Third Sunday of Easter
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Third Sunday of Easter April 15, 2018 Vol. XXXIV, No. 15 Appearance Of Jesus Offertory Giving The third week of Easter gives An underlying lesson from all three readings this us yet another story of a resurrec- weekend is that the Risen Christ has wiped away our tion appearance of Jesus. Initially, sins, not only for individuals, but throughout the the story was the finding of the world and its history. The terrible power of sin has empty tomb. Then, we had a story now been reversed and our coming to perfection of the appearance of Jesus to the through the love of God is part of the Easter experi- disciples without Thomas, followed by one with ence. As stewards of God’s love we are called to Thomas. Now we have another story where the risen participate in Christ’s redemptive activity. The stew- Jesus eats a meal. The church gives us these texts on ardship questions for us are many: How do we resist successive Sundays to confirm for us that Jesus truly injustice at home or in the workplace? How do we rose from the dead. confront violence in our language and attitudes? New Canonical Assignment How do we bring Christ to others? A few weeks ago I requested time off from min- Weekly Budgeted Need $7,242.00 istry at Sts. Peter and Paul Parish and I also asked Last Sunday for prayers and privacy from our community, both of Envelopes $4,415.00 which I have received as well as much compassion Loose 2,271.00 understanding and friendship. In light of that time On Line Giving 50.00 away, of prayerful discernment, and an openness to Total $6,736.00 Almighty God’s call, I have decided to ask the Arch- Progress Report Cumulative Budget $296,922.00 bishop for a different Canonical Assignment. What Cumulative Income 279,861.98 this means is that I will no longer be serving Sts. Pe- Ahead <Behind> <$17,060.02> ter and Paul Parish. I want to thank everyone for you Second Collection constant prayerful support and encouragement. This (Building Fund) $1,450.05 community has brought me to new levels of love, life, joy, and enriched by life profoundly. Almighty God has used your hands and hearts to help prepare Diocesan Priest Retirement me for my next assignment so in a way, you are This collection benefits Diocesan coming with me. God Bless you all. Please remem- Priest and is separate from the annual ber me in your prayers as I will certainly remember national collection for the Retirement you in mine. Fund for Religious, which supports re- Deacon Gene tired priests, brothers and sisters of religious orders Reserve the Date May 6 and institutes across America. All monies collected The annual Church Picnic is will directly benefit priest of the Diocese of New scheduled for Sunday, May 6, after the 10:30 a.m. Orleans. Mass. There will be chicken, hamburgers and, of Altar Flowers Donation course, buns, lettuce and tomatoes with which to The beautiful arrangements adorning build sandwiches. There will also be potato salad, the altar this weekend were donated in baked beans and jambalaya to complement the celebration of the 40th wedding anniver- meats, and lemonade, punch and tea to quench your sary of George and Brenda Dehm. Our thirst. The picnic is FREE and provided by the congratulations to them, and we wish church in celebration of our parish family. We are them many more years of happiness. asking that you bring a dessert or small individual St. John of the Cross bags of chips that will serve at least ten people. Make sure you set the date aside and plan to join us Will hold a Holy Spirit Novena from May 11- for this wonderful family day at our church!! May 19. “For those who are led by the Spirit of God are Children of God” Rom 8:14 Sts. Peter and Paul 2 Vol. XXXIV, No. 15 Mass Intentions Requested WEEKLY EVENTS Monday, April 16 Legion of Mary—Monday 7:00 p.m. in St. Antho- (Acts 6:8-15; Jn 6:22-29) ny Hall No Mass Scheduled Tuesday Morning Rosary—Tuesday after the Tuesday, April 17 8:00 a.m. Mass and the St. Jude Novena in St. An- (Acts 7:51—8:1a; Jn 6:30-35) thony Hall 8:00 a.m. Sherin Colmbo Wednesday, April 18 RCIA Tracks I & II—Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. in (Acts 8-1b-8; Jn 6:35-40) classrooms 6:30 p.m. Purgatorial Society Patriotic Rosary—Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in the Thursday, April 19 Church (Acts 8:26-40; Jn 6:44-51) Widows Group—Friday at 11:00 a.m. at 8:00 a.m. John Lacourrege† Friday, April 20 Lester’s Seafood 64724 Highway 41, Pearl Riv- (Acts 9:1-20; Jn 6:52-59) er, for lunch then return to the Parish Hall at 8:00 a.m. Marlene Ragusa noon for fellowship and dessert. For information, Saturday, April 21 contact Pat Langsford at 863-3445 (Acts 9:31-42; Jn 6:60-69) Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention 5:00 p.m. Robert Jenevein†, Joseph Purcella Jr.