anel'r. aiiBeared te as to be superiour For Gnano Ialands. per C M TTarit, Nor A A R . -- Fort i overruled. General for the BO Bridge, FOR. SAI.E- - RV 7th Rycrolt..... ' befare seen ie this country. Upon inquiry, we Exceptions Attorney J Kinney. Mr Tfright, Mr nines, 3 E Wearer, and 20 laborers. 13th Lin Cheong....H..Maunakea. work was by Crown, W. C. Jones for defendant. From Windward Port, per stmr Kilanea, Not 9 Mrs Need-ha- 4Kt THEO.. H. DAVIES. 16th Ah See Maunakea" OHOIGB feead that this part of the done and 2 children. Miss .Maria Beckler, II Ui Mary Jllnor, On .Friday, November 15th, EZTHl HAWAII: where Tho King vs.. Kaankane Perjury. Fleaded Miss Mary E Elchardson, Mrs A O Forlm and 3 children, J Mr. Harrison, recently from New Tork, 49 12th Aieona -- Ponahoa. Uilo At 10 O'clock A.M., at Bales Room, guilty. Sentenced to imprisonment at bard labor Brown, and deck. Marshal's Sale. And Full Sizod No. 2 list) has been employed in carriage pointing in For Islands in the Pacific per Lnnalilo, Not 7 Edward itnlclier. Mailing. 9 IX ADMIRALTY. OAIID: s for IS months. Probart, Peter r and Mlnibikii. An Invoice of of tbe first establishments. 4 Wahin- e- Kins street, Honolulu From Altoria, O, per Garibaldi, Not 10 J II Galilger.BS th The King vs. Naapuelue Pejury. Pleaded 25th Jose Arica, Cor King and Maunakeasts. ' MAXIMA cigars: For "Windward Porta, per stmr Kilanea, Not II Tlij Ex A BILL OF C03IPI.AI.VT to hard labor WHEUHAS filed the TtmtMCAL. The second appearance of Fanny guilty. Sentenced imprisonment at Got P Nabaolelna, Mrs Capt Makee, Nicholas George, Mrs in Supreme Court of tbe Dllllarda. ELEGANT WA1E! A-n- rt Needham and 2 children, Mr Dillingham, Miss Gibson, before Hon. Widemann, JAPiH Mergaa Buffnm's Hall t Kirpiom the II. A. Justice 7th RRycroft .. street, Honolulu ClLCrOOtS. Pitelps ul on Saturday for IS months. Welsh, and S9 deck. 1 of sal Court sittins as a court of Admiralty on tbe Uoat. -s- ucu. as eveaiag was greeted by a large and appreciative John Montgomery vs. J. C. Pflager Assump- 31st. day of October, A. D. 1S72, by A. F. Judd, 7th Kahale (k), Jfo. 5 Honolulu Elegant Trays, anditLoe. comedies decision Mr. Justice Hartwell, AKAVS. for John J. rowless, Fetcr, Tony, Jliho, Cabinets, Stands, 100,IVeits presented were received sit. Appeal from MIIPPIAG 7tb Kepipi (k). So. 5 . . Also. lie and Peter of Gnam, acalntt the schooner called the uiore Duxes, iisDflKrrcuiei uoxes, Kauhane (k), Xo. 6 with reat applause and the favorable opinion January trm, 1872. Judgment for plaintiff. E. Emily, whereof . A. Fitman waa and is now master 7th " . Card Rcctlren, Wort Bones, 4 and S In 7fet flu The Garibaldi from Astoria tonehes for supplies and such proceedings been tbtreopon 7th Capt. Babcock, No. 7...... " Writing Desk, Cigar Boxes. aid of the ability of Fanny Morgan Phelps as Preston for plaintiff, W. C.Jones forR. U.Stan- harins Sth Kaoo, No...... and water, the has some 210 Chinese passengers and had, by the decree of said Court in this case made " Sc. sm actress, who One pair decant Tases Spittoons, by those were so fortunate as to ley, for defendant. her cargo consists of 3,100 bbls Oregon Flonr, SO and pronounced, on the 5th day of Korember, A. D. nAWAII: Best Camphor Wootl TrsKksI Mon-3a- 2Sth D II Hitchcock- ". witeeM ber first performance hero on the v John Norton vs. Paahana (w) Divorce. Ap- eases Terpentine and 112,000 ft Lumber. - 1S72, it was ordered that tbe eaid schooner milr to - Embroidered Cushion.', with her tackle and furniture sold 29th Kaliaa . " eveaiag previous, was more sustained. Mr. Justice Wdemcnn. gether .apparel be I FOR SALE BT than peal from decision of Ballister, which cleared for Auction-o- Friday the 15th day Korem-be- r Ilorae.' Tbe schooner Luli, at Public of OAHU: Supor'r iTajpax. Tea Bath the " Comical " Maid for plaintiff, A Countess" and the of Appeal withdrawn. W. O. Jones Etarbnck Island on the 5th and the ketch Lnnalilo, instant, at K v. 1st Kake, Xos I and 2...... Honolnlu Dcmbcrof tt A. . CtVKOnOKJf . CO. Measter" (the pieces well 7th, aow therefore In obedience to said order to ma di 1st Kanamu (k), Ko...... presented) are both S. B. Dole for defendant. Enclish, for Islands in the Pacific, on the owing on- Friday " Engravings and Colored Pictures, rected, I shall sell tba 15th of 2?orember, 3d Jlao ."o ...... fitted to display the peculiar or Miss of Honolulu, to light southerly wind and calms did not 13 old (k), l. Glass- talents In re Estate of Thomas Keegan, the nil instant at ir, at the Custom House wharf, Si Piiipo (k), No S .. it Fancy Articles of Per Bark "Minerva" inst, when they were towed to sea by the at Public Auction the said schooner Emily together Phelps. It has seldom been the good fortune or deceased, Exception from rnling of Mr. Justice till the Sth 4th --Napua (k), M 6 . . " ware, Leather and FROM HOHOKONC OIHECT, with her tackle, apparel and furniture. ISth Kilob! (k), No 7 . aeoetaplished artists who have visited Honolulu "Widemann. Exceptions withdrawn. E. Preston Pele. An "Wood. Inrentory of said schooner can be seen at the 27th Kauhiahiwa (k), No S...... " te be to command as able support as Miss for Exceptions, John Montgomery for Contra. oSca of the Marshal, tonnage S9. 