Positive and negative interactions control a facilitation cascade 1,2, 3 1,2,4 3 3 PAUL E. GRIBBEN, DAVID L. KIMBRO, ADRIANA VERGES , TARIK C. GOUHIER, SAMUEL BURRELL, 1,3 1 1 2,4 RUBY G. GARTHWIN, MARIA LASTRA CAGIGAS, YASMIN TORDOFF, AND ALISTAIR G. B. POORE

1Centre for Marine Bio-Innovation, School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales 2052 Australia 2Sydney Institute of Marine Science, 19 Chowder Bay Road, Mosman, New South Wales 2088 Australia 3Northeastern University Marine Science Centre, 430 Nahant Road, Nahant, Massachusetts 01908 USA 4Evolution & Ecology Research Centre, School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales 2052 Australia

Citation: Gribben, P. E., D. L. Kimbro, A. Verges, T. C. Gouhier, S. Burrell, R. G. Garthwin, M. L. Cagigas, Y. Tordoff, and A. G. B. Poore. 2017. Positive and negative interactions control a facilitation cascade. Ecosphere 8(12):e02065. 10.1002/ ecs2.2065

Abstract. Facilitation cascades, which enhance the diversity of ecological communities in many ecosys- tems, have been viewed as the net outcome of positive ’ interactions. The strength and direction of these interactions, and thus the realized biodiversity, however, are likely to vary with the density and traits of the habitat-formers and via negative interactions among interacting species. To test this, we manipulated the density and status (alive vs. dead) of a secondary habitat-former, the razor clam Pinna sp., and mea- sured responses by the primary habitat-former, the seagrass Zostera muelleri, associated epifauna and infauna, and fish foraging behavior. At the plot level, for both live and dead clams, the total abundance of epifauna increased with clam density. However, for individual clams, the density of epifauna/cm2 decreased with increasing clam density. Video image analysis showed higher fish of epifauna on dead compared to live clams at high but not low densities and path analysis indicated that these strong negative trophic interactions increased with dead clam density via both direct and indirect pathways. By contrast, an increasing density of live but not dead clams was negatively correlated with seagrass faunal densities. However, seagrass growth and standing biomass were unaffected by clam density or status. Our study illustrates that the realized facilitation cascade is a function of nested negative and positive interac- tions which change as a function of the density of clams and whether they were dead or alive, and there- fore do not represent a collection of hierarchical positive interactions.

Key words: biodiversity; ecosystem engineer; facilitation; feedbacks; habitat-former; non-trophic interactions; razor clam; seagrass; trophic interactions.

Received 12 November 2017; accepted 21 November 2017. Corresponding Editor: Debra P. C. Peters. Copyright: © 2017 Gribben et al. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. E-mail: [email protected]

INTRODUCTION habitat-forming or “foundation species” such as corals, trees, and seagrasses on associated organ- For most of the history of ecology, negative isms. Facilitation of entire communities by interactions such as predation and competition habitat-forming species commonly occurs via were assumed to be the predominant mecha- enhanced resource provisioning (e.g., surfaces nisms structuring communities (Connell 1961, for colonization for epibionts on algae and epi- Paine 1966, Menge and Sutherland 1976). How- phytes in trees) or reducing abiotic (wind, tem- ever, over the past two decades, many stud- perature, wave action) and/or biotic (e.g., ies have demonstrated the positive effects of predation) stress (Wright and Jones 2004, Badano

