Manuscript for Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology August 2019 CHEMICAL WARFARE AGENTS This is the pre-print manuscript of an article published in the Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology: The published version of the article is available at the Wiley website: How to cite: Costanzi, S. (2020). Chemical Warfare Agents. In Kirk‐Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, (Ed.). doi:10.1002/0471238961.0308051308011818.a01.pub3 Stefano Costanzi Department of Chemistry and Center for Behavioral Neuroscience American University, Washington, D.C.
[email protected] Chemical weapons are weapons that exploit the toxicity of chemicals to bring about death or harm. The toxic chemicals on which chemical weapons are based are known as chemical warfare agents. The elimination of this entire category of weapons is the aim of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction, also known as Chemical Weapons Convention or CWC, which was opened for signature in 1993 and entered into force in 1997. Administered and implemented by the Hague- based Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), the CWC is an international treaty that enjoys almost universal embracement, having been ratified or acceded by 193 States Parties. Importantly, the CWC poses a complete and absolute ban on chemical weapons, mandating State Parties to renounce “(a) to develop, produce, otherwise acquire, stockpile or retain chemical weapons, or transfer, directly or indirectly, chemical weapons to anyone; (b) to use chemical weapons; (c) to engage in any military preparations to use chemical weapons; (d) to assist, encourage or induce, in any way, anyone to engage in any activity prohibited to a State Party” under the Convention (CWC Article II, Paragraph 1) (1-3).