27th Kanwahiokalue (k), Xo 9 and 10. fST Boom open for impcctlon of Good on THUKS-DA- oT ae W. PARKE. Marshal. Cases "kelps finds de- Assignees' Notice. C the Utu Inst, at 12 o'clock. I in Mr. Joseph Rayner and Mr. Le In re Estate or Nakuapa (w) or Honolulu, 43-- E. P. ADAMS, Auctioneer. Pire Arms. C. Xay. Beth these gentlemen are well and favor- ceased, Exceptions to of Mr. Justice CLOSE AF-- Cth Kawika...... Honolulu S. BARTOW. Auctioneer. MANILA CIGARS themling TIT ORDER TO UP TUT T K Parke ...... SJHAFEr fairs the Estate of CHALLAMEL A CO., all WASHIXGION" HEAT HAHXET, 30th - " 3fO. 3 HAVAXA ably known to the theatre toing public and have Wdemcnn on motion for new trial. Case argued J. of 30th Geo C Siders .. ' persons still indebted to said Estate are hereby re- Next door to Lore's Steam Bakery, Xanana. Street, Xlooolala, Notice. The Eeal SIMOIt PUBE AE.TICIE, pst always been greeted by their audiences here with and submitted. W. C Jones for Exceptions. quired to make immediate payment to Mr. W. T. IT. DC2CSE, nofunn. MY 3IV ABSEXCE PROJ1 THIS E&C&. tbe appkase which trcll aeserre. BAHNES, or to the undersigned, as otherwise they Beef, Mutton Teal of Beat Quality. ABSENCE FROM THIS DVTtUla Mr. CUAH. T. GCLICK up ia Bares of 100 they Miss Messrs. Jndd ond Dole for Contra. ssd tie DURING Mrs. Elizabeth Thium will act forme Ul ta my daly will be prosecnted at law. F. BAXXIXO, Also. Sail Salt BX, Seperlor Pork astborixed attorney, and will bate charga of my Inalmi, lTteipg was again greeted full audience Sniffin, or Maui, de- fork. SanceaaIraTi attorney. THOS. THRUM. Expressly for our by a last In re. Estate of B. F. . F. A. SCHAEFEH. m hand and sold at tbe Lowest Market Prices. under full power of J.W 1L TUOMrSO.t. Trade ceasedAppeal Iron? decision of Circuit Judge 41.it Ajiigncei. tO Meats deiiTcred to all parts of tte City. ly Ilonolulu, Not 6, IS72. IJ-J- Ilsnolala, till, IsTZ Vm For sale by BOLLES A CO. Foreign News. A Kemixiscenck or Asiatic Exploration Geeat Changes is Locomotion is 1'oktt Yeaks. H. UACKFELD & CO A. W. PEIRCE & CO. CASTLE & COOKE F.C1UIPEAX. Blitors Simxiilo Herokil see by IMXN, OtiMwr 2. A difpiteli from Melbourne, Ahn that a Euphrates Valley Railroad bas been Offer for Sale OFFER AT Sept. 11, MVS tbat the overland tdcsrapb It l. projected, to connect Antioch with Basso ra. Offer for Sale This reminds one of tbe rapid strides made in lo- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! WAREHOUSE Twjmjn, Oct-- 2. A later dispatch .from Carlisle FOLLOWING GOODS BOOK AND STATIONERY comotion within the last forty years. In 1S36 1 THE Ifoat ekrven persons were Mtlrd by tbe railroad THE FOLLOW!. was a member of the first Euphrates expedition 1M raorsltK;. Tbe number of Injured It ship nH;ln India. We left liver-po- i!Aiu:ifV mH Mated. to seek a short route to SUPERIOR ASSORTMENT OF GOODS5 Lbsdgn, OcUS. Sir Cbarlrt Addctlr, Conferva-tir- e jn the good ship Georye Canning, Winn, " racmberef Parliament, addressed a larjre Commander, with two iron steamers on board Ex Hawaiian Bark R. C. WYLIE," Consisting in Part of Barstcre, latt nljht. In destined to navi- ZH. the Tigris and the Euphrates White all Wool 4 Flannel. WHITNEY, Finest fata 'be alluded to work of HENRY or remarks tbe UsseMrsc gate tbe river Tigris, from near its source down IS DAYS FROM BBK3IEX. Fines t White all Wool & Angola White Flannels Geeer Tribunal and tbe settlement of tbe dis- Good Grey and White all Wool AT THE tin the Euphrates into the Persian Gulf, there to WHALE BOATS AND BOAT STOCK! rate between England and tbe United States. lie Flannels, 10x4 Bleached Sheeting, steamers to Bombay. Colo- Glove-Fittin- g raid that tbe prosperltr ot tbe world depended upon connect with other PEIHTS, LAWNS, MUSLINS, Thompson's Corsets, Lieu- Denims, , Drills and understandlm; between tbe two nations. nel Chesney commanded the expedition. Amoskcag OFFICE BUILDING, MERCHANT ST a ereM Bleached and Unbleached Cottons. OLD POST Eagfand bad made great sacrifices to terminate a tenants Cbarlewood and Fitijames, the latter of White and Bine Cottons, and Drills, stale of and preserve tbe unity of whom was lost in the Franklin expedition, were GROCERIES, 33oa3Lor zx Bine Denims, Burlaps, Mosquito Netting. A Sup'r Ass't of