Paleobiology, 35(1), 2009, pp. 32–50

The double mass extinction revisited: reassessing the severity, selectivity, and causes of the end- biotic crisis (Late )

Matthew E. Clapham, Shuzhong Shen, and David J. Bottjer

Abstract.—The end-Guadalupian extinction, at the end of the Middle Permian, is thought to have been one of the largest biotic crises in the . Previous estimates suggest that the crisis eliminated 58% of marine invertebrate genera during the and that its selectivity helped the Modern evolutionary fauna become more diverse than the Paleozoic fauna before the end-Permian mass extinction. However, a new sampling-standardized analysis of Permian diver- sity trends, based on 53731 marine invertebrate fossil occurrences from 9790 collections, indicates that the end-Guadalupian ‘‘extinction’’ was actually a prolonged but gradual decrease in diversity from the to the end of the Permian. There was no peak in extinction rates; reduced genus richness exhibited by all studied invertebrate groups and ecological guilds, and in different lati- tudinal belts, was instead driven by a sharp decrease in origination rates during the Capitanian and . The global diversity decrease was exacerbated by changes in beta diversity, most notably a reduction in provinciality due to the loss of marine habitat area and a pronounced decrease in geographic disparity over small distances. Disparity over moderate to large distances was unchanged, suggesting that small-scale beta diversity changes may have resulted from com- pression of bathymetric ranges and homogenization of onshore-offshore faunal gradients stem- ming from the spread of deep-water anoxia around the Guadalupian/ boundary. Al- though tropical invertebrate genera were no more likely than extratropical ones to become extinct, the marked reduction in origination rates during the Capitanian and Wuchiapingian is consistent with the effects of global cooling (the Kamura Event), but may also be consistent with other en- vironmental stresses such as anoxia. However, a gradual reduction in diversity, rather than a sharp end-Guadalupian extinction, precludes the need to invoke drastic extinction mechanisms and in- dicates that taxonomic loss at the end of the Paleozoic was concentrated in the traditional end- Permian (end-) extinction, which eliminated 78% of all marine invertebrate genera.

Matthew E. Clapham. Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, California 95064. E-mail: [email protected] Shuzhong Shen. State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, China David J. Bottjer. Department of Earth Sciences, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California 90089-0740

Accepted: 8 August 2008

Introduction the taxonomic severity and pronounced evo- lutionary effects of the Permian- mass Biotic changes during the Permian-Triassic extinction (Raup 1979) as well as the existence interval restructured marine ecosystems of significantly elevated extinction rates at the through their severe impacts on diverse Paleo- zoic groups such as rhynchonelliform brachio- end of the preceding Guadalupian pods, crinoids, and stenolaemate bryozoans, (Middle Permian) (Raup and Sepkoski 1982). enabling molluscan clades to become the most High extinction rates during the Guadalupian diverse components of marine ecosystems were considered to be part of a prolonged (Erwin 1993). This taxonomic shift from the end-Permian crisis, but subsequent studies in- Paleozoic fauna to the molluscan Modern fau- stead showed that the end-Guadalupian crisis na was one of two fundamental biotic reor- was a separate event (Jin et al. 1994; Stanley ganizations during the Phanerozoic (Sepkoski and Yang 1994) distinct from the extinction at 1981), coincident with changes in guild struc- the close of the Permian (Fig. 1). Furthermore, ture and energetics in the marine biosphere global diversity trends suggested that the tax- (Stanley 1968; Bambach et al. 2002). Early onomic transition from the Paleozoic to the studies of mass extinctions recognized both Modern fauna may instead have been trig-

᭧ 2009 The Paleontological Society. All rights reserved. 0094-8373/09/3501-0003/$1.00 END-GUADALUPIAN EXTINCTION 33