❖ www.esajournals.org 1 December 2017 ❖ Volume 8(12) ❖ Article e02065 GRIBBEN ET AL. and Cavieres 2006, Gribben and Wright 2006, removal of an associated community member Thomsen and Wernberg 2014). Because of the alters the strength of negative interactions, then diverse food webs they support, management of the community supported by a facilitation cas- foundation species is increasingly advocated as cade may depart from predictions based solely critical to conservation efforts (Bruno et al. 2003, on positive interactions. Thus, understanding Byers et al. 2006, Halpern et al. 2007). when both positive (often non-trophic) and nega- More recently, research has shown that posi- tive (trophic) interactions are important is neces- tive interactions among habitat-forming species sary to develop the theory on facilitation can result in a facilitation cascade whereby pri- cascades and provide predictions for conserva- mary habitat-forming species facilitate secondary tion and restoration efforts (Wilby et al. 2001, habitat-forming species, creating a synergistic Kefi et al. 2012). effect on the biodiversity of associated species Predicting the outcome of facilitation cascades (Ellwood and Foster 2004, Altieri et al. 2007, may also depend on the density and traits of the Gribben et al. 2009, Angelini and Silliman 2014, secondary habitat-forming species (Bruno and Hughes et al. 2014, Thomsen and Wernberg Bertness 2001, Gribben and Wright 2014). For 2014). The communities associated with these example, positive effects on biodiversity may facilitation cascades are thus considered hierar- increase with the density of the secondary habi- chically organized through a series of positive tat-former (Bishop et al. 2012, 2013, Hughes interactions (Bruno and Bertness 2001, Bruno et al. 2014), but densities beyond a threshold et al. 2003). Recent reviews suggest that facilita- may then exert negative effects on the primary tion cascades may be far more important for facilitator. In addition, increasing the density of driving patterns of global biodiversity than cur- secondary habitat-formers may have important rently acknowledged (Thomsen et al. 2010, trophic feedbacks if increasing structure Angelini et al. 2011), and thus, cascading posi- decreases predator-prey encounter rates (Gra- tive interactions need to be integrated in conser- bowski 2004, Griffen and Byers 2006) or if preda- vation/restoration strategies. tors also benefit from increasing habitat structure Given that communities associated with indi- (Leonard 2000, Trussell et al. 2006, Miyashita vidual foundation species are often structured by and Takada 2007, Pearson 2009). An important both negative and positive interspecific interac- trait that may interact with density is the legacy tions (Bruno and Bertness 2001, Stachowicz effect that occurs when the structure (i.e., ecosys- 2001), the mechanisms driving biodiversity in tem engineering properties) of habitat-forming facilitation cascades are likely more complicated species persists long after they die (Lenihan than currently acknowledged. To date, however, 1999, Hastings et al. 2007). With the cessation of no studies have investigated how the addition of biological processes and changes in morphology secondary habitat-formers may alter both posi- following the mortality of habitat-formers, we tive and negative interactions within a facilita- should expect changes in associated communi- tion cascade, although our expectation is that ties, and in the strength and/or direction of inter- they do. For instance, while habitat-forming spe- actions within a facilitation cascade. While cies can positively benefit prey by providing Thomsen et al. (2010) highlighted the need for a them with structural refuge from predators, they better understanding of density-dependent feed- can also promote the abundance of predators backs of focal organisms, how the density and and thus negatively impact prey (Gribben and traits of the secondary habitat-formers influence Wright 2006, 2014, Miyashita and Takada 2007, interactions within facilitation cascades remains Farina et al. 2014). Moreover, the colonization of unclear. one habitat-former by another can negatively In this study, we use a field experiment to feedback onto the growth and survivorship of determine how the density and state (live or primary habitat-formers by controlling limited dead) of a secondary habitat-former (razor clams) resources (e.g., access to light or nutrients; Benz- influence a facilitation cascade within a seagrass ing and Seemann 1978, Flores-Palacios 2016, Zotz meadow (the primary habitat-former) via posi- 2016), which, in turn, may have strong conse- tive and negative interactions. Seagrasses are quences for the entire cascade. If the loss or globally important foundation species in coastal

