
RA TheLight for Be FM sure for 2600 Now 44.9 1 I easy, ay >y 2100. Two Saturday, f •y. IT, Watch .... iJny night Meter. MEASURE you 6314 the MC 1400 NOW are {Coca(}) T.IM. Open W. 1419 Hear the on on DETROIT'S Twice (Tima hear 0:15 No your Program 12:30-8:15Eaton 0.1 800 Benny Jimmy American kd-fait! IYSTERT have .... ea p. Fine as »( this escape the your your c sponsoring Mystery Jan Red Harry Edison charge light the Evening! HOME ...tor S,i m. a C Cola RADIO • rapid NIGHT) PtISINTS right .... Broadway Tower FM TONIGHT! comfortable Listings. . dial -e Famous November " - FREQUENCY Hew 8, Night rots Saids )relinquished fire Sunday. . Much • with Goodman Soviet James • MeNicholt MODULATION LOG daily. Luncaferd • Company, phone g seeing. light great dial \ at WJLB Stations 1 jjjg 194| ]’wt/ighft EXHIBITION... I H W49D fl ¦ H ¦ R ¦ H J HBIB STUDYING SERLIN’S PHILCO STATION Detroit WJLB--W49D WJ WJ WJR CKLW WW’J WJR WWJ WJR WJR WJR WJR WJR WJR WJR WJR WJR WJR WJR WJR WJR WWJ ENTERTAINMENT WWJ WWJ WWJ WWJ WWJ WWJ WXYZ WWJ- WJ*— WJBK •WJUI WXTZ CKLW WJBK WJI.B WJBK WJI.B CKLVV WJBK WWJ- --WJBK WJI.B WXYZ WJLB WJLB WJI.B WJLB WJLB WJLB WWJ WJLB BK WWJ WJLB WWJ— 7 —«. WWJ- WXYZ WJBK WJBK WJBK WJR— WXYZ WJR— WXYZ WXTZ WJLB WXTZ WWJ— • CKLW CKLW CKLW WJLB WJR— CKLW WXYZ WJBK WXYZ WXYZ WXYZ • WJR— f 8 WJR— CKLW WJR— WWJ— i WJR— WJR— 5 WXTZ WXTZ CKLW- • WJR— WJR— * WWJ— WWJ— • WWJ— WWJ— WXTZ WWJ— • CJLLW— Ty U WWJ— t -Qui Wa CKLW— WXYZ-- it It WJBK- CKLW— It WJBK- CKLW- WXYZ— WJI.B— CKLW— WJBK- WJBK— CKLW— WXYZ- WJBK— CKLW— WWJ— WJBK- W’JBK— WJLB— WXYZ- CKLW— Ty WJBK- WJLB— CKLW- CKLW- It WJBK- CKLW— WJBK— l* WJLB— CKLW- WXYZ- WJLB— CKLW— WJBK— WJBK— js Lee WJBK— Bl* WJBK— CKLW— WJBK— MS :4f L. 1* *:3g Phi Lea :» g:l* Life —Our Lee Bud Tim Your of World Jaan Sooa root Mt 44 :M Your Ray of AS —Rev 7:l* 7.## Frt. —Sam :4* 8:38 45 Farm 1:1* —Lanny 7:18 Fred 7W 45 I Bob Prof, f:## 1:1* ee llan a* The Kata 1:1* SB* «:4* IB M 4* B:9S 1* *•**•* r. —Edw. Old r. Evening Petrta (Ullgtoa r. Hockey News Gordon Eddie Vocal College Child Musl IMI —News; News Newt Happy Hank News. —Yawn —Morning News Revet Wake Nawa; Happy —News Mich. —News; —Amos Lowell Melody —Lum Club Frank —Bud —Hedda Latin Chaa. Magic News; Happy Swine 12:4* Helen Farm Stems 12:1* Name —N*w«; Bouquet a# GoodHappy Music News —Morning News Neva; Happy Newa Farm A. Harmonr. r. Gance A. A. P. A. -News MotorA. A. A. P. P. SingingLaughs P. P. P. Olenn —Piano —New# —News —News Motor of Around P. Theater up ’n’ Evening P. P. Polish on Black. Dane# 13—News