also may have been moderately selective; gen- era of the Paleozoic fauna such as rhyncho- nelliform (58%) and stenolae- mate bryozoans (61%) suffered greater extinc- tions than either bivalves (47%) or gastropods (42%) (Knoll et al. 1996). In addition to its po- tential taxonomic severity, the end-Guadalu- pian interval was also a time of important en- vironmental and ecological change. Anoxic conditions are first observed in deep oceanic settings at this time, marking the onset of ocean stratification that would ultimately play a major role in the end-Changhsingian mass extinction (Isozaki 1997). These anoxic, and sometimes euxinic, conditions were also pres- ent in some deeper epicontinental basins in the early Lopingian (Nielsen and Shen 2004) and began to influence benthic animal com- munities living in deeper habitats. Molluscs FIGURE 1. Timescale showing the Lopingian (Late were more abundant at the expense of rhyn- Permian), Guadalupian (Middle Permian), and latest chonelliform brachiopods in some distal shelf (Cisural; Early Permian) Stages. The timing of the end-Guadalupian crisis and end- assemblages (Clapham and Bottjer 2007b) Permian extinction are shown at the end of the Capitan- while bryozoans became progressively re- ian and Changhsingian Stages, respectively. stricted to inner and middle shelf habitats (Powers and Bottjer 2007), both beginning around the Guadalupian/Lopingian bound- gered by selective extinction at the Guadalu- ary. pian/Lopingian (Middle/Late Permian) But despite the apparently severe impact of boundary, with members of the Modern fauna the end-Guadalupian extinction and its poten- becoming more diverse than the Paleozoic tial influence on the demise of the Paleozoic fauna by the latest Permian Changhsingian fauna, the causes of the biotic crisis remain Stage (Knoll et al. 1996). enigmatic. There is a broad plateau of positive Previous estimates of extinction severity carbon isotopic values in Capitanian strata, during the end-Guadalupian crisis indicated possibly indicating enhanced carbon burial that approximately 58% of marine inverte- and global cooling associated with the extinc- brate genera extant during the Capitanian (the tion of large photosymbiotic fusulinids and last stage of the Guadalupian; Fig. 1) disap- other tropical organisms (Isozaki et al. 2007a). peared, a raw magnitude comparable to the The Guadalupian/Lopingian boundary itself end-Triassic or end- extinctions is characterized by a relatively sharp negative (Stanley and Yang 1994; Knoll et al. 1996), al- carbon isotopic excursion (Wang et al. 2004; though that raw magnitude may have been el- Kaiho et al. 2005) as well as a pronounced sea evated by backsmearing of Changhsingian ex- level fall that may have reduced shallow shelf tinctions (Foote 2007). The extinction was also habitat area (Hallam and Wignall 1999; Shen particularly severe for fusulinid foraminifera, and Shi 2002). The Emeishan large igneous which suffered a highly selective taxonomic province, a minor flood basalt in south China, loss of genera with large and complex tests also erupted during the end-Guadalupian in- (Stanley and Yang 1994). Those data sets also terval and may have contributed to the extinc- suggest that standing marine invertebrate di- tion (Wignall 2001; Zhou et al. 2002). versity decreased by more than 75% between Part of the reason the end-Guadalupian cri- the Capitanian and the Changhsingian (Knoll sis remains poorly understood is because of a et al. 1996). The end-Guadalupian extinction lack of adequate data on the biogeographic 34 MATTHEW E. CLAPHAM ET AL. and taxonomic patterns of extinction. Previous plete stage-level occurrence data are not re- estimates of global extinction severity typical- corded for the Triassic. Shen personally re- ly undersampled the Late Permian record be- vised taxonomic identifications for all Chinese cause of outdated biostratigraphy (consider- brachiopods, and the synonymy and generic ing several important Lopingian localities to placement of all other species were updated be Guadalupian) and because many of the where possible, using the most recent pub- data are in foreign publications. Those studies lished opinions from the literature. Despite have also not incorporated standardization these efforts, there are likely some identifica- methods to account for bias imparted by var- tions, especially from older sources, that are iable sampling, although rarefaction analysis incorrect and some species that are placed in has been used to assess and ru- the wrong genus. However, in a database of gose coral diversity patterns in South China this size those errors are most likely randomly (Shen et al. 2006; Wang et al. 2006). Taking ad- distributed (Adrain and Westrop 2000). The vantage of recent advances in biostratigraphic age assignment of each collection was also re- correlation and increasing knowledge of im- vised and aligned with the global Permian portant Late Permian fossil localities, we have timescale (Jin et al. 1997) based on , assembled a new comprehensive Permian fusulinid, and/or ammonoid biostratigraphy. global diversity data set to (1) evaluate genus The geographic coverage of the data is ex- richness, extinction, and origination with sam- tensive, with records from all continents ex- ple standardized methods; (2) document tax- cept Antarctica, although the locus of sam- onomic, ecological, and geographic selectivi- pling shifted from North America to China ty; and (3) quantify changes in geographic between the Guadalupian and Lopingian ow- range and geographic disparity in order to re- ing to changes in the pattern of marine de- assess the importance and potential causes of position (Fig. 2A,B). Sample distribution was end-Guadalupian extinction. quantified by calculating the paleoposition of each collection using the Point Tracker soft- Methods ware (Scotese 2001) and counting the number This study reassessed the severity, selectiv- of 30Њϫ30Њ paleolatitudinal and paleolongi- ity, and paleobiogeographic pattern of extinc- tudinal bins that contain fossil data. Fossil col- tion during the end-Guadalupian interval, us- lections were present in 21 to 27 bins during ing a database of 53731 marine invertebrate the Kungurian–Wuchiapingian interval, with fossil occurrences from 9790 Permian collec- data coverage dropping to 17 bins in the latest tions. Genus occurrences were tabulated from Permian Changhsingian Stage (Fig. 2C). Ag- the primary literature (865 references, see on- gregation of data within those bins was quan- line data at tified with Green’s coefficient of dispersion 08033.s1) and the China brachiopod database (G), given by the equation of Shen et al. (2006). The data set includes only s2 collections that could be assigned to a single Ϫ 1 stage and excludes genera with questionable x¯ G ϭ identifications, resulting in a total of 2066 gen- ͸ (x) Ϫ 1 era based on 52301 occurrences from 9588 col- lections. Most analyses used the well-sampled where s ϭ standard deviation and x ϭ number Kungurian–Changhsingian interval (41,376 of collections or occurrences. It is essentially a occurrences) encompassing the end-Guada- variance-to-mean ratio with smaller values in- lupian extinction (Fig. 1); each stage during dicating more equitable distribution of sam- that interval contains at least 5590 occurrences ples among geographic bins (i.e., better sam- (Fig. 2A). In addition, it was also noted for pling) and larger values indicating that the each taxon whether it had a post-Paleozoic overall data set is strongly dominated by one fossil record, so that extinction rates for the or a few geographic bins (e.g., Kiessling et al. Changhsingian (traditional end-Permian ex- 2007). Data aggregation is greater in the Cap- tinction) could be calculated, although com- itanian and is very low in the and END-GUADALUPIAN EXTINCTION 35

FIGURE 2. Intensity and geographic distribution of sampling during the Kungurian–Changhsingian interval. A, Geographic map with modern location of Kungurian and Guadalupian (filled circles) and Lopingian (open squares) fossil collections. B, Paleogeographic map (260 Ma reconstruction) with paleoposition of fossil collections. C, Num- ber of 30Њϫ30Њ paleogeographic bins containing data in each stage and the Green coefficient of dispersion for occurrences (squares) and collections (circles). Because smaller values of the Green coefficient indicate less data aggregation, the axis is inverted to display smaller values at the top. Number of occurrences for each stage is in- dicated by the figure in each column. 36 MATTHEW E. CLAPHAM ET AL.