Stationery, Importor and. Oildt. second in command. Nineveh Layard joined us The Staffordshire bare reduced tbe Blue and White Flannels, White Moleskin, Water Lined Note Paper. in Malta. The CWumJiwe, brig-o- f war, Captain Paper, prices of finished iron 3 per ton. ! White Ruled Note Henderson, also joined us, and assisted to dis- Quilts, Assorted Silks, cfcs White Ruled Laid Leaf, Letter and Bill Paper, RfeM Honorable Sir James Sbaw WUles, one Assorted Bed Bread. Te month or Flour White, Cuff and Amber and Letter and Note BOOKS, d STATIONERY embark in the Bay of Antioch, at the of tbe Judces of the Court of Common Pleas, Cotton and Linea Handkerchiefs, Envelopes, sntdde thta mornlusfrom temporary Insanity. the little nver Orontes, and we shipped the plates Payson's Indelible, and Carter's "Copy Ing Ink, White Imperial Linen, Assorted Towels, AND JUdkw, Oct . Tbe fire brigade sent from this or the iron steamers nnd all their gear and en- Lime.and Cement, Artists' A s' Flexible Rnlers, s A Wesson's Pistols a Cartridges, ctlv bas arrived at tbe EscuriaL Through Its eier-tien- 120 Threads, Smith gines, on camel's backs, across the desert Socks acd Stockings, Assorted Girths, Stirrups Leathers, tbe fiames have been checked, and although Hair t miles to the river. We had also diving bells Spanish Trees, Croupersand Bridles, ! fire Is stHl burning, it has been confined outside Assorted Shawls and Flaids, BOOJfcS lw Oak Belting, Street Brooms, ACCOUNT to in which the Library is along to nse on tbe river for blasting oat rocks California Hay, of that part of tbe Palace Woolen Blankets, red, white, green, bine grey, Wood Faucets, Lamp Black, and fancy conneeted with th tkww located. Great quantities of books and manuscripts clear the passage. The Tigris and EmpJindes And every Article of utility Piic-king-r Lcrttlicr, TwwIwrs I ufcigLainwl Oramf were remeved, and there arc bo pes. of satins lllt were built and launched. The got stuck Fancy Flannel Shirts, Iinlinn. Lace Counting Houso and OlHce, and for Artists, 77m nstsonubUs s cam b mm Library, but in a dimsjed condition. found al- AND men, Travelers, etc, on as terms entire on a rock and was lost. The river was Paints, Oils, &c. Um Vxku, Oet. X. It is rumored that President Thiers hero or in San Francisco, amort wMch are together nnnavigable, and after two or three years Fine Cloths and Zino A Lead, in IS D) iBtcofe, at the next session ot the Assembly, to Cashmeres White 1,2 a container following Stapla Articles: of toil the enterprise was abandoned. Such was Paris and Chrome Green, wee tbe Conservative Deputies to support the By Steamer, from San Francisco, Chromo Yellow, Umber, Slenner, first to find a shorter routo than via Bedford Cords, wtUi SwM fer tbe definite establishment, by proclama- the attempt Patent Dryer, Vermillion, English and French Letter Tapers, tatln surface and r Owki PM, Cmw tion, of a permanent Republic on strictly conserva- the Cape to India, and of all who joined in that Lining, Ac, Whiting Prasslan, Blue, Bladders of Putty, extra Sne, plain and gilt edges wMk Stiver VaM MM tive principles. expedition except myself, 1 Do. llillet and Note, do. do. do. ffm$t itm j i art For Tailors' use. - , to match the abase Kogcrs' MMkritvt Saw WHy Saw is now using Carriage and Coach Varnish, Do. Letter and Note Hnrelopei lt It is also saM that Casimlr Perricr think Loyard alone. 1 have only met two since Mourning Note Paper and Hnrelopts an aaMrt 4 bawtlfS 9t pHtlit Sw iftvy right centre of the Assembly Potatoes, Onions, &c. ttafc Ms loflaewee with the that time, Captain Henderson in tbe Wdrerine, Bright, Copal and Furnitnre Varnish, ment constantly on hand haowbs. at 4 kwtsM to It to aeeopt the President's views. Woolen Goods Boiled Linseed Oil, Turpentine, American papers, from the best makers, ef almost xpmIt t mtm Bse Singapore.and Captain Winn. in the JavaSea. Fine Silks and Coffee Ivory tablets, Cults eta. refTH, Oct. S. Tbe Austrian delegation finally in Mason's Blacking, Mills, every description Paft is. Lieu- Axe. Pick, Sledge, Ads, Hm, Oo, pearl surface Cards Pereeiala SMtts Toted tbe budget or tbe Minister of Foreign Affairs, The next expedition was carried through by Enamelled surface and M mramaf FOR LADIES' DRESSES. . Hammer A Chisel Handles, Embossed and Friendship Cards KUitM BnM MM iaefcajfacan oitproprnUon for ttie Secret Service, tenant Waghorc, who alone succeeded in carry- fox-Brand- 's Wool Cards, Saddles, Enameled Trunks, Perforated Boards, for Cbenelle work graph Annan Banting, assorted colors, French Meriaos, Agonts Jhmt BasM. Caaak CaSJawa) Mat wttfenet amendment. ing through the first mail overland; in fact, bis Tissue and d l'apers Cask aad Parliament Hold and Tapers Cmtut cWcbab Dr. Isaac Bntt, Ilome Rule