14 Advertiser 20 September 2013 Food & Drink Festival 2013 Stalls to tickle your tastebuds

Vicki Leppard, Dominic Ro- nane and David Paterson of Deepak Subba with Shoba & Ray Aziz from Curry of the Year the Hogs Back Brewery. runner- up RaysIndian restaurant Mister Tuck Shop - Richard & Lesley Orme. Pictures: Grahame Larter

Woking Asian Business Forum with McLaren executive head chef Steve Tremblay offering risotto samples.

FROM retro sweets to remind Harry's Hot Chillies based in Mr Barrett said: “It's been you of your childhood, to fresh- Well Lane, . Her stall lovely, it should happen more ly baked cinnamon rolls or was one of many tempting the often. perfectly iced cupcakes, there festival goers. “I'm sure all the local restau- was plenty to indulge in at the She grows all her own chilli rants would love to have a Woking Food & Drink Festival. plants and named the compa- chance to put their food out Carrying plenty of bags to fill ny after her son. Mrs Walker there for people to taste and if with goodies, shoppers packed was handing out tasters of her you had this once every four out Jubilee Square as they tick- spicy treats. She said: “We're months people would turn up.” led their tastebuds with new always a little bit cautious and Salvation Cakes, based in St foods while workers on their try and encourage people to try Johns, had a successful few lunch breaks grabbed a bite to the milder ones first but there's days, selling everything from eat and even a stash of food to quite a few brave folk out there Oreo brownies to Bounty take back to their colleagues. who have gone for the Surrey cupcakes. A sizzling barbecue from Scorcher and they do tend to And Woking Advertiser The British BBQ Society gave like it.” Curry of the Year competition visitors the chance to show off Bisley residents Steve Barrett runner-up RaysIndian had their grilling skills with special and Janet Owen were enjoying street food on sale and their Salvation Cakes, based in St Johns, was a popular choice with cook-off sessions. the beer tent while deciding trophy and certificate on -dis cake lovers at the festival. Sam Walker is the owner of what to have for lunch. play for all to see. Woking’s Mayor Anne Roberts with Jaimon Thomas of West ’s Kayal restaurant.

Jessica Chai and Rosie Dennington of Mmm Cookie Dough .


Rail travel from London St Pancras International

Television baking winner Jo Wheatley with the festival’s cake competition winner Claudia Nocci. Borough’s bakers rise to 5 days from £599.00 sponge cake challenge Christmas in Bruges CHRISTCHURCH in Jubilee Square name. Nibbling on the cakes, and welcomed a very different type of con- judging them on texture, look and – by Eurostar gregation on Sunday afternoon when a taste, she eventually decided on one variety of delicious home-baked cakes winner and two runners-up. Departs 23 December 2013 were lined up to be judged by televi- Claudia Nocci was crowned the bak- Discover picture perfect Bruges when it is all dressed for Christmas and enjoy sion baking winner Jo Wheatley. ing queen for her coffee and meringue an assorted chocolate box of included attractions! Taking a break in between her first sponge cake. She won a place on Jo's and second cookery demonstrations cookery class plus a signed copy of the Price includes • Return rail travel from your chosen station to London St in the Tante Marie Culinary Academy author’s first book, A Passion for Pancras International • Return Eurostar from London St Pancras International Theatre, Jo was given the tough chal- Baking. Claudia, who is originally from to Lille • Coach transfers to the hotel • Four nights’ dinner*, bed and breakfast in central Bruges (*Christmas dinner on the evening of Christmas Day) lenge of tasting the sponge cakes, Tuscany, Italy but now lives in Woking, • Walking tour of Bruges • Entrance to the Ice Palace • Visit to Ypres, Tyne Cot which varied from a chocolate pound said: “I am pretty happy, it is an hon- Cemetery and a Bruges Chocolate Shop • Services of a Tour Manager from cake covered in chocolate fudge frost- our to win a cake competition with a London St Pancras International ing to a carrot cake iced and topped judge like Jo Wheatley.” with carrots made from icing. The runners-up were Sophie Robson One baker made a special effort for her chocolate and cherry cake and decorating their cake with the festival’s Katie Murdoch for her carrot cake. Rail travel from London St Pancras International

5 days from £699.00 Rhine Valley New Year Celebration Jo Wheatley with cake competition runners-up Sophie Robson and Katie Depart 29 December 2013 Murdoch. WK135354_20 Welcome in 2014 with an exciting cocktail of excursions and entertainment in the beautiful Rhine Valley. Esher Price includes • Return Eurostar to and from London St Pancras International to Brussels • Four nights dinner, bed and breakfast, accommodation in Remagen • New Year’s Eve Venetian Night Costume Ball Church of England with five course Gala dinner, live music and dancing • Wine tasting in the Ahr Valley • Return journey on the Vulkan Express • Midnight fireworks display and High School a glass of champagne • Tour of Remegan with mulled wine • Visit to Bonn Headteacher: Mr S Morris We warmly welcome all prospective students and parents to our school For your FREE brochures, complete this coupon & send OPEN EVENING to: Diamond Rail Holidays, Anson House, Compass Point, Thursday 3 October 2013 Northampton Road, Market Harborough, Leicestershire LE16 9HW 6.00pm – 9.00pm Tick brochure(s) required: Headteachers talk at 6.15pm and 7.15pm Christmas in Bruges - By Eurostar Rhine Valley New Year Celebration OPEN MORNINGS Monday 7 October 2013 Name Tel Tuesday 8 October 2013 Address 9.30am – 11.00am Please contact the school for an appointment if you are Postcode Email SA unable to see us on any of these occasions. Please telephone the school office for a prospectus www.diamondrailholidays.co.uk or request a copy online at www.esherhigh.surrey.sch.uk 0844 544 6588 quoting code SA More Lane, Esher, Surrey, KT10 8AP Tel: 01372 468068 Fax 01372 471058 Organised by Diamond Rail Holidays of Market Harborough. ABTA W0552 Prices are per person and based on two people sharing. Single supplement applies. Departure points are subject to availability and minimum numbers being achieved.