❖ www.esajournals.org 2 December 2017 ❖ Volume 8(12) ❖ Article e02065 GRIBBEN ET AL. ecosystems that support a broad diversity of manipulated the density and status (alive or organisms (e.g., fish, birds, and invertebrates), dead) of razor clams within a some of which are themselves habitat-providing and quantified changes in abundance of associ- species which further promote biodiversity. ated epifauna, infauna, seagrass, and fish com- Razor clams (also called razor shells, razor fish, munities. We further quantified the rates of two and pen shells) are often found associated with processes that influence species interactions in seagrass beds and harbor extensive epibiotic this system: seagrass productivity and fish pre- communities that colonize the large shells of dation pressure on epifauna. Specifically, we these bivalves extending above the sediment hypothesized that the abundance of epibionts (Munguia 2004, Munguia and Miller 2008). Com- and fish/quadrat would increase with increasing munity structure on the clams is also influenced clam density, the abundance of epibionts would by patterns of recruitment and competition (pri- be higher on dead than on live clams, and the marily for space) among the facilitated inverte- community structure of the seagrass-associated brates and predation by fish (Keough 1984, fauna and on clams would be different on live Munguia 2004). Fish are also more often associated and dead clams. In addition, we predicted that with dead than live clams (Macreadie et al. 2014). seagrass biomass and productivity and preda- Although the influence of razor clams and their tion pressure on epibionts on clams and communities on seagrass infaunal communities is seagrass-associated fauna would increase with unknown, infaunal communities in unvegetated clam density. sediments have lower total abundance, richness, and different community structure in areas with MATERIALS AND METHODS razor clams than in areas without (Warwick et al. 1997, Cummings et al. 1998). Warwick et al. (1997) Study site and species suggested that the presence of razor clams influ- This study was conducted at Point Wolstoncroft ences infaunal communities by their activity (in- in Lake Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia creasing biodeposits) and their physical presence, (33°070 S, 151°350 E). Lake Macquarie is the largest resulting in reduced oxygen levels. Thus, we may coastal lake in Australia with extensive seagrass predict razor clams will have similar negative beds, including the native seagrass Zostera muelleri effects on the abundance of fauna associated with (Irmisch ex Asch.), with many seagrass beds seagrasses and potentially affect the health of housing razor clams (Macreadie et al. 2014). Point seagrass itself. Alternatively, seagrasses or associ- Wolstoncroft is a sheltered, shallow embayment ated filter feeders or deposit feeders may benefit containing the highest densities of razor clams from increased organic input or nitrogenous waste in the genus Pinna (family Pinnidae) among from razor clams. When clams die, their shells Z. muelleri found in the lake (Macreadie et al. provide a hard substrate in the habitat for 2014). Preliminary surveys at this site indicated extended periods. Dead bivalve shells commonly that razor clams do not occur outside seagrass support higher abundance and diversity of beds: Razor clams appear reliant on seagrass as a organisms than live bivalves because of changes recruitment habitat (which presumably provides to or loss of the periostracum (a thin organic a refuge from predation for vulnerable post- coating that protects the shell) that commonly settlement clams; Orth et al. 1984, Irlandi and inhibits epibiosis (Wahl et al. 1998, Scardino and Peterson 1991), thus forming a facilitation cascade. de Nys 2004). Collectively, these disparate studies The species present on the New South Wales coast suggest that the seagrass/razor clam facilitation has been referred to as Pinna bicolor (Gmelin), but cascade is an ideal model system that may be con- a recent revision of the family (Schultz and Huber trolled by a variety of positive and negative inter- 2013) and a molecular phylogeny (Lemer et al. actions and feedbacks among the habitat-formers 2014) indicate that P. bicolor is restricted to the and the different community components (e.g., Indian Ocean, and that the SE Australian species clam communities, sediment communities, and is likely Pinna madida (Reeve). With this yet to be fish communities). confirmed, we refer to the clams as Pinna sp. To determine the existence, strength, and biotic Pinna spp. are habitat-forming bivalves that components of a facilitation cascade, we occur within many of the world’s seagrass

❖ www.esajournals.org 3 December 2017 ❖ Volume 8(12) ❖ Article e02065 GRIBBEN ET AL. meadows. Pinna sp. is a large species (max. residual epibiota was observed on clams. All length 500 mm) of razor clam often found in sea- clams were reburied to the depth from which grass beds in tropical and temperate estuaries they were collected, with the below-ground part around Australia. They are fan-shaped with their of the shells easily visible due to darker col- ventral margin (i.e., the tip) buried in the sand, oration, presumably due to sediment anoxia, although most of the shell protrudes above the than the above-ground part of the shell. All sediment surface, including their razor-sharp clams survived transplantation for the duration broad posterior margins from which the clam of the experiment. The clams used had a takes its name. They occur from 0 to 10 m in mean SE shell length of 32.98 cm 0.71 with water depth but can be particularly abundant a mean SE surface area of 254 7.93 cm2. near the low tide mark (Waycott et al. 2014). The The experiment was established on 19 December seagrass Z. muelleri is found from tropical to 2015 and ran until 19 February 2016 to capture temperate regions in Australia and New Zeal- key recruitment periods for invertebrates. and. It commonly occurs as meadows in mud and sand from 0 to 4 m depth in estuaries and Sampling of seagrass fauna and clam epibiota shallow lagoons, and has a maximum leaf length At the end of the experiment, seagrass fauna (on of approximately 600 mm (Edgar 2000). seagrass and in the sediment combined) were sampled by taking a single core (10 cm diame- Effects of razor clam density and status on the ter 9 4 cm depth) from the center of each plot seagrass/clam facilitation cascade and placing its contents in labeled plastic bags. We conducted an experiment in which we Following this, all clams were retrieved from the manipulated razor clam density (three levels: 0, 1, plots and the mobile and sessile epibiota attached and 4 clams 0.25 m 2) and status (two levels: alive to the surface of individual clams was carefully and dead) to determine their effects on different scraped off onto a 500-lmsieve,rinsedinseawa- components of the facilitation cascade, including ter, and fixed with 5% formalin. We also took pho- colonization of clams by mobile and sessile epi- tographs of individual clams to later determine bionts, fish community structure and feeding, their total surface area and above-ground surface seagrass-associated fauna (which included area. All samples were transported back to the lab- mobile and sessile fauna on seagrass and in the oratory where the seagrass fauna samples were sediments within seagrass; hereafter referred to frozen until organisms could be identified. Prior to as “seagrass fauna”), and seagrass biomass and identification, all samples were again washed on a productivity. We established the experiment in a 500-lm sieve to remove particulate matter. Sea- bed of 100% seagrass cover in approximately grass present from the cores was kept for further 1 m below low tide line. Within the bed, we analyses (see Sampling of seagrass biomass and pro- marked out 50 plots (0.5 9 0.5 m) in between ductivity). All seagrass fauna and epibiota were existing razor clams such that all plots contained identified to morpho-species and counted. no razor clams and plots were separated by The abundance, species richness, diversity >1 m. Live and dead razor clams were collected (Shannon–Weaver index), and evenness of the from nearby bays to limit disturbance to the area seagrass fauna per plot were contrasted among in which our experiment was conducted. Only treatments with ANOVA with clam density (one dead razor clams still erect in seagrass were col- and four per plot) and status (alive and dead) as lected; dead clams lying on the seagrass surface fixed, factorial factors. Following these analyses, appeared to have degraded shells (P. E. Gribben all plots with clams were contrasted to those con- and A. G. B. Poore, personal observation). trol plots lacking clams using a planned contrast Once collected, razor clams were gently following a one-way ANOVA that used all five scrubbed clean of all fouling organisms (no rem- unique treatments. The abundance, expressed as nants of epibionts remained) and randomly allo- counts per plot and per cm2 of clam surface, spe- cated to plots resulting in 10 replicates for each cies richness, diversity, and evenness of epifauna combination of density and status. We did not were contrasted among these treatments with a observe any loss of the periostracum on live generalized linear model (with gamma error clams as a result of scrubbing clams, and no distribution) and factorial ANOVA, respectively.