Wordian, but Green coefficient values for oc- piled from the entire Triassic and do not in- currences are never extreme and there is no clude occurrence data). trend from the Guadalupian to Lopingian Per-taxon extinction and origination rates (Fig. 2C), suggesting that data aggregation is are calculated as the number of genera with not a major bias. their last or first occurrence, respectively, Sampling-standardized generic diversity within a stage relative to the number of was calculated by repeatedly drawing a given boundary-crossing genera surviving into the quota of occurrences from each stage, exclud- next stage. Per-taxon rates are presented for ing stratigraphic singletons (genera only the overall extinction and for select groups to found in a single stage), and ranging the sub- allow comparison with previously published sampled genus occurrences through interme- studies, but most analyses here use per capita diate stages where they were not recorded. A extinction and origination metrics (Foote quota of 5590 occurrences was applied, and 2000). Because per-taxon metrics are a ratio of randomization and subsampling were run for the number of extinct or new genera to all 30 iterations to generate mean extinction and boundary-crossing genera within the interval, origination rates. Although simple rarefaction per-taxon extinction is also influenced by orig- may be less realistic than other standardiza- ination rates (i.e., boundary-crossers that ap- tion methods (Alroy et al. 2001; Bush et al. pear within the stage and cross the top bound- 2004), sampling is uniform enough through- ary) and per-taxon origination by extinction out the Kungurian–Changhsingian interval rates (Foote 2000). Per capita metrics disentan- (Fig. 2C) that extinction and origination rates gle the origination and extinction components are essentially unchanged, varying by no of diversity and are used here, although the more than 2%, after standardization. Stan- effects of pulsed versus continuous extinction dardized extinction and origination metrics within these time intervals are not addressed are presented for marine invertebrates as a (Foote 2005). Per-taxon extinction is a simple whole, but the minimal effect of standardiza- percentage of genera, whereas per capita ex- tion allows unstandardized metrics to be used tinction or origination is measured in per lin- for individual groups, such as rhynchonelli- eage-million- (per Lmy) (Foote 2000). Per Ϫ form brachiopods or bivalves. The effects of capita extinction is calculated by ln(Nbt/ ⌬ standardization were tested for groups with Nb)/ t, where Nbt is the number of taxa cross- sufficient data to fill a reasonable quota each ing both the bottom and top boundaries of a stage (rhynchonelliform brachiopods, 3500 oc- stage, Nb is the total number of taxa crossing currences; bivalves, 460 occurrences; gastro- the bottom boundary of a stage, and ⌬t is the pods, 185 occurrences) but none of the stan- duration of that interval (Foote 2000). Con- dardized extinction or origination rates dif- versely, per capita origination is given by Ϫ ⌬ fered noticeably from the unstandardized re- ln(Nbt/Nt)/ t, where Nt is the total number sults. In addition, application of a uniform of taxa crossing the top boundary of the stage. occurrence threshold, when occurrences are Extinction and origination rates are calculated used as proxies for abundance in rarefaction, for all marine invertebrate genera, for well- is contingent on the actual abundance of a sampled and representative groups such as group remaining constant through the inter- rhynchonelliform brachiopods, bivalves, gas- val of study—an assumption that may not be tropods, sponges, and corals, and for different valid for certain groups during the Guadalu- ecological guilds such as epifaunal and infau- pian–Lopingian (Weidlich 2002; Clapham and nal bivalves and pelagic cephalopods. Bottjer 2007a,b; Powers and Bottjer 2007). Fur- The potential effect of Guadalupian–Lopin- thermore, it is not possible to calculate sam- gian climate change on extinction and origi- pling-standardized extinction and origination nation (Isozaki et al. 2007a) was tested by for the Changhsingian Stage because the da- comparing per capita metrics for tropical and tabase does not include complete Early Tri- extratropical genera. Tropical genera are de- assic occurrence data (Triassic records are col- fined as those with at least five occurrences lated for the Permian taxa, but they are com- confined to the range between 30ЊSand30ЊN END-GUADALUPIAN EXTINCTION 37 paleolatitude, whereas extratropical genera those minimum values are summed) and re- are those with at least five occurrences only peated the process for 20 iterations, after poleward of 45Њ paleolatitude (including bo- which the data were binned into 2000 km size real, notal, and anti-tropical genera). A ge- classes so we could calculate the mean percent nus’s tropical or extratropical distribution was similarity for all pairwise comparisons at dis- determined independently for each stage; for tances less than 2000 km, 2000–4000 km, etc. example, tropical genera in one stage are in- To assess geographic variations in extinc- cluded even if they may have occurred outside tion intensity we used a kernel density of the Tropics at another time. However, ex- smoothing method in the program CrimeStat tinction and origination patterns do not (Levine 2004) to calculate the density of ex- change substantially even if only those genera tinctions using. The interpolation divides the confined to the tropics throughout the entire globe into a series of reference cells (a cell size Kungurian–Changhsingian interval, or even of 2Њϫ2Њ degrees was chosen), overlays a nor- throughout the entire Permian, are included. mal distribution to each data point (or kernel), Both of those criteria, however, result in small calculates the distance from each kernel to the sample size for nontropical genera, so the less reference point, and sums all the individual restrictive determination of tropical or non- kernel functions from each reference cell to tropical distribution is used instead. produce an estimate of point density. Fixed Because loss of habitat space and related distance bandwidth (which sets the standard changes in biogeography have previously deviation of the individual kernel functions been invoked as important contributors to the and controls the smoothness of the resulting end-Guadalupian extinction (Shen and Shi contours) was used with a distance metric of 2002), we calculated the mean geographic 3Њ degrees. For each stage we calculated the range of marine invertebrate genera and absolute densities of extinction occurrences quantified global geographic disparity for and total occurrences. In order to account for each interval (Miller et al. 2007). We measured large variations in the underlying distribution the geographic range of each genus repre- of occurrences, which will strongly influence sented in at least three different localities by the observed distribution of extinctions, a generating the convex hull that encompasses dual kernel density smoothing estimate was all occurrences of the genus and calculating applied. The method calculates the ratio of the the area of that polygon using the algorithm kernel density function for extinctions to the given by Bevis and Cambareri (1987). The con- density function for all occurrences in each vex hull does not take into account the conti- reference cell. Results were plotted in ArcGIS nental configuration; as a result, the calculat- with an overlay showing the geographic lo- ed range may extend across land barriers in cations of all extinctions. Dual kernel density Pangea rather than conforming to the shore- estimates of extinction were culled from ref- line. Geographic disparity, a measure of the erence cells containing fewer than one occur- pairwise compositional similarity between lo- rence per square degree because small values calities in relation to the distance separating of the individual density functions (for either them, was assessed by dividing the globe into extinctions or occurrences) may affect the cal- 5Њϫ5Њ bins and calculating the percent simi- culation of their ratio. Those cells typically oc- larity coefficient between all pairs of bins (the cupy the tails of the kernel density functions methodology of Miller et al. 2007). Geograph- and culling did not affect any cells or regions ic bins containing fewer than 40 genus occur- containing extinctions. rences were excluded from the calculation and all other bins were standardized by randomly Results selecting a quota of 40 occurrences. We cal- Diversity, Extinction Rates, and Origination culated percent similarity for all pairwise Rates. Genus richness of marine inverte- comparisons (the proportional abundance of brates decreased from its peak of 948 genera each shared genus is calculated, the minimum (ranged-through but excluding singletons) in value is selected from either bin 1 or bin 2, and the Wordian to 489 genera by the Changhsin- 38 MATTHEW E. CLAPHAM ET AL. gian (latest Permian) (Fig. 3A). At least part of this decline is a result of fewer Lazarus taxa (those ranging through but not occurring within a stage) in the Lopingian Stages, itself an edge effect of the severe extinction at the end of the Changhsingian, but sampled-in- bin diversity (excluding singletons) also de- creased from 702 Wordian genera to 489 in the Changhsingian. Absolute generic richness in the Wordian–Changhsingian interval was slightly lower in all stages after sampling standardization but the decreasing trend is unchanged. This gradual reduction in standing diver- sity is partially related to elevated raw extinc- tions in the Capitanian and, to a lesser degree, Wuchiapingian Stages. Unstandardized per- taxon extinction rates were moderately elevat- ed during the Capitanian Stage (29% relative to 12% in the Roadian and 18% in the Wor- dian), and were virtually unchanged after sampling standardization, at 14% in the Road- ian, 17% in the Wordian, and 32% in the Cap- itanian (Fig. 3B). However, they are much low- er than previously published estimates for the end-Guadalupian extinction, which ranged as high as 58% at the genus level (e.g., Knoll et al. 1996). End-Guadalupian per-taxon extinction rates are much less severe than previously rec- ognized because Lopingian diversity was un- derestimated in prior diversity compilations, partly because many of the data are in foreign FIGURE 3. Diversity and extinction rate during the Kun- gurian–Changhsingian interval. A, Total genus richness language publications, but also because of in- including (1) ranged-through taxa but excluding single- creased publication in the past decade and im- tons (filled circles), (2) unstandardized sampled-in-bin provements in Permian chronostratigraphic (SIB) richness, also excluding singletons (open squares), and (3) sampling standardized (simple rarefaction, sub- correlations. As a result, the database used sampled at a quota of 5590 occurrences) sampled-in-bin here records 573 invertebrate genera in the richness excluding singletons (open triangles). Confi- Changhsingian (ranged-through, including dence intervals for the standardized richness are smaller than the size of the symbol. The standardized richness singletons) compared to only 196 (also curve is systematically offset to lower values relative to ranged-through, including singletons) in Sep- unstandardized SIB richness because it is based only on koski’s database used by Knoll et al. (1996). In Kungurian–Changhsingian data and therefore does not include singletons that also occur before the Kungurian. contrast, both data sets sample Guadalupian B, Per-taxon extinction rates for unstandardized (filled Stages well (e.g., 796 Capitanian genera in the circles) and sampling-standardized (open squares) data. Sepkoski database versus 880 in this database, Binomial 95% confidence intervals are shown for the un- standardized data. Standardized rates do not include both including singletons). In fact, many gen- values for the Kungurian because earlier stages did not era previously thought to have been lost dur- contain a sufficient number of occurrences or for the ing the end-Guadalupian ‘‘extinction’’ actual- Changhsingian because the Triassic records do not con- tain occurrence data. C, Per capita extinction rates for ly survived into the Lopingian and went ex- unstandardized data. D, Enlargement showing per cap- tinct at the end of the Changhsingian (the end- ita extinction rates for unstandardized (filled circles) Permian extinction sensu stricto). Per-genus and sampling-standardized (open squares) data. extinction rates during the Changhsingian END-GUADALUPIAN EXTINCTION 39