member of was the original Pony Express. He spent his Veil Berege, Coopers' Tools, Morocco and Einboned. and Sllrcr Set. 9ssil delivered lecture night In that Bomb Lances, Best London Quills and Quill Pens Irtkitaatfs. is gnat Tatfery for Limerick, a list and the last time I saw Crosers, Uowels, and Champcring Knives, Pen Wipers Kaeln. Baataaaa mod-orat- fortune in the enterprise, Steel Pens, from the best makers aad JUtm. and advocated Federal Union, bat was e Assorted Perfumery, Lulin's Extracts, Ac, dty, Gov- English Red and colored Wafers AUkba&of feaawa for Ireland. He referred to him he bad not been remunerated by the hi bis demands Assorted English Saddles, Carpenters Planes," English Notarial Wafers Bliok Walaat Xm Iteak Bus-set- t, died long since. Bat now look . the peMtc deehrstions of Lords Huntincton, ernment. He at Perry Davis' Painkiller, English Sealing Wax. red and fancy CBUdrM Sees Tuilufc, CMlaW' tWila. and Montague, as favorable to tbe cause of the change. At that time there was not a rail- French Calfskins, Paints and Oils, Fore, Smooth, Jack it Jointers, Kidder's Jt Payson's Indelible Ink i Copying Pi was. Ott Santa wl m m Cut Nails, 3, 4, 6, S, 10, 12, 20, 30, 40, SO and Blue, black and red Writing Ink Cray oat, white aiUnJ Uorae Rule, and advised a return to Home Rule to road in Europe ; much less in India ; there --s a4 Pnulba OOd. Boat Nails, 1, 1 J k 2 inch. and Sharing Brushes Dm PaliM, aaa WeawjMa leases Msa. n a declara-tto- a SaltWorks U. Hair, Cloth, Tooth. Nail a4 of Parliament, He closed ith few lines ; A. 2 a Tooth-pick- sawt makers only one in England ; there were steam X'uII Assortment of (icrrana, 1 Pressed Nails, 21 inch. Thermometers, Drawfwg Racks, Drafts Sstss were rejected, they would ly Cooper's Rivets, 4, k S : SarwWpw ttmm waaMy; that. If the demands had been started ; there was J lbs, Maps of Hawaiian Islands e,tM f sll 4 the Cunard line just Ky--tat met, tat at present their plans could not be disclosed. and I2n;;liii Copper Rivets 1 Burs, , , Portable Writing Desks, from 12 te 22 teebes. ; Hyeietaaad Mastda no West India line ; the Great Britain was not Tacks, Milffllt), Oct 4. TheGovernment has determined THE EQUITABLE f i j inch. Gimp Mahogany and Rosewood, adapted for ladies' i lltraariaast aaal 8eraa Basks built. I afterward, in command of a steamship, Iron a Copper Tacks of all sizes. nnd gentlemen's uso initial to seed 14,003 men to reinforce tbe army ol Cuba. ! , 1, 1 2 Best Rubber Hose, J. a inch, Constantly on hsnd, School Books of all kinds in IiRATIIRK flOOD. 4. Gen. Von Scbwlenetx, German dock in her company, the voyage she was GROCBRIE3S While-Was- h Vigcxa, Oct. left tbe LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY Centrifugal, Varnish, Paint, general use y A targe aad am Ambassador to Vienna, was married to Miss lost in Dandrum Bay. Even as late as 1S44, 1 Rhine Wines, Champagne, Seoteh Ales, and Scrub Brushes, Cov'd Tin Palls, Family and Pocket Bibles, Testaments, eta. Minister to Austria. OF THE 1, 2, 3, 4, C. S, 10 1 12 quarts, English, and Ameriean be ssuBd at snathe ntsasMaaiair. saaa) as Jay, daughter of tbe American took the first screw steamer into the Black Sea, i. Standard Bek Mtawraadsat Wsafca. Covered Slop Palls, Dippers, raper-cove- r Books, and Musle ticrman and Norwegian Ales, Gin, Sherry, Song Beks l'oeket Baaka, WaBttt viz : the iron steamship Lertmtine. Xow tbe "United. Dish and Milk Pans, Jurenile and Toy Books of erery deserfptlon a4 European An article appeared States! Jcnning'sbits, soldering irons, T hinges, demy HWXK BOOK. The Amies. whole globe is covered with steamships and rail- steels. English Drawing Paper, all sixes, from to lalnir is tbe Berlin ibst, showing that the military BONE .MORE UUSINESS during Hammers, Gauges, Squares, Chisels, double elephant A Terr fall sail aaeaasles roads, telegraphs and cables. But I am to the HAS past year than any other Life Insurance Augers, Sieves, Lime Squceiers, ao TsrfcHy lorees uader the commaod of tbe three Emperors HARDWARE, Bristol Boards, of every size and thickness aaslity, asltlasi tavrj f A. Y. E., Xapa. Company in the United States. Yard Sticks, Bung SUrters, Axes, Papera and Tracing Canibtte tasks wfe have est left the capital of Germany, are con- end of my paper. Adieu. Tracing aaaaiaa tesBktaataf Butchers' Knives, Pen and Pocket Knives, Shovels, Spades, Oos, Lanterns, Newman's Water Colors, in bxes Ledgm. Joarsatt. Day aks. Cask siderably acre than balf of tbe whole forces of A farjikr, whose cribs wpre full of corn, was Had an income in 1S70 of.... $7,500,000 Eagle Horse, A and O Plows and Best Sable and Camel's Hair Brusbcf Basks. Wasta llaafes. imsssa its Mi The effective of the Russian army, w Ithout Scissors, Perforated