❖ www.esajournals.org 4 December 2017 ❖ Volume 8(12) ❖ Article e02065 GRIBBEN ET AL.

For both epifauna and seagrass fauna, the video cameras (GoPro Hero 4 Silver with a composition of morpho-species was contrasted waterproof housing; GoPro Inc, San Mateo, among the treatments with permutational California, USA) on four replicate days, one multivariate analysis of variance in the R pack- day/week for 4 weeks from the fourth week of age vegan (Oksanen et al. 2013) with the com- the experiment. On each occasion, two repli- munity matrix standardized by total abundance. cates of each treatment combination (10 plots in Differences in the composition of morpho-species total) were randomly selected and filmed for 1 h among treatments were visualized by multi- in the morning. Cameras were placed on steel dimensional scaling using the Bray–Curtis index frames (52 9 52 cm base with cameras set as the measure of similarity among samples. consistently to 30 cm height before each deploy- ment) and were positioned approximately 30 cm Sampling of seagrass biomass and productivity from each plot, angled slightly downwards in To determine potential feedbacks of razor order to capture the entire plot including any clams onto seagrass, we measured seagrass clams present. standing biomass and productivity. Seagrass bio- We analyzed 17 min from each one-hour seg- mass was determined for each of the infaunal ment of footage (between the 18- and 34-min sediment cores sampled above. For each core, we marks), to minimize the potential effect of measured both above- and below-ground bio- human disturbance on fish behavior. We used mass by separating the seagrass roots and EventMeasure software (SeaGIS Pty Ltd, Bacchus rhizomes from the leaves. We then oven-dried all March, Victoria, Australia) to record MaxN val- material (at 60°C for 48 h) and determined dry ues, a conservative measure of relative abun- weight of each component on a Mettler balance. dance that quantifies the maximum number of Because biomass does not always reflect each fish species in the frame at any one time seagrass turnover, we also determined seagrass (Cappo et al. 2003). All fish were identified to productivity. We measured growth rate within species. We also recorded fish feeding rates on five replicate plots from each treatment by mark- both seagrass and clam surfaces by quantifying ing five individual shoots with a loose cable tie the total number of bites made by each species of and then puncturing each shoot with two needle fish over the course of the 17-min filming period. holes just above the basal meristem. These punc- The total abundance of fish per treatment (sum tures leave scars on all leaves within the leaf of the MaxN values for each species), the species sheath and allow measurement of leaf elongation richness of fish, and the total number of observed (Short and Duarte 2001). Seven days later, we bites were contrasted among treatments using removed all tagged shoots by hand, including linear mixed models with clam density (one and the roots and rhizomes. Shoots were separated four per plot) and status (alive and dead) as fixed into individual leaves, and leaf length and width factors and sampling date as a random factor. measurements were used to calculate the area of The analyses were run in the R package lme4 new growth per shoot. (Bates et al. 2014) with likelihood ratio tests Seagrass growth, expressed as area of new leaf between full and reduced models used to test the produced, total biomass, above-ground biomass, significance of fixed factors. A subsequent analy- and below-ground biomass per plot were con- sis contrasted these same variables between plots trasted among treatments with clam density (1 or that lacked clams and plots where clams were 4) and clam status (alive or dead) as fixed factors present. in ANOVA. Subsequently, all plots with clams were compared to those control plots lacking Path analysis methods clams using a planned contrast following a We used path analysis to quantify the effects one-way ANOVA that used all five unique of variation in the density and traits of a sec- treatments. ondary habitat-forming species on the presence and nature of a facilitation cascade (Grace and Sampling of fish communities Bollen 2005, Grace et al. 2012). In this path analy- To determine fish community structure and sis, we only explored pathways that were feeding rates, we deployed remote underwater deemed biologically relevant in the analyses