FIGURE 4. Per-taxon (filled circles) and per capita (open squares) origination rates for the Kungurian–Changhsin- gian interval. reach 78%, far greater than any other Permian origination rates were at their lowest in the stage, confirming the extreme magnitude of Capitanian (0.006 per Lmy) and remain low in the end-Permian mass extinction. the Wuchiapingian (0.016 per Lmy). The severity of the end-Permian extinction The relationship between per capita extinc- is reinforced when per capita extinction rates tion and origination rates demonstrates that (which are not influenced by origination with- the decrease in standing diversity during the in the stage, as in the case of per-taxon met- end-Guadalupian interval resulted more from rics) are calculated (Fig. 3C,D). The end- a lack of originations than from elevated ex- Guadalupian extinction peak recognized with tinctions (Fig. 4). Extinctions and originations per-taxon extinction estimates is not present were balanced in the Roadian and Wordian, in the per capita metric; Wordian (0.09 per but during the Capitanian and Wuchiapingi- Lmy) and Capitanian (0.06 per Lmy) per cap- an originations dropped sharply while extinc- ita extinctions were very slightly higher than tions remained unchanged. The end-Permian either the Roadian (0.05 per Lmy) or Wuch- extinction (Changhsingian Stage) is a more iapingian (0.05 per Lmy), but those variations conventional biotic crisis caused by a huge in- fall well within normal background extinction crease in the extinction rate. variation and were minor compared to the Taxonomic, Ecological, and Geographic Selectiv- Changhsingian Stage, which had per capita ity. This pattern of relatively stable per cap- extinction rates of 1.07 per Lmy (Fig. 3C). ita extinction but sharply decreased per cap- There are two causes of the discrepancy be- ita origination during the end-Guadalupian is tween per-taxon and per capita extinctions also observed in many individual taxonomic during the Capitanian stage. The first is sim- groups (Fig. 5). There was no consistent pat- ply a function of the length of each stage; per tern among extinction rates in the Capitanian capita extinctions are normalized to stage among well-represented groups in the data- length and the Capitanian was approximately base; per capita extinction may be higher (bi- twice as long as the preceding Roadian or valves, Fig. 5B; sponges, Fig. 5D), lower (gas- Wordian (Fig. 1). But more importantly, the tropods, Fig. 5C), or unchanged (rhynchonel- per-taxon extinction rate during the Capitan- liform brachiopods, Fig. 5A) relative to earlier ian was artificially elevated by the low number stages. Moderately well represented groups, of originations in that stage (Fig. 4). Per capita such as corals (Fig. 5E), bryozoans, and am- 40 MATTHEW E. CLAPHAM ET AL.