A. A. A. A. A. A. Army ball KuuHaU Cara'a Canada La Freddie -Hollywood P. cal P. D. La Hunrise Ue WWJ—Weather; Evening Rnllln’ —Gordon r. o*lr. r. T. A. WWJ—Weather; —Front —Musical. A. —Weather; WJR-Musical Howard WJT.B-News. —Around la -Harlem In WJR—woman to on Ace John and —Sunrise Two M. M. Tyaoo-T. of National Page and and and sMilkman —Honored Ouest Milkman the M. m. N Guard Musicals National M and and m. -Dixieland M. M M. M. M. M. M. M. Ross M. M. M. M.Crosby M. Tyeon-T. M. -Serenade M Ace. Ace. Smith and M. V Mar Shaw M. Gov’t Noble Aca. Ace. Joe Club. M. Waring the glosaon M. m. M. M - Trent news. M. pro* Joe With M. TM.Page M. M. M. M. —Detroiters . Taday-T. NOON -V. Rise. Forum Gang news That mmx Rise. Call* Swing Smits-T. -T. music warn Club and News. M Andy. fr»un Smlts-T.Parker Shaver WJBK—Luncheon Jesters Slater-D. music Morning RevellleM. V. Roman Smtts-T. D. aha M. Joe-V V. M Stars U Home Beautiful Miller Sunday White M. V. Newa. players. - T. Partner Cavall-M 11 Zoller, Marvels M -M. T. Hopper-T. M. Joe-V. Saddle M musical harmonica Ladies' rhythm*. Yawn - program V. audeala Bporta Rhythms. M. Rhtytbme. news acoraa. acoeea. Baron scrapbook. stars Today- News music. music. Bhaw-T. D. M. M News. Forum-V. - M. music. - M - Strings. Varieties Review. Ropa-M.- Canteen Speak. Cttlca. Tomlinson M. — music. sing- Nswsreel. M. M. M Music. If. Melodies. Parade Doollttle-M. raauaaa. T Tttnera-T T D Speak*. Club-M. World b*wi IC. -T News. music. Shine music. Routs Life Farrall-M. M. Street-T. -D. M. CL music. music. music. trrroada. Cavailero Martin-M- devotions. Serenade. Thomas-T. Serenade. Aboer-D. World. ! Whita-D. Hr. teelodiee Sow*. Club Flavor New#. Devotions Shut# Route-M. W WJ WJ WWJ WWJ WJR W’JR R WJR WJLB WXTZ WJR— WJBK WJLB WJR— CKLW WJI.B WXYZ CKLW WWJ— WXYZ CKI.W WXYZ WJLB- WXYZ CKLW WJBK WJLB CKLW WJR WJR WJBK WJR— WJBKLB- WJR WJLB CKLW WJR WJBK WXVZ WJR- WXTZ WJBK WJT.B WJR— WWJ WJR— ?KLW WWJ WJBK CKLW WWJ WJR— WJLB WJLB WXTZ WJR— WXTZ WWJ WJR WJLB WXTZ WJBK WJR WJR- WJR WWJ WJR WJLB WXTZ WJR— 1 WWJ— WXYZ WJBK- WXYZ- WWJ— WWJ— WJR— 2 WWJ— 1 WJR— WJBK- WWJ— I 8 WWJ— WWJ— WWJ— WJLB— WJLB— WXYZ- CKLW- W'WJ— I iWWJ— R WXYZ— N.CKLW— Guy WJBK— CKLW— I WJLB- WXT7.