❖ www.esajournals.org 5 December 2017 ❖ Volume 8(12) ❖ Article e02065 GRIBBEN ET AL. above (see Fig. 4 for pathways included in the treatments of clam density, status, or their inter- models). Path analysis can be thought of as a action (Fig. 1a; Appendix S1: Table S1). The series of multiple regressions linking variables species richness and diversity, but not evenness, based on an a priori model (Wootton 1994, of seagrass fauna were significantly lower in Petraitis et al. 1996). By allowing variables to plots with dead clams in contrast to plots with serve as both endogenous (response) and exoge- live clams and those lacking clams (Fig. 1b; nous (explanatory) variables, path analysis can Appendix S1: Table S1). The composition of be used to quantify direct and indirect relation- morpho-species in the seagrass also differed ships via path coefficients. The total effect of one between live and dead clams, but not between variable on another is thus equal to the sum of plots of varying clam density (Appendix S1: (1) the product of the indirect path coefficients Fig. S1, Table S1). There were no significant inter- and (2) the direct path coefficient linking them actions between clam density and status for the together. The standardized coefficients in our abundance, richness, diversity, evenness, or com- models represent the predicted change in the position of seagrass fauna (Appendix S1: Fig. S1, response variable measured in standard devia- Table S1). Of the most abundant major taxa, tions due to a shift in the explanatory variable of one standard deviation (Grace and Bollen 2005). Although more abstract than regression slopes, standardized coefficients facilitate comparisons and make it possible to compare the effects of explanatory variables with inherently different ranges. We used the classical likelihood approach to fit the model covariance matrix to the observed covariance matrix (Grace et al. 2012). This means that our path analysis shares the same assump- tions as general linear models, namely normality and independence of residuals, homoscedasticity, linear relationships between endogenous and exogenous variables, and lack of collinearity between the variables. All variables were log- transformed when necessary in order to adhere to these assumptions. We generated both bot- tom-up and top-down models to investigate dif- ferent relationships among the variables. However, we present only the bottom-up model (although it allows for both positive and negative interactions) because its Akaike’s information cri- terion (AIC), corrected for sample sizes value was substantially lower than that of the top- down model (AIC weight >0.99).

RESULTS Fig. 1. Abundance (a) and species richness (b) of Seagrass fauna and clam epifauna seagrass fauna inhabiting the seagrass Zostera muelleri A total of 50 species of seagrass fauna were in experimental plots with live and dead clams at two collected from the experimental plots, dominated densities (one and four per 0.25 m 2 plot) and control by gastropods (24% of species and 35% of all plots with no clams. The data are counts of individuals individuals collected) and bivalves (14% of spe- and species per 10 cm diameter cores in each plot. cies and 15% of individuals). The abundance of Data are means SE with n = 9–10 plots per seagrass fauna per plot did not differ among treatment.