Sakmarian intervals in that region (Wang et al. 2006). Although Capitanian extinction rates were slightly elevated in a few groups, there is no consistent pattern and per capita values for the Changhsingian Stage were dramati- cally higher for all groups, indicating that any extinctions during the end-Guadalupian crisis were of minor importance. In contrast to the variable extinction patterns, the per capita origination rates for all taxa were depressed during the Capitanian (e.g., 0.01 per Lmy for rhynchonelliform brachiopods, 0.002 per Lmy for bivalves, and 0.003 per Lmy for gastro- pods) and were substantially lower than ex- tinction rates during the same time (Fig. 5). Origination often remained unusually low in the Wuchiapingian but appears to have re- turned to typical levels in the Changhsingian among rhynchonelliform brachiopods, bi- valves, gastropods, and sponges at least (but no new corals, bryozoans, or , other than singletons, are recorded in the database). However, caution is needed when interpreting some Changhsingian origination rates be- cause of low sample size of boundary-crossing genera; for example, per capita origination among rhynchonelliform brachiopods (0.10 per Lmy in the Changhsingian) appears great- er than even the Roadian (0.08 per Lmy) or Wordian (0.07 per Lmy) Stages but results from one new genus appearing within the stage and crossing the Permian/Triassic boundary and only seven genera crossing both bottom and top boundaries (all eight genera ultimately went extinct soon after, in the earliest Triassic). However, regardless of Changhsingian origination rates, their consis- tent low in the Capitanian and Wuchiapingi- FIGURE 5. Per capita extinction rates (filled circles) and an confirms that decreased origination at the origination rates (open circles) based on unstandard- ized analyses for rhynchonelliform brachiopods (A), bi- genus level, rather than increased extinction, valves (B), gastropods (C), sponges (D), and corals (E). caused end-Guadalupian diversity losses in all marine invertebrate groups examined. Potential ecological selectivity was exam- monoids, also exhibited a similar range of ex- ined by quantifying extinction and origination tinction patterns. The pattern among corals, rates for different bivalve guilds (epifaunal/ even based on moderately good sampling of semi-infaunal versus shallow/deep infaunal). the group, is consistent with a more compre- Both ecological groups exhibited the typical hensive regional data set from South China, in pattern of markedly decreased per capita orig- which per-taxon extinction rates were high in ination rates in the Capitanian (0.01 per Lmy the Capitanian but were comparable to the for epifaunal and 0 per Lmy for infaunal) and, combined Roadian/Wordian or / to a lesser degree, Wuchiapingian Stages (Fig. END-GUADALUPIAN EXTINCTION 41

FIGURE 7. Tropical (filled circles) versus extratropical FIGURE 6. Per capita extinction rates (filled circles) and (open circles) extinction and origination. A, Sampled-in- origination rates (open circles) based on unstandard- bin genus richness. B, Per capita extinction rates. C, Per ized analyses for epifaunal and semi-infaunal bivalves capita origination rates. Tropical genera are defined as (A), shallow and deep infaunal bivalves (B), and pelagic those confined to within 30Њ of the paleoequator, where- genera cephalopods (C). as extratropical genera are those only found poleward of 45Њ paleolatitude. 6A,B). Extinction rates for epifaunal genera were slightly elevated in the Wordian (0.08 per singian interval (Fig. 7). Per capita extinction Lmy) and Capitanian (0.07 per Lmy), but both rates for tropical taxa, those confined to with- were substantially lower than the Changhsin- in 30Њ of the equator, increased slightly from gian end-Permian extinction (0.80 per Lmy). the Roadian to Capitanian (from 0.08 to 0.13 Infaunal bivalves had a minor extinction peak per Lmy) but were substantially lower than in the Capitanian, but again the per capita val- the Changhsingian (0.53 per Lmy). Per capita ue (0.08 per Lmy) was much lower than in the extinction rates for extratropical taxa, those Changhsingian (0.94 per Lmy). The pattern occurring poleward of 45Њ paleolatitude, were for other ecological guilds, such as pelagic broadly similar during the studied interval, cephalopods (Fig. 6C), was also similar—un- especially in the Wordian and Capitanian changed or minimally elevated per capita ex- Stages (0.14 and 0.11 per Lmy). Both tropical tinction accompanied by a larger drop in orig- and extratropical groups show the Capitani- ination rates. Together, the absence of signifi- an–Wuchiapingian decrease in per capita cant selectivity among different taxonomic origination observed in the whole fauna, most groups or life habits implies that the factor(s) taxonomic groups, and ecological guilds. The responsible for decreased origination rates af- decrease was greater in tropical regions than fected all groups to approximately the same in extratropical; both had similar originations degree. in the Capitanian (0.02 in nontropical versus Extinction and origination rates were also 0.03 in tropical) yet tropical origination rates independently assessed for tropical and extra- were otherwise consistently higher than non- tropical taxa during the Kungurian–Changh- tropical ones. 42 MATTHEW E. CLAPHAM ET AL.