Brass Centrifugal Linings, Toints, Paris Plows, extra heavy and strong, Drawing Peneih Nata aad Bill Baaka Earope. accustomed to pray that the wants of the needy Fabcr's superior Uutr Bsok, at.. taeMlag tbe garrison troops or tbe Cossacks of the Its Assets amount to $15,000,000 Protoxide of Iron, Pain Killer, Colored Pencils, Creta Icvis do. Writer Bosks, af all tks be supplied ; bat when any one in needy Babbitt's Metal, Banc Tin, Tin Plates, Poland's White Pine Compound, Astatic piorieeet, would reach 1,32,401 men, with might Mathematical, or Drawing Instruments, in ease, and bread, qaarta faraa Pails, Tubs, Brooms, Etc.. Etc. from 1 to $10 each Uaarta Jeaaiiai S4,TG0 horses and "OJi guns. The Austrian army circumstances asked for a little of his corn, he Fence Wire, Galvanixed Iron Fipes. INSURES ON THE ALL CASH PRINCIPLE Chess Men, Wood and Ivory Maak Dsn ' is pssecd at IWS.051 men, with ISS,53 horses and said ho bad none to spare. One day, after hear- Sheet Zinc, Best Refined Iron, DOWNER'S KESOSENE OIL, Backgammon and Chess Boards Scrap aad lltrsarana Bask 1,41 gaasj attd tbe German effective is l,CS2,0OG ing his father pray for the poor and needy, his From the Boston House. Intellectual Card Games Alaaais, variety at sskjessI tylsa Dominoes of various patterns Kiss Record Bsoks. for Ssatstiss, ace, with 239,iH horses and 2,Oi2 guns. These him : Assorted Qualities Needles, THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS! Class, ass. little sun said to Many Gold Pencil Cases Workman's TiaM Basks three together would tbus compose tbe enormous ST- - Premiums payable And Other Articles and Silver " Father, I wish I had your corn." Silver Plated Forks, Spoons and Ladles, Quarterly, total of S,S,0it men, 656,397 horses and 5,530 gnos. or Annually. S3- - AI.I. TO UK SOU) I.OAV. Bm " Why, my son, what could you do with it V This is takfoc; the armies on the old war footing j Ac, Ac, Ac. It is tbe only Company having a resident Director N. B All New Articles of FANCY STATIONERY received hat GermaBy bas already in 1S70-7- 1 shown she asked tbe father. on these Islands, His Excellency S. II. PiiiLLirs, ty the the Attorney General having been for many years a The Fine Norwegian as effective by child replied, would answer your - ooM exceed tbe number stated her The "I Goods, Toys, Riding- Whips Director of the Company. earliest arrivals from London and New-- York. 200,000 men. us take the forces of Fancy marly 'ow, let prayers." No Life Insurance Company we does business all the other European Sutes together, and do more than this, is SHIP "ATLAS," ACCOUNT UOOKS, for Banks, Insurance Companies, Railroad G Tub India Medical Gazette reports some cases COMBS AXU BRUSHES, literally and none more reliablo etc not Mi that they approach anything like tbe aboie in its dealings Kith the insnred. made to order with despatch. small-po- x of oL total. Instead of nearly three and a balf millions, of cured by tbe external application For full particulars apply to Has Axitro they give only 2,145,516 men, 520,357 horses, and carbolic acid. The persons concerned were very Assorted Cordage. ir. icai'i.ki:. .LIVERPOOL. Printing of Bill Heads, Circulars, Cards, &c.f assi gass. The military forces or France on reluctant submit to tbe treatment, but after 14 FROM lj2 to Portland Cement, best brands. Agent for iho Hawaiian Islands. A 113,939 WITH Executed with Despatch at the Lowest Itieteav the war footing reach 505,537 men, with one or two cures with the acid and one or two 9S4 guns. Italy has 501,977 men, with Blacksmiths' Coals, Tar and Pitch, horses and deaths without it the reluctance vanished, and 4t,47t horses and 73) guns. England is placed at The Sufferer's Best Finely Cargo l now the carbolic acid is reported to be in great Fire Cloy, Fire Sand, Fire Bricks, Friend! Assorted New Stoclc ly xveiy Stejuncr. 47t,7K nea, (or n faoei only 154,CSS can be employed Country JIercfiaix ami Dealers wilt it their injur! to eaU msmmthm. country,) 38,012 horses and .335 guns. demand. The acid was applied to tbe face and Oak Boats for Coasters. Which is find for ami oat of tbe Honolulu, November 1st, 1S71. Bcagiam, HoUaed, Denmark, Turkey, and Spain hands, and next day the eruptions were found to caa dispose In alt or &31.S61 men, 129,304 horses and have scabbed and drieJ up. The cures were ef- A SMALL LOT OF Now Offered for Sale. new mili- 1,53! gnus. According, however, to the fected in a few days. France, tbe mili- tary orgaataation to be adopted in SUPERIOR CUSTOM-MAD- E FURNITURE Tho now Patterns of Prints are especially good. tary forees of that power wiU bc increased to A Breton peasant, on his way to Paris, stop- The Invoices include a FULL VARIETY of l,S9lj,OU0 rao and 2,400 guns, without counting