❖ www.esajournals.org 6 December 2017 ❖ Volume 8(12) ❖ Article e02065 GRIBBEN ET AL. gastropods were more abundant in the plots with one clam, than those with four clams and did not vary with clam status, while the abun- dance of amphipods and bivalves did not vary among any treatments (Appendix S1: Fig. S2, Table S1). The clams supported 60 species of epifaunal invertebrates, dominated by gastropods (17% of species and 21% of all individuals collected), (18% of species and 13% of individu- als), and amphipods (13% of species and 13% of individuals). Abundance of epifauna per plot (deviance = 3.5411, df = 1, 36, P < 0.001) and per unit area of clam surface was higher on live vs. dead clams (Fig. 2a; Appendix S2: Fig. S1). Abundance of epifauna per plot was higher (ap- proximately 29; deviance = 2.7577, df = 1, 38, P < 0.001) in the high-density (four clams per plot) than the low-density (one clam per plot) plots, but the opposite pattern was observed per unit area of clam surface (Fig. 2a; Appendix S2: Fig. S1, Table S1). The species richness and diver- sity of epifauna, but not evenness, were signifi- cantly higher on clams in the high-density plots than the low-density plots, but the magnitude of these differences was small (8% on average; Fig. 2b; Appendix S2: Table S1). The composition of morpho-species inhabiting the clam surface Fig. 2. Abundance (a) and species richness (b) of differed between live and dead clams, but mobile epifauna inhabiting the surface of the razor clams in experimental plots with live and dead clams not between plots of varying clam density at two densities (one and four per 0.25 m 2 plot). The (Appendix S2: Fig. S2, Table S1). Of the most 2 abundant major taxa, amphipods and poly- abundance data are counts per cm of surface area, and species richness is the number of species in each chaetes were more abundant on live than on = – dead clams, and more abundant in the plots with plot. Data are means SE with n 9 10 plots per one clam, while gastropod abundance varied treatment. with clam density but not between live and dead clams (Appendix S2: Fig. S3, Table S1). feeding on the surface of clams: Acanthopagrus australis (Sparidae), Gerres subfasciatus (Gerrei- Seagrass biomass and production dae), chinensis (Monocanthidae), Neither the growth of seagrass nor the Pelates sexlineatus (Terapontidae), and Petroscirtes standing biomass of seagrass (mean SE = lupus (Blennidae). The feeding activity of fish 15.8 0.89 g dry weight per plot) varied among was largely concentrated in the plots containing experimental treatments (clam density and status clams, in particular the high-density plots or their interaction, Appendix S3: Fig. S1, (Fig. 3). Clam density and status interacted to Table S1). We detected no differences among determine the total number of bites per observa- treatments for either above- or below-ground tion period (Appendix S4: Table S1), with more biomass (Appendix S3: Table S1). bites observed on dead clams than on live clams in the high-density plots, but more bites Fish communities and feeding activity observed on live clams than on dead clams in the Twelve species of fish were associated with the low-density plots (Fig. 3). The abundance of fish, experimental plots, with five of these actively conservatively estimated as the sum of MaxN for

❖ www.esajournals.org 7 December 2017 ❖ Volume 8(12) ❖ Article e02065 GRIBBEN ET AL.

density also had a weak and non-significant neg- ative effect on the number of fish bites. Dead clams.—The predicted covariance matrix under the bottom-up model was not statistically different than the covariance matrix observed for the dead clam dataset (v2 = 3.39, df = 5, P = 0.64). The model explained 1% of the vari- ance in seagrass faunal abundance, 94% of the variance in the epifaunal abundance and 46% of the variance in the total number of fish bites (Fig. 4b; Appendix S4: Table S2). Here, seagrass density was not significantly related to seagrass faunal abundance. Dead clam density was more strongly negatively related to epifaunal abun- dance than live clam density. Additionally, dead clam density was more strongly (although not significantly) related to fish bites via direct and indirect pathways. Here, the lack of significance for both sets of pathways was due to the strong collinearity between the direct and epifaunal- mediated indirect effects of clam density on the total number of fish bites. Indeed, dropping either the direct or indirect effect of dead clam fi fi Fig. 3. The number of fish bites observed in video density on total sh bites yielded a signi cant positive relationship between dead clam density surveys of the experimental plots with no clams, and fi fi with live and dead clams at two densities (one and and total sh bites and a signi cant negative 2 fi relationship between epifaunal abundance and four per 0.25 m plot). Data are means 95% con - fi = – total sh bites (Fig. 4c, d). Hence, the direct and dence intervals, with sampling dates pooled (n 7 8 fi videos per treatment). indirect effects of dead clam density on total sh bites are positive (Fig. 4c, d; Appendix S4: Table S3). each fish species, and the species richness of fish per observation period did not differ among DISCUSSION treatments (clam density, status, or their interac- tion, Appendix S4: Table S1). Our research demonstrated that large habitat- forming bivalves within a meadow of seagrass create a facilitation cascade but the strength and, Path analysis results importantly, the direction of the interactions Live clams.—The bottom-up model generated a within the cascade were mediated by both the covariance matrix that was not statistically differ- density and the status (alive vs. dead) of the sec- ent than the covariance matrix observed for the ondary habitat-former. At the plot scale, increas- live clam dataset (v2 = 4.18, df = 5, P = 0.52). ing clam density clearly increased the total The model explained 53% of the variance in sea- abundance of epifauna for both live and dead grass faunal abundance, 47% of the variance in clams. However, at the scale of individual clams, the epifaunal abundance, but only 2% of the vari- the density of epifauna per unit area of clam sur- ance in the total number of fish bites (Fig. 4a; face decreased with increasing clam density. Appendix S4: Table S2). Live clam density was Moreover, our results show that when clams die, negatively related to both seagrass faunal and their positive effect on epifaunal densities weak- epifaunal abundance whereas seagrass density ens, because dead clams facilitate fish predation was positively related to seagrass faunal abun- on the epifauna at high densities. Although the dance (Fig. 4; Appendix S4: Table S2). Live clam response of seagrass fauna was weaker, an