Although the total number of genus extinc- interval (1.9 ϫ 105 km2 in the Wordian). The tions was high in the Capitanian, those ex- geometric mean (the mean of the logarithmic tinctions were strongly clustered geographi- values of the data) was calculated instead of cally (Fig. 8). Even after accounting for the un- the arithmetic mean because the range data derlying distribution of occurrences (which is span nearly ten orders of magnitude, from less strongly centered on western Laurentia in the than 0.1 km2 to more than 108 km2. Capitanian) through the use of a dual kernel The broad shift toward larger ranges in the density estimate, extinctions were still strong- Lopingian does not appear correlated with ly clustered in western Laurentia, with sec- sample distribution or aggregation, which de- ondary clusters in Tunisia, New Zealand, and creases from 22 to 21 geographic bins contain- northeastern Siberia (although there are few ing data from the Capitanian to Wuchiapin- genera and occurrences in the latter two re- gian and is reduced further to 17 bins in the gions). In fact, the density of extinctions in Changhsingian. In fact, sample distribution other well-sampled regions, such as central was at its maximum (27 sampled bins) and ag- and eastern Tethys and western Panthalassa, gregation was minimal (Green coefficient for was largely unchanged relative to the Roadian collections of 0.04) in the Wordian, yet the raw or Wordian, suggesting that the greater num- mean range was actually lower than in the Lo- ber of extinct genera overall, and thus the el- pingian. Changes in sample distribution re- evated per-taxon extinction rate, in the Capi- flect a combination of the extent of shallow tanian was strongly influenced by the western marine shelf area during the Permian and the North American record. These concentrated modern distribution of preserved marine sed- extinctions may reflect geographic variability imentary rocks; their effects can be approxi- in actual extinction intensity, but are more mated by quantifying the maximum potential likely an artifact of the near-complete loss of range of taxa recorded in each bin. Like the the preserved marine sedimentary record and sample distribution, the maximum recorded its isolated and endemic marine fauna (21% of geographic range is remarkably constant be- all genera are endemic to Laurentia in the tween the Kungurian and Wuchiapingian, Capitanian) due to Permo-Triassic tectonism varying from 1.9 ϫ 108 km2 to 2.2 ϫ 108 km2, in the western United States (e.g., Collinson et but it decreases to less than 9 ϫ 107 km2 in the al. 1976). Changhsingian. After normalizing the mean Changes in Geographic Range. In order to as- range to the maximum range recorded in each sess the influence of changes in habitat area on stage, the Late Permian increase in mean geo- marine diversity during the end-Guadalupian graphic range becomes even more dramatic, interval (e.g., Hallam and Wignall 1999; Shen especially in the Changhsingian (Fig. 10B). and Shi 2002), we quantified the latitudinal However, the timing of the pronounced in- and geographic ranges of all genera in each crease in raw mean geographic range also co- stage. Most genera were confined to a single incides with a shift in regions sampled—most 20Њ paleolatitudinal bin (Fig. 9), and many of importantly, the loss of the marine fossil rec- those were singletons occurring only at one lo- ord from western Laurentia, and from the cality. This pattern was essentially unchanged heavily sampled localities of west in throughout the Middle and Late Permian, al- particular. Given that a genus must be record- though the proportions of genera with latitu- ed from three distinct collections in order for dinal ranges less than 20Њ and with latitudinal us to calculate a range, the intense sampling ranges greater than 100Њ were slightly, but not from a small geographic area in the Glass and significantly, lower in the Lopingian. Overall, in Texas would have the mean geographic range for all genera ap- recorded a large number of endemic genera pears to have increased in the Lopingian (Fig. with very small ranges in the Middle Permian 10); the geometric mean range is 7.3 ϫ 105 km2 but not in the Late Permian. The mean ranges in the Wuchiapingian and 3.5 ϫ 105 km2 in the of Kungurian and Middle Permian taxa en- Changhsingian, much higher than the maxi- demic to Texas were indeed small (41 to 711 mum value from the Kungurian–Capitanian km2) and those endemic taxa constituted a sig- END-GUADALUPIAN EXTINCTION 43

FIGURE 8. Maps showing paleogeographic distribution of extinctions during the Roadian, Wordian, Capitanian, and Wuchiapingian Stages (solid circles) and the contoured dual kernel density estimate for the geographic con- centration of extinctions. Geographic concentration is measured as the ratio of the density kernel for extinction occurrences within the stage to the density kernel for all occurrences within that stage. 44 MATTHEW E. CLAPHAM ET AL.

