Summer Camps Pages 25-34 2 May 2014 Metro-Parent.Com

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Summer Camps Pages 25-34 2 May 2014 Metro-Parent.Com FREE Moms rule! • May 2014 Family Planning Birth Control for Parents Moms in the Middle The Sandwich Generation Spring Family Fun Summer Camps Pages 25-34 2 May 2014 Contents Features What’s Your Family Plan? ............................................................................. 10 Birth control basics for parents Moms in the Middle ...................................................................................... 16 When child care and elder care overlap Viewpoint: Water Wise Saves Lives .......................................................... 32 16 10 Departments Editor’s Note ................................................................................................... 6 Parent Postings ............................................................................................... 7 Announcements, events, news briefs and more Prosperous Parent ...................................................................................... 22 Saving Builds More Than Wealth Out & About .................................................................................................. 24 24 32 Imagine: Play DIY Family Fun .............................................................................................. 28 Nature Art from Jenni and Tommy’s Kids Unplugged This Just In … ................................................................................................. 35 Sensory-Friendly Fun! Voices in Parenting ...................................................................................... 38 Julia Silverman: The Work-Life Shuffle Angels Among Us ........................................................................................ 40 Kinship House May Family Calendar .................................................................................. 41 Advertising Sections Women’s Health & Wellness ........................................................................11-15 Summer Camps ............................................................................................25-34 Birthday Parties ................................................................................................. 47 On Our Cover: This sweet mother-son portrait of our own Director of Online, Social Media and Marketing Strategy Tabitha Rhodes and her son, Marshall, was shot Connect with us online: by local photographer • Like “Metro Parent (Portland, OR)” on Facebook extraordinaire Kim Campbell. • Follow @Metro_Parent on Twitter PHOTO BY KIM CAMPBELL, • Sign up for our e-newsletter at our sister site, CAMPBELL SALGADO STUDIOS ( May 2014 5 Editor’s Note Serving the Families of the Portland Metropolitan Area Metro Parent What Do You Want for Mother’s Day? P.O. Box 13660 Portland, OR 97213-0660 Mother’s Day is a lot like motherhood – it changes as our children grow. When my son was a baby, all I Phone: 503-460-2774; Fax: 503-331-3445 wanted for Mother’s Day was sleep. A few years later, when he was sleeping through the night but still re- Publisher quired near-constant engagement, my idea of an ideal “holiday” was, in all honesty, an afternoon to myself. Keith Goben, 503-460-2774 One year I went out with a friend who doesn’t have kids. The next year I went shopping downtown. I know it sounds awful to say my idea of a dream Mother’s Day was taking a break from being a mother, Editor but there you have it. It’s true. Emily Puro, 503-922-0893 These days, however, the tables have turned. My son, now 13, will be a freshman in high school next Managing Editor year. Not only does he no longer require “near-constant engagement,” spending time with Mom and Dad is Calendar Editor becoming something of a rarity. He walks to school and home and hangs out with his friends after school Teresa Carson and on weekends. Between soccer and track and afterschool activities, some days I don’t see him from the time he leaves for school in the morning until dinner. Director of Online, Social Media An entire day to myself? That sounds like my dream, doesn’t it? But guess what? It’s true what they say: & Marketing Strategy Tabitha Rhodes, 503-975-6978 Be careful what you wish for – it just might come true. As you can probably imagine, my idea of the perfect Mother’s Day has changed over the past few years. Web Assistant These days, I want nothing more than to spend time with my boy on my special day. I don’t care what we do Eric Houghton together, as long as we’re together. Luckily for me, he’s amenable. In fact, my standard Customer Accounts Manager Mother’s