the ped at a barber shop in Ramboniblet. While the Consisting cf COL army, THE and the territorial second Use of tbe reserve barber was strapping his razor, the peasant no- Mahogany Sideboard, with Marble Slab t Mirror, Cottons, TvMefc, of necessity, might raise the effective la ease ticed a dog sitting near his chair and staring at strength ot the French forces to 3,000,000 men. Mohogany Dining Table, Woollens, him fiercely. " What is the matter with tbat however, these last figures do not, at Rosewood Centre Table, Rosewood Sofa, Linens, preseet at least, represent any real force, although dog!" The barber answered with an unconcerned HOLLQWAY'S OINTMENT the Berita iaat concludes from them that France air, "That dog is always there. You seo when I Cane Seat Folding Chairs, Saddlery, wooM be aWe upon necessity to sustain a conflict out off an " Well ?" " Well, he eats it." Established ear" Bad Legs, Ulcerous Sores, Sad Breasts and &c., &c. Established with a coalition of the three Empires. JhK JoB FIXE HAVAXA X CIGARS, "That's a very stupid brute of yours, John," Old Wounds. ALSO full assortment said a Scotch minister to his parishioner, the peat In and at various prices. No description vound, Oxe. A short time ago a couple of of sore or ulcer can resist WHISKEY, WINES ! 1851. Brass fob dealer, who drove his merchandise from door to the healing properties of this excellent Ointment. FINE ALE, 1851. Bastes rangers entered a restaurant in Portland The worst cases readily assume a healthy appearanco door in a small cart drawn by a donkey ; " I never Music Boxes, Glass Beads, Bur and Hoop Iron, and ordered dinner. One was leased to order a whenever this medicament is applied ; sound flesh see you but the creature is braying." "Ah, sir," springs np from tbe bottom of the wound, inflamation plate or bated besnj. "When he camo to settle ?I:inj- - "Wire, Eaid the peat dealer, " ye ken the heart's warm And Other Goods too Aitmcr. of the surrounding skin is arrested and a complete Fencing cure quickly follows be asked tbe price, and was informed that forty 35 ou to mention. 3m and a permanent the use of the 7 when friends meet." Ointment. Liverpool Salt, &c. coats would be satisfactorily. The runner was Piles, Fistulas and Internal Inflamation. astoeaded, and exclaimed : " Isn't tbat a devil of Two Cardinals found fault with an eminent These distressing and weakening diseases may with Three Superior London made Upright price for beans !" The man or grab got mad, painter for bsving In one of his pictures given too NOTICE! a certainty be cured by the sufferers themselres, if they florid a complexion to St. Peter and St. Paul. assl said tbat was tbe price and that it must be "Gen- Q.EXUIXE will uso Ilolloway's Ointment and closely attend to PIANO FORTES I tlemen," replied the printed well un pious es-- artist, with the the instructions. It should be robbed paid. The runner the same the neighboring parts, when all obnoxious matter ' criticism, do not be surprised ; I paint them just Welsh Steam Coals, &c, &c. several times, and paid JREXCir A eaUBatten of astonishment as they look in Heaven. They arc blushing to sec will be removed. poultice of bread and water may soet. On going out of the doer he turned gCREWED sometimes be applied at bed time with advantage; IMPORTER. OP tbe the church so badly governed." the most scrupulous cleanliness mast be observed. If On Hand, and yetted it again, bat the bean man was silent. those who read this paragraph will bring it under the Spines says he knows Just kind o! a dwell- JJOOTS EX ROBERT COWAN, VICTORIA BRICK, The next day the restaurant-keepe- r received a whft notice of their acquaintances whom it may concern, ing his wife wants, because she has described it to they will render a service that will never be forgotten, BARRELS NEW RED SALMON. dispatch aad" paid the telegraph boy forty cents. QEXUIXE Dry ali is of certain. Goods as cure Kinds, him. She wants "a house large enough to accom- a 26-3- TIIEO. H. DA VIES. bis utter disgust when npon opening it dining-room- , Judge of modate eight persons, with a parlor, JlREXCII Rheumatism, Gout and Neuralgia. , be read, Isn't that a devil of a price for beans I" five nursery, bath-roo- clcset in every gCREWED Nothing bas the power of rcdacing inflamation and Clothing-- room, basement, kitchen, cemented cellar, and high subduing pain in these complaints in the same degree JUST RECEIVED firocrics, Earthenware, A girl once followed the workmen from j as Holloway's cooling Ointment and purifying Tills. little attics, all on the first floor." JJOOTS EX HAWAIIAN BARK C. WYLIE." her father's grounds when they went home to When used simultaneously they drive all inflamation "E. Sadly contemplating tbe result of