fects can be minimized when assessing the geographic selectivity of extinction by using a proportional range metric (the mean range of taxa that become extinct in a stage relative to the mean range of all taxa in that stage). The proportional mean range of extinct Capitani- an genera was 3% of the mean range of all genera, consistent with values for the entire Kungurian–Wuchiapingian interval (Fig. 10C). That selectivity indicates that narrowly distributed genera were more likely to become extinct during the Capitanian (and through FIGURE 9. Histogram showing the number of genera in the entire Kungurian–Wuchiapingian), typi- 20Њ paleolatitudinal bins for each Guadalupian and Lo- pingian stage. cal of background extinctions throughout the whole Phanerozoic (e.g., Jablonski 1986; Payne and Finnegan 2007). Although endemic gen- nificant portion of all taxa with calculated era from the western United States typically ranges, especially in the Kungurian and Road- had small mean ranges, the loss of the sedi- ian (Fig. 11). However, the ranges of Texas en- mentary record from that region did not bias demics do not differ substantially from the the mean range of extinct genera in the Cap- typical range of endemic genera from other re- itanian, as western U.S. taxa constituted only gions and it is not clear that Middle Permian 6% of all taxa with measured ranges, the mean localities are actually more finely sampled. Be- range of Texas endemics was not smaller than tween 48.5% and 52.5% of Guadalupian gen- that of endemics from other regions, and the era occurred in at least three geographically selectivity for geographic range in the Capi- distinct collections, and there was no change tanian was no different from background lev- in the Wuchiapingian (51% of genera) and els in other Permian stages. In contrast, geo- only a minor decrease in the Changhsingian graphic selectivity was significantly different (45.5% of genera). A more important effect during the Changhsingian (traditional end- seems to be the unusually large geographic Permian extinction) when the mean range of ranges of taxa endemic to South China, which extinct genera was 67% of the overall mean account for a substantial proportion of Lopin- range (Fig. 10C). gian occurrences (Fig. 11). In contrast to other Geographic Disparity. Although there is no Middle or Late Permian regions, the South strong evidence for changes in overall geo- China block was a continent-sized carbonate graphic range, decreasing global genus rich- platform (with associated deeper basins) that ness in the Lopingian may have been exacer- has undergone minimal post-Paleozoic tec- bated by changes in geographic disparity (the tonic deformation and sediment cover. Thus, degree of compositional disparity between the shift from abundant endemics with small marine biotas as a function of geographic dis- ranges from Texas to abundant Late Permian tance; Miller et al. 2007). As expected, 5Њϫ5Њ endemic taxa with much larger ranges from cells separated by small distances were much South China contributed to the apparent in- more similar to one another than they were to crease in geographic range, and when all gen- distant cells during all time intervals (Fig. 12). era with ranges less than 100 km2 are conser- There were no systematic differences in per- vatively excluded from the analysis the Late cent similarity between cells at moderate to Permian increase in raw geographic range dis- large distances (greater than 6000 km), al- appears and the increase in proportional geo- though there were no pairwise comparisons at graphic range is reduced to within error (Fig. distances greater than 14,000 km for the Cap- 10A,B). itanian, Wuchiapingian, or Changhsingian. Although sampling effects make geograph- Wuchiapingian and Changhsingian biotas ic range data difficult to interpret, those ef- were much less disparate than Guadalupian END-GUADALUPIAN EXTINCTION 45

FIGURE 10. Mean geographic range of sampled-in-bin genera and extinct taxa during the Kungurian–Changhsin- gian. A, Geometric mean geographic range of all taxa (solid circles) and after excluding taxa with a range less than 100 km2 (open squares). B, Proportional geometric mean geographic range of all taxa (solid circles) and after ex- cluding taxa with a range less than 100 km2 (open squares), both calculated relative to the maximum range recorded in each stage. C, Proportional geometric mean geographic range of taxa making their last appearance within a stage relative to the geometric mean range of all taxa within that stage. Error bars in A and B are bootstrap 95% confidence intervals. 46 MATTHEW E. CLAPHAM ET AL.

nomic groups) to Lopingian faunas in Tethys, and China in particular. Guadalupian geo- graphic disparity patterns were unchanged even after excluding western United States lo- calities. At distances less than 2000 km, over- all percent similarity increased from 0.10–0.15 in the Guadalupian Stages to 0.24 in the Wuchiapingian and 0.22 in the Changhsingi- an (Fig. 12). A similar pattern is observed at distances of 2000–4000 km; percent similarity was higher in the Lopingian than in the Road- ian or Wordian, although the Capitanian also had decreased disparity. FIGURE 11. Geometric mean range of endemic genera from selected regions during the Kungurian–Changh- singian interval. Iran/Azer/Arm includes localities Causes of the End-Guadalupian from northern Iran, Azerbaijan, and Armenia. Number ‘‘Extinction’’ inside each symbol indicates the percentage contribu- tion of endemic taxa from that region to the total num- Although there was no large extinction at ber of taxa with a calculated geographic range in the the end of the Guadalupian, global standing stage. diversity decreased by about 40% (and sam- pled-in-bin richness by about 25%) from the counterparts at small distances (less than 4000 Capitanian to the Changhsingian (45% and km). This trend was not caused by sampling a 35%, respectively, from the Wordian to greater variety of taxonomic groups in the Changhsingian). This steady, gradual de- Guadalupian, as similar changes in disparity crease in diversity was primarily caused by occurred just among brachiopods. It was also three proximate factors. First, origination not a function of shifting sampling localities, rates were extremely low in the Capitanian from Guadalupian faunas in the western Unit- and Wuchiapingian Stages, and contributed ed States (potentially recording more taxo- much more to the loss of diversity than the