- I WXYX- WJBK— WXTZ— CKLW— WXTZ— CKLW- CKLW— WJBK— WJLB— CKLW— WJBK— WXTZ— A! WJBK— WJLB— CKLW— WJLB- WJBK— CKLW- WJBK- CKLW— WJBK— CKLW— CKLW— WXTZ— CKLW— WEXL- S ¦ WJBK— WJLB— ¦ WJBK— WJLB— WXYZ- CKLW— WWJ— WJBK— WJLB— WXYZ- WJBK— Hobby Id! IW —CM’ Tim 9* —Joyce Mery -Bishop -Truth —Nawa; Evening 1:U Sparta -Wayna 7:3# —Val i:U News, 1MBing U.M. Ml. U-M. I:4* SO 1:1* —Let’s M AuntN R:tS N Happy t:4S :3* Gang Great 8-8* Ned 38 8:18 Talk Kate 8:8# 7:45 Sports 7:38 Val News Teddy Kate 2:4* —Kav 9:l* Uicht :M R>>ad I:4* —Doc Your I:3* -Free 4* Aunt 90 :1S —Larry a* —Happy I:4* Rev. IJI FRIDAY P. Oreaa H- P. P. P. r. Nava —Town News Morning N*w«N«w»; Morning Walt* Henry Press News; Lucille News —Evening Liar Quiet News Mystery Front News Melody —News Front News News; —News News . Morning —Inside Chick News: Polish Austin New# F. Music Melody Always Helen Doctor News News; —News or P. P. P. P. P. P. P. F. P. P. P. P. of P. —Vocal —Jewish Minute a -Music Minute P. Dance Polish A. A. A. News: A. A. P. —Grimm P. A. WWJ—Playhouse Morning by A. Bt. Listen Texas Homes Valiant WJR—Happiness A. A. A. A. C. Hellenic Mualeal vs Church —News: Italian —Imperial of rite of and Morning Church A H IMP. WJBK-News L. of Football vs. Kuropean Freddie WJLB-Polish European —Harlem Musical Treasurd WJR—Musical to WWJ—Melodic King Ace Football Momln* — Pearce City WXTZ-Victor M. M. M M and s WJR—Fletcher —Between M SATURDAY M M. -U-M.*»vs. of H M P'ge Are P'ge M of — Lobby M. —Muslcale. Clare m. M. M. —Greenfield -Christian Ace Ace. Ace M. M. M. Smith —Hoedown M. tor and M and -D. -Rumanian va. M. Jim M. M. M. M. M. M. M. Ace. M. M. Rumanian Treasur'd M. Talk -Information, M. M. WXTZ-Auction Ace. M. M. WJBK-Monitor Ace. Hour by makers T hand Hank Lady Man Jordon Ufa Band Inspirations- Hank WJ—Fanfare-M • V. Wiley - Greek Hollywood WJLB—Afternoon Grant Playe-D. Ranger- foUt Eaay Happy Hour M. mdstc. WJBK—Ukrainian Jemima Happy News Insplratlons-R Jordon- WJLB—Ukrainian Jemima M. Payne-T. V -Y, T. Hornet Parade. Crqeby-M. ladies’ M. V D. Polish Qul*. Young D. Apprec summary. Sunshine Right R Doolittle- Parade Malone — D DETROIT Ctare-T. D Holden Time. - T. T. Busters Jtlng-M. P. D. Oov program Parade Parade OoodmrtmJTiK Time-M. Hopklns-D. D D. - Village If. Review Powell T. Sunnse Hr V. Hour acore*. Manthe Heidt Sunrise World. Sanctuary. T. Fantasy. Fisher Sports. news Martin D. Pet# Interraecmo-M. M M Hour- V. Club. Intermesso-M. flashes D. Manners D. World- News Grant. GargoyleConaaq're. - Malodlaa. Review. music M music Preteod-D. prngram-V. M. Parade Hour-V. M. -D Melodies Hockey. M. M M. program. - music. hr. matinee. D. D. Lindlahr V M Christ Varieties. V. -V please Ogden Melodies Daughter. songs Temple Gang-V T M. Melodies. M , Lombardo-M. I Joe -M. music. Christ. music. Club tion t-T V. ! music Joe. melodies Columbia Columbia Columbia