the North and depravities from tbe system, sabdue and remove HARDWARE, CUTLERY, their dinner, because she was fond of a kind old QEXUIXE all enlargement of the joints, and leave tbe sinews A Large and Fine Assortment of SADDLERY, GLASSWARE, looked Carolina election, the Springfield RepnUicrm and muscles lax and uncontested. A cure may al- man who was one of them. When he r says, " It settles no more than this that the JUiEXCII ways be effected even under the worst circumstances, Havana & German Cigars ! Leia-tlie- CS-oocl- s, from bis door he saw her sitting on a log waiting if the use of these medicines be persevered in. cottage, grand popular revolution in favor of Greeley ba3 gCREWED TnrIIIi, Porto Itico and fr bkn, and invited her to go into the Eruptions, Scald Head, Ringworm and faces around the not yet set in." Kanastn Smoking: Rope, Oils, jjhe looked in, saw the strange JJOOTS other Skin Tobacco, Portland Cement, Paints, Colors, Biseases. and table, and hesitateJ. "When he urged her, she deck-han- Xeetocs old lady (to d on steamboat,) After fomentation with warm water, the utmost re- Sec., Sec, &cc. and inquired A splendid assortment of. the above lief and speediest cure can be readily obtained in all A Small Lot Very raised her little face : " dan- of Fine Cigarettes! Mr. Steamboatman, is there any fear o complaints affecting the skin and joints, by the sim- any mother in there V ALSO " Is there ger?" " Plenty of fear, ma'am, but not a bit of celebrated FRENCH CALF SCREWED ultaneous use of the Ointment and Pills. But It must CONSTANTLY ON HAND, mother in he -- A "Yes, my dear, there is a here," danssr." be remembered that nearly all skin diseases indicate 33 7" 33 jR. "2" WITH if ENDLESS VARIETY OF the depravity of the blood and the derangement of T IX 33 i0TI0iS, answered. BOOTS just received; also, a few more OF EST the liver and stomach: consequently, in many cases. " Oh I then will go in ; for I am not afraid if is repaired to purify tbe blood, whieh will be I TEAKSATLAHTIC left of FRENCH CALF GAITERS, rtime CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCO ! there is a mother there." enected by a jodicions nse ot tnc .fills. The general English, Yankee, French and German. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, which will be sold at the lowest Possible health will readily be improved, although the erup- .Ilccrsliaum Pipe. Tns reign of the servant gals has commenced. TTn tion may be driven out more freely than before, and of mtourg, which should he promoted. Perseverance is neces- Vlgnr Ilolderx, Vc. Some of the Present Stock will be Sold for Less Prices than it of sent, Saturday, to an Price. is Possible A gentleman the city Capital, One Million Prussian Tlialcrs. sary. JSf For Sale at the Oldest Cigar and Tobacco Store office obtain a lady" to inllonolnln, corner of Queen and Nuuanu Streets. inteHigence to "young UNDERSIGNED having ap- -. Sore Throat, Biptheria, Quinsey, Humps to New a-lII- been Rfl. & NOLTE. Import Goods! look on while his wife did the work. The fair pointed AgtnU of tbe abdre Company are now S. GRINBAUM CO. and all other Derangements of the II. I. ready to 46 3m creature who was offered for the place, after ask- Throat. Issss Policies against Sisks of Tire, on Bsildingi some fifty questions about whether they had On the appearance of any of these maladies, the TO LET! IV ow IXjiiicI ojT ing 2Icrcliandlse and Furniture, Invoices are to " tubs set," whether the " kitchen was down Ointment should be well rubbed at least three times a "GPOjEiES on terms equal to those of other respectable com- day upon the neck and upper part of the chest, so as THE stairs," etc, asked how many evenings she could panies. Losses paid for and adjusted here. UNDERSIGNED, from nnd after to penetrate to tbe glands, as salt is forced into meat; Under tho Odd Fellows' Hall, For particulars apply to THE date, will issne Bills of Exchange and Let- will Well," said the gentleman, this course at once remove inflamation and ulcer- At present occupied by Dillingham Co. as a Hard- CHOICE SELECTIONS FOR NO. ! have "oat." I 39-l- ters of Credit on TEN H. 1IACKFELD 4 CO., Agents. ation. Tbe worst eases will yield to this treatment ware Store. t don't see how we caa let you have more than SAX FP.AXCISCO, SEW YORK, by following the printed directions. seven." " How many children have you !" said T O L E T . LONDON, HAMBURG and BREMEN, Scrofula or King's Evil and Swelling of It is Completely fitted with Shelving, etc. CONSISTING IN PART OF the handmaiden. Only one boy, eight yeara in sums to suit at lowest rates. Dr. on the Glands. For farther particulars apply to will drown him if yoa think he'd be rphc Ilillcbrand Homestead, the Best Commercial Paper discounted, and