❖ www.esajournals.org 8 December 2017 ❖ Volume 8(12) ❖ Article e02065 GRIBBEN ET AL.

Fig. 4. Path diagram of interactions among clams, clam epifauna, seagrass fauna, seagrass biomass and fish bites. (a) The bottom-up model fit to the live clam dataset, (b) the bottom-up model fit to the dead clam dataset, (c) the bottom-up model fit to the dead clam dataset with no indirect pathway between clams and fish bites, and (d) the dead clam dataset with no direct pathway between clams and fish bites. Red and black arrows indicate negative and positive correlations, respectively. b-values are standardized path coefficients. Arrows to the front and back end of fish represent fish bites rates and abundance, respectively. Closed (a) and open (b–d) clams indi- cate live and dead clams, respectively.

❖ www.esajournals.org 9 December 2017 ❖ Volume 8(12) ❖ Article e02065 GRIBBEN ET AL. increasing density of live clams, but not dead among the mangrove roots, whereas razor clams, was negatively correlated with density. clams are discrete habitats and thus may repre- While investigations of facilitation cascades have sent a more limited resource. Clearly, under- focused on the pervasive positive effect of the standing how the density of the secondary secondary habitat-formers on biodiversity, our habitat-formers influences the per capita density study illustrates that the realized facilitation cas- of associated species, and where and when the cade is a function of both negative and positive relationships may be generally positive or nega- interactions, as well as direct and indirect path- tive will be important for integrating facilitation ways, which change with the density and traits cascades into conservation strategies. of habitat-formers. In addition to density, the literature on facilita- Theory predicts that the overall effects of tion cascades has rarely considered another foundation species on community diversity cornerstone in the theory describing positive depend on the density of the foundation species interactions, namely that the associated commu- (Bruno and Bertness 2001). Consequently, at nity will consist of hierarchically nested interac- large spatial scales, it seems reasonable to pre- tions that are positive as well as negative (Bruno dict that the degree to which positive interac- 2000, Stachowicz 2001, Bruno et al. 2003). If pre- tions of foundation species cascade throughout sent, negative interactions such as competition the community will scale positively with and predation may result in realized facilitation increasing population size of secondary habitat- cascades that are only a subset of the potential forming species. For example, increasing bio- (or fundamental) cascade. Indeed, in our study mass of a secondary habitat-former, the alga reduced epifauna density on dead clams corre- Hormosira banksii, on mangrove roots was posi- lated with the stronger trophic feedbacks on tively correlated with the abundance of the dead vs. live clams; dead and live clams have dif- facilitated mollusk community (Bishop et al. ferent epibiont communities which may differ in 2012, 2013, Hughes et al. 2014). Alternatively, quality as a food source for fish. The results were competition theory predicts that the per capita consistent for two of the three most abundant contribution of secondary facilitators may taxa (mobile polychaetes and amphipods) but decrease with increasing population size if the not for mollusks. Similarly, Keough (1984) found pool of associated species able to benefit from that predation by fish had little influence on most facilitation is limited by resources (Harper and species of sessile epibionts on live razor clams, White 1970, Tilman and Cowan 1989). Indeed, except for for which the effects of pre- that is what occurred in our study; increasing dation were variable in time and space. More- clam density resulted in a higher total abun- over, the negative feedback onto epifauna dance of epifauna per unit area of seafloor, but strengthened with increasing density of dead a lower density of epifauna per unit area of clams via both direct and indirect pathways hard substrate provided by the clams (Fig. 2). (Fig. 4c, d). Increasing density of dead clams This may be due to the pool of recruiting organ- likely increased food supply per unit area of isms, many of whom are highly mobile (particu- seafloor, attracting more fish bites, and subse- larly gastropods and amphipods), coming from quent indirect negative feedbacks on associated the surrounding habitat matrix. A finite pool of epifauna. These effects were not caused by the colonizers would have more clam surface area structural attributes of the clams as both live and to colonize in plots with four clams than with dead clams provided similar spatial refuges. single clams. Similarly, Roberts and Poore (2006) Supporting this, we found no differences in found lower densities of mobile amphipods in MaxN or species richness among plots with no, large algal patches than small, also likely due to live, or dead clams, indicating that these fish the concentration of dispersing from were routinely foraging across the entire experi- the matrix. The difference between our study mental area, on scales of 10–100s of meters. and those of Bishop et al. (2012, 2013) and Regardless, our results clearly show that the Hughes et al. (2014) on Hormosira may reflect secondary habitat-formers also foster strong pos- the patchiness of the secondary habitat-former. itive and negative interactions, and, in particular, For example, H. banksii forms continuous beds top-down processes are important components