orchestra. hour Science. musicals Melodies conference. hour-V. Leader-D I Drama Farrell Boekends Vlewe-T. musicals music. Melodies I WW WJ W W MORNING, WJR WW BK WWJ WWJ WJR WWJ WJR WWJ WJR WWJ WWJ WJR JR WWJ WWJ WJR J WWJ— WJR— WJBK WWJ— WJR— WJ- WJBK WJLB WJLB J WWJ WJLB WXTZ WXY7. WJR— MORNING, WJR— WWJ- WJR— EVENING WJR- WJBK WJR- WXYZ WWJ- WJR— WXTZ WJR- WWJ- CKI.W WWJ- WJR— WWJ- WJR— WJR— WWJ- a WJR— WWJ— WWJ— 4 S 3 3 WXTZ WJI.B— • WWJ— # WWJ— WWJ— • WXYZ- a IS WWJ— WWJ— WJBK— WJBK- 4 wEVENIHB« • U. WXTZ- WXYZ— CKLW— WJBK— CKLW— WXYZ- WXYZ- WXYZ- WJLB— WJBK- WJBK- WJBK- U. WJLB- WJLB- WXTZ- CKLW- —l* WJBK- WXYZ- Hot WXYZ— Sera CKLW— WXYZ— CKLW’— WJLB— WXYZ— CKLW— CKLW— II CKLW- WJBK- WJBK— 11:W’JBK— WXYZ- WXYZ— WJBK— WJBK— WJLB— WXYZ— CKLW— WXYZ— WJBK— CKI.W— WJBK— WJLB— CKLW— WJBK— WJLB— WJBK— WXYZ— CKLW— WJLB— WXTZ— CKLW— AFTERNOON 1* I* CKLW— 14CKLW— WJBK— WJBK— Ole AFTERNOON- Ma Help Myrt M Sporta 8:45 »B Spin Bam Your aa 4:4* Boy. 4:9# 1* 4:o* .00 se WJR-Old Jerry Bill Old First S:IA :N Tea Vic. 3:4* The LB 9:t* M :!• BernBetty *• eg —Nawa IS:M J-Mich. 18:1* Urt ItsSS Bud l«:M The BUI IS:lft —Land —Burt N *5 Hank :M t:lfi Happy oft.M —Jack #8 of 18:45 18:38 DM. -Wings 18:#S B-A Uncle B:3# Taka —The Stella 4:l* 4.4* Just Melody John Music Happy :9*Boh :4# Lone 9:9* :1S Nawa 18:18 Mauriello. Helping J Sammy of Dance Uncle Ethel Mich Newt; Rhythm Club Guiding News; Against Ethel —News WXTZ—Rtrtng s Spot P. Frank P. P. —News Melody —College News Myrtle News New* -Studio News News Uncle News Nawa —Wohl News Stories Myrtle News P. P. P. P. Chicago -Egyptian Hit P. P. P. Italian P. P. r. Polish Dtrt A. A. A. Vocal P.Popular P. P. Public P. P. F. Fiesta. P. P. P. News: P. and P. P. P. P. Barhfl A. A. Polish A. Italian A. a. WJR—Accent A. A. A. A. —Hnllyw'xid A. A.j V Ute EvangaUat German on Britain Italian of Old WWJ—Backataga and Reveille Goodwill and girl, WJR-Detroit Humane We MichdH Old Woman WJR—Linda's Aca —Musical German Divorce .r'i Musical a National WJR-*-Football WJR—Musical. A —Stepmother- WJR—Editors Copy-V. Wire Hemisphere Week-end M Mate Harmony M. WJLB—Goodwill M. M. M. M. W M. M. - M. King-T Ace, M- and It-T. M. and M. Hoaeymeoa M A