Monies ad- old,butwe JL Xuuanu Valley Bead. The house i surrounded vanced on Mortgages on the most favorable terms. This class of cases may be cured by Holloway's pu- C. A. CASTLE, or FRENCH KID 39 BEST GLOVES, LACES OF ALL in the way." bj a large garden, offering superior attractions as a Cash advances made on consignments of Island rifying Pills and Ointment, as their double action of W. C. PARKE. KINDS! residence. JtrpV prodnce at the rate 9 cent, per annum. purifying the blood and strengthening tbo system ren- cf $ interest ders more "While we all expect to find adulteration in E. STKEIIZ i CO., II. HACKFELD 4 CO. them suitable than any other remedy for For Sale or 41-l- Lease. Drug Stare, Corner Hotel and Fort Sti. Honolulu. Nay. 4, 1S71. SMy all csmplaints of a scrofulous nature. As the blood SRHXAX AND BABY GOODS, ground coffee, we have not been prepared to look is impure, tbe liver, stomach and bowels being much for it in its unground state. But we are told by deranged, require a purifying medicine to bring about A FURNISHED COTTAGE in od To Rent. Salmon, a cure. repair, with outhouses, and 6 aeres of Iind. As well as a Large Variety ground chiccory and pea-flo- of Desirable Prof. Phmn that -- snitable for a small Siradries! Of the Packing of 1871, war-P- Both lie Ointment and PilU tlould le tied in tie foll- family. made paste and molded by machinery very desirable House and tvtttljj. ranted in good Inquire of A. P. Jodd.Eiq., or of the undersigned, are into a 2?o. 150 Xanana Avenue, lately order, for sale at a very owing Caict: low figure, in order to close a consignment. near the premise!. Terms reasonable. Which will Advertise themselves when seen into'coffeejbeans, which are roasted to the pro- MThat by TV. L, Green, Esq. Also, on a Handsome Pom. 40 H. HACKFELD A CO. Bad Legs Cancers Sore Throat a. Bisnop. mixed with just sufficient genuine The Home and premises 2?o. 14S, adjoining. Ap- Bad Breasts Contracted and Skin Diseases Nuuanu, 1S72. 2T-3- . per color and July 12, To prevent a rush these lively Times, - it will not do to say too mndi the required flavor, and then are ply to C E. WILLIAJIS, Burns Stiff Jaints Glandular Siretl- - coffee to get 3S Or H. WOOD. SALMON. Bnnions Elephantiasis ings tf J. COLUMBIA RIVER SALMON RECEIVED independent of making the Trade as wise as onrselves. passed off as O. G. Java, or old Mocha. BEST Bite of Mosqui- - Fistulas Sore-Hea- Hay! Hay! Hay. day per brig Augusta. For sale by to or Sandfly flout Scurvy For Sale. B0LLES Jt CO Coco-ba- A little girl, daughter of a clergyman, being y Lumbago Tumors Undersigned nre Itccciticg pressed '" door," and obeying a sum- EST ly India Rubber Hose, 3-- 4 inch Chiegs-fo- Piles Ulcers THE of left one day to tend No. I Chilblains LADIES B and I inch. I.I5J 11. UAUHrELU LU. Kitts Mackerel, - Rheumatism Wounds she found on the i HiXn.-- 1 mons of the bell, a gentleman 1873 pactin;. For sals by Chapped Hands Scalds Taws Frimo inri rv TTny, Prospect for Yourselves, do not Purchase unless you get a Bargain steps who wished tp see her father. " Father Or BOLLES k CO. Corns (solt) Sore Nipples From Laie, which they will U in quantities to snit. For Sale. Sold at the Establishment HOL- 33 3mos WALKER & ALLEN. isn't in," she said, " but if it's anything about of PROFESSOR Tho central Idea of conducting my Euslnoss Is n Buggy, Hemp LOW AT, 2(4 Strand, (near Temple Ear) London, and know the whole Albany built mth two scats, Canvas, by I Tocrsoul I ctn tendioyon. I . in good order. Apply to Arbroath Manufacture Assorted Numbers. In all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicines LIME! LIME 41-l- throughout 'A plan of salvation." m DR. ilOTT SMITH. Bond, or Doty paid, for sale by BOLLES CO. the eiviliied world, at the following prices: SANTA CROZ LIME,FEEsri FROM THE Nimble ISTinepence before a Slow Shilling i Is. ld., 2s. 2d., is. ., lis., 22s., and 33s. each Pot. BEST reeeired this day per bark Queen Emma. itavt to know," said' a creditor, fiercely, For Sale. Notice. 9 There is a considerable saving by taking tbe For sale by BOLLES CO. "I larger sites. i Us you owe me." aiT Fnoat JOHN "when you arc going pay that DTmiXG Mr. CIUS.absenceT. O CLICK will be thismy dslv THOMAS WATERHOUSE. GENTLE CAIUIIAGE HORSE, Boggy ulborizo! my N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients in Pure Lime Juiced " When I am going to pay yoa 1 Why, you are a HARNESS. Apply to iMcrner, aa4 will ban diain of bmlnco. A and JSO. IL THOlirSOX. every disorder are aSxed to each Pot. DEMIJOHNS OF 1, 2 and 1 Gallons C. S. BARTOW. Hjmolcla, 1S7T. IN N. B. Liberal Terms rceily feHoir! Do you take mc for a prophet V Mirth Cth, J. T. WATERHOUSE, Agont. Each. For sale by BOLLES k CO. to Country Storekeepers.