❖ www.esajournals.org 10 December 2017 ❖ Volume 8(12) ❖ Article e02065 GRIBBEN ET AL. in explaining realized biodiversity in facilitation the environmental heterogeneity (Hughes et al. cascades. 2014), variation in the density and traits of the In contrast to the strong negative feedbacks of habitat-formers, as well as external recruitment fish onto epifauna, clam density and status had processes. much weaker effects on seagrass fauna—there Here, we have demonstrated that facilitation was a weak negative relationship between clam cascades contain positive and negative interac- density and seagrass fauna for the structural tions that are modified by both the density and equation model only. Biodeposits from razor the traits of the secondary habitat-former. clams can facilitate benthic communities com- Currently, there is public concern because of the pared to where they are absent, dependent on injuries suffered by swimmers who step on razor levels of suspended sediment (Norkko et al. clams and there is increasing public pressure to 2006). Given that our study was shallow (<1.5 m remove razor clams from Lake Macquarie water depth), prone to sediment resuspension (Macreadie et al. 2014). Given that razor clams when afternoon breezes strengthened (P. E. Grib- are common in seagrass beds throughout Lake ben and A. G. B. Poore, personal observation) and Macquarie (Macreadie et al. 2014), Australia’s seagrass beds have high organic loads within largest coastal lake, our research suggests that them (Williams and Heck 2001), the addition of removal of razor clams may have flow-on effects, further material from clams probably has limited not just for associated biodiversity, but also for influence on benthic communities. However, the trophic transfer of energy from the benthos to plots with dead clams did support lower species mobile fishes, especially if fish are food limited richness and altered composition, in contrast to and clam epibionts form a significant component plots with live clams, indicating that they alter of their diet. Further research is needed to estab- communities in different ways. The higher fre- lish whether this is the case. Regardless, under- quency of fish bites on dead clams did not result standing both the positive and the negative in fish also targeting specific prey in nearby sea- mechanisms that underpin facilitation cascades grass, as our video analyses had fish almost is critical for facilitation theory to develop and exclusively feeding on the surface of clams them- for predicting where and when facilitation selves. Benthic community patterns may be influ- cascades can be integrated into management enced by dispersal between these communities strategies. and those on clam surfaces, which did differ between live and dead clams. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS While our focus was on determining the effects of the density and status of a secondary We thank Point Wolstoncroft Sports and Recreation habitat-former on a facilitation cascade, primary Centre for access to the study site. The work was sup- habitat-formers also vary in their density and ported by an Australian Research Council Future traits with significant effects on associated biodi- Fellowships to PEG (FT140100322). versity. Indeed, there was a positive relationship between seagrass biomass and seagrass fauna. LITERATURE CITED Thus, interactions between the density and traits both within and between habitat-formers may Altieri, A. H., B. R. Silliman, and M. D. Bertness. 2007. possibly have additional consequences for the Hierarchical organization via a facilitation cascade facilitation cascade. Although the density or in intertidal cordgrass bed communities. American – status of clams did not affect seagrass biomass or Naturalist 169:192 206. productivity, this may not always be the case. Angelini, C., A. H. Altieri, B. R. Silliman, and M. D. Moreover, communities on razor clams, recruit- Bertness. 2011. Interactions among foundation spe- cies and their consequences for community organi- ment of epibionts to razor clams, and predation zation, biodiversity, and conservation. BioScience on those epibionts can vary spatially and tempo- 61:782–789. rally (Keough 1984, Munguia 2007) and may Angelini, C., and B. R. Silliman. 2014. Secondary foun- vary with the successional stage investigated dation species as drivers of trophic and functional (Munguia 2004). Thus, at the landscape level, diversity: evidence from a tree–epiphyte system. community structure will likely be a function of Ecology 95:185–196.

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