j M C the ln* or. H Ist; fore, Lad, - pleton Truly. SAN from E PH! from George LILY for A MANN, •CARS John ITES: ELLI: 8 ducted SEARS, 2 .singing ducted of Get Death singing MUSIC La 4 Grand . A IN A MONIC. PHONY T by La 2 at "Daughter ducting PHONY BRAHMjI; t MUSIC Celeste collector NEW RAVEL: by JASCHA O . ARTURO WITH Gratiot tbs Benjamino Aida. and from of OF MUSICAL Victor Overtures. Victor Frederick R CHICAGO Victor Yosr . You. CHARLES La at &S" for Columbia Columbia ever-beloved Columbia RHAPSODY Columbia of PONS: BONO: Dance A, River H. Victor grand BONO: cslllst; Woodward Aida piano. IN the Columbia I Columbia THE KEEP at SCTROIT When the ORCHESTRA. of at Gigli. Rose Charles YORK Stock. Eugene Van M. I the Limited “must” Album Album Album Ofbtr Patria Plus There Rrfottf Album Album music. Album Gershwin. Juet Valee. Pierre Giaconda. Double HEIFETZ, UP OCPT. 2 S. ETROPOLITAN the ROEBUCK sung for COMEDY Album. ROSSINI: BBC 11621 EMANUEL , Is Soprano toara Dyko ASd Frss Mia Was JL*¦ American STEPHEN Alec BLUE,Recordings M-S2S TOSCANINI 17284-D Love KUHLMAN, M-620 ORCHESTRA, FRANCIBCO O SYMPHONY M 419 ORCHESTRA, SsaM RECORDS DEPARTMENTS—- by Bampton M-442 M-430 X-196 X-206 ORCHESTRA Library A Oakman STORCS and arias No Pina* a Time every collection conducted Ortvandy. flassies LATEST Regiment.” a-Weary- by Thomas of by Hours, CO- #l°° Offer— music. FOB- FAVOR- Tem- Kositrlanelz DONIZETTI’B OPERA with Three PHILHAR. and SYM- con. You ten- Monteux. con* SYM- PONCHt. OR. Conc«rto. con. PHILADEL- FEUER- violin.

• WJR WJR WJR WJR .i WJLB WWJ WJBK WJLB WJBK WWJ WJBK WJBK WWJ WWJ WJLB WWJ WWJ WWJ WWJ- . WJLB WJBK CKLW WJR— CKLW WJR— CKLW' WXTZ CKLW WJR— CKLW WJR— WXYZ WXTZ WJR— WJBK WXYZ WJR— WXYZ WXYZ CKLW WJR— WXTZ WWJ- WJBK CKI.W CKLW WXTZ WXTZ R WWJ— WWJ— WWJ— WWJ— WWJ— WJR— 7 WWJ- WJR— WJR— WWJ-WJR— WWJ— WJR— WJBK— WJBK— WJLB— Big WJLB— CKLW— WJLB— CKLW— WJLB— WJBK— WJLB— CKLW— WJBK— WJLB— WJLB— WJBK— CKLW— WJLB— WJLB-r WJLB— CKLW— WJLB— WJBK— WJLB— 4 WJBK— WJfcK— 12 WJBK-WJLB— CKLW— WJLB— -A WJBK- WJBK— T- D- wxrz— tong Ltfs Oar Las WJBK— Bud WXYZ— R« Tim WXTZ— WXYZ— BUI WXTZ— CKLW— ffaster* i Man 44 4:45 4:34 1:1* —News; —Happy 1M 1S:«S 12:24 —Stoss ltdl Neva; BoostKate iso* Happy Music 7:13 Tawn —Nrwa Rim S:tS Haws Happy «M S:4S New*Farm S:2S S:IS Gerald 7:12 -Lady Det. —Jack Dear 744 —Mrs. —Newa 4:45 Negro Sunday Gene 4:24 4:13 Tony Silver :44 Radio 1:44 1244 —Conga 12:24 World 12:12 Tour HalloCountry 44 7:44 Fount 7:24 Organ 7:14 v* 744 444 4:44 m( Piano Newa. Morning —Music. News. Now* —Juat< a P. Polish —Soloist Dtaah WJR-Helen —News A. Front A. New*. Book* P, -Singing Child. A. -Audrey A. Motor Tam P. on o*l —Fans —Name New*. A. A. A. A. Motor A. A. P. P. P. Popular P. Poliah -Church P. A. A. A. A. WJR —Wobmb P. P. A. by P. Bulldog P. P. Popular P. Morning Morning Xavier —Danes P. of —Jewish Morning Haughty -- -Weather; la *O4 ia A Sunrise —Musical. A V—Variety L. Finnish European Musical —Double Catholic of 7FWJ—Garda* Between —Musical aad Catholic -Peareoo WJR--Musical. —Huagarlaa Pi Drama Guest and Kettgioua — A National Milkm** or club • WJR—Mother's M. M. —Musicals. os. Smith With M. M.Paga M. M. M. aad M. M. and M. M. M. M. H. M. Ac*. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. If. M. M. M. M. IC. 11. K. of Marla M—Musical —Detroiters SC. Bible Quia, I,¦¦ News. -T. Lyaa I That vellle-M. Joe- lCkry-T. *OON StmmdmrJ BTMBOU I News. NOON Club M. Mows, Light Bauny-T. Autry-V. B*n>L* News, W7CYZ—Housewife Bnrita-T. Trent-D, Cuaat SlaterD. Mom-D. artlete, lha Keanedy-T. JW ¦ Ladies’ Oaag-V. BaauUful-D, Sbore-M, mtaste. JoeV. M, new* V« Prog-V. OranL, How. Theater- Start- Album M*HowT, Cmu«/| M. Rhythm*. Program-M. Echoee, People- Drum Wooa-M. Ob Hour-T. M. —Tito. Whits- Malodte*. meat* Forutn-V. T. Newa. RooeevelQ moat*' M. Tlme-kL Tim Stmday-D. sasak. Bong. Speaks. Serenade. M. - must* DoollttlaM* Notk'g. t) D. Hr. Street-T. CUae V. n’d Air. AdveoturtL SwfcstosBwtoc-M. Caotsso-M. IsfsssOPortraits. IFlavor. New*. Ikvntloni Shlns-M auila. nudf. Routo-M I Smith Alleo-T inUrmea'o Canariea-M. CkmreS. Melodies. Th3toar Melodies. rh ¦¦¦i.i —Melodies i. WW WJR WJR WJR WJR WJR WJR WJR WWJ WJR WJR WJR WJR WWJ WWJ WTYJ WWJ WWJ day WJR HOC WJLB WXTZ WJLB CKLW WJLB WJBK WJBK WJLB WJLB WXYZ CKLW WXTZ WJLB WXTZ CKLW CKLW WJBK WJBK WJLB WXTZ WXTZ CKLW CKLW WJBK WXYZ CKLW WJBK WXTZ CKLW ” WXTZ CKLW WXTZ WJR— WXTZ WXYZ WJR— WJR— WWJ- WXYZ WJR— WXTZ WWJ— WJR— WXYZ WJR—U WJR— WXTZ WWJ— WWJ— WWJ— i WJLB— R WJBK- WXYZ- WWJ— WJLB— WWJ— WWJ— WJLB— Week WJBK— WJBK— WJLB— CKLW— WXTZ— CKLW— WJLB— CKLW- WJBK— WJBK— WXTZ— WJBK— WJLB— WXYZ— WJBK— WJLB— WWJ-1 WJBK— WJLB— WJLB— WXTZ— WXTZ— CKI.W— WJBK— WJLB— j H. CKLW— CKLW— 7FXTZ- CKLW— CKLW*- Detroit I —Joyce 1:45 Doc s* 3:43 :3a 8:18 141 7:43 7:24 Rev Old 7:43 1:43 —Story 1:1S San of 444 —Gypsy 5.24 —Organ SIS 444 ’—Kate 2:4* —Pas 2:24 2:13 1.44 Happy Merry 4:44 —We 2:24 S.-44 7:2* 244 —Art ids Cabin —Teddy —Into Uftat News —Road WJR--Free —Aunt News; —I-arrv —News Rev. —Sunday Rev. Blue Carry Helen Irish Flagg —Guild —Bud »—Ne» —Organ s —Quiet P. News Morning —Crime SUNDAY —Grimm te News Mystery Doctor News Neas Newa New#; MONDAY v* Happy Dance Week —Tone comic* Melody Helen —Popular Musie Front -Vocal of —World —Dixie —Elder —Midst —Always r. Melody P. Poliah 4. A. —News A. —Inner A. Dawn A. A. P. P. of r. A. Victor Minute Morning A. A. P. P. Charlie P. -Greek P. -Polish —Lion* P. P. r. of