Day gift is a coupon good for one or two “free” mov- Christie Kline, 503-810-9817 ies, meaning I get to choose the feature and he has to watch it with me. (I’m a big fan of classic movies and he hates watching Advertising Account Executives Westside/Outside Metro Area anything in black and white, so that’s a big deal!) Debbie Dille, 503-997-4044 In the past, I’ve tortured him with some of my favorites – fax: 503-352-4373 Roman Holiday and Some Like it Hot spring to mind – but these days I’m treading lightly. I’ve moved into more modern choices, Eastside/Vancouver/Washington most of them in color. After all, I’ve only got a few years left Ali King, 503-331-8184 fax: 503-331-3445 with my “little boy” at home – I want to make the most of it. However you spend Mother’s Day this year, I hope you National Sales: contact Publisher enjoy every minute! A mom and her teen, Design & Production: Susan Bard — Emily Puro Mother’s Day 2013. For distribution issues, e-mail us at For calendar submissions, Contributing Writers e-mail us at Metro Parent is published monthly by EMILY CHADWICK (Out & About, HEATHER LEE LEAP (Moms in the Metro Parent Publishing, Inc., and is copyright 2014 Metro Parent Publishing, Inc. All rights page 24) is a mother, educator and Middle, page 16) is a freelance writer reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part freelance writer who lives in the who lives in northeast Portland with without written permission is prohibited. Metro Parent is distributed free of charge heart of Oregon’s wine country. her husband and three daughters. So throughout the Portland, Oregon, When she’s not taking classes, plan- far, a sense of humor and a willing- metropolitan area. ning lessons or scrambling to meet a ness to ask for help have helped her Metro Parent reserves the right to refuse deadline, she’s out and about with her husband and survive fifteen years of parenting and advertising for any reason. Distribution of this children taking advantage of all that Oregon has to one year as an Alzheimer’s caregiver. publication does not constitute an endorse- ment of the products or services advertised offer – rain or shine. herein. JULIA SILVERMAN (Voices in Parent- Metro Parent does not discriminate on the ANNE LAUFE (What’s Your Family ing, page 38) is director of content basis of race, color, national origin, religion, Plan?, page 10) is a mom and writer partnerships at Oregon Public sex or sexual orientation. who lives in northeast Portland. Broadcasting. She lives in southeast Although every effort is taken to ensure the When she’s not on deadline, she en- Portland with her husband and their accuracy of published material, Metro Parent Publishing, Inc., and its agents and employees joys hiking, biking, reading, cooking 5-year-old twins. No pets – she has cannot be held responsible for the use or mis- and hanging out with her husband enough to take care of! use of any information contained herein. The and two kids. contents of Metro Parent and its website are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional advice or treatment. 6 May 2014 Parent Postings PHOTO BY NICOLE KOFOED PHOTOGRAPHY (NICOLEKOFOED.COM) A local production of the national comedy show Listen to Your Mother hits town May 11. Listen to Your Mother This national theater sensation Run with your mother features local productions with local Two big races honor moms on writers, bloggers and other moth- Mother’s Day, May 11, with parties ers holding forth on “the beauty, following. the beast and the barely rested of At 8:30 am, Run Like A Mother motherhood.” These hilarious and features 5K races by age group, with heart-warming staged readings are a special fun runs for kids. ($40 adults, great way to celebrate Mother’s Day! $15 kids; Liberty High School, 2 pm May 11. $15. The Alberta Rose 21945 NW Wagon Way, Hillsboro; Theatre, 3000 NE Alberta. 503-719- 6055. Run Mama Run benefits Adoption Mosaic with 10K and 5K runs/walks at 10 am, plus a kids’ 1/4-mile fun New parents unite! run at 9:30 am. ($49 adults, kid’s run Southside Swap & Play hosts free; Mt. Tabor Park; 971-533-0102; a new parent group on Tuesdays featuring a health care provider from Portland Family Health. Open to all. Childcare is not provided, but the Bully Project goes national space is big, contained and has toys. The Oregon Children’s Theatre’s 10 am-noon May 6, 13, 20, 27. FREE. (OCT) anti-bullying playwriting 5239 SE Woodstock. 971-678-4280. competition for kids in grades 6-8 has gone national. Chloe Rust, an 8th grader at Lakeridge Junior High in Lake Oswego, was runner up in Bargains galore
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