†, Gerrie Madary, Eugene Blanchard Jr.†, “That economists may have the courage to reject Maurice Bersuder Sr.†, Rosemary Poche†, any economy of exclusion and know how to open Curtis & Vita Owens†, James & Dolores new paths.” Brewin†, Tina Mangano†, Roszczynialski K. C. Scholarship Deadline Is Here Family, Ken & Adele Salzer†, Lee & Sts. Peter and Paul Parish Knights Yvonne Tracey†, Joseph D’Antoni Jr.†, of Columbus Council 11814 is now Raymond Kain, Louis Mangano Sr. & Jr.†, accepting scholarship applications Roger Doucette†, Imelda Gares† from graduating high school seniors Sunday, April 22 who wish to continue their education. (Acts 4:8-12; 1 Jn 3:1-2; Jn 10:11-18) Applicant must be an active member 7:00 a.m. Ollie Fuselier† 8:30 a.m. Katsy Fandal†, Andrew Lambert†, Ben of Sts. Peter and Paul Parish. Applicant’s family Spansel†, Joshua & Sarah Guth, Henry & must be registered and supporting Parish members. Margaret Jorns†, Larry DuBois†, Matthew Forms are available in Church Office during regular Daniels, Augie Paretti business hours. Deadline for application is Monday, 10:30 a.m. People of the Parish April 16, before 4:00 p.m. Sanctuary Lamp Tabernacle Lamp The Sanctuary Lamp, which burns on the Altar This week the Tabernacle lamp in the 24 hours a day, seven days a week (except Good Fri- Sanctuary burns in memory of the Deceased day), is dedicated to the memory of a deceased per- members of the Widows Group. son, family or group for that week. For a donation of Pray For The Sick $10.00, you can have someone memorialized for the Lyn Adams, Ruth Anderson, Audrey Bonnet, Diana week. Contact the Church Office for details. Bradshaw, JoAnn Brewin, Mary Brown, George & Wanda Baptized Into Christ Butko, May Caballero, Patricia Cuccia, Dotsy Chedville, Born of water and the Holy Spirit Fr. Warren Cooper, Deacon Pat and Cathy Downey, Steve in the Sacrament of Baptism was Dunn, Marcelle Ernewein, Carroll Fourcade, Deacon John Connor Anthony Barbin, son of Howard, Virgie Hurstell, Allen & Joan Jagneaux, Maria Kalcic, Gloriette Kiern, Pam King, Elizabeth Kittel, Vito Anthony J. Barbin, Jr. and Madison Montalabano, Jessie O’Dell, Carlene Ragusa, Norris Ripp, (Yates) Barbin. With love and joy, we Ed Roszczynialski, Adele Salzer, Cathy Smith, Karen welcome Connor Anthony Barbin in- Smith, Lorraine Steilberg, Eola Veillon to God’s family. Sts. Peter and Paul 3 Vol. XXXIV, No. 15 Refreshing Our Memorial Garden SPP Stained Glass Window Prints Thank you to all of you who replanted or re- Father Bernie, the original owner of the paint- freshed your plot in our Memorial Garden for the ings, has authorized the sale of prints of the paintings Easter season. We still have two plots that need of the stained glass windows of Sts. Peter and Paul. adopting for cleaning and replanting. Mulch is avail- The paintings were completed by local artist and pa- able in front of St. Joseph’s Workshop (or contact rishioner Diane Bourgeois and were auctioned at the Scott Fandal or Jim Richmond if you need more). Be 2016 Summer Soiree. The proceeds from the sale sure to use live plants that will endure the extremes will go toward the funds of the parish. The prints are of our seasons. Again, thank you for your time and available for purchase at $20.00 each or both saints energy to make this area of our campus attractive. for $35.00. Those interested should contact the Annulment Info/Writing Workshop Church office or Danny Bourgeois at 504-376-3701. The East Northshore Annulment Ministry an- Can We Change Peoples’ Minds? nounces its Annulment Information and Writing Some people (including many Workshop. Information Night will be Wednesday, Catholics) fell like it is futile to contin- April 18, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the SMM Evan- ue to have a debate over the issue of gelization Building (1050 Robert Boulevard, Slidell). abortion because people feel too The Writing Workshop will continue for the follow- strongly about it and have already made up their ing four Wednesday nights: April 25, May 2, 9, and minds as to what they think. 16 at the same time and location. The workshop is This is wrong. People throughout history have for persons who wish to petition for a “Declaration changed their minds on vital social issues. When the of Nullity” and for individuals who will be witness- United States was new, there was no suffrage or es.