P. —Poliah Radio —European —Piano —Detroit A. TIMES P. Morning Czectvi P. —Marine HbarTr of 8 of -Happmrw by an.i Church C. Walter Is Harlam man'* In European -European On A —Dream at the —Vincent of Pg M.initor Treaaurd WJR—Musical Wv Hungarian —Ponuar WWJ—ValUnt of Bandwagon —Hungarian Caldwell Ti~n WJR—Fletcher Fash On and m Ace Ace on —Southern John WWJ—Weather M. M. —Merrymaker* M. M. 34. M. ream M. M. M. M. Ace. M. M. M. and M. WJBK-German M. M. M. M. M. M. Folk* M. M. M. —Lutheran m. folk band Or WJLB—Goodmurning Been N. trio. from and Life Hank —Education • -D. time. Jemima Happy Pa>ne. Inapirationa-R. evening Pnctof Hayee-D. M. music. Living «£LB—Ukrainian MUhigaa. M. Time* SOOK Powell Hopklns-D. Lady-D. Lopes Summary. Sunshine M. V. D. Hour-V. Quirt Theater- new*. recital. VUily CKLW M, anctiiary. Wlley-T. Man-D. Schools. music. D. -T. Easy-M. — ant. Sunrise Sanctum Hour-V. D. Hour-V T. Birthday. Hour. Yours.‘ Songsters. Salute-M. Ctaaa-R. Baptist. Daughter. Young-D. Jordan-D. Hour-V, McCarthy. Shaver-T. -T. Michigan. news. Singers. Llght-D. Rnjht-D. News. Fisher. family-D. Echoee-M. varieties T Matinee. songs. M. Varleliea. program-V. Christ. Joe. Echoee. -D. Zollcr. Week. D. Jiarroory MaL>ns-D. Europe ¦ Music. Holden-D. -M. Melodies. Wmchell. Hr.-V. Hiwaya-M. M. Moods-M. Sun- View»-T. mualc Hr. Skivaklao. Review. I World-D. Masters Farrell. 1 Lindlahr-T musical* Parade-M. newa Melodlea Melodlea music. Parade Club Robinaon-R. Revival. Round-M. There Canada. Hour-V. House-M. Warblert-M Church.Ptcturea-M. Knaemble-V. Jimerson-R. newa. I RsJie WJR WJR . (PROVE WJBK WWJ WJR WXTZ WWJ WWJ WJR WWJ WJR- WWJ WJR WXTZ WWJ WJR MORNING, WJBK WJLB WJLB WJLB WWJ EVENINB CKLW WWJ WJLB WJR— WXTZ WJR— WJBK WJLB WJBK MORNING, f Nov. WJR— WJR— WXTZ CKLW CKLW WJR— WWJ— WJR— WWJ— WJR— WXTZ WWJ- WJR— WWJ— WJR— * WWJ— WJR— WWJ— WJR— WWJ— WJR— WJBK- WWJ— WJR— WXTZ WWJ— CKLW WJR— WWJ— WWJ— WWJ— • WWJ— WJLB— WJLB— CKLW— 3 WXTZ— WJLB— WXTZ- IS CKLW— CKLW— In WXTZ- CKLW- CKLW— WXYZ— WWJ— H. WJLB— WWJ— N. WXTZ— WJBK— WJLB— WJLB— CKLW— 2: WXTZ— CKLW— CKLW— Ma .AFTERNOON Myrt CKLW— WJBK— WJBK— WJBK— CKLW— Bill WXTZ— WJBK— WJBK— CKLW— CKLW— Sol CKLW— CKLW— CKLW— WXTZ— •AFTERNOON Don -Vic -Help Bess 48 Ray Phi -The 4:44 444 On MS regram Take 4:22 4:18 —Tea 4.41 Melody 2.24 2:13 Happy 44 10:2* 10:13 .04 New# Lon* 2:24 Merl* 4:18 4:44 Jack 1144 14:24 14:13 Hour Take 4:24 444 Eva 248 2:24 V. 2:14 T. 244 2:24 2:14 14:13 Must 1444 —ML —From Anna IX7MC WXYZ Uncle StellaRhythm News —Club —Just John Guiding Music Helping News