FIGURE 12. Graph showing changes in geographic disparity, as measured by the mean percent similarity of all pairwise comparisons between 5Њϫ5Њ paleogeographic bins, grouped by distance in 2000 km increments. Error bars, shown only for distances of 0–2000 and 2000–4000 km, are bootstrap 95% confidence intervals. END-GUADALUPIAN EXTINCTION 47 small increase in extinction. Second, the geo- about 300,000 km3, represent a very small graphic distribution of sampled regions de- large igneous province; significantly smaller creased from a maximum of 27 bins in the than other provinces not associated with ex- Wordian to a minimum of only 17 bins in the tinctions (Ali et al. 2005). Although environ- Changhsingian, with the resultant reduction mental stress from the flood basalt eruption in provinciality and loss of endemic faunas may have contributed to decreased origina- from isolated regions such as western North tion rates, it should also have elevated extinc- America (Shen and Shi 2002, 2004). The di- tion rates—and there is no indication of in- verse and fairly endemic Grandian Province creased per capita extinctions during the Cap- (Shen and Shi 2004) was nearly completely itanian. lost after the Capitanian. Reduced sampling A potentially simple explanation for the de- and reduced provinciality were primarily crease in geographic disparity could be that caused by the lack of preservation of Lopin- Wuchiapingian and Changhsingian collec- gian marine sedimentary rocks in a number of tions are derived from a narrower range of li- regions, especially western North America, thologies or depositional environments. Al- eastern Australia, and north China/Mongolia, though the data are predominantly from tax- due to tectonic and orogenic processes (Col- onomic papers that do not contain informa- linson et al. 1976; e.g., Collins 1991; Li 2006). tion on the sampled lithology or environment, Third, geographic disparity at smaller scales it is unlikely that sampling was more uniform decreased significantly, indicating that the bi- in the Late Permian given the large number of otic composition within a region was much independent data sources. More than 1200 less variable in the Lopingian. Even though a Wuchiapingian and 890 Changhsingian col- similar number of collections and occurrences lections are included, and data from South was recorded in each time interval, the fact China at least include samples from the sili- that those collections were less disparate in ciclastic Longtan and Dalong Formations and the Lopingian contributed to overall lower the carbonate Wujiaping and Changxing For- global diversity. mations, and from shelf, slope, and even ba- Although it is possible to link the loss of iso- sinal depositional environments. lated faunas and reduction in large-scale pro- The end-Guadalupian ‘‘extinction’’ also co- vincialism to tectonic causes (such as the So- incided with ecological changes between the noma Orogeny in the western United States), Capitanian and Wuchiapingian, which led to the ultimate driver(s) of decreased geographic increased dominance by molluscs in outer disparity over small distances and lower orig- shelf settings (Clapham and Bottjer 2007b) ination rates in the Capitanian and Wuchia- and homogenized the onshore-offshore faunal pingian are less clear. The pronounced sea lev- gradient in terms of both abundance and di- el regression at the Guadalupian/Lopingian versity. In addition, increasing stress, likely boundary (Hallam and Wignall 1999) is un- from deep anoxic waters, in offshore habitats likely to be a cause, as regression should frag- compressed the bathymetric range of sensitive ment populations, increasing disparity and invertebrate groups such as bryozoans, pro- possibly promoting higher origination rates gressively restricting them to shallower shelf (e.g., Jackson 1974; Sepkoski 1998), although communities (Powers and Bottjer 2007). the link between geographic range and origi- Bathymetric restriction and homogenization nation is not always clear (Jablonski and Roy of the onshore-offshore faunal gradient would 2003). Eruption of the Emeishan flood basalts have altered the spatial structure of benthic spanned the Guadalupian/Lopingian bound- communities, resulting in reduced small-scale ary (Wignall 2001; Zhou et al. 2002), with the geographic disparity among more similar main pulse actually occurring during the mixed molluscan/brachiopod assemblages mid-Capitanian altudaensis and J. across and along the entire shelf. Although the prexuanhanensis zones according to magneto- environmental stress could have contributed stratigraphic correlation (Ali et al. 2002). How- to reduced origination rates, the effect of off- ever, the Emeishan basalts, with a volume of shore anoxia began in the Wuchiapingian or 48 MATTHEW E. CLAPHAM ET AL. was at least minimal in the Capitanian (Cla- higher in the Wordian and Capitanian but pham and Bottjer 2007b; Powers and Bottjer there is no actual end-Guadalupian extinction 2007). pulse among marine invertebrates (in contrast Reduced origination rates in the Capitanian to the severe extinction of fusulinids). The di- could instead have resulted from cooling (the versity decrease was instead largely caused by Kamura Event) during the Capitanian-Wuch- sharply lower origination rates in the Capitan- iapingian (Isozaki et al. 2007a), as origination ian and Wuchiapingian and by changes in rates are typically higher in warmer tropical beta diversity, most notably a reduction in regions than at cooler high latitudes (Flessa provinciality (especially the loss of the isolat- and Jablonski 1996; Powell 2007). In the late ed Grandian Province from western North Paleozoic, brachiopod origination rates also America) and a reduction in geographic dis- tended to be higher during greenhouse cli- parity over small distances. Those trends are mates and lower during the late Paleozoic ice consistently recorded by a wide variety of ma- age (Stanley and Powell 2003; Powell 2007). rine invertebrate clades, including rhyncho- However, the overall extinction rate in the nelliform brachiopods, bivalves, gastropods, Tropics in the Capitanian was not elevated, sponges, corals, bryozoans, and cephalopods. except perhaps among specialized groups Different ecological groups, such as epifaunal such as fusulinid foraminifera (Stanley and and infaunal bivalves or pelagic cephalopods, Yang 1994; Isozaki et al. 2007a; Isozaki et al. also exhibit the same pattern of extinction and 2007b), suggesting that cooling may have origination, as do both tropical and extratrop- been minimal. The degree of global cooling ical genera. The only selectivity exhibited by during the Kamura Event is also unknown. extinctions during the Capitanian Stage was The advance of small ice sheets in eastern Aus- for small geographic range, although that se- tralia is consistent with decreased tempera- lectivity was typical of background extinc- tures (Fielding et al. 2008) but the Kamura tions throughout the Kungurian–Wuchiapin- cooling event has only been broadly inferred gian interval. from a plateau of elevated carbon isotope val- Although the Emeishan large igneous prov- ues in some stratigraphic sections (possibly ince and a major sea level regression occurred indicating enhanced carbon burial, although during the Guadalupian–Lopingian interval, there are alternative explanations for positive their likely effects are not consistent with the excursions; Payne and Kump 2007). Tropical observed changes in extinction, origination, origination rates did decrease more than ex- and geographic disparity. The pronounced tratropical originations but it is not clear, how- geographic concentration of extinctions dur- ever, if the moderate amount of cooling ex- ing the Capitanian, and their spatial coinci- pected during the Kamura Event would have dence with regions where tectonism resulted been sufficient to cause the dramatically low- in the disappearance of marine sedimentary ered origination rates in the Capitanian (0.006 deposition, suggest that some of the diversity per Lmy) and Wuchiapingian (0.016 per reduction was caused by changes in marine Lmy). 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