Against Ethel Edgar Newa Storlea Myrtle Linda'a Newa BBC It 14:44 Irene Disney (liat. Bible Radio Nows Words a Flying —Freddy s News George Melody \i —Church A.Poliah A. Music Mualc P. —Greek A. —News A. A. Newa. Dinah of P. P. A. Mutocal A. A. P. P. P. P. P. A. A. A. P. P. P. of P. Central r. r. r. cal —Duncan r. and 43P. Italian —‘Editor'* P. r. Jewish A. IT. CKLW-Wohi # —Reveille j Harold n —Backstage and # WWJ—Playhouse | M-T. 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Olivlo Rosary WXTZ-Moylaa Uncte News. J. Budapest Polish News A. Orphan so A. Morning Popular Dance WWJ-Bddte r. P. r. A. A. A. A. A. P. la the r. P. P. —Boake -Wtdder P. A. CharmRhythm, A. A. of A. House A. A. WJR—Claud* P. P. P. P. P. Itahaa Itallaa AngHcaa Serbian —Jackson A Page Le Behind Church —School Hebrew Musical Theoo'phy -Vagabonds of Musical Freddie Bart T In WWJ-feme John —Pontiac -Beautiful Anawerlng Musical. Honored of Paul’s XylophouUt. i Otrl a M —Praacott Wli Ace on of M. F. Ac*. Over 14MK M. M. Club Ace Ace M. M. M. M. Time M. TM. M. M. Wary M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. —Southerns Terris M. WJB* M. Jenny-D New# M. Owl M. *4. M. the Nick D , King for new* M. O'Neill# Goldbergs Martin Toung Martin M Life Waltz Cheater music minute Barron Hour Hour Youth r>a D T.races D -D Coa-M. s -T. music. World- Jones roundup. Time Strings Married D. e*. Morgan M V. Barron Time. Muody-M. Shadow Hour. the Symphony M Midnight Joumey-D. Robert* Patrol M. .. D. Santoro V. Annie Horuoti D Album Baptist D Reporter Auditions . T. - muaica! Carter Rumba D. Prw D. M. Music -M. Tou Baron D. - Staters M. renew Martin Kitrhcli T. MIDNIGHT Breene-M. Quartet program. MeioUicS, Armstrong. V. Abbotts Malneck D. Thornhill Wheeler Review. D. T. -M. Harum-D. Country. Edition Herman M expUma Llfe-V. arriee. T. M. -T. Rhythm*. Serenade Music. Kastolaaetz Shirer-T. Christ. T. D. D. M. Uie. M. Browo-D. Melodies. Manners. T Present*. M Men M newa. M. T.. VM, Mike. Air M Christian. Church. ZoOcr-R. Noma. Catbed't Hr. Jordan j Knterteinment. romance. Maaterwork* Fxcur*»ooa. or ia are • • •• have heads - AM too accept* a S6O? 4 HAIR »* MISS specialist all Skiffer • O 1114 baldness. of On Saretw SaiojMr, HOURS: Neat 604-606 AND obligation late Dandruff, your kair T build A/so able wall «»« Aatrtaaa O-. nritn ¦il 10 to examination today. -c Save healthy Thousands B J loan* rf/et, CM Moalk / Monthly at (or WrQRT A. o symptom* scalp of seMDtesa* or GRATIOT a Jk. CA. 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